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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1890)
.. K. WEAT1IERF0RD, ATTOHNI3Y AT IAW T. wKCU). JAMES P. HEAD, Attorney at Law andTitlo Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in ell the-ooorta of the Btet. Abstract of Till furnished on short nolioe- Tm year eiperience, DR. JAttES KEYDEK, Braiuata of Edinturg, Sco land, Hm located In Albany. Frt n hi kviroutb. knowledge of bis proielon ji hi experience of 10 yeara aa an olU erln a Cavalry Regiment, lie hopes lo nierlltae patronage of those Interested In horse, oaule, aheep. etc Ha would also reoouimead hU solution or llnetnant or aora shoulders, aara iok,.crokeo naaa, wounds, sprain. PrLte, one del r par bottle. aaW-J.H cat John Seans.erVlsry ata MONEY, Homo eapltal lo loan on approvod semirlty. VK MoPuer son. Kee.1 Ktat aod I nsuranee Broker, From street, opposite the Hum llnuu. T OST. A doe wearing a chain and eol I A lar. with a alaaa or wblta eja Ke- turn to 11 A Irviue, Albany, Or. JL room, with or withoat piano, fur thre months. Inquire at this office. W It BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery, ALBANY. - OREGON. Collections promptly mad on all point tVoananeotiation asonaDia terms. McNEIL & HILL DO Oeneral BlacksiiutMnj AT THEIR SHOP, Curnerof Second & K'.ls worth Street. They are prepared to do anything brought to tnm at raonDi prioea. RedCrownMills SOM, LASXIXG & C:M MOPE'S. aw raocM rtoca acrutioa rot, hamimis Atn bakiu cu. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. A New Repair Shop Ilea jmt lea opened on Firat ttreet, ep Doeit the Roee houea, where y.a eao get al kind of broken article tnendl, clock naa Wort aa aod loeka repaired, key titled, die rk tom the country promptly atlaodea The following i a partial liat of city and farm property lor ' by a. 4 animproyed lota on 5th Street. Eaca $500. 1 lot with boa two (toriea on 4th 'and Jackeon Sr. 12200. noaae with 5 room, lit St. f 1800. 1 lot on Washington St, $SSO. 3vauant I U on 3rd St. Fcb, $S00. A good farm of 410 acre 2 milea from Haleey. 30 per acre. Cao be divided and will make two good farm. A good farm of 170 acre. 1 mile from Tao- fent, 8 milea fiom Albany. $40 per acre. Good farm of 140 acrei,3 Oiilee from Sbe-ld. Price, $5000. A good tnok farm, 2 milea from Shedd, 160 acre. $2500. A new cottage with ix room, large lot Price, $1 COO. Several tra&ta of 5 and 10 acre loU.oue aud , a half n lie from Albany . $300 per acre. A good atock farm, 1300 acre, 3 mile from R K eUUon. $4 per cre. A bargain. Farm 3 mile from Sbedd,rirst-cla wheat 'and fro it land, 140 acrea. rrice,$5000. 825 acre 4 mile from R R. $30 ver acre. Co be aold in lot o ui, purobaeera. Block and lota in Towneend' addition to Albany. " -i ' AG EST FOR Aetna Fire Insurance Co., - Total Assets $9,780,751,65, Strongest Company doing baaineaa In the UNITED STATES. TOWNSEXD&WILSOX, Real Eatat Broker. Doburg Lumber. I aell the best lumber in the ceontyj alto eedar poeta, (bingles, lath door and win dow mooldinff, t. Pricee from $3 to '22 per thonaand. Yard at ItWenn, on the Narrow Gange. See Die before porcbaiing aliewbere. W W Crawtord. addreae, P O Tallman, Or S.W.Paisley, lAlbaay, ngoa. WU3L.E41LE DEALER 11 Tobacco and Cigars. Ordor lolioited from i he trade. Dtt. C A. WHITftEY, Physician and Sargeaa. Graduate of Bella vne Hoepital ifedlcal l!age Mow Yerk City. Diaeaaee of womaa a apeoia ty . aVOIBe rumaq' Brick, Albany, Or. J. 7. Whiting, Artist. Ins ruction given, and work exe. euted in Landscape, Portrait and De- corativePaintingf.Lettering.Designing and mechanical Drawing. Rooms 8 and 9, Fo s ter Block, Al. I any Or VVtley Am Itlmsey, ALBANY, oBliiiON. TVe Only Complete Set of Abstract books and Maps in Linn County. jseT'OfHoe la tbe Court.!Iouse,"fBk, Banlnesa ntriKted to ave ttmmptan careful attention FOR UEl DULY! re-ITIVC Fer LOST er TATLI0 HAlTHOOBi A rlil 1 1 B C OexnU and VEBV00B BIlITYf TIT? 'WckMe Blynd Kind: Effect V J J of Error, or Exna.lM i Ola or laung, I jif f rrari liimtln. K.K,CUI(VltUI)-rD (IKIItt a PAHTHof BOlH. urw.n full. If M t. B.lar.. UilS it L. HILL, Physiciai and Smeon, Otflco or. h and Ferry BtreeU, ALBANY- OREGON CURES PERMANENTLY gatTerett Veer la Tela. 14 Sumner St., CWrtland, Ohio, Ant. 11. ISM. In 1M1 t sprained ny arm cluublnt ctV aula; suffered year In pain and could not lift m arm. It wa Anally eyred ir Bt Jaret Oil JACOB KTZKSsfrKKOgM. Testimonial Cheerfully Iteaewed. Chronic Case e the He t Cure. fyee WAiriTAik3a' RmROAT VdDnds,CIjt3.Swelungs SupeIydPepir)Qnentiy byDRUOOI3Tt AND DEALER K TU CHAS.A.VOCELER Co. BAITO. Mo THE YAQUINA UOUTK. gnu Development Cotrphny'a Steam ship Lino. 25 MILES SU0i.T... 20 HOURS LESS TIME ar.n by any other it ate. Pir4-olae turtiujrli iiiutoniir and relirht line from Portland and all point Hie Willamette Valley to Ntid from San Pranolaoo, Cnl. The Oregon Facltlo ataiutxata on the m.niMu rtvnr divitlon will leave Port and, Souan bound, Monday, Wednesday and KrtrtavatOa. nt. Ann e t Corvallt. fueaday, Tburaday and Mm irtUy at 8:St p. m. Leave Corvallla, Noith bound Monday. Wednesday and Frlliy at S a dj. Arrive at tortland Tuesday, Thurt day and SitunUy at 3:30 p. u. On Mon day, Wednedy and Friday, both North and South tKun l bo will bo over night at, leaving here at 0 a. m. Boa' make clone connection at Alban 1U uatna of the Oregon Pacltto lUllroad. TIM It (HIHICOt'LR. ((-puiUi) Ue At-anr 1) f. ... Vnuln, A. krrl. T-Httiius M.j Arrive Albny. . O. C. tralea ai Albany and Oorvallla. Tho above tralna cnne-tat Yaouina with the Oregon iwveiopmeui J tViinpaoy'a Line of toniuhl botaeen Yapuna ana 'n r rem inuu, ritoa t'i. rumlloa. April eth. Wi.Uun.tte V'l. , May 4lh. rrlh.M.ylKh. wtttuiwtie vti. y rrallon, Cy at!i. rac 4 KOUKU I'umII, Vailvy.ApiU 2Mh. Faiwlli'n. May Mh, Willamette Vallev, My th. FaralUm. May Un. W UluiwtW Vhy. My !Hh. Tbe Companv rMtotve .he ngot to Ibaniie eailiun iw mum u...,..,. li.H. Paeng.ra from Pordanu aod f UlameUe Va.ley points can make eUwe onneoUn with the trains of the Yan,ulua root at Albauv or Oorvallls, and II Ue Oned lo San Kran i should arrange to rrlve at Yaci Jiua tha evening txifore cUle frauiny. exacrr aaJ l.rUkl Kate elwai l Uol rkrt, All... or tu C II . J r , O K. ..iL'u m i'H.ii-im.17 j e.P. Art.. Ore.o Orvclof. A.O r. t Azn . Curve).!. OVERLAND U ZkUfUM -VIA Southorc Pacific Conpany's Line. THE M0UST"si!ASTA IIOUTE. betn Al!-y '! r.tnHac-.. S5 h-.ur. cauroaai. xrrB 11 t tea " elwcea (r-rtlneU ! See rrl. a uu i ; '..rtt, l.uur. a. j.lar a Lv Ar CurUaiul Albmy Ar Lv to i a U:j a a 7:uo r a uru. ni oaitr ,Hacct dumiaj). l;9li U ll.VIt I Lv :iur (Ar KuitlaiMl Albany tuKtito Ar 3:t! r a U 11 Si a a L. B U0 1 imiwi aaaacu. H.iOr I L fxfita I Ar l&ow a I Lit 1MII Ar 7:30 a I Lv a I Ar r 1 6.1 Lt I v a s ibk a Aiuoiy tvliauou Ailwijr LciMiion r I I;I4 Lit I o a Art :ir a L 1 8:10 ' " PULLMAh BUPFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, -r cm:''IIw AeeemM'laM raxe en, atlaekrilt Kre Train. Tae S. f. C' lerry iakMinellon with all the ezular train n t a"1' liUwe (roio lu..t uf f.lHreet, "-TtUn.V. ei Ride Llll. ETHKK roKTLAMW Al . Maa T.s a'" lExwptHonoay.-) M a a :it r a Port and Curv Ar I :M t a Lv 1:30 r Ar iniia oait-r (Eej,.8utdiy. l:eo r a 0 rs Lv Ar p..rtliil UcMinnvtll. Ar Lv I t.OO a a fc.U a a Throui h Tickets To all poliiU BOUT I ANr BAST VIA CALIFORNIA. tin lui. luf'rintlon rW, man, to. all on Vminv Aent at ATiany. KOr-.llLKB P. OGE.B , Hwwirer 't O- n1 p- a. utiDtrn MAY it SENDERS, tealers in General Ibrnan&k-e. HARR1SBURC - - 0REC3H Albany IRONWORKS -ManofacturerK ' 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AH 3 SAW MILL MACHINERY I80H FRONTS AKO ALL KIFD3 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. tibial attention jald o . pnlrliiK l da of machiner PaWos Made on Short Notice. FOSKAY & MASON, vinutai. as aarau, Druggists and Bookseilf j-h, a ta for John It, Alden'a publication, blob we aell pbliaher'a prieee wilt tiUjteaa'''"' ALBANY. OKKUOI Pouiity Wanted, ). Alt klndsof poultry, alive or dreaxea famed at tbe Willamette P ickir.g Cora pany'a Store. Albany, OregaL. Beat roaat ooffee in the city at : Conrad eyera - uiihc mortal OA UK OP TIIK IIA MW, So III kept liaiuli In hut bathing mnp uvU with luiU a toitHpiKinful of linrax lit the water, which act wonderfully lit re moving Krlmc, The holler the witter the tooiu-r it will remove (i line and oKl purtl cle. I tl.luk the ui of a ntlff bi'imti on he bck of the haiuU, a well n the iie o xnnellite atnlht, fotert the growth , ( hair Thoc who hnve uneO tho ruhber linnd hnmhe will n?ver uiint anything ele. RublxT clings to the nul fiicv w ith a ourt ol auction, and CHirlet away every trace of grime with It, The common waiting powder of dirfoirnt iiauic quickly blench the ImtuU, but leave them l.arli nn,l thy union rubbed w !th lemon juice or vluegnr and water. A trong olullin of oxalic acid ahoulj he kept to remove deep utiiln which result from cutttt'.g fruit or veg etnble. though there arc few whhh iCkUt waniilng todu. An EuglUh reili fr keelugtlie hund mooth, which U, two tnblcapo )nful of lemon juice, one of glycerine ami the name of almond oil eolorlcntl oil by the way, tor experience lend renton to the hloa that mail oil and vanellnc ilWciW an J djrko h.tiuU En fMHi.tiU, livt IkH tilth nightly, and purgative wUh core, are the beit regime to ecure white hainU. Koney balsom U a nice prcparitU-m ICng. lUh lady' inniJ comrouud to whiten and often hand. It U made of eight table poonfut c( pate t rained honey heated gentlv,nd two tnblc.poontul of vegetable glycerine melted Into It; when cold, two tahlcupoonf 'W of rectified h it and threu dram of pure cilrla acid are added, with a lew droptoi anv rich eence to perfume DUnulve the aill cryktat In the -plrlt be fore pouring into the other mixture, and bottle at once. TIIK OA I'M K OF THOMPSON HKFKAT. It wutild have teen a pleasant tiling on the part of Democrat to allow 1 I' Thout'on to lie umlututbcd in the grave where he o deeply buried lat Monday, but the OrrfMa will it othcrwie. In a long, tediou mtiilc it nttempti to giye the cauic of the defeat ly M)ing that alt the in the, all the im,' and recalcitrant icpul'licaiu witS IiIcikI in their eye iccking r-.ven, made tip the "combine" that led Innnyrr lo victoiy. It that "Mr Thopon i looked upon throughout tlicitate a irpicucnlativc of the gruth an 1 l.uinc and wealth of 1'oilland." in tin. the O,r0H;.ia i wufully nt faul'. l!y a targe clan of people thioughout the !a;, j natalily conKicntiou iepu'.!kana he i le girueu a a grasping mo icy gcltci, ana not at,cM:ntut.veof the g.owth , , . , , , . . and wealth of Toitland. I o call the ronicn- tiou republican latmci ol I .mn county wlioj voted for I'cnnoycr lat Monday "crank." U j iiinjdy a gratuitous inu!t otfcicd them by the jtevonuiH a the oiiiy way in wtntti it may vent it nt up j 'ccn. Itcieina nur ahcll i the caure of l'cnnoyei' election: He haj made a afe, taicful txetu.ive duiing the lat four ycai. A Uogc majoiity of the people te gard hiina l onctt. Handled of republican vulci all over the Mate wcie afiai l lo tiu t Thompkiii. Hi at life led many lo icgaid him s utititierl fr tl:r lace Thi i alt time wa of it. It i t a lie hoped the Ortitniun will let 1 honspton ie. He i now a riivatc I citucn. I IIOW.II Attn LOI II H M All I Many people uudentand, of toaine, how j haircloth ia made, but for the edification o' I ik.u. Un .!.. u . - :ti - ..i . : .1.- . . In the fust Uce, homchair cm not be i!fd. It rc;c! coloiing mattei; ti lo make black cloih it i ncccstary to k-iuic ratuiat l la-k hair. The I.Oixs, in n.sny case al.aolutcly wiid, running unrestrained, ::ic led and iliorn. Of couite htck liair in prefer able, but omctiinc jjiay Ho k i utilued. Not only the tail, but aUo llic iiame ate tut; the hair i bunched. Theae buoche cldom contain hair of lc length than two feet; some aie even three and 3.'a feet, and the t!.icknc of the buncht U uiuj'dy to or it. tee incite. The huir cloth looms are provided wi.h what we may call a nipper, in place of ahuttle, and the nipper it to finely actuated t'.at it tiavcU acnM the warp and cics from the bum he one hair only thciawiof the nil per bein loo fine to gtaup mere than one and curie it aciof tlie welt thread, dropping it into it ' exact plate The action of (he loem mechant cally force the hair next to it piedctewor, the warp crouc upon it, nug1y hoMt it in it p!ace,thr nipper travel luck and eue anoth. er, and o en and on. The delicacy and al- i moil human occut.i, with which each ncpaiaie hair is placed lctwecn i lie thread in really inci edible. livery body amokc in Japan. The pipe hold a little wad of fric-cul tobacco 111 bij; a a pea It I fired, a"d the ainokrr take one long whiff, blowing the moke hi a cloud from hi mouth and noc. The I ladie have pipe w ith longer tcm than the men, and if one of them wIhI cr to how a gentleman a special mark of favor he light, her pipe, take half a whiff, hand It lo him and let hbn finixti out the whiff. . 1 Different cIukhc of Mb'anc; have beee foend to effect the organs of tn.te in tfie following order: bitter, aclJ, saline lub.tancca, v eeU and alkalies. The taste nerve are nearly 2000 time n scn'llive to quinine i to sugar. Expert claim that if steel 1. Sips arc kept properly painted with good paint, and the piatc prooerly "pickled," they would last a long as iron, otherwise they would de eriorate more rapidly than Iron hlp. Gift En rKKi'iasK. (jo ami see tha 1 ea ut i fill gold watch at tlie "Golden Hule. liuanr." Jtiliun Grttdwohl the proprietor of tl'.e (iohlen Itulo I!aziiKr,in foruiH U8 that hi br.a the l'rize liukitig l'owder, and Ifo I Japan tea, exprewjly up for iiia biiHiiiiHs, and for the ljcnelit of Iiia ctiHtomerp, each lox of baking powder will win a piece of fine glarwwore and alno each pound of the tea will win a piece of fine glnenware, and customers who buy one pound of tea or a Imjx of baking powder, which in warranted, will have a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He has alrto added t. fine assort ment of family groceries to bin inain rnouth stock of glimaware and crockery, which U the largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at the Golden Rule Hajtaar, and you will find that nothing ig miHreprepented. If vou want eithur to boy or tll ynor property place the same in Ihu brnd of it V Athby til Co. For Salic. Seven fresh cow for dale cheap. Inquire at this office. The heat hues of 5ind 10 cent uiiai in the city aret. be fouud at Couu & I lend ne mo'. A Barbaim. Boudoir paper, large package, only 10 cent at Uubb.'.rd' drug steie. Bucklen' Arnica Salve. Thy belt Salve In the world f ir Cut.K,nru!4.,Sore Ulcer, 8lt Rheum, Fever ro., Tetter, Ohappl nnl, C'hilhlalns, Corn, and all Bkln Criuitlu and potiilrelyenr eil,or no y rs'iiiro.l. It ia guar uteed to fir ati8fautioH, or money lefund d. Frioe it eais per hex. I'or at.' by Foihay and Mu ... 10 oer cent off on ali -u.h ale for 1 ext. 30 days-at W F Head'. . , tbe A ttla Kobbery, San Francisco, June 6, Upon emtmlntt . lion made of cctlain portion of the wall of 1 1 new city hull, the rcmilt thow that wall, mipponcd to lie ol iolid In it k, four feel In thick ben, were found in place to be filled In with Male mortar, land, lnoken lingment of brick and other rutil:ih. It i eMimaled t!i"t 1, 500,000 hilck were not put in according to rotiiini t The loo lo the city W alxiut I40, oxi, Further liivettinlionii arc lo be made. A ttrtilal WHlraae, llKi tiRAUK, June 6. Ti e recent nttnek of the A in nuts on a Servinn village on the dunl in, prove lo have been an unprovoked and bittlul onlinne. The inhabitant weia ihiven out of ll'eir holme in Ilia dead of ninlit by a InUe iiliiim of lire, for the purtmncol murdering tlirm. (lut of a Kiiulation of one hundred, lifUtti wtic killed, thiityuve were woumied 4 iniiitlilrl Dnlrlile. l!f 1 I K, Mont., June 6. W V l'inley cmn- mitled tuii iiie at hi home on lower Main strict. Hi wife and a daughter, ti(;cd 16, mil beet nt the t'oinicuc Theater. Tlieycnme home eaily in the morning and found Mr I'ulry intoxicated, with a pintol in ptx'kct, and u ing tlueiitrning Inngiiiigc. They took refuge at a ncighhoi '1 houitr,whete they lcpt till noon lu dny, whrn they ngttin touglit their home and were horiilird lo hnd the hunlmtid and father dead on the floor with a bullet hole tluoiigh hi lift temple. W j Haesrd, l um i ANH May 6, "I'cilio" the Indian convicted of the murder of n half breed woman on the I'matilla rceivntion,nd wnlcrred Jan 30th, mi hanged here lo day by the Fedeial authoiities, AMiMed by county officer. Tne execution took place in a wood hcd of thecuun ty jail, Alter lacing thoe jireeit he ike nU'itt Irn minute in t liiuook. which wa in triineted by deputy nhcrifl Mituer, aying that God knew lie inniKent; that he ("id not kill the woman and God knew he poke the tiuth. 4a iiiraan teuinil.kiuarr. i:t'i:K.K, Dr., June 6. lion M Wilkin, o thi county, to day fe-rtived hi commiion, United State Commiuioner from Oregon lo v oil.l !. lie expect to go in C hicage in a thoit time to attend the meeting of the cum miMonri. A a I tlllarlal ( tmlnr. A I. van v, N Y June 6. Among the bill aigncd by the governor to day wa one exempt ing cilitoi and rejKxtei of ncwupapcr fioin juiy duty in .Sew oik City. CUe Mere. Yamun;ion, June 5 Senator Mitehel ha ollcicd the fulloMiug amendment lo the river and haibor bill now under comudctatiun in the ncimte committee on comcrc c: To in- crcate the Lioptiatiun fo the mouth of the Columbia riv'r to $7S.OCO: to im reaee the appiopriatiun f.n the canal and at the Cc4te to 8750,000; to inrrrane the appi piiation for 'I ill.uiKHik entfnic ami bay fiom $oo in the Ihhkc bill lo $10,000; lo piovi.le '.'7 ",e I l"l"" " e 1 Iictweru 1 lunniigtoii, Oiegon, and Seven li.vii Miniiii: di.tuci, Idaho, in uivcr and iiupiovciMcnt.; to miteatc the liuute bill lor L ,","m,e ' 1 a,"m fiJS- eJoo.ouO; to innca.e the appiopiution loi Coo, lMy (unl , JJ0o0 lo JljO,0uo. An i:tlea rillt.Al'tl l lllA, June 5. About 4 o'clock this aflcinoon an caj knion occulted in the tank of 'he tcamcr llantankutt King at the Atlantic Oil Helming Company' Jock at I'oint llntif. The vcci wa ruined and Siai.oOo gallon of oil, together with consider able wbaif piopetty a ite:ttoycd by hie wh-ch loulicd fiom the cp!oion, Ihiiteenj o 1c wetc cither killed 01 ii'jaic I. ol Braiaard, Van t t in, Vah., June 5. Lieutenant 1) 1. ittainaid, of the Second cavalty, arrived here "hi evening, fiom Krtio, Ncv., in charge uf mine cavaliy Itwiac lc'.ngiug 'o hi irgi mcnl, whiih he btcuuh. fiom I" oil llidwcll. Cat., far the uc of the tiooji of the rour'.b cavaliy, mon 10 be tlaiioned at Vancouver battacW. lie will remain at that t a lew day and the a depart lor Ationa lo joint hi regiment, rwcntly otdrtcl there. I'lulMiity but very lew reailing of Lieutenant Ittainaid, would recall to mind the Seigeant Htaman! who airoiti smcd (jiecly's expkrting txpcildi lion to the Notlh 1'oie in 1SS1, tnd who i 10 day Ihe only kuivivor ol that (iciilou under taking, who ran jiutty liaol of the hcioic feat of attaining the "(ullir-.i north." Arter Bum stall I'lajri. C'l RVti.AMi June 5. A heavy tain aod hail iioim, with lightning and thunder, broke over the ci'y at 4 o'clock thi afternoon. Hail a latgc;a hukoty nut s-.aticrrd window gbu and did other damage. At the goundl ol the 1 layci liaetail league lightning struck 4 llagofl on I he grand I, and three or four pcitim wete ptotraied by the shock, A minute after the hut lnk a second one lote up the gi ol the diamond, ind then aiinoil thrown i-nu a panic. Jedae Itrss), SaiV Fhancik'O, June $ A letter ftotn j Seoul, Cotea, tetcitcd by Ihe ateamcr City of rcking la -.t night, a: Mr I icnn)' engagrmert U concluded and he ha been piepar'ng to leave for home,but the king, who h&s always had the uimol confid ence in him. notwithstanding all the endcavot of the Chinese le.idcni, Yuan, to get him oul sled; is doing ait he can to get Mr Ihrnny to renew his engagement. Tin he ha consent ed loiloo cctlain condition, which have not yet been complied with, but meanwhile the king, at leant, 1 decided that Mr !enny shall not go. aarveyer Vrarral llyar.. W'ASHlNtiTO.v, I) C, June 4. The previ- dent to day sent to the senate the following nomination: V Hcnty Hyar lo be Surveyor General of Oregon, la Kaltaonab anly. I'oKlt.ASt), June 4, Pcnnoyer doe not carry this county at was claimed yeoterday. Complete returns fmm all precincts in Multno mah county except two, give Tliomj ton a net majority of 1 77. , C'yrloae. Lincoln, Nch.,June4. The state Journal party returned fiom the scene of the tornado in Iiradshaw, York county, thi evening, and brought confirmation of the worst report re ciived. The storm struck the town at 8:30 Tuesday evening, the iosr of '.he whirlwind be ing the first notice the terrified people hcaru. Not a single building is left, a Rusian let' le nient near towji was struck and the report is that nine were killed outiight. I'hysicians say that in all twelve are dead, eight mortally wounded and perhaps twenty are hurt less seriously. Ilea tea Cuealy, . Salem, June 4. The official vcte in Mario.i county give Thompson a majority of 17, Met, chan 613, McElroy 856, Baker 578, liean 783, Hermann 921 Ilingipam 573, Waldo 770, VBt. son 486, Croisnn 1173, Iishcock 587, McNary 632, Contlil 764, Cleaver 119, Yoder 1 79, Cul ver 607, Stotl 434' Cross 768 . I Iolme,dem ocrut, lor representative, had a majority of 6. Honey and ilirsch, republicans, were elected to the senate, and Armstrong, IJaker.Geer and Minto, republicans, were elected to the house, The largest number of vote cast for (a union candidate wa 348,for llibbard for representa tive. Lane County, Eugene, June 4. The returns are in for the enti-e county, which give l'cnnoyer a ma jority of 344, and Hermann a majority of 328; liean, for supreme judge, has a majority of 426, The remainder of the republican itate ticket has a majority of about 200. Cf the county ticket, the republican r.Vot two repre sentatives, A C Jennings and Ja- per Wilkins, the clerk, treaturer.surveyor and corory-r. The democrats elect state senator, R M Veatch, cr.c representative, E P Coleman.stu. 'i',chool Fi'periu'endcnt, assessor and county com mis sion, Irn ton County, Corvallis, June 4. Return from all pre cincts in thia county giv majorities for Pen noyer 269, Hermann 219, McBridc 96, and balance of state ticket republican by about 100. The republicans carry the legislature by about 1 5. also the county ticket, except sheriff, treas urer assessor 1 and commissioner, which are democratic, Mackay, Dem., for sheriff, carried the county by only 5 majority. . The democrats are having a big ratification to n'ght. - Anvils are firing and a huge bonfire is burning in Main street. , . r.. J W Bentloy. best boot and shoe maker in pity, opooaite Fortmiller & Iryinx's. , COI NTf t'OI HT rBOt'EEDINtia. (D. R. N. rtlaukhurn, Jmltf ; B. W. Conr and O W I'bllll, UuinniMonera.) " Contl until timttiT of Mil of Y A Yoat IU; bill of 11 llarrli) $'.'! 42; K 0 Jack son ll 62; llainilUm A Andrew $3, Application of J A Zimmerman nml oilier for county nmd, granted, and B y Dawmni, I. W liuyoe and tl vV Hiinimoti npiiointcil vluwcrH, and f(H nlluwcd. Aiplirutioit of Anion ilryun ami otliora for con nly road antl viewer fee allowed. Contract for kocplng county pmir wan awarded to lhinlul ilart nt $2 45 vt wpek. In matter of repairing brlilgv uc.rm the C'nlapoola nt ('rawlordxvillo anil Ih twceii C'rawfonhivilhi and Hwect Hume; contriift lot to tl W Taylor at $103. The following lull were allowed : Albany Klwctrle Light Co $ 27 W) O D Montague, aid Kelt family 1ft (Ml It (ihiMH, aiil to poor 10 (Ml J S DavlHcouiity poor H2 40 I1W Sinitli. work on iail 22 117 John Hmalltiioii, foe 51)114 Johy Hiiialliiion 7 4fi Kii'iiarda Ac l'liimppM, luiiot uxm zi II l'arwi'll.Kitliiry. . . . K V Jackaoii. IiiiiiIkt V WHpliika " W W ("rawford Max Friendly " I'edy ,V Snlldlier " (i W Wheeler " Joint lloll'lllllll, fet'M Hamilton & Andrew aid Mor. . K K Moiilaiftie. fee a (Ml 27 Wi 2tl 14 INI (Ml 77 M 4 4H 10 no 10 (X) HH 10 j Matter of . I no Carroll (limine. . I I 00 Mailer ol P. J liU'keiiH ltiHune.. K T T Fittlier, aurveyor I, M Curl, ex tciiclier FM Mitchell ex " W(! Powell ex " I, M Curl, aalary ami poHtnge. . John Under, janitor Jan Fitzwater, keeping Filxwuter PulHlev Ac Finli, printing II H Moyer, IiiiiiIkt (1 F Crawford, aid Mr Holx rU 14 00 4i no It (Ml 10 no n r.o r-i no 3 00 a 00 10 23 f4 10 S (HI Udien Aid Society aid lmg finy 10 K) O PCoxhow, aid Hale family.. 10 (HI (1 C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark 00 DUN ltlackburn loo ) raKmrr iikkk. Following la a lint of all the precinct officer, according to the nttiriiH can vaKnc4 yeaterduy itfternxiii Juatice. Countable AMIASY. Ueorgo lluiuplirey (Ml llurkliart riNt Kit CHKICK J II F.dward J S Humilton i h Awroiiiiavii.i.e HulH-rt (itawi II II Sot t IIHOWXNVII.I.K. K 1 Jolinnoit K l YaiiHagen fit Nkl.l Hl'TrX. John Curl Ia-o IHlyeu Willi Poller Tho Morgan A Sender rx VAM.RV. Henry Lyon W J Stewart I. iMtgla iuij-ev. liAkaiKiit k". I.I.BMS. oat Kami. S (I Wallace W II Crawford It F Zeigh r J A Ivd.kin lavhl Sherer J W Garrett fkoHK. MiH'K t U:KK. WJ Wlgga Wmt'yrua A Savage K I. Sliepl.erd J K I'dlycu or G W lluimaker W llra.ll.-y Ml'to. HtXTIAV. Kt H t'HK Mllil. KWrKTMowk, TtSOfcNT. w At a too. ! J T Joiit-a Geo Conner W W Ytttiti H W Hearing J M lieard S llul.lU on J W r.llin..n R V W,tkii A Ilarnea W A Gh uwiii AnT Al UNV. W II Warner Frank Cam pi ell WfeT AI.HASV, JRWyatt tSWI'urkbart TKiaUTror iturttt. Wukukak, In the iiiitlnt of u fuluen and active life, our eetcemed and iiumt dearly In lovetl brtdher Knight, Charle It. Sjiencer, who, after a lingering eick ncitu, wa on the morning of the 24th day of May, DVJO, Pythian Period XXVII. taken by death from our inidnt to appear in the prewnce of the Supreme Judge of the I niverre, to give account of hi Hb'wardidiip and to receive the reward of a faithful and well H-nt life in the aer vice of hi lxrd ami Creator ; therefore, in eoiiNideration of hi many virtue and amiable ouahtie, be it Ittfaolvutl, That by the death of our le loved brother, Knight Spencer, a bright utar ami valiant Knight of Laurel Lodge, No. 7. Kiiitfl'tnof Pylhiaa.lia been taken from um, and to tin it ia left to mourn the irreparable loioi. Rceolvcd, That thi community ha loet a tiioet amiable, honorable and eati inuldo citizen, hi many devoted friend a genial ami nodal eoinpanion, and hi liereft little daughter, mother ami muter, a kind, indulgent ami loving father, eon ami brother. Hegolved, That in token of our mot profound reepect to Ihe memory of our beloved Knightly brother, w hom- memo ry weahall ever delight tochenidi ami revere, the ('untie Hall of laurel Ixxhie lie appropriately draped in mourning lor tlie jiertKl 01 tinny lttv. Reaolved, That the bereft inother.little daughter and aiter of our deceaoed Pv- tliiuii brother have ouriuoetaincere eym iathy in thi dark hour of nalneK, in the IoriH of ao preciouH a jewel ; but we com mend them to our Heavenly Father, re memliering that all things work together lor good to them that love (iod. lU'MolvtHl, That a copy of thee rcnolu tiong lie furniHhed to the family of our deceaned Pythian brother. Cha. 11. Sju ncer, and alno a copy be furniahed to cb'.-ii ui our city puprrH lor puuiicaiion, Gko. W. Wright, . 2. K. I'koi'bt, tt. W. HcH'llrlTEIlI.EB, Committee. JIBV llT. Following Is a list of Jurymen drawn for the Circuit Court which convene In thi cily June 23J, . Albany, West A W Gordan, Geo II Warren, Oliver Bushr.ell, Adam Settle in Ire. Albany .East S Shunp, MartMiller, II A Stanr rd.J U HuRhe,J W Propst. Brownsville R 11 Grover, A M Tern pleton. Franklin Butte H Myer, Newton Crabtree, Long John 1111 veu. fialsey Caleb Grav, B Cummlrgs. Harrikburg John 'Galne, E J Wlt loimhby, Liberty John Power. Lebanon U F Ulodgett. Orleun Jo. Yate. Win. Sherer. Rock Creek E A Horton. Sweet Home O II Runell. Santiam J A Richardson, J II Peery, L Stringer. Sclo J F Follia. Shedd John W Pugh. Waterloo J G Reed.Peter Lewi. KB4S, EsTATK BAlEi. J W Pugh toIsabelleMlchell.sacre 13 w 3 300 H Bryant to J B Fisher, lot 9. bl 1 1, B' A to Albany 00 J S Antonelle to A Everett Ball, 25 feet front First St, bl 9 3350 Maggie Blackman to Wm A Frey, lot 1, bl 1, B' A 75 Albany (Jem Assn to John Medin, 1 lot, cemetery 25 Anna M Houck to Mildred A Bur- mektir, lots 15, 16, bl i.H's A.. 300 Total for year $1 ,609,63 a During ten day six mortgage were re corded. Total consideration, $6,600. lion have a big stock to seleot from at J FlPowelloiCo' 5 can Golden Star tomatoes for 60 eeuta at 0 V syers, and all other, canned goods cheap 'or cash. . , , m m m IOO F. Albany Lodge No 4 hold It regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week.. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. " Minrira, The reatilt nultn a mnlurltv of tlm oor- pie, and wlmt'H the ottda If a few have tho uynpepitln. An exchange ueta lntn of crnmba out of the remark: " WHll lieat'ein next time." The tnnn who lives on "next times" soon becomes a skeleton. Homo one wants to know why It is that in this rushing ngn when people are al ways In ho in iu-Ii of a hurry the old gen tlemen are always secured to count the votes. Though tliev ito slow thev caiier- ally go pretty sure. Like mining stocks and town lots straw- lierries fluctuate In price, and like the Ignis fultius Ix'foro you know it they are gone. We know a person who Is never so well as during tho straw licrry season, a fit time to take tho census. Several Oregon cities have lieen telling what their populations would be reckon ing irom the nitiiiiK-r ol voles In the city precincts. As the precincts go several miles into the country the test is a very poor ami ttiireiiaoie otic. In 1888 the total vote in Kast and West Albany was Hvt, This year the vote in the same territory, now covered by four precincts was iooo, showing an increase of )tt votes, Indicating an increase in Mipulatioii of about l3S",tt healthy show ng. Klectlott bills in Oregon seem uretty large to some people; but in Kngland they would be trilling affairs to the man running for a scat in Parliament. There with fewer to buy the price Is enormously high. Men with proerty do not sell tneir votes lor f.&o pieces. Most men bad rather pay their way in this world than not. One of the other kind came to light on the Haleni exctir sion. He Jumped on the thougl unseen, without a ticket; but lie was spotted, mid on returning was watched and asked lor a ticket al the gang plank Not having it be Itocked away and re turned by some other conveyance. Com tuent is not tiecesHnry In such a case An Albany man who stooped at a Sa lem hotel a few days ago over night, says he was charged $1.50 for a lied. That was pretty high even in a kigh hotel ATJK CI UK AT 1. A tire Bee 4 twees Tbrm. Allttle after 3 o'clockFrlday morning young man sleeping In the second dory of the building adjoining Frank Mack 1 barber hop, smelt smoke coming up from the khop, and baMlly Urclng discovered that Ihe iiikide ol the ahop wa til flame. An alarm wa given, and the citizen turned out ctiitic. It looked a If the previous fire, jut aero the ttreet, would be repeated; but the fire company did the brut work In It hutory, inotigit not ait ed by the county candidate, aud saved the aJjoinlng building by some splendid ( work. Mack barber kliop, lliougli, wa 1 entirety con.oincd, not a to el even bring saved. !ll lo amounicu o yjoo, 1.0 in urance. The building wa owned by Ate. Montgomery and wa valued at $J$o. It walnured In the Fanners Merchant Insurance Co., of Albany. I he tire wa the work ot an Incendiary, and thcie I no doubt Sclo ha a fire bug. A man wa heard jul previous to the lire Initial vicinity, and there are some clr- cuin.taiicc lo Indicate that c may be . dcnlltied. The people there are confident trie villain I 'he san.e one w ho caused the other fire and nothing will be left undone lo capture him. Mr r rank Mack wa in tne cuy tins morning, and ays the Indignation there I great TBI HIMktB. P-ul la I r Or., June 7. Frtlghl train coming north wrecked to day about three fourth uf a mile south ol H I' pawenger depot at this el'y. Two brakemen were Injured, one pci'hap fatally. The wreck wa cauM-d by running into a nana 01 hore while makimr a "riving switch". The engine and a fw car kiruck the horc but did not leave the track. Ti.e remaining portion ol the train tun Into an other tioisc andcaukcdthe wreck. Five or Ix car arc one tna of dcbrl and It will probably bctwodav before train can pa thi point I-ttcal train will transfer mall and rxprcand run to Poitlnrd thi after- noo,i. tealb el Hen Vfm t'jre. Hon William Cyru. of Seio, died at hi home in that tow n on Friday evening at a quarter paat ten o'clock. Injring the day he w a at work hoeing in the gnrden, w hen he wa struck with paraly se and noon Ucatnc uiieoiicioti aul lingered in that elate until lie died. Mr Cyru wa born of Knglifih ami Scotch parent, in Granger county, Tenneawee, 011 the 17th day of Iierember, IMQ. lie erowHtl the tdaiu to Orcimu in JK47 and ha reeitled here ever itince. In ISCO he wa ekcti-d a mate senator front Linn county, and in lHTa he wa elected coun ty eommitoner, 1h.Hi of which place lie tilled to the eat infliction ol the iM-ople of the county, lie wa married three time. Hi lirxt wife was Mary A Dea- kin, a native of Indiana. By her he bad aeven girl and three boys, lligeeeond wife wa Jano llrinco. by w bom he had one daughter and two song. Hi third wife wa Margaret II Chaiton, who sur vive him. Mr Cyrus wait a devoted tiicmttcr of the lluplUt church, a leading granger, a inont exemplary and useful man in his vicinity. He had many I mucin but 110 enemica. He was a man of strict public and private integrity and wa a model man in tbe lieat sense of that word. A larue circle of friends ex tend their heartfelt syuiiiathy to the family in thi their hour of sorrow and bereavement. Funeral services will take place to morrow at Providence church at 11 o'elock. (Boon 4-aiNTr. June 4th, 18U0. I herewith send you the result of the election in this county as far as known tin to dute, 1 o'clock a. ni. : Miller about 150 inaioritv: lVnnnver. SAO maturity : Webb, 130 majority; Bonhain.lSO major ity; lowiiBend, IM majority, county ticket, a clean sweep from- 10 to 300 ma jority lor the Democrats. David Prine, well known throughout Hiii'iirikn uBAakirt lies l. a Vf ! 1 In mol f a tmllaw B njfWrfl4Al Y VIAU 11 IllftlllVVHV IVJ died of eonstimption, at Mitchell, this county, May 30th, 1800, aged 60 years. lie wa the man lor whom this place was named and has resided here for many years. THEY RATIFIED. Lebanon, Or., June 6. Lebanon rati fied the election of Pennoyer and the coun'v ticket last night bv the firing of anvils and music by the band. A large crowd was in attendance. Democrat. VALUABLE PltOPEKTY. s The Cusick Addition to Albany ha just been thrown on the market and will be sold at such price and terms as will enable the speculator to make good money. Thi property lies just this side of Goltra' Park; Is high and etghtly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a FlrstH street merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'Bon-ton' residence portion of the-clly." - Wallace & Cusick, the agents for thi property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator.' lieadlng Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all the negatives made by L W Clark and W II Oreeeweod up to Not 15th, 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem Only of as at reduced rates. We hays also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates ean be had at like rates. We carry the only fall line of view of this state and du enlarged work at lowest rates for first olaa work. We (halt be pleased to see yon at onr Studio in From an' block, next door to Masonio Temple. I10MK AND A Bitot II TIlVflADAY. DO Hdhnll. of thi city, receiynt the con tract for.buil linn the ltnon sonnol houe A tebiuraeh nlliu-i is to be established at Hodaville, the lim being extended tu that oily for tht purpoNr, Tina 1 not a evelone oountry and yet Stewart A Ho hve already aold live 01 six Complete MarailliU cyclone outlit. There niut le a solid foundation niider Albauv. for aftr tlrillinu alxmt rjj feet down rn Albany driller find hi irmtruinent refuse to (to farther. 11 K J iiiewav. the vouno man ntiluiiend to the peiiit'tiitaary for oprming U a nint Hliiom , In thU oojiiiy. lie oooti granreu rn liberty after a er reoidi uoe tline, A team belotiinng te Mr 1 lotan ran away thi forenoon. Urtiin ner tea )! iia r ollice aud stopping near the Kt Chaile. tint very much damage wa none. Mt KC i'hdllis ha l lxt gotten nut the annus! oataloue for the 'llrou Iustilute. It ia a neat puce of typfxraplilca) work, ami a well twak for that rxot limit ncliool, At the reuular monthly meeting of l.h Baletti Uuildliig and lian AeMiciatlon W.d- neadbv muht fJIKt.l w lontd. Ol tea'. sum 1'20 went for 72 trw.i tbV inti rot in od vanoe and f.i.! lor 03 inoiitli". oaliin Htatesman. Mif lua UobertKiU end Annie Klinn ar. rived laet evening from WaiUhur, Wish., where the former ha been teaching in the Academy and the latter attenditiK notion! there, having just graduated from the WaiU- barg AcLderny. Mr Fanning returned thi noou fiom her trip Kaat cooinpnied by a nephew. She tood the trip remarkably w l for 0110 old. Her brother whom she accompanied K.i'. wa eonslderably tired out by the trip. Mr Geo U I'ipei. of the real eatate firm of Piper, Lonway A Co., of Seattle, it in the city nnaweuk'a George hr.e r tit-l from the newspaper bii-in III brtl pr To! h just st tied the'ji) llarlxir Ti'.if with bnght prtwpeete ahead, John D via and Tom Morri. of Hwfi-t Home, paaaed through Lebanon tin week with fourteen head of horaee, en route lo the Seattle ntarket, which la reixted to be good for thi claea of stock. Wo are infuimed that they wilt engage in teaming at one of the Sound tnwn. Frank Link went with them Lebanon Kspres. It A Ykar One year ago to-day Ktr attl! great fire caTurred, ami now rhe in a tiiuch larger city, with greater oikI brigbU-r proejHft. A year work rium erott thing eouietimeM. K or V Elkctiok. Laurel Ixtde K ol P last evening elected the following ollicer for the ensuing term. W A McClaln. C C. W II Parkrr, V ti. (J W W rlghi, Prelate. Henry Clark, M A. Sot.ntr.Hi. Three train lod of soldier being transfcrcd from up the Columbia, pakc- through Albany lal evening and attracted some attention at the depot. Tlie Idea that thet were being tranfered lo flg'it the five Indian muiderer 1 a mWlake probably. Some of the odiccr were accompsnlcd by their famitie. Rev II P, of Sellw.od. t in the eity. The total vote in the two Corralli pre cincte wa 614 I D P Thoiioii? oh. y,, the, is the came of a steamer on the Columbia rive.. Tie Vote in S.p Crettk precioet, fro the rivr, i &. f(.r lVr.nojrr, and 2 f.-r D P Tin mpon. Tho D-ady, democi stio candidate fur ss aeewtr ol Clalap o uii', y, wa. in Imtj-five battle doriuK lb ar. The P.Ooer put hsbnetha lut T. L. Snrll. recently of Klanuxn, Mich, ia in thecily with hi family for the purpose of locating. Mr. Knell . here w.rral month ago "'looking arinr d." T. E. Allen, left In -day f.r, in tbe interest of the Albany wire' wo'ks. Tbe company at etna tog atrangi mrnt to maru factore wool ttuttresarr, an importMit more in their bosinewa. Laat everdng a detachment of cavalry from Fort Itidwell, Cal , airived in the city, with a train of aix car load of hr.,, on their way to Vanooaver aud remained iu the city until thi morning Several eompat 1 a of tioor, with kotne Indian scout, are expected through Aliao to-ciht ou th, ir way t Arinoni, o tight the blood tl.itny J .diiii t.f that country Iw man who ki hd Moru Ldlard.on the Htj Ktk, !at Friday, went t. Carvalh and Ke hininelf op to tho iirntT. He will be cxauiined, but it 1. thought, will Dot be held. Pennoyrr's majority in Oremi will prob ably be about GOOU Oth lal return atm t generally inrreaee hi v u over that first reported. Hermann' majority will be about 8,000, Well boring, rock-drilling, prixp e'ii'g. First handled feet, ft wfM: S'-C'tid Inn -dred feet. 5yl 23 per fiot;Ttuid fett, tl 60 per fool, etc Urv:l. c-ui- nt grvtl, hrd r.vk. etc, fiom $1,23 t, $2 nrfoot. Without board. tte add .2.'jer )t. Write to J It Jiahe, Albany Or. Some enterptiain iudividudu at Newport ar preparing to put up two huodrt-d t ent to rent to seakide visitort thi ,aou. !'. will be profitable for thu hotel acottmola tion ar wholly iuadeouate during the in evitable rn.h while hot wcath.r last in tl. valley. Kx. F's KxctksioS. Over two hundred left for Salem on the Wm M Hong. A beautiful day anI a nice crowd of people ejioke for an enjoyable time. A game of baseball was to be played in the after noon bet ween the College 11 men of Ik-Hi cities. AILKIUT. Tie Lila Tbe Lila. Jaa F Powell & Co. Cusick' addition. F. M. French keep railroad time. Rook eandy drip at 0 E Brownell's. Straw berrie. at J F Powell & CoV. A new line of necktiea at E C Sear.'i Novelties in parasols at S E Young, Anti-wtjr:uff buttons at Will& Stark' Ludlow' f3 hoe fouud only at E C Searl's. Great bargaina in watches a- Will & Stark'a. Choice canned', sweet potatoo at O E Brownoir. Prepsretl inaokrel, iu lib cans, nt V E Brownell's. Headquarters far garduu aeuds at C E BrowneU'. For artist' supplie go to Stauard. & Cuiick's. The latest sheet music, g Mr Hymen's. Don't fail to try the Homme A Lone uiaoos at Mr Uyman's. The largest atock of watches in the city at Will & Stark'.. Delicious canned oranboraios at C. E Brvwnell'a. I Spring over eoatine at'Zaches & See. od-. poaite PottofJioe. Genuine Iowa lorchom on draught at C E' BrowneU s. Oranges. lemons, cherries, banana, at JaFPowelt&Co. Dressed ehickeua oonstantlv on hand at J FPowelt A to. Good evenincr Have vou ried Hubbarda Elegant Lotien - Have you aceu those parlor suits that T Brink bas just received ? They are nice. Spring jacket and beaded capes at re - duoed price at Samuel E Young's, Roast ooffee ground to order without extra oharge at Kenton'a oaah grocery store. Berr'es fresh every uiorning. Ordeis promptly filled at J F Powell At Co. No need to suffer with the headach when Hubbard's Capsules will surelj cure you. If you want a flue toilet or hath soup call On Stanard A Cusick, City Drug Store. The Foster senuine.hook glove Fosterina. ia black and colored, at Samuel E Young'. A dollar worth for ninety cents at Hub bard's new drug store on Mondays aud Sat urdays. Boy a lot in Cuaick's addition, the finest suburban addition. Its location speaks for itself. Call st Will Link's mnsio store for the very best pianos and organs, also book and heet mnsio, &o. ' , Don's fail to call on Will & Stark and prioe their large line tf ladles and geots watch before yon buy. Bargain every dav ia the week at If nh bard'a oew drug store, and an extra ten off on Monday and Saturday. The Ifpinme A IvOhb idnno ia the hert made piano lo stand the climate of the coaet. Don t fail to gntone at Mrs Hyrnan's. Inbdying carefully contdder yon have t'ue larxeU trk and moat carefully stdtcttd one when ye buy ikmIs of Powell t Co, Genuine Msrtinat kid Klove. in all sixes nil colors, atf)!l per pair nntil May Int. hvery pair warranted, at G W Simproo s. A lot in Cusick' adilition i better than ten per cent, nr hotter than a lot in foreign cilia where the tide cb and flow twioe in twenty-four hour. Thoe 'vMiinK fren dor and window huld ckll on It B Vnnk, who will pot them tnj'io.npiHn on short Hhop on corner of Senond and ,'Vrry rtreet. da V I'owt I! ,V ('. I'.uy jour Kii:r:rive ut Lmge'e, l.i:e jt'iir i.rdi.r for lM&d at Au ltrio'. Go to Auu l.iiij-!'a for jour atapbt dry good. - , .... ... iinkn hm kin oi xupij iry eooii ch'eptr than n or e. 1 110 Albany V onl. ii it-il wid pay 2(1 el a i"unt 1 r il. D 'k roiiin to id.!, f. ipiiiD of H N Kite!, ( 'loo. k hi,,; !;, Aiin.ny, Oregon, When wanting the 1 t gro:iip i'l th'; mtki t u(, fe.,i,i;l lo prtirra tall t.n J V Poe ll Co. Sheriff t,'ri.ui,.iri. i.f Marion n not y munt b a H.;ulr in.n rtrdlr4 i.f litiea, He was rc -.lrt;id b maj"lO . The t b ii'tti i;li'v ',n-( 1 tt evvniii)! with a vi-ij, enj .vnlde, ftr a iiece'ul trni I'm! Wright In. proven hiiiii If a poi,,ltr iti-truc'i-r. Theie wi I ne n MTvic to morrow at the Unit,.! l'i. .i. t.-ii in (V.orrh. Tne cD;re KOtid'i will ktt'ei d tli 'i,liii ( 'oimiience in. lit fii:r, a: li pfra II toe. FhiW'i'i i-ru I t i Le intead of pniclia i.l al Wt.hiiiglft; and a cievtr Ihiriot ri-irirly uk'i.f th'-n iie II i.'i at An t.iU blt.-niooM, at alive o'clock tea nid at a did ric'fpt;nii 111 the eveuii.i. A laive i.un.ber of our will gn on tho tkcuniioii fron ('.. v!li and tin city to (iateavilie, on July 4th. Train will Irave Albany about 7 o'ocioek sol start vack at 4:.1I'. A PicNtc. A big picnic wa held to day at Wiley Hobnail' grove, by the Granger of Linn county. The Ixba 11011 band pieced Ihrottgh the city for the (trove loaded with iimwii: for tbeoeeaMion. Tliew.- picnic are alwajM Ktieceioiful, and thi one no doubt wa not an exception. OH. IV li. DAVIS, j Piiy3icir.n and Surgeon. " tlltw no mUItm In strnotn'o Way tie f.iiioil at hU olti us y ku I Block. nigiit. Pianos. Tho Htiliig a flrat cla Inn'.riiinf r t, tbe ti a: u -ile 10 -ttand tb iMlmate of tb Coael, can o a: lied .y a!!iog at Mr B i: II vma-' oipi;.toj Ma.,n c Tem pl. 011 First Hul. Tbe latn.1 vol and iimtromerilai in'jsia kt-t el4,:no the largo-it awrt:nnt of ktmp tin paitorne to kolem Iroin till idoi 'Kiiaeo lAta eon given In painting and err.hroldnrlng In l'i-r atudio ovor L:un t"oanty Kink. iHvt iir yonrordt-r a id y.u wlil be pletaeud To All Whoz It May Cousern. The Cennania F t Insurance Co of New Yoik, having re r,ured it ei:tire eu.lne In the State of Oregon, said com pany (having an deposit with the State Treaurer, $50,000,) hereby f;ive nttk e of t dU-ronttnuancc of biikinck In Ore gon, and it intention ol withdraw ing ii iepotit now with tiie Stale Trrakurer at Jie expiration ot the six n.onth ptintcd lollce r '.quired oy law ItKMANf FlRK IXSVRAVCB Ct OK N. S' Hugh Schumann, Vir Preideilt. Dec : i S F VHM FOR S A LE. Two hnodrej crK'l Kr. farm land ail in culti vation, with er.-d two :ory hoiinf, pood brrn and o'.'kt outhotiHen. I.k. water for f n'tvan J hUvk. tJiKd rr an 1 ap pie on-hard, well a itter tl da o f ult. Wtj. make l-o r-'miI amali farm situv I f j.r mil nmliwest of Albany. Inquire at thia office. to a. .'hia-us. CKO. W. WltllJHT, 3LAGH0URN & WRIGHT, Attorn oys at. Lavz, W,l: -sciice in al! the Courts cf the Stat-.. P.ompt attuliou hivcu to at! S-.ri n eutiusted to ou r erw. Otiieo O !d Fell Jt Temple, A-bauy. Or Mfc-st aUtr.k Qfiud S--T :ovt- ' the Val lif. n l lh m i r; . 1 ;. . ' t both in tmvitig a i l .t",liu. 1 have 0:1 baml .ll i'l-J of fu.?JiTU3c, sravEs, timwase, CL15X3, C33SX-.1Y, ETC., ET3. f., ir wast of.S E Yumi;V oh More l. eomifcB 123 First nlr.i. Albany, Or, Conrad Mdver, -PttoPKlliTJ ST A 11 UAKBItY Cnt-aer Broaialbin and First Sts., DEALKR IN auiieil feu 1 1 , H"Te, Orle.i FruiiM. Tobacco, lefler. 4'Miiue.l .IteattiK, Qaeenswixre, vegefuhleN, Cigars. 9i'et, Tea. Cto., ' ....el everything that la kf-pt In a geu r. . variety and grocer? .ri. HiheM ft rkst prlefl raid for AIL KINDS Gf PRODUCE. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPUIETOH OF - Albany Soda Works. j.nd Manciacturere of 3H0ICE CONFEDTIONESY, A'e we stow prepared to ell at whole a, alwaya freah and puie at Port lend ,jea ta dealer. We a'.in keep a ft: II sf lints ani Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO OR. G WATSON .IIASTQr. Phyaician and Surgeoxi. Office oppoatte the Driunerat. J. N. DUNCAN." V.; ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NuTAKY PUBLIC, ; ' lrofllee Iu StrVi ia's Bloo'i, No's.l and 2. ALBANY, OREGON.; IVIHTflEYj ii-iuier Ana Oonnsellcr At La? . ND- - . , M &m Store. PERCHEROH STALLIOH TITUS, 5934. " V' ,1,.,' . Will rr eke the wiaon at Jefleraoti Mon day and Trir-kdaysj , at Albany Wednea dayaatid Thouaja ; at Ctvallia, Frl daaiid Hal 11 r day a. rtaCf.llTroN AKI) I'KlKIItKK, p'f V :"foa 18N4-; linportwf 1850 by 11 11 rr.., li'oiher. of Polo, lliintde, bred : 1 v M Oinl'oln.roininnneof La (Jaudalna, ! ant ui f No gtnt le-Kotroo, department ..1 Ku 1 irt ry jsayaru B055 (I.K7); tarn CocoMisJKWa) by Cberl (4137) mi of Kottine. Itayard KV,t (087) s hf Narbonne 1334 (777) out of Itiaoite by Don Coeur d'Atn 111 v. Narl-o.inn 13M (777) by P,rliant 1899 (75l) oct of Mdlon by Favor! 1 (711.)b tv Vteux ctmtiii (7iS) out or iArnie ty Vi'-ux Pierre (Hi ) n by Coot (712 ) IJill'irit 1M (7V1) by Cfci 11 (714) out of Iiou by Mlna belonging to tbe Frr-ncj (tovi rnment. :jk 1 1 (711) lit Vie ox Ch In (713)out X La Urii-e by Vlenx Pierre (3 ) Vie rex Cbamin (713) by Cco (71-0 out of Poulbv Sanrll. t,Uv il'i) by Mlicion (715) out of Pau line byViwux (:w!o. Miunon (715 by Jn le-Diane (739.) Swi Jeii'..D',nc Chert (4137) by titjou, belonging to M rara'mi, oi't or r.:cuo, belonging to m Debray 1KRMS. To imure Mare In foal ....... ....... ... (20 For aeaacn . . ....f 15 Mingle aet vice, C O I .f 10 Pernon Inanrh.g tbetr mare and not returning fa reitular aHO to the borne, will be chanted an aeaaoo tnaiea. Persona dbtfioa tz t their narea before tbey are known to be with f.'ml.or removinx ibem from the county wdl be charged for In eurance. Property of .F, (V. CivxkKio SKEN DISEASES AGGIE'S imBSiTjJIoiSOS Oil SEMEtf It lilllBkll lnSammslb n &d Initelt:, .and lthi rele ear ie-jr 4 Uicrobe and oUmC bit ttnAlca. rerer Price. 23 cents a Box Wo have ihe Exclusive Control ot o I'frr.xrr- .I.. '- -J " -1 1c And don't aag to eftr a prre to aes? 11 i. for L$ V BEST A0E. fecrf CoaAoM QKE MD CUE HALF PCCS3S. . SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. - k" 1 A t. " w c : frerarlpUeDiOrataMst. 6 V JMiTARnCLE? emt ro IlgOmfe couGHj 5? PATRICKS PILLS ALBANY-OR. Umm & EULBERT BSQS., Real Estate Agents Farm and Ranches for sale. Also city broirty in Albany and Coryallia. Revere House; ALBANY, - . - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, F'Uod un in first-clans style.' Tables supplied with tbe beet in tbe market. Nloe sleeping apartments. Sample room tor cointneroial travelers, t"f e Coach ta aad tree the Betel. "W FortmiLef & frying. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ftoiuptlttaatian-First-olass Hs CITY TAXES.-NotieeU hereby lvd that Ihe tax roll of the city or A.i banj, r.. for the year 1890, has been plrcedin niy hands tor collection, and that I will b e at tbe Council ct amber of said ottv to ureire rd receipt for ih the taxes ohargfd in said roll, lor tfl Period of SO days frt m date of this notie ah taxes remaining unprid at tfce expir ation of tblrie ya thereafter will bsre tinned " Oouncii oT the city or Albany h, . ; 1, and oostsand expenses lor collecting; such taxes be added thereto. JOHN N HOFFMAN , . 'City Mwrshal, Dated it Albay, Or; this 10;h day of May 1890. . - Delmoaica Restaaranl, CORNER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH STS, The undersigned having pnrubaaed the . oldJBermao Restaurant stand haa opened under the above na ne a first-olass j-estau-Vant. We are prepared to fnrnish meal for partiea or dance on short notice. Oys ter served in every style, eastern or coast; all kinda of foh knowa iu the market. Employ only tira-cla8 lelp, aod waiting ' will be prompt and courteous. Begular meals 25 cts. Cotes of first-class quality S nd a cup of coffee and cake at from 5 to IP' ta. I am well kuewn In this city aod' nest the tizu t giv me a call, mam l-i --T ' t-- - 1 mym 5 s ifcmi Xv."5 i. 1 .- s 1 1 fT-n. I 2 1