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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
Ik gcmocrat. Entered at the Poet Office at Albany , Or a second-class mail matter. Fill D V.Y JUNE 11, 1886. BNTE3 & altars aad NUTTING. Frapr!. KI P. M Triltt. -.seal MHsr. moiALl- and PER. a MAX ABvtT taw. It is reallv refreshing to have an election tover, the agon v disposed of, as it were. O There Ir rarely ever a spring In Oregon when the cry Is not heard that spring wheat will be "busted" if it does not rain. h the face of this maliirners keep vclplng that the water slops over here. O The school children of the city are now vacating. The next few months will be a season of unrestrained laziness, fun and 'mischief. Vacation is a necessary evil. It helps to make hoodlums of some and little men of others. Boys you can not afford to sow tares during the summer. 0 The M. A. T. begins to think the most sensational and novel like literature of the day is the associated press dispatches. Some of its items would make a dime novel feel ashamed of its yellow cover. All this palaver about a bride's dress, the color of her stockings, and the way she twisted her mouth when she said "I do" is exceedingly frkaome. The Man About Town witnessed a pecu liar horse sale the other day. It was at auc tion, and a fair bid had been reached when the saddle was pulled from the animal by an inquisitive individual, revealing a dilapi dated looking back. All bids were Imme diately withdrawn, the saddle returned to its place and the auctioneer started in again, getting five dollars less for the little act of Indiscretion. O Observations taken by the M. A. T. Monday revealed the following to be the principal occupation of voters on that day i A Viae Eatrrlatai tal. The closing social and entertainment given by the young ladies of the Y. W. C. T. l, at the residence of Mr. L. E. Blain, on last Tuesday evening, was attended by a large concourse of young people, from this city and Corvallis, a couple loads coming from the latter place, among whom a Democrat man noticed Miss Nellie Calla han,. Miss Wright, Miss Keller, alke Ydung, Mies Hitchens and Messrs. Job, Kesee and Baldwin. Besides sociability, games, and a sumptuous lunch of straw berries, chicken sandwiches, etc., a short program was rendered, consisting of a Bible reading, a duet by Misses Lillie Robertson and Clara Read, reading of a selection from Josiah Allen's wife by Miss Ina Robertson, a vocal solo by Miss Hitchens, of Corvallis, recitation, Tendered with fine effect, by Mies Keller, of the same place, and s hort remarks by Mr Baldwin, of Corvallis, and Revs Condit, Irvine and Lockard, of this city Mr Baldwin, who spoke very pleas antly, did not tell the story of leading a forlorn hope for County Judge in the re cent election, and for one who had just learned the fact, exhibited remarkable pres ence of mind. The entertainment, all to gether was an uncommonly pleasant one. Mr Blai i's lawn was lighted with Chinese lanterns for the occasion, and everything worked for the success of the affair. ( ONNitriMin BIKB1 IftKS. The Nineteenth Annual Commencement Exercises of the Albany Collegiate Institute will take place at the College in this city beginning on Sabbath evening, when at the request of President Lockard, Rev Condit will preach the annual sermon. Following is the complete program for the commence ment season : Sunday evening, June 13th, 7:45 p. m. Annual sermon in College Chapel by Rev E N Condit. Miindav evenina-. lune uth, 8 p. m. Alumni meeting In College Chapel. Presl dent, Mr Clara Wolverton. Instrumental soloAnna Houck. Praver, Vocal soloRev E R Pritchard. Recitation -"The Fallot the Tay Bridge" Miss I fettle Miller. Vocal duet -Mrs G W Chamberlain and Rev Pritchard. Address "Anarch v In America" -J)r J T Tate. Instrumental solo Miss Laura Tate. Essav The Aurora"- Mr Mary Gas ton. Introduction of class of 1886, by. Rev Lockard. Response by Mr Wolverton. Response by member ef class. Vocal solo Mr G W Chamberlain. Tuesday, June 15th, a p. m. Literary exercise by the undergraduates. Instrumental duet May Cundiff and Laura Vance. RecitatlonZora Mark. Recitation -"The Mock Turtle Story Laura Vance. Declamation " Out v of Christian Citiien- ship" Jhn Geisendorfer. Instrumental solo -Mtuireti tsurmester. Recitation -"The Greenwood Shrift" Flora Mason. Essav "Crom well" Jas Tomlinson. Recitation "Mr Brown's Husband" Lena Whitson. Instrumental solo Miss Beth Conner. Recitation "Briar Roee" Esther Mar shall. Declamation -"Principle of Freedom" Orris Archibald. Recitation -"An Order for a Picture" Helen J raw ford. Vocal duet Mies Goodwin and Lulls Robertson. Immediately followed by the CLASS TEEE EXERCISES. President Stephen C Flinn. Orator Frank W Promt. Poetess Mis Lillie M Robertson. Historian Quincy E Propt. Prophecy -Collin Elkln. Tuesday evening, June 15th, 8 p. m. Address by of salcm. tVlilXi BVIRTS. Rev E J Thompson. D. D., Wednesday evening. June 16th, 8 p. m Graduating exercises Music. Praver Rev S G Irvine, D. D. Musk. Salutatory and oration "Character of Abraham Lincoln" -Stephen C Flinn. Oration "Labor Question"- Quincy E Propst. Music Oration -"Thought" Frank W Propt. Essay and Valedictory "Imagination." Lillie M Robertson. Response from the undergraduate Orris Archibald. Music. Presentation of the diploma by the President. Music. Benediction. Her Most I spending I year at Black well's Island with the privilege of making It 500 extra day by not paying a fine of $500, When his beard was shaved off the face presented was a horrible one. There are about one hundred Chinamen In Seattle now. Two boys at Knoxvllle,Tenn.theld a com. panion under the water until he was dead. The boy were Immediately indicted for murder. A Nebraska farmer sent some corn to Chicago. 37 cent per bushel was received for it. Of this amount the farmer received 5 cent, a cent going for transportation, torage and commission. Talk of high way robbery and lawyer fees. It I thought Congress will adjourn be fore Its next session in December, Mr Bart Allen, on Saturday at the public speaking, said the next campaign by the Prohibition party would be begun on Tues day. That I spunk. It Is currently reported that Governor Hill of New York State is in love. The despatches should now tell which eye Gov ernor Hill's girl wink first and whether he eat onion or not. A nine year old boy was killed at Fresno, Cel., on Thursday of last week by a rattlesnake. Stlg Laid anil. A big land suit has been brought against Mr. Walll Nah, of Corvallis, the follow- ing account of which we get from the Xru t, of Portland : The Oregon Agricultural Company has begun suit against Wallls Nash, Second ice President of the Oregon Pacific Rail road, in the United State Circuit Court, for its rightful hall of about 60,000 acre of land. The land in question U situated be tween Corvallis and Y equina Bar. For cause of action the plaintiffs alleged that the land was first given to the State to build a wagon road from CorvallU to Y equina Bay, and that the State, in turn, transferred it to the Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road Company. By a deed the land was conveyed to T. Edgerton Hogg, President of the Oregon Pacific, and Wallis Nash, and they sold it to the Oregon Agricultural Company. It was represented that the Agricultural Company was a foreign cor- K ration, and consequently could not hold ids in this State, and the land remained in the possession of Hogg and Nash, as trus tee, until December, 1884. They then made an agreement to surrender their stock in the Agricultural Company and to take half of the 60,000 acre, the company to pay all claims, and further to retire the stock of Hogg and Nash taken in payment. The interested parties had a division of the land in New York CHy, and the portion coming to the Agricultural Company was deeded to Charles Smith Sey ton, in trust, as trus tee for, among other. Wallis Nash. The latter immediately notified the Agricultural Company not to transfer the land without his written consent. The beneficiaries were all conveyed in the deed to the company, but Nash refused to convey, although he had no beneficial interest in the matter. Seyton died In April of this year, and the suit of the Agricultural Company against Nash has for its object the appointment of a trustee in place of the deceased, and to di rect him to convey to the plaintiff corpora tion, the equitable owner of the above prop erty, their rightful half thereof. atartllag'tr T i The recent grand jury at Seattle In their report said : Tuesday, June 8th, 1886. In our investigation of crimes growing All present but Councilman Marshall. I ne ezouiswn o. n.neee people iron. ,, r . - , Seattle and Puget Sound, we have had Committee on Street, granted further h 9vUimah docu mentarv and oral. time to report on petition to change grade j before us, revealing the existence through out this country of a treasonable organia on Ninth street. The time to collect taxes was extended to Billed la a Well. Last Saturday two or three men, one of whom was Elmer Smith, were digging a well about two miles beyond Corvallis, when Smith met with an accident termin ating his life instantly. A blast had been le. off in the bottom of the well, and it was supposed the smoke had all cleared away, wh -n Smith went down in a bucket to the bottom of the well, and immediately after wards called the men to draw him up, prob ably feeling the effects of the smoke which had remained in the well. When up about fifteen feet He fainted aqd fell from the bucket, striking on his head, breaking his neck and killing him instantly. June aind The City Attorney was time on ordinances. On motion the Marshal was ordered to notify property owner to connect with , ewer in block 23 within 15 days. Request of Medin to have crosswalk fixed referred to Committee on Streets and Public Property. Petition of Qwong Sing for rebate on Uses referred to Committee on Ways and Means Third reading of the Keady liquor law ordinance was postponed until next meet ing on account of the absence of an Alder man. Proposition of Robinson 8t West to furn ish lumber for $11 per thousand accept ed the city to take such quantities as needed. Bond of Mueller & Garrett for laid on table until next meeting. A gad Accident. A few days azo while driving a four horse team beyond and near Mary's Peak, Bill McVey, the driver met with a very serious accident. In some manner not known to us, the wagon was tipped over and on to McVey, in such a manner as to break and mash one of his legs below the knee tn a frightful manner. Drs Whitney and Warren were sent for, and found it necessary to amputate the leg, which they did just below the knee. j tion known as the "Red American Indus- trial Workmen' Association." Belonging to this rwanl Hon i a body of men calf granted further ing themselves "Scientific Socialists " The , headquarter of the Scientific Socialist on nnWred to uu cobhk " n r ranoaco. t im K I mww nmrmww -mr l . . t ft ; .a as soon, wun an us orsncnet, t essentially ana re ha! in theory and practice. The main articles of the creed are arson, robbery and murder, its proposed purpose is the over throw of our government and the erection upon its ruin of so-called socialist ic cotnmonwealth. The first move of this so-caltled socialistic commonwealth is to confiscate all property, and the policy pur sued by this association is to secure control POf.tTK U, EttTt. In Wet Albany the vote for Justice of the Peace wa. R L Dorria,i3o . J F Back ensto, iay. Constable, J E Jenk , 117 ; D B Montetth, 147. Scratching is no name for the manner In which tickets were mixed up. In East Albany out of about 400 votes, there were only 67 straight Democratic ones and 65 straight Republican votes. D V 8 Reld's vote In Albany was a high compliment to the respect in which he Is held as an educator a well as Superlnten dent In this city. "Vanny" Smith polled a very popular vote In the west side precinct. The big vote In Sclo, Franklin Butte and Fox Valley for MrTrask was no disparagement to Mr Smith, but was given as a compliment to Mr Trask, who Is held in esteem in his own precincts, where known. Mr George Humphrey re -elected Justice In East Albany by 33 votes, and C G Burk hart Constable by a votes, Notwithstanding the tremendous fight made agsinst Judge Stralian his vote in I .Inn county was a very popular one, and testified to the little effect slanderous re port have In a political contest. Now that the election I over there are plenty of men who knew just Ikw It would go in Linn county. Of course, as a matter of fact some did. Thl county is jut about 375 Democratic. The Oreganian 1 getting In Its work on "I told you o." A tramp was arreated Monday night for casting an illegal vote. John Shea and Z B Moss brought the new from Sweet Home. The Prohibition vote in Linn county wa about 75. A reports., were brought In from only part of the precincts we shall not give the vote until officially counted. If estimates fell off In the ame proportion over the State the vote will not amount to aooo. The vote In the two Albany precincts was itboul 135 more than two year ago, in dicating a targe increase In population. Sam Wilson was elected J. P. at Water loo and A D Leedy Const able, the vote be ing.for Justice, Sam Wilson, 6a, F. Healer. $6. For Constable. A D Leedy, 63 ; J D Keenan, 57. The entire Democratic ticket was elected In Benton county, with the exception of Bush Wilson for Clerk. His majority wa about 5a Baldwin was defeated for Coun ty Judge by over aoo majority. Lark Bilyeu was elected Representative in Lane County. Mr Gove, sister of Mr J H Townsend, of this city, was elected School Superinten dent of Multnomah county. Several State papers including an Al bany paper, InaUted on giving Herman 350 maturity in Linn countv, whereas Butler received about that majority. In Multnomah county the entire Repub I lean ticket wa elected with the exception of Church for Clerk and Mrs Gove for Superintendent. ludire Brouauuh's letters did not elect him. Geo W Belt was elected Prosecuting At tornev of tle Third District by about iui majority and Judge Boise Judge by nearly jou majority. In the 4th District Hamilton was elected Prosecuting Attorney Pairs-lew HONS aftt AttKOAB Rain is nee led, K .M French, jeweler. 5501 vote ware osft in Portland. The bast harnast t J J Djbruilles. Fear box of trawl) trriei for a quarter. J. P. Wallace, Physician sad Surgeon, Al bany, Or. The O' Toole House wilt soon be optned to the piblio. Head A Browne!!' stock of faaoy groceries is uoequsled. A lion lmn of tobseu.) a id oijar at Read A BrownsU'j. All the groceries you can turfy for a dol lar at Bead A Browned '. Old silver is worth 85o. per os in trade at F W Carter's. Nineteen cent was paid ia this city Sat urday for wool. Attead the commencement eieroiso in this oity next week, Cherry A Hausbaw are doing considerable work at their foundry. Bastieatiug partis for the Mountains and Bay ar being orvattiasd. Assessor Phil Smith lead the I tioket, with about 500 majority. Six shaves for a dollar sod a otcan towel to every customer, at L. Vierioks. Look out for some genuiti M tple stiver next week at Head A Browned'. Cherries are suffering all oyer the oiy by man ooy sou girl promiscuously, The one hundred feet rule wss trltly observed in this oity on last Monday. For the best eWeoti-mtrv. tobtoi H. aro. can", etc., osll 00 H tfftfisu A f'fiffr. P M Krenoh. stent Sirwer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd fellow Tempi, Albany, Or. A tent of Adventists is new located ,u the eorner of Kllsworth and Fourth Street. The heaviest salmon oauitht .in the Col ombia this yeai weighed sixty eevea pounds. Pick up that old gold jwlrv end hsv it mad into a nie gob! riug at if W Carter's Dr. M. If. Kihs. phyeietstt sad suneon All say, Oregon. Hells mail m city or oquatry, Rev J W Hani, of Malm. occupied the pulpit of lbs Congregational Cnuruh Isst 81. Uth Mr H Flindt ha moved hie Wit an I eboj shop to the neat door east of L Vtereok's W- bar shop. Shoes, sandals sad slipper 'or lad , mis, children sod infants, at M .nteith A Hatten been'. American Hiilroler, it Q ,m in H,M, , k t Mf gt)i(i4 .d .4, od we iiiau w w jas a T wilt v . . t t , . 00 the averese Neerly I " C' ,,- h",,r thn any store 1 1 Oregon. of all labor organizations, and particularly the "Knights of Labor," to see to h that officers of labor organizations are chosen from the Scientific Socialists, to employ I every means to produce discontent among the people, and to stir up on all occasions and at all time as much strife and agita tion as possible." I The jury found that the object of the license Socialists is to destroy all title to property, I to control every affair of life, to abolish Bid of R A Murphy to grade squares at Ferry and Sixth streets and Washington and Sixth streets for $20 accepted. Street Commissioner requested to esti mate, cost of sewer in block 8 adjoining tot 7. Same directed to notify property own er to build a new alley crossing in block S, on Broadalbin street. Commissioner or dered to remove dirt at junction of Fourth and Montgomery street. The following bills were ordered paid J Gradwohl, $3 ; W H John Maxwell, $15.50. money, labor certificates to be used, Do not get scared, for depend on American people will prove too much such underhanded organizations. etc the for Sebesl ttepert. - Rev J T Wolfe preached to an apprcci ative audience at the above place last Sun day. Among those present we noticed Hon F A Watt and daughter Minnie, of Shedd. Rev Joseph Emery arrived here last Fri day. Rev Geo H Lee, of Corvallis preached at Orleans last Sunday, In the future he will fill a regular appointment on the firs t Sun day of each month. The school at this place is prospering un der the management Miss McFadden, of Lane county. Mr Fred Homine, of Benton county passed through our place this week. Several of our residents have been at tending the meeting of the -holiness band" at Philomath. Mr A J Striker arrived here from the East last week. Mr C H Schmadeka and wife, of Idaho are visiting at the residence bf Jos Yates. Crop are looking well. E Truax buy milk from the farmers, and converts it into cheese. M T Crawford, A. M. ex-County Super intendent of Whitman, W T., arrived here last Sunday from San Francisco, and is visiting with relatives. Vera. Crease Pleaic. A- . V. W. On last Monday night Safety elected the following officer : A D Barker, M. W. Al Saylor, Foreman. W A McClain, Oveiseer. N J Henton, Recorder. E A Parker, Financier. Ben Brenner, Rcc. W B Scott, Guide. John Chiswell, J W. M Cowan, O W. J Joeph, Trustee. Lodge f'e Election Last Monday evening Albany Engine Company No. 1 elected the following of ficers for the ensuing year 1 Jos Webber, Foreman. Henry Suesens, 1st Assistant. Watt Mdnteith, 2nd Assistant. C II Stewart, President. Walter Porter, Fin. Secretary. Louis Miller, Trees. Massaic rteale- The Masonic picnic mentioned in our last issue will be held at Hackleman's Grove on lune 24th. A festive time will be had, Everybody is invited. The Grange picnic to be held at Jeffer son, June idth, nth and 12th wjll be a big affair. Many from this city will attend Reduced fare will be given, we understand. Following is the program, for which we are indebted to our neighbor, the Herald. FIRST DAY. Opened with music and prayer. Address of Welcome at 1 30 p. m. Hon Rufu Thompson. Reply Hugh Harrison and W N Cook. Music. Address 8 A Dawson. Supper and sociability. SECOND DAY. Opened with music and prayer at 9:50. Address Judge R P Boise. Music. Declamation W N Cook. Address W D Hare. Dinner. 1 p. m. Music, Address Daniel Flint, Lecturer o Gali- fornia State Grange. Essay Mrs 1 L, Hilieary. Music. Address Judge Flinn, of Albany. Supper and sociability. THIRD DaY. At 9:30 Music. Address H E Hayes. Music. Address R A Irvine. Music. Short speeches by everybody and the ladles. Foot races and amusements. Committee on amusements for the entire picnic Mart Miller, J Voorhee and Mc- Minn Uodson. Following is the report of School District No. 14, for 2nd month, commencing May toth, ending June 4th, 1886 : Whole No. of day attendance, (333 I McFarland, $38.25 ; i whole No. of days absence, 47 ; whole No. ot day tardiness, 4 ; wnoie no. ot noys enrolled, 8 ; whole No. of girl enrolled, xi ; total No. enrolled, 19 ; average No. belonging, 19 ; average daily attendance, 16.1 ; No. of new pupils enrolled, 1. Roll of Honor. Nora Froman, Robert Hunt, Walter Wallace, were neither absent nor tardy during the month. In lat months report, whole No. of days Wednesday Devoe A ftobsen sold four bajtgies and phaeton's, among the nasn'wr being a very handsome phaeten for Mr. Robert Conn, who does not propees to be out done by his son. Wills ear tie I alters! tj M. s. KJgioKton will negotiate long tim uaa with Corbin Ksnsine Company at re duced rats. Bishop Dubs preached ia the Kuifeliel Chureh a laet Tuesday eyenina to a laree congregation . are 293 00a v idle iu the State oeoi- Uatiary and AW patients 10 the mean ay lam at Salem. KoraemWr 'hat the tdaoe to est haru. sa idles, etc . is at tlahrntlle'. li s stock 1. a splendid ooe. UmetilU county paper "everylastinalv" pread tlmije on twfsre sleetioe. They are getting better now. NutwitheUodtog th election law there versplsatyin the eity Monday pretty well til I ml up with gia. Oo to Pmshaw'a nw Dm Store for our drug, patent oie-uainea, etc. Pre3rijii'u ear! oily compounded, Mr Cnerlse Braeh ha purchased th wire works esuhlishmcat, recently run by hi father, Mr John Brush. The marriage of two prominent sod highly rpetd youog people of this etty is ao aouooed for next weeA. Gladstone" Horns Bill was defeated on it seeoad readiag by thirty vote. Maglead act yet out of the woods! Kev 8 K Davis, has been sta sppotuted to th Albany Kagele4 Chorea by the 1 otiiraee recently tn see tuu. Hark beet A Pfeiffer ate dtag aone tine w,ra 10 meir Jot rnuti,w iUm ie th time to get guou work at loer ligirs. Now that election i over lt oar cur - .-a m m. . pouoenis 4ii in. spread 1 m, and give us all use newt, right sod left, a it wer Dr. J, P. WJUe bta U eased his Safest, ia the OTool Bloc j.t north of the DsJSo caaT offioe, where bis friends will tied hi ... W T Barney, ae the 1 of L T Bet i. has aeeumsd the daitee ol K-'gitr of the Uuitsd Sutes I .and OiBve at Oregon l,V.y. Wtn Fortmtitcr A I V .have moved latotbeir near quarters 10 th Brash building, wbtcn they nave fitted up in a very neat sod tasty manner. O. W Maatoo, Physician and Surgeon, Albany , Oiegoa. Graduate of the Cincinnati College of Ptoymeiao and .Surgeons, Cincin nati, Ob 10. The Amiorian wants some ball clubs estab lished in that city. The hoys woo id have to play in bota, elee we never saw the whom There is a family ia Glascock County, Ga., consisting of a man, bta wife and three chil dren, whoa aggregated weight is less than 200 pounds. Several tramps were duly "pulled" into the CsJibooee Monday niht, sod Tuesday received their desert at toe hand of Re corder Henton. Scrofulous eruptions, such as pimples, discoloration of akin, especially on faes, wilt disappear rapidly by using Plunders Oregon uiood runner. Should you desire to sell your property call on Burk hart A Keeney a they advtrUse property placed ia tbeii hands, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. The old Chinas building and shoe shop next to th Kevere House have been torn down, preparatory to the oonatruotiou of Charles Pfsiffer's new brick block. The Oregon District Conference of the M vtar in its history. ThsstteniUhd hit num. be red nearly 300, and w learn that the workings of the institution in every way is improving every year. Jae Jaiwann wa xatnioe I before Justice Humphrey Wednesday and Ksm to awsit th action of the Grand Jury un ler 8300 baft, which he oenld not fnruish. He ad mitted he was not a resident of Oregon but aid h waa intoxicated. Farmers wanting a first -da reliable send wheat nest tall wilt do well to call 011 Mr A L Bridgefarmr, near Tangent. The I .an il re th ia as reliable as say wheat raised and li a wonderful producer. Mr Bridgefarmer has fifty acres sowed 4o it, ahiuli speaks in strong language for the wtiaat. Sec his li )d. Adv. iu another column. This offioe is under many obligations to Mr .Villiam Peacock for a ort of hi m urpad trewbrri. Mr Pecock heel one of the finest patches in the Northwest j and deserves the large crop he always re- ceiyee. Strawberries are our weakness, f hence snob acts are always immensely ap-, predated. J According to the osts a littl moro than to run a locomotive eigl.t oi.ts of this is for fuel, 71 ceuts lor pay of engineer and Hrsmsu, 4 ceut for oil and waate and more than A cents for re pairs. A ton ot coal will run a looomotiv twentydour miles, a pint of oil will run eleven mile and a pound of wast 123 miles. Th locomotives ot s railwsy like ton North western run a half 'million of iin! a mouth, According to the following oxrs are good for outthiug after all : "the four feet of an ordinary os will make a plot of oeat'e l .ot oil. Not a bone of anyauiuial ia thrown away. Many oattlo'e ahiu bones arc ahipped to Kuglaud for the mskmg of knits handles, where they bring $40 per tou. The thigh booe are the most vstuable, ling Wurtb H0 per ton for cutting into tooth-brush handle. To fore-leg bouv r worth 30 per ton and are madi lo o colUr buttons, Karasol handlea aud jwtir, thong:, eheepe' gs are the staple paro handles. The water in which the bones err untied is reduc ed to glue, and theduit which comes from awing the bene ia fed to cattle and poul try. MritniijU Amtnran. An Bstteru pp-.r giras the fo'dociog ac count of a Portland dog: "Judge Bybee, of Portland, Or., ha an Irish dtcr, and between the Justice sad the d -g very io tunsta friendship eaits. The man day tne Judge went to Sa Francisco wi .ljout con ulttng the setter. A soon as the dg mused bis master be went moping alont, and rs fused to he com for le 1. The ueat dy h grew moodier, aud n three dsye pasted by and still no msstor aaa visible he ley down iu the eioaet where the hunting trapa were kept, and refused alt cres, and lor live day would not take a particle of food. Finally he wandered off to a livery atable. hsr tne master horse w kept, and would not b drivsn away. O ic- a day he went beck tu the house for rd. and k;ot op this program till tbeabseutoteretarued " The Jane ilaymzine mf Anuritan Hiatal is a strong aud intensely tuurretiug number. Six artU-lee of antiquarian and bieturujoruin- insnos precede throe of cm rent War Ittera- tuie biiin in all, and each a (reiturc in ita. elf. The "Sketch of Han Autnuio." touchee upon some of the meat escitiug eveete in the history of Tetas. Prui varly Teas to modern Canada seems bat a step, ana! Dr. (lender's argumentative paper i a striking feature of the issue. Then u ..i... Mr. Bao- crolt' forcible esy on "S'l Co. ernment " Dr Kills, president of in- Maoliusette historical Society, follow , . , , I, ,,i-r on the ,,Uocoostru..ti. n..f I!it..r , Tne Hon. Charles K Tuokermsn. former Mir later to Creeoe, contributes notable paper on the "Triumph of th American Principle " Mr CUese write of the "Cnivuion of Virgin -is, 17S5I," Tms throe Ciyil War Studies are ol the first oonsenaeuca. tteneraf Lee eluci date Stonewall Jackaon'a generalship and Fremon t defeat at the "Battle of Port itepublic and Lewie too. " Oae of the retreat ing party describes the ''Retreat of Dayia sad the Confederate Government irom Rich mond," accompanied by a superb portrait in etesl of the f slice President ; and Mr Wal ler give a vivid account of the capture of Moby. I be l.sst ot the Uuidederste 1 nis msgssme is s vertti,i neceeeUy in every rood library collection. Typographic ally It ie not sxesltad by any periodical ex- Unt. Pabbeatioo office, 30 Lafayette Place, Kvw vera uuy. MMiu Am ramawa Atv PRICES SLAUGHTERED TO THE PEOl'IdS OF ALBANY AND VICINITY We heva opnd h stock o gnnel iiirotiandise ftit'a hardware) etnm. We btve sou.e next door to Psti 0i BANKRUPT G00D8 That we will close out at One-half the Original Cost. e rojd"f ti sleot from. will conyino? you tbst Come while th stock ;'s We will fxebange good 1 w FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, At hisb' ni irfcot val fhriMitfhout i st mi k. ie. We qu)te a few prices, which will irrespond 16 POUNDS GOLDEN C SUGAR 8 CANS WINSIOWS CORN SI 1.00. 40C, A PIUO. 23 GENfS. LORILLARO CLIMAX CHEWING T03ACC0 3 L8. CN TABLE FRi TS 9 POUNDS NO. I COFFEE $1.00 25 YARDS PRINTS $1.00. RAYMOND & DRESSER. C'eaferese appolal is. Pollowihg are the new appointment of the Evangelical Church, Oregon Confer ence : Willamette District J Bowersox, P. E. PortlandA fschleuk. East Portland C C Polingand, II PraU Milwaukie- -P Bittner. Iayton-fI L Rittnei. Independence tiuweamp. Wctl-FJ .Htrayer. Salem J A llollenbaugh. Albany S E Davis. CorvaflU J L liershner. Slaalag Wire. Owing to toe uncertainty in tlie amount of binding wire to be used this season, there wilt not be any more importd than is ac tually ordered! Those intending to ase it will hsve to send their order to m not later than Jane let, and a much srltr a x-ei-hla, a same will have to be ordrrrd from manufactories 10 the Eat, nd orders moat be eut in at anc, for it to be here in sea eon. Sane ri. E. ooao. A tireat Bxeevratesv Every oue t'e go, laoies arriyiug cy ery uituutnat the store of MonUttb 4 Kei- tenbach. Each and ad are tusking their spring selections of dree ye!, faacy xoods, etc., tn fact evr thing aw ana attraotiva can be fuuud there, so if you want a pointer measoriae this and give them a call. tear Slscrrtes. When Baby was skfc, we tsr CAJTOBIA, Wean she wa a Child, ab erled tot CAATOXIA, WaeaebetMeaaae Ukm, ae taag ts CAJTICMBLA, Wasa dimmiaiUmhmmMmihmnCAmMlJL. Dissolution Notice. Notice is beroby given thtt ihe copartner ship heretofore existing tia.wevu S A Cherry, M r Hays and John HaM:ia- m iti day dissolved by mutual consent. M P Hsys re tiring. All liabilities of the firm ; f Cberry. t(ys 4 Hanshsw are assomsd by Cherry 4 Hanshaw and all debts dn aod oio said firm are payable to said Cherry 4 M .rot aw. N A. until-. , M. r. Mars. its Man -haw, Albany. Or.. hUy 29 .h. 1889. 1 have certain account lejaily assigned to me by William Kriesei before hi eettiemtnt with oldmith 4 Loewentrg, and as the said firm of Goldsmith 4 Ioewxntvrg have giyeo notice that they eiain all accoaab a having been assigned to Mass, I hereby give notice to all who are indebted to the late firm of William Knees', to call on ms before settling with the above nsmed firm, and thus avoid trouble, J. L. Fullzk. I hereby certify that the above statement ieoorrecA. William Kaizarx. Harrtaborg, May 25. 1386. We have a little machine that wiil sees I ekerriee at the rat of from three to four buehl per hour. Jot the thing for person hsviog s drvsr.or ho expect to esa cbernas. Its cheap. Come and see it. PsTCas 4 Stcwabt. Home for the Sick. PORTLAND CENERAL HOSPITAL, Cor. Second ami A-h Stretts, This office has received a very neatly gotten up catalogue of the Willamette Uni versity at Salem. Commencement exer cises take place on June 17th. Hon. J. F. Caples will deliver the address. Following will be the graduates : Maggie A Caples, attendance should hsve been 323, instead of of Portland ; La Fayette Conn.of Roseburg; 360. E. A. Qollins, teacher. The nicest and cheapest line of lad is fine shoes in town can be found at Read 4 Beowwell's. Wool 5 Wool ! t Wool ; I well Parties having wool to sell will do to call on me before disposing of it. Samuel E. Young. S race vies. N. H. Alien ft- Co., keen a full Uq of groevnss, ana tney will give you as much for your money ss you on get in any store 1 in Oregon . Try them . Portland, Or., March 26th, 1880. Having tried the effootaof the oonoen treted extract of Oregon Kldaey Tern we eneerrullv bear witness to its benefi cial agency in affections of the digestive organ, It la simple, safe and sure ; is eaatly taken, and restores healthy -vitality to the organs it la intended to operate upon wttn aasured hucco. i. I MUUORMICK, editor "Oatnolte 8entinel." Henry H Goddard. of Vancouver. W. T. e v ' r Edgar B Piper, of Satem. In the list of students attending the college are the fol lowing from Linn county : Junior class, Miss Laura Goltra, Albany ; Sophomore class, Misa Maggie Geisendorfer, Albany ; J O Goltra, Albany. University Academy, second year, Mary and Fred ftlount, Al bany ; Edith R Pentland, Scio ; first year, Kate C and Thomas Barrett, Albany ; Jen nie Blount, Albany ; Abbie J Mills, Harris burg ; J R Swank, Albany, 1 1 11 s The Bess atlaeler, Carpet Arrived. An exceedingly large stock of carpet in all qualities has just been received by Mob teitb 4 Seitenbaoh, The assortment em braces the newest pattern and coloring These goods are being offered at very tew prices. People wanting orrpets should not tail to see them. K Charch ."oats will convene at Tangent, June 17th at 2:30 p m. All the members of th body are requested to be prase tit. Through a typographic! I error we were made to say President Cleveland was marrisd to Mr Foleoin. It should hsve been Mum Polsom. The wedding waa a tine affair. Every man when employing any work done want it done promptly. J R Stewart son is always ready to do anything in the truck and dray line promptly. Call upon him. A lot of horses at San Francisco became frightened a few days ago and jumped into the Bay. One of them landed on a bsacb Ave miles away, after swimming for tvelve hour. Mr J F Crabtreo a tew day ago left at oar office a peculiar freak of nature, it being an old potato with a new one growing in good form ineide of it. Verily thia is a fertile country. Th Misses Howard lately from th east have opened a millinery bu.ioeea in the room formerly occupied by Mis Foster wha.s all good will be sold at eastern prices. Call sod see them. The sure effect of Ayer's Sareaparilla are thorough and permauent. If thre ia a lurk ing taint of scrofula abou you, Ayer's Sar eaparilla will dislodge it, and expel it from your system. A whisker dye must be convenient to use. We mean the new steel frame Osborne No. 1 1, to be found at our agriculture house. A neater, nicer and better twine binder can not be found in the U. S. Ita work in this I a. 1.. . :Li- , u . a . . county alone speaks for h. All the farmers f rw. want it, because nothing else can do the Waal Waated. Highest market price in cash paid wool at th store of A. B. Moll wain. for work it doe. Other binders are taking a retired seat for it. It is the very best binder and that is the reason for it. Call and see the 1886 binder with its perfected improve ments. Twine and wire in abundance at our office. Deyoe & Robson . Wall faosr. Universalis Ceaveatlea. - 'sjees For sale. Weal. Highest cash price paid for wool by Mon- teith dc ositeabacb, One of Hall's No. 18 Fire and Burglar proof safes, Good as new. Inquire of John Brush, First St., Albany Or. xi. H. Alien 4 Co.'s new wall paper ar now arriving direct from the factory, all crrade new in stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. t If von want strietly first- olaa goods at rock bottom prices go to Reap 4 Bhownell's. The Unlversalist State Convention will be held in Albany June 24111,25th, a6th and 37th. A reduction of 80 per cent on return tickets will be allowed parties coming to the convention. Rev G L Demeret,Secretary of the general convention will be In attend ance. He is said to be an able speaker. Ctetatag at Mel 1 wain's. By calling at A. B. Mollwain's you can get your clothing at price that wi'l aston ish you. He has a good sto k and is bound to sell it. Hew doods. A. B. Mcllwain has a large and well select ed stock of new goods, as tin ss ever brought to Albany. Call on him and make your seise tion from his first-class stock. in appearance, and cheap in prico. Bucking hams Dye for the whicker unite in itself all these merit. Try it. The public school olosed lest Friday fter noon with appropriate exeroUes, listened to by many parent and eitixen generally in terested in th school. Prof Reid is placing the school on a h rat-etas foundation. Th Court House was orowded last Satur day afternoon on the occasion of the speak ing of the candidates for th county offices As the campaign is now over an account of it would be of little interest to onr readers. The Ifesf Shore for Jane is a good num ber. It contains pictures of the three can didates for Governor. That of Governor Peonoyer waa stereotyped from an original photograph taken by Mr J G Crawford, of this city . Send Burk hart e Keeney names and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore iron and tbev will send them conies of the Real Estate Conveyor whioh contains a com plete disoription of one county in each isaue with ether desirable information as weather, market reports, etc. The Oregon State Normal School at Mon mouth is just olosing the meet saceessful M' i Doeels, of llarrisburg called at m u Tuesday. tUr J A H dlenbaagh sad wife, of have beau le tie eity. Mr C K 1. of Mi. Taber wiil apead the summer in y . Mr Marti u WerU. .f tbei.on mad this office a pleasant call Monday. Mra Dr Irvine and Son, of Priasville, are in the city, visiting friend. Mr John Duncan and wifr. of Prioevtlis are ia the eity, visiting friends. Mrs Fannie Rhode end children are rus ticating at Waterloo Soda Springe this weak. Mies Aliie Scott Uft tor Portland laet Friday, where she will reside with Mr John Heck. Hon J P Sehiioliag. of Harrieberg, paaaed through the eity Saturday 00 his way home from Umatilla county. Mrs Deekard, of this city, will speed the sum 011 r with her daughter, Mr J G Kvaoe, at Boyd, Eastern Oregon. Mr Anton Harwell, of Seattle, a partner of Mr Ed want Sox. formerly of this eity, spent Friday and Saturday in ADmui. Mr J J Dsvis and several other from thta eity are prospecting for glt up oa the Sao turn. Hope they will atrtk it rich. Mr J A Smith, of Halesy, was in Albany Saturday, whils hsr filling our eeoctutn with Ina preseoos for a few momenta. Mice Thompson, a com;) ttr in tne Leader ogice, at Corvallis, attended the Y W C T U entertainment in this city Tuesday evening. Mr A J McMillan an I Mrs Jest Elder, sisters of Mra Virgil Parser, of thtt city, ar med tu Aloaay from New York a few day go. Oo I) Hotbrook, traveling agsnt with Snail, Heitehu, Woolwsrd 4 Co , of Port land, was iu Albany Monday, on busiuesa for that firm. Rev E N Condit, we understand, has ac cepted th pastorate of the church at Marion and one 01 two neighboring place, and will aeon mere to that place. Joe Emery, agent at the Klamath reserva tion wa in Albany Sa curd ay oo his way to Corvallis. Mr Emery ia proving to be the right man for ths place. James Chariton. Deputy Sheriff returned last Friday from Minneapolis, where he had been as a delegate to the National Presby tery to the Presbyterian Church. Mr J H Kelley, of Prineville, wss in Al bany Monday, having com acres th moun tain by the Lsbanan road. Ha reported the road free from auow aud ia fair trsy.iag condition. Mr A W Gordau returned on laat Mon day from hi trip to Iowa, after an absence ot a few months He came back by way of San Francisco aud the Oregon Pacific, and reports a plea aut visit at his former home. D C MoFailand returned last Saturday froman extended trip to the C mforenoe of the M E Cnarch South, heitl iu Virginia, The readers of the Democrat have been favored with some interesting letter j from this gentlemen's pen, two or three of which sppesr on our outside to-day. Dentistry. Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentist, will practice one day in each w' at each of the following named place l Lebanon on Tuesday, llalsevon Thursday, Jefferson on Friday, and will be prepared to perform operation without pain. He will be at his office in Albany on Mnnday, Wednesday and Sat urday. We are agasa handling caaess from tbs noted Soeocer Hotter Factory. Read 4 Bkowsell. tt reel ted Sew Till Week. N'lvsltia in imtwrted dra .joodr, Boucloa or Kizger heads, !rcdM, ve! yet and silk, Isoe, dress goods, etc, at - Sam'l E. Yocwo's. at aad Cap - - & This institute la complete in all its de partments, and every effort ta made to give It the air, diet, nursing and comforts or a home Special attention to treatment of Chronic ai'd Constitutional Disease. Private rooms for patients treated by outside physicians, and persons taking ooursoor Turkish or Electric Hat be or Oxygen Gut. The baths are elegantly imad up. Physician visiting Portland are invited to visit tbi institution. TJHO. WOOD. Manager Portland Gmeral Hospital ( FARMERS! ATTENTION Use only the California Band Forged and Hand Finished SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in the eye. Each needle guaranteed. Price), 50 cents. Ask yonr dealer for them, or order from the n.anufscturcrs, WIU st K. SIS Market ftt., a. F. It is tim to gs your spring head apperaL A. B. Mcllwaia has a stock of hat of the latest styles, which every man should ex amine before boy lag. 1-1 a eerk. Oo SAOOBl it of t'ie los priotof wbett Hour will be sol t at the Msgnelia Mills st $1. 10 a sack, oreH 40 s barrel, aod will be delivered free tosll parte of the mty. m ummm I S " aJJ raaey Csaaa. Th place to get fancy goods of all kind is at Mallwstu's. flu spring stock is hr. , and thsre it n dio int oa it be;ug tiret olst. B irg una ofTjre l raraseia, lkrasela, 1 have receiyed tins weak direct from NVa- York tho largest atook of ParasoU evir brought to thia oity, o toaittio of sun am bralisrs in silk, silk ptrasois, satin in blsek and colored, fancy lined, pongee silk in Sl a - 4 a a a s ecru, (the uew liun,s.) Also ciuuirens par asols sa low at 25 cent. Samuel E. Youjm. StMl'KL K. YwlKfi has just received au invoice of those cali brated daiay kid shoes for ladiea. Just the shoe for sum -nar wear. Is light and soft n kid aud will wear much better. Landratli Winter Wheat, Sowed 4 lbs iu fall of S2. While othtr wheat was frozen out this was eel effected. It is not surpassed by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, stiffuet sud length of ttrsw, freedom from rust, productiveness and milling quality. The grain ia large, plump, light ambit in color aud hard, yield ing the tineat Hour. Ripens two or three week earlier than other urain. Will hsve a limited quantity of tht famous wheat fir sale for sd wheat for! zo s bushel, ot Eastern price, 25c. a quart by mail, pott- paid. Partis wistuug to Be the wheat growing can do so by calling at my place 1 mil S E of Tangent. A. L. BltlDOBPARMElt, Tangea-, Or. Jacket. Ladies' jacket in Bouoi and Stockinet, in niacit sua. colors, also shoulder cape trimmed io lace and jet trimming, dolmans trimmed in lace and jet trimmings. A good line at Samuel E. Young's. Lumber aad Posts. The undersigned will sell all kinds of umber and cedar fence posts at the follow. ing station on the Narrow Gauge Railroad, Leng's, Lawson and Beliville. Parsons build ina houses or barns oau have bills cut and delivered at any of the above stations on hort notioe. Lumber is of the very be quality, the log being brought from the tine timber regions on the MoKanzie River. Wm. E. Spioer. MAKKIKI. DOUG AN WILLBURN. At the resi dence of J J Davis, in this county, June 3rd. by. Rev P A Moses, A. Dougan and Mrs. Ella Willeurn both of Lit county. in atBt, VANCE. On May 25th, i886,near Leban on, Samuel N. Vance, in the 79th year of hi age. Mr. Vance was born in 1807 in Clarke county, Ohio. While yet a young man he removed to Indiana, thence to Missouri. From the latter state he emigrated to Ore gon in 1843, and settled near Oregon City, where in 1880 he lost his wife, since which time he ha resided yith his step-son, G. W, Willis, near Lebanon. Mr. Vance wai a very great sufferer, having been stricl.en with paralysis fifteen months ago. Pe ice to his memory. Summons. a the. Circuit Curt of the Mate of Oregon for Linn County. Thomas J Hannah, Plaintiff. vs. Robert Bforebead and Martha Morshead hi wife, James Logan and Mary L Logan his wife, John Curl and Elizabeth Curl bia wife. William May and James Lspham, John P Humphreys and Marv C Humph reys his wife, J B Irvine and Solona B Irvine his wire, H T Kay, Sarah a Craig. 1 J Craig and Alice M Craig hi wife, W S Craig and K Craig hi wife, Norah J Rubier ,G W Howard and Varian V How ard, hi wife, Ida 'rig, Madge Oram, Kdward 8 Craig and Mary Or.ig hi wife, C L Carter, L B Carter and M Carter his wife, W L Cieed and Lenor V Creed his wife, A A Keen ai.d M K Keen Ins wife, J L Walker and Charlotte Walker bta wife. Defendants. To Robert Morehead aud Mtrtha More bead, James Logan, Mary L fogan, Wil liam M?, James lphsm, J a Irvine, Solona E Irvine, II T Ray, Sarah A Craig, T J Craig. Alice M Craig, W ii Craig, E Craig, No rah J Rubier, O W Howard, Varian V Howard, Ida Craig, Madge Craig, C L Carter, L B Carter, M A Carter, W L Creed, Leuoro V Creed, -A A Kees, M E Kees,J L Walker ar.d Charlotte Walker, hla wife, the above named Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you.snd each of you, are here by required to appear an 1 answer the complaint of tho above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, by the first day of the neat regular term of raid Com t, which said term of Court begins on the 28th day of June, in the year I8SG. at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and you. and each of you, are hereby no titled that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree cf Court to qoiet the title to the premises described in the complaint, as follows, tn-wit : The S Vi of Sec. 1, Tp. 10 S ef Riw of the Wil lamette Meridiau, in Linn county,Oreiron, lying between the south bank ot Thomas Creek. and Hamon Sheltou's south line and John Cur !' east line, containing 100 acres, more or less ; and that the said De fendants and all persons claiming any interest in said premisas,or any part there of, by or through said Defendants cr either of them, be forever barred from claiming any right or tit 0 or interest in said p rera ises or any part tnereof oxeepting the Plaintiff and that all right title and in terest in or to said premises and every part thereof be decreed to be in the Plain tiff.his heirs and assigns forever, and for the costs end disburstnents, T: is Sum mons is published in pursuance of an order made by Hon, U. r. Boise, Judge of said Court at Chambers on the 12th day of May, 1886. May I2th, 183d. t Powell A Bilyei, Attorneys for Plaintiff. X H K BEST THING OUT, the Acme Harrow and no farmer car. well afford to be without it. It ia the very best clod ci usher and pulverizer, leaving the ground aa level as a barn floor. Soli only by Peters Sfwart. R OPE AND CHAIN. Of all size, as well as halter chain & cow chains, dog chains, rope halters, etc, fax aale by Peters ds Stewart