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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1887)
Ifearrh Blrerter U. P.Ohdroh. Preaching every Sabbath, mkmf and evening by Rev. f.. O. lr vhis, D. D. Sabbath School at 2.30 r. u Pmfar meet tee every Wed neasday evening, EvAXeaucAi. Church. Praachiag on Sab Nath at IO..K) a. m., and 7 r. u. Sabbath ehool 10. OO. Prayer meeting every Wed aesJay evening 7 JO. 8. EL Davis, pastor. All ara invited. Gene una at tow a l Chc aoR. Services v er sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:10. Prayer mooting on Wednesday evening al each week. Kev, H. T. Roniaaer. Paetor. M. K. Cue acH, South. Proaohing every Bird Sabbath in eaoh month at 1 1 o'clock a. M. and at 7 a'olook p. m. Sabbath School aaoh Mahbath at 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting Friday evening's at 7 a'clock. J . W Craig, Pastor. M. K. Cmuroh South,Taront. Preach ing on the tint Sabbath of each month morn ing and evening. Sunday school each Sal bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meetiug Tbereday evening. J W Craig, Paetor. M. K.UnuBCH Praaohing every Sabbath seeming, aad evening. Sons service in the svenieg before eerrnon. Sabbath School dtlSOr ml Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. II. P. Webb, pastor. ruillTtttAR CrcncM. Servioe every sssBbaaa moraine and evening, in Church oar. Breadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School isasaei lately after the morning; service Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev S R Prise hard, pastor. Finer Baptist Cuurch. Trenching every Sabbath mormon and eve' Church on Mb Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meettag every Theraday evening nt 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Arewnsen, paetor. Catholic Cnvnm. Service every Sou day at 10:30 a. a. and 7 P. st. last Sunday ( the month service at Eugene City. Kev. Lonis Metayer, Rector. They St. John's Lodge, 6a, in Foster's Block Satuniav of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Baylev Chapter, 8, at ' Hall, ath Sat erday. K of P., at O. F. Hail, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. P., at their hall.e very Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall. 1st and grd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every rruiav evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F Bail, let and 3rd rridavs. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIBTOI Ok STAR BAKERY, Cnrner Broadalbin and First Sti., -DKALER IsT fsaaaedl rrntta. U lavas ware. Irielr raits, Te-bsacee, Qneeusware, Vegetables, C'igara, Sulrrn, C'otTee, Tea, Kt, Ete.. In fact everything that ta kept ta a gen eral variety and grocery store. Might market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Ar8gonacific Wlailroad Inly iBfopuiar Koute, Mm 1 icturesquellanges, Win limn I Mare connection BJgw eqniptneutn ! 225 mi lea ahortnr! SO bourn lean time ! Aeooosmod stions unsurpaa-ed for com lannnaaarety. raree aud ireigbt at t en Usaa than by any ether rout between all fointa in the Willamette Valley and 8an ranciaco. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY TO 8AN FRANCI8CO. DaUy pautugmr tr mitts not ft Sitiubtyi. e V J A Ad m ... . neiiw, e:so a.m.. lv Albany. 12 40 r. a AirlT,JorrJll.lU t3 A.m. Urriv Corrallu. 1:10 e. M sVmnsj Alsaojr, 11:20 A. a.jArrive Ysqulna, 6: t. a Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The Oregon Development Company steamships sail : rsoa raeouA YsquaM C .Tuesday Kh. 1 raaxcisco C.lhuMUy.KeblO aau UrA,HtHUy,rM . , nassamw.rse u auooajr, reb, XJ . M, atur.Ujr, lUrca 6. YC, Kn.Uv. March 1L M, TaunxUr, Mrok 17. YC.sraaassdajr, March is aday, Fb 22. ' today, 'b ta. nday, March , 4 M. Kiturday, March 12 r O, Friday, March is. The Company re, rree .he right to aanga aaiung uays. Fares- Botw mii Cor alliaaodMan Fran- e.sco I Itail and cab i, 114. Kail and at enrage, fu.Si. For In format ion-ap, y to C. CiCE, A. O. F. mm P. Agent, Cervaltia. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -yta Oregon & Calirorula B. K, AND VDNNiSCTIOaS rar. rrm u Han rwjlao, ajJ t hacra ssente, saw. C'loae ceunactiuna uuule at .Vahiana stagM ( U,s Cthfvraia, Oreg-si and Idaho Htaga O (DAILY KXCIPT BUM DAYS,) iasl aide trivial, BBTWKKX roMTLAB AB ASsllAJID. Mali Train. Lsava PerUacid s 00 a m Albany 12:06 r u Aahland S:46 r u Alhaay 11:46a n aaaiva. Albany 11; tr, am Aahland 4:uu a m Albany 11:26 a M PorthMid a;4 M Albany Express Train. isavs. Asaiva. Pertaand. ........ . .4:00 r m AJbanjr 8:34 T M Albany 1:26 r Ic Lebanon BaiOr u Lehaaoa 4.46 a m I Albany 6:28 a m Arhaay .60 a m PoHlaad 10:05 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily bstarsse Portland and Ashland. Taa O and C R R Ferry uakea connections with Sbe regular traina on the Eaat Bide Diviaion from a!l from foot a r BM-eat. Wet aide Dlrlaiou. BTWKBX l'OaPTL.4 VI? AND 4 OKVALLIM, Mall Train, LSATS Pertlaiid .7:80 AM I Co ARIUVK Corvallis 12:26 r m Pnrtl.n1 CerraJI'.a . . . v. wtm .... ID f jh At Carvailis cuniiet with train rf dr. - ..1:30 n Portland tsr Tauin. Bay. Express Train . wavs. Asairs. PortUad ....4:60 r u I McMinnville 8:00 ru MaMiaavilU b;46 A m Portland 9:00 a m Laaal tUkeU far salt and bagga-6 checked at com paay a up-toam ofgoe, Cor. Pine and Second Street TiokoU far principal pof.ta in Caliiorn'a can only be yB nPy office, Corner rij From Hi., Portland Or, freight will not be received for Mipnasnt auer Bye o'clock p. m. on either the Eaat res a)4e Division. E. KOEHLBK, E. P. ROGERS, O. P. APaatAa-ent. er. PATENTS sis4, and ail ether business In the U. S Paten sSSendidad to fr moderate feee. w.!!-fH?il,.1"" U- 8- PDtOfnce, and saa ahtaia Patenu ia.a time than th.we rsmota rasa Waahisartes. sj4 W4J, erdrawlna. We ar sfflar free af shsrfs ; and re make ws ehtala oaten t. We a1 to natent o charg-e uuleen u'? Portnvwter, the Sunt, of gy "rder Plr. and to orBsiala of th U . 8. Patent mBBs. rorsirtalar, advica, terms, and eferenos snial edeuta in your own Scale or county, addroaa C, A. SWOW&CO., WFastt PsUnt Oiloe, Waahlngton, D . Notice for Publication. Land Office nt Oregon City. Or. 1 January 8 1st, 18417, J Notlea is hereby erlveii that the follow- inn named rettler 1ms tiled notice of his Mention to make final proof in eupporU of his claim, and that said proof will bo made bfie tho Register and Receiver or the U.S. LandOfUoa at Oregon Cliy,Or.,on Wednesday, Mnroli 23rd, 1887, via t W r liarrom, Homestead Kmry No.aMMfi for the N W U of Sec. , Tp. 10 H U 8 K, Wlllam ette meridian. Ho mime the following wltneaeee to prove hie continuous reaidence upon, u cultivation of, aald latul, via : Joseph O Turiildge, Thomas L llenneaa. W J nmldKonndl. l llciir.oas an oi not Crock, 1.1 tut county, Oregon. XV. T. IJUIW SV llegifier. rOR SALE, Ono half hlw'k ill enatern part of the ottywith fair house and barn will besold ohear Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho under- signed ha Won by Uu Comity Court of Linn county, Oregon, appointed Administrator 01 the estate ef J. W. !SIvons, dsccssed. All persons having claims against said estate aie hereby required to present them a id in six months from date, nronerlv verified to the undsnognd at his residence in Sautiani Pre . . - . v - ... cinct, l.inu county, Oregtui, or to Weather- foid it Ilia -shorn, at A'bany, Oregon. March 'Jnd, 15W7 bask CiiAm-RRK. Administrator. Shi 6.OOO.00O pgQPi-tusg FERRY'S SEEDS D. m. FIRST SI VvMm MaadaUtte4tebstae tAsUST tllllMII S dUwarU. 9. M. FERRY iCO'S HI.lrM. a rlaSHe a rebel SEEO ANNUAL For ism7 win be mttsi mis to am i JOi 1 assssV 1 Na- 4n. fXM r ISjeir SSSaSiS M MM fm AddfMS B. M. nwi 00- Detrott, Mich. Notice for Publication. Land oftlce at Oregon City. Or. 1 Januarv, 19th, 1887. NOTICE la hereby given that the M owing-named settler baa filed notion of his Intention to mahe final proof in aop DOft of bla claim, and that aald proo will M made before the County Judge or Coun ty Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, ore gon. onfTbursdny, Maroh loth, 1887, Tin : Phi lister iimtiKcil Kntrv No, 4306 for the 8 W M of Sec, ML Tp. 12, 8 R 1 E, He namee the following w Unease to prove hla continuoue residence upon, and oaltivatlon of, aahl land, via : Charles WUUanis. John W.SIavena, Joel Vail and Andrew Vail, all of Iebauou, LJnn coun ty, Oregon. , W. T. Bun bt, ' RegUr. eH A RiRlsS ArUotcAtCunB lsXRVOTJB TIumTT. n v MfeatamS v DECAY, fnYounjreUBlcWI ateiea massa Taniauson scvcn rsAnanvunats) HARRIS Rt nonw ar. r aVVJB Ca-ZT3B Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PR0PE1ET0&S. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep cona'.nntly on bnnd Leaf. mutton, port, veal, catmnge, etc.. the teat rnvAin ann i rg.i variety in tbe city. Cnah paid for all kinda.of fat atock. SAM MAY. I. c. aexuEBS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General IbrcMMw. HARRlSBURC - - - - OREGON- Will bay (iraiu, Wool aud all kinds (coritrprodore. N O HO.MK l.LESSKD WITH A bAbY is oumpietc will-out the monthly riiltn vi JJabitool.Uia.t del iuht. com fort an I aid of tij mother. Only publica tion in the world devoted te the care of yoang children. We are glad to tecotumend it. 5 ii ki!iuu St.. Ja . Y.l S .SO a vear 15 cenla i :tiy Clubbed with tliii DKMO- cbat lor $.1 a y-ar. m ALBANY. GOLLKGTATE IS8TITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1886, 1887. BXET. E J .TJUlMrOV. U. !., .resident. A full eorpa of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet W.c ntea or mi grauew.of wtudonts. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition rancoH from 85.50 to I12.S0. uoaro in nnvato tami tea at low rates. Koonia lor eelf-boardinir at amallex'-fensfl. A carefal aiinervitlon exorcised over hlu. dents away from home. Fall term opens sssysnnaoer in. rur circulars and lull particulars addrot. tbe President. KLV. E. jr. TIIOMPriOW, O, l , Albany, Oregon, rVtBamCssaasrssanrU Pssfe. Wm afirCs asTssSssaa! BBMBamaSmnaS l9ssstnEim!aS tttSSJa-TB PTOfJ6BMgg for Infants and Children. r CatOTla 's so well adapted to children that I Ceatoria ewes Colic. GeaaftmttaB. r """oena it aa superior to any prwscrintion I Sonr Stomach. Dmrrnaea. Erilcta known to me." II. Aacasa, M. D.. I Worms, gives Bleep, and III 8c, Ctatord St, Brooklyn. N, T. I IWala i'wa. ru Tin HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT E f a amicTuv vsofTaats I SSCLTtCSS IAMIO MIDIOinf. I, iimS m I O.tOJI, tin. PHILADELPHIA TUm majttrity of th ills of the Itumau y atrlao from m dlseaeett XJvar. Him iiiona l.tvn Itcgulutor htw Ikhmi tho tnenns of reatorlug more people to benltli nud haiiplneas by giving tUrm n bvaltliy Liver than any other ngcuey on earth SUCK THAT YOU GET THK O KM 1 1KB. Summons. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. 11 allies. Broae, vn, F, O, Drone, Defendant, To Bros, ike aboxn named Defendant I N iba name of the State of Ore gen, yon ar hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff In the nbove entitled Court, now on Ale with the Clerk nf aald Court by the first day of tbe neat regular term or aald Court, whioh aald term of said Court : elm on Monday tbe 14th day of March, 147, at tbe Court House' in Albany In Ual oftnnty, Oregon, Aud you are bare by notified that if rou fai to appear and answer said co i plalut as hereby required the Plaintiff will take a decree against yon for tbe rel iof prayed for In her complaint filed in said cause, to-wit : for a divorce from you and for her coats and disburse hienta In this suit, and cbauging ber nam to Uattie N. Header. This Numinous ia published In pur suance of an order of the Hon. R. P. Botae J edge of said Court, made at Chambers on the 30th day of Ootober.lNW. Dated Jsu, 2etb, DW7. PowBLLtt Hn.v i r, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Remarkable Offer. Tbb Dams hat f-J 00 Raw Yoan Woki i. 1 no Fix Htwronr or tnr V. 8. ,. 1.50 AantKrr-AN rARMra 1.00 IMP And chp at the price ; let we offer the foor for $3 2.1, giving a r irarkaUo bargain. a .1 .. , urop mo sim'rtntH rnnvrr and )' o t au have the thrre remaining for S3. Drop the World nnd HUtory and yon can have the two ethers for f2.'J.V The history la a 3 0 page book nicely bennd, and is worth the egnlar prtee. fed Invallrfs'flcfei e Surgfotd Institute 23 U Jb-,Jr,a,X.O- 2sr. Trm salaasl wttil a fnll BtaST Sat 4 aaO CklUfnl rhraicia3 rcrons fur the trem nscai eg ell Ckraaie Clacasca, Oi'fi FIELD OF SUCCESS. UllrAllfa Wsamaat ataaa MS em - aa. . ' -mmmmm VSirra1S Jl SlrOISt OIHl '. IX I J.n n Alp Stiar ' of Womsn, Blooal one Affacllonav l . "V I' " wtth or wltnout nwfaa Uf tnuhmt. Vm ..! re or at Inmr. w, or -nji i, u ooT ia In alarm for our mt naWlnr. " ""S a" lui a I lam uuun i ......a. .a ...!. ii i u. weVTojDsliebtiify.rsBBo. Delicate IvK5a Disuses. -liM-l y VoUklllUl S'aI. Ilea an1 Perulcloaa Boll. ary rractlcea ero spctdJiy end nennanrntly cin.l be out SpeeUiiv.i. rjook, nost-paio. lij eta. in stamps, Itaptarc. or lirwich, rn'IU ut thti kiiil.-- cally esnsjn. without VllllOUt Of . H...IUI, ui.-pcpaDoe upon tnroo. nr.l with very llithj ..If ft. A . -M - W m stamps, w vca etuta PII.K TU SI All A onA m-ISt ca i.r u-ii (x riia in auuui i. A.Wnaas h OlSrKMSaRY Mtlliri!, Av'i iTinu ivfi li .. . uuuiw, a... a . Tho frMlmMw r t Diseases of tnouaanda of caaaa of t - a v. iiv VI Ieoiiimr lo Women. AxsnzsT at tbe Invalids Jtoni and Sunrioal Jnatftutr, i.ns f. M m a a wa w ivaaa m iraa iliili JaUBJ SITa yZ&EJ explauw la aUaptiii ruuiodlee DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription ik. .ii. x a v w uub tbbx ezpenenoe. JMU V neetorntlve Tonle w van sysiom, saa cun. corrhea. or awi. oa,Bf) tmairlc.'Leu. v bites,' exceeslvo 1 menatraatlon, un- flow l n a-, inlnfn natural nuppresalou a prolapsus or . u-eafi ho.k iaiiing qi tbe nteru sniereriio rfV'0.1!' I a own ne stiniteaaf VeKen region of that State. Its advocates 2' h yomb, iunammation, pain . . . . ... . . . Baa tendemnil taa ava.l... a .. t I muHu u ult.n rltm hilt iUn Pro.Manl I iVtfESw and ..A'.WeeB i iIJ?al'J?i?a.t' "t Nervous Froetration, and Slcepleaeueae, lu eilnor sex. I PRICE $1.00, 33a iVSSS! Sold by Braffffteta cvomrfi rnZrT rii I t ' UTOO a larjro World's Dispensary gtadical Association 603 Mala Street, BUFFALO, H.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headache, IHzziueaa, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks. promptly cured by Br. Pierce's Plesanf PneajeitlTe Pellets. 29 ecnts a vial, by Drugsiaab uon. promotes di- Pa Inlcitaw madinalksL, ar aar immtnmwkWOJwmewntw Oman Cowainr, 188 Fultoa Street, N.Y. mSAffW sjH FKIDAY MARCH 11, 1887 v.iMi.itiirto.t. (rrein our regular eorreaponuent.) Washinqtok, Ftb. 18th, 1887. Congrias hat given Ita attention to a vast amount of miacellaaeoui mat ter during thegprereot week, auch m the Teste Ku-klux invoetlgetlon, money for rlvera and harbors, retalia tion toward Canada and the trade dollar, but tbe most Id tore ting debate occurred In the Senate over the bill providing for the increaae of the navai cMtabiighmeni. The Senate voted for the building of ton new cruller. Senator Maxey, ofTexaa, wag not only in favor of building war veeeelf,but of fortifying erry seaport In tbe conotry. He knew that it was going to coat moo. fov.but ho ssld if there waaenv form In tbe maxlun. "In time of peace prepare for wor," this was tbe time to put it in practice, when the Treat, ury was overflowing and when the money was being absolutely wasted. Henator Butler,of 8. Carolina, want ed the vessels to bo heavily armored. Mr. Hale loslsted that the pending bill confined the new vessels strictly to dsfensive,not aggressive purposes. He was for defensive purposes first, and after that, If armored ships were desired, he would favor them. The two features on which Congress was now proceeding were the fat ctuisers (making It dangerous for other na tions to engage in war with the United 8 tales, because tbelr com merce would be the prey of the cruis ers) and the coast defenses to ptevent foreign fleets from bombarding the great cities of tbe United States. Senator Iogalls expressed the be lief that the floating batteries provld ed fur in the bill would be practically useless. The Senate bad bene, with In the past few weeks appropriating millions on millions, not for tribute, but for defense. Wealthy men who did cot care how the money waa to go, had been doing this. He hoped that the Senate would pause in Ita headlong career long enough to get some tangible information as to how much money there waa In tho Treaa ury, and how long the "Fountain of Pactotus" would sfford the golden stream necesaary to meet the millions which the Senate was so recklessly voting away. 8ecatorliiphbadreadioibe8eo. ate a newapasr clipping which de- ... .... scribed an imaginary attack on and iet.lrurllon nf Ihn cilv of Kan Fran- claco, by a bcstllo floet. Ihen he ria...i .ar. ihaa r.rn ri-r,ni. .w.r!.tl f th. Hnltaarl Kla kn,l - - ' ' a " i e4 ' "V aj a a'VWSWW WWW W W Ill It svaa iinrlAr hsatv hnml Inkreo ' I k. .. u II I. mII I ha aa,..t.l r.A I i a m i i w a e ewe a bhv ww s a tn (s a ase a it wonld b at e humiliating dlsad- vantsge In any oonlroveray. Whet. Senator Vest took Iheflror kaaa.lra.l aa-h.. aaa MaamfiaiKIa, f..r Ihas present disgraceful lack of s United Htnlca Kavv and nea-coa t dettmuM. He knew that he would be Uhrah- i rear old straw," but he wanted to re mind the Senate aud the country that there was not in the history of the civ, Used world s pige of mal-admln iatraiion equal t that of the Navy Department of the U. S. since 1865. we uio jo aja eiuvv avw. It wss not the fault of Congress that the country had no shipaand no coast defenses. It had annronriated since the clone of tbe war, nearly $500,000, 000 for naval purposes. If a British pur poses. Mi ii later aiiould make such an exhibit o ptrliament ss the U 8. Navy De partment from 1865 to 1885, ho would be puraucd out of bh placo with exe crations. The ScfJHt ,r believed that If ihh session' were,to last much long er, 'Congress would out Aladdin's Ump Into the hands of a receiver." The Houae of Representatives has made up Its mind to fight the4Presl-l ient's veto of tbe big Pauper Pension bill, and the Senate, of course, will do the same. It Is not believed, how- ever,that the veto can be overridden. The President's latest veto Is that of tho IV'Xhs need bill. It spproprL a,d $10,000 for seed corn and wheat ' I to be di-tritnne.i In the drouth strlck-1 raade 8,,on pleo'but thi Preldent in nis message sccorapanymg the Veto. "I do not believe that the t I power and duty of ibe general Gov ernment ought to be extended to the is Ait.f rt I w s4 I at Irl atml unifAelnra aass ta. taskta fas w. a.,u.T.UUC.. ouutinig w.j.l,, 1. I . tax. I in no manner properly related to the puoiic service or oenent." Among j a IS .. . S S m t . a his sentences was one which will j doubtless have a place with the familiar quotations of our Federal politics. Said be, "Though the peo ple support theGovr rnment.the Qov- ernnuMit ought not to support the people." Hen. Alexander H. Stephens. "I am directed by my node, Hon. A. H. Stephen, to say that ha has do rived benefit from tbe use of Simmon Liter Regulator, and that he wishes to kitij i uiiiuci viini, it. jr. uiauueilai I r ' Crawfordsville, Qa., March 31, -1870." Extract ot a latter from Alexander A Stebhsns, dated Marob 8, 1872 : "I use. when my condition rea tires it.Dr. ' s? W a - - Simmons Livsr Regulator, with good effect." WHY WILL YOU cough whanShitoh's Cure win give immediate re iter, ota., 50 ots., and 1. Pries 10 jajPaaaSaj kNHAT KILLS AMERICANS. fast I,t rm .,Ulr I t. Mn If nrrf Prink- iaa-P not HitM'nlns - mm. Jaalensg Pelitleal AmkltlanVleleat Passions j Th linen fee Money. m(4. Tlio alarming diHeaHo of this country w nervous debility and prostration. It goes under - 1 A Tl mmaj iiiunos mil it is. essen tially tho same complaint. Hospitals and private institu tions for nervous patients are' crowded. Tiie average of life aL- TT-'i 1 C1, . a m me uniwju otaies is ae creasing every year. Sudden deaths from nervous collapse among our business, profess ional and public men are sc frequent as scarcely to excito remark. The majority of sui cides, committed without, ap parent reason, or under so-called "depression of spirits," are really prompted by nervous prostration, which is a fruitful source of insanity and crime with all their grief and horror. These facta are startling. They threaten tho very life of the nation. They assail the springs of its power artd pros perity. They wreck manhood's strength and woman's useful ness and beauty. Every one should know the causes. VVmt are they f The answer is easy and terribly plain: Our vicious personal habits ; our careless and lawless eating and drinking; tho in tense mental and physical strain arising from our mud race after money, position and influence; the fears and struggles of pov erty; the use of narcotics and stimulants; our fashion of turning day into night and night into day; and, briefly, our desperate willingness to pay any price for an hour's pleasure or success. So we burn life's candle at both ends and fill tho lunatic asylums and the graveyards, The disease from which we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, Nervous Dyspepsia, as it is seated in the Nerves and in the organs of Digestion, Assun Hation and Nutrition. Healthy I ideation being impeded or des troyed, the whole oody, nerves included, is literally starved; even when there is no emaci ation to tell the sad story, Nervous prostration sends A. Ia 1 I 1 uu' IH warnings; iiennneno MJ1"0 morning; a persistent 1,11111 lllai'1IUillll 1 llllir . III,. f, " nvuuia . uiu uwunuu, wmwiiiiii: k Of appetite and disgust With I $ . asul lWkaa tMAMaVesI AttASWanif aaMl f"' w "amamnai waam uuu interest in ordinary duties and buSUieSS; D StleSSIlCSS and lUlX- B f, , . . . leTy WllUOUt any aSSlgnal.le I 7 T I ' U B C O II J CrUCTatlOHS , UUU m m 'J wm . " V4! ' Tu,7'1k mi i iimmBSj PP" mo ueaii ; mS I " W talU BIWIU , WOICU i i iiiiii aiaasm eM a nr a aABa toiigiw and gradual faUure of sssavssMiimsgwai, hi rurirrr ri bi 11 1 1 asri rtirinn Tho remedy is a total aban donment of tbe habits and cus toms which cause the disease in each individual case, and the use of Shaker Extract of Roots (Si-ip-l'rt Syrup) to cure the miscliief already done. This - . fc. V "TT" f'."" . . "lo ouiiavur v-oiiiniuimy oi mu juer anon, N. Y., is esriecially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys- Sepsia. To do this it acts irectly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex pelling waste matters from the system, and purifying the blood. Upon the nervous system Shaker Ext ract (SeigePs tyrup) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone and strength through its wonderful influence upon the function of nutrition. It is safe to say more nerv- j ,. , v oils dvsneDtica have ben rA. i , ... T';" 2 1 Z" T;" oi misery to a iiesli on oyment . . . . - - - . J .J of life and labor than bv anv a11 Airmo rt.oaIwoJl , ,n,t!j Combined. - T? 111. 4n J.UW BC.U JCaCUiVlUVU WW Vwl.iV uw VWU font to anv address thirteen weeks - W . on trial for 25 cents. Splendid prerni- umf are oxrered to yearly subscribers. THE WEEKLY ALT A, San Francisco, Cai. Cnusksnneis, or Liquor Habit, can be Cored by admuustsriag Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be siren in a cud of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It, ef. lectins a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have Often made temperate men who have taken the Golden Speclflo In their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drink- inic of their own free win. no harmful effect results from its administration. Cures guaran teed. Bend for circular and full particulars. Address In confidence Golden Bractrio Co.. taa. . . a. . , i . mu naco sc.. lancmuau, unto. The Barest f Combination. ... mm -ii . ,r Tm,a dalmajtv of flavrtr with trna affiiuav Lf hM been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup ef Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneMoial effects have wodered it immensely popular Per aala by Fosbay k Mason, wholesale and retail. A 09 Us We Membira wishiugemploymentior daairiojr help, will plevaecall at Bead A Biewnell'a store and register tneir names. joy uroxr or Long Fort LAB SCIKMf R. An t xplorei of prebiatorio mounds in Ohio has found carefully wrought hatch ets of soft coal associated with human skeletons and bronss ornamants. From tho character of the materials it is cvi dsnt that these wars meant to simulate sxss of flint, and were of no use except ing in burials. Recent surveys in the Pyreones prove that the Aian Vallay Is tributary to tba Garonne aud that south and south ssst of this valley are several ranges nearly 10,000 feet is height that ara not shown upon any nap. But the attaogeat disoovery is that of a lakt,ths targsst upon the northern slopa of the mountains, !yiog in a gap between two lines of peaks, which, having bean sp proaohad from opposite sides, hail pre viously h an considered identioal. Mr. Braidwood, NUpsrintandent of the London fire-engine establishments stated before a commit tea of tbe House of Lords, that, by exposuie to heat not much vxeeediug that of boiling water, timber is brought into such a condition tbst something like spontsoeous com bust ion takes plane ; aod that It may take eight years for the heat from pipes charged with or used tc ooovey steam, hot water or heated air, laid among the joista of a floor, or in the heart of a partition, or elaewber in a building, iooased in timber, to induce the condi tion necessary to (ha actual ignition of the timber. It has been notioed that -I. .. t mutes are rsrely affected with seasick ness, Tbe en:i-eireulsr canals ot tbe internal ear are probably absent or negative io function in these people. These canals are nut organs of hearing, but of equi libration, and wben diaturbed give rise to vertigo and nausea. Dr. Willis m onea of Cambridge, Maae., claims that connter-irritaut applied to the akin behind tbe ear wilt relieve seasickness. Tbe Cou&trr-irrttant may be a blister, or simply rubbiog the part until tbe skin ia slightly excoriated. Summons, In th Circuit Court oj th Mate of Oregon Jor W R Muukere, Plaintiff. va. M. V. lb mlerson, L. llaudaraon, Florence rv lasraiey, jiuo naraiey. j. a. icecann, Klizaltu McCann.Ludatnls Hruyks,iobn Hroylaa, J. B. (Joodrkm, W illiam Good rich, Alice firounda and Kva Utouuds, Defendant, To Ludemia ilroylae and bar husband, John Hrolcs, Florence K. Hat k ley aud ber Lusband, Jim taiaU y, foor of tbe above named Delendanla. I N TUB NA'.tK OF THE STATE OF I Oregon : You and each ol you are bvreoy notified aad require! to be and aar In tbe soove naii.d Circuit Court In the alove entitled soil by tbe flrst day of tbe neat reaular tetm of tbe above named Court, following the aspiration of six wks publication hereof, to-wit I Bv Monday tbe J7tb day of June, 187. and answer the coin plaint tiled against you and tbe other Imrendanta tberoin, by the above named Flaiutiir. and you will take notice, that ir yon fall so to appear and answer, tbe PlainUfTwUl for want hereof apply to said Coott for tbe relief prayed for In said complaint which Is, la oriaf, as follows; (l) or a decree foreclosing tbe tnnrtgag wade by Edward Grouuda aud huaau Grounds to William Jory on tbe - day ra Jannarv, 1S77. on the V K i and tbe is W of Section 2, la townshm 10, b H I W. of tbe Willamette meridian. Linn county, Oregon, and aabasquently purchaaod by tbe Plaintiff and ) for as eder to sell aal i lauds and to apply tbe prooeede thereof to tbe payment of tba Srinctpal aom of (SSOO) eight bnndred ollatslnU. 8, gold eel a with interest utereon at me rat" as one per cent per month from tbe 17th day of January, 1877, nntil dacree and tor tbe turn of flOSaa At uirney'afoesand far coats and disburaemnia and barring all claims of the Oafendanta or either of tbem in said premises and for such other relief in tbe premises se may seem moet. This Sumn ons Is served by publication for tbe period of si wteks by vntue of an onter oi ll, Uon. H. P. Boiae. Judas of auld Court. Vnlini J h i:,. ry 10th, 1887, RaMNKV tt BlNOBAM, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stat o Oregon fir Ltnn tonntp. Wsrths Moustcn, Plaintiff. vs. Joais Tin.nirm an and 0 W Timnterman. Defcn'isnta. To Josie Tim merman end Q W Tiunner- man, the above named IM t duta : IN t lis name of the State of Uregon, you and each of you ate hereby requited to ap ear and answer tbe complaint of the aboye 'laiutiffiu tbe above entitled Court, nowoa tile with the Clerk of said Court, on or be fore the second Monday of March, A. D. 187, it being the 14th day of March, A. D, 1887. and you sre hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as hereby required, the Plaintiff will apply to the C ourt tor tha relief demaudeit therein, to-wit : for a decree partition in snd divid ing between the Plaintiff and the Defendants according to their respective interest there in, the following described real property, to- wit : Lots 74, 75, b7, 88, CO, 70 and 130 in tho city of Scio, Linn county, Oregon ; also, beginning at the southeast corner of lot 70 a recorded in the original aurvey of tbe city of Scio, linn county, Oregon, rnnnfng thence west 9874 cet to the southwest corner of lot 75 in said city, thence south to tbe north hank of 1 nomas Creek ; thence in an easter- y direction, along the North bank of aaid Creek, to a point opposite to aud on a lino with the hast line of said lot 70 : thenoe north to the place of beginning ; also lot 71 in tbe city of Scio, except the following, be ginning at the southeast corner of said lot 71 ; thence west 50 feat ; thenoe north 16 feet ; thence east 50 feet ; thenoe south 16 feet to the place of beginning ; also tbe fol -lowing, beginning 14. 88 chains east of the northeast corner of Section 22 in Township 10 S E 2 west ; thence east 5. 12 chains ; thenoe south 20 chains ; thenoe south 89" 48 west 40.54 chains ; thenoe south 32. SO chains ; thenoe west 45,66 chains ; thence north 52.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 acres more or less, and all being situate in linn county, Oregon, and judgment for the costs and disbursements of this suit in the manner provided by law, This summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of aaid Court, made at Chambers in the city of Salem, on the 24th day of Deo. 1886, in the Statb Rights Democrat. WlATHKREOBD & Bl.ACKBCRN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administratrix1 Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Edward Murray, deceased, by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, aud all persons having claims againat said estate are hereby required to present the aame to the undersigned atAlbany, Oregon, duly yeri tied within six months from the date hereof. Deo. 24. 1886. Anna Murray, Weatherford Blackburn, Adm'r'x Attorneys. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so nutablv nnrarl hv Shiloh's (lure. Wat . I . II- TRnnhur Ay Maann mmAm. JULIUS GRADWOHL line the only exlay suk ! CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large luortment of Baby Damages, And a (Ihoio Selection of Ooffee.Tea and Sogai CKE OOZEN COF8 AND SAUCERS OI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. Oil , LEAD, WINDOW MOUTH AiSb line THE nOSUST MARKET PKI,;B PAIBPOB eQ(J8 Eememberl What I 8aj lean, fflvo Me a calL 600D8 AS LOW AS ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co,, Nowepeper Advertising Bureau. IO Spruoa- at , Naw York, end lOote. for lOO-Fstge Fmpl,l. liiiss House. -J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Thia houae ia naw tita n anJ (nrrih. A with tbe beat aesr furniture. Kyerj rthing clean snl otmrnodioas, oflWring to the ften ral public so nchor accommodations to any ia the city. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Scratches. Cpraina. Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, arsssaasTW Laabago. RhcsmatUn!. Baras Contracted tmw wm aaa" Museies, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, 6 winner, Saddle Galls. Files. tings, Bites, Braises, Bunions, Corns, Spavin Cracks. THIS OOOD OLD STHb-BY BMompUabe for everybody exactly what tocislnud font. One of the reaaoiu for Uae great popularity of the Kuataas Uahaeat is food In Its salvers! applicability, terybody ssetosaehs The La ssaerssan needs tttn ease of Tbe llanaewlfe uaede It for general family eae. Tae vn aeter needs it forms teams and us The Mechanic needs tt always beech. The Miner nred u teeassoa The lMonrernaodit-5an'tcl along without it. The Farmer needs It la bis bones, his stable, and his atock yard. The Steamboat man er the Beetman seeds It hi liberal supply afloat and aahors. The Herac-faucier needs It It la bis beat friend sad safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs it tt will save him tbottsands of dollars aad a world of trouble. The Hal Iread asaa seeds it and win need It so long aa bis lite Is a round of accident and danger. The Back weedaman needs it. There Is sola tog like it ss sa antidote for tbe daaaats to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tho Merc bant seeds It shout bis store among bis employee. Accident will happen, and when these coma the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Battle la the llease. Tl the best ot economy. Keep Battle la ths Factory. It Immediate use In caaa of accident sarea pain and toss ot wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the Stable far sae when wanted. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) January, Slat, IS87.5J Notice la hereby given that tho foTTow-Ing-natned settler has tiled notio of his intention to make final proof in support of hla claim, and, that said proof will be made before tho Register and Receiver of U. 8, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, Mareh 23rd, 1887, viz : Tbortisfl , Henneas, Pre-Etaaptlon D. 8. 4735 lor the N of 8 K M and 8 W M ef K M of See. 84 Tp, 8HK1E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, eaid land, yia : W F Hor rom, W J Tut nidge. IS Lewis, and Joseph O Turnldge, all of Rook Creek, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Burn by. Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregou City, Or. February 23rd, 1887. J Netiee ia hereby given taut the to low ing named settler has filed notice of hia in tention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and thai aaid proof will be made before the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, atAlbany, Oregon, on Monday, April 11th, 1887, via: John O. Walton, Homeslead Eatry Ho. 548 for the N. W. X of Sec. 32, Tp. 13, 8 R 4 east. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence uoon. and cultivation of, said land, via . Oliver Me Farland.of Sweet Home, and I.. MoPar hind, David Frr. man and John Althouse, of Albany, all of Linn oouuty, Oregon. W. T, BORNBY, Register. ESTRAY NOTICE. Shkud, Or., Feb '2th, 1887. . I hve this day appraise ' taken up by J. B. Coney, of ' as folio ws : Oue brow I about the face ai " the right horn of and under bit in years old. Said about Jan. 7th, ed Jan. 27th s ANV HOUSE IN OREGON. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFE R -PRoPRiErosaor Albany Soda Works, A r.r . '"""uoaeuirera of CHOICE COWEOTIflmY, aais i e ara mow prepared to sell at aa-Kaai. , always frish ns P1. pricei line ;f to dealers, W.rTfSS lulas and Tropical fmiti, ITV GROCERIES, -OUR- CiGAR AND TOBACCO Jsjiartment la comVwi We keen tha. is a delight to smokers. P P b . . wolvstbtob. e, k, zjrrrsra, W0LVERT0N & IRVIME, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ataroce up stairs in Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREGON. Old papers 25c. a bnndred at the Dcafo crat effioe. SBBSbw The BUTEBB QVTDM as MW Ikm reaur. SSTBIB s'.itS av jm 3. 300 VBBBBBBBr whole Ptetssse mWr GIVES Wlaelsssls ttirtet to eotxMuntfre est alt peraosual or fiassstlr toee. Veils: order, east gives exsact eesst asf haare fata wltla. These I3TYAL.VaJSUB HOOKS eonteta Inforreatioxi glamaaaet from Use markets of the waarlaL. We wtll meU m eepjr FBEC te easy asV areas npoo reeelpt of 10 eta. to ex praaae of msvtltn let sss keeu jou. BcapeetfSatlra MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ear ac ww waaeyssi avesae. II Kearney aireet, sae FraeeUro, Cel. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakaeas, 1 italstv, ieriiiatorUn)ttt, Leet Mauhoaxi, lmBeaeaejr, Psralvfis, I'roataiorrhoeav, and al) ths terrible ssessa ot selt-abuite, and sasegf ia asalnrer years, tueb as Loss of Memory, Lassitude, Noeturaal Bsslssioas. aversion to aocieiy, Dimness of vlsioa, Noises la tae Head, the vital luia paaaiugunosaeiyed 'a taa ariae, and many other diseases that lead ta ineaaity sea death. iem bis Suffering from any of tha above symptoms, shsaM Hnsult ua at once, Ths drain cam be stooped, vi tality restored, and lite be made again a 1 lessors instead of a burden. The. e fs many MIDDLK-Ai.r:0 MEN who are trouble with too frequent eaacoaUae ef the bladder, often actomienlcd by a sl'.aht amaniaeor burning sensation, and a weakening ot ths system la a manner they cannot account for, Ropy Sedimeat la the uriue, etc. Mauydteof this difficulty tgacrgat tt the cause , which is the second stags ol scmiaal v eaknass. Cures guramteed in all such caesa. fee bm Italian free . Thorough examination sad tdvics, including chemical analysis aud microseople e xamination of ths urine, Sa, An honest opinion given in every ease. The following medicines supplied at the prices named : Mat A ST LEV OOPKK VITAL BGSTSBi lit', S3 a bottle, or tour times the auantity, Sio. SIHPIK BOITI.C STB Ear Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syaa a " ins, sex ami age, strict secrecy In regard to b isiness transactions. The Celebrated Kidney Remedy. NEfHKKTl- . ai.Ta, iui an niuua oi iviuuev ami oiaauer woxapiauias j- .. t. . w . . . - ujuarrauw, uirat, Mucorraoca, etc. r or sale all druinriata : SI a bottle, or my hnttlna Inr SK y The English DAK DELI OS, LIVER AND RVsV IEI.1 A DLL is the best in the market. ForsaBt by all druggists ; price 50 cents a bottle Address English Medical Oyapeaaary. N . 11 Kearny Strett, San Francisco, Cat Administratrix Notice. Notice ia hereby given that ths under-1-i jnod has ben by the County Coart iar L un county, Orefron, appointed Ad minis tr ttrix with tbe will annexed of the estate of James Mady, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon All persons having cliduif against said estate ere hereby te qi ired to present them properly verifies as required by law, to tbe undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from th is eale. This January Srd, 18S7. , rktt Mast, At ministiatrix with th will annexed of tbe estate of James Mady, deceased. Wbathbrfokd fc Blackburn, Atty's for Administratrrx. V rTOKNEY AT jL,AV -AND pgJgasTrjp GEaSaTa FDR SAtraEALERS EErrTWMERC A i