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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1882)
B TATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED BVERY FRIDAY CLAIBH.8TEWART. WIUIW orFtCH-t Drmofrat Bnltdins on reacts or SUOSCRimoN ooptr, par ymr op. atx months 3 00 S 00 1 00 10 copy, thr month. . a urn tor rvr r uoMV'ii . m Vh .1 V k r TTORHEYK AT LAW, Albany, Orfgon. neT-Offlee in Foster's Brick Bl(vk.- vlSnlStf. R. S. STRA.HAN. I- BIl.YKU. STRAHAN & BIXYEU. ATTOMETS & OOHHSBMRS AT LAW Albany, Oregon. "PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF r this stato. They give speitial atten Hon to collections and probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 49tf khTmontanyb. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany. Orejon. Office upstairs, over John Bripgs "tore, 1st street. v Mu23tf TIlwxathxrfobi)," (NOTARY PUBLIC J tTTORNEY AT LAW, ALB AW, OKK4.0V. WILL PRACnCK IX ALL TUK COURTS OF THE State. Special atlealiuo given to collection and probata matter. In Odd Falls 's Teniae. 114:2 J. C. FOWKU. W. R. HILT KIT POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in thance ry ALBANY. - - - OKKtiOX. Collections promptly made on ail points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. atTOrnee In Foster's Brick.-ms Tl4nl9tf. T. P, HACKLEMAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALB1U. OBLCOV "Office up stairs emple."e in the Odd Fellow's v!3n50 F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBANON OBKGOLt. WlU practice In all the ooart of the State. Prompt attention given to collections, con veyances and examination of Titles. Probate business a speciality. J. A. YAftTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COEYALUS, ORBOOlff. Will In all the Courts of the State la the Court Hons "a vlOnSBvL GEOBGE W. BARNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PBIXETILLK. OKLCOV. Collections promptly made on ail points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBaSY, OBLCW V WILL practice in all courts of the State, and give special at' en? ion to collections. Office in OToele's Block. E. It. SKIPWORTH, STTOBSET AD 01XSKLOB AT LAW AXB SOT ART PI BLK. WILL practice in all conrts of the State iJI basiness Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Office m O'ToolSa Block, Broada&in Sire, 45yl Albany, Oregon. E. G. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office la Froman's BricK, two doors I'.ast of Conner's Bank. nlO LEWIS STIMSON'S LI VERY AND FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine horses, good feed, accommodating proprietors snd rea sonable charges. Give them a call, dlablea near Revere House. 6yL DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. namoiA. J.. W. LANCDOH & Cd, DRUGGISTS. Books. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large Stock and Low Frices. CITT DRUG STOBE, 21 ALB A XT. OHKGOV. FOSHAY & MASON. VIIOLMULV AXD RBTAIIe Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vltoAltf REVERE HOUSE, ornei first and Elliworfh Albany, Oj-ejon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Proper. This new Holel is fitted Up is first class style. T ables suppiied with the beet the market affords. Spring Beds in every Room. A good Sample Boom lor Com mercial Travelers. tSTree Coach to and frosts He Motel. "631 J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. O OOTS AND SHOES made to order, ff and se pairing done with neataeas aad diapattjh, end at low price. Call and se bim. First ret, Albany. 4lyl Aloanj Bath Housa. ' ffIHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPEC1 I fally inform the citiiens of Albany snd vi oittitv that I have taken charge of thia Establish meat, and, by keeping deaa rooms and payis arict attention te basiness, expects to sait si taaae who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing oat First-Class Hair leasing Saloons, expects te give entire aatiafaation to si mrChUdten sad Ladles' Hair neaiiy ca shampooed. JOS W BBEB. mm tapis w VOL. XVII. W. H. GOLTRA DKALKR IN Farm Machinery, WAC0NS, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES, mtkkl goods JAMES I ANNALS, MAV.-f Ufl ! XilO MUM H FURNITURE BEDDING. t araer Ferry and Seeeed sirecU. ALBANY, - - BKUON. vltfcUlyl Ague Cure I Is a purely vecrtable bitter and power- ful tonic, and is warranted a spec cuv ami certain cure for Fever and Airus Chills and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fe ver, Remittent Fever, Dumb Agar. Periodical or Bllioas Fever, and alt malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coatod tongue, thirst, e rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, Srthspu lassitude, loss of anoetUe. pain in tbo beck and loins, and coldness of the spine and extremities, aro only premonitions of severer symptoms, which terminate In the aene paroxysm, succeeded by high icvtr ' and profuse perspiration. It is a startling fart, that oniuine, arse nic and other f-oisonoua minerals, form the Imsis of most of the " Fever and Agno Preparations," " Specifics." "Syrups. and "Tonics,' in the market. Tbo prepara tions made from these mineral jo lions, although they aro palatable, anil may break the chill, do not. care, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison ia the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing ia the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders moro formidable than the disease they were intended to cure. Ayek's Agi e Ccbf. thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most delicate pa tient; and Its crowning excellence, above its certaintv to cure, is that it leaves tho system as free from disease as before tho attack. For Liver Complaints, Arm's Aon Cc-re, by direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisons which produce these complaints, and stim ulates the system to a vigorous, healthy condition. We warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowe!l, Mass. sou t aix pxccgirrs rvsarwnrnr. NERVOUS DEBILITY, A SURE CUBE GUARANTEED. fl II K. C. WF.T3 S KBTI AND Pit AS TRKAT- j meat, a at'iUc ur Hyutcria, Ubcxincaa, Cos vaiaiotiA. Nervutra Headache, XcnUl I?rre(in IHia f Memory, bptmiitoritaea. BMMMCT, in- roluniarr eDitaaimw. uren.tura oM izt, cmuaatl by er e x t rt ion, (elf -abuse or ov(r-inlulreiice, hich leaaa to muerr. decay and death. One ncx uiii cure recent iUueva. Earn box containa one month' treatment : one dollar a box, or ai box for Ave dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We iraaraiitre aix boxes to cure any case. Witn rzeh order rt:eivei oy u tor aix ooxee, acceuipanicu with Bt dollars, we will aead the purchaser our written Liianui'e K, return the KMitiev it the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees iaaiei only by . . .r . Wholesale and DrutriU, Fortiant!, Oregon, Orders by oiail at reuUr prices. Dr. 8PIXlVElr, NO. 11 KEAKNY 8T. Treats all t'hroale snd Special Diseases. yotjinT men ttrilOMIT BK M FFEUIXC FROM THE If eflc-U of vouthful foilies or huereU;n, will Ho well to avail llicinselvca of thli. theKreatest boon ever laid at the altar of atiftcring humanity. OR. SPISNEV will guaraiitee U forfeit 50ofor every e Seniinaie Wttiknes or nrivate diaeaae of any kind or eanvf - which he undertAire ana laiiff to cure. SIf DDLE-ACKD MEN. There are manv at the aze of thlrty-flve!to dxty who rt- troubled with V: freoiK-nt eracuatioe of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight wnartiruf or burning sensation, aud a weakening of the system in a rummer th mtieut cannot accouril lor. sn caamintiur ujj urinary deptlts a ropy seuiutenv wm oivcn oe totwi i ind sometimes small iarticles of albumen will appear, .r the color will be of a thin milkhth hoe, again chan - , , . . ' ,, 4 . iar to a dark and tonid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the eause, which is the secotid staae of scutinal weakneM. Dr. 8. will guaraBtee a perfect cure in ail such caees, and healthy restoration of the geiiito-uriuary organs. Omci Hocus XO to 4 aswt 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consulutiou free. Thorough exmmaUor axl advice. 86. For private diseases of gtnding a full coarse of medictn c suffictctit for a cure, with an ltwirucuomi, will be eeut to any a ldrtw on reoeipt of slO w. Call aud atldretie, nit. spissev . co., lltVl NO. 11 Ke-rroy St. fHin Frunclsco, Cul To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. )Q atEAItSlY fl, yJiCO comer of Corame cial Street, ban Francisco. Established ia 1SS4, for tli treatment of Sexmfl and Seminal Diseases, sud at (ionorrkea. Gleet, at t. ttntirritcs, n--, 8trlure,gypklllinat its forms, IuipotcnV Seminal Weakness, niirht loBaes by dreams, pirn nltM on the face and losg of manhood can Dositively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to eafi upon bim. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Euro tie. and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable ltiionas tion, which he is competent to impart to those in nspd of his services. DU. GIBBON will make no charge uiilesH he effect a cure, rersons at a distance HA1 BE il BED ST 1IOHE. All commumoaUtms strictly confidential. You see no one but the Dooty. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state the name of tfte natier thev see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write Address DR. J. P. G1BB0K, Box 1957, San Francisco. N TISM3 SsaaOaVs Mi 11 14 1 Sk N E R V I N E NERVINE. SAMARITAN NERVINE o.r. , !. nu. Huma, mul4n. St. Itiu litcm, Vtrtlin'. Hyur. luUy A..IM . 1rl i lUtruiualluu, NurlU mod 1 cr 1h' luhlUblc tvuxiy HI j-IUirly Wlt. tr r.. ry tinul al NtOLiu, anU Urto U,o mmy from bH Uujjtuk. iv,r Ui return ing tb hunxllUrv OUnt or i-u tu lUr .Uin, t. I thoroutflilv rrJitU ibe IImam, uJ ulUrljr us troj the caUM. SAMARITAN NERVINE Corn Fcnulo Vckiir, ;ci-nu lci.mjr, Lrsasnr crum erWbtUw, ratnlul MnUtU-.r,. 1 lcrtlu vf Um I'Unu, liiMKttai llet. Url, lu(Uuitulitu ih HaMa. Irrtub.lll ! lh Blllcr 1- r Wk tuliina t Sight, U-r U u Uitr roawwljF. burlaK Iht t hin;., ia htc t: KcaU !, ul.l U ttlHi,l it. It Ihr rwti h?.t" ! st, ti.ij .r i niur '. wect leej. SAMARITAN NERVINE fur KaUhk. Tooaa ,lrt(tMlttf UaiU ' lo Ibe t.rt trul sr BIWli .UHtuu butosiiltj'. Tboanuula tlta uituklly Uir cuv b lkm It. but tor Um 4c..urp uf m treat lug hte (rWmla . Iitlla Uunkinrf ll-t Uv Is Ml ravl l mtn. Ltnu Uta tHuai Cater, be Brat u th ilruinamaJI ijtuuiltlUa aaabattulasa ni....i 1!m .Abins tofluaac uf tha iltMg taltna trun.' bob! ujm tu UUtu, IcaUiag bint btaown u-tt Tba bahtu ('' ami l..a.u I" ia. arc prcolaair ahal rating la l aitnvi.ucti'-a aa vmt ratlii. Brat inlUHMa the aO.marb, abt-b rcduuUaa tu it punlttem buU the atom It ai.'i r drink '1 ltiu or r lic 4 op'um. iilaal ol ttafvtnff, () a.!4a to iU fterr Srr. until ll fnautuaa tba'viUtl t-jrec aiwl lUm I la If l.ktt!. glutbioi-ua t(- no. it erica "0;e. ffte "' bat nrrtonuh until lu oan rai.-.l ! itwtf. SainariUn N-r;n. rt tnatant r.licf u, ail uch It proiu-ca alt, uukU tba ncrra. Win!':, U tbo triHa ajaUni, nl rastrta UkIj sim! nwal to s health) cuaiiUou. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure Norv.,r; lr.i, lv.iutun ot ih He4rt, A.tnuta, Hrwiehtua, ft.-rerul, Sphn. uiwswa tne Kidneys and all eMSSSH ot the urinary nrjraua. ssr oua OebiltlV, caal by the l:t.lta t n.t.a -4 pcrmaitablly cured by tha u of tin lntaatlc remedy. Ttjou. uot , nuuJW ajad und uldmcn, wba are coverte yuur wAinu. a t'h man'.c bj afJSnce, kk mm. y -u can be aat nl by Uuiely efl t !.. ar.d make ornaments te U:t), ai.d )eta in tbr crown of your Maker. If yu will. tx Bet keen bi a eavtvt luircr, until It aap. )iHr H'j ,, an.1 dawtrov. h ,th body and euul. If you are thus eifi.c'ed. Ufea Pi. naoi a aeaiartlati Nervine. It nat-e your hatu.-red rsvrvee, arrest nreojiture Jwaj , nun Une and aucn; Ui thu 1miU lto. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my llule girl of flu. Kite was elan drat and dumb, but It cum. her. bbe an new talk and bear aa wil a a) body. Peter lines, hpriii(waUr, V. MAM A BIT AX MRMMl II u boen Cie means f ruritux aty wife f rlwn-.A .,tn j. v. y. )i. r. rrt . ...i... i MA MA BIT AN IHTMI II - t lure cure of a iatae of Su fur my awn. Y. R lUl.'a, IltatU,.i:c, Kan. MaMABlTAN Cured me of rtl,-o, tieiirilH ami eivk he a. I c. klr. Wtc. Utlu oa, Aurura, ill. SAHABITAN BBBYIMB Wai the uieanaof curing my wife of aiama. Uav. J. A. Kdir, II u:, i'a. (it n A It IT AM MKKVIMK CureJ me "I aathma. after apendiiiK oyer 3.000 wilt other doctors. K. B. Itobwm, Sew Alhai.j, ! 1. MA11 ABITAN MKUVIMK KStctoally curetl me of sjieam. Mtaa Jennie Warren, 7t0 West Van Buret) St. OWas MAMABITAN .MIRVI.M, Curttl r chiM if flu after given up to die by oor fauulr Musician, it ttavtnif over loo in Jt ! urj. Henry anee, ereiiu. warren Lo , lent.. MAMABITAN NERVINE Cured me of acrofula after suffering for eight years Albert SUUe,o, I'eurta, III. MAM IBITAN NERVINE Cured my sou of flu, after spenjlaf 11400 with other doctor. J. W. I !') n'.on, Llalourn, JUa. MAMABITAN NERVINE Cured mu tiermaiariiily of epib-ptir fiU of a lul trn cliaraetcr. Rev. Wm. Martin, MoJianiL-atown, Md MAMABITAN NERVINE Cured my sou of flu, having had In ei;hun a. sir, r.. rorbea, VFeat I'utwlam, S. 1 MAM AKITAIff NERVINE Curat me of epiljy of nlns years' standing. M!asriena Mar:iall, Uranby, New ton Co., M M 1M ABITAN NERVINE lias permanently cutel ni ot eitiirrmy ul mativ tars tlu'aUuii. Jaotb Kutcr, ht. Jwi li. 41. A A VI A RITA HI NCUVIKK Cured 'me of bronchitis, asthma and jpcm,-rul tlidilily Oliver Mrers, iroutou, Uhio. KA7IARITAM NKIttlVt; HaJ cur;d me of attl tua ; alar, acrofula of manv rears Isaac- Jewell, i iiviiium, hy. NA9IAKITAN XtKVlM: Gaaa a tneaa m mine wuo nao nysiictisia ery badiy. Mtteiiaei ouoniior, ltiii!uav, ra. SAM Alt IT A.N NERVINE Maa HrntMieittlr etired rnoof ettlle;. .:. fits. oa l l irea.iiiy, lies Moines. Iowa. NAM AKITA M IIVISi; Cured uy wife of epilepsy of 85 i .r stantlln. iienry uiarit, r airtiuiti, Midi. AM A It IT A.N Ni;3tVINK Cured my wife of a nervous rllseaite of the head. E. orah ut, North iiepu, Pa. NAM tnir.tN' ' ;hvim: Cared my ton ' .1. i. .;.'n not hul a fit far about four vwr, John Davie, WooJburn Itaciupiu Co., III. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is for sale by drturgists everywhere, or may bo had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of tbs curative properties of Hamaritan Nervin will please enclose a 8-cent postai; atari ip for a copy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hundreds of testimonials of cure from persons who have used tbe medicine, and also their ttietures photo graphed after their restoration to itorfoct health. Address DR. S. A.RICHMOND & CO. World's Epileptic Institute, ST. JOSEPH, MO. N R V I N E ALBANY, OREGON, PIPJ CEHMlfiEDY. L'OXt RHEUMATISM, Houralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Core Throat, Swell and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Car and Headache, Fro Feet and Care, and all othor Pains and Aches. U Preparation trt earth auala Sr. J. Q It'"' J; A tttal .nulla but tba minparaO,. i r, uttav ..f &0 Casta, an.l aaary oi .iit,n-., ulih ;. ton hava cbaaf atxl nuaiUfa lwv( . I tl. asiaa lUracUusa lu KUrau Incuafa. COLO BY ALL DRU001BT8 ABD DCALL2w IB MCDI0IHE. A. VOGEUER to CO., UatUmutr, Sid , V. S. A. Mr J. II. llATi a, Nwpner Advartls InK AKant, 41 fark U,w (llti eM I'.ulhllnK) New York, lu authorise I to contrail for advttrtinniiMiM lu th Democrat st our Uvit rate. HI r King of tho Blood !i v.' "tc t I - it la a l t pttlArr i. I iiui:y of I4. '1 ivnu the .yetew. darangre know,, fev tl cord: ii ; I jhaa of 1 1 of MUnrf. Qiiajaaliif. i ache. I j I'rvs-t. tr,h Xrrv a. ti:. I nmiru'ra t of l'.c Ulea iUl ll.rm ar r anrae rt Impurity ing real I; r u. lit. -rtlrrr. lit cut trsi ag in l. 6. RED CROWN MILLS. bam.akp, nos & co., rsors's. rutH r V!.orn hi i cni'iu i.h rtMiutss AXU KAKKKS CSS. BEST STORAGE FACIiJTIKS. Highest Prico in Cash for Wheat. ALBANY - Myl - OR. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock rant-h of 220 acros. with rood uleide ratiK', locatcti near itrldge Creek, In Wasco county, together with al,out bmsso, w excuantfi lor Isiul here in the Wlllaiiietto Valley. Now, if you want to sell yt-ur farm and g" hi to the atock huai ucas'ln lstorn Oregon, here Is a chance for yon. Call on or atldroast'. II. Mew- art, Albany, Oregon. 0. B. P. W in- Piundei'V BEouTaaro masc 38. 1870. Uthe peoples K.pular remedy It U warranted to g'.va atisfactioa, if you want testimonial call atjthe offlce We don't publlth them, but refer you to the dealer andfjommmer. It luw no SSSB& fl SSS lottta or J tutttlcs for$.r. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND - MACHINE SHOP. KSTAUK.1SEIED 1&G5. By A. F. CHERRY, ajtuated at corner of First and Montgomery tstioetn, Albany, Oregon. Having taken charge of the a hove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Stoam Engines, Raw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumpa, Iron and Brass Castings of every dew-ription. Machinery of all Jcinds repaired. Spe cial attention givcnjto repairing farm ma cbinery. Fatteru .Unking dtme In nil Its farms. 16:llyl A. F. CHERRY A SON. ST CHARLES HOTEL,- ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. 0. HOUK, - - - rroprietM, This House baa been thoroughly renovated from top to tiottom, and is now tu splendid condition for the eutertainment of travelers. Tho table is supplied with everything the mar ket afford. Sample rooms for commarcial men. CorvallN, Lebanon nnd Dallaa Stttge Office, rionon FRIDAY, MAY 111, at tTB ITEMS Fioiu a (jeiilUtaan who caiun in fram tke Hay a Jr , two ago, wa Uftra that Mr. Uso. ( '. Hoswoll, who hsi hargt of tha . '. Co's work along tho liar, is making thiogn lively at tka otbar and. Ha has juat put a fotoa af horns and carta on tha gtada work whick, with tha man anggal on ihut work, ara making tha dirt fir. Jim riaraaport, foraman af tho pila dritsr, ia at presant Hriring, piling and puttiag in a hulk- haad at tha 'ompanj 'a wharf; wkila a forca of nan with horaas snd carta ara grading and prapariag the Mto for tha round hauaa. Wa hapa tke man at work on the rosd will soon ba numbered by thousanda inatead uf hundreds. Beaton Xtder. The ball ve set rolling a in into age is gaining ia velocity .and Curraliis is not going ta be behind her neighbors in the matter of a Fourth ef July celebration. A meeting of our citizens haa baan filled to be held at H o'clock to morrow availing at flsmilton'e hall, fa 'tbf put pose at appointing couimitteea and Uktug other iuitialery atapa towards the prrratiena fur a grand old fash ioned celebration kera on the l o ir'.h. It will net bo any two hit OOMtMrt, but an aflsir on a grand sral, aa is iadieat el by the way soma af our prominent c tiene talk, aomathlng wet 1st of the peeple ef CerTellia, and worlk whila for our neighbors U come and see it. Let everybody who wants to a success aud a good time on the I' -mib, tarn out ia morrow night and asaist ia giving the move a go. d atett. .. i r. Measrs. Drink an-i Wtight hsva aacurod the contiact sjf cartving tLs mails batweou thia city and Newport, to coromeiipa July U'.. Tmej will, howsrai , pat on a -Mngei . h i!,e firat of June, which iW pmve a teat accommodatiot. lo the trsvaJing puklia. Ltadtr. Frsitk DttBUI at tit aK',,li&g n:att h at Walla Willi ma la tb bet MOsN ever made on thi Caaat. brvskiag tiaven balls in one n inula ; su tail in twenty live sceade nd the ex'.rsor linsry score of liva bslia aj tan:. ';oe A gtxxl daalil" rn"aev obaig it! hands oa the result, sa many can- IfsMMeal that the balls roni I rot be ttap pod in tbst lengtW of true. Mr Sefcsi raachar dil the next I bivakiug t'tfB 'a oi.a iniii'ite J. ',! Last Saturdat s I af i Iv.ach Colautsu's, a h r. nn ibe Holt J ' , tr ! t and ; ie ia fachaff eut be'ee able ta plae j it si. tli f 'i . into tite bilbj for bna tut ait g ai.-t. ..x -t i. . in bAr?h ol tJ'st 'ti find him ou A it, Jsv ai ufiiuu Mr, 'la- sn ge tie sUtoi asfi bla tieiBb'ara . a a e si at galharetl ia and eosaaBenced a sTsUat- attc seat co. While thev ai si.ustied in t tba boy turned ua, at kfjsaje safe aud saund. It spnesrs that be lust his baartnga iu tba hills, snd being satisfied tbat ka waa nearer Mikawk lMn MMf it.- toek hie course iu thsl tlirociioo aul cams st't at Mr. I- w i a a t. i ,.tL, where be staid all nibt, returning noma nest dev. Altar arriving at heme asd iSndiae tbat thev waie in rcb of him be turned saarchcr him aelf and w-at after hie father sad the other searrbars. lie ia a plucky bar a worthy reptesaatalite of hit father who i a vary popular and ,., 1 ciluen and is about lourtaau vrars old : ha kss already oatabltabed a ra nutation aa an intrepid httnter, sa he baI brought down two cougars but a few oe before. I hat is the kind of Oiegea boys we have. Who tiaras to eav we lack in material Ur future statesman and r ulers. urrs' ur DU urnunatnr. TOjtisanT m. it. Delightful weather and - 1 1, th Ing hsa nlrcaaj v lotniucniecl. Newport baa naauy epeculntors here new awaiiinf; futther eievf lopmetits, anxious to mako lOWtailPOOts. Coil Van Clevo will ri'lurn this week and issue the Yaquins 1'ust iu tko iotorsst of the bay nn I tlu people goacraily. Mr. Win. Mojuo Is exMCtod in soon lo locate tho grade of Yaijuiiia t'ity, sfter which, parties dtiritig, esn secure Jots at reasonable flgureK. The schsencr rioa Fotm, Cftpt. J. J. Wynsn, la losked for dnily from Han Krnnjisfro. Her tvirge eitnists principally of rsliroad freight. The shipping Interests sf Y equina lijy ars beginninfr to attract consider able atteiiliou. snd wo look forward to tbe time, iu the near future, when wo will have ships daily. The steamer Ystulii, Capt. Jos. Denny, came here last week, dis charging her freight nod wont out the same day en route for C'ooe II ty, Where she will taks ia coal for her cargo. Orcjouian. OOI FOBBVABTS. Mr. Evartssavs that a asntsuco go ing tbe rounds, attributed to 'him, an attempt at condensing one of his clis- patchea protesting against the dismem berment of Turker. it was founded a . a a oa an incident wliicu occurred at one of bis Thanksgiving dinners at borne. "1 had a roasted New England goose, well stuffed with sscre, with plenty of apple aauee and the usual accompani ments. At tke elese ef tbe meal I said: "My children, yen raaySee the differ ence between the condition cf affairs before and after dinner. You then aaw a goo e stuffed with sags; now you see a sage stuifsd with goose. By actual merit the famens substance St. Jacabs Oil, has steadily won its way until it ia to-day the national rem edy for rheumatism. Lawyers, phys icians clergymen all uae it" Cin cinnatti ( Ohio ) Daily Enquirer. $1500 Pr yar ca,n be easily made at home working for E. G. Hideout & Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yosk. Send . ' for their catalogue and full pttrt'culars tmuxm 1882. Ml MM KB. Tho following highly poetical and a pthnti'j ceiupeailion ausnated from tko brain of one ef our moot ambitious young man. It waa read before an in teliigeut body of brotber students, and attuck itich a Irndar chord in their sympathetic hearts tkat we made a daa pa.afs ellwi l to gat it, and aro glad lo saystbat we succeeded. Hare it ia : There are four seasons in the year. Summer is the second. Jt holds fioas tha lirst ef Juuu uutit the last of Au gnat. Tliiaistbe sssen e. i.ri, tba spring poet ia convalescing in the hoaaital. Ha will soou ba well and ready for the campaigu of the nezl spring. Tho warmth ef tke eun causae every li ring thing to bleach out, tbat ia all vegetation. It is d liferent wish tbo b uma u race, instead af b!eshiug they tut a aa black aa paint. We have occasional showers, and they almost laveriably coace down when there is to be a or x a taion. Dvary aeaaou has its sports. In the winter we look forwatd to the coming of siting, thinking ef the pleasure and tccieation of gardea making, saad awing and house' cleaning. Tbea cootea summer, we bail it with delight, for thia is the aeaftoa that wo have pie ui'-., excursion and harveatmg. When autemn cosaee, we gather atitumn leavaa, atari to schftal. Next comee winter. The aperls are ekatsng, sleign ri ling and snow balltug. Tiiw i HMMM of auioOiei b -. ikaprsfet fr i . I ;.:i - ji. i.u Si-htel. Tba air is ay. The) ge. tle rephyra J fortk tbroogk tke ire io;.a int penny sun-m-ei oniraters soli!) , ik it wander tl.r-mk the baau- tlfai uiidnr ovei i angtiiff iiotVa. IW csiaTul sebool boy east t-ask in tba i nelilne su ! read 5 ret. 'a novels to bia Heart's To 11 lull ef beautiful bit da, such as tha fitefiutto, gnat ilv, butter fir, blow lly and tba twittering swallow, Taaieare others luit it ia net arcessarv to enumsrste. Soma peofMa c to t'.e saaaidei resort a ta apciMi ti e an um-r months in splash in: slwiut iu toe sslt cbucl, whsre :beu r u, .laj laucbter mey be beard a. SS .a a ' i;. i-bi al iris uiuLi wee. sa SB? tMfJ Mfwe i t.u th beach, meuuting MNSVea btgb Mini than daibitig into ailrc apmv thav fll ilka rain. A fw pe , l go it Um atiunttina a id tpewi the auuimer tu. nvba in hant i g, Bahing, lt-1 y picking and eight '',". UarntCcei.t viaws can be nb- taiaad Uelowstretchea out a beautiful oek, ra 1?, lokmg like a rich carpet. Bttoai iaiMrjf )eak, lofty mouutaina, Irng streams are before tbe eye, lovi. ng like a cbtorno, aiu;: as those tt si iveu with e'.MV atra end al faaa hiiatura. Ma) iLt la mate pi sumuiir and teas A the aider eSJU. t ctniM 1 1. oi nvnos. Iu Florence, we resided at a large boardiag rsttldiehtnent, kept by n time, du I'lauli, in a iiouso which had formerly been Mine, do Stael'a is tiio Via Scala. Toore vure some tuirtv bo:tte1era in this house, aud be: o wo rt mail. e l two years, occupied with our atudJes. During spar; of thia Urn.' the pet-t Snelloy, his wife And infant, were intuata of the earns house, and we soon tuado their sc- qualntmce. They were very kind lo u, tnd eHy proposed to mam I . ! . , I . - . k . ibb him ii no wuuiu ai-rainjiany uicu buthasd would bo displeased if she alluued au intltuscy betwoon her fnmily and 1-ord Byron's. (Iudeed, she was half afraid he would not ap prove ef our friondshlp with Shelley and bis wife.) During my leisure hours I was always in tbo Shelloys' apartments. Tito poet would pises kis infant in my lap and bid ms smuse myself with alive doll, while he continued ids writing. Both Shel ley and Ids wife were delightful, aud when they left, homo menths after, we were very sorry. One day Skel- toy told me Lord Byron was coming the next day to visit him. In vain 1 Implored mamma to let me bo with mam wneu me groat fOQl c.ame um sue wouiti not near oi iu l ioiu auei- ley tliis with tears in my eyes, and ho said : "Wolt, little woman, if mamma won't let you bo m the same room with the ogre, if you are vory natvlMI . s a , , la I aw-. ' -a . - I I . !' f ' I llA noxious to sec him look through the keyhole, and I will place him so that you will have full view of hitu." So, next day, Willie nasi I went on tip toe to Shelley's door and pesped through the keyhole. We were so fascinated, alternately watching tho great poet, that we remained there Nome time. At last Byron began to - fidget, and said : I say, Shollsy, I is don't know how It is, but I fool as if Home one was watchlnsr me." Shel- ley niioo. aim po.utu to ns told him what w wore doing, and I VI J 1 ..l.l.J A J . alaaaaaa who wo were, ana also that mamma WOUld not let US mako Ills acquain tante. 1 had no idea,'' said the po- et, I bore such a very ba4 name. I sneuia oe very gmet to Know young people, anu inetr raoiner too if she will permit It" lie men up ana came to waras me aoor we find dawn fho nassflfo. while nu ouauojr diwu -"0- .....J CI,JU I.M.KInn Tk.t - o ' ara aaa aa tika at aaa a ra m rm aar a u a nf am w s-t i rivi Vt aa i"C iit tu auu ia x o rr w. AU the Tear Reund. Shakesneerej never seem, to have in- ntad a name. Among tbe people ven a a livinc in in i 'i.. ..nvA l a .l iiin am. .mi I : c t:i.. l a i . i lu 1 i f.' iM seeing it on nra wnusa na pravoa, ne . , . tj mat w n l. dent, he would himself undertake tarnod to tkroee few faitkfnl friends witk aTiMagft . 3 1.? William -s sducstiou, but mumsnn do- him, snd said prephstioally, I must bs T T'WlT J"? clinad, Hayinc she wss fosrfnl her burDt alive.' Tkeae tkins were axecn H S1 J11 to the sixteenth century werelg'anfy thee, throsgh us stsrnsi nigh I -wa, a -aa .a aV a Yorick, 8'mon Catling, Poins, Bsrdolph and Tvbs fc. The onem of "Mab" ia uncertain, though John aad Iaabel Mabb wero owners of the Fabari Inn, in 1590. Tbe Pittsburg Sunday Leader quotes: Mr. Martin Karg, Silver Creek, M cored a badly wounded herae with Jacobs Oil. NO 42. Tba Episcopal Church. BY IIBV. ROtT. L. STBTKNS. XV. We continue) Eussbius tbe desth of Folycarp. seco'int K if. f B. IV. o. 15.) "At length, sa he advanced, tbe procoaaal asked him whether ke was Pel; carp, sad ke, answering tkst ke waa, he persuaded kirn tj resounce 0k riat, saying, 'flare a regard for year age,' asd adding similar expressions, such aa is usual for them to say, he aaid, "swear by tha geaiaa of Ceeear. Itepent; any, away with those tkst dsny tks Cods. Bat Pelyearp with a coustenanco grave and serious, and contemplating tke whole multitude tkat were codec ted in tho stadium, beckoned with his hand to them, sad with s aigk bs looked op to hosves, and said 'Away with tbe impious.'1 As tho governor, however, continued to urge kirn, and said, 'Swear and I will dismiss you. Revile Christ;' Polycarp replied, 'Eighty aud aix years anas I served him, snd ks never did ms wrong; and kow can I now blaspheme mj King tbat baa saved mel "The governor etill continuing to urge him, and eg is saying," Swear by tbe gsnius ef Caesar, aaid Polycarp, 'If you are so vain aa to think tbat I should swear by the gonial ef Caesar, as ysu say, pretending sot to know who I sm, boar my free confes sion. I am a Christian. Bat if you wish to loam what tbo doctrine of Christianity is. grant mo a dav and listen to me.' Tbe proconsul aaid Persuade tbe poonle.' Pol ream re plM. rj bftT tboagkt proper yon a reaaon: for we have bee. to give been taught to giro magistrates sad powers appoint ed by Gted, tke honor that ia doe to them, a far tu it doee not injure us. but 1 da not consider tbeae tko piepor one before whom I ebould deliver my defence,' "The proconsul said, 'I have wild beasts at band, 1 will caet you lo tbeae enlosa you cbaage your mind. 'He answered. Call them For wo have no reason to repent from tbe bettor to tko worse, but it ia good to change from wickedness to vtitae." He again urged bim. 'I will cause you to be eoaaumed by tire, ahould you despise tke boasts, and not akange your misd.' Pelyearp answered, 4 You threaten fire tbat tarsi for a moment and ia aeon extinguished, for you know nothing of the jadgement to come, aad tbo fire ef eternal puaisa maat reaerred for tbe wioko. But wky do you delay t Bring what yea wish. navta tbeae. and man v other w w f similsr declarations, bo waa filled with confidence and joy, and km countenance warn kriidirna arilK arara ,U., uw qui, wuowuvu uaaiiuajea lb , j . t , . what was said to him. hat on t Km mn. trarv. tba irorsrnnr aatmaliw4 aant the herald to nrotdaisa in tha saiddla tbe stadium, 'Polvoarp eoafeeaea that bo ia a Cbriatian.' When tb ia was da- dared bv the herald, ell tba multitude Oentilee aad Jews dwelling at Smyrna, enod out, Thia is that teacher of Asia, the father of the Chrietisas, the deatrev- er of oar Gode; be that teaches multi tude not to sacrifice, not to worship!' saying this, tkey, cried out, and s a was fal . a st . e e a a aokea rtiiitp, tee Asiarcn. to let loose n lien upon Polycarp. But ke replied, tbat be wa not permitted, aa be had aireaay oompietwu tue exiiieitioa oi tno . I J 1 . I . 1 I -a r . L cbsae In the amphitheatre. Then all cnea out logetner, tnat reiycarpshouiu a - a a a . a a sal bo burnt alive. For it seamed necee-1 j aary that tbs vision wkiek hs saw sa I .... . ... .... hu DlllOW BhOOia DO lulQUod; wDea t.l kawavar with anrb kaaU t Kat t ia were no sooner said than done. The fTrowd haw.var. farihwiik rlltl wood and straw from tke shops snd ionnd it necessary to aend to EagUnd batks, eapoctaliy tke Jowa, as naual, fr bipwnghU ; they were also obltg frsalv offered their eervicoe for tbia 10 m fiwUr for purpose. Bat when tbs pile was pro- aarid, laying aside all his clothes, and loosins bia tirdle. ke attempted also take off bia shoos, which ke bad net boon in the habit of dein before, aa ke always had soma ens ef tha brethren, that were soon ai bis aide, aad rivalled each other in tbeir service te him. For be had alwava been treated with mralptuaej to economize, formed a dab, reaiiect on account of bia exemolarv ifteTan before hie gray hairs. Preeent yth jMtrumente prepared for tke funera pilt wer6 applied to bim. -As thev were also on the poiatof bim with spikes, he aaid: 'Let m, bn thua. Far ke tkat adeem ana BtrtnBtl to th, firfJf win i,. gir . a ... . m . me power, without being secured, you with these spikes, to remain un a, .a il aa Sana .a aa moved on the pile! lhey, therefore, did not nail him, but merely bound aim co t,no sae. ne, i.oamg hands behind htm, and noun to stake as a noble visum selected f tas grsai noca, an ecoepcaeie sasnnoo to Almighty wod, said: father my wen oeiovoa aaa oieasoo oon josus VJariai, torouga wmb wa nava receive tbe knowledge oi moo. The Ged angels and powers, snd all creation, fftU th7fami!r ftkt rirkteeus. . ,. , f th j w - ... 4U.u.Uf prMent dllJ and hour, to have a share whsn an sssnsintanee took occasion to fn f th, mari u . me q( Chritt uaW ih V.,urrIOtion f - , Uf f A got . incarraDtibl. f.iicitr out . . - . . A - , - he I . , ., , . i aa mrtaiviii a inr airni id i air I rih and aceaaUble sacrifice, as than I ' y - o , ' I f-Wkf,, ..ri trna C1A kaafc s - Fre- narod, hast revealed and fulfilled. Wherefore, en tbia acoeuat, and for things I praise thss, I kless thee, rritit josus taris, lay wen erneves loa. Through whom glory he te tkee with kirn in tke Holy Ghost, both now snd forever. Amen.' "After he had repeated Amen, and had fiaisked kis prayer, tks exeem- ! tionera kindled tke fire. And When ins., arose in great flames, we saw a miracle, St. J those sf as who were privileged 1 see it. snd who therefore, were pro lerved AUriRTIRIKO RATI. 1 wk I 1 n. 1 3 a 1 saa 1 loch 1 00 3 00 5 00 W 2 200 SOO 700 1200 3 " 3 00 i 00 1000 ISO" 4 " 4 00 7 00 1250 ISM !9) 600 900 1500 2500 " 7 50 12 00 1800 3000 "M 10 00 15 00 25 00 4000 100 20 00 4000 1,60 00 2. redo 18 00 22 OC 7im 35 00 48 CO 00 08 100 08 nmns 2 cento par line. Regular local tsotleea 10 cents per line. For legal and transient advertleneBl fl OS per square tor the first insertion and 60 cents per square for each subsequent toaertion. to declare tke facts to others. For the fames presented aa appear race like an or en, as when tke sail ef a vessel f tilled with tbe wind; and thus formed o, wall around tke body ef the martyr. And be waa in the saidst no like burn ing flesh , but like geld and silver purifi ed ia tke furaaca. We alee perceived a fragrant odour, like ibe fames of incense, or seme ether precious aro saatic drop. At length the wicked persecutors, seeing tbat the body could not be consumed by fire, command, d the executioner, to draw near to him. and to plunge his sword into hiss; and when ke bad done this, such a quantity ef blood gashed forth that tho fire waa extiaguioked, so tkat tbe whole Multi tude work astoaiebod thai euob a differ ence should be made between tbo un believers aad tbe elect, of whom tl is one, Bisbep of tho Catholic Chareb in Mmyrus, was tbe seeet admirable, apos tolical asd prophetical teacher of our times. For ever word tbst he utter ed, waa either fulfilled or will bo yet fulfilled." We will complete thia extract aoxt week. Tkeoh what appeared to tbe excited imagination of the writer airae- A a a ulous, u called ae by him, it will bo observed that ke serrate nothing which cannot bo explained by tbo or dinary lawa of nature, of which tbe people in tbeae times wars grass ly ignorant. For note first that bj his langaage ke informs us that noth ing remarkable appeared to the multi tude but as ho says only to those privileged to see it. It would appear also that tbe body of tho martyr er identl r fieeby from tbe fact that for a long time be had mot been able to un tie his ahose, would bo very difficult to eenxumo with each hastily gathered fuel straw calhsred from shops snd betbs would probably bo damp and in tbo volume ef amoke created by it. vivid imagination eoald picture what they saw, as man have aeon monsters tn tho clouds, or aa our New England fore fat be ra imagined and believed they saw witch aa riding through the sir. But bow clearly and distinctly do tbo faith and costs tan cy of tbe martyr stand out in tkewbole narratioat Aad when historians, sixteen hundred year after, in their eloaets criticise the learning and capacity of auck men, and try to por aaado Cbriatiaas tbat their opinions aro of little account, aud that their writings show their ignorance, we aro lemxnded tbat tbe gwepel waa firat preached by poor Galilean fishermen, who were aa icca pablo aa their eueeeaaora, ef writing n scientific history end yet whose teach ings away tke world. These martyrs conversed with the Apoetloe and know kew Christ interned kin Church to be governed. 'STOSJCAL. e Cromwell prohibited tbe sale of I iuiww, - I belled ! By a Counsel of Aries, in tko fifth century, suicide waa pranouacad to bo the ffect of dmbolical inaptration. In a reeontlv published letter of afaoauLay, the historian save of Wil- ham Fena : "I think Jfenn a poor, shallow, half-crazy creature. Knights played games in the time of Richard I, end a knowledge ef cards waa deemed an accomplishment iu tbe character ef a bishop. In the reum of Charles U, it mad a crime ta attend a ilisaanliTis- I . l pUot of worahip, and for the third a mM1 mjf tisrht be sen to seed to ,HnaHnrt.t;nB .... fAr .. aindiatorisi gassss are said to have an Etruscaa origin : tkey were intro- Inl752 tko Oevernmont of Spain, I kemg determined to restore tho navy, w 09 f dunuk cmn" " irm Ultt ttB" U "imai BU" neeiersnaaaiw. The modern clubs of London and ether Urge towns aro said to have originated in London after the close of tke Napoleonic wars, about 1115. A number sf half-pay effieors, being com where they could dine together at - expense than tkey eenld separately. Tke Frenek livro np to tke reign of Charlemagne contained exactly a pound ef pare silvsr. Phillip I, dimiaiaked the amount of ailver, and his example wa. an raal.aslr fal la wad tbat at tka tim9 of Rovelotien tke livro con- . . . by tamed less than one seventy-eighth tbe - silver it had in the eleventh esntary. Charles II. the laat ef the Aaatrian dynasty in Spain, was ignorant te a de- nis wnich 8fma mt iaoredlnle. the He did not know the names of tks rom barge towns and previnoes in his domia- ion durinf She war with Frsnso of TObsardte pity England for losing wbich in fact formed part of kis i ovn territorv of aoBBTwao xacbuc ... A Woll-known Illinois farn:sr wss in nbiaaaw at. buiinaas the other dav "Well, Farmer Jones, is the wheat all rumb j, mprinK V f To s, party fair," was the T a.ging reply. tnj -u t r..,u aaa vwtaw tvt nun i I it t Will, 1 SfUSSS SO. "Boll all year pets tees at a big price V "Party big, bat I didn't have many." "Had any too maeb rain ia your all I Hsstr "Gases net" "Well then, I don't see as yon have anything te complain of. I think yon eught to fool like s yeung 0011." "Wall, I snpposo things do look a little bright j aat a little but I don't see any ooeaaion for shooting. Fact ia, twenty-one of my ewes kad single lambs when they might as .well have had twins, and I don't look for much it jf m nalaa An a1 tttia " wa m . in u t wi vttj. ,