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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1887)
THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT re bl I heel every Friday T STITES d NUTTING. fH "U MH(M RallUtneea rMMtaibla assess. " TXRktS Of lUMGKIPTIOir tori apt, see year, In advenee. sll eopy, pr yaer. at end of Ufl eopy, lit Month ... la fie eopy, thro months ,," niiramr,,,,,, I 0 1 I Ml 1 OA i 0 o vol xxii PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1887. L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. aismwy, Oregon. Office upstairs, OY.r John BrlgeV store, j ... visnzstr J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOKNEY AT LAW, 4 LB 1ST, M)N. Wli'.L.PHCTI,CB W TH" COURTS OrTHR " St. 8pcUl attention Hn i. .IIm(Im wl TOot la 044 rellrw's Temple. p4.t W. a. MLT1U f. O. roVILL. POWELL ft BILTEC, rTl v"sTW. -""v sr. w . . And Selieitara ia Chairer ''ntlf , m m m OR vjoneoTionM promptly mad on Uoan negotiated OB MtMntMt I IBo In Poster's Brick. vHnlPtf. GErSBSi r SW Caret Rheum. tl.rv. u.ii. Lnr uniii .. uTTA'TSgj' rSJMM RedStar TRADE MARK. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Detroit. Senator Janet, of Florida. in no interview to-day announced that bo will not go to Washington ibis win tor afar all, but that be will stay in Detroit until the Florida Legislature meetf, when be will be a candidate for re-eieetin. It is understood tbal Ki itor Uredy'a New York apeeob, and the ?sfitTss. et0 ih9 AtUru gentleman bai in - auAirs are tut direct OSUSPS of tbe Senator's ohange of mind. He bad told hii frienda a month linot tbal be would occupy his seat in tbe Senate af- NO 35 '"" rr " i i i i i i . ii i 1 Iftleth Oo ogress extra swttloa irty Iter the fourth of March, to perform the Uak uf relieving the Trtatury of aetne of Ihoee surplus nlHIooa. Oifiira point to the fact it.t mm- . Mine ir anv s Wugh0re tor I h.m l.U.I .... "I "B 1IUIIU1T1 I i ' mmL cie nre was present, and a long Bostoh, The bankera of Boston are P of citlsooa, civic nod mil- orgsnised into sn Tamhitnyton. ( sar rsfslsr eeerespeadsat.) WAiwrnayroji, Doe. 81 at, 1S88. The Congressional holiday vacation wl clow next Ttt-day and the aaa- lh . "T. loo will then rph. n-wltKl " WWB "ouee, it n sure ha. been oract.i kV l"8pr tt th T.rlff queetlonnd tb.i Erwemsn and LTZT.Z ".7! " PO-Hl0 to pa. ny of Senator -aw. a iklk.. T W0U,a "' to He la .Utefend teyTh; Senate Z. PfM,d',i,- Ohsmhac ik. .... . I "no. w. " iiio VOUf Ul UIS IHipUW lot obeeqaiet. Almost everybody prominent In official and eoclM air- 150 sou HO 300 350 (i H 100 150 200 ISO 300 N M e 25.00 30.00 35.00 40,00 45.00 41 M M STATE RICHTS. DEMOCRAT. IB BEST ADVEETI8IN& MEDIUM It THE WILLAMETTE Y1LLEL In 6 local aej OTP m 8jeclftl hnnincn nodosa addliionsl inkrfL. i For lgs and tranalent sJvflKlssessnls InioSr,rr qUr6 forBbww3ot 1,3 for otber adrsvatoeoiesilB ssssi. known on application. ' wishes u N. J. J. WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor it La PROMPT. Art j Wotary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, l h I. iV.. i i7 J" fJ1 . or. Conrts of will hVni- ."T! intrw to him wui os promptly attended to. TaBBSW Ahsoluttly dAft. SURE. 25 Mum . mm r. . . WtSUS A. TCMiCUtS CO.. St LTISOBS, saw E. W. LANGDON & CO., letVS9GIST. S AM. . books, snaaonerr and Toilet Articles, A M1,k r Lrr Stock and Low PricttT Moe4 si, OITY rHTJC3- 8TOHH. , SKIN AND SCALP Icansctl. Purified and Reantlfl el hj the ( uiirurn Reanediew. mnteaiTs To ikt ditor of The Wa$ Sun : A recent inquiry mm to freisbt tsriffa oi oostoo are vt u,wu,i 0f o n. a v " - . itsrv . -w 01 i;t u- . 4 N. aal O. A o. R. R. -iuhi in sees ob pit of toe ""-""" " vitarsjv vi xtu .. Knight, of Ubor, but, baring bwcom. Sheridta followecl the deceased J" 'that tbe rates on dissatisfied with tbe order, are about to 3D,lUir 10 Creek cemetery. "tWe of mereh.udiee H sacee withdraw In a body and form an open twenty-four hours preceding trade union, which will be attacked to lho fanert! th Senator's remains re- tbe National Bankera' Union. P1 on an historic bier lo the ro- tuuda of the Capitol nod the public Hazbltoh, Ponn. Tbe. Ezecutirs pssssd through to view them. The Committees of tbe Miners. T.wr. bier was ths ssm. n hiK ,uiui SlO. 7. For live stock in carload lot. the rate of transportation absll be t gj" if Ufi.OOpertcn 100 miles and orsr 50 milss35.00 u - 100 45.00 2? " 150 " 55 .00 J50 m i 200 65.00 uu - J50 " 70 00 350 ai joy 75 QO H 8ic. 8. It absll be Is-rful for abip aonts to be made cf a blending of tbe ioua articles named to Sksresate the meximuin or mioimum oar esnsoU. if in the same ecbedule of fridght.witboot Trrit. eatra cbsrgs, if ftr carl ,1 luts, but if U oae of artiolss from ms th.n on- nf the ecbedulos named, a i-m rata of sswn sball be charged. Shipper. nuet loed 'WO. FALL AND WINTER. 1886. t i J i r i I ... ' . . l.i a ajwMi-jfunjr nuioh that not an arOol. of freigb. thst goe. Z s far as from to Pendleton on A , " lD8,r owt tbe O. R. A M, Oa. road or from Port- ffigbS lo land to Booeburg on '.he O.ACB.R wmstreuaportstion company H. ALLEN & CO.. To the Front! 1 fe6 ?LWe" "took, BOUGHT wA0Af na win be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN and Knights f .Labor, wbieb includes the bodies of President Llooolo.Ohlef line but pays higher frtfi-ht rate thsn from Cbieaew to P.irMai.,! I I Tt:. v , , Ul. Am In .r.K... I at -w w,0r,yr rise auip , ,t owoerg riak. let ItftiMinf the akin mutt mmip at an, for JUrilU' Itchin. burning .n lor curlBtr th. ftrat tv.u.n.i of Scroll, tod oUMrlahcri mu, the ha- too. 9. Any deviation from ihm Uriwi merchant will substantiate tbe state- , lpo, as to rate or distanced . o rates herein publiahed, or icess of distance, according to nrioud . ii .. . r bf th. Hrik. ol ik. N.. J . LoA'.dth fUM n I broal" " "AHloo of oar lUI.- .. . T""00 0"ly f.oll. the entire anthracite coal fields, held a Jstle Chase. president Garfield and "em! looriib, itmeot, but any sesalon here to-dar and rU-d Thaddnus u"r,Vi,,Ufc w" saoetantiate the atats. olare a general etrike of tbe employes There has been a greet deal of talk W ta 00Tfnt wjlh t wl engaged in tbe mining sad preparation mong Illinois Onnffresemen la re- ' ,r0,IBM- ln order that such ri susJit. wkkcc). P08HAY MASON, Tsouwiis ass asria- Drnggistsand Booksellers, tostawsdSsd. ' ALBANY, OREGON. u 'HrulrlES hMdIer- ProTidiD tb rikera approre Townseod, "It will do more to throw Berlser, bUrmlly, r tafcvJltkU. f of this SS baititr tUm mn.t .sT-w...'.. . I th. Met. Ik. a. a . m - mmww, . v wer I iu. wsuei ui tijw f ! : . i . . I rv -x w rwoucnog mem ssaieuaes. woraocrncy man any other event 1 xa.Mu-.r workman p. F. Brenn.n I can conceive of " The ie ntn.tA. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. SUtionary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PIESCIlPTlOlfS CllEFCLlT PILLED, Open day and night. Albany. Or. FURNITURE. A COMPLETE CURE. 1 hare eagered ell my life with .kin lereni km.ln Ald aVt Merer f .anJ WSLW th eiie et UA wtfsssle CuUcora Hibibm. . vgiei. I Bk it . . . tore. I send herewith th. ,,.t, . " 4 " emea s misdemeanor, fm- w v a ui a uiu I ,1, t ' - -abort but sweet in nine section. th Prt 0r P"ll fgrlesd ... ...... I m. f j . i . . whioh will limit tbe corporations to .7 ' W lft mounfc f what many yet will deem an extra re- ' oror'c from tbe offending car. gant allowance for tiantnortstion. h coort of nipetent jurisdie. it sets a hedge berond whih Use aan- , 166 ,0C,,tJr wbw tb "action - j l : t . I is collected. kriS ,utd th1 if the -etJoo of tbe commit, baa been able lo hold his party to-'-JTSiJ ."iTlZAr I WM Pproved b the striket. 50 -I tether with morw aoraa hs c, OOw of tbe 100,000 men emplojed in other man In the Stateby rtaaoo of not ' oh now, tber exceed on vr fiiwI,ii;i -othracite coal fielda would atop his popularity among the soldier ele- ""W b three timee tbe schedule ' ,loronsii4utea I ,SW"P.,Y -, work- The cetatiun of wotk at the snt and with the maseee of the peo. p,r"lid' freight rate. "J ,r ' od j.t in . n-i siewsina. ra ... WM ZZ on grain. pwtstooa to the common , ALT HHEUH CUBED. I wee trankM wrth 81 Rbnn for a nut jreart, mo that the tkio mUraly cum off one , hamUfmm th. &nar Up lo Um wrtrt. I tried tthm and doctor. preacrlptkMe to mo DormiM n Ml "I .f my prwacrlntton. to n nonoaa nntll I teklmr CuUeora ReoMdita, and uow I est the till; all its grain. provtsene to the common carrier. Tbie bill ia ootencumb-raHl .Ok Woeo Ur80n doublee its present norw. Illinois. mmw I , j , v i xceileot fiogdi.iioction. a. to dse- J i abcnld boa Which f Or make and Stvlft .t. ficUooa to frelabubut eroct Ln-.ih. hlf "t for the nut lWu VMr we I MttUU 816 ell afford to en Jure years we tbem. It t have the best stock of orniture in city sod will sell tbe Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE n the cltr end the loweM price In tbe aiioj . io me ano eee. Undertaking, Vir? nd a sTte SATIS- w aviivii. try me, A. B. WOODiN. Aioany Bath Mouse. -SJI UNDIRSIOVBD WOULD RESPECT ML ' y i a to rat tae oiuhii ef Albany aad t! . j. ft W t a . w 'set t saTetasesesarfeortkla Kitakuss eat, end, by keepisg eleaa reome end payis irietatteatiea te baaisese, expect to mit al beta wbo may far ns with their satronafe arieg aeretorore earned on aotktaf bst Pirat-Olass Hair Drssaine Saloons expeete te (Ire entire stisfeeties te al SsTCr' Idiea end Ladiea' Hair neatly es Mpoed. JOS WEBBER. UR.J.L. HILL; Physician and Surgeon. Office cor, First and Ferry Streets, ABA NY - - OREGON. O. O OKWKBY. C.B.PrttKSS collieries would oreTent nnn Me. 21 ow thst the tcj.ktilllMM. m . . . . 1 ... men irom taking tbe places of tbe runout strong leader lo Iillools, atnkers. The atrike, if declaird. will the Democrats have an affect the Scht'rlkill. Lehigh .nJ ...h.. chancsj of carrvlnir the Rule ea .Ka. hlions in freisbt, but froups toaeth. t-.. m I I a ... tr aiuk aa lu.. .s.i.. .. . a . lean rK joriio..a or (ue Wyoming coal Dl iCllon. As to the Seoater's I uiAjiy wnii esca other region. B , At I prominent asni rents im fiv ri tiScixsATi.-Tbe Suh publiahee an hy and ex-Oongrwaaman FarweU ol00001 wUi doubtless bring tbe nlMk4 moA oe supporUd by 1 1 ; kc un ina nmni nnA ..r i ... . i i.m.i.i. i. . . wmr mumiiar nt ik.. For the laet year I have bad a aped, of tlaaaae. W . ' . w ICOga W ,W Paf OOnaidcretioO ' ' "Jwlur WnOSB JT,pApr,hJr.--,ni fae. lo which I ha.a I "j urge iii m iaMir world. ii i. . .i ...iA .... HBiln. Th .t..- I wrioraiion ceooot bur li., lr sa w ee vses as. tail as a luiui lanurn inat i a - t win i i - - Oeorge f candidacy in New bolh of (b -.outdatee for V.rwcP. I r half million dolUra yMttv I ,Ver ottm Bf tbe interest of the . T. PARKER, sre orta pUte at, sastee. ITCHI1IG. StALT, PIMPLY. In the Senate, the two most lo ole Ux.tion for tr.n.poruiioo, ?T , oai t aspirants are Oe. Of lea- 'oroos eodoraement by the ""H. f be eorporatiooa cannot appiird a ret many narthoda ef treataaeat wttitoan esseaw, and which wae apeadlij end aaUreir MKS ISAAC PHELPS, Rarenae, U e a 8ince Mr. York the Isboring .n bwen pay- d0 ,0 oonsumere in Oregon, a . . th. corpora- on bis represents, log considerable attention to bis view., -lirl-r f.., i i-i-. . tiooa will still iea -m.. i.. .a, . ln tb L-gial.ture to aire this id.l VdSEnmati iKCTava I a n IUHW. -, I " a HB.MA AA.UI T UMTH OIUI MHillMI .f mm . I M k. I I I .u V. I ir j t. r I V . "v-r roeoi, smrering from the same mala-. WVMU inionaia ' yZrn-., .uTSXeT: S .TT r' Dv dy. Strangely enough too, lo tbe ... w-try A memMr or a etaeaa of Meeare. Hwcdricks and logan lft ''-ute com Henry George ciub desl.res the Cslbc the pett of mourning fell upon holl. 1101 WP j Orego day festivities lo their homes. ter rUiafafti.ii C r. ATllERTOX.Drnaflat, AlSany, X. y. Ci-ncrat Riwmm are .ld .iwnaia Ct'TIci ia. AO rvtLa : Huii iin SI Iai. Prepared by the Potur Irnif and rhewleaJ Cax, Buetoo. Ham. Sea a for "Hew tm Care Sklat PRIIRQ Flsrplaa, Mia eseawswva Humon, cured by and Baby eokp. I ACHE ALL OVER. NeuraJrir. Sciatic. Hodden. Sham and li t S "I ... - - V . B ' m. . W m vuuicq te uutsriy opposed to George's land policy and will nee all its efforts to orosb tbe Kn labia of Ls- bor, in case tbe letter organisation sus tained Mr. Georg. m bill will 9gon even if raeranTit In 1867, thirty yeirs ago. Lord P 1 by Gangresa. bu ibis nine-asw Mcty the hlstorlsn and anther. Ai t . M. IA . . I .. .... ..I A A. . ' esawea oni, it it hecMOM a I-w. will 0Urb P",,w loe words : I Km P.I..mI mm mmt . 1. ... . "- -ymm- mj wi c ,r ir A I t m f.. onsble limits. eurhri H.-iatle. Hodden, eharv and i. II ABLESTOX. S. C.-Thura ... . Ner.ooe Paina, Strain, and W.akneae re- I i . . . , lleveel ie ar ealeete by the retire eOOCk of rarthquake here toeieht ml MA t .ll.Pal. WI..A.. V.w .Imt. I 9 feet. At dnunrlete, oente i fir. fur fl . r.jlter inui and hi in.l ('.,., ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) lacMniots, IM frights, and Iror Founders, fJETE ff AVE OUR NEW SHOPS AT,L Y completed, and are now prepared n en die all klode of hsery work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and aw Mill Machinery, and all kinds oflron ana tsrsss uastlngs. PilTtin N4SI at SHORT HOTICE. Spsshd attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the Improved Cherry A White Omin wepsracor N. J. HENT0N. lotary Public anfl Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre acuta aevrral of the beet Fire In ura oceCompanleson the Goaat. Call to him for reliable inert rnce. A. 0. U. W. Member wishingremployment or desiring uelp, win pioateetll at rw id ft Hrownelra etore aad regtater their namee. Bv Ok dbb or Loo a a. N EW SAUSAGE MIMA. Ws have on hand a fine lot of these new Enterprise aauaage mills, which we intro duce In thle locality. They positively heat anything you ever aaw tn your Jife. Come and lok nt them before yon kill your bees. RTS W AST A tkjXm BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, Shipping and Commission Merchants CALIFORNIA AID OREGON PRODUCE, Grain, Floor, Hsy, Hopa. Wool, Honey, Mustard Seed, Nuts, Dried Fruits, Etc, Room 6, 408 California St., Sau Francisco. ErOL n i fleldt an aaarat. feet Omm wbe writ, to Seeae. A Ce. rortlead. Mala, will taeaiv. Irea. rail tafenaatiea abeet mrk waieh ther eaa lo. and im at bw.Uiat will ear 'Mm frost jte S per ear. SeaH bar earaMerwanmadar potretftiretf. Teat AT COST From end after August 1st, 1886, John KriggK, will sell hie entire stock of 8T0VE8, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Ther Is nothing to President Clerelsnd's condftloo to arouse ao eoiiety on the part of the public, but thi bill ho is suffering from another attack of B it tnacfd by th UjULalvc A y rheumatism. One of hi knees la othn Stale oOrwn : 7:55. It WS8 shsi If enutiirh In K ., agalo painfully Involved, and for the Sicnoa 1. Thst fromaad vu erally felt thronghont the city, aad peo. P-1 week h hM Pnl m of his 15, l(W7. eoaotng. it shell be Mulswfn) pie in upper atories weie alarmed. No l,m betwwn ,n aod lgw. for eommon'sarrtem wiihlu the state of particular dsmsge waa doae. Hw n b hsieinlog from ell on- Oregon to charge more than tbe ao- Rttsi.i TKmi receaaary exertion In tbe hope of be- eeaed tariff for traneportation of article, T TrT6 fWe,bysach care, to he op and ed within tbe disuncn. preset ibJ. it. amended f L a a- L k,U a. o maafmum or minimum U. amended form, second rending. Tbe The eye, of th. whole country are weight. Fur ahimenu of Ws th committee reported unfavorably on the r..-i n k- .-.i .- r, . 7 . . i V bill. vB afouir. . vr. -i" w rr? v ww,,rr" wr,OM 01 u or - .k.a upon inn i-i?eMiate tJ.immartsa hill. ! ...... .k neal C.r .r. i t . L : 1 . ... " MMUM Iftt r vt aw army. me imH t,n preiCU - H HOUire l,ue h p.ia. t. l ... u... i . mL. t ,1 . , . IW. vimwi mi "ii a ' i us o urjed marcs said the oiftmra nr. i ...... . .1 w I I m mm Of endornrd by all military in the Euiplre. Intimacy and mutual exists between Germany and other. Austria. "We are bound to maintain without reserve. How ia your time to furniah cheaply. Albany, July Slat, 1808. t ween tne millions or producers and proportioned iu the waiirlu of lK.. .hi. B w TE1 mm, m9 m m kAraa m am .aa a tW . I S -O . a I TF. " I vuiiouiucrs un too on. sine aim ma maxtuium carload raum. A a a s ..IS tml - . greeoy rsiiroaa cormoraote on the Sao 2. Fur wheat 8...r k. .. It If not proposed la this bill loom tneei.rre. uoutoea. Ji w ar W m; w -m p m w eii y W vask w to forbid thn milvt iv mmrt iniua frum I i. h u . " mm w-'.ner - w . eawS I BBS1 I T. HTS 1 I in JB I I iaSkSB SS . kA (A m. mm. - . 1 nAA.A in .Wi. A,. . .1 i-t- L.J.L.. .. ... ' ceaioa; aou r gonoi oui cnarcrmg more per mile for a abort rj..,. ...i... i...iu l.j - . ... , w - I v.a.w. , givuci i ia uum .Mdtini or oarrei for th t itrnna rm u rk.. I I i m a n. . I ' c' . , - " !-" 7 " wnoirwio wr l.M mm i(. r1 ,r, pri,nbW re t. end our '.n-i r.!ati. r Ik D.. I e .ai.ll Tk. i,.- j -u a a a . I r t , I , a V W In" 50 mila or le $2.00 isir too sis are beyond all 'oabt, I should here long and short haul provision Ir Just 100" sud more thsn 50 miles3 oo " considered the entering u pun war on thls.No railroad company aball charge 150 M 4 "100 3 50 sceonot of Bulgaria an act of treason more dollars for carrying a ton of fWttu " 14 150 agsinat my country . freight half tbe distance between two ?2? " !! L 1., 850 it tt " qon the seme ton of freight tbe whole Jne a a . m. a lam nee. as mucn as fsoo e u 4.00 4.50 6.00 M 5.50 8ie 3. For sugar, coffee, syrup, ooal car i n:i Au ear, it I'r.i.t.irlas MetatAAA. J L " S ,uas, I f If f MIGQ CilUA QOUIIDCDT "iwe a. res ess e voiivuiin S f Fine MillineiT, nannaiTr nni.a. nan., w ' UrrUol 1 1 NtTtKt HUUbt. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Hox A Stewart have neck-vokes and single-trees, ironed or unironed, neck yoke irons, sinale-tree irons, nib irons. 12 60 oar k0 felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sails hsasa r - Mwa a WasnisoToa.Tbe cW.retary of tb. Interior to-day rendered a decision in the caae of V.n.lU the title to a quarter section of land in a60 "i !T f?,fbt to becon, lard, pork, pig iron,iron castings', Oonasles district. Acting Secret r j , T! T .7 ' " i iroB nd ied PP burlaps, ur Windom ruled that V.ndol. could not V""" . luroun 10 I aacke,oatton and woolen goods, green or take out a preemption and homestead T V Z dried fraiu, altker ie bulk,aacked, bar- claim at the sice time. I ' , . , I reled, boxed or baled at the option of tun uppuamun n ine ran- .h(. khitlAr .i, ffl-ni, PiTT.nn.n A . f . I nr .' I .nalj IK- T.I...I... "T . i. I ' 8 ' aaa.ouaw. a oiaating oi me west- I tuieioiaw VAiaitncrce Dill I Bfirikd era Mail Association waa held bere to- nas anything to ao with the opposi day. It waa unanimously decided to t,on of Senators to tbe Railroad A,t advance tbe card rat. from 12.40 tn torney bill, la one of the latest con- oundrums at the (jxpltoi It U easy enough to understand J1 CASE FLOWS. 50 milea or teas .$2.50 per ton 190 miles and over 50 mil 4 00 " 1A0 ion m ann 200 ' 150 " 6 00 " 250 " 200 7.00 m 300 " 250 " 8,00 350 " " 300 9.00 a a i. . . Victoria some time ago for mttrder, has from a subsided railroad oomoanv , j .mp.ements, brought suit for $50,000 damage, should be opposed to the Reck hill. -. ? nooscnoia gooas, .,D,.i , . ... . Doners and mnoutnerr, ahipped as to ut rikian .or, iu caae oi us passage, he would ,k. ,r .k ".kt. Ottawa - Prank 8 roul., brother ef why e member of Con zr ess who is fn R., Sprouts, wlio was hanged in receipt of handsome retaininw tmm This famous plow ia well known In Linn County. The chilled and steel plows are well made from the very best material against the proiiuoo cour fully aa well aa any other plows Vor wrongful execution of hit broth- be compelled to resign his seat and Sl ftta ii a i i - - a. . Sox A We wart are tbe aolt, agents. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary Public, LAW pJulSar $MwJIUL. wf t.Mrlall aTA8aSar wjQ Xsli"fB Vrjay t18 av SMfcjFe ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. -All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. r, against tne sosoiute oraer of tne retire rrora legislative life, or else Supreme Oourt,and in the face of Henry terminate his professions! engage Beatty's affidavit setting up an alibi for moots with the eorporatiooa The Spro-l' mere fact that a Senator or Tienr aantativA Is wnrlriner tn ki. From observations in various widsly ...,.,.. r I nronoHOd lAO-Islarlnn. m..i.A a separated cities, a German meteorolgiit Pftntoh,fl .fl,B!r,rtn fhaf. if ha i, g- - msmm mm, m, m m MV M9J SJ f already io the service of the reads, be open to finds that the yearly temperature in a town is frotn one to two degrees higher QX?QCis to or ,g -t than in tbe eurrounding country, the difference seeming to depend less on the size of the town than on tbe surround ings of tbe observing station. Both the daily and the absolute fluctuations ate smaller in towns than in tbe open country. The portrait on the ten penny stamp of Canada, issue of 1851, Is that ef Jacques Csrtier,who discovered the St. Lawrecea River. solicitation. package st tbe option of the flapper the following ratm are prescribed : 50 milea or less $4.00 per ton 100 miles and ovr 50 miles 6.00 " 160 " 100 7.00 " 200 150 8.00 " 250 " " 200 u 9.00 " 300 " 250 " 10.00 " 350 " 300 11.00 Sec. 5. For all other classes of mer chandise not herelnbeford enumerated, excepting live stock or lumber, the fol lowing rates are prescribed : in? a Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY, "The day will come when, In the state of New York, a mumturia .r m - wwawwe we i people, not one of whom has had more than half a break fast, or expects to have more than half a dinner, will choose a Legislature. I. it possible to doubt whu sort of a Legislature will be ch isen ? On one aide Is e ttiteemae preaching pittance, resnect for vested rights, strict observance of I rubllc faith ; on the other Is a dem jroifoe, canting about the tyranny of capitalists and osurer-.aod asking why anybody should be permitted lo dilnk champagno and lo ride In car. rlagss, while thousand, of honest i a a ioiks ere in went of neceessjrles. Which of (he two candidates IsilkeJv to ha nraiarnoil K.. a i i.. i .u5vmrii Mri ao pranda Ums !t nt oaoat attraa- - , wjr in. wora logman r ywm people at eiw priea. The WhO hears his children ,.rvi..w fr. -ALZTTri-? asesfssoesisssows - a i - iw. more bread T I seriously apprehend thst you will, In ome such seasons of adversity as I hare described, do things which will prevent prosperity from returning. Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize tne reina of government with a strong hand, or your Republic will be e fearfully plundered end laid waste by bar barians In the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was In the fifth NpfT are not to cofy this adwrti. ....... . I I AAiMt .V1a I. J S If . Al. With this d fferem. that lhA tt. I n.," . a r y n7 LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Tilmmiiigs, Velvets' Also th8 LATEST NOVELTIES lit CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES cannot be fi-x-ppii ah nr elftrkWA aS, .a Z " O u, iuu line or Gents' Furnisliing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. 'J0- Orders from a -t-TiS,1 ??ptly executed, and Mt , W-WAAWUgD xw guous, IT. H. ALT.EN & Co., 57 First Street Albsay, Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF mm. STAR BAKERY, Cnrnar Broadalbin and First St?., "Sil T.faopia" see bees called 'the whm m wa a rwineaai wr roaaa milaii ewjaS Z' fj rf tsleooaeSrieatioe taaaTpIr mitalaaS try Uaajarga elrealeaajii Itbaaaataiaed bi waa. ana in urea Britain Ta. eked ay ton'soda Saw awsS eeas Jwr ef paeents, no )aa than to the wmiinran netiieir, ay aa earn an ami wil t?1?10? 01 7Ul that to attract! re and seelrabla in Jurande literature. "Boetoa Courier." A weekto least of soad thinn tethe bora and sir to In Tcry family watoh It rtaha-" Brooklyn UiiCa.- It i wonderful ta ia. wealth of ptetarea. Inform Uon. aad latrea 'Kltrtotlaa Advocate," If. Y. TEWWS i resSses rresaM, et per year. Vol Vfll. comtmencet November tmd, t896. Stasia Kambeia, Sre eesU each. would be made by P.l Offlue Mow y DEALER IN wed Frails, Casaad s..i. tried Froite. Vebl-MS, Tobweeo. Clsatw, Sstfrmr, Holcm, CeflTee. Tea, EUj.. Kte.. In fact svsrythinajtha. is kpt K a asn ra. variety end mosry etore. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. and Yandrtls wilt have bean engen dered within your own country and by your own Institutions." Does not Ihe student of current events observe many things thai In. dicate thst these words msy be verl fled? Senator Beck is trying to render such scandalous ha putts- Kfl . . , Art . . F L50 roues or less. .$5.00 porta ..uuo uhuu lue ijuuu usms oi ine oan-1 iQO miles and over 50 miles 7 00 ate impossible and to facilitate tbe progress of wholesome legislation. There has been a good deal of ex tra session talk in connection with the Treasury surplus problem. Many public men believe, unless it can be satisfactorily solved during this sas- sIod, that the President will call the 150 200 260 300 350 Bsc. 6. i i K 100 158 200 250 300 For lumber ii i i " 8 00 " 9.00 " 10.00 " 11.00 " 12 00 in carload u ii lots tbe rate of transportation shall be : 50 miles or less. $15.00 per ton 100 milea aad over 50 mile20,00 " Repairing Fire arm, Ele. Persons desiring repairing dooe.sueh as Kunn, aewina; machines, umbrellas, pars eon, fana. looke. all klmla nf aBVwlsB.11 evkea nhinerj and utensils, alao fitting keys, Krindlnn solaaors,sto.,hsve now sn oppor tunity to have the same dnnn At m Auf. WaSiaa.- aonable raise and on ahoit notioe. We have enffaeed an sznsrlenvid workmn ssaist in thie dspartntent. All work war- rsntea, nt WthL Bros.' f3un Store. Albany. The Barest ar eembinaiteaa. True delicacy of flavor with true e those v a . . a - of action, baa been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Si rup of Fits Its pleasant taate and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by r oshay Mason, wholesale and retail. see Albany Market. Wheat 75s per bn. Oats SI " Butter 25 ots per lb. Etfsrs 25 oente per don. Beef on foot. 2H 2'o Hay baled, $12 te $14 per ton. lose,$9 to $.11 Potatoes 75 ots per bushel. Apples 4o cents per bu, Pork 4 Mo per lb, Baoona bams, 12o shonlders, 0s. aides, loo. TAard 8o per lb. Flour-4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per dos. Snfrsr San Fran oi so C, SJfo, Dry arrsnulated 7 o. Mill Feed -bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts, 15. middlinjES, 15. Chops, 18. Ad4rss HARPER A BROTH1RS, Xew Tor. J. L. COWAN. j. w. 00SI0I Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bustaee. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS ea Maw Ya a a-. bwbd ami ntrxiana, UfSglHI. LOAN MONBYon approved security. RECSIVB deposits sabjeet te check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt Administrator's Sale. In re estate ol Sherman McClung, deceased . NOTICE ia hereby given, that, the under- signed aa Administrator of the estate o Sherman MeClung, deceased, will, at the Court House door in the city af Albany Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., or the 8th day of January, 1887, sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest bidder, aad Referees1 Sale. NOTICE lis .hereby gWen that under aad by rirtae of the authority of a comruiaioa duly issued out of th rSr; n. 77, r a s Av : issaj VVUlfc III aws State of Oregon for the county of Linn, and to tbe uoderau?aeddirAA.i .J.A TT 1 vVi? wherin H D Bark. l?S?dT elh Rr e Plaintiffs, and Rober LBurkhart. William BnrklssiCBsssis B BurkUrt and M A Burkhrt arT iSaa aanta, the undersigned, the referee in aaad timber, 1886, between tbe hoxn of 10 o clock, a. m., and 4 o'clock, p m., oi mmd d?y .to-'"k t at the boor of 2 o'olook n m. of ssid day at the door of the Court fiostas in Albany Lina county, Oregon, offer for sale at pubhc auction to tbe highest bidder for eold coin, cash in hand on the day of u ths following described real property, to-wit t Beginning at the northwest soroer of Clai-u INo. 42 m Township U, south range X, west of the Willamette Meridian, aodrua ning thence south 1 39 on osian : x . mmmmwr wm wae w vuaasssss to a stake in the eenfcar nt f,A ' i ai an "aa UWAA ICKlIaaaT from Albany to !UUm iUhaa v ssS JM 40 07-100 ehains to a stske ; thence South 50 45 vault on tKss wa-..ivk i j line of said claim 34 30-100 chains to ttrs place of beginning, eontainins 2S atVJnw aoree, less all of th Un,t .C aw - --- - "a sua umm eawfB or ne oreek oontameH in t k .ka - real property sold to Ann Paaton. tK. enea remaining being 14 aeraa more or has. Also Lots three, four, five and six in Bloak pursuant. to an order, of the County Court oi 1 .tun county, Urecon. made Deeemhar ftth XL. n it i . . " " " ol 111 1 1886. the following deeoribArl rI I 2ia i .V" a Addition to the n - mmmm jmrm vwy, W to-wit : An undivided one-sixth of the west half of the south half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-csna, in Township eleven, south of range three west of the Willamette meridian in Linn countv. Oregon. containing thirty-six aaras tnoie or less. The same bains; subject to the life estate or curtesy ef Isaac McClung. GaO. HUKPKSST, Administrator estate Sherman McCiung. oity of Albany, Linn oounty. Oregon, a ap pears from the man and nlr. Af m.A jjiAi now on file anrl ik. .a , ., - " m . .ut, mops oi sae County Olsrk of said Linn eennty, Oregajs, Said property will be sold ur k- zT-m partition. r Dated thia 2trd day of November. II M. Pjvw. B ARN DOOR?. Never pat us a new barn deer ner ra- nana an old ene until you first sail on Stewart & Sax and see what they have now in barn door hangerawamslhlaus that whn't break down. 3 ARTS DOORS, Never nut un a new barn door ner -. nana; an old one until von first call on Stewart & Sox and see what they have 2?w ilL bJfi MHrSrsHomethig that will not break flown. Exeoutrixs' Notice. Notice is herehv ail If HI ihaf Ik. - j. 1 , rid7 dJy Ppointed Ikssa tnx of the last will m.nA a V j T ,,. -iAj-u. It AJtm . rrsn' deceased, late ef Lran county, Oregon, by the County Court of eaM county and State, All persons havina claims sgamst the estate of said desessed are Sh.TniZw li Ptrly yarifiwf to the undersiRned at her residence at BSewasl ville, Oregon, or to Weat herford A Flasta burn her Attorney's at Albany, Or. This the 18th day of November, Igtft Ktau Wifsjr Executrix of the last will and tesfifSfi ef A. J. Warren, desessed.