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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1887)
L M Ik gcmocrat. Kntsred at ths Post Oil,-t Albany, Or, am second -clajM mull .niattsr. FRIDAY MAllcH 11 1887 8TITES So K.littr and NUTTING- rreprletere. l rni. l.eral K.lller. f I flQUNTY f JFFIOIAL l nd IAlfER. I How!! S 1 ' -eM1 In ..n 111.' In lulita attti Nrw1...t A.lvrr (MONT AnvpoT ,.r si. OUT kUOMMM agi dft AH Whrm SW atriotlv in SpZlUU vanooibin will ho the price of the Dkmockat ; at the end of the year, $2.50, end there will be no deviation from this rale. A MAN ABOI'T TOWN, Tlie Sheriff of Linn county ha assessed over Joo tax-payer in the county. Nad these and their families been included in the census it would have increased the pop ulation of the county at least 1 500. There H every reason to believe the population of the county U nearer 14,000 than it, 00a In the recent apportionment an Inn ease of population of only 8 would have given the county one more representative. The M. A . T. is simply stating facts, and is not finding faul, for the same defect is to be noticed all over the State. The fact is, the system of having the assessor take the cen sus, is a very poor one, and 1 not economy by arty means. O Albany should celebrate the 4th of July the coming summer. It is our turn. We speak early so as to shut off the small places round about, like Corvallls and Sa!em. O The number who like to have things told them that they already know is simply im mense ; and this is why the phrenologist has so many calls. People are anxious to be told that they are too loving, their bump of alimentativeness is big and they had bet ter stay at home nights ; that they are pug nacious, or lack vitalitv, ought to have been old bachelors, a stock raiser or saddler The M. A. T. has had his head examined several times by experts .resulting in a mar vellous variety of opinions, only agreeing on a few points. Yet there is considerable in phrenology ; but it is not every one who can manipulate a thick skull so a to change its bnmps every few years. O Salem is to have a genuine white laun dry. No slipshod affair. One in Albany, run in a thorough business way, first-class work being done by skillful laundry men, would pay well. To illustrate. The M A. T. has often pumped our Celestials in -reference to the amount of business done At the present time San Wa washes for about one hundred families, for which he receives from 50c. up weekly per family, the average being not quite a dollar, besides a large amout of transient work. The Teng Hcng establishment does nearlv as much and No. 3. near Devoe X' Rohson's less All together it is probable over juu a week Is paid the Chinamen of Albany for wash ing. The advantage that would follow from giving this to white men is evident. But it can never be done until thorough workmen start a laundrv here. Meal Kaiser and Tearhers. If phrenologist Morris' advice were fol lowed Albany and Linn county would be stocked with stock raisers and school teach ers, witn no one left to run our banks, law offices and stores. The Professor, though a pretty good phrenologist, seems to be a stickier for putting most of his patients in one of these occupations. As a matter of fact experience here proves that it takes more than a love for animals to make a man a good stock raiser, and more than a power to please to make a good school teacher. ATKAMKDY. Mkootlag at 8ek. Our correspondent at 5k lo sends us the following account of a serious shooting af. fray that occurred about one and a half miles from that city last Monday afternoon about J o'clock, between Frank Harris and John Craft : "It appears that some trouble was existing between both parties over a calf, that has been going on for a few months, that some cattle men had been buying calves through the country, and the Harris boys had accused the Craft Brothers of selling their calf, and they had chosen this day to come and look through the cat tle men' herd and see if they could llnd It. Upon a search they did not find It ; but in returning in some way met with the Craft Brothers, on the main road to Sclo, and a quarrell commenced, In which Matt Craft and George Harris got into an old fashion ed tight, and during the fight between these too, Frank Harris came up behind John Craft, standing near, and shot him in the back of the neck with a 38 calibre pistol, the ball loging near the juglar vein. Two stockmen near hv were witnesses to the af fair." Dr. Hill, of this city, and Dr. Dodd, were sent for, and attended the wounded man. The ball went through a heavy over coat, undercoat and collar Into the neck, settling down near the juglar vein. It has not been extracted vet. Craft will probably recover 'hough It Is very uncertain. Harris was arrested Tuesday morning by Deputy Sheriff Daly and examined before Justice Williams. He was held to await the action of the tirand Jury without bail, and was brought to this city Wedne sday and placet) in the county jail. Cosmos Couaell. Tuesday, March 8th, 18&7. P 1 event All officers and members. The application of Sanders, referred at last put up a windmill north end of Fcrrv Street, was disallowed. Petition for sidewalk along block 9O was referred to Committee on Streets and Public Property. Ordinance 149 providing for a Street Commissioner and for the repairing of side walks was passed and ordered published. The Committee on Streets and Public Property made the following recommenda tions ; which were adopted 1 That Third street between Thurston and east line of Hill street be graded. That wagon and foot bridges across canal at junction of Eighth and Callpooia Streets and crosswalk on Second and Railroad Street, be repaired. That the square at junction of Broadaibin and Third Street be graded That wooden drains be constructed on each side of First Street from Washington to Ellsworth Streets. That low places on First Street from Washington to Montgomery Streets be filled and graveled That the alleys running through blocks 8 and 17 be filled and graveled. That the Broadaibin sewer be extended to the College lots. That cross walks be repaired where necessary. Nearly fSOUO Brttr Off. Under the bill passed at the last Legisla ture providing for the refunding to the county of certain moneys paid the State un der the mortgage tax law several counties wiil he reimbursed as follows : Douglas county $ irj I 66 Polk county 2593.55 Marion county l 33-54 Washington county -S77- Clackamas county 1400.43 Benton county -447 9 Lane county 1473.50 Umatilla county . 24a 1 00 I. inn county 2891.70 Yamhill county 1018 97 Multnomah county 36JO.24 Columbia count 1 39-19 THAT HOIWF. TROT. RJiti Democrat : Mr. Simpson announces that my chal lenge to him has been accepted by J. W. Shannon. I have nothing to say about this as I consented for Mr. Shannon to sign the article of agreement, as Brother Simpson did not fecldlsposed to do so. There is one thing In connection with this, however, t I think not out of place here : The blank left in the article to be filled out with the name of colt, etc., after taking deliberate choice of the two. Mr, Shannon stuck his signature to the agreement without fillinu out said space, and insists on waiting until the day of the race to name the one. Very well we will not spoil a good race for to small a thing as that. Mr, Shannon and me for It then. Now Brother Simpsou, allow me to con gratulate you on slipping out of this thing so gracefully. You will now have an op portunity of seeing a race, where if your man wins you can slip in tor a share of the honors, if he loses then you had nothing to do with it. I want you to understand I am pretty thoroughly 'on to you," and want you to distinctly 'understand that you was the man I was after not J. W Shannon at all. I am not challenging people to trot races unless they denounce me as a wind hag or soineting of that nature. 1 was more than anxious to place you, Mr. Simpson, in the position you seemed to he so anxions for, where you could receive again the ap plause of the grand stand, hence my more than liberal proposition. Now I will consider briefly as possible a few points in your effort of last week . You say yea hay never claimed any thing as a breed sr of borsss. Is it possible that yoa Dover have after pointing to mod ones yau have sold, promising yet on hand ? Would you please stats in next weeks tssne of this paper, if you claim nothing aa a breeder, why you didn't keep attil in the first pleee You say again thst I hsve bean so unfortunate as to geod mares task no man who owned a fine stallion would consider a soli sufficient ad vertisement, etc, Now each mansuvering to grind an axe for "Alwood Breess" is nauseat ing in the extreme . It would hetomethiog remarkable if I should develop a winner cat of one ooinmes msre in this rsoe, wbde yoa had daring the m sting season of 1884 yoar eutiro harem of choice- bred mares to pick from and all the line bred stallions in Ihe land at yoar service free of charge Ai.d what is more, you say I never paid so much as $50 for the service of a stall ios or the "siring of a oolt,' as you term it. 'Have that as you Itkf itthat 1 dtdn t pay but $2 50 -all I oars for ia to know that I rued a- oolt that yoa were afraid to mee, 1 de uat think any ol my neibtors testimony is nec essary in this osvee. I paid jast what the owners of the stallion required. I have not started oat as a jockey yet, Brother Simpson this u a trotting race, remember I am much too heavy for a jockey - I believe they weigh not to exoed 120 pounds Now for the Wm Gird story. I allowed a mso to start a eolt for me in the race, never bad a cent bet on the race, neyer said I had. was defeated, submitted, tkink my oolt ought to have won, hot he didn't . And, last of all yoo think what I have had to any some friend wrote for me. 1 do net encase anybody else ot it, or of wi itmg yours either ; they are eharaoteristie I tbfok and bear unmistakable evidence of originality. Now, Brother Bimpeoo, in ooocTneioo, let me say, whenever yoa eome oat again in print without any cause whatever, and esll me a wiad bag (after hie race is trotted,) you are very liable to have to ttet or de as yoa did this time. "Emblaaon this on th wells of your msmory, and don't forget it, either.' Wal. F. Hanaown. SCHOOL MKKTIV. NOT HF.U. The annual school meeting of District No. 5, called for last Monday evening, on account of the small attendance, was post potted until next Monday evening. Below we give the condition of the District, as In dicated by the report of the Clerk. J. II. Burkhart, prepared for the ocean ion . Total number of persons between 4 and so year of age 740 Males ut Females 389 Number of pupils enrolled in the report . 361 females 174 Male 193 N umber of teachers employed 11 Male. Females Amount of school fund in the hand of the District Clerk at beginning of school vear $705,811 Amount received on district tax. . . .2983.38 Amount received of Cotintv Treas urer from cotintv school fund. . Ju.t Total SJ1087.74 Amount received of County Trej - - - 7 W m - r - urer from apportionment of State 20 lbs. itoUlen ;.. 18 lbs. extra C. or 15 school fund 47-54 lbs. granulated so gar for fl at Wallace AC Amount received by rate bills...... 45.00 Thompson s. Amount received from other sources 133.35 HUT IT CuTliT. Below Is the docket for the Circuit Court which convenes In this cltv next Monday, U P Boise, Judge : 1. State agt W W Saunders. Murder. 4. Assignment Thos Montelth St Sons. 5. 8 A Newhouse agt Wm Ncwhouse. Divorce. . H. HA lloltnan agt Tvmpa Hunt, et al. Partition. 9- TJ Crelghten agt J M Wilson, et al. Action on note. 10. W II linker ngt () P Sjcott, et al. Rqully. 13- H D Burkhart ugt Kob't Burkhart. Partition. 14. Jas A . Hearing agt Geo Slavens. Equity to recover possession of real prop erty . in. I D Miller ngt W Johnson, et al. Ac tion on note. 10. Prior Wilson, et al agt J C Wilson, et Partition, Di. al. .il al 30. Sarah J Morris agt Jessy Morris. vorce. -1 John A Crawford agt John Foster, et 2$. V A Watts ngt Jacob Miller, et at. id. Assignment R L Stevens. 37. Ladd & Bush agt J II Henderson, et . Foreclosure. 41. R A Rnmpy agt II I. Thompson and Amos Dunham. Action on note. 4J. A P Blackburn agt Geo Foglc. Mo tion. 43. J I I iolt ngt Wm A Ford. Foreclos ure. 46. Walter Huston ngt Wm S Huston. Confirmation. 53. School Fund Commissioners agt A A Farrier, et nl. Confirmation. 70. I R Dawson agt J J Hay. Action to recover money. ft. I D Miller agt W Johnson and J W Johnson. Action to recover money. 73- Mary A C Gil more agt Charles C Dicklns and Jee Dickinj. Action to re cover money. 74- 1 0 Johnson agt H N Dcrthk k, Ac tion to recover money. 75. Martha Huston agt JoskTlmmennan, et al. Partition, 76. W B Munkcrs agt S F Henderson, et al. Foreclosure. 79. Sam'l King agt C A Tttus T J Mont- gomeryandJA Montgomery. Action lot recover money. 8a 11 attic Brosc agt F G Brose. Divorce. 81. Milton Hale agt Jas F War ware k, et al. Foreclosure. 84. Blia A Bentiey agt Root P Bent ley. Ulvoree. 8t. Peters Stewart agt K W IefrancU & Co. Action to recover money. 85. J W Van Bracken, et a! oat J L Full er, et at. Action to recover money. 87 David Froman agt Coll otidF I. Van Clevc. Motion. 90. David Froman agt Eli and Ed R M Carter. Action to recover momrv. 91. Mary 8 Smith agt Wm G Smith . l vorce. 93. Mary 8 Smith agt Wm U Smith. Re covery of personal property. 95- 1 J Long, et al agt Ella J Rnme, et al. Action to sell real estate lor partition. 96. Dundee M & T I Co. Limited agt lerbert Crows and F M Hasen. Foreclosure 97. C M Miller agt D V 8 Rcid. Action to recover money. 98. Mary A Iong agt John Long. Di vorce. 99. J 1 1 Bridges agt llertrand I lerman, et al. Motion. too In the matter of copartnership est. Houck & Meyer, (Henry Meyer, deceased ) ApC4l from County Court. lOf. Enoch Hoult vs. II Smith, et al. ioj. Fleckenstine St Merer vs. M L Hamilton. Action to recovery money. t'Jtu Conxrees. The Senate of the 49th Congress waiftu session 2x4 days ; House, a! days. Bills introduced in House, 11,358, joint resolu tions 263. Senate bills 3357, e8 joint 1i-ltanou. From the new Lebanon paper wc leant from its ads. that that city ha three general merchandise stores, one grocery store, one furniture store, one news and stationery stcre, two drug stores, two jewelry stores, one barber shop, one livery and feed stable! one dentist, one bank, one stove and tin ware store, one blacksmith shop, one har ness shop, two hotels, one agriculture ware house and hardware store, two physicians, one real estate agency and one lawyer. Loaded With (iiant Powder. Anthony Austin, who reside with Mr . Mart Miller, at Knox's Butte, a few days airo was experimenting with siant nowder in loading shells for a eun. A very small letter' Samucl Compton had lost 500 sheep quantity resulted in nothing serious ; bu A Few Suggestions. In view of the fact that it is nearly time for new corners from the East, with eyes open for permanent homes to put in an ap pearance, a few suggestions an to what should be done in Albany witldn a short period, will be in place : Repair your sides walks. Pass a cow ordinance. Clean out your back alleys. Dress up your front and back yards. Contract for some paint for your house and fence when the sun comes out. Put some electric lights in your store. Act enterprisingly. These are simply to make the immigrant believe we are an enterprising, up-and- coming city. Crook County Mtoek. Mr. Jas. Elkins, of this city, is generally authority on Crook county weather. In a recent letter to him from Prineville, the fact was revealed that stock, particularly cattle and sheep had suffered considerably. For instance at the time of the writing of the Total $6797.31 OlSBL'KsMENT. Amount paid out for teachers' wages $3163.50 Amount paid out for repairs on school house and premises.,. 481.43 Amount paid out for purchase of school furniture.-. Amount paid for fuel and other in cidentals 189.50 Amount paid for insurance of school house 353.00 Interest on bonds 841.00 Amount paid for all other school purposes 154046 Total $6760.46 School funds In hands of Clerk $36.85 Baldwin and Brown about a thousand, Death of an Oetojcenarean. Last Friday, at the home of his son, J B. Mi: Far land, a few miles from this city, Mr. R. A. McParland, an octojrrnarean as well as pioneer, died, having served many years more than his alotted time. Mr. M Farland came to Linn county in 1853, and took up the claim on which he breathed his last. He was a man universally respected wherever known, Mr. Mc Farland leaves resolutions, taws enacted, i4p,the House enacting 1093 ; the Senate. 33 S. The Presi dent vetoed 133 bills. 94 originated in the House, 38 in the Senate. Among the most important hills were the following : Increasing pension of widows and depend ent relatives from $S to $13 per month. Increase of navy. Mexican war pension of veterans. Reduction of fees on money orders less than $5. Extending immediate delivery system. Restructlon of ownership in lands In the territories to A merican citizens. Presidential succession, making the Cab inet come next to the Vice President. Interstate commeice. Purchase and coinage of trade doltars. Electorial count bill. Repealing tenure of office act. Indencmnifying Chinese for (oases Wyoming. Relief of Oregon and other states for set tlement of accounts for arms. Mormon polygamy bill. CCttltKNT EVENTS. Lust week Portland hod a genuine prison putzle. Charley Rots solved it, and at last count had noi been captured. Congress adjourned on Friday. The State Immigration board will proba bly be kept up by subscription, No com plaint will be made at this. It would be a favor to the cow counties, though, if the Board would select a new Secretary. W W Sweeney, of Portland, has sued Mcleod Si Co. for $670, services In lobby ing the fish wheel hill out of the Legisla ture. Ah, now we see thtough this lobby ing business. Sweeney was paid $90 ; but that did not satisfy him. Grant county has paid $3163.35 bounty on wild animals since Jan, 17th. Swamp land men evidently came out on top by the action of the last legislature. At least they claim to be satisfied. Hen Owens asserts that It was worth $3o,ox to him. Fruit trees were Injured by the cold snap in some parts of the Valley ; but the dam age was small. If the Interstate Commerce bill makes freight on manufactured goods so high as ' to Induce the establishment of factories in Oregon, It will have served a great purpose. A little New York lady had a tooth ache, and went ton dentist, fie said It needed filling. He filled it ; put a gold crown on It ; built a Brooklyn bridge on it reaching to another tooth, and constructed a Wash ington monument. BUI $445. Too much. Summons served. Verdict $87. Happy lady. e According to the AJvM(t Thought, of Salem, every year with a 7 In It is a disas trous year. This year has a 7 In it. Owen Bartlett, of host stealing fame at this city, nosy serving a term in the Marlon county jail, had a fight with Sheriff Minto last week. Bartlett was knocked down three times The Sheriff is a shoulder striker. 8ix weeks passed In Douglas county with out a marriage license being issued. Such s policy carried out would ruin the country . The Benton Lntdir opposes the prohib itory amendment, Ute ChramrU favors it. The Salem Siufimm savs six counties have paid their Stale taxes in full and gives the list, leaving Linn county out Asa mat ter of fact, this was the first county in the State to pay it State taxes. Figuring on the presidency for 1888 is taking up many reams of good paper, with out much chance of any definite aaswer to the problem until after the conventions and election. The race will be an intensely In teresting one. on account of the uncertainty that Is bound to characterise it. Editor Wager, of the Bast Qrgoiamjc plained the division question In a three col umn editorial. Thos Harris of Wells Station, on Thurs day of last week, received a severe titough not dangerous kick by a horse. Last Monday Mrs J J Randall, of Port land, was arrested for robbing Mrs Tuber ill of $400. The Salem SlMimam gives an interest in account of the celebration of the both anniversary of the wedding of Mr and Mr K rringle. pioneers of 46. A remaikable event. The Item Is going the rounds of the press that W.c woman witli the high hat at the theater also has Ma feet. Considerable truth in it, too. The Weston ldfr says a great deal of fruit has been killed near that city. The fare from Pendleton to Walla Walla on the road just completed is $3, which would make the distance 50 miles. There has been some loss of stock in Crook county, more than two years ago. Geo W Walker has been appointed Cir cuit Judge of the 6th Judicial District. Mr Walker studied law in Albany. Twenty-five cases of small pox in l.o Angeles and the disease spreading A $i3o,uuu fire occurred at Walla Walla Tuesday night. Main Street, between Third and Fourth suffered. Two men ner ished In Hie flames. The city hall, valued at ISQ00 was among the buildings burned Trade doltars are being redeemed bv the hundreds of thousands Only part present ed are accepted by the Treasury department. Henrv Ward Beecher, the in when a shell was filled in the ordinary man. ner the whole gun exploded witli force enough to blast n stump Fortunately Mr. Austin was not hurt. four sons, irrand children and treat srand William Dawes about a thousand, out, of a children Rey McFariand, the popular band of a little over twice as many. Cattle pretidlng Elder of the M. E. Church South, have died in large numbers. Snow was a , McF-rllind And r McParland. sons of , . n Ingrnla Maehinc Mr. F. W. Carter, jeweler, of this city, has just received an engraving machine that it to engraving what type writers are to writ ing. It does perfect engraving. The ma chine has about three hundred pieces of en- couple feet deep in some places and hay was not to be had at any price. A short time before, though some had sold for $35 a ton. the deceased, are well known in this part of the valley. Mrs. McFariand died several years ago. The funeral of the deceased nas largely attended. A good man has gone. When Albany wax Iaid Oat. I , , A 1L , s Death of Rath Mendotihail. The present site of Albany was laid out n town lots in 1848 by Thos and Walter Miss Ruth Mendenhall died at her home graving type, including emblems, etc., em- Monteith, and immediately a thriving vil- five miles south of Harrisburg on Sunday bracing three or four styles of letters. It is lage grew up here, soon to bud into an en- morning, March 6th, 1887, of paralysis. She a fine thiner and shows the enterpriese of terorisini? citv. Now we have a citv with wa nr,t "tricken on September 4th, 1S86, 1 . .1 ...... . .... . . Mr Carter. See it. unsurpassed advantages and a population of t"m wnicn sne partially recovered ana at least 2coo, contained in about 600 dwel- on March 4th she had another stroke from 1 Toes. lin( hr.upR In rRn thr fW hoiia was which she never rallied, remaining uncon I 1 it a. a . ss rrt . . 1 Last Saturday forenoon while making DUUl' anu ,n arcn, 1007, ine new grocc... posts near Robert-, bridge, Henry Bryner made a slip with an ax, nearly cutting his right big toe off. In the afternoon John Wilson,a fellow workmon, while completing the job, cut his left big toe in a severe man ner. Uolh are now nursing wounded big toes. Thompson & Wallace were the first to sell 2o pounds of sugar for $1. A Itagged Trip. A Plucky tiirl. great rator. minister and politician, died last Tuesday morning from the effects of a paralytic stroke. For forty years Mr Bcecher's name was constantly before the American people. It was mixed with great deeds and with scandal, tie was one of the eloquent men of the times, The following is a good illustration of the way San Francisco people lie about Oregon : A gentleman just returned from San Fran cisco says the immigration agents there never fail to give Oregon a 'black eye" when opportunity offers. These loud mouth ed liars say "Oregon ! My good man, why not so to Alaska at once ?' ft does nothing but rain in Oregon, and there are not over forty acres of cleared land in the whole State. Thev don't raise anything there but fir trees." The strangers are then referred to the dispatches printed in Ban Francisco papers to see the character of the people, who teem to be all mucJerer. rape ticnas or ncendiartes. Instead of telegraphing the prospects for a boom in Portland, the sal mon pack, our wonderful local markets, these criminal items are the only ones that greet the inquiricrs eye. The irrepressible Pbtl C then comes to the froat to tell tho people that his whole st ck of goods aro for sale 00 remarkably low terms. See bis adv. in anothsr column. The following is an account of a plucky Eastern girl here after an unfaithful young man, The notoriety she is getting will probably' keep her from catching the rascal : Belle Burton, a girl wlto came to Corval lls from Iowa about two weeks since, in search of her seducer, Frank Mesa me, and found that he had gone to California, and wlto secured fund., from the County Court of Benton county to return home, stopped in Portland on her wav to lowa,ond was kind ly treated' by a hotel proprietor there, who presented her with a purse and charged her nothing for her board. The unfortunate girl says she will devote the remainder of her wrecked life in hunting Mesa me down, and will not give bun a moments peace un til he either makes reparation for his crime, or one or both sleep quietly beneath the sod in the silent city of the dead. Dr. Maston, who returned from Califor nia Saturday evening came by way of the O & C extension, and reports a rough and rugged experience. Of the seventy miles staging he was obliged to walk forty or fifty From Mr. C. T. Ingram the Democrat miles. Even some of the women had to Harney Valley. learns that at Harney Valley cattle have suffered In a terrible manner. One man lost nearly six thousand head and another about five thousand head. The injury to that country will be great. Mr. Ingram gets these facts from a Utter from his son who is in business there. e- Hit a Pier. get down on the muddy road and walk for several miles. Nellie Boyd, the actress going twenty miles in this way, a disgusted woman. The Doctor repsrted fine weather as prevailing at San Jose. Matters there are in a high strunr -ondition. Tuesday morning the "Three Sisters" -collided with the middle pier of the railroad bridge at this city, but fortunately did not strike with the farce of the "Bentiey" a few I his months ago. I he damage waskyaall. Caut She payii atteiM nextfl I hat tax mble by 'rst of make dded scious until death released her. Miss Men denhall was born in Jefferson county, Tenn., June 19th 1813, where she resided until 1873, when in company with her brother, J R Mendenhall and sister, Mrs Metzgar and other relatives, she came to Oregon She leaves many relatives and hosts of friends throughout the State to mourn her loss. She was buried at the Masonic cem etery at Muddy Monday, beside her brother who died nearly four years ago, o) a Death of Mrs. Halter. Mrs. Martha J. Halter died in this city last Wednesday morning after an illness of several years, at the age of 68. About a month ago she came from Medical Lake , where she had been for her health, since which time she gradually failed until her death, The deceased came to Oregon in 1848 and settled wixh her husband in Benton county, where they lived until 1874, when they moved to Albany. Mr. Halter was Recorder for several years, dying about five years ago, Mrs. Halter haves f otir children, Mrs All Howard and Mrs S M W Hind- man, of this county beins anions the Know About Us. Besides its big circulation in Oregon the Democrat goes to every State in the Un ion, with one or two exceptions. Few have any idea of the extent of the aridity with which it is read when received in the East We know of at feast one place where it it almost entirely worn out when the neigh bora get through with it. They want to know about Oregon, .and recently three en terprising men who had been reading about the Willamette Valley throuah theI)KM rat were in Albany and called at our o'fic;, because they knew about our place. Through our advertising columns such peo ple learn of our business men, and it is im portant that enterprising business men should be represented, if only in a small way.wbatever the business. Wc have a big country to build up, and in doing this there is no gre iter factor thin the newspaper. KKAI. ESTATE. in Following were the recorded kales Linn county during the past week : mass Moses to L f Smith, 2 lots in Tangent f 80 D B Peterson to John T Ames, 120 acres ia tp 12 S R2w 2100 Minnie A Allison to L M Henael,N VV ooraer block 52. Albsnr 1230 Perry R Coaa to NeUoa D Conn. inter est ia 100 aorss ia tp 1 1 3 K 3 w. 1 Wi) Fruoini to Frank M Aruslroac. 115x22 feet in Hackleatsn's addi tion to Albany 200 W m Fromm to McGregor Arm strong, same ss last 200 L K Biaio to A wand Johnson 66x100 feet ia block 59 eity of Albany. 200 Robert A Foster, et al to the Ureguu Railway Co. Limited, a strip of lead 60 feet wide along R R la tp USRSw 100 T J Faulkner by D 8 Smith, Sheriff, to O W Faattkncr, 80 acres ia tp 13 8 RS w 1450 Osiandsi Parrish by D 8 Smith, Sher iff te H Bryant, 1-6 interest in half of bioek 111, Hacklemans addition to Albany 166.66 Richard Williams to Susan D Keeney one lot in Amelia 25 Enoch J Miller to H H Kirk.lUO acres ia tp 14 S R 3 w 3000 Albany Cemetery Association to Mar garet Mady, one lot in cemetery . 25 George H Durham, Master in Chancery to Hugh Roger, divers pieces of property in tana oouuty, former ly belonging to D M Cooper. HOME AM) A BKO AD. K M Frsnol', leweler, Psy yoar taxes before costs are added. The County Cos it is in seduoo this week. FiSih garde 1 seeds at Wallace & Thomp son , Oysters served in si! stvtsa at Hoffman Jk PfsritV. J. P. WaJIaoe. Physician and Sunreou. Al bany, Or. Goto Read k Br iwudU's for oh rice fresb gr weries. The (trva!li UnxrtU uoine eat stroiialy for prohibition. OatfA Huiitnoli. Phvsioiatis and Surgeons. Sli.ld, Or. Tim H i!m fsonittg mills for tale at Deyoe k R (bum's. (ieouino NO molssses in barrels at Wal - lace & Thompson's. H tine N". 1 cider viueger at WJIace St fUimpson s. Fine tromW fruits st all times at Wllaoe & Thotnon's. We sell t in. Ha Iteach oiuar at 5 cents at Read St Drowovll's. Uke Superior White Fid. ia keit at Wal aes St Tnompsous. (Jiee'i of the ylliy seel pjtatoet at Wal Iocs A Thompson', A Church festival to be held at iUrrubarg on the I6:h instant. A line stock of trunks and valises justrs- coivod at L K Rlaiu's. Cieatu wheat, a delicious breakfast Wsllao St Thompsons. Engraving on all uoods purchased at F W Carter's jewelry store free. Dr Tahnaue's Church, the Tabernacle, la Urooklin has 401 1 members. Another tumble in the pries of boots sod sho at Read A Biownell s. J H TowuseU'l. special agent for the State Insurance Co. of Saletn, Oregon. Six shaves for a dollar and a oUau towel to every customer, at L. Vierioks. Dermis. Self Uunn Buckwhest, German Middllugs at Reed k Brewucll's. Kxsmtue Woodin'e Ks tension tables. They see -well go stid see them for yourself. Fredi etoek of choice groerta always om hand st Wallace k f hompeoo'e. Some genuine Ksstern hickory nets may be teen at Hoffman St Pfeilfer's, in this eity, F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, A I beuy, Or. Twoobairs ore kept raantng at Verieks her br shou The plaoe to get a sksve or hair cut. 1 Ptiuig'aiiit front five to tea dollars, esll at Wire Works foot of Lyon Street. Albany, Or. Henry Ward sWee bar's last words were. "goto VVallaoeA Thompson's for year gro oertos. lr. M. II. Kids, phyeiaieo and surgeon Air-any. Oregon, Calls made in city or country. Tbe tr in the Willamette bas bos high ss 16 feet above low Water mark daring the week. Corn meal, yellow and white. Or hsm and Back wheat, all self ruing, at Wallsne St Dsyoe A H ' m have a Urge etoek of the best plows made 04 band. They will be sold at bedrock prices. B V t'ereeas. the eewing meehiae repairer. is now stopping with K A Bownuo, oornsr of 6th and Jefferson. Last Mendsy Mr K neriok. tb batcher. pid $ 1000 for twenty head of beef cattle tor be Albany market. "A Drank ards Warning" will be rendered by amstenr talebt at llsmtburg, on Satur day. March 21st. The plane for tbe new Agricultarsl Oolleee bwildtog)et('orvalhs bsvebses approved. The estimated oast ta f30,00O. Tor voters of Safes vote! s Hve so I a hall mill Ux last Monday for school purposes for tbe coming year Several worthy whits men are sawing wood in this city, nave yoar jjbs !or them and do not kick st the prion. L K Blatn hse added another clerk to kis Urge clothing atabtuhmsut. The ger.Ul and a S a II . fl e)al -a fiT popular Joiiuny nsu mis tne position. Last Friday Mr Jacob Kee paid bis oonn ty tax,awoauting to $1116.53. Jacob is "the Isrgeat individual tax payer in the cjuuty . Wood working machinery, ehaftiot. pal. liny, belting nod etc., at half price. Inquire of C. L. lirash, foot of Lyon Street, AUsauy, Or. We havrj'moved our sttok of goods across the street from onr old stand, follow as and w will make it to yoar interest. Read St Brownell. The read esUU firm of Cline, Montsitb A Co.. hsve dissolved partnership, Cline and Huilcn retiring, Currau and Mootith con Unuwig the business. Burkhart A Keeney sell tickets over tbe Northern Paeiko Rail Road to all points east. Call on them for rates and maps ehowing roots of travel. A District teachers ioetitut will probably be held in Albany in April. Ths third dis trict comprises tbe counties of Lino, Marion, Polk. Yamhill and Tillamook. Free lectors At Albany. Opera Hooee, Friday, March 11th. For ladies ouly at 2 30 p. m. for k title men only at 7:30 p. m. lio small boys or girls admitted. Should you desire to sell your property esll on Burkhart A Keeney as tbey advertise property placed in theii hands, and charge nothing unless tney offset a sale. Lst Tuesday Mrs. Chesdle sold her First dtri'ot property, 67 feet front, to D B Mon teith, for 88000. rhis is s valuable troperty, in a location that will remain central. A gun shot near the Democrat office last Saturday proved to be only s neighbor shoot ing at another neighbors cow, which was at tempting to get into a front yard. Damage nominal. If you wear out two pair of shoes in a yoar and cm eva six bits a pir by buying them uf Read & Krownell remember 'u ten voire time you will have saved fifteen dollars, this is well worth remembering. List Friday Dr. Hansel purchased toe iiopcrty corner of Broadaibin Street and the Santiam canal of Miss Mianie Allison, pay ing 81250 for the same. The Doctor it here to stay aud will devote all his time to the practice of ineiiiuioe. A "pocket veto" arises when a bill which has passed both Houses of Congress is sent to the President for hi signature less than ten days prior to adjournment. If be does not sign it before Congress adjourns, it faiU to wcome a law. The docket of the Circuit Court published this week, is of average length. Five or six divorce casss. as many torsotosares and a arge number of suits on accounts and notes, will be observed in the list. Mrs W V Henderson, a highly respected resident of Eugene, and daughter of Mr R C Miller, of Lebanon, died last Monday, t he deceased leaves many relatives and friends in Lmn cointy to mourn her death. Vol. 1, No. I, of the Lebanon Expre ap peare l last Saturday. It is published with tne same neatness The Msreh March M a jut': tt 0 A met i fttn Malory is spirited spring iiont'wr. Per iapt historical themes exoel ll "then in fieh oess, if well treated. At .11 nvent. article In the current issn. of this popular perioaioai tinman to huh- snoiH-hinu n v an-' engaging. "Fredericksburg First and Let," by Monoure D. Conway. 1 an excmuoii ill v charming historical tfcete'i of the Imginn :ig of o in of tbe most Intt-i. - 'it'ir itfd tnwni it, Virgiuis, Jt is followed 'v C.iarUe ff IVfk'e Meoud paper on "John Van Bur-n : A Srsdy j-gone romioe, anmtra'ity wr.'t. n. rn? tkird contribution is a short and thrilling ar tide on "The Wreck of the Hasina." by Kdmund B On lerwood. U. H. N. Th in 1 .. Mi. sa elegantly illustrated paper entitled "His -nc rionies oulioldea Mills," by the editor. An excellent account of "The First Mayor of New York -Citv. Thorn 4 Vdltt ' i fio'ri the ready pen of Dr Charles W Parsons, Vice- imuvniv 01 sue Mhoae Islind riitoronl 50 i:tety. "The Mirth-Jean of lUtuHnr .1 Kent,'' with illustrative mane, hv Wiibam I I'elUtreau : "Iidioenta in Mir Walter ftat. "igb'e Life," by Hon Horatio King.coocliide tie principal features of this rich, strong, an imated number. Kvrv article is worth of the widest reading, and of carefnl presrvti m. the standing detiartmanta m i-r, faith ohniee bits of entertainment. It is the Lest periodical of its kind in the world ff a year In advance. Pub'ished at 30 Ufaynte P,acw. rsew lorn Uiiy. Look at These CASH PKKMON AL A! HOT! A I,. Dr. Msston returned Ll ... t A I i . . . . u vua. iv n irvine ana n a ijawsoit wir in Vslem the first of the week. Ted Piper, city editor of the t4lem Matm. man, was io the city over Ha e day. lr a, 1 , . . . uooriette, Drown lelt last rndiv noon for Wand 1 eg... Cal . where sb will ' a few months. Mr J B Wirt, who is ia the K ereu .. by 00 Barkhsrt, immtgrin1-. aont, and is rustling for Lion county. Mrs R A Irvine and Mra R I. Ti,,.!,..-.. have been in K igene Ci tv this week . in fc tendance 00 the funeral of the r relative Mr. Jienasrsos. M A Miller, of Lihinnn. wu i . ti. ,... Tuesday on his way U Kugeoe to sttwod the feneral of hie sister. Mrs llen tersm. who oieu on asnbath. I WE 8 ELL 20 b ' ujpr for .,..$1.00 18 lb extra C saear for 1,00 15 lb granulated eager , Jg) f box Kirk's full weight soap 1.00 H i:ns of srn, . LaV 10 cans .if oysters 1.00 I Dm good tea 1.00 9 can io.;s LOO I five gallon keg of pickles LOO Atid give a chromo fres. We have TQK LA Hf; K.ST STOCK of groceries ia the city, te a a . a - an u laiziit when nrices were low. and wa DK. 9Y COMPETITION. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR mm. BEAD & BROWNELL, TO WHOM It May Concern. Alb Asr, Oa ,Mirch tth, 1887. Mf preservation l t!t first law cf nature. Am g my old frieoila and CJ-domcrtt who hive been tradlotr wltU 01c f r the la-t ifn rears, and W ') still l i the fttmo and Drofit Horn .ieeignifig party wltb i. -sits l i Lm s uj I circuhttiat the report that ty testis eome one else re Miss Harsh Cos haw. of srowaavdt. wh hse been in tbe eity sever.! th u.t of County Cierk Galbraith, returned boms last Tuesday. Mr. Prank Trits. an WM and r'..i.l,jl resident of this coanty, bft laet Tuesday fork, Ilartlaod. W. T., where with his family, he I thereby, ufceuue reaiaiog. Slay health a,d success at tend him. SSf . owe - 4 - MlSSCS flattie OhCSOeV and Kranti. tlrw kins, of this city, left Mond for Itrnwna vtlle, where they will opens dressmaking Civd the HUjar Of.UrtCt that Was let enop. l no f JSMOckar heartily commends It.. t . them to the peop'e of Brownsville. U,t wk Dr Ligelrriis arrived in Albany frontager I am Prineville last Wedaedv . t- - "nw . . m l-fl there ou Mandsy m .r.umr. He rm. OtlifM. (i fltltOfri. it Wat tk Tesnow waa Joiog off fast whm ul bU th . is tne region of ths Ucbooo, I as I was not ked for a hid, why, fa ivioeana aauif.itei Started It I evening with their son and brother. Will B. Deal KO wn to then. I d Vt. B Call C;'rtii'i higher basinet in prices thB ing ami artsiniog; my prices yctt can judgH for yourselves wbethtr Bice, for Albany, where thev will iwasain fir several weeks. At the end of that time thirv will coots oat to Grant's Pass, to live for ths present with the vonnsrer son. I.vl Hii;. 1 he latter went with tbem Ut evening us luetic? has tiH-n ti me to YOU or DOa far aa 4rent' Pu. A.kl.n.l eji T t Service st ths M K C torch. S mth. will eootinue aver Sabbath. There will be a sacra. msutel service following the sermon at 1 1 a. m. Sunday. All cordially invited A tine estfleek. and whether the prices of my are not as low or lower than any other house. In c tft that I should be com pelled to t-ive up my hu inees oa ac count of tbo tb ivpj will be compeU tt The Oregon Pacific baa beea here for eon to bee IU9 ail fflf t -kt-r. Very re pact folly y him, P. COHEK. time. Every bnnsc ia Albany is occupied Wheat is over 75 cents a bsshel, and A. 11. Mr II wain's counters are fuH of new goeui for the spring trade, Thtee facU co nbined far ea fr The Donation Ltad claim of W. R. Csa ner, in see. 5, I Hi. 3 K 1 W. Linn ooaaty. 100 sores eond land. 60 aorss timber. 20 acres in :ukivation. 110 acres fenced. 14 miles tsKcio, fl miles to Mari .u station, 2J miles to Marina Oantfe Price, cask. 81600. Title perfect . 8 md fr d-ed to BUE. Cants, Atty at Low, Ovsgse City. 10,631 Arrestsd for Stealing SilO. Last Tuesday Frank Arnold, of this city, was arrested on complaint of Charles Medin, charged with stealing 20. The proseoation claimed that by mistake, in loaning young Arnold $1 hu let him have a 20 piece, which the latter kept, aaa osmed that tt was a twenty. He ai tried bjforo Justice Dorris Public Examination. The regular public quarterly examination of teachers for Linn county, Oregon, wil be held at the Court House in mencing at noon on Wednesday, March 30th and continuing until noon Friday, April ist, 1887. D. V. S. Rkid, County School Supt. School Report. Teacher's report of Tangent Public school No boys enrolled, 36; No girls enrolled, 21 whole No carolled, 57. No days attendance 2556 ; No days absenoe, 656 ; average daily attendance, 42 3-5. J. B. Hdoubs, teacher A tueeting of the Trustees of the M E V Mas I f : Y iiniB Ha n.l KufAi-.. speak fer a prosperous year in Albany. By I oontntlv oa hand after to-day at Hoffi sailing oa Mr. Mcllwata voa can set vat r 1 if enter s. elothiog at bottom prices all styles sod Rradee to select from, together with a fins has of furnishing goods. Hold this ia your mind. Hit stock of boots and shoes is well selected and embraces a lars variety of ex ceUent goods. His dross goods sell on their own merits at ths most reasonable oricm imaginable. In fast every line is complete. making aa enumeration un ieesssary. I t to baccos Mr. Mcllwata has 00 real competitor : here in prices. He buys in large qaaatities, and, recently, before ths advance, enabling to give startliog baraias. Watcti his shelves rd cnaotsr Te the PsiMte. I sm now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers in all lines of goods. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, end hsve many nov elties I could not get by ordering. goods ex clusively. I have just made extensive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have just received direct from ,he factorv s full line of ladies and cent s flippers for the holiday trade especial I v elected for this market,' all of which witl e sold on their merits, and everv pair Suar nteMf n In rhMn .linn . mm . - . m - " ... M I ' ... Vl.V I ...... Baby was sick, wc she was a Chi.4. she etied far s-esanc Klea, she elasut t ssoaoAGsaAeaa, Belsm Mere to the taste, mora sccp'a'de to the stogaslt and more tr l'.y hcueficisl in it action. th fsmeus Call orma liqnid fru t rmedy, Pyt of Fiijs, is rapidly superseding all' u hsrsl Try tt. f or sale by Fcehty St Huea. Creecrlss, Oo to Allan St Co. whe 1 yea a it groce. nee. 1 hey have a welt selected stock aaa ell cheap. that the lux- Samuel E. You no. The Very tysWHOnVbTcnnxi I haye added to my hoot suss SSeS s ock a lias of t'te celebrated Laint, Bchht k MitcKtlU Philtultlphim Fin sAees fsr ladu-e, misses and cbildreu. Aekuswlsigsd ay dealsrk eeoerally to be ths best yalne d best fitting line shoe made. Widths C. D, R, and EE. A child can buy as aheap as a mask Sam est. C obbsl. Sols Agent, Aibaay, Oregon. Clssks 1 Cloaks 1 Don't forgot that N. U Alien A Co. have just received a lares stock of ths latest styles in cloaks from New Yerk, whiok hays offer at uu heard of low prices. Press Head. Ladies, when yoo aro in want dress dont forget to inspect the stock H. Allen k Co. Thev have a vsrv ltrzs stock to select from and at prices never bs- of sLfins 00k of N. Mr Smoad was completely slighted in the article iu oor oontemporary in refersuoo to Albany, and did not like it. Hi originally owned the town site and sold it to the Mon teith Brothers. This was about thirty-eiiiht years betors Wallace k Thompson became the first to sell 20 lbs of sugar for fl. , Mr. B. F Parsons, an experienced sewing machine man, is stopping in this oity and may be found at Mrs. Essta, Car. Second and Washington Stt. Ha has a complete out fit for repairing sowing machines of all makes in a first-class manner. Work guaranteed. Orders may be laft there or at this office and will receive prompt attention. The Albany C L S C mat on Monday even, ing at the residence of ths looal editor of ths Democrat- Boll call was answered by origin al poems of oot oyer eight lines in leagth on the subject sf snow. As some of them ex press in well worded Unas ths genera! sent Fancy Work. VllWl iSUVCl lUU VUC I . . aii Brownsville Informant, ths Grant's Pass ' ,or ouoroQ in A,oany Courier, the Independence Wvtl Sule, etc L E Blain's stock of cloth tag, boots, shoes hats and gents furnishing goods is the most extensive ever offered for sals in Albany. His counters are literally full of first-class goods, and another clerk has been added to meet the demands of his large trade. N. H. Allen k Co. have in stock a fu'l lii.s of material for fnoy work. o-mMstiig f Fairy uphyr, Shutland Tool and floss, che nille, arasens, fillasills. 72 inch English foH, sua Boss, knitting silk, eto. Call and nettle. Persons knowing themselves indebted ;o Mr. John BHggs will find the account in tits bauds of L H Montanye, Attorney st lair, and wilt do well to call on him and attend to the same at once. Fsr sals. One hundred and twenty acres of the bet quality of Improved wheat land, all fenci-d into four fields, good house, hard finis 1 good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds 75 acres of grain. Inquire st this office. Albany Wheat -72s per ba. Oats S3 " Butter -2 per lb. Kejrs want, osr .Iao. neer oi root, Rioi 40 Potato i -7 ts psr busksl. Apples - IS cents per bo. Pork- 55e par lb. Bacons asms, lOe. aksulelars, 5s. sides, 9. Lard 8 3 per lb. Flosr 4.M per bbl. ter dos. Sugar San C, SS. ury granulated 7 e. Mill Feed bran, 1 1 .00 per shorts, 15, middUpf s, It. sTkopa, 18. MILLER BROS., SDBALBB IK Md, Vegetable and Flower Siads, IMPERIAL EQC mT GARRDEN TOOLS, FIRTIL1ZBIS, ETC, tSS Sccand Street, Set. aalass ssi Ta r . PORTLAND. OREGON. Sead for nsw catalogue. School Blecbion. 2 Notice is hereby given that tks rssnlsr annual school election io School District Ne. 5, Linn oouuty, Oregon, will be held at tks Central school house in said District on Mon day the 14th day of March. 1387, for tke purpose ot electing ons Director to serve ths earning three years and one Clerk ts serve for one veer, baid election to beam st t o'clock, p. m. and continue until t o'oiosk of said day. By order of the Board of Directors J. H. Br a ic hart. District Clark. Ra Stockholder's Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there witl aw a meeting of ths Stockholders of tks Odd Fellow's Hall Building Association held at their office, iu Albany, Or., on Monday, tks Uth day of March, 1887, at ths hoar of 7 o'clock p. in., of said day, fer the purpr acof I electing seven Directors to serve ths eiseiag year, and fer any other bu si gees that nay NrDAju,