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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1890)
3bt .Sttwnak from our recuitr orrpondiis, A8HINUTOM. Washinotox, Majr "aS, i?9 Tha burden of statesman' labor the pat week have been, alttr In the senate and tariff In '.he House, and I think tome pho tographic Interview of member ot th popular branch o! congress during the truggle over the latter Issue would prove ery Interesting object lessan In certain phase o! legislate life at the Capital. Seme of the more excitable aolona were aa wlU-ejred and violently vocltcroua aa bulla angered by the waving of a red rag. Many republicans made wry facet and much talk against obnoxious feature of the bill, and would nave voted adversely had they po- tsted the courage ot their convictions These dissatisfied gentlemen now console themselves with pretended assurances that the senate will amend the bill to that It ran scarcely be recognised br It best friend. In the senate the silver bill has attracted much attention and a few ot the republi can senator notably Stewart ot Nevada whose long silvery beard and great heigh make a rather picturesque personality said some verr plain word bv way ot re Binding the partv in power of It violated nled ire ot monetary reform. The silver tateisnan even went so far as to praise the democracy In a cautious way tor Its ridrl I'.y to fiscal reform. The fate of the bill In the senate Is matter of speculation but It defeat I probable In my opinion. Singularly enough Senator Carlisle paus es over to the sena'e almost at the same ' moment when the tariff bill does, and hi new colleague In admiration ot hi great service and ot Wis pre eminent abilities have waived formality and placed the Ken tucky statesman upon a finance committee aa the successor of his lamented predeces r. This Is the second time X believe that any man has been o honored In that re spect It I thought that Mr. Carlisle will aprlng from the House to the senate a full fl edged leader and be so recogaixed by both parties I heard quit a sharp passage between Senator Blair and Hiscock while the dis cussion of paval affslt was progressing ad both of these usually cold blooded men. became somewhat excited. The former, a usual, spoke like a crank, and the latter, rather surprising! y spoke on the demoralising effect that navy yard ap poiatmenta had on both political parties. The river and harbor bill was under con sideration In the House a day or so since and Mr Henderson ol Illinois, chairman of the committee on river and harbor, said the appropriation was nlaetcen millions dollar less than the estimates, and stated that he believed that no money which went outot the treasury wa so much In the Interest of the people. Speaker Red,the chief bull-doxerof the republican party, ha added to hi partlzaa laurel by consenting to the decapitation ot two or more democratic congressmen, Venable of Virginia, and Elliott of South Carolina and the substitution of t s o colored brethren one of whom, Langston is a credi table type of his race. THa action gives three colored members of the House. But there Is one thing that even the despotic latolerants ot the speaker was unequal to, and that Is, the seating of the pestiferous demagogue Chtlmers, of Mts. That waa the unklndest cut ot air to the little renegade whom the republicans named the batcher of Fort Pillar, a few years ago.but who la now supposed to be, in full accoid with that party. There are two contests yet to settle and the committee have reccommended the unseating of the two demxrats. One of these unfortunate gentlemen Is, Gen. Charles E Aooker, of Miss., who haa won much distinction during his three terms in the House. There have been a greater number of changea in the present House by death, resignation and unseating than In any congress since the Civil war, for put and prospective, the total reaches 23. The conferee on the vexed question, of pension legislation, have nearly reached an agreement upon the difference of opinion that prevaila on the Morrill bill. The resignation of Serges nt-af-Arms Canada give tne politician of the domi nant party in the senate food for thought as well as action as there Is a lively scram ble for the vacancy. There is reason to believe that this so called resignation Is not voluntary as the subject of it ha for some time been the victim of scandalous talk In regard to alleged Irregular methods in dis bursing senate funds. Then, there wa a ult againat Canada by Mahone,and others, for misappropriation of money invested In private enterprises. The Republican party is carrying on a cam paign against F'e Trade. We must bear this in mind, for it is the e-uiest fact in the world to forget. The Free Traders who are being vigorously pursued arc those persons who tbink that an average rate of duty of from 50 to 60 per cent k too high. Old time Trotec tioaest were satisfied with 35 or 30 per cent, Henry Clay would now be Free Trader. When a man objects to paying a duty of 150 per cent, on hi woollen coat or bis wife's dress he is a Free Trader, and the Republicans are -after bias ,for to this complexion have they come at last. A new railroad bridge across the Mississippi at St Louis becssse a necessity through the ex tortions of the railroad manager who Owned the other bridge. The merchants of the city raised the money,and have built another bridge thus securing cometition,even if their venture as a business enterprise proves otherwise un profitable. The inter State commerce com mission ought to have prevented the necessity for another bridge, unless the business is so great that two needed. The following la the only vers? in the Bible that contain the alphabet : "And I, even I, Artaxerxes, the king, do make a decree to all the treasurer which are be yond the river, that whatsoever, Ezra, the priest, the scribs of the law cf the God ot heaven, (hall require of you, It be done speedily." Ezra, vil.,2i. The largest steam derrick In the world Is used by a shipping company at Ham burg, Germany. It Is kept at the dock and u-ed In lifting Immense weights on and off shipboard. It can pick up a to- wheeled locomotive with perfect ease. in a library In Paris, said to be the largest In the world, Is a Chinese chart of the heaven, In which 1460 star are found to be correctly placed according to the dentists of the present day. The chart was made In 600 B. C. The conclusions reached bv modern meteorologists are that eyclonea of great Intensity are ascending spiral whirls of wind having a roturv motion in a direction In the Northern hemisphere opposite to he movement of the hands of a watch. Dbug Stork for Sale. In a growing own; alto a large list of city and country property. For particulars Inquire o uIm li Hodrick, over "First Nat. Bank. Linn County. Returns. : : : i if: i j i j : : : i : : 5; : : 5, Somc USJiSii S SJ SSSKK253;?3ygSJgggS5S2gSS----itoduio.i 5d viQS SgoStk geSg k Sf3SS88 848S5S2SSasaS.8S8i! www j&gsutssissstggggggsgsss: i,So?.iiJigii2j?7g;SUi:S2a?v3$5' ;! y s MsjtsMistsy'.-. t c 11 . . . Si c 00 WD St iisxa . JSiSS a 5: - - r; S 1 l to M 14 ',1 i i ii 5 1) u .-. ? - - 5 8 53 S , j is S - jo l5S sS li u S o y - J. -14 C J- -I JU v-" "J M ta.aa-"C-, CO Ss Ml JSjJ?:fltoit3'r "-arts iasiC9sl)tj w- JO'ii.i(:ci;iiui :--aufiSkjBM--a-3---iO"-i;s ixt..a3:s.;.:i;uii.isb!au 1-'CO B-IMM IS M " 5t ii 0 f; is cj i is ta is m s s - - is t U tXCM .yr"5vSJ'o ?:-' jSgoioX:.. 1 is! C ts is at k'riFtl 2 c ssuiMi srsr'yf? os3 ? - - i as tst c 15 w ci 15 is unj.M - MMM - IS' O CHMWSU wlc'r:I,,'s,?i'-01f-'-"Ts' .j S . Z' - C3 CI IS Mis is C . m3U.u.. 2"- -Mliis-3 -a5tiisiisaM;sc!j.uieia. -1 c - lHc.i-i JC w5t 1C-I--I w 6 4S ft u Ur-u-iisuiiu a m - - 5jiiiSta-luS - is c .s W- JtIS.i. igCOMCS'SWWgg " S S?iiMT.'t? is is e . ' Sgllii c. 5 5c w -1! s 7. en W C. IS ' The customs both of burning and bury ing the dead prevailed among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Their coffins -ere composed of various materials, the moet common being baked clay or earthernware The practice among the ancient Roman . wa to bur the dead, thonzh previous to the recognition of Christianily burning became comparatively common. Eoston has a street-railway horse forty years old.who for twenty-five year jogged along before a car running between Hoe ton and Brookllne. In that time he never lost a trip from sickness or disability, and actually travelled 15,000 mile, lie is now on the retired list, and will never be required by the company to do any more work. The owner of a frog farm nearMenatha W is. , give some Interesting fact relative to the frog' habit. In ninety-one day the egg hatch. The thirty-ninth day the little animal bet-in to have motion. In a 'ew day they assume the tadpole form. When nincto-two day old, two mall feet are ten beginning to sprout near ihe tail, and the head appear ta be epa-ate from the body. In five day afir this they re fuse all vegetable food, toon thereafter the animal assumes a perfect form. The largest pane of glass ever cast In the world was drawn from the annealing furnaces at the Diamond plate filass factory at Kokomo recently. It measures 14x15 inches, weighs 3000 pounds, and ia perfect in every particular. In 1888 we paid in pension $80,288,508 77. In 1889 we paid $87,634,779 11. The cct of the German arnr.y, it mav be Inter eating to note, is for this year estimated at $91,736,393. Besides our pensions our army costs $30,000,000. France pays every year for interest on its debt the lum of (258,000,000; Great Britaia, (130,000,000; Australia and Hungary, $126,' 000,000; Italy, $100,000,000; Russia, nearly (230,000,000, and even Spaiu payi (56,000. 000. Marshall Pass, on the Denver 4 Rio Grande Railroad, 10,851 feet above the sea level, is the lighct point crossed by a railroad inside the limits of the United States, Lkavb your orders at once for fruit jars and strawberries at Ja F Powell & Co' and avoid the rush. SJ jj 8 5 ' ' 2 A Ci R 8 K T 5 UMIIM.1I 1 O.MUU Jo o s hS 58 ' puoxu.wojl m n a IS cs 0.M0M to m e- cs tuuinini -j n 2 Xojupiv; !i3 3. '3' is a 4 at i ia f s, . . 5 5 ' !iS S ' ' -4 N XJJiU,1 W 35 ' -1 - . V!.Cju ? r. 4. 3d Ci S t ' s n,a,is IUUHUVJ1 X-iti.t j 1 K a w t j w a i & ji : i? i - - w .50 -iwistsoi.. Ci uottdtunj. R e - S3 ' UOtlUlJII 3 mil up y ouXti.i hujo;, - -I C. 1 Sf tt . ni' ! IUEI(HI I BI.VU n - 5WWS Sn a IJJIIII ?. is is it v a . 0- sum is i S i.. r. 5: 'IWS 51 t is . 4 PS - i - - ici'.isii. -ci ci uoitusj; 9) .14.MM i ot oiiiMfiii ! UIS . -sismis-.- , . ".'! v 5B - a uo JO0ti.)IJ( )' s- 'tnen-.. is ii 4- 2. 1 pi 9B JdUUO;),0 . -i J. 1 J o . . . . rj ' ' is t ,,.,,. ce -1 - , ; . UaJ-,B.I i - -4 j IIIMST0 ilClSHEFI'l It.'. , A strip of flannel or a napkin wrung out of , hot water and applied round the neck of a child 'hat has croup wiil usually bring relief in ten iiiinutc. . One of the best things to cleanse the scalp thoroughly is to dissolve one half teaspoonful of borax in a quart of water and apply it, rub bing it in well. Rinse thoroughly in clear water, Napkins and tjb'cclollm.if mended carefully when they commence to sliow tiny breaks, will lust much longer. Trayclolhs, made of butch er's or moinie linen, will save the tablecloth greatly, and they can Le made at home very easily, and cither fringed or hemstitched. Rattan chairs that have become discolored may be made very pretty by a coating of black or golden brown paint and finished with a handsome cushion. Sprinkle places infected by ants with borax, and you will roon be rid of them. A fine furniture polish is made by the use o the following recipe: Alcohol, half pint; resin half an ounce; gum s'.cllac, half an ounce;, a few drop of analinr irown. Let stand over night and add lhr ills of rate- linseed oil and half a pint of pi.i. of turpentine, Shake well before using. Put on with cotton flannel, and rub dry with another cloth Take black court plaster, rooikten enough to make it stick, and mend the small cracks and holes in your silk umbrella by pressing it on the wrong side with a warm iron over a thin paper. To whiten yellow piano keys rub them with land paper, and finish with a piece of chamois, Spruce piliowi which have lost their Iragrsn. ce may be renewed, it is said, by subjecting them for a short time to stcara. and drying them thoroughly, . Dresses that are entirely good often have the under part of the sleeves .worn out, and it seems too bad to patch them, rothe bsst thing is to take out the sleeves and make new unden Many ladiei, in buying drestei for .themselves or children, get enough extra for a new pair of sieevei and to allow for : mending. A three cornered tear in a dress can be neatly darned with s'lk, or ravelling of '.fie same color, if a small piece of the goods ia placed tinder the tear. If you have painting and calcimining to be done, the Spring ia decidedly your best lime. Hard finished walls may be washed with soap suds and wiped dry. A bit of pumice stone srill remove stains irern tnem. White paint my be washed with ammonia water or with whiting and water, which not to .ryinc to the haads al the ammonia. , Mlhe aaved Ike Train. Omaha, June 3. Heroism of a lioy, nnnied Mike Haley, prevented n wreck on the Union Pacific flyer between hete and South Omaha at a place culled Nmmilt. Young Haley law to men unlock the switch anil tun it. lie ran to South Oinnlm and noli licit the train men just as the train, which conftlsted of twelve coaches, win pulling out. 1 here was an un usually In me number oi pnsnencera on hoard, and had the pint not been (Uncovered the toss of life must have been grent. A ttanaWHjr Arrlilrul, Saikm, Juno 3.- While on hii'way to Sulcm this murning, J II l'oilcr, of Staytun, was seiiuitsly, if not fatally Injured hy a runa wny accitle it, hcing prolmbly Internally Injur ed. He was thrown from his carriage, the lionet having Iwcn filthier cd by the tlroiplng down of one of the ringlctrcci. 1lii Trial Rrgun, McMtNNVit.i.R, June 3. The trial of Wil liam Scott for the murder of his wife, in Foluu- ary Inst, was brmin at I o'clock to day The prisoner came Into cuiut looking none the woue fur his I In so months conOntntent Very )iuimllirlle llntl.lN, June 3 The cmreior lo-day re ceived a drputniion from Gcrinnn guilds and AilUtins tmii.iis. In a fytiiaiheiic speech Ihe emperor declared it w his mit earnest wih to sre ihe lnn.lii mff n.iiu on tlia s.iinc i'til as in the 1'ourtt.rnth irtiluty. Store t')rlr. Coi'MMl. IU.fl Ks, Iowa, June 3 A Glrn hkI sperial !i)'ns "One of the mot iliaiiou dorms tint ever visited lliit srcllm muck tilcnwooil c.iily iliin nuirnitig. The Stale In slllutmn for feeble minilcd was Mown down. The roof of the building was crushed in by the fulling of a tmoke sinik, whichlote its way tSmiiH the buili!mi killing two Inmaleo, Willie Cliue and Wesley Emery, their bodies l.cini; .iiilicd almost a :opuli. Six other inmates were severely Injured, of whom one or Iwo may die. A new t iiildinr; in course of ronsiruclmn withstood f'e sio'm. Sevcisl other liiilldings woe wrecked. Thr canniy fucloiy houses had one side blown in, while ihe Glcnwood mills are bully damaged. A Usable t'lli' lUt.t.Ai, 4 I hs mam UcUl was on the building of a couithouse at Didtas. S nip son, an Independent catnlidale, is elected by 2oo mnitinty over McHce ol Pallas, lienre no i courthouse will be built this year. There was cnnsidcrsliW disturbance in that county over this question yesterday and to day. There was a fire light on Mam street tin altctnoon, and a Simson man who pulled a Dallas boy's nose, had hi own nose broken in ictuin. Several others bear maiks of the fray. ItrwUo '), Newi-oar, June 3. The following it the complete vole of th city of Newport: Herman 137, Miller 35; Thompson 114, l'ennoycr 7a; Mcllride 119, Townsend 49; Metschsn IKS, Webb 31; llcan 133, llunlinm 50; McKlioy 137, l.cKy 44; linker 1 16, 0'llnen 73; Stai, Kep., 1 1 4 : Stale Senator Thompson, iH-ut., 4S; kepiecntdiive Starr lit, Moore 1 17, Kcp; lepicMralalivrs Foster 45, Gilson 47, llcui. In lite county the re pulilicsns have sii average majority of 6$. Re turns now m horn outside precincts indicate the election of llie enure republican ikkct, cx cept sliciit), which U very close. The union psily sole I S2. svrsirtat; Men Troubles. I.6MIMIM, June 3. In the House of Com mons Sir Jas Ferguson, parliamentary secre tary of the foreign office, declined Jio lay on the table papei iclative to negotiation! with the United Stte concerning ihelSehting Sea troubles, unlit the question was settled. Uaadlam Madrals. Boston, June 3, The Harvard university to day witnmscJ ihe crowning outrage at the hands of its untamed students, the victory over Vale at New Yoik anil Nc Haven haying turned their heads. After wild hurrahing last night, the band of unknown vandals stalled out to decorate the college and onions of the city. They secured a large amount of red paint and smeared it all over everything, pri vate bouses had windows, doors, walls and stone steps maikrd in hue red tellers, "Har vard 9, Vale H," the bnscuail score yes'cruay. The handsome brume statue of John Harvard was painted red and its beautiful bronie base turned. Chmc' wcr? invaded and desecrat ed. On ih beautiful Mosaic arch in the mem orial hall "to with Vale" was daubed, and lb; sionewoik in all numerous halls was simil arly treated. quite S aid UM!r4.;, Cat., June 3. I-st evening as Wilt siii Mencl.of the firm of Mcnzcl Brothers blacksmiths and butchers, was returning from a tide to Anderson in a buggy w ith Mis Molly Tester, daughter of Msr AilJie Tester, who keeps 1 restaurant here, they were met by Mrs Hank Plumb, who fired five alusiswiih re volver, either at Mmel or both. The team was (lightened hit by bullets am jumped to one side, turning the buggy over, Mcnrel is Ladly hurt, il not seriously injured in Ihe hip and by a cut i his head. Miss Tester u considerably bruised and badly shak en up, but is ihoughtjuit lo be siously hurt. TbrrsleaJag nuwarrls. IXjXIos, June 2. A dispatch from Berlin says the emperor has infoitaed 1'iince Bismarck lhat if he does not stop his press ultcrings the result will nc serious. Aa l'lrra htarm. . v I'ALTiMOKK.June I Dispatches from vari ous towns in Virginia tellof terrible wind, hail and electric storms. Numbers of barns were struck by lightning and many animals were killed. The storms also extended over the line in West Virginia. At Wnrcnton Ihe Baptist chuich was unroofed, The storm was accompanied by a violent deluge of hail and hardly a whole pane of glass can be found on the north side cf houses on Main and Winches ter streets. At Summit Point, W Vs., two fiame churches and a half dozen houses were blown down, several persons injured and miles of faim land devastated. A Beer Moanpoly. San Francisco, June i. The Chronicle says to day's mail bi ought the legal documents consummating the sale of local breweries to an English syndicate for (7,500,000. The new corpoiation will be known as "I he San Fran cisco Breweiies, a la Earepeaa. Soma, June I. The northern part of this city has been wrecked l y a hurricane. The loss of life is considerable. Among the soldiers the killed end wounded numbered eleven. The loss imong the inhabitants is not yet as certained. The damage to the puUce amounts to (300,000. The Wonderful HUlards, San Francisco, June t. The billiard con test between Schacfcr and McClary c!o:ed last night, Schafer scored another run of 1000 points, which made a continuous run fof 3000 points fur three night, McClary had no op portunity to use the cue after Ihe first night, when he scored fifteen points. The score at the close was: Schacfcr, 3004; McClarj", 1 j. Ikey Cut Mail. Cincinnati, June t. Tne grand council of Ihe United Commercial Travclei Aisocia tion yesterday adopted a resolution demanding of President Harrison, in the name of (35,000 taveling men, the removal of John A Place, postmaster at Oswego, N V. Place is editor of the Oswego Times' and editorially denounced the profession as one composed of rakes, pro fligates, masheri and seducers, A Pick I'oeket Balrt, Kansas Citv, June I Pickpocke's raided the Missouri Pacific train from 7 arrensburg, Mo., which was crowded with Dunkards re turning home. One Dunkard minister was re lieved of (1800 in money, and another cf (800 and a gold watch, Diflerent mcmbe1 of the parly lost watches and other a.ublc. T f. rotf lLL AtW Fin oranges, ' . Onions and onion acta, Early Rose and other potatoes, Seed peri, beans, etc., Cookies and crackers, Dried fruit. Fresh garden products, All kinds canned goods, Oatmeal, corn meal, Hour, etc., Pickles, relishes, etc. Everything found any where. . When wantiua the best aroceri in the i marktt at reasousbl prices call on J F Pow-1 el) k Co, FACTS AIIOUT 1MM1UUANT. ' The real history of immigration Into the United States begim with 1820, since which time the collection! of eiiklomi at the leaporti have been obliged to make a record of all pas icngeri arriving by ica ftom foreign countries. Over 1 5,000,000 person have come to this country since 1830, and more than half of these have come since 1 870. Of the 15,000, 000 immigrant!, 3,387,279 came from Ireland) '59.7i bom England and Wales; 313,924 from Scot In nd 4,359,131 fiom Germany; 857 083 from Norway and Sweden; 137,643 from Denmark; 357,333 fiom Francei l6o,3ot from Switterlund, and 320,796 from Italy, Thus It will be area that the principle elemen'i added to our population are German and Irish, but statistics for successive years show that Ihr character of the movement li undergoing con siderable change. The relative number of the Irish Is decreasing, end that of Ihe Germans li increasing. About the lame distributing ethnic elements is seen In the statistics ul fo e Ign parentage at the tenth census. Taking the b'rth (dace of the futhcr a a test, it ap peared that there were in the United Slates 4,884,842 person having German fulheis;4, 53',), 513 persons having Irish fstheis; 2,039, 808 persona having Iliitish futhers; 635,405 pei sons having Scandinavian fathers; 939,437 person having lliilbh American fttliers; 1,331 485 pei-ims having fit litis horn in olhe" foreign countries, 573,431 persons navingnauve run- ersand fouin mother. TIIK I.NRf.l'KNUKNT I'K'.HM, It is a very insignificant fact that nearly every Indrpcu.'.ct newspaper in ihe s:t i olid for I'ennoyer. Il may also be nutlced thai the partisan press on both sides favor their re spective candidates with very, veiy (wsilive declarations of right and jusiice, Whiih of the two puitisnn elements is collect? Iloth Can not possibly be, where there is a diltcicnre, Perhaps it might be Letter to ask which is more neaily correct? F.ach side is )oitive, oae eiuully so as the other. Tho indeendent press is not biased by cither parly, but is left fice to chouse whichever is deemed the best candidate. Is it not a significant fact then thai the independent press of the state i al most unanimous for I'ennoyer, when many of the" editor shave always leaned towards Ihe re publican party? Ilrownsville 7'imn, Master's Sale. th VhUhI Sliilrt Virtnii Coutt Jot Ih LUMTict 0 Ulfffom. .. JIVKK8.SS.I, (NolMO.) Jtaasasfirr, Itnccir (lauv ami A. C snd Cons awl Jons t'osssa: OriCK IH IIKUKIIV CIVBN THAI" IS PfllMt'. no. ol it, deona ul s t uurt, mini stul lor t Ij Ih. abuv ntllil nsos on lh 171b Usy ul Jsmury, IMO. I. timrri It liurtism, Mr In t bw ery t sm!4 Cunt, will pial lu asll at I'ubtlc uciiua, to Itw hliihMl biddsr tur ewA la band, sub la reciv&tiUun, m upon un ssmttilua Uwuc4 00 s Jts4nwnt si U. at th trout donr ul th Cjumy Court bM, ot Unn swuiity, at .Vtwiy . In sal J Linn .iii.l. Oravon. oa MalaMay, Jaae talk, !. at lb boarot 10 o'cluok. In th t-nM. ! tb rtlil, till sn.l liurrt blch th U(oolnU, Hbil liptiiiifshy, A C tirtk-l.jf or Jin Mailt bl In In brlttsltr do iribd pn.jmrly, at tlx oa ol M mi mtUai ( lb avtttaFSif In the bill si I ilaer horrtn wt lurtlt snt dritMJ, or ahlob Uy or tibr at thorn aoabsi lhrln, i4 at irtoxad prxtuiw b 'nj JwriUd as ollo. la alt: the dHtln laud claim of Wtlllan W 4 o.hta WilLmhbi, bn- S.IOoiton stlaatad la Hoe 10, II. UsnJ 15. Tablp IJ. Ikntib of Ksimt 4 of lb. WilsmtlBrUlM, eovulnlug two buu4ml a4 alavty tan and nhviy buaJr libs ser; al, tht oomm.ncint at lb ntt(tiai omr of tb4onsU. s I sd vlsia) bjmbvr 63, NuUOeslloa 677, Umc 4. 17 hiu ; lhoo aurtb 1 ebains U a ; Ihvao aarth, M itifn) 4, IS cbsia la lb eatttsr of MoUdy efk: tbae oa tb a, snderlnsoltid mntkln tbMt lias of s!4 ctelnti ".ulh IS.tJohslnS talb plae of bajlnalnr. eoattlataj taa417 hun lmlih aeros 1 aba tb M lualna, blaalnf at lb Nwlht vmtat of eUl ntiraUvr at. K jtlflraUoa S477, tbaaea 1 1& rbsi tu . Ibwxss aoetb V bsin ; ms tl rbato : tticoc ouih ti rfssim to th plan of btoiiln, ronislu lo(a: atiiM, all laUnnemnty, Uravua, aud eua Ulnlnf la lb rg-ru abiat 177.77 keraw. IU14 sal will In IM la MtMaxtlua f said eera aal ol and M of sl .said df I f x Som and th oU UsrJ al IX,TI CKOUOK II. DLHIIAM. St str In Ch sn sry V a Cir C nrrt tlit Urott. UI stlH, laJO, Summons, lit the Cireuli Court c A StaUi 0 Ortittm for lAnm County. J L 11 ill 1 1, Plaintiff, Chsrh K Host and Clara K Sunp-m and Wtllum .Simpson, hr hoshaud, ltelandanU. To Char c K ltuit, Clara F Sunt son and Wil iam Simpson tba above named dsfeo dauta. In the name of tl.e Sut of Oiegan, you, and each of you, arc hereby required to ap pear aud answer tho complaint of the above naived plaiutiff in tho above.entilled oourt, now on lll wHh the clerk cf said court, 00 or before lh timt day of the next rvyolar term of said court, to-wit. Juno 2.1. 1MJU. And voo, and each of you, ar lure by notiliad that if yon tail to appear and answer said 0 implaiut aa beroby lerjaired, the plaiutilf will apply to tba court for the relief demanded In aid complaint, to witi a decree reformicg aud coriec tiug tht curtain died mad by Jama W Host and Harsh I. Kust, bis wife, to John 1 llactor, bearing data tho 2 1st day of Apnt, IfcOH, ro oordid on pge 7oC if book A, of record of dead of Linn couuty, Oregon, so aa to in clude the followiug described raai property, to-wit; JW'gmnlng btthe aouthweat comer of Miction II, in ti 14, 8 HI W. W Ulameti Meridian, In i.lun oouoty. Oregon, and running Kast 4t ohalnn, ttence north & cliainahnnco lCaat 6.U3100 cbaina.tbei ce north 6 nhalna, thence ttwt 4'J(U-100 Chain thanrva loutb 40obaina to tba placo cf tieglnulos , alo reforming and correcting ilitw curia! n aed made by raid Jam ex W Kust and Harab L Hust, to said John I' Koctor, bus ring date the l.lLh day of Kebriixry, 1800, recorded on pane (lid of llook II of Deed Keoonla,of Linn coun ty, drnMn. no auto Include tbo following cfeaa-tl.ecl rout property; to-wtt : Bi gtn uing at a jHiinl .C3 chain eaat ol tbo nortneitHt 00 r ner of tba aouthweat quarter orato II. tir 14, 8 U4 W, Wiilaino'ta M rid. an, 111 Liun eounly. Oregon, and rur i.lng -at 8 rortfi, tnenco n m aouthorl) dlreotlon to point 6 chains aoutb of the place 01 boglnumg. thence north 6 obalna to tho parti of bt-glunlnu. and quieting plalntljr title to oaoh of aald Iraota or land -.l perpetually enjoining and re atnslnlng you and eaeb of you from a erting or clnlmlng any rlKbt, title or intert In and .0 either of aald tracta.and for Jurirtrncnt agair.nt you for bla cocta and Jikburaetncuta herein. ThW summon la pabllabed by order of Hon K P U.lae, Judge of the abovo enti tled Court, made at Chamber In tbe nUy of etaletn, Id Marlon county, Oregon on the 8tb day of May. A. 1) , W0, Hkwitt A Irtink, Att'ye for Plilotiff. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEK8. did will be received by Mr H H Hewitt, of Albany, up to 12oolock noon, on Saturday, May 31, for furnishing tba inatuilal aud labor to erect a twostory dwelling bouse, Plan and apeoificatiou ean be seen at th ofUosof CV Ay ars, arch itect, or ar. Mr llewitt'a ( ttico ia tbe same building. Th ri'ht i reserved to reject 1 1 ; all bids. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR! AND BO f Lt)SaS. .Blda will be received y tbn Trustees oi Lebanon Sohooi Dis trict, at l.bnou. up to IS o'clock, noon, on Bsturday, s sy Si, for 'furnishing all nocoaary material snd labor to errata school building. Flan and npnentieationa oau be e at the store or C C llaekl -man. at Lebanon, until Friday, May 25, and at the offie of O W Ayers, Archittet at Albtny, until Saturday, May 81. The right I reserved to refit t any or all bids. ART STUDIO, Mrs. Dr, Pattii, - B!uml)tr, Block T" ESSONS Given lo Draw Inc. Paintlnsr -Li snd M uo f otares for sale or paint to Notice of Pinal Settlement. Notion is hereby given that tha executrix 1 of the last wilt ai.d tnstament of Jf anrv Pen- land, dsacssid, tin tiled in the County Court 01 1.1110 county, ureunn, her llnsl account 1 such exeo'itrix and by order nf laid Court Monday, July7ih, 18U0, at the hour of 2 o oliKik p, m ha been li t for hearlna. All persona interested are hnieby notified to ap pear ami 11 in his orler oldnotlons If any tni un to said sciHiiintnnnr barer said day. 1 . , ...... i-iaien jun tu, IHUt). M J I'KNI.AHn, J K WKA-riiKnroiih, Kxacntrit. Att'y for Kxeuntrix. RetVoe's Sale. Statu or On mow, a. CouNTif or Multnomah Not 100 is hxroliy fclvsii that by virtu of a I denrr of petition and order of sate mad by ami eotril In ilia l.iroult Uoert 01 the statu of OrtKou for Multnomah 000 nty on the 15th day ot Juna, 1887, and an amendatory deore mads and entnitid in said Court 00 the 20th day of rtipl-mlxir, 1SM7,' In the partition suit id Amanda r linn et l v J It bmiib t al. luridiy it s nrdnrid that the following I ...... .. C . .1 II . ...I. I reii frojmrty iiraimneu as roii.iws to-wiir IS 'UtiiiiiuK a a point cloven (II) chain and six (li) links n nth, mid Susan (7) chain and eiliiV (KO) liiii ut of tl.o fiinh"st cm-tier ;tt Motion t.iMi ircn 'J) in townsHin twelve (I?) H. n. ... i i. v ,.Ur (4) west, Willam . t.i. M'-ndiun, milt ruimlnK llieno t fifty .1. 1. ir.ui ..I,....-....( ..( .r..... mil i;..c-. u,Bno0 f,,,r(h t in (10) chsin 1 thanoa east int.t (4) oi."i'. and Hity (50) link J lhanre di.iith tfn (III) ehm" j thaie sr-uth two (2) ilc-ucru, thirty (.W) miiinifs a I two('.') ch liu ard sisty (1,0) In k 1 t In nt a south alsthtt en (IN) ib jjrt e thirty 130) Itmtrs.esat twenty ('.'H) eliaiund ninety ii (UU) links ; thanca t sixty six (il(.)chiins and il.ty. seven (H7) link t tlini.-ti north five (ft) ila g re and rimty (30) m'tintes ast twenty (20)1 chains and i.iuk CJ) link , Hirncii mirth ten (10) dwerpe inl thirty 'Mi) tnii'iita-a. wett eleven (I I) tdiniii end sevonlv (70) liuk ; and lhr.iO'i not III twri.n-ix (20) deuiea. a est twelve ( 12) chains snd thirty (30) link to'tha place i f Itf-ginninc, erintaininif two hundred and snvonty-thre (273) atra. mora 1 r IcM.lwinn situated In l.lnneoiinty,Or8on, and heins a trt of aaetinn bineUsn (10.) twrnty (20) suit thirty (.10 )in township (12) snath raoK four (4) wct Willsmatta Meri dian t bainii in connection with other real prnporty belonuin: In the hair of John -Smith, decaacd, b sold at pnblic aoetioD, acnirdioi; to law. to th hiuhest bidder. Now tharvfora, bv virtu cf said decree, and ii I amanrlioant thereto. I, th oodar- kiltnm.who wa ouly appniutnd hy said Court 10 sail sat. 1 real property, will on Tuesday, Jaily 13th, la, at 10 o'clock a. in. at the Court Hon door of Linn county, Oregon, ll at publio auc tion (o th highest bidder, for oh,ia pnra- aoea to said aeeroa, all of the within de scribed real pnperly. C II It a rr oty. Kef ere. Summons, lu the Cirruit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the Vountg of j J B Haakell, Plaintiff, va Annie V Ilaakell, I'efi ndaot. In the name o the alate of Oregon ytu are hereby lutnmoned and requtrea lo appaar and anawer plait. llfT complaint uiimi in toe anors eniitieu auit, id too above untitled court, on ot before Maaslar. I be fStsl 4mr mt Jmme, laee, that Wing tl.o first clay of the na t regu lai tarui aaM eo-trt, to bo begun and bald at Albany, Linn csiiintv.Oreuon.Biid you are hereby notified that If 'ou fall ao toapaar and answer aald 0010 plat nt aa harln requliad. plaintiff will apply to mm court ior in tenet aernanueri in saiu ooip!alnl to wit ; For a tloc.'M diaaolv ing the uiarrtaga contract now exlating l.iwin J ou and pialntill. fornoata snd dlat'tirao enttof iblasult and foreucb osbar roilof at may l ixultablean J Juat Thla auminoria la pubilabet In tho Al bany l)ai(M-BTfor ix suceeative weeka by orli?r or lion 11 f Holaa JnUge of aald mrt,wblch order waa 111 de at Charnliem and hear dat tbo Sto day of May.leaO. lasted M-y tkb. lUW. Uao. A. Don rib, fin's Au'y. Executor's Notice. Notice U hereby Klven that to nnder algned baa bor n appoint by tbe County Courtof Linn county, Oregon, execo or 01 the laat wt and testament and eataU of Camilla McKarlaod, daroaaed, late of) comity, Oregon. All persona hav ing ciaiu.aaaitiat aald ft tale are b raby u.xiflad topreatnt the .1 ilulv verified at bla olP.rMi in Albany, Oreg n, within I aix nioninsrroin lUia uate. May 9tb, IS0O J L II ILL, TJ Ntl-ras, Executor. Att'y for Kxocutor. Sheriff's Sale. tu tht Circuit Court of Oregou for Milt- uomnlt Lotutr. K Klrhot and T Rlci-t, partn. r under tiienrm namaor r Ktnba'olCo, 1'IalntiUa, Va George U Singlet in, Hafendant. Not k-e la hereby given that by virtue or an execution amy ismimi rut or tbe atxive named oout lu the above entitled ant i an to me dirertitd and delivered. I did lo LI nn county, tregcn. on theSnl dav of May, lHOO.duly love upon all tbe right, into and inters at or ueorgo Kningieton, 1 ha abova named defandant. In ana to tbe real property hereinafter deaorlbed, and win on alerav, the 71k day of Jaae.A. IsM, at the Court Houao door In the city of Albanv. I. Inn count v.Oreenn. at tba hour I or one o'clock p m ol aald day, sell at publio auction for cash in band to tbe highest bid lr all of the right, title and I rile rest of tho aald defendant, George E siiigie'on, 111 and 10 too following de-erlr-od pramhea aa follows to-wit: Lot No 7. In b',). k So 15. 11s tbe citv of Al bany. Linn rotinty, ttate of Oregon, The r.roiwda arising nom aut-h aale to ber d plta l, first, 1 1 tbo f ay rnent of tbo coats of amt upon aald execution aud tho original roata of aniil stilt taxed at 119 65-100. Second, tithe payment of plaintiffs claim amounting totheauru of St wlihainter st ihorooii at tho ralo of 8 per ojrit per annutu from the 10; h day of April, lo'JO, tne same nniiig ttie date of llie rt-oove r of judgment In favo or the above uauaeo plamtitr and agnlu-t t be above uaroed di-f.iiidant John Snailmois, Sh'lTofLlnnCo., Or., by D 8 Smith, deputy. Administrator's i JNotice. Notice ialio.ehy riveu that the nnder sijned a.lniin'jf.rators of cho estate of.Enooh Holt, d. pca"d, Imvp H!el ayith the clork of thC..un' JJ.ort for Ltnu county, Oregon, final :-..!int i said estate and the said C untj '..mi t ha lixud Monday, th 7th day of July, 18UU, at the hour of 1 o'olook p. m. of aald day, ijr the hearing oi objections to said aooouut, if any. and to settle said esUta. This June 3rd, 1890. Sam Mat and W F MBNDENHALt, J K Wkatuervord, Admrs, Att'v for Admrs. "fflr HEALTH RESTORER. sNss1MstfK USEIT! IT 13 THTl IP'BATi MEPTCTWB. Jt rouses the f.iver and" Kirlnevs anil Stomach, cures he. Dvspcnsin. ereatca an Appe tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and P.T nVes Tbe H'tnk Btrong. Vsed everywheres ft abottleisixforf 3. Afiministratrix Notice, Kotipe in hereby eiyeo that the under lined hat this dsj been dily appoiutml ad minittratrix cf th estate of Martin' Wert,' deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persona having claims against aaid estate are hereby requires to present them properly verified to the undersigned at Albany, Ore gon, within six monthi from this date. May 14tb, 1890. Sarah L Ltjper, . Administratrix. This Trade Mai k on a stove mean it I the beat thet ex Revtence and skill can cnn. . , trive. Sold only by fjmith V ... S to Sndr 1 ii n ffi irnt n its TEEM Russel A (Jo's r rm .r ' . .. . ' ' "jf f A 'sf i 1 ... ' - : i;-f AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRABS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. For Sale. Good aingls ibnugv. harness, rot e. wbii. bnrae blaoeat, etc. Huggv newly paiutnlj All ior aai at a bargain. A nieeouitii; call on K C UK AHU.S LEY. monf.y. cheap;money, " We have made arrangement to supply money to all on long time at low rates o Interest on Improvtd f unis and city prop erty. Ihseewho contemplates building brick blocks or good brb k business I oils cen get money. Sre os. WAll.ce l.i'fticas. Harry Jones' RE8 ATU RANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Jest opar.ed, ih Itoa Hr.iM.f. Prompt attention, ai.d tvtrjtbi.ifc- r.ntoi d clean. Open day and nil.t. F, M. FRENCH, LeaLtnix WATCHES, Clocks, J E W E L 11 Y Spectacles. I have the larpi-nt stock u( rjiecUirlve and Eye ghiHwa in the fount)- ami fit them by JohiiMton'a pat. IHoptic eye meter. I keep a full line of the above celebrated Glove in black and colore. Am sole agent for Albany, Or. Samvel E Yovxa. Farms, Farms. Those wishing to invent in farm property should eall and sre rnrlist f farm and city property, 'e have aome of a gnod fruit and yaidt-n land a ean be found iu the flats Also stock rauoheaand wheat fur ins all near KR. Farma and faim prop erty a rpeoialty. Call and ate us liefure pnrchaainu ) hrre, Otlioe, First Street, next door to Thompson A Overmau'a Haruva Shop, Albany, Or. T. B. CORNELL & CO., Real Kstale Aftntr. Choice Residence Blocks. vpkv EOOD INVESTMENT OOK'T :- DELAY. Frk Conveyance to Property. PAYMENTS ::- EASY, TOWNSEND & WILSON DbiedFrtjit Wanted. Plums andal kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by W G Simpson, First street. ALBANY. OREGON. -aoenth kor- Engines and Machinery. rj. ,fjr-:v,-w AND HEALI.RS IX L. E. Huh liocn -AT HEAD IN AM 7t J Now tho (Ircatost Attraction is His Large and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., -In Keeping "NVitU tlio Sseanon. If You WouUl bo Suitably Dressed - Call - e t - Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -1EALERS IN- Choice G t a . a Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Prices and Montague OOE1TEE FIRST Sc FEERT STS Dealers in Grcieeries, Produce, Tobacco Cigars, Confectionary. Mc, Trodnoa wanted in exohanga for good or cash. Fist-olasaa good and prompt attentiou. TRY US , Oui caarges are so light that everyone can stand them, stoves, ranges, and builders hardware, we carry tli. finest assortment in the Valley, and only ask a fail examination of our stock to convince you. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN BUGGIES, LOGGERS AVD BLAIN Declared THE- HIS - LINE! His - Store.- rocenes Prompt Attention. Matthews k Washburn Albany" Oregon Hardware.toyes and Tinware. a Son,