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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1882)
r STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT AirvzftTisixe aarza. Twk" In. la Cm ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY State tights 1 Inch 1 00 3 00 6 00 1 80 2 " 2 00 5 00 7 00 1100 3 " 3 00 6 00 1000 1500 4 " 4 00 7 00 1260 1800 1 Cl 8 00 9 00 1500 2500 h " ISO 1200 1800 3000 "U 1000 1500 2600 4000 1 " 15 00 2000 4000 8000 ""TToo 18Q0 22 Ot 27 08 35 80 48 CO 60 (S3 100(0 i -ST C I A I H H. STEWAHT. Ut'M t OFFICE-la BfMMntt Bnlldlngea ttrondalMa Street. TCRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION iic njr. par year 00 iiycw eopy, six laonui VJJ Ingle oopy, three mouths 1 J tBltl number npewjiati OusintnM noticen umns 2 cents per Una. notices 10 cents per line. in Regular local VOL. XVII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1882. NO 44. For legal snd transient advertisements 11 00 per square for the first insertion and M cents por square for each subsequent Insertion. LoeaTrai. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U FLN. Q. X. CHAMBKRLACI. FLIXN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. sTOtnee in Footer's Brick Block.- vlSulStf. R. a. 8TRAHAM. I BILTKU. ST HAH AN & RIL.YEU. ATTORNEYS & COMSELORS AT LAW Albany. Oregon. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF 7 this State. They jjlve special alien tion to collection and probate matter. Office in Foster' new brick. Mtf L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregnn. Office upstairs, over John BrigfTV store, 1st street. v!4n2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, Al.SWY. OUl.t.OV. iriLL PRACTICE IX ALL Til K COURTS OF THK f State. Siieoal atteaUou givvu to cuilectkMis and probate matter. A"Omc in Odd FHsvra Trmple. 14:? J. C. POWELL. W. R. BILYKU POWELL & BILYfiU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. - - ORlJUON. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. fisTOffice in Poster's Brkk.-S vl4nl9if. T. P. HACKL.EMAIY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBAXY. OXtCOV arotnce up ataira in the Odd Fellow's emple.l v!3n50 F. M. NftLLER, TTORNEY AT UW LEBANON OREGON. Vf ill practice In all the court of the State. Prompt attention Clvn to collections, con veyances aud examination of Title. Prolatc basineas a speciality. vlgnaaf. J. A. YA.Vri, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVALLX3, OSESON. eVlll practice in all the Cwrti CrOOce in the Court Hmw " vitmarrL GEORGE W. BARN EM. ATTORNEY AT LAW -ANI- Notary Public, PBiVKtiLtr, eua. Collections promptly made on ail points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBtY, OREGON W 'ILL practice in all courts of the State, and eive speHal atVntion to collections. Office in O'Toele's Block. E. R. SKIPWORTH, irrOEF.V A M 01 XFLOC AT LAW AD NOTARY PIRUt. w ILL practice in all courts of the State .'.il business Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. OJire in O'Toole't Block, DroadaHin Street, 45yl Albany, Orejon. E. G. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office la Froman's Brica, two Eaat of Conner's Bank. doors ulO LEWIS STIMSOH'S LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine horees, aeod feed, accommodating proprietors aud rea dable charges. Give thorn a caw iblt.a near Revere House. 6yl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. jlZZUfHA E. W. LANGDQK & CO,, DRVGGISTII. Books. StaHonery and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Iw Prices. CITY DBUG STORE, 2yl ALB&MT.'OREttOX. FOSHAY & MASON, WBOUCLALB ASP RKT4.1L Druggists and Booksellers, ALB4XV, OBEGOX. vl6n41tf REVERE HOUSE, Corner, first aad Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Holel is fitted up in first class style. Tables supplied with tbe best the market affords. Spring Ikds in every Boom. A good Sample Koom for Com mer;ial Travelers. gan'rue Coaen to and from the Hofel.TRa J. W. BENTLEY, Oastom Boot & Shoe Maker. O OOTS AND. SHOES made to order, L3 and repairing done wibu neatness and diepatcb, and at low prices. Call and se him. First Strtet, Albany. 41yl Aloany Bath Housa. THE UNDBBSIGNED WOULD BESPEC1 fnlly iaforrathe citizens of Albany and vi einity that I have taken charge of this Establish msnt,and,by keeping clean rooms and payis strict attention to business, expects to suit al those who may favor us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair 'Dressing Saloons, expct to give entire eatisfaorion to al sy Child tea and Ladles' Hair neatly ea shampooed. OS WEBBEB. W. H. GOLTRA DBAXJBR IN Farm Machinery, WAGONS, NACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, HAY PRESSES. STEEL GOODS JAMES to ANNALS, ru r; f AMD PSAUtB tX FURNITURE I BEBOINC. t'oraer Perry aad Second HtrcrU. ALBANY, OREGON. i lyl Has been in constant nae by the public for orer twenty years, and Is the best preparation ever In rented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR A'D The 8tate Assam and Chemist of Mass. and leading endorse and LIVE. It supplies the natural food and color to the hair glands without staining the skin. It will Increase and thicken the growth of the hair, pre Tent Its blanching ratlins off. and thus AVERT BALDNESS. s Tccom- ' mend it It enres Itching. Erup tions and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING It Is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps tha head as a triumph in medi cine. clean, sweet aad healthy. WHISKERS will change the beard to a UKOWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation it Is easily applied, and produces a permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, H. H. Sold by all Dei en In Medicine. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUREJUARAHTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT meut, a specific for listeria, bizzineea, Coa vali(m, Nrrvou IIa4a:be, Mental iMprcaaion ljam of Metuorr, Hiernitoriirea. Impotvtir- In voluntary eniinatone, premature eld aff, eauaed over-exertion. elf-KbiiM or over-indulirence, whic! lead to misery, decay arid death. One box will cure recent Ulnecs. Each txx contalna one months treatment : one dollar a box, or aix boxae for flea IolUn: sent by mail prepaid on rex-ipt ! price We iruarantee kix boxes to core any case. Wltn each order received by u for ix boxes, actempanied with five dollars, we will aesd the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treat' merit does not effect a cure. Guarantees leaued only by V.'OODARD, CLARKE A CO , Wholesale and Retail Dragxista, Portland, Oregon Orders by mail at regular prices. Dr. SPIMEI, NO. 11 KEARNY ST. Treats all Abrenle aad ;petal Ptaeaaea. YOTJINxi MEN WHO HAT RE aTFFEBIXG I'BOM THP. effete of youthful tollies or huiscretion, will do well to avail Uiemselves of this, thegroatost lxxin ever laid at Uie altar of suffering humanity. DR. 8PINNKY will guarantee to forfeit ftoOOfor every case Hewinaie weakness or private disease of any kind or esrseteff which he undertakes and failg to euro. 3f IDHLE-ACEB HEJf. There are many at the age of thirtT-flv;to six ty who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight sniarting or burnltig sensation, snd a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining tha urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found tad sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, ,r the color will be of a thin milkwh hue, again chang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty Ignorant of the oauao, which is the second staire of seminal weakness. Dr. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Orncs Hocus 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation free. Thorough erminauer aad advice, $&. For private diseases of short standing a full course of medicine sufficient for a cure, with all InstrucUbns, wi'I be sent to any addrtsj oa receipt of $10 00. Call and address, 1S. fcPISKEY A CO., 7 112 No. 11 Rcarny gt. Ban Francisco, Osl To the Unfortunate! DE- GIBBON'S Dispensary. ?OQ KEAKXY 8X,, ) &t corn.;' of Comtntr cial Street, Han Francisco. Established is 1854. for ths treatment of bexual and Seminal Diseases, such as doBorrtara, Cli-rt, itrlture,8yphlllsln aB its forms. Inipoteaev suais.t walnN.. niL'bt losses bydrtanis, pirn plea on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveles extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, ontainiiijr a great deal of valuable miormar tion, which lis iseompetent to impart to those in naed of his services. DH. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance MAY, BE (IKED AT HOME. All communications strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor, aend ton dollars for a package of. medicine. Persous writing to the Doctor will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. V. GIBBON, Box 1857, San Francisco. vl5n3 li. mwm Mr .eases. i N E R V I N E SAMABITAJNT NERVINE. SAMARITAN NERVINE I'urea EpiU'plir Kits. KiiaaiiM. Contulaiuiis, St. VKus lUuce, Vlrtigti. llystcrtee. Insanity, Aa'lexy. IWaly sis, Hneumatom, NurlgU and ell Nervous iHi in Thu inCalUble rniMKly will paaltivsly eradicate every i . r. of Nerxous iHrraiiKsnicnl. and drio Ibuiu away from whence they came, aar Ui return aala It ul'eih iWlroys the terms f SssSSSS by neuUalix Ing the brreditafy taint ur jvilson in the systam. atnl thoroughly craillcaUs the disease, and utterly ds strots the causa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Kemalv Wpaltness, Oeneral Itoblllly. Leaenr ch ra orWhilwL I'alufui Si. i.slruali. n. 1 Uvrli..n ..f ti.v 1 I w, liitcnuu llual, (ravsl, luOammaUon of ths bladder. Irritability of the Itladder. Kor M k. fulness at Mghl, ih rc Is no better remedy Iurur the change ol I Ic no lemale should be vrillmul it. It uulcU the Nervous SasUUi si.d ijUrs t, .rl aud ualun swesl sJtoo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Curre UeShSSBSa. Urunhermei and Uie haliil of opium EaUug. 1'twsw ilrgraditig habits are by far the worst stit that ha c ever b4sllen suffcrlag tiLiiilti. niouaJnls die annually from lhe rtoxW-us drugs. Ths drunkard arlnkv 4iia-r i...t be cause be Ilka It, buefor lbs daaure of drinking and treating his friends ; little Ihii king that Urn is mi his road t rum. Ukc the ot..uiu Cater, he first uase the drug In small qsaoUUe as aharmlcu, antidote. The soothing iiiflueiwe of the drug tak' strutig hold Uan tte Vw.tiU, leading him on hiaoan ilcstlucUoO. rnc tiablta ( Mptum haling aiil UtqU' 1'uukiiig ai ' prectsoly what eating is t aJimenliveneM as over eating first tnflantes the st ittiacb, sbiih ruduubtce lis -rsviugs until it ral;xea both the sUitnach and a)wtit. S-iever) drink ut lujuor or dwe - f ouin. tiuU-ad of atiafltig. ooly adds U its rjcro fcree. Until it consumes the vital fur ue and then 1 lac it UaaUie gluttonous tape-aorm, il cries "Olve, give, glee r but never enough until it jwii raa-rty di r.r iwir 5ai:.Mtn .Scum. g.r ibstsnt relief in ail eueh sea. It produces sleep, uutets I lie utrvrs, up the nervous svststn, and restores body ai.d m.r;..l Ui a healthy condition- SAMARITAN NERVINE Cursw Narvoov Iryapetsua. faliSUtiuM of the Heart, Asthma, llroi.. inUs. m-roful", Sphli. diemee or tUe kidneys and all diseases of the nr.. iv ..t .-... Set vous debthty, caused by the tnd-scrUot.s of youth, permaneuUy cured by the u of this invalusble rceardy. To iou. on;, middls aged snd oldtpeti, bo are covering your sufferings aa et'h a ravtie bj silence, look up, you can be saved by tiruelt rfiorla, and make ornament f suorty, and Jewess U the rrown of your Maker, if you wiU. lio not keep tfta a er-rv I kiSteg. tttiUt It SSp yoOf VtleiS, and destr.y both body aud Soul. U you are thus afllu-ted, lake Om. Ricti soap's Samarttan Nervine. It wiU restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, imparl tone and energy to tha a bote system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Mrcl mv liul Ari of Ste. She dumb, but it cured her. Sbe can no talk and bear as well aaaatsudy. IweSf Kuas, Mprihgwatsr, Wia. MANABITAS NERVIXK lias been Ui mean, of curing my wife of rhCttrr.altani J. b. KlcUhcr, i .(.(.:..., i i MAM AltlTA. KHVI.E U-ili. sure cure of a icaae of fl 's for my son. K. It. ItalU. MtaUavtlla, Kan. H k H A II IT A 9 X Lit INK Curwl me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick bcai'a. be Mrs. Mm. Ileiuon, Aurora, III. MA11A.K1TA NLIt IM. Was the means of curing my wife of spasms. Kev. J. A. aaie. Ihaver, l a. H V ! A It I I . Klt IM Cured me of aihma, after spending oyer 13.000 with Other doctors. 8. h. Ilokssin, Near Albany, Ir.d, Hn Altl I A M KV1VK ttf'.-etually cured me of spasm. Miss Jennie H'arrcn, 740 West Van Uur.n St. I..- l. S M V It II AN M K INK ' jr. .1 .nr child f fit after given up to die by or.r taooly 'ii;. a.cian, it having over 100 iu 21 hours. Menry Kuee, Vcrvilla, Warren Co., Tenn. HAH A HI TAP, NEBVI1VE Cured me of scn.f ula after suffering for eight years Albert Simpson, I'eorte, 111. MAM A RITA!, HEBVIHE Cured niy son of fits, after span ling $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thornton, Claiborn, Mies. KAHARITAN MEBVISE Cured me pennanentty of eeiteptic fits of a stubbarn cliaractcr. Rev . Win. Martin, Mechaiiiceto. n, Md. MA5I AHITA ,' NERfIME Cured my son of flu, having had 2.S00 in eighteen month. Mr. E. Vurbe, West Potsdam, V Y. f AW ARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nin yeara' standing. Miss (TiuMa slarsliaJI, Urauby, Nswton Co., Mo. MA SI ARITAN NERVINE lias penrBiiitntly cur ad me of epilepsy of many years duration. Jacob Miter . St. Joseph, Me. MAN ARITAN NERVINE Cured BM of bronchitis, asthma and general debility. Oliver Myers, fronton, Ohio. - SAMARITAN NERVINE Ha cured uie of asthma ; also scrofula of many yeara standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. MA9IARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend -f rmno who bail dyspepsia very badly, Miuhael O'Omnor, RUlgway, IV MAJIARITAN NERVINE ilaa pcrrnanently cured me of epileptic fits. Oa id Trembly, Dee Moines. Iowa. MA 31 ARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 86 year standing. Henry Clsrk, Fslrfleld, Mich. MAN ARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. K iraWn, North Hope, Pa. fc AM A IS I T k M NERVINE i'urc'1 iiivso o'fi... 1 .i.i uothad a fit for about four jia.i'. John Davis, WooJburn Maeoupln Co. , 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE is for sate by druggists every where, or may be had direct from us. Those who with to obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan Ntnrlru will please encloses 3 -cent postage stamp for a o jpy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hundreds of testimonials of cure from persons who have used the medicine, and also their pictures photo graphed after their restoration to perfect health. Address DR. S.A.RICHMOND & CO. World. Epileptic In.tltate, ST. JOSEPH, MO. N B V I N E 1 oil RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Govt, Quins, Sore Throat, Smell ings and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Taih, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Bart, and all other Paint and Achet. V tVifarsUon en earth aanats T Jtnts Oil at a male, tmr, fwl Itn'lr end rhrarj l.i vtails bet the nmiii' . li-titrdy A trial eal lilftiug outlay of IS Oats, and evrry oris aufl - Kb pain can have cheap and pualttvs proof of ii( clalaaa. ltrecUoBs lit Bavea lamgaagea. COLD LY ALL DRtJOOlBTB AHD DEALLIU1 III MEDIOIHE. A. VOGELER 6c CO.. flofisnorr. It. I , V. . As Ma J. It. lUriv, Nr Kj..i or Advertls- inff Agrnt, 41 I'ark How ( II me HuibUnK) New York, Is authorirvl to ronlral for advortiacvniontM In t he best rates. I'i'M i'.at st our King of the Blood Is not a "er a' I it le s Idowd porfrw and PmVn. Impurity of blou1 pots.4s the) systesa. dranra the elr. uiaiUMi. and .Irnv Indocea may diearders, anrtwn by dlR eri-nt names to dUUMuidi tKrm atv cording to effre-la, but being realty bj aiwaes ' t haM of that great -l.crV: diaoiuer. Imparity 01 lussiu nocn r jy,cT..i. i.ioTtris, i Coaario-iioa. oi.. disorders, lb tut wK. O'r.'tii V.ims. Htmrt fhssoaa. mrtttt0, Jt-..f Klas wflbr Nino J rvvrate uf tl.e H rx-1. ChetnUu aad lvh:ir si impurity rat! trui il the rooi eenulue ar.d edWni preps, r.rv -n for the tiurtvw. ;,t I y ry.. p, i bottle. Hee teilfroma'. dir. ell... e.. In prn sgr. tn phlel. -Trvvl - .. insM Of I lie IH'J. vrrei.urd i. ssoif. mTa ci.. rvi .. !!'-BHio. a. I RED CROWN MILLS. BALLAKS, ISOM & ( ., I'KOI'U'.s. rw raiicax.1 nM K si i-tu:iiin run rAtiiucs a? u sakkhm use. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. Cash for ALBANY - Jv! OR. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acre, with aoed ntside rantre, located near llrldire Creea, in Wasco county, together with about 26 rr ii.u tr nvplianira fr.r lavirl li.rn In Ilia WillatnettM Valley. Now, if you want to wll your farm and go Into tho stock busl- new In KaMern Onon. hure Is a chance for yon. Call on or addreee C. II. 0tew art, Albany, Oregon. 0. B. P. Wm. I.liinder'ti lKaxsTsarn march 3S, mo. WJ1BI la tho wxroic's uotmlar remedy It la warranted to srlvs satisfaction. If yeu want testimonials call atjtlie affloe We den't publish them, hut refer you to the deaion an-H-onaumers. It has no equsi. st I- - u iJi'iviuss aur ? , ... m Aa ALBANY FOUNDRY -AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1865. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery htreets, Aioany, Oregon TTavinor taken afcarare of tho a bove named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Enalnes. Saw and Grist Mills, Wnari.wnrCinor Maohlnerv. Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description, Machinorv of all Lkinds repaired. Spe cial attention given, to repairing farm aa- chinory. Pattern .Making done In all Its rernts. 16:llyl A. F. CHERRY & SON. ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. HOUR, - - - Propiietoj. Tills House has been thoroughly renovated from toa to bottom, and ia now In splendid condition for she entertainment of travelers. The table is supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Sample rooms for wwnmanaai men . I orvallla, Lebanon aad llallas Stage Offlce Vienna f BBBbr "sweess v w r !4OK NKKK,rARMBMt Oa Juno rth you will go to the polls to elect a member of CoDgreM. Unve you nmdo up your nilnd for Whom you will vote ? If not let us look to our Intorests. Are you la fav or of a high tariff ? If you are In fav or of n high tariff, then vote for George, for he fully represent that interest ; but If you are In favor of a tew tnrlff, then vot for Kenton, for bo fully roprefiauts that principle. HoineniDor, however, if you vote for George, that he will vote to return a tariff law which reuuires tho farmer I JrrrHCnw a lav of n rwr r-nt. nn tlin I I 1 I of aG per coot, cn the paint It Is paint- od with ; of !0 por cent, on hi win dow-gtaat ; of :'.' pot uout, on the riaflsT rf Kt rtnt nn lasts, mi, a a an e his ve vd ivt vvii wi inu ft I w if of 30 per com. an tho Umtr-locki ; of from 35 to 40 per cant, on the hlofetj; of Mo par cent, on tho wall pnper : of from 00 to 70 per cent, on his carpet ; of 40 per cent, on hi crockery : of 3? per cent, on hi iron hollow-waro of 3fl iier cent, on hl cutlory ; af 40 par cent, on hli glaaaware ; of from 3'i per cent, to 40 per cent on tbe llnca ho uses In tho household ; of 51 cr cent, on tho common caetilo aeap he osca ; of 48 per rent, on the starch. When he gooa Into ihu sta blc. barn or workshop he will find that he uava 35 Ittf oraL on the iron Ik. ..asM. M nr r.r.r.1 rvn thai ,,,.. er- I' chalrrH : 4o percent, on tho Ales and , i-. - pup-i lio uiay tw ; I. pr-r cent. ru the bucksa'v ; 4'J p?r cent, on the . croM;uH.iw ; li' far cem. on the haudsiw, and 35 per cent, on any sheet-Iron he may require. On hta medicines he pays 20 per cunt ; on the quinine pill he ewallows, 20 per cm nl. ; on blue pills a tux of 4' per Urinal cent. : 10 per cent on any im- prepratlou.e.Tho female portion of his house cannot even g Into hysteria without paying a tax l M ptH cant, on aaafetlda that may reatasti1 to quiet thalr exlvl ltrves n bla augar he pays nl g of it tt (l per cent. A f r ih ep ini.i he end hia family u aa. hi mv :iuinrite ttha tax aeparalely : On hh w . I last he pay, from o0 to Mi par i-.-nt ; en b.h fur hit, from 45 to GO r cent. ; on lata UJiU.tufl steal laaat m,. W .aa B! nn we vjj vawsiav V " n ' v-. us, on the leather for hh i. . .- nod -K i-s 5lo per cent. ; on hh bjahwy, 3o per cant. ; on h!s wife'n aud d tugliter's common airmen dreii he pays C5 to 70 per cent. ; on aponl-lhrend, 7 J per cent. , and on the noodles, 35 por cent. If I wero Inclined !ta pur-ur ihese w topics it would take ton much time suffice it to eay that the furnishing of hia child's cradle and the coffin in which he Is finally buried pay a di rect tax or enhanced in prico by our tariff system. Tin: time ia rapidly approaching when the farmers of America will have an opportunity of cboeaing for tbci salvos between the oppoeing economic k seems of Protection and Free Trade. Theoretically tbe choice haa always been nan (a them - nracttcallv. tha matter I -e. - . s 7 hi. tuvi.Ti dArifiarl Tavr thpin br those . aa . aa aa .aa a a .a whose schemea of profit have made po- litieal combination aad congressional . , -.-.a--.i t M-,u - -- Vi.e; laboring a natural branch of their huai aaaa. I no sanation is changing in a hundreil ways. The people ar better informed. Tbe craab of 1873 haa op ened msny eyes. The disappearance of our flags from tha seas baa aet many ta asking questions. The increasing bit- ternoss and frequeney of "atrlkes" ia teaching sjmo. Tha raed of foreign markets in compelling new thought. The increasing preponderance of crude products iu our exports ia lea. ling to fresh criticisma of manuUeturing moth eda. Aud, not lnast, tha strong rivalry apringing up west ami sout'i is stiggsat ing to tba eastern manufacturer that ha must gat down to a genuine buainass basis or bo beaten at hia own game. The question, therefore, ia coming rsuidlv to tho frout. ar.d it behooves tTer- citizen, farmers inoat of all, to be S a ' I , ... ... mmmtmmm mmA .U.jP hal. I ft eau V n un viion v v w lot. Ol U I BEE IK A OB PLATFORM. Every man haa tha right to exchange the fruits of his labor according to his own judgment. The restriction of that right by legis lation is an infringement of personal liberty. Congress haa no authority to dictate the management of private buatnass, nor to compel well directed industry to pay the losses of unprofitable experi ments. Taxation lar tho auppor r.f the Gov eminent is necessary, lsxaiion which brings the Government no revenue, but serves only to lay tbe -whole people under tribute to favored classes, is a vi. olation of the spirit of democracy . Ante have bean known to build mud tables, where aphipaa are kept aa milch cows. Being fond ef a milky fluid which exudes from two tubes an the bodies of tbe aphides, they rub the tubes with tbeir aatennte to produce a flovr of milk. i mint: is MRiroi.t Saratoga wasgreatlj exoiUui y ester day on tbe discovery of an appalling and unnatural crime. Wo sivi tbe particulars hastily as they came to Mi As the guests of tbe United States Eiotsl were departing for the races Eli Perkins walked briskly up to the desk and informed Mr. Gaen nno nf the proprietors of tbe Htates, that Govern- ay it a a a r Jewoll. of (' hud '.est tkrewn his son out of tho window, and lo plesse 'What window .whorel" intorrupU i a iiozan voices at ori "Out of the fourth story back," said Mr. Perkins, "onto the picket fenee " -What! threw his own son out ef atae a a a . a Llla the window! broke in Mr. venaerom. "Vas 1 kiiiinnaf il. wan It i v nwn ion." Wr tJBZq&t- ..and a weak ly sou too. You see I wanted to see "By beavimn! What are we coming tc? ' exclaimeil KoUrt f'.tlting end Joha Kellv, 'wringing thmr haafl "and what was the provocation? What hsd tbe son" "Notbiofr at all" said Mr ; Perkins "You aae, I asked (ioveraor Jewell his sen wji there. Ha aaid 'yea en tbe launge here and threw " "I know," interrupt! Mr, Travera, "tbe u n natural ff-father m m made a f grab and tb-th threw hia own sod dewa en tbe picket fence b b-Ulew. O. tb-th the f f-fieed Jeetao," said Mr. Perk ina, lighting a eiger. By thia time there was ifmat exsite ent throughout the betrl. Ladies, -eaJad by John Ilay. kite with ex tke citawent, came ruahirtg over from cottages, wringing thnr hands, and the .a as a a . S otronaer men. like aviator I' re ling huva-n and J,-.erno. C'orneU were rr ready to lynch the auth or of this Oena- I ish set. 4s tin lo- -l reporter Of the "Saratogian" ariivml nn the spot, Mr. Csge and Mr Tompk aocompaoied by Mr. Ieonard Jerome and olonel Kane: ran around th-hotel to see tbe victim of thJa dreadful crime. Senator Warner Miller sod Mayor Smith Ely cotnil:i lnem uk lne d.vina? hoy from the aharp pickets ami ? take his trost-mortem statements. Eli Ferkina waa tbe onlr ai.exclted ass aa? e a a man aVuf. He sat o-iifiiy reeding Lis DewftisKr. Whv don t to i T"t ex.:iuJ, atMiot this fiadiali a-t hiii eaclaiaactl Mr. Marrin. "What ti-nll-b sc l' iikinl Mr. Per- kins. Why a ram throwing hia eon hta o.ilv aoo eul of a fourth atory window. " "I don't eeci Mvthsi. Iit.disb about it." aaid Zfli. it was an eld son and of w w no use t ihe (J iTornor, and N use to the (iVnerel: ar.d do feu think, becaitae (lorernor Jewell bad n.i use Tor hia son he had a Mifht to throw au :h a aon out of the wimiowt" interrupted Isaac N. Phe-lie. 'Why. of runree he hsd a riht to do as MeJeOao wi h Iim own son, hrt:d Mr. Periina. "Aa I -aa aajtnf, I told the (ioecruor to just t.vas it down tome, and he gave it a throw, and it 1.1 what do vou mean iv calltne a hoy an itf interrupted a dozn voice ar m w "Wbr. who said it was a boj r aaid Mr P-rkios irreatle. aarptlsed "I aaid Governor Jewell threw bis Sin, a week- l Asm. out of tha wiodaw to ma. It was an aid Sun: he had reai it and I wanted to read it myaelf, and' In iust two minutes bv Jadga riteh a old vellow watch, the oBico waa cleared sr . . a and no one heard hew Kli Perkiaa (iniahed ths seutence. Someboiy told ur renorter that Kli wss trvinff to ll- ustrate the proverb that "troth abae I lute tiath. is somctitm 8 straucar than B V W 1 Kalaaat ' "fuuii. I m . s aa rtBei ti-. (Jen. Grant is just aixty vears of age. v w Garabaidi's health is said swlN fasV praviag. Wl. do Laesens is tho father of tea children. President Arthur's cottars at Long Branch has forty rooms. Lord and Inly Roscbfirrv intend making a tour of this country next Fall. The PoMtmsster Gnoral of Canada Hon. John O' Conner, was bom ia Boston. Young painters should take courage. Corot was more than sixty when ha l0ld bia firat picture. Four of Senator Hill's family have died of the name disease which is hurry ing him to tho grave. Count Von Moltke, German) ' vet eran field marshal and chief ot staff, has taken leave of absence for an in- a . . a . e .as a. dehmto period, prepare tnrv to hnai re- tirament fiom cflico. The first gun which Daniel Boone carried into Kentuckey, together with his shot-pouch and horn, are in tha Museum of the Polytechnic Soeietv of Louisville, Kentucky. -WVvifiiarfranuantle tires hi.n.sdf .n aiv ; .riJo aHtotrranh. th.r. be cannot write letters to hia frienda. He i. k.i..n onaft nA tnnn a - 4 each year for his signature. Judge Brown of Winchester, Va., who sentenced John Brown to be hang ad, recently visited Washington, where he attracted much attention from tha ourioua. lie is a small, thick-set man, with dark gray hair. The following remark of tbe late Gen. Garfield shows hew he regarded little children: "I feel profouador reverence for a boy than for a man. I never mee a ragged boy in the street without feeling I may him salute, far I know what possibilities may be but toned up under his ooat." There is a well-authenticated rumor that Archibald Forbes, tbe English war eorreapendent and lecturer, has found ia tha daughter of a letely-ratired quartermaster-general an attraction which will make him a more devoted admirer of thia country than ever. Mr. Forbaa ia a widower with three promising children. The Episconal Church, IIY KKV. P.OBT. L. STEVENS. XVII. In order to shew that our tiews con ceroing Preshyteiian Oro. ru are not one aided, bat in accordance with his toric Cm t, w nsfar azwin (o an ho' hor ny befort fjuotfd. The early Preaby teriaas believed that their form of Cburcb Uovnrnment was of Divine ap pointment. Tbey strengthened tbeir b iuence by claiming, that the C'hmch from which they anparated, was elKcer ed by men who were usurping powers to which tkey hsd no right, and by aa-si-riing that for the first three centuries tL. . a. . r a i m a ne Kovernuieni oi me i;tiurca was Praabyterisa. Their distinction be tween the preaching alder and the ley or ruling elders was claimed to be de rived from Apostolic prsctice. We claim that no unprejudiced man with a thorough knowledge of history will sow maintain this position. About eight years sgo I hsd the pleasure of a I eog conversation with Dr Moffat a prr.foaaor of history in ths Princeton (Treabyterian) Theological seminary, which is tha leading educa tional institution of the Presbyterian Church In the course ef bis remarks he said thst be did not think tba gov ernment of tbe early Church wsa ex actly as in tbe Presbyterian Cburcb nor yet did be think it Episcopal but if be could express his idea concerning it, ha would say it a a modification between tba two. Thus msny P rushy teriaas, descendants of those who be lieved in tbe Divine right ef Presbytery, era conscious thst this poaition cannot be proved, snd bold now that it is of I . S S a a ss an ses'atns that Have ever misted in tbe Church, tbe most agreeable to tbe principles of Church srovetnmant which may be deduced from scripture. It is iben roost evident on , their a : m unions that PreahvtWrians own suited auder a mistake as to tbe Divinely appointed geerumeut of tbe Church. It most be at once evident that there is a great difference between diiding from the Church of Chttat oa tl ground that Christ bimaeif had ap- (Mjiuted the ministry aft:r the Presby terian plan, and tbe individual hehsf that one form of Church government is preferable to another. In the eaa ease it is a zeal for Christ, aad in the other it ia sectarian in tbe hisbeat decree becauaa it snakes private epiniem tbe SB D grouael fjr '. flVnng from tho establiab- e l or Ur. If thea toe forefathers ol rresbyienantsu were mistaken and tbeir descendants admit it by no longer holdtuf the Divme right ef the Preebv ten , may tbey aet haye been mistaken in other matters, and have done the Chureh tbey left a wrong in refus'ng her communion 1 For example, ho generally mo inn xresbVlertans now II S . l T a keep Chnat mas and E eater davs while at hrat they held their observ ance a cm apt custom. I. a-i well a many of m readers, can remember when they never thought ef decorstiue their Churches with Giiriv.uus greens ihesoaro but little things but the? show a vert decided drift towards tha things tbeir forefathers gave up. Tho following ia the opinion of a Nun Enis copal writer (Schaff Hint. Aooat. Ch. Reel. 133 Oftice ol the Episcopal Presbvtera.) "If now we inquira as to the proper omciai character ol tbe I'rasbvten, we a cannot make them the same with the ater dioceaan biahops. Tkese last are Church officers, and claim, jestly or un justly, a paaltion like that ef tba Apos tles and their immediate assistants, Timothy, Titus, etc. The idea of epis copacy too in its usual Sanaa, is eaaea uauy monarchical ana excludes a . aa a plurality of bishops in one and the same place. The Presbvter bisb- ns w wero ratbar, as already remarked, olfi- cera of single congregations ; but with- 1 . ,s Oaa am a .ea ' in theae thv had charge of sil that oar tains to the good order snd spiritual prosperity af a religions community. Their oftice thea consisted primarily in the genersl superintendence of the con gregation. This is indicated in tbe very names applied to them, and their duties ; pasters, who are to ''feed" the flock of God ; overseers, rulers, and leaders. This superintendence of a congregation included not oalv tbe direction ef pub lie worship, and a vigilant regard ta the religions interests of the Church in a woid, tba whole province of pas toral care and discipline but also tbe management of the property and all tbe pecuniary concerns of the congre gation : aa may ho inferred from the fact, thst the collection ef therAnti ochian Christians for their brethren ia Judea was delivered ta the Presbvterv at Jerusalem, Act. 11. 30. "But then again, the presbyters were at the same time thelregeisr teaehers ef the congregation, end can therejWe not be put in the same class with the lay elders of Presbyterivn churches. On them devoted officially tha exposition of the Scriptures, the preaching ef tba gospel, and the administration ef tba aacramanta. inat wis tunctioti wss J eonnocted with the other appear fromthe.Tery. jP0!4 "P" and laacliara," Jpb. 4: 11, where the two terms must be referred to the aame person. The aame association of ruling and teaching we find in Hob. 19; 7 ''Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God; whoso faith folio considering tne end ol tbeir converse toin. rartieularly decisive, ncwevsr amencr the requirements for the oMee ef presbyter, besides irreproachable piety aad a talent for the adm jnetra tion ef Church government, Paul ex press! y mentions capacity to teach, Tim 3:2; "A bishop than must be blame- leas, the husband of one wife, v gilant sober, of good behavior, given to hoapi tahty, apt to teach" etc., so in Tit. 1: 9 where it ia required of a bishop, that ha should hold last the faithtul word, as he hath been taught, that ha may be able by sound doctriae both to exhort and to convince the gainsayert. "These passages foibid our tasking two distinct claasea of presbyters, of corresponding to the seniors ' wMciKane or lay cldeia in the Calvaaietic ehurcher, had to do only with tba government, and not at all with the administration ef doctrine or sacraments; while tbe other on the contrary, was devoted en tirely, or st least mainly, to the service of the word aad altar. Such a distinction of ruling elders, tolooging to tbe larity, and teaching presbyters, or minister proer, tirst suggested by Calvin, aad aftcrwsrthf further insisted on by many Protestant (especially Preebyterias) divine., rests, indeed, on a vary judi cious ecclesiastical policy and is, so far, altogether justifiable ; but it cannot be yrovrd at all from tbe Now Testament or chureh antiquity, and presupposee al ao an opposition of clergy and laity, which did not exiat under tbe same form in the Apostolic period. Tbe only paasaga appealed ta in support of it ia 1 Tim. 5: 17: "Let tho aiders, that rule well be counted worthy af double honor, especially tbey who la bor In the word and doctrine. "This "especially" we are told, implies that there were preaby tore, also who officially had nothing to do with teaching, and that tbe teaching presbyters were of a higher standing bat thia conclusion is by no means sore, as may at first sight sppaar. For in the first place, it is questionable, whether the emphasis does net fall rather on "those who la bor," referring to tha laborious diliganea ia teaching, as also an the "well" in the begin iag of tbe sentence; making the antithesis to be, not that of teaching and nen teaching alders, but thst ef those who rule and teseh zealously, and these who both rule aad teach, i a deed, but without any particular earnestness. In this view the paassge wonld tall rather for the union ef ruling and teaching in the same office. Bat eren according to the other interpretation, it proves, st best, only tba fact, that there ware presbvtera who did aet teach. It by no means shews, that tho existence of such presbyters was regu lar and approved by tbe apeatie; w larch is here ths aasin point. Nay unless we would involve Paul in aelf contiadis tion, we must suppose tbe very oppo site. For in 1 Tim 3:2. Tit. 1: 9 (comp 2. Tim. 2. 24 ) ha makes aptness, to teach an indispensable qualification for tbe eCce of a bishop without exeep tien. It has been an p pane d also that tha traces el lay eldership ware to be in the old African ehurcb, and from theae has bee a inferred its existence in the Apostolic sge. But when the relevant documents of the time ef the Bonatist controversies in the begin in g ef the fourth century are more carefully examined, it is found that tha "sen iors," or " sea i ores p labia," iu North Afriaa ware net ecclesiastical officers at all, but civil ms gist rates ef municipal corporations." Dr, Schaff, tarns up ia thia way. "The conclusion from all thia, that the presbyters or bishops eftbe A poet lie poriod were tha regular teacbe.-s and pastors, preachers and leaders ef tbe congregations; that it was fthetr office to conduct all public worship, to take care of soula, to enforce discipline, snd te take esre of sou's, to enforce disc pline, and to manage the church prop erty. Of course ail hsd not tbe same talent, one excelled in teaching, another in pastoral duties, a third in tho talent for ruling; aad wo may readily anppaae that where there were eeveial of them, they divided the various duties ef their calling among themselves, accord tog to endowments, taste and necessity. This however, was always regulated by cir cumstances, and by no means authorizes us te suppose, that there were two dif ferent kinds af presbyters, aad two separate offices of gorsrament and doc trine." peri la acisaca. Ooae has an odor similar te a spot that baa been struck by lightning. Celerded spots en decaying food are caused by animal or vegetable growth. Stammering may be produced by sudden fright suffered during child- heed. Tka augar cane, whan perfectly ripe, contains sixteen te eighteen per cent, ef sugar. Strawberries contain ..S6 per cent. of thair weight of liicaae, and hot house grapes 18.37. Where birds fly very little there at here never acquire, er else soon eose, their distinctive qn.ll like charac ter. All solid bodies become self-lamia- ous st about the same temaeratare, beginning to shew a de.ll light at about 1000J. Tha electrical raaiataace of pare water uniformly decreases as the tem perature rises ; at 19 C. it is eae third of what it was at 20. One may become ao accustomed te opium as te be able te 'drink daily a litre et laudanum, twenty ere pa ef which would he a atrang madiainai does for a sen-habituated person. A healthy frog will remain alive for daya after the whole ef its bleed hss been withdrawn from the vessels and replaced by a solution of common salt. A frozen plant msy bo sometimes preserved if plentifully drenched with cold water, because the application ef the liauid produces a neutral thaw. Te test soaps, dissolve twenty parts ia water and mix with five parts of diluted sulphuric scid. Tho fat rises ta tha top and the mineral impurities fall to the bottom. Arsenic poisoning is net always ti he traced te green coloring. One case was due to red wall paper, sad ths sub stance is found abundantly ia white, gray, bale, mauve aad brown wall pa pers. Pulmonary censamption seems to be a frequent cause ef deaik among tele graph operators. Tha cause assigned is the peculiarly strained position tha operator ia obliged to assume ia receiv ing messages. eae SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sailob's Core ia ths remedy for you.