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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1882)
ii IBS, I i mi 1 1 AVET?3I5- KATT 1 fiK.ii 1 00 300 roo 800 teoll 2 " 2 00 5 00 700 1200 18 01 :i " 3 00 6 00 1000 15 00 22 Of) I " 4 00 7 00 1250 IS 00 27 01 ; c!i ' ;oo o co isoo moo asci f, I 7 50 JP0 18 00 i 3000 48 0 I " I 10 00 15 00 26 CO 4000 50 01 1 " j I .'i 00 go 00 I 4(f 1 60 0 100 Cfl uiiiew nu-mIii XomJ ?ol. SfATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT lliflliis Stew ffil silt 111 f Til t ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY ST CLAIB H. STEWAKT. Bl SI&EiS Uf HI Im rn;orrnl SttilMIng on nronilMlUin Mrrtt. masts of suasciumoN V . umns 23 cents per line. Regular local tio'ifs 10 r ents per line. Kor legal snd transient advertisement 91 00 per nqnaro for tbe first insertion ami lOeeau per square for oach subeerjuent ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRll 28, 1882. 9 owt, por yr. 53 w 1 oop'y, six months 00 le cp, thra w.titha 1 00 VOL. XVII. 11 u ' 10 PROFESSIONAL GAUDS. U mX5. O. r. CHANBKRUIK. FLIXN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ulmny, Oregon. .ajroffleo in Foster'! Brlok Block. -Si vl5nl8tf. R. B. STRAHAMT. t.. BIl.YKO. STRAHAN & lUIYYEU, ATTORNEYS ft COUNSELORS AT LAW A Ibn nj. Oregon. JURArTIOK IX ALL THE COURTS OF g tins State. They give special attest t'nn to collections and prolate matter. Otliee in Filer's new brick. 49if L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Notary Public. Albany. Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brtjjnrs store, 1st street. vI4a2Stf J. K. WHATHERT0RD, ONOTAKY PCUUC,) iTTORNKY AT LAW, 1 V V, tKM.. TTiLL PRACTICE H ALL THE COt'RTS OK TUB 1 Suto. Spacial attention stvea lu collections aiul ptebfttti nutter. arxmc w oua f :u' Temple. : u . Jf. O. FOWBU. W. R. HILTEC POWELL & BII,YEU, vTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solictors in Chancery, ALRANY. ... OBETOOX. Collections promptly made on all point. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. jMTOfflce In Foster's Brick.- vl4ul9tf. T. P. DACKLEMAIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALB A XT, etECM' jflsr"Office up stairs In the Odd Fellow's empIe.V TlSn50 P. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW LEBA.YOX OBEGO. WU( practice In all the courts of the Rate. Prompt attention given to collection!, coo- voritaees and examination of TUiea. Probate basinets a speciality. 12n30tT. J. A. YAilTIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW CORVAXXXS, CBSSON. a SVOffloc la the Court House vlun2SvL 0EORGB W. BARNES, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND . Notary Public, FsUXKVIIXK. Collections promptly made oh ail points. C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LS INT. OBECOV mmriLL practice in all oonrts of the w w state, and give special attention te collections. Office m OToele'a Clock. B. R. SKIPWORTIX, ATTOEVEY AND rorSSKlOB. AT LAW AD KSVTAKT rCBLIC. UKILL practice is all courts of the State f f business Intrusted to me prompt ly attended to. Ojirt m O'TooYt Block, Broada&n Street, 45 j 1 Albany, Oregon. E. O. JOHNSON, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Ofllce la Fromta's UricK, two doors Kast of Conner's Bank. nlO LEWIS STIBiSON'S MTBRT AND FEED STABLE. First class rehlcles, fine horses, gaod ftsO, accommodating proprietor and rea sonable charges. Give them a call. sUbi?a near Revere House. 6yl. DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. 1 E. W. LAN GOON & CO., DRl'GSISTs. Books, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A and Low Prices. Large Stoc lock CITT DRTJQ STOEEJ, 8fl 4ES4SY. OBEOO.V. FOSHAY & MA80N, WHOUBUSUI AMD 8JETAB Druggists and Booksellers, ALBANY. OREGON. ltesHtf REVERE HOUSE, Coraea first and EflswerOa Albany, Oreeon. Chas- Pfeiffer, Prop'r. . . -- . -i This HOW HOIcU nivea up in diwcww uijm. ltma wawriid with the be the market affords. Spring Beds in erery Room. A g-cd Sacq.'le Room lor Com- march i Travelers. yTree Ceaob te and O iw te J. W. BERTLEY, Custom Boot & Shoo Maker. ti OOTS AND SHOES made to order, tj and repairing dne wieh neaUsoaa and dtepstcb, aod at low prices. Call and ae him. First Stseet, Albany. 41yl Aloany Bath House. .asjHE nSBERSiaNED WOULD RJfibFiSOT I fallT inform the citiseni sf Albany and vi jHt ia.1 T kavatakas oharae ef this Establish asat, and, by kespisg eteaa rooms and payia -trie t attention te basiaeM, expects to salt si sicse who may fsvor na with their patronage ft vtag heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Olass Hair Dressing Saloons, 3Sjeot6 to flTe entire latisfaotion to si POLK COUNTY LANDS. RICHEST FARMS, BEST PASTURES, TALLEST TIMBER BEST WATERED, of any portion or Orearon, I the COW COliwTT. Aak un and wo will show you tba richest and fiut Farming Lands, DAIRY LANDS, STOCK RANCHES, BEAVEStDAM LANDS, improved or unimproved, In Oregon, also MILLS, ETC. and sell thaut to you way down in prlco and on EASY TERMS- Writeor call on u soon. EUCINS & DALASHMUTT, DjUos, Polk Co., Or. 35w4 W. H. GOLTRA DEALER IN Farm Hachiaery, WAC08S, HACKS, BUG GIES, Plows, Harrows, H4Y PRESSES, STEEL GOODS, JAMES DANNAL, UXSVTXCTL tSOL AMD DIU IS FURNITURE I BED0INC. Ceraer Ferry and Seeead -trees. ALBANY. - - OKEGON. THE BEST REMEDY ron Diseases of tbe Throat ani Lungs. JKr v r In diseases of the pnl- a A A-4tV mnn.irv nrrau a nafo and reliable remedy is invaluable. A v Kit's Cuenar PKCTonar. is such a remedy, and no other soeminently mer its tho confidence ot the public. It is a sci entitle combination of the medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of the tini-st drugs, i chemically united, of such power as to insure the creatusl nosnililo K .fHrlriv anil unifrirm. PECTOR fty of results, ltstnaes at the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, tho youngest children take it readily. In ordinary Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat. Asthma, Croup, ana Ca tarrh, the effects of Aver's Cheubv Pec toral are maeical. and multitudes are an nually preserved from senouv. illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand In every household lor the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whoopinz- cough and Consumption here is no other remedy so efficacious, soot lung, and heipiul. v Low prices are inducements to try some of the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, winch, as they contain no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of tho throat and lunas demand active and effective treatment ; mH it Is dan gerous experimentinc? with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use Ayek's Cherby PECTOBAh, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine inirredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe It in their practice. The test of half a century has I nroven its absolute certaintv to euro all pul , . . . , ".i V, monary complamts not already beyond tho J reacL of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY ALL DBCCSISTS XVXBTWBZBZ. NBRY0US DEBILITY. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. tr E. C. WKST's fcK Arsu iuiaui iai- . v- 1 . W-l- I TV TRO If IF - ment, s upeciac ior hjiii, "j - ilendache. Mental Depression lumiuna, - rvM of Memory. Si.erniatorhnea. Impotency, In- roluntary cmiMiious, preaauure om aye, ouacu o. ' - . S 1 ,,,.nJt . r ,.. if-ahni!e (,r over-indnlifeoce, whic . '"; . ' ' ,i-v ,d dih. One box will cure rt9tat ilinciw. Ea b b-.x contains one nionth's oettu,-nt ; r.i,o d a box, or six boxes for five .ub. mv'.it hv naaal lamnsM on receipt of price, We g'Ara.ii"; iix boxm t. cure any case. Witn uhu nMhyiH n- for Pix boxes, accempanied with five, we scud the purchaser our writ zattiniilcc rstars ihe money if the treat u.. ..t flr,!: not tf?v?t a cure. Guarantees issued on)? by WOOOARD. CLARKE A CO , Wholesale and Tletail Uruists, Portland, Oregon. Oitiera by mail at regular pnees. m CHERR AL. must FARMS FOR SALE BY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON The following Is a purttal Ilat : 170 acres rne and a half miles west of THUntnt,.)r'Knnu J utiles frtun Albany. 65 a'rea In cultivation ; 40 acres more win bo put in cultivation easily; lalnco gin.d tiuiiter and pasture laud. Moll, rli h l'a-k prairie. UihhI house and barn, good hiarl fall tig, all in gKKi repair : youag orchard of JU0 trees; good well and running sttoam for stock ; good school, -church sud post-oil.-e ; goisj mtlghborluHM.1 snl gootl soci ety. Terms fSo ior acre : i,000 dowji, rest oti oasy terms. JSC sores on Nariow Oauge road, 1 1 tulles from Albany and 5 miles from .s-l., hihI 7H miles Irorn Jefferson. Its acres gisal farming land, 75 aero in cultivation; re mainder In timer ami brush; houso Imxs, with 10 foot walla, ell lOx'28 ; good horn 1 wl th 11 foot shed on one side; good fences and water. Terms f&00 oash down if toaaible. ltather than net sell will take fUOOO down, and balance on 2 to 3 y vr time, secured by mortgage. 190 acres of a mile west of Abauy; 100 acres In oultlvattuu rud i acres oak and ash timber.L'ood wool land; all under fence, board and. rail, some good and .'. bad ; about 7 acres In orchard, apples, mostly pears; good soil; 'JO bushels wheal Isjr acre on average; good two-story frame louse, plastered, 0 rooms, built In 1M73, and cost 2w00; good barn, in and two beds; well arrauged for farm iurKsos. Tortus, fSOOO, 2 years time un fWX. I.ri0 acres H mllea west of Tangent 100 atres In cultivation; all new land, clean aud la good older; good two story house, 8 rooow, nearly new aud In good condi tion; good new barn suxau; lino young orchard, ICO plum and prune trees, fair apple orchard; fencos In good order; plen ty running water; 1 acres f gosl Umber; rich, black soil snd very productive. t'rlou foJoO, S cash and balanoo on lime. 101 acres one and a half miles norlheatt ofAlbauy; 15 acrs In wlumt, rest In fair average wKXlIaul; gooU HUMS DSSUIJ fencetl. rrlo f!5 atrtu lornis easy. 500 acres 1 mile southeast o! Soda Springs; farming; siuall bouse; 300 acres fenced. Will be ld In small tracts or all together. gsxl school, church ami post-office at Modavitlc, also tho Mod a springs Price fi per acre; easy terms. 103 seres Ivlng 3 mlies above Lebanon on tbe Lebanon Mouublu road. No fou oos r lmptovutenU. 15 or 30 at res iim- br, talnce rirli pralrlo land. fTMSJ pa per acre. 80 term 1 !; riies above Omhw. on a- jutna lUy. known as the old slnryarJ. It has a splendid frontage oc the MOT, and wil be sold at $11 per acre. 107 acres lvlnj below and within IJ miles of Ibiii..ii, ail under fi-n. atires in cuitivslion, snd the remsuxler is in liiuWr and brush. r. house, 1V story, '1 !! below snd one above Mar n, not verv gs-l. (imi mi ; orehard. Cross foit ea to the sinouut of 5000 rails. SuHleient cord wood uan Im cut and iioasd to A I baa f from tht pi a by only a few laborer to psy for ll In two J rears, Uniy X uwa trom oanai. riavw on given by the loth of October. The land is rieh snd will turn out wheat 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. HI acres, ly!i v!ng 9 mill one fssst or war- rlaburt. A u crtod one storied box house, brooms. Harn, ine isna usa heretofore "oecn used as a pasture, but nan ill be eut Into cultivation. o grubbiiu rcyiuinsl. JH miles from school. Terms 1 10 per acre. Vcah down, balance al most any length of time isvured by mort gage. ?oo acres, I ting wit! iu r mile of Mon roe, ii. Benton county. Al. under fenee and divided into flvo fields. All good farm land and half in grain. Good houso and barn, splendid water and a flue orch ard. It Is i as of the best farms in hat seetion of the yallev. Price Mi tsar acre f 1000 or f I5o0 down and balance ou time acres lvln 5 miles north-east of jfarriaburg and 1 mile oast of MinMy Station all under fence; 180 aire in culti- vatl .ii, Istlance in tmsture, but uiot of t can be put iu culti vation. I.Ustoiy h tea, bam, good water, etc., 1 mile to SCiMKl. Price S.00", 121 aerea ing 9 miles south of AlSany an i miles from Tangent 7" seres in cultivation and all under f n sens more can bo put into cultivation by out lay of 100 Houso, barn, splendid water. A hue young orchard, l'riee, so per acre. 483 acres Iu C'euter Precinct i mllea from station on Narrow (Jauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Good stoiy house, word bouse, b-vn, and splendid water and nno oreiurd Ail smIor fOBOe. Price i8 per acre. 240 acres lying about tulles south east of Albany. All imior feive, small orchsrd, BO buildings oO acres ua-i neon cultivated, but it Is all now used as pas- tore. Price 110 issr aero. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Ilrandon's Station in Center Precinct, aii under fence. 100 acres in cultivation. I.arKO I'A story frame house, BOOd barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, U per acre. 12f acres, Iviug 4 miles north of Albany. 100 undor fence sod In cultivation. Fair housa. i?ood barn snd irood waU-r. Itud raives from 28 to 30 bushels of wheat par acre. Price, f3,500. V, 111 lake $1500 down, and oalance on timo. CjlQ acres of land iu Marion county, silo l'A milos from ftueua V'ist and seven miles from Jelferson. 0 acres in cultivation snd balance la light brush and timber. House, barn aud good oichard. Flourins mill within 2 miles. Enough wood can bo sold at tho pottery works at Ituena Vista to pay ror the larm. Uaii on C. laVaHnWAWVet Albany. HEALTH AT HOME! Or, Mall's family Dertor rr tha VsO of raBsUssa, Hhswiii! how to Invigorate and i rcneive health, prolonir Id", i nr.- diseaae ; the phylcial cotidltioita of inatornitv. and thu nrnjicr inanaircinuiit uf infanta. and diHCuanin tha entire physical well-being of man, with a vers' larife collet Mass ot tne lau-m ani mi. t valuable medical iirescrliitioiia, by W. W Ham... A. M.. M. U. K eirant v iiluatrateii ami linnnd in one UrL'c octavo volume of H! paea. Mold by sub scription. A lie ill Wanted. AildrcsH A. L. Uan croft k Co., Market Htroet, San Francisco. A STOCK RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 acres, with rood outside range, located near Bridge Creek, in Wasco county, together with about 20 hoises, to exchange for land here In the Willamette Valley. Now, if you want to sell your farm and go Into the stock busi ness in Eastern Oregon, here Is a chance for yon. Call on or address U. a, Stew art, Albany, Oregon. tK AA ffib") per day at hme. Sample worth free. Adress Rtixkom A Co. Portland, Maine. h WEEK. 812 s day at home easily nrnde, 4 t) Costly Outfit free. Address Truk & Co. Aujruiita.Maine. taan.. Tcrma and 'a. wi k in v ur own 3T DO outfit ir..e. . . a. ... At dices n. UAliLBi t e.,rr . . , , TS a nd, Maine Mi litliMAN S RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chost, Gout, Quins, Soro Throat, Swott ing end Sprains, Burns ani ScuUs, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Hoadacho, Frails Foot end Ears, and all othor Pains and Aches. ti t I'rrparailun on rrth cjtmlft St. J e, surr, elntpl i 1 thrrt, i I I ' 'j A UUl blsua lut tho .. lur.i! ssfhp "f 60 OnU, BSs MSf Jf M ilh hUu ti, Uto tltJ SUd (iiU JiO-vt 1 ir. .!!. ni la CcT.u tasgnar". 80LD BY ALL DRIJOOI8T8 AID VTM I IH ill: D IP 1 ME. A. VOGZXETR &l CO., Ualtlmw, " ' . V. S. X. Ma J. EL Katks, Kowter Advertis ing Agent, 41 Park ROW fTtflDW Bolldlng) New y ork. Is authorize 1 to contract f r advertloniu! In the i our best rales. King of ti.9 Blood fa not a 'vur.- a ii.i r m.--i pui . lirt;'ti .ii, m,. o knon i , OiSmt-nt bai aseClas fu ssfssssnM jhl'M .f l.t lrl orilUol. HK-!iArr Lmpfnt. .Va.tU I n. i. ArafWn, Stt utaur .nlrra, I U Uifc-ul.h thrill I It.firnS. tt Mo :L-irfiT1 iMpMrliy 6. RED CROWia rtilLLS. H.VI.I.AUi),IwOJI & GO, PBOWaf. asw raocis riot u st reaiot: ,a rAUiLias axe aaxras eao BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Higkoet Price in Wheat. Cash for ALBANY lyl OR. The Corvallis Fruit Co. W1U purchase Plummer drlod fruit at full market r-rices ; wuraend .patent person to advise .Jamjpi Kka)m n, "..'v. ati nary 1, USr 24w0 THE COMPLETE H055E, Uy Mas. M N'i Wbi iiit. This work U oSSSOlSta xmi-plic MucaUir ! . .' II .u u (liver, cotitainliiif : Ttie F.iundaiion of a Bssso, llotiw hold Kt inotiiv, fib-kin as I llcatth, lmioa- tic Induatry, lloapltality, Our Ctikl Intii, lUautv in thf H ilun. lio.Ml Mniiurn. AtUiiiUoii lo Idr-n, Mow to Mak BsOM lloppy, '' M-hIoI llomp, of Work lit'.' Uf. An oriiainoiii. i patn-r or in.rarr. TliU ciuiplcte work, of hp uly i!00 pajjnu. l aild by milhicrlptiiiii. AkcbI inalrl Adilr.. A. I Banen.fl A Co., 712 Maikcl Stic t, Nan riuu. iwo. O. B. P. Win. I imclei'isj Hcoirrssro maxcb 39, 170. iilii u sa nnni' rvinulsr It It warranUnl to tflve atlsfaction, if you want tcsumoniaii wi -- r W an't nuhllsh them, but refer you to tho Ueaiom sndtconsumers. it has no equal. t r' tOo OtiottleitforSS. BEE HIVES FOB SALE. t hiva aVmiit. ann hundred of i he cole i..tni T.ancruimth A Hive for sale cheap and alfo have sores of the Italian hoes which I will dispose of on easy u-rms nfli hlA and hnA will b l SOll at U'HB than cost, 31m2 W. C. DoiiEnTT. CATARRAU UUKEU, tica'ta an t sw, S5 Wwath securredbv ShUoh's Catarrah Uomedy ' aa a ''.i Price 50 cents. asai lojector ireo. fruit grawers as b. eultlvaAkm of or aIdl- tn:tl droadftil old Ink bottle ; the tared. This was struck and cut rquaie ag to Rome in tho time of Ankc- i wnpwXtW I, furthrnuore, being so low aa in two, and the lighud end eVoewod U TLZa'i of ataaodOrteaai f ' toeotOssfin everybody V.lmeans. This tbo floor without being SB.fJ ont. gB?rM .. j, V " Will sell Plummer Driers throeHb Lbia, f J . The ball was deflected and hut iod in Gedf proclaiming that he hd raeeaved nontonai.dlfcounn-H. year Ine am brOOght out in navy . L- "-iT t.a, ?TZj! tbi. One and sol. truth from the Ap 1 . tirvs to he sent to ('orvalMa ! ri(i ''otr- .. .. m . , ln" pillow under the OtBOOr I bead, , , : , ... , , pmZjtce b:uo HJ wel1 &s Turkey red. Both out of a . jj ties, that asmoly which b haadad nash, Pr-sideu. irash ncrfecllv : and so t has tent into the ai,. v.,;,i i. J k.. down by the church. Th. KrT ItUtk riMHIOK. Wtmem i tlllitary hUUs i NalsrUls t Para asls i 1 he Naw Rsaasl. VTititor wrsps wilt bo xchangati for short, stmllaf mantillas, with lonjf onda In front, aud from rmch lanUlnfr type, thorn era a variety of gradation where the smaller aro no more raully than eniMs. In Weol we lad camel's hair or cashmere trim mud w ith frlujro or laco ; dressier otyU" are of satin, brcud etc., or MrWai t of Rpaulsh n.d laid upon wlln, uhila for midsummer, small OWrtafl aru of silk or woil Bpantih nel. that Is it feature In dr-M (roods and shown In all colors In every ma terial, hewovor, black lesds fur wraps, although jacket aro chiefly in ehevot mixture. A t.A Mlt.tTAiaK. What with bottom and braids aud braidt and buttons, our ladies will carry oa a warfuro that will causo to iunkn tho most military heart. .Small bullet shupud bjttons aro very fash- I'jnahlo, ami aa instlaet ef nsture paint to a comhiaaliou with l.ralds which are run la rows around edges, up the front of eestaines and In ep aulets on sjtt:l (era Aaln. thoso protty ptltla, for Indeed such stylhh button lltttn more, are bestowed In m niter row, lllumin liig outfits of pi tin fnOdl Mai furm. i ubfttitutos for brocade. M-s.d Is .n fitvor f r tattOttl "f aii klrdnaitd h e-.iered In ceutrait or . snatch, fuhr r DBttePI aro of medium !,ut fash- ion li:v tekaQ mUln btp from the vorv Inrwo ones I ihev r.. issi ff ' , n,..,,;r,, .,, ,,,,, rush . nude for their diminutive suceeeaora. I rinaja) are l.rou jln OOt to .ult nW btarlcs, bitb slikou and of Jni. Jjlr I rlne U ct(h:iir!v f..,hl ,.i!.!a md r i l pl tbing' still live, fl OMJ log, ho a over, tkOffO Is Of mtsk rkol ab. it really seme uf novel'y. Ratting It v now in doafgOi and aa f irnterl we hail hoot baaqoes, triin .md of , ! .' mi tllhe. S it a f v irts, ic afa eovarud ottti asoill slaed litis' of unlni.ils' hi ruU In J'rin a .d olsta where on the -h. r side the untire ly lm 14 ' . ' ' I Ut lo r.-, At t . ILO li' iiuly phi uf jssr Trty, the pec slT t ur.U uance of an owl or the rlaasie profile of a chauth ly r sufHcts. Uvhor wocli ftmam very l.trjfe In. WMtight lleral pattern, eoi very far apitrr, while a change Is glvon by PJOOOSt intonorflOf ilflga or inathe- susMiaii wji--i, euicn iHMiig quite pronoun ed or the reverse, Prottv .:' l' J ill K' f I,, ; I k-' n SM ia VMHH - S t ' I 1 ff(4J I , i 4 t ' n VU Ul ...i i .., .1 .v. -...w, ..w .nr. rmuruio. , , . , ariOf arovoa In eotorod Itripoa or chee.- u r l ail doalgna, are rlovs-n m a aalab. TOOOalOfa rn perfectly fast, J ward tho crowded camp. Ou this oc tnd t fine card aa Ma side is made ciflntb Pri"nar made for tba camp, in ;-a.v a, , t :..t thoy aro easily Parbapa, to,., tltts may h. tho roaaou that while fiillingi are again being need on uud-u lothlng. Oaah'a wooaa initi.d latton for mark leg have also proved a great tuceoes. ' v ,ttder.iow th,' fr0 this style of marking become, that ladies frcnientlv have the entire nirue fDaUe to order. FAaaaoLa. Aa u ifeu af the praTaiaaea i f shir ii"!?. we notiea ma new aaiaaaia pn vhh'd with t shirred refit e that to oft enetxhvl hv laaa From eltfUt i ton ribs aro aeon end materials, of curn, follow dr( ss gaada, for tho parasol of late ytntr.s liHs'leaellly rl-.e in im p. jrttt n. o. nnti la n notable )nrt of the out i'lt. Then, ton", as Qoa'en are ox- treiifdy fashionable, feehoM n llnish Iven tbu eotoing paiaao, by aa ar tificial boaqoel set in n silken Ikw at tho Lop, This, of eoure, can le re moved if one shnuld think it too gay, but ladies in general will find no little amusement in chaeiug the flowers atAvill. Sun uiubrelhs are striking attractive! beeaaee made t'f doublo faced ti.itiu, vsiu:ro frequently cfTee- ive eon traits era a itleeable. TH8 NtW DONNET will Daualiy bo trimmed with rib bon rather than silk. Indeed, this is a season of ribbons, and so they ap pear in ereat variety. Many are r wroUght in open work, almast seem ng to be silken lacct. Striped or plaided ribbons are imported, because both are a feature in dress goods, and in richer styles intermix turos of plush appear. But plain ribbons have a high position, and ara often prefer red by people satiated with fancy novelties. Horo the new "Satin Roy al" rib'ion is sought for because it is so soft in testure, while showing the sat'ny surfaced rep that is driving out satin proi e Laces of all kinds am in flvir ii.rdinarv dnmantl and are a ,t i - " J where, from masses of small ones large, we ind everything UuA -lonablo. Bollo will bo veritablo flow era girls, with Hewers en their para eels, flowers en their hut aud huge bouojiets of flowers on tholr corsage. 'Tia fuauy eneugh now mi the Opera to see them coming In, each one wear log a mere enermous bunch than her predecossor. Net even a bud In the hair, but often feur and twomy roses i i t. i .1.1 Just belew their pretty noses. JCt;Y CAllI mn. airatTR M itim or oi llsts. At the hatlls of Peach Orchard, when IfoOlellaa was aakti his chan of -w w atwassi. wsfVI' 1 base, a Michigan iiifantrrman fall to tbe ground as if shot .lesil, and was left lying in a heap as iba regiment hanged positiea. Tbe bal! whitb bit him first struck tbe barrel of bis gun, glanced and struck a bu'.ton off Lis cost, tare the watch out of his rest pocket and tben struck the man over the heart, and was stooped there by a song book in bis shitt packet. lis was unconscious for three-quarters of an hoar, and it waa a full month be- fere the black and bins snots disaa paared. At Pittsburg Landing, a msnber of the 12th Michigan regiment of infantry stooped te give a wounded man a drink from his canteen. While in the act. a ballet, airasd at his breast, "struck the canteen, turned nitiu, through .a a m O I the body of a man snd buiiod itself iu tin lag of a home. The canteen was split open and diopisxl t., Le grouod in bal res. I At the second battle of hull Run as ITrnr Taeii fafaotr? an was ninlstl bis plug of teOeeoe to a oouirad, a bullet struck the ping, gUnced ofl, and I t'LHal itasif ju a kuatrfiack. The te -I lsr was roihd up like a .all of shay-1 Ti d carried a hundred feet awsv Directly iu the lu.e of the Lul l - waa ,K.bMjof.i;.,,u.n, v. th bail i-,. ,i,...i l u zl taiuly have received it. As it was be I bad heth his eyss filled ith tobacco I.... t 1 ...... I uu' "a " to the rear. .t i .. . a ontnay station, oaa of Custer s I tta p r had his left stiri up strep shot ss-ay by a grape shot, whick-paased t m 1st m . " oeiweea ins jpg snd the horr e, blister tag his skin n if a rod hut iton had n.-,n need He dismounted to secer uin th" e'-t.t of his injuries, and M ue b.t,t ever a bullet kaeeksd his hat CJ S t B a . . a --rw wwivwi m w .T r (a m V ii hi was a troojasr who had st. tiered seveial dsys with a toothache. In a n nii l k til .( I to K,.- iM it1A hand-to band fjLi be received a pistol t:' in his n'srht ahaair fl ImnAJ ean his .ehing double tooth sod passed 4 .1 f eho left hand corner of bis mouth ladtsna along a art mt an nppor tooth rbe j .y of being rid of tho toothache was so great that tbo trooper could not be made to go to tbe rear to have bU wound dressed. An abject, however triflinsr will turn the bullet from its tree course This waa shown on. d at tAo r- m0unt camp i Pleasant Vallev Tu,T i nan a "bun i I fia hundred pen" there in which shout I bo.mty jumpers and other rere nnder guard. Once in Oftheae man .nnlil I " m - so. w UVW U a while one of these men wc.utd make I . . . ... n . . 7 uiema ior iiuerty. Jivei T swtitlOSl in pooition would open Ore, and it did not matter in the least if the man ran ."nJr MJix bou wore firod at I I I i ,i a til. ....I m is a V t. S 1 wivHWk rurcv. uoe oi ine OS1- leU entard fc . f Twelfth Ponnsvivania Mvalrr Ha waa lying down aud the course ef tbe I a as ska ... . bullet would have buried itself ia his I'.i r. ji by waich he was raadin ... . .t.nd .i M.M.inii nu it . ui . a nil a betwscn bim and where the bullet en- I IweeB two men, and brought up agsmat I " asssi o. spbiso. Spring is the time for b 'ing. In . I . t - . ; . r a 'I., r r.v wmn.n haw u n t rm . r iiriv.uva ' , 7," ..... I .. it - -. . .. . I A I r uon. mm mm ct-y,, too wiowed sow taies, and rasp tsars. And evaeywsera m ine men sow trio winn ana reap tue wiiinwiua. .1. i . w Spring is a -eaion much sua; about by the poets. It is a season that moves pooplo ---especially about th i 1st of .ipi... a : i r. i . . . . lnp wn If,r naUIUOK The first thing generally raised in the spring 18--U.0 rent ; anor taal comes spring radishes and greens. Insects also como in tho spring. The mosquito consults bin ledger and makes out his bills or lU summer. aaj . U 'yyj lolnostic and nonsehoiii insects resu oitate tbirmielvcs ml srawl aud bits in th sir 'ittlo hoi!1!. Alt nature stin. spring aiaa aura ap iae oasrieai oomhmationa and tbe ananaaeriea. Tho ti i xi al a. a J trained beasts and suimals of all sorti amonK them permnentiy njit :Uhc times prepare o take the road The tramp TL WBtra witwaaa of tbo tra droams of fresh holds and pastures new a of the ebap. IT and lone farm houses where he may (harefore w0 nftVrt 8noh f- hnd the women unprotected making u nofc uece to sefk the truth strawherry shortcake. among others which it is easy to ob- Spring comes evsry year. It brings uin fom the church; since the an new clothes to soms and new fsshieu. tl liUe a ricb man deporting his to all-if tbey oaa afford them. Usu- I -mA -, ,od in her hanJa ally it brings more elotbai than pee- most;opiov8iy an tkinSs rertaiain- to pie can auora ss . ouy the truth; so that every msn, whoso- that they cannet afford to follow Yet ever wi can 4rftV ffom btt, tha watcr spring brings with it the oid elotbai of uf- Fr 8bo is the entrance to life; people bsvs worn all last winter and aU kheni M tbieves and robi)erg. ft possibly the winter previous. Those acca,nt are we bound to avoid ean be tamed and dyed t a 1 made over, feuk to mftk- eboico of tbe thing8 we will not say into new olotbes, hut pertaining to tho church with the ut- into the semblance of the new. The pnpor maKersi ot CiHgianti port annunlly eisrhteon or twenty thousand t mn of rajri. S'lnto English ones require no bleaching at all, while those of Italy hear away the palm for dirt. up bY UFA. ROUT. L. UTKVKN- X 1 It. Contemreratieuu will Ignatius. Wahop ef Aatiocb, Ii -s i kit triune Fo'ycrl'. 0i vt Basrtns Te bin !??aliM wr U ' r f 1 ?l'ilt? M rolyosrp in tout, civoim. i ds toe JetUrs of (pJLeteeXX tbs n brethren. It will be seen s . that as both these martyrs BOO far ltd WtA the Aposllec, their teiinon,. si U tru- inU-rprsfations of tbo BatlfOnree, relsting tw the Christian ministry is lnT,ublc - In his Lpistle io Polyc-. . a . W ddrM,n nia jjde, gnatiiM arritea, "U,Te J teed 10 t,, 9t lhat Vo llw wy P' " you. My seal for tba,r that 'ry ul'nir to tbs bibol, n1 l tJ'" rWeaOteaa, an J te lhe dcjai'. may my portion be 1n' wit,, fh"u' in 0odI Lllb,r fber with one another, strira i PnJ t9flb'r: r," together; s X,. f,tberi "leoP 1 'getber; aadewaka te- ,t,,,r a4 thc ',:irdH sjmI aaeeeial and ervriU uf M " -eiycarp nitr tan martyrdom of h: mens writing m tae i'tollippiens, re vtalskow high y Ignatius was esU- m ed by tbe whole Church. (Chap. 9 ; t axhort you ell, therefore, to yisid obedifrnos te the word ef righteous. snd to exercise all patience such as ye . 5U 1 loreyour eyes, Let only . A t. A .... .1 .L L I 1 S a ZT QA OI iHa 'gaatiui, sud T21MU ttn,t Befno I at uiso in otLats roO"g youtaelvss, aud in Pan: him self and tfce rest of the Apostles. a d ' tbe aurnc tt all tbaae hare r m iU yulu b,!t ijt tiiii nghtonshejts, and that tLeyr.-; ,n lbir du V1 in tbe freaanei el the ' IIU ""B also they etDered. r ib7 , X,J Mt t,il P'" world, OQ "M " :sia Xar ' ed oAtn by U..h fr0ra ".:td." , Cnsp ii. lif.ti, vou and rmaiha Wr' to ne tbat " an-v ofi ' f'n w,l H ia " f By na, Le sbou.u cany rr.r l.ltar u.itk U!m. ...I. l. . I V " ";' -otu-. , . w "'g p. vt .11.. I i.. if r. ... i r.. . . tenity either pSraetMally, oi tbrOofb ou oihrr aetii.j f-.i mu, tost j.ju- -i.. stra may to filu.ird. Th .'. .f Ignatius writtcu by him to Hnd t 1 the rest (of his cpittl.-., which we bae hyus, we have sent t j you as nfctaeated iter SSJ. ... - ' . . arc a 4 i. I to this epistle, awd by theui ;,o nta be grestitj j iw;..' .. for tbor treii nj :'iih and pelWIare. and sll things thai tend to ed firuiiuu in our Ird.' Sicca Pul y car u thus endorses the ian Epbtlta, giti wfh ol bl ft ! ng tbtm the iet ua aee on what grounds he ought to be listened 40 JJ " Mfart, w S2l h'S bok " rho saw 'A.-rsini; nsreaioa writiau aho;.t !&0 A L1. Vm tku Mllc hout Lim: B. Ill 4 But 1 clcrP a,9 w l on,7 laatraaaai by AjxMtlas, aud con raed with aiauy wh bu.1 W ' b ,u A,IB' T PlaJ olhoi Of lbs chureu ia Si wkem 1 a!to BThl u- 1 .T - for tamed Oil t .l .i. K toil I a a . I is rr led on ( t ai an. h,n n l.i laai- I ' ' ' na mfnt ncb,-T r dom, departs! thi having I trays taught lbs things which he had learned from tba Apostl-.t and which the Charcb has banded dowa and wbici alone are true. Tv the- t!:i:)j all th- Asiatic churches testify, ii i!o alac those who have succeeds i Pclvctrp o l the present time, a m u woo I amataaaa r. t (Mii.tli m-a4am MaiMht m aSI r w" U4 ,UVV" B- w",uwi - " I snore steadfast witness ef irut-i. tl':m i . alentmus and Marcion, and rt of lht bro,io U wts w"- those who heard from bim thai ,Khn the tliscip'.e ef the Lord, g - v y to bsths at Ephssus, and iro"i O r iuthus within, rnshed out f ihe b.ith i house without bathing, exclaiming. "Iet us fly, lest even the beta) hoiue I l tall down. bcsaiiHi L'oriutaus t:.': tiirniv i a . . . ..... . n ef truth, m within," Ami roivcarp I ' - to Mtrcion, v. ho n.rt him on 0U9 oCcttiull andaiJ. -Dost tKoa . r, ... , k . th. a : . . . . r c..-.. c..-k o. i.- horrQr wbich the kvogUm n vi Lheil disciples hud sgainst verbal communication aaMhss eves with an I mnlars r.f the truth: aa Pan: alsn OOVSL i---r j j i l U a. hrati.. witem thn firi anJ admonitM;i rrJftct; kn,winp thrA he that j. ,ttch is . , "d . . beiito oondemuea. I u:,.-.! ,.T. j . er wf M M i. 0 Polvcarp written to the Pbiiippinn, fronJ hwh tl) -.xe who 080000 to do B- and are anxious about their salvation, can learu tho oharacter of his fallb, ir. i the preaching ot the tt 0th Thea . - tha churcb in BpbtAtt, fviunrif a I. t .1 j i : t.u : : , - most diliaenee. aud to lav hold of ih tradition of tho truth. the case 1 Suppose there arise n mt - puts relative te some lmpoi tan. iuce t ion among us, should we not have . tic.t!, " not an svsir.eucai, vaiue. it is recoarse to the most ancient okurche I cultivated fcr the oil it yields. The with whise the apostles held constant j oil is used in cooking, as well as in intercourse, and learn from them what j lamps ad for making soap and is certain and clear in regard to the paint a a a prssent miiatltal For ho a- shea Id is bo if the Apostle tbeBiseives had nob left as writing.l Would it not be neces sary, in tbat cae to fellow tbe course eftho tradition which they banded down to those to whom tbey did com mit tbe chnrchasl" Thus wo find tbat to settle any ques- Hon concerning tbe cnurcu a iaito t?r practice it waa common to appeal to the established usages of the church. Now every church historian of repute sckeow ledges, tbat at tbe period Irenfui wrote tbo abovo words, ine ". i-niraent of tbe ehereh waa eyery- 1 in form iMoeheim. 0 at. JI P. II ch. 11. beo. l.J (Gieaelor Vol i Ck 1 1 1 Hec 54) Tnus lreneaas, fioals ty tbe example of Polyesrp, be U ...C'.i and Ignatins to the A .. .: for the sake of tho truth they taught all these men laid down tbeir liyea. As tbe aeccnnt of the usrtyrdom of Polycarp ia some- wbst extended we reserve it for tho next psjaar. ai FrtiAca is bhbe isl t o llboSe island is a very littlo Sute, oat, like all iittlo thing, ha vary odd wts. She baa very few ieap!e, and only a vury few of them aio allowed to - m tl a A ro'.e. inoso who are allowed to vote arc now"ir.:i!cirt' an enort to coiex von- a iutional Convention fer the parpeae of ror icing the Constitution so tbat asan- atrl suffrage shall be nxeo oy taw, bat sa tho larzs majority of the voters aio opjHveed to it, and and the amend Mntewfll have to ie aubmitted to Lfeeea. it is not easy io sa what uao tl:re is in holding tha cenventien. The L., ir-iicans don't want manhood ITrage, eadNfce Democrats have al ways voted yjinst it. Tbe Boston '.::, r states tbe aituation aa fel- "The francbixe of Rhode Island draws a sharp line !rtween natives axd fcriners, the latter not being allowed to vote unices tbey hold real property worth $134 net. In the nwt place, a ,- i I ... .L - - - U .. ;s 'jrawu oe.wi.en ine un wuu ; ay tar s on property worth $134, and those who are not aucb tax-payers. iat'er msy vote in Providence for Javor, bat BOt for members of tbo I iry C-urcil, aud in town meetings ; may vets f r all meaaurea except taxation cr the exfeaditt;r of money. :a cf llhode Isl-nd ntaksa far- . .. diaeritiaationa; but they need no i here save as to their efleet which cur.iiits is limiting tho vote far more than U tie ease elsewhere ia this so : trj . Th eensaa of ii80 returns tha jxipulation of Rhode Island ut 276,590; jet the presidential vote of the same year web only 20,235, cr far Vs t! . ;et of Worcj8r c;nnty. ia 'Lie Statr. wht.h esst 8,358 vctrs, snd hsd a population of only 226,883. Mon No i York. ith tbe city of Riobtster, cast a heavier ballot tbsn . I all Rhode Island, altkengh ia pop otatia, 144.902, is but a frsctien above one-half ef tbe bode Is hutd populatien. Tbe relation lion hecemes even more glaring when Rhode Mead aad Indisr.a aro compar- r.d, and it is nothing less tbaa astonisb- ug wh n the votes of Providence aad Button are compared." Tbe only reason wby the rotera in Etbode IsUud do not wish to change tho -.iifftage, and it must be confeaeed a vary ntoag reason, b, tbat there is no ool reason for changing it. Tho men who own property and pay the taxes claim that tbey have the right to man se things so long as tbey work no i ios ict? others, and they somewhat defiantly invite the rest of tbe country to point out any injustice in their meth ods to imtsnce a State whose people are bappter, richer, more prosperous, or better governed. Let well enough lone is then motto. If it is claimed that proi-erty antftage ia not democratic tViPv rely that it waa never intended te bat Dti ' "Ri M otber states don't like their way of doing business, that does net concern them, as they have tho rijht to manage their political affairs as they ph-aac. So long as tbey manage them so well they would appear to be ! right. ti aiois factij. It is cstineated that over 10,000 persons are employed in the laundries of New York. Next to rice, Indian enrn ii used by a larger number of people than way other grain Lake Superior, at its surface, is COO feet above the Atlantic, and at Its bottom 573 feet. Old sails aro made into tho paper used for bank notes, and old ropes reappear as brown paper. a Two thousand human beings and and over no, 090 bead of cattle are annually killed by snake bites in In dia. The varlatloaa in the rainfall of India involves tho food supply, and is a question of famine or plenty. Chinoio dentists attribute tooth ache to the gnawing of worms, and profess to extract the same from de cayed leeth. Cyclones usually occur toward the end of Spring and in the Fall the periods ot change of direction in the monsoons. The experiments in cotton raising in Kansas have been very successful. One planter shipped 100 bales of ex cellent quality. Florida lizards are said to possess, in a remarkable degree, the power of changing their color at will, the pro cess occupying about a quarter of a miuuie. A red passion-flower, secreting bea ey in the glands of its young leaves, wns found guarded by a sp-sciea of For how stands ' ant, wbich consumed the honey and dis - drovo away all otber insects. In Russia the sunflower has a prac- I . aa a a wa