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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES & NUTTING. UtrINE4lfTltE"la Peasee rat nlhllaso rwallbta Street. TKHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Of Is copy, pr year, tn sdvsnee......... t M n Is oopr, par year, et snd of yesr , g 00 I nyis oopy, tx months 160 stalls epr, three atonies..... 76 oris nuabw It PRESSIONAL CARDS. R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Orfgon. 'ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE ? Courts of thm State. Will give pedal attention to oolleoUona and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. atbany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John BriggV store, tat atreet. Y14 n23tr J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTOHNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OBBtiON. IfTILL PRACTIOK IN ALL Til It COURTS OFTHK ' V State. Special aitontlon iftvcii to collections ami fa OUd Fsllsw's Temple. 1111 r. o. rowLU w. k. en, van POWELL & BTLYGUs TTORVRYS T LAW. And Solicitors in hanrepy, isMHTfY. ORRGOM. Collect lens promptly made on all points. 'jana negotiated on reasonable terms. "Office In Foeter'a Riik."JB iSnlfttf. jTj7whitiky attorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. Will practice in all of the Courts of .bis State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., DKHGOISTl. nooks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Larft- Stock and I-ow races. OITT JD-RTJQ- STORE, tyl 4LBtY. S)stE0. FOSHAY & MASON, -nouuu am assail Druggists and Booksellers, A ports for John B. Alden'a publications, which we tell at publisher's prices with postagesddrd. ALBART, OREGOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED. Albany, Or. FURNITURE. f hare the beat stock of orniture in the city and w.Jl sell Cheap, Cheap Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE .n the cltv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A. complete stock and can rive SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOOD) N, Revere House, ( urn. Sirs u HIswuMb Slbaav. rrg;n. ueller & Garrett, Prop'ri This new Hot Is fitted np tn first dsas sty Is. Tabk applied with ton best tbe market affonte. lUxlm In .rcrv Rrt. A rood Sample Boom for aiercisl Traveler. arrive Csss t- m4 fnt tb tltl." ALBANY WLLEG1A1E IiNSTlTUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OB. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., lath, 1885. For DsrUcul srs i ibbiw of stody sad h. pnos of tu.tion, apply to BET. J. V. WYCaiarr. r resident. Alo any Bath Mouse. rai UNDEttSIUNKD WOULD RESPECT fally v aform the oltiseas of Albany and ri ttaitythat I haTetaksanhargsofthU KsUblUh msnt.snd, by kseping slaaa rooms and payin striot Attention to basims", ezpscts to fait sJ I hois who may favor ne eith tholr patronage Heiogberatoforaearriad on nothing bat First-Olass Hair Drsaaine Saloons szpsota to firs satire tatlsfrrtion to at SfyOtldien an-1 Ladles' Hatr neatly eo h in noned JOS WRBPKR. Physician and Surgeon, Office-oor. First snd Ferry Streets, ABAMY - - OREGON. a. O CTHKKBT. c.K. PrHKS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Suooeaaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MiUwriglits, and Iroi Fonnto. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8HOP8 AT.L oomfileted, and are now prepared to handl all kind" of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines. Orist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Tron and Bras Castings. PATTEKSS n 4E OSf SHORT MOTICK. Special attention given to repairing atl kinds of machinery. Will alao manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Grain Henarator N. J. HENTON, Kotary Public and Insurance Agent, O F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre sents several of the best Fire In sura nceCempanlea on the Coast. Call t a State VOL. XXI. German THimtua a. tniui tm. s arisen, as jteesfMtrlu JVse "rem Opiate; Mm H lee and iWeeet. SAFE. 25& SURE. PROMPT. At D.D..MT. Pen TUs VUtSUtS A. TOKKUa OK. HALT! BOSS, IB. MIMII AJn P.AL .... Skin TORTURES I -AND blood mim, Humiliating Eruptions, luhlnf sad Rarnlns Skin ss ioritirm. i.itneosse Burse, sad ssr species ot lirhlnr, HiiIt, Pimply. Inherited. KcroruW. and sseSMrtnui liim-s.' C thr Hl.-xJ, Kktfl i Kcalp. with iocs of hair from Infancy tn old us, sr. positive ly eared by CaUeurs, the great skin curs, and L'uU -curs 8osp. sn souiaiu .kin beanUAer. .itarnelly. and Ciittrur Resolvent, lb. new HI cud Purtfl..r In. Israslly COVERED WITH SOKES. I bar. hssasSMslSsl sines last starch with a akin disiaas th. doctors cal'ed K castas My fee was covered, with .cab. and sores, and tbs Itchta and burning- wars alSMSt unbearable, ftaaine- tour foil. curs Remedies so high It rsoomntsadad. coaeloded to nwj ssassi . bobs, sssaj th. Soap xtsmaUy, aod Rasolrsut internally, to asoaiae I esll myself cuicd. In eratitada fur whiah i seeks this public itstseaset. u Cuu A. rasseaicav Brand Brook, Conn. ALP.FA4 E, EARS ARB NECK. I srsa afflicted with Ksswsss on th. aaalp. Pa. Bars sod Sick, which tbs dnatgtst, wkwrs I rH vuur tssssdkss, prTsosnssq oas of lbs worst cases last had oosm saasr his notles. Us aAvkea ate to try jrosv Cutkurs Rssssdiss, and altor firm days' ass my srs,! and part of say bos wars swtirsty cursd. and 1 hl swHhsr weak te ha, siy ears, ndsk, sad tbs Othar Dart of Bar trm rura.1 : E Mb Strssi, Now Turk. 1TCHIMG DISEASES CURED. CuUcara stands at th. haad of It. rlu. is this th. csss with th. t'uticura Soop. liars had sn UMUsusliy good sals this ramtnsr, owlnc to aba prsalncs ( on smtraTtsd form of 1Kb throaab sosaa lrUiUss In the eoostry, In which lbs Cuticttra assswssi presaa sat a. story. W. L. II AS BIOS, UTWfXUt. t niontosra. Ky. 1 TIC I RA REMEDIES Art- gold by sit ilSwslH PHna I PmiUms ISasaw. BsOoirsSJA, at : Bssav SS aaata. Draw wad t hemiraJ Co., Boston. Sand for "How UCursSkla DCSIITIKY tbs oocnpWsioo and skin by BtSO tbs conct sa aoAr. THE SEWING MACHINE Is the esase ef Uterine Pain aad srtskassi Yot aebkss; sfdee sad hash, kidney pates. Hciatica, chest peine, wssksiss sod In SssnsMtten, the I otienra AnU-Pan P1ae tsr is hdalbahle. t MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MillineiT, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. PERKINS Windmill rpttTT Csi bs relied anon fur s Brst-elsssi 1 1 at ilo rcta, s et er snow. It Is the best in use. For at die address St I at St SHKLBMPS, tbs Tff dealer, ear. Front and Morrison fits., fortlajil Or. Sol. agsnt for f.rain' windmill Co., of Mlsbwaoaa, ino.. in Oregon sod WaahinKtea. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OE RECTAL PISEASER. DR. J. B. PIUUNCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Amist ft Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon, following the ist Monday of each month. Will make these visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing scores or me worst for ins of above diseases, Refers in rv ifi nv '. sa v. .w wsj- - Albany to Jas.8. Cherry cm nee. R A. Rampy, Drngs Deffen backer, farmer at Hai eared or blind trist. and Fred arrisburg, con cerning Rectal diseases. A score of other name given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Patem dr. Stewart have neck -yokes and single-trees, ironed or nnlroned, neck voke irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for aale bea p. J t CASE PLOv This famous plow Is well known In Linn Connty. Tho chilled and steel plows are well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work and cour full y as well as any other plows Peters A fewart are the sole agents FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Daalsr in all kinds' FURNITURE, AID UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT JLAW -AND Notary PuMic- niE CHINESE MUST GO. Three -will do -wot o f all kinds, sawing wood, eardeninsr. etc. Leave orders at Read Red Star ttuGnCuRE ' o m dr BrmvnelTs. Toward! Virginia I forgot to say that ths serenade giv en me at Denver ended in a furious rain which prevented my doing the oity. Pleasant Hill is about thirty milts from Kansas Oitv. in Cass county. It it in the midst of a beautiful oountiy. Its beauty conaiata mainly in that it was arrayed in itt spring suitxif grtto. Splendid looking fields of wheat mak ing up much of this dress. Now thst the country is very rolling, end many of the hills oovsred with timber, giving a diversified appearance of timber and field, ne doubt adds no little to the beauty of the picture. At Pleasant Hill I purchased a ticket fer Tipton, twenty miles east of Sedslis, a dittaoct of one hundred milts. And I must say that Missouri, at least as tnuoh as I saw of it, is simply beautiful at to itt topography, and its improvements in the way of railroads, towns end farms and their improvements show financial resources adequate to t great popula tion. At Tipton I boarded a trvin for Boon villa, twenty-fire miles to the ortbi arriving there about 5 p. m. I soon found myself at the residence of one of my aunts, three of whom liv io end near ton. Beonville it oot of the old townt of tbt state. Near it my grandfather, Dsvid MoParland, settled ia 181 1. Hy auut in to em lives io a house built seventy years ago. The population it about four thousand. Tbt town has an air ( solidity, as most of the towns have, fer many ef the houses tiro ef stone snd brick end the ttreett el stone aad the sidewalks of brick. A significant iron bridge spans the Mis souri river at the upper end of town. the Itngtb of which it sixteen hundred feet. The next moreing after arriving ia town I took a stroll down to the river. It secured to me that it would be some thing unique to wash my hands in the biggest river to tbt world, or at least one of the biggest, bat on getting near the water a feeling ef disgust began to oreep over me, for I eonld hot contrast the orystal-like water of Oregon with this hnge ever-grown hog "waller. "snd I just simply tamed on my heels, (I turned on my bee's for the best cf rea sons, I eould not tarn oo my beadjiod walked awey with the utmost dignity, determined that no big thing like the Mijcsuri river should disgrace mhsnds with its solution of pore mad. A few days very pleasantly spent with my aunta and I muat need- journey on to wards St. Louis. The wasters part of the state is very rough. Little t be seen but the river on one aide end bluff. on the ether. As we approach Sr. Louis the landscape becomes more agreeable. SpLadid residences begin to ap ear, so by I Le time we roach a diataoce of eight or ten miles of the ei, the beautiful residence with their lovely Uwas and admirable ptrka line the road. Here we are at the city. N iw imagine if yea c the bewilderment that dashes ever me et the sight of s.ioh a eity. One whose ciroU of ohservs'ion could he crossed meet any day could btt be be wildered. Suddenly droped into a oity f four or five hundred thousand inhabitants, ithont sufficient knowledge to arijutjt myself to the startling condition of things, I judged it prudent that I might be saved from (ossible disasters arising from increasing bnwiiderment to take passage in the first hack that off red to relieve my embriassmsot,and drove in haste to Hotel Brown,wbich proved to be ell I could have desired a to ac commodations snd location. I saw but little of the eity, and hence will say lit tle. St. Loo is impressed me as a big thing. Its wickedness impressed me st being very great. I never taw Sabbath treated as I saw it in St. Liuis. It was my delightful privilege to attend the Sunday school snd worship with the Centonsry congregation of the M. E. Church South. To one accustomed to smsll things, ss they roust needs be in a new country, for all f ruitiv6 facte are necessarily amall in tbeir beginnings, he is ready to believe that the aim and ambition of old populations is to do things on s Urge seat. It is certsioly dene thst wy In 8'. Louis, in church matters as in other things. The Isrgest church buildings I ever saw on the outside some of them look ltks a hnge pile of undressed rock. Ou the iodide the architecture is rare iu ia formation and combinations Ittst to tn untrain ed eye. The expeoee like everything else must be on a prodigious eeale. The Sunday school, tbt congregation latge, and tbe organ large. I will say paren thetically the music was an exception, aaide from that msde by tbe organ. Now think of the pbtnomioat unique ness of a small preacher occupying a pulpit of at big a thing as St. Louis. Tbt most furious and incendiary meeting I ever witnessed was held in the strtet on Ssturdty night, by what wat oalled the eight hour men. At whieb, tn effigy wtt ptraded, hung by tht neck, over which wtt written, J. Oonld. A New York man made a fiendish appeitl,nofc to Uw,but to might, ALBANY, OREGON, uigiug til laboring tatn to assist in forcing t recognition of their supposed oltims. Ptssion, not reason, reigned. Monday morning, May 3rd, 7 t. m., two oar loads of delegates start for Rich mond. Tht first thing doot by our train it to dart into a tunnel, passing through which wt tre on to tht fsmoui St. Louis bridge. And a grand bridge it it, with two It. R. trtcki.two wagon ways above and two foot way a. The St. Inuis and Louisville air line R. R. leada through Illinois, wbioh appeared to good ad vantage. A very pretty coun try, with good farm improvements and frequent towns. We psstvd through tht southern part of Indians, which looked to be a very poor country, con sisting altogether of red hills tod in ferior improyemeota. We arrived tt L tn is vi its about night. Tht Om fiv er is quite an imposing looking strttm. Tbe bridge erossts tbe river over rapids. There tre looks on each side of the riv er. It wtt to late to see the oity. A ruu all night brings ut to West Virgin ia Tbe Ktntwt river is a onai d ara ble stream up which we travel, it and ite tributariee to the aummit of tbe Altegtany monntaiM. West Virginu impreel mess the poorest cjuntrj that I ever saw to Wo inhabited. Everything to be seen was a demonstration of tbe extreme poverty of tbe oountry. Mystery, why do peo ple live in euoh poverty when they can do better, it may never btve occured to them that there ia anything outaide of tbeir little patcb. 1 could but be amused at tho passengers as they would discourse grandly upon tbe magnificence of the Alleghany mountains, (hills tt they appeared to me.) They were not by toy means inspiring to oot who bad teen the genuine article. Who bad lived, as it were, beneath tbeir very shadow, who bad breathed air cooled and purified by their anowy summits. Tbe R. R Cj. bss gone to the exponas et filU-g up an observation ear for tbe accommodation of passengers, where tbey can have a better opportunity of going into repaody over what I oalled email things. Bu; I was disposed to be charitable end excuse their weak cess, because they had uot seen say greater. Tb? Alleghany crossed, we soon reached the "O.d Deminin." The land of great men.great thoughts and a great history. And 1 was really re lieved to koow that Virginia c .u!d boast of at least a few great names. Query, bow could as poor a countryfat Virginia appeared to a passing etrsngwr to be. produce anything great. One of the lesions I lesrned in school was.a stream d c tut rise bislter than tta fountain. Tbe stream of grtatneaa, if this lesson embodied a truth, did not rise in Virginia. Tbi greatness it certainly not indigenous to itt poor toil. It must hsve been imported. Your Vtrg ni re will not like this, for t lis poo eo'intry has bad a pbtnom inally etrsnge effect en i hem, in produo ing an xireme degree of atate pride. Bi. fher will eomfort themselves wiih e tbe fact that I did rot ree much of V. And of course that relieves tbe difficut' ty. OM Richmond, grand old city. What can I aay of it that will ia any measure do it justice. It wears the air of age. It has ths elements of true solidity. Tbe great majority of its bouses are of granite and brick. Tbe bouses rsnge in height from one to eight stories. A vast amount of bu.i tesi is tarried en. UiiHog milit, turning out vast quantities of R. il. mtteiUI. Flouring mills of vast capacity. Many kind of mtoufectoriis. An extsosive local trade. (You see there must be ttme good country somewhere in Vir ginia.) Capitol Square is ths most beautiful. thing I ever saw. Tbs Cap itol building itself is not imposing bv any means. The ten sores that sur round it is where its chief attraction lies. Walks, grass and trees of seversl varietiea,roast admit ably arrattged with fountains makes it a delightful resort. Tbe Washington monument is a superb structure. Tho general is mounted on a eplendid black charger, with uplifted feet as in motion, his nottrilt distended as if sniffing war sfr off,bis rider with uplifted bsnd as if giving directions for a charge. Below him on granite pedes tals, stands Thomas Jefferson, MVsbal, Patriok Henry, Liuis, and others, tbe whole rosking a truly grand di-play. At another point on the grounds is a statue of Stonewall Jacknon, presented to Richmond by some English geutlu meo. There is a paper before me con taining a few facta conoarning the city of Richmond, which I will send you. Shookoe Hill, Gambled Hill, Frencbtl Garden Hill, Oregon Hill, Lihby Hill, Union Hill and Churob Hill coraptise tho area which has given to Richmond its name of the "Saven-Hilled City." Located on the north bank of the James river, at the head of tide water, about ninety-five miles from the Atlantic Ocean, (in tn air line,) or one hundred and twenty-four by sail-vessel, no city in the south possesses greater facilititt for manufacturing and general commer cial growth. I can well believe this statement tt to itt manufacturing facil FRIDAY, JUNE ities, for tbt Jtroet river is a large fir. or, and it bat betvy rapfdt in it very ojavtnitot to furnish immeost Water power to tbe oity. The oity of Richmond to-day figures tt promintntly in tht history of Amer ica as any eity to tht Union. Itt no toriety by no means springs irom its advantageous losation but from tbt shifting scenes that hsve been enscted ia tbe drama of time, almost with pan oramio swiftness sinoe Captain John Smith paddled a osuot in tbt loctiity during the year 1607. A rapid review of what hat transpir ed within tbe past two and t half eso turies i inrprisiog. The Eoglisb set ilrnl near "Rocbetta" in 1600 , tbe Colonist tod Indisot foogbt af'Bloody 11,10 (Jy" ia 16S6 ; tbe foundation ofRielimond waa 'aid in 1733; teteb lished at a town hy act of Assembly in 1742; fitst State convention met at Sf. Johns Church" io 1775, where Patrick Henry proclaimed those living words of fire, 'Give me liberty or give me destb f declaration of I ad spec denoe announced to a public meeting io 1776; incorporated as a city in 1782; theatre destroyed hy fire tnd fifty per eons burned to deetb,ino!udtng Oovera or Smith, io 1811 ; earner stone of tbe Wasbtogton monument leid io 1850; it wat unveiled in 1858 ; tbe business portion of vbe oity wss burned at tbe close of tbe war ; tbe galleries of tbe Capitol fell and killed sixty fine people tad wounded two hundred others io 1870. Ae to its commercial vigor, in 1800 its population all told wat 5,800 teult ; io 1860 it bad a papulation of 50,000; at present it oleims a popula tion of 80,000. Itt maaofsctuting es tsbliahments number 714, which give tmployroent to 16,597 bands, and itt sales aggregated $28,297,061. Valet of real and pereoesl property,! 50,900, 000. I -bate been delighted with tbt society ef Richmond. Tbe ehriotieo io fl nonce is strong. A very large per oent of tbe people go to charcb. Church buildings are numerous, and tbt very beat. Vast multitudes of children go to Sueday School. I aaw six hundred io one school. Tbe srm lest array I have seen ia Ricbn. l -v.s a matt swatting of at less? i . , . , aad 8. S. children. 1 at 1 i , f.uot i f tbt resi dence of wit w.a once the home of General R K L sa. 1 i hough t of tbt past. May history, m least la some of tjs parte never repeat itself. D. C McFa&lm. -MM raHSKVILlK. Tho following lient wm got from our Prlnevillo ox's : St . uur merchants y4 tho u turner trade it opening up letter this ea on than ever befort. George Circles h ayUI his ctl In the Ileever couotry to D. W CUy pool fr $18 per hoed. Last week J. F. Circle told his en! Ire bend of dorter, about 75 heed to George Henderson, of Camp Creek, t"T $2500. John intei da going Into t' est tie busltteeo. J. F. Schooling came a root the Csscadet hy way of the MrKeozio road last week. Ho traveled over nbout fifteen miles of snow avers g log from one to too feat deep. O. W. Clsypoot is building a noat residence on his farm, teu miles above town. Mr. CI sy pool has ono of the beet grain ranches In Crook county, and with the improvements ha Is) now putting up, it will be, in deed, an attractive place. The man who "thinks tho Print- ville New ia tho poorest paper he over saw," and who teld so In the poeteffica not long ago, muat pay tho two years subscription ho owes, or his name and a history of his event ful life will appear In the ugliest typo in this office. You hear our horn, you old son of ioltitlon. See dissolution notice of Circles & Eikina, Charlio is now soie pioprl etor of the shop, end having shown himself toshe master of hla trade, will retain all the patronage the old firm had. Circles will localo u hia Beav er Croek ranch, to become a horney fisted granger. L. Senders has shipped two lots of horeos below, and Is now desirous of obtslning another lot. Lot all who have horses which tney wish to dis pose of bring them in at once, as he will go elsewhero t fill hi orders, if he cstinot proeuro what he- wants here. LOT SMITH IX rutSIUaXS. There are innumerable instances where cures have been effected by Scovlll's Sarsaparllla, or Blood and Liver Sirup, for all diseases of the blood, when they had been given over hy their physicians, It Is one of the best remedies ever offered to the public, and as it is prepared with the greatest care, as a specific for certain diseases, it is no wonder that it ahould be mora effectual thau hast ilv wrllten and carelessly prepared prescriptions. Take this medicine for all disorder arising from Impure blood. It Is endorsed by' leading professional men. 11, 188G. Sl'BIWG STOCK Now being received by N H cestw and pri- guarantee every article just as represented. Our stock was nur?wi rr oot dash, andwo propose to serf as Cheap aTany houslin tC&fand Put the Knife to Prices FS!tt S" wm ert Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. &C. Orders from a distance will be Dromntlv flii,t 0i plication Pr 1 1 taken. PromP"7 miod and samples se it upon ai ALBANY, OREtfON, MARCH 6, 1886, steal Estate. Following is a list of the real estate trans actions in Linn count v for the month of May. It speaks lor the amount of husinese done in this county : Waters & Moortock to Peter Humf, piece of land in Brownsville. Con $340. Wm il W heeler to Ruhcn Davis, 1 lot of 23 acre. Con Stco. Henry Cyrus to John Craft See. Con $$ Joseph Cavennah to Phillip Foul, 1:0 acres. J II Peery to Geo Harris 40 acre. Con Qaeot Alex Brandon to Lwella Barnes. 3:0 acres and part of block 3 in Hackleman's Add. to Albany. Con ; J H Crooks to J K McConnack, s6 scree out of donation of Win Temple ton. Con $1,500. J W Ellison to Wm V Barrows, lot 7 and 8 in Block 4 In Shedd. Con $300. F L Hyde to W R Kirk, 22 acre., near Bro'wnfville. Con $700. John W Cos to Geo R Girard, 80 acres. Con $450. G W Morrow to J Laervenherg, 6 lots in Scio. Con $500. Frank Countryman to Hester Hobart,2j acres. Con $450 Geo W Compton to G W Harris 40 acres. Con $3oa C H Pavne to Sophia Payne, undivided of Sec.' Con $t. John Settle to C B Montague, of blot I-in Lebanon. Con $150. J T Ames to John P Donaca, piece of land In Sec i TP 13 S R t E. Con E Kirkendail to J L McCartney, a part of lot I in Block 3, Sodaville. Con $20. J W Wigle to Mary Peters, acres in II arrisburg. Con $400. R S Owen to I Stratton, 85 acres of l L C of Isaac Miller. Con $2,100. Peter O Smith et al to M C Gill, a part of lots 31 atkl 32 in Scio. Con $600. The Singer Mfg Co. to I ienry Topham 40 acres Con $ 1,50a Herman Prfcver et al to Geo B Mi K in nev, 240 seres. Con $30. Charlotte Monteith to John II Simpson, lots No 5 and 6 in block 53. Albany. Con $500. Wm H Warner to Daniel Lcedy, 154 acres. Con $1. L Putnam to John A Crawford, 19 acres more or less. Con $160. Milton 8 Downing to A Downing, 320 acre. Con $175. Joseph A Tyler to Wm Emerick, et al., 4 acres more or "lea, near city of Albany. Con $475. J B McDowell to Mr Lea well, 200 acres. Con $800. W P Couey to H B Sprenger, 81 acre. Con $736. . J J Davis to Mary E Davi, Ot acres. Con $2800 John J Davis to Samnel E Young, 80 acres. Con $2,800. Mr McGill to P O Smith, lot 31 and part of lot 32 in Scio. Con $125. W A Carter to 'tarrie Rook, 40 acres. Con $t,ooa L H Montanye to John McCoy, lot 7 and 8 in block ia Albanv. Con $800. Elijah Cook ct aj., to Hans Thieleon, the undivided V of water lots 10, it and 12 in Albanv. Con $1,000 E lots J and A E Forsythe to Emma Brusha, 10, 11 and 12 In block 3 in Brownsville. Con $150. John P Rector to Thos Palmer.aoo acres. Con $400. i O & C R R Co. to E Wendt, 80 .ures.' Con. $180. Eliza Blevins to Jno Blevins, 2no 0 res of Isaac Blevins D I, C. Con $4,000. Margaret Tharp to J M Tharp, lot 5 nnd part of lot 6 hi block 9 in Brownsville. Con $1,000. Patent tirantt-I. Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyers, opposite U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. : ' J S Hand, San Francisco, Cal., measur ing device. I F Jacques San Francisco, ironing ma chine. J C Muirhead, Grubgulch, Cal., drill ma chine. J Richards, San Francisco, steam engine valve. A Brown, Mendocino, Cal., paper cutter and stamper. H B Angell, San Francisco, dredger. J Fink, San Francisco, electric gas light ing apparatus. P Boland, San Francisco, cash and par cel carrier. mm 0 W Loader Co., of Pertland. are duly authorized advertising ageuta for the DsJtO crat fer that city. WO 4; . Allen ' 60 "! P N. H. A11ES & Co., NOTICE. MYiiig concludod to close out hi mum, now offers his entire- stoek STOVES, RANGES, HE ATI NO AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuine cloUai m h & timi for hnmit e to replenish thair kitchens and dairies with ware. ALBANY, Kisn. Oth I bss Isewn.fiand be DT 1 . t lit S I; at -r in wt. ueu co pese'dse b itfh'i not, thst isti i')'. i with m Krester numbt-r of vihrNiion (., r f cot d, tbn tsWewr le mm. Tht higbes limit of human hearin t, somewhere between 41,000 nd 43,0t''0 virettona wr fr0 ond, Fi pesssteis asjee eq-a' Sinsi uiliiy to acute actinds in both ears, the ttjiht hi iihii.I'v hHring a higher note than tbsi l-f'. Th ioest continncus sounds have about n'xteeo yibrations pssjr second. A memlter of the Royal Horticu tuml Society f L- ndcn has obsetvfd that dnhliaa o'li-ct tuuoh dw on their lea vps ; the nseteh rose and evealng ptisstOsO rwrf little ; wtile tbe quince sod ninlbrrry only very s'ightly wet. Tbe bed ot the oesan, ssys aftoriign writer, is to an enormous extent cov eted with lava and pumice scute. Still more tematkable is it to God the floor of the ocean covered in many parts with tli dust, of the meteorities. A iuio Micopitt of the Smithsonian Inf.' it r !;, wl.o haa investigated the sn' j c' c''W'-lv, dnl re-i thra i uoth- ing harmful ih green Coring tat ter fanietfui" fud in vat"rs. O. Erlet'OPAL NETROOlSr. Warranted rud tn contain a parti cle of any itjuiious or mineral ub stance. Thi la tho reason Simmons Liver lleguh lor ft no effectusl yet hsrmles This int. tli; iuo U acknowledged to have no equtl as liver tot dlcioe, containlrr th Southern roots and herbs which an allwi.w Providence has placed itt the c untries where liver diseases prevail Ilihiiiune Episcopal. Ask yonr draasjist for a package ,t Orego Kid nev Tta. Dissolution Notice, Notice Is hereby given that the oapart- nerebip heretofore existieg betwem R, F, Ashby and W. K. Price, Jr,. both of Scio, Unn county, State of Oregon la this day dissolved by mutual consent, It, I'. Asbby retiring. All liabilities of the firm ot Price A Ashby are assumed by W. E. Price, Jr., and all debt due snd owing to tbe said firm are payable te W. 15. Price, Jr, . R. F. Ash st, W, E. Priof, Jr. j Scio, May 6th , 1880, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IB THE WILLAMETTE YALLK. Special business notices in 1vsd col amps 15 cents per line. Kosrulsr Loeal netloea it cents t line, fr nj transient advertlsemesta fi.00 persqnare for the first insertion.and Inaertlo Pf ',0re for cb subeeqaent Ktes for other advertisements made anown on eppliostion. Co,. W. b.y 1. 57 First Street Albany vmty ssaii aitve. I Thftre are hoo of men n,l enirKn whe. ' UH9 !eo'n phrase, are ontv half ative. any app-tite, are nervot. wak, fl ig tty and troubled hy numricm s nail jmln and aches, into - on of vtjc 4isis, exuberant vitality i ara ta ptjaj mie. Kuch persons ai-e uusllv f-d f frequently dnaing ; lto i'-!-.-. v ne In the oourse of tne y- ir ..,.) j, u irors to steck any apothecryeH'pf av.raio dt meneiona. Thi-s, of cmtr !.-lfeala in-teei of furthering tne end in view, vis . lh it -oovery of health and vijmr. Were they t seek it from an uafailinx source of vit:"ity, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, how different would be their eaw, Then vigor would return to tht-ir debilitated frsmee.the glow ot health to their wan cheek their t ramb ling uncertain gait would grow firm and elastic, appetite that trrnawt of alt sau ces, wrntd give a relish for the Ititv food, were it evor so I ox sleep wouid crown th-j uk of the (i. The vimii;' --t' ili e home iu ;ht !, -i-,h,i i.f ;l!r main in thj nest i . , t A d be their . re t ff d b the patt-ntt until tjv are able 'o fly. vreei Oa subscription, 20 conls of grab oak wood and 20 cords of big fir, maple or as wood. Let us hear from tha who want to supply us wood, at nes Oregun Kidney Iji Rists. SEWING MACHINB HAS NO EQUAL. PERFEC T SA TISFACTIONi Hbi Edi8 Seiiu MaeUie Co. -ORANGE, MASS. I 30 Union Square, N. Y. Chicago, 111. St. tools, Mo. Atlanta, 6a. D alias, Tex. San Francisco, Csi j?6w aaLs: 6V WILL BROS., Albanv and Cervall?st Or. gon. Members wishing employment or desirin nelp, will please cll at It jed & Hr wnel store and register their names. By Order or Lonoa. For v!- y v urj 1 ion forreliable insurance.