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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1882)
tmttzi FRIDAY MAY 2G, 188: DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Coventor JOSEPH S. SMITH, of MulUnusar. For 'onrus W H. FE.VINOJ, ..of Yamhill. For Secretary of state . K. WKATUERFOKD , t Lint For Mi-,- Trxaxurvr ABRAHAM f ivtigl. For SurtrintcnUnt of Public Iu;UutUuu V. I.. W0H9 DtlsTQH of rur. F.r Stale Printer W F.CORNELL of Marior For Judge, of Supremo Court. . D. SHATTl l K of Mi.itiu.mal For District Attorney If II. HOLMES, , .ofMarUi County Ticket. Fr St tut or KOK.W p.r.It.YEF of Alhaiiv. l:oX. LNtK H HOt LT of HarrUburi, For Representatives C. F. CRAWFORD. . of CVnter liESKY CYRFS .of Santian . M MZKR of Harriubnrs J, J. WHITNEY .o( a..,!: J. A.ROll.NKTT otShedd J.N. RICE of fmwforuvlIW. Fi r School Saperinteudent F A MOSES ofTangtrt For County Commissioners R R. CLAYPOOL . of Santlaw JOHN ISOM of SiiixWl For County Clerk C. n. STEWART- of VVrt Albany For Sheriff liEORGE HUMPHREY of East Albany For Survey r J. V. S. REED of BrowiMvilk For Treasurer JaS. H. PEF.RY of Sanlian. For Assessor. K C. DOZIEB of Brvwnaxille For Coroner. DR. J. A. DAYIS of Albary Precinct Nomination. EastAlbaxt-E. R. SkinworUi, for Justice iC. C Burkbart, Constable. Wfcrr lxt-J. J. Beard, for Justice : Joe. Simp eon, for Cousttble, From every part of the county comes the new that tbe party is uni ted and all are working strongly foi the ticket. Ie you vote for Weather ford f$r Secretary of State, he, if elected, will not allow the Supt. of the Insane Asylum Building $S per da whle "visiting California for his health. Every ene now wonder if the Hrr aid editor will devote as much space in making an apologj to lion. W. R. Bil yeu as he used last week in fulruiuat ing that base and slanderous ! en thai gentlemar. tu i r i a Albany this year has furniahwd lh nominees for both Clerk and Sherifl on the Democratic ticket, and in coa sequence the leaders of the party in thi locality say the eounty shall have n opposition in that line from A loam two years from now. The Editor of the Herald had bettei not get too close to the heels of Stewart and Humphreys "trained mule," -or the fool-killer will be spared a trip t this locality. That mule has a back action equal to the Herald" t article Hi "the tail sycamore of the Forks." It is now well understood that the Republican managers intend trading off Rev. Wilson for vote3 for Dawson. Rev. Wilson is absent from the Scat, and is too mich of a temperrnce man to suit them anyway, and by letting loose of him they stand a shsnce tc elect Dawson. Democrats you can spike this gun. Don't trade off a single man on your ticket. The Republicans have noir found out that Senate Bill No 43 did pass the Senate and was sent to the House, and now the question is, why did not Hon. S. A. Dawson, who was a member of the House, keep it from ''sleeping the sleep that knows no waking." He is now a Republican candidate for the Senate, and he should explain hi con duct iu regard to this bill. Come to the front, Sylvander, and attend to your end of this boomerang. Whatever the Republicans of this coast may say on the Chinese question, a vnte for the Republicans will be an endorsement of the idea of the Extern Republicans who are thoroughly com mitted to the doctrine of the "father hood of God and brotherhood ef man." This is the platform of the Republican party, and a vote at this time on this coast for R-wublican candidates, is simply an endorsement of thia idea and gives the falsehood tt the professions ef the people in their opposition to the further Chinese immigration. Stan dard. And now at this day comes a Port land cerresj-on lent of the E'rook Dan O'sat and makes the allegation that E: r hirt and Hircch as members of the Bjard to st 11 State lands have sold one hundred and twenty two thousand aenw- of swamp lands to Hon. Owens the great swamp land gralber. These lands a "e situated in Lake aad. Grant coun ts b and they have nver yec been ap plied to the State, although under t ie law they are not authorised to sell these lands until they are approved to the State. Talk about rinjs. What ring equals in audaeity this one ? The correRpjndent of the Bedrock Democrat challenges denial by Karharfc and Hiisch or their friends, and calls upon disbelievers to search the records of the lasd decrement at Salem. The same charge we observe has been made in the miblic press of Southern Oregon where it has aroused muck public indig nation. The people of the State owe it to themselves to utterly squelch out such a swamp land ring by defeating Earhart and Hirsch at the polls next month. If they do not do so then we miss our guess. UOV. W. tt. filLTEt ftRVlTORlAL BF4 OBD" Under the above caption the fttrald tf latkt week contains a most malicious, mprovokrij and unfounded assault "b n the euaracter and'SonaVrwl record if Hon. W. R, Bilyeu, one of the Dra cratic candidates for Senatcr in L:nn mntr. Notsatirlle l with distorting and lisrepresenting the facts and the truth f history for partisan ends, that deleet tbie sheet has the tOYentory to tnairttv 'o that Senator Bilveu ng!eotd the iterent of his constituent, betrayed i pledges to tho people of Linn Coun v, and forfeited his honor "en account f unanswerable arumonts of akillful nd cunning lebyiats usually omp'oyed y wealthy and corrupt monopolist to infest the halls of legislation to seduce (he minds of weak and vascillating uiembers." "Now mark how plain a Ut!e shall put him down." Early in the session of I S80 Senator titlyeu introduced into the Senate 3. B. Io. 4.'s a bill to tsx mortgages. The nill was carefully prepared and was in tended to roach and tax that vast mount of interest bearing property non as mortgagee, that under the resent system frequently escape taxa tion, and particularly whan the debts secured by said aiortgng re payable r held, iu some foteign land. Upon he second reading of this bill in the Senate the same was referred to the !ommittee on assessments, whioh con--isied cf Senator Simon, Chatman, voight and Pennington. With ut suggesting any oljtions to the d tails of this bill tho chairman of the c .rnuiittee made an adveise report. It tppears that it was the principle in volved the Uxation of aggregated ewalsh instead of the daily toil of the farmers and producer of the country, o which this erudite chairmaa of the -omraittee on assessment was opposed. But notwithstanding this adverse re ert, Senator Bilyen promptly moved hat the bill he engrossed and read s third time on the next day, which me cion prevailed. The bill did net die in he Senate. It was nut neglctd or I sight of by its indefatigable author. n due time it passed the Senate and wi communicated, to the House for it consideration, as the followiitg common. teat ion copied from the House Journal, page 3D I, fatly prjve : ilt-vS OE KROJI THK SENATE. , St re L'UAMBMl, -Salem, Oct. 20. U. Mm Snr I mm rilnv-ted b th Priiinl to In- lorm voa that tSc Nnml ham S. B. No. 43. a or ni) tL't 'o lai monjfaTS. aim uh " - ircwilh tr- :;ttcJ t tt the cxjtilerlion m tS Hove J- C Fr.t.B.4. The Legislature was in session three ays after th date of this message fiow tUeSemtte to the Hues, and this bil eeuld have been easily passed under a suspension of the ruhs a? mtnr oth r bill were, during that t;uie, but it was only read the Crc time. House Journ al, page 337. This plain statement el facts fully vindicates t?aator Biyle, aud it alio demonstrates the unreliabil ity of the newspaper ia question. A pa pee that would indulge in such char gs and inaiiKtation, in the face of such a record, is to use the editors wn orda, "either stupidly ignorant, or ilifully disli jnest.'" But Daws.n "Oh ! where was he" If he had been in hi seat in tho House, and had exerted himself in favor of the bill constantly after it reached the House, we may reasonably assume that he wonld have secured its psasage. What did he do ? The House Journal tells how faithfully and how well he discharged his duties, and with what untiring assiduity he watched over the interests of bis constituents. We will now cite from the proceeding ef the House Journal only after S. B. No. 43 reached the House from the Senate : Absent-Dawion Hotue JuurmaJ, egt 1 1 mm M 1 .1 M il M l M M . i m 415 H .1 . 417 i, if M M 4 I . 42Q MM M . M 42 M M M M 4 MM MM 424 M M M M M 42 We make no charges. We indulge in no insinuations. A ve do not in any manner connect Mr. Dawson, Republi can candidate for Senator in this county, with the "cunning lobyists" which the Herald declares "infested the halls of legislation to seduce the mind; of weak and vascillating member," but be owes it to the people of Linn County, irre spective of party, and ;e owes it to his own honor, to tell explicitly why he was t in his seat during all the times the J urnal shows be was absent after this 11 reached the House, and why it was be made no effort to secure the passage of this important measure through the Honse. Did he inspire the Herald ar ticle for the purpose of trying to shift the responsibility of the defeat of this bill from his own shoulders'! These are important questions, and since the Republic a organ has made the issue, Mr. Dawson must mset the facts. Let him answer. When Le does "that, thr n Comes the funny business." Remembeb Moody voted against the interest bill reducing fees of Clerks and Sheriffs two years ago, and if hp should bo elected Govern or, he will veto a bill to reduce Clerkgs and Sheriffs' f;es, if on a should be passed again this fall. Then let every body vote for Smith, the unswerving friend of the people. Isaac Holman, of Soap Creek, Is running on the Democratic ticket in Benton county for Representative. He is a Democrat of the old school, an honest and conscientious man, and will "run like a scared wolf." RILYfil AND DAWSO. A Campari! of (kelr legUtaUve Usee Mis The Albany Herald h aeea fit to go into the record of one of eur candi dates for State Senator, and in a col. umn and a half article claims and un dertakes to show by misstating the record, that Mr. Bilyeu neglected to do hi duty as a Senator from this Csioty two years ego. We WW now give our reader the whole record ef our crwidldate as a legislator, and by way of comimrison will also give the record ef one of the Republican candidates fer State Sena tor, Mr. S. A. Dawsen : IHi.tri '- !tacRi Mr. Btl)uwaaa member t tho Orvgus btaU Stit from I .urn County uurtmr tfcs seaatona of and ISSW. During ths MMtbn .( ISSO hp Introduced and pawn I thrvujh that body a Satiate It II Se IS, an act to flu the coiiieitMUott tif Clerka and Sheriff tu oar tain CounUa tu lltta Ktate. Tlit IUII alan pastad the I1.HI.U an. I bacaute a law. IAWeu'a SKCtlHtl. Mr lwonwaaa aietu ber of Uta llotita Surln i It aeaaton ol 1MM0. Uur Iny the entire aaaalon h only Introduce one 1111, known a Houaa lull Mn. an act to ralac the aal ary of toa County Treaaur cr ot i .inn fount v from the win of syoo u the sum nf itOO kit annum This bill Mr Dawaon pamied Uirouah to tta ft nit and econd readlnj, and had tt referred to the oomiulltae ae OouaUs As to what became af the bill altar that Um reeor lli net peak, II. J. 1SS9, . Lit Mr, Uawaau explain le the totem af I Inn whr I ha bill died the aalary of the Clerk of Uau County at SIHOU per annua and tho Sheriff at 12000. Te law waa aubeauuently de ciared uncvitaUtUlhtna by tho supranta t ourt on SreuuHa aneatiafac.tory to the bar and to the paople Mr. Bilyeu aleo, at thai he ahaiuloaad thU SSSSSSM mi. latroduca d aJeoeaaUla tif he can) and eecurod the iiataga "f why It waa necaeaa y Is tu ralaUou ta chattel inert enaie nui jo. as. au a i riae Mr. Ilruoe salarv Mr. Itawaouat thle ae traf ea, making- tSeaa mora reliable and certain aa aa cttritle. aad ettaplifytnc the manner of feroclueliuj them, and cutting off cueta arid viueiiaaa in caae at tun alaw at aue lima mov ed ta adjourn. Saa H. J. ISao, pace 143. Tale son t'tudea his rarord aa a ! laiater ler ls) SStSepSSlksl doos by hltu an commit foreclosure. This bill uui ,r. not com- up tor Dual u tini tn trie Uaaaa. H. J. of la, paa-ee t&, M and US. He alau Introduced and uccaeded tn paaami through the Senate It. Ma. 43, an act to lax naarlsjaass la the couuite where the came are record j od ThU bill met wit can oUorable SfJfSSeMfW lathe! seuale, eepecia'ly from tbc oomotlttea en Aeereamente' a majority af wbtch were ttepubllcaas, but Mr. sui 1 yaw, aided by the other maids af tea bill, aucosad od tn paaatng It over all eopaeiUou, but the bill did out reach trie nual a- lion in the llousa. Sea Ituuee Journal 1W0. Vmf Sl. Mr. Utlyeo alao tutruduc ad and peer-1 tbiwuh the SSWSli, S U R U, an act to amsui t he coda in relation to appeals la Use uiatter of taxing cueta by County Clerks. Tula act SS in leaded to aUnpiif he practice In euch sagea no la reduce the coate an I cxpaueee uf the eame. Thia uuaaure did nut cotne to a dnal veto la the Ilouer, and banoe did not become a law.aeaJ.of Mtaaopagxw si. at. lot and 131. lis alao Introducad and, SSSjfjj thraogb the Senate; a bUi to Incorporate the toxra af Soda villa ia thu nntr. Alao atll aa-eod . '.'i.- the charter of Laba ooa aad Albany, the1 three last Oianauned btlla being,; ef ceuiw, uf local Import ance, yet raquu-tug much ab-ir aoi dtirn This la Mr. !..:-.: raa or as a tegtalatlor for VIO, eo far aa tntrodactng and paasing meaaurea are concerned. The work done by him on rofutitlttsas la vt included. In addition to the measures above mentioned as haviagbeea introduced ndjassed by Mr. Bilyeu, be also, during the session of 1873, introduc ed and secured the passage through the Senate ol 8. B, Nj. 4, an act te audit and settle the cuims and ex penses growing out of thelsdian war of 1873. This bill also passed the House and became a law. He also introduced and pissed through the Senate S. B. N . U, an act to amend the law In regard to ike care and keeping of the Insane and idiotic in this Stale, and to re duce the charges fer keeping each insane and idiotic person from i. oU per week to $". 00 per week. Thh bill also passed tho Heuse and became a law. The averago Dumber of in mo and idiotic persons kept by the State for the past four years exceeds 300. This measure has therefore saved to the State of Oregon since its passage the sum of $150 per week, or the sum of $7,800 per year, and for the four years ending (Oct. 13, 1882, this measure will have saved to the State of Oregon the neat little sum of $31,200. 00. We therefore ask tho taxpayers ef Linn Ceunty, who has done mere as a legislator in this State during the past four years, to reduce expenses and lessen the hardens of taxation, than Hon. W. It. Bilyeu ? We affirm (hat he has always voted for the measures that were In the interests ef the people. His efforts have been against extrav agance cf every kind He has Intro duced no bills to raise the salary of any officer. He has boon an able ad vocate of tho people's interests, and the record shows that Mr. Bilyeu has stood by every pledge made to the people. Farmers and laboring men, if you want legislation in your wn Interest, vote for W. ft Bilyeu and the whole Democratic ticket. TO BBPIBUCASS. Are you sincere ? Bo you mean to oppose Chinese immigration 1 If so, can you vote the Repablican tisket 1 It is only in the name of Damocracj that you can oppose this Chinese fraud. Dees net Pixley, the vote in Congress on the Chinese bill, and tho Connecticut legis lature tell you so 1 Wherever the Re publican party has spoken, it has sus tained the Chinese against eur people, We ask honest Republicans if iuis not their duty now to declare for their own race 1 True Republican speakers, like Mallory, tell you the Republicans are opposed to Chinese immigration aa a party, but all know Mallory, and know why be tells this lie everywhere he goes. He knows it is false, and so do all ether speakers. They want ofiice and power, and the means to obtain them are not essential if only they suc ceed. We therefore appeal directly to tbe honest, working voter,and ask him, be he Republican or Democrat, if it is not his duty now to meet this issue for his own sake and that of his country 1 Never leave a crisis for your children that will debase them, when you can meet it. The Democracy is the only refuge. !. TSWAT Charlton, Dafis and Bruce knew that their only show for an t U ctiou is to create discord in (he I ' rtatir rank, and to this ond Republican! ar carrying the word into evert corner nf the country that Geo. Hiuuphrry' friind iu Athanv r Swapping atf I o'h Stewaitand Pet ry for votes fur bin. W winh to ftimeunco riyht hn t, il Democracy of thia county that Inere no in such report-. If thur , we would ny so, and thread it far and widf, for w arc just a littln bit Inter eted in this oursHf. At tMstl two of lit atote named Republican nidi dates are guilty of t-!ltn 'liui t:ih and if we aheuld hoar it again wo hlmll give tbera a public lecture. Democrats, to be auccrusftil at this election, muit not wap. Tho RepublicrtUH arn 0 urect in their masoning if swapping begins in eur ranks the whole tickut will be do feated. Remember this, D.mocr4n, and guard sgaiiiKt such a un .lrtp. P. 8 It having boon allege by n gentleman of Sanihun precinct that Mr. Bruce was one of tho pen ml en gaged In circulating ih report, Mr. B. came te us a few days ag ami de nled the truth of It, and stated that while talking with the gentloman about "scratching" In tbh city 00 election day be roforre 1 tt) tho S'.it ticket. ' .a j .i a i o i.i.i umn. 1. J. Powell 1- Iu Southern On g LM making the celebrated Watson ptcch oDCroverand Clndwlck. At K'c burg Powell w i naked why h umde the statement which ho know were false, aud the MCtl fare a very different result. Bt 11 111,1 nut know. He was Hkcd whit pmrtl provided for the bonded delrfi he said he did not know, but; added that ho got tbf speech from Mr. K ir hart. This If oxcellent on J' trh irt. If 1'owell wa worth tho powtlor we would like to turn him Insldo out. As it Is wo will only aik If Mtlf Is Dot tho Poweli who appraised tho land" in Salem ns County School Superin tendent en which tho Democratic board mado loan for which It lm been abued without nieasurj. Powe ll should feci proud of hi mis sion In abusing timer ami Chad wick for losing money on hi appraisement. Powell deserves more thau thl, but we all know the chap. eUMraaxi iidh mt.To. An item of eur is quotad in last weak' Herald to hor that Mr. 'barb tin ahould be e'eei I Sh ouf Wlut we said of Mr. C. i true, he ha collect eJ up tbe Use welt, bat Um njatrie tor of the Herall would prbtbly nev er have kuown it bd they no". sn it in the Demockat. Mr. Ottarlton hal gooil tear for collecting tax, and o tiavo no doubt (fo Uurnpbrey could have done tbe eollcti:ig jut as well. Mr. C. iaagwtdmtu, an i our ('mven. tion did just ss w aid tby would have to ''rustle around and find a goed man to beat bim." Mr. lltiaij.h rev can collect tsxes as well as Mr. C. anil when it come to tbe other bovi ne pertsiiiing to the BkstiaTl oflije, be can excel him, snd none cf the legsl fraternity of tbi city will diupute this fact, it matter rot what their j. -litics are. in m - . tbk as. As the time shortens lewsru the day of the election tbe oppott unity for frauds becomes more probable. There fore look out for lies cf every kind frera tbe enemy. A oou as he thinka they cannot We answered, ho will be eu tbe ground with hi budget of tbem, plsus ble and wicked. Democrats, be on tbe leek out and meet thi.i scheme, if oiler ed, with the club it deserve. The time b come when these lie recoil on those who practico there. A csndi date is game, and in shooting at him he should havo s how for his lifn. This is principle and no good hunger will ev er kill hi gsmo without giving it a chance for its life. The cowardly pup py whp would pring lies at tho last moment is low enosgh to do anything, rob, steal, or catch trout with a net. Tun news from all part of the State is of tbe most cheering kind. Kvory where Democrat are' united and work ing like heaven. Democrats have net been so well organized, nor in better werking condition since the memorable campaign of 1863 thvi they aro to-day, while Republicans in nearly all tho counties are torn to pieces by factional strife. Iu Marion, Yamhill, Washing ten, Multnomah and other counties they are fearfully disorganized and de feat stares thorn in the face. We would say to our Democratic friends in view of thia bright prospect, let us gird on our armor and enter tbe contest with the determinatien to win, for victory surely will perch upon our banner on the fifth of June. It has only been a yai ur two hince Hon. W. R. Bilyeu defeudad tlis prietora of the Herald in a libul suit,and although he had hard work in clearing tbem, snd was never paid his fee, it seems they have not proGte l by their experience. The Herald started uch an audac ious and bare-faced lie upon Plon. W R. Bilyeu last wsek, that any ctate ment it hereafter makes in regard to any candidate will be believed only by fools. Subscribe for the Democrat. to i: km i 1 1 - or ijs.v i ot fttft. Word huvii g been reeelrcd hero that Republican eimibtntef and their friend are now irid t i,,u iy circulating all ov. tho com. . :4jh report that wm am uniting srrangemi its to swap cch ihefCiirat the eomln election, ;rnl that Jus II. y w i t i alto be tradrtl o HI v i , wo titltb tlii:, method tf sjs nying tho tiu'.h df u?h reperti, No SU .'ll ';tii;i will Iki tike i ,y i:i.n r f us, nT our friends ni- oaatlened to keap out of all Silcli cembill I'ion, us tho result w mid an rely be the dsjleat of the wholo tlgkefc. We pii'pris to hthntl by the wlioo ticket, and would pr. fur d feat rati r to cuter late noy tttali di'dliOil ii it'iln bit .iiinn. P (iV.'l 111 MI III'.I.V. C. II. Stkwaut. us .: wesiDa ion mi nriuici Wlii n Sheriff Diostey wont oit of ofiice, t!io Albany RqjUter, aftct milo. ji.itg him, spi a'taof Oenrg Humphrey as f illown: WetuHV say uf Mi. (hviraio Humph rey, who li.t tiiU-d tho t.fli of Dct.'y SaerilTfor ho many yearsi that with his retirsey tho county loses tin services of as active, e:li h-nt and capable an oflicer ss there it in the buninc, and wlm I nasjn;i.le ln.HtH of Ir-ieiMli u over the X,'tt'y l,j" to urteeu msnpera u'td Uf, . ,h oeesllns ! mstisM plaerd iu bis 2 ,r iu hM. i h i the intleBMO who ti.ii be:ii no:ii!uatnd by Cat Demo t utic party for Bhurtff is i t yarded by Re publican of A!ban win know what they ii.-e Hjjcakinj; tbout. II ha at ways been tfileiimt and prompt in tb discharge of hi duty as Deputy Slut? iff, inl will uiitke it goxl it .Shi-iilf u f.inn oottnt i rer had. Tf :i:ilM.. It ; may Us penaHted to use this word, n .v h common iu daily t :.vir tiiti, we will sty tiiat all jelitical .ar io u?id f.ietion;i aro tumbling to the Daiiio racy. In Penns; 1 vania the in eWpeodaal K -j ublicari are fibtiiig the Stalwarts in open bt'.tle, and the D m ocrata wi!l loar tho palm frm tins fiold. Itflana, iu )e r 1 stronghold of Rc-publi-i'ii-t n, it t-ucUiitg to the D.moc ra-y. And Be II la in very Suite where elect! KM bavo been hail, large Dom m ratia fains have leeu nude. The I'hinete fiauds on our laborers is tum bling th m t the Democracy. The spit it of ralbrak in this pjBiifTtjIar t Krowii g a-.. I tmnh'.ing bs iln UhofCf In hi D iii K-iatic sfr mbold. And on the 5th of June nst th Republican party iu Qtrgm will tumble to the Du mocracy and givo the latter a ,'ctory that will gratify the hatd worker in ur own 8:ate, and the laborers all ov er the iTbfted States. All kail Oregon. . i. r.iiv ub ot Salem knew that Mr. I.'.o-li'v. wlto hn charge of tbe OBSS4lsxotioffl of n Insane Aayl'ttn, went to California laat v ir'r for hi health au I Was I r. W0 BXMtbl and a half, having a physician along with him from Sulsui, nn I tet when he returned "Rockv" Barbari allowed bim $ per day fwr a'l the time bo wai gojie. Thii i true an 1 Mr. Ksth.trt will net denv it. Thu five hundred dollar oi the people's iuoiey was aquandered to enable Boot! i by to take a tup for his health at jiub-ic ex pen He. "I'Um taxpayers and farmci hbould emphatically coii'ltinn suck conduct el the polls, and we hrar of many llupubiicai-'i who declare th ir intention to do it. ORCMIIOV So ., May 7th, 1832 EJ. b .! u: la yaurleeuc .f Ajirll Sal I noUceat an artic le in re Cr la tajeeJf Utat l a aiiuare tuUrcurraetitaUun of rte, aatl I aak ol yuu Ute ttiuileae ol t raply ia the way of carre -Uaiie at th tt error. Is the flret place the trie,rat;iiii frmnthi prarinrt were nut InalnicUU at all nar wjold revaieenuite. As for iwomlneiu ltaub!i 1 4S efiar say analp, n on knowt at ein h men. aitl si lor ewearins I tloit thin lbutti-aii uaa euch lan.-ii 1-,, there(re ploaaj k. ti. puhlicit ti.r-.n.!. your i' i ,. i ait eSM A. Q Ciitttsssv. VS cheot fully give place to Mr. CbrisBiau'a letter, but at the same time maintsin that what we ssii was sub taatiallv truo. We heard with our own ear Uiublicana growling because Mr. 0. "weut back" (si thoy calUd it) on Johnson. Besid this we know of Republicans after hi fcalp, if he don't, snd the returns in June will show it. No ; Republican don't swear, but we knew some of tbem who can equal any Domrcrat when it comes to cursing. NOT SO. I have been Informed that cortain persons have beeu circulating; the re port that Geo. Humphrey aud myself had entered Into an agreement where by, it was undorstood that if he, Humphrey, was elected Sheriff of Llun eounty, that he would appoint me his deputy. I wish te state that the story is falho, that there is no agreement between Mr. Humphrey and myself in regard to tho deputy ship or otherwise; that I would net except the deputyshlp under any coiiHlderatiom ; that I Intend to fco to my ranch at Fish 'Lake as soon ss tlu hmo will permit and any person iraveling over the mountains will find ine theie rady to furnish the bes: facet mmodationsto travolersfer a fair compensation. Yes, even to the persons who have been so busy in circulating this false report. UeMIYE. BUIIMKKTF.R. r at At. nutK. Bachelors Hall has become a total wreck and its few members are now scattered te the four corners of the globe. Dick has left fer parts un known. Rov is meandering1 around in the far distant hills. Charley is seen no more under the lone oak. Steve is hunting for better pastures. Ralph still visits Soda Springs for his health and is trying to locate. Char lie R. has not been seen since tho last issue ef the Democrat, but will prepare resolutions fbtf another "old bach" boon. Tommy. OORBESPONDENOB ms imn neTCA. I.BMAjfoX My 24th, 1H82. I ' l ttumerttt. i The insi4og of tbe citizens to detrr mino wheMier it would be ndvinable to celebratO th fourth of .July was well atlenrle.l. It wus un decided toot h'l. i, tie tho ilny in ginou stvle and the ufuel eooittiUteee were aajjestited tt V ehfl l the luatter. Tho p -ople of iti: ctiiu.ty are Oordiaily invited tu he prerent nl wiih(;iit tlouht it grni tims will be bad. The itistiy t'iii-4iU of Mr, R, D-na a learnin that on last Wedresday wh hi ' irthday wade a ;o m i iuh ia the eve:. in,' upon him bringingClong i vin presents ef a memento oftlm event. The evening was passcil in social ebat followed hy a sup' r luuch, in which ell partieipated with grea. d-ui of pleasure. Homo twe weeks a 'o .John D uaca and .i .n in; . Put man, of Sweet Floma K')t iu'o a little duiciUy. Kiom words they got into idowrt uutl in the fight in, same way ot oile r l'utinsn r;ot hold rt Douses m httlo fi iei on his left hand and bit it o tiiat it a faw day ago bad to bo am; mi titled iu eider to Have hi life. A warrant of arroht has been sworn out Mi l Putniau will be ttied for mayhem hufore Justice Smith ef Lek anoo. Art-urding to previous aoiiointment W. II. Holmes Esq., al V, Q, p,,MI were on hitml anJ hel I a joint discus sion on tbe political issues of the dat Th attendance wa rather small. Mr. Helmes eejeoed the discussion in a very thia aud creditshle way and Wa fel lewed hy Judge Piper in a rather pleas teg address, Peihsieakvra were at leiitively listened to and without di paragiaag Judge Pparia the lst. Mr. Holme iu bi current and forcible Man net- clearly showed that he wss in every war well cllculated for the position for whitli be is running. In tbe evening K. K. Kkipwerlb addressed a very lrge crowd. The little fJka but ween the ages of I ane IU to the number of about twenty had a picnic on last Saturday. The following wa the program arranged by them and carried out to the letter. Willie Cowan Marshal of the day. 1 Hinging by all. 1' Speech by Kva CoWan. J Sng -by Ore P.alUrd. 4- Speech by Frank ie Ralston. ." Singing by ell. 6 Dinner. 7 Stoging. Speech by Walter Miller. l Vocal duett by Ore Ballard aud Kva Cowan. 10 Speech by Hob M ntgue. 1 1 Siugi&g. It is needless to say whet Urge folk hmced to be present e:jye 1 ' tbe ex nrcise immensely. Mr. A. Compton and family started for i ho e.a-t to join BsM hoshand. Thev will pichahly remain sil the mmmer. Hon. 1, IC.liaa i quite feeble snd una ble to be s round. There is some fear that he may not recover. Charles McDonsld, engineer, was mad hfcppy last Mondsy morning. It is said he whiatled and blowed st every crossing aud that a hage mil covered bis countenance, all on account of little fctrl at hi bouse. Mrs. Mc and hahy d -ing well. wai r.r.ri bli ta sm. crt. ion jnim jKri ; uit s, Hay ih I.'diior I ctnon a'.. Scidng that 'ur Lako Mde la fivor (f fiVkfj 1 1 orers and me taVMslOI MiT-ilnst t orperalioos and rapi tsllstfl, I r-lr to say that I have been looking into tho matter a t vthotn farmers, IsbSffStl tad mechan ics should voii' fer, for OnVinwt, and, aith.UKh I h ive heretofore voted the ItSpMbllSta ticket, I ahall vote for J. 8L Smith and for tbe following reas on. Two yoais ago we made our candidate for the legislature on bath sides promise to pass a bill to reduce Interest un money and te reduce feet of Clerks and .Sheriffs. Both ol thee bills weru Introduced aud passed. Mr Moody was a member of the Leg islature and worked and voted against both of these bilis. Unfortunately lhtbill to reduce fees of Clerks and Sheriff lias been declared unconsti tutional and henco another bill will be Introduced and will doubtless pass this fall and If Meody should be elect ed Governor ho would veto the bill, tat'caoso he is opposed to low salaries. I am further informed that Moody is a banker aud money lender and has close business relations with the O. ii. Si N. Co., ami hence he !s net tho kind of man I want for Governor, and for thin reason myself and many other Republicans in Marion ceunty will vote for Smith, whom vo per sonally knew to le honest, upright, capable and aluve all the un9inchiag friend of the people. Faumeb. Ta I talara t 1. mm Conaly. Hesrlbg a tumor e'uo?rning the official iategrity of ;eo. Humphrey while acting as Deputy Sheriit during my term I take this opportunity to say tliitt I know him to bs au honest, eon Bcieatiou man in basiatss and emi nent l well qualified for th position te wh ch he aspires. Dated at Albany this 2."th day ef May 1882. I. . Dickey, Kx -Sheriff of Linn Co. BKSIIKU IHOM IkkVATM. The following htatetnent ot William J. t'ouuiilin, of Somerville, Mas., in so re markable that we bej to ask for it the at tention of our readors. Ho say : "In the fall of 1870 I was taken with a violent bleeding of the lung followed by a severe ceugh. ' I soon began to lose my appetite and flesh. I was no weak at one nine that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I wuHadmirted to theCity Hospital. While thero the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expended over a hundred dollars in doc tors aid medicines. I was so far gone at one time a report went around that I wa dead. I gave up hope out a friend told me of Dr. W m. Hall'- llalsam for the lunus. I laughed at mv friends, thinking that my case was iucuraDle, but I got boil l.i to satisfy tbem, when to my sur prise and gratification, 1 commenced to feel better. My hope, once dead, began to revive, and to-day I feel in better spit its than I have the past three yearr. "I write this hoping you will publish it. so that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the lungs, and be con vinced that consumption can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has done more good than al the other medicines I have taken sine ray sickness My cough has alraos t e tirely disappeared and I shall soon be ab to go to work." Sold ty diufgitts. HARVEST ; "k my, V IS .again at the front with a large lot of FARM I M PLE M E T 8. Call and see cho CHAMPION LIGHT MOWER, CHAMPION NEW MOWER, MCCORMICK'S MOWER, TIGER HAY RAKE, BUFFALO PITT'S THRESHER AND HORSE POWER. and the MCCORMICK HARVESTER AND TWINE BINDER GREATLY IMPROVED FOR 1&6- I am also receiving a large stock of carriages. Three and I'our Hpx'intf CarHageH, Pltatiorm Spring: Carriai s? I5nyru with and withcut Topw, Oregon Ila-clae. THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGONS always on hand. The Thomas Smoothing: Harrow, one of the best implements for pulverizing the soi and cultivating growing crops, just received- I AM CONSTANTLY receiving something new in labor sav ing machinery, and am prepared to quote prices and terms that will pay farmers to examine the above machines and judge of their merits. Everything folly guaranteed or no sale. A)l the above on exhibition at my warehouse, Second St-Albany. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Hollows FJIIeaass Ointment. Wre -as of Humanity.-Indiscretion of Youth. No oejrrt la more soul attpeiling than the premature sensibility ef youiL, daily wiineaMxl among tba ftabituoa of our ' pujjlie promenadea, where may the terrible result of tiiseaae in ba its most friabtfui forms of tha ehatiy an 1 oantlaveroua wreck ef manhood, the de luded victims of unprlnclpal couue'rela. who, by pernicious nostrums, bave im prf(iuaeu the systems of their unauepect ing; and eontidtng patienta with mtnersj rxinons. For all ulcera and impurity of blood oansequent upon such imprudextiep, Hoiioway' iiil and and Ointuiaat are powerfully efficacious, beina composed of rate balsam aud Teetabifa that ars antaironiatlc to all diaordeia of the blood, and ulcers arising from virua in the body TksaJ contain not a particle ef mm-ury or other mineral poison. 191 1 trrAirrCa utiss.-Xone aro qonuio unloaa the signature of J. 1 1 aT dock, sur rounds each bex ef Fills and Ointment. Boxes at 9J cents 61 cents and l each. JaT- There is considerable smTing by taking the larger sizes. JiotxowAT at Ce., Now York. 6yl. - a Strayed or Stolen. A bright red yearling heifer, a era be tween Devonsfcire and short born, etraved or stolen from my place near Roberts iino-ge Murln Ine last week in April. Un the left ear waa an upper slope and au under -l it. Anyone giving information tkat will lead to ber recovery will be suitably re warded, add ream W. F Bsrrows, Shedd Station. ALBANY e MARBLE WORKS, STAIGER BROS. Prietors ALBANY. OREGOMV MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AMD HEADS rONES Executed In Italian or Vermont MartXe. Alao, every variety of cemetery and ether atone work done with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to order from all parts of this State and Washington Territory, jaVAU work warranted. 17:42 SODAYILLB ON TOP. Here you will flnd L, B, Carter's grocery store, whioh includes groceries of all kind CANDIES, NUTS, TOBACCO, CICARS, TINWARE, PALENT MEDICINE, snd in fact lmost everything, excepting dry goods. Call and see me aad yon will go away well pleased. Remember I , Ii. B. CARTER. New Photograph Gallery. E. Kraft, late of San Frrancisco. will .s7op!7jinb of Nolan's, for a short time. All in want of nrat-cTass'TycTk'TaT dated ati moolrate)rices"M sample of work. Satisfaction guaranteed OF 1882. mam. mmmKWmmw m lew vrarcazt tsz fftS. It will be apparent to any one who will examine a solid gold wateh. Lb at aside frera tb neccseary tbiekueas for engraving and polishing, a large pro portion ot tiie precious metal esed is needed only to stiffen and held tbe en graved portions in plan's, and supply tke necessary solidity and atrergt . The surplus gold 1 actually needles so far as utility and besmty are con cerned. In Jame Boss' Patent Geld Watch Cases, this waste of precious meial is overcome, and the sasae solid ity and strength produced at from eee third teese-bslf ef tbe usual cost of solid case. Tbi pieces is ef the meet simple nature, a-, fellows : a plate ot nickle sempesition metal especially adapted tu the purpose, ha two plate nf selid gold se Isle red ene en eacb side, Tbe tin ee are then passed between polished steel rollers, and the realt ia atrijs ef heavy plated enmpesitiea, from which the cases, backs, centres, bezels, etc, are cut and shaped by sui table dies and formers. The gold iu these eases i sufficiently thick to ad mit of all kinds ef chasing, engraving and euamelling ; the eugra.ed cases hare been carried until wera perfectly smoeth by time and use withost re moving the gld. This i th only ease mads with twe plates of solid gold and warranted by special certificate. For sale by all Jewelers. Ask for Illustrated Catalogue, aad to see war rsnt. yror t ei ch. If you are suffering with a severe congh, cold, asthma, krouchitu, hay fever, con sumption, loss f voice, tickling in the thn at or any affection of the throat or lungs, use Dr. king Xew Discovery for Consumptu n. This is the great remedy that is ceasing se much excitcmeut by its wonderful cares, caring thousands of hopeless cases. Over One million bottles ef Dr. King's New Dis covery have been used within tke last year, and have given perfect satisfactioa is every iastancer We can unhesitatingly say that thia is really the only sure care for throat and lung affections, and can cheerfully rec ommend it to alL Call aad get a trial bottle free of cost, or a regular size for $1.00. For ale by Fofthay aud Mason, wholesale agents Alb, ay ; D. Morris, Scio ; Dr. L Foley, Leba non ; Dr. J. M. Powell, Lebanon ; D. M. Calbreatte, Baena Vista ; Reafetto sad Mon tague, Jefferson ; O. H. P. Cornelias, Tur ner ; R. A. llampy, Harrisburg j S. $. Hayes, Halsey ; Damon Smith, Halsey ; Starr and Blakely, Brownsville, BOLIVIAN'S PAD, FOB LIVER, THS Stomneh, Kidneys. I Um only safe and reliable reoaed y for Malaria in all its INCLUDING Type. CttUia, Fevers, Dull Aching Pains, Remit lent and ia tsinuttent revers, Dumb Afrue, JJiatretaing Ueadsches. No pad i i the world Like Dr. Uolt&ana. It annihil ates Liver Complaint, Dypeiwia and Bil iousness. Thii la th only ku turn rstneiy that poUvly sx pels every vestLg ot maUriai taint trotn the systess vMthuu'. cudarujering- healUk Prof. Dr. A. Loomis says : It is nears s universal panacea than anything in medicine. Thia is done on tha principle of absnrpUon, ol which Dr, M nan a Pad is the only genuine and true experiment. For all KIDXKY TKOI BLE use Dr. Uoraasa' Renal or Kidney Pad, tbe best remedy in tbi- worl au -oommor.ded by tbe medical faculty. BEWARE OF BOtTS PADS. Each genuine Holman Pad bears tbe PRIVATE BtEYEM K STAMP ot the Holman Pad Co., with th.) above trade mark printed in green. Buy. none withont it, FOB SALE BT ALL BBl'CGISTS. Dr. Holman ' advice is tree. Full treaties sent free on application. Address HOLM AX PiB '., 144 Broadway, Hew York P. 0. Bex 21U 16-50