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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1882)
SFATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT Mate aivxhtisijo sans. ) 1 re I 3 m ! fan 1 yr 3 00 500 800 1200 1500 1800 25 00 3000 4000 12 00 ISSUED KVElwY FRIDAY 5 00 00 700 000 12 00 15 00 20 00 700 1000 12 50 15 00 18 00 25 00 IS 00 22 0t 27 00 .V. 00 48 00 CO on C I A 1 15 K. STEW AKT. Ui. HMBM Ol S H T.-ln Drmwrnl t'.uil.IIrt on ttruadatbta Mrrct. 4000 1 1100 ( O npefeiai om.i notice, in Louai CsT- iimns 2S cents per line. Jteguiar local TEIUIS or SUBSCRIPTION luU cot, pr jfw S3 00 inj:l copy, six mouth - 00 iusfl copy, thre month I 00 itil0 number 10 not ices 10 cents per lino. For legal and transient advertisement. II Ot per square for the first insertion and M ' nU per square for each subsequent Istteaapaaju VOL. XVII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 80, 1882. NO 43. " 1 g 1 loch f"o0 " 2 V.i 3 ' 3 00 4 " 4 00 j Cel G 00 "13 looo " 15 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U Fl.tNS. a. B. CnAMBKKLAIN. FUNX & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTOB.i:VS AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. jpTOfflw in Foster's Brick Fdm-k.-ti vl5nlStf. R. S. l-TRAUAX. I., nil YKf. STKA5IAN & BadLYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW AInnny. Orccon. 1JRACTCCE IN AI.Tj tiu: cor UTS OF this State. Thev pivo spwlal atten tion to collection- an "I probate matter. Ortloe in Foster s new brnk. Ittf L. hTmontanye. ATTORN FY AT I. AW. AND Notary Public. Albany, Ores An. Ofll"o upstair, over John Bricgs store, 1st street. vHuiiit" J. K. WEATHERF0IID, (JiOT.VKY HJBUQJ kTTOHN EY AT 1 .AW, ALKtXY, MMil. WILL PR.UTICK IX ALL THK i OUSTS OF THE State. Srascial altenUuu .t.v.i 10 cttiUvUona aii.l irobato matt or. X-fl-OlBoe in OJd KelUar'a T.!npl. 114:2 J. C. POWKLL. W. K. HII.YKU POWELL & BIJLYEU, ATTORNEYS AT I. AW, And Solicitors iu I liauocrv, 4LB.4XY, ... ORKCsOX. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. a-Oflic in Foster's Briok.- vHniStf. t. p. ua(km::ia, A T TORN E Y A T L A W. illtVM. ORCCUV Office up diairs in the Odd Fellow -'a TlSnoO F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBASOX OREC.OV Will practice In all the courts of the State. Prompt attention given to collection!, con veyances and examination of Titles. Probnte business a speciality. vlSnWtX. J. A. VAtfTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COBVAIUS, OSEQON. era. TOfflee In the Court Boose vlOn&vl. GEORGE W. BiRXEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, rCISEYlLLK. OHM.Os. Collections promptly made oaatl points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBt.W. Ol f TILL practic in all conrt3 of the sat-3, and give spal atvntion to collections E. 11. SKIPWORTH, TTOEXEY .'.J (ocx&exos AT law axd XOTABT PI BU . WILL practice ia all courts of the State JM business intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Office in WTooVtBiocl, BrotulaCbin Strtei, 45yl Albany, irmm. E. G. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Office in Froman's BricK, two doors Fast of Conner's Bank. ulO LEWIS STIMSOF-'S LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. First class vehicles, fine hrre--i, good 'eel, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Stables near Revere House. eyl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. JOQIA E. W. LANCDOH & CO., Books, Stationery and ,poilot Articles, A Large Stock and Low Prices. CITT D3?lTXGr STOBE, 2yl UBtKl, OKEtlOV. FOSHAY & MASON, : :.''.. VJ, MX ASD RBTAIL-r Druggists an I Booksellers, ALBANY, OREGON. vlCn41tf REVERE HOUSE, i'rne First and Ellsworth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. This new Hotel is fitted up in first claw style. Tables supplied with the best the market affords. Spring Beds in every Room. A yootl Sample Eoom for Com mercial Travelers. zyFree Coach to nad from the Hotel. J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoe Maker. BOOTS AND SHOES made to order, and repairing dune with neatness and dispatch, and at low prices. Call and se him. First Street, Albany. 41yl Aloany Bath Housa. lltiE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPEC1 1 fally inform the citizens of Albany and vi iinity that I have taken charge of this Establish tnsnt, and, by keeping clean rooms and payiu itrict attention to business, expects to tali al those who may favor us with their patronage Saving heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, expsots to give entire satisfaction to al nsVCailatea and Ladies' Hair neatly on shampoo ad. JOS W BBblt. W. H. GOLTRA DBALBR IN Farm Maeliiuei'y, WAGONS, HACKS, BUG GiES, Plows, Harrows, HAY lMKSSj;s. 8TEKIi GOODS, JAMES DANNALS, FURNITURE Jj BEDDING. raer Frrry aad srraad Mrrrt. ALUIT, - - OREir. sSfallyl Cathartic Pills Comhmi the choicest catharti prin iplos in n!icir.c. in proportions accurately ad jusfpl t" frcim activiiy. crTaizity. nml untformitr cf effect. TlWy are tin result of yars of careful stndy and practical ex psfinwt. and arc th? mmt t uovtuul rcm clr yet dlcoTercl fr diseases caused hy derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which retire prnropt and effectual trc-atinent. Avkk's Pitis ro eptciaily applicahie to this clax of diascs. They tm directly on the digftive and asltn lative prox-eiscs, and restore rvsular healthy nctim. Their citrn--iv ws4 l,y physicians in their pra tice. and by nil civilized nations, if 0:10 cf the many proofs of their x.;h;e as a safe, sure, and ierfectly reliable parpttive medicine. Jeing compounded of tho conceutratcd virtues of purely vegetable imlwtaucea, they are positiveir free fnm calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admin istl-red to childrcu with perfect safety. Arm's Pit-tJi are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costlvcne?, Indijres tion. 1 i -1 : Io& of Appetite. Foul Stomnclt and lircnth, Iiin ss, Ileadacbc, Loss of 3Iemory, Numbness, liilicusness. Jnundie, ltheumatism. Kruptions and Shin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralchv, Colic, firipes. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Jout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "While gentle in their action, these TtUJ arc the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can be employed, and never give pain nnKsa the bov.eLj arc inflamed, and then their inflttence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs: they operate to purify and enrich the blood, anl impart renewed health and vigor to tho whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Fractical and Analytical Chemists, Lowe'.l, Mass. SOLO BT ALL. nnfOQIsTS t VCRTVUCSC. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CUBE GUSiWEED. Dn e. .. mesra serve a?;j tp.kat. went, . t)yisAHi; for ITysSarta, Dtsaslilesa, -'n vuljiioim. Nervous H-;ac h., Mt!,:-l rsian tri Meeiory, Sjjerriiatorhnts. Imt u.tiry, ln-vulumarj- eniiMSona. preimtur .!i a--. :iuiel ly ovcr-xtrt!oii, elf-tme or O! -tufatasoee, v. t,k-h ieals Vu miery, Uecay rnl death. mx wiil cure recent ilaiew. ttaw.-h box c-jtitii!i otic month's treatment ; one iotisr a Ujx, or nix ixt- or flee dollars; Kent by mail t.rejnij on reteija of price We j,'uar5nt'e x boxes to cure any cams. Willi each order received ly us Vt x lioxc-s, accempanicl with five dollars, we will aeKd the itirehaer our written unarantee W return the m ;i y if the treat ment does not effeet a trure. i:u.ranteca Ueued only hy WOODABD, CXAKK1 A CO , Wholesale and Retail DrusfjrisU, PortleMd, Orvyoo. Order by Btsii at rejiUr prices. "Dr. P!XEV, " NO. 11 KEAIINY HT. Treats all Cbrontc and t!easra. WHO 51A BE MWrWMXKC TKOSI TIIR eflcts of youthful follies or hui-crction, will do well to avail thcnisclvss of this, theTrcatcst boon ever laid at the altar of suCring hmnanily. Pit. SPLNN'tY will iruarantcfl to forfeit 500for evi;ry ease getofmle weakness or private disease 01 any kind or c-i-.- r which lie undertake and failg to cure. MII0LfACi:D MM. There are many at the age of thirty -fivet sixty rho are troubled with to f roquent eveeuation of the blad der, often accompanied by a slight smartiiur or bunting sensation, and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary depottits a ropy se.liinit will often be founi md sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, JT the color will be of a thin milkish hue, acrain cnang ing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are rnauy men who die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is tho second stage of seminal weakness. Da. 8. wiil guarantee a perfect cure in all such ?aes, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Orricz Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sundays from 10 to 11 a. a. Consultation fees, Thorough exminatior and advice, $5. For private diseases of short standing a full course of inedicin e sufficient for a cure, with all instructions, v i I be Kent to any addn m n receipt of 910 00. Call and address, rut SFIWKV A CO., 7U12 Jo. 11 Ktarey St. tan Francisco, Oul To the Unfortunate! DR GIBBON'S Dispensary. rilQ KE-iKXV ST., OC'O cornor of Commer cial Stred, fcan Francisco. Ksta! lished in 1854, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such aj IW.uorricea, lef. Mrictiire,!syplillisiias1 its forms, J 111 potency seminal WeakuenS, ni-.-bt losses by dreams, pirn plee on the face and loss of manhood can positively be cured. The sick: and ainicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various Hospi tals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable lniorma tton. which he incompetent to impart to those in njpd of his seryiees. fJit. UIBBON will make 110 charge unless he effect a cure. Persons at a distance .11 A i lii: CIK:i AT HUME. All comniunicatioa strictly confidential. You see no one but the Doctor. Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Person writing- to the Doctor uill please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. Charges rea sonable. Call or write. Address 'DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francisco. vlontf N E R V I N E NERVINE. SAMARITAN NERVINE lurw Epileptic r'm. S; uiiw, ('uivtillot, Kt. Vitus Uaa t, I in .. Ifj i. ri . li.Miiily, Aplek) . Pftraiy .1., Khcunuitimi, Neuralgia and all Ntou ilnsassw. Tug u.falUblo rviacdy will puailttely eratlinal vry of Nervi us lVrangsturut, and drive tbetu ay (Mtn alianc tticv came, lie rr to rrturn again . It ui'crly destroys iho germs uf disea by iieutralis lug tho hereditary taint or h.!mmi iu the systom. and thoruuvhly eraaicalcs the duaasr, and utterly 4 struy the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure Female Weakness, !cmral IlcMUty. Isu..r 1 ii i a or W hitrt, Painful Menstruation, I Iccrotlon of i u rns, Intenuu liwat, iiravd, Inlluiinwtion of UN stU-IUir, Irrtiftbility I the Bladder. F-r Wake fulmms t, tit r i bcttr rolr. Durum ,in.- ol l.ic no Fium! should be without It. U tUBSStS the NnoUs SyiUiii and (jics rvt, d4.fort , mti.rv' . swt sleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE t'nrea At-.hnliiu, DnnfVciiii' ad the habit uf 1 j ,u..i IMi:g. 'lu-nv u-r4li..' babiU ar by Ui MM worst cvlU that bate twr befallen il. riiij; 1. .1. 1:11.1. I'iMiisands Uie ainuaii) from thrsc ! ' ... !lic ttui krd drinks llipiur not be eauw h. I . . .. i-.r u..- 1. .iur. I drinking and attng bis friends ; little thtnkli.x Sbal b bu r..d to rutn. l..ku lie opium Eater, be Hrat n , Oi in smalt ijiiantitics as aharudrt-s anlidota. TU t! it;- ii. . e . the Unig uk. . arung 1. Its, Iradiag him on biaun dostrurUou. 'la bsbiUof i) luni kiting and l.lU-.r Drii.klng arc prtri-c') lu! ratio.- i t.. aiiuirntitriteea as mi catiuc Brl l..f!! the st.-niat , SrhUii redoubles its BtattSSja aattl it paralyos U.lh the slotua-b aiid appetite.'y tlin.k 4 liquor or d-c of ..p.uni. Instead uf awiy lllg, only vlds to it fierce flres, until it e.TttUUtea lira iut foree and then Iter If t..oth sJMMbMB t-e-Worm. it cries MUI, gt. gt ! but nttrreno.-h until lit ot:i rspaeity 4rora lUcll Kauiaritan Srt-r., g'.ws li tai.L ttltcf in ail such eases. It prudn-c p, iiu the nrtr. Uu.ll np the nai.m. .i tio, sod imUxk b.Jy Sod suiod SAMARITAN NERVINE CuraS Xeri'ous DspcMia. I'.lj-ita'i ui tir io-liit, a.fui. Hpiiiu. KiUi.cys at all di'Msr.f tttc urlnar tous debihty, ra-ud by tho lttdia. ro t the eeaa ui the i- Ner 4 jr.Hith. IUn:iuUr l-rm.M,.-cii i ureU uv tm- uc paasjsB . 'loj.iu, y.nin. mi.kllc i.-td SU1 i4d own, ... .o jr ..rTt.-;i'ir a al'h a mantle? by a up, 'noi. uv .! b luucly iRnru, I UesSSSS to .!!), si.d jtaeis in the oor Maker, if yu asm n-t stp ifciaa ;rr, until it eais your ita, sixt deatm .d soul. It you are thus a&ietcd. take t's fearnart'so Nersiuc. It tslll reut.ra -:i . ., arrsejt prru-H..- .i. aj , I r t ntry to the shulc atstejia. Da. tl ymr Unic : SAMARITAN NERVINE t'urcd my little girl of Ota. h'he r alv deaf and dumb, but it eurvd her. Hbe csin now talk and hear u.:Im bji;. b xiy. 1'iur Kw, spriuatcr, Ui. S 1 li A It I T A S . I . it VI.MK 11a bcUc Uit nieanaof ruiin.- my telle cf rhenmatUtu J. li. Fletchar, t ort Collins, Col. H 1 II A It I T A H J: It V I K nrt aSJTS d a jre of fits for my aoau K. It lulls, IliatUrtitio, Kan. B VMABITAJi KKVI.t; nit ol vertigo, ticuriigis aed si k hcaia1 r Mrs. V iu. Item mi, Aurora, III. AVARITAH HKKYISB Was i'.e; i.-n. ,. curing my wife ol pasm l.c. J. A. Koic, ik-avc-r, Pa. H A II A HIT A N X KR VI XK Curwl me of a tl.nta. after spending over . fi with Ml doctors. h. It II h..n, Ne Allsuiy, li.J. SV1IAKITAN HRSTISB I y lrel nie of o.m. Mlaa Jeniiic Warn I 710 West Van Burwn HL t, ., I.I. SA '2 It ITA . NERVIXK ' in-.! o.irihlld of f,. sfu-r given up to di. by onr tauiily pi... Sasiae, t having- over lou in 4 hours. IfMSTf Knoc, Vervllla, W arret, t Tenn. "I It IT NKRVIKK 'ii rud ioe f scrofula aftr offering' f.r eight years Albert Simpson, Peoria, lit. MAMIKITAN KERVINE Cared my tm flu, after speniinj; $1, 400 with other doctors. J. W. Thonitoii, ClaitHirn, MUs. . MAM A III TAN IERVI!sK Cure' ; MM I ly of epileptic flea of a stubborn cbarsvur. litv.Uni. Slartln, Mchaulcstown, Md. MAHARITAfl MSR19B Curl my on of fit', having had 2.000 In eightcf-n month.. Mr. K. Forbes, We.t Potsdam, N. Y. M AH Alt IT AN NEBVI2IE Cured nie of e;,!U'jsiv of nliis years' standing'. MiMOrlctia Marshall, Uranby, .Vewtou Co., M. S1RARITAB KltIM lias ;miinuciitty cured mo ol epilepsy .f many years duration. Jacob Kular, ht. Joseph, Mo. HA H A RITA Bf NKHVIAK OkesdnM of bronchitis, asthma and general debility. Oliver Myers, Irontou, Ohio. MAnARITAM MIUVIM: H it cured mu of a-tbma ; also scrofula of many years aacuMee I -aiM: Jewell, Covington, Kjr. . aARAKITAN .EKVIKE Cured a friend of mtne who bad dvspepsia ver' bailly. Mlb.hatl O'Connor, ltidgav. Pa. KAHAKITAX MKMNF Bs : i iuaii' ntly Stlted mo of j.ilcjti- fit.. I la id Trembly, Des Moines, Iowa. NAM Alt IT AN NERVINE Cured ui wife id cpilupy f 3S yearn standing. Henry Clark, Fairflnld, Mich. MAMAKITAN NEKVINE Cured rny nif.; of a nervous disease of the head. B. Oral. an, North Hope, Pa. MAR RIT ' EKVINE ' " .'.:.... i) has not ha.1 a fit for about io..r years. John Davis, Woodburn Co., HI. SAMARITAN NERVINE is for sale by drutririsU every where, or may lie had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan cry-in ; will please enclose a 3-cent pontage stamp for a opy of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving huuij.clsf.f testimonials of cure from persons who nai usi .1 i he medicine, and also their pirttircs photo graphed after their rostoraUon to iwrfect health. Address DR. S. A.RICHMOND & CO. World's Epllptie I .intitule, ST. JOSEPH, MO. N E R V I N E LlRhaHoEHEDY l-'Olt w RHEUMATIC Neuralqin, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tcoth, Ear and Headacho, Frost Foot end Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. K Preparation on earth equals !r Je ns 0l , turr, ttmptt and rkenp I: sssatj A trial entail but tb rotnpsrs'.n Irifling outlay of M ('rata, and stery one M Marl with pain cao bare cheap and puattls Jr f ctsima. iMrc ti n la Ceren lAngaaaa. C3L0 BY ALL DBU0QI8T8 ARD DEALT:? II MRDI0IVS. A. VOGELER fc CO.. Ma J. II. Hatrs, NowapapAr AJvvrllae ln AkpiiI, 41 1'ark. Ilow (Tliiiea liuibliiiK) Nrw York, ia fititlmrlkve I U contract for suI, In ih Dkmocrat at our beat rate. 4 King of the Blood 1. r "t i ".-ue. mllf U Is a .lod purtur and tonlo. ! I "I U'd i.laoae ll avateui. .taranee tlie, and int. livtueeai iruur itavnters, i . . i .nr. rr:.. n.Tir, u, tuiinaulsfc ta-m mc- i ot liBrf to Hfvi, tM.t ltnit t rsnmhssi rr phase; of liial . at ei-fMrto Uw r.lor, Imyarltr of lllaod. (. nfs ffiiri1. a.eae. lAtr ',t , ,, i wsmI Milton. Aer. II, ad eopejl. K r. nr'. , St-rt rl orrW. o4 l'rrvcula I as portly ins astrea la k '--ni prejav laCQ II !-r t I. fttnsay. v tO.. i rrs ... BrfT.lo. n.f RED CROWN MILLS. BALL ARD, 1801 & ((., PR0P8. '. SJ0CaW FUJI K MRSMOsl Foil VAVIIMRH ASU i t ut. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. Cash for ALBANY - :i.l . OR. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acre, with Rood eutaide ranare, loctel near Itritlfre "rock, in Wasco county, together with about 2& hniMCM, to oxchang) lor land here in the Willamette Valluy. Now, if you want to soli yur farm and ro into the stock bust nesta in Kaatern Urexon, here in a chance for yon. Call on or address ('. H. Stew art, Albany, Ureyon. O. B. P. "V'm. linnler,K kKoisrsBrD Masca 35, 1879. iillifflflM Ls the people's popular remedy It Is warranted tn give satisaction, if you want testimonials call atjthe MM We don't publish them, but refer you to tho dealers amlfronsumers. It has no equal, ft r bottle or tl bottles for M, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND- MACHINE SHOP. ESTABLISHED 1SCS. By A. F. CHERRY, situated at corner of First and Montgomery Street, Albany, Oregon. Haviiur taken thareoof the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Haw and Grist Mills, Wood-working Machinery, Pumps, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. Machinery of all .kinds repaired. Spe 9,1 attention given'to repairing farm n:a- cial chlnery. Pattern Making done la all Its forms. 16:llyl A. P. CHERRY A SON. ST CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. HOIK, - - - Propeietoj This House has been thoroughly renovated from top to bottom, and is now In splendid condition lor tbe entertainment of travelers. The table is supplied with everything the mar lut affords. Sample rooms for commercial men. Corvallls, Lebanon and Dallas Stage Office TJon&u ATATB IT I'M a I . P, ThompMn ha uarrioJ out hia prooiiM ami rwignosi kin office to tako ntfect tht ii rat (rfaTuly. Thie will rea der it necpMsm y for the TOtre to eleot a mayor at the regular municipal eleotton which will take place on the l!Hh, day of June, juat two wek after tho State and oounty ele:tiun, which takna place on the i li of Jtinn. Ho wo era to ha kept in a political hoil I r two weeka 'nger than the inor Km tunate portiona f tkn HUte outside of Portland. Vie gram. liuiineaa mm atato that trade in all iU branohee haa wu hnttur thia Kpriug than ever kefure in tbi city, and that they look forward to doing a itill lar ger buaineaa thia Fall. It ia probable that several now huaiiifee houaea will be opened here bvfore long. The in cream; of buainniM dt iiiantht that there irn&uld b, ami it ia gonrally eoncetled fthtjL their eatn'iluthin'nt will be a Wenn- Sj the State, and aUo to our city, as OKheugh the houia now in bnaiucaa flfero have capital enough for tim pur- poK, atill the amount of trai'e ia too gnat for the number of houa. t- han ille profitably. Standard. The Mountain S-nttnrl y.. Pof. J. D. Homer and lady, who have been teaching in the public eukool of Union duiing the laat U;rtas, have taken tlu-ir ditpariure for the Willamette, when Mr. Horner intends Hniahing the class ical course. As a teachsr Mr. Horner ia the beat that hussivcr exetciao.1 I, is power in the echooU of Union. H haa srivftn uiiivrrNnl i,.iifal-ii..r r..l ' beloved by and rr-n.- - 1 bv j everv citixen of H.n cilv of Union Ilia ! departure is regre'.ted Hy all. following is tha riuiii of tbj commuiici tn-nt is.i.'iua uf tha Ktat A ,'i icullural C illette, to s held in Corvnliia, lieginnin,; May 'J.'uh and ending on the 3!a'a May ..'i K veiling - Exhibit ion by Preparatory Ddpsrlmnt. 7 m. May 2G Day Examination Agri cultural Cl.asea, 9 a. m. and 1 'p. w. Kvcning Ksaavabv Agriculturul Stu di'iitt. 7 p. iu. May '11 Kveniog Esbibitiiiu bv PreMaratory Ie(ssrtment. 7 p. m. May ! Sermon bv prs-HiHeot T. P. Campbell. May '-"J Kf.ii . -Kn 'I i-iment by Ade!pbian ht'e.rv M .. i . t, 7 p. m. l)ay--Annual meti.. ..( h i .id t.f Trute.Hi, l) a in May K.-oi. A.;., .--fore the Adelpbitttt S rii by K-v. 1 W. Izer, of Pot llist.d, 7 p. U. May 31 Morning ( ' run. n cement Kserciasss. Use. a'aurat,. lii-ssi l.v Kv. A. H. I.iudscv, 1). I. in.' Vlutii- ni Ilfuninn, 7 p. tu. oii o r.on tiir.ird College is to havo a com plete innehlne hop,wit: a w irUljauch autl forge and gas engine for iscb of the fiitt. i.v pupils in practical miidi in lea." Tlie I'iiiladelphia radical colleges gradual! d 709 students la 1881. Tha number for 1 80 was 73l. It h stated that (Jovaroor IViborta of Texas iutetulM recommending In his message, to the Legislature the gift to the Ualveraaty of 2,500,000 acres oflaod. Rochester University has just re ceived $100,000 for tho purpose of adding a ladies' department to the institution. The School Board of Reading, Pa., h ts voted to close the public schools on the day Jumbo visits tho city vith 11 trnum' circus. The Connecticut Legislature has provided that School Hoard, on the petition of twelve adult residenta, may order Instruction in the public schools cencerning the effect of intox icating beverages. Miss Helen Taylor at a rcent meet ing of the London School Baard con tended that the existing system of school fees was n great htndranco to the progress of elementary education, and that the Instruction of the chil dren of the poor ought te be a charge on the public purse. Strangely onough, Dr. Gladstone responded that to agree to Miss Taylor's mot i n for making the elementary schools free "would be a step toward retro gression instead of one of progress." Lovers and collectors of illuminated MSS. are looking forward with in tense eagerness to the silo of the Duke of Hamilton's library In June, when there will come Into the market the precious illuminated folio MS. of Dante's 'DIvlr.ii Comtnedia,"with outline designs from the hand of San dro Botticelli and other famous ar tists at the Quattrocento. KSCiLISsfl HI MOB. The London Spectator says that the "humor or theumted states, ir close ly examined, will be found to depend in a great measure en the ascendancy which the principle of utility has gain ed over the imaginations of a rather Imaginative people." The humor uf England, If closely examined, will be found just about ready to drop over the picket fence Into the arena, but never quite making connections. If we scan the Engllh literary hoiizon we will find the humorist up a tail treo depending from a sharp knot theroof by the slack of hh overalls. He is Just iu Bight at the time you look in that direction. He always baa a man working in his place, how ever. The man who works in his place is just paring down the half solo and newly pegging a joke that has recently been sent in by the foreman for repairs Laramie Boomer aiyj. $1500 l)er vear can be easily made at home working for E. G. Rideo it & Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yot. Send for their catalogue and full paitlc ulars The Episcopal Ohurch. BV RKV. KOBT. U MTKVKNS. XVI. We will finish Kuoabiui' account of Pelycarp'a martyr-'om. "Hut that taviaua ami inaliguaat ad versary, that wiaked enemy of all the righteous, seeiug the luatre of hia mar tyrdem and bia uniform walk and oon vetsatiou, and In m now erowned with the crown of immortality, and bearing efl the indiaputable ptiiff, had provided that not even his corpse should be ob tained by us, though mttiy of as eager ly wished it, so as to li i communion with tbe sac ted body. Home, therefore, secretly engaged ISicetas, the father of Herod and brother of lialce, to go to tbe governor, so as not to give tbe body, lttst, said they abandoning him that was crucified, they should begin to woiship this one. Aad this they said on tbe suggestion aud urging of tha Jnws, who were also matching and locking out while we sasgij j. relating to take him from the lira. Not know in, howuvor, that wo can never aban d n Christ, a ho sutr.M ed r the salva tion of those that are becoming aavad from all the world, nor even worship sny other. For him wu worship as the son of (iod ; but tins martyrs wa deservedly love as tha disciplos and imitators of our Lord, on account of their exceeding love to their King and Master, of whom may we only be ctm true aaaociatua sn l fellow dis- !' The ceuturio i t ien, aeeing the obalii.acy of thn Jnws, placed him ia the middle, and burnt it socordicg to tho custom of the Gentile. Thes, at laat, taking up hi bone, more valuable than pii-cious stone, and more tried than goid, we dp-mi d theai where it wax pio;er they mi d be. 1 here !o, as Ur us we can, 0i L r i will grant us to collect and cuiehrste the natal day of his martyrdom in joy and gladness , both in m-ui-m ir.tion of those who 1 thoil contest before, and to excreta and prepare IImmu that ah. II h roafier." S.i.'li ia the account rrsmeoiintf the blirasl Polvcarn. who Uher with I , - - too rwelvc f.oii Philadelphia, wss i-ronl. marivr Who. how-ver. ia mentioned alone by all ao that be is i-ki u ol bv tha iietitiira in everv a place. Of audi ati end, the it, was the admira'd and apol..lic rolycatp deemed woitb aocotdlug to the account which the brethren in Smyrna recorded i.i the enislie that we bate quoted. In this aarao npistle, etao, respecting him, !. i uteittrdiui are alao recorded, hich took place in the same city and ahmit the time of Pol) carp a death. Among thsoe, alao, waa Motrodorua, a follower of Marcioos error, but wbo ap wars to hsve Im-ou a piesbyter, and who w.s cjmmitte.1 to the Ilamea. A very celebrated mart) r of tbeste time waa Pioniui. Thuoo who foel inclined to know respecting bim, we refer to that epistle that has been embodied in the work on tbe aneient martyr, col lided by us, in which is given a very full account of his iarticttUr confes sions, and of tbe freedom with which he spoke, of bis defence of the faith be fore tho people and rulers." Wu have quoted thus fnly such a long account of the ueiugs of thia period of tbe Church's history, because it ia generally passed over by those wbo prefer alighting the teachings of tho early Church of Episcopacy. This was the seed time of tbe Church, and there has never been a more noble eight in flw. avrtrld'a liisOirv tlun I "n riKllsn 1 1 v for the two hundred year auccceding our Saviour's death. We had thousands upon thousands of nolle n oi and wooa- en yielding up! heir lives for the defence of our Chmtian faith. They die willing- ly for tbedtf n?e of tbe t-utb and try to imitate tbeir master. Can we believe that every where the Church was glinted, tbe scriptures and yet this ia what our her members gave up th'-dr freedom to a system which was uet clearly traced in sectarian brethren tell us ; that every where the Dishops began to usurp au thority and lay the foundations of an bieraicby burdensome iu its nature aad destructive of Christian liberty. We say it must at once appear impos sible, and that not until the lima ol Con t n ine when c'uurch and ttate were first united do we find a trace of any powers assumed by bishops which wete not in strict accordance with tbe Apostolical commission. For the case stands thus : Ignatius aud Polycarp c both conversed with tbe Apoitles and received their ministry directly from them. Ignatius speaks of Episopacy in the strongest terms in his letters and Polycarp recommends these letters to all Christian brethren by commend- iugjthcm to the Phillipians. Polycarp is .naradso lorn that when he is nut to dHath h can sav oiihtv and six vears have I served (Christ) him and ho never did me wrong." Tho address of bis epistle begins, "Polycarp and the preibyters with him to tbe Cburch of God sojourning at Phi.lipi.' Wo ob- serve that the deacons are not mention- ed but in section 5 wa re id "Wherefore it is needful to abstain from all these things, being subject to the presbyters and deacons as unto G d and Christ. ' That Polycarp was their head and leader is most evident from the prom- iaence given him. Moreover Polycarp waa. bevond all reasonable doubt, the angel of tho Church of Smyrna addressed by Christ! in Revelation II. 8. How significant dnp the historv of his martvrdom be- aiim interflrated bv the Saviour's tronh- w- IT . " ..!. .. s m it. ecv. "And unto the Ansel of the nhurr i in Smvrna write : These thines a. ... saith tho first and the last, which was Dr. Sohaffan injustice did I not refer dead and is alive j I know thy works to his note on the above remarka. Space and tribulation and poverty, (but thou allows but part of this to be quoted; he art rich) and I know the blasphemy of says: them which say they are Jews, and 4We need hardly say that our poal are not, but are the synagogue of tion here ia net dogmatical ar sectarian Satan. Fear none of those thinia at all but entirely historical. The high which thou shalt suffer ; behold, the antiquity tho usefulness and the neces devil shall cast some of you into prison, slty of the Episcopal form of govern that ye may be tried, and ye shall have ment in the times before the refer na- ftvihulation ten davs : be theu faithful unto doatb, and I will give tbee a crown of life. That tbe view hero presented to tbe reader ia not onesided bat in accor dance with commonly accepted facto, wo will endeavor to show from Dr Philip Sebafl tLe boat known American (though German born) authority on Church history, and who baa never been accused of leaning towards Epis copsoy. In bis History of tbe Apos tolic Church on tbe subject of tbe A o- gels ol the soven Ubnrcbes ho writes thus: (Note. As Dr Schaff apeaks J ftpitoopacy aa monarchical we would call attention to the fact that as thfc bishops are ohosea by both clergy and people tbey are no Bore monarei.s than our governors, and wo will allow that episcopacy is monarchical in tho same sense that oar government is monarchical in not admitting two or more presidents to rale at the same time.) (Kchatrs Hist, Ap. Ch. Pago. 539.) "But even in tho latter ease the im partial inquirer must allow, that this phraseology of the Apoacalypso already looks toward, tbe idea of epucopacy ia its primitive form, that is, to a mon archical concentration of governmental power in one iierson, bearing a patri archal relation to tbe oonaTeffation . and responsible ia an eminent sense for tho spirited condition of the whole. Thia view is confirmed bv tbe fact. that among tae immediate disciples of John we had at least ene Polycarp who according to the unanimous tradi tion of Irenaeus (his own disciple, him self a bishop,) of Tertulliaa, Euaebios, and Jerome, waa by apoatolioal appont ment, actually bishop of Smyrna, one of the soven Churches of tbe Apocal ypse, Add to this tbe statement of Clement ol Alexandria, that John after hia retum from Patmoa anoointed bishops ;" the Epistles of Ignatius, of the begin uing ot the second century, hich already distinguished tbe bishop from the Pit by tery, as tho bead of the congregatiea, and in which the thres lor dels pyramidically culminate in a reg- alar hierarchy, although witboot tbe least trace yet of a primacy , and final- ly, the fact that Asia Minor was tbe vorv rosrion where tbe rapid growth of noresies and tbe pressure of outward a . . .a dangers urged towards tbe establish "ent of a firmly consolidated system oi government : atd we assured if have . Ba B as as . a a . o iucd in lavor ci me nypotoesis so learnedly aad ingenioasly sot forth lately by Dt. Rot he, that the germs of Kpiscoji icy are to be found aa early aa tbe doe. of the fiist century, and par ticularly ia the sphere of the later labor of 8t John. Dr. Thiersch also arriwe at a siotilar result. But oven in this oaae wo atill with tbe : uter his torian insist on aa important distinct ion between the "angels of the book of Revelation aud the later Diocesan bishops. For aaide from tbe very limited extent of their charges, as com pared with the large territory ot moat Greek, Roioan Catholic and Anglican btshjps these aagels stood below the Apoetiea and their legates, aud wore not yet invested with great power ( particular v the right to oonfirm and ordain), which foil to the later biboia after the death of tho Apostles. For while they lived tbey wore beyond all question the holders and executives of the supreme authority in doctrine and government, and administered ordina tion either in person or by tboir dele gates. 1 be latter is expressly affirmed of John, in tho statement of Clement Alexandtii above cited. Tbe Angels accordingly, if we are to understand by tbom single individuals, mast be considered aa forming the transition from the presbyters of tbe Apostolic 10 bihoP1 of thi econd ?n fcU J addition to this, however, the episcopal ay stem was simultaneously making ita way also in other parts of the Cburch, iu Jerusalem, where James held in all respects the position of a bishop, aa ia fact he is directly styled, even by the oldest fathers, bishop of Jerusalem : in Antioch aad Rome, whoso first bishops are said to have besn appointed by the Apostles them selves, and are known to us by name on ths testimony of such men as Irenaeus, Origen, Tertullian, Eusebius, and other ancient documents. Indeed almost all tbe evangelists or delegates of the Apostles are in their la tot years placed by tradition in particular episcopal - as a est .a. sees, it now wa consider in nno that in tbe second century the episcopal system existed, as a historic fact, in the whole Church, east and west, and was unresistingly acknowledged, nay universally regarded as at least in ia a a a directly of diviae appointment, wo oan hardly escape the conclusion, that thia form of government naturally grew out of the circumstances and wants of the Church at the end of the Apostolio period, and could not have been ao quickly and so generally introduced without the sanction, or at least the acquiescence, of the surviving Apoa- ties, especially of John, who labored on the very thresbhold of the second eeutury, and left behind him a number of renerable diaciplei. At all events it needs a strong infusion of skepticiem or of traditional prejudice to enable one in the face of these foots and witnesses, I to pronouuee the episcopal government of the ancient Church, a sheer apostacy from the apoetoho Irm, and a radical revolution. iSUt aa the clearer data tor I the rise and character of the episcopal system all He outside of tbe Hew lesta meat, tbe more detailed examination- of them belongs rather to the second period rather than to the history ot the Apostoho Church. There words correspond very ciosaly to wht was urgaa in aomeoi toe pre- I ft- S. 1 1 X :lal 1 S-l ceedmg aruciea. i migu- nowover v tion, does not necessarily make it of force for all succeeding ages. For we have no passage in the N. P. which prescribes three orders, or any perticu lar form of Church government (except ing tbe ministry itself) as essential to tbe existence of tbe Church, and history abundantly proves that Christian life has fsoorished nnder various forms of government. We, of course are not concerned with Dr. ScbafTs deductions but tho facts; and he acknow'.edgte that as a fact hpikooyacy has A postosic sanction snd origfn. Now this was denied hy sects like the Congregationalism and tho Presbyterians together with the liturgy Kpisoppeey was called a rag of propery, and was made an excuse for division. Since an ago of greater charity and more learning haa succeeded the turbulent times when sectarians left tbe northern Church, and since all Christians acknowledge sectarianism a groat hind rance to the cause of birt. it will re seen that the writer haa in view this object; tbe early Church led by the Apostles, adopted Episcopacy as a means of promoting unity and order in tbe Church, at present there are both di visions and disorder among Christiana aad the proper remedy ia tbe primitive govern meat and worship of tbe Cburch. iUKTSKH-AL In 1803 Fulton allow first vessel that was ever destroyed hy a torpedo, if we except a small i chooser whicb Busbnell sank. Saint Simon, wbo in 1721 was French ambaasada at Mad rial, said that in Spain "science was crime, and ignorance a virtoe." England's Privy Council, although and essential part of tho government, haa never been recognized as an official body by aoy act of Parliament. Noma PompUlus, king of Rome from 714 to 652 B. C. unit' i the musicians, carpenters, dyers, jewel '.- s, shoemakers and ether traders into soci eties. Certain tribes of Arizona continues the ancient sun worship. The Indians aaeetnVie every morning and watch the Eaat, hoping for tbe appearance, with tho aua, of their Messiah. It is asserted that during ancient times in Russia, petitions to the czu commenced with these words: "Do not order our heads to bo cat off, 9 mighty lord, for presuming to address, you, but hear us!" The arrangements made in tho syna gogues of Alexandria, 143 B. C , where the Jews were distributed by trades, show that . -cieties similar to trade guilds were in existence at that time among the Jews. Eenetus, an humble. Grecian citizen wob three of tho fivo prizes cf tbe omety -second 'Olympiad, and was at once raised from poverty to opulence by tbe gifts forced on bim by tbe en thusiasm of tbe spectators. A law of tbe colony of Pennsylvania, about the year 1706, enjoined that all brewers "shall sell beer and ale by wine measure to all persons as drink it in their houses, and by beer measure to all sach persons as carry it oat of their booses.'' . The name Teiaa, or Tejas, from which our Texas originated, can be traced to the first contract of tbe Spaniards with tribe of that nsma, living near tbe head waters of the Sabine and Trinity rivers, and the lower part of the Red River. Prior to tho beginning of the eigh teenth century opium was imported into China in comparatively small quantities, and then for medincisl use. The first edict against opium smoking was issued in 1796, and since then all enactments have become porwerless to arrest tho evil. The Wald eases were followers of Petri Waldo, of tbe city of Lyons, a man wbo preached doctrines opposed to those of the Romish church. He caus ed a portion of scripture to bo trans lated from Latin into French about 1170, aad endeavored to persuade men to live like the apostles. Ferdinand, kJbf of Aragen, and Isabella, queen vf ..stile, retained the separate government of their respective kingdoms after marriage. Ferdinand was always named first from the digni ty of sex, but the arms of C utile were placed first from the superior import ance of the kingdom. During tho reign of Catherine of Russia every courtier was expected to have a li rary, and many of them owned bookc upon books which tbey never thought of opening. A book seller named Klosterman was employ ed to furnish volumes by the yard; that is. to line such I space on the wall with them. If Hannibal, after his victory at Cannae, had captured and burnt Rome the great series of results that havo followed the ascendancy of the Roman Empire would not have taken place, and the supremacy of a commercial, maritime and Pacific power would have formed a civilization of an entirely different character. A good "true story" Is told in Our Little Ones for March about a fine, in telligent Newfoundland dog belong ing to a farmer, that marched in pro cession with the children, to tho mus ic of a tin whistle and with a mock ceremony, to bury a woodchuck that the hired man had shot Rover evi dently enjoyed all the proceedings, and early next morning he appeared in the garden barking earnestly and presenting a dead pussy-cat. The following morning, and so on, it was the same ; and it became plain that Rover scoured the neighborhoon at night to bring in subjects for endless funerals. Watchman. A corapaay haa bean formed in Portlaad for the introduction of the Herdric Chariot. The ides was suggested by D P Thompson, We have a tnrbiae water wheel at thia otSce, ia first-class condition, being j oat as good aa new, which we will sell cheap, Oali immediately if you want a bargain.