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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1882)
. . i rtmvi lit Aihtnv . Or. as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY... MAY 26, lM C. H. STEWAHT Killtor and Proprietor. 30ME AO ABROAD- Good ttaveliag. F. M. Fieuch, jewi IW. Chicago syrup for sale at Mount Correct Railroad time at Frvuch'e. Election on. wck from next Monday. K R. SktparaveH, Uyr. Alhaay, Or. Oceaatal st bottom 'rices at J. Gradwohl'e A big lot of wash boards ch-!p at Orad wohl'a. Cheit te t iu any putity 60 wts por lb, at Blount'. Cheat Ua in any quantity oO ejts a lb. a! Blount's Cendiuat. cigars for sain by tbe box at Bleuut's. Statemeats that DOOM crat ar ewuppiug ars absolutely false. Those Brazilian lM!e S;.tetad at French's at the buss. $1 to the printers i icnio at Sak-m on ths 0th of June, Buy a ticket t Indian tan J buck skins and oiled lating, a t e Farmers' ad Mechsaics' store. A splendid line of children's clothing at Mrs. Sloan's. Call aad examine tketn. F. M. French will sell you a gaod time keeper for s small amouot sf money. Mis. Sloan has a good repntatien as a drsss m iker sad gives general satisfaction. Next Taesday will bs decoration day. It will bs duly celebrated in l'ortlar.d. Alpaca, mohair and linen dusters, full sVeck, at the Farmers and Mechanics' store. The butcher shop lately run by Jos Tyler has closed, being merged into Mr. Hirst's. Dr. (i. Willis Fries, dentist, office ia Odd Fellow's Tern pie. over Plammcrs' DrogStcre. A good set ef artificial teetk furnished by Dr E H Griffin for $15. Extracting, 50 cents. For good cooking stoves and ranges aud nice tin and copper ware, go to W C Twee d ale's. Work lias begun on the new Freb teriaa chmcb, and will ba pushed along till con plated. A new csmet may bs sesa in tks north eastern heaTens ia the morning just before day light. Remember that yon can get some baby SArriagts at Gradwuhl eheaper than else where in the city. If you want water pipe put in your gardens or house, don't forget that W. C Tweedale ia prepared to do it. Prof L J Powell is to speak ia this city next Monday evening iu tiee interest of the Republican party. Mr. Hirst is improving his bnthcer shoy oi First Street bs that it presents quite a new appearance. 000 choice eigars received at ths C. O. D. tore this week. For further particulars inquire of Bleant. The McCulley" will being running again uieaey every brought to this market. sale cheap at Samuel E Young 'a Judgo W g McPhadden, ef Cervallis, Democratic candidate for judge of the Sec or.d District, was in ths city yesterday. Us ia a good lawyer and a splendid gotitttntaa aad will without adimbt bs elected. A drought is reported in California. A telegram from Mr Bt the Gr.U of the week to Mr. Althouse here, directed him to stop - tbe atanafaotars of thnlr cleaner, Ou this ifco.vorit only those begun will bo Bsished. Or, m;ia, W. T. was visited by a $100,100 fire last Friday morning, burning nearly the wlu.!o i f one of the principal business block. Thero is a scarcity of mechanics there. Putty of woik and giod pay is offered to the a who will go there, Mr W S Caldwell died at IWtUul last Sabbath evening, fted 5S. Ho is out of Oregon's oldest pioneers, having eomu hers in 1S50, and hs been Med tiled with ths gr. wth of Portland. Ho was clerk of that ciy for over IS years. Hon. W. Lair Hill, satnetiines called "Sikey," was in the city Thursdy of hst week aud in ths evening spoke t a fair sudieuos at the Court House, in tbe int. rt j My ill For ! called Monday and attended to him. Ho is ! improving now. Considerable excitomrnt was ocoasisnsd in one ef ths rural, precincts ths other day by the absence of one of ths most pr eminent citizens, aud it was reported that he been murdered, but it was afterwards ascertain ed that he had only corns to Albany and bought a new suit of c'othes of Hlain, the leading i-lothier iu the tYillaiaottt Valley. CitM.teralle joy wa nianlfaseod OTeT his nsw suit of clolhea. It doesn't pay to shoot dog ia Albau) ai d this I will noon be fosud out. Sun day wetting, Delws Uollarhids tried to die- !i..-o the euuteuts of a revolver into one sf the canine species; luckily ba failed; but " ' " Wdtca doses was just bvhiud and im- Mediately orrasted him. Ho was laUen be fore Rjsfdsc Meat Momlty ardfdiaf, il pleatiin,' ;uilty tvji toed. The flue nml cost ata iii'ed t about 3 1 .". YtMteiday Mr. H D. S'utar returned from the nit uss Id Sou. her. i OfSgQB, niter an ab-euce of a. hi pie weeks. Ho showed BS a dttgfet of attvaf which tie found in a crevice at the head nll'uw creek u..r it is quite a cuiiosi'y, Mggatl t oi st ii. mot 1:1 in. i of his u ngbbvir, Mr, an 1 tue ltepb lican party. Mr e K Flood, well ka-iwu in this city, is ruaiag for Couuty Clerk ou the Do gratis ticket, in Doaglas county. Tiu people of that county will do well te elewiftUa if tiiey wish a cempetent officer and a thor ngh gentleman in their slerk's slice. A mesting of the Dsrascratic County t on- tral Cosmtittss was held at the office sf J. J. Whitney, Chairman f ths coutmittsa last Tuesday sfternsca. D. V. S. Reed was nominated fsr Surveyor in placs of H. J. C Averill, who resigned a week ago. College closes n JJVdars.lay, June It. The preceding week will be takeu up with a public examination of the classes. Coin' msm-etnent exercises will occur on the eve ning of Wednesday, June 14. The program of exercises will be published next week. A letter from Dr H J Bjughteu. at South Pueblo, Cal., conveys the good tidings that Rev T B White, whs was at one time at the point of death, is now improving aud will probably recover, and perhaps be able beforo long, to return to 0:egou. The Regktor published its list issus ia Albany last Tuesday, and henceforth wtUbe merged in the Yaquio W at the Bay. It has had a long resilience iu this city with many an up aad down. We with it success iaits new sarre".i..img4 uudcr whatever name it is known. Jas Fo'ter, Jr. came ery near rsceiring a fall Tntsdsy which might have resulted disastrously U was eu the t ; of his fath er's iut'.!. when heslippsil aad sbd towards ths eaves, bat fortunately saved l-imself when near the edge by grabbiug a project ing board. The warm waather of the lint of the week was a reminder of the cooling effect of beer, aad was the incaas of taking many do an to the Star Brewery where Mr. Belieager set op this ccoling beverage in liberal draughts te a large number of guests. This bear seea.s te be the most popular of acy in the City, taking the lead ef aiL Peters & Sox are takiug the lead in the sale ef agricultural implements They have already Sold several threshers, numerous next Manday, having mad arrangements I indents and twenty or thirty Deer for obtaining freight. j 1Ug Twins Binders. This binder is very Call on W L Watkins, of Albany, Ore- pipr 1 ths oidy one hsre tbat the far- gen, for the Edea and Adaroa wovm KIN mert eecra lo psjuftaaisg, beds, at greatly reduced prices. T.e peters of tliis eity have made ar- ; Martin k Allan have just parcbssed a hoe j I4U4.emsntt with the McOaUy t Uks them j team f burses of J. H. Haight. They eut w,,, oa ti,s 9tb of Jaae to ths graad j quite a figure on ear streets. j pjcai to be Ml I on that day. T.ckeU will j Walking canes, straw hats and whit j rot a &ofau nas-third of the reju'ar , i btiug almost unknown ia tin State. It w ih abont tou ounefs, and is ijuite ineg ul ir. !ioa i. i evidence ef great heat. II found several other smaller auggsts but dis posed of them. W.dli r Smith, f Halsey, has seeu:ed the "ortr.ict for puMing up a uew school bouae at S.i 1.1 N'aiioa. Frost its description we judge that it will 1 e a great ornament to that i hue. It is te oost$l730, will be tws Stories high, and will be csmpleled is tune for the winter term. Fate at sssts ars to be istroJueed as well as other arrangement which will go te make it one of tho bad houses in the couoty. The pre(rty ef Shedds is assessed at $!5(),00t). A tax ef 14 mills has lieen levied on this for the build iug of tho school hsuso. They lost their bearings and titers is uo getting around that faet. Sabbath eveaing Csuuty Cieik ll.ium and a friend from Saa Francisco, started out for a short ride through ths beautiful country surmusdiag Albany, isteadisg to be gone only an boar or so. Eschanted by the lovely scsusry time flew, and tkey were sren several miles from the city. The moon raised its head ia the sky as Nsj as the sun had sunk behind ths Coast range; it caught tho eye of Mr Hanoi, who thiuktag, ss the stsry goes, that it rose directly opposite from what it dees took his leariegs from it; bat it lead him farther and farther from his horns en towards the region ml IJalssy. Soft -e it to say that he'did net get his hearings in tune to gat home nil about ssidnitrhv Stuce thee his time has seen pretty well txk. u aaonameue postal catui. Far eevers! yaans tru, effoit hs beea made t obtain a reUegeat McMm- ville, but net tint : j ,w has it mt with sse cess. On May '. t.. the earner it m of a college will be laid at that city with no pesicg cjremoay. great event to the cttueai of NKsl:usulls. Ths colJsge will start out with sn endowment fund sf $20,000 aads bsjiUiag faad of the same amoaat. This will insure a flue structure. It is to be of brick with the beat improve menu and weik will be pushed sn with greet vigor sntil the boitdtagl is I u sleted. Ou the laviiiff ! ths carr.rr atone, the sd- dress will be delivsred by Hon J.N. j Dolph. of Portland, and Rev R. C. Hill. f ; this city, will act as Chaplain. May It. ProMoi)tMaor, Rooordar, Marahal, ami Aids. Uotrman, Illackburn, Hcolt, llarvoy, Pierre aad (.aiming. 1 1 o ctinn.ittro in I'dlha mid llrsllli reported tho sewer st tho Exchange Metal and the wnterelot at Iho Contra! Hchool to Im ii ti Nation and ricinmendol that owners of tlinsamo should nbttaor remody the name. On motion ilie;pnrt rrjatlug to the Can tral Si b.xsl was laid enthe Ubly itlll Iho naxt n io0:lng, and on further moilon ibo was , rsmieatod to notify the ownor of Iho UxohaoKo Hotelto uli.tla or mnady Ihn tnilnaues ronnif I vil'h u sewer within nna weuk. Tho on i it tittle on Street and I'uhlie l'riHrty aakad an J va jurantod fiiritmr time to report on matter of QtoaS walk NM Kov siavon rashle'ira. Tha ootumtttai oa Moastaa NoemtiasjS Mil ihni patlUon of .f A Grata asklna thut his lltsMiaa i'o rafuttdail ua not uruutnd tor Iho to h in tha II BOst too much money SO Uut I rlH i ISi Thu to. ioii a n! ' !- j u I 71 norni.K aiiritiE. Theodore lltNlgrs aad Bear Johnson Belli Tahe Their wa Lives. Wa spoka last week ef tba suicide of Theodora llodgss, but bad not received tba particular at ths time. It sen bin thai be was vlslllua with his slater, Mr. Ifeeay, al Dirioy, in Washlngtoa county. Ha bad Deed nufTorlag oonsl lersblv JYomepllepay, and be Idoe wm itiiltta duauotiduiit over . , - - - - outs private nlJalrn, Ha wrote a IsiUr on Motility of last weak, nnd than K"1"! Into another room abet hlmse'f wltb a iiivolvar,lha hall paanlnu through bis boat! and lodglngiu bis hack. Oo Mrs. Ilewey going Into ths room he was cetnplet ly dead, lis w Ha.hrainkt to Kou-t Crook. whsro his fatbar Mr. Iruiy llo..s ll vea, and vns Inn l. I on WarfluMdav. ilsoss wonly one or tare i v two years oi l, nnd eavoa ninny wui m ihllMSatd rfgi-f I '. aadoocurio ini.sunu ! kbi UtUsr which miih i' no ! after it.e i i n. ; : Ml, a i aUUdn of Aiiniiv Kitgld Co, No i, akiitir tho olty to ; m. 1, . Ihoit hall und allow ibatn to aatl tha'r bajtd ' i: no 1 apply ptejOdtdate puii liiult;n a i.ew on k i. c, as read and after k OtlatdeTaBld dls VuHHioti i en 1 1 ci la eoiniitiirec on i iroami Wtr. HUa Al.l.t.OWKO. Hi D nny, flti; V McKulgbt. f 3 NJ Hentoii, f'.ojio ; A 1 Cherry Son. 6 'JO ; John JaahM f7U ; Coll Van Clave, f'h i Bil l S UKII UBBP. W Wlllart, l; K W Ijingdsn, $t.o John HiiuBN.fl; BJL (isult, u' ! WB Barr, f 7 R D Murray, 5 'i5 ; McKarland ,V Harvey 76 ; a Modteltb, $l ; 1 Ionuy, 117 I ! NJ Hvalou, 0.1. I ii ferkln Kli Perkins d silvered a vary ainusit, and a vary luatrucllvs lactura In Chick arlog Hall. Th" large audianca ware kap; la r ars of langhtar from tba be. finding to tha eud Nor w as that all there was a hllasopbk-al vein runslag tbrougb tha loc lure in whkh the prinol plaa of w.t were espial aed while ha eu unaided his hearers with sparkliag Illustration of bis theories. In op sk Hen to the prevallidg tenete of I.erd Kaaaea, Mr. Perkins thought that wll a a a rarer and nobler creation thad buiaor. It was of tw kidda seusual aad iBttllectual The foraaer pleased by a mere Imongrulty, which struck tbs soasat ; the latter had lo go to tba brain and be discoanted before it could prodase laughter. As aa etample of the former ktad tba toeturer reeited tbe alphabet ia vary lag tones of pathos. iddiguation add srguiaetit. As an Hlaelratioa of tha latter, he told tbs stery ef the first taliforala jary wba, wblla dallboratldf M tha cass of a bnraa tblef. were aroused by a kueak at ths floor, add a vaioe anaoaueed that If they bad not agreed on a verdict rend red tbe verdiot that - E03IAL AND PERS05 A L- at '.e - assertr-u stefifc in Uwl,, rarmers' and Mechaaica' storj. The storv is told of how thtee hunters tvai iu the ea!K-d u u Hon J H S aUb, o( EarrUh ity Tuosday. .'Irs Jss (larrstt, of P or.a. ast Wedn. sday. V- M ... V- ... - I . . - ?.. . . ei i i a. -Mm. m. w . ix i ii as .ii iiu m i from Halsey went to Upper Soua last wee at oa Tuesday at Joardan Valioy, en sllir4aT aad kiliea aeer ia two uaya. j Wednesday tt t vatisy, a : i yssUrday We acknowledge the present of a Uautifn . k ?ntiUnc School Heass. He - well sandal wood faa frem "Pretty," tbe ban. j ...... ,,,-l l,si-, -ni ;K j wrv ; - ef i price so that no n :vi htvs an etc lto for staying at home. E R Skip worth, Es p, apataa -.i Mi.dy sornert ehinaaan in Albany (?) Peters Sox are now the owners ef a pretty team which will be much needed in their largely iucreasins business. For yoar drsss-makiag, cutting and titling, go to MUs Rumbaugh, oyer Mcll wain's stare. Her work always gives satisfaotion. California vegetables are received oa every steamer at Hoffman &. Joseph's. Yo a can get tbe very earliest, fresh and good. Ladies French kid shoes in all widths at Monteith & Seiteabach's. Call aad in spect tkem i yon would dee a ne shoe. The M. E. Sabbath School of Shedd Sta tion is to have a grand picnic aboat tbe middle ef Jaae. It ia to be held at Robert's bridge. A young son of Milton Hyde ia lying dan gerously ill at his residence ia this city. Dr E. O. Hyde of Seio, was called ac 1 is attend ing bim. The art te preserve health has f aally beea msde very easy in its application. Use Pfnuder's Oregeu Blood Puritier, already a staple article. Mr. Foete, of tho Fountain House, at Sidaville, has every thing in splendid shape for the summer. Xe better place can 1 fonnd in the county. She actaacted universal attention thsotber day en account ef her handsame parasol whieh she boaght of Monteith & Seiten- bicb. A new lot just received. All who have grapes and want to protect them against milldew can do so by calling on John Roach, the nurseryman, who will if them in good style. The citizens convention at For land Min- J B (Jlfrey, the ri"!v jV printer, spent last .Saturday in Cm alTba Mm D i.he . u, Iim 1c . Sit, ami is now vuitiog bieaala la Portland. Hou Jes ritaith, to Wo fJoV, .' n th is oi his way couth from Pattlaa I. Mr. 1' Uhinsr is home a;. I working for Met'sriaed A TaaiplrlaeV Mr A J Jarnigaa, of beio, a as is the city hem talk too mud. 'i wtiwddii me i ouege stuaome r see what ails me. I Jdhe 'su'ri! BOBOdl OtddddH. Tboesi ed up to no OO H f Twcrn rerie to a -f.naltteije of three MM lor this. I h.v, of ,Loho(W UIJ v , , .aaujajl ii for the Democracy, for which be is hi easing aal not for any partiealar .ai' lato. A goj 1 pablic ball in this city woal 1 pay well. An extra effort should be malt te obtain eoe. Wo baTO s-;a th i nccsstity several ti.hes lately of a ; d one. Same .1 l i u . ' t : (. , tl... j w.aa. . a o-k , . .i w... ( u,Uj lU , thofi,ugl. I,erwecrat. good eatcrtaiuiacnta have consiiorau.e in-i fssru-s. .- - a n i U J CosboW, jr., ons Si Mrowusvulc s best & . . ' i uuenco towaras a may s prosperity. fmm mn W4, tU y4.t.rd4T The JleraU has placet it. :if upon record ; M.Dteitfc rtaruj f ro n t J) ;,y as a malicious UatSer. The voters sr Lma Wm4mm Uy jj brov,a aud healthy, ceanty will have lao aadaBaadea to oe.ievo j Mjm t:,9IUWilUt f Aem k vuill8g it, and if it fills its aolamaa next wetk with m Mf w R fa vile statements, thinking that they caaaot i e-t be centralicted before t..e election on ths j y of BJ lUm, ha. been visit- lioaday aaeesediag. ramemr that tbe lea.t i ( wil!l ,hl! Mm1 , UaasfteU 1r nsveral rsliaacs cannst be puca 1 ou whst i. ss vs. Atuaay r.ngine sO. no s. ara nw ueeie i fileth J b to obtain what they hsve lecn seeking A steamer. Tbe Council some time ago voted te purchase their bell as soon as they bad tbey woeld l leae retire, as the room deatb by a gun sho was wanted te lay out the corpus Iu ' 1'be raseace ef wit o alsted ia dc.'e: aa lly, In saggeralton. and la hyperbola. AH great humorists bad therefore beea great liars. Ths Perkins fatally, bow over, were always remarkable for their truhtfulnoaa. Deformed graotdiar was also n source af wit, as the following eouplet by tha lecturer show. . A cau'.ioits look around be stole, lite hag of chiak he chunk ; Aud maiiv a wn-knd nmilo to, mn-jle, And many a wink lis wunk. Informed logic also formed pait of the HawfeeW of wit. For insladco I "Ne:hing It better than a beautiful yousg lady a hoaaeljr yaoug lady Is better tha i nothing ; therefore a home iy voting lady is bstter tbaa a beaull- ftti roaug lady, 'which you kaow is very liable Id bo the case,' " added the speaker. The lecturer cooaldJed with a history of the freaks aad fellies aad tho trials oi the iVrkin s family, which eSie-ted peal after peal or laughter frona his audloace. V. Y Her usi Mil) Ae . DBAh i Atti'u MoriiKii s-Vtiai havo n. on cood to uii, and 1 love you fir t (.ti ilsim all Vo i ootllil for tno. ii 1 I li tvo itei u mot. iio'.Ul lo veu than all the u .; of (he latwllv put togetblf. DdtJ, weep not for Baa, It 111 do nogon.i Dour falltor, lak wtta. is vialng lo Bid Odd pay my debts. I ba wild iuo. 'lake my pletol Hist v it I kill me and keep it aa Iouk ae you ilvo, afid w hea yon ars done with it, give H U Marrus. Tell him to keep It. Ufa la ainl iery to uia. I would like te threw some load in saaaa of them Nop Croek beys lasm tbeut (o keeptholrletiguee- heiwro I leave. Hear brotuet Tom, IBBHIBBtl , that I hsvohsd more tfOUbbl than you. IXHB( le goad lo ratheranil methor. 'lbav have brvn good to us. stand by tlieBi. I doii'l want ( caiiMi anv more Ironlile iu tba family. .Sen? ef them lalk too tumi tail every body thev nave bud It threweil riMik. f blame nu fetcked it alt on bitso iieo aul Kin has teeo yoo.l to me aa any one could le. I thank them f .r it. Dear frsads, weep not forms. Hnrv where you wish. I would rather be burled on Moap CNdtb irni ye to ail. TllBBBOajl i;. iloiM.aa. Antony those who ss'. up wltb young Hedges hi Boap Croek was one of his most intimate friends, Hoar. Johnson, a hrotbei af Hud Johnson, of this city. He attended hie funetal and saw bids lald In hie last reetiog p.aen. After wards be started for Mr. o. f. Adams. In Nyra cus rrecloct, iu thianalj, lawwhoaa bd bBi boon working. Tkdd Wdd dd ihute day, of laat week. Croeaiug the liver in a beat al out 2 a'clea-k, into Linn county, about 4 Ballad BOtih woel of Millers Ntation, be preiau-ed lo fellow tbe example set by bla friend Hodges. Taking a abet gua h. had with him be plawl the butt of it on a log and tbe mottle en bU left hreeet. Than poshing the trigger wlUi tbe raaj red ho dlacbargsd the uouteote of the gua Into his heart, sheltering It iu a terrible uuouir, and dropped to tha ground instantly, a corpse. Mr. JetTer oo Creel, who was 0B tBd opposite aide of the r.ier, hearlog tbe rpert, imasodl ataly crossed sod eu aeeiug what had happened, uotiiled Ibo nnar. el oetghborn NVordwaa aout to this city and our efll- ienl Coroner, Dr. lutls, ha.'eued u, tbe seoneof the suicide. A lure Mas ausu. mooed, ard propvr Ueiilwratloa ne data to bie TBd DKMdCBATIC NOMIXBdd. Tba Democratle nomlneea of Linn Coun ty will speak on tbe political questions of tbe dsy at the following times and places : Halwey, I' rlday, May 6, st 1 o'clock r. M. Harrleburg, Saturday, My '.'7, at one o'olock r. m. Hrownevlllo. Monday, Mo M, at ono o'oloeh t m. Hruah Creek. Tuelay. May .'. at J v i Mwoot Home, Wednesday, May 81,ut one O'olOoK f. M. I,. I. anon. 'I Iiurtdny, .inno I, at one o'n'ork r. m. aid, I" rlday, Juno 8dt OBt o'clock r. b. Albany, Hat urdsy, .fo.i it, one o'clofdc l'. u. Opposing candidates are respocllully lu elted to he presedlnnd rtlr ate In His dhamaaloBa, Amiany, m a ', Miy I'Mi.i 11... II. II. twU : Ch '!rnuu of tin I ej til lie n O dot! ( oi i ... I mo HHi" : You urn horohv lof.rioo. ihs' s i v of I, inn dottdty will i " Hiimoii o-( o.i Hi Utth day of Igaji ldnc4 MHii rs ac t In conijly, til 1 1st- I. our l lo t r. M., of wa d dsy, bv Ibc Mold 'e -f lid IkwdooralloOodvoi'tiod tt Uun ui liw tioinliteee of t he Itepohii i mi ly C m. iiilun ..f Hsid cotiott. iuii -o oran v l;publloan that yon ' r .i-rJodn-ly Ce: Com 1 1 1. ' i may d i it a.i nMdddtfully Intl'cd to bo pioMSil ddriffg adra dddvdsai dd)d pn; hlpaw m dls cunluti, J J. Whit kv, Obdlnnsn sf the Linn r niuty PdsBOSJiatU ('rntral CoiumlUse. rn t'ealieli TK WOULD IWFORM OITR ? I HTOIt EB THAT WE MAE OX f T I hand a full ntook of h ...ii'l di-o targod at a f e a u . bis ow n metauce ' I ne i tbia second sun Ido nuy 'o aortd a I from surrouaUibK . ...... nnuj.. . A oo.e as found, whioii read, "no un hi te Olauu- for tbie. Life ie a burdeu to ate. Ca.bdr Uke charge of my etfi. an I ketn litem Mr.O. I'. A dame ow ma 5J " er worde totbatcrto-t. Ou tbe back of hie sliU-r' p: lure w re the wetd. ; "1. n y uss by the sid of To do, ' and on too bao of a aalhog card "u y Fsany, i o man baa evor died for you " Tho raaaaaBd hae benn takon (oSoap t't cek and tsvro bu.-iel the neat day. llrnry Juhuaon was a joung ina-i of lt, Jusl starting out lu life, aad ll ia to !e regretted that one so aung should BadSt such an uottntoly death. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel. While at our warehouse ppe.t tho Mere we will take p'ea-nro to ahow you tbe DEERIfttt-MAKSH TWI K-BIDRf THE DEERING MOWER, THE CELEBRATED STUDEBAKER WAC0K. KM hi LW t WaaaUaTHBafl Bata. MrfBBBSsflsBBBBBBBH p The eodtoel for tbe prizes dflswadj by ibe Wutitett's Christian Toaiporaii'ie Colon occurred last week, and elk-it ed consider able Interest. Uteywsrf separa'o and dtatlniri between the fTdlltge students aad ssa ut ll(4e beitig roiiuecled la icy way w.'liatiy ol the statistic. Tks pne for ibo ret eesay on "To apsraa -e" la the t'olhige was awarded la Mr J J chail eu; ae:oud tis, to Mies Ly lis I'Uailton, aud third prize to ftiovea Khun. Fot the ' eel speak, lug the diet prize was awarded to Miss Al h t'ewell ; second prize to Mts KldsB Msaoa, aud third prize Id Mi lather AlarsLa I In the Central Beted! the pii.j for the bnet oaeay was awarded to M ea Kreu ia t'harltou aud the ao'ond i:ia to Miss I aa Huberts on. Kr the kot eteskina in Mhai TetffdU'a ro.,m .nia Winn toek tbe flist pnzo and Leeele hal.aiarab (he sec ond prise. I a Miss 8 parka roiu Loss kifer woo tbe first prize sad .uas.c Iay- lou the secoit 1. 1 he sxampla not ly the W I 1' C, Is a good one aud wui ha. o as rewards ia tba bolter lesewue the sludeu - will get aud tbs greater inter eat t day will ia ko in their atodies. The were books of the very beat kind BBd of a BdtBJl to make the suooesaful onus value the victory tbsy won. Biite r.iVi..., iu!. Foll'iVking le the pregraut far a meeting of this club to beheld this evening i Heading minutes by Secretary. Nolo by Miae Velius CldBMBt, Itecilation by Maud Heoderaon. Iteadiog by Mr Mask Monleitb. delo by Miee Li; he Robert!. Koeay By Mies M KUaaton. llaeliaUdd by Mis. Nellie Powei . lieading by lir Frd 1 Nu'liug Kolu by Miee Daisy Jel sender ler. Iwllra ilf Irr of Su.lrt lemj.Ur.. IfoCfed ia hereby giyeu that there will he a special tue el leg of Tact Ao Trtupla Na. 1, of frilled Order af A net-iit templars ou Saturday areu ii . da;' 27th for tbe pu i o-o ef recelv ,. iippllcatloas fer idsuibeiship before the charUr closes. K. ii. Joux on. leuip'er i . '!:. FKIi-W'oatH. lUcarder. rI I IiO .1. I. C3Jk.miL AGITATOHM AND SHORT " APRON THRESHERS. PORTABLE AND TRACTION ENGINES, Woodbury -Dingoo Patent .HORSE POWER. Our. Implements Fully Guarantied. ltd mt Jet. LAS. S m CO. SuOCEdSOdd TO HAWLCY. DOOD & CO., Fjont, First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON, 1BPOKTEUS OF IE3Lj3r)-w'-ajRE, Xreoisr osrx) Steel, FARM MACHINERY. Wa are dote A ifnU for tit following Celebrated Implements : BUCKEYE MOWER -A.3STE REAFER BdB m aVaaiZeV" aar Ilt'CKKTE ON THE BOAD. BCCKXTE BEAPES. TV-M marLlnes are too well known to need emnment. Thousands of fanrtw. hTe haTe oM them, and all standi of thir! with irai--. Th-y are in every wa. Uie nc plus ullra af ILirsesUus Maeluuea. Wt arr also hole Agents of the T aaa "BaTta7 aaar bESbbBw THE BUCKEYE TVINE SELF-BINDER. "f :-i tvi n'ltM'.trail It Is a comhinaUon of the Buckeye s r.Jl that is exr-ll-nt attd worthy in tne Jalr n. lUaj.r aBSlaluitMls. ervaJlls Caltwas. days. Mrs pruuiu lew ii ji city. f Oenraflia, bat beea with friends in this W have Juat received lbs aava trauth aanual calalogud of th. above cl!ge. It shows that exec lent In stltdtloa to be lo u prosperous condi tloa and iudi a;esa healthj, progres sive tetie. The alumul of the college uunabers filtj, aad the present at en dance ie about odd hundred aud atxty It will oceor this year on the Drat Tuesday af ibat modth, lUoweskaadd a half from to day, and, will be c c- orated wild the usual aiaeu .t ofaolso throughout tba t'olted Htates and Oregon. Ibis is rlltt l.very i.laes that has a spark or patriotism aad life abeut it should do something. Kvery Hash aad report from tbs l embustiod of gdd powder os well aa the filigree oa goddeasea of liberty, is returned f ur fold, dot ouly la money but aa well la these things which ga to make life oajoydble. A big I' -urth d July t ele bratloa not only advorllaea tha beat- J udge f. U. Meiiiager, of Pertland, will lsak on tbe political riueetieas ef the dsy ai lbs fail owing titsss and piacea i Itslsey, J nns lwt, at 1 o'elot k, i a. Brawaaville. Juno 1st, at 7:i, r a. .S le, June Dnd, at 7J0, P M. Persons of all litlcal sl-e are cor dially invited to attend. Put Oil & sea i fandsandit is bshsved will at thsir next meeting antherize them to sell their hand engine. With a new steamer Albany will have one of tbs best, if not tbe best, rite de-; partment ia the State. Prof. Hnrner. whs is ttachitttt in this ten- era Scheol in this city, i obtsiutag a go A reputatieu hera. He comes to this city with tbe very best recommendation, lie taught ia Union several term, and was universally liked thers not only ss a tescker but ss a gentleman. Ia the State Nsws on the first page is sa snesmium by th. JaVstafasia dad tint, which gives hiss ths crsdit of bai.ig ths best teacher ersr in Union. Read it, Everybody has heard af fcJaooh'a Oil, .m.l.H Finn Thn llnteif.h of thlS I J J I Im nvAKiklff nr. r..f..f rrl tA i n 1 n HVtAflt. th&S eitv as State Treasurer, but ws understand " r -j ". . - ..... has utt with more peular la.or, not ae that Mr lintifli refeeee in rnn. That little buildiag back ef the i?,7r aw tue preprieter. are larger ssrsruKrs, T.a in net. tbe nw cuttom hsusa whieh v ..v.., . , . Vn Olera ia to occudt. as manv hare san- io newspaper man y r. . , . . : l -J t .1.-: naaad. bat C A Currsn's frsit Iryer. a geou menu, ior inaei-e . w " . I , , II'. 1 Mn. Elizabeth Sn-ith. an old ladv of abeu nseans casn aown. e ... n. . I U,l 4L. ii si is af as sir sst MdvtsBdl rrl ntt tlS committed suicide st South lem, last Ju"k " -v.- Satardav. by the taking of strychnin. She receipt of a living ssm lor a cen via amoans laft evsrvthinr arranisd about her in a very f adrertising rrsi a p , t er ill . a. n-.f manner i ftBC DO01T1 01 tUS IttrUl-l 1SSI W(;eK aatUSli Tf-v.1 W Harris is takin2 part of his Hon- w- K. Bilyen was a back acttag adstr. lna a- i v -its. if. ni , akion and will be ont of the citv eacn malicious raiseaeoas win uo 3ir. ouy.a three or foar weeks, so tkat there wdl be mors good than injury, for the psejv.e oi no preachiog in the Congregational church Liaa oouuty know his record iti the gsnate until his rstnrn. well, aad that only to lui ere lit. lie did E. R. Skipworth Esej., will speak at the more active, prograssire work probably than . a . ii mm. a w s . i Court Hsuse iu this city nsxt Wednesday nj ower ram il ins otate isisiaiurs, ana erenina. in the interest ef the Democracy, for bim to he attacked ay such a vicious, Everybody should be present and hear a masterly effort, A full and complete line of ladies, misses and childrsn's pebble grained aud French kid shoes, really a splendid assortment ef falsifying rag as the JI trail is cartsinly a coinpu ridiculous, but at the cams time msnt te him. Aesthetic-ism is just abmt dead, and iu six sssntns tne people ot t.ia u uit-l states the very best styles and extra quality at I will have forgotten that there ever lives Menteith & SeitenVach's. saoh a man as 0or Wtld ; b-ifc ths fact On account of the failurs of the auctioneer that 0 B Moutagae, of Lebmoa ii sailing the to be on hand the auction by G Fairish in J best quality of dry goods, groceries, ete., for the O'TojIe Block did not occur last Satur-1 the smallest prise, is something tint will dsy. Notice will be given when arrange j remain frssb iu ths minds of the peopls of ments ars properly made. J Linn county for years to come. There is probably ao village in Liun county ,bout a week ago Sara'l Hoon, of Walls that is improving raster than Shedds. Since Walla, while st his ranch near that oity, February Eishteea town lots have been sold mat with a very eerioas accident. His team and several good buildings have been pat up, became frightened and ran over Mr. Hoon, aud others are going up. breaking bis right leg at ths hip aud three Just received, a large lot of thscelsbrated ribs on bis left sids. Hs was senseless Breadhead dress goods, from ths manufac- several hours, and had to bs taksa some turers in the East, tbe best value fer the ( fifteen mi 'es to his home. A surgeon was Mr. Siiarf aa I wile, ef IArtlau i, spent tbs fore part of the week with thsSf tasny frieuds : ia this city. J, W. tl-Bt: y has removed his shue shop . to ths place lately e :cnpied by Win Kichter, nearly opposite Nolan's. i suss aiaggie rosier came op irom rort j land last Friday and remained ovr Sabbath, returning to that city Moudsy. We received a cell last Tuesday front Charley Harmon and Frank Hosces, two of Iebauon's live young men Mr A 1. Bryan and Mrs E L Bryaa. of Tangent, started for Walts Walla last Monday, snd will begone several weeks. Mrs L Bilyeu and child are visitisg in Salem, hark is bschinr it, and were it not or pslitics he would look forlorn enough. Laat Monday lr. FI ill performed iiite a lifHjult surgical operation in removing s tumor from the face of Mr. Krnk Rjscoe. Last Monday a daughter of Mr. Robinson of t'm toother m 11, Ml v Iiroke eae of her aru. whi!j ..I ...r. a a.wllful mail iter bv L.. Hill. Charley H mstoa left last Tuesiay morn ing for Portland, where ho will remain atrhile, and from there will go to The Dalles. Wilbur F Cornell, the next Stats 1'iintsr of Oregon, was in ths eity Wedassday, and rsceived a hearty reception from overybody regardless ef party. Henry Crewder and Deles D.ollarhide left for Itoseburg Wednesday, with team and wagsa, intending to work on ths railroad if everything proves all right. We are glad to bs able to ansounco the engagement of Mr. Otte Fox, formerly of this city, bat now of .S'an Frmcisco, to Miss Rosa Eppinger, of Nsw York City. Mr Levi West left for Portland last Mon day. He intends baying and soiling cattle between this city and Portlaud aud will no ioubt make a good thing of it. Mr. Chas Barnes returned te Albany last Monday evening, after an abseace of several months in California and other piacea. We understand that while gone ho purchased five Kentucky race horaes of a line stock. Last Monday evenitg a pleasaat surprise was given Mrs. Jackson, en Washington Street, in honor of her 4Sth birthday. Those prolent spea'c in ths hightsst terms ei jf r s oi tne reception, airs, jaoasea has ear thanks for a sup ply ef cake, which was duly sampled by the Democrat'h fair typos. 1'he course laid dawn Is a practical oue mat. isA Mm, ft s I tfciastt ar n a i i aaf a t T s . , 1 . isisl e . . ejewetneaeieen. 8aiV8 Utile BBd llBVa d dig tlBBO preaeut faculty consists of President flr. crackers thrawu In. From Bead men In a city but tha city as well. Do A I battle as want to celebrate the TJ Call l 8t the printer coining rosrta in a lazy, sleepy sort ofamaaaar, ar will they exert them- Ith all T1i BurVrirc Iladl Hers oaf ur til f 4 l?i mativ Bladen thai st-k a liari' of th- tiiilir pat' :ir-". it ba.t Sn UtordUgbly t'rle 1 in our own harri fliK snd m:;:v improviu'-iit have I. i t f -r and a now offered, it Is bcyoud uu-tlon the tm-mt Sl tl.dJj Hsrrev i i fdc ir. fat We aie also Sole Agents lor the CANTON PITT THRESHER, RCNITOR UPRIGHT FARM ENGINE, Haines' Genuine Header?, Schuttler Fa-n Wafons, John Deere Moline Plows. A. A. tt C4KSUrc. Send for Special ('rrutavs aud Price List. 882 B l, Ardaid, A M , rroressor er Moral .haul as conse the smell of amok Philosophy and Fhyelea; ItevJ Kmery, Corvallls will blow oat Lehaaoa AM., Professor of Matbematlcs ; B J be rest with spread caglea, ate , bele Ilawtherae, A If., Trofeasor of Ua- will ralao hor hat an4 yell rod hot gnu. guagos ; E D McKlroy, Preparatory powder and nearly every other ptaee Department; Mies E MePhadden, will makd thd heavens flaeh with tba Drawing nod Paintldg. good time they will havo; bu: Al- Tlia catalogue was primed at the bany hae not lifted her hand. yet ; aud ll a f r .dl. . I 1 mm, ...4 i.-ieti mbbbw, snu .. a t i8 absut time ehe was doiBg it a a A. 1 a . . . I nanuso nis auair anu a great, crcun sw MrMansfltdd. Jotei (ssiuh. blowout at Salem on the Qth of June. BaSe uur -.eeiu, put uu your beet dSef lhat ssflTT eaOT Joydd at the proapeot ef the happy occasion. A TIME Will B had ic n:jr printer- BUS- No 1 but a 'Pi will stay SnBMD at borne. Hound trip 81. Children under 14, 50c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Odd Fellows rtralr at tlarrlsberg. The pii aic gives by the Odd Follows aear Harriaburg laat Saturday waa a grand success la every respeot. The attoadnnce was big, there beiag fully three thousand people preseat, and the gootl fjeliDflT which prevailed was universal. The picnio was gattoa up Oasis Lodge, of Juaatioa city, and Covenant Lodge, of Harriaburg, bat Odd Fellows aod their fr leads ware made welcome, from wherever thoy came, Geo. 3 Waabarao delivered the addreae in aa able manner, giving the history and object of Odd FoUowahip. fixcelteat music waa furalshed by the Harrlsbarg baud. B. b! Hklpworth's Appoint meets. . K. Ski ii worth (Democrat) will ad- dre&s hie fallow citizens of Linn county on tha political questions of tbo dsy at the follswing times and places: Sweet Home May 27, at 1:30 p. Bs. Knox Butte, May 30, at 7 p. in. Albany, May 31, at 7:30 p. m. The appointment at Knox Butte was postponed te tbe 30th on account of tbe farmers being busy at tbe present time. W . n. TMnnr. V.ei . 1Lnuhlirun nam .. . . - r 1 "1 I ..w . I mm . e 1nee, and W. II. Holmes, Esq., Dome- JUSL received DV OXprOSS c ratio nominee for prosecuting attorney irOUl NW XOrk 20 QOZ. for tlio third Judicial district, will address tholr fellow citizens in aaid district at tho following times and placos, i,n the politlo al issues of the day : Nalaui, Friday, May 2, at 7:30 P. Sf. Independeuce.Monday.May 2D, 7:30 P.M. liallaH, Tuetidav, May 3o. at 7:30 v. m. Sheridan, Wodnesday, May 31, at 1 P.M. McMmnviiip, i nursday,Juno i, 7:au p,m. Ls'ayette, Friday, Juna 2, at 7:30 r. m. Amity, Saturday, Juno 8, at 7:30 p. x. ruml Lodge' I. o 7 p. silk handkerchiefs at 25 cts worth 50cts ; 10 doz silk handkerchiefs at 50 t s cheap at 75 cts. J. M. NOLAN, Farmers' & Mechanics' Store $20 Reward. HARVESTING MACHINERY. We wish to call the attention of the farmers of Linn county to the fact that we have established a Depot at Albany for the sale of D. M. Osborne & Oo's harvesting ma chinery for the Havest of 1882. We have rented the fire proof bnildingcor First and Washington StSjAlbany, and have employed M. M.Harvey to take charge. We shall keep on hand for the trade a full suottly of reapinsr,mo wine: and self binding maclfinewirewine aoid duplicate parts. This move brings us in closer relation to you as man Ufacturers. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND BUY ONLY OF MANUFACTURERS, Don't be induced to give your order until you have examined our improved twine and wire binder for 1882. Remember all of our machinery is warranted to do good work. For club orders special rates will be given. D. H. OSBORNE & CO. S. S. Barge, Manager. At a meetiug of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. In Salem laat week the following officers were i nut ailed. r W N J A Bayer, Jacksonville. WG W-J J Walton, Eugene. W G S J M Bacon, Oregoa City. W G F I R Muorea, Salem. W G M It Alexander, Pendleton. W G 0 D S-K Buiok, Myrtle Creek. W G G-E T Miller, Dalian. W G H J A Davis, Albany. Chaplain W Michael, The Dalles. Strayed from Albany, Or , May 7th a amalUeraey row, light orange er iawa rlor. aiarked with a slit in ens aai , and in ihsamaearon eDOOsite side a slight nipw ar bit. The bare Dart ef the - ease ia biaok, and the hair immediately around f the nese is bun oeior. .vi wnue ou u. except a small strip on tbe belly dy tbe baor. She baa ene peculiarity, namely, from the right front teat the milk somes exclusively from aa opening on the back part of the teat, naif way ironi tne point to tbe base of it. To the one returning my oow I will glvo a reward of $20. ua. t. w. jiaaaie. ELECTION NOTICE. I BOBS. LANNING On Sabbath, May 21st, to the wife of Caps. E. J. Limning, a daughter. Portlnad Fries anu fisoit't Vou r'ergcl It. Te the Pablic J. A. Gross, proprietor of tho dope hotel, keeps one of the boot pnblle houses in the State. His rooms are k'-nt scrupu lously neat and clean, aad ou bis tablea can be fa'wd tbe best lond tbe market af fords. Parties goinfr off on tbe morning Thia is good news for everybody having fralo can get coffee and kes or an entire horseeJ Dubrullle has i ut his harnessts breakfast before the train leaves. Here and eaddlery down to PortUod prices, and after the hotel will be kept open all nigh means business. The beat Block In I ha or ooavenlonoo of the rnibUc. city too. He will sell good Concord new nesses, with tUe bait collars, for $30. Now I- -I r 1 . r. 1 1 1 M.m v ijii l.ijmii'.ii lui i ... rrt i . i n .uu I ... ..... - i 1.1 n A irt( ltroM.ur. inn with t in initial, on examine them before going eUewhero. d x c M on tho back pMt A lib. Ths Pittsburg Sunday ieatfer qmotss : Mr are! reward will be paid to the indsr by self and a. lingered for three months with Martin Karg, iiivsr Creek, Minn., cured a leaving tha same at this office. I his more painful tra ibis till death came to badly wounded horse with St, Jacobs Oil. I Mrs. A. C. Miller. I his relief. RUKGG. In Portland, ef caneer turner, May 19, 1882. Mr. J. J. Rvkou, aged 30 years and 0 days. He was married Jan, 25th. to the eldest daughter of A. J. Honsaker, ef MoMinnville, but in a short time was taken dowa as the DocUt thought with rhumatio pains, but the true nature of the disease developed its NOTICE is hereby given that the an nual election for Chikk Engineer and one Assistant Ehuikbkr of tbe Al bany Fire Department will take place at No. I 'a Hall oa Taeaday, the 6th off Jane 1883. between the hours of 1 and 7 o'clock, p.m. D. P. Monteith. Jas. W. Foster and i. Fax are appointed judges ef said election. ia. tn LiTjeu, rTes. O. H. IdVTHd, Sec Albany, Or., May 18th, ISM. HI KLEVS ARNICA SALVB. The best sal re in the world for outs, bruia es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and afl kinds of skin eruptions. This save is guar anteed to give perfect stisfactioa in every case or money reiunnea. rnoe aoo per doj For sale by Foshay and Mason, wholesale agts ; D Moore, Scio ; D Foley, Lebanon ; Dr Powell, Lebanon ; Redpath and Mon tague, Jefferson ; D M Calbreatb, Buera Vista ; 0 Cornelius, Turner ; R A Rampy, Harrisburg ; Starr ana jsiaaeiy, rwowisi villa. By actual merit th. famous substance, St. Jacobs OU, has steadily wen its way until it is to-day tho national remedy for rheuma tism. Lawyers, physicians, clergymea all use if" Cincinnati Ohio Daily Enquirer, HeettBK of the Albany Ccasetery Assecla ties. To the msmhtrs oj the Albany Cemetery Association. You are hereby notified that a meetirg of tbe members of the Albany Cemetery Association will bo held at tho Court Houae in Albany, on Friday, Jaae 23d, 1882, at 7 o'clock P. u., fer the purpose of electing a President, Secretary aad three trustees, to aervtfor two yeara, All per sons interested aa original subscribers for shares and owners ef Tots in the Cemetery grounds are entitled to one vote. tiYeu are further motiied that a proposi tion will bo made at said mooting to peti tion the legislative Assembly of Oregoa te pass an Act authorizing the City of Albany to take control of aad manage the business and the pi open j of said Association. A full attendance of all in terested is moat earnestly ieqoated. By order of the Board of Trustees. J b Smith, Seeretary. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the error and indiscretions of youth, mrvons ia weakness, early decay, load of menhoeeL xo. 1 will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was d-soo ?ered by a m'sdonery in South Ame ica Seud a self-addressed envelope to th R v. Joskph T. Ihmak, Station D. New York City. 15m6,