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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
f THE STATE RI6NTS DEMOCRAT rabiiskeS aver? many htr STITKS & MTTlNti. 'IV I W ril' DeMorml Km lid t tt SM-aMaHaWBUn IITMI. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION laeU topv, pst ysar. In sdTsncs..... SI 0 sisals !, pw ysar. at and el vtur t M siesta copy, ilt mouth , 1 So oopy, three months o seas nnmtxr , , PUOP&SSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. TTOKNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. omoe upstair, over John Brig store, Tamat&m J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) i TTORMRY Ann T AW - - - . a r v t - . riLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP TNI Bts. Bnsnisl illimll in mk i.. ...ii-..ti..- 1 a ' wu mvm aattu i vimw matter. xaromc tn odd pii tsopu. ru:i ' - .fOW W. R. rULTBC rUWELL RTf.VRTT. vTTOHNKYS AT LAW, Ana aoueitora in l banrerv. Collections promptly made on all point. n-jwiMwi on raaaonaoie terms. aa? In Foster's Briok.-is vMnlOtf. J. J. WHITNEY, Utorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON, will pmetios In all of the Courts of .nisMtate. All business Intrusted to him win ne promptly attended to. I. w. lancoonTcoT, nnuGGisTs. dooks. Station and Toilet Art Idea, A i rgt toocr ana low race. OIT-ST" RXTC3- STORE, tyl turn, eBEiOI. POSHAY e MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, ' Afrenta for John B. Aldeu's publications, wnicu we sen s; pi Din her a prion with ALBAWT, OREGON. A. PRUSH A W, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. riEICUPTIOM CAREFILLY FILLED, Open dsy and night. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( bare the beat stock of urniture in the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE tn the olty and the loweat price Id the mm a I r . vauey. voma tuu Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOPiN, 4ioany Bath House. ' fliK Off DIE8I0SID WOULD, RESPECT A. felly i aform th oltisni of Albany aaa t! laity that I haTetakaaehargeoftaii KfUbliah at, and, by keeping olsaa roomi and payia trttfttteotiea to baaiaaa, azpeflU to talt al fit who may faror OS wltk their patronage M aviag ketetoforaearrted oa no thing hut F Irst-Class Hair Oreeainsr Saloons xpeou to (ir eatiro atiifactioa to al JEECKUdiaa and Ladlos' Hair noatly oa ITtaQe4. JOS WEBBER. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlee cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. e. O CHMBT. c.B.PTaaes ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, (Suooeasors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iro? Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and" are now prepared to handle U kind, of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Entrin, Orlet and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind of Iron and Qraaa Caatlnira. rATTBBtH nir hiioht wotick. Special attention (riven to repairing all kind of machinery. Will aleo manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grl Separator N. J. HENTON, lijtyry Public ibA Insurance Agent. 0 f. BUIIDIH6 ALBANY, OR Repro Mints eeveral of the best Fire In sura nceCompanles on the (at. Call cn him forroltable innrnce. A. 0. U. W. i nVn wishingramployment or desiring it alp. will pla9CtM at Keul k Brownell's stor ri I rattrr their names. Bv Okdbr ovIjOdok. N Br SAUSAGE MILl-8, w hii on hand a fine lot of those new F.Mtnrorise anage mills, which we Iritro d.roe in this locality. They poaitively ba anything von aver aaw In your life. Come snd look at them before yon kill your hose- twht a won. BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, Shipping and Commission Merchants CHIFQR1IA AND OREGON PRODUCE, Grain. Flour, Hay, Hops Wool, Honey, Mustard Heed, ante, Dried Pruita, Ktc, Hoom Ot 4'8 Cslrrnia St., Sao Prsneiaoo. i flrlili ara ararra. ttat thw wh writ. ;o fin. ton A ' Portland, Mala. will rw.ira frae, fall tnTrnmalimi about ward winch M I I ft': J". ail I've at homr.lhal anil (iajr 1 Micni from !, tt $Xt or iaf. Soma har. aroi ivrSfUoaray Eitb.r sax. younr. rold Capital saarsu.'iirl. You t I ttarte'l Ires. Thova irbo rtae at oucb . W ..I . J . B- m A a la J ft at n State VOL. XXII. mmmmmmm Tbl tm tha BMwt PRAfiTTn a i . mnnne SHOBS vr invintt It U wry GENTEEL ami DRESSY and gt i Cm aimo protection a a boot or over-galter. tt Si sswvrnwna k pat on ana ttt top cut be adjusted te say M km Dy simply owning tbe bettoaa Xh sale tv L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNIXQ & (()., PROPR'S. raw pRocsae rLova scrsaioM run AMO BAR BBS 08R. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At law, LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in ail the C.mrt in the Slat jOR 8 ALU, One ha If block tn eastern part of the -St y with fair house aud will Of sold ehwar C D SI 1 1 SI I Aifiut fl it RV I Ilia tMi Itt.uiwMe u .capital B4O.0CO.0OO. In.ur. in . .taaulauly wlc m Co MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, UKPU5Nt KtVtKt HUU5t. w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Ht.t A Slir ha vm r.M-k.vnkn m.nt alnr.le-treea, Ironed or nnlronad, neck voke Irona, slnRletree irons, nib Irons, felloee, apokea, ax treea, etc., all female heap. J I. CASE PLOWS. That famous plow in well known in I .inn County. The chilled and Htcl pjowa ar well made from the very beat material and are warranted to do as good work and cour fully aa well aa any other plowa Sox A Kiewart ere the eele agenla. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAV -AND Notary Puhlic- ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed ind seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. ALBANY COLLEQUTE II8TITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1880, 1887. BEV. B. JJ TH ompho v. B. n., Presldeal, A toll eorpe of inatruotors. CLASSICAL,' SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. f ouraes of tndy arranged to meet Ihe need of all grade,of students. Special inducements offered to students Q from abroad. Tuition rsnges from $6,60 to $1?,50. Board in private faini'ie at low ratea Rooms lor self-boarding at amall ex-enae. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opmn September 7lh. For circulars end full particulars addresa tbe President. bkv. a. JL THOMPSoa. d. e. Albany, Oregon, HARRIS AtOuRS TOR KERVOUS DEBixrnr, imDorUnl takinatwat 7T.kea RV il F. hlHKtrt that IIAS Crganic Weakness, Inot IntfrtVr. with attett- CUiiCU tnouauuu, a 1 1. 1 r r PHYSICAL I pain or incorivenince in say wy. Foundsd oa BB medical jprinct- Itinwt an hualnaaa. or eaiiaa DECAY. Ipljsv B direct cppUaation la tha seat of dims i sjMMrias pflaeDsels hjh Tnmroroa seven rCAnseVUSCINMAMYl IweuSANayasSQ. fflfVAClt.VT. OnsMonta. - 03-001 It ha patlrt bMosici chref ful and rapidly sairifbota Strssan otid aeiumi vigor. Two Months. - O.OOI Staiss twqiii lis. PL Oongrss 1 bWHB i 8 jjf bjseER"bBeeW eL B81 Ifactt befora ram and Uam rnant mtmwt J!S JBm GERjMEOY fa sCsrei Rhsumstlsm. Ssufalata, hnr umn v. rui ram AT vms stasias a.outi.aa tti.,iiLTiaeaaaa If'.o...- SVOS fa Ojtittirt, Em SAFE. jsn Cts. -uric.. -r SK PROMPT. J$J At Pat aaiens ah !'si tea. tuk tataLsa a. vie. ax km to.. lULtiioaaaa. SKIN AND SCALP ( iransrd, Parlftrd and tteantlfl eel by tlio C 'a Ilea ret Eteaaedleo. Fm slnaln lti.kln and snalp of Ulaflrtiriajr hu- mttr. fnr llcbinf, bunting and inflmim.lUn, fur eurtiia u flnrt stiIbsss of Bcassaa, reiisi. Milk Cm, tealy Hani. Sorefula snd otkar tsOssUad skin and blood dliissn, CtaUaore, tha mt skin cut, anu aai'. n tifiuWI, akin siaroall. an.t CuUrurs U, tba nw puriOcr, lnt.rtiIly, am InfaJllbls. A ( onriKTEt l KE. I hat. roffr! all m Ufa with akin iliwaiw A Hif- f. rem kind anl hatr net r f-..n.l rtiianrnt tWt. unWI. by lite adl.- f a lad) triind, I oant your : liable 'uttrura RiwIIm. I r- thrti. a lhof..iWh rial, .1 ImHUm ol lh ( ulictjrm R4.Md.ant. two botaa n QlMSSBS and ac.n SJBSS d t'aUrura Soap and th raawli was just what I had awn told It WYMM as e eotupWU cvn. HKl.I.K WAOR. H'rhraond. Va Kcf.rtncc, O. W. Latloaar, UnattlaL, HlLhmoad, Vs. MALT R HE I 91 CfJKBD. I vat trmibtad a-lth Salt Kheum tor s n unbar of yaara, thai lh akin anUraly caavof us of say hand. (mm lb. flnrr Mpa to the wrist . t triad fsass diaa and doctors pr rrf ptloos to no BMEOJS until I ommrn.-oil takinr CaUsora fUsaadlta, and now 1 ara antiralv rurwd. K. T PARKER, ITS Iforthotnptlon St. ITCHIUCs, SCALY, PIMPLY. For the last year 1 hava bad a sparia of tlehltur, aralv and limply humors on say faro to which I ha a applied a great many mathods ol treatment without aureoaa, and which was sfwadily and sntiralv cored by Cuticura, MKS. ISAAC PlfELIV, fUratina, O. MO MEDICI-SK LIKE TIIKW. We bare sold y .or Outi.-ora R-mc-Hea for ths last a years, and no madtcinaa n ur ahahaa (fir. bat ter rvt istantlori . C. f. ATtlERTOS.Dniifjfiat. AlHsny.K. V. Ct-TKl'Sa RSttKMS ara ld a-er)hare tvnct sa. SO cants , RsaoLrasv. ft SOAr, tS ronia. Praparad by Vhe iMtr. Drat and 'henicaJ Co., Hwtoa, Mass. aa4 for ta Car akla aSsssssss." CRUBS, Pimples, akin H'amlahas and Baby tlumora. etirad by Cuticura Soap. I ACHE ALL OVER. rtiraliftc. aVialie. M.i.l.len. Mharp and TuwraU. M train, and steak teveat la aew salaate by (he aiiew ra Aatt-rala lla.lrr Nsw and ier fart. At drutfgi.ta. A cants ; Sv. t Poltar lru and hamicai Co.. fbaston. Inndids'KateliSorsical tssStoto ar rsaalaeS wtttt O fSfll Of BaewrsaaceS aadl aaiUTnl aaraeeas fee the tree all Caveat M OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chror.v Naaal Catarrh. Throat ana Lang I'lK oae. itvor and Kidney afleeaaea. 111 adder IHaeaaea, tAleaaeea of Women, Blood Dleeaeee and Ner v- oae A fraction. with or wiUKut ac-inar turn natk nt. C fee us, or jsma ten cents in stamp for our "Invalids' Guide Uooka" which gives all natrtimilara. SBaassasBSBsssBsw WOTvona Debility, Impo. IH. EVcncy, woctnrnai ioaaee, Of ICITP lauduUTWorbld Condition! JT I caused iy Youthful I'oU lltf tllFt B Ilea and Pernlcloue aoll- hiuwiul ).itBr, Its tary lractlcce are snecdiiy 1 and nermanttutlv cund ly our Speciauau. Bookv i:fiid 10 ess. la stetBpa ssj nupiMre. or nreeco. raat- Rupture. caily curod. Without the ant without denendenoe up tnaaea end with very Httkt Ti.iln TtfMiir amt for tan. rv rif a In stamps, PILE TfjnOBs and STRICTtTBES tn uL''l with the sreateet su cocas. Book sent for P-n cents in stamps. Addrees Wobijim liiHi'i.NSAitr Medical AaeocuTtoa, m Mala Direct, xfonaio, a z. , Tbe treatment of many thouRanda of cases of those Diseases of ynuru cuseaeas peculiar to WOMMN iywan,a, ai the InvaW Hotel and ssBBsssl gnnrioal Institute, haa si. forded large ezperlsuce la aUaptias rctaediss for their cure, aud CH. PSISltCB8 Favorite Prescription is tbe result of this vast experience. It Is a powerful Reatoratlve Tonle and Nfcrvluo. lmpurta vliror and strcnirth to tbe system, and cures, as if by magic, Lea corrhea. or "wilt tee." exceaalve nataral sunpreaeloits, prolapaus or falling of the uterus, weak bark, It urornotlv reliavea and enrea Nan aaa and weakness ot atomaen, inatges- tion, fflont i nr. Nervous froetratron ana Sisepieeaileset in either sex. DDIHC tt I fin OR 6 BOTTLES rniut 9i.uu. i oa tetSi Sold by Brngglsta everywhere. Send sa cents in stamps f r Dr. Pierce's largo ten Treattse on Discuses of Woman, illustrated. World's Dispensary medical Association, 003 Main Street, BUPFAQ, W, , SICK-HEADACHE, BUt on a Headache, IHzztutas, Consttpa tlon, Indigestion, and fllllous Attacks. Srornptly cured hj Dr. lercee Plensauf Pursjntlve Pellets. Red Star TWADE Vl MASK. oughIure iocs td Sown aeVraffaS? VitWSVe WeK ttou, inflammation and hlceraiion of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, Internal beat, and ''female weakneee, asms a vuu, oy ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Bloohimoton, HI Mrs. Htory Winn, of Oak (Jrove, In (his county, died last night after fasting for fcfty seven days. She was tfB icied with s bowel complslnl, and haa taken neither food nor drink in the above time. When the fast began the weighed 800 pounds, end al her death ehe was reduced to s more skeleton. Savot, Toe This place is ell agog over the discovery of an underground lake that may bo reached twelve or fifteen foot from lbs surface of the ground. The water is pure and good, nod affords the moat valuable basis fur factory purposes. New Yoss. Precejan's (Roman Catholic) Journsl, yestenlsy, la refer ence to Hory Oeorge and bis as a spa per broadside against Catholic eb a robes, says : 'With one stroke of tbe pea George dissolved bis bests, and baa giv en the workingmea of New York tbeir choice between Uod and the oburch and bin and bis theories. Hie attacks on tbe oburoh and the Archbishop are tbe raving- of a narrow-minded,disappotot ed man. George's seel far tbe people tarns oat to be on immoderate seal for George. But tbe method in hie mad ia eas is unfortunate fur him, for aa a political leader be is bow dead, and as a political economist bo is dying. His strength in tbe letter position lies in tbe feet that it takes a long time te find out what be means." St. Lot-is. A damage suit. panted by some borrow tog details, wee commenced io lbs Circuit Court yester day. The plaintiff is Elisabeth Leonard, who sues Fail bank Co. for 5,000 on account of tke death of ber husband, William Leonard, who fell into a tank of boiling soap on tbe premises of Fair- bank Co., and wee literally beiUd alivf. At tbe time of tbe accident. September 12 laat, Lcooard wee em ployed by Roman Bros., end wee esv- gaged in msking ome repairs st tbs Fairbank establishment on Indiana av enue end Convent sheet. It is s Urged that tke accident waa due te the negli gence of tbe defendant company St. Louie A party ofeighleeo cap- itoSista, representing about $2,000,000, arrived et the Union depot leet even ing on tbe Wabash from the Kst, in Ohsrge of E. D. Siren. The party was made Up of gentletuen from Illinois, odiana and Michigan, and left on the Mobile Ohio In the car "Isak Wal ton," under the pereocal supervision of l. L. O. Obailtoo. gfitersl peseeBgvr agent of the road. They intend epend- iag a week or more in inspecting, with a view to purchasing land belonging to tbe Mobile k Ohio in Alabsms, Miaeia- aippi and Tanneaeee, to tbe amount of ,200,000 sarea. The laud Utog well ti n ctrd, it is prop-' I, in the event of a purchase being made, to erect ills and torn the f ireats imo lumber. Tbese gsntletaen prepared on their de parture to oooabine pleasure with busi ness, and accordingly tbe oar was woll stocked with good things. Washuotom Tbe citisens of Chi cago snd Racine contributed $13,0QQ toward tie payment of the encumbran ces on tbe home of Mrs. Lgeo in this city, Colonel M. M. Parker to- lay ob- taioiog from ber a check lev Riggs A Co., and paying off tbe note. Mrs. Logan now owns Calumet place on Col umbia Heights free of all encumbran ce. New Yobk. The American Sgeu of Honor has received during tbe last year $1 009,236.46 ; disbursements in payment of beoeOts for 567 deaths, SI. 843.000. One aesessment realises to the Supreme Treasury $100,500 w w The receipts since the date of organisv- ion in December, 1178, amount to 08,- 392,290.83. There haq been paid to v,idow snd orphsis ef 4,67( deceased memberH $8,338,170 31. LeavesWOHTH, KaM. Tbo Leaven worth Union Dupoc Company held meeting here yesterdsy, snd elected Directors snd executive officers. The Missouri Pacific Railroad made api" . cation for membership and was admitt ed, after ia ins their prorata uhare of 9 fa V m the cost of The building wt be completed by My lit. It will be a three story structure, with two story wink's snd will be 90050 ft, Tbe entrance will be off Delaware street. The estimated cost is $300,000. In an interview to-night Lee. T. Smith said tbat about forty miles of his new toad the Leaven rorth Northern and South ern, had been surveyed and vas under contract, about half of tbat bains ai re if ly graded. The road will be con Htructed through Leavenworth county by June 1st. Ahout JS.UI'U men ars now employed in grading the -oad. St Paul Tbe signal ,fBoer reports that at 5 o'clock the mercury reached the lowest point this winter, marking 36 degrees below zero. 4 - . JBvauKuroS The Free Frees this morning printed tbe teat of a letter, written in Juljr,18l4,by Qmu William W. Smith to tbe late Seuetor Knots, a amall portion of which was published in tbe September Century. In the letter Smtlb sbarges General Grant with Intosieetion and surreptitiously procuring liquor. Grant relieved him from command of tbe Kigbteeuib Army Corps to please General Butler and trees fear that Butler would expose bis intoxication. St. Uuis, Meyer Kautfman,a well knowa oommiasioo merchant arrived in Ibis city yesterday from Cuba after as experience he will not soon forget, lie fit this city las month for Vers Crux and obtained a passert for Cuba. Im mediately on his arrival st Havana the Speoish effieers, without any explana tion, lugged him off to jail. He explain ed the beet be could that there was e mistake somewbere.and he subsequently lea raid that tbe charges against him were for swindling tbe city of Mexico merchants to tbs extent of $27,000. They arrested hist for a mn named Meyer. The elew upon which tbe Hpanish authorities scted was his first name. Per twelve dais Mr. K viffmao wee confined in s prison dungeon snd aell nigb starved. He suffered greatly from sleeping on tbe rough stone flag ging. An officer arrived from Mexico snd after an examination be declared be was aed the sasa tbe Mexicans wanted. He wee released and aent off without a word ot apology or explana tion. QoLooifDO, III. Oa Wedneeday, tha 5th inst, ,Miss Oltie TrooviUioo.a young girl of bet sixteen years of age, became the mother of e eon. Investigation de veloped the feet that her grandfather, Daniel Trujvillion, s farmer sixty-Sea or seventy years ol age, residing near Rosebud, io this (Pope) county, waa ber seducer.and that the period of tbeir unnatural relations covered some two years, commencing witb the time when she bad gone to rtadda in his family, bar other having abaod sxesj bar sad left ber to ber owe reeiiees. Tn i bema- al rick en relatives of the Been old vi( lain soared his lib, bat com ps! led bin as s ooudiu i iharet t to esecute to the or girl a d ed to hi farm of 250 actee on Which he, and also to transfer to her all hie peraonai property. This he did and immediately departed tbe atate. Il be should be ever fouad no extremely long sentence of imprison ment will b given him. A cousin of tba girl ares to-day appointed bsi g'tardian, some of her relaUvea having shown it disposition ta Oiutest the transfer f the old man' projerty to ber. ScaaxTOM, Pa Michael Oilroy,aged $5, diet! suddenly io Peter's CJtke dral tbir raoroing while the 7 o'clock waa in progr.a. lie had knelt down In his pew to pray when it was noticed that besud lenlv moved forward. Those around him supposed that he bad fallen asleep.snd no attention was paid to htm until the service was oonciuded, when an effort wse made to arouse bim, and he wss found to be dead. He wae a miner, end worked on Stttirdsj as usual. He ete e hearty breakfast before going to oburcb. THE IVTBSSTATB CMMMSgSJCS UU. The mors the Interstate Commerce ill is discussed and the more the ob jections raised to it are considered, tbe more the rn biased though conservative mind is impressed with tbe importance of making tha (tending mesaure a lav. As benator Beck aaid on Tuesday, it most be either adopted or rejected as a whole." It wss the renal t of "a strug gle of ten years." If it is rejected there is no telling when anothei bill can be brought to a vote. It embodies an essential and impor tant principle which the people have waited wearily and long to see estab lished by Cong teas aa it. has been by the State Legislatures. Its ohief oppo nent in the Senate is a man wbo should not be permitted to open his mouth on the subject in that body, or indeed be there st si I. The President of one of the two corporations himself reputed to he worth fifty million dollars which srs growing deeper and deeper in debt to tbe Government every day and plead poverty in behalf of further favow, he rises as a representative of a State and prostitutes his office to the processes hy which he haa gained his enormous fortune. Senator Out lorn has sh wn conclu sively that there is no ic justice involv ed in the long and short haul clause, carefully guarded aa it ia. Aa to pool ing there is no need for further dtsQue ston. The objection ha been weighed in the balance and found wtn'ing. The masses took to tbe Senate to ad jpt this measure. Will it serve them or Sen ator Stanford and his interested asso ciates ? O W Loatler fc Co., of I art) and, are da avathrisnd advertising agents forlths Dsmo xv o for that city. tm$a 28, 1887. MEXICAN rEXBl OSS. The Mexican pension bill has paeeed the Hoiise,and nf?w needs the Ipfsnrssl of tbe President only to mvke it s law. It provides that a pension of $ a month shall be paid to all surviving snd snliated m u, including ma rines, militia atid voluutaers, of the militia snd naval service of tbe United States wbo.beiog only enlisied, actual!) served sixty dsys with tbesrmy or navy of tbe United States in M-x ttvo, or on tba toasts or frontier thereof, ot. en route thereto, io tint war with thst na tion, or were actually engaged in battle io said war and were honorably dis charged, sad to such other officers and soldiers and sailma as my have lem. personally named in any resolution of ooogress for any peejul s-rioe in said wsr, and tbe surviving wh w -,f suck officers and enlisted umn, provided that such widows bsve not psmarried, ami provided tbat eyery such dfleer, enlist, ed man or widow, who is er may be come 60 years of age, or who is or may become subjeet to any dis ability or de pendency equivalent to some cause pre scribed or recognised by toe pension laws of the United S.afei as sufficient reason lor tbe allowance ol a pension, shall be entitled to 1 benefits of this act ; bet it aball not be h-ld to include any person not within the role of age, or disability, or dependency bereie de fined, er wbo tooarred such disability while ia eny manner veluntarily engag- eJ in aiding or ebetting in the late re bellion against the au'.horitv of the United Slates. Tata tBEaixT aaa raanrna The fallowing word of resident Cleveland in his mmo are appro priate and timely : "But our farmers and ngricuitur leta those who from the soil produce the things consumed by M are per. haps more directly and plainly con cerned than eny other of our citizens In a Just and careful system of feder al taxation. Those actively engaged In and more remotely connected with this kind of w.irk n urn bars nesrly one-half of our u mutation. None a s labor hsrdrtr or more continuously than they. No enaefmente limit their h .urn of toil, nd no luterposi. tlon of the government enhances Io any great extent the value of tbeir products. And yet for ma&y of tbs ntteeitsltiea anl c iSaJeftSSsI life which the snoet scrupulous economy ensblee them to bring into th ir homes aud for their implements of husbandry, tbsy are obliged to pay a price large ly tncreteeJ by an ummtural profit which, by the action ol the govern. meut, h given to tbe iQ"re tavored rmnuftcturer. " At Lawrence, Massachusetts, Satur day, a remarkable fight was fought in the presence of a small u umber of sprting people between Jack llcAu- liffa of Brooklyn.ohampion light weight of America, aud Harry Uiimour of Toronto, light weight champion of Can. ada. They fought for Foe's interna tional prise belt for light weighta and a purse of $500. in addition $3,000 were pet up inside of tbe ring on bets. Tke men were in excellent condition, and both scaled within tbe limits of 133 pounds. Twenty -eight rounds were fought, occupying one hour snd nfutwo minutes. The fight wss only fiuUbed by Giimour falling senseless in the ring under the terrible bl ws in flicted by MoAuliffe. He revived and insisted on omtinning the fight, but was prevent! by his backers. The fight was tkeu awarded to McAuliffe. N. I a Slasls 4. ray Hair. "Yon may laugh and think me a vain thing," writes Mrs. J. R. C, of San Frag cisoo, tq a friend in this city, "but I have not a gray hair tn my bead, aud yet (sad to say) I am ftrtv aud a day. Recently my natr was not only Quite sray nut quite thin, too. Parker's Hair Hal asm .made in New yrk, I think did wonders for roe. Try It if you have occasion. It rea' ly does what 1 say, and restores tbe color also." Not a dye, not greasy, bigbly per ruined, Only reliable 60c. dressing. Keaalrlag Firearms, Ete. Persons desiring repairing done.suoh as guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sola, fana, looks, all kinds of small ma rhinery and utensils, also fitting keys, grinding soissora.eto .have now an oppor tunlty to have the aame done al most rea sonable rates aud on ahoit notion. We ha Y engaged an experienced workman to assist In this department. All work war ranted, at Will Bros.' Gun Store, Albany, Tha Barest ar Combinations. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its pleasant taste and beneKoial effects have rendered it immensely popular Por sale by Foshay Mason, wholesale and retail. - a, a a- arer Vp i Hcts Is at Maud. "I'm afraid I aball hays to be tsken te a hospital or te tbe poor ho use. I've been sick so long that my husband, good aud patient as he is, can't stand tha worry and expense much longer." No, yau won't dear wile and mother. See what Parker's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women as badly off as you are, have been rescued almost frot the gray by it. It will build von no , curing all ailments of the atom goh.Hyer and kidneys, and la simple, pleasant aaa saie, (IT SO 26 1886. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN & GO.. To the Front! With a law and -well urv uAon, ana will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES 07 Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets- Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style also keep a Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. Dry Goods, Hat 3, Caps, distance will be promptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application., PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany. Caaran nirecter C I'.Cnoaou. Preaching every Sabbath. ng ana svsniag oy nev. r u. it D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. a St a a tfm w Prayer msstta every We laessdsy evening. BvaaoauoAL CHcaoa. Preaching on &b- Nath at 10.30 a. a., and 7 r. bl Sabbath iahool 10.00 Prayer meetiag every Wed- asaday evemug " 30. 8. E. Davis, paator. All ars tnvited CeaeaaaaTiOM al Cue tu-u, Semcas er moraing aad avming. Sabbath tabeol at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Wadasaday evening of each weak. Kev. H. T. Romtager, Pastor. at. B. Caoaoa.SocTH. Preaching every tttird Sabbath in each month at 1 1 o'clock a. ML and at 7 o'clock p. BL Sabbath School Sabbath at 10 o'clock A. a. Prayer sating Friday evening's at 7 o'clock. J.W. Craig, Pastor. M. E. Chcrcm Sotrr u.Tasobkt. Preach- lag oa the tint Sabbath of each month m ru ing and evening, Sunday school each St- aath st IV o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. J W Craig, Pastor. II. E.('ncaOtt. Preaching every Sabbath saaraiag ana evening. Swag service in the event ag before sermon. Sabbath School at 290 r bl Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb,pastor. PaassiraatAH Cucaca. Sarvioa every labbath morning and evening in Church ear. Brcedaibin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School ha madia taly after tbe morning service, Prayer meeting every Wedneeday e veiling. Rev K It Pritchard, pastor. Fibst Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g, at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath school immediately alter warning services. Prayer meeting every ThnrstUy evening st 7:30 o'clock. T U orewasoc, pastor. Cathouc Cuurch Service every Sun day at 10:30 A M. aud 7 V. at. ltst Sonday af the month service at Kugens City. Rev. Lotm Metayer, Rsctor. Albany Market. Wheat 75e per bu. Oat 32 " Butter -25 cts per lb. Eggs 25 cents er doe. Beef on foot, Zi up o Haybaled, $12 te 914 per ton. loose,S tot 11 Potatoes 75 cts per bushel. Apples -id cent-, per bu. Pork 4Ho per lb. Bacons hams, l2Ha shoulders, do. aides 10c. Lard 8o per lb. Flour 4.50 per mil. Chickens 2.60 per dox. Sugar San Francisc C, ,a. Dry grsnuiatea- o. Mill Feed-bran, 11.00 par ton. shorts, 15. mHidilngs, w. Chops, Remarkable Oiler. i Tbm Democrat 12.00 New York World 1 00 Fimb History er the U. S. .... v ... 1.50 AaTBUIUAM Farmrr 1 00 $100 And cheap at tha price J lut we offer the four for $8. 25, giving a remarkable bargain. Dree the American Farmer and yen tan have the three remaining for $3. Drop i;ha WerU and Htrtery and you oan haye the two others for $2 25. Tbe history is a 20 saga beak nicely bound, and is worth the agslar pries. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST kVUimm MEDIUM IB THE WILLAMETTE YALLEY, Hpecial bualnea notices io local col umns 10 cents per line. 6 oenta easts sddKlonal Insertion. For legal and transient advertlsemeeta II t0 pr square for tbe first insert ion .and as cents per suuaro for each subsee stent Insertlort, ttaies for other advcrUserdeaae known on application. WINTER. 1886. selected stock, BOUGHT cannot be excelled. We foil line of etc., etc. Orders from Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Cnrnsr Broadalbin and First 8tr.9 DEALER IN rraiita. Cannes! n rata, Qaeensware, Vegetables, Claten, Snleea, Tata, Etc., Qlnaawnee. Dried Fruit a, Tobacco, Nngar, Coffee, Ete In fact everything that ia kept la s gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. J. L. COWAX. j. W.CUSICE Linn County Bank, COWAN A CUSICK. ALBANY - s. a. OREGON TRANSACTS s general banking basin ess. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, San Frs eisco snd Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjec to chsck. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive ntnsiaS tention. Administrator's Sale. In re estate of Sherman McClung, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that, tbe under signed as Administrator of the estate of Sherman McCiang, deceased, will, at tba Court House door in the city of Albany, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., on the 8th day of January, 1887, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, and pursuant to an order, of the County Court of Linn county. Oregon, made December 6th, 1886. the following described real property, to wit : An undivided one-sixth of tke west half of the south half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-nine, in Township eleven, south of range three west of the 'Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing thirty -six acres moie or less. The same being subject to the life estate or curtesy of Isaac McClnne. Geo. Humphrey, Administrator estate Sherman McClung. B ARN DOORS. Never put up a now btrn door ner re nang an old one until you first sail on Stewart A Sox and what they haye now in barn do ir ban lera something that wtm't break down. R ARN DOORS, iibvw pin. up, upw uarn aoor nor rc hang an old one until you first call on Stewart A Sox and ase what they htve new in base door lingers aomethicn that will not break down. XT L . N O HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY ia complete witnout the monthly visits of Bab yhoo l, that delight, com fort and aid of the moth r. Only publica tion in the world devoted to the care of young children. We are glad to re commend it. (5 Beekman St.. N. Y.) XI. 50 a year ; 15 cents a copy Clubbed with .the Demo cbat for $3 a year. SMVaBWasagBHlSHriBass Au.m.