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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1887)
treeter V. F.QnnMK.-FrokiMfTrylttbbtiH aetataa ud evening by Bav. R. G. Ir fiaa, D. D. Sabbath Bohool a 2:80 l H fmyer Haeetiag every Wedaeeaday evening. Evawmucal Lauaoa, Pre nhing oa San tas at 10,90 a. at,, end 7 r. m, Sabbath aboal 10 00. Prayer mseting svsry Wed aeaeay erasing 7io. 8. EL Davis, pea tor. JUS Ma invited. Case aaoATio sal CHoecH. Servioeaever ebeett morning and ruing. Sabbath eaeol at 18:1ft. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of saoh weak. Rev, H. T. Rontisger, Paetor. M. BL C h c aeat, Sotrra. Praaobing every tadrd Sabbath in eaoh month at 11 o'clock a. d at 7 o'olook r. m. Sabbath School lahbatb at 10 o'clock A. m. Prayer Friday tveoiou'i at 7 o'olook. J.W. Oreig, Pat tor. If. B. CauacH 8orrTH,T Alto est. Preach ing he first Sabbath of aaeh mouth morn ing and evening. Sunday eoheol each Set -ha 0 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting T evening. J W Craig, Paetor. af. ELCaoacH. Preaching every Sabbath aeerainc and evenina. Bona eervioe in he evenlag before eermon. Sabbath School dt t .30 r m. Prayer meeting every Thure. dy evening. Rev. 1L P. Webh,peator. Faaaatyaaiajr Ckchcbu Service every Bahbath morning and evening in Church ear. Rroadalbin and Fifth 8U. Sunday School immediately aitar the morning eervioe, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, Itev B B Pritohard, paetor. FtasT Battist Church. Preaching every tabbaih morning and eve' g, at Church oa 6th treat. Sabbath School immediately after merniag services. Prayer meeting eyery Tharsday evening at 7:90 o'clock. T U Oanrouo Cttraoa Service every Sun ¬ day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 r. at. last Sunday af the month eemce at Kagene City Leait Metayer, Rector. Rev. 9t John's Lodge, 6a, in Foster's Block Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, ut Sat order. Bayley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.e very Wednesday evening. A. O. U. Wn at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, st O. F. Hsll, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and grd Saturdays. L O. G. f., at A O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, tst and 3rd Friday. Oregouflacific AaHroad alj Ifopolar K onte, rer ictiresqaBllanges, Wium tlame X Sure eoasoertlon wer eejaipstments ! BBS tail lea sksrter! 89 Moor loess llsme ! Aooom snod atlona unsarpaased for com safety. Faroe and freight much than by any other route between all tn the Willamette valley and an ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY 8AN FRANCISCO. trains ouceft Sundays. Leave CorvalUa at 1:66 r. at. Leave Ya- qulna at 7M a. at. Oregon s California West Side trains conned at Corvaliia. Till Oregon Development Company' The "Santia Maria" will sail as follows TOON YAQl'INA. FROSt SAN FRAMC'ISCO Sunday, January 9th Tuesday, Jan. 4th. Friday, January aistl Sunday, Jan. 19th Wednesday, Feb. and'Friday, Jan. 28th. The Company reaeryee Lbs right to nailing clays. ConrailiaandSan Fran Ball and cabin, f 14. Kail and rage, For Information apply to C C MOt 1 E. A. Q. T. and P. Agent, CerraUta. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oregon A Calirornla It. It, AMD CONNECTIONS. it, am. Close esesMetleea aseae as Ashesse w.tb U toe UaUasrats. Oraesn and Idaho etas eesmaay. (DAILY EXCEPT 8UKDAT8.) cast IMs Mrlsleei. ITWIM rOBTI.ANI AMD AHUH. auul Train. uuva. Asaiva, a. OS a M I Albas r 11:46 A U 12:0S r m AhlsiMi 4 00 a a 6 r a I Albany 11:2&a m 11:4 a m I Portland, 3.45 r m A I baa 7 Express Train. LBAVI, ASAIVB. .4.-0S r M Albany .8:34 r m Alsaejr 136 r Ubanoo tOrm usis 4.4 a m Albany 6:29 a a Slfcaay JkJK a m Portland 10.O6 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dally between Portland aadaahlaad. TaoOaadC a a Perry sstkos ewtnosttsea with all Ska nnW tralae oa tha kaat Sido LXriatau from foot kt W sWtbbC- Went side BHvlslen. POBTL4MS) AID OnV tLLIM. ataU Train, laBAVS Ptrslaal Oorraaa aaatva 7:0 a a I Corraliia 11:1 r a 14 r a 1 Portland r m At Corrallla with u aiiia U Oroaon Paoiae m Vaeaina Baj Kxprcts Train Aaaivi. 4:60 r M I kfcsUnn villa. ..8:00 f H 'J 00 a a .. .....6: a a I Portland. Local tfeketa lor sals r d bagjrafr cheeked at earn May's ap-towa offiot, Cor. Pins sad Hooood tSrsots. TaeaoSsfar prioolpal poiuss ia CaJMuru'a can only bo fi'eoui'od ai Csiapsnjr's ostoo, Coroor P and Pront I St. .Portland Or, Proiafat will not be rseaiTad (or otter Ive e'ssscti p. as. on either tho ras eido Dlvisiona. a. KOEHLKK, K. P. ROGERS, o. p. a Remarkable Offer. Tau Dstmocbat $2.00 Mw Yoaa World 1.00 Fin flurroaTop ran U. 8 1.60 ansafOAkT FARktaa 1.00 96.50 And ebeap at the prise ; bnt we offer the foor (or 93.25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop tea American Farmer sod yon can have toe three remaining for 93. Drop the (Torts' and History and yon can have the tare others for 92.25. The history ia a 320 page beak nicely bound, and is worth ths ognlsr prise. PATENTS bSatead, and all other business in the V. 8. Paten atos attsndaded to tar moderate fees. Oar offito a opposit tbs U. g. PateatOflos, and we oaa obsaia Patonts loss shno than those remote sross Wasbinrtoa. modi or drawing. Ws ad v tdi notant oktlsy tros of oaaree ; and womaha o eharge nnloss we obtala patent. Wat Tsaaaasp bnrn Jfasssf Oraor Dir! aadto ofCoiala of thsU. 8. Patent warns. Per circular, ed lee, terms, and eferoocea oaesnal olios ts la your own giato or county, address to th the tnpt. of C A. SNOW & CO., PURE SOAP. Use your own refaso f grease, eta., and sjreeabaak'a PewdsredfOaustle Soda. No apeeial apparatus, no oa periei oo, no ftnl. and only fifteen inn tee time needed Seadfer diratien to T. W, Jackeoa A CU Jhi fBrnifcSft, tmn FraeUro. Sheriff's Sale. a th Circuit Court oj Me &tat of Oregon Jot Linn Cwnty. Z F Moody, (1 oyer nor, H P Karhart, Score. Ury of Statu and Kdwaid Hirsoh, Treasurer of the State of Orvgon, constituting the Hoard of Commissioners tor tho sale of sohool and univereily land aud for tholiuvestmont of the faade ariaing sliortdrom, IMaintina. vs. Allis Ann Farrier, Audrew Bird Kurt i. r, iieorf Farrier, Ireua eaiisaheth Barrel! and B M Bqrrell, her huanan), Kdmumi Farrier, John Farrier, Klla Farrier, Phoebe KMie Ciiachamnier and Frederick Chnehamuier, her husband, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an exseatioii and order of aale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Ssturdsy ths 12th day of Feb ruary, 1887, at ths Court Houaa door in the city of Albany, Linn oonnty, Oregon, at the hour of one o clock p. m., sell at public auction for cash tn hand to the highest bid der ths real property dsaoribed in said exe cution aud order af aale as follows to-wit : The northeast quarter of tho southwest quar ter and the southeast quarter of tho north west quarter and lots 'i. 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, south of Range 1 west of the lllainotto meridian ut Mini county, Oregon, ooutaiuiug 164 13-100 acres. The ptoses ds of sals to be applied first to ths payment of the casts and expenses of auit taxed at $66. SO and aocruiug costs aud the further sum of 940 Attorney's fees. Next to the payment to ths Plaintiffs herein the sum of $3tl?.50 with interest at the rata of 9 par cent per annum from the 27th day of October, lss;, and the overplus if any to be paid in to the Clerk of aanl Court. Dated this 6th day of January, 1897. D. S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Ore;mn. Notice of Executrix Sale of Land. NOTICE Is hereby given that in pur suance of aii order of aale tnade by the County Court, of Jackanu County, Oiegon on the .th lav r lKKoinir, ink), auiiior islng and empowering the undoiMlgued as the executrix or MM last win ami teat, meat of Edward a. Freeland, dsosnaed, to nel! oeruln real property deeoribed In aid order ot sala, the undentigned exeou trix of the last will and testament of said Edward A Kreelaud, doooaaed. will on Saturday the 5th day of February, 1HX7 st the h u r of one o'clock p. m. of said dsy st tho Couft House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public aale all the right title ami interest which the aald Edward A. Krland had at the time ef hla death in and to the following rieecribed real property, lo-wit : Lota 6 and 0 in Block No. 3i iu the oity of Ai bny, Lion county, Oregon aa tne saute are described and known on the recorded plat of aald city now on Ala in the office of the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, aaid property will be sold at said time to the highest and bent bidder on the follow ing terms : Ten per cent of the purohaee price or said real property to be peid on the day of aale, and the balance of said purchase price to be paid whan said aale la continued by the Cooatty Court of said Jsckeon county, Oregon, at which time said executrix will execute, and deliver to the purchaser, at aaid sale, a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to said land. Dated this 24th day of December, 1884. Mart a. FaaaLaan, Executrix of the hsSi win and testament of Edward A. Free land, deceased. Over 6,000,000 PEOPUE tfgg FERRY'S SEEDS IIS ija o..PWACQ; IV .aasHaC D.BFCRRT ACQ'S l.r,Bl.. A !SDMUAL For 1887 wU bo sasOed fill to an scd 1 I era. Ai , a. r itet a aa Detroit. SS'oa, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY. OREGON, 1880, 188T- ET. K. 13. THOWPsea. D f , P rest lent. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of "tudy arranged to meet the need or an gradesgOt students. S fecial inducements offered to students Q from abroad. Tuition ranees from 15.50 to S12.50. Board in private families at low rates. Rooms lor eelf-boardine at small exr-ense. A careful supervision exercised over stu deata away from borne. Fall term opens 9eptemter 7tb. For circulars and full particulars address the President. key. b. J. TsiHraa, t, a Albany, Oregon, BEFORE AND AFTER tioctric sppiiascel art tent on jo Uayi' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNQ OR OLD, Wf HO are saSeiiaa from Hmmrov Dssslrt, TV . Loot vitality, Lack ot Nsava Posos ass Vloos. Wasttss Wbasthwsts, asd all aaoso dttitssss of a PaasosAL Vatvbs reeuinaa- from Asesas sad OTSXS CaOSSS. Spoedr relief and coat plots r to rattoe ot HSAXffa.Tiooa sad Masuooo OCASAsnn. The graadeet disoorory of tap Wtnptiaath OoaSsry. aoadat oaoe tor Ulartrstod PAmphiet froe. Addrass veiTAie ielt to., maishau, imcH. UsJ liaasksaasaai- Ka4. i suiiod t rontt ft oHARicXS front lindiserstii TO! Ithsi A Radical Curb KERVOU8 an.aad lssra fcooorUnl dSu before taUastrstt tnent eUewhert. WS CrjREofkousDdoes aot pstrars vttfa sUhu Oif aofc Weak) 2 arHTSI CAXe 1 10 BntttMOJ. or OAUAS w jDSOAYt or moMTeBieaot as wsy. f waded on InYounaAMIddU gea men, TttrttV FOR rcAsjaavussiNi iHOUaANOCASEU. JFnWATMWTT. SarosTreafcaA sjasssasssnsAH Blajroo JloaUia raouiiTsaJae HARRIS REMEDY CO.eM'rcCBEIsWa COOK H. Tenth 8t 6T. iZuia. MO. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby eiven that the under signed, executor of the last will and testa mentor Benjamin Freeland, deceased, has filed bis final account as such executor. and the Court han fixed the hour of 1 o' oloclt p. in. of February 7,1887,for hearina or jections thereto. A, C. Fajrchild, ) Exeentor. ' TwVVnl aanMa! L W nieoTa VW anior aee. pliebler I eeeeLsSeSjeenie le Aul ;dn&bt ivt art tjT tfamtarn stor set. botS ASd tSs. 1 i NCVKS) BUN OIBAPSOINTtO Asaaencral family rommlv fur t sin-psta. Torrid Liver. '.iiiliatlin. etr.. 1 hurdly ever use anytlilns Am; and have never use nnTtiitns olae, and have never dlsapnotnted In Ue effect produced I ins ti le slntnat a perfect curt' ftir all oeen uisi it seeiua ' Of tbejtCTmsanUJc am Oa. Tbta Is las raoat WaOTIOAL H30H CUT BOal ever lnisan I. It U vry ORNTBEIe and DRESSY and vss aao same urotoctU'Q so about or trr uaiu.r. It at sanrosisst to pet oa asd the top can boadjaatad as aa say asals a stsAobr aaevisa; law wattes. w sale fee L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Red Cro wnMills IS0M, LANNIXa & CO., PR0PRV8. raw piocn strtaaioa poa Ajro aAKnas raa. r ami libs BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest iPrioe in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY. OR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gonnslor it law, LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice In all the Courts in the Stat pOR 8 A LB, Oho half block in eastern part of the dtjsrith fair neass and barn vnU baeold F. P. SSfMsJ 0, ,0oe. laosre is aa ebsoiately ssst CURES ALL HUMORS, tYoea a oranrnon Blotch, or Km pt I on, Jo the worst e rof n 1 s7aa!l.rknH byhadbk)od are ponooerod by thai ponvrtuU poHfttraf. and lnvosatlnf medlotnn. Ci real iiaVu bus aj. rs rspaup ncai unoer iu oenisn tnnuai speelaJjv has It insnJfSsted fts pntenei no Tetter, ttose Hash. Boils, C ncles, fore Eyes. Serofnlona So am nweilinam. Hip- Jolin Waits Swslllttgs, Goitre, Neck, and Knlarg ed Cilansl centa in stanps fork kwee treat! or Title km truUiMn. with mC psauas on nmn ansasjasnv or tne fllajastlosu a fair akin, is, vital strength, and cooatlt tattoo, wiil bv eats soiindueu of tarsniaiaeq. CONSUMPTION, which fa fterofnlone Blscase of the- -"aw .?P?,E"P. ana rtaimy airested before tho taststsceeof tho uiiu i in ti iit iiiia tj(jo-rivci .If art- rt -ached. rnra ns wonacriui power over this tcrrtblp fatal disease, when first offering; thin now oeb eprated remedy to the public. Do. Pi tbouRht ar riousfw of cslflna; ft his sumption Core," hiitaraukaooad that i as top llmltod for a rnodicine which, frm intca coat : aaawai !;,( l! itU! which frinn itm wwwiniii uwuiumauun OI loniO,Or BW. )tm t f v. nr lilnnAjlMiuln , pectoral, and nutritive properties, W not only as a remedy tor oonsuxop lunas, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or xna Liver, Blood, and Lungs. fir yon feel don, drowsy, debilitated, nave asuow ooior oi sain, or yellow lab-brown spots on face or body, frequent besdaobe or dizzi ness, bad tsate in mouth, internal hMf. m- nhiii , or yi uow oriuent boa ulb, intern a flaahoe alternating; with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy borebodinirs, Irrerular appetite, and coated tongue, you ere Buffering; from Itidl- " .! V. . . i"JrP'F ana s orpin Liver, or JUlliouaneaa." Jn many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. At a remedy for all such esses, r. Pierce's tioidcu medical Discovery baa no JVor'weak Lnnri, Splitlnjr of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis! ersrp tongri, Consnmptlon, and kindrod affections, it Is a sovcrolon remedy. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Piercers book on Consumption. Sold, by Brnvgiala. PRICE $l.009 ??bVSTS5! Vtriafs Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Main St, Btjtpaio, aT.Y. , ,, .... T. , m WCv'S LITTLE UVfiasWO staaeaasa) pills. A' NTI-BTLTOTTS and CATHARTIC, id njr Bruffylsta. 25 ccuts a vial. Sol $500 REWARD to offered by the proprietors ot Dr. 8oe'S Catarrh Remedy for a cast) of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nosa, offensive or. other wise, partial loss of smeil, taste, AIT heaxmor. lr one f nil naln pressure 1q bead, you have Catarrh. Thou- m cum wrramate in oonsumrrtion. aaaaanT4 .jggm How's Your Liver? Is tlte Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid tho Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the ulood; tVequent headache ensues; a leeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tho means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. IwCKFOBD jH-l fat. CongrssspV I m ftttto BsJH -. Pa. las, ii t jaw sua uu sua Ansesses. or i h wimi TTamjuehly ckmnso It Jrr nstna; r. l rce's CJoldcn lfled.lestl aieeaw... mrut bnoraiit awlr. . M. I ill J . araswaavs'sp th getuoctat. rarDAY January 21, mr. "TEMPERA NOB DEFi&TIlIT, aorraw arr tstb Wmei'i Christian Tempfraaei Oitu The W. 0. T. U. meets cn the 111 and 8rd Toerday of eaob month il I o'clock p. af ., at the A. O. U, W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store, A TALK VOm SOft. A mtulrfter waa talking to the Hud day School about the little sloe of children growing into the crimes of uldV pooic, And described beautiful little anakos, without rattles, wig gling along so plossantly lnthe bright sunshine, end among ths violets end cool grass. Then told how cruel boys killed them, and asked alt tbs chit dren who would not kill ths little in nocents (?) to hold up their bands. Every hand went up but one. "If there Is one cruel enough to kilt ths little things, raise your hand." One boy of ten whose brown eyes bad been flashing Indignation, promptly held up his clinched list. Why would you hurt the innocent little anakee T They bsve no fangs ind no poison." "Because they are snakes, aud will grow big and wilt kill me if I lot them grow. Yes, au-, I will kill every one," he said with fleshing eye. A little slaas of wine. Mow beau tiful, as It sparkles In ths crystal cup ! How exhilarating, to aoe the pearls rise to the top ot tho glowing crim son ! One smacks the tips st the t nought of it. How sweet It is 1 Haw it warms one and makes one tingle with joy I Then in a little while bow rich, eloquent and happy one becomes ! Blessed law thai throws its if acred maatle around this little nake ! Cruet women, who would amend or annul such a law t Where Is the harm in allowing a boy a glass of wins T f Listen, boy ! Life is s bundle of habits. If goo J, then the life la good. If bad, the life Is bad. Habits sis chains of cobwsbs at ths beginning ; great iron links at ths other end. Be ware of bad habits. Form good oosj if it kills you. Usten, ss you raise thst tiny gob let to your young lips. Don't you hear the hiss of a serpent ? Those beads wtU soon torn to ths syea of glowing demons. That beautiful crimson color Ss but the reflection of he flames of sternal torment that will wrap your soul in a mantle of fltme to bum forever. It is omy a httu make to-night. You ran kilt U with a live cent Testament. By end by all the Bibles in the world will be powerless to pot It to dsatb. If yon do not kill ft by and by la this world you will feel tbe lurid flames of tor. ment rising up and licking your feet and wrapping you In a mantis of everlasting flame. Boy, kill the lit tle snske 1 Don't touch anything that Intoxicates t Fairs y L. Ahmstroso. rr stews. The piobibition vote io nearly every Ststs in the Union shows a treat in crease over tbe vote of St. John. Nsw York State polls at least 50.000 prohi bition vote for Congressman, and 35, 000 for Judge of Court of Appeals Michigan vots np 36,000 ; Nsw Jersey gives tbe gallant Fisk 20,000 ; Ohio gives nearly 32,000, a gain of over 5,- 000 for tbe prohibition ticket since last year ; Indiana trebles her vote of two years ago ; Illinois rolls np more than 20,000, Minnesota gives 12,000 ; Mis souri nearly drubles her prohibition vote in spite of various complications Texas comes to the front mitb 30,000 Wisconsin with 20,300; Delaware, which never before bad a prohibition ticket, gave it this year 7,932, making it tbe second instead of tie third party. So far as we have been able to secure returns, tbe total prohibition vots of the United States stands 324,796. St. John's vote too years ago was 151, 223. "TELL THE TEMFKBtaNCS X A III ear. A young man oaa led into a crime by drink, and to the gallows. The broken-heat ted mother went to the celj for a parting kiss ajpd laat word. When asked by tbe sgonized mother what word be would lesys for them, tbe doomed boy said : 'Ob, mother,! didn't want to kill him ; I was crazed with drink. It was tbe saloon that did it. Ob, mother, tell the Temperance people to be in a hurry !" It has been estimated that one fifth of the wages earned in the United States goes for drink. In other words, two bout's toil are performed each day bj every employed person, which goes to make np tbe vast amount expended, $946,000,000. And the vast amount of this business is under tbe protestion and sanction of our government. Dr, Chalmers says, "Before God and man, before the church and the world, I impeach intemperance. I charge it with the murder of innumerable souls, I cbargo it ss tho gpubb of almost all tbe poverty, and almost all the crimes, and almost all tbe ignorance,and almost all tbe irreligion thst disgrace and af flict the land, I do, in my conscience, believe that these intoxicating stimu a a av s wn men snc Into perdition than found a grave the deluge which swept oyer the blghet hill-tops engulfing the sorld, of wbic but sight were saved." raatsosAL. Francis Morphy says that all tl help begets ooms from the aeoul press, as the religious papers Ignore hi aad bis work. Mrs. Gee, Sherman and her dangh Miss Bberman and Miss lUoh- man.are to spend tho winter at Ul Fifth Avenue Hotel. Jobs G. Wbittier, New England loved poet, was seventy-nine years age Friday, D.o. 17. He is living Oak Knoll In Denvets. Senator Kdmnnds' proposition ; make one mertiage and divorce Is common to every state is a moyemen toward a substantial reform. Ths Empress of Aoitris has bad rift shooting ranges for her own nee maJ ill the parka of all bar residences. Bit Is an excellent marksman. Senator Everts is sprucing up. In Stead of affecting negligence in his at tire, he is now one of (he greatest swsllr In point ol drees in tbs Senate oh em bet In retain for bis gift of Arabiai horses Queen Victoria sent to the Sal tan of Muscat a fins gold watob and ohain, a ball dock and a costly tea- li is said that tbs nativea were shocked to see the Princes Louise diuoe a Highland scbottiscbs at a Ger man watering place. They thought it was tbe naughty French can-can. Senator Cheney of Hew Hampshire has travailed much in Eorope,and says that tha more he sees of other conn trips the more strongly he believes in tbe American tariff system. Tbe Doobees of Albany, i low of tbe SB Prince Leopold, will pass Cbrittaaae with Queen Victoria st tbe hie cl Wight. The Oaort will remove to Os borne immediately after. The Queen will open Parliament in person but not is state. Amyot, tbe brilliant scholar anJ pro fssjsor of Greek, Uebrew and Lttto,wbo is racked among those who have con tributed moes toward the perfection of tbe French language, learned to write upon birch-bark withebatosl.wkile he lived oa a loaf of bread per day. Lard Tennyson's vanity has increas ed with his age. For tbe sake of bis great reputation, achieved a quarter of s eentory ago, it were better that his "Looksley Mall Staty Years After" ere still in manueenpt. Apparently he reuasa to recognise the benumbing iaJusaeas of time. It Is a high compliment that Mr.Lo- etaa Tuttle,tbs present welt known and popular general passenger agent of tbe Boston 4 Liweil ratlroad.shoold be se lected by the Canadian Paeifie road ss passenger traffic manager, at a mnntfi esnt aalary. With Mr. Tattle's tact, affability and long experiences brillisnt fetors is before him io this, a wider field of duty. Elibu Burritt was ones wotking at the forge when a will written in Danish and brought from the West Iudies to he deciphered was given to him. It bad visited ear era! of tbe leading colleges in vain, hot, nothing daunted, Mr. Burritt went to work at it, and in two weeka had not only deciphered tbe badly written manned ipt, but had translated it, too, with pet feet correctness. He asked for this service only tbe sum that be would have esi ntd at the forge dur ing the fortnight. Mr. A. H. Alien, ia a paper on oils, read in tbs American Association, said that shark and fish oils are often unsa pooifiable, and banes are not fatty eth ers. He belie red them to contain cool ecterine, Ilka cod -liver oil. The fixed oils can be sepaiated into groups, but we know no process for separating a mixture of lard and cottonseed oil. In experiments in a Russian military hospital, smokers required seven hours to digest a meal exsctly similar in kind and quantity to that digeated in aix hours by others. as O Si Muscbenbroeck foand that a human bsir fifty -esren times thicker thsn a silkworm's thread would support a a a - . weight ot 2669 grains,and a boras hair, ssren times thicker than this. 7970 v grains. A bit of soft paper is recommended by an Soglisfa doctor for dropping med ioines into tbe eye, ss being equally a, fectiee as brushes, glees droppers, etc , and far leu likely to introduce foreign substances. A Nsw Haven infant over two months old weighs only 2 pounds. She is well formed and healthy and of fine vooal equipment. Her height is thirteen inches, her wrist seven-eighths of an inch in oiroumfereeoe, tba back of her head measures one iceh across, and her foot ia 1 inches long. A ValwaMe Medical Treatise. The edition for 1887 of the sterling Med loal Annual, known as Hosteller's Alma nac, is now ready, aad may be obtained, free of coat, of druggists and general country dealer in all parte of tbe United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civil ised portion of the Western Hemisphere This Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year for over one-fifth of a centnry. It combines, with the soundest practical advice for tbe !reaervaUon and restoration of health, a arge amonnt of interesting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, astron omical calculations, chronological items, etc,, are prepared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The iasua of Hosteller's Almanac for 1887 will proo. ably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published inany oountry. The proprietors, Messrs, Hoa tetter fc Ce. Pittsburgh, Pa., an receipt of two cent usiup, win lorwsru a oopy py mn to any person who cannot procure ene in kis I neighborhood. ' Ifaf nave inns more men snu wom 1 IV ill a. for il- Or wr du VI o I u WMIUhto, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC tn Albany, la agent for R0CKF0R0 WATCHES. Repairing dsns promptly and skillfuSlr Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale ot Oregon for Linn County. Martha Houston, Plaintiff. s. Joaie Ttmnsrrman and O W Ltefvn'lsata. Tt e mermen, Ta Jesse sod Q W Timber man, ins sbuye lMcndante ; IN tbe asms of tbs Htats of Oregon, yon and each of yon are hereby repaired to an soar and answer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in tbs above entitled Court, sow oa nia witn tne Clerk of aaid Court, on or be fere ths scoond Monday of March, A. D. 1SS7, it betas the 14th dsv of March A. D. 1S87. sad yon are hereby notified that if yon iaw w appear aii answ, r rani complaint, as hereby required, tbe Plaintiff will apply to me wwn jor ins rsltel Oemsmled therein, -Wit : for a dserss wartitiomn? and divid ing between the l'Uinuff and the Defendants according to their reapsctivs inWeat there 's, the following described real property, to on j LoU 74, 7. 67. OS, o j, 7o and 130 in the city of Scm, Linn county, Oregon ; also, beginning at tn southeast corner of tot 70 aa reouftled in ths original survey of the city of acio, l Ann county, Oregro, running thence west 3u, i feet to the sputhweat comer of let id in said city, thence south to ths north bank of I homes Creak ; thence in aa sealer ly ilireclion. along the North bank of said . reek, to a point opposite to and oa a lino with the hast line of aaid lot 70 : thence north to the niece of bssinmna- I cJs lot 71 in the city of Hcio, except the following, be ?inoinj st ths southeast Crnr of said lot 1 ; thence west 50 feet ; thence north 16 feel ; tbenos east 50 fast ; thence south 16 feet to the place of bsgiuoing ; also ths fol lowing, begioning 14 68 chains east of the northeast corner of Section 28 ia Township In .!.. i. . t ... . ; west ; laeaos ansa a. is eaama thence south 20 chains i th.. Meat aiiiith HQ' 4 west 40.54 chains ; thence south 32.80 chaina ; thence West 45,66 chains ; thence north 52 80 chaina to tbe phase of beginning, containing 100 acres snore or less, and aii being situate in Linn county, Oregon, and judgment for the easts and disbursements ot tlus.smt in the manner provided by iaw. lots summons is published by order of Hen R P Boise, Judge of said C jurt, mads st Chambers iu tho citv of Salem, on Iks 24th day of Dec. 1886, in the Stats Kjouts DEMOCRAT. WbaTHRRKORO k Br.ACKBt'RX, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby eiren that the nndarsien ad haa been duly appointed Administratrix ol tne estate of ivlwanl Murray, deceased, by order of the County Court of Leaa sonntv. Oregon, duly mads and entered of record, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned atAlbany,Oregoa,duly vert sea witstn six months, !rom the date hereof. Use. 314. 13d6. Awn a MikRAT, Weatherford A Blackburn, AdmVx Attorneys. I . , i a ion or aora ttitu Oua Hundred ThouMtid uppllon'.luriH for patents ia Hat,:, r ml oranrn orntn. tries, tha pnnMhrr ot the Bciantiflo Aitivrii ATi continue to net aa nolicitora for pHtunta, carnntt, trarie-iuArsa, copy riiiiiu. e!o.. for tha United Stataa. and obta Mtteiltit In ttanjtiiA Knffl.nd Vnnn. Oermanr. and all other countries Their expert ncJj " led and their taoilitlss are vnaur JTSrs wines and speelSeatiens prepared aad Sled in tha Patent Offtra on short notice. Terms Terr reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Adrioe by mail free. Patents obtained through Mitnn.1 Oo.sranotiosd Inths SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which haa tha largest circulation and ia tha most influential newspaper ot ita kind published in the world. The advantages ol auoh a assise erery patentee uuuvrstanaa. lis larae arid snlandidlv itlnaf rated nismuw to DnbUshed WEEKLY t SatX) year, and is aamuteo to oe tne nest paper aero ted to science, sseohsnies, inventions, engineering works, and ether departments of Industrial progress, pub lished in any oountry. It contains the names of all patentees and title of erery invention patented ssch week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent writs le nana m uo., puoiisners or noientiuo Americas, an Broadway, new York. sua dbock shout patents mailed free. Notioe of Final , Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed 7n the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, his final aceaunt as Administrator eft heaestate of Andrew Miller, deceased, and said Court haa ap pointed Monday, the th day ef February, J887, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m, , of said day, at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, for the hearing of objections to said account and the settle ment of the same. At which time and place ail persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file ab jections thereto, if any they have. Dated January 5th, tax 7. Geo, A. Mipxem, Hawrrrefc Bryant. Administrator. Att'ys for Administrator, 4 asl muWmumkJaJSLkSid mmm BB Sd IB U: I '. .-.! rm Id JULIUS GRADWOHL Has the only CROCKERY, CLASS,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Cholo Selection of Coffee, tea and Sugar CM; CC2EN CUM AND SAUCERS ftl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE OIL, LEAD, W1MP9W LIGHTS AM lime THE HIGHEST iHARkKT Remember! What I Say GOODS AS LOW A8 ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Burssu, JO Bpruoa aU., Hew York. Sand lOois. tor lOO-Paoo JPsirmhlst Raft Houses J. GIBUN, Proprietor. This honss is aow open aad furnished with tha beat new furniture. Everything clean and cemmodtous, offering to ths gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. MADY'S RKKTAURANT.i Two doors east of Odd Fellow's Temple. ALBANY, - - OREGON. steals at all hours and all prices, assists hrtuaiwaur and Yaqaina Bajr OYSTERS ! aVIwais so Ma ad. Fresh miss sis open rery dr, and sold fassii mmm Bf the nlnt or rrttaie Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand beaf. mutton, pork, veal, sausage, etc.. tbe bent meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for ail kinds of fat stock. SOMETHING NEW UNOER THE SUN. A new paper specially devoted to ths in terests of the producing clasnra and tne development of suab intereau ana industries ss the people are directly interested In and benefit ed by. Sustain Those Who Benefit Yon, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Published at - NEWPORT, - - OREGON gives you all the nolnts of interest in re gard to tbe opening of thia new and Short, Route and will keep you advised on all important transactions in the&ty cjuntry It Is the best and most reliable local paper published ia BentonCo, Price reduced to . S2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample oopy and special offers. Take your read in ir matter from thn place from Which you obtain ths crrwatnat good. Add THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Oregon. 6m3 First National Bank OF ALBANYOREGON. resident mnH mwvvs Oshlsr , w. F. MEKHILl. TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking-business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject. to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tetarnanhta tranafor e,M on New Yerk, San Francisco, (Aloatru and Fort! a n Oregon. COLL LLECnONS MAJDE on favorable terms. JSBSCTORS. J. 1. Yomra, Josm Ooinrsa, L. E BLAat, L. Fuss. H. F. MaSJUU, B stray Notice. Lebanon, Or., Jan. 3rd, 1887. To the County Clerk of Linn County tOrcgon Your are hereby notified that I have this day appraised an eatray horse, described as followa "i Dark lorrel with flaiy mane and tail, "also a white spot in forehead, said horse ia about 16)4 hands high and supposed to be about 12 years old. Tha above was taken up by Mounts Story and appraised by me at $40. January 10th, 1837. 6. W. Smith, Justice of the Peace. J. PGaUsBaitu, County Clerk. N O HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY ia complete without the monthly visits of f?a&wAotJ, that delii;ht.eom- fort and aid of the mother. Only publica tion in the world devoted to the care of yonng children. We are glad to recommend it. (5 Beekraan St. Is. Y.) 11.50 a year ; 15 cents a copy Clubbed with the Demo crat for $8 a year. eselualve Mioek of PRICK PAID Fon nan lean. Give Me a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- HOFFMAN & I'FE I FFE R PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE COHFECTIOIEET, We are now prepared to sell' at whole awe, always fresh and pure at Portland We 'also, keep . ful, Iut and Tropical Frnlti. IIS GROCERIES, TerVwpricee.1 AND TOBACCO ran finest ctcea of auosuagandhawing obacco, meerschaum and brier pipes thai Is a delight to smokers. c at, woLvaarroar, o, m , twnmm, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS at law up stairs in"JProman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON Old papers 25a. a handred at the Oarao. okat office. o Vase bcyehs' ct rox aa sWyatss eUMl 319 aslIS w en ai.wrM 3,500 mssssswtsawss s, wfAole Ptct are Gstlery. air ret tm nmeumrre ess svll or eanslljr was. Tells r, asm Bins essaece, con 01 . suae, rat. drink, wesur, err wrttls. These IXTmJAJAMLM tVeaa tlae mavrfcrSw of Use world. We wlU aa!! e sow FHEK to auav asV apoa reeetpt of IO eta. Ss mr - or mailing. lrt ess kveatr 11 sapasl fWlly, WONTCOMERY WARD & CO. SST Ac 0 WsIwassi Awt MAW LAMP CIII3IXKY8 ARB oflortMl for aale represeatved asj MM tho Famous BUT THEY ARE NOT! And like alt Counterfeits lark ike Remarkstble LASTING QuaJlitics OF THE GEJlXINBe ASK FOR T PEARLTOP CH1H5ET The PEARL TOP is Itlonofsictstreel ONLY ky CEO. A, MACBETH & GO,, piTTsnynGH. pa. ENGLISH n ararorj Street, hum rrsusetsee, Cal. Nervous Debility. Seminal Wsstssss, tTkissssS J Spennatorrhoea. Lost Manhoeol, ImpoStSST, i aralvfla, Frostatorrhoea, asd all ths terrible etfeeas ol self abuse, and xcees in saalarer years, soeh as lossef Memory, Lassitude, NoeSnraeJ Bmisatoaa. sperjion to -oclesy, Uimneaa ol rletoa. Noises Is sas Head, the vital flute passing uoobeeived 'a ths arise, s i.i many other diseases that lead to lasaatta east dtath. Yovae anuv Suffertug from any of the above symptom, should causult us at once. The drain oan ae stopped, vl lalfctf restored, and life be made again a ptaasars instead of a but den. There V many BHODLsVACEO MEN v ho are trouble with too frequent evacuaUn of las b ladder, often accompanied by a sl'.ght smarUaeov burning- sensation, and a wrakeuitir or tbe systesi is a manner they cannot account lor, Kopy Sediment in the urine, etc. Many die of this ditBeultv ignorant o' the cause, which is ths sesoud sUureof setaiual w eakness. Cures iruramteed in all such cases. I'easnllMtiA Tree. Thorough exami nation aad lvice, Includinfr chemical analysis aud mierosssssS a assstssSeaa of tbs urine, 5. An honest opinion K ven in every ease. , The following medicines supplied at the r rices n uned : w.JS afT?E VITA I. KsMTOKA. Til g, SS a bottle, or four times the quantity. Ho. SAHPLE FatKK. Sent to any one apply ing by letter, statitur syaaav u ms, sex and ajre. Strict secrecy in regard to all b isineas transactions. Tbe Celebrated Kidney Remedy. EIft RRTI CUM, for all kinds of Kidney and Blatlder C mpisinfc. Gjnerrhoea. Gleet, Leueorrhoea, etc. for sale by al i druggists ; SI a bottle, or six bottles for 5. The gngush HlMKll(l, LIVEJt Aisle BS Jf EtM A 11 LE is the best in the market. For sale bv all druBvist pri.-e 50 cents a bottle. Mdreas KuitiUh Medical Oysttensary. N '. l! Koarnvbtrxel, San Ftauieiseo Oai Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed nas bosn by the County Coart for Linn county, Oregon. appointed Adtninis tiatnx with tbe will annexed of the estate c'Jarnes Mady, deceased, lata of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re q dred to present them prooerlv vsrirtad Injibtar THIS i-at.ucu 80 , 1888. required by law, to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon within six months from tl is onto. This January 3rd, 1887. Maroarbtt Mast, Administratrix with the will annexed ojf the estate of James Mady, deceased. Wkathbrford k ButcKHcasr, Att y's for Administratrix. 3AINT8 AND OILS. A full line of lead and oil, mixed paints, kidsomine, etc,, always on hand. Swrwawr Seae,