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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1886)
S ATEHIGUTSUEMUUKAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. VlK4tt'MrKlM DfWMMl BallaUaRoa ttrdaifela Strrel. TBrUU OF 8UB8CRIPTIOH agi. . !-, ior year, In 1 vbiut.. ........ . . nIo onpy, MT r. stand of rr . ...... Intis ooiy, six month. inicl ooy, ihre months ucl- 'lumber $2 N 8 00 1 60 7ft 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ft. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, OrKn. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of thts state. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. Ottoe in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT AN YE. TTORNEivAT LAW. Notary Public Albany, Oregon. OfTW upstairs, over John Brlfrjrs store, tut street. vi.nzstr J. E. WEATHERFORD, (VOTARY PCBUO.) iTTORNEY AT LAW. AMUSV, OIMON. TTlM. PRACTICB 1H AM. TOR COURTS OP TOR Vf 9UU. 8psU!tt.ntltn givn to alMMIM rohai. matter. In Oal KelLw'. Tempi.. U:J t. O. fOWILI. W. It. WIT.TR0 POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORMRYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in Chancery, 4 Ml AMY. ... ORKflOV. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. aVOfflce in Foster's Rrh'k.-m vHnlrXf J. J. WHITNEY, attorney ind Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, 08EC0N, Will practice in ail of the Court, of (hi. State. Ail business Intrusted to blm will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCOOM & CO., IsKUOGISTS. rtooks. Stationery "and Toilet Articles, A Larp-Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUQ STORE, tyl S.LB11Y. OBBCS). FOSHAY & MASON, WaOUBJOB AS. SSTAIlr Druggists and Booksellers, AvenU for John B. Alden's publications, which we seil st publisher's prices with postsgtaddad. ALBANY, OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PILLED, Albany. Or. FURNITURE. ( have the bee stock of nrnttare In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE hi the Htv end the lowest price In the Vslley. Come sod Undertaking, complete stock and can five SATIS- rACTl05. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, Bawaaa. viral aad F.ll.w.rtb Alaaar. ueller & Garrett, Prop'rs rut. tw Ht' to fltted up In Int daw ty I.. TM . mppltod with th. host th market affonla. ixing U-d. tn wry tUn. A rood Sample Root tor Com mercial Trmr.Wrr. ZWVrrr t'oark In .ad from tbr .!. "t ALBANY COLLEGIA IE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. AliDASY. OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. for particular! eoaoarning th. coarse, of stady sad to. pneo of tuition, apply to ttf'.V. J. . WVCKOrr, Preaideal. Aloany Bath House. rag UNDKaSIUNBD WOULD RKSPECT f ally inform the oitiaoai of Albany sad i iViity that I hsTetakssnhargeofthla Batabliah fla.nt,aod,by kasping alssn rooma snd psyfa itrl-st attention to bnainaa, axpeeU to aoit al I'toaa who may favor us with patronage daring Horatofora earrlsd ob nothlagbnt Tlrat-Olass Hair Oresslnc Saloona ezp.ota to ,lr .ntlr. aatlaf tlon to al Ch'ldi.n ail T-ialiei' tiair nwniy ins wnnmr.. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ottine-or, First anil Ferry Streets, A3 ANY - - OREGON. O. O OHKKRY. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) MaclMstsr Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW HHOP8 ALL completed, and are now prepa: i red to hndl all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture steam Engines, onst and Saw Mill Maohinery,and all kinds f Iron and Braes Castings. PATTERNS M4DX OX SHORT M rTICE. spodal attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the Improved Cherry A White Gram 8t.rtor N. ,!. HENTON, Notary Public Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OH Reore aenta aevaral of the beat Fire In mra nceCompanles on ths Coast. Call co 1 im forreliable insurance. Maw VOL. XXI. pan GERMAN reME ForPHin.rttfeE tusoublss ltmiui cu..satixsk.s. JVse Veas OpUttrt, Vtn tiles aaa Ttsn. .lro!utrlu SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 26 At ! .i.r, .i lr.i iaa. TSB OMASUM A. VOUSUU CO, BAITISOSB, SB. Skin TORTURES -AMI BLOOD HUMORS, Humiliating Eruption., tuning- and Burning Skin Tortunm, Loalhaomc and ev.ry atclc ut Itching-. Scslr, Pimply, Inherited. Berotuloua ana Cntegioua BSSaSBeJ the HI.hhI. Skin sn.l Hcalp . ,i I. 1 - . .1 I . l - . t a . m I cured by luw.ura. ih rraat akin cur., ami CuU cura 8.p. an exuulait. .kin baauUltor, .stortuUly. '"7, " ' it"m inianrv n a., ar. poalMva- umvuuiui.ncmKcm, mintt til (ml ruMBr Ui ternaily. COVERED WITH SORES. 1 bar. bMnaJBletaa iif. tost March with . skis dlata. th. doctors caJtod Ktarnw Mr fac aas oorrl with arab- and .irM, ami lh ttcbtny and bumlnr www alwoat unbMrabto. Sawtnr your t'uu cura Kiimtic. a., highly!. cncludad lo fir. them a trial, uatnr tha l utirurm and 8oa4etcmaJIr,iHl Kolr.itt InWrnalW. for four montha I call mrmtf mrtH. In (r.tund tor which' I saik a thto uuatto atassaaat. public i , . m Mas. Clara A. F.i.eaict. nr aJ Brnok, Coon. SCALP.FACE. EARS AND NECK. ! a affli.'tet with Ith Ecataaa os tao Scalp, rasa, which th. drusjrtot, ahsr. I got asasasai saw ol tb worst saasa that tan and Ml rur t h.l com. und-r hia not to, it. adrtoau aw to try your Cuticora itomadia., aod aitor Or. dart' um Bar acalp andpartolmy tacw wra wUr.1; curad. aod I hop. in another wwk to ha, my mt assk. and th. oUir pan of my be. cured. Hum as fli tas : C 4th Stmt, 5. Tors. IT 'II IXC DISEASES CURED. S5Sk?,m tkohoad of tie claom. MSMiaily U II.U th. cow with th. Cuticurm Soap. Hoe. has n uouaualiy good ad. thi. tummor. owing to th. prevalenco of on aggrarud ton. ol itch throosth sasas tosiNajtg in th. country, la which th Cttttouro owaaasssipruvad aattattorr. W. L. HiSBteo, Dratfkt loioatowB. a. I T1CI R A REMEDIES are mU by all liMitoai Keaolreot. 3 ; 8aan, 15 Mas CailsaroM Pottoi Drag and i nenucai Co., UoatOB. for '-How wears RaPAIIT,nrth rtoal.m and skia by sstaf DCMU to. Cwnci-BA soar. sa soar. 7VJ? SEWXG MACHINE to tho com of L'torin. Pain sad weak 4 I or Mstat aides ssd back, ktdaey at potna, woaftnaoe and lo th. uticura AMI-Pain Plas- tor to Infallutbla. 25 MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine lineiy, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. PERKINS Windmill Can bo roltod npoo for a ftrat-ctoo mid. i f i a s .t or mow, it to th. Iit In ow. For adto addrwai to I Rat KMtlSOt, th. Tr. OOator, cor. Kront and Morriaon hta., I'orilanl Or. 8d. agent for Perklna' Windmill Co., of Mtohwadka, lad., in Oregon and Waaldnton. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DISEASES. DRr J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon, following the ist Monday of each month. Will mske these visits monthly for one year to come. Am caring scores of the worst foi ms of above diseases. Refers in Albany to Jas. 8. Cherry cared of blind ness. R A, Rampy, Drngftist. and Fred Dfffenbacker, farmer at Harrisburg. con cerning Rectal diseases. A scote of other name given on application. vVOOD A.ND HARDWARE. Peter A Stewart have neck-yokes and ftinvle trees, ironnd" or unlroned, neck voke Irons, single-tree irons, nib Irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sale bea p. J1 CASE PLOW This famous nlow Is well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and steel plows sr well made from the very best material and are warranted f do as good work and coar fully as wsll as any other plows Peters A tewart are the sole agente FRED GRAF, tfanufacturer and Dealer in all kinds" FURNITURE. AND UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- THE CHINESE MUST GO. Three voune men will do worh of all hinds, sawing wood, gardening, ate. Leave orders at Head 4b BrowneW. 6Y Red Star rnAotXU MARK. (oughure Waehinsrton. a (rra sar ragalsr oorretea4iit.) Washimotom, May 2 8th, 1 886. The President continual hit good work of critlcxlly txaining,dlsaecting and vetoing private pension bills. If he cannot defend the Government's treasure vaults against avarice end fraud, belt at ltaat narrowing the opening through which the money It dragged out. For eaeh veto tent to the Senate, the Preeldtnt hat given conclusive reaaont,and he added that he waa by no means Insensible to that Influence which leads the Judgment towards the allowance of every claim alleged to he founded upon patriotic service In the nation's cause. Yet he did not believe It to be a duly or a kind ness to the worthy cltlaens for whose bentfit the scheme ef pensions wss provided, to permit the division of the nation's bounty among objects not within Its scope and purpose. The Republicans hate no Intention ef trying to pass these bills against the veto, but they hope 'o mske some political capital out of them. Some of them have been writing to applicants that It Is useless to present their clalma to Congress at the Pres ident will not let them become laws. Their Idee Is thst the pen sioners will not be likely to vote for another Democratic President. This Is the way in which the Sen. ate Penalen committee ti ens bled to report fifty private pension bills a weak. Senator Sawyer of Wis. Is Its most active member. He em ploys two men, one an ex-clerk of the Pension office and the other a pbysl cisn, to look over and arrange the papers In eech case referred to him by the committee. The Senetor oo ly glancee at them to decide bow tbty are to be reported. It Is not surpris ing thst to some of the pension bills which the Senate pastes on Mr. Saw yer's favorable reports, the President is unwilling to attach his signature. It was during the discussion of private penalen bill that Senator In gal la took occasion to make a veno mous attack upon Gen. Black, the present Commissioner of Pensions. Tbt Republican Senators aod Repre sentative have been very desirous ef finding fault with the Commissioner since he accused bis Republican pre decessor of, and proved that he used the Pension office aee pry machine. After Mr. Ingalls hid charged that Oen. Black was not now and ntvor had been entitled to tbt ptnilon now drawn by him, and that ho had wil- lingly slandered C l. Dudlty, word pnaotd quickly through tht Capitol that he waa stirring up tht Senate wlth n tharp personal aptweh. 8ena- tort hurrlod to tholr awals, Kepreaon- tatlvet came Into th Chamber nod eddilinnsl visitors appeared in me galleries. The Kansas Senator with hie char-1 aftoritHc reek tenets I :i lho tie of words, made one of the raast b lr denunciations ever heard In the Sen- ate. He paced back and forth rapid- ly aa if impatient of the restriction of Parliamentary language, and the veins of hia forehead stood out aa he declared ever and over again that I Gen. Black waa an Imposter. The f tee of 8enater Yoorhses also flushed wheu e arose to defend Gen. Black and squsrely denied the truth of Henator Ingalls accusations. He mentioned that Qen. Black never knew tbe ceseation of pain for a mo- ment, bones had been removed from both his arms, rendering them use- ess, and that to this day his wounds I . - ... had to be dreseed daily by a pbysl- clan. Tt wasln this condition that ... Geo. Black was performing his official duties, and the Indiana Senator thought If the Senator from Kansas elt any pride in assaulting a man who was suffering thus, he should be allowed to enjoy it. Senator Ceekrell also defended Gen. Black, who.he sald.had allowsd more pensions during the first year of his admlnlatrtMoi in in any othor Pen- aion Commissioner. He suggested that Mr. Ingalls ought to have the courage and manliness to introduce a bill for the repeal of Gen. Black's penalen if he really thought It had been obtained under false pretences as he had charged. The Ingall's attack upon the Com- U idUness." misaioner of Pensions waa nothing Therefore the textile workers of Pbil more than the malice of an irritable adelpbia desire a revision of tha tariff man who hi disappointed because the and a reduction of duties. The work Integrity of the new Administration iogtnen are becoming enlightened. They is sufficient to stand in the way ef have discovered the gros deception tbe reckless pension giving which Is that has been practiced upon them. A going on. Gen. Blck is a Democrat fire in tbe rear has baea opened in the who received his . wounds while vsry citadel ot protection, and tha end fighting in the U'don army. If he ofthia Jegalizsd robbery ia at hand, had been a wounded Republican end When ths monopolists lose their work a Democratic Senator had made aucb fagman aa their allies the Pennsylvania an attack upon him, a ery would tariff muet fall to pieeea,and that to tbe have gone up all along the Bepukdi- advantage of tbe whole country. can line, accusing this Senator of dis- . loyalty te thi Union. Naters . own remely, Oregon Kidney Tea Eights ALBANY, OREGON, AWatilli INJ. It would seem that even in benighted Pennsylvania tight is breaking. The New York Star thaws in a recent arti cle that protectionists have suooeeded in deluding tht workbgtnsn for a good many yesrs. Recently they I av pre tended that their tariff system is solely for tbt benefit of tne wsge earners. It is interesting to learn, therefurr.that in the very osnter of the protection con spiracy the workingmen art turning agtinat lb taw which in reality weighs oppressively ttpen them. The decep tion has been discovered by tha textile workers of Philadelphia, and In a re markably strong address to tha wayi and tneana oornmittae .hey have ex pressed their hostility to the existing tariff law and their opinion that it Is grossly untrue that protection is for ibe benefit of the wage earner. The textile workers announce that the duty on the raw material which goes into the fabrica made by them i so great aa to encourage the importa tion of woolen and woratrd goods. Weavers end warpers are losing their work hecanae ib tnantifajturers bsye notking for them to do. The employ era csn buy unfinished cloth cbsapsr than they on buy yarn. A good daa! of elolh ia bought in the "grease,1' that is, as it cornea from the loom, aod it it fioisted in Phi ladel phis. This impor tation of unfinished goods works a groat hardship to tha weavers and warpers. Aa they say in their address : "We need, far instance, no alohemtat or mathematician to tell us that a duty oo worsted yarns 20 per cent higher than the duty oo worsted cloths is never go ing to atop ibis import stiun so injurious to us. Nor is it tsiog to atop this cloth being invoiced aa waste or dam aged goods oo the pretext of its not being 'burled or inen d,' and that tha weever.,if ibis is not put a atop to , will have to seek other occupations." Tneea Pbi'adeliihta wage workers, having been put upon their inquiry by tbeevasiooe of the law to which tht manufscturera bsverrorted,nd by tbt large importatisna of go its in tht "grease," have rracbed soma important eoneluttoat. They have ditCovtrtd matter of more moment to workingmen in gtnerei then that, under the present Isw, Eogliak goals ean bo imported more prefitebly than Amertcau goo i oan bt madt from fur sign yarns. Tbt) baa found that the cry that protection le for tbt worktugmai is untrue, and they diatom it hb tbt contempt it deserves. Tbay leal h ways and meant osiatitte ;lain!y. aod with otr- comatanee, that the enff tsx is grestar torm .jj lho piJ t i the weavers Mt roers : tb.t Amtcn w.irsa bava been overrated ; that our teriff AWt bave fsiis i to k-ep American wt- 4 to the meaaura fcf thj nroduo- tjvt,nets of tbo werkiogmen and that Euglisb wetvera m.k m r, on the aW-ge, thsn Arion weavers. They ghow ia 18S0 the w.g a in $100 0f w.vileo m-U sin iuftteid to 917.70, while the tariff ux on the .smerpro- duct was $21 00. Tneo st of msterislt ia a piece of ingrain car;tet is $32 50 ; the tsx en tbsm u $21, and the wagea $7 50. As tbe address ssfs : "This tax wo ild pay tbe wages for weaving ever an! over again, the wi cling, wear aud tear ef machinery, and all other factory expentea, and still leave a small balanos for profit. " The character of the pretended gen- erotity of tbe Philadelphia protectionists ia shown by tbe f.ct that white tbe cap tUl invsatad in weaving and aptnmng milla ia paying a proSt cf 20 j er cent., besidss a surplus, ths wages aversge eighty cents a day for from eleven to twelve hours' work. Tbe labor mar a . v . a s ket is unprotected, "it nas a i way a been fres," say these textile workers, 1 . . aa a... a "and we are oempeiied to sell our laor in a cheap market thst l,or employ J eri are free to draw their labor from the markets of the world, and tbsre is I ne protection for us against tt. Ir. is no longer neodsoary to seoor K irnpe for pauper labor. Wo have tt in our iron and ooal mines, working for seven- i . ... ty-ttve cents a dy ; our laborers m 1 a.. . . . m M r rolling mtua hemg wessou witb a iu ps" ssot increase to bring them up to a dollar a day, only to find that their rente ere raised because of thst raise, and our weavers and apihne ip, ho re already workup for but iitiie more than those of Jflogland, being thrown out ot work because the cheaper c?me hsrs from England to drive our people FRIDAY, JUNE 18, PKKseaak The Prince of Wales, who has de cided to beooose an amateur photograph tr, has muob displsastd ths English by ordering bis first camera from an Atnsrican firm. Long John Wentwortb, of Chicago htptt to live to see elm trees planted all along tht b i ilatd which tarround that oily. The New York World says : "As Mr. Want worth is seventy-two yesrs old, ths probability it ht will bt planted before the trees." WhenMr.Kredsrick Win tun, United States Minister to Ptrals, errived at Tebtraa, tbt crack Persiao troops were drawn up to receive bin, and he was given an Arab ttted from the Shah's stables to ride, the bridle, stirrups and trappinga bslng splendid with gold. Mrs. J. Grtgorj Smith, of Vermont, travelling on the Pacific Oast, says the average health at Lis Angtlet aetata to gt eater than outs. Lung disease and mslarie prevail. The Pacific stone is wsrmer than ths Atlantic, yet storms and ether atmoabsris convulsion ere mere violent on the former. Lard Woltity,wbo baa been talking ef throwing up bis ommia.ion end joiniag the thttateued ioeurrectioo in Ultttr.haa no part nor lot with U.eter mtn. Hit branch of the Wolssley family has bate settled in County Car low ever sioos, just afer Borne Water, t breks away from the parent stock ia Staffordshire. Nearly half of P.o-.ia is under tbt almost independent rule ef the eldoat ton of tbt Sbab. Ha resides at Iapabau and there keeps a court quite aa bril ltaat and luxurious at that of bit father at Tebei an Ha ie said to have anises ed eoormo'is rich, not always, though, in a way which Western people would call straightforward and honest. Mr. sVurgsoo had auflloiently re covered from his attack of gout to be pasta nt st th annual commencement of the Pastors' College on the 6tb of Msy H expressed a growing fondness fcr old tbfngs, fer old tunes, fcr old books which wandered about in ebee'iektn and goatskins, for thing, in a word, whieb co m sa tod tbtmaslee- s having aomt standing in society th'-oigh nn having been born yesterday. fSiassi leu ie. rerrLtn aiaarsiLV ForJunp, I AiCt, epns witk a ''' ( tivid nketcfi of Ins Sutesntan w v et a .a A.. aa . this aaaaent rifeta imklie auennon Wtlliaos Ksrart Gtsdatonsj rsjlir boldly wilb a problem which f ar a cer- a a a n.a f . sa a tury nas taxea tnt tntcnectusi (swe's of the leading men in power in Eaylauii a government for Irelsod which shell insure the well-being of the imoute, and retain the island aa a coo ten ted part of the British Empire. A. 8. Rawaon, well kaown as an sutherttyfea oriental matters, carries US, with bis description and drawings, into tbe ten's of the Arabs te hear A Bedouin Tribal Poet ess." In "Prank Buck I and and his Friends" we have a lifelike portraiture of thst moat interesting and roost ec centric f naturalists. "A Hil to .lis A tores" takes us to once-famous ialsads thst our tourists might well visi'. Miss Lily Htggin describes" The S roth Ken sington Museum." "Old Stage-coach Days" are brought vividly before us in a sketch by Da Liog "Tbe Migration of Animala aod Birds" finds a etmlout in Mr. J. Duns. All tbe articlre savor of tbe plessant summer days ; and tbe stories by Mrs. M. A. Dn'iaon, Jane Fay Alston, Charles Howard Sbion, Annie J. Duffell, and others make this number a charming one to read at home, or traveling, or atretched in breezy shade. aiTiaracTaav Eviersf a, J. W. Graham, wholesale drnggiat, of Auatin, Tax., writes : "I have been handling Dr. Wo. Hall's Ballam for the Lungs for the pas: year, aod hsve found tt one of the moat salable medi cines I have evjr had in my house for coughs, colds and even consumption, always giving entire satisfaction. Plsae send me another gross." There it no patch of the moon' visi ble surface half a mile square thst is no' accurately uitpped, according to Prof. Young, while .be earth contains immense tracts, as in central Africa, which have never been surveyed. F.iTiiBK or Diastases. Censtipatisn has been oalled tbe fa ther of diseases, and there is no health where a costive habit of ths body pre vails. Take a half-tosspoonfui of Simmons Liver Regulator after eaob meal, tbe bowela will be gently moved without griping or nausea, aod a regu lar habit of body established. The Hm Rule bill in the English Parliament waa defeated on its second reading ths first of ths week. This will nrohablv result in a dilution of i ' parliament aad an appeal to the coun try. a a You will never succeed in fioding psrmanent relief from rheumatism until you have used St. Jacobs 'Oil, the great raiacure. Price 50 cents fuwra 1886. BERING STOCK Now being received by H H Great caro has been taken in our selections both aa tn rmaiit- ar.A oes and,while we do not. claim that our Goods re any better than oufoEL" petitory we know that they are just as fresh and as good and we wUl guarantee every article just aa represented. Our stock was ehsssd 1 Spot Oash, and wo propose to self as Cheap as anyhoasTin tCstatl and Put the Knife to Prices SuU line of" Wffl ne6t Wh9at 60 9nt p'r bash9l We have in stock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. &C. piJ?t35L,rlllb8 PromPy' and N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 6, 1886, " &M A,h,,' i Kiel. i A woman In Uav,m 11., is now living with her ninth huaban. A Oarman ambryologi.t, Prof. Gar Ucb.has dt-vised a mot hod for watch ing tha growth of unhatehsd birds lb rough a small glsta window mada at tht thtrptr end of the egg. Cold bitha ara dangerous to the old or feable. Warm hathsjsre relaxing, and should not be taken in tht morn ing. The morning is the best for e rold btth, l no evening f. r a warm one. An accident ia e Melbourne fouo- dry led In tbe discovery that plunging ir m easiingi into a mixture o( treacle and water softens the metal to such a degree thst tt can bt worked aa , f d, M wro0ffht irorl. Several specimens of English flora are a j id to have be n exterminated by modern tourists, plant dealers aed botanists, the lady's slipper, orchid and tbe holly fern having disappear ed among others. Between New York and tbe Gulf of Mexico there are only four natural eotrancea to harbor a litre the depth at menu low watr U over sixteen feet, wliil t thai largest ships draw from 2G t 28 iswi A French tuicrocopiat It ui studied the acii"n of the variolic condiments on the t Issues wf the oystt r,aud recom mends lemon juice a the must valu able, as It destroys the animalculse infesting the stomach of the mollusk. n t . . i rr . oeieci PHverai cmtup hi umerem i colors, and In the center nf each faalen j by e little mucilage a email round j piece of biacts papr. Place over the card thus prepared a piece of thin white tissue paper. Tho variety of hues which tbe black u&mmet is very striking. The housewives of Norwey make their common flat bread largely cf the powdered branches of tbe pine, not so much to save flour aa to .ecu re a light loaf. Th bark proves to benet onlyiouutritious but actually injurious, and is now being denounced by medical men. Tho cij tain of an AuaUslun schoon er, Mr T H Grilliths, rerrts tho set ting fire of hia vessel by s meteorite on Dao. 12, 1S85, while in Utiiude 23 03' north aud lonuilute 143 c treati No shock waa felt, but two or mor. hot metallic pieces as large as a niiuV hand wero picked up. According to the Reyne ludusttieile, tbe quality of leather usd f r lielting may be detr?rminsl hy tim tuliowiug simple method : A sin. 'I pi' o is cut out of tbe belt and place I io rioegar ; if the leather has leea patbmly tauned, and is, therefore, of godd quality ,it will remsiu immersed in the vinegar, vcn for sereral inonthe, eithuut ay other change than becoming of a little dat ker color. If.on the contrary ,it is not well impregnated with tamin,the fibres will promptly swell, aod, after a short time, become coovertfd into a gilattuous mass. If you have a oongh or cold, do not dose yourself with poisonous narcotics, but take Red Star Cough Cure, which contains no opiates, and ia safe,prompt, aod sure. Price, twenty-five cants a bottle. C W Lo oiler A Co., of Portland, are duly authorizsd advertising ajsats far the D-itfJ out fer that city. r I NO 47 Ullen 4 NOTICE. baring conolaM to close outhU business, now offen Ms entire sleek e STOVES, RANGES, HE ATI NO AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of . as TIN, COPPER AND 8HEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this isaganiiiiw oloiia? 01 to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware, JaVH.13A.TVY, FEB. Ot ma Max eras rentarv The reports ot tbe eeratuitlee on ways anal means against the Mexican treaty seals tbe fate ef that saeaaere. The re port ia s atroug ie, peintiag ou, the a elects ef ihe tra'y ea frciWIy tha' it. is impossible fjr Ujttgrs to stip(.-ort ir. Strati g. to aay iheoemaiittee recognizes the injury this tre.ty wid csnae to tha sugar industry nf Louisiana. It would, i witbin a few year., utterly destroy oorl and work almost incalculable danisge lo onr tobacco trade ; it sseuid riit down the revenues of the gverwt, and iaflict dmgn npon oer netiplsad would brinjr no rwnsfit whatever to as suage the i-juri8 it would inflict. In rottiin fi the c,real sivntitage giren Mexico by this treaty the United Statee receives nothing. The one arti cle of commerce might, in a sense, cam peasate for the sacrifices we make ia the matter ef augar and tobacco, that is tha textile febrios, is net included among those American products admit ted into Mexioo free of duty. The treaty, iyc the Hawaiian recip rocity, is one.stoed. We five all and g.t n!t hiny. We have experimented wi'h such- m it-Mtv one .ml our ti ne- riettce has ln must unasiuf.ctery. Lst .is not make 'h-v smts miatskti in Uaiing with Mexico. Si rap ar FSa. MiBufactursd only by the California Fiar Syrup Co., San Franoiaco, Cal., ia Nature's Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califor nia liquid fruit re-ncdy may be had of Fo hay k Mason at fifty cents or ooe dollar. It is tbe most pleasant, prompt, and efiet tiye remedy known to cleanse ths system ; to act ou the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels t;ent- ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headache, colds, and fevers ; to care constiptanon, indigestion aod kindred ills. The Rarest or Catnbiaaeions. True delicacy of flavor with true etficacy of action, Jaas been attained ia ths California liquid f rait remedy, Syrup of Fig: Its pleasant taste and beneticial effects have rendered it immensely popular- For sals by Foahay & Mason, wholesale and retail. Waa ted. Oo subscription, 20 cords of grab oak wood and 20 cords of big fir, maple crash wood. Lst us hear from those who wait to supply us wood, at once, f voa sre Boiat Ems be ir a l ar vl S I Orsifon Short L . tt U tte S t. 1 another column. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYpiMNS "pjIUM ,pepial( buMn" notice iu Iwsl col urhns '25 centi per lino. Regular Local notices 10 cents pr line. m2 legsl snri tmua-ettt advertlsemeeta 1.00 per square for the II rat Insertlon.sntt inaction ,MW ,orcU aubttquent Kates for other advertisements made known oo application. Co,. samples seat uponap- ky th3 tim3 for hoir7ifB lJ5ft. Iu late experiments by a Kaaaian j physiologist, neither pure tin ner the bic'iloride of tin proved poisonous when introduced into tbe stomach of a dog, but whi n tbe tiichlotide was irjscted into the eetsai i was quickly fatal. ttair Alisr Thare are bot of uin and roa? who, to use a coin puraae. srt nnty half ailve. That is lo aay, they bave seldom if ever any appntite, are nervous, weak, iHs-tty and troubled by numbrl-as awaaM p.lns and aches, in the -.-wjme of vUciroos, exnber.qt vitality lh7 asetn mere pis; miaa. Such persons are usually fnd of frequently dosing themselves. swallowing ia tne course of the year enough lrns to Steele any apothecary 'a shop of average di mensions. This, of cours,dfriH itiitead offurtherins tn eu t in view, vis . h re covery of health snd vigor. Wer hey te seek it from an uufjitine; aourwior ritaiiry, Hostetter's Stnruafh Bitters, bow d'tf-rent would be their. ea. Thon vi-r would return to their debilitated frames the itlow ot health to their wan cheeks,their tremb ling uncertain git would grow firm snd elastic appetisa, that irntst or alt sau ces, wculd give a relish for the dsilv food, were tt ever so t refreshing sleep wouid crown the tasks of the d y . From recent experiments by Dr. Parsons, the oonelusion is reached that the germs of ordinary infectious dir eaaes cannot with a.n.l so exposure ef dry heat of 233' F., or an rxpoeore of five minutes to ini'inz w.tar or ateam 515 m 1 - SEWING MACHINEI HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SATISFACTION M Heme Mm Mm Co. ORANGE, MASS. 30 Union Sqaaro,H.Y. CWcagaJB. St. UwJs, Mo. Aiianta, G Da)!as, Tcs, San Francisco, Cal. WILL BROS., Albany and Corvallis, Oregon. aTo. u, w. Members wiali ig ernp' 'yment or dralriag nslp, Will pleue call at ili-vS. 8z Bro:n It'a store aid register their names. By Ok orb of Lodos. TIU LIGHT RUN