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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1887)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. rNblUknl rrry Friday by STUBS & NUTTING rtIUKVtOFMCCVl Bf,c, BalWlUt. roarialbln Mrert. tkkms ok subscription Isgle MPT, ..T , oar. ill idfMIM, t 0 Stogls py, par year, at and t ;nr t M single oopy, al months 1 04 In fie mpy , hree months , 60 nl MHW, , .... , ,,,, 9 PROKK8SIONAL 0AR1R L. H. MONT AN YB. ATTOHNEAT LAW, Notary Public. tlbany, Oregon. Office upstair, over John Brisrffe atorw, l airoot. VI4n23tr J. K. WE &THERFORD , (riOTARY PUBLIC.) tTTOKNKY AT LAW, AIR 1ST, . Of ILL PRACTICE IH ALLTHK COURTS OF T1U If State. Seols) Attention given t collections and rotvu mti'ar. In Odd FVII.w'e Tvm, '.. (4 r. o. rowwi. w. a. mi.vbtt POWRLL BILYKU, vTTORNKYS AT LAW, Ant! Nil r nra in Chancer?. 4tIY. ... ORK40f. Oollern promptly mad on all polnta. imih negotiate! on reasonable terms. saT'Office In Foster's Hrik.-e v I 4n lPif. J. J. WHITNEY, ittorney And Counsellor it La? AND otarv Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will praotin In all of the Courta of his State. All boelneea intrnatd to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LAN CD ON, DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a flrst-elasa Drug Store. Also a fine stock of pianoa and crgana, ALBANY. 0REW0N. FOSHAY & MASON, VfWWWI aetata- Druggists and Booksellers, Ageots for John B. A Men's publications, which we sail at p-ablif har'a prices with postage ait 4 ad. ALB4XT, OBEOOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticlei, Etc. pusciiPTioH eiurcuT fiLu:n. Open da; and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I have the beat stock of nmUure city and will sell la the Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE 10 the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, a. complete stock sod can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A, B, WOODIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. 1 a. frig UN DgRSIUNBD WOULD RXSPgCT Tally ' iform the aitisens of Aibaay and i i sitvtfcat I havetaksn charge of this Establish keeping clean room aad payia tlot ittsntlsn to basins', sapeets to init al who nay favor na with tboir patronage via g Hsretofore serried 00 nothing bat Flrst-CWsa Hair Dressing Saloons meet to rlra an tiro atUfsetioo to al y-'Uia I LH' Hair nostly Shmi! ss JOfl WgTtnER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OflUce-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. C. O nHKRRT. c.a.rvinre. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Hacoeaaora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handl all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds rf Iron and Brass Castings. r ATTF.tOft MAM OM SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all klnda of machinery. Will also manufac ture the Improved Cherry A White Grain sparator N. J. HENTON. Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0. F. BUILDING - ALBANY, OR Repre tents several of tke beat Fir In sura nceC'etnpanie on the Coast. Call c 11 him forreliable insurance. TT 18 IMPOSSIBLE TO 8.1Y TOO MCCB IN TRAISE OF TIIIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It canaot be t bia'hiy recommended, ss It is truly a MARVEL OF THE AOE, and no household aUoulil bo without it. It prsvesjl as well ss cures Skin Diseases, Oont, Rheumatism, G -svel, and all Kidney Diseases, AffecUsd Liver, Tieadacho, Nausea, Rile Wind, Indigeatlon. Conat.patlou, Diarrliusa and Djacntery, Fever and A-uc, Bleeplcas&cas, Lsssitade, Foul Breath, and every diacase brought on or aggravated by a dlaordored stomach. It is a Spe cific Against eontrgion and an emVacious remedy for Biliommeaa, Nervousness, Scrofula, Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purifies the Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives the whole system a Healthy sod Delightful Tone. There never waa a Medicine for the Nursery equal to it VOL. XXII. VITIATED BLOOD flereluloua.Iitherfted and foul glouM Humor Cared bjr Cnticurte. TIIHOrllI tha medium of una of your books ra reived ihr.xu-h Mr. Knnk T. Wray, Unurtci'i Apollo, , 1 Uvuino nioixhitt-d with your Cutlcura Kvintnlipa, and take thU opportunity to testify to you ihat their use haa iHinianentl v cured me 01 oua of h worst aa d blood polaoiilnir, In ronnvt'tton arllh aryslpalaa.that I hava avar aaon, and ihta altar having ixrn riiioun'Ml Mu-uraii.p i nno .-i mo ini ih.v U iau. Inourcotin'ry. luk. great iUaaure In for wanliiu; t. u UiintoatimonUl. ui..lioii.l aa It la by yon, In unl.r that other. mfrTini; fnm almllar malUloa may he encouraeJ to glva your I'utlcura Ksnisdlas a trial. P. H. WIIITI.INUKK. Uhburir, Ps. Kefcrviioo : Fim T. Wr.t, brmtrtet, AhiIIo, IV 4 ftOl'l MM S I 1.(1 Hi. Jamea K. ltlh.rln. Cu.t-'iii lloute, New Orleana. on oath aay. : "In HM h r..lul..ii I nt-nt hrolce out on my t .1 until I w a ana o( owrrttUn. Kvery . thliur known to tha nmlloal ravulty was trletl In vslu. ! mea mere rc, k t time. cuM not lift my bantla to -wy ha. J. eoubi not turn In tu 1 ; waa tu eon aUul i-i n. and kifkatl Uxu lita aa a eura. Mo r hr or cur in ten r. hi laao I hear.) ihe futt- aaaj Keioe,lt.. ue.l them, an.l aa iwrfeetlv iurel." Sworn to bvlors V. g Coot. J. l. CsAvruso. OMK OF THE WO RUT CASEN. Wa"hava boan aellln? yojr Cutlcura RorarUlea for year., and hate the flrat complaint .i to from a piirchaaar. Una of the w rat caass of Scrofula I averasw waa jured by the uaa of flva hottlea of full- eura Kraoltent, ntl.-ura. and 1 utieura 8. The l lak!a the "rake" here a.a medical ua. TAILOR a TAYLOR, Uru?rt.t Frankfort, Han. HCKOFI LOi'N, INIIKIIITED. Asd t'ontairlou llutnor.. with Loss of Hair, and Kruialona of th j Skin, are iMWitivalT cured bv full- eura and Cut icura HtM externally , whan all other mrdiciam fail, tfen.l for inihlet. t'utlcura lteme.l.e. are snkl avervwhere. IVIcw (illcura, the irreat akin eura, &0 eta ; Cutleura foa an euul.iie beautiflar, SS eta; Cutlcura Iteaolvent the New Ul..l Purifier, ft. Potter Dru- sad Chain leal Co . Boston. PLE8, lUaekhaada, Skin H!ens tabes, sad Uab Huniora, tiae Cutieura NOW MY BACK ACHES ! Back Ache, Kidney Pain, and ekueaa, l uetioee, Slriin. and I'.iu rc- llaeatl In one minute by tha LuUcura Auti Pain Plaster. InfslltbU. ' TUalstbeaMst PRAOTIOAL mOM-009 0HOB sr Inreatd. It Is very OBNTBKL end DRX887 and ctvee fas aamo protection sa s boot or over-jraitsr. It la saavaaisBt to ant oa aad tha too can liiaiflisasil la at say sakle by simply moying the tatlo&a. WWK aaua ur L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills ISOM, UJORM 4 CO., PR0PR'8. irew rvocsm puok mlpebiur for r ami Lima AM. BAKRRS CUB. BEST STORAGF ACUITIES. Highest rPrice in Cash fo WlH'Ut ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in alltbo Courts in the Stai MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. AGENTS WASTED to tell "REMINISCENCED of 60 YEARS in tbs NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY P00RE IDuetratinjr the Wit, llutnor and Eccentricities of aol4l eelebi Itlea. A rlcfely Illustrated treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to the wedding of Cleveland. WaaderTally popular. Agents report rapid sales, Address for circular and term. A. I.. ISAM KOI I A CO., Pobllih era, San Francisco, Cal . Pat. CongrsassW & .sstslataVBH aff f f THE SNOW. Below we give some original snow Htani&'s given by nienVieft of the Albany 0. L. 8. 0. , at a recent meet ing, in answer Id roll call. They simply lllustrato different Idea on the subject ami were not ct.iopoafd for literary offert. Whan Boreas from his arotio seat, Swaepa o'er ex pa mi tug soots, whoss heart Ha tempers rith his touch, ia death, His rude en.bra-a aad chilling breath, Enshroud by blade, and leaf, aad tiower Then Nature in her mightiest hour Of triumph - to protect bar own, Breathe forth a vapor, that, whan blown By arotio braeses, may ceodeus Into a crystal tJoocultnc i'r.x i pi ted to the earth, A spot lea robe of royal worth Though cold, yet reaping warm the toil, To yield the fruits of Sammer'e toil. Silently, swiftly in eddying rings, Soft as the touch of a seraph's bright wings, Snow flake are falling, bite down in the sir, Covering tha world with a mantle so fair. Emblem of purity, thus may w be In spirit, as pure and as gentle as tie O the snow ; the snow, Oregon snow, Brining dismay wherever you go, M 1 ting and (reeling, snowing and sleet. Oh the enow, the snow, Oregon snow, W like you beat the sooner you go. If I ootid choose a home lor me or mine, It would be ia tome far summer clime Where no man know That it ever snows. Softly fall the scow flake doer, Each one a gem, a work of art ; Covering the bare earth, rugged and brown, vVitb a garment white in eyeiy part. The snow that falls eo soft and light, Kach tiny flake so pure aai a bite. Bring to some heart jy aad gladness, While to other team and sadaees. e Jupiter take the enow, Why duran't it go. This my well has been, Until it seems a tio To tread on the e!ahy mass. Woe to the men without enough Of this uuwelcome stuff. K ART II CHAStiKS. Professor Hayt.'eo of the Geological Survey seya that the geoaigt,oeteor- ologists end other scientific men believe that the world ie oo tbe eve of eo toi portent ebange ia eltfHate end other pecte. 'The eartbqiakev," said be. "along the seaboard from Washington to Cbarleeton showed thst eoma mighty change was g ing oa in the enter of tha earth. Thee, agin,tbii winter baa been remarkable for the worst stotois in the West end Northwest known to the scientific world." "Tbe cause ot this," eeid Profeeeor ifaydten, "I cannot tell, but eetent:tio men here and abroad concur tn the opinion that we are approaching an extremely interaeling pe-tioJ. "If the eerthquakee o iotinue it will mark tbe beginning ot a change in the earth's physical condition. It is not improbable that we are entering upon one of the great geologic! eriod4, and possibly the beginning of another glarisi ae. Tbat the etrth wa populated with animals and that vegetation waa abund ant before the ice period we know, e we find proofs in tbe Arctic regions in tbe form of mammoth and other ani mals preserved through tens of thou sand et yesefl in the ice. But even it' I am correct in my hypothoais it would be a thousand ;ate before any noti taa ble change is visible in any way,perbepe lonr. "The seifiitiSc world is much inter- fjgtld in all these tinny, m l during tha omin summer thorough investigation wi l be bad," KAKTIItlt'AKES. Prof. Pal b, the Prussian meteorologist, whoso accurately predicted the far! b quake that lately occirrel in Italy and the south of France, has made a fore cast for the year a follows: There will be considerable atmospheric dis turbances, heavy gales and riiti, possi bly accompanied by shocks of earth quakes, on twenty-seven days of the present year March 22nd and 23rd ; April 7th and 8th-; May 5tb, 6ib and 7th; June 3rd,4 .h, 5th,21t and 28th ; July 20th, 24th and 25th ; August 3rd, 19th and 20th, September 17th and 18th; October 16. h ; November 6th, 14th and 15ti,and December 12th, 13 h and 14 b. lne Uathoitci of XNew Jertev are Jertev manifeating a deep interest in tbe move ment which has been started for tbe purpose of collecting a fund for e new church at Rome dedicated to the Liwh pttron, St. Patrick. An effbrf, in ul probability will be made at the coming celebration of St. Patrick's dy to or ganize a contiibuting fund from thi State. It Is proposed to collect at iea&t $1,000,000. Tbe new church will be one of the grandest in the Eternal City Individual Irishmen bave already srnt money and the . newspapers purpose starting interest in a public fund. Pri vate meetings have been held in Jersey City, Newark and Trenton to discus the subject. Kiflitts ALBANY, OREGON, Ioty ville. Stock la- vtry poor. Gr now growltig. Sw mill not running on account of tha effect of tbe high water. One more week of school. Put II are getting along nicely with their stud lee. A ferocious unite was heard some days ego at thle place which was pro nounced to be that of a eougar. A Urge crowd as collected together aud a well-ordered hunt planned. After many hours of wear starch for tbe King of Oregon foreata, the hunters wcrn kindly Informtd that the nolao which they hsd heard and wtilcb wee the OAUse of their long, weary truiu, waaiuado by J.N Comp ton drawing ascending across a tn. To any tin were dleguated le draw. Ing It v ry mild. J. W Corbptom I'tat two horsea thle winter. MUi Emma Compton .la vUillng friends at Brewuville. Fall grain looks very well. Mrs. Uletaod T. Curl are In very poor health. The former is getting better. Catt'o buy en In this vicinity are paying from $10 to $16 per head for ctlvea. Hon. W. W. Richardson bas a pleaeed look since he returned from the Legltdatore. 1 1 mi- Staff. FARM XOTfe. swSMsasasasa When tbe pig are coughing it inei eatea not only damp j arda, but also that tbe roof of the shel'er leeks. Scatter otae nf the fineet, ticbeet and best manure son bave on the piece of ground intended f r sour oniona. If yon havM not secured your gidu aeede do so el onct. The welaetiue should ail be made during tbe niatur season. It has Ihd suggested that fstm botnea be 1 1 by weigh', itt addition to oiber q ai it ie- e ae to induce farmer to raiee larger and hltir boiase. Even two or three feeds of eooktd tutnipaur otuttMM each week is Letter thn to omit such (and altogether. It is variety that t roducee health and keef a the atock in obm it n Whenever it is noticed tbet the boge eat gtavrl it t a sign that tomethibg that they need ia lacking. A few pteeee of . ', or charcoal, will probab.y 1m; e cure, while tbe food should at theeine time he varied. Tbe degree of fat depends up u the UteJ ef food. Experiments show that when the iopoitioo of non-nitrogenous to nitrogenous subetance in tbe food is c .u'i amtivt-ly high '.be proKr tion of carcaaa in the live weight is also comparatively bigb. Offeriog bounties tor the dastrue iun nf owU, bswa, crow, etc., net only .n-j.ieUe the County Trrasuriee, but does much to proptgate field mice and insects. Farmers tften destroy their friend under tbi suppoaiii n that tbsy ere protecting themselvee. For o!d atook that cannot properly mastioate thn whoU grains, tin re it nothing that will fatten so reality aa ten . tit meal Hnd one part Hnaed meal. If ta mixture be moistened with warm wster, and slightly salted to give it seasoning, the animals will eat it e'ean. . It in erer to be remembered that tbe reputatinoof the chuich is only tbe sum of the reputations of its individual utetnher. i lady was onoe asked by a giiftrt, "Woo is the mau bo conduct ed tour pmyer meeting so well ?" She replied, "That is our carpenter, and last year be did a la-ge amount of woik for me, and he did it so faithfully that I like to bear him pray jtutf ts well as I did btf.ue." Ctn lauat be said of all work d uie by churoh members ? It cu 'ht to bo. For these three direc tions in which human energy displays Itself b'iHtne8,polii ics, religion- stand or tall together. Falsu in uno, fultut in omnibus, (false in one, falee in all,) is good com most s ue, as well aD good law. O ! the satisfaction to tbe man himself, to his family, to bis church, the worth to the world ot a character tin snotted, nntiiM, honest, honorable. It is better for a mm to be rejected for himetf than for his money ; better to have charucter without wealth, than wealth without tdtarscter. The holiest man hm self-iesiiHCt. ll ban no faar of investigating eo nmtlteos. As one prominent member of Congress eeid dtiiiugflhe Credit Mobilier investiga tions : "I am nt worth us much motey as some men with whom I en tered public life. But I can sleep bet ter at night than moat of them. I am willing that any letter I ever wrote, any bargain I ever made, should be telegraphed all ever the country." A gcoJ natun is rather to be chosen than great tidies ; reputation is worth more than money ; character is far above all material possession. WHY WILL YO cough when Shlloh's Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 60 cts.f and 1. FRIDAY, MARCH la this so A few years sgo a tittle book fell in to our hatdt,rteountiitg tbe fxpeiieoce of a certain prominent business men, from which It appeared that, ai with most Americans, too close attention to business bed broken his health, fhs doctor eeid be could not live. He then stated that he uasd s certain artiele which effectually eured hie-, and "out ef gratitude for bis own recovery be de tei mined la devote a pot tion of his for tune to spt veiling its met Its before the world." As we read it we said I This is evi dently a shrewd expression of a com mercial motive ; it sounds wll , it reads well ; but many eople will cot believe it In a few yeers,bowever,hat man got famous tbe wcrld our. He gave sev eral huttditd thoussLd dolltrs to astro, nnmieal research, and hi name became a household word in really every home in tbe United Mtetee. Hundreds of thousands f people to day, without rervsiion,eey that to this man aloae they owe their Uvea. If ten men ate collected together tbe chances are that if one man incidentally refers to Warner's re cure seven of treiu will be able to tell, from their own expaiieuoe or (roan the experience ot tbeir fiicttd, of uiaiveiou result which that remedy bee wrought. Nothing has ever heeu put on tb market, w aie to'd, the sale of which haa been o grett end kept up so won derful!, aud this alone ia evidence that merit i et be bottom of its popularity. In our ilea find many an adver tisement from tbis bouse. Some peo ple have nelieved, have use I and bare been cured ; others bave disbelieved, have not used, and died. The manufsct jrer bve stated, tbe result of their moat csraful tnveaiige tion, that the eonditb.n of tbe kidneys I the key to health, and that they know if tbe kidneys are maintained in health by Werner' safe cure, niaety-throe p r cent of diessas would diapear. The uric aetd,or waste of tbe syeti tn, left in the blond, by what may be called eonattNtttd kidney, block up the sys teu snd catties disease to every organ. Tbis statement, mde time and time again, is eo full of sense that it is now accepted as a seientitio truth by iosur anew companies who reject millions of tuk every year if ibert is the I. est inactivity of these organs. Tbe pin. lie is tired of the wrangle of this school and of that school, and it la quick to recognise anything that baa such conceded merit, and en tbis ground alone can we account f u its extraordi nary sales end populenty. J a, S ('KAMKNTo.Mstch 9i h. Some time prior to 1870,11. B. ChatBeld purchas ed 350 acres of lead near PlortQ in this county and shortly sfter mysteriously disappeared and nothing was known of a a a Wk S m a ts whereabouts. JJartc tun's wee made by somebody that he had been foully deal, with ; also hints of a mid night burial at Chatfi.dd's ranch, and a body aunk in an old well, etc., but un til resently no Uvatigtion was made. Yesterday Richard Cbatfield who had filed a petition praying to be appointed administrator of the eaute secured the services of s well borer and inipeeted the old well on the rnsh, and aa a re sult found a human collar bone and two arm bone. Owing to tbe water being near the surface further prosecu tion of the work was discontinued until later in the day. Tbe finding of tbe bones created considerable of a sensa tion. Now the belief is pi evalent that Chat field Was murdered snd his body thrown into tbe well. Sensational de velopments are expected. No dealer ihould handle a pound of butter until be first secures a room to keep it separate from all other goods having any unpleasant odoi. A cheap, Up-ground, artificial cellar is lies', wher the air ia pure and Well ventilated, but can be kept cool. New Edtlon-"MSettler,K (iuhle." Henry N. Copp, the land and pension lawyer of Washington, has just issued the twelfth edition of his Settler's Guide. It is an indispensable book for all who are, or expect to be, interested In public land. Set tlers will save money by purchasing it, and all who expect to take up land should ge posted on the several laws under which land can be entered. A chapter, illustrated with numerous cuts, shows how to tel township, section and quarter-section cor ners, and explains the system of suveys. It gives Commissioner Sparks' orders and late decisions and instructions, and full informa tion about the homestead, pre-emption timber culture, desert land, and other laws The price of the book is only 2$ cents. It will tell you who Is entitled to enter land ; how continuous your residence must be ; what Improvements you must make what affidavits you must swear to ; al about contests, and on what grounds they can be commenced ; also about State lands, stone and timber lands, mineral lands, des ert entries, saline, railroad, coal, townsite; and other lands ; scrip, warrant, and other entries, etc. Its purchase will save you money and trouble, as erroneous statements circulated bv conversation amoner settlers ! .... I' I ni 11 lcu UFU"' vw J a haps your land and improvements. (mo f 18, 1887. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, xurr ten av Tata Wtmei'i Christian Temperance 8liil wrsiest'a.'w.1 HSBSaaaWSsWaWaWBai .' I he W. 0. T. U. meets on lbs 1st snd 8td Tuetday of each month at I o'clock e. m , at tha A. O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. During six years of prohibit ion Kan sas has trebled her wealth, added 500,- 000 to her population snd doubled bet rsllroad mileage. This will be sn in teresting item to tbst class o people who sre in the habit ot aaaertiug (bet prohibition kill a piece. It is no long er nssessary to bave a saloon on ever corner in order to have prosperity. It never was necessary. The idea baa been a vUlouary nue. The licensed sa loan must go. Intemperance, tbe curse of tbe da v , muat be checked. Vote for the amendment. What a very weak argument i the pre "ailing one that prohibition inter feres with ones peraoual liteity. Per sonal liberty I As touch does tbs law against murder, robbery, larceny inter fere with ones li'terty. When you en ter a park you road the eign "keep off the grass." Sensible people do not think their liberty bas been taken awsy, And so when our constitution eays "you sbaM not sell intoxicating iiquot," no ones liberty i taken away. It ia but a sign board preventing crime, for nine-tenlb of tbe crime results from the use of liqucr. There sre many peo ple vho need to learn what personal liberty meat .a. FttOHIHITIO.N. Below we give the views of some of the eminent men of tbe world on tbe object of prohibition. Nothing can be more convincing : Father Matbew in 1854 I "The pi in oiple of Prohibition eeems to me the Only s-ife and radical remedy for the evil i f intemperance. Tbis opinion hi been strengthened and ecufirtneo by the bard labor of more than twenty year in tbe temper suce cause." Rev. T. IV Witt Tslsaage, D. D.: "Either drunkenness will be destroyed in this oouury,or tbe American govern ment will be destroy ed. Rev. H. M. Scudder,D. D. : 'When we ask for Prohibition we only aak for that wbtsn ts tight, ebicb cannot pos sibly bo wroo;. lr. Wa. Hargreavos : "Prohibition of tbe manufaciuie, importation and sale ol all alcoholic drinks aa a beverage is tbe only remedy. " Dr. Ftdix L. Oawaid : "Prohibition of tbe lienor traffic ha become tbe urgent duty of the Legislator, tbs fore most aim of every morel refoimer." Ex-Chief Justice Oliver P. Maaoo.of Nebraska; "Use tbs dram shop as it will use you. Spare it not, for it will not spare you." Wendell Phillips : "Until it is made a crime to sell intoxicating beverage, intemperance will continue to exist." Mies Elisabeth ft. Cleveland : "God in tho tearful cry of tke bruised and baffled mother, sister, wife his own argument for the utter extinction of in toxicating beveragea,the extinction,! out and branch, of tbe liquor traffic." Horace Greeley in 1852 : "We be lieve in cutting off that liquor-dog's tail right behind the ears." Chief -J ust ice Taney of the United State Supreme Court, in opinion of the Court uti the "License Case :" "If any State deems tbe retail snd internet traffic in ardent spirits injuiions to its citlaeos, and calculated to produce idle ness and debauchery, I see nothing in the Constitution of the United States to prevent them from regulating or ie straining the traffic, or prohibiting it sltogether, if it thinks proper." Gov. Connor, of Maine, Message of 1876: "Maine has a fixed conclusion upon this subject." Governor Howsrd, of Rhode Island in 1874 : "Tbe prohibitory laws of tbis State, if not a compete success, are a Bueoens beyond the fondest anticipation of any fi tend of temperance." Governor Martin, Kansas, Message o: 1886 : "Steadily and surely intemper ance is decreasing in Kansas. Drink ing habits are giving place to sobriety." Judge Woodbury Davis, of tbe Su preme Court of Maine : "Tbe Maine law has produced a hundred times moie improvement in the oharoter,eondition and prosperity of our people than any other law that was ever enacted." Dr. J. M. Buckley, 1835 : "The prsbibitory law throughout the State Maine was enforced sufficiently to produce less temptation, less drinking, less drunkenness, leas of the results thereof, than in any country in which we eer traveled." Ex-Gov. Nelson Dingley in 1882 : "Wherever prohibition has been most constantly enforced, theie has grown up the deepest oonvintion of its value.'' THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. In an article, "Protection and Re spect for tha Liquor Traffie,5PA Tribune says it is "a trade which flourishes up on th Jruin of its supporters, which de- rat NO 88 I NEW SPRING GOODS Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., s At prices never before offered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN & GO are the ones that are yrupose t,o sen CASH AND a gfr duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oataiouge in the State. We propose here after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail ASTONISH YOU. Mail orders solicited, and fwmni plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 tirst Street Allajy, rives ita revenues from the ptaavte of homes snd from the defi ending of help- ess childhood ; from the degradation of manhood : which reanirw. for its prosperity the injury of the community; which ministers to every vile and vi cious passion and uroneasit? ; which makes drunkards and thieves and em besalera and gamblera and wife-beaters and murderers; which brutalizes and degrades all who eome in contact with it. Tbe traffic tells tbe imuM'U that il - a bas great political )ower ; that it ia organised, and that U will fight reform and temperance with the votes of the unfortunates it has i mbruted. This, then ia what tbe community bas to faee. It must either submit to thn political supremacy of the rumsellers , it u ust either sccepf tbeir government ; it mnet either how to their standard of morals and declare them to be entitled to 'pro tection at d tepci ;' or it must make rp ita mind to a ou flic, the aim and und of which shall W tbe overthrow of tbis abominable abuse and tbe protec tion of tbe masses against tbe worst foe of civilisation. It ia having realized that tbe futute of the country depends largely upon mastering the elements whieb have their oiigio and derive all tbeir strength from mm, .nd which militate at e.ery turn against good gov sroment,pure social conditions', religion and pi ogress." ra teats Siraatea. Patent granted to citizens of the Paciti States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of .American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : E Boesch, San Francisco, Cal., lantern. H B Cole, Riverside, Cel., tree prop. W S Doan, Sacramento, Cal., car coup ling. L Fjord, San Francisco, Cal, water filter. H T Hazard, Los Angeles, Cel., cartridge loading machine. P D Horton, Oakland, Cal., slate washer. E Hosford, Oakland, Cal-, boiler for heat ing water. F Payne, East Portland, Or., pulverizing machine. J W Redfield, Glendale, fire arm. J Richards, San Francisco, Cal., stop valve. C A Smith, San Francisco, vessel propel ler. J P Tierney, Oakland, Transom ventila tor. W H Worth, Petaluma, Cal., grape ste ai mer. THAT HACKING COUGH can be ao quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Foahay A Mason, ag'ts. STATE ft lu d7S DEMOCRAT. THE BIST ADVERTISING IfiMU,! Ii THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY special bnalnes notice In Local csj H", 10 eenia per Hoe. S cent eacb aoOlllona! Insertion. ,r K'al and transient advertisement a fi 00 per square for tbe flrat Insert lee.snn peeente per square for each aahseonent Insertion, Rates for other advertlsJHaeet made known on application. making the offer. We goods for PRODUCE or otherwise that will New Store. SomstlriBg Entirely lew in Altanj. We bave com to stay, and will deal ia SECOND HAND GOODS of all kinds. STOVES, TIN WARE, C80CHIIY, GLASS WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING CMOS. People who have heretofore oeen unable toeell or a lapoee of article, will do well to call at our new store and .n cefve eeah or trade for same. We will sell new sa ck on hand at the very lowest figure, and you will do wHI before l uvmjr elsewhere to ran nt tbe store occupied 'by Mr. Znker man, We solicit your pslronage. M. FRANKLIN e CO. First National Bank OF4I.K4.Y. ORECOII. tli President Cashier t- fnm a. a. ves sja -GEO. K, CaUM TRANSACTS A GENERAL ACCOUNTS KEPT rabjset ta aiuuT kxchanos sad Meci-seeJe tee g i or, Baa rraaeane, Ctuoago awS PwrU Oteaeav COLL LLECTIOXS MADE an avramMe . Tana), ess. K Chi L. E Beans. lTKbts, Waltks E Trssau, J. u COWAN. J. w.evstes Linn County Bank, COWAN A CUSKX ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general bankias; aastaeei. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS sa New Terlt, Sa etsoo and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oa approved security. RECEIVE depoatU snbjest to choak. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as wlM reeatfe ton tion. SVsa H. F. MERRILL, AtBANT, - - - mm. EXCHANGE oa New York, Baa Praaaisss sad Portland, Or,, bought and aold at lawast rates. DEPOSITS received subject to saeea. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. COLLECTIONS wilt receive prompt atteaUea. Fire aud Marine Insurance placed la rsuaele tea- paias Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregea (flty, r. ) February, 7th, I4w7, f Notice Is hereby a-ivea ISat the aaflaw Ing named settler haa filed aak ee ef Bis intention to make final proof In rBB&eest of his claim, and that safe1 preef will Be made before the Conbty Cierft of JAwm sounty, Oregon, at A lean v. reajsa, ea rue Jay. March 29th. 18a?. vat: 10 Meyers, Pre Emptien D. 8. Jim. im ffav theSK ofNEaneN )gef8B Jg 15 Tp. lu S K 1 E, He names the following witaesaas tja prove his eontfnuana reaideaee ajeea, Saal cultivation of, said lani, via: J B BilyeB, Jeff Bilyeu. Edward 0 rimes aad Thesaas r?iliinis,li of Scio, Linn eouaty,Orefoa. Av. T. Bowsiav, Bsawtw.