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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
2ft fi $Hittttrtffff aa FRIDAY JUNE 11, 1886 ' 1 ' ' ' " ! 1 Whet this country wants h prohtb- i. t luni th orHRie.1 Vote in ion. ihi"w IIUI J (Mllll (! .I'HIIIIPIV Summer h.tts end some ere bonnets, but they don look like it. . . . , . Perhsps it i.n't too let. even for oamusi a. inarn to irsc insrneu. Lunar still I ijne dt-t that fell ed bit h m mi I ohisf. Grit,, and greenbaoka, 8am Tl wuura hi, vw w vival of raliuirtn 'MHOOUxfullv. " - - " Wbst if the new aduiitONt rstion adoii'rtd ms e wr cr Turn the bach aj - lore out. A brilAl blosso'u for G'over Oleve- lsud itv Dstlonal d-"-, w rrdiicl nearly nine millions is M . ' gae Rstion asys th' ex President A.tthur wtit iki urn westia yet, and Fiauk knows, for b 'n- Uvrd eveisl jesrn himself Jros Ferry, tlMMtgh our of nffioe snd ssemingly in ned of a vtu lies' io- , i round and alerk and arpartmtly as ha py ts eret tefore. Mm: -r McLt hss ajwitetAirel ed bimsnlf in ib hern d Fruch peo pie by the fluenov with which he speska their native tongt. Hv Htnrv W-trl tJ-ch-r l!' ail for LCir.u- vmit tho middle f J re It is aadersto .i h" sri'l mk a lev u ftmr t brooch E i'sn I. H . H far, the essMtj ul -hr Brit iah Lagetl-Mat W - - i j t. vi - return to this C i-i-i rv in J-itf and npf rl th- v remainder of 'h sSHMefe at Newperf. Mrs. Tyiei, the srtdow oi ec Presi dent Tyler, has left the Csoitel and is now living with her only daughter, Mrs. Eilis, in Montgomery county, Va. George Alfivd Tuwosend, "Oeth,"in abusing Mr. Jones, of the New York Timet, calls him the "weakest individ uality in American journalism. " That can never be said of Gs'b. He is as Strong aa he cao -ink - him. . Mr. Buine is hhcm more enifaed in a csteh ss-eareh-oin wrestle with thf British lion. Whe'i he was 8ecrrUry of Suite be preftrr?d to go on th saw dust with certain sml. countries in S'uth America. Tne Mugwumps have jusl discovered that Mr. Blaine did not evn bank his fires, but has kept up steam all the time, and brought the nigger out of the woodpile to sit on the safety valve. The Treasury statement issued June 1st ebows tbst the public debt of the United State, leae in the Treas ury, is $1,398,198,231 74, being a re doetioa for Msy of $8,828,565.91 Mrs. Lgan his a rag csrpet on the stairs "f bsr Washington house. Now let Mr. Biaine meet this by appearing in a bob-ill rt with a natch on the seat of bia psnte. -.. m The revival eombinatioo of Mam. Jues od Sra S in is increased by the accession of Sm. Brown. They are a S n-ils lot, and sh iu'd render the Pat I ma in style. Cegressman Hiloso still insists thst C mgress ought to adjourn by July 7th. But. between ought to and will there are several distinctions, as wall as several differences, and possibly sev eral jobs. Turn the rsscsle out. , -. Of the whole amount of gold held by the Government banks of England, France, Germany and the Treasury of th United Spates, England has 8 per cent.,Germany 14 per cent , the United States 37 pet cent, snd Fiance 41 per cent. Cm. and Mis. Jessie Fremont are now settled far at least a year io vVash ingtoo, where both are hard st work noon tbe General's "Memoirs," Mrs. Fremont acting as smanuemis and do ing meat of tbe work io eearebiog rec ords and reports ott file at th oapital Mr. Stare Dorsey is delivered of the opinion that President Cleveland haa not tbe slightest chance for renomina thn. The solemn force of thia judg ment ia somewhat broken when tie country remembers tbst Mr. Steve Da'y gsily aasuied the country two years ego that Mr. Cleveland had net the slightest chance of election. One ef the charges most frequently made against President Cleveland is tbst be hss made msny mi takes in his appointments to office. As it is not probable, however, that tbe Republican Senate would confirm tbe sppointment l an unfit Dmocrat,the fact that only six out of 2,156 nominations have been rejected, would seem to show thst tbe Admipistnttion hss dene fsirly well in the matter of appointments to office. General Sickles is a retired offlcet with the pay of his rauk, and insists tbat he did not forfeit it by accepting Other salaried duties. This is the ques tion which General Stoneman settled in his case by resigning as a retired officer. We do not think it just tbat accepting other service should work a forfeiture of retired pay, since it is giv en upon tbe theory that it was earned by past active service, and how can other public duty nullify that useful service which is past ? THK Bl I V Wl Gu inwimru iciv, fl . 4 A . . 4 I fl iwl I m,nBV,m- Unvested v the comae which John as we go io press mm .m BH A .1 14 I. t ,IKlA I uum n. vrnea, w. wm w... Sent the ofllcUl Vote In full. Ueiow we elve kl nearly es possible the vote we give es M".y as In the county for ell prpclncts, OOTKRN'On. Pennovor 1715 386 gjj mo Builer Ih8 325 liermann . . ; 1343 .. . Itlll 300 a. SUPRCMK JUDOK. - -- -- -- -- -- - Waldo hvu Mi, I k.. uv i l t Bull.. I irt70 AAV Ik. MMWWjb I" McBrid 1371 8TATB TR CS8URKR. Wabh 1030 279 Muriton 1377 STATE eUPERtJtTKNPtXT. D.vls 1025 103 McElroy .....1432 STSTK TKlHTKa. Nh kell 105G 271 Bker 1380 Jl-l't.K 3D DISTRICT. ShrtW Bole 149S ,1,0 an' 3d distru-t. I Belt 1530 350 11 . . lohna II STATE SENATORS. Irvine 1507 Blick ej Dawson 1702 Johnson 1240 REPRESENTATIVES Henry 1625 Blovln 1646 Swank 1471 Hsnsard 1588 Mlll-r ' 1525 M in 1300 Pa-well 1444 Smith 1433 Rlchertaea-n 1437 Taiphs l 65 sfttasi.. . 1 3 42 Currie ...mi ,..1547 136 ...1411 ...1629 290 LEKK. Gaihraith. Andrews. nuurr. 8mith l'rask 1339 COCRTT COMMISSIONERS. Miller 1697 Pomeroy Iti94 Brandon 1605 Peal 1341 TREA-I RKK. Carl :...1598 152 Hughrs 1446 tkVOOL SUPER tNTENDEXT. Reid 1680 204 Giitert 1426 BLRVr.YOR. Fisher 1654 257 McAdoo 1397 AS E80R Smith 1762 598 Breece 1164 CORONER- Thompson 1535 255 Wood i n 1 280 THE BLBtlSeX. Lsteet electivu returns up to the time of going to press shows the foilow- Liug result : Peunoyer's (Dec) major ity iu the state will te about 2000 ; Hermann (llep. for Congress about 1800 ; Webo(Diu.)for Treasurer about 1500 ; Baker (Rp.)State Primer about 1500 ; McElroy (lin ) Sine H pt. of Public Iustructiou about 15U0 ; Mc Bride (Rep.) for Seseetatjf of Statr about 500. For S-iprm) Ja-ie very close. Will uke Ui:ul count to de termine the result Ihe Democratic county ticket u elected oscept Bleck for Senator, beaten by Dawson ; Montanye for RpeseB tstive, hasten by J. O iVwe'l Pom eroy for Commissioner, beaten by Brandon, and McAdoo for Surveyor, beaten by Fisher. Matthew Arnold, toe distinguished apostle of English sweetness und lighl, has arrived in t iM country .nd wi.l remsia hre for so oj weeks to come, in the hope of tl idii u u-r Isgalth fid rest. Mr. Arnold brings with him a name as fr o from taint es the 8 ars are free from the fllih of the street tud no admiration for the arch Americm ea?( that perches n a twenty-dollar col i ae lofty hs a true tnrn tfritoa can fH. He eleo dis dains the OiCir Wilde example and brings hi clothes aiong. -IX- . ... . . ' ' Mr. BUine msde h speech in favor of the Home-rale bid. In it he used language so violent thaUt ifta react ed against the niHunure he was pro fessing to aid, aril Mr. Gladstone's newspaper organ, tne Newa, frankly wishes that Mr. BhiSn had minded his own busine?s. The News does not know our man from Maine. He isseeki nf lha Prldency and does not propose to be a deadhead in the enterprise, if ho has to sin ish a dozen Horne-ruV bills. Mr. Stve Dorsey declares that this country does not want traitor ut io control of the Government they tried to destroy. 8 ! Now we think ttsfi what the country does want ! to see Mr. Dorsey in stripes for the disap pearance of $4,000,000 invested In expediting Star-routes. We are asked how much money has this country. Well, there Is In sight,as we say of wbeaf,$ 346,000,000 greenbacks, $312,000,000 national bank-notes, $540,000,000 gold, and $300,000,000 silver t total of ft-,. 500,000,000 or 525 per head, esti mating tbe population at 60,000,000. We ask, mildly bat firmly, w'20 has over $25 ? gg J0MW RRtUnT M IttftktMO. "Call no man great UU he is .land." Th , hAM rt ,,n lfl kMlklM " W V hl n hu o)J g0 m Qhm9U lo mr or ir(,Un,. srt UAVa knowa i, J Urn ... -id. f th . , . . , AUentio as the friend of liberty end the epotl of fretninity and peaor, end id t . I It Is more with aorrow end emsanian then enger that ws aee him thwart the I ellort to etehliah the I r I QT0tIs9f DUOll OI Iriahmon and Gngllshmen on the im- ..M.-i.i,..u k lit v and lMtifls perishable b stla o! equality and Jestiee Should it prove ttuo thst hia letiei read the meeting of the Chamberlain die- , siueiKi on iviouusy ns 'iirnsu m uso- i Monday haa turneu ine obi- nat the immediate recognition I tnn anal . ... ' r, nf t).. Um r.ilo uriuci. w"" " I" I le. it is not the advoodrs of Ireland . I . , . , . . . n i.. i i but i he fnenda of John Bright who wi.l .1-. ...... .t,. ... h.. .t. .uu. .cu., wu Mr,,,u, " i .1 . i i : i . r . , . .. iiiiu. nappy ci sing incio.ns vi m . . .. !i., .L.i i Air. .y itsrwms isissiswss I- lis - l thia u, who st the final, dectaive no nont cas.s the weight of bia great M ne into the scale agaiunt the hee ,.1000 H8jainv veers nave neen oi en asgjm i a j it a.1 i I ststesuieo their moat cm una and alsneh 1 . . . . . ... ft end. Always huherto he had -1 elard himself sgainat ooeroieo ead all i meas ires tending to provoke the die oon a t itet chsleng-a c tci n, while . . , . . more than one Iwlesl bn u Rat t to h' path of generous eoncsssiou thst I ,. , j ,k I !eada to amitr and concord. No voio rang out more loudly and noieotly then I hia for th tfrmtej of that odioue I emhtfm ' ' r I .the Irish- Auliem h. ' s i.iiwftiu' l; man was th l i I alato Irish Ciholij ffcafi j" I f id the resources .'votrd io 'h- education more pr-trapoy slmitl eloqu nt'y urgd. Senator Payne of Ohio ha just ou. for the indignation he ielr, end which all honorable w n ihos io,a' thuacti ssj of the Kepub'ieen maj irity of thi Ohi Legis ature Afur a dragnet invrati- bioh,aoo rdmg to their own report, the ordiosrv rules of viduc were dtsregsrd I, ihry failel N SsWaiti i ngle chargi i gainst Mr. Psvut- Their report admits this, snd ihv ba f tacitly msde he -erne edmtsi-ii pr. vioualy by failing to summon ih Sen ator. He bed eake I to e a hef. r the committee od n.ak a - ;n Tbe request was rvluse I. Mviog thn donby c nfeased their failure tu this partisan proceeding, ibey bundle up their mass ef ramor, falsehood and con jecture and en i it to lh Uuited States Senate. Abe whole tbin: is at once mslictoni snd indecent. R ndolph Tucker and John B. Bar- our, of Virginia, bare both positively nd repeatedly declined a renouiteation to Congress, but aa all .be men suggest ed at uf censors emphatically refuse to stand, it is likely tbe twe msaibers will b rmomiuated and elected over their veto. lebanon. The Union S. S. picnic was a grand success. At 0:30 Tnaredsy morning ineBundey Bchoots met oa the square and at le formed in tine, but owing to some hums that some of the band boys had 00 band such as eeo log his girl or something, tney did not start until 10:45. The sun beam ed brightly down and the tbermone ter was way up, bat who cared. No people on earth bat Sunday Schools c iuld have stood it. They were like patience ou tt monument. Every few moments a meetenger was dispatched from the line to the band room, and would return with the cheerful news that they weuld soon ne on bands. The sweat poured down everybody's fare. The Marshall, F. M. Miller, would flaunt his red bandanna and about for them to wait Just ooe more minute. Our aged flag bearer would lean up against his flag staff to rest, and the banner bearers seemed ready to atop. The SuperiotRdeate and indeed all mopped and re-mopped their red faces, but finally the band csme and we started. They proudly tok their phces behind the colors, toon the bnnerof the M E S. S.,its of lice r and teachers and then the scholars, then the C. P. banner and school, and tbeu the First Presby terUn banner and school. Artiving at the ground the M. E school open ed ranks and those in the rear marched through and took seats,then the C. P. school, and las'ly the M. E. school marched to seats. The band played, then there was singing, each of tbe Superintendents made a few remarks, and from them we learned there were 255 scholars enrolled here in the different schools. Think of that. After the different literary ex ercises were over, everybody got a basket and prepared fordinner. After dinner a baby was announced for amusement, and a collection was im mediately taken up for a prize. Ht tie Fitzgerald took first prize, and Macy Myers the second. Swings were up and croquet sets out and everybody sjemed to have a good' time. There was between 400 and 500 people. Mr. J. F. Whiting, artist, was mar ried Monday evening to Miss Mae Roynold. Later in the evening they were serenaded by the brass band. Sunday i Children's day in the churches. It will be observed here by the 8. 8. having a union service at tne Chapel at 10:30 a. m. Cannot give a program now as the committee have not yet ompleted It, but it will bo good. Mi Minnie McDmald, of Etst Portland, h visiting Miss Flora Mc Caliey. A. Jeb Printing. Burkhart & Pfeiffcr are prepared to do all kinds of printing on short notice and in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. VvOtt fsUliVS. keatrl tfM r Lias sb Alsss lei Cheep Beltles rwer. Many food fraud. such ft chicory coffee watered milk, although they are a sw In- die In n commercial sense.are oitcii tolerated tuauai Ikow tn nnt riarllriilurl nffi'i't ilif" health of the consumer ; but when an artl cle like baking powder, that enter largely ,nto th. fotHi 0 everv- famuv. ,, relied upon for the healthful preparation of almost every meal, is so made as to carry highly injurious, if not rankly poisonous, elements 7: ... i t ' . . . Into the bread to the Imminent dange.-of the mhIImm MAmmiinite If la eisea 4 sft s t I ke tresis c,,l,v vviuuiuuiiu uiv uuy w isw t flrtrtimrjsj m m j, 111 thtf tmih! MRi phetic terms. Among recent important discoveries in fclod . L. hv prof. Mott. the jj, Government Chemist, of lnrKr ""StAE SL!?2" dsngerous, and the other the most useless, adulterants yet found in the low-grade, In- e i - s t . i . & .i-tllu g . a I ,Hn..K mt m .v w . w . - -. .w ..,- , dangerous, and the other the most useless, . . . . . ... . - . 'f . ' .U"",,K 17 " ...M . ......... .s v.. tnai 01 over one nunureo oinerem oranasot baking jnwder so far analysed, comprising all a I . . ... mmI.I la Sis la i. inil o, ttt t MHS A In,.... mi utim miui in un i i. iiiiiT,iiHireui iiiciii) wUh thc fc,ngle rxceplion lht Royal n.M,j- , M,i umM . .T"T ' PIT; ;V;t;rrvV; iT, l J " - ------ w.iuh, tt u true that lime, when ...I,ir.-ted to hcut.Lfives off a certain amount . i i ii " ..... it. ii I oi carnomc bchi nas. out a quu;umr is im i ,MUdc o poweHul that It is used by tanners to eat the hair from hides of am- n a -j a . at i t a jects. A amall quantity of dry time upon , prtMlui effects be upon the delicate membranes of . .... stomacn. sismih anu awnrys, more particularly of Infants and children, and ene;lallv when thl lime Is taken into the eystem ijv 'aftar day, and 1 with almost every m-i i. ao t,v nhvftlclans to te one L.i ,he chM c-ul-- of'lndhrestlon. dvsnenels. and those painful diseases of the kidneys i now so prevalent, instances oi osssbsjbi liou affectlona of the latter organs from drinking time waters found In some section die nt Htv iiiucn in cTcij iiit"-- lournal. Adulterstlon with lime Is quite as much dreaded as with slum.whlch has here tofore received the most emphatic condemn- .-.II.. i. vmw v fiwwl.H.U.I'lAn Ami chemist, for the reason that, while alum U .... . . . ... . . .... .- - - - - - - probably partially dissolved and passed off in gas by the heat of baking, it is impossihlc to destroy or chanvc thc nstmr .d thr liiu- In any degree, so that the entire amount in j tne imaing jmworr passes, wun an lis inju rious properties. Into the stomach. When we state that thc chemists have found twelve per cent., or one eighth of the entire weight of some samples of baking powder analysed, to be lime, the wickedness ol the adulters tion will be fully apparent. Pure baking powders are one ef the chief aids to the cook In prrtwHug perfect and wholesome food. While those sre to be ob tained of well established reputation, like I the Royal, of whose purity there hss never I been snd cannot 1k- a question. It U proper I to avoid all others. I ay rep ef Vtas Mi-.ufi. -uf. l only by the California Pig -s. rim i! m. r,.. ...... nl u Ntr's a .... 1 .... r wwo iro i.sisiive. I Bis pi.aaaan aui. oi. hoaid Iran rm.iy may b bad id Fosba a Mu.. aa lid. i.i. r n. .i .iur it 1. ib. ..U, aWi.. rented V known to eicaaa tbe svsteei : U ma ..- .k. t . tr.j- mmmt swv 's wvsw Mei, aa, isa ssss- j m aeaj-e wwwei kwhs ly yet tboroggbly ; te dispel headsebea, colds, and fevers j to ear ouostiptatiea, indigestion and kindred tils. N. H. Alls A Co., ars new reeeivtrg a fine Use of boots sad shoes, they propose is tbe f stare to make a spsetalty of this branch of their business, is addition te a fell ha oi eeeiaghae A Ueebs's make t boot sad shoes which for durability cannot be ax- eeUed, they have s Una of Eastern goods cf all grades iocludmg a line of 8. D. Hollars k Co., of Phdadslphia, ehddren and misses . t. . . shoes, whih are as good ss any msnsfactur d. They eaarant evsry shoe last as rep resented. Give the a trial. Te Baret r Caestwaallessli True delicacy of, flavor with tree efficacy of action, haa been attained ia the 0 California liquid fruit remedy, Syren of Figs, Its pleasant taste sad heaeflskl effects hsvs rendered U imsseosely Botwlaes For sal by rosnay a Mason, wholsaale and rsUd. t rawrr4. I have alt the negat'ves bakaa b iv A B. Pexton and any one can have dupll 1 hsv by ad oaiee rront tneir negatives by adareaefe ne, at tt following prices t Card six. per dosen. oabinei else, IS per dceen, aoo dours. so per dosan. I keen th finest line of Oregon views In the weat, Cata - logue furrdshsd on application. Copying , 'a-a . m.. w7. j. it. Kswroao. ureat excitement barbeen oaused in the vlfdfAlltf nf PsPa Taasy eiei Key trsaa ramefks wvaassajy as sss vwk-sssk J e-aew swsssw a bte recovery of Mr, J, it Corley. who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his bead ; everybody said be was dy Ing of Consumption. A trial bottle of I)r Klog'e Mew Discovery wee sent him Finding relief, he nought a large bottle and a boa by the time be bad taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of tbe Discovery be wae well and had gained In flesh thirty six pounds. Trial Bottles of thia Great Discovery Tor Consumption free at Foahey A Mason's. Beekiea's Aralea salve. The beat salve In tbe world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tstter, Cnapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Fosbay A Mason, fiieee i lb. On from one to three years time, on good security, in sums of $500 up. taii on ClikkMowtkith & Go. for Male, One Corran Freit Dryer, essd ooe year ; one Bain wagon, nearly new ; two good work horses, and yearling colt ; one est double harness, by R. O. Smith, at Oakville. The finest lias of window cornice mould J For your sewing wing machine needles sod extras go to Will Bros, Examine Woodin's Extension tables. Thsy sre -well go and see them for yourself. w 1 am. we ,1 m ,1 ,,.MMI Albany Market. Oats 29 " " Wheat 600 per bu Butter 20 ots per lb. Eggs 12 cents per doz Beef on foot, 2XA 2Xo Hay baled, $10 te $12 per ton. loose,$8 to $10, Potatoes 85 eta per bushel. Bacons hams, 80 shoulders, 60. sides. 5s. Lard lOe per lb. Flourv-4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per doz. Sugar San Franeise 0, 6H'c Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton, shorts, 15. middlings, IB, Chops, 13. Hats and Caps. N. II, Allen k Co., are now receiving large stock ef hats and caps, children's I screws, sa season wilt ba mads Specialty Another Cut in Rates ! 1 beg leave to announce to the farmars of thta county that I am ntlll in bualno at the old stead end have Juat received from the Kt a Iniv ' ' of wwvcm timber during this last big out In freight rates, and lam willing the r ir.nn nnd poojile hero none ral ly oa.n have the benefit of the aama. Anyone whhhu wiaMii rep tiring done will please notice my trices i Filling ell klnda of wheels, $1 4 par set or $.1 and ? I p jr wheal , Bolsters, Hmdbomrds end Tongues, 1 each, Hickory as lee, ft p.H, Mingle apokee and felloes, 20 cents each. door mulh nf Arthur's b North llrownsvllle, Or , And erervtiiuiK oimo in nroporiion, au worn iMoknmith ehop. 'tegon. At FRANK BROTHERS ni? 4 j -nt) r, t vr 11 a y t AT UJit tVsUBU&O 111 JC AltM All Wall-A vVrtn.1'- Mfiw. . Itmiufi! mill wp-r a Wood's Mower. Itusuers and i.m. ..i A t'h-i.-r- I Jaar Hivitt A Uo'a 'I'liroshorN. Walking Flows, Cultivator, t tnniti saw vw te B S wnsCT "I Mrt eornolatn llueof Iluuirles. (Jarrlaaes Havlun received our goods during tlm fow o give our customers the benefit, en 1 aell tj .1... r..m i -.!,. .... . a. i. ........ nn.rvJ( I'HIMK MKOTII V.ilH I fl n nit via Conrad Meyer, -PHOPfUBTOK OF- STAR BAKKRY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.r DKALKtt IS (anseil Fruit a, Jlsvewjtre. a.Bli tlenta, u re ism a r Vrgetaiblla, 4'Igersi, Mnlrra, Tea, Ktc. Dried Vrnlts, Tobarm, ' Nugar, i oirr, F.te,, In fact everything th V. ts kpi la a goa era! variety and grocery store. If IgbeM P P10 u,r mm AC DDflflllfs. ALL tlllUO Ur r If UMUOCs BILL XYK." Will tnako Dm auason of isstf at the fol (owing tdaos. Labanon on Tedes of aeb wk. Ilrownsvillo. Wedneasy nlxbl and TbOOKUV. If lsy. Thursday niabt and Friday. HiH Nvs was aired by Kdwsrd Kvereti I sad hia dam was hv a an of Kmiirren. I Thus U will tie sewn' that Un ' th I oloou or v ermont, u -met, rainnuoer au-i 1 funiarant. mm is rtt oniy a wen nti I vouns? bora but he la imod Individual 1 1 an J thoibat are brtdtuit for liKht 1 hemes blood can not do utir. 1 he ree 1 1 . u. - . 1 . . . ... 'l'orp ior 01. ' I The lastr bluod IVrehoron stallion form I 1 as. a. lar v rsssv ti I l.v Niiiir.M Cat fin. I- ri . w I m4g the above rtreult with Hill Kye. I Price aa usual. IVm't forget their ap- ss)inunnt ana ann i 111 to w ui .-.. the hendsom)t horse on th reed. "A thing of beauty Is s joy ferever." D. B. Mi K mi. 11 1 . Prop, I0U08 to Contractor., Notice la hereby given that sealod bids in accordance with plana and spidea tiona now on file at the Clerks office In tbe Coo rt iiouee, at Albany.Unn county. 1 iregoo. will be received by tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, at its June terra. A. I). ISHfl to build a brtdae acros and over the Callipoote river at Boston Mllh In Unn , J bid- der shall deposits with bis bid liv pr oent of , be Amount ol such bid Kald bridge to be 70 feet In tbe clear, of the 1 M"1? .Tb! T"?? in riRHi m rwject any or an wj. mo'- to be filed with tbe Clerk on or befor Wednesday, June inb. lso, st 1 o'clock. j l. Done by the order of the Court. D. AsobEws. Clerk, MfJBJDft fttPMstO affJUMR asm The above cut illustrates a fjue ins- 1 chine thai makes the beatheapest, ban i socnest, atroogeet and most durable fence ; Jbja combination of galvanised steel wire 1 and wooden nickels woven solid v to troth sr. Old fence lumber, split or sawed pick u M rarl.iM muii mtf Im 1 1 ... I 1 nrtlH u kQda of stock without danr. A man and bov wavo 4i iu H i ro U of f.onr.i per day. Price of machine within tbe reach or every farmer. For rurtuer pr tionlara app.y to Obat A I'.hv a s, Agents. Albany, Oregon. Executor's Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed excator of M last will and testament of hlish.i Harris, ueceseed, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of said County. All per sees having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified le present the same properly verified to the undersigu ed within six months from the date hereof at Hsrrisburg in Lion county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, 1880. J. L. WlQLK, Executor. JJOJl'T FORGET IT. If you try to build now white wheat U only worth 51 cents you should by ah means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You oka get what you want at tnair store ana at reasonable ng urea O AWS, AXES, ETC We will sell you the famous Dlsaton Cbampton cross-cut saw at a low figure, d can give you goo pri ses on axes, -ledges and wedges, Pktkka A Stjbwart. A MMUNIT10S. nk. A lull suooly of tlio uitikl slxis of car tridges, brea and paper shells, prime wads and br let 1. Also tin trwt pow der. Paraas ASraaraa rJptlE BESTStliiT IM TOWN Can bo found at our store. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 75- feet, while the St. Louis shot sold bv us drops i0 feet, mkmir it equal to chilled shot Sportsmen should not forget ihls Fxtebs A Stewart. PROMPT RELIEFF3R ALL. HnililsHil B:Uiliilill :l BBBBfaMBBBBflsU WW 11 IS I Jr sTT aseBBESBBBBBH tiaMillillti'l.iiL'ii'lrJ.fllll.,,!; Impurities in the blood should be ex pelled, and tbe system given tone and strength, before the prostrating effects of warm weat tier are reit. J ne ori-gou Blood Purifier is a purely vegetable compound, manufactured by a competent chemist. Persons having suffered from Liver and Kidney complaint, debility, scrofulous eruptions, or any other disease oaused by impure blood, and been cured by using this wonderful remedy, invarl- ably recommend It to their friends. Try If wewxr TiatASr urn Han comma I Pvfn SI ft1 gsHBfit IbsMsBsPs flj lijeeaJi bottle, or 6 for $5, Sold every where: K' iii'imb&r the p!ce,oi IIALKHAt IMPLEMENT GO. 1 1 , f f I l i ' I i i X I-1 IJ V U iniJjJj MilUlllll JliIV 1 Tw no n ndre. Ilodires' Mouliio I'rsoer Twine I5indr-. I lodges' Dou Kuk'li.e nod It-irwi rowers, iluiord'e Knfrli. ml ll..r Iv.wi ' -m - ' Uang and Mulky Plows, snd Muring Wagons on the l4clli; Coast rst - a or frelgiu from too iumh w sro gum. them gwds In our line lower than ever bo I'l.K'l WT .. 1'orllisnu. or. t nunili. nici . tihiiiii. Or. - , G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robson's. AlfANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of alt kinds of GROCERIES, FAR . VI PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS ETC., ETC. BESIDES TO B AC CD, CIGARS. WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, tNADES, CROCK HY, GLASS WARS ETC., aT X PEODUCE TBI! II EXCHANGE1 Will sell as cheap fee any store In Albany BOOTS, SHOE AND SUPPERS. I am bow receiving my Spring and Bummer stock cf boots and shoes, I ffave aa nicely ft fitted up Boot and Shot Store, and aa complete a stock aa an? th a side of Portland and very few better In Portland. I buy aH my boots and sboea direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter bov cheap. No firm in Oregon hate any advantage of me in buying aa 1 bey in quantities and pay tbe cash. Ia ladies', misses and children's shoes I keep much tbe largest, best and grea est variety in the eitv. My aim wil af e 4 always he to ve st 1 value fm the money as possibly can he done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. o THE LEADING CUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITIQN,CARTRIDCES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbe most reasonable prices, el way in stock, Kepalriug douu on short notice Wilismette valley uimrods should nevsr buy without calling on W. I. SCOTT, Opposito Revoro House, AlLany, Or. HOFFMAN & PFE1FFER PROPRIETORS OK Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of GH0I0E CONFECTIONERY, We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, alwaya and pure at Portland priovs to dealers, Wo also keep' a full line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, We keep a full line, always fresh and at very low prices, . OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is complete. We keep the very finest stock of smoking snd chewing tobacco, meerschaum und brier nipfls that is a dehgut to smokers. gTUDEBAKBR WAGON. -Tnts ta tne omy wagon having a slops houlderod spoke and the steel truss on vach axle, and is the best wagon on heels. For sale by Peters ds Stewart, warraiiieu. SHOES. I aV bbbbbbV iaaajaasBaaMw They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. BLADTS. We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for s 0 a o Men and for Spring trade, better than ever. Tbe patterns are neat and attractive, we feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, ana take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia. comprising All the Spring Novelties THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cent Unlaundried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AKD CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way, U We have a large, new line of piece J goods in our 0 TAILORING DEPAKTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. Agricultural Depot! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROri Successors to W. E Gtoltra. ALBANY. - " 0REC0H, KEEP ON HANjp THRESH ER 3, EMQlNES, WAQON8, HACKS, PLOWS HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES, BJ1LOIN3 MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. "' - - .-ey jlBH?ijikiiiiiM lbsssslQlKllliB35 MWmWrf' fiK. SSBakfeBflftkBSrSVTKS Sj" ustavf 'HHbbsBP '-iilkMSSSsssffi jMisMsffT 3TEEL AND SPR'NG TOOTH HARROWS, FANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE W1RS And all Agricultural Implements used. - The largest and best variety of FARM WAGONS, HACK SAND BUGGIES, I the emtral Willamstts VaUev. Orders fr na a dlstaooa 'solicited aud piomptly fillel st lowest rates Best's Hand We keep the beat stook of cutler r In the valley Pocket knives and razors a sj- dalty. Don't buy anything in this an -wituout caumg on ns nrst. PKTKR8 A STBWAliT, P AINTS AND OILS, Of ill descriptions sold by Paters it S tew art. : . 1 (fessaHsaHH f 'HSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK " 'iSsBSBSBH asssBlisssssssgBBP Uib 1NDS, mmmmmmtm Youths 4 ts n v v wlw .jm s,w B L E. BLA1N. Separator. My Improvkp Haxo Sspasitas s double combined oiaohme'posseg ss tw xhoes, (instead of one ss 1 BSSflktssS of other man tra ! mere, nine riddles snd a Urge independent screen. Each shoe i equal in pow er sod caosbilit v to tbe ooe in any other mill, and by the operation of the tw double efficiency is secured. My 28-inch mill will clean from 00 to 600 bushels of seed grain per jy, aceordinf to the condition of the grain, and ws guarantee tbat all barely, oats or other foul seeds will be thoroughly removed with com -plete satit faction. 1 challenge anv sail) to a contest. I know that I en beat them, as my mill has beaten every mill it has came in contest with, both In Cali fornia and Oregon, and is the best mads, bolts being used where screws sre used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albany, Ore-go. B LACKS MITH'S OUTFITP, Anvils vises.bellows.haninieis, sledge stocks and dies and almost very tool ua by blacksmiths we keep oontin.;y h-tnd Also a lull stock of iron.f all sis horse &hoea:td horse shoe usib, peo iloea made on small outfits for farm use,