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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1887)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Pabllabed every Friday by STITKS4 NUTTINW. mists or SUBSCRIPTION ierl tout, mt vear. I StSeiS i(.t, per year. itMd of year IN -i.jii. ot.j.y, nil m.Mtin 1 Wifte oopy. three He nmtMr.... 6 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT A NYE. vl lORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. llkmny, Oreroa. 0o upstair, ovar John Brigs store, J. K. WE ATHERFORD, fNOTART PCBUC.) I AT LAW, ALB AWT, . UTtLL PRA.0T1CE III ALL THE COURTS OFTilR 1 State. Special attention given to collections ud collections anJ I r 'oaaa suur. rom ta odd rnwt Tessais. fU:l r. o ruwBLL BIL.TEU, .l:VaHSXH AT LAW. . . J" nciiore in i oBfrry, HinUi . - ARRfJAV. Collections promptly made on sll points. numuw naywww OR reasonable terms. Psromos In Foster RHok.tsm Malttf, J- J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, vvm practice in all of the Conrts of r1- AU ooin Intrusted to him wui oe promptly Attended to. E. W. UNCOON & CO., ltitueeniTs. books, swmmit and Toilet Articles, A r cKooji ana low rrtoss. OITT 23HXTO- STORE, VI tUtlf. SRWSM. FOSHAY & MASON, hnnai.:ntA,.J M . ' . A gent for John B. Alden'e pnbllcaUons. which We SSll St OlbllalMW'n rrVaaa arirS postsgesdied. 4LB.4HT, OBKGOB. A. PBU8BAW, DRUGGIST. siauoDary, Toilet Articles, Etc. r PIESCtlPTIOffS CIREFrLLT FILLED, 0n dsj and night. " Albany. Or. FURNITURE. t here the best stock ol nrniture In the city end will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only ntock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the dtr end the loweiit price in the v a i ley . uom e ana Undertaking, A eomplete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B, WOODIN, Aioany Bath" Mouse. rl JSDIHSIUWgD WOULD RISPBCT f ally i if r;n the oitisona of Albany sod ri lsitytkat I kareckoD hargaofthia BaUbltaa aaat,nd,by ksepiag dlsaa roomi asd payis trio t tttontioo to bufiaoia, oxeeett to rait al vot o who aay faror as with tkslr patronags arm j hsrotorersoarrtsd oa aotslagbat Flrst-Olass Hair Oressintr Saloons atptot to rlra ant Ira (stiff actios to si nrMliaa ni Ta4ioi' Hair aaatly es kaawoood. JOS WBBBKR. r ; DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlee-cor. Flrst.nd Ferry StrU, 0. O OHRRRT. O.R.FTSRRS I ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (Snooessors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MiU frights, and Iror Founders. W P! FIAVK OUR NEW SHOPS ATX completed, and are now prepared to handle aU kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture iteam Enirlnes, Qrist and Saw Mill Machlnery.and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PSTTRatRS MAM R SBRRT XOTITK. Rpeoial attention given to repairing all kinds of maohinerv. Will also manufao ture the Improved Cherry A White Grl Separator N. J. HENTON, lotary PuMic ml Insurance 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Rotr anta Ht-veral of tke bat Fire In .a s m M mira ncai ;ompr)la on the Uusat. v all o him forreliable inautanoe. A. 0. U. W. m 1 i 1 - . unlp, will plsfettcill at Raid k Brownsll's atoro and rogiater their names. By Orobr orLoDOK. N MW SAUSAGE MILLS, We have on hand a fine lot of those new Enterprise suage mills, which we Intro duce In this locality. They positively beat anvthlna vou ever aaw In yonr life. Corns and look at them before yon kill yenr hoge. Wilt W AST A SO. BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, Shipping and Commission Merchants CALIFORNIA AHD OREGON PRODUCE, Oralr, Floor, Hay, Hops, Wool, Honey, Mustard Heed, iuts, Dried Fruits, Etc, Room 5, 408 California St., San Francisco. Momrt's grave in tbe cemetery of St Marx at Vienna was never m rked,and now it is aaid no one knows tbe exact spot where th composer lies VOL. XXII. T Jacobs GERMAN REMEDY dill .HEi:r&, LM t.lOUUI rt ,HTIORH.D. TSt CSUSLI JVee Voa Opiates, Emdl--$ und nissR. SAFE. 25& SURE. PROMPT. av Paa in It. 1 1 TSI CMASXSS A. tOSKLSR CO., CaLTTSMRBw SKIN AND SCALP learned. Purified and Heantifl rd by the a (tear Keniediew. For lnirvc Um akin and aceln of ( more, for alia.Tiny ttohmg. burning awl tg ha- lor ouriinf the nrt xtoui of Milk Croat. SoaJr Head. Screrulaaad nhtru, akin and blood dtimaaaa, Cutieare. tba akin ears, and CuUettra Soap, n squbril akin xlamaJlT. mm! Ctturura Rlv! purlftar, (eternally, are InlaJitaU. A COMPLETE CUBE. 1 hara suffered all bit life with akin .J dl relief. kioda and bar sever r jni until, by tba ad Ira at a lady I Urni Ml vahmble Cotleors aasjsSles, jve thw atAoroawti and tha reanlt araa Jtutt what 1 Sad kaan told U wnd b a ooaiMa car HKI.l.K w A UK, K'chmciuJ, a 0. W. Latimer, IHuggit, Bkb mood , Va. SALT RHEUM CUBED. I ra tronMad with Salt for a now bar of yaara, ao uaw to aa n onuranr amaa obi ana m aay IssdifrMe tss tatsr Rn to Um writ. I triad rase. I docion pmatlpU to no purpnae until I i.Wln rm I ii i ill i. mmA nam I mm , T. PARKER, S7 Mortlmapiiow 8L ITCH1BIG, BCAItYt PIltPLY. Fr I the tart year 1 htv. kvl a apectaa of iu hing , aralr and rtanwy kawen my taee to whleb 1 haa aaceea. and auca waa apaaauy ana br Cutkcurm aas. isaau rubra, it. NO MEDICIBE LIKE THEM. Wa hava aoM your Cutleura ftamediaa for the SSR I aii yeara. and no aulafnaa oar sseiw five SeV trr itiWactlon C. r. ATHERTOX.Drufftat, AJHnay, R. T, i tki aa Rutin tv ar a- !d .vai, wWa. CiTicraA, SOeanta ; Raou rr, ft : Mor. eawtav Pravarad by tba Potior Vrug an.i i nma -., Barton. Raaa. ScS for Mow to Care Bkta GRUBS, Ptroplea, Skin Waiiiihaa and Itaby llumora, cur. I by Cutleura Soap, I ACHE ALL OVER. m NuraiKi-, Bciatia, RoSSoa. Sharp and Nanroua Paina, Straina and Waaknaaa r -lleved in atlaate tr tha t ir ta AUralB riaater Pf- foet. At SrSaaafA oanta ; Bra lor i . Pottar Vntg and ( bamlcaJ t o., Barton. AT COST Frem and after August 1st, 1886, John Briggs, will tel I bis entire ttock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND H08E FURNI8HINC GOODS, without reserve, Now is your time to famish cheaply. Albany, July 81st, 1888. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE RfcYtKt HUUbt. 7AGON WOOD AHD tlAKUWAKE, Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and single trees, ironed or unironed, neck- yoke Irons, single-tree irons, nio irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sals heap. , a , J1 CASE PLOWS. This famous plow Is well known In Linn lPnntir Tha flkllla afiH atiwl nlAWI ft rM i " -r . . . . wall made from the verv bast material and are warranted to do as good work and cour fully aa well aa any other plows Sox fc Stewart are tbe sole agents. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT JLAW -AND Notary Public- ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. M m All kinds of rough, dressed a 1 V lAK-i am A Una ncnBUnou iuuiuti,iatuB auu Red Star Jughure saeTawSw.s' bmotutr J wsaws'ste pickets kept constantly on hand. Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Galapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON ft WEST. MANIR WaWHB, Tbe New York World bas had occss ion to investigate the snbjeol as to wbst btatea do with woman murdereri. But vary few oases of hsnging of women have ever oocurre ' in New York though the lew makes no distinction between male and female murderers. No woman has been hanged in Maine or in Connecticut within the memory ot those now living, out one woman has been hanged in Mionesots since tba organisation of the territory. There is no difference In tha law as between mates and fr asles but public sentiment is decidedly against hsnging women. None hae aver boon hanged in Kan sas. Tbe law of thai State provides that when a woman ia convicted of muider she ebsh be aant to tha peni tentiary for a year,after which tha Gov ernor may issue his warrant to hava har hanged hut no Governor has aver dona ao. No white woman within tha memory of man has been hanged in Louisiana. Publio sentiment la very much averse to hsnging woman in that State. Nona hava been hanged in Iowa and bnt one in tbe 'at half century in Mar land, bnt ia the letter State public eentimsnt ia not averse to hsnging women in ease of murder. Governor Ogtesly does not remember that a woman baa aver Leon hanged in that State. Tha law ia the ssma as to man and women. Ia Wisconsin imprisonment for Ufa ia tba penalty for murder. Quite a nnmber of women have been hanged ta Georgia during tbe history of tha State but public sentiment now forbids the bang ing. rennsvivaula bangs women as freely aa men. Tbe laws of Ohio make no distinction between male and temele, yet but one womsn, (ooiored) has ever bean hanged in that Stata. North Carolina hangs women. No woman has ever been hanged in DrUware, though the penalty is tbe satue as in the esse of males. In Massachusetts tbe peuaitt f r niuider ia hanging betht-r tbe aurderr be male or fe male, but public sentiment is strongly against banging women. In Musoori no woman bss oyer been hanged though quite a number have bean sentenced to death, but in oaaa tie Governor or Su preme Court hes eommottd the sen teoce to imprisonment for life. In In dians the la is the same in tha case of wale and female muvisrerv. But no woman has ever bn batiged ia that S'str. Puliio sentiment is ver) much oppoard to it. In Vermont the enal ty is the same for fml as for males snd publio sentiment sustains the law. The Givernor never interfere with the? death aentrnee. Hie lew tu Nebrssks makes no difference in tbe punishment of mU snd female murdereis but uo woman has ever been banged i. thai State. Them has uen no lunging in aw aa Michigan sines 1820. Only one fe male haa ever been hanged within the Tertiiory of the State, an Iodiau wo man being hanged in 1763. In RffaMf u make augar cbt,, J 8hermjn prop dies to rsiuovo the duty from it, and then in order to enahio Americn sngtr producers to compete with tb slave labor of Cuba and the pauper labor of other suatr-produotng oeuntrirM, he propoM to ive a bonus to Our producers fot tht sugar pro'locax). That is bu w im! I have Oingtess pass a law giving each pro inc. r sj many dol lara iff ton for every ton produced by them. Outrageous as thi m .y seem to Pennsylvania an 1 Mw ifl ngland pro- teotioaiats. yet it is a more candid and sensible way of extonding protection than the present one. And, now, tbst John Sherman has cirnmitUid himself to this kind cf protection, we would suggest tbst ss our farmers now find themselves unable to oouete with tha panper labor ot the wheat growing eountries of E urope and Asis, that U ingress be a; k"d to p.tss a law giving each wheat grower a bonus of so msny oea,s f r each bnahol of wheat produc ed. The farmer bus just as much right to demand thin iiro'.c'i m as tha sugar . .mi r O tllr- S h or the rich iron, protected dealers oi cm', salt awd u ie tbe Middle and New E .gland states. Cnne, now, what protectionist will pro pose this protection for tbe farmers of Oregon. We venture the prediction that not one will profoss it. Ag ABfJB FlfARlfBB. "Miry," said n economical Phll ftdeiphiu bu?band, I want to mako yoa a ChristoiBw present this year, but I really don't koow what to get, I guess I'll post pore it until next year and then get something nice." John, you aid that last year." 'Beally now, did I ? Well, that I proves that I never forgot you." , T Aoa hv "i o "J next year." "Why, that's true, and If I don't waste any money for Christmas pres ents, yoo'll be so much the better off. Roally, Mary, I'm glad to see yoa look at matters in such a sensible light." jyjjffate H ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY TME LAW! Q TUB BABKRt Tha only interesting thiog shout Miss Sadie Allan, except that aha went through Niagara Rapids in a barrel, ia tbe question why sba did it. Tha won der grows when one talks with her in tbe museum iu tba Bowery, where aba ia on eabibition, for she la a gentl pretty and evidently modest country girl of tbe farmer's daughter type. She la 19 years old, vary fuily developed, abort and ao haaltby that bar cheeks are ruddy and her lips like coral. Her short, thick nook suggests great mus cular strength. I have ao parents," aha said, "but boarded with a Mrs. Scully and worked in a laundry In Buffalo. Before I undertook this fes with Mr. HasieU I went over to my brother-in-law 's, and be jokad with me about going through the rapids. Ha aaid that a man who bad been through them waa looking for a girl to make tba trip with him. He aaid, 1 would I dare to go and I aaid 4 Yea.' It was ail in jest, but it waa kept up until Mr Haxlett oame along, and I engaged to try ii with him . " Tbe probability is that if this Haslet t, who bad made one journey cf this sort,bad not bean a fam. ily eonnectiou sho woutd never have heard or dreamed of tbe proj.ct. 8iie ivar did anything daring or extraor dinary in any respect before in her life and does not eapeot to do anything of tba sort in the future. A lady correspondent of am Eastern paper says : Soma woman have ao idea that a man enjoya being pranced about sod bald on to as if ha ware portable property, like spoons or button-nooks. Now, this ia wbst I tbiok : If yon wsnt to make a man hava n good time, and thank you for it, lata him first of all to a pleaaaat hon'sa. See that ha is presented to the brightest women, tha prettiest oaaa, and those who are likely to interest him moat, then let hint alone. 4 fterward yoar turn will come. When tbe mushrooms and champagne are under discussion later on, there will not be a courteous sot of youra that he will not remember, there will not be a single parson to whom you have pre sented htm that he will count aa more agreeable than yourself, and he will confess is bis heart of hearts that your power is strongest and that you are a o afraid to try it, Tba misuses trade by young women in this respect era very many, and only with ag and exMri- encedooa tbe leqnUite knuw ledge euiae. Pew yofog woman are willing to, evu for a little, make themselves secondary, and yet social sueceas positively de mands it. six afisaa, There i a phase of M woman's rights'' which seems to escape the consideration it oWervee, aaya tba Pittsburg Chron- tce-7Y.raA, sn i that to the right ol young woman to remain single if she desires to dc so. The man do not chal lenge ti i ri-bt. It is her own aax which, urged by a vatioiy of very soV- tte reasons, conspires to put a sort of stigma on women who have no inclina tion to matrimony, and by tb i oppro brious epithet of "old maid" force dis cerning and fastidious women into un suitable sal unhappy marriages, k man ia not, aouatnl f jr not taking a pertaer in business, nor does he suffer reproach because ha fills to matry. A women ought not by social prefigure lie arited into marriage when nhe ha, uu desire that way, or baa at lesst found no msu to whom her judgment snd af fections alike incline. RiVRRairv tot Etui ATRiae. It becomes more snd more evidont thst a change ia needed in the metheds of our farmers. However it may have been in. the past, it is only now too clear that Sea Island c vton ia no long er a psying crop, Thn mouoy realised for this product it not now nnough to pay tbe expense of producing it, to y nothing of a proh, and it U the part of wisdom to drop it and plant . other crops. Aud right hjere we would em phasize the advice to divernifv. Plant peas, pindars, vegetable, fruits, and especially pesches, raise more potatoes, bay. corn, osts and hoes. Oase to tmuort those things you can raiss at home, and you will need less money to meet the bills st the end of the year Chickens, turkey;, getae, ducks snd aggf are all good money products and requires but small outlay of capital or labor. Give tbe labor heretofore so lavisbW bestowed ou cotton, to those other industries, and see it tbe end of tbe yesr does uot demonstrate the wis dom of the oh an gist. Qui View. As soon as Liberty was unveiled in New York a newnpaptr reporter asked her what struck her most forcibly in tbU country. 'The astonishing num ber of poets you have here," she im mediately replied,, "snd if one cso be found who has not written a poem about me I ahould like to sea him. Ha must Vg a greater curiosity than my-self." ft mala f ACTS Foot ball by electric light la the latest thing In Canada. It Is very popular- Obatsworth, III., Is proud of one of Its cltiaens, who at the age of ninety is cutting her third set of teeth. Iu one of the French schools t here ia a ttntuiai magnet which Is capable of lifting four times its own weight, A mathematician estimates that a machine of one-horse power would kei-p 27,000,000 watches running, A gricEty bear weighing 1000 pounds, and measuring eighteen feet from tip to tip, was recently kilted In tbe mountains near IIeppner,Or.S!5 Mrs. Kben Brown of Chesterfield Factory, N. If., haa In her possession s woven coverlet that baa been in list over 200 years, snd Is still in good condition. Btotro plating with silver upon wood is now successfully performed, the process being adapted to bandies of alt kinds, Including canes and um brella sticks. Dr. K. a. Tanswsy of New York city, acting on tbe suggestion of a country practitioner, bas given frocn milk in patients whoee stomach did not tolerate ice cream, and speaks highly of Its use In fevers. An English wig maker haa Invent ed ao electric bat, which be claims Is a perfect euro for nervous head aches and neuralgia. Tbe apparatus consists of s small battery placed in side tbe lining of an ordinary silk bat, with tbe flat terminals outside tbe lining, so tbst when tbe bat is put on a current of electricity passes between tbe terminals and diffuses Itself ail over the wester' bead. Tbe Journal of tbe Cbemlcal 8oclety state that of some eighteen varieties of cheese experimented wltb, Ched dar wa directed Iu the shortest time, namely, four hours, while unripe, skim, Swire cbeeae required ten hours for solution, There appears to be no difference in the digestibility of all aorta ot bard choese, or all soil cheese ; but all fat cheeses ere dis solved tbe most rapidly, because, be ing open by reason of tbe far, they are tbe more readily attacked by the solvent There eeems to be no con nection between tbe digestibility and tbe percentage of wsterjpreseot lojthe cheese, though there Is some connec tion wltb the percentage of fat and the degree of ripeness. From num erous examinations w hlcb have been made of tbe quantity of nitrogen dls solved, It is concluded that cbeeae, on account of Its great digestibility, Is the most nourishing of sll f xvi, meats sod eggs excepted. Perbrps there ia not tbe remotest corner or little inlet of tbe minute blond vessels of tbe body that does not feel some wavelet from the great convulsion produced by hearty laughter shaking the central mm. The Wood moves more lively ; proba bly Its cbemlcal, electric or vital con ditions are distinctly modified. It convoys a different Impression to all the organs of the body, as It visits tbem on that pirtlcular mystic journey, when tbe man Is laughing, from what it doea at otber times. And thus it la that a good laugh lengthens a man's life by conveying s distinct and additional tlraulus to the vltst forces. The time may come when physicians, attending more closely than they do now to the In numerable subtle influences which the soul exerts upon Its tenement of clay, shall prescribe to the torpid p.t tlrnt, "80 many peals of laughter, te be undergone at such and such time," Just as they do that for more objectionable prescriptions a pill, or sn electric or galvanic shock. mrs, wmrrnsv. In personal appearance Mr. Whit ney is all that one might imagine so senerous it woman to be. Favored by nature with an exquisite figure shoulder, arms and bust of statues que perfection, Mrs. Whitnoy is further blest with a radiant face, fu f subtle, sympathetic power that attracts and holds attention. The beautiful bead Is poised upon a per feet neck, the great eyes are blue,tbe mouth sweet and sensative, and the lines of eheek and chin a perfeo curve of lieauty. The prematurely gray hair Is ahundant,and is worn In the nrevalllnflr hiorh coiffure. Her r ' aal 5 well rounded and lissome figure seems made for the beautiful fabric ahe wear. Washington correspond ent New York Herald. This prise fighting bus'ns is dis gusting," temarked a ettifen. "Tbe idea of men pounding each other to pulp. It's a disgrace to the oountry, srd the laws ought to stop it." "But the coming fight is to be bstween rep resentatives of England and America, " said another citizen. "It will bo an international affair," "X that so t Then I'll bet $600 oar man wins." 14, 1887. raasasAt, Mr. P. T. Barnom Is manifesting publio spirit in constructing three to boggan slides at Bridgepart. Two are fur sdulta and one for children. The new Lord Aylesbury went out bunting tho other dsy, but out of re spect to his lately deoessed grandfather fid lowed the hounds in a dog cart. Lucy Hoopei'a dsugbter, who bss been preparing for the atsge at Paris, will play a leading art in Oootelin's company when she o me to this coun try. Mrs. Lucy Hoopot says tbst Ameri can girls in Italy seeking lyric glery ought to have a long pure and lots of clothes at tba atarr. 0 .aid is quite expensive and native luty amply fills all tba workhouses Senstor Ingslls of Kansas is conced ed to be the best dressed man on tbe Senate floor. Opinions differ as to who is tbe handsomest, but that honor is thought to rest between Butler of South Carolina and Gray of Delaware. Fred Douglass writes from Paris that tbe French Chamber of Deputies "pre sented a fine appearance, and though somewhat noly, it was in point of manners an improvement mi onr Mouse of Representatives. I saw no one squirting tobacco, smoking, or bis feet above the level of bis head, as is some times seen in our nstional (Legisla ture." Meissoaiet's picture of Napoleon re viewing his troops, known ss "1807," for which Mr. A. T. Stewart paid $60,. 000, is painted on two pieces of can vac. Tbe original esnvas was found by tbe artist to be not lang anongb, and so he rrghmed it, after m t of bis work ... ... waa done, at IS not i teved that at auction the painting will fetch its orig ioal prior. Ao l.attrnUi catslognstsf the paint ings and sculptural ..f the A. T. SteWait gallery ia now making, aud tbe eotite ooileotioo of art wotke will soon be sold at sue' ion. No one ut the heirs waats the pictures or etatue. Each prefers cash, and iu a few we-ki tbe gallery will be empty, and the marble palace, of wkioS it is a part, will have been dis posed of st private sale,probably to one of the ciuhs. Mme. Boucioaut, of .he Ban Matcbe, Part, bas gten her employee,onttight, a pension fund of ever 81,000,090. This fond is available to all who have hen in her service twenty yar, pro- VtJcl the men are st leas', fifty snd the women forty-five yeara ot I, and not among the shareholders of the establish ment. Mm. Bxicicaut bas in addi tion paid the fee which the State char ges on legacies, amounting to nearly $140,000. a ValeaRle Red Ira! Treatise. The edition for 1887 of the sterling Med ical Annual, known as Hosteller's A 1 ma nse, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of coat, of druggists and general eountry dealer in all parte of the United States, Mexico, and indeed to every civil ised portion of the Western Hemisphere This Almanac haa been issued ragalarty at the commencement or every year for over ona ftfth of a century. It combines. wun the aoundeat practical aevtee for Ran preservation and restoration orneaitn, a ianre amonnt of interesting and amusing iiaht reading;, and the calendar, astron omical calculations, chronological Items, etc.. are prepared with great care, and win oe round entirely accurate. The lasue of Hoatstter's Almanac for 1887 will proo ably be the largemt edition of a medical work ever published in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hoe tetter t Oa, mtaourgh. Fa., an receipt of two cent stamp, win forward s oopy ny mail to an per on wno cannot procure ena in a neighborhood. A Crook county paper duns Its subscrib era in the following energetic snd temeri tou manner : Men who have not settled their subscription accounts in two to four years are hereby notified for the last time that thev must pay up. We intend to col lect from those who are worth it, and i anybody sees fit to get mad about it, the are at liberty to do so after we are pair. We wsnt our just dues, and must have them. Repairing rirearaas, Ete. Persons desiring repairing done,snsh as guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, locks, all kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, also ntttng keys grinding sctsaors,eto.,have now an oppor t unity to have the same done at most rea amiable rates and on shoit notice We hsve engaged an experienced workman to assist in this department. All work war ranted, st Wilt. Bros.' 5un Store, Albany. The following fourth-claRS Postmasters have been appointed in Oregon recently Gillinin county,! W Thomas: Long Creek Grant county, E C Allen ; Fossil, Gilliam county, G Millet ; Granite, Grunt counjtv L Ford : Brlsres. Wasco county, T W Haves s At wood. Morrow county. 1 W Swezea ; Adams, Umatilla county, S Craft. The Rarest er Combinations. Trne delicacy of flavor with true sffisasy of action, has beoa attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrnp of Figs Iu pleasant taste atd beneficial effeots have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay & Mason, wholesale and retail. How difficult it is to write iSSf-y. " etaeer l"p t Help le at Hand . "I'm afraid I shall hava to ba taksn ta a hospital or to ths poorhonss. I've been sick so long thst my hasband, good a4 patient as he is, can't stand the worry sad expense muoh longer." No, yoa won't dar wile and mother. See what Parker's Tonlo will do or yon. Plenty of womea as badly off as yoa are, have hsea rssened almost froi the grav by 11 It will baild yon up, curing all ailments of the stom ach, liysr and kidneys, and is simple, pleasant and safe, NO 24 1886. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN & CO.. To the Front! With a Lvl6 wel1 c vxv uabjul, ana will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets Also the LATEST JfOVELTIES Ut CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM RA8TERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style also keep a rail line of Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, aisiance will oe Dromptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application. PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, 1887. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, turner' Tuu r Paonla" has been sailed "tea modal of what a r iodic! tor young readara ought te lav4 and tiat Jesttee ol this eranmsndafloo la i l y uauiasi by Um large circulation It bas attained btb ad ia Orea Britain. T U anccoaa aas boon by BsrAhods tbst most command UMBSseives to the fodsmat ot parsate. no tea than to tha taatas of children naaialy, by an earnest and wall aastaiaed effort to provide tbe bast and most attrac tive reading for yoong people at slow pries. Tha illutr4oflS are eeplcos and of a oeaep!cuu!r high An aettoese of everything thai la aUraetlvt and desirable in juvenile literature. "Boston Cottier." weekly feast of good things to the boys and girls tn every taeallv which it viaita. "Brooklyn Ui fon." !t i wonderful in lie wealth of pictures, informa tion, snd interest. -"Christian advocate," Ut. V. TKttas t Vol VI II. Prepaid, s)t per year. eommmcrt Xotember aacf, 1SS6. Single Nambei, See cents each. Remittance should be made by Poet Office Koaay Order or Draft, to avoid ehaaca of leas. Newsfaftrt art net to copy tha adimrtis ment withomt the mfrmt order of Hmrfr & Brothtri. Address HARPER aV BROTHERS, Hew York. I. L. COWAN. J. W. CUB I OK Linn County Bank, COWAN ft CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking neatness. DRAW SIOHT DRAFTS on New York,. Ssa Fran Cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits autjtv to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tentlon. Administrator's Sale. In re estate of Sherman MoClang, dooea-ied. NOTICE is hereby given, that, the under aigned aa Administrator of the estate of Sherman McClun, deceased, will, at the Court House door in the oity of Albany, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., on the 8th day of January, 1SS7, sell at public auotion for cash to the highest bidder, nod f ursuaat to an order, of the County Cour , of .inn county, Oregon, made December 6th, 1886, the following described real property, to-wit : An undivided one-sixth of the west half of the south half of the south west quarter of Section twenty-nine, in Town tip eleven, south of range three west of "he Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing thirty-six seres mote or less. The same being subject to the life estate or curtesy of Isaac MoClang. QgO. HtMFRRBY, Administrator estate Sherman McClung. B ARN DOORS. Haver Dat un a new barn door ner rs- nang an old ens until you first sail c n Stewart & Son and sea wkat they hve now ia barn door hangerasomethlBg that wont break down, B ARN DOORS, Never nut op a new barn door nor w- hang an old one until yoa first call on Stewart A Sox and sea what they have new in bans door ftanfers-eomething that will not break down. STATE RIGHTS, DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVEETMN8 MFriUM IH TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special bulr!o not tees In lxwal eoj 5 cents ceStt urn as jo esmi additional iuser er line. For legal and transient edvertlsemeels I ' ' I SI ttai tor lh) first in .frtWi.ssrO pO cents (0r square foresee, suberotasnt Insertion, Hates for other ad vetttaemente made known on application. WINTER. 1886. tected stock, BOUGHT cannot be excelled. Wa etc., etc. Orders from a Referees' Sale. NOTICE is hereby given tha under aid by virtue of the authority of a commifaioa duly usued oat of the Circuit Cnrt of the State of Oregon for the county of Linn, and to the undersigned directed and a suit herein 14 wherein H 1 Bark- ...rv arm eUie u Kovse are Plaintule, and Robert L Bark hart. William Borkhart Raiu. B Bark hart and M A MorbK. rw daata, the undersigned, tbe referee in said uowmission named, will, on the 2Tth day of T lain asaa ! . TOOs t.. a as " , , j""3' . ootween She ttonrs of 10 o clock, a. ro. , and 4 o'clock, p. ox, of said y T1 ' at tbe honr nf 2 o'olock p. m., of said day at the door of the Coart Boaaa in Aioany, Lmn county. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest hiddst IC V .7 a,cT"n ,n nr? n tbe dsy of sale, the following described real pronert v. to-wit : Bcjrinninsr at the northwest crnor ra! Claim No. 49 in Township 11. sooth range S, west of the WilUmtte Mertdiaw, sod m ning thence sonth 1 S9 east 20 98-100 ehssos to a stake in the center st the road leadin from Alhanv to Salem ; thenee north sT JT'Lv9.0!-100 ehin' stake ; tbsaee south 80 45' west on the north boundary hue Of said claim 34 30 100 chains to the place cf beginning, containing S3 39-100 acres, less all of the land on the north ride or the creek contained in tbe above deswrfbed real property sold to Ann Payten, the bal ance remaining being 14 acres more or lean. Also Lota three, four, five and six in Bleak f !9,,m Haokleman'a Addition to tba city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, aa aa pears from the map and oUt of said addttion now on file and recorded in the ofHoe of the County Oierk of said Linn eaanty, Oregsw. Said Property will be sold for the psrmss of partition. Dated thia 23rd day of November, 1880. M. pATsrn, Eefsesa. Bxecutrixs' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the nndtrstga ed has this day been dnly appointed Bxeea tnx of the last will and testament nf An drew J. Warren, deceased, late of Ijnn county, Oregon, by the County Gurt of said county and State. All persona having claims against the estate of said deceased are required to present them properly verified totheuudersignedat her residence at Bievrs. ville, Oregon, or to Weathcrford A B.'aek burn her Attorney's at Albany. Or. This the 18fch day of November, ISid Warms, Execntrix of the last will snd testamoat of A. J. Warren, deceased. W. A. OHRRRT. JoHR HAN8SAW. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Saohine ani Mill Builders, Having opened up the old foundry and machiue shops formerly owned by A. S, Cherry fc Son, and added new and lain improved maohinerv, we are rm pound to handle all kinds of heavv mactrf We will manufacture Steam Engines and Qrist Mill maehinerv.also wood ing machinery of all kinds, aU kin iron and brass eastings made te Repairing of farm machinery a spo Patterns cf ail kinds made em notioe. The best assortment of p in the State. Shops corner 1st and Mon'goai ALBANY ORgQON. gf RWAAl 4$ soX. " " Nuaeeasors to Peters A Stewart, daa lassi in all kinds of shelf and ht ayy hiririnsaBS coal, paints and oil, opposite Odd Fsi- tow s renipie.