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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1886)
Chare hSBIreetstjr U. P. CneitCH.--Preaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. m., and 7 P. M. by Itev. F, G. Ir tins, U. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M Tryr meeting svsry Woiloessdey evening. Rvanuklkw l Ciiuhch. Preaching on Seb Vath at 10,30 a. m., and 7 r. m. MMN School 11:45. Prayer mestiug vsry Wed nesday evening 7:30. tt. K. luvw, pastor. All uro in v Uc.l . ConobsoatiohalCiiobch. Servioesevery (Sabbath at 1 1 a. m, and 7 r. m. Sabbsth hichool st 12:10. PiV meeting on Thursday evening of sach weak. J. W. Karris, pastor. ' If. B. CHcnoit.SocTH.--Preaohing every Sabbath morniug at 11 o'clock A. u. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer moating every Thursday eveutug at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. full.. Pastor. M. K. CHCRcuSoiTU,TAiuirr.--Pfeach. iog every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. M. Sab twth School at 2:30 o'clock, r. m. P. M. Culp, PastS. M. E. CuuRi'ii. lWchiuB every NUMH 11 a. m. aud 7 r. is. Song service ia evening beforo sermon. Sabbath School tm r. M. I'rayer mootiug every t ur ayevcuing. Kov. H. P. Wabb,paator. 1'kkhuytkhian Cuitbch. Servtoe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church oor. Broadalbiu aud Fifth SU. Suuday School t I :;o i. m. l'ruver moeUnii every Wednesday waning. Kv. lease H. Condi t pastor. rant limn Cm uncu. Preaohinietery Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a iu. .at Church on 5th Streak Sabbath Sohool iininediately after moruing services. Prayer meeting e ery 'hure,lav v(nintf at 7:30 o'clock. T O rtrowuioii, paator. OViRLAND TO CALIFORNIA -xVIA-n Ororoa & California K. K, AND CONNECTIONS F.r fr..m Portland to Sill Francis x. $3.' . to So Tk mrnu, $ao. c essasseleM mad Aahiawi w.ih ataxee of the C-UlloruM. Ortrou aud bUUo hi Couipanjr. o (DAILY EXCEPt SUNDAYS.) fcaet rM( Blvlalea. ' N BEfWEK rKTL'.D AD ASMLlft. Matt Tram. LBATa ASftlVB. Portland ..7:80 A Albany 13 r a Aefchad 7:ft ra Albany ll r M Mtwny. 11:46 A M .:& a ll:f A ,4.ii r Albany.... Purttaiul Albany Kspeess Traia. ULAVa, SBJUVS. Portland .4:00 r I Albany 8:34 r Ait... SS&ra Urbaiiun S.wr 4.4A a m i Aiuanv . & a Albans 6.) A M I Portland lCWo A M Pullman Palace Sleeping Can daily between Al htiiv ktiil V.hlalvd. K U Fcity make connections ith all the mriiiar tram, ou the Last side IStlsiou from tet of r S.reiW Weal Side Dlvt.loa trmn rottrLt wi t'eiiAiut Mall Train. uati Asarra Portland .. . .9:00 a a I Corral Ita ...... 440 r Corrailu ISO A a Portland ASUf Klarca 1 rain imtnm Aaii. Portland i 00 r a I JlcMinuvlU S00 r a McMtuimik) ft 45 a a t Lonal tM kcU fr Mlc nd oani ' it. I.. ii ..fflce. Cor Ticket. .r uriiKiual uuiU iu cWif.jruia.can only bm MMMi HMi banajm cbevked at (.'ompauy' t,S, C-ortwr Kami Pr.ii. . . I' .M and r. rrnrflil ail I PleWH not (h; receivctl foi hiuieii on either the Kat or Weal t aflvr l!B o'dotk p. -vie In. i. ion.. R. aOKULER, B. P. ROGERS. O. r. PSeaaaent. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OP THE BBST OOUGH CURB that the world baa ever produced. Dr. Hralry'a O nb Care be. not an equal uo be face of tbi (wto. I hallenve the world for 1,000 u produce any ;eaat J.rnrali. n. n..w the market to heat it n pmtnpttMJM iu wTti-g a ( oukb or Cold. Jwtaera Uke the ad vice of an otd p-ooeer el S7 years on tie Ceaat Hun t run the nea ot ear own life or your -hildren a on suyai and water. It has sent thou and. to th. : I-itd Voo will And mor ue u. sea i ti MUe than In a pint of . miii.. .'i --uah uoxturra. Thre ia thinw eery rue, if you don't kUl the luh the oougb is aura kill ou. estjre afthe Iradr utrk Tke stales s tke Isetlle. wuolbsalb Aorrrs, nELfw CITHslt et WSODWlin. PvKTLANU. ORfcGO.V. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, ASU- riles. Kertal liters, tin. are., Pi aril s, Aal, P 1st alas la Saw. Polyps., stertl. Etc., Etc.. Cured in six years by the BrlakrrksflT Sy.tcsa. a Dr. J. B Pilkington, Proprietor of the I' rtland rye aad kar InBrutary and aaaltarlasa for rrves teieeaae-a lias been a' pointed ag.ut and ph) rtrian for tbis sysW ni in Oregon sod V . T. No severe earglcal wprrw llsa, aw yAala aw loaa ft blwwcl. In two stout. bars cured ssveral caea in whisb operation with the knife have only done injury'. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jan. W Weath erford, draififist, formerly of Sslem, Mr. Prank tisid nei, uiscbtuest, Mr. K. A. Ksmpy. Hsrribur sod others. Wii meet pstieaU st lbs Revere llotia Al bany, from Tucaday ncn,lHar. 2, to Wednes day uoon.flstr. S, I0. Address for pstophlet, etc. J.B. PILKINCTOH, M. D.. POkTLAND, ORKOOM. THE . OR, LIEBIC Q PrlVMte IMsfjrNsarjr, fj I 4CO Geary at., Hsu KrsociscoJ .Csl Conducted by Qua Jfied I"byicians and tiurgwon legnilar arrsduates. I tm The Oldest specislieU in ths (f I luted blates, life-Ung experience, t . e I" -rltct niethod end pure medicine, ii nurc (peedy and eruianeiit cures of ell Pnvste, Chronic sod Nerviotis Dwtssss. ASTections of the lilood, Hkin, Kidneys, Rlsdder, ErupUous, Ulcer. Old bores. Hwel'inr of th O lands, Mors Mouth, Throat Bone Fion.,iermaiieiit,y cured and eradi cated from the Htein or life. NKKtTOLS behility, lrnMitency, b.:minal Kexuai Decay, Men U.1 and Physical Welkness, Pailim Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Da vi.-loiiiueiit.liiiiHcOinients toMarriav r et?., from excess or outciiui follies, w or any saute, ipeedily, safely and IH Z Yeaag. MleJdle'Aced and Old VbHP ef ii. en. and all who seed medical skill urivaheiv cuini. wHf s and experience, consult the old B3 i2 European Phy.icisn at once. Hi. opinion costs nothing, and may a.H araa flit II I M miastrV SLPIal aheaSnee When inconvenient to visit the ttfej for tr.itn.ent. medicines can be sent everywhere by exnresi free from observs"oo. I', is self-evident that phy.icisn who gives his wool attention to a class it Ul.eiue!)a''.iiiiH).'reai mkiii, aniu puyucian. vnrougn out the com y.knowing- this, frequently recommend difficult caw. to the oldest specisli.t, by whom every known g-ood remedy is used. The Doctor's age anu experience make bis opinion of supreme importance. AVCTlioso who call see no one but the Doctor. Con stitution, free and sacredly confidential. Cases which failed in obtaining relief elsewhere e.pec ally solicited. Female diseases successfully treated. The Doctor will aeree to forfeit $1,000 tor s case un tertaken, not cured, Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9a. in. to 4 p. m., ti to 8 evenings ; Sundays, 10 to '.i only. Sepd for ths Sanitarist Guide to Health, ent free. Address as abov- lK. UKUlii'K vTonUertul ceriuwa lavigaraler Pertuanoutly prevents all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones tne uerves, stren(wieri. me muscles, elieck the sraste, invig-orates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. system, tones the nerves, strenguiens me muscles Tim reason se many cannot get cure many cannot iret cured of Heminal AVikiims. Loss of .Manhood, etc., is owin? to a com- eH ea I loo, called ProtaUirrhea with Hyperaethesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Lit big-'. In vhrorstor is ths only positivs cure for Prostatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used tt the Liebijf Dispensary lrle of Invlcorator, S3. Case of six bottles ' Hsnt to any address, covered securely from ob- ervstion Most jowcrful eicrtrie belts free to patients To prove the wonderful power of the Invig-orator. A m Bottle iiivea er sent Free. Uonsultation free and private. Una or auuress IdbKSIC DliriMAKV. 40d Qesry SSreet, Ban Franaisco, CsJ. Private ntruiKO, tOB Hasan Street, four bl oaks up sary Buret from Ke irne , Msin entrance throngs ispeusary Dru gt jrt mm r - - -sr r- raS-La P'o Caetort treooMitni I I tv ' u . ..... k-Jk,' oo o o 0 o O O OO 0 i c ftc n Kidney Tea! Nature'! own remedy . K X K K K K K K Will oedlly faJNej and fwrmamititly our all tha varloua dlfnoultlo. ariaiiK lr..m.ll IitI ...inlllln-i ..r tin' LIVKU AND KIDNEYS. It hi perfectly harmleea sul ean be Kmn to the moet delltmM aoutan or vhlld. Pot eale by all druwrWte, Maell, Urltaha WaeMiartl. Wholeeaie AuU. rri'iTi T T T T PORTLAND, ORBJO-OIT. City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Oppoalte Peters A Stewart'a.) K f epa a tlrat oUaa sup ly of good uoeate fall klnde, at bottoni prica, AMKHH'AX FARMER. ESZEi To all our Subscribers ! All our nubacrlbera who will par their ulduTiptiun aetxmnta to this paper in full to date, and orto year in ad vance, will be presented with una yeeu'e. aubacrlp tton to THE "AMERICAN FARMER f A aixtenn-pafre Agrloultnral Maxaxlue, pobllehed bjr E. A. K, Ilackett, at Knrt VN'avoe, Indiana, and which la rapidly takiug rank aa aneor the leading Agricut taral publicailone af the cenntry. It is devoted eicluaively to the Intervale of the farmer, atock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, and every npectna of Industry connected with that great por tlou ol the eople of the world, the farm era. The subscription price ia one dollar per year. Farmer can not well gat alonif without It. It puta new Ideaa into thtr minda. It teachea them how to farm with profit to themaelvea. It make the home hsppy, the yean fla cheerful, Ibe growler contented, the duwucaat heppy, and the demagogue horeat. IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE f ."JaCnonlr of Ihe flnt fr ' C ...1- ity of Uimmtor wlilmUiMii:' Every good thing is Gjant felted, and conmimers are CAU TIONED atralnst IMITATlOI'a cf tnoee Ohimneys xnat'.e of POOR GLASS. Bee that IhwerRct label is on each chimney as abcre The Pearl Top ia always clear and nrlffht Glass. Msnefsrl ared OStT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO, IMttetmnrb sad CJlaaa War ka. 70S SALE ET DEALERS. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Tralna Leave orvallia. Tuesday, Tbursdaj, Saturday, at 0 a. m. Train Leave Yaqnina, Monday, Wadaeaday, Friday, at 8 a. k. The fine A I St8am3r uYapina"8ails FROM VACil'IXA. Sunday, March 14tb. Wednesday, March 24th. Sunday, Apt 11 4th. Wednesday, April 14th, Sunday, April 26th. raoM sax usAessMSj Weonesday, March 10th. FKder, March Itfth. TueiKLy, March 30th. Friday, April 1Mb. l uetdsy, April 20th. The Company nsere the right to change sailing a.ys. Fasbs Cabin,S14; Bteere, SXSS; frelebtat reduc- ei ami moderate rates. River boats on the WiiUm U j connect at Corvallis Low fares and rates. For further Information ap ply to of. 1 1:, A. 0. F. and I'. Agent, Cervallls. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, IS THE IIOMN OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA, Nervous headche cured In three mlnuLa. and Too' SaejM in three ec ihoh. For all pains and actios it has no equal In the world Small bottle. White. IirKo bottle, SI. Uiol SALE. One half block in eastern part of the city with fair house and barn will beaold cheap Pinal Settlement. NOTICE is hereby oriven that the un- dersigned Executor of the laat will and testament of A Cherry, deceased, bus filed his final account in said nsUt in the County Court in and for Linn county. Oregon and the Judaic thereof has made an order fixing Saturday the 8th of May, 1888 at I o'clock, p. m., at the Court Bouse in Albany,Oreg.u,as the day and time for hearing objections to sad final account. Jab. O. Ohbbbt, Ejgccatar, Natnre ' own remedy, Oregon Kidney Tea. T IbbbT fjsBasslrafr aiMeBM j-t- cr. rWf EE INUj )H lil WlltkssjatMrBI iui ri viawetefi Sal l.-,!.l..mrf.,,f Melata.i l. cii II it t f vkT t If ti a A 111 wl rLVWKH, HIM.HS, w. Iu,.uu. w .11. Mswlkllt to HuOl U.nlof. Sn4 fbr U. O. M. FIRRY A 00., Detroit, Miotilgtan. TUTT' 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Triampa of the Age! SYMPTOMS OW A TORPID LIVER. I.oaaol npnalltc. Ilowrls rastl ve, I'alu It tha h u.1. with a dull ruaatlau la the hurli part, lala aatfer the shoulder I. tnde, Vollueas aftar aaltai. with adle l i llanileu in r vrrllan af bodr r salad, irrltabllttr of trtaar. Low sairlta, with a forllus u( bavins wralrrtrd aoaia duty. enriucas. l)lslnaaa. l imn i lug ml Iha II. url, llata bfleritiha era. Ileudm hr avrr the rlaht rT. UtMUlaaaaaaa, with titfut dreams, tttSTMS ealarad I'rlaa, nad CONSTIPATION. TITTT'M PI1.I.M urn especially adapted trt atK'tl !!". oho tto.tb ofTrrfe SaOh a c!m'iK f f-r:iii tut"" iu the sufTerr. Inrrensotitc , mctMe,sitd eaosa the I 1 1 , i i 'I'nbe ou ft'lealtiiim lb t.tfin Is't by ih-ir TeMle Art lest oa i application of - ttr. itrnl color, act' liniKxtsts. or I, . , . on rt4MdM4X Now York. Ci R E tim. itYRiPP m-im: t liwd StareJi and Sept.. in h rtar. aS( ic iMlltk tatass,wMherr 3.SOO tilastralUsM - eehul I'trtttr- iiatlery. iIVK tleate Prlc. aift-t to MstsMrn an all goads tat pereosaal or family , Tells In. v ta ordar, aatsl saact rl mt reery lhis yaw aw, ess dsittb., sw hsvtrsa rl( ThM IM ui tin. BOOKS roiiula let forma Hon ctrat... from flea markets of the world. t xrtU esuUI a vt 1'KKK u aS asoa saoetpS of IO els. to fl fii or mailtatsr.) 11 Um Uear ft um niswsatfwlly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ST s SSO V ahsw Aeaaaa. t blro. 111 OCHSON'b mWrmtmsssi !'h. U say adore.. UJuatrat. au4 luis erry tniog for XoSsm. Oasa. CjiilOf aos BSMSSS ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber.laths and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best uaiapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. m 11 NEEOUS DEBILITATCD MEN. You are aJlow-1 n f Irl- 1 n Una tit Or. lvr' IU i .! .-lil,. Ku, i,...rv fi -H !,, roller and -rin;ifii-iif i i r of Vitality wl Mtihi t ' .. Also for iimnr oil. r nam to Hi-alth. Vluor nu If -j '". of tha Hi it wltit ' ' ' .M-edjr ' i ' ii. loss . .! troul.lea. ra- No rl.k 1. Iticurrwl. in,. mmmtluj mall' ! i ill ! i"-'L Muisa ilotia VVUAiO SL7 (Jw.. alslial . Mich. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nswspspsr Advertising Bureau, IO Spruca St., New Vork. Sand lOota. for 100-Paa Pamphlet. Administrator's NoioeT NOTICE is bersbv civen that the unrler signed has bsn duly appoiatsd Adminiatra tor of the estate of Jane Oilmore, deoeaaad, by the County Court of Linn couotv. State of Oreijon. All persona havinar claims acainst said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to the Administrator at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the data hereof. nroDerlv verified as by law required, umxwi. this SHJth day of March. 1880. E. 3. Lasyrjro, Administrator. If you are aoiui? East be sure and eo via tde Oregon Short Line. It is ths best. See ht; m another column. Ii nnri.i t inaMlvrsaa.iiBiriBw" mfmtffl. . . v ii. in ii U iit.aitua ohanaM to n sa5Csa OmK IE juKilhsMSsaA VwVhMVMHMa - fiMRS fBWppwPB'wfc 1 WW KKIDAY APRIL 23, 1886 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, SDITKD ST THS Woracn'i Chrlitian Temperance (Julio 7tt the annual meeting of the W. 0. T. TJ. held Tuesday, April 13th, the following n racers were elected for he ensuing year : President Mr. J. U, Townseod. Vice Prea. Mrs. H, P. Webb. Rec. Sec.-r-Mlse Lib. Irvine. Cor. Seo. Mra. M. H. Bills. Treasurer Mrs. J. Althousu. Hupt.of Scientific InstructionMrs, 11. P. Webb. Supt. of Prvna WorkMrs. H. Brews. Supt. of Sabbath Desecration Mrs. St. John. Supt. of Juvtnile WorkMrs. L. K lilaio. Supt. of Young Women's Work Mrs. Henrietta Brown. Hupt. of Heredity and Hygiene- Mrs. M. II. Ellis. Supt. of Jail and fPrlauu Mrs Fisher. Supt. of Literature Mrs. J. Mil- Urd. The visilng coinmltvee reported 25 (-'iiitributlng memtierSfthe numner of actite members not yet reported. Kent committee reported $14 collect ed by sub-lettiug the liel! sod chairs. One wru: ling Milker from eathchurch ill the cl' was aootihilod. iluan mill sw thu - aaf Sin A msss j w ives ws w mm mm mm latuw a v s mm a w . ja a w a ' b m - "ST - W of the receipts and disbursements for tbe past year aud otber items will be given next week. Tttk WAaTK DShlt. Investigations made by the Cln cinnatl Chamber of Commerce show that dutiog the year ending August 31st, 1885, there were consumed lo Cinclnnatl.lMcluding Covington, N.w- port, and otbor suburbs, 553,085 bar. rels, or 17,178,535 gallons of malt II siuors, or 47,050 gallons per day. For this liquor tbe "Price Currut" estl matee that (fts fieople paid about $10,000,000, or 8 J 7,4o prr day, or $H per annum for cseh Individual of tbe population, including children. Io adtlitioit to this tax upon Industry Is the amount esieiided for splrltiu ous liquore, cigtra, tobacco, etc. Too millions uf ddUrs! What wooid thb sum do ? It would pur chase a thfiuaand farms f a hundred Seres each, at a hundred dollars per acre, which would be equivalent to a territory twelve and a hslf mile Nqmre, lying In tbe best farming re gions of Ohio or Kentockt and in cluding ail buildings, orchards, road. and other Improvements. It would purchase ton thousand building luiM lo the suburbs of the great city where It was swallowed, aud build on each of tbe-e a neat cot tage of four or five r un, and thus make a comfortable home for each of ten thousand laboring men's families, or fifty thousands pereonf. It would buy one hundred million pounds of meatti.t ten cents per pound -enough to furnish an army of a hundred thousand men with the standsrd army ration for a year. It would buy nearly two million barrth of the best grade of ft ur enough to furnish a year's supply of bread set fur hundred tboueaod peo ple mure than the entire population of tbe cities named. Is it any wonder that Cincinnati Is In constant terror of riot and murder, fire and pillage, when euch a flaid of devil's Lioth as thi. money represents is annualiygpoured down the threats of her citizens ? Let It be remembered that theee statistics are for malt liquor alone, and do not include wines or alcoholic liquors, of which an enormous addi tional amount is consumed. Let It be remembered, aUo, that the statis tics are not tbose of "temperance fa. naiics," but a body of business men, who have collected them for business purposes. A French physician, M Jolly, who has devoted much time to the close Investigation of the subject, declares that(an increasing tendency to men tal diseases has been generated by the increasing consumption of alco holic drinks ; and in proportion as li quor drinking increases, so do paupers, vagabonds and beggars, suicides, Idiots, dwarfs and murders increase." What is thus affirmed by an expert as true in France Is also undoubtedly true of our own country. The cry is for more room in connection with in sane asylums, prisons, hospitals, and poor neuses. Tbe worst aspect of al coholism h its leacy of rsce deterioar. iton through the law of heredity. In total abstinence only is there health and safety for the nation. The new Mayor of Indianapolis has declared his Intention of er fore lug the laws sgainst the sale of im pure literature and the superintendent of police has supplemented this by ordering the policemen to enforce the ordinance forbidding tbe exposure of impure papers in news depots. An ounce of discretion is better than a pound of knowledge. Why not spend twenty-five cents for a bottle of End Scar Cough Care, and save a large doc tor's bill ? Oregon Kidney Tea. For sale by all drag pels. rEBSSSAL. Miss Kste Field argues that women ought to be the more suooesaftil in pub Ho spssking, because audiences "besr with their eyes." The Crown Priooe of Germany boasts a ooilection cf seventytwo decorations ad orden'. In tiis oountry a men considers himself lucky when he bis two scsif-pion. Physiologist who hold that the race is deteriorating should remember that Miss Kitty Austin walked the other day from Ulsiksburg.Md., to Rookeille, fourteen miles, and expressed as being as lively as a cricket. Miss Kitty was eighty three Isat birtb lay Lord Shrewsbtuy is bout to retire from business as a csb proprietor. His Csbs, horses snd establishment ganeral- ly are te be taken by a company. The premier carl has alwats msde a profit at his osb yard, but recently hit men struck, and that is whv be is givi n u i btiaioesf. T. V. Pjwilorly, lbs grand iuatr workmen of the Knights of Labor, is a native of Csrhoodale, Pa., where was born in 1839. By trade a machin ist, he bss ma in himself a civil engin eer. He was Mayor of Snrsntan fr two years snd bss sarved nix years .it the besd of the gteat labor organisation. The 50 Treasury Dtpsrtoneut watob men are to ba atmod with breach. It lad ing rifles and supplied wi'h amiauui. tion, that they may be in readiness e met an invading foa. At one tma during the war, tha ab!rbdid cerks iu the Tressury Djp-rtmeut wia or g4ttixad into a raiui u4t4.which had it biinl sikI culora d mm to diill una aftartioou iu aach wsak. Wliati tha Ctofadniatea undsr Esriy came wiilnti tbe outside iotreochmsitts f Washing too, they sxjjec'S'l to enosunter noth ing mare furtnidalde tbsu tbe Treasnry and otber depart ment regiments, under tbe redoubtable QtisrterotasuiGn. Mviga, and bad tboy owisitnted tbe de fence of tbe metropolis the Ciefedsrate Ha ' would soon bsve floats 1 over the Capito. Bst tbe Sixth Corps had beea hastily broaht from tbe roy of tbe Potomac, and when tbe Omfadwt- atsresnhed the outer lino of rifle pits they found tbe regulate. reriLss M iat a. A ceejKO'-. vary mnoh usl at tb ereeeot dsy to Uatoa an t Jiusn ia ma le from rice. It is only necessary te mix rics !l Mr iiitimstely with water. and gently simmer 'be mixture over a olear fira, when it restliiy forms a dali- oate anl dorsbls cement, whioh enawars all tbe purKJse of oemmon fast. Dieuiafslt bss showo thst boric acid is not always of eotcanlc eribio,but thst rasa quantities oxtst in the sslt lakes and ssttoe marahea, all the elem nts of bieb are of a aedimeotary character, and which amid more or lees O'mflex physical and coemical changes base no eer i be leas their originatioa in tbe evaporstioo of noimsl mariee baaina. Mr. W. 11. 8beettone has descrtlsrd a modified form of B inaao burn-r in which a ring ot sjsll or Isrge damea ean be made to play up m tbe crooibte to be heated. Tbe arrangement can We edjusted so aa to apply tbe beat f - m above to tbe aurfaee of liquids, that evaporation, ete , io snslytioai oftera tiooo can be more esatly carried on without Spa'ting 1. mse also be used to ignite at any desired temperature in the ordinary way. it m L a I ei le ). bkm.1 Ci . !. twin y ' il II M l ll.J.' ii -i retij tmdvmtii i.i i ise, the i.i ffiKt,aute Isbt l :ii : r i: bit. bei 11 I mliitt ji '. 1 itii. fcit'b j iiu; i . bull, ekiit ! u ilt c riul sensr uf unttst uf; UtiUiuk. or Bftt&ee'. l" oim f Xalu;- ' Harulu- uf tlw fiiM tit-iitt . uf laffld fiycr'a Sarscparit I the on!) rented)' ttmt ran be r lbnt ijor In u't i iim'., tu i-riubcuti tb- tsiu' of in i lmr ilitti,- mid Uh- MMcial tomtpti' of I In- blutnl. Il I- the oh!) Jillrati' liuit h utile K in l pew Tf ul lolttereebU eleatsse Hm systt-iii uf Hi'mfuIotiH . . Mercurial bin in iti . and lbs polkitlti f out agio us !. .sc-. It niw, in tl Irattaes tin- palseea i n bv I'lpbtbrtit iiml Mcai'lpt Fever, mkI etttteles rapid rittiM'nitkii froiii I lie enfeeblemeui mid ik'bility chum it b) tbt'M tlisi'iiM-x, Myriads of Cures AfbU'Mil by AykiiV S.viis.vf MMI.l.t, in tin' int foitv years, are sttasltsLand ttw re no IiIihiiI lii'iiM'. ut nil .mIi!i- r flirt-, thut will tiot yield iu it. Whatever tin' Sinnetlta uf this i l.c-, ami wImh v i i fouittl, from tin- M iirvy of fbo AniU cirele tu t liv 'veklt-aonV of ioutli Afriva. llii rfin edy aas iin'nnli il limltb te the sutlcrcr by whom it was employed. PruiofiM everywhere ean i-iU' atnaeeees raws, with in tbeir ifrniiii knowledire, of retaark able eurea wi-ouuht by it, wbers all other trestnwnt bad been ntiavalHag, People will do well to Trust Nothing Else Iban Aykm'.h s.i!s.i'itii.t.A. Ktnneei h t'nttki oiixttitvH inv nrt'i iitl lo tbe pnbHv es "bleoil nrifltr."." which only nilm. bo put l ut uiih tbe pretense of muni rbeap duaea, nwl wi'h which U lafolli experitneiit while iliaesse N htejalil) b coming worts ilep"ealeil mid dillii ul' tim'. S.nne of IbVse aHxtures lo nun '' hMtlntf bnrtn. Bear in mind (hut the on!; in'iUfiiv thai ran rsdteally I'tftify ih 1' fasti 'I h'ooil Is Ayer's Sarssperl!!af ritr.p.MtKi) nv , Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, SI SoM liv all druirglsts : 'price $1 . 'six Ixittlfd for f 5. Final Settlement. NOTICE Is herebv glysn that tbe under signed Administrator of tbe copartnership estate ol A, F. Cherry A Son., A. F, Cherry, deceased, bas tiled hie final ac count In said etats In the County Court in and for Linn oounty, Oregon, an.l the Judge thereof has made an order fixing Saturday the 8th day of May, 1886, at 10 o'clock, a. m,, at tbe Court House in Al bany, Oregon, as the day an tima for hearing objections to said final account. Ja. G., Administrator. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttils ttwAr aSSSrWalSa Aeiarvel of purity rantfUi ami w)ilMaoatieai. More snmotnir. sUeiHf Snaa theor'iinarT kitKls.atvleaiinra lsoi.l f, . .u, MUUot witli tlie tnututivle of low teat, short wsifbt,aliiitorplfsitisieprir. 9tn.unni.iitt ra ItotAU Ifaaifto rowsa Co., 100 Wail-ek, SAM KAY. j. o. KKNoaas MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buy drain, Wool and all kinds country produce. B? fS UIITTIIIA Asent S.v.Hi.1, re re fill I 1 Iff Us Is.uranea ('., , i,.iul t,,gOO. IhKir In aii aljsriaUil tsaesfsi A. 0. U. W. Member wLhitiff etntiSoyment or ileairine tislp, a ill pemn call at Read Ifrownell stors sod register their names. Uv irttDKtt or is U4n . 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. A II fenm I lis rinttnlp Altetarl tn 47 S UIUV HViH IV f'Hisii y Merva mvm abort notice for every class or kind of Ceodi from flrst-clai stock. AbaoltitarV- norharaa or oomiiiuaton win tc ciiaricft'i or liiliiig oruete, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Preatiee's, Portland, Or QRWT WESTERN ft u PITTSBURG, Pa.. U.S. A aa, Htllarr1.n!larl . ... . c . . ui' iM-aier. nun rti. lll.ira.'. r:;.iiIf..In7,J all othr Ameriraa ami llV.I.-ri. All as I m BM-liar'lft. aal thrr Mminn. f ii litiii.. fr. I ... liH..l.Mu.rf U1.MI ... 1 . mil-, n mt ... ' '.., w.! ... wm - ' .- MM Knlnna, KeSa. Pl.lihis TmHl ant flutt mafcor' ftialertaL. all al vry 1 ,r. iid .tampfor Urs Its aunl Catalucur. ili-nttoo tbt. per. AHbWAKKOF ALL KINDS. A sea, mattocka, brcsh tm ks, nteka abovela,spaia. lorka, Krinatonaa. wheel twrrowa. wringers, ropes, and a! moat everything- you want, oan be bad caeep for cab e ltcra A tstewart. Sheriff's Sale. a the Circuit Ctmrt of th Stat 0 Oregon for Linn County. S A Crawford, PlainMrT. vs. laaac MeCluf and A A MeClong, bis wife, and II Stewart, ia Aaniguee of easm KeClong an liiaol vent debtor, De fendants. NOTICK bi hareby given that by vlr tue of an execution aud an order of sale leaned out of tbe above named Court In tbe aoove entitled action and to me dl recti! and daiivered, 1 will on Saturday the 1st dav or .May. l, st 1 c'cloek. p. as., at tbe Court llouee ! In Airany, Lun eunly, Oregon, at public? auction for eaeb in hand to the biigbei biddar, aell tbe real property deacribel in execution an- order. of ante aa follows, to wit : Tbe south half of tbe aoutbwet quarter of Maciion V9 Iu Tp 11,8 K 3 weal of tbe Willamette meridian known and deaignated um tbe mapa and plats of the United Hi at-a al Oregon City, (r-iron, aa tbe donatlou laud claim of Isaac Me ('lung Aish the northwest qoarter of MecUen 32, Tp. 1 1 U It 3 weat of tbe Wil lamette meridian. Ail the above deacrib ed pramisaa lying snd beina in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 240 acres. Tbe protWia of aale to be applidl First to tbe payment of the coats and dlabarae menta of tbia suit and tbe coata of aale, Hecond to tbe payment of PlaintifTa judg ment, to wit. 9&H&.75 and intereat tbaraon at 12 per cent per annum from March Otb, A I). IBM. Third, tha overplua if any to be dlaburaed af tbe Court msy hereafter direct. Dated this 1st day of April, 18. J. K. Chabltow, Sheriff of Lion county, Oteaxin. Jaa. J. "it au 1.1 o.n . Deputy. PATENTS Obulosd, snd all oUtar buainaas in tha U. 8. Petes Offltti atituide 11 to for in tolerate tee. Our office is opMMrit tha U.S. Patent Office, and can obuin PatenU less um than those remote trtjin Wellington. Send modlo ordraaiiiK. We adw to patent ability free of charge ; aud we make o chargp unless we obtain patent. We refer here, ta the Postmaster, ths Supt. of Money Order Div. ami to officials ol the U. 8. Patent Office. Jorcinular, advice, terms, ami efereuos o actual cl U n U tn your own State or county, address . Ce Ae SNOW &CO., Opposite Intent Office, Waahlncion, D . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. roted of iu Tb MUXN PtiblUhorn, No. JkUBroadway, N. Y. ii frm r-? ctt A Jlnnn A ( 'o. hjirs 1 i 3 aa a P'"0 "na Tiurty tf iSM s 'Eir'ht ears i -, r. m iwiwa ice bol'ore lie Totont Office and liav prnpawi u.-vo tlun One Hundred Thou- H otuer papers lor th-ir riBiits in tbe a Knpliuni. Frauve. fully pnra without information aont I tbroush Munn Co. arc American froo. Ths n well underxtoiSt by all peso ot A dor Ail .ii. NN 4 CO.. Otfice Broadway, Now Vorli I i.i aal tr E 1 1 JULIUS GRADWOHL Iltse the only exelnaive Sleek ol CROCKERY, CLAS8,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE i large isiortmeiit of Baby GaiTiages, 0 And a Ctoic Selecton of Coffee, Tea aid ix 9 ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME Till: IllUUICVr mARKKTPKH E PAID FOR EUU8 Eemember! What I Say I lean. Sire le a call. 6000S AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 smiles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hour3 the quickest, route to the East, and rate3, $8.30 to $10.25 the eheapes& to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Conier.Thlrd and K Streets PORTLAND, - OREGON. Three Block from all Kail road Depots, Our facilities are euch thai we defy com potition. Tula Is tbe large aud most'respectably K"l'1 Hotel io toe North- Wft, Boa: J and Lodging ILOO per Day, lEiLSt, !i LEXIS. LODCI VJ. !i AM 50 CENTS. FREE SUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. B, LEWISTON, - - PfiOPMSfOa, (Late of Minnesota Hveee.) ID. CORBY AGENT. R Me MILLER, Attorney and Oonnslor it Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wilt practice lo all the Court in tbe State 11 OTEL FOH SAUK. TheJsckaon House, Prinevillo, Oregr-n, 32 well furniabed noms. tbe only ho el in town, larae and convenient, with ail necessary furniture. Price reaaonable and terms easy, A. B.i'of.vRR A Hon. PrioevlUe, Oregon. DR. MINTTeT tut: arertsusT He. II Keefmey street, aaa rraaeHra, mi. Tsj!t six fMaostc. SratuLASti Paivari Dim wire Wosntart l stxesss. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I la s xavsa rsjuseccaa ! Nervuiw Ubilitr, Stm mi Waakneaa, Lxb.uied V itluy, Srnjit..r rSoet IsMt UanbuuO. In t.nry.l aial)i I1tfalrr bees, and all tl,c terriide Hti f rif l un- ulh Rj lollies aad o.Vm in turer j cat k, u. h as Loaa Memory, Ualtude,Noc- al Miiimiim, aventton to lety. D.mneaa of Vis . n Koise. in tb bsad. rvrer In driMklng tataxl rating lleears, ths vital flui.t paninK unulweneU n the urine, and many other diseases thst lead to tn aaliyand death. Itr. Mlatie. wba te a Btefcalar lbytelaa, Lmdssir r the I aleril r Prnn-j tvaata will a;.De u forfeit Five HaaHret fSeltora ft r a rase of this hind the Vital Reaeeatlve (under his lociel advice and treatmeut) wiU nut cure, or for anything impure or InJurWas found In tl. lr, Ml a lie tnssU all privaU diseases successfully aiibout mercury. C'aeseltaslan Free- Thorough exauiin at'on and advice. Including aealyste of mice, .Jft. Price oi Vital Heaforatlsr.ll.W a bottle, or fiir times the qui nUty, SS ; sent lo any adilress upon re ceit of price, or C O D secured from obnervaUon and in private name if desired by Or nialle. II Hear ay Street. Mm rraaelaee, tel. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BSWLE FBKK. Will be aant to any oti applying byle iter, stating ymptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy iu regard to all busineae transactions. Or Nlalle's Kidney Rented'. Xeptirel Irani, cures all kinds of Kidney and Madder Complaints, Oimoi rhoea, Oicet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For aale by all druggists ; SI a botte ar atx bottles for tr. M I it lie Uautlrlloii Pills are the best snd chespest eyapenla snd Kiiloes cure iu tha mi rk e.. Tor sale by all druggUt. THE GREAT REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Ara You Bilious ? rii ifoooi I.i to rttrr. I most chrei fully recommend It to all who suflee from li.iioni. Attack or any li---..M lji.scU by a dis arranged state of the liver. Kansas City, Mo. W R. BERK ARD, Do You Want Good Digestion ? liver Keguiator, tohl nu- it was u sun- cmejbr my trmltlt. The flritt ..' I ti OS rWiftxtf me very much, and in onr u ft k . I u a os strep;) and hetirtu os ever u ,is t thr in at mmffcfiM i vrr tH'U ft-'t' I -;. !. Ru n mono, Va II. i. CKKKSHA W. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hikam Warnkh, Chief-Justice of Oa. : "lbaveuM 'i Siinuioni Liver Ri-gulator for Const ip.iti iu of my How l-.c.utseii by a trmporary DciHtiRom.. Ml ol the I u r, ti.i lli. i Otr: e or fool yi ar. an.l niway Jjfitli tlrrittti ttrnrfit Have Ton Malaria? laJja,' t itt'ii vndrTSii '. Illi ti I. i H ' uf' I ': ti.ii' tn unit' ft V tut II- or, See'y HiuViern Bap.'i.'. Safer and Bettor th I have been subject to s r gtcai it'.iniwry. fi olt U tii'll 1 I . . nVioa V i i-. .: 5 tatf , . ! m iK:n v iu, re r. t- Hint-urn. j. 9 Pa. M : o i i'. ..i i , OUto H. Zefin & C: yuHSaM SSMun First .National Hank OF ALBIXV, ORECiO. PrrUmt... JOflX ' ' N Ml Cashier JL V. UtHHIL TRANSACTS A fiZSKHAL baxikmX tasiBMt ACt f NTS KKPT sbjet to cbeck. SIGHT EXCHANGE sel Uiagranfaio traoWsr, aold on New York, San ynmriaee, Cbicayv aud Portiae Oinfoe. t oiXECTIONS MAPE ot, faoceUe tetess. tisKcroaa. m. E. Yotsa, Jons Coxxaa, L. E Btuus, L. Fuxx, U. F. Wnnnt'JL. 3. L. COWaN. j. sr. iJnn County Bank, (OWAX & CLSII K. ALBANY - - - OREGON. Tit A N s A Ts a seiMTa! nlriasr 1 UBAW SIGHT OKAFTS on New York Fraa Cisco ami Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOSEY on approred security. fcECElVE defJosiU subjoc to cbrck. COLLECTIONS aatnutexl to us will receive prooipt tuaUos. VJ A US AG K HILLS, We have a meat entter that it aa mnh an improvement over tbe old faahtoned weuage mill aa J. I Case Agitator ia over a flail. It don't clg an l leaves no atriogs la th n eat. Come and sen it, AAIPT Seed 10 eanU fmtsga, aaa we wil Mia I saail you free a ryal, talaab's maple but of oods that will put you in th way of sasSBJt mor BtoMvat once, Usui anything rla 1b America. Both aext of all ae ean lire at home and work in snare time, or a'l tbe ttae CauitaJ not re quired. We will start you. Immense nay sura lor boMi w)m start at once, hrtssos aad Co., PvrUsas. MsJse. Invalids'floteiiSorgiGa! Instilote 3tT- "ST, rsaaUrd wltlt a fell Staff ef gfHtif Experienced aad Sktilfel nqratetaasi and Sarcroaa far Use trrataaeat el all Chronic Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lang- Oieenses. Liver and Kidney lMases, Bladder sslaeaaea, niseasee ot Women, Blood Diseases stud !5 erv. one Affectious, cured here or at bome, vrlLh or without stxnnjr the natient. Come and see us, or -d ton cents in stamps for our 44 Invalid' Cutdo Book," which gives all particulars. I ii i x Norvons Debility, Impo Delicate a"'a'!iorbSu"ondiiio n citused by Yonthfal Fol- DlSFiSFS Hes and Pernio loaa Soil. IHOMOta, ,ary Practices are speedily nrwt nenrnnnntlir mmal nttf SpcclaiiKLs. Booli, xt-paid, 10 eta. in stamps. it ti pin re, or Kronen, mfli cally cured Vtthout the knits, without trusses, without pain, and without d&naee. Cmrea Guaranteed. Book rent tor ROPTU&L ten cents In stamps. PIliK TUTORS and STBICTTBES treated under snaratitce to care. Book sent for ten eonts In stamps. Address Won co's liisPBNSAnv Mkoicai. AssociATtos, OSJ itain suxict, Buffalo, N. Y. mo treatment or many thousands of oases of those diseases peculiar to Diseases of Women. at the Invalids' Hotel and cUinricsil Institute, lias h f- fortbHi larvo experieuce in adapunu remedies tor their euro, and R. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Is the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervine, impurts viiror and etrenfrth to tho system, and euros, as if by maple Ln. eorrhea, op "whites,'' ezeesslvo flowlns, painful menstruation, un natural eupprosslonis prolapaua or falling of the uterus, weak back, autevorsloi. retroversion, hearlna down sensations, ehronle conges tion, tut (animation and ulceration of tho womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness." It promptly relieves aud cures Nausea and Weakness of Stomach, Indlgea tioq, Blootinsr, Nervous Prostration, and sleeplessness, in either eex. PRICE $1.00, ?Sn" SSJSS Send ren cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's larro Treatise, on Diseases of Women, illus trated. World's Dispensary Msdical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, SICKHEADACHE. Blllona Headache', DIxaLnesa, Constlpa tion. Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks, promptly curu by Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets 25 cents a vial, by DrutTgi-3.