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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1887)
1 THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT I'Nbilclteit every tritiajr b STITKS4 NUTTING. ttv 4iXK4Ht Kll IC Deano-ral aelldlaaea rawmioin aired. TKKMS Of SUBSCRIPTION in i capy, par year, In ad vanoa..... tS 0 4 ly. I at nu of jaar I M copy, sis, ui.HUhn...... i Oft nitfi oopy, i nrf months , 50 uU NMM 0 P RO W EBB I O N A L 0ARB6. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. a i rv J s Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Office upstair, over John FhHprga store, J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBUC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALB&ftY. KN. flTILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP TTTR - T WN. apsciai attention given to collections and MTOSoe tn Wd Fsllaa's T.mpls. U:t r. O. POWILL. W. R. mi. t fen vTTORNRYR AT LAW, A B . nn solicitors in i hnnrrrr, ILttlWY. - - - ORRflOlf. OolleoHnna promptly made on all pointii. Mm negotiated on reasonable terms. JafPOffioe In Foster's HH(k.-Btk Tl4nl9lf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON. Will practice in all of the Con its of intestate. All huninem Intrusted to him will he promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS, end everything kept in a first-class Drug Store. Also a fine stock of pianos sod crgans. ALBANY. ORKtiOX. FOSHAY & MASON, -TfSXI IBS mill, Drasristsand Booksellers, Agenta for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell a publisher's price with ostsjreatlJsd. ALBAMf, OKKtiOR, A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, otationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAIEFDLLY PILLED, Open dsy and night. tlbany, Or. FURNITURE. ( hare the best stock of nrmtnre in the city end will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE til the city and tbe lowest price in the Valley. Come snd sea. Undertaking, a complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try ma. A, B. WOODIN, Aioany Bath Mouse. rlf B UHDBRHIUNKD WOULD RISPICT felly 1 aform the eitisens of Albany esd vi laity teat I heve'.akeD charge of this Establish est, end, by heaping- ilean rooms and pavis rlet ttteattea to btiittii, eipteti to suit al ess who ssev favor as with their patronage avisf Haratofora carried on nothing bat First-Glass Hair Dresslnsr Saloons tpoott to lv satire satisf otion to el aWTM'iioo sal Ladies' Hsir neatly em ba ..I J OH TTUHHKR. DR. JeL. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfBoe oor. First snd Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Nachini8t8, MillwTightg, and Iror founder1. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 ALL completed, and sre now prepared to hsndle all kind of hesvy work, we will manufacture Htesm Engine. Grist snd Bsw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Troc and Brass Castings. PATTERNS W4DK OS SHORT WOTICR. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the Improved Cherry A "White Gram Separator N. J. KENTON, lotary Public Insurance Agent, Q. F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OF Ranre aents several of tke beat Firs In gara nceCempaulee on the Coast. Call bim forrelisble insurance. C 0 WILL, WIIeTl WILL WIL.L1 WILL. WILL. WILL WIJLu. WILL CTKK CURE cuki: CURE CUIUS CUKE CUIUS CUliE CUIJE Tif-arrhoea and Dysentery. BnopleS on tbo face, and Freckles. OSf3 ftcres uiul Ulcers. IVLztxl in tho Stomach. apache and Nervous Depression. JfOi ls.l3 hitisaer Cumptainta. i;iisi2X5iati3Aia and Gout. Paititi m tho Bones and Joints. VOL. XXII. VITIATED BLOOD Keralulaam,lnherltel and tonus gioas Humors Cured by Cntlcura, TlillOl'Ull Ui medium . t un.ot vtmr books ro cvlvod thrvutch Mr. Prank T. wray, bruvtrt't, Apollo, IV, I became acquainted with your Cutlcura Remedies, and take this opjmrlunlty to testify U you that their use has permanently cured in. of on. of ha worst ossseof blood poisoning, tn connection with oryipelas,that I ha ever ssen, and this altar hsvlu? irnouiioi tncurabie by som. of tho bt phy. sktaiis In onr country. Itaksrraat pluaanr. Tn tor aaMsSf to u this UwttmimlaT, hIu-iUh1 as It la by you, In ord.r that othsrs uflffHuir trow simliar malvito may h. vivxuratrod to giv -ur Cutloura Hmmltc a trial. P. 8. WimMNOKIt, Ueohburs;. P. rnxnn V. Vt uv, lrn;s;ist, A;.k, la. Hi iiOl ILOI I'M 'KKN. JaiiM. K. Klohanlson, Custom liuuw, N.w irlann, on oath says : "In 17.i 8orufulut t'kvrs br.k. out on my bodjr until I wa a msasof oarruptlon. K n thiny known to ths medical (acuity was triwd In rain , I tocan.a mere r.. V, At nni. c mid nut ltd tut hands to -uy hsad. could not turn In bd : was In eou- sunt pain, and lovksd Umu Ilf. as a cars.. No te IUI or cur. In t.n ra In lsS) I hsard i4thtutl cum Ksincxhca, uaml them, aud was psrfrclly cursd." Sworn to tnf jrc r. 8. tVin. J. U. fata Map. OXK OF THE W O KMT l AMKM. W. hae been ssUiinr oar t'tiUcurs Rstnstltoa for ysars. and bat. tn. Artaomdalnl yet to rscrisa Irvm a punhaswr. On. ol ths wars oases of Scrofula I v.r saw was curtd by th us. of Sr. bottlse of t it I cttra Rrsvh.ut, t titlcura, and Cutlcura tfoai. Th. soap taks lb. "caks" SSM asa nMdloai soap. TAYLOR S TAYLOR, UruyfUt. frankKirt, Kan. t HOU I OI H, INHKKITED. Aad Contacious Humors, with Lose of Hair, aud Kruptlon. of thSkln, am paitlvly cttrsd by t'uti- i .uu 1. uticuni soap .st.mai'y( wn.ii ail other aedWWoa fall. Send for pamphlet. Cutlcura Rsasodies are sold .v.rywkwr. Pries -uticura, th. great akin cur., 50 eta CuUrura Soap Jl beaulllter. & Ma rSitlmn BjMnl..i tn. new hi. m runBer, ft. IVUtr Dru and 1 to., ri-KS. l:l.kl.eada. 8kli. Die IUI Humor., us. Cutlcura Soap. HOW MY BACK ACNES ! Rack Ache, KM nay Pai'isaud waakasss, H..ransas., Strains and Pain ra il red in one minute by the Cutlcura AnU PainTtastcr. infalllbl This u BftS m.i PItACTICAL HiaH CTTT BHOB) ewer lnreut! I t la very OKNTBBXj end DRS88T aad gtvss rb. same protccUon as a bc,t or ovcr-gaiter. IttS essTesieat to pnt oa and th top ca t any aikl-i by .iLipiy j For aalx br L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills 80M, LANNING & CO PROPR'S. saw raocass rxous scruiioa run vami libs AXO BAR EJUS CSS. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on er hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON a WEST. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law, LEBANON, OREGON. Willprsctlco in all the Courts in the 8tai MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. AGENTS WANTED to sell "REMINISCENCEg of 00 YEARS' in ths NATIONAL METROPOLIS. BY BEN PERLEY POORE Illustrating ths Wit, Humor and Eccentricities of aoted eeleb, Itlea. A richly Illustrated treat of inner Society History, from "ye olden time" to the weddinr of Cleveland. Wonderfully pepulnr. Agents report rapid sales, Address for circular ssul term. A. 1. BANCROFT at CO., Publish srs, San Francisco, Cal . sHt Ceegrer MIBPJ HeHHeHvBBV 1 1 m I RaagNCB or murks, iaw The otaksr of an sooommudttion bill or note, tbst is, ona tor wbiob hs baa reoeived no oaneiderstien, basing lent bit name or credit for tbe sccomtnoda kion of tba holder, is fully bound to all other at-tie aa if there ware a good consideration. No evidence may lie introduced to contradict or very a written contract, but auoh evidence may be received in order to erwlsin the contract when it is in need of explanation. If one holding a check ai payee or other wis- traatfer it to another, he bat a right to insist that ths oheck be pre- mm 111 st day, or, at tns tsrtnesr, me day following. Check and drafts should be present a a aa a . s jb .a .a ed through business bouts, but in this country, except in cases of banks, the time extends through the day and even ing. An oral agreement must be prord by A writtea sgreeuuent proves itself. Tbe law prefers written to oral evidenc,because of its precision. "Value received" is usually, and should be, written ia a note, but is not eaeential. If not written it is presum ed by tbe law, ur may be supplied by proof. If a note is lost ct stolen it does not release the maker. He must pay it, if the consideration for which it was giv es and tbe soooant osn be proven. If the letter containing ths protest of non-payment be pnt in the pottuffiee, any miscarriage does not affect ths par ty giving notice. A note endorsed ia blank the nstne of tbe endorser only written is trans ferable by delivery, tho satns as if msdo payable to bearer. Each individual in a partnership it responsible lor tbe whole amount of debla of the firm, except in cases uf special psrtnersbip. An agreement without consideration it void ; a no's msde 00 Suudsy is oid ; contracts msde oa Sunday cannot be enforced If a drawer of a check er draft bst chsnged bit residence the bolder must ate all tesaonable diligence to find bim. A note made by a minor is void ; a contract with a minor i void ;aooctraet made with a lunatic is void. Tbe time of pa-meat of a note must depend upon a contingency. The prom ise most be absolute. An indorsee has a tight ol action against sli whose names Were on tbe bill when be received la, Notice of protest msy be sent t itber to tbe place ot buiafss or of reeideoce of tbe party notified . A note obtained by fraud or Irora a person ia the state of intoxication can not be collected. Tne Cat nolle Sewn : "One of the historical heresies moat prevalent among cortiu sects in America, but the least intelligent to be tbst America is a Protestant country. Ac cording to consular reports, the popu lation of Spanlnh American counties e iuth of the Rio Grando by the lest on hub, was 45,540,090. Those reo- ple, of coarse, are all Catholics. It Is estimated that the population of the United States at tbe prcsc-nt time is 58,000,000, and Onada close on to 5,000,000. The brwest computation it 10,000,000 Catholic in tbe United States, while Canada has a total of 2,000,000. The population of the two Americ-ds should be, therefore, In round numbers, 108,000,000. De ducting from the total aggregate the Catholic population, it leaves a ma jority of 6,000,000 for the Catholics on this sido of tbe Atluitic over ail sects. With 80,000,000 estimated agnostics the Uoitt-d States of Amer ica if not protectant auy more than Anglo-Saxon." The Sun, (New York,) In a double leaded leader, sa: The United States will not Indulge In persuasion; It is contrary to the order of human event,as they forever keep at a dis tance those painful appeals to arms, with which the history of every na tion abound. It is a rank due the United Slates among nations which would be withheld if not absolutely lest by a reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult we must be able to repel. If We desire to se cure peace one of the most powerful instruments to our prosperity It mutt be known at all times that we are ready for war. The period commonly known as "The Dark Ages" embraces tho first six centuries of tbe Middle Ages, that is, from the close of the fifth to the close of the eleventh eentuary. The Middle Ages corapriso the 1000 years commencing with the cloie of the fifth and ending with the close of the fifteenth centuries. An Indiana editor recently com mitted a forgery, secured a consider ably sum of money and disappeared. He had been trying all bis life to write something that would count, finally succeeded. ALBANY, OREGON, era rocs pacts The largest sweet potato on record wst grown in Florida latt seaaon. It in twenty -eight inches long. Denver it the highest of the State oapitalt, being 5170 feet above I he aes lovel. Annapolis, Md , it the lowest, b ing only f mi feet above the asa level. Ten languages, Kugliak,Qermsn,Nor- wegian, Swedish, French, Mibemisu, Finn, Polith, Italian and Chinese, are 3(okon in Miauesots. Tba governor's ttesssie wsn printed in each of these langutgat. To ovar a sphere with tin foil., the foil it out into gores so as to slightly vsrlsp. The very thiokest parts srt used. Kiaoh gore is rubbed with tb thumb nsil or aide of a test tube, until itlfoaqntia smoothly. Tbit ths plas ticity of tbe fin permiti. II ths earth were of hardened steel snd fully magnet ted, its power would ha about 7000 lime at gratt as now If ths earth srei e of toft iron and mag nstited by a sufficient amount of cur rent, it would be about 10,000 times aa strong a msgnet ss it is now, Tbs new tnetsl, germanium, when melted, forms a glittering gbbale,wbich rotates and evolves white fume. If the glowiog globule it allowed to fall oo paper, it breaks, like aotimooy,into many little globules, which bop awey, fotming a seties of radiating browa dot ted Host, No sharp test has yet beau touod fcr germsotum. Only fifty years ao tbe avetagu duration of botntn life ia Oreat Britain was thirty ysra ; to-day, according to statistics, it it forty-nine years. In this fifty years the population has in oreased by 8,000,000. At least two oat of these 8,000,000 of i net ease may be pat down as tho fruit of improved san itary and medical work, and of victory over preventable sickness. In bis address at ths dedication of tbe near Brooks library buitding at Bratileboro, Vr., Hon. Melten Cham bsr.sin of the B un Public Library said tb. "urforit 1700 there was not ia Mass-tcbust tu, so Ur aa known, a oopy of ShakHere' or of M if ton's poems , and as late as 1723, whatever msy have been in pi irate beads, Harvard College Ubrarv 'tcked Addison, A tier bury, Bo-lieo-okf, Dryden, Qiv, Locke, Pope, Pri.r, Stotse, Ssift snd Young." Against susb a background one msy effectively paiot the Ister progress of literary life in New England. As soon aa c ingress adjourns Sen ator Stanford will go to New York and Boston to consult Francis A. Walker in regard to the plans for his University. He expect to begin five of the M'.ri-!i buildings this sum. mer. Senator St m ford said there wns one more Important thing and that wa cnnsi'Joring the aelectloa of a President. He wants a man of af fair as welt as a scholar. After be has selected the President ha intend to ciii the trustees together and select a corjw of oro feasor. The action of the Senste Cemmit tee on privilege and elections this morning In reporting; bsck the cre dent! H of Dtvi l Turpie is Mild to have no significance, but I taken in accordance with a c ntlnuous line of precedent. It is understood that when Turpie, at the next session, pre sents himself to be wworn in, protests will be entered and the contest will be then begin. Notice has been re ceived from Indian that additional papers in the ce sre to be submit ted. Probably no application of science Is developing more rapidly than pho tography. Among recent appliances is a detective camera i;i the form of a watch, with a charm to hold a sup ply of rainiatujje dry-plates, snd a telescopic camera in which distant objects are brought near by telescopic aid and photographed. The passage of the Inter-State commerce bill will be welcomed by New England firmer whose surplus products now pay as much freight on 100 miles haul as that of tbe fllinois farmer on a 1000 mile haul. The railroads havn done too much in mak ing it popular and profitable to move away from New England. In com parison with through freight our local rates are far too high. Tho wool trade is more active and a better feeling characterizes the market. This is due in part to the advancing prices In foreign markets, and to the small stock of the grades now chiefly In demand. The stoks on hand embrace may undesirable lots Fine fleeces are held with more confidence. Reports from Pennsylvania indicate phenomenal health and vigor in the iron and steel trade. This is encourag ing, but bow does Mr. Blaine explain such an extraordinary state of affairs under a Democratic administration ? Perhaps tbe voice of the fise prophet will henceforth be less potent than it FRIDAY, MARCH ouavKLar m tanas. Wtost ike Pta re will fee Is Tfeeae wfee Be rase se Believe. Is tbit country unconsciously under going a wonderful oh age, u tbe change Uio take plsse before we sre aware of tb fact, and shea it has takeo place will we wonder why we did aotsss it bsfore it was too lata ? Tbe shrewd iron man sees ths inm intsrest transferred from Pitttburg and Pennsylvania to Birmingham, A 'aba ma, sad ia hi fsr-sigh ted nets sees ths fura eoee in Pennsylvania tnrn down snd deserted fir this new and pruritic field. Itiselsiiosd by tbe iron ia u of Ala- bams tbst the low prioe st which iron Ko be produced tbeiu wid revolution- is tbs irou interests of tbe world. We bav seen ths grain-growing oeoters of this country shifted to the West. We hsve seen the pork'pseking Industry flit ftom Cincinnati to Chicago, snd from tbeuee to Kansas City to Omaha. Southern cotton mills under sell New Kuglsod tod Amsrtoan mark ets, snd challenge the world. We have seen aad are seeing all tbit take plsos before our eyes, snd know ibat otbsr obsuges are takiug place squsllj ss prominent, snd ws wonder as ws bsoold them. Ten years ago tbe insurance companies only requited so analysis of tbe fluids when tbs were taking insurance for very large amounts. Toadav no first-class company a ill in sure any amount unless tbey have a rigid analysis of tke fluids aaaed, and if any traces of oeitaia disorders are ap parent, the application is rejac' ed. Io tbeir reports tbey show tbst tbe death of 60 of svrry 100 peopls io this noun- try, is due either aiteetly or indirectly to such disordeis. Tbe Broro pt on Hos pital for consumptives, London, Eng land, re poi ta tbst sixty of eswy 100 vietimt of oonsumptioo also hare seri ous disorders of the kidaeys. Amofg scientists for tbe ttestmeat of this dreed malady tb tpiestion ia be ing discussed : "la not thbj disrdcr tbe res I sagas f sontumptioa V Tea years ego the micros0s was something seldom found in s physician's office ; now every pbysiciao of standing bss one and seldom titits bis patients without ca I for a sample of fluids for essminslioo. Why is all this ? Is it possible tbst we of the preaeut 9eue;atiou are to die of diseases can fed of kidney disorders T Or shsli we master tbs cause by Wer ner's Sf Cure,, the only recognised specific, and thus remove tbe effect 7 It is established beyond a doubt that a very large percentage of deaths in ibis country are traoeabl to disesstd kid nays. For years the proprietors of Warner's Stfs Core bsve beeo instat ing that there is no sound health when tbe kidoys sre diseased, snd tbey en thusiastioally presn their specific for this terribls disorder upon, public attention. Ws are continually besting its praises sounded. This meant wonders t Ctoaol tbe proprietors of ibis great remedy, who have been warning use of the danger, tell us how to avoid a dis ease tbst st first it so untmportan', and is so fatal in its term'.nttoa ? Are we to hope tgainst hope, and wait without our reward f The most significant of aM charge., however, tbst we of to-day oan note is this radiosl obsnge of via to which the public has bssn educated : It was formerly thought that tbe kidneys were of very small importance ; to day, we believe, it is generally admitted that the e csn be no such thing at sound health in any organ if tbey era in the least degree deranged. The national debt per ospita of the United States it $23,or,iuelading State debts, $27 J that of France is $124 ; of Great Britain, $127 ; of Holland,! 1 15; of luly, $80 ; of Belgium, $78 , of Germany ,$39. The combined national and State axe, excluding county, town and other local taxes,are,ior tho United States, $4.00 per capita, or $6, includ ing payment on ths public debt ; for Italy, 10.42 ; for Holland, $10.90 ; for Btlgium,$ll ; forGreat Britain,$U.80; for Germany, $12 ; for France,$18, or, with the annual d6ott,$19. After ail, Ohio IsnU such a civil ised State. When a gang of roughs can board a railway train In the most enlightened part of the Common wealth, murder an officer and release a burglar, there is still room for the missionary and school teacher. Sach an episode reported from Texas or some other Southern State would probably set the pens of Republican editors to oscillating. Ohio should have a lesson from one of tjohn Sher man's Investigating Committees. Continues to Bar Horses. Mr L Senders continues to bay hoi bos at this city. Will pay good prioe for suitable horses weighing 1100 to 1500 pound, in good order. Bring them on. C W Lomler fe Co., of I srtlanl, aa da .uthorissd advertising tgents forth Dsf o ,r for v tmorrat. Jl, 1887. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, BMTBD OT TKB WsaMi'1 Christian Tea peri ice BiUi The W. 0. T. U. meets oo ike 1st and 8id Tueidsy of esob month at $ o'clock p, ii , at th A. O. V, W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Stoie. .iaesai Kight months to November, sod what a work there is to lie done io Ore gon before that time. The voters of this State have that length of time la which to deoide whether they will up hold and eodorse the liquor tistfio by . ... . voting against the amenUmsnt, or whether they wit stand with God and home snd nstl'.s land by voting for it. A negative vote says tbe saloon busi ness is tight, sn sfll'mstive vte tbst it is all wroog. Those who work them selves up into the belief that prr-bibi- tion does not prohibit do so in ordsr to get an excuse to vote no. Prohibition does prohibit the ssme ss all restrain ing laws prohibit ; not no one claims that it sooibilates. Regardless of this, it is right oo principle, and that is tbe only question. Tbs faet that -tins- tenths of the crime of to-day cams from the liquor traffic is all ths reason one wsnta for casting a ballot that will at least msk tbe butiaeetj so outlaw. We bsv supported our local sod gen eral governments long enough from the revenue of grog shops. There should be only ooe cry from now until Novem ber s "Vote for tbe smendment." West Virginia has just mads the grsstest Prohibition fight or. record Tbe smendment mesas rs pasted ths H use by a vote of 05 -o 10, bat was isi io tbe Senate for lack of ooe vote to complete the two third", ths vols standing 17 ayes to 8 nays. Tk liquor men who had fought and killed it, re tired to rest oo thtir laurels, when a bomb huiet in the shape of a bill for ' I .oh it iiiott eti eight," "House Bill No. 82 ptobibiiiog the sale of intoxicat ing liquors and drinks witbia the State of West Virginia." Alt tort of filli bostet ing and iricke were resorted to t , dfo.t it, even to slatting off the ge, snd leasing the tlouae in utter darkness ; but tbe Home forces were brave aud true, tht it I seders wist, snd r the measure pasted the House by 87 ayes to 20 nays. And now comes tbts dispatch s "Joy to the Mountain State j Prohibition Amendment oartiet ! House 00 to 10, S nale 20 to 6." As show ing the Prohibition temper of the It ins while tke struggle was going oa, one member rematked : "I verily be Heve that if a bill was introduced to bsog a mao for taking a driok,it woald go right through under a suspoatifO of the rules.' SIS A lady in a small town io the North ern Peninsula, Michigan, where is a very smsll union, ha detetmined io do what the csn to aid ths Amendment campaign. The faithful few are doing alt tbey can io distributing tern pet aooe leaflets, Timtv Talks, and Prohibition Bomb. Feeling tbe want of a leaflet suited to local oeedt, she supplies the Isck in Ibis way : Her husband, who publitbes the village paper, gives her the oeeesssry psper ; hit job printer, a Good Templar, sets up jthe oatter aha prpates ; her son mas it off on a job pre ; ami thus eke is enabled to tend out ooe thousand week. "hot shuts" every Ad vies from Mt. Brydgss, Ont., state tSst a region of (error exists there, owing to outrages which hsve beeo perpetrated by liquor dealer on clergy men snd otbeis who hsve commenced a crusade sgstnit them in enforcing the Canada "tsmperanos aot. Inspector Robinson' house was broken into, the front door and window j smashed, and general havoc made among the furni ture. Two shots were fired into tbe hallway without injuring any one. Similar depredations were committed st the retideuoe of the Aliianoe, and threats have boen made againat all those who attempt to foroe tke crusade. In the Kansas House of Represents Uvea on Wednesday last, the Murray Temperance bill on the third reading was curried by a vote of 90 to 10. There were 17 absent. This bill impost up on druggists the atriotest observance of the prohibitory amendment. It makes it impossible almost for both th drug stores aud the county officers to evade the law without being liable to the severest punishment. Kansas City, (Mo.) Herald. e o In the Ntw York Fremman, oolored organ, of which he is edttor,T. Thomas Fortune declares that the time has come for his race to act independently, and calls upon it to rally to the support of Cleveland and the Democratic party in 1888. In a strong Republican state like Pennsylvania it doesn't make much difference bow the colored vote is oast but New York 1 Apropos of this in teresting question, the Kingston Free man, rabid Republican, aayt : "A col ored man who could so degrade himself and insult his race as to join the party of slavery and 'nigger haters might be SO '.Vi 1886. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN & CO.. To the Front! TOR n aflTTWe11 rl6.ed " BOUGHT B OB CASH, and will be cold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvet, e Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and stylo cannot be excelled. We also keep a fud line of Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, e BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, uisuance win oe promptly executed, and for goods, V. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albaty, expected to stoop t any rascality after wards." rtB&ISS TKLL TMK TSITS Brittona," anil President Bottea, 'sntnd snnnsltv 10.000.000 or $700,000,000 in drink, an average of $19 for each eng liabmsn. Germany has H.800 hretrertet, which tarn out 846,000,000 gallons of beer. Americana spend $900,000,000 an nually for rum. The money wasted for drink io England, Germany and Amr toa would buy all the bread aad carat eaten by the three nations. This awful burden compels twice the amount of labor in the world. This drink burden makes two-thirds of our sirJkness and three-fourths of onr crime. "Yes, but you dont base to bear this botden if yon don't diink," aava tbe drunksrd. You are wtonp, my friend, I paid $425 on my New York house )at ver What was this tax unod far ? It was to govern a city where th tee-fourths of the arreatt were mdu on account of drunkenness, I osn govern mysolf,but I hae to pay $425 a year to be pro tected from thi criminal elates, made eriminal through rum. E!i Parkins. as" I visited St. Helena for change of climate but found it too ho. Then I went Hay ward's and ;t was too dull. At Berkeley the students annoyed me with their hoodimnism. It was too foggy in San Francisco and too bleak at Santa Crux. Wherever I went I was unoomferttle, one .y and nst-' tied. A friend sgttel that this state ot unrest tntht possibly be oc rat ioned by biliousness or a disorderd stoma ab, and advised a trial of Frese's Hamburg Tee, giving me a package as a present. Since then I use it occas ionally, and was never better in my life. I advise all to try it. Patents tSmaated. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Fereign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : D P Barrett, Oakland, Cal., windmill. J Gilbert, Los Angeles, Cal , adjustment for harvester reels. A S Hallldie, San Frandsco,Cal., clip for wire rope ways. W L Lambert, San Francisco, Cal.,cvap orator. I W Lewis, Portland, Or., car axle. S Lubin, Sacramento, Cal,, clod crusher STATE DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVFRTRIHB If EMUS IB THE WILLAMETTE YALLEY Hpeclal buslnes notice in Local J. 10 (M jmr line. & cents tal aofHUonal insertion. eir ,uJ -vsoaient advertlsemee' fl 00 per squareor the Aral iusertlon.ST i , n Per square: for each saM 6 insertion, lUttn for otbor art vertteementa ma s Known on application. WINTER. 1817. etc., etc. Orders from a New Store. Something Entirely New in Albany, We bavo earns to stay, and will dead hs SECOND HAND C00DS ofaltainds. STOVES, TIN WARE, CRGCKISY, CLASS WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING COIDSa ,!np!e w,ho haT6 "retetore been usable tO Sell or Sliapofte of artinlAa will Jr to can at our now store snd receive ct ah or trade for same. We will ssli new stcck on hand at tbe very lowest figures, snd you will do wall ! afore burins els here to call st the store occupied by Mr, Zuker man, W e solicit your patronage. M. FRANKLIN & CO. First National Bask OF, ALBA XT, .RBfi. PresKtant Vli-e President Oashisr .... . a yM ta S, S. .-. B. SB AS I TRANSACTS A GENERAL WnMsOs-aeew. ACCOUNTS KEPT aabjset ta skssA. SIGHT EXCHAXOK aad MaarasAia Ssajaetar. aa eJsw York. Saa I-rais-, ctdaais aaBllSril C0U.ECT1OKS MADS on fcveca L. K Slate, a ' ait, C Tsaasaa, J. L, COWAX. j v Linn County Baik. COWAN & CUSICI. ALBANY - - - OREION. TRANSACTS a grsneral baakina; kestasas. DRAW SIOHT DRAFTS aa Ksw Tartt, fan Frsa daooand Portland, Oreaoa. LOAN MONEY on approved ssevri. RECEIVE deposiu snbjeat ts akask. COLLECTIONS entniHad to us wil sessile I see-ran. H. F. MERRILL, ALBANY, - - - OSEISN. EXCHANGE oa Nsw York, Saa SVaastate SSS Portland, Or,, bought and sold at iewsai eta. DEPOSITS reteivo;! subject ta akaek. INTEREST allows i on time dsseaits. COLLECTIONS will receive pra-apt atteatiaa. Fire and Marine Insurance piaaad ia rsHab'e Ssj. panies. Notice for Publicatira. lAnd Office at Orsgea Olty, i Febrnary, Tth, 147, J NoMoa is hereby f ives that the MIsW lot named settler has. filed a&ee efns intention to make final peref la enaaanfe 'jf his olahn, and that saisl praef will Sja made before ths Cenaty Cisrk ef Bon county, Ureses, at Albasv, rstasa, SS Tuesday. March fth, 18a?, vki: Meyers, Pre Kmptise B. g. Ve. 18S r ho ef XE aaH X ef 8 S Jat mt 9m i8 Tp. 10 8 R 1 E, He names the fsllewiag witBesssS im troy e his eontinusns residsase Bjsea, s cultivation of, said lani, vis : J B jttlyaa, , eff BUyeu. Edward rimes aad fhesaas vluis,tt(alJ ofeio,Liian aonary.Oregwa,