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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1886)
SSf ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Hi0 bts ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITES A NUTTING. HI'SISKaseFriCK-la Dral llalldlaea KrMlnllttt atreet. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION ingle oopr, I"" yr, in advance...... ft 60 in-: wp. r' nd wl ! 00 InyU copy, nwtht 1 60 In! oopy, hr month 76 n-U numbor 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. .ITILL PKACTICR IN ALL THE ? Oourtn of this. State. Will nive special attention to collection and probate matter. Office In Foster's new brick. 49tf L. H. MONT ANTE. VTTORNEY AT LAW. AN l- - Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, ovor John Br i for store, tut street. rHn2Stf J. E. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNKY AT LAW, i.n '. orh.ov ITJIM. PRACTICE IN ALL THR COURTS OP TBI V Stat. Spolal attention rlvn lo oollacUon and rotate mattar. rSTOfllv'o lu OUd rellW Tnpl. (U t i. o. rowniiU w. a. wiirao POWELL & BIIiYEU, JTOHVRYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in CbaitferTt a.I.ft4WY. - aKGOW. Collection promptly mads on all points. bnana nsirnttatsd on reasonable terms. SnTOfflce In Foster's Rrivk.- vHnlfHf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary I'ubllc. ALBANY. OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of .bistate. All buin intrusted to him rill be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., Itftl'GGIftTt. (looks. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Largt Stock and Low Prices, OITT 3DRTJGJ- STORE, Syl ALB1Y. OKES.OV FOSHAY & MASON, VSOLSLAlt AS RKT.IL Druggists and Booksellers, Aseots for John B. Alden'a pnbltcatkms, which we sell at publisher's prices with posts gesildcd. ALRINY, OKKGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( have the best stork of nmiture in the city and wll sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the -ir v and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, a oomp'ete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, A. B. WOODIN, Revere House 1 1 rne, siratsnd Ell.wertb Aibssy, Mueller & Garrett, Prop'rt rUi. new Hd.' la fltte-Utp in first olaea atyt. Table 1 ipplied with the lieot th market Runt. Spring Bl in rery Ri o n A good Sample Room for Com mercial Trareier. flw f'wwli and fMfwj the Mfl. VI CJLLKG1A1E 1M8T1TUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. A L.B N V . OK Vbe First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15tb 1885. Fur particular concerning th oourara of atody nd he price of tuition, apply to IlKt. J. C. WVCKerr, rrr.Mleot. A.loany Batn Mouse. aa l. U5DBH51wNB0 WOULD RBSPBCT 1. t" -til f iiform the ettitana of Albany and ri rirsVtj ft I hsvetskoo chsrga ofbia Batabliab aost. by kespiof alsea room and payin itriot itteation to buaio. oxpeeta to asit si 1 1-. eko way faror us with their patronag firing Serotofore esrriod on nothing bat Ftrtt-Cless Hair Orssslntr Saloons ogpoota to io ntir astUf ' tlon te si s!4ib anl !(lloa' Hslr neatly on w'aJo)wi JOH WBTH. DR. JL. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Oflloe -fr. Flrntsnd Ferry Streets, A'3frNY O REQONj O. 0 OH RRHT. C.R.Pr'tlCK S ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Huoceaeora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Miliwriglitg, and Iro Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are iaow prepared to handle all kirdx of heavy work. We wMl manufacture Steam Engine, Orbit and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. r ATTKBNS MADE OX SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of mac hinery. Will also manufao ture the Improved Cherry A White Grade separator WANTED. A capable man or woman of iunnenee ncrgy to take the agency of thie or enme ther county for the "History of Callfor Ja." To the right party it will pay from CO to 300 per month. Address F, Per n Manager Occidental Publishing Co,, 3 otter St., San Francisco, VOL. XXI. CT JACOBS nil lltnMAN REI I H.S .'f RhssswWtn, Wiirsbls, For Psiin x&tr 1 01 rdllLf-aMha VMS CM .ML A. VOSItSe OSh BAftTt SUSS. Rl, JFVee Vow, Opititt; Jtetcrir a SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. TMlTtll VI .bus a. vosEuca ox, at in sons, AM. hum Eczema. And every apeeleawf Itching and Barnlng Olaeaese Cared by a nurnrn. i, or Salt Rheum, with agonlsiii tubing ig . toaUnUy re ved by a warm Wh witb nap MtdftMbrto application of Cuticur, Cutlmrm. !'. .I'M A, and liuniliiir .'uli,-ur8uai the treat .km Cur.. Th. repeated daily with .wo or throo do of Cutfaur tteealaetii th. n - puriS-, to keep the blood cool, th perspiralien pur. and tlattn", th. ho el open, th. liver .im! kid ney. Mil v., .ill HHMMlly rur.EaMtM.ToUsi'RIntr .Kin PxiMuL Li, -hen I'rnntii. H,LI hal A.-. druff Mid ovorv pccle of Itching, tcaly and pimply humor ot lb. clp mud akin, when the boot phj.1 ciaa m ui Known mmmoi'. Will McDonald, fill Dearborn bih!, mU tutly acknowledge a cut. of Brum., or haul. aeok, face, rnu and leg. for e tent rear., no able to ww on hjj. ana Kooes fnr an. year ; not abb) ssp subsh ror aignt yoar , tned ftsaarsdsef tlv enrwf by CutU-ura KMuItcnt ibtocd nurtSvi ButLura anU Cutlcura Soapltbo rreat ikin euro) externally Clia'Sc HoOrnUn. Con., lawtar HIaIa Rtret I i. m. 1 . . Ti rnnyt. & il k'rtam. muU 1.1a - Uon for fen yoar. hl h corrod lb paUont' body and Umba. and U whkh ail known not hod erf Ural metit had I esawlctely leaving oc well apptle.1 without learnt, whlrh curwj aolely by th Ctttleura sss sosnay sua. Mr. Jobs ThlsL TTHk b.m Swaw writ. - f k.M uTerod from JhJi Rheum for eiabt year, at Unux a bad that I could not attend u mv hnfn far mo at a tin.. Throo bone of t 'uik urafand four bouia ttaaoltont havo entirely curwt me of lhi .treadful dl . ft rh vi. ian. I'rcAcr ib Tbosa . I barr antbtnabnl the highest prat, for th. rowtlu obtainad from y.ur Culi cura MMdlo. of which 1 bav aotd aors than of oil oil us of las kind . Monro BOJfD. M. D. sen btsob ss. rsiioiWipnsi Are ooki bv all drank. Price : Ci n t a. SS. t RiaotvB.iT. si ; Soar. 26c. Perm Dc 41 o CSSH- 1. i ... Rton. Ma., sen.l fr -Mow to Cor Skin DieneML" TIKY th amptesloa and akin by uatng toe l SRSW aa soar. ill by the t aUront Anti-Pain porfoct antidote to pea and Now, Original. InfaJiblo. At MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, UPPUSIIC KtVtKt HUUSt. FISH, GAME, AKD POULTRY MARKET. MILTON HYDE, Proprietor. Freeh fish slwsys on hand. Cssb paid for chickens aud game. First Sti est, next door to Jos, WebbsVs, ALBANY, OREGON iBH V3m Administrator's Notice. TBtTinW I si Vtrahv t7lvAt1 t.hftt ihll Utl has this dav been duly appoint- ah Arifrtniatratnr at trie esutte Ol a . Jane., deceased, by the Oeunty Court of Linn county, BUte ol uregon. ah pr Hons hsvlnir claims acainut said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to tne Afimmistraior a nis remuBiiu. near Millftr'a Station. Linn county. Ore o-nn. within nix months from the 'daU hereof, properly verified as by law re quired. This 5th day of March, 1886. J. A. Jowes. Administrator of esUte of ST. Jones.dsc'd, Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Red Star TWAD 6X7 MA WK. "W aw hit. ton. Ureal ear regular oorretpondnt. ) Waihihotok, Marsh 19th, 188680Ct Brrelt 'aolt,f nnt Senator Logan's jealousy of Sena ter Edmonds aa a possible Preslden tlal rival affords conslderabto amuse, ment in the United States Senate Chamber. When it was stated that ho would oppose the Edmunds reso lutions, the reason for his opposition was difficult to understand. Logan Is alto accused by hli political breth ren in the Senate of trying to 'boas" them, and titey lose no opportunity to rebuke him. He aroseto speak yes terday when three or four Seratore were already on their feet. Ho gas ed stolidly at them until all resumed their seals asvo Mr. Toiler, of Oelo. Mr. Logan looked steadily at this gentleman and commenced speaking. With a stiff manner Mr. Teller re marked, "I yield the floor to the Senator from III,, for a few moments." Senator Edmunds has been uneasy ever since he Inaugurated the fight against the President in regard to "papers." The strength of his aide of the Senate la not In sympathy with him lo this discussion. He has had considerable trouble lu getting speak, era to uphold his position. It is an open secret that he has been compell ed to go amoog the Republican Sen ators and beg them to make speeches in support of his resooltlooa. It is not yet known when the vote eon bo reached as a number of Sena, ton are yet to speak. An effort wee made to limit the debate this week, bat It was found that it could not bo done without curtailing the length of speeches end compelling some Sena tors to forego an opportunity of being beard. Among the reserved invective is tbst of Senator Ingalls. His threat ened rhetorical avalsunche has been delayed because he has not yet boon able to learn from the Post Master General how many fourth class Poet Masters have been removed since the fmrtb of March. He wants to use this information as his strong argu ment against the Administration, and he la greatly annoyed by the detlbor. ation of General Vitas. There has been no dispisltlon to withoid the Informal ion, but groat labor Is in vol v. ed 1' looking up the records end se lecting from o loog list of changes only those who had bn removed. Among the Democratic Senators who havo ably defended their aide lo the Seoatorlsl discussion this week were Morgan of Ala., who Is always eloquent, Jecksoo of Tenn , and George of Mies. Mr. Jackson's pooch wee ooe of the most carefully prepared argurnonts thus fr made on the subject. In closing, he said : 'I see nothing in this but an attempt to encroach on the functions end rights of the Executive, and of oh. structlng him and his Administration in their efforts at reform. No Prjei dent for the post half century has over acted with mnro moderation none wilh a more conscientious I for the public interest ; end yet at the very outset of his Admtnhtratlo bo is to be obstructed In this way, tot grounds wholly unwarranted. U may well appeal from the Senate to the country, for tne country will sus tain him in his action. Mr. George, hi n sharp attack upon the Republicans, took occasion to re cord himself in favor of open ex ecu tive session. He said he had boon ready to vote Cor open doors from the day be first attended a secret session and was reedy to do so now. A few days ago a lively tiit occur ed between Senators Logan and Col quitt of Gs., while the latter was de fending the President's position. Senator Colquitt produced and read a paper which was on record in the Poetomce Department in reference to on office-holder. Senator Logan thought it st range that some Senators could get certain records which would not be furnished the Senate. The laugh which went around the galler ies at this remark whs checked when theO -. H'Mmtor -te ed that no Sena tors had tattO t.-fuHed access to papers in the Departments. The papers had been refused In response to a call made as a matter of right by the Senate. The swarthy Senator from III. still insisted that he could not understand why the papers should have been given to an individual and not te the Senate. Senator Colquitt then plttied Mr. Logan's obtuseness in not being able to see the distinction between a demand from the Senate as a right, and a request from the Senators as a matter of courtesy. Lawrence Barrett, sixbundred ex cursionlrts, and the Solvation Army, were at the President's reception yes terday. They were crowded like sardines in the East room, and when the President made his appearance the nshers, between whom the line passes, had difficulty in keeping them in order. The President shook ALBANY, OREGON, hinds with the lust corner as heartily as with the first, and had a pleasant word for thoat who button.heled him to express good wishes. Mr. Liw- the wall behind the President, an in terested spectator. The Salvation Army numbered about ooe hundred and fifty, Tbe Commander was first presented and he Introduced the Cap tains. The high privates were not introduced. Many were silk 11 g neckties, and the lady soldiers nearly alt carried tambourines in their hands. When they had ali passed by, Com mander Smith again shook hands with tbe President end said, "We'll pray for you and we hope that jour next three 5 oars will ho your best." rroiasTacfsee. The 01 Bab ontiuues te grow indef Initelv, without regard to age, so long as it baa a pleatifel aapply of feed. The oldeet codfish are tbe largest, and they sometimes grow to be as long as a eaan Is bigb. Tbey swim about near tbe bet torn of tbe sea, net often ascend ing to tbe surface, feeding 00 all sorts of animal life, aueb aa era be, shellfish and other small fish, but not on vege tables. A ptao for rendering psper ss tough as weed or leather has been recently introduced On tbe continent : it Cen- stst la miiiog chloride of tine witb tbe pulp in the course of manufacture. It baa been found that tbe greater tbe degree ef concentration of tbe tine so lution tbe greater will be tbe toughness of tbs paper. It can be used for mak ing boxes, combs, far roefleg. and evoo fer making boats. Tbe rays of tbe sun Jo not strike at tbe aame angle upon tbe earth at all times end places. It has been aseer uioed that water Is raised 4 J feet at tbe equator. This eletalion corres ponds te the taorease of temperature. The pressure at tbe bottom also decreas es. This is tbe source gf tbe Gulf Stream, which eaercUee so important an infiueeee upon tbe climate of the eastern and western continents. Syeekiog ef sudden deaths as the re sult of aaontal anxiety or excite tueut, the "Medical News" sensibly sets : "There is no treatment which will pre vent this claas of sudden deaths, and physic isps are powerless to avert its onset. All tbey oan do is to advise a eelm, unexciting mode ef life, with freedom from worry an anxiety. Such advice is very easy to give, bet as dif ficult to follow as wouid be a suggestion that it is not advisable to die st soy given time." WBfAT IT M aa COST. Tbe Navel Committee of tbe Hettae of Representative hss made a report that "our navy is not equal to what it as ie 1866." And yet over $400, 000,000 have been expended by succes sive Republican administration to "im proving tbe navy." Here is tbe reeerd: 1 866 . .$43,000,000 1 876 . . $18,000,000 1867.. 81,000,000 1877.. 14,000,000 1868.. 25,000,300 1878 . 17,000,000 1869.. 20,000,000 187$., 15,000,000 1870.. 21,000,000 188$.. 13,000,000 1871... 19,000,000 1881.. 15,000,000 1872.. 2l,0$0,000 1882.. 15,080,000 1873.. 23,000,000 1883.. 15.000,000 1874.. 30,000,000 1884.. 16,000,000 1875.. 21,000,000 1885.. 15,000,000 Tbe American people may well ask in surprise, "Where is the naeyf Florida demands tbst ber Governor sppoiot a 8 jo a tor in pisue of Jones. As Jjnes is a good Senator but a poor hand at oottrtiog.wby does not tbe Gov ernor appoint so'nebody to court tbe girl end ist Jones go back to bis seatt Te strike a man's pet dog is almost equivalent to strikiog tbe m tn himself, and when Senator Lgan bits Senator Hale with tbe sledge-hammer of debate tbe blow fal's buavily 00 tbe retired but watchful historian. We would like to inquire if any Dem ocrat is i shortsighted as to think that be oan get his choice among all tbe different cs ndidates to be named to-day t Remember, if you dv not get your choice, it is your duty to help elect sonts ether msn' choice. A lsw has bseu passed by tbe Ken tucky Legislature against gambling and the gsmbisr". When Governor Knott signs the bill ooe fifths B'ate will go into mourning ahiU the other half takes a drink. The remainder will ap prove the law. It is again reported that the Presi dent is about to marry. Of course Mr. Edmunds will demand tbe notes he hss received from the lady. ii There is a likelihood that Mr. Ed rounds will ba compelled to desist from bis attack upon the President to defend himself against the attack of Mr. Blaine and bis friends. " 1 1 " 1 .'4 1 1 , . Things have settled down te tbsir natural gait in the Senate. Riddlsberg er is drunk again. la 8uth Carolina there are one bun dled ministers of the colored Presbyte ian Church. a FRIDAY, APRIL 16, craters 'rati.. Mexicans have a passion for mlr rors, and a traveller aaya that tbe in terior of some of the city bouses look like steamboat cabins. He remarks also that mirrors are among the com. menest articles In the pawnshop there. A new gold country is said to have boon discovered by a shipwrecked French sailor tlo Patagonia, between the Straits of Magellan and the river ftallegoe. The man had collected from (he aand a Utile fortune when token off the coast by a steamer. Great rivalry aa to epeed exists among the soiling ship that annudly take grain and flour to England from Oregon end California. The dislsnce la 18,000 miles, end three crack ships completed this year, the winner, Lueknow, making the voyage to Southampton In 100 days, and the second beet reaching Queeiistown in - w 116 day a. Tbe amount of cool lo the Pitla burg region Is estimated by Prof. Lesley of the Pennsylvania Geolog- leal Horvey at 30,000,000,000 tons. About 11,000,000 tons are now taken annually from this bed, of which two- thirds ore bituminous cost and one third anthracite. Prof. Lesley be lieves tbot tbe oil and gas supply will practically cease ten or twenty years hence. Cores, according to Percival Low ell's sketch of Chocon, Is the land of hats. There are Indoor bats and out- door hots, rain hate, military bate, wedding hats and 0 variety of cere monial hats few of which are worn for other than ornamental purpoeee. The ordinary outdoor bat baa a coni cal crown and a brim a foot and a half broad. It is made of a kini of stiff goastmet or silk or horse-hair, dexterously worked In with finely split bamboos. Another extraordi nary form of bead-gear is the mourn ing bat, an immense structure of pisited straw, resembling an Invert ed bowl some two or three feet in diameter, and effectually concealing the wearer's feature 1 fr-m view. An effort is st last ing made to disinter the Sphinx. Th wrk of 0 exhumation Is Intrusted In Brugach Hey, brother of the distinguished ar chaeologist, who wilt carry out a plan formed by 8ig Ma per. About 20,000 cubic metres f aand roust be cleared away. To expedite this teak a little tramway has been construct ed, and 150 laborers engaged for the more mechanical portion of the foil. About Raster tbe work Is expected to bo completed. Then, when the rock out of which the statue haa been bewn h laid bare, a broad circular walk will bo constructed around It, and a high watt built to guard agaioat future encroachments of desert sands. A highly interesting piece of work hat present being executed at the Berlin Royal Aeademy, under the direction of medical and artistic ex. porta, the wax model of a carefully prepared human body M life site. From it a csst In atnc is to be made, showing with rigid exactness the muscles, arteries and veins. An idea of the nicety of the work may be formed from the fact that thus far fifteen months have been spent upon upon the head alone, which la not expected to be finished under three years more. The importance of the work for anatomical studies, when completed, will amply compensate for the trouble, time and money spent upon it, which, when finished will be exhibited and bought by the govern met. ratcats Siraslea. Patent granted to citizen of the Pacific State during the past week and reported ex preaaly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent lawyer, oppoaitc U.S. Patent Office, Waahington, D. C. : F M Brown, Los Angelea, Cal., V ermin exterminator. M G Farnham, Germantown.Cnl., Wheel plow, J P Ford, Fouler, Cal.,Pump. M B and W Y Gordon, Davlsville, Cal., Gate. N W Grwwold, Alameda, Cal., Holder for brushe. The State Journal of Eugene haa juat be- 5un Vol. 23. and devotee a columu to a can id, plain statement of what it ia to ran a newspaper, showing that a paper oan not vary well make ends meet in Oregon on a ! subscription than $2.50 a year. The Journal ohargso B12a year for business cards 1 inch loog, $60 a year for 10 inches space, less thaa half a column of our apace, etc. The rate are reasonable. In Albany, though they cannot be oommaaded,as our merchants will testify. The Journal in doing baiineaa on a business basis deaervea success. Men with families are arriving here by al moat every train, a majority of them deair ing to rent residences at least until auch time aa they oan seise t suitable locations, purehaae lota and erect houaea. Partiaa con template the erection of a number ot cottages in West Yaqaina, and purpose to accommo date and thus secure valuable population. Pott. The Blair Educational bill was defeated in the House by 115 to 134 votes. 71 Demo crats and 63 Republicans yoted againat it, and 82 Democrats and 33 Republicans for it. Oregon Kidnev Tea cures ali kidney truo ble 1886. SPRING STOC K N H Great care has been taken in our selections, both as to aualitv and tri s ana .while we do not claim that our Qood petitory we know that they are just as freri Tand In good ad we wl guarantee every article just as represented. Our stock was purchased tor spot uasn, ana wo propose to sell as Ohean -J.- - A ft A Put the Knife to Prices JfUftl lnl of1 WlU ne6t Wheat 60 antg P6f bu9lie1, We have in 8tock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &C. plication Pr "ia8 tftaton.Wm be promptly fllled and samples sent uponap- ALBANY, OREOON, MARCH 6, 1886, rcaaaa u Hn. Sat I Foeter, the veteran Iowa bortiealtoriat.ia dead. Tbe late James Irvine of San Fran cisco, Cel., is said to have left his only son, among otber property, 180,000 aeres of Ssod located in one body in Los An geles county. Mrs. Helen M G isgsr, the Iodisns cbampien of temperance end woman's rights, will ge te Europe nest month, to be absent all summer making a person al study oftbeIriab question in all its phases. Sir Joseph Ceok,to whom Tennis C. Claflin.tbe sister of Victoria Woodhull, was married, is Marquis Mooteertat of the nobility ef Portugal, in which coun try be is tbe posssssor of a marble villa famous for tbe beaut) of ita site, at Centra, pronounced by By"Childe Harold," the world's parsdtse. "Gen. Sherman," said an army man tbe other day te tbe New York cor res pondentef the Cincinnati Injuirer,bad that greatest of aH possessions of a reaHy great man the capacity to sseri fioe himself for the public good. I can give j on forcible itiuatrationa. It is common knowledge that if he would hava permiited-at a bill would have been lassed exempting the otliee of general of the army Iro in i be operations of tbe law or retirement. He thought it un fair to his comrade in arnt,ud rafuaed to allow tbe exemption lo he made." TUB CHINESE MI ST GO. Tkret tftYWrtV garHrHiHC, rtV. .mir ordrrn ttt lirad iron Metis. Tell tear RetsOhsr. Tell your neighbor who I not already a ftubscriber to the Democrat that wc will furnish him the Weekly Wfrll,lhe best me tropolitan paper in the country, and the Democrat, the bent local paper In the val ley, both for $3. ThU i a marvel of cheap ness. Call at thi office for a specimen copy of the World. The Neat Agrees!! Aa well aa the moat effective method of rflarwilllnff lieedenhea. co ds and fevers, or oleanatng the system la bv taking a rew doses of the pleasant California liquid fruit remedv Hymn of Figs. 5oo and ft " r . . ' . . 1 hot t tea for sale by Vosbay A Mason, Lang don A Co. final Freef. Parties making final proofs of claims either through the Roseburg or Oregon City Land Offices, oan have the aame published in the Democrat bv ao notifying the Rsgiater at either o! those places, Friends ef thia paper will confer a favor by conaidermg this when they make out their final claims. Syrup r rig. Manufactured only by the California Fig Sw rim Ho. . 811 Francisco. Cal. . ia Natures Own True Laxative. Thia pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foahay Mason, W Langdon and Co. , at fifty cents or one dillar tier bottle. It is the most pleasant, nrnnVifc and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneva and Bowsla gently yet thoroughly' to diapel Headaches, Colda and Fevera ; to mi re Cnnsti nation. Iudieestion and kindred w S - sbf He w AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Tofr A stflwart have neck-vokes and eincria.trAfl. ironed or unirooed, neck- voke Irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, sx trees, etc., all for sale neap. T I. CASE PLOWS. This famous nlaw is well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel plows sre well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work ard cour fully as well as any otaer plow s Peters A Stewart are the sale agents. NO 38 Now being received by Allen L MT N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 NOTICE. iuniig concluded to close out Ms bMinMs, now offers Ms entiw stfeli! STOVES, RANGES, HEATIND AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stool of TIM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. e is this is a genninl closing oat, now is the tins for housewlf replenish their Htchens and dairies with ware, ALBANY, ra srnat aihtEfts. Statements of accounts of subscribers with the Dkmociat have been plaoed In the bands of agents through tbe county, so that subscribers desiring to see either how they stand, or to settle for the same, can da so by calling on them. Thla is for tbe convenience of both subscribers and tbe Democrat, Those deairing to pay a year In advance and get the ''American Farmer " ene of th e best agricultural pa para in the U, 3 , can do so with our asenta. Call on the following gentlemen at the places named : O PCosbow Brownsville. K Shelion 8cio. M M'ller ;...lbanon. i Ham Maw Hirrlaliiinr I A w' Shedd Of Confidence. " VTI3'0 55 raiiu.i!!:iiaamedlclnethat, : . T XLu O durin a th-arly 40 years, in nil parts of t '.u! vi or id, ha proved its etn cary aa flwj heat h!od alterative ktiown to i.u Jkal setose. SARSAPAMLLA iJTiS frvmiiuo lloudurn Sarftuparilla) ia ita baso, aud its powers arc enhanced by the cxtmcta of Yellow Dock ami Stil liugia, the Todklcs of Potassium aud Iron, hiuI other Ktcnt ingmlienta. IO yourhlood vitiated bv derungeuient 19 of tho digestive and nsshnilatory func tions? is It tainted bv Scrofula? or doea it contain the poison of Mercury or Contagion Disease? Till? 'eiUluj4 physicians of the United IflC. states, who know tho ion of A y Kit's SausapaHilla, say that nothiug else so cood for the purifica tion of the blood ia within the ran,;e of pharmacy. a aji a by "tho use of this remedy fs it Ulsa-Y possible for a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health and prevent transmission of the de structive taint to posterity. YtJfkDfli iLll etlWtivo renovation I nUnUUanLT of the system must include not only the removal of cor ruption from tho blood, but ita ettrtob ment and tho strengthening of tho vital organs, on lADI t witnesses, all over tho nbLIAbLb world, testify that this work ia better accomplished by Ay en's Sarsapaiulla than by imy other remedy. . . , Dl firm 'hat is corrupted through dis DLUUU ease is made pure, and blood weakened through diminution of tho red corpuscles is made strong, by AVER'S SARSAPAMLLA. mi mi? VI Sin tho blood and buil liiv; runlr Ylllw up the system require time in serious case's, but benefit will bo derived from tho use of Ay 5iis SARSAPAMLLA 1UOIO speedily UMU from anything else. ucniMUC for which like effect' are InbUlwIlsa. falsely claimed, is aJuiu dant in tho market, under many name. but tho only preparation that has s imd tlw test of tunc, and proved worthy of tho world's confidence, is Ayer's Sarsaparifa, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists : Price 1 ; six bottles for fa. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADYERTI8INB ODIUM IS TEE WILLAMETTE TALL1L Special buaine notices In Local CcJ u in ne lb oonts per line. Regular Leee notices 10 cents per line. For legal and transient advertjaasseete SI 00 per square for the A est liaaijfta aj SO cents per .jimre for each aaissajbsal Insertion. Kates for other aflvertleen-cnta known on application. Co.. J MWUV A LA UUD UtOrbO, SUU First tree Albany, Red CrownMills 1S0M, L ASKING & CO., PROPffft. SEW FROCKS FLOtia SI" THUGS SOB a)ffiSB Sirs baxeks nss. BESTSTOUiGF ACLITlBS. Highest IPrice in Cash to Wheat ALBANYiOR. FREft GRAF, Manufacturer and Dealer hrfali k'.ndsfe FURNITURE AfiD UNDERTAKES, S First Street Albany, Or c. e, woLvasTox, o, h, re W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW aT0Beo up stairs in Fro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON F OR SALE. One hundred and forty acres, ate Utiles above Lebanon. 40 aeres in aSl tivation. 10 aeres slashed and sowaa grass. Comfortable dwelling, ngflsl outhouse3. Cheap. Inquire at tnrt office. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -and-; Notary Public.5 DR. I. H. W0 IDLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office at Sehmoe - Stables. ALBANY, OREGON B ARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are alwava breaking, unless you hatw tbe kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of Al bany. They are made of wrought Iran cannot jump the track and will laat a Has time. Don't hang another barn door un til yon have seen them. N. J. HENT0N, Notary Public urf Insurance Agent, O F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, 01 Represents several of ike beat Fire te sura nee Companies on the Coast. Call t a him for reliable insurance.