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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1886)
ssbm SiATEKUJHTS DEMOCRAT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST iDYEEIIMM MEDIUM Hi TEE WILLAMETTE VALLEY emon; ISSUED tiVKKY fli.l'AY it ST.T&S& XUniM.. Spoclal bUbiucMS noiiVOS in Ix.oal C4 u in us 15 uuuIh per line. Keguiar Leoa nrijf-os i0 cents jer line. g I 'r legal aim uttnsieut advertiaaUiaBie SI OO per STjUaiu for the Osai laaWtawapQ Mi cents per aypinre lor each sumanfbtM laawttieai Itaicafor other adverllseutents made known on application. l ''- '' Bllle ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, A1MUL :10, I88G. NO 40 nia eop. wr year, Is u. o i ' yr. si VOL. XXI. tar.... 7a 10 aMaSSSaaTaaBTataaSi ilifjtits plt-tiKKHSlONAL UARDK R. S. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany. Owion. Wrrr PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court of tin State. Will give ipeolal attention to collections and probate ""omttR In Foster's uew brick. 4Ptf L. H. MONT ANTE. vTTO'KNKYAT LAW, Notary Public. tltmny. Oeesron. omiw upstairs, over John BriffaT "tore. i.t street. xaAt J K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) kTTORNRY AT LAW. tLBtlY. o:miv iTTM.1. PRVCTIfMC IN VLL THE WUIW P Til It V lsta Social Attntkn Tn a cnwlia "ml rohat ntW STOH.- In O.M rllwSi Twapl rut . o. eowar.T. w. a. "JiTtr POWE1.I BIXYRF, 4TT'RVP,YS t law. And Solicitors in Chancery, tf.ftAY. "WKCJOW. OollacHon nmmotlv made on a" point fjoan nasrotiated on ranno'e mr MB-rVrW In Foster' nriolc.' v!4nlif CT JACOBS OH t"hAl:':-;:'.K'V For Pain; Cure Reeesiallsm r.krtBlllts, Mrtfftlis AT I'MtOOHT NB WUUBa. TV I C ISLES a. tT.. IT i uunt.. SB. J. J. WH1TIISY, attorney ini Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In nil of tbe Court off i hi State Alt buslne totmsted to him trill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCOON & CO., iftT2aiftT. Books, Statlonsrv and Toilet Article, A LaiX Stork and low Price. OITTZ" DRHO- STORBJ, tyl 1MB 1ST. bei.o S. Red Star twad k v?C MAWK,;IIM, n-rl. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. .r A Kit IlKil tL w urn: .. u..; n.ient.m it n FOSHAY & MASON, HUl RKTMIi Drnggistsand Booksellers, Agent for Joht 15. Alden's puhllcatk-n, which we mI1 lit publirdier' price with postagt-sddrd. tlUVW, OKEOOW. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESfRIPTItm CAREFULY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. hsve the bee stock o! ormture In the city nd w.ll sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE ,n thm cltv and the lowest price In th Valley. Come sod nee. Undertaking, ' mm m -r A oomp'otfl ntock snl can snvc fATION. Try me. A. 3. WOODIN, Revere House, ueller & Garrett. Prop r- Eczema. And every pria tl Itekinie antl Bnruing l)Ue:se t'nretl by f'nllcurit. Njjoiitiitiif lu-hini; BOCKMA, or Salt khcuin. with a ml I in. i . tuaunffy r i by a wiril) BSW wi'lt kliuo ft l i,ti.-urm. dun i ute. Th. rtcl a.tly i:i Iwu r utiour Ktaoiaeni, is. new bum p tb blKd ixxjI, tbe ttrt!rUon pur. J, th Srl. w,il. tb. Hv.r ami WU II pmiil.r rum Ecmnu, Twltert Rhi. , Lichen, Prurttua, UI bnwl, dan .acaly anl pimply trull otl huuiora nt th. atvlp au Ua. an. all fcuiwu lal. lb. beat phyi Will Mcl.niUl.fM' lHrt.m -rret, hkw.ffrml. bili ackiitwIaaVMSsesra of Besasia, .r ora l, k. laci, irma ami lwe f..r .ilwn .r; nt abU lo walk t-rpl n l;!i.l, atnl kue - Mr ntvc ywmr : not able t he'p hi .!( I t . . V : . cUira; dtl.r prnunori bio w hofwlM ; lcna nwitiv rtu-U ly I iits. ura KewilU'ti" (bkvv. purin.r anl Itutb'ura ami tt'.krj mi(iIm tktncun. siernally. "WciHliiiiBrton. From our rtffular corrriMnltit.) Cbarlr. ll.ia.-Klrn, Eq tawtrr IVMt. n, rci-.u. m r. 9 SUt. Wrwl, asMaa ssaai hi. caaana tion lr un .r. hi.'h frnorcl ih oatkiu'a and litcb., and U mhu h ail known wtboda of Ural roriit Wd aiipii.4 without 1 cnrSt. whtrb wai cioplttl iurl wdaly b Iha Oulicira Kcmrdlc, lra inn ...Uau tnd h.alihy ail is. Mr. John Tbir', Wtlkolnrp, Putin, writaa : 1 hara at7.rtl fr-in Mill Kkwnlr rlgW year-, at tlioc ao bavl that I i'..U'd mt attend l my bu.kmwlor waaka at a no.. Throe bnxr ..f i'.n-ur."ii.l ror Uoliln. Knl ba c nUrc! cur.l me ul lhi dreadlul din- PhT.lcia:i. Pn xrribe 1 hern .I hav cntbinc Sot the h it pnaSN aWUte re ill ilrtliipt In ui tour utl MM Iteiwdrr., ol h -h I ht. told nt-.r. tnan ol other. the kind. MONRO BOND. f P. S500 X Braad St. Philadelphia Pentt. a!i Are anbl St :i drnirriHt. Prie : Ciiktm. 85- ; BaaoLTBXT, ft . soar. 25c. I'urrca lai a ao C'uatt- l:tt t o.. Bt.Hi, 1Ia. Send lor "How to Cur. Skin limaee.." and akin by ualu DCailTIKY IH. DCflU the Ctftavt'sa Soar. 1 RheumaUc Nearalvie. SoUUr. Ru-lden, Khn and Nerroae twin. ablutely artnlbl. Un.l by the l uti-U'a Anil Pain riaater, a perto't anti.lMe to itain arm lunan.maix n Sew.Orgnnal, Inlailible At uru.'uu, im. mm EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. mm rhia newH t.'hU4lM in flratela tyla Tabl iuimlil with th. bawl the market . .rda. Sprtmj W in oTsn R- t A ooA Sample en Tor Coa Hernial rrTaWr. -rt r.r , ,. Jti. frrw Mar ttnl.'W' NINETEENTH YEAR. Ai,ltAV. OK. The First let in will eotnmeiie on Tuesday, Sept, latb, 1885. for particular, tha couraoa of ttudy and be lino, ol tuiuon, apjdr to MKT. A- -' Wlgstwrr. rresitaeat. Aloany Bath House. -ra, nDKttrfl -iNBD WOULD KB8PKC1 1 folly iforis tha flitiaana of Aibsny and ti lUittthat Ihve'-kamaargaoftbit Eatablirh : k ka.nlne: laao roomt and payio .ttontlon to Wuiiaaai, "ipacU e oit 1 rhoao ah 7 fTor u "ltb thiT PtTor" TJlVlbg iw.iuii'- " ' HmrOiMM Orsssin a Saloons expect) i ir totir. natiaf 'ior te al ha,"','T PERKINS Windmill Cou be relied uonn for a firet-euu ndib It xI. or calm. aleel or toow, It le -the beat in um. For daUUt addreaa BlIMftl MIKt !.. tha Tool ilaaler. cor. Front aud M i oii -.ta , Portland Or. Sol. agent, for IVi kin.' Windmill Co., of MUbwaoka. Ind., in O.-e-wi ami WaAhir.g'..n. Jiia'l IS OR. J.L.HILL, Phyaioian and Surgeon Mfli-iw, tsni Ferry Streets, V3Vi - O R p?1.- Wabhinotok, April Oth,1880. A small army of men and woman are now engaged In preparing the Congressional seed supply, In the annex of the Agricultural Depart incut. As there pre four hundred and nine Senators and Representa tives, the seed division of this Instl tuilonlsa busy place at certain sea. sons of the year. Eeh legislator Is to have six thousand paper packages of vegetable aeed, five hundred of flower seed, three hundred of tobacco, twenty quarts of sorghum, twenty of corn, fifty of great, twtnty.elsrht quarts of sugar beet and thlrty-two quarts of cotton seed, if put yP j one order each members allowance would fill eight Isrge mail sacks. The seeds distributed through members of Congress comprise about Men third of the whole amount dis nnetd of by the Agricultural DepsrU ment. The remaining third gees to persons in various parts of the coun. try whe act aa agent of ho depsrt ment but receive no compensation. The force of theaeod division la re quired to receive, assort, pack, Ubel and prepare the packsges far the rosll sacks, In which thy are hauled away fir. no the department. The lit tle paper baga or pockets are cut end made In one end of the large room where the seeds are packed. The printing upon them Is executed In the printing office in the department. The labor Is divided and subdivided, so as to facilitate the work as much as rvMsibie. Ono lady whohas a pm of seeds tefore her and a tiny meas ure. f,is (he hear nr iarwlre.f l hor we v ' wa a sea e nelehnr pastes down tho flap on tne bsg. At another table the depart ment frank is put on, end so on uotl1 the package la finally placed in the mull sack. All of this work Is carrl etl on In m st eystemallt; manner, with Utile noise and no confusion. The country expecta from the pres. pnt administration not only pure democracy, but pure aad good seed. Agricultural department seeds hate in tne past, been a sort of by-word among J ikers. The complsints re ceived st the department to some extent, Justified these jokers. The department has always been a large purchaser of seeds f r distribution, and It ia believed, ha- sometimes had imposed upon It, supplies which the seed men would not sell to a private customer. Alter the seeds have been distributed by the department, the seed man knows if the seeds prove worthless it is not likely ever to be trucked back to his estabilahmeot. T'e seed division now makes it a role to send out no seed that it can not vouch for. When an American citizen receives seed here f er it Will come to him guaranteed by tne ad uiiuioirauou i germinaio under prop er eon .lli Ions. Of cour, every seed of the millions which each Uoriitres- m m is eotidrd to is not aaMrat y tested and vouched for, but ere taken from every lot of Stssd re eelved, and if they do not SOOW a gtiod percentage, the lot is reject:!. Tfce defeat by the Senate of the Lagan scheme lo Increase the Army, snd the passairo d hitlf a dozen bills rin i rACW. Tha last slave said irVirglnls in the spring of lfi6o for a hundred kvl of oabtftg pi sets. It is predicted that slaetrlcUy IHI floslly sos4i!e us to pee friends who sre rliatsnt ss If face to face. lo packing bottles in oases for trans portation, indis rubber binds slippfrd over them will prsvent breakage. J. Hohweiter, of 9a1otbnra, Swllser land, has patented a stesm velocipede which atslnsd a speed of sbnnt l$i miles an h'tnr. The Sultsn f Tnrkev is ssld to psy two Oarman aohecsries $1000 a rear each, with board and room in the pal soe, and the services of saeersl attond sn1'. The litest tcrow used in a wstoti have 250 thresd.. tn lbs Incb.bnt screws with 500 threads can be out oft. It skss 144,000 wstob rcrews to weigh a pound. The principal cwnerotst languages of the worM are English.spoWen bv 100, 000,000 people ; Utisaisn, 60.000,000 ; Oerman, DOrOOO.000 ; Snanirh by CO, 000.000 ; FrW.i he 40,000,000 end Italian by 2H,000,000. Arttfiotal apsag msds of c V-tin,ren-dared absorbent evl trestel eitb aott septio, hsu bern inventel In England. A pieooof the size of a walnut hat ab sorbed water until it reached the aizi ef a coooanut. It is so cbesp that U need be used but once. A cherry tree stood In the way of a German railway extenaton that la bring nushel at Niedetlsttns'cin, snd the owner s ke 1 about $000 f r the tree. Experts were appointed, and he thn showed that it had for sears yielded him crop each of wnioh sold for aums equivalent ts ib in Career on the amount nsmed. Thy finailr agrrod to award him $ft00, and the tree bad to go. Mr. Elward Atkinson states that oesrly the whoie w tot cdp new comes It market unwashed, and ihst out of tbi 320.000.000 piunJ of domesllo wsol need, thers most be twenv-five p,r cent at tha lesaS or SO ,000,000 gonads, of a vrv valuable oil thrown into the riftrl and waatcd. When tbe AtmiCILTIRAL ITIM . 4suint" is refioeil, a thick, vicooa etl is obtained, which is absolutely free from oxidation, and which is, therefore, the meat valnsble ail far curriers' nse that eat) be found. It Is estimated by insuranee eoanpa niea that to the Uoited States laat year dwelling bou aa were burned st the rate ef one every hour, with an average loss of $1396. Barn an I stables, fifty per week. Country stores, three per dsy, with a !os of $110,003 per week. Ten betels hura week, wi'h a 1 aa pr year ol $4,000,000. Beery other dsy a lum ber yard goes epfha amok-, esca repre aenting $-'0,000. i'Vty-fjnr cotton factories, th lose in each owe being $28,000; fofly-tbraewoMaa milla,$25, 000 each; forty-tw rbemictl works at $27,000 each, wera destroys I by lire last year. I Wty-twn boot, .tnd m. m Dry, gravelly m is required for successfully keeping sheep. In Ku. rope the farmers will onlyjkcep sheep for wool on soils containing lime, as they say on such soils the quutliy of vnn h It iter. ID'ro no ono ha thought of these Ann points in wool growing, hut i hey are well worth c mslderlng. The rule about feeding hens varies wiih the breed. Tho Aelutlr vnrle- tlet are easily over fsd. especially with corn, grow fsf, lay but few eggs and work off their fat only by silling. Leghorns and other nnnitters can scarcely be fed too much If given slowly, and so the bens are compelled to scratch for It. When a seed grower of good rcpu- tttlon names a new variety after him- se'f, It may be assumed that ho at least believes It really superior to old s rH A good variety would thus b-come a valuable permanent adver. tlfement of the business, as most persona doalrlng seeds of it would naturally go to tne originator for them. Most purchasers of treea want the largest size. This la nearly as fnoliah as was the mm who went to tbe shoe store and called for the biggest pair of boote tint ctuhlhe got for $". Young trres always have mot ro d;in proportion to top, will grow fastest and will come'aoonest Into bearing, other condition being equal. The habits of a breeding animal srn Inherited by its offspring An over worked mare will probably produce s colt always logy and dull, wbi'e if not exercised at all hth mere and foal will stiff.r in the olber direction. A nsare while carrying a colt should not he ir ir'.sted, as liar habit at this time may rdsuit in a ticimta disposition. Much j king eid some severe cri elsm bss origtnsted from the fact thst from milk as osnally delivered in cities til a af cream wui not nae aa ireeiy aa irom milk In the conntry. TMs is account ed for by tbe jolting which milk it"'" daring its drise of several miles to the city eve" rough rod I c''v pave, ments. This breska up ke parttelei of milk, and what cream riae dufing this process luixes with the milk an 1 does not sgsin c,tn i t ih anr'sc. C nro try housekeepers have learntd that milk yie'ds more cream t attained aa soon aa possihle afr it coetes from the cow, and with no needless jaltieg. Unless especially valuable fr lireed- iug from its pedigree, the first calf of a heifer bad better be told to i ha butcher . It will not have the vigir end hardi- nraa t f progeny from the same animal when restore. It will also generally be smal But with pedigreed stock or tbst .! uah!e from other causes, thb rule will net apply. Headers of all pansra see much in the advert ing columns about Bright'a dHses and ooher urinary disorders. These advertisements offer to cure, but niin is still h.fer, and thst is SPRING ST OC K Now being received by N H llien & Co Oreat care has been taken in our selections, both as to nimlitv and niH- ces and,whilo we do not claim that our Goods are any better than our com )euiors we Know i,uax, Lney are jusl as iresn ana as good, and we will guarantee every article just as represented. Our stock was purchased for 3pot Cash, and wo propose to selras Cheap as anv house in the Stato and will Put the Knife to Prices . Until the Out will neet wheat at 60 Cents psr bushel. We have in stock a full nne or Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &C. Orders from a distance will b9 promptly filled and samples seat upon ap plication ? . I m taken. N. H. ALLEN & Co.. ALBANY, OREU0N, MARCH 6, 1886. :7 First Ireet Albaov prav c. a. woLVEntow, o, u , inviMtj I hy the House, among I hem ono to W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pDr OH u up stsiri in'Froman's Brick ALBANY, OBMOfc If milk were drsok more, and beer 'ess this country aould save millions in doctor bills sod medicines. o. o 'mrRi'.T C s.e ALBANY IRON WORKS CHFjKRY A: PAI'KKS, (Hwvte-sora u V C. Vh9A lacWuiete, Wllwriplite. w$ Trn Pound-n. lifBHAVRorH IgW fflO A i.l. S ..mi.iete.0 tmtir.on-prsrwlto Handle al kinds of luvt work will mannraeture "tmn Kn sines uHe I nd Saw Mid vintnevy.andall'Iron an ) fhaetlnga itttntion avr ii to reperlicg ail iiir.'e of ms'-'itnerv " o tur1 the improved I'herry ScnseHtor ah riifMttifiw aaBsaBlaaMa.BaaB 1 Did you Sup- WAfTTED. 0 , v it e rrtan or woman or in tense ruv to "4k" th atreii"V of thi- ?r some r oounty for b "Htst ry of Oaltfof ' To i he riiht prty it will pev from to $300 per tnontli Address F. Per Manager ccldental Publishing Co,, Butter St., Sau Franoisoo, for ho Liniment only good It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. I pension the Mexican veterans, and another for tho erection of a Onres- .1 . t Itl a sionai uorary, m:irK tbo present week in Congress as one of tho most industrious of the session. Nor should the Washington raonu- tucnt sensstion he omitttd from the weeks record. A stain on the surface of the pure white truuble was sup. posed to be a crack i:i the masonry from Ibe settling of the ground, and it was feared the imposing structure was going to topple over. People in different parts of tha city were scru tinizing these supposed cracks with tht ir opem glfisses. They proved to be nnlf streuksnf dust washed down from the joints by recent rains. The j tlnts are aomeuhst open and dust easily accuniuleica fn them. Too 1 1.1 for pt ii hitiitig the soldiers and sailors of tho Mexican war is id to he cntlrelvatif'ctwr to the survivors of that conflict, and the re jection by the Senate of hi plea for raort- KoWlfern was n nevere blow te Senator Logen. It was his pet meas ure, and he stood up f r it o aggres sively as to provoke unpleasant per sonal controversy. Every Demnerat- 8j at r opposed it. Senator Vn Wy k a a vp If h Msib hy charging that an increased Army would be us-d hy Caplttl agsinst labor, and Splint- r Conger took eccaetim during the debate torn Us a violent and ma licious wave of the bloody shirt. This was expected, however, when the narrow minded, partisan Senator from Mich., obtained the floor. He indulges In irrelevant shirt talk whenever an opportunity offers, re gardless of time or place. factories war conio ned, the ieai being jf... ,,j i,v using milk freely as food. $ 17, Owi each. Paper ia about to tnonojoUx anotbar branch of ioiurv, which is no laas a one than the making of tnUeru-r.'. headgear. By a new process of n.aui- pulatioa, hats roor servicable nnd finer than anything now on the market are made of wood pnlp. They ere. im tor sions to wster uud afl wn.intf in flax tbility. It i believed thst fail hats will have (a take a hack seat as soon aa tbesa new hats can be placed in the market in anffisient numlters to supply the demsnd. They uro certain to rov- ol itionizs the hatter's trade,aa they can be moulded into any shape or style de sired nd colore! to meet the taste of tbe public. They can be made to rep resent a flossy or nappy appearance. Among reijponij a-1. ..t,'ta wit have ri'tan hoo'as are Q V ift'oriajlliio !'..-,. II . f P.r.xi;. I)u I. ua of F r- ogal, theHheb. 0ssr It of rt wed en, Prince Nikita r.f M-vn- .-ero, l.-;dwig II. of Bavaria and Qiee i KizKth ct Roitmaniii ; snd smong princes snd princesses who hsva dstth-d in liters tore are tbe Princess Chiiatiar, tbe Crown Princes of Germany, the Piin- esss Theresa of Bavaria.tbe teo sors of tbe Prince of Wales, the two sons of the King of Sweden, tbe Duke af Ed- Inburgh and the Gmte da Pari. But all these are amateurs eompared with the Crewa Pri'.oe Rudolph of Austria, who ia now edttiog and in part writiog a verv magnificent publication, "The Auairo-Hungarian Monarchy in Word and Picture." Ite production will,it ia vstimsted, cost not l"ss tbsn $300,000. a arciiT aroai. Mr. Issse 0. C'ospron, dmegtat, Newborg, N. Y , writes n : "1 baye for tbe past ten yeara aeM several gross of Dr. Wm. Hsli's Balsam for the Lungs. I can say of it what I cannot av of any other mrdicine. I have nevtr heard a cnatom-t oocak of it but t. iirlas US virilize in un inntev w.u r. r. I bare rrconmiei .tr l r :n a great ttunv en of wJuHMUea e,tivh,with th apieet 'ff cts. i havt. used it in my own family f many yeate ; in fact, al- a It . . a havi a bo't'e in ti medicine NOTICE. haying concludod to close out his business, now offers Me entire stock oi STOVES, RANGES, HE ATI NO AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a genuine clo3in? out, naw is tba tian for Innmf o replenish their kitohens ani dairies with wara. jLOAxVY, IISB. 11a en From the higbeat. Iteiniolictn author ity comes th. commauo W EspuWiean voters to yote notbioa bu'. tbe apub- li..n intf..f llfii; it what Jthu A ilivma v-' . - Logan advises in the matter : " 'fH i " canyon aehievn success T the ere1 aalrAfl. 'There is but ono way. us all act togn her. l'he only way to do is to be Republicans ani to vote tlw Republican ticket. I have never seen a Dsmoorat in my life sbc I have been a Republican that I prefsr t a Ith lican. When the Republican is two bad for me to vo for 1 don't ti 10 tn0 polls." " Democrsu make u note of tbi-f. Pure beeswax is obtained from t he ordinary kind by exposure to th inflo ! ence of tbe sun ami the weather. I he wax is sliced into thin flakes and laid on sacking or coarse cloh stretched on frames reeving on posts to raise them from the ground. The wax is turned over frequeutly,and occasionally sprink led with soft water if there be nos daw or rain sufficient to moisten it. Toe wax should be bleached in about four weeks. The Msy number of Frank I.wtlie's Sun day Siagntine is redolent of Spring both in text and illustration. The Eaater Festival, wtich ooinea this year on April 23. ita latfat poasiVle date, ia largely dealt with. The lAncient Coatoma of Kaater Day," is a vry intarealieg article, and Dr. Talntage'a ser mon, "The Queen of Festivala," is a power fnl presentstian of Ktster lesaona. "The i iiitht ef the Bella." with ita pretty picture, ia a duaiot French Faster legend. Tha Blcaa- ing ol Food in Huaaia ia a cur.oua coremony r.f that couutrv. 4Keatar Morning" ia a heantiful picture, "Eaater 8eene aod EasSSC 'in.... " a h .ranlnrtiatlO lllniirSllOD. aUU "The Fjuter O.Tenng in a fashionable Cuurch" will be reeogniEed as a faithful re production. There ia alaea tinely ilhiatrated article on "Tho Lily," aud an interesting mt un "May Day in Knglsnd tn the Oiden I'ime " In sdrlitton to theae timely matters, there ia a notable article on "Chateau iail -lird." by Mra KlizaVieth Brooks of New Vot U. an article on "Winchester Cathedral, ritfc a portrait of the bishop and views of the cathedral and the town, a portrait and sketch of Mrs Harriet Bcohei Stowe, an nr f rumblca of Christ, a well ilhu-tratcd Utper on the '-lurtian iraminu buuw. - Carlisle, Pa., full ioaUllmenta o the aeversl aeriaU, and many appropriate and enjoyable abort articlea end poams Altogether thia is au exceptionally interesting numner, The following from a Portland paper showa what foola some men are who come to Ore gon. Tbey don't know Oregon is right up with the times until they ge5 there and find their testh covered with wool s Adolph Cot tet. an emigrant, who arrived m this city laat Monday from Indians, in winch SUto hekaw lived all his life, about hftcen milos from Lndiaiianolia. Adolph ia a ahrewd buai nea man, and eing informed that in lort land 5-cent niokela and dimes commanded a i .i i. nnni.liidfld he woiud make large ui aj iuiii, 4 - hia travellintr expense for the trip from his home to this city He figured up, and as his fare amounted to $37.40 he concluded that dimes being held at a premium of 30 per cent and nickels at 40, he would invest .t0 in tho former and $65 in the latter. WitT that amount anugly "towed wv.,1" J ? 1 trunk ha arrived here Monday, and Tuesday 1,1. wiirv wav to peddle 1ns wares among the saloons. He did not meet with much success however, and before tne day was over he ooncluded he had made a lftd investment. He has st least one co l relation in his mieery, aad that is t.e ca t walk ud to a beer counter a great many times before his stock of niokela ia exhausted. to arBst aiBBsts. Statements of accounts of subscribers with tbe Dbmocat have been placed in tbe bands of agenU through tbe county, ao that subscribers desiring to see either bow tbey stand, or to settle for the same can do so by calling on them. This is for the convenience of both subscribers and the Dbmocbst. Those desiring to pay a year in advance and get the "American Farmoi" eneof the best anoultnral pa para in the U, 8L can d ao with our asenta. Call on the following gentlemen at tbe places named : O PCohow Brownsville. ... K.ln n nn'-iinn - M. Albert Oaudry has pnuusnea i p M Mier Lebanon. IMPORTED CLENALD. way- Jul tome remarks on tl e skeleton of a cave rn Msy byens discovered bj M. Fe'ix Regnault, ... . i a 1 f I and protected to tne aoajewr Sciences, Paris. Studies of thia skele ton, which was recently feand in tha Gargss district, Upr Pyrenaei, con 6rm the viaw hcretofote advanced that tho nave hyena was mate'y heavy va riety of the spotted hyena itttl surviv ing in centrsl Africa. Harrlaburir Sbedd Oregon Kidney lea. gists. I'or aale by all drag XS i ie !Jd : siaiturj rre Xq Pfeg Bjspaioqj lrlcD,uVl wnjy 7b7 "oq s? My -j r '(7 au aauvjcnid nt.'.o.M cvk r; 'ottfn Winner at the Centennial in 1876. Im portesl into the United Stsree by James Burrs. He w.s sireil by the great ttcoteh prize winner Johnny Capp. His dam wee ! ihe juatly renowned i!ensl.l Import ed tilensld stands 17 haniM Mgb and weighs '2100 pounds. For etyle no hnre of his size ean excel him. Qtonald is chief of the Clyde. Bone an I fjt not excel !el bv any other draft vlasa. Farmers shoaid bear in mini that tine Isrge horses are in good demand and are always saleable. SBASOS. Albanv, Fridav and Sattird tys Maj. Bruce's farm, Monday and Tues dav. Corvallis.We.l t . Uy.i and Thurs Ity-t. Terras, 10, $l .', f -. Cae taken to prevent accident but m reaponsibility as-Huined, Good pasture wil be furnished at C rvatlis for uur-s at a distance. Owned bv ICSchiefTdtin, lugles. Oregon. J. W. Buss, Agent. ; im Tell Seer .Seihlr. tii v-nr n.-hrhhor who h not already a subscriber to the Democrat that wc will furnish him the IFerJWy IFor,,the bet mc tropotitan paper in the countrv, and the Democrat, the lest local pa-un- in the val lev, both for $3- This is a mart el ol cheap ness. Call nt this office for a specimen copy of the WrU. AUU pUO.' -rjSjq oqi jo uoini! The Mas Agreeable a 11 h mrtst. nfTeotiVfl method Of . m . AA rla all. BDeUms imaoatmos, ntaanslne the system 0.111;, 8.113 A V 0OJJ !SvM oqi UWS 'M u.ttou?! AJiaioii m .1110,1 Als.Uim'l- -od sa.irf )o RJit pu tsatssej -'AS' -lHl Red CrownMills IS0M, L ANN I NO & CO., PR0P1V8. N'EW PKOCKilS 1T.OCR StTKnion FOR FAMJXHS AKO BAKF.HS CSK. BEST mmv vCLlTlES. Highest ; Pi ice in Cash fo ALBANY Oa ;l . . . .1.1 ' f.vr. or I disponing M . ew vvrilWLl Otoansing " , : , ii-Hnnid P8 .H8SJO doses or mo pwa..-"" ."-5, at fruit remedV Syrno or na-. " aUI3ip8ij OAiVC! Ml jf 1. ........ iron. rmui!"i V""'' . ' - Tnn.. bottles for aale by n-oauay aiaii.,ae don A Co. Syrap f '' Manufactured only by the C Uiforiiia r AS . CJ.--a la'aaaatv.M alTr. I A . IS rsvrunu.. ? " a! a Iwtntd 1 Fig Natures i-.,if miv bo had of F.tshay &Maon V vv TArdon and Co . at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant prombt and effective remedv aaowaJB .:j... .1 RnWAla oentlv vet thoroughly. todianel Headaches. Colds and Fevers : to r .fin.tmn Tndijffisbon nnd kintirett cure wiw("'i f lb XlAt5)7 WOOD AND HAHDWARK. Peters Stewart have neck-yokes and , a. nr nniruuo"! sinirie-wet s, ' ' " " H. nib Irons yoKe irons, siiis"'""" ir ' ti rM a1a nit uuojs.u 'pooiq -uo i ouiii auiiN . i i aesaesm in y t-utjo. . 1 up. pus winjjos .p4tt7HtH m v -wojj s)iagMU) t tm AMUag no mHg rniti n aej.ipaitftfV"J ' jqtiJM skojijo p?it jnj'j0jii-u -" ". FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Dealer In alt kindafo FTJ R NITUBEs AND UKDERTim s S First Street Albany, Or VfUD(D$JD GJBAff it . niwnod ! MSO I 1 V. ' ' The magical effects of St. Jacobs Oil in removing soreoeKS and Btiffuess makes it invaluable at all times, xtheumatism and Neuralgia promptly yield to it. tut? rinxESE j. . - ...... , young men mil do work of an sssw, '"A' wood, gardening, etc. Leave orders at Read d- Brownelts. C W Loader fc Co., of Portland, are duly authorized advertising ageuta for the Demo crat far that city. Oregon KidneTreTcares all kidney true bhv CASE FLOWS. e ninw la wollltnown in Linn CoVnty. The chilled and steel plows are wepade from the very beat material aud are warraumu w w n - - . "our full V R well as any other plows Peters & Stewart are the sole agents a rv. 'u.-iinKiiini until .10 Kno.i.isiiiip .'o -14VA pun 'uondmmsuo UH.wdqnjr. Sdswosia JAn pm: afeupiM ''i-i-tt -03 snoinjojos 'uisfiemnoo?! '5HWI -uoi 01 pjMon JI '! 4odno. p IS -iCu.l pu snoAJiex Sueoifi juopLina 'iod!S.f.i:.i ijoji 'P.ioiu -X 'suojd n.iM siioojiuiit ) 'uuiov. , sas spwiudoAg, isitiiotdtitA'i ua an ifuomv uoaiiJ.Hi.t,i j.iij" uoip!.uu3 ipinojin rnpri wi .nidda.d .wsjsip cqi MwpOIU S SUJl JI 'POOIH .Hit JO U'MI -uoyuuid Hnoaom v Aq p.iu M 110 nvo vm 8Aoui pne 'AOU JOS AV Sf pijOA oqx -ipnoj B.Sum t: A'q puna eqpinoaif sqi uoU)saadn ti jo ccesosq atnjoaas e; uaAj3 Aiaamaot orauu oq; fM, T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- HOTlcrs ADMINISTRATOR. Notice is hereby iiven thst the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Adminti trator of tbo estate of Henry William, deceased, All person having claine aaainst said estate are herebv required present tbem, properly verified as by b w required, within six months from tl is date to the undersigned at Harrison:;, Lion county, Oresron. This 21st (lay of April, 1886, Hiram Williams, Administrator of the estate of Henry Williams, deceased Ask your druggist for a paokagc ef Orego Kidney Tea.