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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1887)
ffce mmiL OOKRB8POND1NOB FRIDAY JANUARY 21, 1887. 'Stsaoo says wigwag,'1 and the legis lators machine mors off smoothly un eV the direction of s moil experisneed The passage of House bill, No, 119, introduced by Crook, of Coot and Car ry, would ba an outrage. Let il ba baried. Saaator Dawson baa introduoad a bill to ores to a board of railroad oommts aiotra. This is of doubtful policy. Tby bars generally baan failure. Tba prataoM of tba Oregonum thai il daaa not know tba politiea of Dr. Joaephi ia diaeraditabla to tba bead, (though not of tba heart, )of tba editor of that paper. Saaator Irrine baa introduced a me ssorisl to Congress aaking that body to taka all lawful means to tid this atate of ike Chinaaa and protecting againet their importation. M. Stewart, Republican, baa aleated U. S. Senator from Neva da. Ha waa ia the Senate under tba Grant regime, but sunk out of sight at the and of his term. The inter-state commerce bill passed the U. S. Senate last Friday. The vote waa 43 in favor and 15 against the bill. Senators Mitchell and Dolpb voted for it, bat rather under protest. We fee) safe in saying that we n fleet the sentiment of a large proportion of the people of Lion county when we say thai tba bill to abolish the Immigration Board should be passed unanimous!?. II II Sl i I I L Mr. Hansard has introluoed a bill to repeal the law giving state aid to the State Fair. This is a move in the right direction. The Legislature should do feat all appropriations of pnbiic funds for measures of doubtful policy. The Governor baa appointed II or. B. Clow, of Dslias, to ba Superintend ant of the State Penitentiary. The sp pointmant will commend itself to all who desire to sea a clean administration Of affaire at the penitentiary. Senator Ailen,of Polk,haa introduoad aa amendment to the divorce law, pro Tiding that one year's deeertion shall ba cause for divorce instead of three as bow provided. Of course this should ba defeated, as oar laws are already liberal enough. If a fair square apportionment of members to the Legislature inures to the Republicans, no be it, let us have it. If it should be of advantage to the Democrats, so likewise let us have it, but by all means let then he no gerry mandering. The proposition to levy a tax of ore fifth of one mill on all the taxable property of the state to make tuition at the State University free is a more in Ihe interest of a very few parents in the state who are financially able to send their children and board them at that school. It will inure to the benefit of a Tory few. We feel impelled by a sense of public doty to warn Democratic members of the Legislature that lobby or third heoae enesabere are attempting to form a grand combination of members from osrtein localities for the purpose cf making liberal appropriations to bnild mountain wagon roads, bridges and a number of other enterprises, slate aid to all of which finds no warrant what ever in the constitution of the state. Many Republican members would willingly squander the $382,000 now la the treasury in order to gain a party advantage. Look out for jobs for there are aaaay of them on foot. There is nothing obeering in the tsat that baa come to light in Salem tbst many members of ths Legislature seem to be willing to support any kind of a measure in order to get support for their own pat measures It is feared that in this way agreements have been al ready en t ere 4 into by which the large surplus in the treasury may be appro priated to build bridges snd wagoD roads throughout the state. We fear the safety of the state treasury will binge upon the veto power. We feel confident that if the matter should reach that point, Governor Pennoyer will ba fully equal to the occasion, and endear himself to the people snew by Tetoing every such measure. Linn county has been settled over forty years, and yet her people were compelled to forego bridge facilities on the Santiam rivers for thirty years of that time, simply because the county was not able to build them. Now,how- eer, she has spent ia the last 10 years. $50,000 in bridging that stream in various places, and during all the time these bridges were so badly needed it never onee entered the minds of her citizens to ask the Legislature to ap propriate public funds to build such bridges. There ia no place in the state where a bridge would accommodate so many people as a bridge at Albsny,but ear citizens have not thought of atktng atate aid to build one. But if the poli cy of aiding in building Iridges is to be adopted by the state we would suggest that our representatives ask such aid We believe the precedent a bad one fraught with unnumbered evils to the people, bat if the Legislature launches out on such a profligate course,tben let us all have a itbare. The Orngonian wants Dr. Joaephi re tained by the present administration as Superintendent of the Insane Asylum. Of oourae. All the Republicans in the state want him retained. Bat none are so uncandid as the Oragonian in giving a reason therefor. That paper aaya it doea not know what Dr. Joseph i's poll- tics are, but it would have him kept there because he Is a faithful official. Now, tha claim of thai paper that it does not know what tbo Dr's politics are ia sheer invention. Tha Ortyonian might induce the people to believe that it is nnoandid and unfair In the treat ment of publio questions. It would not require muoh proof to induce the people te believe that that paper would no,on all occasions, allow an insignificant obstacle lke the truth to stand ia its way to secure ita ends. But one thing tha people will not believe, and that is that Scott is ignorant. No,Soott koowa as certainly what tha Dr'a politics are aa ha doaa the politics of Senator Mitchell, Simon and other well-known leaders of the Republican party. But it looks vary muoh to as like the Dr. mast go. BBTa?!WSaS The report of the Superintendent of Ihe Insane Asylum for the two years ending November 30th, 1886, shows that on the 80th of November, 1884, there were 868 inmates to the Asylum. The number of admissions during the two years ending Novem ber 30th, 1886, waa 368. The num ber of discharges, 224, the number of deaths, 66, and tha number of escapes, 7. The whole number treat ed waa 734, of whom 615 were males and 219 females. Number in Asylum November 30th, 1886, was, malea 298, females 139, making a total of 437, being an increase of C9 in two years. During the last two years the attte has leceived $15,379.24 from the territory of Idaho for keep ing their Insane. The cost of keeping the Insane is reported to be $2.71 per week per capita. The Superintendent recommends that the building be en larged aa before another aessloo of the Legislature rooms for 100 more pa tient will be needed. satvrwsu klkcte. The following U. S. Senators have been elected daring the week : M. S. Quay, Republican, Penn. Hawley, Republican, Ct. Stock bridge, Republi can, Mich. Cock re!', Democrat, Mo. Farwell, Kepo! cu,Ill. Hale, Re pub lican, Maine. Hearst, Democrat, Oat. Gray, Democrat, Del. Dswea, Rep. , Maes, dray, Rep., N. H. Davis, Rep, Minn. Hiacock, Rep., N. Y., received caucus nomination Wednesday. unit a raaaieaa. The Mexican pension bill haa passed the House,snd now needs the approval of the President only to make it a law. The new era in the Senate ia tha era of msnuoerriog aod of aelf-eeeking in politics. Undsr it, tha prises are lees for men of superior tslent than for those with a capaoity for intrigue. Steadily the standard of capacity and of character has been lowered. The extant to which money hss bought its way in to this body has become a byword. From this praotiee New England haa, fortunately, been exempt, except in one er two cases in Rhode Island and Con necticut, which, it is encouraging to know, da not now exist. Bat the power of money ia increaaingly felt in other quarters. The New York Sena torahip threatens to go to the longest pane this year. Michigan haa just agreed to have two millionaires instead of one in the Senate. In Illinois Charles B. Farwell leada in tha race id Robert T. Lincoln ia nowhere, mainly on the ground that Mr. Farwell haa a Urge fortune and Mr. Lincoln haa none. Nevada gives her prize, of course, to the man who pays the most money for it. The California Senator- ship ia in the market, and the only ohanee of the defeat of an incompetent man who ia rich is that some other man who is richer may offer more. These are the successors of statesmen. Some days ago the following tele graphic correspondence took place be tween the New Yorx World snd Gov ernor Pennoyer. It explains itself: New York,Jso. 13th. To the Governor of Oregon : Kindly telegraph st our expense your opinion of the probable effect on the country of Uonkling s return to the Senate. The World. To which he made the following re ply : Salem, Or., Jan. 13th. To the IFerW, New York : It is my impression that Roscoe Conkling is a man who never has been or never can be the fcubserrient tool of coroorata power. Such men, in tha present con dition of affaire in our country, should be placed in omctsl position by the peo ple. Sylvester Pennoyex, Governor of Oregon. One of the things that the Demo cratic party is "here for" ia to relieve the people of unnecessary taxation, which it has rightly declared to be un just taxation. Neither the followers of Morrison nor ot Randall should forget this. Representative Henry's bill to in crease the school tax to five mills is a measure that would benefit all the peo ple of the state. We see no reason why it ahould not pass and we believe it will. Mabel. Everything quiet over here, lots of rain and pretty high atari lately. Christmas and New Years day passed off quietly. An oyster supper at John Smith's Christmas eve., and a basket dinner at Uncle Tim's Christmas day. Riggs A Son have about half a mil lion feet of floe yellow fir logs in their boom, with about aa many more In the stream above. Tha logs ware put in by Samuel Smith for Crawford & Full ar to take to the mouth of the Mohawk, but they failed to take them, so they were turned over to the other tatties, J. L. Stewart and family are down In the valley visiting Mrs. Stewart's father, George Huston, and other ra'a tlves. Araaea Smith has been hauling lum bar to build him a bouse. Mr. Conghill is also getting a bill for the same pur pose. K. F. Bradford is having a bill sawed out for a barn. Mr. A. Y. Bsnta iatends building a dwelling house next summer, and G W. Riggs is preparing to build a barn. Uncle Joe Stewart also ex pacta to erect a dwelling house, so Mabel is en the improve, but than lumber is cheap here and people can aflbid to build as it don't cost much. Well tha Legislature is in session sad everybody will be interested in the proceedings, I suppose, especially their action on the matter of assessment and taxation. I see that some favor assess ing a money tax Instead of labor on the roads. This would work a very great hardship on a great many persons in tha country, ss they can work on the roads and hardly miss tha time, when it ia bard for a men many tissts to raise the money. I think there ought to be a change in the school law with regard to the qualification of voters, ss I think the law requiring man to pay taxes in order to be entitled to vote conflicts with the constitution of the stale, end I know that it woika a hard ship on some districts where a great portion of the land ia owned by men who live in town.and the resident pop ulation can't tax them to build school housea or kelp support schools. The Mongolian pheasant problem doesn't trouble as ver here yet, la any great extent, though I did hear thst one had been seen in the neighborhood s short time ago. The game law ought to ba either emended, or repealed, which 1 think would ba beat for, as long as men live in tha foot hills where deer sre plenty in winter, they will kill them, law or no law, and those who make a of going into tba mountain killing them just tor their hides who ought to be punished oan't be got at, very well, nnleas trey tell on themselves, which they would not be apt to do, if there wss danger of being punished. But rnough for the present. M Alll l.lTL. Peoria.. Knox Height's injured shin is get ting batter. Sam'i MeElree is still working on the saaas old Case. 8. B. Finagan ia in Portlsnd laying in stock for his blacksmith shop. Joe Linn, who baa been confined to the house with rheumatism, i cour alee- con t. The familiar face of RoHt 0e-i is again seaa on tha roads. A very pleasant party was held at Knox Height's this wsek. Among amusements for the wss a party at John Crawford's Wed nesday evening, given in Iftnor of Mr. Bert Patterson's 2 1st birthday. Mies Ella Owens is visiting friends at Oakville, being the guest of Miss Nellie Hamilton. Burr Powers, who has been employ ed on the O. P., has returned to bis home at Sbedd. J. N. Smith haa been visiting friends at Haieer. Pass Gilliam is tha guest of Mr. Harden Carter. Johnnie Crewee started for Butte, Montana, last weak. There will be a social hop at Peoria on Feb. 22nd. Music for the occasion will be furnished by Myer's orchestra. Politeness has gone to Albany. Mr. John MeBtide met with a very serious ascident one day this week, be ing struck on the bead by one of his fine colts. At last accounts be was io a fair way to recover. A social hop will bs given st Sbedd on Feb. 14 th. A young mariied couple of Peoria took their bull dog with them to the dance at Shedd last week. The young ladies of Shedd asy they will not attend another party until tlut bull dog dies. H. L. Rudd hss returned from Port land with bis cattle. Miss Ella Clingman is visiting friends in Halaey. Pug waa out to the party at Shedd with his umbrella and chain. Fug is a Hart-smasher. Major Johnson bts sold bis fine span of horses. James Garret has gone to . Eastern Oregon. It is a aad departure to some of the ladies of Peoria. Tommy Hock. Sweet Home. Health generally good. Jo'm Qiliiland has been poorlv for the last fear weeks, but is getting better now. Quite a number of fine horses hare died recently. Fall grain looks fine. Mr. Donaca gave the Sweet Home Braaa Band a supper New Year's eve. The boys did well and everybody had a good time. Mr, Rolfe is "slashing" brush on the farm of Mr. Gilliland. Mr. Donaca's new hou-e ia looming up. Uncle Pte. Per Bale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of nil kinds. 75 acres of grain. Inquire at this office. AnafyiE the Mil Poffta e " Royal " the only absolutely pure baking pow der made. Action of the New York State Board of Health, Under the direction of tbo Now York State Board of Health, eighty-four different kinds of baking powders, embracing all tho brands that could bo found for aalo in tha State, wore submitted to examination and analysis by Prof. 0. F. Chakdixb, a Mem ber of the State Board and President of tho Hew York City Board of Health, aaaiatod by Prof. Edwam 0. Lots, tho well known late United States Government chemist. The official report thowi that a large number of tho powders examined were found to contain alum or lime j many of them to such an extent aa to render them seriously objectionable for use in tho preparation of human food. Alum was found in twfntyiine sample. This dreg if em ployed in baking powder to cheapen their coat Tho presence of lime is attributed to tho impure cream of tartar of com merce used in their manufacture. Such cream of tartar was also analyzed and found to contain lime and other impurities, in some samples to the extent of 03 per cent of their entire weight All the baking powders of tho market, with the single excep tion of " Royal" (not including tho alum and phosphate powders, which were long since discarded as unsafe or inefficient by pru dent housekeepers) are made from the impure cream of tartar of commerce, and oonsequently contain lime to a corresponding extent. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to bo entirely free from lime and absolutely pure is tho " Royal" This perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes of the N. Y. Tartar Co., which totally remove the tartrate of lime and other impurities. Tha cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and on ac count of this greater cost is used in no baking powder but the "RoyaL" Prof. Love, who made the analyses of baking powders for tho New York State Board of Health, aa well as for tho Government, says of the purity and wholesomeness of "Royal": "I have tested a package of 4 Royal Baking Powder' which I purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It it a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not ! contain either shun or phosphates or any injurious substances. "E.G. LOVE, Ph.D. gsaeelssewt Tea easnot afford to waste Urns la espert. mealing was your longs are Is dasfer. Consumption always eoetxu at first, seiy a eeM. Do sot permit say dealer to impose opon yon with niu aheap imitation of Dr King's Nsw Dieooyery for Cnseaauitisa. Cooeb. and Cold, but be asro ysa gas tbo S ins, Because be oas auks mors profit bo may tell yon as ass something just as aood. or just the seme. Don't bo doooieod, bet insist upon getting Dr King's Nsw Disc overy, which is guaranteed to give relief ia li, luog and obeet afteeti one. Trial ottls free at f oshay 4 Masoa drug store. At Seattle recently a big man arrested s little boy far assault, and the boy was fined $33.59- Small business. The b. m. should have used s shingle. erses, Cattle sad For colic and grubs, lor lung; oongh or hidebound, X give Liver Regulator In a mash twice a day. Youoaa recommend It to everyone having stock as the beat aaedleiae knew a for tea above complaints. In using it with my chickens, for ctsoiera aad gapes, I mix It wita dough and feed it to them onee a day. By tbia treatment I have lost none Where the RMmLalar w trimmn nmmSIt and regularfy. a x. Taylor, Agt., for Grangers at Oa. GO to Stewart A floi'i mmtu those fine Oregon mads axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Oar rick, of Crawferdsvllls, Linn Co., Or. Wat ranted first class. WILL YOU SRFPfCR with Amm.m and Liver Complaint T Shiloh'e Vitalise guaranteed to cure you. For lame back, side er chest, ueeShlleh's Poroue Piaster, Prise 36 oen to. iBssywasakk,wej t, mmm mm was a cuu, arte far ( wtm assess! Miss, at SJassj te Caatoria, wMii- -VffarsSssBT Examine Woodia'a Extension tables. They are -well go aod see them for yourself. SereS Bits isfe. Mr D I WileoxaOD. of Hon fW 1ftf says he was, for many years, badly afflicted umiwk, miwv xsimuwmm ; cue peine were almost nnendurable and would imuHirm almost throw him into convulsions. He tried juoctrio sitters and sot relief from first hot we ana aiter tamug ssx bottles, was entirely cured, and had gained in flesh, eighteen pounds, bays he positively believes he would uieu, naa is not md ior tne relief af forded by Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Fosbay k Mason . SLKFPLBBS NIGHTS, made miserable oy mat tern Me cough. Shiloh'e Cure is tne remedy for you. tfindow shades and looking ock, at Tho Brinks. fine THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh'e Cure. We guarantee it. r nanny st Mason, ag'ta THFREV ftltn IT THiWo bon, Ind , says: "Both myself snd wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S COHSUMP- .Livm vjuxtot,-- rumn&y a, msnon, agents, SfilLOH'S VTTALIZER la what you eed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and jsrononuia immediately lettered by shi loh'e Cure. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. MOSS Qniltn than yon eyer saw before at Moa teith dr Seiteabaeh's. Many Idaho nanere charge Si a line for locals, Hrst Insertion, and $oc. for subsequent Insertions. The Dkmucrat's charge are just one tenth a much. A Weton naper charges $ cents ; Pendleton papers 10 cents escn insertion. TLa unprecedented sale ofBeeonee German Syrup within a few years, hss as tonished tba world. It Is without doubt the safest and beat remedy ever discovered lor tha speedy and effectual cure of Co usha. Colds and the severest Luna troubles. It acts on aa entirely different principle from the nsoal prescriptions given by Physi siaaa. as It does not dry up a Congh and leave ths dteeaaa till on the system, but on the contrary remove the cause of the trooble, heals the parts affected and leaves than in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the house for oas when the) dlseaess males their appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious Illness. A trial will convince yon earth sea facta. It la positively sold by all druggUts snd general dealers in the 1 and Pi lee, 78 ots, large bottles. THE STAR A Newspaper smppwrttng tho Principles of st Wasnweratie Aetna isH s trait a. Published ia tba City of New York. WILLIAM DOR8HEIMER, BSltor. Daily, Wttkiy and Sunday Editions. THE WEEKLY 8TAR. An eight-page Hwappertiaac)el every Wednesday. A olaaa, pure, bright aad in te resting FAMILY PAPER. It contains tha latest news, down to the hour of going to press. Ita columns will oe ion a a erowaed wttn good icings rrom beginning to snd. Original stories by dls Unauishetl America and foreiarn writers of fletlen. Terms of the Weekly Star to subscribers. INE DOLLAR FOR ONE YEAR. For three months, on trial, S5 cents, Special terms snd extraordinary indseemeats to Agents and CmnvsuBsera. Bead for Circulars. Terms of the Daily Star to subscribers, Sverjr day, forens year (Including Sunday) .S7.S0 Daily, without Sunday, ana year 6.00 vary day ax months. S.bO Daily, without Sunday, tlx months S.Ott Sunday, wltuostt Daily, on year ,. . . 1.60 Address, THE STAR, Broadway and Park Plsoe, New York, It Stands at the Head. IWwrt fail to see the DOMESTIC i99 WOKr m m mm mmmm-mr- mw tk. wnrk it does before buvinar a t- w v H sewing macnlne. WILL BROS. L Albany, Or. A Great Midwinter Offer ! Our Pull Line of Ladies', Misses and Children's FALL and WINTER GARMENTS, To be offered for thirty days at BsaBSBnaBSBssassssrwjawt BOOTS, SHO AND SLIPPERS. I am aow receiving my fall snd winter stock of boots and shoes, I hare as nicely a fitted op Boot aod Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portlsnd snd fsjrjr few better ia Portland. I buy a'l my boots and shots direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tat how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of roe in buying as 1 boy In quantities and pay the cab. In ladies', misses and children's allocs, I keep muoh the lsrg4, ad great eat variety in the cltr. My aim will always be to give as good value Cor the money ss possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. f! IQNN BROTHERS' WASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyoe A Robeons. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep afresh stock of sll kindtjof GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 . BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC, ETO. PRODUCE TAXH II EXOHAMBS Will sail as cneap a any store ia klscny Data Ga WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY - OREGON. EW. ft TORE EWUTOCK PRICES LOW. r-A splendid line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS and a fine stock of imported CICARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, Pfeiffer'a Block, next to Revere House, Albany, Or. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY BtJRKHART St KJEKKKY, Albany, Or, CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy, Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free. ES N COST. A GREAT OFFER. L. E. First Street. Clothing, . Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Eats. TAILORING DEPARTMENT ORDER EXPERT TAILOR I 'am? of-jsfey- j The Gold and Silves Dress Shirts are manufac tured from the finest obtainable materials on ap proved patterns, by experienced operator, They are out lengthways of the muslin and have oui patented reinforced backs and four ply raised edge linen lined fronts, reinforced, Pour ply neck bands with hand made button holes and patent continuous facings in back and sleeves. Possess ing all the latest improvements, superior in qual ity, perfect in fit and elegant in finish They are unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. THE CITY Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely increased our stock of Boots and Shoes and are now prepared t furnish all styles an J grades of goods at remarkably low prices. Ws buy of severs of the beet Kaatern factories and do not. hesitate to aay that oor goods are sit icily first class. Ws carry no bankrupt stock and can fully warrant our goods to wear equal te any in the market. REMEMBER We. have tha largea sxo'.osivs stock of in the city and that we ARE oontlnuallay adding new novelties. We are selling so that you can not fall of being suited. We member tne Old aaage "ine prooi oi toe REAM WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C0RVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a : ull assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AM UNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We handle the SATIS, DOMESTIC NEW HOME, WHITE, AMERICAN, t ROWK,SIMGEE, HOUSEHOLD, ELDREDGE SEWING MACHINES, Aad all of the leading Pianos and Organs Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for all kinds of machines, Repairing of sewing machines and fine instru ments a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRH1EDT0 BE AS REPRESENTED. BLAIN. Albany, Oregon do to not follow but lead in low prices, Re- puuuiug s m cnewiug me string," & BROWNELL.