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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1882)
SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED KVEUY FRIDAY ev CLAIB II. STEWART. Ill SIM S MTH E-H ttomocrat ttnthllagen maiiNi turret. teams or suBscuirrioN htglo n.i.v, pr y. ar. 3 00 In3e oo'y, six months i 00 uiflo opy, three months 1 00 uitfU niimW... 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. b. K1.1NN. Q. K CM AMBKRLAIN. FLIXX & rHAMKRLAIN, ATTORAEYS AT LI W, Albany, Oregon. warofuee in Foster's nrick Ploek.-t? vl5nlStf. II. s.MKOMN. 1.. BILYKU. STUAIIAN & BI1,YEU9 ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 411uiy, Orison. FR (TICF IN LLTlli: 0OTJRT8 OF tins st-e. They tiive special atten tion to inflection an 1 probate matter. Otttce in Foster new brick. 4itf Ik H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ANIV Notary Public. tlbauy, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John RrifrgM store, I at street. Hn.'.Hf J. K. WEATHERFOUD, (NOTARY lTULh'.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AHUM, OttfcCO. XfffUL PRACThK IX A Lb TUE COURTS op THE V State. Spscial iMaiHi jftvwn U voliecticssr ami prubate matter. gaTOrSc iu Odd Fetlsw "s TvmpU. ; : i J J. C. FOWKl.L. V. K. HILYKU POWELL & BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Ami Solicitors in Chancery ALBANY. ... Oli .'.. Collect ions promptly made on all poiuta. Loans nesrotiated on reasonable terms, pCTOmoe in Foster's Bnek.-R vlinlfcf. T. P. DACKLEMAA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1LCI.M, OB E COV "Office up .itairs in the Odd Fellow's e tuple. "GO viSn&O F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEB AXON OBEUO. aTtll practice In all the oourta of the State, fro npt etteution given to collections, con v y vucos aud examination of Titles. Probate business a speciality, vi.'o Mr. J. A. VA.TIS, ATT3HNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COHTALLIS, OREGON. o '.ii practice in all the Courts of the Stale tT-Qffios lo the Court House "a GEORGK W. 11 AKXM. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Notary Public, PBINF.I ILLF. OK M.OK. Collections promptly ntade on ail poiuta. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBIM, OBEC9V WILL practice in State, and erive m all courts of the thfcLil atntion to collections, entice in u iosie a Bioek. B. R. SKIPWORTH, ATTSRXEY AX f NMM AT LAW AND SOT.IKY ftBUC. WILL practice tn all courts r.ftheRtate . .il hnsines Intrusted to nie prompt ly attended to. ''- im O'ooV, Bhtk Brnndalhin Sired, 43j f 1 my, Orfftn. E. O. JOHNSON, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. O flee in Froman's Brira, two floors Kat of Conner's Bank. n!0 LEWIS STiMSOrt'S LITERY AHD FEED STABLE. Pint claw vehicles, fine horsev ?eod taefl, accommodating proprietors and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. Stable near Revere House. 6yl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. E. W. LANSDON & CO., 1RI'GGIKT. Book. SlaHonery and Toilet Articles, A Large Slock and Low Prices. CITT STOP.E, tyl A XM 4 KY, OKJXOV. FOSHAY & MASON, - WaCLSUAU 1MB RSTOI. Druggist, mi BooksHlers, 4 LB AW. OHrOOt. vl6n4Itf REVERE HOUSE, tmrmti mt and F.Ilnrtn Albaoy, Orrgna. Chaa- PfeiiTcr, Prop'r. TtiU iMS Hold i flttct afi in t$ i .-h. styts. Tables fpp ti witii trie bc-jrt, the uutrltet jifforiit. Hiring li- li in ever I. in. A s Saiup'e f,.r Com rucrcjal TUwktm. Vrrf iarl l anil ii-- , H..f J. W. BENTLEY, Custom Boot & SSioo Maker. BIOOTS AND SUHM made to order. XJ and repairing dona ABh neatReeaan'l uwjottoh, a'i ii low prke. Call and H6 him. First Jr el, AAamy. 4lyl Aloaaj Bath Hoa3 3. ItltS UNJOKRSKINED WOl'l.i) kWPB0T fgllj iaform tbe citizens f Ali.sByand vi ;!CitytiAt baVOtakas charge of cbit. bxtabiiib A-ri, and, by keeping clean room-and ycfiu -rr -c iltsiition to lusin, xuKtt t sail ai -Jtes" may favor ue w.tb 1 Z . fl.r . tfsvirvjt neretanwa .arriod un '.o' ha ?irsx-Oiess Huir Ut-essing Saloons. sx.34.jte to give entire ifatisfacticD to ul Jailditn and Laities 11 air neatly CU State VOL. XVII. POLK COUNTY LANDS. RICHEST FARMS, BEST PASTURES, TALLEST TIMBER BEST WATERED, of any portion of Orejjon. Is the COW COCMTT, Ask ua and we will ahow you the richest and finest Farming- Lands, DAllU' LANDS, STOCK U.VNCHES. BEAVERDAM LANDS, improved or unimproved, in Oregon, alao MILLS, ETC. and sell thorn to you wsy down ia prloe and on EASY TERMS- Write or call on us soon. ELKINS & DALASHMUTT, Dan, Pel Co. , Or. 35w4 BUY THE BEST. The Studebaker Wagon is the BEST and CITEAl'KflT. MORRISON PLOWS Batchslor Yangelder Spring Har rows. STEEL TOOTH HARROWS P. & P. Wood Pumps, Hay Presses, Faunio Mill?, clc, For Sale at Lowest Kates by W. II GOLTRA, ALBANY, - - OR. lflyt TAMES 13 ANNALS, mm Pii-n-m knu onto is FURNITURE & BEDDING. Corner Vrrry na4 aeaa4 atrrei. ILIAIf, - - ok in ox. masijri In coniUnt use by the public for over twenty years. and Is the best preparation ever Invented for RESTOR ING OKAY HAIR TO ITS YOlTUfl'L COLOR AND The State Assayer and Ohemiit of Matt. and leading endorse and it at a great triumph in medi cine. It supplies the natural food and color to the hair (lands without stain in jr the sklu. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blanching and falling oft, and thus AVERT 1! AXON ESS. It cures Itching-, Erup tion and Dandruff. As a HAIR DRESSING it is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. v. WHISKERS win change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being In one preparation it Is easily applied, and prod nee a permanent color that will not wash off. FBBJPABED BY R. P. HALL k GO,, NASHUA, N. H. Sold fay All Dealers In Medicine. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. D R. K. C. WEST'S N KHVK AND BRAIN TRKAT- mciit. a ie.fiflc lor Hysteria, busziiisss, Cos. vulftiunx. Nervuim MHdache, Mental I)prewioB L-rni of Memory, 8emistorhnea. lmputency, In- voluutary eniifsionv, premature old sg-, anei oy over-ex rtion. elf-abus or over-inrtulfencc, shidi UmM u mi.ery, dway and d-atn. Uie ix win cure lucent ili&eiw. Ea-h box c.nUin one month's treaimtr.t ; one dollar a box, or six boxss for fWe ' dolJara ; sent by mail preuald on rceipl of jirice j We, nram-e ox boxes u, cure any cw. Witn 'i "iu! 1 u .ii. 11 ity mt9 V s) ssswwassej -oi- v iih five dollaix, e vi;l svKd the purchaser our v ntteii guarsates - return tno money if the jeat mset doss not tffect a cure. Gnaranteea uisnted only by WOOD ARD. CLARKE A CO, Wholesale and Retail ' Druggists, Portland, Oregon. i . ,!i.r hv mail at regular uricca. S1BMI y : I zzr " i it FARMS FOR WALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART. Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The tallowing Im a imrthtl ltd : 170 teres s ive snd a lalf udlt s wt of Tangont, Oregon ,and ! milenfruui Atbuny. H5 aorea in cultivation ; 40 am ptort oan be put in cultivation eaaiiy; balaih-e (,mim tint ler and (lasture land. Null, rich plat'k frairie. Oood bouse and uaiu, good hoard enee, all In khxI reimir ; young on haid of lOOtroea; god we I and runiunu stream for stock ; tiood acliool, rhur.-h and poas olllce ; pootl nelKlo'"lol snd goml sai. oty. lornis tau per acre: J,uk) down, rest ou eaay terms. S'Ki-rot on Nariowtlmigftroad,!! miles from Albany anil & mllea Irosn Hoto, ana 71$ bsIIom ftoui Jrfhrm. V. Ui'liw on t'anuiiit land, 7. at res in etiltivmUonj re mainder in timer ami bruh; boost Ax'2H, with 10 foot walls, ell lox'-H ; pod baru 'S2xM wl th H fxt Khinl on one ih; god fences and water. TuruiM ;k'oti eah CKrwa if iKMsible. Kather than net sell will tsko fntO down, and balance on 2 to a y m time, ascured by mortgage. 1 W acres Ji of mile west of Aibtuy; lOOacrsa In 0ttltUatlon r ml U" acres oak and ash tloibor,,ood woo J laud; all umlur fence, board and rail, aome good an. I !. bad ; abont 7 acrtM In orohard, ajp!, moatly poam; gool soil; hunliels w hoat Iter at-re on aerags good two story frame louse, plaatorod. 0 rooms, built In 1H7H, and coal ?- 00; I baru. i and two sbeds; well arranged for farm puriKjaaa. Terms, ftuoo, t years time on ouo. 150 sores )i miU a wrat of Tangent; 100 aorea In cultivation; all new land, clean and In good order; good two story WMtsa, S rooms, nearly new snd In gcxnl condi tion: good new barn 2iOx3tt; tine yownK orchard, U0 plum and prune trees, fair app!e orchard; fenooa in gool order; plen ty running wa'er; u acres of god tlmter; rtoli, black sil and very pfodOOtlvO. Prt.-e tSJAO, H oaah and IwUmw ou fine. ion acrsa enu and a ha' I miles northeaxt ofAlbau; IS noras in w laat, rtst lit fair i avctae; wixxl(anl; good laud; neat.y 1 feuces'. Mot H a. r; urMiseay. Auu arrea 1 mile .ullitt M Soda Stiriiigs; fair farming: sutsll botttSS .'OO acre fenced. Will lie .old In small tracts or all togthr. good ! . l. ohOJOQ and post win.-.- st Nodavtih., 1 the Npruig Pnoe i jer acre; easy U-riua. 103 acres lying 3 mia above 1 eimiion on the ltsi'uoM Mountain rOSd. No f n oeaor improvemeubi. or Z arrs inn ber, balauoe rich pralilo laud. 1 rux ti-i per acre. SOscrrs Hi miles alwve iuaiia, ou Ys qulna liay. known aa the old eaJpJ&nL !' haa a apleudil frontage oc tho l . . sud will be seld at fit per acre. 107 acree I tin below and wdhlu '. mllea of lajtianon, all Mbd r fmv. 35 acres In culUvaitiu, and tne lain limber and bruli. 11 x house, IS story, 'l rooms helaw a:td OtM shove liar 11, not very good. mm. v. ell ; m orchard. C'roas feu-vs to the amount of jUOO rails. Nullicient rord wuul can be cut and dotted to Albsn from lhi pta m by eniy a fow lalfirers to pay for it In two yearn, only mile from canal. I'oaaeas- s a . s maS m a 1 s. ion given oy me 01 --i.uoer. inn land is rich ami will turn out whoat 40 and 'JO bushels to the acre. IS1 scroa, lying G ndlea due esst of Dar risbtug. A good SM abried Ihjx house. 2rooma. Itam. BOSS, Tho Un.l has heretofore been ussd as a fsiMuro, but ran all bo pl't into cultivation. No grubbing required. 1 rs ui'ios rrum aeoooi. Torsna f 10 per acre, caah ilowu, balance al- ni'M any i uth of lime sevurod by inorl- gg roo acres, lying wl;! in t mile Of Mon roe. In lU'ubm county. A! under fence and divided into live ns!ls. All goml farm land and half in grain. ool hon-a- and barn, splendid water and a (tut Ofoh ard. Itiaraioflho beat farm In 'hat sOttioa of tha fallow. Price S2 per gOTC f 1000 or fir) down and tmlauce on UflSS MK acres lying 5 mile utrth-catt of Harrisburti au.i 1 mile ctsi of Muddy Ntation all under femie; 180 acrt in n't vati on, latlance in ftaHture. but mo-! of It can be put in cultivation. !Ustoiy house, barn, good eater, etc., 1 mile to hc).o I. Price t.oo-), I2Sacrea lying 0 miles south of Albany and 2 mHea' from Tangent " acres in colli ration and a: 1 under fence, 2.1 aerea more can be put Into cultivation by out lay of s inn. liouve, barn, hnlendld wab?r. A fine young orchard. Pi ice, 130 ier sere. 4&9 acrua in (.'eu-iei' Precinct 3 mflsai from stUen on Narrow Gange. 100 acres la cultivation. Cood 1 . story house, wood bouse, baru, and splendid water snd One orchard. All ODdST fence. Price fib per acre. 240 acres lying about 20 miles south east of Albany. All under fence, email orchard, no buildings fiO acres haa been cultivated, but it is ail now used as pan. tnre. Price f 10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brsodoo'i Station in Center Precinct, all under fence. luO seres in culUvati)u. Largt story frame heuae, goo 1 baru. several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, f 20 per acre. 12.1 acrea, lying 4 miles north of Albany. 100 under fence and In cultivation. Pair bouse, good barn and good water. Land raises from 25 to 30 bushels of whear. p-,. r acre. Price, $3,500. V. ill take $1500 down, and oalance on time. 3"Q acrea of land iu Marion county, Uo 1 miles from Buena Vista and seven miles from JeU'erson. SO acies iu cultivation and balance lh light brush and timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill wfthiu 2 milea. Enough wood can be sold at th pottery works ;it. Kusua Vis's to ty fr toe farm. Call on C ii. t.wH"-. Albany. HEALTH AT HON E ! Or, Hall's taully ItsefS r.r t- PsC of Faiutllr., Shosriiiif h-w to invlyorate snil MSSSTWi bssltt, pruloug 1 1 f . -, uuro il'xteajtu ; the e.oitlititit of maternity, snd ttui proiier iiianaement of lufauU, and discussiug: tbs entire diysicsl well-bvlnx of man, with a very Isrve collectlnn of the l.uw and most valuable medical prescriptlonH, by W. W II am,, A. M., 11. D. lbleKantly illuntrated and bound in one Isrye octavo volume of bisi listen. Sold Ity sub sarinuen. Agmt WuiiK il. Addresa A. L. Baa crvrft it Co., Ilaikei .Struct, Hsu Frunciitco. A STOCK RANGH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acros. with good eutside range, located nsasr Bridge Crees, in Wasco county, together with about 25 horses, to exchang for land bore in tho Willamette Valley. Now, if you want to aell your farm and go into the stock busi ness in Eaatern Oregon, here is a chance for yen. Call on or address C. II. Stew art, Albany, Oregon. Q Oil peaty at hsnw. Rump's worth U free. Ad 1 14.4 Siuvs &. Co. Portland, Maine. A WEEK 81 2 a day at liMinc aaily uisde. lp I J Costly Outfit free AddruiM Tlti'li 8. Uo., Auiuta,Matue. (jg"a wsek In your own iowti Ter ns t nd Sj outfit free. AddiessH. IULLKiT A Cs.,Prt flights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRILS!, A ' I BSSH 4 gH I on RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of fAo Chest, Coat, Quins, Sore Throat, Sure' i.igs and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, : Car and Headache, FfQsiee Fcot and Ears, and all otkor Pains and Aches. f 1 rrtamtiua on srth sr J. sj I "tr, ,uri , itmpl .i.'l rhnif. I tjr A tiUI .nisiU txti lit. sssjSM I r ,.f &o Crstm, n4 svsrj . ts SMS liU cau U.V. tbc.jj auil (atilt. ptvul 4 Ii .... E0LD EY ALL DRnnniBTB AID MILIXr. I is nr.nti'tiir. A. VOOEUER & CO., Mk J. 11. IUtks, Newststisvr Advetlla tag Agtuit. 41 Park llow (Times Building) New York, is authorised to "on tract for advertisements in the 1 m . 111 at our bcl rates. King of tltt Blood .1 I I! Us !. ro.r y Hit lrrulu lr- n t $JP ot 1 el HtesMl, 1 u-;.t,nt 4 ... .'. 1. r f . . . A- M - 1 n ., sa 1 t . lrrajta H iwutt'. m :uiin u duinicuhn own sa- ttr-t '.Ul IxrXtllt frail tMM. V rri. V'"iT. hairlnr ll IT. I'lHI.I J li u ... rr mii.iIivii, .ri"t. I'im-ntrr lltud . - If rt t HVd um, fifiitt '.. y I' H . llVi. .Amnliu (.a .. , 1 .. fn;Jrf I'lnn, K Ina tl Itff lllnad : r. .-nU ... mti 1 rflU'trnl pnrpm 1 hf l.tas t'l. 4 I l f '. i-'M. , In w -MS of tba t4.Ml. f S . Ss-1 . !.. s ! . .1 v. V. a. f a,i ii. SSSBS S III S I I SHIS IP I SJ Si mil s SSJ RED CROWN HILLS. BALLARD, IfOM & ( (., ntorirs. .1 im-fi BlOOB si t: rm; r.uii.iM am s.iKi as ess. BEST mUGl FAC1L11 IKS. Kigheet Price ia Wheat. Cash for ALBANY M3 1 OR. The Ctnrtllis Fruit Co. WlU pnrt'haso riiimuior ilritnl fruit at full market t rices ; Will send a oatMfOlsns Ton to advise fruitgrowers os u c-.i!iivalon of or adili Hons to ofobsrxis; Will supply fruit tieea of snprove! aorta at moderate prices; Will sell t'lunimer I)rlsilbroui;h Linn, iktitou 11:1 I I utile count laa. letters to lCNent to t'orvallls In" '"oc: pauy, (!irva!lls, Itentnn Conotr, fOaOsV WA'd.IS NASH, l'rosi.lotR. Jamjtu Kka1aw, See'y, iantmry I, I- 24wii THE COMPLETE HOME, Uy Mss. McN'Atn Wrioiit. This ii eaasjtsss K-lucitnr ami l'ra:ti-al II .1 .. 'i .1 I hw (liver, (jontahdny ! The Kouti'laUou of s Home, Muuch''t.l Kconotnr, Sickness aa I Health, homes tic hidiulry, HiMpltality, Our ChlMreu, Ih-sutv in tin- llomr, O.kmI Mauncra, Altentlon to hrsaa, II. .w t'i I ,l. II. .hi lUjipy, tn M .!.! Ifonid, Methods of ..rkni-. t. . An ornament u parlor or library. Thin noilcts work, of nesrly OK) pm,'iM. ia add by iib ri.tioii, A2el Winl-1 Addic A. I. nncroIt A Co., 712 Market Streut, Hah i raucUco. 0. B. P. nvoHTssre mahcu 25, 1879. msmm U tlie pooj.le's popular remedy It jl wsrrantcl to tfS satlafaction, If you want tcatlrnonial call attho office We don't publish thorn, but rotor you to tho scalers sndfennsumors. It lias no equal. SI r bottlo or U In .' 1 1.' for BEE HIVES FOR SALE. I luive about one huudrcd of the cele brated lii-zstroth Bee I live for sale cheap andalvo have sotm of tbe Italian bees I will dispose of on cssy terms. Boib hives snd bees will bo sold at Ions than c-t. 3ltn2 W. DomuiTY. CATAlinAlI CURKD, health nnd sweet IweathsecurredbyShiloh's Cbtarrah Itomedy Price 50 cents. Nasal Injeotor free. MTATK IIKU4. The ntil' n tuttsta q-iarrol btlOOM two well known utid rotpOOsfsJ r'Hid n't of tliid city, rttHtiftf in silt Ittfiiotfon of a in i dat)!ruui wouhd on the person of Mr. Alexander ijwue, it duiply re regtted by all. It appears that Lwae, has bcn enael to do some hauling from (J- il. H airi'a nswh an i door faotnr, and yotri Wittt, w it wot Its lir his. fathtr, assttttl iu ibfl loa iin. A (iiirereuu't o( opiniud OAtttOsI angry word 4, wlr.uli culuiiustel in blows. 11 tin sa) Liivr.e ttruck at ilia sou with a dray pin, wliicli, if it lis I struc'a his h I, o w.m appartstUy iu tenled, roild htvs killol Imn. Hit Johnny It tin i; ta vay, an I, a band ax, thru it at Liwue. striking J him iu tbs abdomen and g'om, ,mU ii it wound six tUw-hs long no I fcur deep cutting through th pTit n;,urn and slicing off a pines of th- -civic b n-. ( 'or. (Jrr jam in. Articles of bat r r tli m nl tho J 10a Hay anp OdqvUU Waon K Mid mid Navigt'to't OOatOSajf were bj 1 in the lark's oluco at Umpire L'tty on Sit urday. Tbs ca;ital atoek of tlrt cu pany is $o,(00 aud aliarea aro btf sold at ft 25.00 rscb. Ths ieo ir,i r 1 tors ar.. John flftftl. B W (Jitty W. A. J. tOS, Ja-nn Atk'in, NV. M irris and 11. V. NVhits-y.-jfttm. On Friday la.t Mr. S. U. Iii. ef (!km Kivnr, g.t a ortiaii of thn IbsltJlb of bis left litud twis'."l n-atly oil' l ap;aiars that he was trying t "tuul" a ran of my tin los a hlrb he was a . t a a s a rlwll,K fr.ui ( it-it Ktver wlifii tbe 1 of bis tliumb got cstigbt in "I. "bltsj" ef tho rejK wbich was atlacbe 1 to tba raft and aSsSCStlg S L-avy train wbtcb catised tbe rope to slip tbrreby twisting; tbe lowur i n of tbe thninn nearly o(T. Ir. ilesli dressnl tba wouud and has Iiojm-s of saving tho tkumb. AVics. AHboubtle exeitnoiit ovei tba rvi,t murder of ttur (allow towusmun S. J. 1,-tfW, bas subs id. -d m .t l-.'i . tbo ds'eruunstion of enr citizons to pursue, apprehend snd hi ing to just ce bis slayr rs bat not slltlinttboJ OS iva V pr-ip-ae t-i bavs them at any cut A ms'tiii larjiiy attended, waa h-.l 1 on WVIneiday ovenui' for the pur 4nof pfoo iring tbe auhription ol" a suiucis'it inn o in m lT-i as a reward fir the a'-prebnaio ofstM or all of tbo m t wi w lis .J I. wis was mnr hred iiwt, Ciodnl, -H-nsi-ble lalk was liHt nr to by the gsjsttl blage, and insi jf baif an h-nr, the sulisct i'l mi p jx-r l-Kile I op SMSM thou isod d illsr . s ibcribl l m m b-rs of the in witn. Tn c mu'r . tT-ra a reward of 1.0 ). T i pWTSMsj sub v.V't'ii'i Las bisn ri I Iria dred dollars, and do'iWss IWh aim will ie b fully $2,uou, i bt psi I ptily or parties a-ciir.ig tbs an prehension ouo conviction of one tr nWn of the criminals. Now, hen- it a change for somebody to ma atik and c trust the matter will b: nowd . a.f i .!., e l to a:i eanv cinciuuoii, ami mat aonislxidv will wia the prirs. 9if-- Sam Katiiiith, a v.ry prominent, ('",: .r ri d successful tf I'nion also ttaft sMtsI for tbe U 1 t 0 SU Co., good on tbe evening; of the Dth Mot II Itaa liesn affiicletl siioisly for Sinus liuis and at last nad to sue- ctiiii to the tcrnido mais iv. .ir Orejonuii. i Riots rirr. Fros have lottl in the uppci jaw. The white ant lays ,000 cjgs in the course of a day. Scipio Afi icaims the K'dvr is said to have first made the .aidonrx fishion- ablu in Boats The islands of the Pacific Oc-eun have been plantml with cocauut palm by of .;n cut rents. An ant, watched from six o'clock in tho morning to quarter of trn at niht, worked inei-nantly Migratory birds, when Hying by night, are at an elsvation of from one to four milea above the earth's Miriace. Counting night and day, allowing no time for rHt or refreshment, it wuuld take over four days to count a million. The woikuien on railroad ric.n Den ver, (Jill., have ciuno tion a BettifiMl forest a; a dapth of from ton to twenty feet. During the not seaou in Ausralia SDskcg are fit-brighter in tint, and more active and noitotiot than whan the temperature ia low. Perfoct quartz crystals are known as Cornish diamonds, according to tbe locality in which tbay are found. The Japanese, having no cattle, sheen or pig", but fow horses snd fowl, depend on the sewage of town for the fertilizing of their farms. At the zenith of h r gran Jeur, Home had eleven aqueducts, whose aggregals dichsr",e was equivalent to a stream tweu'y feat wide by kIx feet teep. ZoelogisU admire the dissected hi-4y of a fox, became there is never any thing unhtitlthy to be fousd in its organs Flenee, foxis art bug lived . Beforo the Novmta Conquest most English buildiugs wore of wood, and to "timber a minister," wat the com mon expression used to signify to build s ehuroh. The diamond is highly elootric, at tracting light substances when rubbed, and, after long exposure to tbo sun's rays, becomes phosphorescent in the dark. It ia observed that trees in tbo petoh gardens of France, grafted on plum stock, ripen their fruit at least ten days earlier than the sama variety grafted on a peach stock. The ripe seel of the mangrove it not scattered, but remains attached to the eapanle, still haniug un the mother i.lnr.t. Tbo seeds germinate, the root seek-H the mud, and the plant is gfow- . - . . .. . . .. ing before its mother deserts it. Subsaribe for the Democaat. Brmorrat. 1882. j:-rimii! 1 1 (J nks. as h iul., sjlMMM w.oe 1 a use M Uato't tisuM, (; Tbs first sbi toliaroa frg tttttT tbtot h ing was ibs gogliai Alarm, (o 1701. An ot sras pSHed in 1717 foriid liug tbe wearing of tlm any but solJmr. bigbfabd dresa by A N m tn lade, h lOst I Pabiolai in Hie imrth century, founded t H mo s an act oi pniinc, tho tost liDSlliLill ubllC 1 AlCOrdiug to X oiopbo'i, lhi COntpUlS accaurlr-iiMut of u Hparlan sol linr rotakod from nine y Ii to one him drej pOSJflds, During the troubirs -!' the uf:omh century tbo rack wri tdtro IsosH into lbs Toworof f mdon, a. 1 1 o :.asiooal!y usd under tb p!ea of (iri:al bOSHRI ity. NapuiHiu bsKevcd iii omens and portantu a lirrnly auy It ma:i ( 'scaur and openly piofsaisl hii cmi.U len re ia O'irtsiii lucky days, the 2 I'd Dsceui b.iranl I4 of ();'oW bsjfaggj two ItM bi Qottry VIII. hale dWflonot; ti both extieme religious partis, bttri4sif as hstetics those win, avowed tbo tenets of the Kefut mors and having as tiai tors those wbe own'-1 th autb iriiy of tbe PopO, Wbsu BaetaaJ Darke hid once fi'i -sli. i a brilliatil pfMbj in tLe ifous of OoHsMUA, rn'Ahr muitcr, Mr. Ciugar, feeling that ha OMbJ not ves ture to SOttgalSs with tii pre-:se-iin tfrnkm, rose and rx U m a"; 1 gay ditto to Mr. Burke. Th ancient cus'.o.u d aeoling a present of fins cloth to c rtaiu high officers of State aud g -nt eejen ef liar Isjosty a ho'JBchoM lit a e'y been o aerved by a coaunittee of the eourt ot alderiu-u of Londt;i. Tbt custom sucma to base original.! i i daaire to encourage coiupstiuou in ike iuiq ifa.; tuie of tin goods. The sicient Hsns aetfin to have Ix-en the ugliest of ail il. u j!y rases of central As:, and toe h.i,!i,-t ieiiv.d utl was prohaely tba 'veilrJ Pfobst wf Dokbsrs.'1 th.? rp ilaiven-s of slcn I fssllSWOS Waa so o.erpoarii. tint be did not venture to appOtr without a j uiasU, for wbt b be aftsi wards SSlbgetsj j tod a icn v.-il, an I waa cona' p ut'y j knosrtj as -th.. te :l ue.'' Mohammed II, tba cinq iarer of Cjiisiaiittiiopla, had as attack of gav tu n, ift-r SaiabiOg a bfgfbl aaaso:isl dish f ino.le! Kfor. As a biat sr of tsMMM tliO resp irisiblj cov's was put to I stb a, once, and tbe Sultan als slab bad bit favorite, gsja of tbo !ati chief mi 'or of tbO fsdJotl (J-ank F'n iie. R t this act be at.anaU' tbe Imsi '.3 of bit Oi.isttan suijvc'a tsrever, and ptattti I tba Is oi that b tr-d win b s laU'iy boo In.j. Dfj C-3 ba'.t.e tield of Hulgaris. S .!:.!. lace not Ottlf laorttSTt the new f ar laols ; it overlays them from stick too'ih-r riss. oomoTiat'it slsojntsv- ttng with aatin, b-it ntOft oftOfi usrd itt by its"U. It trims tu e ptras lg f soai let wa?er.d silk wbiob StO to be cariie.1 with black coatuub's, aad also those of otber bright col or f. It. bar- Ojlasi bottof witb wi'hm! i:k of this year tbau w ith tbe saliu ns-d laht st ns in. I.tdy BoetltS, true to hor c dors, went to the Qsttst Drawing Itoora in a cor. tu me of black stla,btttsl( linn's cloth nnd black jacc, all of Ilritiah aSSBofsetntO. Mho wore a pndusien of diamonds and c.irricl a great booonol of darTixliN. Tim Hum I gold t adlock nseid fr faalcniug the largp lace collars are aup posed lo indicate tbst tbcv ate su pe- OMWI tbat some precautions arc necas- sa.v. The Liuirt XIV InCe vbtrs and CnfTj are lbs newrnt things in rts a! lace, but their beauty is lost on evOTybody but the wise fow. The mSST think them lrirth point, or, wor stttl, iniita t'on Irish point. The full apron ovcrskirta which were hl.ii ted abeu umh! on the gt-wus of I iflt season ar. s'itcbed into Hit plaits this year, and the ifi'tct ia extw-dinglT bad. Tflficttl tnrnb, a naaiorial ahichison it way hither but, has DOt ynt arrivi-d. haa littlo silk balls bsngtng from its surface, nuking a fiingo wbttii it is used for collars and oulf.. Net kerchiefs, with ctsc tdes of btse bordering thou and set on at lotervalt a.) as to form strips, are woru ib low-necked waists in lamdon. Tbe mora elvg.tnt Woolen dresses meant for Sumuisi- c.r have collsra aud cuffs and sometimes wsisreoats of velvet of i darker ihada -r of a osntrast iog color. That jroiisdifj silks nvh is a thin, which every wotnui dos-s not km) v, but which wb mi kuawn makea them doubly valusble. Tbey are sx oeediogly pretty this your, soma having satin f hecks combined tvith tboie tf dull ai 1 1c snd others bt-ing ohaBgoahlaj. I.IVTLK SIM I n . What, ia that man ynlling at ? in quired Tommy of his younger brother. "At the tep of lm voicj," replisd tho little one. A lady who was singing last week at a charity concert and tho audionpe in tiated upon hearing her song a second timo. ller daughter, n little child, was presont and on being asked after wards how her mamma had sung, re plied : "Very badly, for they made her do it all over again." A mother once showed her child a beautifdl doll, a St. John, of fine make tsd color. "See," the said, "he has been verv good, and henven always re wards ti e good by making thvm bmi- . tifui." "Un,' ai4 tue onus, lining i i.a s i i its hhonhler, "don't believe that, omra four. i:..i . o T..l. L .U. ma. l.ii is little oo. jouii loots vwrv meek because he's all glued up ; but if he could only move, you d see ! NO 38. Th3 Episcopal Church. Kt ftBVi UOBt, L. Si KVKN-:. XII iu tllM fullll. Villa" Olir.tal l ifts ma U frjm the ca I.V writers of the Christian Cuitr-'b, it is hojad that the MSniSf will patossv'si a dottldsi wj -ct ; not ouly to tbosribat tbe Apbsiftlit Church was i'juseopal in ho in, bat alto to give iu formation c.,r. eming the far Iv msftyra and charnM i ..f tbe f-itl. ic sill bt obtcrvofl ibiiii hat. t only incidental if iron tot to Bpissopaoj are broodtl forward bit (ha corii-ectiin wih tbe pr-viom subject ia iu aome degree re tained. Ignatius, Jliabop (, Antiocls, on hie way Ui Martyrdom in RggsjgL while j.ilsotifr wrotn his seven famous letters to the KpLi-siaiiM, MtJpSMSasjsjj. Trnll isna, KoiusriM, Pbtladelphians, Smyr n . ar.a and to Folycarp. The lif- ..f this matyr was alloafed to in the 6rt Article nuinbiol I (Article X ba. iog n!o n ioib. red IX by mispiint;. Tmirs sanuisi a q intatiori from nig Kpiatie b tbe ffpbltlsiSlf. It will le rrmstslltioij that the de of tjifs! Iiist.i-a ia about 107 A. D. st; that l hi silttttS form of tbee letters is always quotavl. Tho addrenM of the EpiatU io tbe Magnesiat a and tbe firat six cbsp'ere read thus, "Ignatius, who is a 1st called Theo pborus, to the (Church) blessed in tbe grace of Uod tbo Father, in Jeaua Christ our Havioui, in whom I salute t'lt Cbofob ahich is at Mstn-sis, near the Maeander, aud wiah it abundance of happiness in God the Father, aud in Jasus Christ' "Chap. I. Having bee,, inflated of your go-lly love, so well onl. ro., I re joiced greatiy, a d dc-Urmined to com mune with yon in the faitb of Jesus Christ. For as one wbo has bees thought worthy tba moat honorable of all bsmes, in tboae bonds which I bear about, 1 com mend the Cburcboe, in which 1 pray for a union both of tbe tlc-h and spit it of Jeeus Christ, tbs tnnSSSBf amice of our life, and of faith and love, to which nothing ia to be praderrssj, bul especially of Jesus sud the FsUbor, in whom, if we endure all t1 satasilSoof tie pri:ic of this world, ami sseap th-gn. wo shall eeiiy Go.J. v.lHp. 8. B then, I have had the p. I ilege of aaeing you, though EXatant your roo.t Worthy buihop, sad tbio ig!. your worthy Presbyters Basua si. 1 Apolionins, and through my fellow torsos ttsl DatstOa, Botisj wbrae tMSstV shi may I ever enjoy, insnmush as he is Mbjasaft to tie bisb.q. as to tlst law tf .J.-'.s ffjssrisl (I now wriie to yen ) Cbnp. 3. NoO it )ocoaics jou al..o not li treat your Hiebop to familiarly on account of bis youth, but to yield bun ail retererce, baring respect to the power of the Father, aa I have known even holy Presbyters de, not judging naaUj, from tbe manifest youthful appearance (of the Bistop), but as beiti themselves prudeut in Gorl, submitu . t him, or rather not to him, bat to the Father of Jesus Cbrms the I sdiop of us alb It is sboroiora titling that y .u should, after . hypocittical faahii, obey (your Uiubon), iu honor ot Him who bas willed as (so to do), since he that doea j not s i, deceives tot (by such conduct) tbe ISlSjhep that is visible ; but seeks to m'Krk that is invis b.'e. Ani a l such conduct has rt-fcrsneo not to man, bnt to Cod, who knowa all secrets Obef. 4. Et is fitting them, not ca tttur to be called Chriatiana but to be so in roalitt ; as some ind-ed give one tbe title of Btsbeti bill do all things with. ut him. Now s ioli porSs;is seui to un to be r.ot joK3-wcd of a ! coatciencw, iaoittC thev are not ai.-..d- fastly gatliied together according t the coiumatidaieu. t'liaji. 5. Sinj then, all tilings hate an end these two ihiugs are siuinltaiios'y nt Wfere us ueeth snl life ; and tmnrj oae shall go uuto bis wn place. Fur as there are two kinds f nnjnft 'he eae of Cod, the other of tbe world, and each of ehese uts it Kecial character atampea upon if,(se is it also bete). The unbeliev ing are of this world ; but the belter in.j have in love, the character of Ood the Faibur by Jou: a Christ, by whom, it wo are not in readiness to die into bis pas-ion, his life ia not ia us. . Chap. 6. Since therefore I have, in tbe persons before mentioned, beheld the a hole multitude of veu iu faith sud love. I exhort you to study to de all things wilh s divine hcraanny, while your liishap presides iu the place ef God, and your Presbyters in tba place of the assembly of the Aposilos, with your Deacons who are most, doat to me and aro entrusted with the minis try of Jraus C'li ist who waa with the Father before the beginning of time, aud in the end was revealed. Do ye all then, imitating the seoie divine eonduct, psy resect to one another. and let no oae look upon his r.eighlior after tLe flush, but do ye canimniUy love ssoli other in Jesus Christ. Let nothing exist among yon tint may divide you ; but lie ye united aith year Dislrip, and these that preside over yon, as a type and evidence ef yoar ltnirortsl.ty." fas ether letters of this writer are full of passages of alike nature. Igna tius almost repeats himself just as say man writes letters of a simmer pur pott te his friends when dealing with a similar subject. A good illustration el this is to be found in the Epistles ef St. Paul to the Kpheaians, Phillipi ans aud Colosians. Thus if! writing to the Churoh of Saayrna Chap. 8, Ignatius says "tee that ye all follow the Bilho;, evon as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the Presbytery as ye would the Apostles and reverence the Deacon's at being the institution of God, Let no man do anything con nected with the Church without the Bishop. Let that be deemed t proper Eucharist, which is (administered) tilher by the Bishep or by one to whom he has outrusted it. Wherever ADVERTISfXO RATXS. 1 rr. I 3 IB 6m rryv 12 00 18 00 22 00 27 00 35 00 16 00 60 0( 100 00 600 700 10 00 1260 1500 18 no 1; "o I It 00 i ' ; ?5 00 1 HontTsl liusineas notices in Ixxsu ! nmns II eenta per line. Regular local noth-ea 10 centa per line. For legl and transient advertisements $1 OS per square for the first Insertion snd vi cent, per aquare for each subs.- ;neut insertion. tbe Bishop shall appear, there let the multitude, (of the people also bo ; even as, vberever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catinolie Church. It is not lawful without tbe either to baptize or to eslwbrate the love feast ; bart what soever he shall approve of, that is alao pleasing to Cod, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid." Now at the reformation those Pro tests nt bwdiea which sdopted Protby trrinisrn declared that tbeae pasasges were ferged or interlopatod ; many ies-ned works were written on tbe subj-ct but the best historians now acknowledge tbaS in the main tbe sboi ter forms of these letters are cor rect. What is done as a consequence ? Tbo Isnguage of Ignatius is forced into a coresjeindence with Presbyterianiem, one of their writers asks. "B-Jt ia there a single bint iu these extracts which looks at if the Bishops mention ed by them were of a distinct and superior ordar 1 la therea single word said abjut the jwers of ordaining aud confirming being appropriated to these Bishops f 2et s syllable that has tbe most dia'ant r-fem bianco to anything of this kind ia to lei found in all the Kpiktles before as." (Mill-r Page 153.) In is the fore father of Proaby teriaa iam rejected this testimony as the for get y of a later age designed to uphold the epiaonal system, but modern Prsav bytetianiara admits that Ignatiua tes timony may b good and yet if accept ed it demonstrates ssyt Dr Miller tbst "the Church as represented by Igna tiua in Presbyterian throughout and agrees with nothing else." Why 1 be cause the Igaatian Bishop is tbe pre siding elder, the Prsabytnrs tbs ruling Elders snd the Deacons tbe sssas sa Presbyterian Deacons. Tbs only on der ia that when the Presbyterisna separated from the Church st England that they d-d not interpret the eetab iiabed order of Bishops priests snd deacons in tbe Episcopal Church as corresponding to the Presbyterian scheme snd thus save rending and dividing the Church Christ. By such srguments, it must b evident at ones, that no language could have been used to show that tbs early Church waa Episcopal iu form, wbich might net he Uiiaiin letatoo-l. snd so perverted from its original inter, .ton aa to sup port the doctrine of Preabvr. -i .a Or ders. Far tbeir propositiou steads JasM : '-the portions of tbe epistles of Ignatius which support Eoiscopacy may befjrgerios to uphold :--,pai authority, but if we accept s.h a, we can make tbemshw the early Church Preaby terian." So that -eid the Scrip ture indicate that tbe Apostolic raiais ry were threw fiold aa we have abown that it dors, they can be interpreted cofitrarr t- their direct iatention. rert lie toiasrav Too telephone is in use in mines. Bicarbonate of sodium sppiitd to burnt promptly aid pet ran:!y relievos pain. The metallic tbreaJa use. I in Japan ese brocades ars a! wsy a made ef paper, gilt or silvered. A substance, tnuiuin, boa ecn found in the skin of sllk-worma, which has the properties of cellulose November, 1S7C, will go duwa in ornithological history aa the time of tbs ssuthwsrd raid ot the snowy owls. Insects of powerful flight have sacs dev!ped on the trachea, which seive to stole air and render the body light er. Dsnss forest are increasing in Aus tralia, the climate is growing more moist, and even th great cautral de sert may become habitable. Tba leaves ef the Victiria regis are strong enough to sustain a waterfowl, and if a board ia placed on them they will bold np a child ten yeara old. Although th gastric j'U3 hat no sfi'e.i on the rails ef the stomacS while the blood is circulating through them, thev are affected by it afisr death. To ascertain if a wooden fabric con tains cotton treat it with sulphite of sodium, sad all the wo 1 will be dis solved, leaving the c ttu untouched. Our deposit of oil in Pnnylvaia is said to exhibit none of th- 'races of pen oleum when it c ta from the ground, but spouts n:i m a refined con dition. A good test rr inlige is sulphuric acid mixsd with its swn wsight of water. Stoep s dyed speciaiea of cloth in the mixture for fiva minutes; wash well, aud dry in the open air. If noth ing bnt indigo haa been used the color will not change. V .UlCl LCI & IL ITsUIS. Fat ia of ut value as manure. Exeeaa cf water iu th.i soil prevents root development. Tbs number of .egistered Bbertbots bulls in Js.igla.i l is 45.000. The Spanish horse ia amiii. nn- a f.trong dask of African io The nwater a fattening animal proaches maturity, tbe great" is ha ap tbe proportion of fat in th grt" '--teaae obtaiasd. Roots fed in a siate of decay iiu'.ueo blcod poisoning, disorder the milk of of ewes and cows aud act prejudicially on the young ef both. The fats occurring ia the aaitna! body are principally stearine, palmetine and oleine. Stearine preponderate in hard fats and olenine in fluid fata. Cats wold "shsep have large, bandatose frames, well covered wilh flesh, and a great propensity to fatten. Their mat ton is apt to be rathar coarse grained. Tbs next aruual fair ef the Now England Agricsltnral Society will bo held st H orcheste-r, slats. All entrits of live stock must be made by Aug. 15. A fat calf la CO l r csat. water sad 15 per cent, fat, while an xtra fat sheep is 37 per cent, water and 4S per cent, fat, and a fat pig ia 43 per ceut. water rnd 44 percent fat. rnr,ir 2 " . 3 " 1 " 1 Ot) I 3 00 I 2 00 , r, 00 3 00 I 00 1 4 00 7 0 600 900 7 VI 12 00 10 00 15 00 1 11 (Ht 1 2.1 (Ki aia-apoosl. JOS WEBBER. I land, Maine.