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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1890)
tit THE DEMOCRAT i lb Et Ailvprtlslny rru'dluin In lbe('tttrl WHlamcttf Valley, THE DEMOCRAT, New York World ami American Farmer Ono year for $2.80. M HI VOL XXV. ALBANY, ORLGON,;FUIDAY, MAY 30, 1890. SO 43 m Mil w i T!' Df? , . i :jt-y opeciai HOME TREATMENT A Specifio p.i. A-IE'S KYDRASTINg REST0MAT1V', CR. HllURS ANTI-EIUOUS RTPMAC'I An UV1 CUr.C. c -Dm nm- ani sll U.f Trwu!-, Ciul ' v mfii s.a.-uii"l v T. ii!Ti IT thol.l couUlioti. p."' V'nP rATr'R tVrc AmtCLirr!i. ChrmAs Ostarrh, &u,l Citsrrhal IcaiKsi, V.unuiwl Iuvur Uxi mictwn whvn ilttulluh i f.lMw.J, (.rwoucy rvluuJml. Ji2i H'H E'S Cnt'nH HIRF. curt. It. r- , C -i-.-Y,. r.vr.rt.UU, I lcurUy ami l-ksmuuiit. tnl nlisxa, iun.uuiti. CouUliisaoCyULi. cur... v,mi!.i 1J minutes. Try tt, ?i HtUg PHTMCBU AND MRS TMHMT r."T. fwrti art cur. l'ijliw. il(au.lf cuiuf orj I .u trvuj t l it U.u.s. vU;iuuin)' III J.U). DHIltCR'S FEVEfl CtllT. I,.',mtUj lii :i stum ,!,,o,- wlthlovw. Iimnis l ninu einwMt r.f, .uli. .,4. vJ M.-m. M m !.otiU tsar tiiU lu iuukI. f- WFVi1!J cfs'.ity rmc. Cfl. K.tlCT RHU'KA.TIC N0 CR. KILLER'S TTTHIKC r.WE. y, Ouriif llw ImlMn t fol.ciiMi.. i liU f. r'l::Ti.' :,.! KoTT. - Wl'li t!ir tl p:l.'i . f !v. Hio;ii, an.'. II bvt u. inn ju.f ,;i $1.03 p4r PucVaje. .iX 1 1 HILlfH DRUG COMPANY, CAN Foshay & Mnsrn, Ar,!s. AiLar.v. Orui. FURNITURE It you want the lest antl that is manufactureil Thomas Brink. G. L. BLAOKMA.l ?he Leading ALBANY DRUGS, MEDICINES n; :U Has jiist received his Srin stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine line of suits, which will bo sold at bottom prices. In order to make room for new goods will sell large stock of Notions, etc., at A Great Eeduction. The best nlaco'Jn Albany for w THE LEADER. G. W. SMITH, STOVES AND RANGES. Fire backs. Warran tod for 15 years, All sizes an styles, Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Range Boiler3 Conductor Pumps. Oregon Land Company, with it HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. And Braaeh OfOeea t Portland, Aotoria mad Albany Ha for ! a large LUt of Grain, Stock and l'ruit Farm. Alto City and Suburban Property 8END : FOR i PHAMHLET, : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. A RARE OPPORTUNITY I Offend Evrry Day by the L . T. BROCK, To get first-Class FURNITURE, Latest Designs, dtBot- HI - H'LLLITS t- . i . i-TGscripmoiis. SELF C'JnE Hcncdy for Each Clscacc. Sttmu!s:i nutrition. Purt.Va tli A )ir!.vl I u in ami s'Jrctij'.h bull.U r. t' lr-n C.rvi;:s V.'jitnrrt, n.l L c r.LUrc'i U.::-r . -r- k".tt. 0:kU CO. U x' t jui. i dt.M ivj-o tticnv. 1 Jjvulopnwiit . f ib.l.lnn Mil !.!, i l 'rwntmi l ciirw in. l:.i.f.M t:e. It. I!i'!rrN UViinnl'a u p.-.- i i,vu k m.".l CO. F;V,Ct:;:', CAL, U. S. A most luralU furniture in the citv tin to Drug'g'ist, OREGON STAT SONAOV SC .rr I ii : r v VI I M I in! I itrn limit- i W ' iv n 1 ii'.-dt his bargains. THE LEADER Tho Woild'o best. More than hun dred 7 hun fixed differ o n t sty les cd ok s and heators PROPRIETOR. n. .n .. ' ...41,. I KiiawiokThahk. .V iicolul meeting of tiu lUnml of Tr.nlo hM lunt week for tho iurmno of hearing tho re port of tho eoimuittee on tho unite! iUn of a.lvortimng tlievallov. After eoimi.ler ntlon of tlio report tlie following eoniinlt tee whh nppointe.1 to eu how mtieh eouUl Ih riol in thin ellv for the purpom, n two month trial lirnt to Uuniiile: 1 Monteith, J II Townxeinl uml.'l I. Wiil liiee. Thin nnxlo of united H'lver t'nin h:tn hoen tho li.t pluii ivlopt ed in munv Ht:it H, milling other full Inrnia, ninl'if All'iinv men woiiM ieo the whole valley grow together they hhouM eomo to tlie front liU-ially. It im Hellenic in whieh AlUmv ia Ihiiiii'Io get itH Hhare of tho renultN. Onlv liy bulMing M Hie wliolo vnilev can eueh part neeivo a permanent Wtiollt. Ut the worUl ilml out tluxt the Wilhiinetto In the proi.laol ive, liealt!ili it ami Ih-hI valley in the viorhl for ft home, ami tliero willlio tin qtiedtiuii hut it will nn-eivo a liKun. Make it m familiar tm the Puget Smmlto tho world ami liiiiiiiurrttion will U hero iiiKteal of there. W have tho country to buck ua.aml the natural remmriTa on every hatnl, for farming, conimeree, min ing, manufacturing ami lmnini'ii. A IIkamuy IU'iuimno Ykar. Plant have been drawn by Arcliltect Ayera fori handome rctlJeucct for J M RaUion and II II Hewitt, the for.ner in the nccond ward, ttie .Mter lu the fir.t ward. Itolh will he oriLiment to Albany. Major W C Ccll U ju-t (inUhlnga linudMttno two orv rckldrnctf Jefferson ktrcct ; K A Schilil.T Im n Urijc" two story reoUleiice up on hU V'a.hl!igton Mrrct property ; 1aiiI Mtll.-r U hoiUliog a couple cnll.n;r to rent ; Mr Donluy ha a cmninodiou resldfncc up, and lifiy to one hundred others In e'ifffiriit pari of the. city are un der ay, besides inmv thut are conti'm plated." The ground U ready for the timore hi lik, which to he a h:u.ili:iio one; active woik Is goliijj ahciidoii the Orron ll.iiik,a-id other bricks will lie started. A healthy bultdlut; growth 1 going ahe.i'l Ui it make solid, rclljhte cities built on roek and not on iiiicoi ti s nand or seit f AUnny's prct iu outlook Ik the lct hi the hUtc.ry of the city. In the futuie the real estate market will br- governed to ipiite anrt lent by llie demand of projicrty fur ue, ami promi.s to be coioddct -thltf, and less (or purely speculative puipoM's. Ak wheres the city ? At Albany , on the Willamette ; In Oregon, at the juncthin of the S. P., O. P. and A. A. A KrvTft KV paprr created a decided conation lait Aeck hr publUhltig the ten commandments. The people there thought it was the new constitution of the republic of Hrazil, anil excitement and comment ran high, and jeclal edltkxia had t. be run off, to supply the demand ot ucii news. The ohote 1 one of a pccits of articles that appear io the nvwspaj ers under the head of hutnoiotis, and come people laugh at them; wherea-, they are ridiculous cx aggrratin. Ti.ey would not be recog nised hv AdJiMn a lilerature at a t, l.x aggeratioe and f ilsel.ooj arc not wit. (Jc casjonallv an o vet drawn stalcment with a focus to ft, has merit, because ftvHlnjf lo soir.elhlng worth consideration, Nye Is woitlt reading, but he is soda water, cauoing a belching laugh, some substance and lots f froth; but hi -ss us tnrstany of us would like to be In bis literary shoes. Ar S.M.I.M.. Ker J M Prrl.s, formerly stationed at a point in Washington, arrived ye.terd iv t l.'ke charge of the Evange'.l eal churcii h;re, as the reprcentatlve of the II w man .pitfcMni:c. lie was enter tained veterl.iy by I'ri siding Elder How ers.x ami I'.ev'K .S Uvliingcr. He Is pit ting in I. is ti i.e vUhing the incnlrera of t'ic church who are not so much attached to the presi rt pnstor as to prevent their according htm a .Trdial greeting. Mr Preiss aay a l.c represents the church and will push their .. k here vigorously, and for the present riii society has two pas tors. The present trustees will not allow the newly anlytd minister to use 0e churcn nor reeonie his authority Journal. A Priiti-ot h Riok. Port Captain Thoa P.rown waH the only Oregon City man who nxle the rapid at tho Cam-adca on Sunday w hen tho Ilnrvont t2ieen waa run through, any tho Juiterprnie. IIo nay ho h it Oregon City with the intention "of making the run and that ho had to cant 11 tho line and hold on to that to dragged hoard, lie iIi cti!h h tho ride a a W ild one in w hieh the Umt ran a mile a min ute for live minute. The total timo con sumed in milking the run of live mile, of getting turned and Htarted and making hint la-low tho Cacado wa but eight and one half minute. Pavk poiKiKD tub Ahkemhok. At the time when I) P Thompson' acalp con tained fewer gray bairn, a friend met him tn Miiwaukie. Hello, Duve. what are yon doing here?" "Oh, I'm living here," anl 1'avo pleammtly. "Where i your lamily r J hey are boarding," wa the reply. The fact of the matter wa that Mr ThompHon wa temjiorarily romding in Miiwaukie to escape aHHeMM'iient in Oregon Citv. Howaa then dodging hi taxe n be i dodgmtr them now. Courier. A Phriuils Tnti. W H Templeton crossed the Cascade mountains last week bringing two horses with hlrn. He wa four day making the peri'ou journey. 1 he snow on the summit, lie tblnk, U it to 20 ftet deep. He came over by wavof the .antlam route, ana tn doing so took desperate chance In losing his wi and his life. lie a that Martin building at Fisli lake are badly damaged by the weight of heavy snows on the roof. Bill relate reveral narrow escape from death in the treacherous ocean of snow on the summit.- Princvi'.le New. CinumEN Dav On the first Sunday of June. C'hildrens Day will be cpnroprl ately kept by the Christian 8. on sth street. Recitations and music will be the prominent feature of the cxercis-;, except one piece performed by u young ladies. representing tne ditferent heathen nation. and are to be dressed in their respective costume a worn in their native land. Won't Fall. Two and a half mile from here where lot are being laid out and street cleared, a fir free six ftet in diameter.and 175 feet high, ha been sawed clear off, but will not fall, and the saw l held too tightly to be extricated. The tree wa cut off six weeks ago, but refuse to tip over, though it ha moved or slid on the stump over two inches. Astorlan. Ham Eaters. Chief Engineer Carr.of the Albany & Astoria railroad, returned last Sunc'ay, and I purchasing supplies preparatory to putting his torce at work. Among other purchase yesterday wa 1,000 pound of h".m, which show that he propose to feed hi engineer and sutvey- er while en route. Astonan. Left Evebytuino. Tho following la a little squib which a great many men with lot of money and moen may well .read and digest : One man. So rutnam'a dead is be? Did he leave anything? Another. Yen, yes ! left everything. Mis BatsoN. The opera house will probably be packed Decoration day, Frl dav evening, Mav 30, to hear the famous colored queen of song, styled by the New Vork W arid, "the colored Jenny Lind " Reserved seat 50 cents, tt Ulackman 1 See advertisement. Adjudged Insane. Nancy J Dickens of the Fork of the Santiam, was brought before Judge Blackburn yeoterday and adjudged insane. Deputy sheriff Bmith took her to Halem this morning. She was a daughter of Jeremiah Dickena who died a few years ago. Ladies Will Attend. It Is now ex. pected that-the ladies In large number will turn out to-morow to bear Gov Pen- rfl,.,.P t!..,t "TV-;., nr.r Wrf.h A tj F.iuknk lUiUNTKit Itemm. Railroad rumor are plentiful. One report says a corp ot surveyor I running a line front Corvallls to Eugene and that the west side road Is to be extended to this city at once. Another report My thy are working for the Oregon Paclllc and that that road will build a branch line to tap this section. Property at Springfield ha been chang ing hinuls at a lively rate the past few week. A gei.tlemau from that elty in formed u yesterday that Mr Walll ha snld his farm of 160 acre adjoining Hprlng llcld foi $81100 and Mr MJcllee ha sold her fui m of alxitil 200 acre for about the me price. Outside capitalists are bar gaining for several other piece of proper ty around here, Tho body of Mrs Andrews, who Is will be remembered wa killed by a land slide near the head of tide 011 the Sluslaw last February, wa found In the river last week. The body was In a fair stute of pteserva Hon, having been under tho water all the time. It wa supposed that Mr Andrew and two children were burled beneath the slide, but since the finding ot her body It Is presumable that all were swept Into the raging tlver. Mr A Goldsmith met with a sellout and peculiar mishap last Friday evening. He wa standing at a table watching a game of whist In which Frank Guthile had a hand. Frank I troubled with hemorrhage of the lung and while playing wa taken iiii one ci lit coughing anil vomiting spells This had a sickening effee'. on Mr Goldsmith and he started out of the house to get fresh air but fainted when near the door. When he fc'l his head struck a cuspidor and a targe gash w.i cut In the back of his head He wa conveyed to Ida home and had two spasms that evening. It was feared for some time that be would not live through the nlghl, but he I now Improving rapld!y and will soon bo all O. K. again. The l'ioNt.i:iis tiK Ok Knos. The numiul meeting of tho Unit County Pioneer A Mociatioti will 1' held at p.rownnvillo, on the 4, 5 and II day of Juno, being W'cd itcitday.Thurxday and Friday of tho llrnt week of naid month. Come "pioneer, let tt meet and have a good time, a general hand-shaking, and a love feast. I At everyone come prepared lo relate pome incident of their travel aero the plain or on ship board. There will lj one or two addreswe eaeh day, bcHido tho one minute ajH-cchf by everyliody. There w ill bo a roanted ox distributed among the cnuier on tho second day. free. The roll call will he on tho w-coiid day. F.very year lessen our iiuiiiUt. One by one wo cms the dark river never to return. A yew year and tho Pioneer of Oregon will bo numbered among tho thg of the past. Tho meet ing 1 hot intended to hocolililii--d to l.imi county, but all are w elcome. Come one, come all. O P Cuanow, Committeeman. A TvaauiLr. Ok.mii very sad accl dcr.t occurred in the family r-f Jesse Vo cum, near Itellcvue, last Thursday. sas the Yamh'll Krpoitrr, resulting in the death of thrlr baby boy Claud, aged two years, three month and tarenty seven davs. Mrs Vocum was vl.ltlt g at the ho'asc of a neighbor, and the Utile or e while nUvhiET int net aid sot hold ol . v ---- - - bottle conwluiig a solution of corrosive sublimate and swallowed some of. the poison. Medical aid was promptly sum moned, and a'l wa done that could be (o counteract the effects, l"p to Sunday ight the child seemed to be l.tiprnvlng. nd at that time w.ts pronounced out of anger bv the attending phvslclan, but It died the following mcrning. lIvXKUt lT Yankkk Faumkii. George lloleomb a few day ago returned from a initio hi old Connecticut home. Ho Iraw a doleful pieture of the farmer of ho Nutmeg state. I air go iiiiiiiUrs of them are hoH-lessly hi debt, in spite of tho factories in alimmt every vitiligo, nu merous in tho aggregate. What they have to sell i ehenp ami w hat the v must buy is dear. Mr lioleomh say there is no other recourse for tho mortgaged far mer ot the New Kngland states than to lccome tenant or go west, a ho did himself. Oregon City Courier. . Hi Si Dir. In the case of Jj-ncson Kincatd, the man arrested at Albanv for hduction, the following was his version of the matter: "The prUloncr admitted taking the vouug girl away from her home, but said it w nut of the most fath erly motives. Kircaid snld the girl came to id place the day before he went awav, crying nd showed a laige bruise on her boulder, saying her mother had been ruclly beating her. I le also said the girl In presenting the case, is actaated by the fear I tier mother, who wishes lo get even wlt.i him for taking her daughter' part. Too Naukow. Albany street aro w ide compared to tlxme of Astoria, according to the lol lowing: When the chaos on Third street cease and a thoroughfare is established, the idewalk w ill las ten feet wide. This 1 crowding thing a little. Two sidewalks each ten feet, and a six foot car track in the center, on a liny foot street leaver: onlv twelve fect on each side for tenuis ana trafic. IIikj. A law passed by tho Oregon legislature provide that when 1(H) or more legal voter of a county shall file a petition with the county clerk asking that the question of sw ine running at large shall be voted upon, the clerk shall include that in Ids election notices and it shall 13 submitted to tho voter. A JH3 tition has licen filed in the clerk's cilice of I-nne county, and a vote will lie taken on the question at the ensuing election. Journal. Quite am Advestueeu. BF Hendricks started for Botith America some few weeks since. He shipped at Han Fran cisco, but as the treatment received at the hands 01 the ollicers was bad the crew desartcd and the passengers went with them. He concluded to eo via New York, but on arriving there found work in a gunsmith store, and is there at pres ent. Guard. Gband Excursion. On June 5th F Company will give the biggest steam boat excursion in the history ot Albany, from this city to hulein on the Willam ette's greyhound, the Win M Hong. An immense crowd will go, as the people know that F Company never do things Dy nan. r?aiera rum iietter get its com pany in trim to defend the capital. On Hand A Chinaman last week claimed to have been robbed of $8 in money by another Mongolian.and rushed off for the Marshal. The thief was not found. It is a peculiar fact that while the Celestials have no respect for our laws in ordinary matters, when it comes to personal loss to their pocket book they are right on band. A Just Verdict. Near Port Town send last December "the boys" shlvareed Martin Phillip on hi wedding night. He killed one of them. Last Monday, after a trial lasting a week, he was acqutted. Phillips ought to get a medal or something for aiding so grandly in putting an ever lasting kiDosh on the tool custom ot shlvareclng. Astorlan. Chemawa Rev McBrlde.of the U P church, who has been a missionary at the vVrin Spring', Or, Indian agency, for several years, has been appointed cleik at the Chemawa Indian rxhool. He was rec commended by Superintendent Irwin and his annolntinent has been confirmed bv the department at WashlnAon. He will begin his residence there at once. Shakes. Milk shakes are only five cents a glass through the valley ; hand shakes, containing about as much foam. are free and very frequent. In a short time the price is to be raised In Portland to $2.50 a shake. That will be on election day. Changed Again. Frank Simpson and Herbert have purchased the delivery bus! ness of Dr I N Woodle, aud will hereafter run It. They are live, prompt, reliable Kinin(1. Rev 0 C Stratum, recently president of Mill Seminary, ha been asked to accept the chancellorship of vviunmcito univcisuy. s ii is anegeu Rev Si ration left Million account of kiss ing the tfachf r too frequently hi remov al to Salem will be a very Interesting one -to Salem girls. Here t the matter In de tail: Four of the teacher In the college, It appears, made complaint that Or Strut ton wa given to kissing tSem, The t'octor explain that ar. to one of them she wa "largely n the footing t,f a daughter," and that she proffered the first kls In hi wife' presence, and he took it. In one of the other cases, he further explain, the lady also piollcrcd tho kiss. A to the other two case, It I some what vaguely explained that they "were not dissimilar In the circumstance which led up to them.' The fourth lady, however, con tradict this vcrv emphatically. She ys that the good doctor "embraced her In a way to no longer leave sny doubt In her mind a io hi Intention." Ai.d so the kisses cnie to light, and the docior had to go." DrStratton, though, ha plenty of defenders, and It I possible It I a case of jealousy. There I generally sou.e smcke in such matters. I.kiianos. We are Informed that a party of capitalist from California w ill soon visit Ia-lwinoii to Investigate the lumlier resource in this vicinity: also that we will receive a visit from a monied man from Chicago. MrO'Nellha several men employed grubbing tree and otherwise clearing the laud for the iam-r mill. It will be built opposite the Uouring mill on the east bank of the canal. The machinery w ill le of the newest and la-st design. W II I'oiiiii a I tin to bi waist in hoi. The prof net for a good yield and fair prti-es justiiie close attention ami proiter cultivation of this crop for lM'.M). K f aldo, the new proprietor of the St Charle s, took charge ot the hotel on MondrtV. J A I . unliernon is doing a g'd Imsi nee In Cascata or Chitom Isirk. Ho shipped 2' tons to Detroit, Mich, this week. I.iicicn Gillx-rt came over from Albany thi week and went iin to the ranch. whore ho will proWUy remain thi sum mer. I'.xpres. ArrkR tii Dot ni.u A. The chief en gineer of tho Altxuiy fc Astoria railroad came down yesterday morning with a mil surveying party ami more accoutcr ineiits than have ls en seen in these part for a lung time. The party i seventeen iiuiiiUt: w W llarr, ehitf engineer; J MeCaustlaiid, transitman: Purr Power, heaij chainman; Richard Al !cy, Cha Kedlleld, A Cannon, Harry llarr, F Power. Cha Waldeii, Win Gel- sen, llenery Green and sis other. Pack mule, provisions, instruments, supplies of all description went dow n w ith the party to New Astoria last evening w here the survey on thi end w ill begin. The route will lie surveyed to Tillamook. The line from Albany to Tillamook hit already la-en surveyed. I'pgitieer Parr i an exiH-ricncrd man, and ha a splen didly lilted out party. He ex-rt to lie able lo furnish note of hi survey in a short time. Astorian. Gotsa the Roi'SK. No one expect to buy m Uc stait.p on credit, - If he ha not the money lo pay for one he can not mall a letter, No one expect i to buy a railroad ticket on credit. If he has no money lo pay his fare In anvance be must remain at home. The tike I true tn re gard to riding In street car. Ticket to piece of amusement ate not sold on lime but are spot cash. No trouble occurs on account of these arrangements, and none w oi.ld occur if every retail store conduct ed business like a postollke, ralhoad or theater. Ac-!r,t a IXTKRrRKrr.. Recently a correspondent in the I-ebanoit Kxpres gave an account ot some Irounle In the Evangelical Church at Sweet Home, and among other mentioned Mr Klnehart a a participant in the row that caused Rev. Yt to leave the church. A son of Mr Rlnehart tells the Dkmoc rat that his mother hd nothing to do with it more than to act as Interpreter for John Spring, the leader In the trouble. As the Dumo. ca at copied tht Item It give this side of the matter. Always hk Hai-i-y. A wealthy I-omlon merchant gives the secret ot hi business success a follow s : "I always feel happy when I am advertising, for then I know that, waking or sleeping, I have a strong though silent orator working for me ; one w ho never tires, never makes mistakes, and who is certain to induce tieoplo to call on Conn & llendrieson for fresh strawlierric and vegetables of all kinds. They keep the best and freshest. w mat a rm To see a woman' lovely featutes mar red by unsightly plm,de and blotches. Young woman, defective nutrition I the cause of your blemishes and the sooner you lake a faithful course of Dr IliMcr's ilydrastine Restorative the sooner you will cease to be an object of pity. Foi sale at Foshay ii Mason', druggist u Ksmeb. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the Individual. Such remarkable event I treasured In the memory and the agency w hereby the eood health ha been attained I erratefullv blessed. Hence It I that so much Is heard in praise of Electric Hitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of tlectrlc ISitteis. St Id at jC and si per bottle at Foshay & Mason' Drug stoie. I Lave just recti vid a large invoice of lac cartaint, ranging in prieo from one to nine dollars a psir, scrim, bttrtaio Dots, etc. Also a line of curtain pili and fu-nitnra covet ing. SAMUEL IS X0VNQ Wanted, tows tn paitore. Woodle k Talt Bkos. DiitEDFauir Wanted. Plum j and al kinds of dried fruit wanted immediately by W G Simpson, First street. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled ci gars, manufactured at Jul ur Josepb'u oigar factory. Unly 0 oents. Spring Has Come. The stock ot wall paper at Fortmlller & Irving' I larger than ever, being quite Immense and In elude many new and beautiful design. Good oooking stove only f 10 at Hopi: is & Baltmarsh. Tlia Last, linn ..f R snit 10 cent ciffars in the city arajt be found at Conn & Heodrio too. Albany Marble and Granite Work.Hav iin? lately nurohased tbe (took of S A Kirst aud G W Harris, we shall be pleased to bow design and give pr.oe to all tnteud inor Durchsser. Best of workmen employed and pnoe a low a any for first-class work, Visit n before purchasing eisewner. COAN Oi ACHIBOK next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. The ralplt and (he Slage, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: feel it mv duty to tell what wonder Dr Kind's New Discovery ha done for me My lung were badly diseased, and my parishioner thought 1 could live only i few week. I took five bottle of D King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gai.ilng 26 lbs In weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love' Funny Folk Combination, write t "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, beat 'em all. and cure when everything else fails. The greatest kindness lean do my many thousand friends Is to urge them to try it," Free t-t.,1 1.,0 I, . fit I'Vx ft V ' . . f - " Thompion has not yet staled that he did not reduce the wage of the men in Wcldler s mill when he was receiver there. A union labor men wilting from Ore gon City lo the Vuelfic Rhfrt say that rennoycr wilt carry Clackamas county by a big majority. Mat Scott I a man of stcrlbig Integrity and of resolute purpose In the performance of a public duty. He ha a good educa tion and will make a most efficient sheriff. H H W illiams furasscsor, E J O Conner for surveyor and Frank Far re 1 1 for coroner are each welt fit fur the office for which he I named. They have a right to ex peel the vole ot the party on that ground. Mesrsr F C Hnard,J V Henry and C Shedd were nominated for the legislature for their weli-known probity and their sympathy for the best Interest of Linn county. 3r?e that these names are on your ticket when you vote. Uncle Hilly Curl w ho Is the candidate for treartircr I a worthy, safe man having filled that Office one term. He realty needs hlsofnce as he Is badly crippled and has no other way of supporting hi family. Ill opponent I a well-qualified man, but he ha a fine farm and ran live well without the office, having plenty of Oil worlds goods. In voting for Mr Weathcrford and Mr Myers, voters know they arc making no mistake. These men have both Wen tried In the legislature and I hey have both stood true as steel lo the best Interests of the people ot Linn county. The will both make efficient senator. t- tl-U ... . .. IS Voters and taxpayers of Oreg'M, think how much extra expense you have been to on account of the change of text bocks In the past two year. Are you prepared to go through the tame ordeal again? If so, vote for Mt Etroy; If not, support Leroy or Superintendent id Public Inslurclein. Monmouth lUmivml. Nhn Payne Is a fine penman, a very careful, palnslakcn man, wholly attentive to whatever business or matter he ha in hand, attending always to-day to the things that are on hand to. day, and not putting them off until to-morrow. These arc the qualities and qualifications that make an efficient and accomodating clerk. For these reasons he will get a very large vole for that office. E E Davis grows more and morc popu lar day by day. He ha been tried for the last two year and has been found scrupu lously faithful In the performance ot hi duty a county recorder, and lle almost universal verdict of the people, both re publican and dmocraU it, "well done good and faithful servant," and at the pod it win ce to take i; oincc lor another term. The question of oUtir has almost dropped out of the race for rovcrnor, ti is now a fight pparrntty, as to winch of the old parties wi! ite the largest vole for Peeooyer. A the ay for election draws oear the I'ennuyr men are increasing rapidly and if the recruil to Pennoycr fiom Thompson continue at the pre- ent late there will be very few mrn left in the Thompson ranks by election day. The Albany llerttul and some oilier reput- liraa papers continue lo make l he grave mis take of printing the Sth plank of the republican platform to read that the party It in favor o, taxing all property "not now exempted by law.' Thi I sense lets, con'ratlictory, ridiculous and does the party a good deal of harm. These pspers imagine that because they neither think nor read their reader do not. This is a mistaken uposit ion. Salem Journal. G F Russell the candidate for school su perintendent is man of the people, having been raised on a farm, and thus hi sym pathies are with the masse of the people. He ha lived In Oregon nearly atl Ms life and I fully indcntl.ied with the Interests of Linn county. Hisopponent, Mr Michcnor I a stranger to our people having been here only aboet a year. Mr Russell passe a fine examination a a teacher and ha proven himself to be one of the most successful teacher wc have. He should be elected by all mean. ' littKillT OITLOUK. Harney Goldsmith, chairman of the demo cratic state central committee has tcen inter viewed by an Orrgonta reporter and gives out tho following cheering news: "I m continually in receipt of letters from alt over Ihe stale reporting uniformly that Pen' nover w ill poll the full vote of bis party and not less tlmn S per cent of the republican vole. Mr ebb will run very clote to l'ennoy er. His administration is endorsed by all fair minded men, irrespective of party. In fact. iney cunsiuer iimi in numimsirHiiun ui uic state treasurer's office has been the bent we have had for yetrs. He is affable, accommo dating, and wotking steadily for the good of the people. "Mr Miller in making m canvass 11 gaining many friends. The people like his appearance and his talk, Expressions are heard on evvry hand to the effect that it was a wise proviso of tht federal constitution which made the term of the congressman only two years, for the pur nose of insuring t mt the lower house ot con gress should truly be a represents' ive body of Ihe people. The intention evidently was to secure for that place a man who should come fresh from the people, alive to their needs. I hey say they leel that a man who lias ncea for a number of years in Washington, surround' ed I y its luxuries end aristocratic society eras e to be of the people, and that Colonel Miller 1 vastly more suitable to represent trie people of Oregon than limcer lUrmann. "Mr Leroy I making a splendid canvass and I am receiving letters every day from different parts of the state where he ha spoken, inform-i-g me that he will be elected. "In thi city I find there are a large number of republicans who want to put a of con demnation on the manner in which the repu lican managers conducted their recent primar ies in this city, and will show at the' election that they will not endorte any such proceed ings." "What will you say about the charges against the governor with reference to the improper sate of indemnity school heads?" "All I have to say to that is that we defy Mr Thompson to put those charges in wiiting over his own signature. . He dare not do'it. Furth er more, you can say that we cordially invite Mr Thompson to meet Governor Pennoyer upon the stump at any time and place he may name. If he will do so, the time will be evenly divided with biro," "How about the claim that the democrats are concentrating all their efforts upon Pennoy er?" "That is merely a campaign which the republican managers are put. because they see every day that Thompson's chance grow more and more Hopeless. The charge is utterly ridiculous, because Pennoyes's election is already assured. Hut we are making our fight for the whole ticket. While we may not elect all of our ticket, or at least some, by the same ma jority we expect for Pennoyer, yet we feel that we shall elect quite a large proportion ot our stafe and county tickets. We are not propos ing any fades and have no favors to ask Mr Thompson's frieods. The democrats write me from different portions of the state thatThomp- t-i'r t-rr'iV t-fi fflTvf.-1, !mt -will TIIK H0NOiUiIMG?) II P TIIOMl'riON. Sells land for a big sum of money, then sel up a fictitious claiia to get the land back again and hold on lo Ihe money paid lo him for them. Third Oirgon Reports, pace 180 to 107. Circuit court Ar Clackamas county, March term, 1870. James K Kelly v People's Tran. Imitation company, Thompson, IfOvejoy etal. D I' Thompson and IfOvejoy sold the un divided half of certain land on the West bank of the Willamette river lo Ihe Willamette Steam Navigation Company, In which Thompson and Lovrjuy were Utrge stockholders. Afterward the Villametle Sieam Navigation Co. sold and t'anncrred tins undivided half of said land to Ihe Peoples Trantportation Co. for a lar.e sum of money. Thtn Thompson and Ioveioy dis. covered, or thought they did, that neither the Willamct'i Steam Navigation Co nor tbe Peo- pie s Transportation Company could hold th land as said land wa not necessary for the purjicse for which either or both of said com panics were incorporated, and they therefore Claimed Hie land back again and wanted to hold on to the money paid for the same also. In the cecitionjudge Upton says: "If the case of the defendants, Thompson & I.ovejoyf wa based on a claim that the deed is voidable thequettion would be addressed to the equity side of the court, and of course they, a gran tors, while still retaining the purchase monsy would have no standing in a court of equity upon which to ask to have the deed set aside. They, being grantors fur value, cannot main tain tl.cir claim to Ihe land, under any view that caa lie taken, except as a strict legal rieht fuun'led on Ihe assumption that the convey ance from Ihein is vol., and aot merely void able. If ihe corporation has usurped privilege or franchise aot belonging lo it, to the detriment of tbe public, the remedy is by an action ' id the name of ihe State. If the sale is illegal, and 1 boinpson and Ivejoy sold the projerty with a knowledge of the illegal pur)me,tbey are so far in the wrong as nut to be in a condition lo ask equitable re lief. If lltey sold undci a misapprehension of it powers, or of tlie objects souj-lu 0 be carried into effect by tbe corporation, and bow find the sale should be declared void, their pleading should set out their exese, and they should offer lo return the purchase money. The prayei of lh defendants, Thompson & Mvc)uy, siivuld be denied, aaj tbe property should be partitioned be ween the plaintiff and the defendant, the jcoplcs Transportation Corn pa ay." PEN NOV Ett Vs! TUOMIMON. The following I taken from the Pacific Eafmt, the organ of the Union Labor party In Oregon. It I published at Port land, the home of Thompson: W hlle retraining from any active part In the contest for governor, we are at lib erty to say how Intensely opposite we feet to lite elevation 01 such an Impersonation of the money power a I P Thompson. Gov. rcn.iover In hi cnvass Is making damaging charges as to the public actions ot Thompson. While not vouching for their accuracy we are disposed to consider them serious enough for consideration and to believe unless refuted. One of pertain to an act bv the city ot Portland signed by Thompson as mayor, oy which the wharf line for a short distance extended 40 feet toward the channel 01 the river, to the detriment of navigation. Thi gave to tbe property known a the Starr block an addition of 40 by 300 feet, or an added value at present of $100,000 at least. Rut the Llarr block belonged to Thompson. Another relate how a administrator ot the ilo.laday csUtc Thompson drew a fee of $500 per month; and In addition sought to draw $250 more per month a presi dent of the saw mill company ot which ne was stopped only Dy the supreme court from giving mortgage upon the property In his custody. further the governor aavs that as the locks a: Oregon City may "be purchased by the state In 1S9J, at their actual value, or the $200,000 furnished fur their, out of the school land fund of the slate, be re turned to the school fnnd, it is very dubi ous to put the Interest of the stile in this matter In the hand of Thomnson, Eastham of Oregon City, and Motey of Multnomah county, respectively a governor of the stale, and member of the legislature (a In case of their election) since these three men are all owners ot stock In the electric light company which also owns a control ing interest in the lock. A the lock company ha never paid a cent ot the to per cenl net profit per year which was to be turned over lo the state t-easury. Penn oyer thinks the lacks must be a property ot very low value when making no profits and that the state might rightfully con vert them to public use lor the benefit of the people of the valley. In our opinion Thompson I narrow, grasping and elf-eeking, and charge mat ne is unscrupulous a far as the law allows we may easily set to his credit. Pacific Eafrtss- WELL SAID. The East Oregon! In levlewlng the QreironUtn's article on Pennoyer says: The Oregonian object to MrFennoyer's "accusation" against Mr Thompson, but they are not only true but such facts as the people ought to know. We have al ready snown, not from rumors or slanders, but from the highest official records and from undented facts, the greedy, grasp. lng,avariciounature of the governor's op ponent; and that he has been ready to use official positions to unjustly further his own Interest and add to hi immense and un taxed wealth. After all, what harm has the governor done cs uovernor bv his "demairoev?" The Orrgonian cake a column and a-fialf to tell how "unsound," erratic," ''dema gogic," he is; but it falls to point all this abstract censure with a single fact, or ait. or omisrlon. during the three and a-half years that M r Pennover has been rover- nor. Probably the Qrrgonia might have done so In its opinion by mentioning the veto of the millionaire's water bond bill ; but again we confidently rely upon the people of this state to sustain this courageous and righteous act of the gov ernor. In all this long, labored, and far fetched plea In favor of Mooeybags and against simple ana unswerving i.onesiy, the Oxtgtniau finds not one official act to condemn. Like Pilate , the Oreeotttttn Is compelled practically to acknowledge that tt "tinds no fault In him," yet it cries "crucify him." For our part, when a man has been not only fully capable in every respect, but inflexibly and courageously honest, and has served the people with remarkable and admirable fidelity and usefulness, the cry ot "demagogue" has no force or euect, Vote tor fennoyer. The threat of the Herald that it will open up Its mud mill on democratic can didates If they do not desist In their line of argument of the tariff question Is simply the wail of the vanquished. It Is the last weakling stroke oi those who already see Inevitable defeat at their very door. Wm Rumbaugh, the democratic nominee for county commissioner has resided ia this county for about twenty years and is fully conversant with all her needs. lie is frugal and careful and will make a good commissioner. If he should be defeated the republicans will then control the county court. All judges of elee tions and other matters pertaining to political . 1 1 . 1 . 1 i T . ... . - matter would be in their hands, Democrats look out for this. A Bargain. Boudo'r."- .large Cv OIVIS I51VJOYO TJoHi tho method murresiilts when riij of Fig h taken ; it J pleasant ntid refreshing to the taste, ami nets gvtntlyyct promptly 011 tboKidiieya, Liver ami JJowol. cli-anse the sys tem liiteltmlly, dispels colds, k-oj-ndies 1 ami fevers find cures lmbiliial twmnipiilioii. fcyrup of Figs is the of.! remedy of 'it kind ever pro 'Iticcd, plemiiii? to tho taste andao-C'.t-ih!e to t!i stomach, prompt io 1! KAiion and truly l n bcial in its :! via, i! many excellent qualities eii-nrnf n.J it to all. It it forsalo in Vic ui,. I $1 lofllcs ly a!l leading lh'!:!.'t. l-IWt:-C 'WVIir TIC CMtfCP.MA FiC SYRUP CO. PAISLEY & FISH, .inn DRlNTt-rc ALBANY w - Special A OP - W. F. My Spring Stock is now the Latest Dress liotU in WpOI.liK jnd WASH FABRICS. -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Lac'ies Uiidervearf in Knit, RutBED anl Musus. My Pp.ices art the LOWEST and my Goons the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated T. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men,: Call and Look at Mv values Furnishing -:- Goods, I have i Largo Stcck at the Lowest Prices ever offered iu tba Valley. I cairy a full line of thi wc.r'al-renowed BROADHEAD goods, unexoelled for wear and finish. . Large atcck of Embroideries and Flouxcixos. Cat and be convinced thi. Albany ia tbo beat trading point in Oregon, "W. 3S INSURE IN THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; NlflW STORE. lEW GOOD Mitchell. & Lewis Co., ' -DEALEPsS IN Agricultural Implements ry- t-v-ry . rvv jt :?-- r- LBA'JY. c O i first National Bank OP AlJilK,, trWnt.. ...., ,,.... L, Fl-lv Csshlsr .... fc W. Lasooois- TBAHSACTS A GENERAL Uoktng trasliwas. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject te lMuk. MIOIIT KXI-HANOK ti. tl i-.n.4. York, ga frsiiclsra. dowra o4 Put ' ttfnn. uoMfSCTIOHf ADCon fctorst.1 Wrre. iar-ros E, W. Lamopvh B Timae R fiLUX, I., rux. r, ax. Linn County Bank, Cowan, Ualntcn h Ckmbsrlaiii, ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACT s murr hj,rtFi bnMTM. DRAW8IUU1 fiHArrtlott Nrw York. ma fisa sit . . 1 Ongon. bOAH MOrfETvn sppisrod BsearHy. BET EfVE deposit sub! . a. Bank of Oregon. ALBANY, - - - GBECOH. O APITAr.. OSO.OOO. PrMlrhsnt ... IJ. BRYANT Vice President Ii. K, MEP.RI I I, Cahler..... J. W. BLAI N PiasxToma. II Bryant. J t Ialn. Geo Humphrey. I! jKJLa.oa.Dg, IIP Merrill. unieeunyfl at I UletrnphH trai m fer on Naw York, s,rt Francisco a id and all principal points lo Oreg n and Washington, Collection madn on favorable terms. nnouncement ! READ. Complete, Embracing all Novelties in Goods, in 328. 33 jQl. 313). Conservative rxZ- sV-'i.