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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1887)
I lite goMttat. Entered at the P. Offlei at Albany, Or a moo nd-elaaa mail matter. FRIDAY JANUARY at 1887. 8TITE3 & altars an NUTTING. Irprler. rM r. wi Trivu. vmtmi matter. lOUHTT FFI0I4L and 'APBft. 'ITT THIS PAPER T7 8& I ( tOBlOMf vkwJtrfjr.TO at lh N..wm- r Adr- $2.00 When paid striotly in ad vance this will h the pi tea ut tne democrat ; at me enu 01 the year. $2.50, and there will be no devtatii n from thin rule. 4 HAM 4ei T TO)WN. mm Mm ... afi. 1 - a It i prettv cheek for Herman te ask for a $50,000 Custom house at Roaeburg a city of 1 OUO inhabitant, where no district U 6 Court even hat been held. O We are anxtouity waking for the report of the Penste committee on that slippery fraud, the Oregon City fiah ladder. A great peo- tie demand that jnatice be done. Let u iave the reason for the absence of salmon In the Cpper Willamette. O It is the boast of moderate drinkers that what little they imbibe has no injurious ef fect on their lives. A prominent life insur ance man of Hartford, Conn., knacks this boast in the head by inaWting that not onl y his experience, but the records of life insur ance show, that a young man of 30 who abstains entirely from all kind of intoxicat ing drinks, ha a good propect of living to be 64 years of age ; while, if a moderate drinker, he can expect to shuffle off this mortal coll at 354 years of age. Young men, is the practice worth this difference. O O jus Mm s f IsrsmrJ, forward, lost within s gntW tug SSVQSS, Lost or only hssnl In atleao fro-a taatilenee of a sassbi Torwrnrm ran tea looa thk, esl, of tk many, etna was aas Ut asaesa this cry ot 'orwsrJ Ull lea thouasn.1 yearhav gmm. The above is a wail of Alfred Tennyson in his -tail end" to Lockslev Hall, Poor cranky, old man, the cry of forward will not be hushed for ten thousand years ; that is two long a time for us to wait. We have several little inventions in view before the end of that period. Albany girls who are anxious to get mar ried should remember that there are 30,000 bachelors in Montana. A good way to prove to what a great de gree ones perceptions depend on surround ings, is for one to hold tne fingers of one hand in very cold water and those of the other in as hot water as one can stand. Then suddenly put both hands in water about the temperature of an ordinary room. The water will be cold to one hand and hot to the other. The M. A. T. considers this an excellent illustration of why the same thing so often is viewed in different lights by different people. A Hade I . 1. LasVeajunlay Frank McMunn.of Shedd, was in the city, with a model of an ocean vessel, as well made as any we have ever seen. Every little detail is as faithfully ob served in its construction as if it were sea faring and ready to start on a trip around Cape Horn or Good Hope. Mr. McMunn was on the sea from hi thirteenth to hi eighteenth year, and Is now a young man. He is a genius in this line. He offered the ship for $20, too cheap for such a piece of work. Mr. McMunn, while here, let loose a couple carrier pigeons, which he has been truining,and they "lit out" for Shedd. They made the trip in a little over fifteen min utes. They travel from Halsey to Shedd in six minutes and from Harrisburg in sev enteen minutes. Mr. McMunn' father was a professional trainer of pigeons, and during the Franco- Prussian war made three or four thousand dollars from sales of the birds. AS reraise Where II rajs. A Urge wholesale house in the East Ukes a large number of country papers, which it peruses and judges of the standing of its customers by their manner of advertising, and whether they advertise. One of the members of the house In mentioning the fact made the following remark, showing his superior judgment : "If we find that he is advertising in other newspapers than the leading one because it is cheaper to do so, or that he Is depending upon other cheap methuds of advertising, we know that his judgment and business sagacity are not to be relied upon and we keep a close watch upon him. We have followed this rule for a long time and we seldom make a misUke by judging our customers in accordance with it." Business men in Albany who ad vertise to reach the buying people use our columns. That class who want nothing for nothing steer wide of our doors. Tia Maraers. Last Friday Marshal Westfall invited three very obnoxious tin horn gamblers to take a tour towards some other part of the great Northwest. They left These men have not only been dragging several Al bany beardless youths down, but, as well, have sought to ruin several girls who should be spending their hours under their paternal roof. The tin horn gamblers are not all gone by considerable. Let's have the field raked again. The O. P. The Oregon Pacific on Tuesday began the erection of a temporary passenger depot at the corner of Eighth and Lafayette streets in this city. A freight depot for temporary use is under way, and a water tank is being constructed. A Y is being built, and will be finished in a few days, Ahen trains will begin running regularly to wlbany. The time Uble is already made out, and is given in another column. Ceraaany aad the tiermaa. This (Friday) evening at 7:30 Rev. H. V. Rominger,of the Congregational Church, will deliver a lecture on the above subject at the Church. ; collection for the benefit of the Sabbath School. Those who wish to hear an interesting lecture on an interesting topic should be present, 9mr Pfv Day. The first of the week at Seio a disturbance occurred at a debating society. Homer Pow - ell, a young man, wai arrested for disturbing the peace, tmd before Justioa Williams nod sentenced to five day in the County . Depaiy Sheriff Daly brought him to this eity wad ha is now in "duranoe vile uuler tne awe of SbsruT Smith. TUKS DADCD ASIA w eTTTnu fate Lectslatarc. Following are the members of the Senate committees as appointed by the President : Judiciary Simon, Harc.Barin, Weather ford, Slglln. ' Ways and Means Shupe, Lee, Miller, Rlnehart, Chandler. Elections Emmett, Dlmmlck, Irvine. Claims Allen, Simon, Chandler. (rporatlons Bird, Emmett, Cauthorne. Public Land -Cartwright, Barln, Stanley. Federal Relations -Gray, Dlmmlck, Ventch. Mines SUnlev.Cartwright, Dawson. Printing lglln, Shupe, Williams. Railroads Miller, Allen, Steel, Coleman, Hamilton. Education Watt, Shupe, Cauthorne. Engrossed Bills Steel, Oawson.Siglln. Enrolled Bills Williams, Bird. Rlnehart. Assessments- Lee, Hare, Steel, Wager, Coleman. Agriculture -Loonev, Allen, Irvine. Public Buildings Hare, Loonev.Ventch. Roads and I Ugh way -Dawson, Williams, Stanley, Watts, Weatherford. Counties Chamberlln.G ray, Hamilton. Military -Dlmmlck, Chamberlin, Wager. Commerce Sarin, Gray, Rlnehart The following joint special committees were appointed 1 On Joint (Rules Senate, Carson and Weatherford. House-R A Miller and Wilson. To Examine Affair and Book of the In- anr Asylum -senate, v;namnrriam anu 1 Stanley. House Roberta, Wilson, Holmes. . a a w a a .1 aa.s - . a. . , . 1 II To Kxamine tne uooas 01 tne nunc 1 Treasurer Senate, Shupe and Slglln. Houe Roberts, McCully and Mayer. To Examine the Ilook and Accounts of the Secretary of State -Senate, Steele and Coleman. House Pomerov, Harris and R A Miller. The Joint Columbia River Improvement committee consists of I louse. Palmer, Har- rinirton. Hilhml. Lav man. Stafford. Taylor. Smith, Haley.Mitchell and Henry. Senate Gav. Chandler, Shupe, Rlnehart, Veatch and Carson. Friday thev went to The Dalles to investigate matters and report en the feasibility of a canal around the Cascades at that city. Following is a list of the Committees ap pointed by Speaker Gregg in live Lower House : Election Richardson, Johnson, Kruse. Crockett, Yanderpool. Ways and Means Benjamin, Pendleton, Nover. education Blundell, Gubser, Henry. Judiciary -Harrington, Goodsell, f has Lafollett, Bilyeu, Daly. Claims Culver, Gard, Bowditch. .Military affairs Summers, Gav, Wilcox. Roads and highways Gard, Pendleton Engrossed hill -Robert, Little, Hale. Enrolled bills Wilson. Hicks, Davis, Indian affairs Gay, McLean. I D Miller. Printing -Paulsen!Summers,R A Miller. Corporations La ugh I In, Wilson, Mitch Commerce Maxwell, Goodsell, Palmer, Blevin. Biggs Counties McCullv, Laujrhlin, Roberts, Wilcox. Osborn. Federal relations Johnson, Munger, Hansard. Mining -Holland, A M Lafollett. Swank. Publk lands McLean, Crook, Noyer. Internal Improvements Stafford, 'Palm er, Holmes. Public buildings Pomerov, Munger, Mc Kenzie. Agriculture Crook, A M Lafollett, Tavlor. Alcoholic traffic Layman, Benjamin, Haley. Railroads and transportation Mackay, Pomeroy, Layman, Biggs, Mayer. Assessment and taxation Smith, Harris, Culver, Daly, Thompson. JOI!CT COMMITTSBt. To investigate the swamp land matters, Senatc-Wager,Diraick. House McLean, Hale, flicks. To investigate the matter of the propoga tion and protection of fish. Senate Allen, Wager. House Maxwell, Pomeroy Bil veu. Sew Tlase TsMe Following b the Oregon Pacific R. R. Co', new time table for steamers and pass, enger trains. The Oregon Development Company steamships sail -. " At-is rsna as rassestoe as-iUMils,rTMfcsyso Xl.'asau Umrttjmmmnmr Tuli ttins, ThurUay, Jao.t7 Tannine, Wad nssOar, Jan X SL FrMsr, Jsn. 2 Van ulna. Wed H M WwUUm Am X at. Wednesday. Kb 2 Y C, Thursday , Keb. 8 M, Monday, Fab. It. Y C, Tosedey , Feb. tU. S M. Saturday. K.b. -M. Y C, Friday, March, 4. Y O. Thursday. Vat. A M, Wsdtwadsy, K.s 9. T C. Tuasday. fb. It. X M, Monday. Fab. 21 TC, Xaaday, Feb. X7. The Company reserve the right to change sailing date. Daily passenger trains, (except Sundays.) Las re YaquiDS, :Si a.m. .Lar Albany, 12;40 p. m, arrive, CoralUa,IU:t A.m. Arrfy Cwsflia, I Hi r. M. Arm Albany, 11:) a. , j Arrive Yaqoina, 6:2ft r. a. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. oath af Lawyer oalry The following from the C tntervillian gives notice of the death of a former Albany law yer. Instead of five years ago it was about seven that Mr. Con ley left Albany : Died, at Pendleton, Or .January 9th, 1887. fie was born in Washington county, East Tennessee, March 15, 1843. During the war he was a member of 11. company, 13th Iowa Volunteers. After the war he fitted himself for the legal profession and was ad mitted to the bar of Iowa in 187 1 lie tame to Oregon in 1877 and practiced law at Al bany untHswiis removal to Penleton, some five'years ago. He leaves a wife and three daughters to mourn his death. Lively Runaway. The "N. S. Bentiey" in its trip to Port land last week made remarkably fast time, going from here to Salem in two and a half hours and from Salem to Portland in five and a half hours. Beyond Salem it fairly run the "Willamette Chief down, passed it and reached Portland sometime ahead of it. This by a boat pronounced the morn ing after being sunk, in black letters, b some of our exchanges us a total wreck. will be ready for business again In a few weeks. Other river steamers will have to take a back seat in the matter of speed at least. Acknowledgment. Mr Tho I Anderson, of Linn Co., wishes to thank those friends who so carefully and kindly attended to him on the 37th of Nov. 1886, when he was thrown from his wagon, of them particularly Mr and Mr Sprenger, not fortreUinc Mr Ephraim Turner, who Helped put him in hi wagon on aunday morning. Mr Tho I Anderson is happy to add, he is recovering from the effects of the fall. NeCUIUn's Boh. Have you given Benj. F French, of no Third St., Portland, representing J Dewing & Co., 42O Bush Street, San Francisco, vour order for McClellan Own Story. It is the book of the day in many respecU, and should be in the hands of every student of history. We regret the inability at present to give a series of extracts from the work Broke a ttlb, About ten day ago J I Livingston, living cast of town, in getting out of a wagon fall with his body across the wagon aad was hurt somewhat. Hi aide has been hurting him ever since, so Wednesday he eame to town te ass his physician, who, upon examination. informed him that in the fall he had broken one of kit rib. He ia getting on all right. aria . The following are some of the fact ob served in the Meteorological report of Mr John Briggs, Esq., observer at this city, for the year 1886 1 The lug heat barometer was In November, 303 ; the lowest In January t j9.04 ; mean average, 29.81. The highest thermometer was in September, 98 ; the lowest in January, 18 above ; mean aver age, 57,55. The average mean velocity force was 3. The total rainfall was 394)8 laches, falling on 115 days, which certainly dispels the idea that it rains here perpetual ly. The greatest precipitation was in De cember, 10.31 inchea ; the least in August, 00, with June arid July close on its beets. It rained on 34 davs in December. 7.95 In ches of snow felt during the year, all in Jan uary. There was frost on 69 days, 14 being in March, and lz each to January and No vember, none in June, July, August and September. This Is a good showing. It fa a characteristic one for this city. We have no hesitation In challenging comparison with any State in the U. 8. Take the mat ter of rainfall, about which such grosa ml, representations are made in neighboring Slates. According to report received by Mr Briggs the average rainfall In the mid die Atlantic State is 464a Inchea ; in the south Atlantic States, 59.01 ; New Eng- and States, 474)5 Inches ; Gulf Mutes, 55 inches ; Slates along the Ohio, 4939 ; and it should be remembered that considerable of this is snow and slush, in Oregon the average for six or seven years has been about 44 inches, less than any of the above. Our average temperature U more equable, and la such as to indicate vigor and not las situde. No people with an average tempera ture of 57,55 will ever go to sleep like Rip Van Winkle. Chanced tees Mind. Last Monday evening a special meeting of the Council was held to further consider the proposed amendment to the city charter extending city limits as net forth In another column. In the absence of the Mayor Councilman Gradwohl was placed In the chair, and in the absence of the Recorder Councilman Marshall acted In that ca.ucl- ty. On motion and after considerable di cussion the vote to amend the charter was reconsidered so far as It related to the pro posed extension and the limits of the city will remain as at present. It seem that there I some doubt whether the Oregon Pacific would o refer navine citv to county Uxe. and it was thought best to delay the proponed measure tor a few year. r r W. m. aeett. Last Monday morning Mrs. W. B. Scott, of this city, died after an nines of about a week, of qulnxy, at the age of ax year. She leaves a husband, daughter, two step children, parent, relative and many warm friends, to mourn her untimely death. Mrs Scott was a daughter of Mr G W Vaughn, of Cobure. She had been married about five rears, was a faithful wife, a loving mother, highly esteemed by those who knew her. Funeral service took place Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and not. withstanding the inclement weather were largely attended. Three Contradict taa. Parties who have recently returned from deluged Webfoot say Eastern Oregon is a paradise. Ochoco Review. Parties who have recently returned from snow bound Castern Oregon say that Webfoot Is a para disc. Albany Democrat. For the bene lit of our many eastern and western Ore gon reader :v ttiose in the Eastern States we would Htaic mat tne noove squios arc confounded lies. First, Eastern Oregon is no paradise, neither is it or ha it been snow bound this winter, there being but an aver age depth of one foot of snow in three coun ties. As to Webfoot being a paradise we have substantial evidence that it is not. Centervillian. Last IFednesdsy Mr John Censer sold the property 8 W corner First and Broadaibia Streets, in thi city, to 8 E Yonng for 8500. The property coming summer. will be rented the A 3 la Peaad T ansae easnvsd. Last Monday, in Portland, the large tamer on the neck of Mr R CaU of thi city, removed by Dr. M&stoo, Tho operation wi aeeessfally performed. - First-class batcher knl reset Will Bro s ! gun store. steeds. Ladies, when you are in want of a fine dree dont forget tiaeaet the stock of N. H. Alien k Co. They have a very Ism took to select from and at prices never be fore offered in Albany, The MOST IHrOttTAftT MAUI IVTRaDltKD Senator Weatherford has Introduced a Mil to require foreign corporations doing business In this State to abide bv our State laws and not to bring suits In the U S Court Senator Irvine to reduce Interest to 6 per cent, 8 per cent being legal under contract. Senator Dawson to prevent bulls running at large. Lee reducing fees of Supreme Court Clerk, Irvine to simplify practice In Justice Court. Chandler making It unlaw ful to sell cigars, tobacco, cigarettes or fire arms to any minor under 18 year of age McCully creating county of Wallowa Bilyeu to levy a special tax of one-fifth of one mill to make tuition free at the State University. Hale allowing all male cltlsens of a school district to vote whether tax payers or not except when levying a tax. Mitchell apportioning representation In the Legislature. Daly appropriating $4800 to maintain the State Normal school at Mon mouth. Benjamin fixing salary of Supreme fudges at $3000. Wager fixing such sal tries at $Jbotx Daly providing for repeal of immigration law. Dawson for a board of railroad commissioners. Chandler making It unlawful for any corporation to employ aliens on public works. Dawson to repeal law protecting Chinese pheasants. Allen regulating freight rates on railroads and prohibiting railroads issuing passes to mem bers of the legislature. Hale authorizing a special school tax of 5 mills to be collected , by County Sheriffs. Bilyeu requiring far cfgn corporations to pay license fee of $500 and requiring them to adjust all rights in the State Courts. The object la to bring foreign corporations within the jurisdiction of State Courts. Harrington giving home stead exemption of 80 acres to the country and not to exceed one acre In towns. Smith Increasing the "age of consent" from 14 to 1 18 and making more severe penalties lor seduction. McCully appropriating jOOO i for the Wallowa wagon road. Mc Clean , prohibiting the collect ian liquor sold at retail. Rob of accounts far Robert appropriating $1.1,000 for wagon road from Myrtle Point, Coos county to Camas Valley in Dougta county. Crockett providing for publishing road notice Instead of posting. Paulsen re enacting Hoult bill xs It was before amend ment. Holland appropriating $10,000 to build a bridge across Owyhee river In Bak er county. Mover to abolish fiah traps, wheels, etc., and to create the ofltec of fish commissioner. Swank providing that Coun ty Courts shall fix rates of toil on toll roads. Mansard, repealing the act sdvinc the State Agricultural Society fjOOf a year to run the state fair. Watt, regulating the sale of liquor and fixing the ikenae at ffOt par rear. Doc not apply to incorporated cities. Dimkk prohibiting sale of tobacco to min or under 18 except upon written request of parents. Wager regulating freight on rail roads, 8 ten ley abolishing the board of im migration. Irvine board of railroad, com mlsaioner. Gubser providing for quarter ly examination of teachers but no private examination. Henry raising school tax levy so nve mills, tienry providing that district mut have five months school each year to entitle them to public funds the next. Henry allowing district clerk thirty day wjwtn to osjsjKt taxe. tlray, Asalanng kba sea beaah a pahlie tug a way. Uay, appointing the flrst Saturday in J on a pahlie holiday in m known ae La bor Day. Daly, to iaerease school us front 4 tc 5 mills. Bowditeh, te make ihT-YlfiTrt (Village a Stain Normal School and to my propria $8300 par year to it Mpport, Tay lor, oxing lea of Juror in l-treutt Uoert at $3 par day and in Jo tie Court at $1. !injflsin, appropriating $15,000 to betid a bride aero lira poo river. Crook, to no. prorriata $80,000 to build a road from Cbateo to I'ort Orford hj Omy I ounty. Mtiler. rawing eehoot tax from 4 to 8 mill Taylor, lor conatttotioaaJ eoovaaOoo. Chamberlain, fee wafjen read ytem aeroee the Qteoade Mountain. Simon, iswraaatag iry of Sa prims Jadg, Celemaa for payment ef dam age try loo of stock killed bv railroad. Diotntiek for removal of the body of late Gov titbb from Ixmdoo to Oregon for banal, sytaa), far eempitiug aad printing a sane of school tast-books W hever A little woman with light blue eyes and brown hair walked into the shooting gallery of a Clark street museum late yesterday afternoon, and,pkklng up a rifie.fired twen ty-two shots at a urge? fifteen peces away. When she had fired her last round; the bul let on the target formed the tetters, "K. II. L.. "Are those vour Initials ?" asked the man in charge of the gallery. .. fv. 1- " .k- a ittij c n , was inc muwssw nsnonsSi "This Is a little trick my father Uught me ....... T 1 . ncii m my vara. lite piece of pasteboard bore true Inscrip tion : "Fannie H. I-ennox. champion lady hot of Oregon. CkUapo Her aid. nyfcont stenors The following is an abstract taken from the rchool register in District No. 93, for the term ending Jan. 7th, 1887 : No of pupils enrolled, 1 1 ; avenue daily attendance for the first month 10 ; sec ond month, 109-11 ; third, o. Mav Shea was present, 59 days, deportment, 95 ; Llllic Shea, present, 60 days, deportment, 94 ; Let tie Thompson, present, 60 days, deport ment, 91 ; Anthony Shea, present, m days. deportment, 93 ; Willie Shea, present, 60 day, deportment, 98 ; William Wiley, present 59 day, deportment, 93 ; Clarence Wiley, present, 60 day, deportment, 95 ; Charlie Wiley, present, 60 day, deport ment, 97 ; Alonxo McQueen, present, $9H day, deportment, 100 ; Talis McQueen, present, 60 days, deportment, 86 ; Charles Sturtevant, present, 43X day, deportment, 00. Emma Drvry, teacher, rrepesed City Limits, Commencing in the middle of the main channel of the Willamette river at a point north 8 dcg. 45 min. west of the northeast corner of Hackleman's addition to the city of Albany, thence south 8 deg. 45 min. east to the southeast corner of Hackle man s second addition ; thence south 8 deg. 4 min. east 1430 feet to a point ; thence south 81 deg. 1 5 min. west 8354 feet to a point in the west boundary line of the donation land claim known as Walter Monteith's Notifies tion No. 1798, Claim No. 55 in township 1 1 south range 4 west of the Willamette meridian, at a point 638 feet north 1 deg. west from the southwest corner of trie above named claim ; thence north t deg. west on said boundary line to the center of the Cala- poola creek ; thence down the center ot said creek with the meandering thereof to the center of the Willamette river ; thence down the center of said river with the me andering thereof to the place of beginning Patents . ran ted, Patent granted to cltlsens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported presslv for the Democrat by C. A. Snow 8c Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash tnston, D. C. : 3 E Bingham, Walla Walla, W. T. horseshoe pattern. J A Buckley, San Francisco, CaL, ventil atin ing cars. F L Emerson, Brentwood, Cal., gopher 1 gun. W J Murray. Tolon. Cel.. car axle. W C Quinbv. San Francisco, Oal., elec trolyte. O H Sutherland, Walla Walla, W. ' team boiler. E S Sutton. Snohomish. W. T., loose pulley. ttentlaae te Bay Here. Mr L Seeders continues to buy horses at this city. Will pay sod price for suitable homes weiehius 1100 to 13UU Pounds, in good order. Bring them on, --- WHY WILL YOU cough when Sblloh'a Cure will give immediate relief. Price 18 ote., 80 Ota., aad fl. aiftsiftT it.. Fir wood Is $6 a cord in Walla Walla. The worst cut Tennyson lias received is that from the ilepner paper, which publishes me oiu nt Jacob ell man for England s jjoet laureate. Sawed off the lower know, The New York WorUi ptsked Governor Penneyer to kindly telegraph his opinion of the probable effect on the country of Conk stag's return to the Senate. His answer was as follows : "It Is ray impression that Roe eoe Oonkllng I a man who never ha been or never can be the subservient tool of cor- Birntlon. la the present condition of af tft frt our country, uch men hould be placed In official position if possible." DrLM llentel, recently of Salem, ha located In this citv. thi week mittine In a lock of drug (n the Morgaa lllock,jut east of Deyoe k Itobson. lie will also practice hi profession. The Doctor come here highly recommended. Robert Clow.of Polk county. was appoint ed Superintendent of the Penitentiary, M J ascivinnon, oi l'ortland, Chief Warden. The Salmon canneries, ol the lower Co lumbia, according to the ittoriam, expend annually about $ 1, 500,000, which circulates mostly in that vicinity. A big industry. The "Drum Lummonof Montana yleld ad$Joaxxxin December. The retchetag voted against the wishes of the Emperor on the Army bill, and were immediately dissolved . Thank L'oodnes.ln the U. H., there 1 no dissolution when men rote a they please. The old Bennett House, at Salem, occu pied bv about one hundred Celestials, wa entirely consumed by fire on Thurilay night of last week. Three of the Chinamen were unable to get out of the building, and were burned to death. An air chamber In the city's new steamer burst, causing confusion. There was about $.yvi In the dime, part of which wa recovered. The $0x000 Lick object glas, that is to be put into the tube of the greatest of tele copes, ha reached It destination. It was a precious bit of freight, and stenciled on It case wss the well-worn warning l "Glass this side up, with care . " (Jap tain Frailer, Its custodian, traveled with the great eye piece in a special car. If any of the reapportionment bill pas Linn county will probably get three Rep resenUtive and two Senator. 14,878 pound of Polk county hops were recently sold In Chicago for 33 cents a Mi Van Zandt, a Pittsburg girl wanted to marry Spies, the anarchist, soon to be hung, but the Clerk refused to grant the license yet it is liable to occur, ft all came from Mis V teeing Spice in the Court room, and like a dime novel milksop be coming Infatuated. Less than xvjoo of General Logan's book have been told. Geo A Larrabee last week, at Portland fell to the bottom of a 6a foot well, which he was digging, and received only Blight injuries, A remarkable escape from death. Gen Haaen. Chief of the Government signal service bureau, died last Sunday at Washington, DC I On June aoth next Victoria will have been queen of England just half a century. The event will be celebrated. Ten nr son, the cranky OM poet, will afflict the occasion with s poem. Mr I s feme would have been more lasting had he died a year ago. Mrs Cleveland eat peppermint drop. Last Saturday night at midnight a vessel bound for Oregon with 100,000 pound of riant powder on board, went ashore at the Golden Gate, and wa abandoned be it crew. Some of the powder being thrown against the rock the whole wa exploded The vessel was blown to atom, the Cliff House and other buildings were partially or wholly dent roved, end three men were e rioualv, thoueh not fatal! v Injured. The shock wa a terrible est. Congiesiinan Hermann ha introduced an amendment to the constitution of the United State, providing for the election of U 8 Senators by the people instead of by State legislatures. It U safe to nay It will never become a part of the ceswitutiorut a majority of U S Senator. would never have a scat In the Capitol if the people were to do the electing. They will not chop off their own heads, sU wiped with gain from Senator Dimkk and Wager and Re pre senutive McLean, Daly and Hick area rpwmsttoo appointed to make a full inves tigation of the swamp land swindle. Thev have a colossal too on their nana ; and 11 is hoped they will get to the bottom of the business, if there I any bottom. 34 hour clock are to be used on the Union Pacific R. R , and In time are bound to be used generally. When we read the sentence "door open at to o'clock ; per formance to begin at 20 o clock it will uxe considerable figuring to get what la meant through our bead. Tne crime of going home drunk st 34 51 o clock win De mucn greatet, fa appearance, than to do so now at even 3 o'clock a. m. Those who wear dmnsofids are tariff us ed 10 per cent, while those who use window- Slaes, are Used 180 per cent. Raw silk I uty free, but raw wool i utted 45 per af . at s cent. Ooid stud are taxed 35 per cent, out horse-shoe nail 1 16 per cent. The finest broadcloth It taxed 40 per cent, but the poor are Uxed 89 per cent on common wool cloth. Thi te a cample of the protection offered bv our Uriff. -?. Te the twMlc. I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customer in all line of goods. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov elties I could not get by ordering goods ex clusirely. I have jut made extensive Im provement to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, end enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better good for the money. I have iust received direct from the factory a full line of ladies' and gents' tipper for the holiday trade especially selected for thi market, all of which will be sold on their merits, and every pair amaranteed. even in cheap slippers and hoes. Samusl E. Vourte. New good at Fortmiller 3c Co'. Sev erst new style of elegant bed room set, and s splendid variety of upholstered goods, ust received. By keeping a nrst-cias stock of goods they go fast. Thos Brink's ash bedroom sets attract general attention. They are sold remarkably low. aiseeo te Lean. On from one to three years time, on good ecurity, in sum of $500 up. Call on (JLtKB, MOXT1ITX OT V. s Don't forget that N. H. Allen It Co., teks eroduoe in exohsnse for marahaodiss at the saarket prices. Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Svran. for sal at Hoffman k Pffeifer Warranted to cure conghtand 00 Ids. Tho Brink, the furniture dealer will not be undersold, (iet his prices. Claaks. Tbs largest aad beat select-I th valley oan be tonod at Mi., teabach's. Per sate took nth k in Ssi tsaS A good organ. Call at Dr. Kelly', good hingle mill. Call on J. H. Maine. New stoek of fall goods, every Une fall, coats and examine then. Merrsmi ft A8 AM Oast Wheat 78 cent. Webfoot for eertaln. V U French, jewsiar. Sere throst art prevalent. Fear drag store ia Albany. Oyster served in all tyl at Hoffman It Psiffer'e. J. P. Wallace. Phvskrian and Hurn. AU bany, Or. Gjti Haw I k Brinair fir ahiiu fr.ish groceries. GsfFft Huthmrll. ?hvitnvis and Sirirum. Shdd, Or. Coasidsrsb'e mow has fsl! -. in the moan- Uins recently. Th "State Maria" sail tram Yaaaia Oity te day. Th Hainm famiitii mill for tta at Davna k ftibsoa'a. k fw rood atook ho wautei, IUM on Pipes 4 Talbot. Mr W H Wallaot M ttflin Alb fir for Ataor Hfinth. Walunt oenter tablet, with marble or wood top el Tho Brink's. Arabia Prush' dm stori t ooee dav and aigbt, at all hours. Another tumble in tbs arise of boot mod shoes at Read k lJiownli. Lares redaction in th ntlom 1 as Will Brother, Albany. Or. Tns riyer was 11 feet above low water mark Oo Tuesday at this city . J H Tnwaseod. special stent for th Hut lusurano Co. oi 8ltn. Orseeit. Mr C J .Stewart will aet a du,t ant for tbs Oregon Paetne at this oity. Dr J Kitchen h bn an tited Pass master st Irving, Lsus eounty.' Mix shaves for a dollar su I s clt su towel to very customer, st U yierick'a. A apleodtd line of furiitur at Thna Brink'. No better ia the valley.' For a H neral assortment of tion.o farniah. tug good at ooet go to Jobe Brigtf. A Una assortment of Chris tint etudia. anu, te., at Read k BroeneU'. Kama Abb Ht is to be in Portland weak after nxt. Price 82, 81.3d au t S I . A Hrt -eJtae Uae of eh air. f. whatnot. etc., at Too Brink s ftiriittur store. A grocery store k to be ooensd soon in tna place reevntly v seated by Rd 4 Browned. The best bedroom sot, th beat spring uteitr , at Tnoe Hriuk'e laroitu.s store. w ri.iK, ' 3ur -ianviiau.uring Oo.,oppostte Odd Fallow Temple, Albany, Or. If If If. U - . J. .J J. - John Knox, formerly of thi. nouatv. died a few day ago at hpoxeue Falls. W. T. Wateae, oiook and jaweiry carefully ie pstrad at reasonable pries at F If French' . Th PnthibMom Hiar i being saeved te fort.aad, itev Lyman will Ootta new editor ... on can a spisnaid variety ot toses at Mr John Brians. Fur sate at teaeonebl D. M. II. Kilt. phycMian surgeon AH any, Oregou. '-ails tu. i ia cmtntry. city or Kev 8 B Davis, of this eity will omit hi regular eervtoas at Tangsmt twit Ssbbatb af teraKo. Go to M A Miller, of Lebanon, f r dro-. uutioos iit pr!uui-r, aa ii I tea a full ttae tm 42a8)$ fJ sre kept ruuumj at Veriok'a barber bop Ta plaee t gs ktve or hair cat. It will py y w (, call at F M Preaeh's and prtoe hi watches bafore uurcasting one aeber. Frseh Yutaa ay aad Raster 1 oyster constantly oa hsal after lo-day at rJutfasa I "I UUxr A Portland paper pu blithe th item that Clevrlani will pruiby visit tha Northwest nest a tamer. Th Linn County T npsraue Alliance meet at tin city next week, Tuesday and Wednesday. JoeSuann. instead of bein; "timetba np." a snversi ( nir exenang a tv tsted i tbs wnsl hand Dp. ThxeiksstNswpart Wmm, V., shonld net beonofoeudad with our worthy euntem- p.rsry at the Bay. Hi sud Will Richard npened a second ter n ( dauetng scltool in Parrub'e liall on N eveutntf . A hyry team btng driven by Tho Btok ! irv iu tnu city V eneeaajT, r.u away, csut lug alight damage. The prospects are good for th praaaut Collector ex CaeUNat at Portland to ha a SBOO or ta a aho t time. Deyoe k Bobeon have a lartfe stoot of the best plows mad On hand. They will be old at bedrock price. Thi is th Mason of th year whan au ambralla need a padloo and ball and th un Poor freight trains a week now ran oa th O k C between Portland aad Junction, and from xttere uth on train a week. John Briggs has 00 hand three Plummer Fruit Dryera which n will sell at lea than cost. They are th beat in the market. Persons dosirtn 1 i.ia pocket koive of a near brand, warranted, should oalt at Will Br.. Tbay bnv just gotten in anew atoek. j A fool relied fir in a Ixmdmi theater lajt ' Tudy vmng. s rnh f ir tm door was e, and twelve people --r iramoled to death. JNeariy an mo 1 ami a biit ot rat.t tell in Albany on If m lty : but tfut m .tter than fifteen inehe of uoe, it msle irologtoal ecjuaL Parties holding tickets n n'ler 71. 551. 1362 iui by K at Krencii will p!ae call at th Corner Jewelry S o. o. nr id iu th ticket. B .V Cnnd.ff will make 800.000 brick un oi yard Bear town next sum ..e . He ex pect a lively time iu th uric trad in thi city nest season. The "N S BuMey" is in Portltod uadr- eiiOi4 repairs, lhi boat ha reoeivod aliout aa mooh noteriety iuee being auuk a tbs famous Uregot). Ut Zukermtn ia making arrangements to move his jewelry atom to uext west of Red field'a grooery scor. Tbs plsoe he vacate is already re u ted. It was reported ia this oity Wednesday yuiog that Barry Nool, formerly of this city, had died in Portland on luetdav trom the burtiiij of a blood vesaut. Iu the Stat j Letrislature original hills are sent to the printer to be set op. A shams. By the way what ia the vast array of com mitteo clerks paid f r. There were several applicant from Lien eounty at Salam for clerkships wk are oiili d to return homo empty handed. Th 00 U.- ty, though, get it sh ire. Burkhart k Keeney sell ticket over the Northern PaoiHo Rail Road to all i- inta est. Csll on them for rates a id ahowiog route of travel. Should yon desire to sail your property eall on Burkhart k Keeney as tlmy advsrtiao property placed in theii hand', and charge nothing unlee they effect a 'o Mr Ctawford, th photographer ha ma le ereral marked improvement at hi gallery recently. He also has a new awn at the en trance, parhapa the most artUtio in Albany, 'there is only one daily paper in Oregon that ha the ability to present its reader on the next morniug after delivery tiftesu ool -umn of a message and au iuaugural address. Mr Jas Murry ha leased the Exehangs Hotel of his mother, and hereafter it will he run by him. "Jim" is a rustler, and will con tinue to bring to the Rxohang a geoi pat ronage. The ladies of th Presbyterian church were tc give a social at th residence of Mr DP Mason on laat ( Thursday) evening. If thi meet your eye before the event let it be a reminder to go. Wednesday a baegage oar on allPeuhsyl- vania Railroad was blown up by dynamite. The dynamite was in a small trunk and it waa rough handling by tne baggage smasher that caused the explosion. He will live. Several crestfallen, lonesome, woebegone looking flake of snow fell from the heavens over Albany last Friday morning, and melt ed with electric speed. Not one was n af ter striking tho soil, Tne Urst of tbs esaoa Un retiring from ths Postoffiee Mr F Kenton will opsn a news stand, stationary and cigar store oa Find, street, having already leased a place for ths purpose. One of our moat popular young men he will make it access, Ths sidewalk to ths cemetery rt assies is its impassable condition. It ahould l repair ed. In it present condition it is s Wot on ths oity. Perhsp the reader of the Dm o easy remember having seen this sebjeot mentioned before. Be n.roiful. Have you seen en ambrclta, worth about $2 whn new, ami that was not long ago, with tho initials "F. M " on ths weodm nub of the hsndls. If you hsy h merciful toth printer and return to th Danocaay effiee. Albert H Wslker, of Hartford. Coon., ha sued ths Chtotgo Tiihunt for 120 000 dam sgea osused by tftat pspor calling hint a orsnk. Ma will not recover a son t. Is that were lihel every payer iu the fj H would b sternal ly in hot water. The Salem Sttmn i t an I several Portland paper sre workmx for Sunday trains on tna OA ('Kit. Bitutr let no. Bailroa.1 man need rest the ssSS as other hnins'i heinir. The day I already dsweerateii toi moon. Ws srs getting too ttmt, la Donsgsl ooaatv. Irelmd. fist Tndav tier. . tight occurred betwmn tsnsntesnd s Sheriff po, raversl of the Utter being riously injured. In Lim-riok end oth. r count: also Hero battle occurrc i t etwein tenant and victr.g Sheriff. We hav received No. 1 of Vol. f nt th- Milton K'iI. Berr make it snar and will slwsys mske it sotr with bis oriirinal nsway psrsgraph When it corns to ren ninga loetl uawper Bsar.r is an eagle beak for sore, and we gladly X. Mr Louis Visreck h inovl into hi new (pisrter nearly upp-Mite the Rvre Kea. Ntly flttef ap, with tw guil bath roo n, h has on of ths bust bar r Hop in th Valley, and know how te wld tti rs r with th hst in th State or (J, 8. A tesia beloniu, to Mr If. uL al precinct, ran awsr en Ttiursd eveuing of la.t. 1 thu city, tertiinrf from th Magnolia Mill, and turning at the i- chsngs Hotel, Insving th wson st that af ter bottom op. No ether damage. Send Birkhvt a K ten 'nam and ad- dresses of friend deeiriag information of Ore lion si d they will sted tham com.- ,A the Seal SetU Cono mr whiih nonlaia a avnu- plt dtsortpttoe of on county is ees'i tsue wito either lirsh e int ormati 1 w r har. A. H.''ln th Oregon' czivna Ho W R Bilyva, f thi c tv. crelit for heini tl lead r of th Ddmocstio idof the SLsrHnat. A Mr (hi yen i n-1 a member .f th enta "A, H."i vi isntly mnddlet ia hie mind. Mr B might be bswu given ooh credit two year . On Taeaday th 'Three BUters" broegkt a load of wheat, hops, ate, u the liear, ta.t bin loaded at Portland. A-mt nt th t o were losdsd five or six ail up th Sntiem That river is not eeneraJty couidrd nevi gbl ; bat the 0 P bo its go wherever there is bnaines Ia our ertiei on the first page of the lest issaso! the Uau ocasT ths tetment ia made that 00 woman ha vr been beeg in Muv oen. bet wear informed by Mr P H Bow nsao, a resident of Bntoe e maty, that he hae personal knssvtedg that a wemao by th ansa ef Letand wa bung in that Stats fifty yr ago. Portland and K t Portland papers, uwnsd wswkly. rs slopping oysr with proaJiioa We would like t know how hnnsasutv ia benefitted by cola me after column of nothing but stem ha to foUowing. rbe Ocmip would like s know why B1T1 D. kiessd Jaae u. on ut left cheeh ta .sd of on the right Olaa (Pfrf Last Monday Mr H F Merrill openel a general baalUag. brokerag. sxebsnge, tnsa r aaee and collecting busia. at th coiner of retry scxl First Street, in the store with r M French. He will recety depodts. buy and ll axchsng and egottete lean. Wdl place fire aad maris intnranee in only first da companies, W give attention to col lections . W bsys received a report of the iroceed- i igioi tnenito so is. I meetior or the Fire men' A;iatton of Oregon and State Fire men' FUttel by the Secretary Mr Frank E Uody . J it it ereditebly gotten ap and speak in eten engine lancusge of tne ltdtv of th wgtntxtino ef firamsn in Oregon. No wbsra in tbs 17 S esa, a sn jc amnle, cine ! Lund better equipped for te tight th fir fiend th u ia Albany. Aateiia and Suem, woo 1 their population u eoatid assML tnanber ead Past. Tne nndsrsiirnel will ell all kinds af um-i-r aa I 3 1 1 r 1 . ,1 ut t ths follow. I - - - - VT J?s- i n . ioj vfcsvioos 00 in ? , rnj-w if q i l.aea, Leog'a, Lawson sad Biliville Persons baild ing or Inn- can have bills out and deliver I at anv of the above ttioi.s oa ahort n-.ttce. Li 1 Her is of tb very beet quality, the logs bein bmeght front tl e fine timber region on th McKenxi River. Ws. K. ffrroith. airayed. Two colt, thin In fleh, one s rrel, two year old past One yearling, hey, tar In forehead. Ben gone two months. 11 pay liberally for information as to where about. Address, Tangent. E. W. I.RFRAX. Viertck's shaving and hair dressing aa loon to opposite the Revere House, where he has fir. t -class bath rooms. Mseetattea Retire. Notice I hereby given that the a ipar4 nership heretofore existing bet wee N. A. Cherry and John Hern haw t lis i ay dlaaolvnd, John Hsnbaw retiri.ig f oaa bald bualnesa, Albany, Or., Jsi, let, 1887. Jtvaor Hajraausr. aad aseea, N. H. Alien k Oi. have in atoet a fall line .if boots, hues sod rubbtia, which wJll le sold at very low prices. Why not call on Tho Brink for thing to th furniture line for holiday For stove snd tin wars at cost go te Job a Briggs. Cloak ! Cleah t Don't forget that N. H. Allen k Cr. have just received a large atoet of ths latest style in cloak from New York, which key otter at unheard ot low prices. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY- positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria. and Cauker Mouth. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Com pi tint you nave a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vital ixer. It never la lis o care. Letter List. Following la ths list ol letter rstaaininf la tho Past Oatai, Alhany, Linn eounty, Oragon, Jan. SOth 1SSS, rsons catling (or these letter must give ta Si t on which thev werasdrerUssd ; Baker, H-v 54 C 4 Canntsghgrn, It at Da via, Hssrv Kroareen, A Orlar, John Osnssr, I U Harmsn, Atfrel LoweU, R MuKenry, John Taylor, Doris Ursn, WCI Webster, J Franklin 8 White, T H J, M. IBVTKQ, P. M, MSatatlK. RAY KINDER. On Jan. nth, 1887, in Scio, by Jame Williams,!. P.,at the resi dence of the bride's parents, Ma. Henry Ray and Miss Hannah KiNDBR,bothof Linn county. SHELTON-RICHARDSON On Jan. 19th, i887,at the residence of and by fcev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., Mr. Harvey L. 8 helton, son of Hon. Harvev She. ton, and Miss Mary L. Richardson, bothj of Scio. fThe Dbmocrat extends congratulations. WATTS. On Jan. 10th, 1887, in Shedd, to the wife of F A Watts a son. YANTIS.-On Jan. 12;h, in Shedd, to wife sf W W Yantia x sen. the MM MS, AX PtKSO, tf. Hon J P Schoolinir, of Harriimrg,yirite oar oity Tuesday. Mr L Senders hss gone to 8fl Frneieo with a shipment el norse. Him Kmeh Hoult, of Hrrismjrj oity Friday, The Ikm rt achn s oslt. MiMinnt APiion and Mi Hi thi city seourd i ciktdr. en co st Halem. rax in :.lge Pref D V S ft mitte clerk at 8 th Legislature. Mr John R'Arn firm of D-yor k from a trip to hi id, of this city, is a epm slem during the meeting of on, junior member of the R.obs.m, returned lsst srceJt former home iu tii Bs. Mrs M V Brown, of thiscity.left en vV oesday forSalom, where ah lw hu n a pointed Clerk of the eomnitte u t Bta and Hii(hway, A jua'ciotta appointmsi Mr Jas Crawford, for mey years in harness and saddlery huii,: in iiaiaey ks opeoel thn same kind of an etetlihai reodletoti, and will Soon move his fua thst city. On oc uui f iiineA Beiiater Da vaOfi came to Alhany Wcdn.s lay svci.m - uud remain nntil M on lay, lie says that of the hi!! calliiU' f ,r1rVe appr ion to build his vote wagon Ocid. 71 a will receive Geo I Foster, wa nt to Ssn Oirg', Cal., for his health, is, regret t ssv, worse. The Bret of th : -yeck hi tir. M'S Cpt Powell, snd broth r, R drt, left Portland, for Ban Diego, to rn.d-r him a'l the stsistanee neasAbf A highly eotertairrng held at the resutencd of 1 Monday evening by the ly oci K To S K l otiig, on -nhri of th Al- bany t LS C. Historical and other gam were played, snd about half s sc ire of vsrie ties of bom mad candy partaken a. stKAx. r. rate. Following were the recorded salee Linn county durinf the pest week : in Quincty K Crme and wife to Harvev Sbelton, J :2 aero in tp MS B 1 weet. 1 1 a 1 1 1 iTiati KViO 800 8 8 IlsyeetoJaeob W Wiglc.eawt half ot lot 1, block 8, HaUey FJ Ki ' o Mabala F Taeoer, the un- .Itvtdird interest in 32t) acres in tp 14 MB 3 west 8X U 8 to John B Wirt, 160 acres in tp 12 8 H 1 aat psVnt Andrew Htteaivl wife to Lille A Hise. 160 04 .-tcre 10 tp 11 8 a 4 we.t Andrew Htteto Mary A S liiU-., sev eral parcels of land iu tp II 8 H 4 wwt ami 55 132 foot m Hack- leman a .iditton to Albeny N A Jenne to Wesley R Jrnae.eOacra in tp 14 8 a 2 weet Heir ot Jane fliudmssi 8 M W lit idmi.ii, 2 lot iu Lob nn 1 I 1 eonn i-mnur au 1 wir n e, i oun, 49J feat front. 8 W c raer Ferry and Bresilbin Su., Al amy, O 8.IC0 S krawA ateewasf. W call your attention to tho advertise ment of a remedy which has stood U test of more than half oeo'ary with in reeaing popularity and t- univeraally admitted to have no equal aa a enerilejfnw for tne care ol diceaeee onginatlog in a dlsoidertd Liver, au 3b a i.p tpua, BU luiiinea, Centipa ion, Cid-.c, etc. Slav ntons Liver Uexuiator is a simple aad bar in less medicine, purely vegteoe, and can be safely and advsntageouMly need under any eircuna-ftanc. It act mildly and efTecSonlly and is eeelsl1y vaiaable a tamlly m-d) which position it holds in so many b una. We do not know another prspiration which eu brina forward such lndir-inent from oad of farni lie and those holding the tilKbest ofBcial and cisl p'l-.itioo. Keep Simmons Liver iteguiator in your bouse, it will reduce your doctor' bill and insure for your families beslth an ' happinete. Save Cot 1. AU persons knowing thcmud e indebted to John Brigg are hereby notified that hi books will be closed on the 3it lost, and that It will be bo their interest to come and settle Irnmediatelv and save collection. Dec aoth, 1886. LsMsaSry Weak. Laundry trork of all k nds dons totha en'.ire astieiaction f All. Give aw, min a chan. F. H. MeCoRX icxc reeertee Ho to Allen ek Co. wt an yoe want grace eel ecu-1 stocX and They hav a well ell sheep. Baektoa Aralea aalve.) The beet salve in the world torj Cola, Bruise. Sores, TJlor. nU Khe in. Fever Sores, Tetter. Cnspped HamN. Ohi:blaM s, Corn and all Skin teapticaae, and-iosla lively cure Plica, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perleot tfaotion. er monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foehay A Mason, fancy Those desiring ths latest novaities ia Iseea, buttons, gloves, etc, should call un Moi -te;th k Settenhech. Fancy Warn. N. H. Allen k O. have in stock a fa 1 line of mtterisl f.vr f.a-JV work. eoesti. f Fsiry xsphyr, Shutland vool and 8ot. ohe- ndle, araaeas, tiilssill. 72 inch English felt, ilk Is, knitting silk, etc 1 , The rhstegrapher, Albany, er. I have all the negatives taken by A B. Pax ton and any one oan have dupli cates from their negatives by addresumid us, at tLe following prices : Card siaa, i per doaen, cabinet sixe, $3 per doseu, beu ioure, 86 per doxen, I keep the dneat line of Oregon views In the wU Cata logue furnished on application. Copying snd enlarging old picture neciaitv. J. Q. Csuwijja, feValne Mare rtestsant to the teats, more acceptable to tk a tea sob, snd more truly beneficial in it action, the famous California liquid fruit raady, Syrsp nf Fijr, is rapidly su persui ng nil other. Try it For sale by Foahay Mass. The tery Itcst. I haye added to my soof an i Ae stock a line of ths oelebrsted Lair I, Sehobr k Mitchell, PhiUtffphi Fin S W for ladioa, miastt sud children. Acknowledged if dealer generally to be the beat value and heat fitting tin shoe made. Widths C, D, and EE. A ehild can buy aa cheap ss s rasa, Sam c kl K. Yoeaa, So'.o Agent, Albany, Oregon. H. F, MERRILL: BANKING, h INSURANCE. COLLECTIONS, EXCHAMQ f. Car. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY, ORECOH. HEW DRUG STORE. Tr. Haaael who recently reabznsd hie c sitton as Physician and burgeon of tbe TJ. S. Ind, School nesr Salem will have H- pervigion ol and be responsible for nhej management of ths new Drug Store of O aaBBassaxBwaas 1 A. Vo, opeoea m me now jw.ort'aii ouik Ing Dr. Heneel oan be found at place off I business when his professional services aa ! physician may be desired.