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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1887)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT rtlfsh4 every Friday kf 8TITES 4 NUTTING. MBSSS ri S -te aml.llldliK.. rwwuii airwes. TIAMS Of SUBSCRIPT I OH ItrliMPT. PMjrw. In advance at sla !e sopy, par year. i and of year t 0 onp;, n i moniw, , , ,,,, 106 hurl, aopy, Mr months ao U nam W 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT AN YE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. tlbstay, OretoB. Office upstair, ovwr John Brig store, !. VMnSfRT J. X. WEATHEHF0RD, (NOTARY FUBUO.) iTTOUNEY AT LAW, ALSAMT. UMR, TILL MUCTIC1 lit ALL THE COURTS OF TBI if 8ml. PnittnUoag(?MitoooncUunanBil collection sad I In Odd rellsw's Tempi.. mm ruwisuL BILYEU, T71?J?HEX AT LAW, owuriiore in i nnncerv, tf.ll4lfY. - OBl((IOR. Collections promptly mad on all point. I a AS M A a nil bAa.JI ii . k -...j-ihiW on reasonable terra. JfeT-Oflloe In Poatar' Rriok.tfeR TltolMf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney inl Counsellor At La? AND- Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, , "i" P""" or the Court, of l 1 "MMM Intrusted to him win um promptly MtoDfed to. 1. W. LANCDON & CO., rtooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles A Lmra Strife r rJlli ' I irtc stock and Low Price. J OITT DRITGK amT, I '-'"'"i I tyl 4U1T. . POSHAY & MASON, VT-KBV: AVD SBVAtt- DrHggistsandBooksellenia blohnwe nin V,!dr '? PabJO. . J Pliaher'a prioee with eootageadied ALBANT, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. VtrDIDKinnn niannm . w . rmswiauy, KMT. I A 11 a-a FURNITURE. t bare the beat atOCk Of Urnitore in tha I uivj auu win ten Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE to aa cur and the lowest price In the aney. tome ana see. Undertaking. A complete stock and can give 8ATI8- iav,uwfl. xtj me, A. B, WOODIN, Aloany Bath Mouse. fl HE 0 wORRaiaNID WOULD RI8P1CT M. fiy i of Albany nadrl M Uyahnt I aTtakBhargfaaia Keubliih mat,4,by ke.pinr: olaa rooms and pnyia trltUatlQ t basissss, zpets to salt si h fl ar'io mnyfnror n with tblr patroaag r i o kroror oarrUd on aofhlsf bat Ftrst-Olass Hair Orasslna? Saloons rts t fit. atlr sattsfnetioa to al r0rl.ii9 sod Ladlss' Hair ntly a h7totnAd. JOS WKRBER, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfHee eor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - OREGON. o. c chbrrt. o.a.rr taw ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snccawsors to C. C. Cherry.) laoMsts, Millwrights, and Iror Fonnders, W ' HAVE OUR NEWdHOPS ATX i pleted, and are now prepared to handln all kind of hoary work. We will manufacture Steam Ensrines. Oriat snd Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Braan Casting. rsTTina m4dr short xoncx. rto1al attention given to repairing all kind of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Separator N. J. HENT0N, Fotary Public ana Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR (term ant. nveral of tla best Fir In snr nceCoin;atilos on tho Coast. Call cn him forreliabl insnrsnce. A. 0. U. W. VCembir- wiahirtemployment or desiring no! p, will pleajooll at Ravi A Browne!! a .tor. and register their nam. Bt Orosr ovLodob. N IW SAUSAGE MILI-S, W hare on band a fine lot of those new Enterprise ssuwage mills, which we intro duce in this locality. Tney posltlrely boat anything you erer saw In your life. Come sxd look at them before you kill year heajs. xrjrwABT a Eftau Final Settlement. NOTICE is hernby given that tho under signed as Administrator with the will annex ¬ ed of tho estate of Jam. M . Elliott, deceaa d, ha filed hi final account as snob Ad ministrator in the County Court of Linn eonnty, Oregon, and by order of said Court, Saturday the 8th day of January, 1887, at the hour of tn o'clock, a. m. of said day has been st for thn hearing of objections to said aooonnt si d the settlement thereof. Iktted this O h day of Deoember, 1886. Gsoaea HtrarrHSEY, Administrator. ap A I NTS AND OILS. A fall Hue of lead and oil, mixed paints, aalsomine, etc,, always on nand. wVffWAXfT A 8ff, VOL. XXII. BERMan'reMEDV rfittOMC ed Star TRAD K WW MARK. an UGH SURE tsMfifswWi mi yfcBB Free roes OfMtn, Emetic SAFE. 25 SURE. prompt. TUB UtASUS A. VlMStXS 1U. HA 11808 BS Ar Iiblai cam. SCALY. ITCHY SKIN Astal An Itrhlns and Nestly lllCUd a" lhw dmi lf lbC OBS0BCO Cftlp D lnrairN t a red by Cattrarm. I Psoriasis. cam. TtUr. Rtnvworm. Liefer. "M .'. BnrW, Grocers' ami wahromatre tub, nod .very peim ilching, Burning, SraUy, iwiy Hamora bf Urn mI'i ana rk"', wus um or Hart, nr. posfttteiy rand by CutUrera. (he greet Skin Cum, and CuUcur ronp. an tquiati Skin RMtlSr i.malry. and On! team Resolvent, the new b!.vxl PurtfUr l.iternal- ly, whan physicians mid all I PSORIASIS, OR SCALY SK1V. I. John J Cm. D D 8 . knrlnjr prartiaad dattUry in thUennntr for thtrty-ttv. Team and Wac tfl known to thouaandahnranbonU, with a now u. help r.rVmSS rard mo NorS. any wha are afflielad aa I hate been tor 1. pa or SJaaj. Skin. In eibt dare. after tbe doctor with wom I bad eottaultad ge me no Snip or encouragement. jqoj ( in, v. u. a. Newton, V, J. DISTRESSIMtt Kill PTIO Totu Cutlcurn ImsST - 'TStS , rare laat m sas ' i saaWB .11 Imt who had tried all reu.edte. and dooV.r. to no I am - s. . r wnw v-. Texarkana. Ark. BMTI'tSiriL OF srLEi. la or VmJZZ ai terenae eaaW atamiine. br Cnttram r n a - a sr wr i . mmmom. to moat wotKierrni cure on reowre folol acnlen MU from adm daily. I Mood thought b mint die . ECZEMA RADICALLY CURED. f"er the rndienl earn of an obetlnale of I of long mending. I rive entire orrdlt to the Catlwm I H IITIslu OfJ. I A a BJCSasiwOS. Mew Haven. Coon. I by ail toAr. druggiau. PrtU oaote : Soar, 26 cent ; ftmoLvm, ft .00. Preyered by the Potts. Daio at b Cbbmical Co., Bra nn, Mam. Sead rr "Mnw t Car Sfcla fMa.aa..." UZcZZES0" 8klnby-nt I IT FEEL8 GOOD. Tbona worn awa with Patna, Ache, and Wenknemm and relief la asae awl an in the rallrara AnM-raia lantcr. AtSruc(iata. l aenaa. AT COST From and after August 1st, 1886, John Briggs, will tell bis nntlro stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. wlthont Vow i your tlmo to furnish cheaply. Albany, July 81st, 1880. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and sineie-trees. ironed or nnironed, neck- yoke Irons, single-tree Irons, nib Irona, felloe, pokes, ax-trees, etc., all for sate neap. I. CASE PLOWS. This famoiiH plow Is well known In Linn County. The chilled and steel plows sr well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work snd coor fully as well as any other plows Sox A Stewart are tbe sole agents. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Puhlic- ALBANY SAW AND PUN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber, laths and m M SB pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. tate Eights 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. MiLWAOlM. Tbt trial of th rioters AM beta adjourned until Monday Mayor Wall bar waa on vba atand thia morning and iea tiled in reg-d to bia proclamation! which be issaed on May 4th and Oth. Judge Sloan, when be adjourned court, told tbe attorneys for tbe defense that he would only allow them to ail six witneaeea to pro there waa no dot at Bay View. Tbe lawyere attempted to diwsuaa tbe matter, but Judge Sloan stated tbat he oonaiderad si witneaeea enough, and eo far aa he wee concerned be aaid one thousand witneaeea could not make him believe there waa no riot at Bay View, and added incidentally that he deemed tbe firing of tbe militia perfectly juettfl hi WAtKiXwTOM. Jamee M. Morgan, United State Consul-General at Mel bourne, has aent a report to the Depart" tneot of State on tbe rabbit peat in Vic toria. He says : "It may be aafely stated that during the laat ten yea re the loaa caused by rabbite would amount to at least 3,000,000. Tbe rabbit which gray rariety of wild rabbit, introduced into Victoria in 1800 for the purpose si sport. It ha beeu so proline that it baa overrun e great portion of the Country. Largs sums of money bays been expended to avterminste the pest, but only with partial sucoeas," Wasmisotos. The General Land Otfioe baa resetted reorta this we k showing tbe removal, by peremptory orders from scin! agents, of fsneea around tweatv ino!oures cf 74,000 sores. Tbe land is principal! in tbe Denver, Colorado, diatriot. Wasuimotosj. Wnen Seotetary La mar was named for tbe Cabinet, it was declared that be was a dreamer and had no business eeriene, but so far from bearing tbe complaint of inattention and onbusineee-like method against the Secretary which wr so onSdentiy predicted, all authorities now egree tbat Mr. Lamar is the model of an executive officer in point of iaduatry, regularity, decision and capacity for turning off work. Jaokso wills, Fla- Over 9,000,000 i i k iMtkaul lanl mrn I It avxwv vi I U IAA Wt Warn ma i j -j. isnsev fjvievusai nd morn iknn kntf of it WRiit abroad. together with 12,000 cvprea shingles. LoiOOJf. The Steam f Saale, rhicb sailed from Southsmpt m this for New York, has on trd X $29,000 in gold. Ii a axis burg, Pxxx. The car works of Sebs k King st Middletowu w.ue'al- rh illy destroyed by fire this morning ; losv.f lOU.WU Six sutMtan tisl brick buildings, iucluJicg orpmU r and construction, tuncbiosrr, paltern snd blacksmith sh p sad pUiuiu m i were destroyed. Tbe fenndry, )i and shcls wre naval ; ittsorana v. $40.- 000. Mays vi lli, Kt. A letter rwW 1 by s priwiinoot Kuiht of Lb M " eity finm T. V P wdrly, svk : "Jiji life is too h rt ti deny all the rum ri " - don't k ro d"' it onoerntCi: ra. i no J. Q. BUine, and mvsm mentioned bis name publicly. I belhve whoever oaUed bin a fran I told the troth. l-tmM my.-t'.' renpon dble only for what aia"s ovw my own stoa tare." Sawdcsky, O. Out oi 83.5 ,000 Jue from saloons here uud-ir tha D r tax, only $2,500 has been paid. The Tem perance League is provocating the liquor men for selling to minor j and selling on Sunday. Tbe temperance detective hs l a row with the Secretary of tho Leagur, asJ pistols wer drawn. Tho d -'o.stive hae been arrested. Augusta. Mr. BUine will go to Europe next antumn. He will h a guest of distinguished people in Groat Britain and on the oontioanb. He wilt spend the major portion of bia time in France, Germany and Ireland. It ie expected by his friend that his presenoe in Ireland will create agrett furore. The effect of thia up m the Irish raco to Americt, it U h xigHt, wi!l bo to a id grertly to Mr. Union's popuiurity with them. In Germany he is expected to make friends,but his pieos do issiiUnce frill be in his visit to Ireland. Tbe present program is for him to return to the United States about iixty dajt prior to the meeting of the next Republican oouveotion. He is gathering materia) for a history of tbe war ot 1 31 2. Tha data are nearly all in hand, and it is probable the opening chapters will be wvitten immediately after the holidays. Baltimore. An inn-keeper three miles east of this city telephoned to the police here last evening, to call attention to a Buspioious-lookiog van which wan being driven thia way. Thi vehicle was waylaid by offioefs and found to contain four dead bnman bodies, two wbite and two colored, evidently re moved freshly from the grave. A ne gro who waa driving was arrested, but bis more nimble companion escaped. Tbe case will be investigated. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY Washihotow. Captain George S Lemon, of the National Tribune, this morning started a subscript irn fund for the benefit of Mrs, Logan, beading the list with $1,000. He then sent hun dreds of invitations to Genera! Lrpt friends throughout the country, asking them to contribute, The telegraph company tendered free use of the wires for tr ansmisaion of the reooeet. Tbe subscription responses are coming in very rapidly. One thousand dollar subscriptions were received from Here tor Sawyer, William Walter Pbeljsi, John B. Drake, of Chicago, Governor Algsr,of Miobigao, George M. Pullman and others. Tbe receipts ia four hours footed np $10,000. Yolo, Cal Mrs. Q. a. BriggV family bsve packed from tbeii Yole county vineyards this year 58,000 boxes sat raieens, 30 pounds each. Prom the home ranch, 140 acres of vine, 11,500 boxes of raisins and 175 tons of vine s a . SftV grape, dacks-m ttro.,near woodland, have also raised, cured and shipped 15,000 boxes of rsisins this season. Some of tho shipping grape raier have reaiiXwfi (gross) over $100 pel" sere on their land eo eultivated daring tbe lsst year. Seores of smaller grspe sad raisin cultivators of Yolo have added their quota of vitioultural interests. GalVXsTOX. A fang of counterfeit operators have auoeeeded in flooding the eity with "queer" coin, both dollars and nickels. The dollars are particu larly good end baro tbe correct ring hen sounded. The milling and a de fect in the figure 6 ia the presumed date of the coinage will not, however, bear close inspection. Despite these delects it la estimated that nearly $500 worth have been circulated here. " 1 iS Protection it a misnomer. It implies superiority else where. Huperiotity over uy great industry of ours does not exist on the face of the globe. It im plies infaeis here and adult e where. Sach la not our reputation. It implies tbst amid competition, universal wbsre the fit teat survive, we abali perish. But whenever we shall release ourselves from bad la we end enter that oompetl tion unman acted tivsis will be distanc ed and our primacy established ia the markets and commerce of the world. Secretary Manning. It is aaid that the Georgia Legisla ture will pass a bill making it a miads meanor for any dealer to make a great er prod: than fifteen pe- oent on tbe necearis f ifr flour, cm, bacon, etc Ia fh-iuld be Kceouiimnil br a aw compiling each lodiridual to buy a fixl aoantttv of each article and imtti(.g the number of dealers. The judicious revision d the tariff, rrulstmg duties on a just end quita- hi basis, in so far su it r movent appro a a . m - m i'm un i tnt'M an intor siH on a fairer asasa, would le a retumlia) measure. Such an sdjuatioent would bring stabil ity, would relieve manufacturers of anxiety, would natnfy labor and would keep the Treasury amply supplied with money. It it evident that the protectionists propose, if posaibl, to abolish interns! revenue tsxes in oi ler to giro them selves an excu.-o fr keeping up war taxes on irapoited good, in short they propose thst whUky and tcoacoo ahsll go untaxed, while clothing and other necessaries bear tho burden. Hon. John Cocness,who need to be a United 8tatss Senator from California, was recently unsuccessful in his aspire tion to be an AMnrmsn in his native city of Bostou. On the whole, we feel that Mr. Oonnctet ought to be rather proud of this test of bis popolsrity. The Knights of Labor bave organised a eo-oporative packing company, at wbioh the Anarchbta kick,hecause they say it will roko ita projectors rich. Tbe Anarchists olject to alt honest way of gottin Ha, Thflir plan is to steal themaoivej wealthy. SSSavfjf" Congress now atanda at the parting of tho ways. It must do one of two things. Tbe monay is gathering so rapidly in the Treasury from unneces sary taxation thst it most devise means for reducing the revenue or for increas ing the appropriations. It tc either s policy of saving or spending. An item of four doxen corkscrews is among the entries of exposes of the United States Senate last year. We presume they were purchased for use at the time the Senate was trying to draw oertain information out of President Cleveland whioh he deemed to be pri vate. The New York Trtouns says : "The drift of the Rpublicn party to-day, as represented by the Republican press, is toward Mr. Blaine irresistibly." But this drifting is pretty serious business. It usually leads to shoal water. . Blaine feels so bad over that Ed munds inoident tbat he would like to have Arthur's funeral over again, that he night correct his mistake. W f am la id ig ton- (Tro! ar r rrsaa.Mt. Wasxinctom, Dee. 1 8th, 188S. What Congress Is likely to do on day ahead no one can aafely say Senator Sherman made a rmnark in regard to the work of the Senate, which Speaker Carlisle repeated in reference to tbe work of the House, and it was that there were many pot. "ibllltieshtit few probabilities. NHlh or branch of Congress adhered to tho program which had been arranged for It In the early part of the week. No one expected a Tariff debate to come off In the Senate, but every. body was prepared fir an agitation of the question In the Hous on Thuta day. As chance and clroum-Unee.i would have It, tho Sennto raado Tor iff speeches, and tbe House derided to defer the subject. Then Col. Mor rtson proposes to ask the House to proceed to the consideration of reve nue bills, and the friends of the Tar. Iff legislation think his motion will prevail. A story was printed to tho ffeet that the President had promised) to aid Mr. Morrison by securing four votes for him from the Now York delegation. Of courte every bod knew that the President would not do anything of the kind. Tho story had Ita foundation In the fact that several New York Democratic mem here who voted against comdderatio of any tariff measure at tbe Ian . Ion, have since changed their views, and will vote with Mr. Morrison. If the lasue cannot be evaded it is understood that the present plan of tbe Republican in the House Is to strike off tbe tobasoo tax $38,000,000; to strike off 20 per cent, of the sugar duty, $lo,ooo,oot ; to make alcohol fjaad In the arte and tumofacture tax free, which would strike off $10,- 000,000 mora. This would reduce tho raven ve $4S,000,000 In all. When the Senate wet talking tar. Iff, a dtaappdntiog pvr i was tn-ade by Senator Dawes, ,,f i i 1 1 n . sooiates knew that ho wa trying to be re-elected la the Senate this win ter, and on Miii. of hie constituent have views on tariff obj s3t, Interact a foil la the drift of his remarks, and rather bettor attention was given him than In Sooata usually excnl to speeches, Toe Smjt or boarto with plstltude which no ov.e eared to dhpute, dwelt at length upon tha past policy of the Rnpublh: m party Which, he said, had ben to reduce euUm, duties aod Interna! t.tx to the Mil nt near et the needs of the Govc.rnruont ; criticised Hecretury Manning report, and Anally wound ap with omo nrerrtg onmont upon the Pro ! dent's meswage. Senator Beck's bill toprevout Hen. ators from acting a attorney of rail roads whoso interests uro iUblo 1 1 come br-f rc lite SoOato wa muliiat . ed and fvisted out of sisam i :a. mlttee blench expert a.i Senatota EvarU and Hoar. Tbe wy iu Whloh they evaded, .postponed, dodgod and finally modified this measure, which was ao warmly supported by public opinion, may be caiied creditao'.. to their ingenuity, but not to thdr rep utatlone for And what Is worse sttU, S as tor Edmunds stood beside these mnouverers, alatel by Senator Miteliell, of Oregon, Tbe railroad Senators who think ii is all right to legislate upon railro.d matters while taking big fees m at torneys for railroad corporations,uouid not stave off consideration of the Beck bill altogether, however, and on Wednesday it came up for deb ite. Tho Woman Suffragists are coming to Washington as usual to hold t ieir annual convention and they h tvo asked for the use of hall of the House of Representatives on tho evening of Jan. 25th, Sfith and 27th. Tho wo men want a chance to N board lit erally within tho wall of Congress, and It Is probable they will have it The Committee on Rules is to decide the matte?. Representative Town send, of Illinois Introduced the bill, making the request for tbe hall, "But," said ii, "this does not mean that I am a convert to woman suff rage." i The President made his first ap pearance In public since his illness at the theatre where he saw Lawrence Barrett in "Rienxl." The audience Included many others distinguished in public and racial life. Among those in the boxes were notied Speak er Carlisle, Gens. Sherman and Sheri dan, Chief Justice Waite and family, Hon. 8, S. Gx and several Senators and Judges. Col. and Mrs. Lament sat in the box with the Prident and Mrs. Cleveland, and obMtiuted a view of the President greatly to tho annoyance of hundreds of curious eyes. Some lingering rheumatism was apparent In the President's de. liberate movements and slight limp, but otherwise he looked well. On one occasion President Arthur attend 7, 1887. ed the thoatro her in ultra English style, bringing In hh footman to stand at his box during tho perform ance. On another occasion, how ever, he cemo without a reserved seat, and as there were only standing room left, took a position In the crowd until some friend saw snd aent for bin, TUB lSJff.aXLrMfA TIHBS. T hi Daily Tim. The I'hUaddphin Time Is universally conceded tc be the Iwst newspaper in tbe world for the pricc,pubttshtog all the associated press news, quotations of the produce and money markets and all rhe news of tbe world In a compact and u ndsble form. Iodsjiendent ia every. hie?. It Is not excelled in quality or ipiautity by any pajMir at any pric. By mail four months, $1. Ouo year, $3, post-paid. One month, 30 eta. TAs ITseaVt Ta'wars.Hixty-four columns of msgssine ne7!por reading matter, crisp, attrastive, ioterealirig.imtructiv. Tbe annals of tbe war,by aotire partici pants, lliastrated ; woman's world, con tributed to by some of the best women writers in America ; the latest fashions i Time young people y themselves; original stories, both short snd contin ued ; topics of tho time ; poiited edi torial comment ; special ar-ieles on thoussnds of subjects, sod ail the news are among its attractions. Terms, $2 per annum ; eloba of ten, $15, and an extra eopy to tbe poreon getting up tbe club. TAs Sunday Timet, 12 pages, 96 columns, 5 cents, $2 a a ear. Address, Tfe Timet, Ttmst Building, Pniladt 1- pbia. Attorney General Garland has fa- fused to allow the ti an - honored bill of tbe Supreme Court J tut ices for carriage hire in tbeir formal annual call upon tae fre.ident, and the Justice will sve to pay the bill out of their owa (Mivkrd. Tie protective tariff protects lets than five per cent cf the people eogagi d in gainful employment in this country, or rather it protects the employere tf tin five per cent. Mr. Watterson says that be wears nobody's collar. But h ought to wear me and a maule too. The oity of Springe!d, Mass,, votes eo Hentase by a majority of 130. ralrata a.rt-J. Patent, granted to dtixens of the Padie States during the pat week and reported eat- preaaly for the DaatocaAT by C. A. Snow ft Co.. Solicitors of American and Foreign atenU, opjimlte U. S. Patent Office, Wask- ngton, D. C. i I O White, Ran FrsncUco. Cat. anatomic al chart. L H T!tu, Ixs Anirelc.. Cal. fruit uath- ering shear. J S Seatter, Visalia, combined rake and hoc. i T Price, San Francisco, neutralizing fumes. D Lubin, Sacramento, Cal, clod crusher and aeedei. J M McKay, Rocklin. Cal. safety ana? hook. C W lloit, Sacramento. Cal. grafting tool, D llouser, Stockton, Cal, harvester. W Hayes, I-o Angeles, Cal, railway tri er clc. O Carpenter, Oak land, rubber dam clamp. ! Haldwln, San Frarfriaco, Cat, atool. R hi Bill. Omville, Cal, sheep shear. A Valuable We Ira I Tread. Tho edIUon for 187 of the sterling Med ical Annual, known as Hoartetler'a Alma nac, Is new ready, and may be obtained, free of coat, of druggist and general country dealer in all part of tho United Staf, Moaleo, and indem) In i-very clvll- hvHl portion of the Westeru Uemtphere Th'.i Ahnanae ha been Ismied regclarly .a: ints f utntnencement or every year for over ono-flfth of a century. It combine, wun the wmnawt practical aovi'o for the freaorvaUon snd restoration of health, a a rat amou nt of i nt ereat ing and amusing light raadine. and tbe calendar, astron omical calculations, chronological Items, etc,, are prepared with great care, and alii na round entirety accurate. The Issue of Hoatetter's Almanac for 1887 will proo abty be tho largest edition of a medical work ever published In any country. Th proprietor, Messrs, Bos tetter A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., en receipt of two oent Mam p. will forward a copy by mall to any person who cannot procure one In hi neighborhood. A type setting machine has been Inrent ed,whlch will do the work of ten men. It makes the type as it goes, which is rcmelted, and again set. It Is worked something like a type writer and will cost $300 to $500. A revolution in the business of at leant dally newspapers. Be pair lag Firearms, Ete. Peraoaa desiring repairing done.sask aa guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para aol, fans, looks, all kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, also fitting keys, grinding scissors, etc. , ha vo now an oppor tunity to nave tha same done at most res sonsble rate and on shoit notice. We have engaged an experloneed workman to assist In thia department. All work war ranted, at Will Baoa.' hm Store, Albany. Tla Barest of Camltlaatinits. Truo delicacy of flavor with true effiay of action, has been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effests have rendered it immensely popular For sal by Foihay A Mason, wholesale and retail Cheer tip I Kelp Is at Ha ad. "I'm afraid I shall hare te be taken to a hospital or te the poor ho as. Pre been sick so long that my hasband, good and patient as he 1, esn't stand the worry and espouse much longer." No, yeu won't dear wile and mother. See what Parker's Tonle will do for yeu. Plenty of women a badly of? as yen are, bare been rescued almost fro the grav by ii It will haild yon up, curing all ailments af the stom ach, liysr and kidaeya, and te simple, pleasant sad safe, NO 83 1886. FALL AND N. Hi To the Front! Wltb a ie and wel1 8elsoted stock, BOUGHT FOR OASH, and will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IS CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style cannot be excelled. We also keep a foil line of Gents' Furnisliing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, etc., etc. Orders from a distance will be oromptly executed, and nater ox&ir for goods, H. E. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, 1887. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, "Uarjxrt To if Faopla" has baao c&Uad 'Ua aodaJ f what a raMkNlksaJ far Toon readara e tgbt to be," and the Jasaass et Unit mnn.S.tlr n is ainpir SSShMSMM by tba large ciroul.tlon it haa attained otb at aoaa. and In Great Britain. TrU. sasswss has Wn Ltied by me'boda tbat atitst comtnend ihern Iraa tha jttdgniMt al nnrsnts, no less than U th. f ehtldr nejnel) , by an earaaat and veil ited eSort Xo nravtde tha brl an-i moat at rac tire readfaag for yoan people at a tow pries, Tba Illustration, er eoptout and af a . -:iiwUoaaly high saaodard of axoaileooa, Aa ealseaa of that ia ettractire and Seal able In jaml Courer. A vaaklr (seat of reed thine to th boys and rlrla In .very faoiily which It visit. "Brooklyn Union." It Is wonderful la It wealth of picture, tnfo -ma tt, and laaeaest. "Christian Advocate," IT. Y. T Ratns i Peetace Prepaid, at per year. Vol VIII. nmmemeet Xovtmber f, JS6. Single X ambers, Sve oents each. Ramltta ivca ahould he sssd by Poat-OfSc Monav Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newsfapers are net to copy this mtmi wttkomt (kt m firms order ef Hmrper & Brotksrs Addrss HARPER A BROTHERS, N Tot k. t. U COWAN. i. W. OUSIK Linn County Bank. C0WAX & CUSICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business . DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New Tors, Saa Praa eUeosnd Portland, Orcgea. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits sub jo te shock. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive pre mpt tasteee Administrator's Sale. In re estate of Shaman MoClnng, deoeased. NOTICE is hereby given, that, tho under signed as Administrator of th eatate of Sherman McClang, deceased, will, at the Court House door in tho eity of Albany, Oregon, at the boor of one o'oloek, p. m., on the 8th day of January, 1887, soil at public auction for oaah to the highest bidder, and farsaaat to an order, of tbe County Court of inn county, Oregon, mad December (1th, 1S86, the following described real property, towit : An undivided one- sixth of the west half of tho sooth half of tbe son tk vest quarter of Section twenty-nine, in Town hip eleven, sonth of range throe west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oref on, containing thirty-six acres mote or lsss. Tho same being subject to tho life estata or curtesy of Isaac McClung. GSO. Ht.Mr-BKSr, Administrator eatate Sherman MeCIti ng. B ARN DOORS. Norer pat up a new barn doer ner re nang an eld ene until yon first call on Stewart A Sox and see what they hi ve now ia barn door hangers something that won't break down, ARN DOORS, ever nut una new barn door ner re- hang an old one until yon first call on Stewart A Sox and see what tbay hi. re new in barn door hangers eometb: ng that will net bffaak fiowa. STATE RICHTSaOEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTJStlHB MEDIUM IR TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Special basine notion titnns 10 cent per 11ns. In Lomi coj 5 aent esSSh oiiionai insertion. Forletjaland transient advArtieemeet II 00 iw square for the first Insertion .and wonnt por square fureaeli auWoHAnt innortion, Rate for other ad vertteorneute made known on application. m.''i.,.sjin WINTER. 1886. ALLEN & CO.. Referees' Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that under acd by virtue of tbe authority of a commisaion duly issued OBt of tbe Circuit Oar .f the jtato of Oregon for the ooo n r y ,( Lirrri arid to the undersigned directed and eli ver'-d in a sut herein pendine wherviti H 1 Burk Urt and Kelli. O RoW are riaintuT.. and lioHert L Burkhart. WiHiam Park Hart. P,s j Kafkhart are! M A Bnrkhnrt are Defen dants, the undersigned, the referon in miA commiSBton named, wj'.l, on the 27th day ot December, 1688, between the hoar of 10 c.oc, a. m., and 4 odock, p m., d said day. to- Wit : at the hnnr nf rtV!v, ' of aud day at the doot of tho Court fiouee i M eonnty. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for eold eoin.caah in hand on the day of sal, the fodowmg deacriked real property,to-wit ; Begin ntop at the north wo t corner of .m A?' in Township 11, south rangeS, west of the Wilamt Meridia., and roa nin7 thence sonth 1' S9east 20 93 -ISO chains to a stake in the center of the road leading fI2m A"Z tn ; thenee north 87 zLTLPJ'100 ehiQ', to ke ; thaao south 80 48 vreat on the north boundary line of said claim 84 30-100 akains te the place or beginning, containing 23 80-409 scree, less all of the land on the north side of the creek oontained in the above deaorfbed real property sold to Ann Payton, the hei anee remaining being 14 seres wore er lest. Also Lots three, four, five and six ia Block nt9Jn Hackleman's Addition So tie city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, aa ap pears from the map and plat ef said addisioe new on file and recorded in tbe eflee of She tonnty 0Irk of said Linn oooety, Oreassa. Said property will be sold fr the" Mraee f partition. Dated thia SaVd day of Xrr,Ver, 1886. M. pAYvm, Bxecutrixs Notice, Notio is hereby giren that tbe underr se ed has this day been duly appointed Exe trix of tbe lsst will and testament of An. drew J. Warren, deeessed, late of laan eounty, Oregon, by the County fjsurtof sard county and State. All persona having claims against the estate of aaid deceased are required to present them properly verified to the undersigned at her residence at Browns riile, Oregon, or to Weatherford k Black burn her Attorney at Albany, Or. This tho 18th day of November, 1888. Eliza Waas, Executrix of the last will and trots mant ef A. J. Warren, deceased. N. A. CHXRRY. JOW BLAJHSSZAW. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW, Machine ana Mill Builte, Haying opened up tbe old foondry and machine shops formerly owned by A, Cherry A Son, and added new satd tats improved maohinerv, we are prinpiusd to handle all kinds of heavv nsaeMaarv We will manufacture Steam ... . and Grist Mill machinery .also wood rk ingmanninsry or ail kinds, au am iron and bra eastings made Se Repairing of farm machinery a a pe Patterns ef sll kinds made en notiee. The best assortment of p in the State. Shop corner 1st and Mon fgea ALBANY ORffQOlw. Saseessors to Peters A Stewart, Aea lei a in all Kinds ef shelf and heayi -dwtaL , paints and ell, opposite a Tempi. fw