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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1882)
. . - - - 1 - rftmftSSMMaalSBBMaBSBeB" Eutered at the Pout OtNce at Albany, Or. as second class mail matter. FRIDAY ...APR'. 1,21. 1882 0. H. STEWAET 1. lilor ami Proprietor. HOME i9 ABROAD. M. Pronch, jeweller. E. K. Sliipnvrth, lawyer, Albany, Or. Bjaatifalehrastlaiioi at Mutoith ..! Seitcu1 a. Vs. cho. Are your lowu! t until pat il T Try the Oisgoo Moo 1'uritier. Ths busiucst (.f tlu B icwr lor' t'um't has been ; uto lively lately. A tiui 1 t of shell h ;r.l v of All kinds just received at Qre4wohln MjhJ-iv the aria pal event that attraet d atleuties WM tai deg-aaootiag Mil. Mi:i uj .i :i hssnfcUel patterni La MUt pet, just reoived at henaoal V. Yeuug's. '.'.; :; politicians have hit startiajf for t'ertlaad eu a arly every traia this wk. Toa aia get y u p.-ii :np ;:, a UlaJ any !. ;' tin niU; at MjJj aa I Kllort's. te)Bgoen and Co.. keep one of tho best u I purest stocks of drni in the $:.'.t Dr. O. Willi IVLv. d mt-ht, as ia Odd Fellow's U t . over Piassseer' 1 rii Store. 1'arsoli that t-uch the bearta of the lair ones, in splendid var:tieaat Mouteilh and Soiteubach'?. Sia.-ilai acted ia Carrallu !a-t wuk afti'ii 1 c:e, to a h h u it i'f cntl-'.i- aiaetM tisheaore The nainsa of t'10 priaclpi'. 11 :j tb'. i Dia;uNf ia Multuaraah county bei.iwith S. That stand j for aeeao I best . A level y stock ef alt Japr, curtains, crpsts, etc., at Meutciih au 1 ttVsatenhaoh'a. Bjtt.T de are not to be found. A lars lot of t'.u laOaat styles of baby carnajoi have bsea reeoieet by J. Gmivhal aad ill bj s I at Porll en prices. Allsa & M n-tV nsr s'-j a fsaeaypaeeaaeeaa ii a u.c. els 1 bnareve i ;:it to tha old star s thai ml to ocipy that place. Rv. Jvweph Kn;ry will preach at .St. Paul ' i. K. Church South, OO&t Sabbath inomia. at 11 o'clock. All respectfully invited often k 1. UBgdaa aad Go re fliiaj ap iH.-.r drug tore i:i .1a 5 sbapo. They bad tho ctiiiaj kalu:niasd last weok aad no x it ,'iil; neat as a pin." "Ar.ny and Xivy" a-s 1 "Climax ' tw kacco is sold by A B M.Iiwaia at t -i'i jier pua I. au 1 other brands oau hi ha 1 as low aa 43 ceats. Fo-ial, on Taars lay, Ap-il -0, oa O-iU Crek, :u-ar bridge, a ladies pookal L -.'. The orair can havj th; urn: by calling M Mr W P Aidnon. A mxa.-i ef 5--J i is off red for Iktt ar r sst aid oavidtga o: aay or all o: lac psrtiai a i: jra.- i ia t'u kilUa of Di.ia'.y ' no nsw praparation for th poblio to aapan mcnt with ; its suscsss is unparalUlsd for restoring gr' hair t0 iU nttur1 COlr' prootiug its growth, aad producing new hair on bald heads. Tlie ITtrM wishei ns to inform it what ! vet(-)riuary spoils aad what it means whon I spelt. We will answer it Yankee fashiea ! by ttl&l it wt "semsotry" walU IM I isaat it means wheu apelt? aad can extend ta dorinttion if it is uot plain. JVi thomwul tUUart in hoots aud shoes at Saimiel E Young's shoe storo. Ladies'. IM! ' i J ;l.1.n.' tui hoitf. SthoO haaa for boys and girls, irou lad rhoes, aud everything kept in tst class boot and ehoo storo. C'libap shoos if wanted. Mr. 0, P. lUrt, agont for tho WaaUaX ham taNaaiag aaaewhiaa and ougiue, will bo hero ia a few days iu the interest of the company. Messrs. Gilmour and Watkiot will ai'aia run one of tho threshers his fall. Their work last fall is tho' highest HOOW BM ndation for the taaehiues. Pclitieaie beginning to boil, but nt so much s T.d Uell-ngsr's customers bod with delight whon thoy have draak aglass of his beer. Star Brewery hour b Wcoinieg the principal beverage throughout t'ao city ; yes. Uueagaoat tha Vaiy. ana U very among driuksrs of loer. It ha bc,nsuxgeitsd that a vole bo taken ,., K;. '! t tho June cloetiou on tho Chinese faaatiaa, tho naaie a was done i California at th lims of tho aloptio.i of their new C -institution. This is a ii"ed i-ha and weal I otablih for cortaiu our tui niuirty OQ the ietio:i. Vo nnd-irjtan I th-t a suit baa btaa W jj'i'i awrfatl t't I city by o:u of t!i saloon keepers for tba return of his HaMM, Waters was Bat arrette l,a stated lat werk throsjja miiinfnrm all Ms, hut thit suit instituted for the pur;iosj of tisting the AltV. If tho caarter istlef io i , tuna that it be found oal JuJge llab has been in Astoria. Tues d an was BStjBa t lyueh Nick Davtab, tba aaikir boardUag bowM waster, who shaghaid Hairy Fredrieson, the sailor who dwvaad uinnelf a tow days previous . hut it failed, owing to the courego of a f.w eitioas and otllivri of Astoria. Prof. Wiilio, who has baoaaM so reaowi. d ia his aoia of masle, mirth and Mystery, that tho Chicago fire started from a small baru. The Spring number of Khriuh'a Fashion Oaixrtorly is out and is full of matter inter- citing to the ladies, showing the latest stylej in bonnott. feathors, Uowcrs, MM hnttoes, gloves, worsted woar nuil a hun- dred other necetsitics and accessories of tho toilet. Tho illustration are fine, so that no lady can bs at lM in making hor seleetious, sa complete is Cm arraugemout and tilassitl estion. Tho literary features ef Ibt Vuur" U'rUj aro also good there beinj a!i iutsretiu stsry entitled "The Lawyers Story," iol o.her shoiter rfforts. PfisM t t'uarteily hi eta. a year. Ihibliihers Klirieh Biathem, Kighth Aveee Now York. Miss May MoDaniels wishes in t" latofM hor may customers that owfag to per baaltb she has dtsposetl of her dress uiahing baataeaa to Mrs. & 1L Crey and blra Jas. (,; ' -nr. Thauking thwm f r their kind an-1 liheral patronayo she ltspoake fvr hor .. .--a, ivhm s!to hs no i.uHtiseu in ijouiawniUm to the public, tho MUM c.a- tl lone.o of tho cituonu of Albai.y. Bba.oaj giMtranlftt Mt4 work and pifot tatUfac tiou, as thoy will work under her MMtrU ijti. H'ao also luvitos hor many friends un l customers to call on her nt the new state of Allen and Martin, whore alio will bt plltMi to wait, on thvm and till out bills for suita or give any information they desire ia regard to spring suits ur style". All ki.ow.iij; thouiSi'lvcs iadehted ti hv-r will 0 -uL.r a f ivor bf callinj and eeltllni; u p. aiMiti. tt ri.asin.. J f DanVairtn baa bo o in PortdaaU tbM III . I At; A BliiTHftr Dial lies (use. rill perform ia this eity t tu. Ho was geaeied ia Portlaal an I Sab.u with cr. vi ed houtcs, aud is highly s- k.i of. Iu ad ditiea labi i wonderful feats be will give A Im sjioa in Part! to I Itat M m- Hiarl i U g4t. Sisr.df !,r;, at Llakvil !. N Iau an bj.i r.'iia Ca: t a; th.- ;'rin- V as I Meebaaies' store, 11 hae this wakreri7 l a han lie I saiieliiw uf ntani that would toacb tin bead .' Abet Nj t w'ra wau ht ui i le a better ic ord is t'ui locvlity thaa t. EU adebakr. i" - aud Sjs are ta agpaU a Aibauy. Fanaenabaali sj.i: aad tae a: thsai. The I) If Oiboro aud CV iria iaiple raouti will bin Hoi in Albaay thii sea sja by M M Efajeay. He ha leased the b.nek building o?ip:rite the 81 Charles Hotel. Ur. tiji.-ge D.-4S.9, oi Oak sirei; , l alias -apUs, lai., sa.Tsrsd ter.-i'oly wita 'water' i laon at iliias. Ho ai;l Sj. Jacabc O.l an i w ,s entirely care I. A'. I'. Sjt'riC of thz Tim:t. G.-alrh! has 3)J dazs.i cape and aasean that he will sell at tlie ertretnsly I w priee of C'l.OJ por dissa for ths next C days. Caatel a aata aa tax a better bargata than that ? i E Cari;r au I C - , h ivj m baa I a goal aa I sortme t of thiir Baaataief Uarro jvj and clou ! crushers, which ths soil at r3la.-jd pricis j Call at t'ajir S via a i I Dtir Factory aad 8C thorn. Teere is n? a t-sroags ra;lr ial lias f. a Portland o)2 raiii ekfft, geiag tatej . lloincin WTpLseedey freight au I paisen i.'rs are being reeetTed for aii p-:ti:i it tha end of that distance. If:, ii. W. Atderaea, of II i;iaj, was arms imprisoned in the jail at Pecalaadl for a crime committed iu tho fennor plaee, coas cilttad suicide Saturday meraiag by the taking of puisoa. Havn yon seed those -Irvss gooili a, aloa teith aa I Ssitcaba ;!'. Tb-y aro a 1 i I r . for 102 par yard, the lot value for th s mjaiy ia Um eity, aid ar-- jut a'aat they aro receaanntcd to be. tadtre. Msaeea aad BiUdreae ehoei of splendid texture an i the b;st caakci, at Moateiih and S..::ea'o Yoe c-in rot assured of bein 3-ii ! ' tho gw ii a jeuuiue Mai A Uo'oks, Mi''., e;bheaa aiiaJea t the ears of I 0 Jail, K,j L S Super visor of Postal 'i.-J 51 in !r, w to was caroa by St. Jacobs Ou o! rbavas ituai anl neuralgia Bridgeport (Comn) Standard. The Meatk, the tirst of the Chinese .'leot, that is le bring 10,0)) of Arthur' beloved CeieeVitla to Oregon this summer, has ar rieaJ iu Fertfsad with SoJ of tiie 'ao-saehe-A iiMrSean-.n in r" If'eag !i na board. (lie astoii-i . hit at inn-tij run J au-ith an ; truMeeb Imv: bad n those e reti th y re dead from Xow Y'ork. Ii i becaasetbey are t! host an i are acyrsit tha fii. QaflarrHiad aad eaaasiae tlnm. A sailor namtl Bi H irry evma-tted Kaizide at Ai'o U !at Mulay by jaatpiag oveehoad. I", is thought that be miht have been s-ivd by a litil -rsi s ea ths part of mea n?ar by i i b it: at tuti ne. (jfrocartes that r a'wiys friih at ltT man nl Jeaaph'a Tbaee gentleoaaa take great pains to keep a lare variety of goods, of a quality thai can always h depeaded oj. Bi ?uro a t i c tit thr-i f r yo ir roe-a-ies. Ii4S Charley waii.t the city Teealay and returned to Corv.diis tho saac day, '.Ved tieiday hs wu t jj t L' rti ; id ar'tar ')j') Chiaaar.e i to work rn rhs 0 P., y:X) ef whoni ar wnU I i fi u , Lately oa tho tua nl work. Taaaday farea i illo -i a j b l ; i m were bsiog smoke 1 back of H ugh;' ui-i-. ia.r'iot, siao harri's at rht d'e, w ilt eu vry noir spreiliaj to t'ts baUdia ; en wt i:n- lujaiitlsy exoiuganhj l wit-oat a i alarm being given. The biud tourumsaS Is bs given by th e iUl'aibanl will ttkc place somat'.me ia Juae. go90 i t prizit'wilt he givea, and als a $2J0 p.-!zs for she oha n )iea bue ball clab of the State, Wil Aiiiaa b3 rajjrsjeated away 100 weiiafcs each o0 coat : ahUdraa ball price. Pon't buy your ipriag cloth t;, ahirti, baots asd shoej, etc., until yen have examin ed L H B!aiu's new style, the very best iu the Valley. His stack is now in aad is UWplcta in every particular. IVtces are placed as low as the quality of goo-ls M ill jaatify. For thai whe want cheajer Z'xAt, he has a ."joo! at. !;, ti. bet t" be obtainrd at the price. La-t weax ffj state 1 that a certain fciuaa- aaaa ahead the Cbiaaea btB, This is the trath si to aaaal f thea but no more cf a fact though than that Montague's eusto aaate at Lebanon sahhe him, aad know Ibal h can be rc'iid ca every time. His n:w . .-. the largs.t an.l U st in Lebar.oa, aa 1 is attracting great attention for its aaality aud t"a ptioc at which it is hc:ng sold. Tee O ft & 9 Co w.ii coataaacd rasniag t.-a-as :'r in ta.- Ls vr C ...! to I'as on Monday, ths Ji.h iat. All orljoary freight to any point cast of the Cascade Kiataiat, will bo transported in aa short a time as fast freight is now moved, but the fast freight tariff will ho ahafiebad , This will hi a saviae of $t to I lo per tea u all j goe it required te be mer?d quickly. i He ease ebeald bsag l k now and nt buy natlfinery goeda aadcr the mistaken idea that they are to hub. lire, farriah has real idea in., boanlifolly triiarocd, which aha w.ii s.-li for $l l)U. If that is toe hii'n, she hae others far 00 cants, aad still j others that sho wi.i eell for only 33 cma Tve .1 .': pretend t-i know:. Low thian c.jj be soil s ebesrp, but we know it it so Oae ef too cslabratcd l?iriug self -b-.udors has beea sc. m.j at tn wa-cha-uo uf Peters anl Sox, t ext daor t- the bank, where all i can inspect :t. it will he rsrxeaiberc t that 1 this machine i-t:;I SiTtlo lienors m the harvest til Is of Line ooaatr Iai reer. Peters an I Sa have for Li o and Benton ca Ost a-i Call aad loaro your orders, 'some fifteen or twenty of thuse Machines have already beea ordered this so teen. fleam til S Yesug has ot ashihiliaa at his Agricultural Warahaaae, ana f the New IfeConaxefc llareaelera, with th? Applaby a ml;. W II Coltri, wai day and Toes 1- M.ry Kelly beaa at tb lLtol ta this city. Mrs King, of Caliloitui, .... i III Frank NT. is vitiu in tl ii Ottj B tab IfUaoa, Caaaly Cbnrh f Ben oouaty, was iu the city last Sal aid ' Oalem Graham ha b.'sa seri'.ui.! i i.l I pneumonia, but ti now slowly raoarariag. Mias CI ira I'jvvtu has j;ouo fee Sa'eu.- efhara aha will rem si a dariag the lamaaer. J R Bryaaa, a o i adid tie tor eeaaly Jadgc of Baatoa toaaty, eraa la the eity awhile last Mou.lay. Th.s Moa teith, Ben, . etadidete f"r Stale Treasurer, is i-i PoTtlaad, I idtag the Statu eoayenti ui. II. Farwell, of Bhedd Station pshl BJ a viit .Monday. Hi ki.oa ban to appr ato a 1 rmr. Qaa Cfrio agent hat Sabbalb nilb hi parents, mar Snu I I HUltoa, Otttl : brother' birthday. While Taoaaaa Oscrteati u the ... a evrv oiij yet.o partj glvtu i y t;u - v : . in K.i 1 ,'i.tu 1. U. ttrtgs, of Lnbiaoa, pa-1 u .. t la t Tuesday, and Lttta.. i.. Lecriberi far t be 1 t. : t J R K7. tleorge Sill Wvtt with thi KbtghU of Pythiaa ta CarralUa, aad from t n to V land, Woliij'.dy mottling. Charley ilikr.i. wh has bean norhtag la Portlead i r several acanthi, 1 at riahiaa ia the cite thu week. Charbiy Watta want doara ta Portland Friday night nbout half past Ilvo the iibevo uatiiod Hung U ig ntitemd (ho Jnwidry utoreorii, llwort, on Flrat Klreot, with LIm (tiouo behind and n elljtpery face lit front. Mr. Kwort hul jronn to aiippor, lonvlng Inn son hi ahargn of the atnro. Ilnnx ttttg Uitnx "ii i'jh bIiow oaaa and askod to sue mom iiuei m-- had been in thu itOM ttM b jforc that J it for tin aima purpaso. Tlio rings trntn -;!: id bo for him, nitd tneti lm i Iho Celfs'iil wtylo of oxatulnlng '.hen. In the loft hand ho had a pipe, In tho right a haudker.diior. The latter ho in ina t t slipover i-ouple ilntrs, and tli i etftlMi ly put bji DOM wlpsr lute bit POohot, end (.f eour ie thu riiKi kopt If I'tivany, Mtv Ing a -luruplisho J ao nut -h lm utirtod for tho door, without buying nnvlhing but ynuti;; Mvrt had his oye on bi n i J atop ping blDJ tnaJo hiia thjUtt be tan 1 kerehiof. a riag fall mtha Ronr, and at heeuppxsd thhwai all ho lied, lot hlin 0. Next moriilitft Mr. Bwart ofaralolng tho rin,: i .iso foun I n vain ab!n ..w tnising. Then a warrant arai gotten u', aad Hung (Jog was arraated n naa. n archel, and In a win ill bat, iWAJ ba k In tho labyrinth of Innumerably ra eeeaex and penkets, about a hundred feel froai tho utf-,' by emokfMl naaaorOi the ring, di imon 1 000) worth ah ul:j'), was i mud. Monday morolng bo was n mhnd hffrrrt rwrlttrt Bnvooi whan tho aboro fboia wore broogbt ottb Ho was bald to await the aotlon of thoOmaa: Jury attdor foOO boil. Tbdeii wlllho Impoaat blf r hint to obUtn. ll Is (hO Mime elippery llngerod John a ii ni impriaOO o I two yeais ugo for atotliii; ttoa Pol Itaiiui A Co., eud won oftorvrerdi pardon ed bv i ivorn r l tis t I t 't t o OTI s. W ii." Jr r I Bi hidon i r l . v i hi i i. in i -"I Cbr lr binds, wa nr.tuu I iu thl eity loatSatnrday night by ir... m. if Coy of Ri ' Poftlond, nod atnrta la who mmhaiohlp nl -. Itoutnln ohjoel t Ufa insurauiv. aud by ..oiu ' " lb-u. b tu ioeooI tho .' I and roahthhi a. O.I7. W. A 'r?,ti e.tii lositro f r otthoffl 2M)0 erSOOQO, and lanwmnti an levied a- eor4teg tOagI, Thoeharter w; bo uiou until May I0tb an I all v. ho wieb to join eati d'i s by paying in thOMM Of g..). POlloerlbu uieiho o:.'. n..-(-J. Jmlgn It S Htraban, lest i . or. N I'.suin. Chdof Councilor. Mrs s U Potman, lee Uoui I If BodOoid, Se'io'.ai v. W s Peters, Plnoncatr. a ft atollaralo, Traoanror. A lisle, Fi.ilalo. Mail ia AHUem, Mar-bal. Mrs Jeuipe ltrown, Watilei. A tt Weyd!n Ouard. "v A C.'X, Sentinel. Tr.iMc a, A H P Well, lr and K l Sloan. T t be unitibit i .i4iii. Probably nothing avlll ntlr a com tnttulty Mtnnon I ban aifunuluc llvoly dog CMUkt. Thern U ti fttilmal th it hai tuero frloftdl than ho of tli OthittO upttcltf", an t!i it Whin ae ro(siivc any gfOht Injury toolety imuntm it R Lei duty to llqalro lut It and flu 1 out all ol tlie nartiaiilars. U in y be tniKgln ad thou that when it wue learui-d that a Proviso: Intb's aellfgi bad ehot a laveriti ol thli ipoolta ihf afor.sabl orlfty hafum niiuwliat n;ltAted, partlenUtrly vbtu it wai olNiihUnd l!iat it wni wltho it Jiiateiuienr rv-t-atlnu. Thedogi whroh w0onad by ESJZayae, wai hit In tue ueso by u bnllol di -h a I fro. n a revolror In the hand of PfMntioon. Thii wi Satarday night itWat ha'f past nine. Ilondny nmlng Ifeit Profoaaot was nrreeted for ehoatlng within thi dty limits ii Maths a'tcru ton tried b-Toio ll. irhr iUntftti imJ ajury of !s. i '.U M latiaye an 1 J K Weatherford appeared for th preaeenttoo and judge Powell and L lulyeu f r the dofeuse. lb- teetiueny broaght bnt the fjtoi t!if lite Bhooltug wai doaa near the Kenn f alloftl ehumb, aal theev tleuo i f !ld Aay- anl Lay tin, vh wort "n tho oppoitta si ts of the etreet at the time of the ihottlng. went to hoW th.t the d g was OfOfslnff site at raid In penoenble in inner, an J wu DftOOU r twenty font oway sea-a Pwf httAtono, wbohadhla re vol ef m i u i:,: kinj over eo it Docket, turn-d an 1 allot the defenee wtoihotthe fbooUngWii in se f ileremi and so Ju!Jilib!o I'r-il Mttort's tr'tliiioay ra that tin do;: '.v i tii I n nbeut eit feet of him. w lieu heturu-d. aalbayiigtbe I '4)r.s!oa lit his HI tt d thtl h- -.. as due to at ... ii hi drew h i rero mr an I abnt h ii itoting ton Menl irlMi blaa that !o .ve i I b tVe h I i i lilt If I iisil not allot.' Tula wet ths prtnelpnl etdenoa, eltbooU oth- of atiiir anav eeanonceefea latoretilng end nimo tlmoi leclded !y hnmornni uature woe bi mghl '. A tef ela ira'.e nra MOBti by i Mine! the rate was given to tbe Jtfry who brought in e verdlot of gnllty, eud Prof. Matt-a'm wan Ined 010 nnd atn, enoonntlnj In all to gflO If title ettnli terra aa a loeenn to those rai ry v. eapoot wl tk - . alitor My In lie Jty it Will In 9 a apllsWcil mougb t eoupenento foi tbe .Vahng rnlned by Iho nffnli ; ae.j it leto i ifarrltt hope i that It will e tb naonne of put- i isg n i ;i L to tbo fjai !ish pie' iice. "tajaal t'rlalcieea" Llbanon April, lOlh, 1882. KA. Verne cr at; Tim oblldfon of Mm. L Bikini navo nleood a haudnouin ntMOgeoOjt over the grave of their mother. It is of pote ltitluin marblo nnd iim'-m mono t;n U-t-t i t . I 1 1 . . A . if II . . Ill !i('Uu:. ail. imi.i raiien, im Ijuiruu City Hiii-in-laa' of tbe etaeneed. eotiorttsod tho lihor nnd the work Vdl executed iu ovgiy particular. It rofeooti credit on the ihildfon end ef fordn a Uetiug ttibuto to thl BWOnory of ono who will not noon I u f-u '''"n, Mr. duarles h:ktii4 a:. 1 wile, of oattnrn O.t-got., who have bt Ofl iaiting frienda here fov the lent throe in nths l.'avo returned to th -ir ko ii'-. J'hiir visit wai a i! ono mh I they cnirV witli thttn the kindoet wiah oh of all. resi t . e -t ai J no icsii.t ol llio ie :i'i.iun i- Rafore9's Sale. fn lJ Circuit Court nftht Slate nf Orrtjon for Linn County : OttO Fox and IgMtti POX, Plaintiff. Iyw Fiix.Naiii'nl For.lM- j ward Pox, Jswdom Vox, Ida Ellreohbania and F.r- i rent HUraeh ban m, tier hue hand) JnMtM PoxtKto-1 r.. Psiondly nnd c. ji. Pilondlr, bef bnahnod, I Fanny ssttobeum and A- dolphuHNutiaum h'jrhui baud, lona Flei'bnr aad Mlmoii Pleleobi r, ber boa j band,llo4B Mtornbeim anil ! Mamiolstriiti"bo bevhaw i bind, an.l th! fnir minor I children of Amelia WmIi, tho ulstor Of the ototatlffi beroio.whoea giren eamoo'j irr unknown t.i theai plotntltf'i but whooi anr I nattti i Weil, i ifood onto. J rOT10B IS HBBtCBY .irj;s Til AT I ty vtrtooof deoreefladen order of ' i ! i. it . . I v run. I nm. I 1. J I !n linvi. .n' ii Iu I vnntiou ia not m eet';tory aa CO tld : ,url t' t,f, !, ,. titled wiee, on th be deairnl. Thogo i l'iiu with 1 10 b layOfMaroh, duly enpofntlne W. H. GOLTRA DKALER IN :r of Tooaday evonlng iwenty4no of onrj Due of the Corvntlle pnporo tnken ua popnlnr yoong Kwit;Uti of Pythlni wnnt tntnnkfornni liltolenat of lUeeutr loCuivaliia :a -". In in ng a i tatomaut Ktv?n tns rta g. ami todgo nt that aUy. Thoy wore olnod mya wo were "blinded to the Btert.oof mere ' si pen 01 me "e . -m . , ... 4-f.,.. frutii at liar Portland. AfU I bountiful i. .1 .a tiae j who i a tn ' L.i.-n. ' trtais s t:t:w fnrntahedbytheKnlgbUy aaplranta they u, , ai b-ian:. tS .-.' !.. ilU UOl COt ... , , , , n tnoaend tne onterutuuieot wu. eiae throogh whh tho Innltlatlao of the twenty uu ... Wednetday neon an I arill t r ..a .1 rematttlfeur tuttii'iors en I tu i ii. '.a - idllcerettmil eb. at tivi. , -..k v w ines- ..... luring tbo Kepablicaa eoareatioa Mrs. Virgd Parker went evet I tl bay day morning with W tt Pbrfcef an I wffi Ust will vant b W par I r uo ti n-. Hon. io VPegqgMsor, ' Corral lie, Udoa i beto piite often now, Or j.i Paeine hnai neas brtnss l.t.-i. 1 .w b -ta, i!!'.i.-i . Pr. I.ige Irviae, whs his been atten t.o; j medical lecture ra Porttan I, ha b-wit in the city this wC, anl w !! B r Bala If ra Dora Gee, ol Utit efty, will start back te tewa ahoat c Srat .! aenrt 'nth oo a visit to her reletiree who reaide t-car Ci am M u The Albany boyo report I a aplendid Unte nnd the hi - cb ai ...... trentea eofc Tho onme of the now Ukflgn bt Valhy Lodge SfO. ll anl Ue jiu -ers ! ul IPodneaday n. i ore Jss Haoih-0. C. Vt,,, Manafitibl- '. K of it. a- s.-Y. it. i : Of. Uorretnon P.t tr y Itslmr SI. ! A. T J. Ituford-M. of . Jefirevi M. of i - IUjv. !l k Prolate. Leabs tike Bnataree. :u:. I hi i-mtreoti for tnnnei riuk bu iwsotti l ureal! le aud Va uin BsY uO Cif '. W . , near ai.tca piece hor parents ! r m il. . t hart m lft i it si.ta; li for ; hv . t ';.l that the arill eooelndeto ret . ."ii'.aoy. Chae H Idonbtith, forntariy of thii , but now of Loanafon, I tab , be, bw ip-' pointed and . :irond agent ) Ilea Ferco Induns. kir. S.l. F.iug. SUcriif. anl i. - M oi . bavohoea ewnrdedtoJI. il LatPt. iftrxa Frnnete on man of iarg- i t erletice. and p ssmsing an i:ome:ne nmount ol puth According to tie car.".. worhli to ba br-gua withle eocl :r-jai lbs aifxaiog of the eea- Bepoblicea party for re-electa a , whlcU time will expire next Tsriae Binder. Poraaera waatiag a lander abeatd aat fait to before ijiaig their orders. af 11 Ltaaeaea of 1 ra, h has had year Of cp:-ia;j wl'i ta Ms'Jor mia'a in i hiiei w ill be eieaael t sh;w up. Ord.-' islioite-t Hsrresten ail l ider gaaranti 1 aa rupraia-it : i. lar S' m teakall, fereterty thii ci.y, is aSi'. t ij i o n of s'u (i !. t otilliaery eetabliihaaents in i.i ie : ia tba St. 0barfet H-t I, Lebanon, tiergrand pae inwi:iti'.ri : 'a "it II 7 l.t, r..jn she anetteaUaf theeatUens t Lebtnen le call aid '.e-j a bat sbs basaal ii 9yb!e of deiog. She ysMpeeej 1 1 h -cp a first elaee atse'l ef dag aa ea be : v, w ia lbs o; i..ri".ou i.n: ef the vik. A M Reap le note aogagederith !'. Sox. Ho i a luig'r.y .id fellow and splendid salcniu in. and they bare I ate Wall iu tOOariaj Lis services. Alice Sett!e:nicr who bOJ been tOOOd -iu; several tueeths in this city vnitiag !.er t. Jtiaa laY. TiietuouoU have to be i w pushed nt the mti - . fett per month, i that tbi j work n ill be eooaplelod ae thoflratof Angnet, Tho longoni tnnnei win bt 7S0 foot. Thlenow ! well received here, and Ii an Iniioa- tiou that work It to h pushed ind that there 1m goo I faith en the. pi t ' a:t. w a- a l.u '..uiu carried off tht honor (oitsMMigb ntauj thlnh ether w let -; is i-g; a.o :e eg .'.e fwr Corvollla, we e- u'd n '. ire apohou antre highly thnw we . i : alien Buruett't rtiiitatlon, ati tie' Jfc .. i nai BOM lu ru rvnonU the charaiiag yoong iad I wtio ho4h none; nnd reoilod, .e inait wnoonnxoi and, eontethlng nut oeght io da hri good. W tbooghl We wro payift.; is n;her ; .nag tauy O OOtttpU so .i.t, oa that atte ..caervjd fr a greet aaluraJ a.taiinueut ; tut are sorry that It vrai not taken as a .ob. Wo ad ml -e sp no -igby ef its Aiuaay g ii . on I not beononethey enma .'rum boro i tea wore not prejedicol in tbe Uniterm ad nlUtOttgdl eeaie who were e.s eat may have bee t Toe tmuole lien rlfhllftore f Ihaan wba apa& or ting lo pnblic nsnnno in b - lauded to tho hlajboet notoh, whether they da terra it cr Beit, an J if eroO UtO mlldaOt fnnltia ilnu loot they are terribly tiuite a number that tlie convo'ttiou W ItlUll'UlCC.d ill tbo CllOlcl o! CIM trill) u'.aiiueea by ism ma foreign to ltd fd jeet eud in thii cm tain pnrliei reooivod Ooniloetiom wiio w r not the ehotoi of the iu ua of th party aven a majority of the did.-gulcs itiOWii'von. A dd I'erenco of aatitneut. i xu'.k u-t 10 tl.e strcngi.ii uf iudieidoal natniaeei bit on the whole it bj geacraliv ooooodod that thi tiet ia uot a e'f.iig otM ; whtti the legis.alivo ti;kel posseasea n'toin tfiy good ia:n ynt It nil llie gi .-tit-r pi. t uf tbott) rojiroaont aomo lasuai which are an Ojien ijuesMou nnd can l a'd y be said to aaeet with the ai..i , n t t'. enliiit f-arty j IhIh tliy my gatif-i aomo atennajth Ut that lif i u t-t it will ha. ca tendenov to'i thon with the ptojiie. Viiei pewfta? MM Of largi !ib-i a. i ii s. an . a t 1 1 t.. i ; eut rid r-it mditig id the brt.t iiitoroeti of all. t) BeOn i 000 and airOOg only on ouo bnatn. If tne l mooiota ate wtae tby cinlergnlv rottt by the late Bepttntieen con rent ioit. Jei'-at two ycers ago wa due loom to the manner of making thn itontthnttoiii than te tho rh iiac'.-r mi I untttoom d" tho ttaiMinooei On the wl eynorn for'n nt lair statiding tod WOttld OnvO made goad otBeotoj k t there ai deobt made with tneny a hot her tho con rwntion did it wuik In the prcper wnj If thote uemionted at o-.i Mini ou rontion a s the choice o( i uijoiity of tl. i no legates, btfloonced by tntpmpet Mntivot and fi fnni mbtnol kntt, ert-ry thing b)savoffobef ra eompieti success Ol tbo eiiliie ii ibot l il ahotltd taan- iutj.f rasmu go oat w.d. the DiOftO erntiti aonvonlion a with tho Bopnh i can, the oonleel msy be . Umo ah end with Btsny a feeling of indifference nt to wlti h an'-ctt LffJ wov. tu 1 1 XntVe. Siu- 'i our la', ftOarlot fOfOJ Las besa very reenloei bore u W. s eitb Las last a brigtii liulo fftrl of ttbottt H-.vcn iUGDtnert, Ottd A. 0, llsusiuan Ljs tie J avaiyeick child aufT.rln: f:nm tb MM oenidnint. Mr J '... Benaphlll died ihue s e ol cbrtiic dynontery. The pfii.i cal p't : aietenettftj away iitVv now. J. M. Wo.. is;.n be H gvtimg a tio-t h ': trady for the a mtiig onneen g. waodtotiro bia j idgtuMl n preroartttg it f r tho csta oeien ineieed of for delirori iu the Slate II. . r. Iloisa good Lct.rat fel- lhi i:n'tir-iK i r-lcfn in hi!. '.ii'i'i! and omoi indio mo te maho enJe of the fed' towing deecrlhed real property, to-wit: l7ouimincine at a jmlnt on too mirth boun dary lm of Pine etreati In the ruty f Albany, I. ion c mh,v, 'r oi. hO.mi fvil cajt of i tin .itrli wot ;rr,ir of A No .", In Btoek Pfo 4, Iu eel I city of A Ibar.y, and runtiii. ii o'' ot iiti I Ii" noffth boundary lino of nail Fir firc-t U b t, morn or s to tb ntr of :! brick wall, tin tam l-ing a peitfllon via. I bet wean the pro porta ofX n Phefev tn tbr w-.t, ar.l 'iia projx-rty of tbo p aui tltts utrt defendenta oft the at; thet.r i riv a'"U;' fn- i:nfr -f i-eid oarti m' n emu nnd parallel with th toot Dm .f Isil gto. U, in Bob Ii!' No. 4. on. Iiuii' fa-t tt tt..j alioy ; tbnii'.- a.t along tbo aomh Ifiundary lb o bf eetd i .-v I tv i-n m - , . ! : in .r- or Jci .o a point acrrom- -n fi nt i-at of I bo oant lio of orilij IA .Nil 0, ifi I'.itck Na. -1, af..rcsio ; llienoe .i.incr'v ami iiarHlbU with lb" eat lino of l K .. i-i anfd Ui'x-h N . 4, bnndtod f-- t to IM Btnoi f Ik-.u-inn, together wrli t!e ribt to maintain unit naettto Iron dnnto now a' Umi aotitb end of the partition x-.all -n tin enst lino of mmi.I premise aI o d- r'.b- xl, anjd prenalswjw lying an I being ttMeV d in tbe city or AlOany, I.inn county, OregOO. I Wit, by virtue of and doefOO rtfid ordt : of tx'.n rtti j !hu p r llmrerby mi mo vc.V.'-d,on Saturday, the 'JOth lay "f May, lOOJ at tbo hour of one n'cb k iu iiH afternoon of aefcdday, a', the Oenn it man door In the city i A Itrany. I.'.nn c iuiily, Oregon ; a;l Kiid rai property n i r.'irs above deaerfood at public ewo i":i, to tho l.ihcHt bidder, for canh ia hand. In nafd rfn of the t"ni:e. statr-a. lalcl Ustetith day of April, HNS. ). It. Ikvisk. Ohnhvoo. - ' . Administrator's Sale. JbJOflfJK I- H BREST OITKM THAT l v an u .-.- of County COttfl of Linn eoonty, t Irenjonh duly made end ea l r .1 of re- ,r J, the under signed, Adenhv 1st rotor of tl.-- 'Ihuu, S. r rm- tm-r-, deeeaeod, arfU, on Xb-ndav. the th day of M iy.!--.'.al the hour of 1 o'clock in he afu-r u n ofaeld day. on tbe premha hcinater ' . d.wllat public aaa ttosa to the bigheat bidder, all the right thleend Intoreet of .-aid dfcoaaed in and lo the fblloorln l- ritd premio?e, to wk : bVgdnnlng OSO chains South and 16 48 ebaina vVes.t ce the K, W. irner i f actio:) . . I p. :, s. it. I VV.i Wiiiametto aOrldlftti. and r anoint tliMico Went 23.K6 cneins : :i:i .- noninoojii enente thenco To . ti'ii . thoneo North 31.97 ehnto I to the phtee of Iteinn'ng, contain ing n acr. in r.- r l:sM,in I.iun county, CfOfpM A. too following deriUM met of lan d, tonrtt: Bwgsnahnj et the South Kst ooraer of do-ia i-n land claim of Th :irus H. Siimujrra and Not. No. '., ia i.i. in onanty, firc-tron, and run nlng thon.- Wi-,'. :z;J chaim; thence North tiJM ehabae; inanee i-iast 2.2 chains; luenwoutb 16 86 obaine, to the p'aco "tltfi tif.i-.if, c-mtainiag 31 a.-res, i:i .re or le-is, in 1.. on county. A'ho t!n f .1 M i :x lccrib'd tract r.f i i - : . t . i - . .. . . lit i. i .. . -; a-. .-. o:ni --oath an i lJ . chain West of lb" North -..r:i r of sction gOJL in Town- Idirui .Marbiuppy. WAGONS, NACK8, BUC-CIE8, Plows, Harrows, HAT PRESSES, STEEL OOOUShy Pino Trotting StalHon. IMivard Everett. Wdl make tho sr-aavn of 19.32 at Lebaaott, eao'l llide, Mhedd Station and I'eotia. Mooneye at .Shedd, Tuce.laya and Wed needay at Jaa 'arret'e. IV m , Thursdays at boatOj Hied Kid ; Fruiaya and 8atar das. I - .fi'.n H-aon to commence, lit. end. ug Jaly let. EdWssrd Kverett is eiz years old, of a Ix-anliful .bt;ile hay with black points, j" ol aawenjttOOi loj bands hih and weighs 1330 panooOj was awarded tint retniom at l.n.n ... (nriu l-il fr beat stalhou of all work. Pnoaonna Fdward Everett ra aired by MaaCbeeyfejad'e i'ut Smith, tteby Pathfioder, dam by I 'ofn..t ; Kdwatd Kvertt's dam waa by Vermont. TenMt- haaaoe, fI2 ; payable at adef aaaaao ee.-urtd by approved suite. lusur ance. 10, payable when uiare is knowa to Im in fuel. Any t-aity seilior or other - wiae disposing of his mare it hrld reepooai blc for aarvien. Dae care will be taken to pan rent eeohlonfa hot no liability aaaemed. Baoa. 3 fi m IL To Contractors. Scale 1 pr-ip'taats will be received at the t -tllce of A Vthcelrr. in Shedd until Mondcv M.v lt, next, at uoon for the constractK.n of a school house in School District N. 37 Ltna C'ointy.Oreg n. Contractor u furbish material aud complete butitiio on or before cpt 10 11a us an 1 epecincatmbs may be seif a at the aiatve place. j'h right is rs rr". ed to reject all bida bene shnuM be addeaaaad to Ibatrict School Deatrjet Ko 37. and endorse I, 'frop'trabj for F S:tv, J. C. Dane. . J. B. Corset. Directors. Edes & Adams Woven Wire Beds. shin li. 8. It - V.'uii o: Wi.latttftta Mri ilia'i in I .1 tin rruin! I 'rrin -ind runtiiti.. UW. bwt he will nnOOt nach antthir.g Ukonce . - in.. ; i;n:.v s,,..itu axctfj.i the tianqntl bsnb of Silt Uivfr, ! 10.00 eholna j tOanea hot xt.t.. chains : e ,, , . i . j tbon North l'i '.. '.an. , to'tha nla- el for wo aiicl to tr.t Ont o o-.. wn lllB& ruiMiKt; g? .re,, or and elect th;n on t'ne 5:h dv f Jane j ! AU of tht abovrt dfwr:l t ps-tanis Thoj) ere light, clean, durable ana chap, and any one who he aaed tbean will have no other arund. Itr troai- ion we refer to tho following named tizens cf AlOany who hare used tbeae bttd a : aseay friaads here, rstnru i t- l:-r home m , managers ef the ro 1 1 Wo nnderetnnd Eaatern Oreeeo lvt Taeader n"on. .Nir Y.F. F.rkrr a:.d wife, Bfid Mrs Virgil tbnte oentploU farce of men ui:! lo p it at work iu a abort time all along Parker left last fntlay for Ooeatte, where the lin. aad xpe t to '- a able Ot with n th) aootet ? H til's Veeiib! Cielhan Hair Eenewer is ol j ujji, au I 1 1 1 .i i g ! ir.Bi deae in tiie eooaty. Dy prirate loiter raoeteed ia Chi cty are taf orated tiat tiie O and Co, bave ieeaed t' itie ordet at Foreland fer- bidding n'l d ay in-a ad tran .ir oeaaaabn c c:ne freight i tbo SfcCaileg or aoy otar C'l'nietiag ooata eetne OitiarR eete, rbis bae ci.npvd 1 1 tUe JjC'a.'- y and ether bo.Ue aal -isru-t by ihe O aad S Co, to ot nivi'itivii Tin's is icim Mviiuii- . .... .. i . . . eiy t a : ne ..--i t- u. eeattoereci i ever-. - body. Aataatia i :'i-i f tbj n:r alrartise- m t i taw . a men'- cs ait r.i i on tie esc ami pjg. u ny a iaee at it ts c .j i ta snw that tli ;y msi i baateee. Tav hive oae of tho bi.'jjit sts;k of g-ii i t thi Valley and thy kna it, aa 1 aat oily that but one of tWbesti rtadeio i thii they pio- posa to 'i oa he plea of "large sales aud small pn.'itt,'' and ai th y h iv.s purc'iaud their gaojint bw pries i thy can u'fjrd to do it. Aaiae dja; U tI I hf 0 it o' our mar ehants wiio saw 0oar JfllA in Sti S'raa ehno a con pi i ePeahi agi. 11? was sinok in; in a street ir fall 9t mas and women, when hi wai re psstol cs st ?, a it is againit tbe rales ; bit hi ni l ae ittantioa, so ths cj:ilar nfts- aerera! rsq'ieits assisted htm ef. l'ss aeetbetia Oscar kpt eu slu .:".; -i si'kil o:f ai ii netbia had happened, aa t as ce il as a ucaebor. Last Stturd.ty aftera i, at jntt 2) m;n utes of 1, th lisrjj tiiiia i ib ilatioa 9' the fire bll br ij'it I'uj d- epn'sioti ia fall iota, oaly to caaef a rua of two er three elects 00 a full ttwetaob witkeat Si iag able to exhibit tHoir prewuis exipt a runaert. Tm tics'wssia the bare oa Joe M list's plica ea Wathiagtoa Street, hivisf 'eeea started either by Mini ebildrea 01 tramps. It wu pat out iinu sedately, hut 1 1.411UCH, turui ariived litre last Fridi went 011 ul to Harrisbn He now livee in i'mati thfy Wi ll reside in tb fetnrO, tht wis'nes ef iasBBBserable friontla went them. Tbeeaaa Orareiao and ficur S . who havu jea trarebn for tbe Cbaaapiuo I rnit Dryer Compaay arrired la t.'iciiy i i.urs- dy cvcalu Of last Wejk, BO I bfoe bty muruir. list ti. fornserhtft ' H Vfaabiagti Territory. Witt Beach, an obi Albaay bay, wai ap from Portland dariag tiie Orel ! the Week, been appelated 00 tbe mgohv polio 1 fore nl tbat city. Prom bis appear anes we ja 1e th 1 Portlaad eUtO its agree! with bini. W 1' Caviuess, funnel ly ef Ibis COttOty, ay aud on Satordajf Harriabttrg to frioodej matilla county. I! has lati ly hfttni aife atii one child, and last week I- .., Iris reOMtlaing cbild down to hit sitter's Vfrs tVarree at Portlaad r...y Edwat-.ia v ir. Hityeo, B, R. .Skip oOt tb, Ho.l. Uiati. lioaiistedle", Dr. Mid, Uabt. peater, da. Foater. O. H. Irvine, Steve Deckard, Je Cdark, Vaany Smith, D. I). Usckdetnan, ieo. Oilteililorfw. rFillla Webber. Geo. flarris, all Kaigbtsj of I'ytbias. spsnt last Tuesday evo&iag in Cur ra'.lis, a8tistin.' in the initiluMtn of ft new lodg at that city. Tho news roaches us from Southern Or egon tint our old friend Joe S Puidein has bean ueeiinatod by tht Republican of Doug las county for Sheriif. Il Joe was a Dante ami we w i.t:. I throiv np our hat and l.urrnh tor him, and wo fuel a little like doing so any way, fie i a mighty good fellow, and would make an oilicer of wbi oh the county would be proud. If Albany Could b made a preciaot of Douglas ceutity for a hliort time h e would he elected sure. , - .! . To Co n: rarl ai . Bonnet this wilhia a few week grierr-y and deWlnro they will never favor the audience ar.wn. when it she. i only ttlmnlntt tn?m ta greatsr effort at :u: .r tioie. Wi rajcrat that th j inciter ahould be Aieoaad at aa Ilia by the y-.oog ladira rrotn Cai vail a, lor tnay are en U!ei to grant credit for Mohttlng infjielngonr .fpo-net. boot ontn rtnlactenta wo liare ov.n hid . bathellarlag we were l . .re -nee :ia epotoglOl lo ui;e t riaa Hey. The diffarcnt eeinrnnti born for tae Clcikahip ate bneUy rjs t in w-j k ing up Ibrir ca.sst. Tbo Woolrn MiiSa ill e'ur. 1isi. ia about two weeks to do amir ii t ..."iy repairing, and wi rc'ioi e:-ortt:oriB at toon a pooi bin. Tba letnperacre nnnetlon i aawant ing gigantie propottiont boro. Tiio Uood Templars have a ooodly iik ii-.f.r-fthlpi end the work will g on in ui:f ahapo if projierly conduct f l. V.. 1. .I'.hneou la.'v brMi the happy rocipt-nt of a tin lUuyhtor nnd tbe old aien to quite j i'.iUi t Oner it. Them eto ot'aers in ths s-ui" delightfnl condition rmua aid not ho girfti. Iiel at lb n viisriii-t, April 0tb9of cat lft ferer, thn only ? m. f M-. M. i. Lindal? und wifw D and 0 ruou.ha. Wo ceu bnt at) I tb eminent poet. being ritnotwl near tho townaf Sodavillo, in Lttsnoonnty, Oreeon. Tortus ofaeie ' in hand. I, F.u.vrr, Mar.-h SO, I--' Adiuiuietiator. gaOjO Full d:tail drawings and written a pocift cations of labor, material rouired for Lhe ereutioncf a uhurch building on tho earn er ofotbfcnd Broadalbiu streets, k ivw b en placed iu the oi'. ;-i of Mr. Jas. Dannata, where they may be examined at aay iiour oftho day. Parttos desiring to bid fer the contract are requested to deposit tbeir bids in the P. i). on or befero the morning of tho 3."ih instant. By order of Building Cora. Now g-ods arriving at A. B, Mc 11 wai 0 'a every day, which will be eold at very low prices, iactter bargains have never been not until after a big smoke had excited some alarm, for people always remember I offered here, and this is business. Wo acknowledge tiie preeont of u nop Of tho Pnelflo Northwest from W. ft Ktce. thi accemet Jat aii'. IboO II C tt R at. tu is city. It Includes Orogoe, v e hlngttn Terrltorj, fdnl o, and parte ef California and Ntvnda eneVihoera the llnoe oftho Oh C II ii. oiu K Co. nod the Kortbera It is one of the OOWI pletoit uud ir.ost handy uiapi we ba -u ovtr Boon aud i Maid te be very reliable. On tbe inar gina are found lists of nil tho principal places lu Orcgoa and VfnihtnKton Ter ritory, after each antna beiHganuui boraoda letter. Thaeo refer to Utters at tb'a tap nnd fiifare oa tba lde of the map. to armngod that you caa put yonr flayer oa any peiat you wlah t Cm'. It is a valuable inap. ami Mr Hire is oal it led te many that ks for the OJOrtesy t ileroi otiui- o'lr steel 11 as with cno. air.iea r feteta. From .Solomon I'.end's tstiire, ilalser, Oregon, between the 1st and 10th of April, 1SS2, one Htuall brown or dark bay m.nrc, about MX hands nigh ; no DmnOO or marks otcapi, n little whlto.eoddle mark on eno ai.te, ye w ,"" "j i'ib clving inform ttiou of said animal to Solooaen Uoud, Hatsey, or A f. Hridgo- faroter, Taagntit, wMU be well paid for his trouble. a. L. BniDQHPAntfnn. Itead Adjanened. The vt tllamottee Fresbyteiy, or the Cumberland lros byterian ( 'iiurob, stands adjotirnod to meet ut CotU" 'irevn, Cans couuty, Orejroo, en Thursday next pre reding tho fourth Sabbath in May, at 4 o'clock, p. m. A full attendance 5.t earnest ly desired. W. M. Qouetdy, c!a'od Clerk. ;!i.i :iay I'.-iigs. Those desiring to parohiot wi ;i profit by ta'tiag notice of Aady flaat's rapid aud powerful improved hty ptOSi, at Albany, Or. It hss the best raaerd of aay prjt In 0rag'h aul i esual to the besi prasi in California, nod ii canch cheaper. Following ia tho pmeyera to Wt rttdfr I al the vo ihVblr an I i-n'.rrieiauin. to bo giv n by the ktdia 1 of th 0 lagrogettaonl Cbureh ou Friday oeooing of nont vtik, April OStha . lUnltetlen Mloi fanrln ioormi Flu o ami r,;a:i l : t: Dr. i'ii- and leaf Stnooi . Ken linn Mm WoWerton. 8e-- ales bSntllj Tortoll : . .v ine -MOaeer Wilde.' Bonn Iflta hnnM Powelb Adml nloo J".t-. jo all ovt r t ire. Itafreehaaeate free to ail. i go Kirli.:; tlrj U 1 uiu noif receiving my Spring itook of morchnfl Use consisting of dry gooJn, aotloni enrpeti boottv ehoee, honeo fnr n'.shing goods, ett Inolndlng nil the Intent 110 c It Uh oi the season iu each deportmOiH. I preonnlly attonqod t my purchneoa, nnd bought wtriotly lot insir, en l ma propnred to oiler my j,'oo.!s ot auOh prlooa n- Will lefy cuaipe- tioa. :itrl :;'i i.-iii! ' 0. i-ry tiling us icp- 'C in d. BftHPMi Bt. Yoi NU. re mc rabllm j. A. Groea, amprletor of tho lopo hohd, km'ii oni of tho bst yablto hoases lnthoSla'e. II is rooms aro kept torupa loiisly nuat and clean, end on bis tabic run be fWVH) tho best iood tho market af fords. Pnrtiea coin olT on tho morning frelfl ran git OOflbe iuid rakes or an entire breakfast beforo tho traki leaves Here ofter tho hotel will bo kept open aM nigh or oonreblonoe of the oublto. s-, ase.l l ytar n ur li id LD Ain ws ui 1 .arte 1 aenthsr ir i a. 1, N 11 .1- t (1 wl Ii.. 1rjfl list I m ai! rsrtt ir;:. We inm h; t.i!, hwa ir.: 1 . 1 1 it eeeas a 1 .ne: Wlisr r.iirv.t plaMtaiOS evr f! . . An, 1 ttiigtiu-a. gtarj tataa 11 it. Oh' SOI lasa. hssr lisr I tu ii. ar! S iw Jrfl l nce .i I iiiju-ii; A ile entuniuiilt) d'.tb tiarv4 T110 ..rroH w.itcb s own. Bojornr. Strayed. A 2 ysar old iron i?ray fill "v. witli 00 iu forehand, with tail cut oil' spar J 1 it above tbe ho -ks ; branded II H oo t !o ebouider. Parnan hnosftog the whom. hOtttl tif this animal w ill confer a .avor bv wriiin' mc t : that etTurt. W. C. Wnerttann, Albany. Administrator's Notice. V-tlTICF. ls! OIVKN THAT jjt the Daadoraagned ba if-en duly ap tcinted by tho County COOWt ct "l.inn county, Urewon. edseinltintet of the cHtaUt of A K Dreodou. decoaaed. r.ll person . having c'a.un aai it said eate ara rcouirel t present toaai prop-jrly verified to tbo uuderigD3d at bia reel- donee n-ar rawfo.-Jsvi.l", L.tnu count v. ir t thtnr attorneytj, v ttinorrur i .i: fHaokhorn. at Albany, Or., within six m .'...'i-. :'r i.ii fi . d 1:0 her em. J. N. R.r::. Datsd April 13, 1352. i -.mj'cMu. tuuf.bix Mcrs Posh iv and Mason, the -live lrug yits of the toar. are .ilv. a a ujt t- the- tun atd t mcvt the demands of their many cnsto:iit-i Tii. y i,..v jat rrrt-iv.i a sup ply ft that Wrtti.b r:ul rvnnily 1 ast.oi i-diing the w orld by its inarvt-liNia cu:r, Dr. Knit's New Discovery for Coasaatpttoo ,-.n i;.. . .! .i. t '.inn. brouchitis, hav fever, Bhthtt. cr. up, v ti.-.j.iox C4't,;',. tickliui; in the ttir-it. loan of voice, hoxraencse w any affect I aa of tbe throat and hnis. i Ins mn . iy k - ii i .ur-. thousand ion testi f: If vim ilo i.ot iK-heve it call at aad lt a tii il I -.ii! irrf ot c .. or a rt-.-n iar aiea bottle for our dollar. As yoa value your !ilc i;ne it a trial and lc conviuo.1, thoutiaiida alrvady have hern. Peehay and aleeen. nheeeaanaaenoiflba ny ; D. Merria, Bese ; Dr. U Foley, I.da nu ; Dr. .1. .1. 1 ..ael;. I.ohar.oa ; IK AI Calbreatse, Boone Vioaa : Reafetto and Mon tarn. J. llrrson ; O. II. 1. Cornelias, Tur nrr ; IL A. Renspy, Haitbihntg : S. : Rapaaj Hahwg : D.moii .Smith, Hal iy Starr aod Bbtkrly, ioownsville. r. 1 o Sam AlthnuMi nm A Vox Chsi IMii.ff.-r Rev I Dillion Jos Webber MASONIC II Aid. in." 1: niitno.v li :s. ,1, e Folloniag ii tho program fat tncetlii-j this club to fee held thi.i aroeiog. Preper -CuapUTn. Sole Mrs. A. Saier. Reading Mlns I.ydta CharltoO, Address Itev. J. A. Holleabaaght Stdo Miss Velnia Clemeut. Read iiia- Miss Amanda Irvine. Selis U is h Lottie Mmiteitb. To t'arincrs. You will aivo m'.ney by oalliag on W. II. Goltra, of Albany, b9fora purchasing throshors, bindera, wagons, plows, eto. For ui night o;.!y. Friday, April 21st. The World's Gro atest Wtmddr. PROP. WILLIO. Iu his aots e noapprenahebl a MAGIC, MiRTH sAHD MYSTERY. Ventriloquism, Itnttatiooa of B.rdi and Animals, the (Jreat Fira Kbag Sjanc, Feats of Strongth, Cantortioa and Acrobatic Bsrrcisfs, the Greet , Peal No Plus Ultra, and 100 PRESENTS. Geo W Yonng John Rogers A E Rainwater A Deckard L H Monteoye Geo F s. !:! n Iwi S:;m-on. These beds ran be foand at Geo F Simpson's at Albany. Bo s ire to cadi and see them if you want anything in that bar. J. H. WAY, no Ageat. MASON On Friday, April 11, 1003, to tbe wife of D. I , Mason a bay. Ferhaps tho hoy's father wasn't delighted Spooptudyke ncvor wu happier and never sot up tho cigars with moro alacrity. Can gratulati ms wero tlie ordar froai early mora till late at niht. Tho baby aad tho uTiele family arc doing wclL HoIIowa) I'll In anil Oiudnrnf Wro-k-tnf 11 umanit v. I ndisorntiniie u Youth. No ot j ft is more woul app.i.lin than the prom.. t:r-j sensibility ot vnntb dadv wltnrasoit atnontr the habitues i our public nronenodoej where may be sron th terrible irsolt-s ol disease in its most trijibll'ul f..rinj of tho ghastly aud candaverouH wrr.-k of manhood, tbe de luded victim ot' iiiiiiriiuipal seounarols. who, by pernhdona ooetrome, have im prcirnaletl tlio systems of their unsuspoct ioa end ooofsdinjg petlontowtth mineral p .lsoiiM. For all ulcers anil impurity ol blooil consisjiieiit onmoOOh imprudeiice, Hollowav's fills and and Oiiiitnunt are joverfolv cllicaoious, beius ooniposed of rate balsams and vegetables that aro erttOfloniatta to all disordeie of tho blood, aud ulcers arising from finte iu ttie body. They contain not a particlo of lueioury or other mineral poison. ' 101 lx;r jRTAxxCav tios. Xonearepcnnine unless the ahntatoiO of J. HaTOnoaX, sur rounds etndi box ot Fills and .Ointment. Boxes at cents cstnts and $1 eaoh. fUr Their is considerable saving by lalftiii;,' I.truer s'ws. deuoWAT A Co , Now York. Ovl. hit trtrrnsi at; aiu It will lie apparent to any a:e who will examine a ao'id gold watch, that aside from the uec ssary thickneos for eMgraving aud Klishiag, a large pro- putii t o: ..; precious metal used is needed oaly to etiiTwa aod hold the en graved nortiaiis ia place, aad eapply the neees-ary soiidity and stresgt . Tbe surplus gold is t-ctually needles ofar as utility aud beauty aro coo cerncd. In Jaaies J5 ie' Patent Geld Watch Cases, this waste of precious is overcome, aud the saun? solid ity aud strength produced at from one third to one-half of the aeual coat of aolid cases. This pi ooesa Is of the meat aim pie nature, a fell -us: a plate ol uickle oempoitiou metal especially adapted to tlie purpose, ha two plates of solid gold aeisJerod aae oa each side. The three are then paesed between polished steel roller-, aad the result la a strip of heavy plated composition. rrom winch the caaes, backs, eon tree, bezele, etc., are cut and ebaped by sui table dies aud formers. The gold In these eases is sufficiently thick to ad uiit of all kluds of chasig, eugraving and ouamelling ; the enraed easee have beea carried until worn perfectly -m -! by time and use withoet rc movintliejrold. This ie the ooly eaae taadrf with two plates of solid gold aud war.aiited bv special certificate. is . a aa i tii v i : i lev an -ir-was-ii'i aa illustrated Catalogue, and lo Ace war rant. nrcKLcvs aanncn aaVLVK. The beat naive in the world for cut, brute kimlit nt i.iu i i ii rt hum I hi . i . : r . . . . - - auicvn n koc uenuci. si.-iaeiioa in ever - r i . i a- . . tor Sale by toshayand Mason, wholesal sgts ; D Moore, Scio ; 1 Foley, Lebanon Dr rowcll, Lebanon ; Redpath aud M . 1 ftT . 1 t . . . i ,L T. . z j i ... ..... II I 1 1MIIU ' ..OA. I i V IU1IU villo. NOTICE. woe, ) S J mivD. SnillON At Sodarille Friday, April 14, 1992, the infant daughter of James B. aad Eliza Stimaon. U. S. Iiud Of&oe. HoHeburgjOrcRon April 4th, 1SS Comolaiut naviiif; been anvwod a? tins Oftlctt by Josiab Wodd'.e ajaiu t lCuocli M Oave for abandoning llouiuatead Untry, No. 2ri8, tfated Fobruary 5th, 1878 upon tbe N E i- Section 8, Township 1 1 South, Hauge 1 East Willamstte ttlor id is n in Linn couuty, Oregon, wth a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said par ties are hereby summoned to appear at this on the 13th Uy of May, 1SS2, at 10 o'clock a. m., to ronpond autVTurnish testimony cono&rnlug aild alleged aban donment. W. F. BKNJaaMm, ldogister J. C. Fcllerton, Kecoiver. HOW TO SEtTKE HEaLIU. it see n strsne tua. auy one ill lu-lTer f.-om many ii i n-t;u. nt bruuyht on by an impure . .V- f . ..'.. ,11 V-. . . - ta. . . . win re. in: wicti uuiitu 10 1110 l.nvsieM T ' . II it i. in. . a. mrn t in . . . .. uke, and Umi l.rovcu juelf to be the l.ol Hi-r erer Uiscoveml. i-ffcaiallv -"W sr Son ;i;-... .1;. ...... i- . . . . v. r ......... ...v"-. .. w.iiu vt l 1 1 l n ii Malaria, all iiern.u- ai.rUcr juU liebililv. .-.tii,.,...i. mm au u :wki iiiaiaixiijr aa uiieure ouoe ot the blood, lfvr, kidneis, stomach, sbJe, It ..rr...f j,j..n X . : 1 - ft ... . :., - an ttXliausure nnu.-v, hvnir a tcr.esn.-i U the uaiune vigor el tbe uraui and atr.oos ay. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures in man and beast. For use external v internally. i m v. ivii.i i.u a i . i i . i w a SYRUP instantly destroys worms and moves the secretions whioh rauso