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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1887)
1 I - v'; : r ' . 'is wXmm ffee mmt FRIDAY MARCH 11, 1887 The fund for Mrs. Logan now amount to a trifle over $64,000. No ittan who Hyes by hi daily wage can afford to throw up a job until ha has secured another. It is reported that President 0 leva lend and Governor Hill will be com panion in the Adirondack ibis sum mer. "Boycott all boycotts" is Mr. Pow Uerly's advice. Level-heeded work- ahould bcd this admonition. While moat of the states of the Un ion ere looking forward hojwfully to the approaching dissolution of their Legislature Virginia is to be afflicted with en etra season. Poor Virginia I From the report of the Director of the Mint it eppeais that the production of gold during 1S86 was $35,000,000, end exceeded that of any previous year since 1880. The production of ai'ver was $49,895,930. If it should appear that the President allowed the river end harbir bill to fail because he is opposed to appropriations for such purposes, he will havo cooked his own political goose before the preei dential campaign open. At the next regular State election held in this State there will be new county office to fill to tnis end several other counties, i. e.,the office of County Recorder, whose duties will be to record ell instruments of writing now recorded by the County Clerk. Ti,. W o.tlr- . w . .... citiseo ot Jefferson county, W. V., died last week, tie was one ot toe twelve jurymen who tried John Brown in 1859. He is the third member of that jury who has died within the pest eix months, the two others being Issac aw k w i 1 1 ism el nmwum ana jacoo a. ssuier. . mere is but one man living who was on (he jury that found John Brown guilty, Wm. Rightatine, of Shepherdatowo. u The OrejonUn has kindiv prepared end formulated tho lesaes for tho next t,..u.u... " p " plenk in favor of protective tariff sod liberal appropriations for rivers and harbors for tho R-nublicans. end one u rv. . i .i for the Uamocrata oosoab I to thfaa ' saeesores. This work on paper ia easily enough done, and that too with the usual cunning of that paper, but when! it come to divide the people on thet line it will learn that political lines end ... ... Z partisan Urners will have to be remov- ed, for the above issue would cleave both parties in twain. The Herald -DuteminaUr of this city ,m . . , , IS ery much exercised beaune, under ' . ' Preaident Cleveland, Republican office bolders have t give up thir offlos. It weils end laments ihat Cioveland "has turned out more g od officiil. than any Hrc we lay over f.r aix boms. American President ha ever done." At 6:40 lne 5lb w 8 fr,tbi. .Utemeot ha. been made by 2fl ffaj! iU' F"! !S ' n nnn . 'of road passei through a finely dvel- two of the 60,000,000 people of the oped farming country. Wh ps through country Wbitelew Reid, of the New tLe northeastern part of Kansas. This York Tribune, and our cotemporary. tate is bsiog rapidly settled. The The people of the United StaU,by their Arming here does not conit of our ' i jj ... t . , . . , kind of farming. The principal orop is vote, said public ir should go out of - ! . . 1 f . ' r , . corn. But we ere hurried on, and et office because, as a rule, tbey were not G:40 p. m wa ,rri ,t gf. Joe. The safe, efficient official t and the people ere time of cor trip occupying four and one far better ) idges than the Tribune, half days, while that before the R. R. The real cause of complaint wa because t0uk ix months to accomplish, these Republicans, who had been living H5SS' and thriving on public pUc. ard plun- der, bed to give up their ptas U is Mrs. Maiy Smith and two youngest perfectly safe ti say that if e Repubii- children went to Junction last Friday, can should be elvcteJ to succeed Presi- u PdJ few day witn ner PrtBl dent Cleveland, more change, two to Mr BD-J Mrff' Uttinger. one, will be mtde thtn ha been made T fA11Uoun . twiM , rapidly from their wound and are now under Cleveland, and that too becaue 4j,pe ajt Upt those to be turned ont ire Damocrat and Mr Colemin's family are nearly ell those to be put in ar RpuV!icn, and nick with colds. Indeed,there is e gen- while tbi work i in progress the etal eomplaint of colds throughout the Tribune and oir cotemporary will be neihborboo1 , Mr- Locke.Mies Locke ih . . g , , , and Miss Willougbby were taken ao funding halleluiah, for the good work with tbey lfc fct going on. This has been the lifelong at first that they had been poisoned. policy of that pirty, and N SJ04S able Mrs. Oiegery was very ill last week. end respected leaders openly avow that We understeod that she had the juan- as their policy and purpose in the ft- 'c ir0 Virgil Morgan, of Newburg, Yamhill , . . couuty, came up last Tuesday to visit PKKsiriEXTtAL ttlltsJOKW bis cousin, Mr. Hsy worth. The three Directors and Clerk of this There are 57 Dem crat in tbe two branobe cf the Ohio Legislature. Their preferences for President in 1888 areas follows; Cleveland, 40; fhurmao, 8; Hill, 4 ; Carlisle, 2; Pendle:on, 1, and non-Committed, 2. In case New York presents Hill for President tbe prefer ences of these members would be ss follows: Tburmsn,40 , Hill,6; Clevf. land, 5 ; Carlisle, 2, and Pendleton, 2. There are 90 Republican members and tbiir . reference MS as fjlows : Sher man, 36; Blaine, 13; Foraksr, 16; Harrison, 4; Allison, 5 ; Hswley, 2, and noo-committod, 14. From this it appears that Democratic sentiment in O ii) is largely io favor of Cleveland, with Thurman for second choice. B vine stands third 'aoiong Republicans, while Sherman who in the choice of the greatest number has but little more than one-third of the whole number of m-ojbirn. This h the reult of tbe canvas m ule by a oorreepoodent of the New York World. Nearly the ssme result was obtained in the Pennsylvania Legislature, so far a Cleveland i con cerned, but in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut tlm Democratic senti ment seems to le in favor of Hill. It is a matter worthy of notice that in the three doubtful and pivotal states Hill is the strongest, while in Pennsylvania and Ohio that cannot be carried for any Democrat, Clevelan 1 in the strongest, j THK CAI SE OF TUK "PtH'SlET VKTO," From late eastern papers we ere led into the true oaune of the (racket veto of the river and harbor bill, it teems or some timo e bitter feeling has been growing up between members of the House and Senate, on account of tie former holding baok appropriation bills until the last hours of the session, so that the Senate would have no oppor tunity of amending thorn, but be com pelled to pass tbem unamended, u take the responsibility of defeating them end thus making an extra session necessary. The President, seeing this delay,oaused it to be ucderstood that he wonld not approve bills, (especially those appro- priating money, )unlesa they were pass ed in time for him to examine them be fore adjournment. In other words he would not approve bills that he had not examined. It em the President did not have time to examine the river and harbor bill, hence the "pocket veto." The iUme is due to Sam Randall, who accrue to think that this government oould not exist vere it not for him. By virtue of hit position as Chairmen of the committee on appropriations he is enabled to dictate the time, mauner and kind cf legisLliou. We earnestly hope to aeo a change in the chairman ahip of this committee in the nxt Con gress. OORRQ3PO NTOa MOJ3 Helena., MiKsnirl. I will start in et the morning of the third day. We are at PocaUdio at :.H, vttlte'.e are nreakUst. Hits l a thriving plc-t and is quite a rail road center. H.rn passenxerrf leave the S. L. Tor Oden, Salt Lake City and pointa aouih and noith. The aur- rounding country looks rather desolate .lee there u no limber to be seen, rroru ben Qntlg9,t tna country is dotted over with farnu end ranches, i t Grengar we connect with the main line K N P- W re now g the I Xy 4T ... o sa sn M i L - - ouou., ao.ry I i hjii.iK. ikimnahtL hut Mr A mm nn mounUin8 M we have ia Oregon, o ... - awe inspiring enow-cpped peak like old Mt. Hood. One would scarcely hliM lbt b w " the A men oa. The next place of not u Cheyenne. Here parties iliog to go , . . . ,. . K . tw do, or the mining districts of W routing end Montana, ieaye the iN. X'. min line. The occupants of our car are e motley crowd. Home from New York, Californie, Minnesota, Florida, Texs end other places too nuwrom to me.i I . 1 ... Itton. but we tiunk tht ene we were UrorMy imprekacd itb was an old maid from Minnesota- 4th day. We ere on ihe plains of Nebraaka N t e bush to vary ihe h!"t' V. we ff " ud c Ver rolling prainoe, tbrough uie towue, aDtil je aD(1 hym w roa the bnk o the broad Platte. For n.i!e and miles we travel on the margin of tbi great river, but it m jus-, the same es "ben we first sew 'it. We 'tick" pretty close to our car, aa h . ar ia .t s mm. rather crisp for en Onun. Toe thermometer raster tn cVfrsjea e- low. At Grand Isjend, S , we t-ike the St. Joe and Graod llaml road. school district, No. 63, met yesterday and re-elected Mr. Jones, Director,and r w-a r l 1 . ai I a a Mr. Dineriddie. Clers, and transacted inms minnr biisinaaa. afrar .uiiinh tliov w9ndod their ver.l ways homeward. Tbe school meeting at the Ward school house was minus a Clerk and books yesterday, so tbey adjourned un til next Thursday evening. Cattle seem to be gaining some in this vicinity, Ss tbe grass is beginning to grow again. Rumor says that J. D. Morrow ha lessed Perry Smith's bop yard fir tbe ensuing veer. Frank Aeospiger's .family are still troubled with ague. Mr. M. M. Mendenball,Mrs.Metzet and Mr. and Mrs. Churchman came up from Sheridan vesterday to attend the funeral of Mis Ruth Mendenha.l,whose death occuned on Sunday morning. They were too late,ho-vever,a he wh hurried at 1 o'clock, and they came via the Narrow Guage and did not arrive until ll p. m Jrme Billmire and mo'lier weru vis iting at Mr. Coidron' and WM Barger'e last Friday and Saturday. Carson ilolt returned home from California last Saturday a week ago. A son of M.r. Tilton arrived froiL' Iowa yesterday, wbre he L I hsjQO at tending school. CROUP. VVUOOrMNU cOUntl and Bronchitis Immediately lellot'ed by Whl loh'a Cure. ABB Y.)U MADE miserable hv Indi gestion, C uietipation, Dizziness, Los o Ap petite. Yellow sklu ? Shiloh's Vitallser a positive core. looritv Peoria is going to have an electric tght. John MoBride is the guest of Jake Millar. John Crews end Bert Patterson are visiting Thomas Ourris. The Feori ferry boat waa found in Perkenshaw slough, near Clingman's. Moss Myers has applied for the school. Mr. Myeis is au excellent teacher, end we think the parents in Peoria will do well to .emp'ov htm. The Bras Baud has employed John Porter aa their teacher. He is a good musician, and they will surely itnprote fast under him. Miss Maggie Johnson, milliner, has gone to Portland to renew her stock. Mis Kit Clingman has returned some from Ilalsey. Dr. Johnson has gone to Salem in response to a call for consultation. The wife of Jos Lebn is slowly im proving, but his little daughter Bertha is down with the pneumonia. F. L- Bayne has started e shoe ahop in Peoria. He ; a skillful workman. John Pratt is going to sUrt e bakery. fSome unknown pet son or person deatroytd art of the feeoe in front of Mr. Height s residence in Peoria, while they were attending the hop at Mi'. Johuson's the other night. Why they did it is not known, but they were probably actuated by Jealousy. It wonld be quite a relief to the sheep men ot this neighborhood if there were a few leas dog running at large If tbsy are not taken care of, the shot gun will te tried. Mr. Rudd is xt ill feeding aheep, at least thet is what the Ilerald corres pondent says. F. Clingman is the guest of Robert Owens, in Peoria. Sheridan Smith, the telegraph oper ator at Peoria, has returned home from Shedd. Miss Kiouii Johnson baa reterned bom from her viwit here,nd her friends will be glad to welcome ber agaiu in the near future. David Crewse is starting a wash house in Pe-iria. He will uae the lateat improved Waah board, and will not boil the Manuel. He will repUce eM loat botUns and will do more work for less money tbsn any houae in town. Mrs. Perry Carter is vising her eunt, Mrs. James Joue,in Peorit. Urisd Stunk. Spring is here and everything love, ly Io our quiet vlllege. Mr. Finegati, our estimable black. soaltb,ls turning out sharp plows and harroMrs at a lively rate. Major Johnson was surprised ooo night lest week by u targe party of Linn's mot amiable young citizens, and after tbe usual handhaklng dancing was commenced under the klllful management of Prof. Huigbt and kept up until a late hour. David Olbeon hassold hU fine horse for 2500. James Garrett has hi new house ready for use. Cyrus Clingman took a floe lot of chickens to SlieiM tho first of the week, for which be received $10 per drtpssj. . David Crewe ha taken a contract of chopping 150 cords of wood. We understand J. K'a object In moving lo town ia to have his shin treated under tbe careful manage raent of Dr. T. Be vena. Loitering around the premhe of Cyrus Clingman, near this place, a stray donkey, with some while spots about l ho bead, very large ears and showing his specie in many other waya. The owoer I requested to call at once. Receive property and pay damsge. H tTKEi.aeiutv. Kr aai. A good organ. Call at Dr Kelly '. A good shingle mill. Call on J. II. Maine. elmmeat Liver Kegalatar 1 what tbe name indicates a "Regulator" of that moat Important organ, the Liver. la your Liver out of order ? Then ia your wnoie ay atom deranged, tne Dreatn oxlen nlve, yen bsve headaebe, feel languid, dispirited, and norvoos, no appetite, sleep troubled and unrefreblng, Simmon Liver Regulator restores the healtbv ac tion of tee Liver, Prepared by j. H. Zeilin A Co. Bare Mis life. Mr D I Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave. Ky., ays he was, for many years, badly aiH-.ctcd with Phthisic, also Diabetes ; the pain were almost nnendurable and wonld sometime almost throw him into convulsions, lie tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bot tle aod after taking aix bottle', was entirely cured, and hod gained in flesh eighteen pounds. Biys he positively hlieveshe would hftve died, had it not been for the relief af forded by Electric Bitters. Hold at (If ty cents a bottle by Posh ay A Mison lrlee. Don't forget that N. II. Allen A Co., taLe produce in exchange for merchandise at tb mtrket price. e Dr. White celebrated Near York Couh Hvrup, for sale at Hoffman k Pffeifer's Warranted to core ooghsand colds. Knots and Shoes. . N. H Allen k Cj. have in stock a full ine of boots, shoes and robbers, which will be sold at very low price. SLKPPLRSS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrPde cough. Sbtloh'a Cure ia the remedy for you, For lame back, ide orchot, use Shtloh's Porou Plaster, Price 26 cent. WILL YOU 8UFKEK with dies and Liver Complaint ? Bhiloh'u Vital) gitrameid to cure yon. Ifow Kegartled by a rrunslneat Physlrlan. "No other remedy within my knowl edge can ill it plane. I have been prac ticing medhiua for twenty year, And have never been able to put up a vege- iame compoiiuu mac wouia, jiRe wiui raon Llv.r Hogulator, pr unptly and ef fectively move ine liver t action and at the e:ma time aid (luster! of weakening) the digestive power of the system. L. Id, Hinton, M. D,, Washington, Ark." BHILOH'S VITAlTzKII Is what you eed for Constipation, Lne of Appetite, Dizziness, and alleymptom of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cant per bottle. Backlen's Arnlea Salve.. Tbe beet salve in tbe world for. Cuts, BruiscH, Sore, Ulcere, Salt Hbeum, Fever Sore, Tetter; Cnapped flarula, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Kruptions, and poi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It isguaronteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sole by Fosbay A Mason, As you do net get en item from this part of the eounty often, perhaps this will not be considered en intrusion. We have bed, end ere still hsvlbg, lots cf winter. Our deepest snow on the valley, 18 inches. The ground has been covered continuously si nee the Hrst dsy of February, but,of oourse,not that depth. Coldest wsathsr. Meicury down to sero two mornings. WU think wheat has been benefitted by the enow. Health good gensralty, but lots of sick horses. 1 think not lees than 20 or 25 heed have died a Iresdy in the precinct. Cattle have come through, so far, sll right, or rather the loss has bsen very light. Mr. Henry Bodiker's barn accumu lated mote snow on the roof then It oould bear, consequently it came down with a orash. Result, 3 or 4 head of oattle and one horse killed, a lot of machinery smashed up, and the owner left without much shelter. He lives en the mountain where the snow was about 3 feet deep. What a truly beautiful world we live io ! Nature giye us grandeur of mouQtaiaa,gai and oceans, and thousands of means of an joy meat, .ve can desire no batter wn to per fsct health but hew often do the majority of people feel like giving it up dishearssi. discouraged and worn sut with diea,whea there is no occasion for tbi feeling, a every sufferer can eaaily obtain satisfactory proof, that Orttn'$ AwjMt FUneee, Vill make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia aad Uver Complaint are tb direct cease of seventy live per cent of such mated is as Biliousness, Indigestion, Siok Uaadaohe. Costivehess. Narvoa, Prostration, Dimness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, sad other distraaaiag symptoms. Three doses of A egiM FUimr will prove its wonderful effect Ham pie battle, 10 cent. Try it. The rhsfagraylaer, Albany, 0)r. I have all the negative taken b; D. fazton ana any one oan bare due duph oatee rroin their negatives by eudreaaing us, et tto following price t Card else, i iter iloxen, cabinet aso, S3 per doesn. bon- doure, 96 per dosen. I keep the finest line or urswon views in tne west, cata logue furnished on application. Copying ano enlarging old pictures a epecieity. J. O. Caawrenn. 'I .p-rlsrs)l . You cannot afford to waste time ia esperi menting when your long ere n deeger Coosutnptioo always seems at first, only i oold. Do not permit any dealer to iaspooi upon you with some cheap mutation of Dr King's New Diaooyery for t'oasaseptton. Coughs and Cold, bnt U sure yea got tea mine. Beoaase he eee make more profit may tell yon be has somatome lost as m. .. . SS . K . food, or just tb same. Don't be deceived. bat insist upon getting Dr King's New Di overy, which is guaranteed to give reliaf io a m. a a a jsb a w assa t a it ;.roc mag ana coec anscuoae. inai utiles free at Fosbay k Mason dreg store. Send Burkhart ) Koeaey and ad dresses of friood desiring inf. of Ore- gon and they will seed them of the is it Kt'U C'oaeyr w plete diacnption of one county ia ai with otther deirable ioformaUoa as wather, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Or. i March lh, 17. Notice is hereby girea that the follow ieg nautad settler ha tiled notice of hi itteo- tion to make foal proof in sappert of bis claim, aad that said proof will be mads be fore th County Clerk of Lion cooaty, Ore gon, at Albany, Oregon on Taeeday, April lilch, 1 $87. via : Charles Clark, I 'r, .o ption U Po. 4o73 lor the ?i I ol B Vf 'J ot boo. 91. Tp. 11 HR1 B. lie names tbe following witnesses to prove hi continuous reaideooe upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, vis : Cardwclt Clark, W Downing, O M Clark, aod A J PtUwaUr, all of 8oio, Linn ooenty, Oregea . W. T. Bros cv, Register. Notice for Publication. Und Office at Cregoa City, Or. j Oregon City, Or. March nth, 1887. 7. J Notice is hereby given that the follow lag- named settler baa filed notice of hi io tau ition to make final proof in sappert of hi claim, aod that said proof will be made be. fore the County Judge or Clerk of Lion county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon ny, Oregon, ou Toe. day, April 19th. 1887. vb; Card well Clark. 11 miestead Entry. No 4440. for tbe N K i f S E J. S K i of N E 1. aod lota No. 1, 2, 3and 4, of See. 20, Tp. 1 1 S R 1 K. He names the following witness to prov bi continuous residence upon, aod cultiva tion of, said land, vi i Charles Clark, VV "fZTflnn Bt nr..i' o!ScU Uaa coat w. i. Downing, U M Clark and 4 J Fitz water, all Bcejrar, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tb under' signed Administrator of the copartnership estate of Black, Porter A Co., (T L Porter, deceased,) baa Sled te the County Court for Linn eounty, Oregon, bi final aeconnt and tbe Court has fixed the 9th dsy of April, 1887, at the hour of on o'clock, p. m. of said day to hear objections to said account, and for the settlement ot said estate Thi 9th day of March, 1887. Wat. J. STKW-aBT. Administrator of said estate, G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Roboon'a. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep afresh stock of all kimVo GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 ETC, ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE ETC., ETC produce mm m mum Will sell as cheap s any store la Useny WHY Will you continue using blaalt stationery when yon oan get Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Ac. neatly printed at the office of Burkhart k Pfeiffer for just about what yets pay for the blank paper, and pea haps a little less. ESTRAY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have takes up a sorrel horae, nine vears old, wart under the left eye, branded "H." on the right shoulder, fifteen and a half hands high, and have had tke same duly appraised by the Justice of the Peace of Kant A lbs ay precinct. Appraised at $40. My residence is neor Knox Butte, four mite oast of Albany. Or. kt, uiraMBsas, rS POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ifcltpesraer never varies. A marvel of purity, Srsnsrth and wholssnmsnsai More wenosetoai ordinary kln-U. ami eno I sr.1.1 In r h the in ultimo ai low test, aberl ws10siraaeijplissaptisiasia SotBoatv is eaaa aevati laaur mots Co., let Wsu-sa,, Master's Sale. In the Uniltd State Circuit Court for the Ihitrnt i)rtgon Tbe Hew England Mortgage (security Co, vs. Jennie A. Voder and Harvey W. Vader. Ho. im. NOTICE I hereby iilven that. In pur suance of ibe decree of aahl Court, made and entered ia the above untitled cause, on tbe 2tb day of January , 1887. I, yeorge li, Durhaan, Maater in Chancery or aaici r;ouri, win proeeea in aeu ai pun lie anctten, to the highest bidder, for eash la band, subject to redemption, aa upon execution leaned a Don a judgment at law. at lbs front door ef tb Court Houae of l Ann county, at Albany in ld Linn eounty, Oregon, on vVedneedey, tbe 13th day of April. l7,at tk hour of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon, all the right, title and In tereetwnleh tbe DefendanU Jennie A Voder and Harvey W. Voder kod at tbe ume or executing tne mortgage set out in tbe bill herein, of, io and to tbe pmmlsse described In oold mortgage and bill as fellows : Tbe south hair of the northeast quarter atd tb northeast quarter of tb aoutnweot quarter and tne seutneot quar ter of tbe north weat ouorter ond tbe aouth ooet quarter of (Section three, ond oiao the northeast quarter and the north naif of the northwest quarter aod tne north half of tbe aoutbooat quarter of Kemton ten, a.l la Township thirteen south of Range two was or tne waiiamet Meridian, contain ing 40 ocreo, as Linn county, Oregon, In aaUofoeUoo of said decree ana In nay Basel of th expanse of thia aole. Said deereo I for tbe sum ol taaao.ll end coats taood at tws.16. March uth, ISoT. Uaoooo H. Dcastaii. Master In Chancery of the U. H. Circuit Court, District of Oregon. THE LARGEST STOCK AND Best Variety op HARDWARE AT Stewart V Sex's, Beer offered for sol In Albany, embrac ing everything found In the largest me tropolitan atoroM, Portieular otteutlon la called to their stock of To their LABORER'S TOOLS, consisting of abovele, axe, picks, mat tock, spades, erase cut and baud , whoe! barrows, etc., etc. Te tbeir CARPENTER TOOLS, eoaaioting of oaws, plane, square, au gurs, etc., etc. A plenum atoCK. To tbeir . GALVANIZED WIRE for picket fence, ton ei bond. To tbeir SCALES platform, nay, big and small. To llolr immense stock of BOLTS, HINGES, HAILS, 111 To tbeit cheap STEP LADDERS. To their PLOWS, tbe(very beat In the mtrket, To their Severn! vsrlMie of the beet makes. To tbeir WAGONS, Limber, platform, carriages, buggits, sans, single anu oouoie, To tbeir CUTLERY, the Tory best stock in tbe eounty, To tbeir POWDER AND SHOT, for bunting and blasting, To tbeir PUNTS, OILS, COIL OIL, ETC Remember that you have a complete siock or iue nest gooas to select from at STEWART & SOX'S. NO excuse whatever for sending away from home for Printing matter as long as Burk hart & Pfeiffer turn out such neat work at way-down prices. THE REV. UEO. H.THAYER, of Boor bou, Ind , say ; "Both myself and wife owe our live to iHLiOH'?J UONSnMP- Just Received Samuel K. Young, A full assortment of tbe celebrated BROAD HKAD DRESS GOODS. Read what the manufacturers soy, WHAT WE GUARANTEE FOR THE DRESS GOODS OF OUR MANUFACTURE. To be mode from tbe very bet ma terial, by skillful workmen, with tke latest and most approved ma chinery, and to be the chespeat good In the market when service Is conoid rd. Are so thoroughly finished that tbey eon be worn In damp Weather or a ohewer, without fear of being rulaed oy curling or shrinking. Tbe manufacturing, dyeing and finishing is done iaucb a manner that tbe goods oan be washed If desired, without the least injury to the fabric. Oar goods are wool dyed, and ool ore as fast a the purest dyea and greatest cre and skill eon make them. Goods show Just what tbey are and will be until worn out, a there la no weight, stiffening, or artificial luRtro need to Increase tho weight or finish: as I tbe ones with a large olaso of goods io the market, but which disappear efter a few day's service. As manufacturer we have token great pain to supply on article In every woy reliable, and unaar pd by similar goods, either foreign or domootie, and would respectfully oak on examination of th various styles ond abode to bo found on sole by merchants wbe are agent for tbe goods. Warn pits sent by mall, SAMUEL E. YOUNG. CLEARANCE SALE. OF Pall and Winter (ioods FOR TIIK NEXT 90 DAYS AT Julius Joseph's. I offer my fine etock of Foil and Winter food, oocb as WOOLEN UN0ER8HIRT8, DRAWERS, DRESS SHIRT8, CARDIGAN JACKETS, CL0VE8, RUDDER COATS, HATS AND CAPS, AT Greatly Reduced Prices! In order to moke room for my Spring good. CIGARS and TOBACCO. I also keep on hand the beet ooaortment of plug and cut Tobaeoo. Morckoum oud briar pipes, and smokers' article In imported Key Weat aa well as In domestic clears, f keep the beet brands in tbe market, aad will aell at BOTTOM PRICES. Selling cigora by the box a epeolalty (Customer furnished free of charge with private look boze if required.) Remember the Place, (Pfelfler's brlek, adjoining Revere tfouse Julius Joseph. BOOTS, SHOES AND- SLIPPERS. I am bow reeeiving my fall end winter stock of booft and shoes, hove as nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aH my boots snd skoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no met ter how eheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buyiug as 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the largest, best and 'great est variety in the oity. My aim will always be to give ss good value for the money as possibly can be done. When Getting Your Spring Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, Wend your Who lead, eg CLOT HING Mew and la style, Is nnenrpasd In the Volley. HI new stock of I s33 I the bet In tbe market, embracing all the loteat etyles. rn FURNISHING GOODS Ho takes a front position, with a reliable, well selected slock. Hie aelea uC BOOTS AND SHOES Are Urge, beooaoo be keep tne baet, to qu titty and otyloo A SPLENDID LINE OF SUITINGS ON HAND IN HIS TAILORING DEPARTMENT. New Goods Arriving Constantly AUCTION SALVAGE. All tke book, etotionory and fancy articles left from the auction Must Be Disposed Of. Call and Secure Bargain. Tbey will be sold at such prices thai yea eonaot halo B buying ru the CAPITAL ADVENTURE GO'S NEW DRUG STORE. In tbe ator formerly occupied by tho New Deal. I. Green baum THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS - a. . -AD,ES AND MISSISSISHOES AND SLIPPERS W htTS IMS V IMMMd Anr r D , ... ! "S-BB-f-Hep furnish all styles an 1 ade, of oood t i . k : . : .f K. . L-....- r. ... . . - rmworu icuries anu no not STi" JK ssw "ook ,nd REMEMBER We hove the largos in the city ARE oontlnualloy adding new novelties. We ore sellia mm that yon can not rail of being suited. We do go not follow bnt load in few arW member Ibm nlri a,Un "Tho nrnne ,.r t, nniiJin. i , 1 !ow PriOOO. - g" READ New Grocery Store. Get Your at Wallace & Thompson's, S. W. Corner First and Bread a) bin 8ts ALBANY, OREGON, A choice stock of freak iroods. embrac ing everything m the grocery line. Pro duce in it season. DR. C WATSOft M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office room 3 and 4. Foster's Bloek. way to the store of Hat Stock of CITY AND SHOES. ZZ' "L noT PP1 wa sod anoeo ana are now hmmmj vi u . ij rm neurit tn tUmi -j . " " Ii iJVB. wa DOT or lrar s rr-ST. exclusive etock of snd that we iu- yug t iu uuBwinjf ine string & BROWNE LL. Wir haben die groeeate mid best ingerichtete Aocidenz - Drockerei jtusserhalb Portland und lief arc idle in unaer Faoh einschlagendea Arbeiten zu maesaigea Preise. Briefbogen, Oirculare, Anaohlag s:ettel, u. a. w. werden in kueraestenr 'feit angefertigt Wir haben dim der beaten Job- und Cyliuderpres ten in Thajtigkeit. Burkhart Ac lfelffer, Albany, Oaagaao MONEY TO LOAN In Bums to suit BY BensMAaf ft Kskket, Albany, Or. Cure is sold by 1 dn me Oons nmn jHILOH'S COUGH oud Consump :e us on a t'uarantro. It ptlon.