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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1886)
Ik geraottat. Kntered at the Poet Office at Albany, Or m second-class mail matter. Fill DAY APIUL 23, 1886. STIT.B3 A NUTTING. I H r. n4 rr.. r)ror. rtKB r. Nrrrivu. .! natter. mom I. ana aper. THE DEMOCRAT Duriiiir the III w W rm - n Payment way be uwde at this office or ......... 1 ...... it.. fur Jt) i-onU St Mar at lUrrUluirg . U. Snellen at Solo. R. N. Davlenn, liaise), K K. M ntaiii, LKtum. D W Kumhautrh, Heeet Hine, r. A Watu. Ehedd. J. A. Bard, Jsffsrson. A. i.. Urt1rfrnier, Taniranl. Ntl 4tT TW. Checker playing has raged In Albany lately to the spasmodic interest of the M. A. T. and other. Mr. Robert John, of Hal soy, U the champion from that part of the county ; but finds his equal in the bar ber around the corner In this city. Both have recently found their match in a sharp eyed, good-looking young man named Ryan, front Oregon City. There are any number of hap hiuxard player willing to run their heads against a nest of three. O The organ grinder va in Albany la. Friday. The M AT T. immediately re membered hint as one of the melancholy chap he had seen back East In times "agone," at least he was nearly enough like the chronic grinder to be a brother. It was sad to know that his monkey vas dead, but a few extsa flourishes and grimace on his part in a measure made up for the loss. Spring ha come. O The Proltibitioo paper at Snlem is trying to make out every man a whiskey ite who doesn't vote the prohibition ticket at the coming election. That U what we call cranky through and through. Such nar row mindednesa will eventually "knock the spots off" any cause. It at taut doe not confer much credit on the one who put it forth. O Oregon apples do keep just a well as any in the Ea, notwithstanding contrary assertion made. The M. A. T. ha sound ones, good for some time, and it is April, almost May. How are you getting along on the apple questional r. New York er. 0 FL.h are so common in Oregon few peo ple realize what an immense, privilege it is to have fresh salmon every day. The king of fish for eating, eight cents buys a pound ; while on the Atlantic Coast it takes thirty to sixty, making it possible for only bond holders to enjoy the luxury. Webfeet, shake. O It thundered last Fridav once or twice. About two thunders a year is the rule in Linn county. Perhaps we don't have enough electricity in this Valley. Itri Last week we mentioned the fact that surveying parties for the Oregon Pacific w mid start from Albany and near Baker City at about the same time to survey to ward each other a permanent line. The Albany party left here Saturday. A gen tleman from CorvalIis,the first of the week, informed us the Eastern surveying party under Engineer J. F. Carroll,rccently of the work on the Cascade Locks. started out from a point about forty -five mile from the mouth of the Malheur river, and will locate section of twenty -five miles at once. In the mean time the Albany party, our in formant says, will be bound for the north Fork of the Santiam towards the Minto Pass. A our reader are anxious for rail road news of at least some kind they are welcome to the above for whatever they consider in it, and it is our opinion there is much. ar.t of Thau k. Last Saturday night the Tangent Brass Band surprised us by suddenly pouring forth some sweet strains of music just out side the door, and I was led to think that it was in honor of m- seventieth birthday. They were invited into the house and treat ed to birthday cake, but I could in no way express my high appreciation of their kind ness. They certainly play exceedingly well for a band having so little practice. Perfect gentlemanly conduct prevailed among them through the entire evening. I tender my sincere and heartfelt thanks to them and assuredly such act of kindness shall never be forgotten. Mas. Mary E. Webts. frrem I equina. Mr J J Dorri arrived in Albany from the Bay Friday and remained several days. He is now employed by the O P Company at the docks in Yaquina. From Mr. Dor ris we learn that the new warehouse and dock, with their adjustible slip, are in work ing order. Cars now enter the warehouse, where they are unloaded at a level. An adjustible slip, raised and lowered with the tide, makes the loading and unloading of steamers an easy matter. Mr. D. Rankin is the popular Superintendent of the docks The hotel at Yaquina City is being enlarg ed, and the prospects there generally seem to be good for a lively year. Death f Merrer Toomeanu. Mr. Mercer inompson, a pioneer of 53 dieJ at his home near Shedd last Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock, at the age of 64 years. He arose in the morning to come to Albany but was taken suddenly ill with neuralgia of the heart and only lived a few hours. Highly esteemed by all, he leaves many to mourn his loss, among others seven children and a wife. Funeral ser vices took place yesterday afternoon. Sprlsg Cumplslst. Some alleys nsed deodoi izing. Brush the cobwebs away. Treat the immigrant well and make him think he has struck omc friends. Go to work and make it hot for the Celes tial. Colds are almost contagious. Wish the Band boys would give us some music on their horns too. Radish bunches are mostly leaves. Lent is nearly over and just as much meat has been eaten as ever. rBKBST EVENT. Suiger Brothers, of Salem, are going out of the marble business. Salt Creek, Polk county, has begun pre paring its hotel for the large arrival of de feated candidates, which will rush for that place next June. Duck can be killed until May ist, trout until October 30th. Do not shoot deer un til July ist, and then only bucks. After August doe can be shot. Dr J E Klrkpatrick was nominated for the position of Coroner bv the Polk county Democrat. A good nomination. Egg are tremendously low In the East, and hens are melancholy. One of the hats which our lady friends will wear this spring If they keep up with the styles resembles the paper bag In com mon use by grocer. This knocks the aesthetic part. of our nature in the head. Egg parties are in order, Let u have one In Albany. According to the program each lady takes a marked egg. The men draw them from n basket and act as an es cort for the egg depositor. An Albany Chinaman solicits order for ntending umbrellas, on account of the ex ceedingly dull times In the Celestial world here. There is one yhing about the mongo lian, he will even grub for a living ; and,by the way, we hear of a contract being made at $3 an acre. Valley towns arc boasting of the amount of building that will be done during the coming year. Jack Dempsy says he has quit fighting. Jack you know you are a big liar. Trie Pofnlar Pnlsr,ot Portland.ha stopped beating. j Paul Bovnton, the rubber uit swimmer ef w ill be in Portland. Paul Is simply a trav eling advertisement for a big rubber goods house. The Republican State Convention meets in Portland next Wednesday. Tlte Democrats of Lane county were to hold their Convention yesterday. We un derstand Lark Bilyeu had the inside track for County Clerk. It is now ascertained that it was water that run into the steamer Oregon and caus ed it to sink. A New Yorker offers to run an adver tisement in the Democrat if we will pay him $13.50 in cash. He will throw in a sporting ride. Last week a cyclone struck Western .Minnesota and laid two villages low, caus ing a loss of life of about one hundred. narvstr. Following i the annual report of School Superintendent Reid for the year ending March 31st, for Linn county : No. organized districts, 9S ; reporting, 97. No. persons between 4 and ao years, male, in. female, 2768. Total 5684 No. pupils enrolled bet. 4 and jo years, male, 1690, female, xxxx Total 3690 Average daily attendance J7 No. teachers "cmploped during year, male. 89, female, 97. Total .... 168 Applicants for certificate, male, 50 ; female, 69. Total II9 No. teachers holding first grade certif icates, male, 67, female, 59 123 No. holding second grade, male, 2d, female, 40 60 No. pupils enrolled in private schools 102 No. children not attending between 4 and 2d years of age 1225 No. teachers employed in private schools, male. 3, "female, 5. Total 8 Average No. months school were taught 6 I No. months private school were taught 21 No. private schools 3 No. school house built during vear. frame 6 No. school houses, 96 Estimated value of school houses and grounds $622oo Estimated value of furniture $40x0 " 44 of apparatus $67! Average salary paid male teachers. $42.27 . female $32-97 No. graded schools 2 ; teachers em ployed, 8 ; pupils attending .... 443 No. Academies,! ; teachers, 2 ; pupils 69 No. Colleges, 1 , teachers, 5 ; pupils 88 No. school rooms with Webster's dic tionaries 7 Noaiistricts with suitable record books 61 No. teachers taking educational jour nal, male, 35 ; female, 28. 58 No. schools visited by Count v Super intendent ". 172 Average length time to visit, hour. No. miles traveled I500 1 Teachers' Institute during year. No. teachers attending Institute .... 93 Salary paid Superintendent $6uo financial statement. Am't school funds in hands district Clerks at beginning year, first Monday, March 1886 $I3,38o.3 Am't raised on district tax 2405.92 Am't appropriated from Co. fund 22,249.36 Am t of Coapportionment of State school fund for March and June.... 4,283.85 Am't raised by rate bills 2,52548 Am t from all other sources 1 1494.89 $56,342-76 "DI9m.'REMENT. Am't paid teacher wage. . . . . $26,ool 4.1 Am i paid repair on school house 1,007.38 Am't paid purchase school furni ture ....... ... 1,169,59 Am't paid fuel and incideotal. . . 2,077.77 Am't paid for apparatus 1 10,98 Am't paid for bchMl'fouac', 17.089-33 Am t paid all otherachool purpose--. 309S3 "' t -.t .'..'.t.. 1 trjL Am't school fund On hands district Clerk $7636 45 Unapportioned schooftund in band Treasurer at dale - 1 9,369.60 a(ter EUt- Follaalng is the list of letter remalnief in the East Offl-e, Albany, Linn county, Oreg-on. April 4nd, lK0f3. Peraons taltlnir fir these letters mail firs ths dale on whii:h they were ail veVflsed.i , r lirenton.K L Uobcr. MJZ Holm, Mrs J 8 Owenby, Miss Sarah Strut ton, Mlse Cora Hims, MiM Ells White, Will M IRVING, P. M. Haas. Ksty llsrrintrton, William Kinith, Ur 8 ewart, Mi. Ollis Wruek, J Weill, W W J. Dry lioods, Noileas, Bse . My stock of staple dry u'ol, notions, dress goods, etc., is now quite good for the season. I will be adding every -week new goods in new and desirable shades in dr a goods as well ss in novelties id dress gooes and notions. Parties wanting cannot do better in this city than I can do for them in style aud price. 1 bay either from menu lecturers or importers direct I keep no bankrupt stock, but sell you new, fresh goods and warrant them. Samuel E. Youwa. Mew Cieods. A. B. Mail wain baa a large and well select ed stock of new goods, as Hoe as ever brought to Albany. Call ou him and make your selec tions from his first-class stock. a fteek. Ou account of the lo price of wjaeat floor will be sold at the Magnolia Mills at f 1.10 s sock, or $4.40 a barref, and will be delivered free to all parts of the city. Perfect acundness of body and mind it possible only with pure blood. Leading med ical authorities indorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best biood-puruying medicine in ex latenon. It vastly increases the working and productive powers of both band and brain. mini 'I at in. li M Get yoar coffee ground t R. k B's, ArrBTIOXST. We give below the apportionment of the school fund for April, as reported by Su perintendent Reld. The total amount Is $937t3S There are 98 districts In the county, of which 95 are entitled to the 50 apportionment. The number of pupl drawing money Is 5666, the per capita rate being $1.57 besides which each district gets $50. Following la the apportionment : No. DIM. No. Scholars Am't to Dirt. i 27 1 19.5a 55 9-6a 3 01 307.07 4 76 45-7 5 7S 7.Mo 6 '48 7360 7 74 J40-55 8 45 433.37 9 31 129.83 10 , 39 134.67 11 6j 309.65 1 a 47 171.03 13 - 90 wi.75 14 36 143.70 1 5 ''7 333.53 16 33a 631.65 7 77 38.37 t8 46 168.45 19 55 9163 30 76 345.70 31 38 '39.53 33 68 335.10 33 3 39-83 34 5o 178.75 35 65 317.37 ao 83 363.73 37 31 139.83 38 47 171.03 39 .v 15043 30 38 147.85 31 53 183.90 33 81 358.57 33 34 37 55 34 55 191.63 35 43 15815 3 75 343.13 37 97 399.77 38 35 140.13 39 70 40 38 47.85 41 133 389.9a 4a 193 S4&97 43 63 313.33 44 31 104.07 45 40 .153W 46 30 "101.50 47 35 1401a 48 54 18905 49 48 73-6o 50 53 18390 51 30 137 35 53 45 43337 53 3 111.80 54 46 16845 55 9 337.67 56 56 94-ao 57 - 58 37 145 37 59 33 13340 60 47 ifum 61 39 134.67 62 35 114-37 63 39 15043 64 3$ 1475 6a 39 134.67 66 43 15815 67 43 160.73 68 35 140-13 69 39 14,-67 70 46 16845 71 37 145-37 73 16 91.30 73 64 314.80 74 5 330.37 75 4i 155-57 76 38 t475 77 37 45a7 78 33 134-97 79 -7 1 9-53 s.) 61 307x17 81 76 145.70 8a 37 14537 83 39 1 34.67 84 39 134.67 85 - 86 18 96JS 88 38 147.85 89 39 134X7 90 34 37-55 9 39 5043 93 34 m.8o 93 3 109.32 94 45 '6587 95 73 337 97 96 36 116.95 97 3i 104.07 9 7 119.53 ralests craetr.1. Patent granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyer, opposite U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. : M Anthony, San Francisco, Cat, Faucet and bushing. G V A rper, Oakland, CaL, Siphon. A J Coffee, Portland, Or., Signal recorder. G E Davis, Brooklyn,Cal-,Incubator. H S Jr v, Salem, Or., Fruit drier. E Y Knapp, Areata, Cal.,Railway switch and signal. D L Luddington.Gras Vallev,Cal.,Stove door. A W Mensor, Jacksonville, Or.,ComWn- tion garment. E II Penfield, Santa Barbara, Cal, Farm gate. S Rothlisbereer, Stockton, Cal , Two wheeled vehicle. J Harvey, Pomona, Cal., Oil cup. A ( KxearslM. Every on on the go, latiie arrivioa ey- ry minutest the store of MonUith ft Sei- tenbscb. Each and all re making their spring selection! of dree goods, faaoy goods, etc., in fact everything new and attractive can be f ootid there, so if you want a pointer memorize (hi and give them a es.ll. ollclttBg Agents Wan led. We want two good, energetio ealeessen to travel end sell Bioger Machines io Lion end Bon ton counties. References required. For further particulars apply to P. M. FttM(H, Albany, er Kisuek MAEr'o Co.. Portland. TICK Is hereby given that we, the undersigned, will not be responsible for debts contracted by any other than ourselves. W. A. Paxl, H.J. Paul, s7ftwewieej S. M AUh-. & 1 kep s fall line of loi riav and they a ill give you as much for your money ss you can get in spy store in Oregon . Try them . Clesklng at Me2lwtn's. . By calling at A. B. AJcllwain s you can get your clothing at prices that will as ton ish you. He ha a good stock and is bound to sell it. seed. Farmers can get some fine seed wheat JJehance, ana some "silver Hull seed buckwheat, by calling at the Red Crown Mills, Albany, Or. SAMUEL fe Vat NU has just received an invoice of those cele brated daisy kid shoes for ladies. Just the shoe for summer wear. Is light and soft a kid and will wear maoh better. Wall Paper. N. H. Allen k Co.'s new wall papers are now arriving direct from the factory, all grades now in stock. Call and examine it 1 before purchasing. , THEIR '0VKTI The Republican County Convention met at the Court House last Friday forenoon nt IO o'clock. II II llcwlt WfM elected temporary Chnlrmnn, T M Whit ten, Secre tary, and W S Peters, Assistant Secretary. Caleb Grey, W R Kirk and I Bruce were appointed a committee on credentials. After an hour's work they reported those entitled to scats in the convention, the list being noticeable for the large number of proxies, some of the precincts having no primaries being allowed delegates promiscuously. The following committees were appointed 1 On apportionment for delegates to the State Convention. -J 0 JohnsonJ R Smith, O II Irvine, J J Charlton, John Conser. On order of business -Caleb Grry, J 1" McCartney, E W Langdou. On permanent organization J R Smith. M Acheson, Thos lroman. On resolutions -T J Wilson, O H Irvine, A C llaustnan.W K Temple.Gcorge Davis. At one o'clock the committees on order of business and permanent organization re ported, the latter reeommcm'bg the tern poary officers as permanent officers, which recommendation was adopted. A caucus was held the night previous, which accounts for several nominations be Ing made by acclamation. S A Dawson, of East Albany, and J C Johnson, of Scio, were nominated for State Senators by acclamation. For Representatives the following ballot was cast : J G Powell, 73 ; W K Temple. 51 ; J R Smith, to; WW Richardson, 69 . A II Wltzel, 46 ; D CCurrie, 51 ; I Ander son, 40 ; B II Irvine, 38 ; P Hume, 33 , II C Moran. t . The first six were declared nominated. Jos Wassom, of Lebanon, was nominated for Clerk, and J B Trask.of Fox Vattey.for Sheriff, by acclamation. J B Hughes, the nominee of the Prohibi tionlsts, A S Powell and G W Lupcr, were mentioned for Treasurer. Two balli-ts were cast, as follows : ist -Hughes, 34, Powell, 30, Lupcr, ii. 2nd Hughes, 46,.1'ottrll, 3'. I.uncr, lo. Hughes recehiugyi majority. The noinlftti&tt of tin- Prohibition parly for Supcrintr!! I. Gilbert, was ratified. For Assessor the following vote was cast : R W Ilreece, 60, A B Morris. 19. For County Commissioners t tie following self explanatory ballot was cast 1 Win A Paul, 56 ; Ales Brandon, 79 , A T Powell, 10 ; Cyrus Kuunell, 16. The vote for Surveyor was,E T T FUhen 66, J A Warner, 17. The following delegates to the State Con. vention were elected ; C E Wol crlou, at large, Dr D M Jones, M Acheon, G F Simpson, F II K-oe, J C Johnson, J I Charlton, Calrb Grev, R A Rampv, W K mm a a a .. . s. itirx.jouu iJotuu.i. The committee on resolutions reported the following, which was adopted ( Wiikrea, Our government "is of the the people and for the people, de riving its itower under itd. fr.jin Ihe con sent of the governed ," and. W 11 Ear an. It Is the earnest desire of large and influential number of our citizens that an early opportunity be given for a free and fair expression of the will of the legal voters on the prohibition f thr lnjni trallk in our state at a special election held for that purpose ; therefore, tVsWrW, By the Republicans of Linn countv in convention assembled, that we arc in favor of the submUsion by the next legi let the pending prohibition amendment for their disbusiu. cash mt W, s UasalltM. Win. B. Hamilton, of the banking firm of I lumilton ic Job, of CorvalH. died last Tuesday evening, after an illnesa of only three days, Mr. Hamilton having been in this citv last Saturday. Funeral sen ices 1 were held on Wednesday afternoon, several from Albany attending. Mr. Hamilton snU the father of Mrs. J. L. Cowan, of this dty. and was a man highly respected by all. in i" mty Matr alisr Thar r host nt men and wntrea who, to us a cola phrsvso. r only half ailve That I to nay, thy have seldom if vr any sppMhe. are nervous, weak, AJgHty end troubled by numberless nstl petns and aehea. in the preewtuje of vigorous, eaubensnt vital liy ibey Meant mar ph? mlas. 8uMi persons are usually fend of frequently dosing ibemselvae, swallowing In the course of lb year enough drug to star any apotbaeary'sehopof average dl n enstons. Thts, of oourse,defeat instead oi timbering tno end in view, viz , the re covery of heaUh and vigor. Were they e seek it from an unfailing eouree of vltafity, Hoatettar's Stomach Hitters, how different would be their ease. Then vigor would return lo their debilitated frsmas.the glow ot health te their wan ebe)ka,lbir tremb Ung uncertain gli would grow firm and elisetlo. sppetlte, that grnnoeiit of all aa ti nes, wculd give a relish for the daily food, were It ever ao ooarae.snd refreshing lest would erowa the tasks of the dy. Carpets arrtvee. An exceedingly Urge stock of carpets in II quslities bss just been received by Mob. teith k Stitenbcb, The assortment em. brace tbe newest pstteros and colorings. Th ass goods are being offered at very low prices. Peoplo wanting crrpete should not fail le eo them. Beats snd ftttees. N. H. Alien k Co., are oow receiving a floe lioe of boots and slios, thoy propose in the future to make a specialty of this breach of their business, in addition to a full line of iuchiaahatn k Hecht's make o( boots ar d shoes which for durability cannot be ex celled, they have ft line of Eastern goods of all grades including a lion of 8. O. Hollars k Co., of Philadelphia, children and misses shoes, which are as good as any manufactur ed. They guarantee eyory shoe just as rep resented. Oiv them a trial. Crawford, Pbotegrapuer, Aluaay, Or. I have all the negat've taken by A B. Pax ton and any one oan have dupli cates from their tiftgal Ives by addroHsing oa, at the following prices : Card size, 2 per dozen, cabinet sixs, S8 per dozen, boo- dours, 6 per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views in the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying aud enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. Q. Crawford. aaey Ueeds. The place to get fancy goods of all kindr. is ftt Mollwftin's. His spring stock is here, ftnd there is no discount on its being Krst- cUss. Birguns offered Hats and Caps. N. H. Alleu k Co., are now receiving large stock 01 ruati aad caps, children's straws, in season will bo made specialty. Shoes sandals and slippers for lad:t, misses, children and infants, at Monteith k Seitenbach's. " " We have no boots or shoes so far out of style as to be obliged to dispose oi thorn at cost, ours are all new style and first-clft. Read Bhow,veli.. Received Siew This Week- Novelties ia imported dross floods, Bouctes or Nigger heads, brocades, velvets and silks, lace, dress goods, etc., at - Sam'l Er Yottsu'fr. HAWK 4 ASttlltD V M Freitoh, jewtier. Over six weeks till eleotiun. Boiled eats at Read k Browneli's. The bait harass at J J Dubruilies. Corns to stay, V W Carter, jowsler. Next Sabbath will be Kultr Sunday. J. P, Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Millinery goods at bottom prices at M K Foster's, A good Amrriotn watch for 98 a $ W Carter's. Valley wool is quoted li I'.irtUo 1 from 15 to 20 ueats. For good pooket It oife g to Risd k BivwuolPi. The Prohibition S' tr claims a subscription list of 'JUOU. Got your jewelry cleaned ftt V W Cirtsr'a free of olierx. 1 Dr. J. T. Tate, Dmtist. O. V. tluildiug, Albauy, Oregon. The finest hits of win lo v ouruio mould ngs ftt Woodut's. C A i'lummer, of PorUsud, is iw'u a divorce from his wife. m Our Kftsterii factory bmils And shoos are all Wftrrauted. IC k IS. M K foster is selling nilhrury good at greatly redtioed prices. There were 17 bftptisms into the M E Church lost Ssturdsy. Krd k Llrownell rn the boss for low pi toes in boots and shoes, Mr Mftoksy, the boaus king's wife, is becoming iuite a dudess, Salem paper are asking each ether to show up their stockholders. Six shaves for a dollar sod a eUau towel to every customer, at Is ViericVs. Kaasnine Woodtn'e Kx tension table. They re -well go and see thin for yosreelf. The washed out bridges on the Narrow Oftuge re to be replaced by new ooes. The fitar of Kast PortUod itlumiaM our Ubl. It's imtul twiaki is all right. Nat Radpath is now located t Hsio.hftviog meved to tnet ploe from Vaooouver. The Mechanic Bnd, of this city, hs or dered new set of instruments, flood, C II Jenes is uow teaehi.ig successful school io Marion county ar Jsffersoo. Portlsod is to have big sportsmen's -..,. reattoo, plgson will be slaughtered. A fitio bus ef new spring milhnnry at M E Foster's. Call on her for first-class goods. A (Ins wateh sod jewelry repirr at Cart erV Give him trial. All work guaranteed. F M French, fent Minr Maniifa'urio Co.,eppoette Odd Fellows Temple, Albsoy.Or. Mr Ioois Vierick has new sod well got ten up barber sign, tbq work of Dick War ran. Clark Brothers begin work so their b k yard, near the Calipeoia bridge nest Moo ay. Miss Kiama Schubert has daw a complete an 1 elegant of spring and ittansr mil- uniry . Miss Lord has purchase! the Kaber prop. erty ta the Third Ward. Consideration, Dr. M. H. Ellis, ubysieten and surtoo AH any, Oregon. !Jis iu vie to city ur otnntry. For rirst-clas. fresh greris uall .n Cm- red Meyer. Ilia breadstuff are the very best l i Albaoy. An attempt was mads Taws Uy nuht to rob Leas county's safe ta the Court Hone. at Kageae. Anew Masonic Hall is be built at Leb- an mi. Jutward Aeyse of tan city ts drawing Key J W Harris will presoh to the C m. -givgatiooal Cbarcb oext SsMih, 11 orbing aad eventog. Employ white labor. Qet y ar washing done of J W Uatsey. Lv enter as itaad 4 HruwnaUY (io to 1'roahaa'a oew Drug Siote for jnj r drugs, patent mmtaotoea, ate. PreetlHytSe S9 carefully compounded, Cell on Conrad Mejer lor the beat teas and coffees 10 the market. IJi eSefsejl are browned, ground or fresh. Albany painters are busy duribg itoo-1 weather. Paint when art-t,a t ep.t uo i greet beautiher of a city. I'rOC Awbrey is traiomg the Tao.vot band, giving them hi services Friday am i ao -a aad Saturday foreooon Burkbart PfedTer are dutiag a.n. ..e -,.,w ; th-,r Pri..t,h, JC.. tbe tiuse t get good work a low ugurrs. For the latest styles ta ladtee' aud out id ree's hte atfl booaets, trtmUtiug. flowers, irttameata.ete.,eallon Miss Emma iiububert. Read our new ada The Dsstor-EAT S btrge otrculatiou tnakea it tee beat aileerttatog medium tu tne vftlley, a fact advertisers sp precvale.) Tb party w bo lost 910 in money last Wedueeday can have the same by o A Praahsw, nroviug property aad paying for this adv. G. W Mas too, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the Cincinnati College of i'hyaiotaaa and Burgeons, Ctncht aati, Ohio. "Sir Walter," tbe well known black staj. Hon. took a tumble near the Dku 1 kit of- flo last Tuesday , to tbe damage ta a sella of bout f25. The? boycotted Mrs Grey, a bakeress iu New York City, and immediately all the Hy people in tlte ctty began iatrouuiag ber, lucky woman. 8eyen or eight trotting horses Ere io train ing at tb fair grounds, smong tlte aantbor beiug Sir Walter. Several more a ill fa hroaght here for training. Wonder upon wonder, how last St unity's V aquma W reached here Saturday morn tog. W oongratalste tb people of the Hay 00 the improved facilities. Sea St. Louis school boys caught the lever end struck for fewer hours, and got some good spsakiogs by the wsy s goed way to settlu ths striking buaiuese. The blackest kind of ft negro driving the black est kind of e horse inado people 00 Prist street say 'oh !" the first of the week, aad there was nothing funny about is stther. J I. Williams, recently of Portlsod, will betid J II Burkhart's oew resideacetn' the Third Ward, the contract being let Tuoelay for 1,634.50. The plant indicate a Hue place. Mr Ihirt Soott, always to tho front ws the first Albany boy to go ia swimming. This bo did m the ditch on Ferry Mr- t while acltug as mt inspecting committee be foil in. The Host Separator factory '.. 1. Tuesday received ftnother or-ler from O ttiforai ' for sixteen more mounted separators, This will rnako thifly-six separators ami twenty-two fanning mills already orderee lor tne veil fornia market. ... Robert Bowman's paint brush is doing some artist it; work through the city, Mr N J Henton.' residence aud other places havisg recently been painted by linn 111 colors. Boe it a good workman. ' Lost Tuesday a bsvitifnlly plumed Chines pheasant, of the male sex ran itt head against a barbed wire fence near thit city, causing instant death. Mr John Davis found it and brought it to th.s city. He talks of having it stuffed. The prdtpefct tor a fine wheat crop never looked so fine in Linn county before, said Tom Alphioe to a Ukmoceat man the first of the week, and Tom know lr prices were only in keeping" we Would be oh stilts. JaeE Godfrey, tor ssversl months a rati' dent of Albany, is a. candidate for State Printer on the Democratic, ticket, A first- class printer and reliable man, fait would be name thst would honor the ticket 1 W J Ribelin has gone to Beaten county to sell the justly celebrated Ciaines k Fellows Gate. A great many have been sold in this cpsnty and in e very instance gives perfect satisfaction. They have no ecjuul as s farm gate. - Tbe O'TooIe House, it is reported, has been Tented to a Portland gentleman for five years from the time of its completion. Forty to fifty feet are to be added to the north eud, making the building about one hundred feet long. We hardly understand what the following from the Yaquina Pent meant : "Prof Hughes, whoaeltomemere on the Bay, ohargs of school near Millet's, Linn ooun ty." The llspublican Confection last week evidently thought this was Mr Hughes home. Albany merchants have lain in a bigstoek of goods for ths coming MMMtSf and fall oftinpftign. This city lifts sever il of the lest msoftgerl stores ia Oregon, i'nere is no plftoe ta the valley that is equal to this otty in the nutter of first-clan ge ieral merohftn dite stores. J O Cherry, Millard Hayes And .John Han baw have formed ft partnerhii, rentetl tne A F Clarry fouodry and the rJret of the week began busiaess. All of them are ex perienjsij workmen and bare the facilities for doing all kinds of work. Thy will do good business. Why sre we siok ? Beoauso we allow the fiver, the Bowels, end th Kidneys, these great orgsns, to leoome ologud or torjiid, Hsd poisonous humors nre forced into the blond. Fx pel them by using l'linler's Ore gon Blood Pander." We are sorrv to read the following from the Yaqoinft Pout : ,AI Harris wutt to 'Frisco on the last steamer. He goes, to re. eeire medical trestment, as his heal'h has bengrdslly failihg for aomi weeks. His in my friends hope that rst ir,-n lmio.s cares for few weeks will bring him not all right' All orders for election bsllots have to be delivered to McKerohsrt 4 Thompson, of Portland, agsuts of Secretary Krhrt to orry out the provison of the statute pro viding thst they shell lie fsmisLe 1 by the Htate. The cost will bet.l L'U per ream, aad ft ream mskes .140 bftllote. '1 hie law ouuht to be attached to the bicycle law end sent to the Texfts H')Unj9 tor inspection. The ll'nlon foadr gives the following so count of very closs call for two year old I "Mr Fred Abbes, who lives on Osorge Wag goner's plftoe, came near losing bs little two-year old baby last wrsU , Tlo-r Is a lruig Imix in the yard, to wbieh the water is oouveyed by a pipe. It u abotts two and one-half feet deep. Mirsio the htlls one. be began a search sod ftjssUly dtiuovered it lying t ths bottom of this 01 , appsreutly lifeless. Ths child was quickly taken into the house, where vigorous trnatniAnt soon brought It to life, to ths great joy and relief of the parents. The cover of that box will hereaftrr tie kept ebieed." EWliat. 40 ffcatsos f. T L lhiggnr r. turned last the Katt. Orant Height, of the liiy eity lately. D W Mmteith left for the to be gone MreraJ days. Judges Kelaay and f'.jm Tseitlsy from U en io the li y Mon'lay, 1 uf Coivalii were 10 Albany Monday. A O Walling, a candidal for S'ate prth Vr was in the otty over daooatn. Mr Ki Tbomtrsan an I wif. returned Tuesday from a visit to PortUod. Mrs Rev Harris returned on M mday from a visit 01 several days in Haleu.. Mr Phil Smith, R K Hammacke succsssor as Assessor, was ia Albany Monday. Dr J F Hendrix, of Harriabarg made this otBde a call yesterday wkits iu the city. Mrs Dr !, of Independence has been visittog ia Albany, tbe guest of Mrs. Mc Cosneli. Judge Htrshau aud DUN Blaekbura sre in attendauee at the Ctrcc:- ( ' jrt to Kngeue this week. Mr (ieorg WiUo, of Turret , ass in the cty lt Saturday on his way boue from visit to Caryliis. Miss Aggie liar hart, daughter of SeereUry Karbart, of Salem, t vtettiog ia tb city.Uie guest of K W Laagdoa. Hon T W Dsveaort, of Marion eoauty, lias best in the eity haying a werk printed by llurkhart jh Yt8t oa Swap Land mat ters. Mrs Berdie Hi. Clair, t f WB Walla, U in tbe otty vuttiwg at her tnotaer, Mrs t'headle. Hbe a ill rvmain sliout three months. Wo neglected to meoti-u last week that Burr S!oaa bea retunteii U AltMtiy frean tbe Warm Spring Agency end will make this h home. We suspect there are more at traetMCte here than there. Bruce McKmgbt retoraod last ek fr.m, Km urn Oregon, bringing srith him "Bib -Nyo." a hae fear year old staUiea, ia fact uo of the haodsootest horses in tbe valley, ai.wh be will keep ta tbe county this see ssst Iwk out for a peltgre of this roadsUr 10 our next isaoe. That who will go froos Oregon to tbe Xarioaal Presbytery this year are lUy Geo, U lioss sod J J Chariton, of this city. i -ii n - - u c "1 I nL 1 4 ' occaainn sill an advat.Ugeoas one for tur worthy lHqrrty tSbentfto vutt the East. Judge J J Shaw, of Salem, made this of fire a pleasant call Tuesday. Judge Shaw is prominently mentioned for Circuit Judc on tne Hemneratte ticket, with go.wt dbeocee for noininalioo . If otaced 00 tbe ticket bis great popularity wilt elect h-ra by a haod sonte ntjotity, els ws ona oar reekoning. Mr Joo Wheeler, of the Warm Sptiogs Agency arrived ia Albany Meturday and rt wuuoed till Teeaday. Mr Wheeler is eejoy lug no heaKb ; showing good treatment by tb lodiaoa. He understands Indian lifs completely and is the rieht man to the right place, a foot tbe eight kuudred lu inns at ths agency are appreciating. N J Heoton went to Portland lost Monday to settle the A 0 U W Jutsnranco oing Jto 1 ths hsiri of Uoortfe Wi lier, who was diowo- ed about a year ego. Mr Wellrr left a a tfe and three children, on of whom has just become of age. , It was in order to save the expense of appointing . a guardian that the payment ef the money wae delayed until th youngest cbUd ehou I become of Eg. -. ' " Burkhart 'St Pfeiftcr ju prepared to do all kind- of printing on short "hotke "and in first-class stvlc. The nllow no one to un- dcr bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. Muery Lean. Wc have money to loan in sums of from $500 to $5000, on good personal or ical estate security. Clime, Monteith & Co, WINKLEY -MILLER. -In Albany, on Monday.April iQth,i8S6,at the Kxchange 1 lotel, by George Humphrey, Eqn Mr. William Winklev and Misa Eliza Miller -both of Linn countv. SENDERS MARTIN On W ednesday , April 14th, i886,in Iortland,Mn. Ajkjlpii Senders, and Mies Lvli .M.RTii,--of Harrisburg. The Democrat extends congratulations, Mr. aad Mr, hdor wllFHiaalte PriViere their home. May their lives lc pleasant ones. im it. KIN EH ART.. -On last Saturday' morning Apni 17111, at ner nome near oncou. Melissa Rinlhart, eged-a year. Mrs. Kincliart' suffered for some time wUh a cancer in. the breast, gjoing- back East a"'yearw or fwo ago for rreatrnent..- ghe was confined to her bed from August to the Ume qt her death. Mrs. Rinchart was a member of the M.. E." Church'. She was twice married, her first husband beingltev. Geo. Huetjanks, with whom she cameto Oregon in the pioneer da . The deceased leaves a. husband and.fmi.- childr-n. ALFORTP- Near llftf riabuxgl on 7f uesJav, April 20th, 1S86, Mr. J. P. Alforo . n. P. Alford was the son of Thomas Al- fovd, one of the old pioneers of Linn coun tv. Mr. Alford "was at the time of bis a ..... 1 k " i w .1 if . r, i; v - -. - death the Assessor of Benton county.) BURKHART.-rr-In this city, on .Wednes day night, of consumption, Miss Min nie Blrkhart, aged thirteen year. . fJMinnie was the daughter of Mrs. -C. D llurkhart, and was the eighth child Mrs llurkhart has lost. Besides her mother am three, brother and a sister, she leaves many relatives and friends to mourn her death has 8Prm8 t,me ' hei l,fe I Hfsn Market. OaU 29 Whoat fl3o pfir bu Butter 25 ota per lb. Beef -on foot, '214 Hsy baled, $l to $Ii par ton. l'Kise.fS to $10. Potatoes 15 ots p?r buihel. Bans-harnn, h ehoiildorsr;r) sides 5 5. linrd lOoper lb, Flour 4M per bbl. Chickens 2.50 jwr doz. ftagsr Wan FrsnolseC, (i'i: Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts, 15. mid lllnf, t$. Chops, 18. Kggs 10 cnnti x.r dov. Ayer's Cstnartto Pills sre suited to eveiy age, Bir.g aug4rMtd they sre easy to take, and though mtld end pleasant in ac lion, are thorough mid eearching in ft ct. Their effioacy 111 all dtisrders of the stomach and bowels is emiiied to by eminent phy sit-isus, and many of our best citizens. aeklea's Aralra Estve. Tho liest aalvs In tbe world for Cute, Bruise. N ires, Ulcers. Sslt Kheum. Ferer More, Tettor. ?nspped Hands, Chilblains, Corns end Ell Skin Kruptbns, and t- 'ti ll voly cures Piles, or an py rerulred. It legMarsnteed loglve psrls"! stiefaoiion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per i..x. For sale b Foshay fc Mason, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notloe I hereby given that tbe under signed has lieen duly eppolnted by tbe County Court of Idno county, Adtrtlnls t rotor of tbe atte of Henry WillUms, dwmsaed. All persons having clef una against said estate are herebv require)! to present them, property verified ss by law required, within si months from this date to the underslgnei st HtrrUbiif, idnn county, oreaea. This 2tst dy of April, iHHO. lilRftM v n.M.v f Ad m 1 nist rstor of tbe eetste Iff Henry WillUins, dea ed IMPORTED CLENALD, Winner at tbe ConUmntel In 1870. Im ported Into the United tJUves by Jtam tiurrs. He wee sired by tbe great Kcotcb prize winner Johnny Cepp. Ids dam we by tlte justly renowneil tslenaid. I port ed jensld stEnds 17 bEMds high sod woighs 2100 pounds. For style no horse tf hU elze cEnexnel him Gteneld Is chief tit tbe Clyde. iPme and feet not excel hsd bv any other draft olses. Farmers sbosld bear In mind lht flue large bora Ere In good demand end are slways salesble. SKAHO.V. Albany, Fridsy and Baturd ays. MsJ, Bruce's ftrin, Mondays aud Tues day.. DorvallistvVednesday so J Tbursliy. 1-r.iiH.IIO, $1,. Ui, Car taken to prevent so deta but n responsibility SJutumed. Good pasture wilt fii'nihhol at Cor vail ist for uiarte at s iatanrv. lerriKl by K,!$-d!iffilin, logb, regnri. J. W. Dtrnw, Auent. CONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyoe A Bobson's. ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED QOOD8 ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TAKEA IK EXGHAHBS Wilt sell as oheap as any sbr iu Albany I.W U I I II 11.,ll I.ll.l.l... m Conrad Meyer, PUOPaiKTO.I 0F- STAR BaKERYa Cnriur BroadalMn anl First St3M -DEALER IN- C aimed Frattst, t'sn:iei VI eats, )arenwEre Vegetable's, Cigars Spleen, Tea, Cle , Glassware, Driest Fruits, To ! .-. t r.-r-. Etc., In fact everything tha. is kept in a ecu era! variety and grocerv store, llixhest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, SIR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DISEASES. DR. J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Amist Spacialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at SEVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the TutsdiiY afternoon and Wcdntiiay fort 'noon following He 1 si Monday of w month. Will make these visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing ecores of the worst foims of above diseases. Refers in Ajbanv to .Fa.-. Cherrv i-nreti of bliml- Mia, K A, Rampv, Druggist, and Fmd lelTen backer, farmer at Harriaburg, con cerning Rsotal dtseaw. A scoie ol other names given on application. gTUDEBAKER WAtJON. Thin im the onlv wizon havin2 a s1od; shouldered spoke and the steel truss on each sale, and is the boet wagon cn wheels. For sale by Peter A Stewart, li EST TH I NG OUT, Is tl the Acme Harrow and no farmer cm well afford to be without it. It is the vei v best clod ci usher and polytrizer, leaving the ground as level as a barn iloor. Sold on y by Fetors ft Stewart. R OPE AND CHAIN. Of all sizee. as well as halter ehalns.eow vbtins, dog chains, rope halters, etc., Air rale by Peters & fetewart. D ON'T FORGET IT. if vou trv to build uow while whaat U nnv worth 54 cents you should by ah menus gu tu a ww j for your hardware. You oan get what yu . . at A I liar a want at tneir atora anu at reasonaoie u;j ure OaWS, AXK-j, KfC We will aoll you the famous Disstcn Champton cniss-cut saw at a low tigurs aud oan give yon good prices on axes i-ledcei and wedges. Peters A Stewart. AMMUNITION. A full sunoly of the usual sIxm or a tridgei, br-; end papar shells, prim wads anl bir le id. Also the b) po dor. Petes tt 8:bwa:i in Tlien IWdry wse sick, tre gave her C ASTOMA, When mhe wse Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, men ah becamo M !s, ahe clung to C ASTORIA , Vbmx she had Cbfldxaa, she gawethem CASTOUXX. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN TIIK (TtlSGtirt COURT OF TUK United Htatesfor the District of Oregoo. Tbe Dundee Morlgtgo and Trost Invest ment Company, Limited v. I M Cooper, Rabeooa Cjowr, 3 II Wilson , Mary WjImoi:, Natbsn VVhealdon, W K Kdwsrds, J bl Wilson. Matilda Wilson EOd Geo K ChamtarlEin, V.o. 1126. NOTICBls hereby given that In par suancf of the decree of said Court la tbe above entitle 1 rause, msd end entered on tbe 7th dsy of A pril, Itm. I, (ieo H Dor hsin, Master hi Chancery of said Conrt, will fro('ed to h, nt public suction to the highest bidder, for csah in hand, sub ject to redemption, eh upon execution at Isw, at tbe front door of the County Court House oi blnn county, at Albany, in tbe said County of I Ann, Oregon . on tho 39th day of May, 18d, at the hour of ten O'clock in tho forxnoon. all tho right, title ftnd Interest which tbe said Defendant D M Cooper, end Rebecca Cooper had, si the date of tbe mortgage in tbe bid of com plsii.t in said cease described, of. In or to tbe premises described in eid niortsge end fn lite bill snd der-re herein, se fol low. : Tbe esM half ..f that certsiu don, tlen land clsJin situate in seetmn one, tev.iisb!ii fourteen south of rsnge fonr west 01 the Wsllsmet meridian, ml which la known smi designated In tne government surveys a th doosiion land clftiin of John K ttbb and Sarah, hi wife, notification umnbered 4842, cxwpMeg end reserving therefrom tbe lole end blocks of est 1 premises conveyed prior to April H, IK81, end llng jdiuated in whet is known EE Cooper' Addition to the town of Hsl sey, a stiown and doeignatefJ on the duty recorded maps sud plats of said sddftian ; snd also excepting and reserving titer from the following described prsmiee: Commencing at the nortnwst corner of said east bslf, end running thenoo eoutb twenty-six rods ; thence east sixteen rods sod fifteen links; thence north twenty six rod ; thence west sixteen rods and fifteen link to tho pla ?o of beginning, containing two end one half sere more or lee. Also the northwest quarter of sec tion nine, township fourteen south of range -hreo wet of the Wallauiet meridian, eoutaining one hundred and sixty acre. Also, the east one fourth of tbe northeast quarter of retion eight, township four teen south, range three west of tbe Val Ismet meridian, con-si 11 Ing forty ares. Also the south half f ths outhet quar ter of section two,townbio fourteen outh of range four west 1 tbe Waliamet meridian, couUtnlng iLjktf a-tres. Also beginning at the nuruiat earner of that certain donation land cliam situate in sec tion tbirwr-four, township thirteen south of rnge four west of the Waliamet meri dian known and designated in the govern ment survey ae tbe donation land claim of D W Allingbatn and running thence south to tho southeast corner of said land claim ; theuce east to the center of Muddy Creek ; t bonce northerly along said Creek to th Mouth line of F. M. Morri' donation land elalm ; thstici along salu Creek, downstream, eeven rod ; thence east iaiy-eight rods : thea&i north to lb center or said Muddy Creek ; thenar along said Creek dmvn-iro'iu to iln bonndarv line of a tract of land owned bv eV T Maxwell in the year 1877; and thane west to the place of beginning, containing eijgbly aorea tuuroor .'e. A ho, begin -nitrgattiie Eoutwreel ..uvr .f that cer tain donation iau 1 claim t-itinto in sections twenty flee, lwnty ix, thirty five and thirty .six, ptwuship thirteen south rang four west of th- Wal ne mei idisn and known End deeignsted In tbe government survey a the donation, lend claim of George M. Hill, and thtue running north twenty cnin ; thenee west nine chaina ; thence south fonj-soroa degreee vest, three chains ; thonee south, sixty-two de greee west, five chains ; thence south, twenty dree west, three chains ; thence north, thirty-four degrees woat, two chaina thence south twelve chain and aeventv links ; thence west fifteen chaina and ten links ; thence south, twenty-eight degrees east, eleven ehainsand sixty link; thence south, fortv degree west, seventeen chains to the middle of Muddy Creek, at the bridge ; tbem-e south, seventy six de grees east, six chain ; thence south, fifty four sod one half degrees est.tbree chains: thence south, seventy-nine and one bslf degree east, twelve chains ; thence south, thirty threw degrees east, fifteen chains ami i trty-live links; thenc north forty lour chains and tgbt link to the place of begt-iofng. containing one hundred twenty four acres, more or less. Alto lot one in block tea of tbe town of Helsey. according to the duly recorded maps and plats or said town ell being in the county of Una, snd Sum of Oregon, in payment of the expense of this sale snd In satis faction of said doeno. Said decree is for $!C5l5,l.rj with ii:terst upon $15715,15 thereof at tbe rate of ten per cent per n tinm from April 7th, 18M), until paid, End with interest upon i& thereof, at the rate of eight per cant per annum from April 7th, ISSfJ, until piid, together with the cost and disburcatents ot this suit taxed at 14t.& April - -..'. 18S. Okorue II, Durham, Master in Oh on eery, U. S, Circuit Court District oi Oregon. PERKINS' lilileeHII Can bo relied anrm fur a flrt -class mill. In g 1 or calm, leel er snow, it I tho tiest in ue. For details addrees Si IKK HMELBO, the Tool dealer, cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland Or. Sole agent for Perkins' Windmill LV, of Uishaaeka, Ind., inOreyenaad Washington. S9mS HEa'lCTS lPR5VI0 MOeARCH FftJCE EADEC Tho above cut Qlastratea a fence ma- ohine that makes the best.cheapeet, hand somest, strongest and most durable fence ; bv a combination of Galvanized steel wire and wooden pickets woven solidly togeth er. Old fence lumber, split 01 sawed pick eta of various si, js may be used. Turns all kinds of stock without danzer. A man end bov oan wetre about 3H rods of feno m . r 1 - . . . per uay. trriee tt maenme wuuiu ms reach of every fir :ner. For further pat- ticuhirs appy bi Gray & Bryan, Agents. Albany, Oregon. PROMPT RELIEF FOR ALL. Impurities in the blood should be ex pelled, and tbe system given lone and strength, before tue proHtiaMng elfootsof warm weather are felt. The Oregon Blood Purifier i purely vejretabht compound, manufactured by a competent chemist. Persons having suffered from Liver and Kidney complaint, debility, scrofulous eruptions, or any other disease caused by Impure blood, and been cured by using this wonderful remedy, invari ably recommend it to their friends. Try it now. Delays are dangerous f Price fl a bottle, or 8 fr.5. Sold everywhere. HE BKSTSEfOT VS, TOWN Can bo found at our store. The sl ot usually sold in Albany drops . 75 feet, while the St. Louis ahot sold by ua drops 200 feet, making it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. PETER1 & STEVTATtT. b nBi