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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1886)
SJ KIUDA.Y APRIL 23, I8t6 DEMOCRATIC TICKET. STATK SENATORS.- R A Iryiua, l Lebanon. T J Black, o! llalaay. MPSK8ENTATIVE8. D R Keary, ot iUrrUburg Alt Btevlns, of Tan ireut . J W Swank, ol BrownsyilU. Ft: Hansard, ol Ubaaon. I O Miller. ( Millers. LH MonUitgra, ot Albany. CLttRK.-J P Otlbralth, ot Brownayllls. SHERIFF. D S Smith, ol Albany. COMMISSIONERS. laoch Miller, ol HaImjt. L W reruy, ol Selo. SCHOOL SUFKRISrSNDRNr.-D V S Bold, Albany TREASURER -W E Curt. olSoio. ASSESSOR. Pblllip Smith, ot Santlam. SITRVBYOR--J. E, MoAdoo, ol Aibaay. 0OROXER.-B F Thompeon, ol IUrrUburg. rrvclarl- JUjnCESOFTaE PEACE. Qm Humphrey, East Albany. R L Dorria, Wait Albany. CONSTABLES. -0 O Burkbart, Eatt Albany. J E Jankt, Watt Albany. There are 153 saloons in Portland, I and the Republican majsrity there is 2000. The Republicans ars said to bs very much dissatisfied with their county tioket in Benton county. Hon. J. J. Shaw, iialem, ia fesot ably spoken of as suitable candidate on the I m v! ticket for Judeof the Third Judicial District. An old Democrat or llarriaburg, fross way back," says if they ds no want him to vote for certain men, tbei they moat keep thm off the tick'. The Stlera correspondent of he HrMMHian aava Juasre PoweH. of this citv, is baing pushed for the nominstion on the RMmblican ticket for Proaeeut. ... in Attorn?. j - The frieoda of Dr. A. F. Bailey, ol Washington county, it is usdsrstoed, will preennt bis uame to the convention Ux Governor. He ie a strong man. Our Reoublicsn friends bsd much ui. : y:nt. . li-t a ' III- buu iruuws u hjviuk t I of dUstes to the State Conventioi 'R it week. Oos Republican thought theiv were too eitny fools to the par ty aoywey. Our old friend.Dr. J. K. KukpalrtekJ baa been nominated by the Democrata of Polk for Csroner. This is a good nomiuatioo, and we hope the Dr. will giv. hi opponent ths "fool's mRie" in jUfi ' - 1 Hon. Jobo P. Sc. John has telegraphed for by the state central eeoMuittee of .he Prohibition party to deliver fifteen lectures in this elate the latter part of May. Aeau ranees had ben receive 1 that he would come, if OTAStrwii. During tbe pst waek we have been through Shedd', Haleey and Ham burg precincts, and bod Droacrata gen erally well satisfied with the. county Democraiic ticket. Let tbe Democrats io all prta of thi county do as well as tnese orecuct. and our ticcst wilt re ceive a large meprity. Min are not necesaarily better.either morally ot intellectually, becauee they are Democrats or Republicaas ; but we believe it far more conducive to tbe public weal that Democratic policy end Democratic principles tbould prevail, and for tbat reaeeo we earnestly urga eyery Dsmocrst in tbe county to stRnd faithfolly to tbe entirn ticket. Polk county Democratic ticket : For the Legis!Rture,P. W. Haley ,J. J. Daly, A. M. Hoimee ;-Shariff, J. P. Orovee; Clerk, D. W. Sears ; Commissioaere,.!. W. Kirklaud.Urorge Griewold ; Assess or, L D. Gibaon ; School Superinten dent, D. "VT. Jervis ; Surveyor, T. L. Butler j Coroner,4. E, Kirkpstrick. A good ticker, and we hope the boyi will "get in" and elect it. Ws omitted to say in aur last iue that tbe Democratic county central committee had eelocted Mr. J. . Mc Adoo as the caodidata on tbe Demo erattc ticket for Surveyor. Mr, McAdoo h a teacher by profession, rof good edu ction, geod moral charaote, and a aj i ,1 Dsmocrst. Ho is s cousin of Convnesrnan McAdoo of New Jersey. He is new in tbe employ of the O. P. R. R. He has been io this county s hi )ni thren yea re. F r twenty-rive vears DmoeratM war shut out from all participation in gavmuoootal affairs. Trov were ostra ciaed and persecuted, test oaths end inn v other arbitrary and outrageous laws were passed in order to humiliate them. E'en here io Oregon, a Demo era: couij not couect a just claim aainr.v a county or the state without taking and subscribiug to test oath thai woid-.t hav-H ben reg4rded outre ejifl tyrannical even in tho dark dVM ut O ivtr Cromwell. A school teacher or not allowed to tescb school wiihoj4ritaiibacriving to these odious test oa'hj. Stif respecting Democrats cannot, v i'n tn put euoh a party in pow er am. ro mn contributed more lsrglv to tha enactment of such lows than Geo. H. William, who will be s candidate for United Ststes Senator two years honen to fill Dolph'e place. If Charley J ihos-Ml or 8. A. Dawson should be wlrctHd Siaior from tbie oounty they w mid, no doubt.contrtbute as Repu hi ioane ta t he election ef Wil Hsms or bis counterpart. Then let Democrats lay Aside all disappointments, if Rny, sni see that the Democratic andidat3s for Senators srs elected. DKLt MIVF UOIR. Ii is an old maxim that s person msy I Morten and so repsatadly tll an un truth that hs will finally belies it him sslf. So s psrsoB with s HtroHic dhsirs accomplish a oar tain thing, may x- press hit kelisf that lio will sucossd so afcsn that he will cane to balieta that hs will snooted, when a cool, daliberats mind will sts no gronnds tor belief or hops of suocet. This maxim applies to those Republicans who believn they will succeed in .hi'aating one or nn of ihs Dmootio candidates in this ooun by. We bar seen ear llepoblioan fiisnds thus slated at stery regular eleoii m in thisoniuty for 20 Tssr But with few exoeptinna they have been doomed to disappointment. We have known them to utterly fait uutier far mors favorsbls sireumitsnoei than trs ..Abided this time. Ws haes no doubt of the olsotioa of oar entire tioket. The Republic tn county tioket nom inated last week will bs found in so other column. These men srs very rMpectable gentlemen, eo far as we ifcoow thsm but that is no reason they I ahould bs elected in a Dwmooistic ooun- ty. The Democratic candidates era all ipcctabls sod sspabls gentlemen, and ahould, and will be elected because they re Democrats sad nominstsd by a Democratic conventien. Tblle we mall earnestly oppost the sleotiun of the Republican ticker, jet ws shall not (eel it sny pa-t of our duty,! a citizen, Democrat, to engage in soy vllupsra- ion or mud-eliuffinit. unices forced ts lo eo in rsr to aueh welfare. An eld D-uioernk wheee icc are ailvared witS the harJshins of soveutv . . . winters, waa heard to remark that hr 1 m . .lb I - roapectof the past.aod when all the dark dara of edveraitv tbruuaV wbieh the I neQlOcr7;t;0 nairtv had tmsssd'durinE ths LMt tstenty-bve years paterm revlesrj a a m bja, n. i0qirta if bis life bed I ). Iuu- unrpoae!ess now to tear down and destrojr the work of twsnty-fivs Tears of advaiaiiy-cf pereecution, of bumiltation and ' trials, ni o- termioed et once to remain faithful to the psrty that reusentcd tqj p'iftci pies to wbic'u he bad Lee devotedly ettecbed fr e life 'ime. If RepuWicene are in earoest about their t. k r ;nating Dsye lhoirp eon for Gjveiuoi, thef) it moat ba can- ceded, afoe thL;TiHve decided a at . I upon baringa money cacQpain,.eeause Dave hae nothing eiee jn the worla to reo4umead htm to the eople except bis Uirr! : remains te bs seen I rrsrjecrtnf ieo-plewill I bmH btv- WfM mn fJr theic GovoTBorr ItsrnrTld' he a cnlaasity, a misfortune, to give ths reins of govern ment into tsa nanda or tnen a rnarr. lbs v-Hub:to n j'arty in .Marion, Buton,Moltnoanab,Doag!aa and vasco oodntiee are torn to pieces by factional quam-Ts i 'arid tbe sure signs of disinte gration crop out on all aides. Jim Lotan end JoeSimoe, of PortliinTt, ere said te be at dagg-ti poifjj li$esuie Jim had 6zed np a Bounty ticket f..r tb feur or five -thoneeods RermbHc-irrs of that oouiviy u .,.: t , i ,... e-n- if be is the chief. The registration board at Denmark, in Curry count i, not having i that the registry law bat been held uoopn stituiional by the Supreme Court, .prc- cseded to register the Teters of that precinct. Tho whole number' ragiater- ed was 59, while 14 votera i i the pre oinct did not. rgiatar. It is laid tbat already bit'er ephit of jealousy hai aprunj; u , between frieuda of Charles J .l.i,...a and S. A. Djfrs.m, the Btpubltfiaii cti iidatss fur Sen .tor. Some believe a I the fight ahould be made in an attempt to elect one Senator. We would thoa early call Pie alten. tioa of the local Democratic managers to the face tbat rhe Republican are orking earnestly to elect a put of their county ticket. This old f e is a wi'y oat and Democrats muat be on tbe ahit. The outlook fur carrying (he state by tbe Democrats is eocoarsing, end it ioes withouteeying i hat the Dtmpcrsts ot Linn should cottribute tbsir full aha if. to the full f atioo and realization of thaii hopes in tttfei mntter. Tbe Republiuen ctiupaiu ciub at Salocu has 4G metuber, the Prohibl. tioa club has Si members and the Democratic club ha 100 member. Well Said. The JVVmw 'Educator, published at Mon mouth, says : "We had the nleasure of attendinfl: the ing leacncm ana people one evening. Time and space forbid that we speak fully of the inraiore now, onjy to say that it was a suc cess for the Cause of education. Superin tendent Reid is the right man itor the work and. should pe re-elected. A Capiata'a Fartsaate IMseovery. Cant. Coleman, achr. Wevmouth, plymu between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a coutrh ho that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Diacovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant rehef, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. ' His children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect Dr. King's New discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman' household and on board rhe schooner. " Free trial bottle of this Standard Remedy at Foshay & Mason's Drug Store The Star claims i0,000 for the Prohibiten ticket, io the coming election. We predict tSe Star is 7,000 out of the way. ting his fultrty Mf c wmjmeh h'ok this yeRt,but wksw hs tooktsl.. roseral airmen. His OORRlBPON'DHN'a 29 " . -...BflJJK..'l . T Rock Hill. Rev. C. Sperry was again with us, and dedvered a very interesting sermon. His text Sunday was, "God is leva." After services wsrs over the crowd all dispersed end went orsr to (Ullehsr Creek, and ths following peruana were haptited into the Baptist Church : Mrs. Jane Temple, Mrs. Edna Nickel and Miss Ruth Richardson. Mies Jennie Blackburn is working for Mrs. Fannie Dodge. John and William Dodge intend sterling for near Bedsdis, W. T., sums tims this week, going by way ef Th Dalles. Some few farmsra srs dons farming vad sums are not. Ths cold wst weetb sr will bs a drawback to ssms. '1 here was quite a thuedst storm pesssd over hers on last Thursday, Mr. A. Dodge is selling his wheat this week. A great many far mere aie busy hauling their oata to town, and ssll tbem fur 3 cents sr bushel. Very geod prtoe for otta to what they were last fall. Mr. Briok Duel, ( funny fallow,) is stepping ever at Mr. Davenports. We think the Democrats are tnu sure to win victory lhieel otiou, because they bevs nominated sit good men. The Republicans srs getting scared oyer it ts sosis extent. Mr. Hogss Parrisb, who baa ban ovsr in Canada for sons now st hosse for a while. Mr. Frank JU Fisher, fmm near Sa leoj, bsa oome to s.tand te Mr. I .s vie's farm, formerly owned by I. Kbkendall Miss Issphins Morris, of Morris Is- Isnd. is tisittUE fi leads esd relatives in Rosk Hill. Miss Malinda Grime, of near Bwss t Iomega visiting friends and si J soh nil mates. Miss Minnio Betes, siatsr of Mrs, Parrisb, from uear bcio u m . ...jl. Parries, from near Seio, is visiting rel- reach Mi. 0k- next ap painto'ent bete is tbs third Sabbath in next month. Sire. Mary A. Uilmor. from nsar Unseu .u, l v uttrt.g St H-nt j Kl use's. The familiar faee of xiilert Gilmer, of Soda villa, was eaeu here trie lest por tien of Isat week Our school commenced the 5tb of this month, under the able management f Prof. J. E. Ejaihatn. We hi-e he will bave a good acheul. WEefe are we KefKrf "WTcetSKfate our Ptmrtir tbie year T Gvw -rvwp Eu A Rock a. He xltiv lib. TbequMtiun aaoat fiaqoant'y jusked now ia, "Are we to bae np Spriog Such inceasant raining as e bave been bavinc laiel?. with ao little sunshine seems to be keeping alt vegetevion in yery oeekwerd oondttioe. Frank Davie has bought W. Whes er'e intercat in ths store at tnia place, and Mr. Wbssler has moved to Lob- w ' TiaP - e w frm et' e wev - . w 9 anon. Mr. Kirkendall has just oompie:ed tbe new livary stable. ehtch does credit to the old one. Sob eel opened en last Monday with forty scholars, with Mr, A. D Leedy as teacher. We think the people were very lock in procuring tbe services ef so good en instructor as Mr. Leedy seems te be. Dr. Hardman, of Corrsllis, ia in ths stty. riodsville hath its charms. Tbe Rev. J.isnes Tsnderpoel will preach st this place ts-eaorrew at 1 1 o'clock. Tbe. Misses i tabli, of Lebenen, .are visaing tbetr many frisedsat thia piaee. Born to the. wife of Mr. Hobert, on the 15th ImUj s son. A musical sntertaiu'ment given by Mr. and Mrs. Kiutn, at the Founutn House oo Thursday evening, was e most eojoysble affair. Mr. Barker akai. lady nantempJste starting acio- ne unuiua nest wesk, pr4viiug jJke -aveather proves favorable. They will be ereiy smsd by their many friends here. Mr. Parrisb, of Lsbnten,hsa hen in town for several days. In vain ws searob thee jlu.nna of the Democrat for the Very iucnreatfng items frem the pane wf mr -eeichbars, A Rook Hilier" and " .d -i 1 Mailer." Mr. Ai. Prria!j, oju of our eehoul dirsctora, hae reaigiHid tin tt&-e. There will be a reboot ineetiug fur the purpose of electing some one io tid the vaosuey. Mr. K snan'a little s n,Johiuv, wss unfjrtunats euough ti bave hie foot eery badly cut, a fee dts so. The wound seems to be hosting uicetv. Mr. Chris. Htrdman Srss iu town ths first of the wefc. Wave. Tengr Station Miss Dors Baltimore is sick. Dr. Jones, of Albany, ie the attending pby aician. This is the kind of weat-hrr the fwrra- ers want to see. Mr. Citten started ast cf the moun tains lsst week. Ili will b jfoue . month or ux.wsekH. Tbs Misses Barret, sho have been attending school at Balemeinoe last fall, have returned home near here. Mr. Bpioer, agent at Lane, has the contract for famishing ttie N. G. R. R. with ties, some say bfteen theussnd. Mr. Ssiith and Mr Hmmack making preparations to build a ware house at the Lehicon junction. They ais otng to Build one capable of hold jog 60,000 bushels, they expect to make it a bin warehouse end to havo it done in time to store the crop of 1886 in. We wish thera success. As Mr. 8. Oreihel.ser was goiag to singing school lsst Sunday at ths Bark hart school bouse, when nearly tbre the king belt of the hack broke,Ivtting the front end of the hack fall to. the ground, spilling the passsogera out on tbs, letting the horses and front wheels loose. The berene ran ahout tvf6 ' mileR, soon bgibg the wKeln. I suppose $20 will ymy expenses. Neither horsea nor people wete hurt senouslv. Led Pencil Go to. Head & Brownell's to select from a cotapict stock. llrowns villi. Arrangement are to lug rasds for repainting- tho Hphi (;liurch st Ibis plaoeV D. Dilglsish, of portUnd, paid eur city R busltioes visit Ittst wesk. F. 7. Croft wsn to Portland Moo- day oti business, end will bo ready to sell good May 1st, J. A. Bishop la srsctlng adwolting In tho Hiusman Rddltlon, Mr. Wlntere.ths phologrsphsr,vtte hers Thuriulxy and Issgsd r port if ti of ths lot belonging to Dr. Curl, sod Will srect thoreon r photngrnpu gftt Isry Mrs. C. II. Coble has boon qui to sick during tho past woo k, but is new Improving. Saturday evstuntr, st tho rssldenco of Mr. South Brownavllls, Mlas Ssphronla Rico was married to Geo. Roberts, Rev. L White oflclsl log. Sunday ovonlng, at the rosidenco of the bride' father. Bey. Sweeney fnu atlng, Mrs. Aillo McCain wss married to J (din O. Werner. W. R. Kirk has bought the proper. ty of Frank Hydo, and Mr, Hydo will depart for Centerville soon. The cltlzsus of this place rejoice iver the recent decision ef ills Honor Judge Deady granting 0. N. Ek'ott, Receiver of the Narrow Gauge, the privilege of borrowing' money for building the brldgns over the Santl am and making other neeesiary re pairs along the road. Tuesday evening Messre. E. Betta, J. W. Moore, W. A. Cox and Geo. McHargue returned from Blue River, where they wont about a week sg-o tt look after their mining claim io that region They report four or Ave 1 feet of snow, and was Snowing when they left there Sunday. Ooosa. Tangent ho d In a fttoilshinf conitlttnn. Austin Rood and wife, d llaleey, returoeJ borne the first of the week, after several days vHtt with rolstivse. We noticed Johu (jay, of Oak Creek to Tangent, also Mia Kate lirtatow.' Rev. F. M. Culp If conducting a proirscieu meeting in inngeni. wr- a a - s as e ewe - . I vices every ovenlng comment ing at 7 OtlOeR, Prof. I, Hubert preached one of the ! ablest sermons last Sunday evening that hss ever been proached in Tan- gent. This is whstoneef the preach era said of (he sermon, "It was s good ae I expect to bear at the Uen- oral Conference." Kev. 1. C. McFarlaoe! loft this t,!.,.. It.. Hr.l a! iha Mi, tmr tlh I at Lund the, (leneral Conference of the M. E. Church. We hear con.lder.bte ..Id about Sw aSR--a III S S -I nie canuiusio viu on eiectea next ,Hir,k .h i. .bi erabio make believe oo tho pert of ii,. D.iki:n. r.. .. .1., .J I they expect to eit a m.o oo their i-iT-. l-.K n .i-i- - ..1 (the best mod strongest ticket, tbat h.- k-. ir..,- i l'" or- . 1. 1 t. .i... wili.i war win a. niav ins yiuuiuiuuH - . pwopie irrosrjexriive 01 p.riy. The prodigal eon haa returned and the Dest coat has buen pot cm. end tho fatted chicken has been killed, It la most that we should be glad. , Obsebvkb. mwMBMmBwmmMMMm Oretown. The Qrand Reode and Sand Lske Wagon Reed Co. nave commenced to prepere tbe roads for summer travel. They are ma k log several changes be twven hero and Grand Rsade that will he a great improvement. They Intend to have the mads in a jpaxJ condition by tbe 1st of May. Tbe steam schooner, A. H. Field?,!, expected to arrive soon frem Portlsod. Mr. A. Phelpt left for Portland last Thursday en business. We understand that a email steam er Is being built at Yaqoloa Bay ex preasly for the coesl trade. We hope he will give us a call. Mr. Olavu, of Tillamook, is also buildlog a steam sch ner at Est Portland for the Tillamook and' Nee tucca Bay line. The more opposition tbe better for tbe shippers. Willie Oompton. who rras been in Washington Territory the past win. ter, returned In roe Thursday. Fred Shersioner & On will com meoce deep sea Ashing next month. Two boats, supposed to come from tho Beca which sank at sea a short time ago, was found on the beach: be tween Band Cape and the mouth of the Bay. One waa a large life boat and the ether was a small yawl boat X . P. On last Ssturdsy ths relatives and near neighbor., about One hundred in number, met -at the residence of Mr. Issae YsnWiokla,to celebrate the 79tb birthday ct Mr. James Pearl. A moat excellent time wss experienced by all. Tbe younger members ef the party ,and mayhap eome cf tbe older ones, passed tbe time by playing croquet end foot ball. But tbe crowning featute of tbe day, at least to your humbis corres pondent, ws. an excellent dinner. All praise to tbe ladies who prepared it. It is to be hoped thst Mr. Pearl may en joy msny more aucb birthdays. Mr. Gbss. Windham, one of Halaev's most excellent young men, departed for tbe city of Portland last Monday. He will probsbly make his future residence there. Some of our ; oung- ladiei are thereby made sad. We learn. that a manuscript paper bBS been, started iu tbs iHslsey public schoel, undsr the editorship of Mise " a.u m wim pleasure we racord that Miss Starr is teSdhing a good school and giving satisfaction. - On last Saturday evening the Halsey orans nsna sersnsaed the inhabitant. of the town. They called upon the I. O O. T. at recess of their them some good music, for which tliey received the unsnimsui thanks- of the lodge. Rev. Mesitck, of the Christian oa- uominatioh, is holding a aeriss of meet- Vmm uo iougiit 10 uesuumutea 10 iwit ft Urm ,igb,, lh. ho bed Another Cut f hva laava to announce to tbn fsrmars of this old aland and havejuat rncolVetJ from the Kat thin last i)iu rut in rnMgfif raum. and I am wiiiimr h.. nrft and iepie Iinre oenerat y nan bave the henolil or the ssium Anyone notice my riniwi KiliinK all kinds or whnoie. i i por or B Uolstsra. HKinllMard ami Tnuuoex. 81 oanh. Mlokory aslca, $t earh, -jM, 4m ttlnala ap 'k"a and fttllona, 'M rntH wifh. And eyerythhiR' ejae In prnporliou. All work warranted, ftemeniber the place, one door eouth of Artnur'e tdeokemtth shop, tforth Brownsville, Oregon. A. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT 00. DEALERS IN FARM AND MLL MACHINERY WaPer A. Wnod'a Mowor.. Knaiiora and HoRUora, uasr S(!utt A (Jo's rhrahra, figli.nN and liorao l'owers, liuror'e' Welklnc Plows, Uulliyators, uang and Hulky flows, Mnt coiniilMtn Hum of HiikW., and sr,ru. WaatOOS onlli Peofflo Coast llavlng r .ivd our gmda Ourlug the low to Rive our uuatQiutir the buurtit, and will fore, vv rite for cetaiogu,, Adlrea. FK4NK ineo riaKKH inii4Kvit:! r i;o., prilnd. Or. auia t r J. OatOH Olll., nl, AlfSRvatjr Or. f ingi in the JisptistOhutob. Lst Monday nvmnj by some mis management ot ths ewitoh, a portion of the south bound freight train was thrown from the track. Ha one was seriously injurr I, hut aorno of the cars and the track .were u iaidarabla dam aged. The train was thereby delayed aaveral hours. w Ohiolcen Ifrixtio. AffRtn the dark. oiooJ of deieat has eufeloed my once graceful form. The death blow of tho cold Miauled delegate has fallen npoti our msl ve frame, leaving u a bruised anrt brok en old herring stalk. Unruffled read- er we wanted ofnce,and till the night of that Mack Friday, April 0th, we thought we would got tt. Wo made a bravo and gallant fight at the pri mary, end, as we supposed, hud con trol of tho hertlss villains that con stituted the Chicken Rriatle delcga tlun. One of Uto o soulless wretrio -was it half brother In-lew of tbfu, that 1 had sfoil ahouidor te srniutder and heart to heart wM en toe hri battle field f lift-, a man that I hed stood In with as long as be had a d i- h - r -nli W, he didoH bave s dollar . r waM COOent t tnkw two bita. I lh0 Hrio Thursday with a light ,, .un ami flm i.lrl vUr tioa. b rueai and buggy. Shudee of Mhms ! What jit, what a J ouriiey. W ruached Albany black Friday morning wtiii one buggy abafi. name atr ip and a home ear. Nothing dumiug wt repaired to tbe Our! llue vh-r- all the stragglers wereUying. uuuk of tholr homes and wlfo, If they had ROV. Tie It Oft. Will. VVfUS ebORwn Chalnusu, BOd Captolii Ln Hecretsry. As we waiKu up ltt H l"Ur T-TSJS? IUU Bk RaS $ 1 ' V . U"liMU " "J V " ' ,, . , , , Bilfhlly elevating thst beutltul tun. JP.Jr Oght. be nrei J!2SIS IO one of lhe prominent delegtioa l he wanted to becoaue fuimos or.d get I. M., n l.l nam. Ihrtt no one I - r- . . Uw.i.i M ;t .1 hntiaah.. d nrnrA with a ajaarw aat a- r e aaw a --w " " .. tlomin.,a n f ir a deteirste to the Stale Conventi u. lio eH ho (would, and that I was ttu only man that ought to have that bonerahlo poeitlon, Vudeos i greal ness dsneeu before our eye as tbe honorable dele, gate arose, end In a vutea that titled that hall ef tnjatic end mado my paper collar turn a shade rtuker, he pleeed lo nominstion tbe H o. F. hi. Daniel, ex-Btayor of Chicken Brieve. II wee s terrible blow to our fond hopes, but we wre consoled with the thought tbat F. M. bad always voted the etralght D m cniic ticket, and that white M r ef lite Brlvtln be bad fitted tbat tll ..? In a mauticr that stamped him aa a at. team an and a patriot. The next de.l wee for State Senators. 1 braced myself for the struggle end again entered the lists. Patient reader.tbe combination waa too atrong, and again I found myself a victim of misplaced confi dence. Bo en dowu throairii tho whole list of offices I was handled in a way that showed that. the heart of the Chicken Bristle delegate is harder than tho adamantine ruck. Smps theth reader, as the laurels v ere be ing placed upon tbe brow of tbe newly nomli-ared Coroner, we bowed our bead and wept, as only the broken hearted office eker can woe p. wo shall vote tie ticket, for we don't blame tho candidates. But its the goro of the heartless delegate that we are thirsting for. John L. Davsuoort 1 t.ilklmr of refitting and reopening tho Palace Hotel at Slipup, es it 1 thought the Hen Dale and Chirk en Bristle branch of Narrow Gfuge IL R. will reach that place this spring. Alvls W. Qslnes left Sunday morn ing for Yamhill county, where he will spend a few days duck hunting. Prof. Geo. F. Russell, of Turner, is teaching the Bristle school. Mr. Russell is a soung man for whom we pt edicts successful career as a teacher. Skydecker'a dognter says she won't help her father plant potatoes slooe ahe found ou t that they had eyes. "Sunflower" will ploasj accept' our thanks for the pretty music Brics Dust. Mr. Frank Smith and family have rAoved to Dlenqee, Waabtogton cauuty. They went away last Tuesday. Mlas Helen D luthlf, who' has hee'n attending ths Scats Unt ereHy,- spefot her April vacation with Iriurds tn.ihis yioinity. Will TheuipMop. wh quite low with hemorrhage of the luoge Um( week. Be lieve be is on the mend now." " Lens Thoicpsan "has returned from her visit to Shedd. Mr. TJiuwiddie las Iteeo tianbied with the eryaipelas the last week. William Boyd has tone te Ci'valli to look lor work on the railroad. Hals ami Cap." It is time to get your spring head apparel. A. B . Mclhvaiu has a stock" of hats of tho latest styles, which ovary man. should ex amme before, buyipg. in Rates ! roun'v that I am still in buslneee at the a Urm trk of wairan Umber dnring wiHiuiiij wa repairing done wUi please sou si p'o wiipoi. . II A ISM AN. Twbio tUndos. itmlak' Double Draper raU - e of fralaht from the Kaet we are jcolng theiu good In our line lower than ever be HOFFMAN Sc JOSEPH, pitoi'fuieroKs oifk Albany Soda Works, And M sou fact urera of- OHOieg 00HPE0TI0NBRY, rrCOJItil 1 I N'! OF- t'orn atiek, saeorted ftavora, mixed drops, tar drota, horbnunt drops, cut lump-, esirs Kranah mixed, abooulsie ereama, bM olale Muare,:b'M!olste mlc, de.-orat-ed peers, decorated - fsose, slmond bars, fruit aqosree, apple elioee. cream date, aamrtl,(!ariuSlN, mscarnnl,n(ioonut bslle, eocuuul lrlbtaOt,reatn mtoe,eresm hesrts. -vA flns assortment of large- , HEARTS AND TOYS In itwU&ee vsrietj. THE ABOVE CHOICE CANDIES We sr. bow prepared to sell at whole sale, alwaya freali and pure st Porttsnd pricwa to dealers. We also keep a foil line of Huts and Tropical Fruits, xrv 1 u(k:i-;uii:s, Wskaep s fnil line, always freab end at very low i .1 CiGAR AND TOBACCO dlaritMnt ta complete. We keep, tbs v. r lineal Bbxfk of emoktng and chewing tnlMMtxt, aneereeBeam od oner plpee tear is R del 1 gut to emoBera. WB STltL KEE? OUIt- mr u las t. IO cent GKEXADIS . nonn pvncu 5 cent cigar a r. i . ' , . , And a floe assortment of IMPORTED CIGARS. I? I I it. I BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 em now reeriving iuy Spring and Summer .took of bool. and ahee,. I bave as nicely a 6ted up Boot and SW '11 . . .v'j .-.-. Store, and a complete n atoek ae sn this side of PortUnd sad very few better in Portlsnd. I t)uy a'l tsy bocta end shoes lireot from manufacturers and sw autborixd te warrant every pair no mat ter bow cheap. X firm in Oregon have any advautsn of me in buying se 1 buy in oasasities au4 pay the cash To T.idit-. misae.' and cLitdrea's shoes, ' Tii . . f i. - I keep much the largest, bust sod great est viirietv to tbe eitr. air aim will always he te give as g iod value for the money as.ppesiuJy ao be. done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. f f nn.!.!! i iaw .iaVeeoajiiaaiaaeaiaaaa n ai i Scott's New HEUpETBES FOR SPORTSMEN, THE LEADING CUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION, CARTRIDGES, SNOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT 1NG MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tbs most reasonable -prioas, always irfStoelc, Repairing dorie on short notice. WilJamoUe Valley nlinrode ahould never buy withoutN;aUing on W. B. SCOTT, afOppnsite Rexers House,- Alkany, Or. Ask your "drnjkt for' a package 'ot Oregb Kidaey Tea, 1 ;. I Gun Store 1 They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS e .. t - j. -f For men and boys at L. E. BLIIN'S. We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for s 0 4 Men and for Spring trade, better than ever. The patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets, and take pleasure in showing them. THE HAT 8TOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia comprising AH (he Spring IVoveltfes. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FLRMSHIltG GOODS. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cent Unlaundried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS I Is H SB 0 5 in the different styles. These are bought at lowest prices, ant be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. L. E. Agricultural Depot! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROP'S. Successors to W. H. Goltra. ALBANY. " " " OREGON. 7 -KEEP ON THRESHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, H CKS, PLOWS, HARDWARE, DOORS, S ASH SS, BJILDINQ MATERfALSi etc., etc. - .- - : WBBsaswPHt" - (aBaBsVHsss"1 STEEL AND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, PANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, PENCE WIRE Ami all Agricultural Implements used - - Tbs largest and best variety of FARM WAGONS, HACK SAND BUGGIES, I a tho o?ntral WiUametts Vallov. Or iers filled at Best's Hand e keep the best stock of cutlery in the valey, Pocket Jeuives and razors a ap ciaky. 35ont buy anything ia this t'n Tdii(r "ilt1n OD ' first. Frt'ers A Kfw w.KT. pAlNTS AND OILS, " Of all descriptions sold by Feters & Stew art. " 'BHBaBBBHI aBBBBBsHsHB - """" m i Youths g I s ;oods will piece SLAIN. HAND- from a distant salicitad and promptly lowest rates Separator. My lai'tunno Ham. tar a tloufclc combined mai hinu,jot tan shoes, (instea i of one aa 1 machine of ether taa.ntiat urera, Bine riddles and a laryviudepeudent screen. Each shoe is equal in pow er and capability to the one in any other mill, and by the operation ol the two double efficiency is secured. My 28-inch mill wM clean from 0O to COO bushels of seed grain per dx according to tha oacdition at tho parin, and ws guarantee that all barely, oats or other foul seeds a ill he themuhly retuuved with com plete satUtuctton. I -oh Ulenae any mill to a contest 1 kitow that I can beat them, as my mill has beaten every mill it has came in contest with, b th in Cali fornia and Oregon, and is the hast made,- bolts being uaed a here screws axe used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albany, Or-yn. JgLACKSMITH'S OUTFHS, A-nvilSj risesjbellowe.hammers, sledes. stocks and dies and alnaostevery toot used by blaoksaiitba we keep xwnstanMy on hand, Also a full stock of alt sizes, horse shoe mi ud horse shoe nails. Special prices made jn email outfits for farinsrs use, Trl PETERS A STB WARTS.