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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1886)
-1 ; BfATB RIUHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST STITES & NUTTING. fcl.'SlK-tSOt t ! Oemorrnl BallUlttRoii ttruntlalblM Street. IKK Ms or SUBSCRIPTION hfl eopr. H.r car, In nv. ........ . H (0 ntf o iw year. t sa of year, a 00 t ngie copy, tlx month 1 ftO Hefts copy, three month.. 78 uirt number 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of thia State. Will give 1 pcolal attention to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's now brick. tmr L. H. MONT AN YE. TTORNJJY AT LAW, Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office apetalra, over John RriggV store. st street. vUnintf J. E. WE ATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) TTORNEY AT LAW. tiBtw, oii:i;v iTTII.L PRM'TIOR IS LL TI1B COURTS OP TflR T llst. Sneclal at tenlion gtren to collection and -ohaUt matter fr-1, In OJd reUewl Tempi. (it? . O. row KM. W. It. R1LTNU POWELL A BILYEU, And Solicitors in rhaneerv. I.s4Y. ... ORROOlf. flollaWinn promptly mad) onall points. oane negotiated on reasonable terms. SefrOffiee In Foster's RriidcVet HnlOif J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary IMibWc. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of his State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly sttended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DKlCUIftTn. s ..k. Statin snd Toilet Articles, A and IjOw Prices. I.rg St or OITY DRXTO STORE, tyl 4MBIXT. OKBCOM. FOSHAY & MASON, MMW ASS SST4U. Druggists and Booksellers, A cent for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postsgtsvlded. ALB4XT, OstEGOH. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Met Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION CAREFULLY PILLED. Albany. Or. FURNITURE. I have the best stock of orniture in the city and w 11 sail Cheap. Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE . the citv snd the lowest price in the Valley. Come snd see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS K ACTION. Try me, A. B. WOOD! N, Eevere House, ( rur. lrt and ElUwerth alfcaar. Orea. uejler & Garrett, Prop'rs rhi new H .tj,lft'.ted up In rlnrt I up Brat claee tyl. lai i- (applied with the I i:-i In even R"3 tiled with the beet the market afford.. Spring A food Sample rWtn for Com n-.rt ial Traveler. rf'l'rtf I'Mfb anal frw Ike Motel.'' 03UieUi LN8T1TUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. AMItSV. OR. fl)s Pi rt Term will romuience on IVidar, Sept., I5tb 1885. fr particular, eanoeriuoif tk of ftady and he price of tuition, appiy b KCV. J C. Wf CSMrr, rreilcal. Aloany Batn Mouse. t S U . DKUSIUNKD WOULD RESPKCT I fellr tform tba elUteni of Albany snd ri , if ty Vvt 1 he'ako obayga o thl IfUbliak ai" keeping elan ropmt and payin itrlflt tttstitlan to bsiinatt, expsct to nit si vol - may fseor us wltb tkair patronags 't v7i w V.etofqre itfrled on nothing bst yriwst-QUKs Hir Urssstna Saloons aiaeeti tu ftee entif fstUf't Hon to si "Hio sal Tjadtat' Half naatly os T.n-.o.'l TOM WaWPKH. DR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, ,nfoe-(ior. First snd FrT f6? Y - - OHEQON. ALBANY IRON WORKS. (JPPT & FRPS, ,iuo0f)ssors to 0. C. Cbeiy.) VachiBiitB, MilMglitg, aBd Iror Founta. istb HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL Vt completed, snd sre now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and $aw Mill Mschlnory, and all kinds rf Iron nd Rvaaa OkstinRb. PATTEBNS Mi HE ON Ml OUT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Sfttirvtor H. J. HENT0N. Hotary Public anfl Insurance Apnt, 0 F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre seat sevsrsl of tke nest Fire In taranco Comtisnles on the Coast. Call t o 1 im for reliable iosurance. VOL. XXI. T JACOBS UCKMAN f" 9 Oar Khtmttttn. tfeer a. n r unm h-n. tmhmus .toMoltitetu JTree front Opiates, Emettes and iet. SAFE. 25 SURE. PROMPT. kt li ...T tan l.i IBS lUtUB 4. VOfcKUtK VO.,lULnlir,SD. Skin T0RTURE8 -AND- blood mmi Hnmlliatlne Brnptinna. luhln and Burning Skin Torture, Loelhe.iu Bore, uj ev.ry ivle ul Itchlnif. Kcilv. Ii.hcrttcl. Srn.ii. CunUgtum WSHII el the nitKMl. Skin and 8,),, with l.wa nt liair from Infancy la old are pusKive ly cored by Culi.ura, the (real akin cure, and I'uU- rtire rkieji. an aqillil khi boautiflar and t'utliure Itewlvcnt. the new Hl.l iH,ris.,P tcrnally. COVERED WITH SOKES. I have Inafflicte4 ln-e la.t M-rrh itk . .hi. uuhbc in uovior ol'I Kmitu M - t i . . . i . . i nuniing were timo (inbfarsbta. fiilsi nun r il cars Reesedi. o hiehlr rr.x.iiii.iriHir.i .-.,n. i.i.i.i l.. fire them a trial, the t'utifura and t'uu.-urs 8e cxtm.Hy, and Raolr.nt Internally, for fow wmtl.. I call myaelf cuiwl. in sr.i.ta.i. fur which I nutk. thl public Utemetit. . . . Ciasa A. I r rRi k . Hr jJ Brook, Cuon. SCALP, FACE, EARS AND HECK. I wSSaWstaf with Ewim on the Scalp, race. r and Nrk, which the drtueta. where I eat had come under hi notice. He advtaea nve to try your MkM Keened!., and after nee day' use n.v rale and part of my teas were entirely cared, and ! hepc n another weak to hare my ear, neck, and the other pert of my fice cared. ISO E Itb Street, New York. 1T HI SO DISEASES CURED. ('tticura .tend at the hMi nf lt rlu. -.4.ll. i thia the eaee with the Coticura M-np. ' liar, heel n unusually yood mi I hi tutuuier, owlnjf U. the i"nce f an g raTtd form ol luh throuah eoeaa ! the country. 4a which the Cuttcuia Iteruwiiee proved mticf.ctory. fnlonfwa. My. SIPHMI, I TIC 1 RA REMEDIES Are itd by ail drurlat M PhiIthm 'Si im BoM.lvenl a. - - j. 1 .. I , th.fuical U., kttstoxi. Send for 'How to Core Hkin 15 RCSIITIrT the comidexloa sad akin by aamff SSMAI the Vvnet MA Soar, THE SEWIXC MACHINE I the esnee of Uterine Pain and weaknaw lor achine de ai.d back kidney p,ir.. Sciatica, cheat pain, weak nee and In flammation, the I utlcurs Anti-Fain PUa ter i infalliable. 25 cants. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. 1 PERKINS Windmill ft he relied upon for a nrat-claea mill. mm I i f v' i : i' -a a at or .now, H I tt.o best in tie. For a.dls addree SISS a Mi; I lOS. the T'-l dealer, cor. Front and M .rriaun Ht , p.rUanl Or. kvde agent f- r Perkin' a-lndmilt (Jo., of Miahaauka. Ind., in Oregon ami Waahtngton. tSml To All Sufferers Of BYE, EAR, HE&VOUS, OR RECTAL PISEASES. DRr J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, yn tbf Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday j or enoon, ,':. in-: th. sJ Monday of each month. Will make these vlelts monthly for one yesrtocome. Apt coring sports of. the worat foi ma or above diseases. Meters in AUiany to Jss,8. Cherry cured of blind aass. R A. Kampr, DmuKat. snd Fred DffTenbacker, farmer at Hsrrlaburg. con- cerniriir KwUl dinesaea. A acoie of other names given on sppliction. w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peter A Stetysrt bsve noclf-voksa and single trees, Isonod or unlrotien, necit yoke Iron, single-tree irons, nib irons, folloea, spikes, as trees, ate., all for sale heap. J" CASE PLOW . Thl. fUmniis dIow Is well known in L.inn County. Tho chilled and steel plows are well made from the very best material and are warranted to do a gQ work rtq cour full y as well as any other plows, Peters A Stewart are the sole agents FRED GRAF, Manufacturer an ! Dealer in "all kindsjo FURNITURE, AHD UHD8R?AKE& m Mas JaV 8 First Street Albany, or T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- THE CHINESE MUST GO. Three a j. . i.'.,c tttiitnar vounir tnen tvtu ao y " J . . j . r ni J? ant I ', rrardeningy etc on REMIUT RedStar TWADE VZ MARK. (OUGHRE dt Brownelts. aiov. raanowEM-a lrttth The fallowing ii the Utter written by Gov. Pennover to the meeting held in this city, which tba Repabliosn riog organs hay nisreprosootod. Wo ask srery rotor in Oregon to read it. Portland, Msroh 15th, 1880. To the editor of tke Ottgonian : You and I hare boon neighbors and friends for about twenty years. We are till ittch and I hope we may remain mob for the rernaiadsrof our lire. All that wa both hsve made was made and 0 a a a is new invested tu 1'ortiami. an t we both ought, therefore, upon ovary que tion affeottog Portland and Oregon to adviee that policy whioh we think to be tho beat policy. If, however, wo should happen to rfiffr (si wo very often do) it is no rci-io i why I should abuse you or you should abuts ins. We ough'.m discussing qustttooi affeeting puelio in. tereat to treat oaeb other mepootfully and fairly. I base etrefully read what you have had to say on this Cbtntts question an I although I have very ire terially differed with you on every point ezoepf when you have urged a com pi i a nee with, end an enforcement of the law, I have held my peace, until now. But no a when yon bare etue boldly out and have demanded, as I read it, in plain and unmistakable terms tbo for mation of a vigilanoe committee, which is nothing olae in tho world but a meas ure of outlawry, it is high time that I and every other law-abiding eitisen of Portland should is oat solemnly protest againsl if. Why should a vigilance committee bo formed ? Are tbo courts of justice o bet rue tod ? Has the Sheriff in serving the prognoses ef tho oourta been resisted ? Tho oourta are unob structed, and tbo offieera of tho taw have not, in one single instance, met with resistance. Then why thia appeal to mob law, for a vigilance eemmiltee is nothing elae io ib world than a well- organised mob ? I it for the purpose of hanging two or three mm with.m-. judge or jury, for the sake of intimidat ing others r This would be simply murder, and nothing elae. The condi tion of affairs that now exist in and about Portland is moat deplorable, in deed. Bands of lawleaa midnight om- readers are abroad, and now it is deiib erstely proposed to Oi gables auotbsr lawless band to opposed the to. This is a sad state ef affairs. How muoh bet ter they manage this tbtog to Califor nia. There last week a atate conven tion was h-ld, composed io part of the beat citixene of tbo eta'-, and united resolve wea saado to use evety tawfui effort toward tbo removal of tba Ubmeae from tho state, and ooe of the mean v bo employed was the boycotting of the Chinese. This moaaure is perfectly lawful, expodieat, practice!, juslino and effective. Wby do oA tbo poopl of Portland and ot Oregon pursue tbe same policy ? Wby are lby a-n set tog unitedly on this 'question, ee eru the pool In cf California ? . lMt the lesdiug men J fined the aittico do movements, and lbs leading tpr ecpuued itsotus. Uat bnh mvtia.i t papers there purs-tod q s'U ' ou. tbavJobn Myers snd tbti .Vete'" endeavored to pursue here. lu r- their ioftusuce in kee,io tbe in v in ami sritbtn tht boil'tds of tht la V the Orvjonian had also pursued tbe iu course wo undoubtedly woojd have had onitsd notion in ibis atate the earns hs be n bad iu Co'tfornia, and tbo or ganUstionoiuld noy bo diu eff fotive work n a lawful way In removing the curse of Chi nets il every from the soil of Oregon. Bat the OrejonUi -w It to oppose tbo from tho start, and to belittle those who engsgsd in it. This bsi embittered soma snd has bad a tandencw to drive them to extreme measures, and tbf reatlt he neon the engendering of foetiox between neigh - Knre eehn differ an this OUOStion, the emboldening of the Qninee si 1 the carrying ef weapons by b 'U parties, and by tbe Chinese als , so that wiih the had blood tbtt is sroiMed. an 1 the oarryiog of weapms, we art really standing on tbe verge of a folenow tht is liable to burst forth st any moment Tjnt Unth niltvor to nous w tier ia stead of oil upon the riinj; fl na- Vnsi and I n.Uat aiee to he f-0t ' ' sr . . . s ,i. i u. .,f l i. Chinese nere Mev ae w - - - iu Oregon is an unmitigated evil. Put tins; the average of tbe nnmSsr of Chir ... in Pnrtlin at the law firfUrM f eerwi aa we aaaa.. - 4000, and putting the money th,y have earned at )g cents a dsy, sod io the Uat twenty years they have acoumuiat ed $18,780,000. The probability re aU ly ia that between $20,000,000 and $25,000,000 bare in Portland have gone into tbeir poasesaion. Where ia it ? Have they bniit any botrfes, school houses or oburohes here ? "Where ia the money (t haa all gone to China, and, ao so far aa wo are oonoerned, it might as well have been dumped into tbo aea. Now, auppose tbe Chinese bad not been hee at all 1 Suppose that all thia money had been paid to white men I They would baye married bare, they would have bought lots aad built homes and cleared rands. Tbe whole amount would have been expend ed bore, an I in all human probability, ALBANY, OREGON, Portland instead of being a banknt) ted and atagnated city of 25,000 inhabitants would have become s proepsrous city of 50,000 to 75,000 tuhsbitanta. The extent of the material and morel curse of this Chinese slave labor on the Pa cific coaat can not bo fully ceropuled in flgurea nor artply protrayed in words. You sad I, both of u,througli our own exeftione, and hy blessings of Grod,bft secured enough so thst we sre not oompelled to work st msnual Isbor for our living, We have a little somethieg to leave to onrobildren, tut we alt knew tbr.t riches sre very uncertain. They verv often take to themselves rings and fly away. It may be KJSlt ble thst our children tnsy some dsy have to wet k at msnual labor for their dslly braad. Do you wsnt to leave vour children in a e tuntry where, if thst contingency comes, tbey will have no compete for tbeir dsily bread with coolie slavea f No never. We, both of u,if we possitivaly kusw such a fate wss in store for our children, no matter bow much wo love them, had much tether bear tbem to their graves ad see tbe osrtb close ever them forever. And fading s , muat we not, both of u, bavo euros aympatby with the lab oring men who are now among us, with nothing in the world but their hands to dea)od upon for a living, and some of tbem with families to feed, and who, now and heie, have to compete with these seme coolie slaves for their dsily bread ? And is there one single men In i hi community, wbo bea to employ labor, that would turn a desf ear to free men if bis own blood and reoe for tbo sake of a mere saving of a rm til differ ence in wegee biro ibese alien slavea T If tbero be such men tbey should hide beads for very abame. Tbo people of Portland have new be come divided into two distinct pertiee tbo enti-Cbineee and tbo pro-Chinese. Tbo people of Oregon, like tbe people of Ca.ifernta, should b a unit on tUUma, Lmcmi; Chinese question. There .hou'd be no rest unti ibis curse is removed. But It should m retfuvfi by an I ibru tbe law. There ia ao irrepressible con flict between free labor and sieve labor tbst nevr will and never ought to ssr This Paeifio Cat cannot re main peaceable half while and balf Chinese. Tho Chinese murt go, and the ought to go. But no methods but lawful mo'-bods oubt to ha employed. Tbe S of Csliforoia snd Oregon, in tbeir etate capacity, have nvwr done lo ws rds tbs rsm rval of tb Ciiinfj whet ih-y mi jh'. Lot tl in-, au-l ought to have dot, by to lfii eXaretse d tbeir plenary reaerverd p.Uct powers. Tbe Chihrse anouid I-e evicted by law, snd not in defiance . f Is law, end until we bate sue i igel remedies our only ree urj is to lefoae ui gi'e tbem entplotm-n'. Iu tbt ah uhl tl) a 'ree. And ii i c!aes of Qjr vta a v w r nunity h n - ,i f, tbt, there is no ii ikes taw sbj tt iswaioe aoctat n vOuhl j uu 1 h H io out a . I pte)tbig i rs Hte wh i would f tu l.w'a mh.M, Q. such a teaoe lul-4 I of li-oord w .1 I rsigu It our mil'. At ' probtblv will not be i-nt at the mtetto calUd fr to- . ... . t.t morrow, l win aua;iea: nere ine r-S'-u-t'ons which I tbiok uubt to he a I jf-eil-b trat metiog (at, That tbe ealsteues of C lineae vlave labor is an uumixed sud unmiti gated evil and we pledge ourselvee, singly and unitedly, to do all iu our power, by ell peeoeful and lawful means, to get ltd of th so alien atrfs, and that to th', en I we wist not give employment to any capacity to any of these coolie slave. 2nd. Thst wo respectfully entrest our fellow cltizena of tle AntiOooiio Assoiiatioii of this city, to unite with us in preserving the peace aud in dis oonntenaooing all It leu mi Inh aul proosses for tba evia.i i ol the Cain ese, believing ea we d , that by refus ing to give euaptoymmt to them, and by counseling others ao to do, thsy will be ojmpellel to i -.! through lack, of employ uit-i.t. rd. Ttat, i tstth'ioh as th c utrts of this Qxin'y aii I ttio sr. ' eatirely uuobstruutt I, an i the otBoers of ths law era amply e:n,"werd to enforce the law, we are iuil -ixihly opioeod to thaeoriptniztii on of a vigilance commit tee, which to itself it as lawless a body as those vgtinst whioh it propose to organig iiself, HVLVBSTKR PKNNOVER. The following era the resoluliont adopted at tho citizW mtsa meeting, held at the Court Hoiibe March ICih, 1886 : Whereas, A petition was circulat ed and extensively signed by tho busi ness men of Portland, urging the bosrd of trade to call a mass meeting ot the citizens to take i.teps to nroteet the peace of th city ; and Whereas, Said board of trade,after fall consideration of the question, re spectfully rfferred the petition to Gov ernor Msody, bui also expressed entire confidence it tbe ability of the lootl authorities and state militia to ..main tain good order in any emereney , and FRIDAY, JUNE 4, at the same time pledging its members to stand roady to respond to any call that might be made upon them st soy time for tbe protection ef the city end the rnsiutsinsnce of lew snd order and Whkhk", Nothing hss oocurred since said action of tbe board of trade to diminish confidence in tbe compe tency of the civil and police authorities to maintain ordrr and preserve peace ; therefore JUtohed, Thst wr, the citizens of tnsss meeting asembled,in doree the action of tbe boat d of trade in its exjueasioo of confidence in tho competency of the state, county . d municipal suthoiiure to preserve the pesos of the city, end thst we hereby pledge them our heartv o t-nperetion snd support in rn tintaiuiujf order sn I enforcing the laws. l:ro!i'tl, 'I hat c deprecsteall at tempts to incite one ctssa of tbe com munity egainst another as inimical to tbe pesce and stood order f tba city, and tbo only resutt of which will be most damaging to Us growth and pros perity. Kuolved, Thst ss isw-abiding citi xene we will exert all our personal in. fluenc to diaoountenencesnd put down lawlessness of sny snd all descriptions, and, to that end, the state, county and municipal authorities are urged to en force all tbe taws sod ordinances of tbe city in letter end spirit, irrespective of persons, cccupatbnsor nsttonslitv. tVeorW, That tli presence of lbs Chinese in our state is an unmixed and unsettled ovil, and we pledge our eelveo to use all lawful moans to rid oureelves of the aame ; and, fir tbo furtherance of that end, wo will sot give employment to any Chinamen in any espacity whatever. ASMSft THAT PUR M iliattriEt.D.CooaCj .f ). Mv 17.8fi. Tbo statement of .Voter" to reeard to Hon. Bmger Hermann Iwtng fined WO sailing whiskey wit u mi a license le not correct ; bis brother was fined for tbst otTanc, he being the clerk, but tbe whiskey sold was the p"Me(Hy of Bio gar, be paid for the a-w-. H bee paid hundreds of dollars to J dm Kis'nageo, wbolesals dealer, fur liquors afterwards retstlod at Myrtle Pdut, and a saloeu ie now i.. I..,. ,,, si i placet in Mr. Hermsota buthh, im receitiogtbe rent therefore. Hi. posing as a tem persnco csndidste i regarded as thin indeed sown here. Coos Col MTV. D.xnoer4's. if yon have any persons) eutipat) y tow 41 i a.,Ula) , ths Dsmo oralio candidato(pot tt b hlu ( yon and do not s'l iw 11 to interi-r. w tb doing your duty by yo ir o tuntry and your party. Wa bev- a 4 fa id o,.j ortuoity to redeem our atate from the rule fff tbo H-pu'.liotti ri tg which In dominated over it fureo men v e rs,snd we should im,u iv i. La principi and du ty,instvad of malice, prevail. e m Too election of lion. K. S. Strahsn 10 the Supreme te-ucb. y tbo New Northwat, will jive use Judge whose decision will combine law, justice and practical c 010100 sense, lus'ead of the pedantic schtflastioistu end unjust tech nicalitiea which have too often illumio ei Judge Wl-i i'a judicial efforta. Cafe If Trar The following from a San Francisco pa per wa quite cute If true. There are some doubt though about its being made out of whole cloth : "Howdy, guvnor," aid a big Chinaman, walking Into old Bood' counting-house the other dsy. "Eh f what roared old B. "You son ?4d. W-hat do you mean, sir, by this friv cut v r Are you intoxicated ? "No such luck," said the young reprobate. "The fact is, I got broke up in Seattle play ing poker I knew you wouldn't send me any more money, and I had to get home some way. So I just traded clothes with a Chinaman and thev boycotted me here too quick." Tbe Last seen or Him. What 1 become of Judge Dawne is (ratnly a question worth asking, though it ) not one people care much about. A Vic toria, B. C, paper has the following to say on the subject : The last seen of thU wretched man here abouts was in the gathering gloom of a No vember evening when, having settled his score at the chop house, he grasped his gripsack and headed his way towards, rocks that line the harbor near Say ward mills. There are many who believe that the ftgitiv dbd from exposure, or that he l onttntUed suicide. He was a man who, once seen, would not soon be forgotten, and If he were still In the land of the living would certainly have been recognized by some of his many acquaintances. a - A IKE Of vskt nasi t. Mr. D, H. B irnaby.of OwegOjN.Y., says that his daughter waa taken with a ylojent cold which terminated with Pneumonia, and all tho best physi cians gave the case up and said she could live but a few hours at most. She was in this condition when a friend recommended Dr. Wno. Hall's Balaam for tho luug, and advised hartntrv it Sheacceniod It as a last resort, and was surprised to find that it produced a marked change for the better, and by persevering In its uiq a cure was effected,. Ask your dragi for a package of Orego Kidney Tea. Bcmrat. 188G. SSjyllNG STOCK Now being received by H c Great care has been taken in our selecting a vni llx es and,while we do not. claim hat our Ctoft and Pri" petitors,, we know that they are iuat as freah LTL rtha? oaTC01S Put the Knife to Prices ?fii iin nfUt neet wheat at 60 0ent8 bushel, We have Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS. 0 N. H. ALLEN & Co., ALBANY, ORBOON, MARCH 6, 1886, W P'ret S,ret A,ba!h' DEMOCRATIC TICKET. stale. OOVKRSOR-S NaeW, f i CoSrORESS-K L Bailer. f f.uh SfJI-RKwE 4I POB R S uasa. f Uaa SgEaTARY OT aTATK-R F OiWi..-,. of Waseo. TRRASUHKK-H W, .4 t' mat ilia. STATE PRINTER- Cttarta Kieket, ef Jaclieon. St'RT rVBU'J IJfsTRtCTlOJI Xaxl..o Uavb. t4,a Ca. Jt-DOE -J i Sbse, K DISTRICT ATTORtKY O W Udt,ot t4p tiOeac sjateme WTATB etif ATUE5 R A Irtiue, nf Ubtt...n. T J BUek. of Maiaey. UEfREREXTATIVES.-B R r:trr, o lfirHitia-tf Alf Bic of Tan real. J W Seaib. of Browaarltie. K HanaiarO, f Ixliaoon. 1 l Millar, ef MUtere. L II Moulaii r. -f A Hn . t I.F.RE.-J r Oatiieaita, f BrovnariUe. SIIKRIKK. V n amitii. of Aloany. COMMtSaiOXERS. E-h MOW. of llalsss. s L W r.vawroy, of IMo. S 711 OOl, Hl-rEaiN'rKXDEX f.-O t S RaJ Aiatny TKi ASURER. -W g Carl, of Scio. AS.KHSOR ltlMaaaait. of Sar.Uam. SURVEYOR J. B. MeAeVto. of Albany. C ROS Ell. R F ThonoHt. of !lrrll.'if. rrewtorf JUSTICES OK T.i?. VAx. - JnllrniVjif, B4.1 Albany. R L Darrw, Wet Albaay. OOXtTABUt9,CO Bttflthar. Et Albany. 1 E Jnk. W..i Albaay . jLcensr Station. Mr. David Sroiih hss the clulk Mr. I. Powell In In poor liealth Mies Fannl Snail h uc-h be been staying esst of the. in- online tno paat wlnor.returntd hoane h -i week. Rov. Irvlop, of At' n nd lt ! a large auli nt-o Ne rtunil.ty et 4 c'cIh k at tin; Burkhtrt pottdol houso. The care ran over o r .f Mr. Spi- cers hog, making Rnutsgd meat out: of it. ' The school at tho Bit rk hart school houie is getting ittmg w'cetj with 30 scholars in attend ttiee, Mr. Arrant a teacher. Some of Iho young p" plt serenad ed Mr. Hammer btst Pfitley night. Mr. Arch and Mr. Lis2ie llnm roer are taking muic lr8- na. Mr. Newel, of Phlloitnth.U thoir iustruci or. Mr. Goorgo Wilson and family, of Pataha Ultly, W. T., have bceo visiting at M. J. Hartlman's. Mrs. WUaon H a daugh'.er of M r-. Hard man. Mr. C. Powell ami Mr. Dick Morris started east of the mountains last week. Mr. Fisher, tho Surveyor, was sur veying some lines and ostahlishing some new comer on ill? Hardman place last week. Lk.vo Pencil. OretQwa- The steamer A. B. Field erswad in Wednf aday over a very rough bar. Mr. Lawrence Hulbtrt went to Cape Look iut Friday to aear hii sheep, which are ruunl igon thut range. A. Pheips eooilniiM to ship nutter to Por. land and AsioHh. The county rotd tui lite caet eide of the BigNeatueoA HSver i now open for 1 ravel. . Mm. Gravev,f Sheridan,! visiting her parent?, Mr. nnd Mrs?. Butt, who lives o" the Big Nestucci River five miles above thia pluce. X. P. Bodily pain-s are instautly relieve d by t'ieoi8 of St. Jacobs OH. Dr. R. Butler, Master of Aria, Cambridge University, England, eitys, 'lt acts like magic." Senator DolphvUlmove to antend the appropriation bill so that Yaquina Bay will get $t 60,000 instead of $So,ooo. A like in crease will be aked for for all the other Oregon improvement?.. NO 45 Allen i NOTICE. baring amclndod to close out Mi buriners, now offers Ms entire stock 0 STOVES, RANGES, HEATING AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of Sat TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a gaanin3 cloiiai oit, na? i? tits .ion for hoasewif e h wploiiish their Ktoheiis and dairies with ware. ALBANY, FEB OtH TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KIUTEB BY THS Ueuira'i Christiia TrDpemee liiia TO THE OI ATI TAY.PATEBS. CoRVALLia, Mav 15lh, 18Hb. Fricnob: Wo hv lately bad Id our town a liquor Bnaw, the experaes of which will bo nearly $1000. But j for the preventive aid nf the bystand ers ttit-re would have been another Utel ui ek as e stly. Xo or three i tl W tfatS 11 .1 ti. I ..... , i iiU.ul a. aa . . " 1 . S I L .. . w ... .1,.... .1 mi,u tew 'Mon r.vfry tny na the 8arrio experit-to o. Now, frlii.ia, do you evrr to Htitr thnt yu Io your quie country homes, wt.11 have 'hh 1 if .-uloorn from your preclnetf, mtm called upon m foot the city hills caused hy aotrrin the city idecta t keep open ? Let the city hear the brunt of its own luxuries, while the s b$r country man keep the money in his pocket. For thia purpose let the country insist that the coming legislature devfee f-ome plan whereby the city pays its own debt. L A. Nash. No practical enforcement of tt e li cense ay tern will ever sensibly miti gate the evils of intemperance. But let the laws infJ xthly forbid the sale of alciihotte hevrHges, end every youth U thereby warned from the cradh'lh-it tht-beveniges are hiirm ful and dani roo,and that io think ing them hi ueouragoi a violation of the laws of the land. It would command the toaptet of its antago nists. Old Editorial in N. Y. Tribune. Patents Uraated. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. . Snow & Co., Patent lawyers, opposite U.S. P tten Office, Washington, D. C. : J W Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Or., veedei. W R Forrest, Seattle, W T., Amalgama tor. Our city authorities do not propose to have any damage suits on hand by neglected side walks, aad hence are seeing that the cross walks are pot in cood condition. C W Loader Co., of Portland, are duly authorized advertising agents for tho Demo crat far tSat city. Nature's own rented v, Oregon Knlmy Tea. a a a- If you are going Etst he snra and go v"e S,lxrt Line. I: is the bast. Se s ; ' I 1 ) 1 ( V 1 STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BIST ADVERTISIHS MEDIUM IU TEE WILLAMETTE TALLKY Hpecial bush umna 15 cents notice In lcal rol- r lino, Regular iaa notices 10 OSnfa rur lino air ntJI transient advertemesia 0X00 por square for the first tnserUon.and iner"lonPef qr forwch ubqoent ki!", for hAhr. advertisement made known on application. Co.. in stock Prof. Napoleon Davis, of Forest Grove, hss been placed en the Demo cratic ticket for Superintendent of Pab iio plscs of J V. N. Bell decHned. Mr. Davis ia s graduate ef Pscific University, gentlemen who has hsd fifteen year? experience ss a teacher in onr public schools, snd a man in every way qualified to make an e'l'cient officer. Ex. alj Half AJIee. There are botta of men and women who, to u a coin phraae. ars only half alive. That is to nay, they have seldom if ever any apptUn, are narvoua. weak, ndgetty . and troubled bv numherless email pains am? a in the r"" jti-ioe of vigorous, exuberant vKaHty isy seem mera pig mio. Suctt resaranwa are iwtallv fnd of frequently dosing ihemselvee. swallowing in the course of the year enough druses to stock any apothw'iery'aehopof averaee di mension This, orV"vure,defeAis instead of furthering tne end in view, viz , tbe re covery of heaUh and vismr. Were they te seek It from an unfailing eeurce of vitality, Hostettrs Stomach Bitters, how different would be tbeir case. Then vigor would rat urn to their debilitated frams,the glow ot health to their wan oheeks,thetr tremb ling uncertain gait would grow firm and elastic, appetite, that erauoast of all sau ces, wculd give a relish for the dsily food, were it ever eo refreshing sleep woutd crown the tasks of the day. OregoQ Kidney let. gists. For sale "y all drug Trt "il I! i' :llBKItJ Statement of Mvw&ntM of subscribers with the OteMccAT have bfen placed In the bands of agents through the county, ao that subscribers desiring to see either how they etand. or to settle for the same, can do so by calling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Democrat. Those desiring to pey a year in Advance and get the ''American Farmer" one of the bps', agricultural pa pers in the U. 3 . oan do so with our events. Call on the following gentlemen at the places tntmed : O pCivdiow .Brownsville. R Khelron Sclo. F M M'tler Lebanon. Sam Mav Harrisburg. F. A. Wait Shedd A. 0. U. W. Members wisbi'tg empioymf n; or desiring nolo, will please cU at lted tic Frownell's store and register their names. By Order of Loses. Dissolution No to, Notice Is hf reby given that the copart nership heretofore existing between R, F, Ashbv and W. K. Price. Jr.. both of Scio, Linn coontv, state f Oregon is this day dissolved bv mutual oousent.B, F. Ashby retirlngr. AH liabilities of the ti-m of Price A Ashby sre assumed by W. E. Price, Jr., ard all Oebu due and owing to the sa'd firm are payable te W. E, Prise, Jr. tt, F. Ashby, W, E, Pbicj, Jh Scio, May 8th, 18S0,