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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1887)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Published rrr Frldaj ) 8TITES A NUTTING. tlBSrri K..I l.trrm llultui.,,. Bra9slbiti mrwl. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION lf I 0r, par year, Is advaooa f 0 eiesU y. Pr yr- aland of year t M tlagU 0Oiy, Ms Months , , i J lujjl throe m.mlha , 50 Bl KHM PROFESSIONAL 0AR18. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public. I nasty, Orrgoa. Office upstairs, over John Brig store, J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AltUXV. ;. ilTlLL PRACTICE IN ALL THB COURTS OP Til B T Stat. Sp-.ll attention irtven to coll, ti.-n end h i inUter. MTOSc In O.I.I reHew Temple, fls:, t. o. PowatL w. k. silt ten POWELL BIIrEU, iTTOKMEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery. sMl.JY. - - ORKC.Ott. Collections promptly mad on all point. Caena nairotisted on reasonable terms. tlOfflwln Foster's BriokWas vHnlfXf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittornej And Counssllor At Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Conrta or .hit statu All business Intrusted to him will b promptly attended to. i E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kapt in a first el ss Drug Store. Also a lino stock of pianos ard organs. ALBANY. OREGON. POSH AY & MASON, I) racists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Aldan's publications, which we sell at publisher's pries with postage) Jed. ALBANY, OKCCiON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, Prescription carkfillt filled. Open day and night. Al b any, Or, FURNITURE. bar tbfi baa stock of arnitura in the city and will mU Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE iu th citT and tha lowt the VHy. Come and a. Undertaking, a oom plate a took and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. 1ai UNDBRUIONKD WOULD RISPXCT . fall I iform tht oitiitnt of Albany sad ri i i 't? that I hsvetsktD charge of tbit Establish eat,and,by keeping oleaa room and payia rictaUeatlea to batinata, at pee to to aait si at wke may fseer na with tkelr patronage arioj Heretofore oarrltd on nothing bat Flrst-Gliee Hair Oraaalnor Saloona axottta to glra tstir attf rtion to al IBfObildisa nl Ladie' Hair neatly ea hpoel J08 WEBBER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ofnee cor. F1rtand Ferry Straata, ABANY - - OREGON. a. a its krbt. O.B.PT.l!tt ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Stioaaaaors to C. C. Cherry.) lachinisti, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, and are now pro pared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will nsnufactiir Hteam Engines, Grist and Maw Mill Machinery, and all kinds nf Iron and Braes Castings. PkTTr.KSS W4R ) SHORT MOTICE. Hpeqlal attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac t are the Improved Cherry A White Grain Separator N. J. HENTON, notary Mlic and ingnrance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repr tents several of tke best Fire la or nceCeatpaoles on tht Coast. Call mi him forrelisble insurance. GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for GOOD for OOD for the enre of Constipation and Indigestion. tho enra of Biliousness and Dyspepsia lite enre of Bowel Complaints. tho euro of Kidney Diseases. . tho o( Lasv'siJwJtaiess and Weary Back' tho cmo of J Aver Complaints. the euro of Boils aid Carbuncle. tho cu t) of Foul eath and Sour Stomach the cure of Sleepldtsne&s and Irritability o euro of aii t'oiiiSaiuts. VOL. XXII. A CHILD'S SKIN Cured by it Intra. V liti!.- wxi, atftsl .k' t rr, hu been fnic'etl with Koiein of the walii, ami at timet a irroet ittin of no tHHiy, no he waa twu year old. It Ucg'xn in hta tare. t.. n tended te hla scalp, which itevant covered wlttt ecabs end tores, and from which a sticky fluid inured out, causing Intente Itchinif anrtUittrcML aitil leaving hi hair matted and life). CiHlernrath thueo w-ab th akin was raw, Ilk a piece ol lufsitak. Gradually the hair cam out and ws elryod, until hut a anudt jiatch waa IpO at the hack of the head. My friandt lu Ptabody know how my Utile boy ha auffomd. At sight ho would wretch hla head sntH hla pillow was covered with blood. I saeil to Ua hit haaida behind hitn. and In many waya triad to prevent tola scratching ; but it wsa no oat, be would ecratch. I taok htm to the l oapital and to the brat phyalciaue in Paahody with out auwaaa. About tht tlme.eoine friend, who had boen cured by the rot L ure Itcntodlca, prevailed upen metotr) thrtit. I Ix-gaii to ueo them on th 15th of January leat. lu aavea month every prti le of the illaranti u removed. Not nr nnb rcmalas M hlacoaJptotal) the atory of hla auBatlng. Ill hair baa rwturuad, and la thick and .tivna;. an t hla cl aa iwwt and clean aa any child 'a In th world. I can not aay enough to axpreaa my gratitude tor t hi wot. pful cure by the CuUcara fUmedlea, and wlab all tlmllarly afflicted to know that my aUUment I true and without exaggeration. CBARLES MoBAY, Oct. atb, lajft, rasaody, Mats. I havaasra Mr. McKay'a boy when badly affected I Lm.w Dial b lit tntvl IkmiI .h i. Ii.. km. I aaaaaiav waa a nniiui atirnt 10 iuok ai did all a father cvuld do for a Buffering child, but availed nothlnir. I knftw that the tutementa b ha made rou aarairtr-i. tit. . unn,-..f hi ho h vour t'utlcura HeiiKxtte are tma In even particular. WILLIAM J. M. AKTMY. S3 Footer It , Peabody, Maaa. B.d.1 ererywher. Price : Cotlcura. M eenta Cull' cur Houp, i cento . Cnticu Reaotvenl, Prpar ed by Po'tc. Drug and Chemical Co.. Doaton. srad far "Maw t rr Mkla Blaesaea." PLK. Hlackhead. Skin memlahta, ami uaiiy it IN ONE MINUTE. Rheumatic. Neuralgic, bclatlf. So.Men Hbarn and NervoU Paine ami Waaknea rrllcve-l In cma minato by the Callrara Antl Pain Ptaator. At Imffleto, tf i-uuer untj vo Thta i It tke bWaoTZOAI. mOH-CTJT Tt U rcry GENTEEL an ! DRESSY aadgfvta Bat aajBejpretocttos aa s boot r ovr-faitor. It aa to DBt on and the Inn ran haadtaatad eat M uy aakto by alaiply taevaagih battoa. gSXaWaaaW L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNIKO A CO., rROPR'S. saw raocKss rtoca stnraxioa torn pamilib as" BAggas rss. BEST STORAGF VACUITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed -ind seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly- on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notic Use only bst Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ' ROBINSON A WEST. F. M. MILLER, Attcrney and Couuslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Will practice in alltho Courts in tha 9ta! MI88 EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. A, 0. U. W. Member wiahina;employmnt or deairing ue! p, will rjlet4ec)l st Reid k Krownell'a atora and regiiter their name. Bv Ordrr orLouoK. AGKNTB WASfTBP to tail "REMINISOENCEf of HO YEARS in tha NATIONAL MgTROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY POORE Illuatratlng tha Wit, Humor and Eccentricitlet of aoted eelffb. Hie. A rlebly lllMtratd treat of inner Society Hiatory, from "ye olden time" to tha wedding-of Cleveland. Waatierfally popular. Agent report rapid aalea, Address for circular and tomr. A. L. BAbCKOFT at CO., Pobiith art, San Pranciaco, Oal. 3? TMK NEW aWAHr LAMM MIX. . Futlowlng is iht bill relatiug to swamp land that passtd the Bent.te on Haturdny, with but oot negative volethat of Stanley, of Jackson county. The bill Is the result of much study on the subject : 8. B. NO. tl. Introduced by Mr. iiare. Head first time January 18th, read second time January 2bth, referied to cum tntttee on public lsnds January 24th, reported buck with amendments Ft b ruary 9th, 1887, ordered engrossed, printed and special order for Satur day, February I2tb, at 10 o'clock. A BILL. For an act to declare forfeited to the State of Oregon est tain swamp and erflowed lands therein, and di recting the State Board of Commis sioners for the sale of the swamp .and overflowed lauds belonging to this State, to cancel certain fillnga or applications, to purchase aald lauds in certain cases, and empow ering and directing said Board of Commissioners to employ Attor neys ud institute suits In the Dime of the Slate to caLcel Stat deeds or pateots to such lands In certain cases aud upproprietiug money therefore. Be it enacted by tht Lqitlativt Aimmbiy qf tht State o Ortyon. Sccnox 1. That alt certificates of sale issued by "the Board of Com missioners fur tho sale of school and university lands" and for the Invest ment of the funds arising therefrom for swamp aod overflowed lands on which the twenty per centem of the purchase price was not paid prl jr to January 17th, 1879, are hereby de. elared void and of no ttire or effect whatever ; and salfjyBoard or r m mlaaloners are hereby authorised and directed to cancel aald certificate of sale. Sec. 2. All aa-smp or overflow d lands sold under the provisions of tho act approved October 2jih, 1870, relat ing te awamp lauda which have not been reclaimed or paid for in accordance with the (.roviion of aaid at, are herctoy declared forfeited and the certificate of sale are declared void, end the said Board is hereby anthoiixad th cancr) the same, bot the provwiona of tbU sec tion shtU not apply to actual attl-r on land of 320 aerea or leas, who have paid their twenty per Cent'fu, which Battler may perfect title without reclsaiatioc by the pay nan t of the remaining eighty per centum before January 1st, 18&9. Sec. 3. Upon surrender of any such yoid certificate of sale, or any certitioat of sale or receipt giveo for payment of lag da sold a awsmn or overflowed lands, r if soy of such curlitieatea of sale or receipt be lot or d-atioyd, or beyond the control of th purchaser, or hto legal representative, tbit,upn sub- misaion of the proof of such lots tha Bosrd shall order the amount ptl thereon, or such oriion of such amount as shall remain after making the deduc tion therefrom hereinafter provided for in aeriain eaaee, to be repaid to auch purchaser or Lis legal representative, and the Secretary of State thsli draw his warrant for the amount so order d repaid, whenever miflkimt fund are in the swamp land fued avaiUble fir i.w payment. Sec. 4. The said Board is hereby authorised to cause suit to bo insti'nt ad in the name of the Siate to set sii ! any deed isaued by said Biard upon fraudulent representation. If nocastty requires, the Board is autknrized to era ploy Attcrneys to defend the intcrexti of the State or io institute snita for any just cause. Sec. 5. Any legal applicant lo pur chase swsmp or ovet flowed laodt, who had complied with the provision of aa act approved. October 26th, 1870, en tities' an "act providing for th selec tion and sale ef swsmp and ovei flowed lands belonging to the State of Ortgoo," including the payment of the twenty per cent of the purchase price, prior to j January 17th, 1179, shall, without re clamation; upoa payment of the balance ef th purchase prices be entitled to and shell receive a deed for the land ; provided, that such payments be made prior to J.nuary lat, 1889 ; and pro vided, further, that no deed shall be issusd to any one person for more than 640 acres, provided said apjHicsnt shall first surrender to tho board all certifi cates to him issued or in his bands for any of said swamp lands forfeited by tbii act ; and further provided that no actual settler it in possession of said 640 serfs or any portion thereof under tha homestead or pre-emption laws of tha United States or under a quit claim deed or evidence of purchase from such claimant." Skc 6. In all salel or conveyances of lands nmde under the provisions nf thia act, or which shall hereafter be made of swamp lands, an easement of thirty feet cn each side of all section jines aball be reserved fora public high way amp or overflowed ALBANY, OREGON, leads reverting to the State under tke ptovieioas of this sot shall be sold as provided in th set approved October, 18, 1878, trlwting to swamp lsnds ; d, thst sctual settleia rhsll hate the eaclusive right to pmohaae the lsnds occupied not rgceeding 920 acres to any one prton for sis mouth) from the approvMl of this sot. Sec. 8. Any actual settler wbuoli have purchased prior to Fehrueiy !', 1887, from the miginal holder of y oerti6caie,which is by this aft deoUtwl forfeited, any cf th latda mentioned in this set, ihstl upon making to aaid board ratisfactory ptoof of sucb pur chase, and of settlemrot t nd improve ment of such lands, entitled to a Vd to the land uot egceeding 640 acres, to h selected id n. more tbjin two trats,snd the hoard ahall eaenrtsin the amount paid by auch settler to tha original awamp land olaiuiant. When such amount it so ascertained the board shall ohergrt aeid amount to said origi nal awamp land e'.aimant and ahall d duct the limn from any moneys paid by such original awamp land olaiojant for any land by this act declared void. 8Ec. 9. Iuesmoeb aa there la urgent neoeasity for the tasaaga ef this act, to settle the rights of applicant to pur ebsse the swsmp and overflowed landa belonging to this State, and to protect the State title thareto, thia act shall take efTact aud be in foree from and af ter its approval h the Governor. Young man, you ere at a polut on the highway of life where are two roads leading In different direction. You will trsvel upon the ore or the other. Ooe seems broad, roomy and inviting, but it led off Into the val ley of the shadow of d-t ruction and ruin. The other appears narrow and Utt!nv!titiff,a:id seeme lo lose Itself io the great wilderness of life, but it ends out into the broad plains of booor, fame, wealth and happiness. If you would travel this latter road y u must b honest, truthful, iudua. triou, vlrtuou, eelf-sacrifici ng, tern peru'e antl economical. Which road will you take ? Success and hsppi. ne3 depend upon your ch dee.' It is supreufely imortant. Be careful litw y u decide. Through. tut Colorado there is a feel ing of auppreex d dtagtst because BO rstboad, nor anybody viae, his offered to buy the preaeut Lgilatore. The twopio of that State fel a natural chagrin that it U not omsiderei worth b r. iog. It seems ,bst 'Senator Hawtev is ac quiriug eutida-neo io the Democratic Aduiinuiration. It is to be hoped ibat his pstri tMam is at last gtiiag the brttcr of his prtisusbip. wide a ea rv tarn H alf a dozen years ago It seemed impos sible for Widt Anvlte to be more beautiful or more attrsctlve.yet year after year It has gone on,addlng new features and developing old ones, until it seema at last excellence can no further go. Ita wealth of stories, sketches, poetry and illustrations furnish an inexhaustible reservoir of entertainment and instruction for the members of the fam ily circle,old as well as young,and its month ly vleit I like a ray of golden sunshine in the hottaebold. If V A- Aivak flits every de mand for a first-class magazine for children In the Avay of amusement, solid valuable reading, stimulating thoughts and sugges tions and artistic illustrations. The Christ ma (Dec.) issue is particularly fine. It contains about a hundred pages crammed with reading matter and pictures. Price aO cents. The yearly subscription price has been rcdaced to $2.40 a year (from $3.00,) while the msgazine will be made more at. tractive than ever. D. Lothrop 8c Co.,Pub liahcrs, Boston. fares t- I fere is one of Sam Jones' level headed remarks : "If I wanted to get a good square judgment on something I had done, I had rather go to a newspaper office for It tlian any other court of justice. I know the justice of journals, the integrity and purity of their motives. I know that they probe Into a man's character. No man whose character Is pure need fear all the presses in America. The way to be safe from so-called newapaper attacks is to be a Christian. The reporters arc the best detective force In this country. They have brought more criminals to justice and punctured more shame than all agencies combined." God bless you.Sam ,for making those statements. They are corftct. Subscribe for the Dem oor at, only-$3 a year in advance. Patents ttraate4. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacifie States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by .C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Oflice.Wask ington, D. C. : L Baer, San Francisco.Cal., collar button. M L Bcrgmann, Buena Vista.Or., spring shackle. E Chaquette, San Francisco, float. W R Johnston, San Francisco, spectacle frame. B A Lombard,Rtockton,Cal.,horse power. M P McCoon, El Cajon, Cal , tent. A McLean, San Francitco,Cal.,filter. R A Rew, Pomeroy, W. T., heater and ventilator. j Richards, San Francisco, Cal.,hydraulic ram. A J Stevens,Sacratnento,Cal.,Slide vanve. T A Sweet, Paso Robles, Cal., window sash. FRIDAY, MARCH VviEssliinirlon. (Press ear rtgslar evrraationtfeiit.) WAsHixoTog, Feb. 11th. 1887. Congress Is working rather spas mod lost ly In these Igst weeks of Us life. Ltst week It was industrious, but Just now It is diking Its short life esaily. On Wednesday n large amount of obituary eloquence ws expended In the Senate In honor of the late Senator Logan, end In the House similar eutogiatlc speeches were made In honor of Mr. Price, the late Representative from Wisconsin. These memorial services consumed a great deal of time hut they are not bullosas, and it was hoped that ihO useless custom would be abrogated before the end of this session. The President acknowledges him self very much worried over the se lection of suitable persons to serve on the Ioter-State Commerce (Jommls aloo. He eay nothing has given him more cancers since he came into of fice, he Is so desirous thst the mem bers of the Oum mission shall be prac tical men of affairs, end acceptable to the majority of nil parties concerned. It U stated by a (Jungrosman who professes to know that Col. Morrison baa been offered his choice between the Cuslrm tnship of the Cam mission and Ike Secretaryship of tbo Treas ury Department. It is understood that the President will not appoint any member of either the Senate or House who has been elected to the Fiftieth (Jougresa. As the session draws steadily to a close It is feared nothlog will be done to change Inauguration day from the 4th of March to the 30th of April. Unless tho proposed amendment to the OoiutlUafJoo Is submitted by this Coogreas, the change cannot be made lo 1889, and the nest inaugural pro cession along the grand Avenue will again bo compelled to face tbe paeu monls. breeding galea of March. There are so many President 11 as pirants In Congress who are interest ed 00 thl subject thai It ! to be hoped tbe matter will be pushed through In the closing hours of the sees ion, when i many schemes pass through with a rush. Almost every body favors the chang, and no ar gument In ita behalf is uoeded. A few minutes of action i all that is necessary. Much Interest Is felt to know what the President will do win thst dis ability pension mil, or the pauper pension bill, as It is called. Not that It Is a bill for paupers, but a bill to make pauners out of aelf-supporting citlsens. It was not supposed that the bill stood any chance of pais ng oot eviii by tbe demagogae, claim agents and dead-beats who advocat ed It, bat the desperation of (he men who attltudlniso as the eoldlers' champions waa underrated. Tny mnged to pass this, one of tho most reckless specimens of legislation ever presented in Congress, aud thus throw upm a Democratic President tne responsibility of standing in Its way. As loud a howl of indignation came op from the country over the passage. nt this universal pension bill aa was the shout of congratulation over the defense bill, passed by tho Senate a few days ago. Just tnink thutnfter Republican Administrations have eg. ponded In tha last sigh teen years, eight times fifty millions for naval purpoaes there Is nothing to show for it to-day. Secretary Whitney has Jast insued an order th it some of Uncle Sjm's old hulks be sold. lie mentions eight condemned vessels, such as are unfit for further service In tha Navy, lying now at San Fran cisco, Nev York, and League Island. Bot the country haa reason to feel that practical use wit! be made of the money which Congress may now vote to be speot on the Navy. Conse quently when the Senate agreed to the cum of $21,000,000 for seo-coast defense and big guns, an echo of ap- piausa came nacK from ovory corner of the nation. Returning te that remarkable pen sion bill, which It js to tie hoped the President will veto, it may be well to mention that under such a law the pension roll would be more numerous than tbe Union Army ever was. The bill virtually pensions every man who waj in tbe array, without regard to ability or disability, wealth or pover ty, and provides, as well for the so called dependent parsnts of soldiers who died, It provides a pension for every ez -soldier who died. It pro vides a pension for every ex-soldier who will any he cannot earn a sup port. And who is to define what a support is ? Some men require $500 a year for a support and others re quire $25,000. As there la no defi nite meaning to the term "support," what is to prevent any msn,howsver extravagant, from claiming that tbs $12 a month, in addition to his in come, is necessary to bis support ? Tho bill offers a premium to every f m 0 f 4, 1887. msn who was In the Army to become a loafer and depend upon tbe Gov. eminent for support. Tens of thoa ssnds of men do live on $8 a week, and If the measure should unfortun slely become a Isw, It would merely increase the great army of tbe un employed. wetsB Tat am small rex S (treat S-aeger Wblelk Unmeet s Sat Sices ratal. Tbs Brorapton Hospital Ut sonsuoup. Uvea, iu L mi. Ion, repoitstbat over fifty people out of every hundred c msutnp tives, aft victim of eonstipeted or in aotire kidneye. Consumption is nes of our nstionsl diseases, and the shoe report goes to prors what baa often been ssld (o our columns during ths lat eight yesrs,tbst kidney troubles sie not only tbs cause of more thsn half tbs eases of on sump tion, but of ninety out of svery hundred other common diseases. They who ba'.e taker this position, mad their olsims after elaborate lovsstlgationiai their proof that they b dissevered a specific for the terrible end stealthy kidney diseases, which hsva beessss so prevalent among as, is wtss sad con vincing. We havs resently received frees them s fresh supply of their wondsrfal sd vert! iog. They have challenged tbe medical profession and scisnss to invss tigste. Th.y bsve investigated, and tHoss who sr frank have admitted th truth of tbeir statements. Taey claim that ninety tr cent of diseases soma originally from inactive kidneys ; that tbe inactive kidneys at'ow the blood to Wsome filled witb uiic scid poison; that this uric scid poison in tb blood orries d :. through svety organ. There is enough urio scid developed io tbs system within twenty -four hours to kill b if a dosen men. This Wing a scientific I act, it requires only otdiesry wisdom t tbs effect inao'.ie kidney moat have upon tit ! Hewaii If tht i-eison is not re moved, it ruins svery rgu. If tbe bowd,ucch or liver -..: mii iaaettve, mm know it at once, but oib r urgttxt kelp thm out If th kidney broom constipated and dormsu', tha warning o ms )tr en, aod often when it ia t late, beue the effels are remits from tue kidueye, and tbo organ are not suspected to be out of order. Orgs as thst srs weak and siiseasr d are unble to roust the attacks of ibis poison, and tbe'ditease o'tea takes the form of and is as a local affile tioo, waen in reality the r.-al cause of th trouble was inactive kidney. Too many medical men nf tbe present day bold wbtt was a fact twenty years ago, that kidney disease is incoiabl, accordios' to the tnediciuss authorised by tbair code. .Hone, tb ignore th original cause of disease itself, and give their attention to useless treating of local fleets. They d s the (tatteat with quinine, morphine, or with salts and other phyaiss, hoping that thus nature may cure th di-tesae, while the kidneys con tinue to waste away witb inflammation, ulceration aod decay, and the victim eventually perished. The asms quantity of blood tbs passes through the heart, passe through the kidneys. If tbs kidneys are dis eased, tbe blood sosks up this disssse and takes It all through tha system. Hence it is, that tho claim is made that Warner's safe ours, the only known specific for kidney dtsas, cures 90 per cent of human ailments, because it, and it alone, is able to maintain tbo natural activity ot the kidneys, and to neutral ize and remove the uric acid.or kidney poison, as fast as it is formed. If this acid is not removed, there ia inactivity of the kidonys, and there will bs produced in the system paraly sis, apoplexy, dyspepsia, consumption, heart disease, bead-aohea, rheumatism, pneumonia, impotency, and all the name less diseases of delicate women. If the poisonous matter is separated from th bloid, as fast as it is formed, these dis eases, in a maj jrity of oases, would not exist. It only requires a partiole of small pox virus to produce tha't vile disease, aod ths poisonous matter from tbe kid neys, passing all through ths system and becoming lodged at d iff stent weak points, is equally destructive, although more disguised. If it were possible for us to see into the kidneys, and bow quiokly the blood patting through them gosa to the heart and lungs and other part of the system, oarryicg this deadly virus with it, all would believe without hesitation what has so often been stated in advertise msnts in these oolu runs, that tbs kidneys are the most important organs in ths holy. They may regard this artiole as an rdvertisement and refuse t believe it, but that is a matter over whbh we have no control, Careful investigation, and science itself ar proving beyond a doubt that this organ is, in fact, mere important than any other io the system r at SO m 1886. FALL AND H. ALLEN CO.. To the Front ! n. With a large and well selected stock, BOUGHT FOR GASH, and will be sold t PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERER IN LATE STYLES OP Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velriti, Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style cannot be excelled. We also keep a full line of Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, etc., etc. Orders frem a distance will be oromptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application, PRODUOB TAKEN in exchange for goods, ' N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First StreetAlbsay, ss a bsaltb regel at or,aos as scch should be closely watched, for tbe least sign ef disordered action. Tbe San Francisco Weekly Mta will be sent to any address thirteen weeks os trial for 25 cents. Splendid premi nxis axe offered to yearly subscribers. , THS WEEKLY ALIA, gen Francisco, CaL Cfearrfc Blr-tr O. f .Oar sen. Preaching eeery S!bl n, ntnminf end" evening by Rv. . Q. lr tine, D. D. Sabbath School at 1:30 r. at Prayer msetiag vry Wednsasday evening. KvasoauoAL Church. Preaching on Sab Vath at 10.30 a. sl, and 7 r. st. Sabbath School 10. -00 Prayer meeting etefy Wed nesday evening 7:30. 8. R Davis, pastor. Ail invited. Concrso atio5 al Chcsch. Services er Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at I'M ft. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening ef each week. Kr. H. V. Romiager, Pastor. If. E. Church, South. Preaching every Shird Sabbath in each month at 11 o'clock a. x. and at 7 o'clock r. m. Sabbath School each Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. M, Prayer meeting Friday evening's at 7 e'cle-ck. J.W. Craig, Pastor. M. B. Church South, Taxokkt. Preach ing on the tint Sabbath of. each mouth morn ing and vening. Sunday aohnol each Sal hath st 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening J W Craig, Pastor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath saorniB and evening. Stmg service in th ereni ag before sermon. Sabbath School at 230 r it. Prayer meeting every Thur day eveniag. Rev. H. P. Webb, faster. Prbssvtrriah ctcurch. service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church ear. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sue day School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev R R Pritoherd, pastor. First Baitist Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' e, at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting every TbnreiUy evening st 7:30 o'clcck. T G Arewejson, pastor. Catkouc Church. Ssrvtee every Sun Hay at 10:30 A. v. and 7 t. st. I .tat Sunday of th month service at Eugene C ty. Rev. Leais Metayer, Reotor. Contlnaes te Bny llsrsea. Mr L Senders continues to buy horses at this oity. Will pav good prioe for suitable horses weighing 1100 to 1500 pounds, in good order. Bring them on. Reawtrfac firearm, Eie. Parsons desiring repairing dor e.suah as guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, looks, all kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, also fitting key a, grinding scissors, etc., have now an oppor tunity to have th same dene at roost rea sonable rates and on sheit notice. We bsvc engaged an x per ie need workman to assist in this department. . All fork war ranted, at Will Bros.' Gnn Store, Albany. fj W Lomler A Co., ef Lcrttand, are da Authorised dvertim gsgents fr ttie Dax ) chat for that city. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BIST AD7KRTIHIIG 11819 IB THE WILLAMETTE Y1LL1T Spec (si buslnes notices In Local mn JO cent ner Jin. 6 seat additional insertion. For Itami And trm lat lv l 00 per squarejfor th first iaertJasj,st I pv cents per so, us re for each amam t insertion, Kates for other a verbs asset mad known on application. - WINTER. 1817. Conrad Meyer, -PROFMlTtl tW STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and lint tti.t -DEALER IsT- Canned rrstu, OaaiaiO Glavmwsire. nrfedJPrattn, Tobarrs, Sujrar. CetTee, Qeeaatjrr vegetablcase laasra, fMccss, t In fact everything that I ks4 la s eana Tnty ana groery market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PROBOSt, First National R&ik OFjALniST, PrvilOt Vice Pre. Jem - U Saffl Oaehier.... . a. -van oae. a. esAjf I TRANSACTS A GENERAL ACCOl NTS KEPT sabject St SIGHT KXCHAXOE and on Nw York, San Franeite, Ofecon. rsawJrsai OTLLECTfO SS MAPS ett lb' el. S. Y L.JB Bunc, Walt ss S a U COWAN. J.W. Linn County Bank COWAN A CUSICsL ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a ganera! KamUae 1 DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS aa Kev Tark, t fit Cisco and Portlajad, Cvefoa. LOAN MONEY on approves RECEIVE deposits iabjet te COLLECTIONS entrueted . e wil i lent! on. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - Mltfl. EXCHANGE o.i N.w York. Sms Smstlsas as Portland, Or,, bought and sold st ) tats. DEPOSrrSreeal red sabject te eheek. INTEREST silowd en time deposit. COLLECTIONS will receive pre) pt atttaUaa. Fire and Marine Insnranea placed 1 relUkl SS ponies. -? Notice for PublicatitMLt Land Office at Orcgsn Ily, sV. Not less in herebv cv that th slljs. log named settler haa Sled tt intention te malt Snai IS of bieolaim, and that fd made before th Canaly Cicvk county, Orecen, at A isaasy. ras t... ilt.mSi aa 5 a wwnej t in asses m f a saa ( Meyers, Pr Empties f. . the-s eflVE Mass!: KefSl 18 Tp. 108R11, v: He names th fallowing v!rn 54 prove his eontimin rlasse si sea. s cultivation or, aaiu ians, vis: s s BllyaS " ... .. j . a . V - T Jeff Bilyeu. Edward rimes and Vhsaa wuuams,au nrncin, umn onaty,OrgeB. Ksgister,