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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1882)
ttmmt FRIDAY MAY 20, 1882 i . a. 1 !LS XET TBk FASHIONS. ( . and Hpols t VelleS Jm null. : tlovc and Klioes i Shnrl Drtim i Mttvr ! Mskr- Accessories, A controversy arises as to where dots should cod and be replaced by spots. Great spots an inch in diame ter arc fashionable on dress goods, ribbons, kerchiefs, etc., but because circular in form have been called dots. Such namo is indignantly repudiated by persons of "exact thought, but they fail to draw a line and tell us just where we stand, if perchance, we should have invested in a dotted or spotted dress. I leave you, there fore, dear readers to decide for Your selves, remarking only that dots b- giu from the very small set very close and run in gradations till swallowed up by very largo spots set far apart. They are self colarcd'. or ia contrast?, and what has been said regarding size, holds good in all classes of ma terial ; not excepting tho white mus lins which robedivioiiies in summer Sprigged muslins too abound, and here also are sprigs and sprays both largo and small. Veiled Be.icties. "Veiling" is the leading material where a thin dress that does n jtneed washing is desited. Various names are given "Xun's Veiling," "1W Oriental" 'Wrap Virginie," and such like, but for the most part are dis tinctions without much difference, so fjr convenience sake we call them all "Veilings," Grenadines, buntings, etc, have given away befoe them. They come in all colors and while the dark are chosen for morning wear, or by elderly people, the young people will attend the hotel hops attired in white or light colored veilings where the chosen ornamentation is embroid ery wrought in the piece, either self colored or in contrast. Pretty outfits, too, will be of veiling, made as pola- naises or overdresses, wan bilk orl satis skirts, and hero many a tastefu combinations can be brought about. For mourning, also, what more com fortable than a dres3 of black veiling, soft, light and durable. Summer Loui-ines are in old time checks and ribbons for trimming the bonnet are t match. Chine silks likewise are very stylish but higher priced because ia heavier quality. BttOteM School Misses. are already sending in orders for sup plies of black stockings, slippers and gloves to be worn with thtir white graduating dresses. There is just that flavor fa this lastjeccentricity of fashion which captivates the average boarding school heart, but it is not confined to these young creatures In truth they do but imitate their elders aineo by Iashionist3 of all degregs, a rush is made not only for black, but dark colored stocking?, vrith kid or satin slippers and gloves to match. Piain hosiery leads, although there aro some few stripes and checks. Forthermare, tco, the quire short, Simmer costumes will afford ample opportunity fnr a display of these sin gularly clothed feet, and such circum stance while rejoicing the hearts of many a coquettish young beauty, strikes with dismay the partly dew agers who have lost there symmetry, while, perhaps, retaining a full share of by-goce coquetry. They must needs be somewhat unfashionable for the picture? would, otherwise, prove the ludicrous. Fashion has, for the time, forgotten them, and they, ia return, mast forget or ignore the claims of fashion, for it grows more and more apparent that short costumes fare in an overwhelming ascendancy. Those who dare will wear them shorter than has hitherto been allowable, and those who dare not must do a best they can. Quit important will be the summer sash, for the present is essentially a season of ribbons. Don't, however, tie your sash around vour waist, but drape it below in any way you choose for all ways are riarht. How to Make Summer costumes is so knotty a question that an endeavor to explain would fee to confuse. So much is permitted and we have so great a variety. In this perplexity let me refer you to the illustrations in Lord fc Taylor's Spring Catalogue where you will see everything desirable de picted to you. Besides, there is on all topics of interest not only illustra tions, but w.dl written fashion arti clej telling you so much indeed, that in comparison my letters may seem but im profitable. Having rolled away this burden of care there is room to say a word er two as to ac- cesser le?. It has been predicted that owing to tho great popularity of ja bots, fichus, 1 toss, etf., they would "go out" this summer. On the con trary, we find they have not the least idea of "going," unless it be that they are going to stay. But here, too, the shaping and twisting of lace and kindred materials by skilled hands defies description, so I will again refer you to the above mentioned il lustrations ; taking up, instead, the simpler topic of kerchiefs, which, in large sizes rise to tho dignity of small shawls. Take a square of almost any thing from tweuty-four inches to a yad ; finish with a hem, hem-stitch, embroidery, lace, etc., fold it about cur neek in any way that pleases mt f and you are fashionable. Mull is much used aud bobinot lace as well ; then hero are silken nets, white or black, plain or embroidered ; Span ish net, white or Mac, while surah silk is in regular kerchiefs, bespread with dots or spots, (whichever namo may please you,) er you can buy the silk and make up a kerchief for your self, trimming with lace if you like All these materials can be made into scarfs or bought ready made. LUCY CAUTKU. TUB POP! L.iTtOX OF I tt 44 1. The census returns recently publish ed in Fiance aro well calculated to ar rest attention. During the last five veers the net increase of population hen been only 2nQ,lKH, or L'81,WO less than in the v curs 1871-70. At this rule in another ten venrs erould have wit nessed an actual decrease, and the im portance of the fact mav be acea by re membering that Germany, in spite of emigration, has increased her popula tion bv 2.000,000 since 1876. The r w w The Ftench returns are not leas inter eating when the aggregate figures are analyzed. Of tho total increase, much as 65 per cent was in the popula tion of Paris alone, and the other large towns account for the remainder. If is clear, therefore, that a system f peas an proprietors is not of itself adequate to stem the tide of migration into the cities. Another fact which may be recommended to the study of tho po litical economist is that the greatest decrease in population has occurred in the most prosperous districts, such as Normandy and the valleys of the Gar onne; while on the poor soil of Bretagne and Haute Vienne there has been a slight increase. Agricultural districts have have not generally been taken as instances of places "where weal b r cumulates and men decay." Poll Mall Gazette. $1400 at this fllee be loan at the lowest rates, if cnlled for i-n a litly. Call at once. (lucre a DtreeSsry. Y. P. C. A. Meets at their rooms ia Fos ter's brick budding on Saturday evenings at 7:30 o'clock, and on Sabbath siteruoonsat -L Basiness meetings sre held on the even iiig of the second Monday ia each month. Everybody invited to attend. U. P. Car. Freaching every Sabbath, at 11 a. x., and 7 e. n. by Rev. T, O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Evangelical Ciicrch. Preaching on Sab bfttu at 11 a. ml, and 7 r. M. Sabbath School 12:15. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Y . t . hantner, pastor. CoscBSOATioXALCHrBCH. Servicesevery Sabbath st 11a.m. and 8 r. m. Sabbath School at 2:30. 1'rsver meeting on Thursday evening of each week. f. W. Harris, pastor. M. E. Chtbch, JiorriL Services every Sabbath at St Paul's M. B. Church. South, at 11 A. M. and 7j ?. M. Sabbath School at 12 T. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evenng. MLX Miller, pastor. M. E. CnccrM. rreachine even' Sabbath at 11 a. x. and 7 J r. . Song servios in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School it 2.30 t. u. Prayer meeting every Tbnrs- lay evening. 1. Dulun, pastor. rBE3srrKEHf LHf hen. .Service rvery Sabbath morning and evening in College ChapcL Sunday School immediately rf ter the morning service. Prayer moating every 1 hursday evemug. Kev. Isaac II. ConUit pastor. Episcopal Curat h. Services every Sun day, morning at 11 a. ra., evening at 7$ p. m. Holy communion eyery Sunday morn ing at 0-45 a. ra. Wednesday 7.30 p. m. Eobt. L Stevens, pastor. DEMOCRATK;" PLATFORM. The IwmdcraUc tarty of the SlaU a Or jon, in convention asetubU-i, cognizant of tbelmrsrrlaitl con TJer.c 4 r lii; upon its deliberation'., ami af- fimtinz the jrinciptes of popular liberty aj.d rights laid down by the founders uf this G cran.eut, do declare as follows : 1. That we favor honesty, efficiency and economy in every department of the Government, both Suie and Federal. 2. That we Uror the -,uai protection of the right of labor and capital under fast laws. 3. That while we rcoguiie and respect the lira! hUe rights of railroad enterprise, we demand our L?is!atiire, State and Federal, enact such laws regu latin the same, as may b necessary to pretest uit- ju-t d:srriiriiraUoO towards, and oppression of ths peo 4. That we denounce ths present tariff system aa elass ic-gUiauon, lavoramc u tiie lew and oppressive of the many, and we therefore demand as tin mediate revision thereof. A reduction of all Import dntiea to a strictly revenue standard, and that the free list be so enlarge I as to include ail articles of mechanical, agri cultural and domestic use among the people, ss far a the needed revenues of the Government will permit- 5. That the President's veto of the Chinese immi gration Mil is s public misfortune, ft sets the degrad ing; mark of competition with the coolies of China up on the labor of the workingmen of America and it treats with contemptuous ui regard ths nnsnlssoos protests and appeals of the entire Pacific coast. In behalf of the people of Oregon, we disapprove and con demn it, and we declare it to be the duty of every eit izen, regardless of party, to express his disapproval with bis vote as well as with his voice. 9. That the assassination of President Garfield was a national calamnity, to be regretted by every law abiding citizen, and that said assassination was the re sult of the pernicious system of the Republican party in applying ths spoils system to every branch of the civil service of our Government. 7. W believe that polygamy is a crime punishable by law, and that its existence should be made odious and impossible. 8. That we are in favor of the repeal of the naviga tion law and the removal of the duties on all mater ials that enter into the construction of vessels, so that American produce can be carried in American bottoms, and the American people be able to enter into compe tition lor the carrying trade of the world. O. That we regard the improvement of the Colum bia River and its tributaries, the Ysquina and Coos Bays the Ifarbor of Kef uge at Port Orford, the Co quilie Kiver, the const ructioncof the Ixxrk at the Cas cades and theThe Dalles of the Columbia River.and the improvement of other harbors ai.d rivers of our State as e ssential to the prosperity of it people, and we de mand of our Senators and Representative in Congress their best endeavors to secure liberal appropriations and favorable legislation therefor, by the General Gov ernment, to the ead that the whole of Oregon may shire in the certain benefit arising from competition in transportation. 10. That we favor the maintai nance of the public schools, the hope arid pride of a free State, and we de mand such ways and means as will contribute to the increase of funds for that purpose. 11. Ttu.t we favor he taxation of all mortgages in the county where the same are recorded. 12. We assert that it is the duty of the Legislature to enact such law as will make the compensation of clerks and sheriffs of every county in this State com mensurate with the service performed. 13. We denounce any organization or legislation that would proscribe any citizen of th's State on ac count of religion or nationality. Pine Trotting Stallion Edward Everett. Will make the season of 1882 at Lebanon, ao(rRidge,She dd Station and Peoria. Mondays at Shedd, Tuesdays and Wed nesdays at Jas Garrett's, Peoria ; Thursdays at home, Sand Ridge ; Fridays and Satur days, at Lebanon. Season to commence, April 1st, ending July 1st. Edward Everett is six years old, of a leautiful dapple bay with black points, good disposition, 10 i hands high and weighs 1350 pounds, was awarded first premium at Linn Co. fair in 18S1 for best stallion of all works. Pedigree Fdward Everett was sired by JohnCrawfoad's Put Smith, be by Pathfinder, dam by Comet ; Edward Everett's dam was by Vermont. Terms;- -Season, $12 ; payable at end of season or secured by approved note. Insur ances, 1G, payable when mare is known to be in foal. Any party selling or other wise disposing of his mare is held responsi ble for service. Dae cars will be taken to prevent accidents, bnt no liability assumed. 3 6 m 2. . McKnioht Bros. NEW STORE. $36,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPENINC ONE OF THE LARCEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ( ) EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN ALBANY. DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, INCLUDING All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc A GREAT MANY OF OUR COODS WERE PURCHASED IN NEW YORK, CON SEQUENTLY THEY ARE OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS HOT A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT OF DATE. - PERSONS RESIDING AT A DISTANCE CAN HAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS COODS AND TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OF EXPENSE. THE CLOTHING IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF COODS EVER BROUCHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES THAT Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere. WE ALSO A Fall Line of BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS. WE SHALL ONE PRICE kc- WE INVITE ALL TO COME AND SEE US. WE HAVE COODS THAt WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW IT. WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS AN Y ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO CI VE US A CALL, AND WHEN YOU DO SOREMEM BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS-THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME ANO PLACE. ALLEN 57 FIRST STREET, BURKHART BLOCK, ALBANY. NEW GOODS. OF NEW GOODS. MARTIN DEPARTMENT KEEP HAVE BUT FOR ALL. & MARTIN, Edes & Adams Woven Wire Beds. fhtff nro light, est, durable ana c un I any ano who has urod thorn will havo no otbnr around. I'.y pormlM- slon wo rotor to f lie following named oltlxon cf Albany who havo used ttsMt bods : KF Sox Oto w Totmg doh n Rogers A K RalnwaUir A Dookard L II Moutanyo Ham AUb'iiiHo W m A Cox Chan Pnefler Rev I nillion Jon Webber !cwl Stlnnron. ThflftO beds can bo fnind at Jeo P Hluipson'a at Albany. Jlo auro to call and ion them If you want anything In that Htm. .. H. WAV, Annul. ItaJ FKKI) WILLHItT, CARRIAGE AND WVCON MANUFACTURER, Corner Horoud and rory fin, Albany,r Is proparod to manufacture carriage. and wagon at iliorl uotlcn anil or luo vury n kmt nt;n-:itit!.. IIo make ttin premium carriages ant buggies of tho State. LIRPAIRIKG AND JOB WORM donn at ahorteil nolico and in tho moat SKILLFUL MANNER. Ill work ami material In warranted to bo flrat-claM. Mtf To the Sick and Afflicted ! AND Kil'KCIAIXY Those SntTfring from NMtity, YrvouH Trostration, Los of Vitality, Sexnnl, Ktr., Etc. -o ri.m uucAT m:ki tiiosk tiwr. h. t- frusn kE.l At. AMI M. oMJ'i.AI-. ! ies Blctssi hJ os erjtuj'ftheiui sfnilv trcst ili.rn MT la B"l utt te'i'.lf sLille1 bta 1" 'U r, sifl It lmt wtKj by Jitrstii ii. ti rv fS iWUI'il(bll UUU'J, 1 tlinr ittiwiit klMl Tt"B-' "si Ktf in l!.. : Uu. t laftta Um s)erii lice. Uk'iukI lUM Hat J. io; ,. OessssJ nw wis'rall 1'ittltttto In In'o (it tnttmm of s1uft:tis sfnil 1Kb rteiilj of imnorsb! ! ki il-.l lrrtiucnl sn l rilrt sul nuini rtif sU"ti, si..l t .r- .'. i... u.isIikkI lit Or.i rsnk S"t tl ti-4i tin. t 'jsst but Uu.i(-Irt.t () i-tHlitl rl.1 I sin tht li) tIervildiK uMt m UnUirlUiitr. SssJSCl ss tho ilecs) "f rul i,T the i.'i rstil susy win my nvtltc but lbs ilssir. to luLiitu l)i'M ml. ij ke suflsrl'l. I'.luu!i lfi'.f lM.e, '.. who 1 irrlmitM-ss ff sflt uf knowlr!; that . eur can las h4, are avH SiIjr UnttfU'i i a i,, 9i v ii a ! t.-i jf! J". all Inlistaai tsjieiU k ) ll)lllllll'. II ) sr iaiSiMir ffm nix Ut lot, run. uuim, saAfaaa&a. c- nfttsbm . f i i- i :.t !. - aixlrr ri'Kiaral, tsrtabiu tav, tr.iob ii. (eklel la 1 1. jo, fltisbea, AciaT If ymj Ka t t lindl mr I f abuse cim in Uls sti.-fcVuaS art ulsr ) uu sr auSsr ln fi- in Ui Urratl l-nrsny uf Uusnaa tlfc. Anl boii'il ii..l hcslUU Uj w k St ..t: bsaHb iJ BSSSJSaS 1A S rirr. (i'sn t.i AiusTr.r.n i kj-.i uuiu:hti. fiMm LTTios ;,Y on irriicttn in: srer. Ksrlitsltrtjf tr;clallr RrfMftllrs I nl O m LSDIlt i a- esVaBSssBl !. -. . tSsMsSJ lf i;u ncni'Ui f 'i!''. i All v .'ir ifitUar c.itn 4s!nt At iisrtuus In their ryiit aiulli. j'.ur uflcrjif sr trrlblt Jt ia.u.. nr n.. .fr.i , ksrn. The tMrt'ir In his rvaeevln. ar.J .racti- ui Sermil tr Ui'lcs b . hi i.'in.;.! ii a I- iai an I U thus Ttisl..a-I front bi Sfi StkCis sod ke...i.lje l.. aij an-l SWS In any the troul'I-. un4, iUrtmai. SJSJ .uflcriofs U b b S art you sr ...L.. CaTYuu aiH Sif la tio fvcl.,r s frU-ml nj-m h'ifn )sj ran rr4) !r c-itjj. rt, sUl sjhI cuo lr Irnslr KrtnrUIr h.c Uitiel s rtHjtsU.S f 'T cSl icntry uncqtsstnl by snv tnetllitiw. or SBCUral 31I'tk..u er uttrtvi Thc 4i. ha sent by wait or eSfsTSSS. Those pnaonsl rars ai d sltpntUtn sn hsvs sit uteessarjr scci.uc'Kiu.i. lumUhaxl. - O- Lrllrra. Thrtar mho can not tisU the city ran b fOin tttctr s mi.i.nn In on , rtxxl slvh, sii.1 when sMstrml, lesstuKiii si bw with siy as. sunuire of a urr LCTTKR RKTt KXKD on DUfMlllJk JsMptSBi tir J. t . lsl ti, Mr.llrnl In.lllUlr. n... 1 asset. Un at f-ai. IVali. I'. I- lv..-. BEE HIVES FOR SALE. I haro about ono-hundred of tbo u bratarT 1 jtiiKntroih Ik-o Hive fur sale cheap and also bavo some of the Italian I which I will (Hftpono of mi easy terms. Itoth hivcn and boos will he sold for )e than cot. W. IhiHitit TT Strayed. A 1 yoar old Iron ray flllcy, with pot In forehead, with tail cvt off ininar jimt above tho bocks ; branden II. E. on the shoulder. A liberal rewtirtl will be paM for Information of tho wheraboutit of tho same, W. 0. Wkhtlikk, Albany, S TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RE8TORED. A Tlotim of youthful impmdenoe cs using Prems rnre Decsy, Nervous DebUiry, Lost Manhood, etc., fitting tried in vsln erery known remedy, has dls corered s eimpsa self cure, which ho will BSSd KUKK to bis feUuw-suffnrers. address J. II. REEVES, 43 L'hatliam m . Y. HEALTH. ' OISEABK. I Ulrhan's Gulden Itnlsam o I. t'urtsi clisiK'ors, Dr.t ssd tocond stages ; Mores on ths Aign and llody ; Syphilitic Caturrsh, dts essed Scsip, anil all primary f.irtus of the dlseuse. Price, a&.ou i .. r Ilottlo. Le Rlchaa'a Cloidrn Balsam Ssm 3. Curos Tertiary, ilurciirial, 8j philllic lthcuinatisin, PSins in the lloties, t; Iterated Throat, Syphilitic Itash, I.uniis, etc., and eradicates all diseases from the lysteni, whether caused liy had treat ment or abuse of morcui-y, lesvintr the blood pure and healthy. l'rie.96,0u per Bottle. I.c Rlchnn's ;ililn Spnnlsk Antlnnfc for the euro of Uoiiorrhum, (lleet, etc. Price, .-v ;.o pci liottle. Le Klchau's floldeu Spanish Injection, s wash for cure of Uleet, strictures, Liisease of the Urethra and llladdur, etc. Price, S1.&0 per Bottle. I Rlchau's Clolden Ointment for the effective hosling of (Syphilitic Horea and Ki up lions. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. Also Agents for Le Rlchnu'n 4.slden rills, for weaknetw, loss of physical power, and all diseases urisng from abuse and excess or over-work. Pduo. U,00 por Box. Sent evsrywhere, C. O. D., securely packed po Express. C. r. EICHAHDS t t o. Agents, 427 a 420 Sansomo street, Corner Clay, San Francisco, Csl. NEW PISH MARKET. Ou cornor opposite Senders &, Sternberg. Will keen constantly on hsiid all kinds of fresh and salt fish and oysters that tno market aflords. m 500 ,1s mm - sni mm as GREAT INDUCEMENT! MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON ! Cireat KceliK ions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of the way for the Golden time coming'. e EVEBYBOnif ltlTY OF O. IS. 3ME ONT AKD 3rjvicniri303D"5r U0FF.HA PROPRIETOR OF ALBANY SODA WORKS. -AN I DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Groceries, Provisions, Candies. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, ... Oregon. OSiK IXXHl 11KIW JOUN KiaOfiiT STORE. J0y'. AT TIIK .VIAND. Ti FIRST HTRKEr. If Aft ON JAND H FINE an ASSORTMENT oy COOK, BOX AND PARIaOR STOVES AND KAVCKS lv any Ittvuiic In the aIlc-3. lie a no Imports and manufacture Til, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE or rvn;Y i-iM i'.n n j:, k or to order, aixj, he keeps osi HAND, A PULL ASSORTMENT OP QBNUIfIC GRAMITE IRON WARE. AM. OP WHICH 11 y. t ; KiiS TO TDK PUBLIC AT PRICBR, THAT DEFV OCsMFssXTllOM. CALL AT 71 FIRST STREET, eALBA NY, oRKOON. Ilop;iir vcrk done at reasonable figures. lSn2S - ? fi-t i-w aa . i. t-ai j . .4 t. . .. nv ROStsI NCv '.r.fia AND PlVfUD XVZT1X COX53IXATIorc Ml CTACaUCfl. they will corr.ncT A!0 p3Cs:kve thc sicmt. PEDLURSCANNOT OCT THESE COODa FOB Sat :. OVIT McCOY tSc ELLERT, DRUGGISTS and CHEMISTS. ) DEALERS DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, ETC rompleale stock of Paints, OI a, Glass, also a full line of Stationery. Sole the celebrated machine oil Skidgate.- Kromaii's Block, Albany. Oregon. PliyskiAhs Preserintl ms aapet-ialty.and none but tbe purestand frehei-t dnna in tvmiiouuding them, at Reasonable prices. MONEY I ain now better prepared than ever before to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Gey were loaning money and I can ctain loans on mo e libeal terms than over. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. OLAIB H. STEWART. YIEG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY ! Does the best washing and ironing In Al bany at lowest rates. Contracts made for Chinese labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable' 10:36tf NEW YORK SHOPPING ! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please her customers. Now Fall Circular just Issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, 15:7tf 877 Broadway, New York. 13 tho TIMH TO BUY I - goes w-y & JOSEPH, Ss 3VT A.BQ1V TO LdAN NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. H. SURLES, Prop'r. A and GOOD SEA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each shave. Prices for shavimr hair-cutting same as usual. Rooms opposite Mollwadn's store. lOtf ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OK. Th TbirdTerm will open on Wednes day, February 1st, 1882. For psitbuiars concerning tbe courses of study the price of tuition, apply to KKY. IXBEIIT V. o.NDlT, President. FARMS FOR SALE -BY- CLAIB H.STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following Ih a partial list : 170 acres ne and a half miles west of Tangent, Oref(on,and 0 mile from Albany. 85 aTea in cultivation ; 40 acre more can be put in cultivation easily; balance good timber and pasture land. Soil, rich i'.t V prairie. (irod house and bam, good board ience, all in good repair ; young orchard of 100 tree; good wod and running stream for stock ; good school, -church and poat odice ; good neighborhood and good xrH oty. Terms 30 per acre : $i,000 down, rest on easy tonus. 280 aero on Narrow Osuge road.l I mile from Albany and roilos from .v;io. tud 7' rnilcM from J iTi rvjn. 12.1 frm i farming land, 75 acres In cultivation; re mainder In timer and brush; house IMxt, with 10 foot wa!U, ell 10x28 ; good barn 22x31 wi th 11 foot hed on one side; u; fences ami water. Terms $3j00.esii down If ioasiblc. Rather ttan net sell will take $'4)0 down, and txdanco on 2 to 3 y irs lime, sof-Tircd by mortgage. 100 screw of a mile west of Afbsuy; 100 acres in cultivation rnd 0a acres oak and aah liniler,LOod wool land; all under f.-ti'-e, board and railaome gntxl and Vm bal ; atiout 7 a'-re in orchard, apples, mostly pears; g'Kd soli; 20 bushels wheat 1er av:reou average; good two-storvrame iousc, plastered, o rooms, built in J,73, and cost 'l 0 r, good iar n. 2)x46 tnl . wq sheds "ell arranged for farm pfirposes. Tonus, 9&000, 2 years time on SoOOO. IM acres VA miles went of Tangent; '00 acres in cultivation; all new land. SlkSsl and in good older; good two story houie, . room, nearly new and in good condi tion; gorxl new barn 30x30; floe young on hard. DO plum and prone trees, fair apple orchard; fences in good order; plen ty running witter; 20 acres of good timber; rich, black soil anl very productive. Price yt cath and balance on fme. 100 acres one and a ball miles northeast of Albany; 1& acres in wheat, res in lair average; woodland; good land; ncu!y fenced. Price $J5 acre; terms easy. S00 acres 1 mile southeast ol Soda Springs; fair farming; amall house; O0 acr-s fence! . Will be sola in small tracts or all together: good school, church and posv office at Sodaville, also the S'xla flnitsiss Price 5 per acre; easy terms. 103 screw lying 3 milea above IehanoQ on the iAbanon Mountain road. No Um oes or improvements. 15 or 39 acres tim ber, balance rich prairie land. Pr:ce ?13 per acre. AO acres miles above Onealfa. on Ys quina Itay. known as the old shit i 844. D tisvt a splendid froaUge oc the Dsy, sod vti 1 t sold st 11 per acre. 107 acres lying below and within i mites of Ijebaurm. all under fence, zr acree io cultivaiion, and tbe remainder lain timber and bru.h. Box house, -3 story, 2 rooms below and one above iUru, not very good. Good well ; emsll orchard. Cnsj fences to the smouni of 0000 rails uUicicnt cord wood can be cut and floated to Albaa? from this pface by only a few laborers to pay for it in two years. Only X mile from canal. Possess ion given by tbe lith of October '1 ne land Is rich and will turn out wheat 40 and SO bushela to tbe acre. 1 1 1 acres, lylug G milea doe east of Hxr rlsbnrg. A good one storied box house, 2 rooms. Barn, 20x22. The lend laas heietofore been used as a pasture, but ran all be pet into cultivation. No grubbing required. SM miles from school. Terms f 10 per acre. J.eash down, balance ai rs ost any length of time sot urtd by rurt Rae ;oo acres, lying wi;! to mile of Mon roe, it. BenPiu county. A J." under fence and divided into five fis!da. Ad eood farm land and half la grain. Or. I bouse and barn, si lundid water and a fine m ch ard. It is csv) of the best farms in 'bat section of tbe valley. Price S2a per sere fiouo or $1509 down and balance on time 202VS acres lying 3 milea xtorth-esM of Uamsburg ani 1 mile east of Muddy Sla'.ion all under fence; ?N acres in cu'tt vatioa, balance in pasture, but mX of rt can be put in cultivation. !S atmy boose, barn. Rood water, etc, 1 mile to schoci. Price liOOO, 123 acres lying 6 miles south of Albany and 2 miles from Tangent- Si acres in cultivation and ad under fence, 25 acres more can be put into cultivation by out lay of 1 100. licuae, bam, splendid water. A Guo young orchard. Price, 830 per 483 acres in Center Praia ct 3 miles from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acne In cultivation. Good l j story house. wcc"l bouse, barn, and fine orcbsrd. and splendid All under water fence. Price $15 per acre. 340 acres U ing about 20 miles south - eat of Albanv. All under fence, MU-11 orchard, no buildings. 50 acres has been cultivated, but it ia all now used as pas tore. Price $10 per acre. 21 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence. 100 acres in cultivation. I.arge bi story frame house, good barn, seversl outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, S20 per acre. 125 acres, lying 4 miles north of Albany. 100 under fence and in cultivation. Fair house, good barn and good water. Land raises from 2.' to .10 bushels of wheat tr acre. Price, 3.50u. Y. UI take S1500 down, and oalance on time. Qrin acres of land in Marion cou: .;. yUfj Hi miles from Buena Vista aud seven miles from JelTeraon. SO acres in cultivation and balance iu light brush and limber. House, barn and frood orcbsrd. Flouring mid within 2 miles. Enough wood can be sold at the pottery works au Huena Vista to pay for the farm. CsJi on C. II -Sti.wak--, t Albany. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. KM) acres Utf miles north ofllalscv, all under fence; l!s story box house painted, on the larai. good barn and several other out buildings, go d waier. the finest orchard iu the county, $410 worth f fruit sold from it last year. It contain I' kinds of pears, all kinds of apples, a splendid and large assortment of small fn..i:s and borriea. The Champion Fruit Dyner is on the place. 100 acres uf the f.trai i under cultivation, balance pasture. Will sell sell for S3o00 clear, and can give time on 81 500. Possession this lall or will sell crop cheap. Failing health is the cause of selling. A hotter bargain has not yet been cflored. C. C CHEKRT. C.B.rAKKK ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTEsTMS MDK O SHOUT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry fe White Grain Separator. shop en Baker St.-Office a LumWr Yard. Albany, Gr., Dec 1, 1880. 18if V - i" W)A I x:r day at heme. Simples worth UVi sjP"5 free. Ad re Ktuhos A d Portlsud, Maine. $yy A WEEK. $12 a day st home easily uuwle. i U Costly OuUlt free. Address Tst s a C ... Augusts, Mai ne. 6f srek in yrur own town. Terms an O u tnce. AddiefsH. Uuinr i C.P nd, Mvne.