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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1886)
Chartk: Directs f U. P. C hcrcm , Ureach ing every Sabbath, at 11 a. t.. and 7 r. M. by Rev. f O. Ir vine, D. li. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. m frayer meeting every Wednesiday ev euing. buc.vl Cuuk( H. Preaching on Ssb tth at 10,30 A. m. , and 7 r. M. Sabbath Hchool 1 1 :4d. Prayer mooting every ad" neaday evening 7:30. B. R. Davia, paator. All are invited. CowoRioATioNALCncacn. Hervioeaevery .Sabbath at U a. m. and 7 v. at. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thureday evening of each weak. J. W. Harris, aator. If. K. Church, So trrti. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting every Thureday evening at 7:30 o'olook. F. M. Celp, Paitor. M. K. Church Soitth.Tawohht.- Preack ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. M. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock.r. M. F. M. Culp, Paator. M. E. Church. IVeaching every Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7 i. m. Song sanrios in even tag before sermon. Sabbath School 2.-30 P. H. Prayer meeting every Thura ay evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, paator. PmjMBTTKRiAH Church. 8enrioe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev. Isaac M. Condit paator. Ftairr BAmirr CHeecu. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at Churoh on 0th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning eervicea. Prayer meeting a ery Thureday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 flrewnaon, paator. IMPORTED CLENALO. Winner at tho Centenulal in 1876. lui Erted into the United Slarea by James urn. Ha waa aired by tbe great Scotch Erlae winner Johnny Capp. Hie dam waa v the juatly renowned Ulenald. Import ed Ulenald aUiula 17 hauda high and welgba :uh pounda. For atvle no horM of hie else can excel him. Ulenald la chief of tbe Clyde. Bona and feet uot excelled by any other draft class. Farmers shoald bear in mind that Una large hcrsea are In good demand and are el way a saleable. BASON. Albany, Friday and Saturdaya. Maj, Bruce farm, Mondays and Tut days. Oorrailia, Wednesdays and Thuradaya. TerniM, $10, $15, $20, Car taken to prevent accident but no responsibility assumed. Good pasture wil be furnished at Corvallia for marea at a distance. Owned by E,Schieffelln, lnglee, Oregon. J. W. Dchh, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -hVIA-v Oregon & California R. AND CONNECTIONS Wm ,aaa a eunnectioa eases aa AsaJsad u oi tbs California, Oregon sna utano (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) IjuI IMe Olvlstea, ETWEES POKTL4D AIB AESEASV all Traia. UUVL AKSlVa Portland 7:30 am Albany I! r M Ashlasal 7:46 r s Albany 12:116 r a jjaaar at.. s Ashlsud... .......... 4. 4.. a m Albany U:4f as PorUanU 4:25 r a Albany Lx press Trala. uuva. aaarra. Portland 4 00 r I Albany M rm Albany 35 r s Uosnoa U r s Lsbeaoo 4.4 a m I Albany &: a s Albany a a rVrtlaod 10:06 A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Can daily between Port land and Ashland. Ths O and CKK Ferry makes connections with all tbe regular trains on tbe East fids DUtstou f r West side Dlvlsioa. ETWEES roBTLiVO A.SD COBTAEEia. Mall Train. uuva Portland J A a Corvallis 8:30 AM ASSIVB Corvallia 4:30 r M Purtland JK20r a L pre a Train. uuva. aaaos. Portland .6.00 r s I JlcMinnvills A0 r m MeKinnTtUe 6:46 a a Portland 8 30 a s Loesl tickets lor sale And bacgaare checked at com pany'a up town ofllcw. Cor . Stark and hecond Ktrasts. Tickets Ut principal poUte in Caliioraia can only be procured ml uagjrafe cbecked at Company's offl--. Corner P and Prom SU. , Portland Or, Freight will not be received Cor ahipraent sfter 8e o'clock p . os either the East or West Vide lrivlstwns. U. EOEHLEft, E. P. ROGERS, O. K. I ia A.-vut. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OP THE BEST COUGH CURE that tbe world hat ver produced, Br. HralrT i Couirh Curs has not an eqnal on he face of th ttiobs. I ll.hallenge tbe world for jf.OOU to proaoes any oogh preparation, now .,i the market to beat 14 Mn promptness in curing s uougn or woiu. vice of an old pioneer of 117 year on tr e Coast : I" Don't run the risk yftur own Ills or your hiidren's on sugar ana it h.i utrit tniilt- ihl to their long homes. You will And more vir tue in one et these email tmtilu. th. n in a nint of mm common ceugb mixtures. mere one vmmm kroe, 'if you don't kill the Jougn ine wugn w ujb lokiil you."' Be sure of the trade mark Tbe uie the buttle. WHOLCSAtB A0CXTC, 83IKAIi, HSIT.wML et WeilDtTtEfl, PoRTLAN'U, ORKUON. SAM MAV. J. C. SENDERS MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURC - - - OREGCN Will bay Graio, Wool and all kinds country produce, F. P. NUTTING. I nion Ieaursnce Co., eapital 840,000,000. Insur in an absolutely saIs utnpany Red CrownMills ISOM, L ANN ING & CO., PROPB'S. WBW FROCK38 WC'VB, gL'PKRJOR P)R K AMLIE A.D BAKKKg r sK. BEST STORAQF FACILITIES. Highest IPrico in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby given (hat the under signed has been duly appointed by tbe County Court of Linn county, Adminis trator of the estate of Henry William, deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, properiy verified a by Jaw required, within six months from this date to the undersigned at Harrisburg, Unn county, Oregon. This 21st day of April, 1886. Hiram Williams, Administrator of tbe estate of Henry Williams, deceased! iswo'rttJIts WEiGHT IN GQLQ.. Oregon Kidney Tea Natures awn remedy Will nwHlllv rellsee sml oormsnotUly K It K K KK K K X K 'n. all ths various tHmeultles siUirjr (miiiilU.ntli-rtx1 eoiidltixM i t tho LI ri R AND KIDNEYS. H it psitsetly'.ihansless swvl tan be irtxen In the moat ilaltoate woman or TTTTTT T T T t'hti i rw saia ty an irutrirtu, ftuelt, Itettahu .1 Waodard. Wholssels ATi PORTLAND, OREGON City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Opposite Peters A Stewart ) Keepa a flrst-clsss supply of good meat of a 1 kinda, at bottom prices, AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers ! All our subscribers who will pav their tubscrlptiou accounts to this iaper in full to dato, and one year In ad vance, ulU bo presented with one year's, aubecrlp tlon to THE "AMERICAS FARMER!" A sixteen -pase Agricultural, published by E. A. K, Hacked, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which la raptdly taking rank aa eneof the leading. Agrh-ul tHral nublhatlona of the country. It la devoted exclusively to the intenata of tbe former, aloes; breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, and every species of industry connected wltb that great por tion ot tbe people of the world, the farm are. The aubacription price is one dollar per year. Farmers can not well get along without It. It puta now Ideas into their minds. It taachea them bow to farm with profit to themselves. It makes tbe home bsppy, tbe young folka cheerful, the growler contented, tbe downcast happy, and the demagogue h or eat. Utasnitrof Iho .of.loSl.r Every good, thinsr la 3onntr Orfted, and oonsuracrra or OAU TIONXD aualnst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that tbe exact label la on each chimney as above Tbe Pearl Top is always clear and D right Glass. MMtifktetairvd ON T v by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttsbnnrh lnl iilmM Wwrha. FOR BALIS BY DEALERS. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trains Leave C'ervAlils, Tuesday, Thureday, Saturday, at 9 A. M. Trains Leave Yaqnf na, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 A. u. The fine A I Steamsr MYaQuma',8aHs rsos TAui-fSA. ounday, April liib. Tuesday, May tltb, Monday, May 24tb, Tuesday, June Sib, rsoa has rsAScisco, Wedueaday, May i th, Wedneassy, May lWh. Tuesday, June Itt, rtiuraday, June 17th. The Cm pan y rtseryei the right to chejego aeiling- uavs. fares sad freight at reduced slid moderate rates. Hirer boats na the Willamette eunnevt at t.Vrvaills Low fares and rates. I'ur further infurmaUvn sn Ply to ce . iincrr. A. 0. P. and P. Agent, Ccrvalii. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I THE BOSS OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervous headacho cured In thra ninn!a ami Toothache in three seconds. tor all pains and aches it has no equal in the world SrnalJ bottle. WicU. Larye bottle, ft. jOR SALE, One half block in inittam nan i.t V. city with fair houo and barn will besoid cheap ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advartieing Bureau, JO Spruoe St.. Now York. Send lOete. for 1 GO-Page Pamphlet. NERVOUS DEBILITATES MEN. vo arallf t l Or. t w of the it wit ft pfK-edy ',ioss rou (!. restore- Silt onteec u stale VOL'j 00 O 0 o o o o oo AfiMOYAKCE Twin Foes to Life Art' Indigestion mid Const I pit I ion. Tlu'lr primary symptoms are nmonj; tho most (llstrusslug of minor human ttllmcotii, Mini n host of dliorisos, spectlily resultant from them, mutually ninrruvato ouch other and assail at onco the whole machinery of life Nausea, Fottt Breath, Hour Mtotunclt. Dizziness, HentlneheN, lllllous Fever, Jattndit'e. Oyapepslu, ICIdnoy DUeases, Tiles, ItliMitnttllsiii, NuritlKln, liopsy, Htul vnrious Hkln ltlsotdrs, itro Mttoflg the symptoms and maladici causd by li t utionu'iit of of the stomach and bowels. A Thorough Purgative medicine l the first ncrpasltv for cure. Then the cathartic effect must be mulii talneil. in a mild dejrree, lust snlllclcnt to prevent t nM-urrcnee of eostiveness, nmt at tho same time the liver, kidneys ami stomach iuu-! he stlmululctt mid sttemrtheuvd. Ayer's Pills Aecomplish this restorative work better than nuy other nndlflnc. Tiny am sctu'hiiur and thortuirh, yet mild. In their putvatlvc action. They do not griw the patient, and do not Induce a costive ro action, as Is the effect of other ruthnrtlcs. Wltlml, they possess special properties, diuretic, hepatic and tonic, of the LIkIm-I medicinal value and Absolutely Cure All disease proceeding from disorder of the digestive and aasimllatory organs. Tho prompt tiso of Aykh'm Vu.iji to correct the ltit indications of costlve ne, avert the serious illnesses which neglect f t hnt condition would Inevitably Induce. All Irrejftilaritles in the action of the bowels looseness ns well as conatb paliott are benetleiallv contridlwl by Ayk.K'h I'iU-h, and for tho stimulation of digestive organs Weakened by long continued ih sjMirtiti, one or two of Avr.u' I'im.h dally, after dinuer, will do more good l htm nuy thing else. Leading Physicians Concede That AYKtt'a Piujt are the best of nl! cathartic medicines, and mnnv practition ers, of th.- hlchct MamiiQg.'cuatoiunrily prescribe them. AYER'S PILLS. i nt.i- u:i.n uv Dr. J. C. Ayr A Co., Lowtll, Matt. Analytical t'hcmlsts For aato by oil Druggists. Z!!1?? rf5!L' rssMa. ass I eaeMejen t u all. weiH. w Smim as sLe I ..' D. M. A CO., Detroit, Mtchiapm. Men Think they know a!! about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know it not to have. TUTT'S 25 YEARS IN USE. 7b Oreauwt Kaokai Ttiamph of the Ago' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Least f npetetllr. Itrla roeil.r, fmlm U th brad, witk n alall eeassallea la the feartc purl. Pala under ibe aboaMrr bU.le, Fullnr! after estttsi, srllb n 4le t:i llnmiaa to exertion of kodr or aslasl, Irrllablitty of trosoer, lrsv aelrlla. wltb n fccllnearbrielna ncletr4 some 4atr. V. cartueni, lilor. Flaticrtaa at the Heart. Hat brfort- ibr ejre. Hrodaebe vrcr the ri(bt ere. Itesf leeosissas. srttb Ctfu! arm me. Highly colored I rise, u4 CONSTIPATION. 'aU Te"t PI1VI.M are especially a1nptel to tuclt cases, one doeo effects aeelt b tr;eiiir of feellnrasUiuitntaIi thn sufferer. Ttu Istcraaae tbe A ppetite,ami reuse the -'y i Take ttn Flesbtthua tbe svsteut le no(trtsbet,nri(i byih. lr Tsnale Aetlost n,ttslr Ktouls are TUTT'S HAIR DYE. C;kat II tin or WuiKetta ehftnge.l to a Ocv hy a stiiKle applioatlon of thU l)Vi'.. It Imparts n ncturnl color, acts IfiatantancHikiy. HM by Dnixultt, or at li . eXiH'On recolptOf 1. OfYico, 44 fiflurray St., New York. ARttSCALOURS KERVOUS taS i &FHTBZCAJL v SECAY, 5fit TnTEDPMSCVEN VCASSByutllMtUU IHOUSAJTOOAaO. g1 HARRIS OTbe BTJYKRg GUIDE Sd March and Sept., each year. 4V90 pages, x liya inebes, wltlVorer 3,BOO Ulostrmtloas m whole Pletnre Challerr CtlVKS Wbolesele Prices direct to consumers on all goods tor personal or family use. Telia bow to order, and glees exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These IBTVAXUABLK JitMlKH contain Information gleaned frnm the markets of the world. We will mall a copy to nap ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Isst ua hear from yon. Respectfully, sMKjMai MONTGOMERY WARD&C0? mm w. nsusas Aveoue, tjaieage. 111.; OCHft SON'S 0 am- March wto, to any aooress. illustrates and lists every thlnx for Ladles', dents'. Child rena and Infants' wear and Bousukeepins- house In tbo United States. osneleto ttst ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory, ROBINSON & WEST. FERIt PILLS 13 gSSSSfiSmSSSX toe bes laiahwea, of aM aMafaitiT aawafciaaSsahS BBaebi ibebrewdBTtteat. Jtbtobisifcse araaoas jJsajr jft. Fonieid "ei REMEDY CO., B fC FRIDAY JUNK 11, 18B6 Washington. From our rsyular correspondent.) Wabowotok, May 2lt,18S6. Tho most outrageou. ptnalon bill tht ever received favorabie notice In Coogreaa, paiatd tht Stoats this week. If it could become law It would provlds fur the payment of forty or fifty million dollars a year to men who onct fought In the Union Army, for no other reason than that they are poor. The bill Is, of course, a reckless bid for votes. The vaults of the Uolted Slates Treasury are the resource of bankrupt politicians In Congress, and the "old soldiers" are the chips with which these do urn goguos play their gaiuo. This pension grab is the project 0 Senator UUlr, of New Hampshire, and it is difficult to see bow any man of ordinary intelligence could assume tbe championship of such a measure. There are some Republican Senators who are compelled to be ashamed of their vote for the bill, and doubtless there are many who would not have voted far it if they had supposed it could pass the House, I practically givee a pension to every man who Is needy If he eurved in the Union Army and is not entitled tot pension uoder existing laws. All the impe cunious and incapable men who were on the muster roll for three months would be Included in its provisions. Senator Blair thinks there are a quar. ter oi a million of each, but others tblnk there art two or three timet as many, tnd that no oue can predict or foresee what the leakage from the Treasuy would bo if such-fantastic patriotism and charity were once commenced. Senator Logan has alio been busy In efforts to secure pensions for every, body who fought to tht late war, or who had t relative in the ranks, lit also proposes to have It understood tnat be is taking great interest In labor problems tbtt are sgltating Congress tnd tbt country, tod has presented t method of solution. His plan is to have t permanent com mlseien of Art members appointed by the President tnd confirmed by tbe Senate. The disputes between the employer tnd employed art to be referred to this eororaisloo on the written consent of sheet Interest ed. I cannot mention tht mtny de tail of hie plan, which he has offer, ed at t substitute for tht arbitration bill which recently passed tthe House and Is now pending Id tht Senate. Notwithstanding his efforts at popu larity there le no President Inl candi dait who has to much opposition It the Senate as Gen. Ign. More ount has been shown him on the Republican aide during the peat win ter than at any time since he h been In the Senate. There Is t litUt coterie of Western S nature who have made a point of antagonising him on every poaeiMe question. The reason why the Senate hat done to little this session is on scceunt of tbe lack of harmony among tbt many Republican Presidential espiranta. All of these candidate fight each other tnd only unite to fight the Sen ator from 111. Of tbe 2,100 nominations sent tho Senate by President Cleveland, 1,. 70S have been confirmed tnd but 13 rejected. Yet no oue bee heard of any consignment of reasons sent to that body by tbe President. And tht Coogtetejionsl Pan Electric in quiry bat etoeed without any start ling developments. The committee will present their repot te to the House by the middle of June, and tho rosjority report will exonerate Attorney General Garland from all blame on account of his connection with tho affair. A bill haa juct been reported to tbe House which provides against the de fect- in the exitting lew by creating and defining tbe oifice of a second Vies President in esse of tbe removal from etfice, death, resignation in oonstitu tional disability of both tbe President and Vies President. Tbe proposed second Vice President absll- be voted for in distinct ballots at tbe aatne time and in like manner and for the same term a lh President and Vice Presi dent. Sscretaty Manning continues to im prove in health ana President Cleva- snd contiuues to hold Lis tri-weekly handshakings at tbe White House, and to be congratulated on hia alleged mat- rimonsl future. Among tbe four hun dred people who called yesterday to pay their respects to bim was an alder ly lady with a beat figure. "Said she, "I am glad yeu have concluded to marry Mr. President. I think every every man ought to get married.'' 4,Ia that so r replied Mr. Cleveland as be turned bis attention and bis hand to the one next in tbe line. Ex-Congressman Weaver, Post Of fice Department, Washington, D. C, considers Bed Star Cough Cure a re markable re medical agent. It con tains no dangerous narcotics and costs but twenty-flve cents. - ' "a NatarVs own mnady,J3ragoa Kidooy Tea. if you are going Eut bs ears and go vt Oregon Short Line. It is the bast. Si another column. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT ditb st vma Wooen'i Christian. Temperance Union ftEM Of LOCAL ffStONS DtAii Uuios Signal After read ing Miss Willard's requests (0 local unions, In your paper, 10 make known the result of careful observation, on tht needs of tho tuxiiary, I venture to givt t few thoughts on this topic. To my mind the special needs in our local work are, more consecrated workers, more self-denial, more vig orous effort, more heart in tbe work, more of tht constraining love of Christ to prompt tnd give power, "more Jty In Hit service," which brings strength; also a great rcliasllon of tht need of earnest work, coupled with t qulcktned stoat of tht respon sibility that Is resting upon those who profess to be His disciples. He whose lift was one of self-denial, teaches us that one test of disciple, ehlp Is to "bear much fruit." Indeed, It is a self evident fact that wo all need to team more fully the value of diligence ; If we are slothful and in active in anything, wo cannot expect to btvt the sweet company of our Savior, aa lit is not wont 10 reveal Himself to Idlers, If we would acbleve much, we must keep our aolves pure, tnd faithful to our God ; this we can only do by His abiding presence. The angel of the Lord meets Joshua as he Is going round tboul tit city of Jericho. Jacob wrestliog In prayer, becomes Israel, prevailing with God. Our local unions need tbe co-operation of ail their members and their presence aa often as possible, at tht regutar meetings, gospel and bust nees, to pray and plan for ret), active end efficient work. It Is not enough that our namee are on tho records and we pay our annual duet ; to have this glorious cause succeed wt must work to twtkeu interest tnd stimulate effort in this the greatest of all reforms, thtn wt may exptct a greater pulling down of tht strong holds of Satan." Let us remember tht couplet, "United we stand Divided we fall." Mas. J. C. S. Mii.i.i.u. Pres. North Side W. C. T. U. Chicago, III. . ,. SS,i 1 A Y. W. C. T. U. was organized lat week tt Halsty, tleven young led lee were enrolled as members. Wt predidct success for them, as they are Intelligent, earnest end en thusiastic. Tht Mothtr Uuion of Halsey is In t flourishing condition, would that tvery Union In the S'ale had as ef ficient officers end as Interesting members. 'The Lebanon Tjnlou Is bestiring Itself, the reftult being a most enthu siastic and successful open meeting Wv h pe to hear of another such mar siiatlna? of their I 'trees In the near future. Tht regular meeting of tho Al bany Y's, held on last Tuesday was t very lntrrtlng tine. Thete wss t large number present also tome visi tors from other Unions. The read. Inge from Mrretta He! ley's t k. 8weet Cicily" are very entertaining, 1 aas sssai - . Tbe W. C, T. U. wUalouery, Mi Jane Weeden haa organized a Ufcinn tt Sllvtrton with 23 members. Governrr Lara bee, of Iowa warn all persons engaged in the Illegal sale of liquor that they expect no clemency at tils hand. Tht Union Signat te a : "Dr. EL r g raves, of Baltimore, wrltee that Dr. Maria White, sister of Narelsss, has just graduated from the Woman's Medical College, of that city, with honor, having received the prize in surgery. She has studied medicine to fit here if for missionary work in Indie, whilher she goes in the fail to take charge of a hospital. The iast evening of her residence in Bal timore a very pleasant reception waa given hvr at which time sho war presented with t gold watch and chain. Commissioner of Deeds for all the Sates, Mr. G. Reardon, of Balti more, Md., writes that he suffered for a long time with rheumatism which yielded to no treatment until ho applied St. Jacobs Oil. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This po'rder nener vasrios. A marvel of purity, 'teafijrtli and wholosotneiiees. More economical than tha ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short wstght, alum orphospbsts powders. Soldosly i ) cab ftoYAi. DKt Fowsxa Co., 108 Wallet., I ftOYAi ft, l lyf HTiui corttijrtkMH Sta only atfi rath rflil lo iboroti;;! I , Mcfu!on itiii'l 1 u 1 iit- pollution see. It stse em 1 lv Dliilitlierfrf WO enable iiijiM 1 nfeebleineut nml IHcrcHriul Of t'Otltllfr, trull t Id fir I Hritrh Myriads of C ur Ai-Wi'Viil by AVfttfa Hi tit - Mt f-utv v-rs,or- f AUlLtA. in fflltitwlllu.l-.. M M) tilOfJtt (i-l!M Jt MSi)illU of I'llt'l, Unit wHl not ylfiil to r WbahrVer tli hIIidihi ot this t'lasM.atttl whttovtt feubd, from Hi" seen y of tbe ArtSic cin k tltc. vi-Mt-sot'i v uf Kouili Afriia, this rets etly i" 1 ft ? I- 1 b'-ullli t the ufr n rs by v, it wit euipteyed. Drugelsts everywhere eatt 'ii iiutinrousraws, wlih Im Itf ir iH-rsooul kti'mkili.'!-. of riBMSjl bI1' j'tiri's tvroutflit by It. tvlirrtf all otlu r tntitmi-ut I t linen tinutlllnu. Tcopte will ll Wi ll to Trust Nothing Else IllJHI rru4 Avs nil It's H. iltin- P.tttlt.f A. IfUJBMfOPJ tttfvtvtl to tin iublii! " m lii li only allitvi J'trtosr? of Diajiy U tvbk'b It is folly to 1 i siM is strmHlv b w uti il atl tlifletth of w mixtures Jo tnui-li hi mlml tliat tin- only laslirally jiurffy the I'ttn- liiafll tTMtll It 1,1 tlmt am !tl I Aycr's SarsaparHIa, rttKe.titr.n r Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail drtiinfbrts; price $1, six bottles for 5, PITTSBURG, Pa.. U.S.A. ksr.e4t.ltrrilnirton .Htr-vttrts. lluiisrv1,Raltsr1, nrwm . -vtmmm. iihira. wnnrirr. k uf i;natlsfi . tn iivne HiA snd ltots. Ail 9kiruHot ,tar.t,iliiort. jtarrlurioii A lU-hrl.rj. r.,it. ut- n r Wilr, U-hsr4s. sal otbsr fins llsmrufrinsi on os. frotn r-i lo ai. Aba a Sim B Ml of Mr, .-l-ldllK ltll1S SIKt Kliot r.uum, 3 iastns. M-ta Tak la asl Own mak - !? maM'Hsis. all st vry low prfcwa. Sl atanift for aturKtiuus4dcatiuMs. Ifaaafoa tbia asysyji II ARDWAHK OK ALL KIMW. Aim. msttsrtk. Iirrtah hrt.-ika. niclra abovala.stjadea, fork, grinr!atonea, wheel barrowa. wrlngr, roia, and alojoat averythins? you want, can be bad caean for casb a i'oiors ,t htowart. mm Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the ski a Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. C. K. WOLV KKTOST. o, n, IHV1NB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0fOQoo op stairs in .Truman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON" 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kintlsof merchandise. All orders from tho cmmtr7 filled on short nniico for every cisas or kind of goods rrom nrt-cla-s atitck. Absolutely no ebargen or commission will be charged or tilling ordets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or patent UstsiaeJ, and all other business in tiio U. S. I'StSfl Office attutidedcd to (or ratxlorato (osa. Our office is opposit the U.S. Patent Oftlee, and 'Te can obuin l'stetits less time than tliove remote trom Washitifrton. Send motile or draw inf . We at'1 to patent ability free of ehurge i and wuuiake o u!i.irjr unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the tVtiitro&ster, tha 8ujpt. ol Uoaejr Ortler biv. and to officials otthoT. 8. Patent Office, For cirtular, atlxnce, tehns, and ofcrences oSctual clients in jour own State ur eouuty, sddresa Ca A. SNOW &0.9 Oinsle Patent Office, Washington, D . :i A C o. hsre ad Thirty it yodr' ice betor.1 prfpai-ed !:( Ill tllO thrc 'j a w J a JULIUS GRADWOHL sj fins the only tselotlvt ttek el CROCKERY, CLA88.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A large Assortment of Baliy Carriages, And a Ohoie Seleoton of Coffee, Tea and Eujar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME TBK BIOBEMT WAIIKET PRICE PAID FOR EOOS Bememberl What I Say I Mean. Bite le a call. 60008 AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the Bast and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas cky and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogaen and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, Bt CAMPBELL, General Agent No, 1 WashiDgioo Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and ElStretU PORTLAND, - OREGON. Three iikwks from ell Railroad Depots, Our facilities are aucb that we dsfj competition, Tula is tbe largest and most respectably kept. Hotel in tbe North. Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day, IEUS, li CEXT8. LO0CISG, t kv 10 CEMS. mi BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. E, L1WIST0H, - - PROPEIITOE, (Lots of Minnesota House.) EO. COBBY AGENT. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor it Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Willpaactice in at tbo Conrts In the State B A UN DUUK HANtJINGS, Am alwavs break m?. onless va hare tbe ftinl MM by Peters A Klewart, or Al bany. They are marts of wrought iron cannot jump tbe track and will last a bis Uiuo. Don t bang another barn .door un til you have seen 'hem. DR. MINTIE, tbs ari t iatisT o. It KeernPT Klreet. Man rrastee, t'al. iMOiil Cnsosic, SracisLasa Psivan buMusm wrrti Woxbssnx Srocasa. THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a xaroa rstusa ci-aa Lr Nervotir Dblllty, Hem waaxness, Exhausted lality, Spanastor riwt m Wssasul, iwo j ,1' IToststurr a, and sit tlst terrihkt cts sf scM-sIbm jt uth toliira and exosas In urr year?, t icb as Lsss Msssory, Lsssltuda.Noc tverwon t , I nines of ViaU-n Moisss in tbsbesa. esreases in slrtaiklastnsexl. t atias llqsjsra, ths vital fluid passing oaosestssd n lbs urine, and many other diseases that lead to in ami) i d OCSth. Be. Mia tie. who is a Keswlar riiyslriaa. CiesWlnaie wt the I alrersit- srreaa7lvaesa sdil aj"s U forfeit rire Baastresl Bellaea for a ease of this kind ths Vital fteseesttve (under bis spet'isl advice and treatment) will not ears, or for anything impurs or injurious found In f;. Be. Mia lie treats all private dlseasss saeaassfully without mercury, t'eaaailslina tree. Thorough exsmin st'nn and advice, insludme; analysis ot uiloe, OS. Price of Vital Reator alive. tl.sO aboitle, or four times the qui ntity, OS ; sent to sny addreta upon re ceipt of price, or COD secured front observation sad in priest name if desired by lr.Mlale.lH Bears) v street. Saa Fraaelsea, t'al. Bend for list of questions and pamphlet. MAMP1E BOTTLE FBKB. Will Is sent to any on applying by!s tter, statin r symptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business tran tactions, Br. Mi n tie's kidney Remedy. NcphretleaM, cures sil kinds of Kidney snd Bladder Gmplsint, tlonotrheea, Uleet, Lsucorrhoes, etc For sals by ail druggists ; ft a botte or six bottles for 05. Br. Mtntte's Baadellsa Pills are the Nest and cheapest t apepata snd Bttleaa curs in the mark s'.. For sals by sil dniirgists. T SIMMONS LIYER REGULATOR S04 S4S4SSSS For aU Diseases of the LiTc-r, Sidneys, Stosucli and S pi 92a, This purely vegetable pre na ration, now so celebrated at a Family Medicine, originated ia the South in 1888. It acts eently on the Bowels and ICitineys and corrects the action ot the Liver, snd is, there fere, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In si! eonrnon diseases it will, tin assisted by any other medi cine, t flee t, a speedy cure. Tht IN'fft'lator is safe to administer in any addition of the system, and under no cl rcum Ititnccs &n it do burnt. It sill iiwisoram lijtc s glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever. sge to lead to intenipcmnre ; will promote di ; (! Ion, dissipate headache, and itener ully tmiei up the system. Ihc dose s small, uot unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no Inter ruption or ,ioppre of busiuohs whili taking tha isjtuatcr. Children c cm pis in ing of Cobo, Headache, or Sick tetonta-!: more will j a traspoonful or If taken occasionally by pa tienu exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. . A PHTSICIAN'S OPINION'. 1 have been practicing medicine for twenty years, snd !ave never bees able to put up a V'.-g'.-toble compound that would, like Simmons Live:- .Rega lator, promptly ami effectively move the ;,ivr ta &i tion, and at the same time aid (instrad cf weak ening) the dijjesiive and assimilative poweii of ihe systvin. L. M. Hihion, M. D.,Wastiinst. u, Aik. SE2 THAT TOP OET THE GENXINB. PKBPARKD BY J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, As. first National Bank OF ALBAIT, OBECSOV. PrtsUhait JOH3T COXHB Lssitfcr JL f. MEJtKlL TBAKKACT8 A GENERAL talking-busies. ACOOUSTS EKPT mbjset to cbsck. SK1HT KXCHANGE and tsJpWc ttsnsfar, sobj ou Nr Tort, San Fraociseo, tAicsgo and FurvUa to L LECTIO S8 MADE on farotabls V 5- Toras, Jous Cosssm, Is E Luais, L. Ftus, H- F. MsxatUs i. L. COW AS. J. w.cusiex Lino County Hank. C0WAK & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS m general banking Insane. DRAW SIGHT irBAPTB on New Tor San Fian staseead rertlsnd, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oo approved security. RECEIVE deposits snbjec to ebrck. COLLECTIOXS entrusted to ns will receive prompt AUS AO EMIL.L.S, We bave a meet cutter that i mnh an improvement over tbe old fashioned sausage mill as J. I Case A pita tor is over a flail. It don't clog an 1 leaves no rings lath rremt. Come and see it, A PICT Setvd 10 postage, ana we will Mat I mail yon tree a royal, i shade's sample box of good that will put you in ths way ot making nwre ntonev st once, than ant thing else ia luth aMtaei ait aan ass oes at i asaai saa time, or an Uw tune. CapitaJ not re- ri 11 .tart, wnn a . t ttird. We win Hmrt TOO boss whostart at once. Srntaoa and Co.,, Invalids'HoteliSorgical Instrliite Orcaaiscd trlta a fail BtafiT of eigateea feaeed and fikturstl Fhysietaas Baeaeaaa Ikr Use treatmcat et alt Chronic OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Citron Se Nasal Catarrh, Throat and fffuff Olseaaea. E,iwer Bad HLldney Blaeasea, Bladder Oleeaseo, Bteeaaea of Won en. Blood Blaeases and Here. 2Si AWtlone, oared hero or at borne, wtth or without seek the patient. Come and S?S 9f jyFiS1- cents In stamps for our 4Inealida Gatde Book, Wblck glrea all particulars. IsHssHBBMBssB nTvovmJh 1 jl9 DEUQATE afid ' orVl" Cond i I ion! r caused by Yonthfnl Fol- D SFiSES. Ueu and Pernlelone Boll Mimst.a. tary practices are opeedUy and permanently enred by our Bpeotoittts. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in staa a, jAW-jMIU, iU VIO. U4 DU1IUIW. Buntnre. or Breach, radt BlJPTUBE, cally cured without tho knlfa without trusses, without pain, and without danger. Cares Csnarajutoed. Ikxtk cent for ten cents to stamps. PILE TUMORS and STH f CTTJE ES treated under saarantoo to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Address world's ispbnsart Medical Assci-iath v. Bain Street, Buffalo, n. Y. Tho treatment or many thousands of t-tisefl of those diseases peculiar to nUWLH. I afc invalids' Hotel and "ommmmmm Rnrtrioal Insrin:f t has af. forded largo expprkjnee in adapting remedial Cor thou our, and BR. PIISZICE'S Favorite Prescription is tho result of t'oia vast experience. It tea powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength natural suppressions, prolapsus or falllna; of the merits, weak back, antovorloo, reti-ovt rslon, bearing down seniiu2i.iu. chronic eonses. (ion. iuflummation and ulceration of the tvoiub, intlammatiou, pain and tenderness in ovaries, Interuai heat, and female tvealvness.' It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, ludltfea tton, Bloatingr. Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in either sex. rnlUt apl.UUa for fBsS.00. , fiendten oenta in stamps for Dr. Pierce's larre Treatise on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Medico! association, 6G3 Main Street. BUFFALO, N.T. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Beadaehe. Blzziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly cura by Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by Druggs. iu me oysteui, aaa cures, u n py mano, ien. eorrhea. or rphltes, ecoastve flowluK. aalnfal aaeusiruatton. int.-