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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1882)
ettwrtat FRIDAY APRIL 31, 1882 ' ' ' DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Kor tiim'mor JOSKril & SMITH. ....' MulUmuiah. Kir GeSVpiSS Jfc iv k.:ntvn of Yamhill. For Swrvtai j "t Siato j. k. vi:.vraRUKoiu of Una. Kor Stale Tiviirr II. ADR.M of txuu'la K.t Superintendent of 1'uHUs? Instruction w. s. wnmimjun i iraee Kor State rriutv-r W. F. COItNUI.I of Marion, Kor JiiI(;. of Sujrcmo Court B, l. SH.lTTlVK of Multnomah K r District Attorney W. H. ItOi.MKS of Marlon. DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The lVuvvnttic party of the Slat of Oregw, in convention aeiuild, cguizut of the important con seuvort' lvh?tiUuir upon il deIilcrllon, ami . f flmitiur tl principles apofw)w liberty ai.l tigSt! laid down by the founders ut thin QWMWMN Yt declare as follow ; 1. That we favor hmierty, rinViency anl St&asasnj in ererj department of the Uommeut, both Stair and FcoeraJ. 2. That wc faror the etUAl protection of Vho rihu of labor and capital under jiut law-. X That while wo recognise and rcH-ct the Uial rihta of raiiroa I enterprises, we ocmau.l that out Lttrislaturea, Stale and Krde-al, enact tich law t. latin the suit.', at may bo necessary t. prweat un just diacriiutuatton toward, and oprralou of the o- 4, That we denounce the present tariff system a. class kvlalaUon, favorable to the tow and rwive wt the i! n . and we therefore demand an immediate revUion thereof. A redtarlion ol all lniort tlnties to a strictly revenue atandanl, and that tt free Hat lie n nUryo I a to include aU article of mcehaiiieal, ajtrt cultural and domestic use amou the people, a fr a. the nlet resenues of ihetloteraroeat will permit' o. That the President' veto of the Chinese immi KTwtieei bill i a public misfortune. It seta the dcratl iu; mark of oompeiiliun with the coolie of China up on the labor of the wnrkinguu'ti of A mem and it treat with contempt uou '.: . . 1 the uiiaiiimom protest aiul appeal of the enure Paciil? BOM. 1 behalf f the people of Oresn, we diaappnoe and con demit it. and we declare it to be the duty ( every eil iaen, rvanl!es of party, toeapriM lit tliappro.ii wu!i hi 'to a well a with his seSos. 8. That the iwumi nation of I'retident ilarfleld wa a uational caiatnttity, to breretud by every law abiding citizen, and thataaid aaiuation was the re ault of the pernicious system of the Hcimbltcau paM in ..i th spoils system to every branch of the sHH sen ice of our tioveniment. 7. Ww believe that MlfMM i a crime iinnUhable by law, and that it existence sbuid U i..l. udiour and itup iublo. 8. That we arc i:i favor of the rep -al of the nattga tton law and th removal of the duties on all mater imI ciiler into the ctilru.tii:i .Ji.wli llut American pndiloe can he carried in American bottom. V ami the American people te able to enU'r i:ilo compc tRion lor the carry inn trade of the world. tf. That w r- . ir.1 the improveaient of the Colum bia Kiieraitd it tribuiarie, the Yaquina ai d Cu Hay the Harls-r of Refuse at fort Hrford, the 0a qaille Kivv-r, the const ruetiottcof the Lock at the Caav emle an.l th'--Tbelaile of the Columbia Kiver.and thi improvement of other harbor and river of our StaU ae eancntial U1 the pnjerity of its people, and we de mand of our .enatwra and hprexenttie in Congru thvir brst pcdeavor U .-cure liberal aptro)riati ap J favorable legislation tbcrvfr, by the lieneral ti.iv-eru-.uc:it, to the ead tliat tlte whole of Urajim may tbare in the certain bueiiis aruung In)Bi emiintiti .:. a transportation. 10. That we favor th?- ntair.ta:na?i - of the public school, the hope ami pride a tMC Male, and wo de inand such way and mean a will cuutribute to the increaau of funds fur thai purpose. 11. That we favor he taxation of a't mortgage in tve county u litre t!ie same ar.- rronvUd. li. V.'a ajt-ert that it is the duty of tbe ljplatur to enact uch law as UI make Ike comuen.a:ii ol clerks and heritts of every c unty in tht. State cotn-M-nut ; with the service performed. IX We denounce any : . .nation T lugll.tjon t)vt w 'U'S p-oer.bc any cit;2ri i4 tii: - al- ..n ae cjai.l of relivriou or nationality. M B- A-FJ LIW o:T !)ttlOtBitl( CX10 1IUS A I r Conveutioit for Ltnn C'junty.f wthe purpose of noir.inaiinj; ooanty ticket, will bo he! J iu Albany, a: 10 o'clock a. ui., on Wkdnusuiv, Mat Io, ivi. Primary meotingj will be hoi I at the voting plaWM in th wvaral l'ri-i.uis on Saturday, li y 6, 1S5J. Preciuet will bo entttltd to representa tion in each of tho County I'otiventiOM a x-ordicg to the lollowiug table : East Albany Waat Albaa'y iobanoa nrasb Creek Center Kranklin Butte Harrisburv Kox Vallcv lialsev . Liberty ."1 Brownsvilie ilOrieatu Svrcue ScU . Shedd Snti.-tm i Sweet Ifirfuc. .5. Waterloo 'Mable By order of tho Committee J. H. BVKKHAT, Chairman. Tki: Benton Couuty Dtfincratic Cj'uention is called for April 2!Hh, one wetk from next Saturday. A ticket uiil thou be p.u cut that will vrnko Iblnga up in June. A late nuatber of the lUdlphM Times contaius tn acconnt of the nat uralization in that city of a (.'hinaman named Henry Leon. "VTe understand the Courts in California refuse to fvlniit h "n to citizenship. Reports irm the Dspertment cf Agriculture Stt that the area of winter graia shows an incea8 of a million acres over last year, and tho condition is a great deal better tf ar? itsua'. The editor of the Iljseb.itg Plain dealer wys it is a! I political clap-ttap to say tliat Chinese hare been natural izsl in the East. The editor does not k l arbat he is talking abeat. Four r j.e l.aro been naturalizttl at Bost oi atid ccveral at New York Citr. MAlAjJE Du.vniway wails urr tut fact that there is no woman suffrage plank in tho Democratic platform. She sijs "ihv women of Oregon, who are loykin,; fur a piank to stand upon, ar not able to find a sinlft splinter." It if too bad ! 1.J . li C! Lka'o.v Republicans did not gi m cth atth:irlate Cot.ven'joti in this elty. Djnaca wa batten f r (Jomm's. sioner after a uiajotitj of the delegates hd pledged their support to him Y'iissom wm -A?.o walloped Denny was? f.coojjed, an 1 Cusick w.h completely soil out. Tiie only b'i thrown to ttvMI vvan the school superintendent. Sam Class e is outaar tin after Col. S ix Elliott on account of the latter pub lishing a Katie pamphlet which rellect ed tcmewhai up-ni him. Bam 8-iys he is convinced no that Kllioto in in the employ of "insri who inv opposing Ore gon's j. i ogress." If ereiy man in thi! Slat 'A ho has i or taikmf against Clarke is Oftp9d to the j?rogress of Or- egtn we pity the future of tJsii S.ati1. Out oj.iiiion ct Mr. George ia im proving t some extent. If he, with t is Hg'.ance. of Col. Hogg, gO'-a at appropriation for Yitqnina Bay of $G0, 00, as r conrneaded liytheiho Cora lnittcc, bi chances for r-election will be a great deal ketter than at present He will then get the full Republieat. yjtfeavaad if the election were to cemo to-day he could not carry thf irrength of his party. Ji b e g HJaatMXVW TX BaUMnttWAlW After couYersing with tietotal gentle men from Mai ion county wo learn that there h ive been no Republican uomina" tions in tlmt county that Republicans prepr r avo bound to respect. Tho par ty has boen captu.od by tho cranks that have been a trouble to tho Ilopublioans in Marion for ytats. At hut th issue ts madti wifh them within tho party. Heretofore thesa crank have :utl the issue outside of the patty. The thing as it now stands is tha most singular freak in politics. Those who MM in Mh lead have a singular ireord fr rtopubli cans. They are Uoise, Davenpeit, Ford, Waldo, MinUi, ami others. Hoise has been connected with every patty sinca he was born except the Know Nothing parly. The reason that ho fail ed to conuect with that was that it wan doomed t- be a miuority part Il was a Massachusetts NV'hig, an Oregon Democrat, always in oAicc if any tLere were to be tilled, until lite party became minoiity psrty, then he became a Etc pnbliean, with his dih preeeetaJ for the pottsge dun him for this changi of base, la 1ST I fearing that his weight was too light o bo earned longer bv the Repnblicaus, and wanting the oSioe of Judge in 1S7G, he be?amo an lndejico. dent and worked hard to create a par ty of tint natus. His vulgar denuncia tion ol the Republican pariy then will belong remembered. Failing in this. inspwhlfcUiei brought hm bck, and he solicited the Judgeship wf t'ae party he so 1st. '. r abusel. I'tuUr no obligations to the Republican party, and treating its organizations with contempt, be hss made gool this spate tint in building up a fsctieu of hit own within that par tr. His railroail peseaM enablod him to go eften on this bosineM, and with :haracteristic tivlelity to friinds he dt a . aunc6i tlie cvrporulions lioin wiiun he reeived these f.ivors. Tho result now iri iut!f in a entire defeat of the Republican organization, s far an ho i cencrntl. He w.tnts tL I'. S. Sen ate for misusing purposes in the fu?ur. He has not iu all this timo ln a char ter member of bat one psrty, and that was the Independent. He simply join ed all otherM as fast as there wm day !igbt to be seen. Ttm Divenport, can lidatn for the lgi!atnr was anctlu r Independent, and ran for Oongtes en that ticket in 1.S71. Waldo, ohl "seceah Democrat," as he was ctlie.l dining th war, and a candidate for C ojtiuty Judge ou the Indejtndent ticket in 174, is now the Rp tb'ican ctndidate fjr State Senate. Til Ir'urd, anotier .oal!ed "secrah Hemocrat,'" and a eaadidete on the Indejwfident tick;t for PfOtecuting Alforney in 1871. is a eaadj iat" n: tSr Kefmndieaa tsekat foe the I,-!' it'ne Old Mr. Min'o is rut in defenee if these ladepmdnsits Ho has .!wya been vry balky iu p.diti-l himt a id asi ie fraia leatin th.t (.g:Utmrt ti burst up for want nf a quorum as a Republican roemljer, a tVw years ago, he refused to run for the lislatnre on the Republican ti-ket after ling nots. i '. in 1.74 ; but t&Onivef the nom ination on the Iulependent licks t, and was defeats J. He. liks the bsi ince ef these Independent, went ba.-k to the Republic.m prty f r fartlier mischief. Thsy a!! ap i'jar in a near r "do this year. They arc all charier member of tli Iadepsn lrnt party of 1 7 t ; they wore lodependeuts then, and are now., is su exirnrde, ii indepernlont for Byise. . Itm-nt be liumiliatioj to beg to be taken back to a party nfu r dr nouncing it an being rotten to the core, simply bscause unexpectedly it retained its ascendency. The old time "dyed in the woo!" Republicans, many whom wore in arms at Um front wh-fii Til Ford, they asy, win hurrahi.ig for Jeff Dtrii, do not like ths situation. They cla't n that the R;piiblicn party sboilld matuttiu its organizition and not hsve the pi'-ty rea 1 out of existence by these cranks, every one of whom were disor. ganizing De nocfats t few yests sinte. Old Marion shoull putge 1 erielf now that she has the chance to do it. .1113 OreiAllO.Mvt'OK UEI..OV To ! dtspatehea of last Moodty state th tt the Hoese Cotnmittee on Com merce in preparing tbe aunmil river and harbor bill, have -ately been con- si Uring the needs of Oregon represent ed by Congressman (Jeorgc of Oregon, an 1 after hearing his arguments there on have thus far agreed to insert the following items iu the bill, although they are subject to possible increase on further haar ing: F k locks at Cascades of the Columbia river, $205,000; for improvement of Yaquin bar. $60,000; 6o.osB.ts, $30,000; Cnuille, $10,000, a portion of which in available for le. moving snags along the rivei; lower Columbia and Willamette, including bar at tho mouth, $74,000; upper Columbia and S lake, $00,000; upper Willamette saI Yamhill, o,C00. As to ths c mtmcncirig of perm.intjut works ak the moutb of tbe Columbia, the com afsjttf! ', ea aojoun of tbe fuireree re port of the advisory board of tngineerh at Nw York made a yar ago, diaap proving CjI. Gdesdi! 1 tti, &nd in view cf the importance of the propar comurnsemeut of a great work and the necessity of hav ing a plan approved by the chief engineers, have decided ou a thorough and cireful examination iu detail by s board of engineers in person, to be ap pointed by the secretaiy of war imme diately on the passage of the bill, when after visiting tUe menth of the river tbty shall report such a plan as they ooay approve in time fur the December session of congress, so that an appropria tion can then be made. TNI t'atlRBMC it IMIOV SI. .Ki.i 1 ! . . i . i 1 . 1 i , i i i u ntit ? i . . i i i i i,i,i tal. ' i ivciMiviiLniue rati iuv 1 ' v than otliers, which fact is fully proven by some of them holding up their heads and mm in;; that thuir patty luoi just na good a reenrd on the Chines.-) queHtion as the Democratic patty. IFotoll party litHt commonood the agitation of thia question iu Oregon) The Doiuocratio psrty, iu 1870, At that time the qtiot tien was freely discussed during the campaign, und the nnti-Chiueso plank in the rVmoenitic platform wiu one of the chii f oauseM of thn party's nuocens. During tho sevsisn or the Lngisalttri in the fall of the same year, Hon. R. S. Strahun, thou BtttntOr from Ruuton county, uit red need in the Senate Joint Resolution No. IS, instructing our Senatots and vepUMliug our Roprtseii- tutive in ( 'ongress to endeevorto pro euro the ablation of tho Burliniratno treaty with China. It paaned loth houst'S, btit met with eoutideiabl-f op Hisition, and every membsr who voted against it was a Rspublicau. In the Sotiate tho following petmnis votnl iiginat tho resolution: S un Hi own and J. C. Miwies. of Maiion county; D. Powell, of Multnoii:.ih eouutj end D. I. Thompson, of ( 'laeksmss, but remrmlitr that this is th tABBS Dive Thompaon whe only a few wetks deelilMd te ucrejt the in luiuntioti fer Ciotornor on the Republican tieket In the HoUHu tho resolution wa p- peeed by none but RepeWl oem, and several of the gentlemen vt notice are up tat oftico this esr. Their immi are as fullowa: T. J. Apjiereee, W A Starkweather and iVter l'squet of. Clacksm t-', the latt r of whom is now running for Canity Jttdffl on the lb -publican ticket in tbat eonntt ; Dan O'Reffaa and John C Cereen, -t Fnrt laud; J. M. HeiTseott sod 0 te. P. Hot mm, ef Marian. W. D. II , who has leen tneiitioned uj a SaCsdioSte Of 1 v -ernr on the RefHibiieaa ticket, and Tim Davenport who i-i I prom ineut tAudidi'e fur the H le in Mai t i i county, designs th" quentioo, and te u t th ie bi u ti. ' tto taken. Tiio vote on afodjO BtfohOQ! resoliiliou b'.a plainly which pat'tv ledt.ff in thi tight Hg ite..'. t'iiiu n thi State. Next thw v jxi-d tpirsti u .1 1 t arried n.t i oatisoin polities, oetl both partita promised faithfully tu beed the cries ol the p-.j. nt' this Cjast. Tho Ropah licau potty oaose out vtetotteui to Iij7G, an I t' l-renn iaOnaVOdiatalt pSvOnnd the '.ltt-en p.-scnger bi'.!,' whielt wa peoospUf vetoed by u Rpubd -an presi dent. Iu 1S 0 both parties nain nee u a tainsoo plank in the nation tl iilatfman aad Qar field and Arthtu reio alected. Pcinator Millers bill p.t-sfi. in :bo Senate the veto .uood eight Republicans and twatUymu PooOOCrate (of i:. Arthur state t!ia' tho bill docs nol meet tho .approbation of the Chinese m in later end be coooo qaently vetcei it. 'Acting rntater tin advice of Arthur tho bill is then re tnednlrd, the tiutc of restriction of lamlgmttoa Is cut do wn to tea yeexo, ether cietWW :ti' tnotiitled, OOd after it ha, uc nuppo-c, ta ci pas-eii upon by the Chinese mini-tcr, R passes tin- Heattef lite rote IxMiig -C i againsr .;7, ami only ) of th 37 be! ttg Donneereto. This i- the rail history of the CTttinooo qaeotloa up to the pr . cnt time, und no one CH deny, nftor reading the fi- !-, tlctt tbo DettlOeffsU9 io psrty hsi always fulfilled U pledges mode to the people in regard to il. Can as much be said of tho l!" publican party ? Frank Pixley, tbe smartest RepobtiCM in California, says "the Republican party hai been tisc to oil IU oro'esotoni Fes Ithii question.) It boi bcirayvd tlio per pie, and done it under falao preten ses, end with lying and talse cxeuso.-i." VIO.VT own um. BepGbltcane -f tbe Paeifio Cooit wan'c own Arthur on ib Chinese jues t'on. How can thsy divide hiinl He is cither tbrir Pics'olsn, or bo is not. They cannot claiui to be Repnb lieaesandnot claim Arthur, lie rep resents tbo RepahlieaBO east of tbo Rocky mountains, who say tbat thny can give up tbo Paeific Sta'cs but not tbe principle involved in lie veto mes sage, ilia not a ipiestlon of ten oi twenty years with Arthur aril thin, it is as Arthur swys "if there are too many Cliinesn ou tbe Pacifiu Oooat, send them to Other parts ; dintiibuto khetn, iut let them conio. Ho sa)8 they built the Pacific riibomts Hnd brags over it. Rot bo They woikcd for leKS than white men, and tlio profits of their labor went into the bonds of the cumpanv of four or five men. The a road was built no cheaper t iho gov eminent, and Arthur knows it. In stead of white laborers by thousands receiving tbe money paid by govern ment to build these made, it went into the hands of hwathen at reduced wages And tho difference in labor went to enrich thosn who .have never kt faith with th;? government that piid foi buil liu t'T'S ntb. Wa might 00 well say that ton R eniblican party would not have Arthur f ir Prasident if a Chinaman could be fouod to take bis placo. We feci that it would be an improvement, as it would bring tha queBtion teaa iiumciint issue, while now we must drag it along with blow political pace. Rut this coat will he eolidlj Democratic or solidly heathen. There is no fence to sit on. HACKMKTACK," lasting and fra jrant port umc. Price 25 and 50 cents. For ale by Foshay and Mason, Albany ; R. A. Rampy, itarnsburg. lu.i.i iii:a i:m iiin ui l et a third of a century the natnu of Henry Ward lUoohnr hss been connect ed with ruligiou imd pelHIfNf mot o of tbo latter than the firmer. He has invariably bo'iu nairow in his vi-ovs whoi. treatiug of his own kind, and broad in those views svkleti li i initwr says we tains of inferior ruecft Hu wnnt a servilo lace and that raeo unust bo thn Chinese. A few yean since our coiintiy wiii iu the perils' of civil wnr to placo n servile pees on an equality with Mr. Betake r. When lleeoher was it boy no Hervilo men was needed. His g 1 father, with other minister, bent ad t! or tDergitl on chi istiii.iizng th hen tin u in his own Juiol ; now ehrittianlty cm si. it in bringing tho heathen to tho Pacific Com1 b m a kit u lalnve of him. Wh)1 BeoarjtO WO Mf J him 1 . 1 III it lurpo.e in !. whaK T woik for less wall's than our own peooloi To diie oof labjferi from every branch of industry and prevent onr feoaales freoi nakiag ooefal wofheie in b ine nud other inlucrjc Thil sirtile ra-i is t taku tho j'u': t f our civilized wage class which is the foun dation of our hopes fof civil liberty in the repuMic. KoW 0AO I hiothOTI benefit a i iu thia e ctntry. No doubt the Botpoier of CHiiaa ooodi some cheap Amsii 'tns for I m-rtiln roee. Oatoide el h pulpit Chinese are as Munct atiuai Rfibr They a-e nothing to us in a y wsy vbotoeir They never get nbovi their stcret oriental vie i. 101100 they bteod potti- knee in every city. Tie r demoralise our tenth. Titer ore not capable cf citizenship. '1 he? oao li ill ite eell end loom quiekly. Uenoo ihey eon drive out our own pOOoli frmi woikahojis, msnufitctuiiug and doHOllO labor. They nm tu amait f-r a aervile raec. When thiv Income whoilv ill wnf 9 elass of our people, he nrlll be no mora servile than tbey aro now. They are bosses now in wage?, and will c n tinuo t bo ii l 'i it thf. Bee BSfl I 01 tuit i. romtiND. osasigimnu Oesoptatn of the tuat tent they remits t I'urtlsnd. Tfey need all time urecl inl'jriasti . i t moornV itig tlregoa they ean gt. Rut It is nui given te teMa. Thej ore Brat ad vised to s t ! i.oar 1'ortl.utd or Kaat Port, land ; if thin doOl OOt, thou to go onse of she ntonntoioa. Thia is io er- tct accord with the ibt; ig3todoOOS of Portlsnd. Thetim will r mil when Portland will m ohttgoi toti orithosrl tho east .f the OaOUntoittS Ottd OOnrO eiatethe VTUIoasetse Valleff m-iab w re than it does now. If all the trade of tbe fTilloosette Vailay eeoten in Peti land, the city vd! bt the lea-iieg ity of ths nertbwest. It il all that makes it a city now, ami by BO means does it de pend on the tertito: ; esat of the moun tains fcr its life end prosperity, srbilo it doei rely en the tt.n l of tho WRlam- Valley f jr its very existenes. And if the city peraists in making n bridge of tho Willamette Valley bo fill op 000t prn Oregon end Woohingtoo Territory to favur railroods in which Portland has DO interest OOtttmon isilr, it will, in time, find a dredger largo ensugh to cop the city ont if it cannot tho chan- f tha rivet lhal leavll 0 it. It bOOBBsOl the rop'e of the WillOBtOttO Valley to loo'x to other OOBteei foe int- oaigroBta to Western Oregon. Tti.iT ; mi Among ths Repnblicsn aspirants for afaBBtoeial honors slndgo Roise is men tioned, and it is claimed that he is working up n lit t ie strength. Wc can harlly think Tu IgO R is.t would allew his nume te bo buffeted about f.r any ofCce. Tho oath betook was net to accept anv other than a judicial ofliee du'itig tiio tvi in for which ho was ele t el. This is required of bo'h S i-hmus and District Judges by the constituti. n. T eay that a toBatorahip is a judic al ollice is trilling with o serious matter. Xo man who has taken an oath of that kind iu Offdot to obtain an office, the only condition ou which ho receiv ed if, csn fares wear biaBBOll Bo far ns to ignore that oath. No honest man cati IllllOOIIItllll ISj snd none would aim to. Therefore we cannot seo bow ndgO Raise can accept of any other oflico tintil his term expiree. Judge Watsons case is claimed io bo some what different. The V. S. District Attorney has judicial power. Ho does even a Pros.-cuting Attorney for tho Stato. And the oflb-e ii aeid to be a fnri.Hi judicial one, and is m viewed no doubt by Judge Watson himself. Rat there is no excuse f ir a judge to ignore this oBth and accept of any other ofliee. But no one will be disappointed if I Judge Boino labors for the oilier ef U. S. Senator ; his past political career would lead us to expect any thing from him to further bis end". e: tTiicn RtTUtU. N sooner than tiio Boise balf-brooda in Marion county captured the con vention from the stalwarts, n Demo cratic campaign paper appeared print ed ami edited in the Hi ttcsmiris oftte B olse's papsr. Tho paper made a bold attack on tbeStalsvarts ovldent ly written by same of the Boise crowd. The thing was too plainly a fraud. No campaign paper we aro told will be run by the Democrats 1st Salom. If the fraud is continued it will be un derstood ns nn nppendftgo to tne Statesman' ITHOX't Wl. We notio a tlisposition on the part of tho R'pub'.i- Mu press of tha State to try In bni I dis'j rd in tbu Druojratio ranks by iminustin ; that ths Ororor wing of tho Djiu j:-otio party got away with everything in tho last Convention. Thia dodge w m't will. Wo hero nsver OOB it ui r h inn lutein ciuvontiori than that h'd i iu Portland on April 5th. Thsro was neither a Orovsr nor a Thay er "wing" in if. It was largely com posed of young men who did not feel disposed to shoulder the record of any one man or tat of men. All thee wink ed was to secure harmony in the pstty, end the proceedings of the C mventiou shows they wtr surci ssful. Hon. Jos. H. Hmith has not BOBfl OOBBOOte I in the lenit wi'h poUikoj in this S als for I 'J or 1 1 f oaf end eannol tratlifully bs charge. wi;h rapraBfBtisg the OrBTOJ footion. Bbi oompotiiof hofnos the Contention (. M. SjruH, and ho wan n t brought forward ' y tbe friends of (1 iv. Taayer. Il was just ths Hsme iu a c-iudid.ite for Congresa. Wh can s ty tint n Tbayer m iii w.n slaugBiorod t procure the nomination of W. D. Fuitonl About tlio only proas inent pereoe snentioBod in tho Cmvrntiiiu who in intimately connected With what is lei jc; I the "Thayer oriBg1 ol tho puty.wns Qob. J W Nenuiiih, ui I psromptorily declln ed to receive it nomination. Had he nfferod bii oaaM to remain bofbte the ( ' invention we know he would have rn civrd votes from the I. inn County del egation, and cvety one knows that Old Edna baa always bOBO c!sssel as rov Of COttntjr. Ifo, this dodgd of the Re public. mi is too transpatsnt, and cannot win. Tho difTorct.t fuoliotis of the Deniooroiie porty united solidly at the Portland COBeOBtiOB, and they aro now marching on t vintoty, shvulder te ah mlds r. nraat rm r treus st To 5 tijket nouiinsted by the Demo crats is unljubtoliy a good one, so far as we have any jwiaonal knowledge of the moo. Bed those who are strangers are well ipohOB of by ru the Rtpub licau press. --.Vtfie tfarikwM&f. The Stato lickst placixl brfvre the ;. la by th- re .rnt Tsui gratis State CoBeOnVtioe it Bl OOt excellent, and con ceded lo bt tho strangest ticket nemi nated by tho DOBI (NWBOJf for many years .'' ,tr tstutrd. W. II. H 'l.'iiti, thi PoBsOeroUfl nom inee fir Prosccutiiig Atterney of this Judicial Diatiicf, ia n young man who was raii-ed in Polk County. He is an lode '. keen sibt.! lawyer, and bis ReptiWiicau opponent, whoevir he miy be, will 1. u . -. . road to viclo ry in J one. Jjall-u lUmizer. it is with feelings' of; ride and confi dence that wo place at the head of our columns ths ticket nominated by the Democratic State Convention held in Porthad last week. It is one tbst will bo hsartily endorsed by every Democrat and clmllenjei tl e respect of the most rabid K "publican. Krery candidate is B D q tescntatire mat . who will come up to the .DlYsrsoniaa test of espsbility snd iotOgrity, T:.e iinnressioa is gsa- etol that a better ticket coubl not have iieen nominated and its politioal oppon ents admit their bwst nuttrisl must bo brought forward to cojki with it. Jaclr Piinoinotie itats ticket nppusrs, from th' comments of our Hsuiocratic oxchang., to give general satisfaction ; and even tho bopuolioasi ssy, now be fore the fight has begun, tbat the nomi nations aro quite judicious. Ashland t:ht si.t:. Thil blow to our socisl and political status on th s csa st rays ths Paeifio States at once against thi New F.nglsnd oTemiuatc "i:ontimentalihm. Tbe dye is cast, and every working man mutt now sock his own salvation. He need not ezpcot capitalists aro going to reject Chinees labor.for they are not. Iho en )y way fer our nation to prosper, and give labor its placo in society, is to vote it then'. Nothing but votes and laws for the protection of our OWB kind will mako our peoplo prosperous. Ths dem ocratic party stand pat on this qaestion. There were but two democrats that voted against the bill, and they were from Massachusetts where there is a feolins favorable to chiueso labor rats. If 5000 of them could got into Massa chusetts factoriea the Stato would be coino Democratic q uicker than Arthur became President. kj1. . uf mm si'j TMB BBBBBS'IMC. Thia week, says the Corrallia r7oattf has marked an important ntsgd in the pregreoi of the work. The contracts for the three tunnols between Corvallis and Vaqsina have boen let to Mr. J. A. BugVeo of San Franciseo. The lengths of the two tunnels on the descent from the Summit into tho Yaquina valley are 750 aud 350 feet, and that just below Mr. Napp's houso G00 fot. The work is to begin within two weeks from 812111112 ths ceatraets and the tunnels and approaches have all to be completed by the eud of July next. From Mr. Bagbee's well known character as an energetic and capable contractor we have no doubt that this portion of the work will bo get through well on time. .oon BWA Tho following dispatch was roeeircd st the ofliee of tho Oregon PaoiGc Hail road Company nt Oorvallis last Wed nesdsy: Navr V im April, Istb, 1MZ. Tn Wm M gtSf! Tli lull rrn-tliif r ,l t i ' . liHrlt-t of Vsilina ianl tlio Ifouv) t lay uiianlmjuly. It tba Ksiiats a niuiitti a.' by a lis vli. T. Kixir.aroi IImo. This N t mjsf unmistakable recog nition by Congroas of tho importance of the work being carried on by the Oregon Pacific Railroad Co. Now that this bill has passed and wo havo every reason to bellovo that nt least $00,000 will bo appropriated by Con gress for work oo tbe Yaqulna bar, no one can doubt that tho Ore gou Poets will soon give tho inihtinelto Valley aoother outlet. And wo do not see now why tho () P R R cannot have iho full Huppolt of tho entire people of Oregon. Tho Northern) Pacific Itail road, by tho publication of their new circular and map, boldly announce that Tacoma will bo their western terminus. Their lino passes direct from A in t worth north of tho Colam bin to that city, a id Portland Is left away ofT to the south. This change of the western terminus is madefon aeecountof Tacoma's advantage ns a h i p water shipping point, and Port land is left in tho ahado. Tho poo pb: of Oregon should now unitedly support tho O P R It and thus assist io opening an Oregon port to Ore;'., i bippltlg. While sneikiog on thi subject we ml;;bt also say Cvit vork will begin in earnest next week on the Oregon I'aeifl;-. Fully JO0 Chinese will bo at work by the lost of this month, and agents arc now in Portland engaging 1 000 more. J II Hugbce, of Ban Fran. clsco, to whom has boon let the con. tract of rutting tbo three tunnel), will begin work next week, and will finish by Auguit 1st. He built the tunnels on the N. P. C. K It. In Call fornij, and many others, and is known as a tusher. Passenger coaches, bag gage and express cars havo i con shipped from New York via Panama, and the material will now arrive at Vaquiua Bay as fast as vcanch can bo chartered to de work. Ir makes no difference whether Arthur vetoes tbo now Chinese bill Off not, the position of the Republican party on this momootou? quoslioa is now known. The members of the party on this Out aro not in occoid with their Kistern brethren, but are in their power. The eastern llepub lieaus who are in favor of enacting laws preventing K jrepean labor from cumctiug wuli our New Kngland manufacturers, uro ..ot iu favor of laws to prevent tho Mongolian sieves from eotupeting with our poor West ern laborers. It certaiuly will not tab long for any thinking man to mako up his mind ns to which party he should unite with. mtaia final ea tbb enisasi: oies Ties. Frank Pixley, editor of the iJ-n Francisco Arjoiiaut, is ths beat writer and en of the beat orators ia tbe Re publican party of California, and has always stood in the front rsnk among its leaders. Just sfter the Chinese bill hsd psssed Congress, and bsfore it had been vetoed be wrote as follows : Tlila has ruaaoj tn bo a parlfie Caaat uuaasloa ; it ia a uaitotai auction, aiiS the Mtiators ho volaU af-aimi in iitaeae imii ht uaiiberaui vtuiaaad aa ttoaara bl clodtfe.oMitljr gisaa In a national atacUoa. Thjr au.'tit lo sunr for it. I n oaatry ougUi u withdraw from anSaS U ronftdrnro which ia duo honest, iiiLelli n l bravo .lalosinanship. Such acta of bairas al In any othar than aoliUcal IU would ha character lcl hy iho wonls. 'knavarj'," "Imorattca." aaS "row aruicv. ' 'I hc . nalortal vale, eithl Kopublican to iwrnty-niie tkmocraU," will Injure tbo flapwblican iart . The wiiiie Mo in Use House of KaraatitaUr would work it irrefauabia Injury. An svecatir rato o i; J it. If th; hill iloca not bisatna a law, an at thi iteasion. there will b no Kspuhlloan partr il California. If tbcra ara any uamca that deaorse n-aentful memory hy our penpla, they ar name of th Kr.uhlicon aaeuibers ut ths Senate and Ilauu of Uantuauuusca via have so treacherously and hainefuliy titrated the trust reKieed ia thces. If there are aiiy naroea that sheuld be huns; in black, any blcturua tliat should be forevor turned to the wall it should be Uie names and (wrtraiu thoae traitor to party and princiie . The hill haa paad ; and now let ui adaait 'Sat we owe iU enact ment to tho Democratic party. Without Don tor ratio l it weulS not nave Without I be support of Democratic seaatora, the treaty would not have aacrn raUfleil. w iihoul iX'Hi'irraUe aid in the Senate and iu the Houee KcpreaenUUvea Utia curse ot I'hineaa las nilKration, thi. barbarian Invasion, would never havo lnim arrote.l, rxcept through vtoUnce, diortlcr, con fusion, and war here In our port of San Fraociaro la our street would have been enacted eoenee that would have shamed our civilisation. That we have been spared wtlnossinj; these thinga ia due, uot to the par ty of moral ideaa and advanced political intelliiceucc, uot to Republicans, but to the Democratic party ; not U Oopuhhcau statesmen, but to the Dotuoerallu pol iticians. After the bill was vetoed by Arthnr, Pixley biesks out m tLis tra iner in the Argonaut ef April 8th : The veto is an acoinplithed faot. That it is a want n iolaliounf an honorable and inteinev t iutical ooui pact ontoreil into botwaotrth peyt mi n iiartr and the people, no intelligent Itepublioau doubts, and no honest one will deny. That it la a frroaa abuse of the constitutional prerenal Ivoof the presidential office, hy a Republican preaideut we cannot ignore. That lead in,; K-puhllraiis of all parts of the couutry, ontaide of the Chinese belt of State, have betrayed their oar ty, forfeited their personal honor, It ia not acccasary te attempt to conceal. That it iaa piece of impcrtiaen't egotism for Mr. Chester Arthur to have set up hie opin ion upon such a questioa as thia. his moat arSent ad mirer will not dispute. That tha term of twenty years' reslricUon of Chinoeo labor imjiorttUon ia the cause of ohlecUon to th bill is worse than an evasion ; it is a deliberate lie. A bill for twenty years may have been roiH-aleii in twenty day a if Contrreaa had so de hired. To aayRhat it ia an evasion of(the treaty, or in vio lation of it letter or it spirit, is another He, the proof oiwhieh isatlni-dcd by the testimony ef ths coiiinm xiouor who negotiated the treaty. To say that any of the provisions of tho restrictive measure are In viola lion ut law is the afterthought of no honest mind. No lawyer in either branch of Congress made the auj geslion. The democratic party haa beeu true to its pledge in this respect. Tho Republi can party has boen false to all lla professions. It' has betrayed the people, and it haa dona it under false pretenses, ami with hjug and fates oxeusos. What wu ou:. it to do that la, what wa Republican! ottht to do may not bo hastily determined. Our par ty uu Uii coitt h.u boaa I al all through this contest. It went down with I U color nallod to the mast and flying. That it can rally and sur vive for 'the purpose of maintaining the skeleton ot an organization may be p.vuib!.'. Whether even so much of an ff i-t is doairabio may be an open quesUoa. We are not prepar.d to a.1mli that we are willing to be come the tail of a national organisation which has ao shamefully butrayed us. At present this Chinos quaaUon Is a political nOa ; it la to be worked out by political methods ; and it w ill not bo come any who are Ripubllcans to blame other Reaub lioaiif, it they shall deem It best to oast their destinies with a party which, on this question, has never betray oil tho paeple, and never violated its pledges. No one can deny the truth of Pix ley' remark?, and any one can see that the enly remedy ths laboring man has is through the Democtstic party. FOR DISPEPSIA. and Lirer Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitallzcr. It never fails to cure. NASAL INJECTOR free ef coarse with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Priec, 50 cents. NEW STORE. $30,000 WORTH ALLEN & ARE JUST OPcHINC ONE OF THE IARQEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS 1sEkral mm UAMiISE EVER OFFERED FOR SALE DRY AND FANCY GOODS. THIS DEPARTMENT WILL RECEIVE OUR SPECIAL ATTENTION. IT NOW EMBRACES ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CALLED FOR, IKCLUD.'KC All the Latest Novelties, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trim mings, Silks, Satins, etc. A 6REAT MANY OF OUR C000S WERE PURCHASED IH HEW YORK, CON SEQUENTLY THEY ABE OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, AND THERE IS feoi A SINGLE PIECE IN OUR STORE THAT IS OUT Of DATE. PERSONS RESIDING AT A DISTANCE CAN HAVE SAMPLES OF DRESS COODS AND TRIMMINGS SENT THEM FREE OP EXPENSE. THE CLOTHINC IS COMPLETE WITH THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF C000SEYER BROUGHT INTO THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY, AND ALL WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES THAy Defy Competition Either Here or Elsewhere WE ALSO KEEP A lull Line of BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS, Gr 3R, O O WE SHALL ONE PRICE FOR ALL. 3r WE INVITE ALL TO COME WILL SUIT YOU, AND WE KNOW ONE ELSE, AND WE WANT YOU TO TOWN DON'T FORGET TO CIVE US A BER THAT IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS-THAT IS WHAT WE ARE W FOR. REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE. ALLEN & MARTIN, 57 FIRST STffitT, BURKKAiT CLCCK. AlEAKV. NEW GOODS. OF NEW GOODS. MARTIN IN ALBANY. DEPARTMENT XS Xfc X 3E3 HAVE BUT AND SEE US. WE HAVE GOODS T IT. WE WILL SE'.L AS CHEAP AS A KNOW THAT. WHEN YOU C3idE CALL, AND WHEN YOU DO SOREMEl