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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1890)
n THE DEMOCRAT THE DEMOCRAT, New York World and .American Farmer O no year for $2.80. .JXlw. 'W rv TVs I flXT fii 11 ri ii 11 1 l a a i i be rjpt , Advertising :-iolium In the Central Wlllamettf Valley VOL XXV. ALBANY, ORLGON, FRIDAY, JUNE fi, 1800, NX) 44 era 4M LJ m r III ii II il i 1 1 1 ii 11 it L DR. HILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE -'if f!.J0y A Specific Remedy for Cacti Disease. HIltER'S WYDRSTINE RESTORATIVE. stimuiat nutrition, ran tho likma. Cura. lji)nw omuUUoii aim twtu. ii . A tr-l UmUni.l itningth bulKlvr. tR, Hiiicn s anti-ciuou STQUActi a;i ) itvrti C'jhe. cure, duim i.m u.1 alt Lv Irouitka, trui. irI f, suTul'i sVms, nii.l" Tj'iiiuU comlltkMia, flP'-NjtUrVS CATARRH ri'HC. Cure Arm f.LirrX Oirwl.i Catvrr. an.1 ClrrhM OuvitJ (uvuni Wm urt cm wUmi Uirc-tLiiiSMu (..Uowt.1, or tuuttcy rufumUnl. BR. HIllErVS CnUfiH TURF. CW.1.. ll.rtu .. rv -V jVMtU. flourl,, I'lHnunoi.U, aint ntraxu iwiMuiu(tHMi. Contain, no lYUtM. Oiri4 1'iv.'plu Uwliintti. Try it DP. HlLtER-S DIPHTHERIA AVO SORE THROAT Cg. PrvCu .ml tn libllwii. MiiJ (KMtii.tiy cr M' t.irul iu (.thi S"l Hi II .uijTt ura V'jJ'i'J' III Uy. D3. HILLER'S FCVER TUPE. In! ,ua.l. In all aru!. ,Vo- iu.u.,l with fever. Irattu'. al vumm tKwrWt r.v.r, jKaxl.u!.:4, : il U.,t.-. il. i un ..WU butr tiiulu lulrul. en... Hairy woujDcriiTYCL'nc. x ,v, v.-,,, ,.i Um l..r.r. .w .nbmU fee iSivjUj I uvulj- t.i .,: r iru; IV., S.U t'tfcusw Uk CR. HiLLEVa RHFl'MATiC AND fCtK?A' P., C Cjrr bimmUm, N.uia.j;., Ouut, L..muv . aii.1 jkuk-. b iiuitriiiii""i ,j t. Iivi iau twui. BR. HlltEB'S TFCTHIN'C CtlSE. alu ,:w a., 1Tniwlt Uiim g l.w ihmi, ul.vhn i 4 ,,-n:-.i n.'n 1 IM'i.m.1 i rax ittaan I oiim hMuu, l.iiArU, Uuin Itvutilv ainl lU.t I n j I ama. A to I ut. ui.4lur AiiU cUiiO. Kw. -With tic Jp' t.. IK !! 1'erV tlivrx-tiiw l;t-..f..-.ti.. IT. MtflcfH KWtMtn M Nur.l.t me, ikI lr ll.lcr w:i. t ( uL 10 n-ii.o.ii4nrc M mTiliW h.rtn. ll U lict ol.:.i..4u yr.r v4 Irvj l.y ll rtMMpt v ' S1.C0 per Package. i.,x P-Uagus for S5.C0. Thmrrwdir n lb i-iJ' I r,v jmm , f rtrtkxl rrf,il.,l cfri, n.. MKlwtlurnMwMiimr.U rvl.p -i'.Io J.r. Hit r -. Ul tii. Iv-ik .1 tlimiwra f. kuttM UvalUHBi,runwiii!u,'i.:HU:ct. Miama.uuij lkalKjo HILLER DRUG COMPANY. SaM F.U.CiGGO, CAL, U. S. A. Foshay & Mnsun.. Agenls, Albany, t)rm. s STOVE il FliK IB- DON'T FORGET Smitli & Senders' J 11"! ' 'f 'Mil, THE STOVEr?5 AND RANGES and bappj than cy other brand in ex- mence. inej an nude in all Etjlea ana sizes, both for Cooking and Heating, and en old at priceatonit tho purso of the ncn er f0" of imiUtioM. Exmia tt HpWa fP. trmd. rk cUMtiy. XJJ w pat yon art not impo- Llljl J I I 11 UJ o 0 S e UJ o CS I UJ o. 1 cu 9 a rn i H G 5 rr ft O O H S ft CO o S3 Garland, - fuperioi - Argand, - Monitoi - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, -All Fully Warranted In- STYLE, WORK and PRICES. NKW STORE. GOOD Mitchell & Lewis Co., DEALERS IN , Agricultural Iinplcinenls AND VEHICLES ALB AMf. -R COME .ITID 3 03H3 TJ 3- FURNITURE It you want tho best and most durable furniture that is manufactured in the city go to Thomas Brink. G L. BLACKMAi The Leading. Druggist, ALBANY,. OREGON. TiiuuiiTKNN rnom-KCTM. between Al Ininy nml AntoriA mcvoral town are o ulntiiiK ovor tlioir proHtHH'tH on account of the nnvl. Tho SUcrnliui Courier iwya : "Now that th aurvfyoraot tho AUwny 4b Afttorin railroinl huve vt to work ur vovlnn tho lino of thnt mml from Antoria toTilUuuiKik, ami a the lino hn already lHtn MiirveyiHl from AlUuiy ly Shcrlilun, our ironpi'ctn of mnniriiig a roal to the itca nsuin lirijjhtciw up. The K,l',. itls anUI, will iK'uiu work nt Antorla when tho survey In comi'lclcil toTllla iuHk,aml am thcro in alreiuly 2,(HHMKK) in KiinrnnUHHl mihnoriptioni Ix-himl the nohomc, the rtml will likely l huilt In a Nhorttimo." Ami tho Mon utli aHr eoinea to hiuul with tho remark : ".Now let a we where Monmouth alatula regimlinu thin line A mirvcy Im Wen inailo from Alluiny ami it iaHca within u nhort diHtnnce jmt fur enounh to be comfortable of tho central portion of our fair citv. It doenn't uiako any ditrerenee if tht line i built from Antoria llrst, Albany will ivIho run her oml of tho lino ami the connection will prolmbly bo malo nt Kheriilun. The rmul i aure to Ik) built ami Monmouth i mire to In come a k''xl an inland town a there la in tho atatc. Miaa n.vTHis. A laro ami dil'mhtoil audience last week lintene12 .to tb Hinirlnir ot Mid Vlora llutwon, the colored Jenny Mud. Slip dinplayed. a voice jo iM'jmitin remarkablo compitH, mverin with eae three octavca, rich either in tho hith or low note. She wa rctH'at- edly encored, which dixplavcil how well her ainKiiii; wax appreciaiiM. aiiaa iwue Seiulera actetl an accompanint. Minn IWitwoi wa axMixted by l'rof J 11 Taylor, who pleniH'd the audience by hi nkillfnl irformancH on the banjo, hi M-n-klmt Bird and New York chime, particularly calling for loud applause, and by hi very comic recitation Tho l'rof wa reH-at-olly encored and waa eual to neverul shows llltll.HCl!. Indian War Vetkhans. Iirnnctt Camp No 8. of Indian War veteran, held 0clr annual incctlnn to-dv at I he office of Count Jud-c Shaw. ThU camp of Ihe Mirvlvintf member of I lie faithful band ho miffcrcd liaril-hljii. innunirralilc and danger now bevend conception that thU country mlM he a afe home forlhclr f4milict ami those that mlijlit come after- ward, number noine Iwcnly-live member The following aimwerc.l to roll call: Jmlj TCriluw, Hon Win Waldo, K II Hp-r, lion John (J Wri-ht,I II Elibi, Sar. Sr. , E J Cliaintcr,ocph luwlcy, U lrkc and ,ocpl t folly. I here wa lo nreeil rcter rollv. ot AUca, who U 84 vear old ami a pioneer of the carlict da . - . Yt Olukv Si in-Ka. l'he uppcr given last week Irt ye otd.-n ttle by the ihcihIht of the M. E. Church a enjoyed by a large number of oui citizen. It wa wel! gotten up, comWtln of a palatable bill o( fare that would have pleaded ye treat (leorec Washington lilinclf,and wa erved by the nice looking young ladle of the church, urced In the olden Dine cm tume that have many attraction. Dur ln( the evening a hort a-id well rendered musical and literary pfOjjram wa prexnt- ed. In the lanuuuitc of t olucr. time Chaucer, rul wel they 'auge the ervlce divine, Eutonrd in their noc fut swctrlv, Elhewhrrk In oidcr to low how contract are let In uie cltie f r utreet grading we give the tollowlnif from the hucrne KeuUicr : III- IloUcnb.-ck wa awarded the contract fr gravelling Klf:h trcrt a follow: Frtun Willamette to Madiioo, 4 f cent per yard. 1'rom Mmll- n to county road ( cent per raid. Henry Lor'.ex I awarded the contract for gravelling Lawrence trrel from the rail road north ti the city limit at 50 cent pt yard. W id Mctice cct the contract for trnding both ktr-el-slen blxkon Kifth treet for $U;anJ live ht:ck on Law. rence for $ii L'f i) A .Movn'icr.. An Albany man wa recently b I'.nj ene Ci'y for a day or two. On rcti-for Ihe nlht, chair being carre !n the room furnUhcd him, he looked obouc for a place to lay hi clothe for the nlifht A ttoveplpe came up throtieh the ll.wr and turned into the chimney. ISi inir cold, and apparently un- ucd, he placed paper on it and hi co.t on the paper. ' On awakening In the morn- lug he tmclt burned wool, and on uret. in dincovercd hi coat In a ruined con dition. A fire bad been built enrlv in the morning In the love below, resulting in not only the pater belog burned but the back of the coat a well. A new coat and an aKravatcd man wa 1 the "way it terminated. Lout I fin Grefxbackh. A farmer of North Powder, on hi way homo from rant county, where he diHooned of a load of bacon ami other produce for some thing n-ar 1,K), catupod for the night on the John l)ay. Ilia money, of w hich f 175 wa in greenback, he placed inside a gunny Ku k and laid it carelessly by Ms wagon. On awakening tho next morning from hi night's rest he discovered the nock had been molested and the green Uicks were missing. 1-urthcr inveatiga tion revealed the fact that a wood-rat waa the viuiting thief. liaker City Democrat. As Attraction. Haleru will celebrate the 4th, and ahe shows her usual enter prise in doing those thing that will draw. Among other cute tricks they have secured Prol C C Stratton, of Mills seminary notoriety, to deliver the ora tion. It will not bo "what I know about kissing," but will no doubt lie an able effort on the live topics of the century, for Prof htratton is a man of ability in material as wen as oscuiatory matters. A KiNR DkiixjB. The contract for kuildint; a ntw bridge acion the Willam ette at Springfield was let yet.ttrday to the racitic urtcige Co. of San r ranclsco, for $38fi;. The aneciAcationt call for a teel bridge 4J0 feet long with but ore apan and utonc plera. An approach of 60 or Bo teet U to be built on the east end and the approach at the west end 1 to be put In good repair. The bridge i to have a 20 feet road way and I to be completed oy rsovembcr I, lwjo. Register. A Timely Lksscn. Some time ago the teacher of a Riverside, CaJ school In structed her class Low to act in case f emergencies such as drowning, gunshot accidents, etc. A day or so alter the lesson a lad named Haight. went home, and found his baby sister given up for dead after be ing picked up out of a canal. There was no doctor to be had. and voun llaltrht went to work to apply hi lesson, and In a lew minutes the baby was restored to Hie. I.KtuNoN, C 0 lliu'klenum has organ a liaselwll club, haying engaged and signed articles with a nlno composed of our U'sc player : Henry Nmith.captuln j (ieo Klklns, Arthur IIardy,Cha ltalston, tl V iKnlgo, Frank Parrish, l Maratdloa.J W Scanluml, Ira Hlodgett, and Isstie the following challenge: I hereby challenge any base bull club, composed ot player under IS year, in Ibamm or vicinity, for a slnglo game or series of game, to lie played on thn lbanon'ground. Time to Iks selected by tho club. Ocorgo Ho, the well known farmer, was unfortunate In having a pretty seri ous runaway lust Saturday. While en gaged In hauling rock on hi farm In a cart, tho horse became frightened and started to run ; the cart was tipped over on Mr Uos and ho wa dragged some distance, having two rib fractured and being Imdly bruised. V C Peterson received a telegram from Wooilburn last Saturday evening inform ing him ot tho death of Fred Kendall, a brother-in-law. Mr Peterson went to Albany Sunday morning In time to Isiard the early train and attended the funeral, which took tiUuso at Molalla, Clackamas county. Sunday. Frank H Uatloway.who had been lying at the point of death for several days, died Wednesday afternoon, MaySHih. Fx press. Tna N. ti.C N Scott has paid off nil back dues to employees on tho Narrow Gauge; disbursing ft'JO.OOO along tho line At Wood burn, Surveyor Summer and party aro setting grade stakes for the im provement and broadening of tho line and as mooii as lie gets along far enough a force of men w ill be put on to do the work. All the white lalxir obtained will I hi em ployed and HH) Chinamen are expected up from San Francisco by the next steam er. Two parties under hnginecr Coomhc anl Kobinson are at work on the proposed suburban Hue getting things in readiness for the Is'ginning of the con struction work. Silverton Appeal A Uakr IKTi HttSNt-K. A very peculiar circumstance has Just happened, and uncommonly rare, a fit subject, if mate rialised, for liarnum. The Astoria pa lters arrived without a single uncompli mentary notice of either ol the other ta- pcr. flow time changes things. A lew years ago w hen the Aalorlan had every thing to itself, the Pkmocmat remembers on several occasions digs at valley pajiers for quarreling w ith their neighbors, and now the pajK-r, by the wav one of the U't that comes to our olllce, has as big cloven feet a any of the Isiys. Tiik iiwarr Sinokb. James (i dark,' known the world over a the poet and sweet lngr, arrived In Malcm from Ihe Mjutn yeicrday,and i attending the meet ing of the Stale Grange. He Is making hi home In California and could not ml the opportunity of meeting the granger in convesti.m. .Mr. Clara look no older than he did evetal year ago, time set tn Ing to deal kindly with him. Hi poetry rank well at the top among tint of Amer ican writer ot the preent day. State. man. The writer heard Mr. Clark i tig in a small church "tack east" when a bov, having been brought up not far from hi farmer home, and ha been In hopes he would sometime Albany. A Samim.k. In a Portland paer o' May 1st apis-arcd a testimonial under big head lines, of lav Phillips, in w hich he certified that after tiearlv a month's treatment he was ermanently cured by lr Alsiru of catarrh of the head of I'ij For Benton Co. Following is a list of approved enumerators of census for Ben ton county : Perry hddy, Kings Valley ; Andrew M Beeves, Philomath ; Abner P (raines, Corvallis; James Tomlinson. Wells; Walter Mercer, Corvallis; Wil liam A reeK, xaouina; William B Stout. Newport; Jacob Vercler, Toledo; Geo II ttoseoroos, Toieao. Tua Double A. Chief Engineer Barr of the Albany & Astoria road who com menced to survey the lino of the road from New Astoria toTillamook waa in the citv vesterdav. lie savs that the linpa are being run as rapidly as possible and in a lew uays wnen toe wortc gets a nuie better underway he will put a larger torce in tne neiu. rioneer. Corvallis Man. G A Waggoner, who has for some time been watching develop menu in and about Baker City, yssterday proved nis taun in its luture prosperity by completing the purchase of an undivided one-halt of eighty acres of land adjoining the town on the northeast. The purchase w.s made ot I 11 1'arker, ad will linmedl a'ely be surveyed and platted a Boyd's sccona auuiuon. Diane DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY &C NprlaItIes-FlQS T AUt Artlo'.ai, Pjrf tusry i I Mjdosl Initruiientt Irf serlptlons, (.'arelnll oompoun Iir! sy an1 night, Fali, d Linb. The military excursion to Salem on June 6,on the Iloag.promises to be a great affair. Only $1 will be charsed and the band will furninh mim'o for the occasion, probably the liveliest of he season. i years duration that had lieeome cfiroitic, had caused him great tMiin and had made him deaf. The testimonial ends with the invocation, "May the blessing :4 God rest with lr Alrn,aiid mav he to spared bi further relieve the sulfering." The Courier of May 23nl contained thin sad, tell tale item Irom Sunuysile: "Mr Jay Phillips, who died here on May loth, bad leen sulfering with catarrh iu the head for several years but was supposed 10 to much better than he had been. He was taken suddenly worse and died In three days." Or. Citv Courier. AtforiiKK CiiAi-rea. Through the pa per you can trace the history ol most men. Here is something alxmt a man arresteil in Altouy a few weeks ago : Henry Wilson, tho high-toned negro waiter formerly of tho Ivpot hotel, who left $1(K) worth of his wardrobe in Ash land to pay a disturbing of the peace tine of W, was given 25 days in j ill at Cor vallis for larcenv by bailee and false rep resentation, Wilson claimed tube one of the Drake heirs and by this represen tation obtained credit for $10 at the Occi dental hotel and made an attempt to skip. Verily, the life of "Snow-Ulla" seems a continuous series of thorns." Comm SNce asr E x aeciss s. Follow ing is the general program for the com mencement exercises of the Albany Col legeate Institute: Sumlay, June 8th. Annual sermon at 11a m. Address to young people at 7 :45 p in, by ltev 8 M Campbell, D 1), of As toria. Monday, Jine IHh. Undergraduate entertainment at 8 p in. Tuesday, Juno 10th. Lecture at 8 ptn, by Uev H M Campbell, 1 D, of Astoria. Wednesday, June 11th. Commence ment orations at 10:.10 a in. Alumni reception at 8 p in. A Cim. Albany has the material for a gsod base ball club, one that could easily knock out anything in Salem. An expert curve thrower and a reliable catcher is the foundation here for a good nine. As base ball is getting a black eye in, the cast we should give it a white one in Oregon. No national gamo can take its place, and it is only because it has be come purely professional that tho public IS HICKing. Activity in Dikt. Tho activity in dirt through Eastern Oregon is just simply immense. No such boom was ever tofore known in the northwest. At The Dalies the air was full of it, and even trains were stooped. At Baker City and 1m Grande the activity waa such as to make breathing a task. It was thigh, as high as tho wind would carry it. Town lots flew about promiscuously, and vet there was no blizzard, only an jiastern Oregon ana-storm. A Director Said. We received friendly call from Uncle Abo Hackle man on Wednesday. Mr llacklcman says mat ne knows of no sale being made of tne uregon i'acillc railroad, and opines mat nothing ot tne kind has been done. Work on the road will be resumed in the mountains as soon as the great body of snow aisappears. rrinevllle News, Tub Sam Start. The Register stated that last year tho price of wool at the opening of the season was 16 cents, and some cuoice lots later in tne season, sold at zj cents, xnis is a mistake. Last year at the start wool brought 18 cents, an it is now worm. .Later on it sold as high as 23 cents. It is safe to say that the highest price paid for wool this year win not exceeu cents. uuara Half a Day Late. On Monday, the day before the Sclo fire, Louis Mayer, formerly of this city, had his bakery in sured for $6oo, to take effect Tuesday noon, i ne nre occured Tuesday morning. nu ivoui got notning. - Found Dead. John S Miller, of King'i Valley, informs us of a sad affair which occurred m that section a few davs since Fred Reed, who lived with his folks, was found dead near his home on Wednesday evening with a gun shot wound in his side, which is supposed to bo tho result oi an accident. Leader. . Albany, May 31st 1890. For reasons that convince me I desire to say that I feel it my duty to support the entire county democratic ticket. Bal O'FellowbJ Lost. Somewhere in Albany, a couple of fountain pens. Leave at the Demo crat office. . . An Ordinance Violated. Considera ble complaint is made to the Democrat in reference to the manner In whlel cows aro staked out all over the city, the mode in many cases being directly con' trarv to the provision of Ordinance 188, Unless tho practice I stoptied,the special police will no doubt take it in hand and till the pound. Cow can ho staked out; but the owner must llrst obtain the per mission of tho private premises and then the animal must, to securely fastened with a rope and herded In such a manner as to prevent them from getting upon or feeding from the sidewalks. The ordi nance i 0cnly violated in this respect, cows lieing tied to sidewalks promiscu ously, resulting In the walks lsing torn up and in many cases making it almost tmttosstbio lor peuesinan to tins, i ne ordinance will to enforced;and cow own ers had totter look out A little about the location of tho cow stakes. An Indkckndent'b Lirx. Some of the republicans want to know how much this paper received for its support of our ticket, says the PUvton Sun. Not a nickel ; nut a fourth of them are subscrl tors even. We support them believing it to Wo for the public good. There are muiio republicans who are so depraved that If their men are not supported by a jiajH'r, tho pajKT must necessarily be bought by tho opiiosition. This pa'wr has not toen totight but it has lost about 10 per mouth republican support iu town Wause, of our Independent stand, showing quite conclusively that several republicans in so small a town as this are ready to procrito those who do not think their way. Our subscription list I growing larger htwever, by tho addition of farmer's nalnes, however. A Sad Kkjui vims. rVhcn the balloon descended ycrtcrday evening, flying through space with lis smoking nose turned up, there wa great fright about the premises of a newcomer out near the Gar den roal. lie saw It approaching from afar a.iJ hastily called hi fssslty around him, crying lnt a cyclone was coming he could see the funnel-shaped vapory cloud coming. He urged them to seek a place of safety, liul the gathering cloud was quickly dispelled when the big bag collated arid hrmlclv descended In hU yard. His scare might have heen avoided had he ts ken time to remember that Ore gon i not on speaking terss with cyclones. Statesman, Gkttinu Poetical. Protobly tho most bitter county seat fight in the history of Oregon is that in Polk county. Now they have gotten down to using poetry In the business. An Independence pcs-l says, soothingly: Italia you are just stout Causing a commotion, lVni'l iitwet our county's peace By clinging to a notion. For to build a new court house You know we are not able, Ho just lake this advice And lay ilon tho table. The First. The following I tolng sent around the state; "C W TJioma, of 17 miles alsive Mill City, Linn county, is one of the oldest settlers In Oregon, hav ing arrived here in 1M5. He now ha the frow with which the first "shake" was made for use on the first house in Portland ; also ha tho hammer used in driving the first nail In Portland. Hi brother. Wash Thomas, drove the first dray team, whieh was a yoke of oxen ; and Fredrick Thomas, father of Wash and i:W, built the llrst house w ith A shingle roof in Portland. Mr Thomas has some mining clal'usott the Santiaui." Readv roa IU'sinkhs. The new brick warehouse for the Sugar Pine l)oor & Lumtor Co I ready for Ims'thcss. It is a well-built structure, neatly arranged for the business. The company is now ready to meet order of all kinds for house furnishings, bank, stores, blocks and churches ot all kinds, and have a large number of men ready to push joto. Mr Geo W llochsleldler is manager ot the Albany branch. The Allmny direc ts are J ward Xeya and r M Miner; A W llaon Is the new Uok-kceer. A Bio Stick. The Tacoma Mill com- ptny cut a stick ol timber ot somewhat straordlnsry length. -r the keel ol a schooner now being built at the St. Paul and Tacoma mill, nd I one of the finest keel ever put Ins vessel. It has toen found to be 114 feet long, 34 inches wide and 18 Inches thick and was practically clear. 1 wo feet was cut from Ihe stick, as it was too long, and it wss then 131 feet ong, and contained 4750 feet, board me ure. J hi was charged at $100 pet thouand,o that the stick cost the schoon er builders $475. Dal. rTTOS. The ArleaflAs Aperlsll!, Guarantees a successful treatment In disease of women and sll private dieres of either ses. Over fifty case of cstsrrh cured since Jan. lt In this city, snd no failure heard from. Dozens of ladles cured of diseases peculiar to their sex and not one unsuccessful. $500 will be paid to any one he treats unsuccessfully after he has agreed to cure them. Consultation Is free and vou can freely call upon the Dr. Everything I strictly confidential snd pilvale. lie prepares Ms own medi cines and you do not have to go to a drug store to have your prescription filled. III office Is so arranged lhat one patient does not meet another. He Is not here for a few days only but has permanently locskd and will slay. HI prices correspond with the nature of the disease and deserv. Ing poor are treated free Patients out of the city can be treated by correspondence, unless acute diseases, Office, Blumtorg's Block, Albany. Residence 3rd and Mont, gomery. Office hours, 10 to 1 1, 1 to 4 and 7 to 8. The l)r can refer to any bank In Albany or the I'acillc Coast as to bis relia bility, and to the Oregon Stale Medical Society a to Id standing in the medical profession. Montr. KKKI'INOIPTIIEITUII. Ru.nor says that on being urged to retire from the chairmanship of Ihe national re publican committee Quay said he would not resign under fire. In that esse he will not resign soon, for the fire Is kept up. llu New York 7W returned to the at tack Saturday and dlscha-ged this volleys The Evening Pott charges that Matthew S. Cluay, United Slates senator from Penn sylvania, s'ole $260,000 from the stste treasury of Pennsylvania, and lost it in gambling; that In his despair he comtem- pisted suicide and made a confidant of "Chris" Magce, now, as then, a prominent republican politician of Pltspurg; that he wa saved through Ihe Intervention of Don Cameron, United 8taies senator from Pennsylvania, and a republican, who ad vanced the necessary money, and that this wss done through the medium of Wsyne MacVesgh, a prominent lawyer of Phila delphia, and ex-sttrney general of Ihe United Stales under a republican presi dent. These and other charges against Quay were published In the Evninr l't on the 16th of April and have since been reprinted In a phamphlet which is now on safe at our counting room, price 5 cents per cony. Since the foundation of the federal government there ha never been a case where a public journal brought so serious and so explicit accusations of crim inal conduct against a United States scn- Thc use of walei for Irrigation or sprlnk-, "ter charge which, if false, would entitle 1 Ilka ..l..l. . . 1. 1. I . A - ling purposes Is prohibited except between the hour of 5 and 8 o'clock a.m. and 6 and 9 p. in. 1 he ti of water for sprinkling streets will not be allowed at any time. rrom and alter June it to October it parties using water for sprinkling or Irr I. gallon purpose wilt be charged In addi tion to the regular rate for family use as follows : For each I lot or less, pel month , . .$1,00 For each i lot or less, per month.... 1.75 For each additional lot, per month . . . .50 lo be paid on the first ol each month In advance. Water for building purposes will be furnUhed on payment in advance on the written estimate of the manager or architect of the brick, stone, plastering or other material for which water is to be used. For material not staled In the esti mate the application must be rem wed. The rate for building purposes will be as follows : Wetting each 1000 bricks 15 cent Wetting each bul of lime or cement,! $ cent May 10th, itKjo. Albaxv Canal Water Trans. flifc'f ATlOM & LUiHTIfcoCO. at J4A. r. rintit a i Fln oranges. Union and onion sets, Early Kwe and other potatoes. Seed pes, beans, etc.. Cookies and crackers. Dried fruit. Fresh garden products, All kinds canned goods, Oa'meal, corn meal, flour, etc, I ickle. relishes, etc. Everything found anywhere. Atsuill Frail Carat. Among the tew bargains yet remaining of the SunnysMe fruit farm, four mile east of Salem, w cite the follow log: 0 3i. $ per acre; ten acres, all timber, level, good soil. No 48 $90 per acre; ten acres, with small house and barn, five acres cultivated good soil, small orchard, spring water on the place. The above are very desirable property. and are for sale by the Or.-gen Lend Co., of fc'ilem and Portland. K. or P. Celebration. Laurel Lodge, No. 7, K. of P., had a very enthusiastic meeting last evening, the occasion being the 11th Anniversary of the this city. A large number of visitors were resent. During the evening the rana 01 Knight waa conferred on five new mem- tors, after which the lodge adjourned and partook ot A bountiful supper. About 00 members were present during the even ing, and the occasion is reported as one of the pleasantest in the history of the lodge. Quite Common in Linn. A friend writes to the Journal as follows: About three weeks ago, while plowing among our blackberries, I found a China pheasant's nest containing fourteen eggs. My little girl took them and put them under her tct nen, w hich had lust began Bcuing, and she now has thirteen of the cutest little turkeys imaginable. They are gen tlo as an v chickens : love rice : talk China ; and are already practicing with straws to icarn now to carry "dunnage," on a poie. e snail try 10 raise mem in me ways ui 1 . t .fi- . t t American civilization. journal. One Boy. The general opinion is that boys are not good for anything but te wear out their father's old clothes. There seems to be an exception over in Dallas "Joe Stanley is a boy worth having Last week his mother was away from home for several day, so Joe tried his hand At making pies, and the outcome was something nice, lie took some to his teacher and his sweetheart at school Joe is as longheaded as a mule and knows the girls are most apt to tail in love witn a boy who can do things around the house." An Unused Rack Track. Albany has one of the best race tracks in Oregon, and yet it remains idle, evcept lor train ing purposes. The horsemen of this county should make arrangements to have it utilized. A meeting of trotters here would draw a big crowd, and if con ducted on the square would advance the interests of horsemen through the county. , Consider This. By calling at Jas F rowell's you will see a large and fine stock of vegetables and fruits just receiv ed by steamer, consisting of fresh oranges lemons, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, cel ery, ripe cherries, and choice fruits of all kinds. Corsets, Corsets. We make a specialty of ladies and misses fine corset and Waists. We also have a drive in a French satine corset at 75 cent Extra good value, Samtel I Yeexe. ' New oream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. J W Bentley. best boot and shoe maker in sit, opposite Fortmiller &Irfing's. Ihe victim to the heaviest damage ever awarded in any libel suit, charges, more over, wnlch, if false, could be easily, Im mediately and conclusively shown lo be false by the testimony of three well known men of hi own party- Senator Cameron, ex-Attorney General MacVeafh and Chris" Magee. The Chicago Tribune, a Republican news paper in good standing, estimate that the McKinley Bill will save the people 170,000,000 ea sugar and lobacco,and will increase the n aasl cost of other domestic article consumed The estimate is moderate, but it tbow with sufficient clearness what expen sive luxuries are the McKinley Bill and the pny which is trying to make il the law. Tin addition of f 167,1 50,000 lo the annual cost of living, however, does not hurt the manufactur ers who take the profit cm the increase. Gut Kxteri'rise. Go and see tha toautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule Bataar." Julius Gradwohl the roprietor of tho Golden Rale orms us that he has tho Prise Baking Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expressly up lor his business, and lor the feneiit of his customers, each Ixix of taking powder will win a piece of fine glassware and also each pound of the tea will win A piece ot tine glassware, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a box of taking powder, which is warranted, will lave a chance at that iwnuuiui gold watch. He has also added a fine assort ment of family groceries to his main mouth stoek of gussware and crockery, w hich is the largest in tho Willamette Valley, (io and see Mr Gradwhol at the ioUlen Rule liaxaar. and you will find that nothing is misrepresented. A Good Book. Nothing I ever lost by buying a good book. That is the kind to buy, and when an opportunity offers, do not lose It, lor it doe not occur every day. Mr. A M lalt la convssslng for Mr. John A Logan' Manual for the home. 1 work, nicely written ana full ot just such matter a most home need. It I hand somely gotten up, finely Illustrated, and deserve a place in every household. The book I a guide In social, domestic and business life, a treasury of useful Informs tion, touching on etiquette, hygiene, house hold economy, beauty, care of children, money making, fancy work, bouse decor atlon. civil service, history, geography, pnysioiogy, art, etc. Always be Havvy. A wealthy London merchant gives the secret ot his business success as follows : "I always feel happy when 1 am advertising, for then 1 know that, waking or sleeping. I have a strong though si lent orator working for me; one who never tires, never makes mistakes. and who is certain to induce people to call on Conn A Hendneson for fresh strawberries and vegetables of all kinds, 1 hey keep the best and freshest. Ladies Muslim Underwear. I have ust opened the largest line of m-islin un derwear I have ever Carried, and have marked them to sell at the least possible per cent they can be handled for. Infants dresses from 50 cent to $3.3$ each; full size, full length; no china make, all white labor, guaranted to be equal if not super ior to anything in the market for the price. Also Infants caps and coats. Samuel E Y ovka mm u . The best braail ef Babber hose at Smith s Senders , The Albany Woolen mid will pay SO eants a pound for wool. New Blacksmith Shop. G rV Willi has just completed hi blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on your plow, wagons, etc., etc. for repairs. s m Sprino and Summer Delicacies. The largest and finest line of foreign and do mestic woolens in spring and summer novelties just received and is ready for inspection at CACHES fi son, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. DriedFbuit Wanted. Plums and al kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by W w Simpson, i wst street. Ziaemsn's "Diamanta" spectacles and eye glaasea at F M French's, 50 cents a pair- Good dry fir wood for aale. at this office. Leave order Bargain at Read's. WJ ANTED-A Oitl to do Generalhoa u V v woik. Call at Democrat office. fife CiHtn -5o rmi think of loeatinjr berer ttjr-rn - Vr. 1 iboutftit souie of prae- UHne niirtir v ti. (Viufi H lirrn. ymms man. thers's a rood isniintr tmv for man us unti-ranl til hit. Iut wo don't, want no tirurtirtiio. or tspTim-nf trur' W v wnt.' Many tiinr-s ihwo call nn their family physicians, '!"vriii. svs thry Imaa-in. ntw rmm aysrx-MM. ou-UB' rrnin nrwrt insntar.. ruMoer i'"m nver or Kiiru-y nunuo, iniiniT rum aifvuu rxhatia'tmi or unsnrntlon. another with fln H-ttt or there, and In Ibis wsy iiii-y all prrwrnt. alls" to Mw-nwlre and tlv-tr -' . lr:( ani HiHiir-rnt or oyerbu ouetnr. S'l'sraf-' and din met dus-asr. for whlrh hf ip.ti'k. fat fills ana notions, as- aurulne Umm-.i ! I siii h. orhfn. In rewllty. they all only tftupimin ot l liv anme womb tliaonlpr. Ttui pht nSr'.nu. isnwaat of the rati of ufT"-rlnjr. i noiiirajr- um .rvtie until lanr tillla am m.V-. Tlir suf?-rtnc pall. Tit p-M no ltT, but ri!il.!y worse by pwsun of tho delay, wrong- Inatment and eorao. jiMnt er.inpin(iinui. A proper medicine-, like Dr. 1'lere' Vr-r, PrrOTipllon I-frl la f A riu would hav entirely removed tM thereby delllnv all tboaa dunreoa- Inr symptom, and Inatltuuea corn fort in stead of prolong! Bitaery. u s me amy hkiiuiim lor tne waaxnesaea, Irreg-uktrtles and pnlnful deranremcnu pecu liar to women, sold by drug-fUM. under a positive guarantee that it will givo satis, faction fa trerv rart. or price (I1.U0) paid for it wilt be promptly refunded. Dr. Pierce' Pellets ' th liver, stomach end hnwela. (hie a Unas. Bold by druggista. cent a First National "Bank OF ALltANl, OttEfUODf. Prsl(lnt..... , L. Pi,fwt Vlo Prasklaol s. E. Vol si. "shier.. E. W, LASODOJi. OIVI5 I5TJOY Holli the method andresult when Hyrup of Fig; i taken ; it is plciiRant nml refreshing t tlietasfo, ami acts gently yet promptly on Ihe Kidneys, Liver and ISowels, demise the sys tem cifectiittlly, dispels colds, Jiead-iiclu-s and fevers ttnd cures ual constipation. Fyrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro diictxl, jilcaning to the tastfi and ac ceptable to tlm htomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its ill-cU, its many excellent qualities rominc-iui it to ull. It is for fale in 50c and $1 bottles ly all leading droplet. m-xurs-ynmro eM.v ev tw C'.'JFOP.UiA FIG SYRUP CO. Si fHAIIClS .1. CAL. lounmu, i". &tw rcrne. n.r PAISLEY & FISH. JOS PRIMTfPS ALBANY TRANSACTS A 0E!tERALhnkir,Wiw. ACCOUNTS K EKT rabjwt to (haek, RIOIITEXCHANOE siuKet rtU .l s now York, Si Franeine. ncatfu sad Put COLLECTION MADE on fsturabt tone isaerosa 4, E Torse E, W, Lsshbos L K Bksra, L. fuss, BiresiB F.Hox. Linn County Bank, Cowan, Ealston ft Chamberlain, ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS sswsmtsJ tsui'slng rraslnea). DRAW SIOH1 DrMrrSon ! York. M Eisa til -ii . rJrf an LOAN MOrfETim Spi4 security. RECEIVE apoliantt chat. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - OA.1 PnHdetit...... ... Vine President Cashier.. - OBECOH. i 930,000. ........If. BBYANT II. P. MEP.RILT, J. W. BLAI V maciTovs. II. Bryant, ' J W Blsln. (Jeo Humphrey, O Hcttwut, KJlAoning, IIP Merrill. I sJigbt excaanare so i teiearrtphit trat fer on New Yor, tan Francisco a in and all principal points In Oregon and Washington, Collection md on favorable terms. Special - Announcement i OF- W. F. READ. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS. -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in :Km IliBiiED and Muslix. My Prices art tho LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated '. " . Y. $. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. Money ! Money ! TO LOAN On good farm and city property at 1 and 8 Per Cent. I ex am in my own security ; write my own p pern, and if title is perfect can close busiaess up io short order. Call on or write me. S. N. STEELE. With R. 0. Baardiley.Rea! Estate Agent, Albany, Oregon. Furnishing -:- Goods, I have a Large Sm ck at the Lowest Trices ever offered in tha Valley. City Restaurant Hiving been entirely remodeled, this old ami popular rratsurant will be made first- elasa iu every respect. The publ.o will be given good meals at all hoars .for only 25 cents. hverj thing neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oysters la every atyle. W. A. McGbb. Milkl Milk!! I am prepared to deliver milk to all parts of the city, tluarantoe tne bsst quality 1 4a a ordure at U IS Krownell s grocery store. Wot Fletcher Pouiity Wanted. All kinds of Bonltrr. alive or dressed earned fct the Willamette P tckingOom pauya Btoro. Albany, Oregat. Best roast coffee in' the eyeri. eity at Conrad FItMCIS PFEIFFEK. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works jtnd Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFEUTIOHEM, A'e are now preparer to soil at wholi 4, always fresh and pate at Portltod ms to dealers. We also keep a full fints and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Warm Weather. A fine stock of re friglators and Ice cream freezers majrbe seen at Stewart & Sox's. Nothlne liko J them for the house. ' If vou want either to bay or sell you property place the tame in the bane of R Ashby Si Co. Two Car Loads. Price & Robson have tuat received two car loads of wagons an 4 mggies, light and heavy, and will eell them at remarkaaiy low prices, consider ing the splendid quality of the wagons. In all diseaaea of the stomach, liver and kidneys, use, to the exclusion of all other medicines, natures' own remedy, Pfu riders' Oregon Blood Turiiier. City Drug Store. Stanard &. Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfomery,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. : To The Men, : Call and Look at My values in 1 cairy a full line of the worM-renowt-d BROAD HEAD goods, unexcelled for wear and finish. Large stock of Embroideries and lotocir. Cat and e convinced tht Albany w the beat trading point in Oregon. Ill A RARE OPPORTUNITY Is Offered Every Day by the ail! irurn ifure Store L . T. BROCK, PROPRIETOR. To get first-Class FURNITURE, Latest "Designs, at Bot tom rnces. INew lioods will arrive vjonstamiy. Oregon Land Company, WITH HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. . A uil Hravach Ofllees at Portland, Astoria and Albany Has for sale a large List of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farm. Also City snd Suburban Property. SRND ! FOR : PH AMI! LET, : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative ' f