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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1882)
f i STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY C LA I 15 II. STEW All T. It! MMKS l l l( r.-h Democrat Kulldlngnn llr.Mutalbia Mn rl, TKttMS O' miWi tflllM'l lee) eeesjr, i"' J"4" 's " i-v.;;'' CafRJt, BIS lil.iiith H H1 tittle OOJ'V, ttirw inonllie 1 00 iaiti nttiulHir 10 PROF ESS I ( ) X A L C A R lS. U FI.INN. O. K. CI1AMBKK1.A1N. rUNH & CHAMBERLAIN, attor.i:ys at law, Oregon. BBT OfllH in Foster's llrlck B!oo.- vlSnlStC VTiJ Wl KAH AN. I.. 1UI.YKU. STIv MI AX & BIIjYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Albany. Oregon. mHACTIOB IN ALL THK COrUTS OK L t',, RtatO. The vlve special atten tion to onMontlniiw ni probata oaattor. inliee in Foster's now buck. 49i( L. K. MONTANYE. TTO UN E V AT I ,A W. A N D Notary Public. ?b?.ny. Oregon. OnVB BpcJotra, over John r.ritrjp store, I at troet. vUtvSStf J. K. WEATHEUFOM), (NOTARY Ct tU) vTTOHNKY AT LAW, ALKIM. WjllWi 11' I U. PRAtTU'E IH ALL THK OV WB OW THK If SliUv Spe-..-il aiV-aUim .icii '.. aeetieaweOa1 j.xl: matter. flTOOc inOOJ FeJ;' Tempi. It; J. C. POWICLL W. R. ntl.YKC rOWLL & BIL.YEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in t hanrerv. AUAIT, ... RKiO. t'ol lection promptly made oittill toiuts. Loan negotiated on reasonable terms. BrXnjee in PunBnal itriok.'VS vltuI9tf. T. P. HACKLEMA1V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AlBAM, OB.Ft.OV "Orftee nn .na'rs In the Odd Fellow' empleW vrn50 F. M. iVSlLLER, V PTO 1 1 X K Y AT I sA W LBBAS09 oi:tLO. Will pntr'tee In a'l the oourta of the State, t'roinpt Attention (riva to collections, con rnrM nd examination of Titles. Protate t talacae pct!lty. vlsnSttf. J. A. VAATIM, ATTORXEY MID COUNSELOR AT LAW, oaraojf. BgyMag In all the t'onrt of the State W-OOVr n th rurl llouae "a vltaJBvl. Q80BG1 V. B4RM:i. ATTORNEY AT LA W an:v Notary Public, rSHKVKLEJC. BM.O. Collt-ctiona preswatlji tumle o -uf f Wt C. H. HEWITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MXBJkXf, escuov WIT.L pmtieo in all eoerrta of the Stat?, ano civo apocial attention t collections. Office in O'Toe'e's Block. K. R. SKIPWORTH, A TTOBNEY AXO f OrXSELOK AT f-AVT AND SOT IKY TOO& Wit A, practice in all ponrta of the Stat M byines-s :itnisul to me prompt ly altfnJel to. Mm .'a O' Tool's r.lorh, EroalaU,; Strt, E. G. JOIXXSOX, M, D., HOMEOPATHIC ' Physician and Surgeor AlbRHj, lresroi. O To S't Froman! Jlr;nK. two !'im Kt of 6oauu r - iuirsk. nJO 2.5 TEIt V AXD FEED STABLE. Fiwt elaiw ehtclea, f5n horse, ioH feol. a?eomuiodating preprl-tora and r-a- : wmaOie charge. ive tneiu a call. Sfebltti near P.evtrd liouae. ojL DR. E. O. HYDE, Phycicicn and 3urgcon. Office at SCIO, OREGON. 1X7,. nf A E. W. IANCB63 a CO., Booka. Slaflonery and Toffot A r: idea, A Iare Sto:k and Iiw Prwe. CITT ID3.TJC3- STOHE, 2 i ut i vy. o uo:&o:v. FOSHAYA MASCK, wocw.j' ap r" il Drufflririisaad Kookstllers, AI.Siy, OSKOOf. vjnc4ltf REVERE KSySS, I f irst anl ntwmi-ft Albaoy, Oregon. 'Oil iDtm'il i . rt?-Uwl ui iu rli ..rl6. Tables i pp:iil with the ttcxi UM Mi '.-Kct ntftnlR, Si'rinjf Is. ds .u aravji Mitma a -i Mawtc ii.xiu t -r cmi m3riai Traroleni. tTVrt-- f -.acb la r.n.f EnM file HuMl.10 J..W. BEfllLEV, Custom Boot & Shot' 31aker. BOOTH-AND S!l-)-,s made to order, and repairing done wkh neat and clmpatcb, antd f.t hyw prioee. Call and wee him. First .tr. ef, Albany. 4lyl Aloaay Bath Hju.33. fTftil ONDBhSliiNBD WOULD RESPECT fally iiforn the citizani of AlL&nyaad vi naitytkat I have uksn charge ofthia kotablifh .j.-, t, ad, by keeping clean rooms and pejfitt r' t ironiion to business, expects 10 suit al thia obe uaj favor US with their pr.tronage Havia heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Glass Hair Dressing Saloons, nxjvaoUr to give entire aatisf&o .ii-n to al JJkiliien and Ladles' Hair neeily ea abaupooed. JOS WEBBER. St ilk VOL. XVIL POLK COUNTY LANDS. RICHEST FARMS, BEST PASTURES, TALLEST T1M8EH BEST WATERED, of any portion or Oregon.'Y. Atk tis iukI w win show yon tho riohost aul tlunst Farming- Lands, DAIRY LANDS, STOCK RANCHES, BE&VEP.DASB LAKES, Improvi"! or uiiniprov?il, in Ore- , ;t'i MILLS, ETC. ainl aell thm to you way down in prlot an! on F.ASY TERMS. WritOOff oall on ti .win BOS & DALASHMUTT, Dal!, Poll Co. . Or. IB I BUY THE BEST. The Stndetaktf WagOB Is the BBSnTaod CHEAPEST. ftlORHiSOH PLGWS UUUba Yangslder Spring Ear rm 5IEELTC3TH HARROWS P. & F. mod Pumps, Hay Presses, Fanning Mills, ett-.. For Sale at Lowtut Kate by AV. II. GOLTRA, AL3ANY, - - OH. JAM IIS l ANNALS, rorarruBE i bzcdinc. I'.rirr IVrrjr and e.iil strrrtn. U.1MM, - - KEC2X. Mafttrl Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest ratliartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure actasltj, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and practical ex psanont, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases canned by derangement of the stomach, liver and bowels, which- require prompt and effectual treatment. Avku's Pn.r.s arc specially applicable to this class of disease. They act directly on the digestive ami osaimi. lative processes, ami restore togalat healthy action. Their extensive nso bv fihysicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the mauy proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. IJeing comjK)unled of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable aubstances, they are positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be admiu istered to eliildren with perfect safety. Arm's Pills are an effectual euro for Constipation or Costivencss, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Ixss of Appetite, Foul Stomach ami Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness, Jhlionsricss, Juunniee, IChcumatLsm, Kruptions ami Skin Diseases, Dropsy, 'I iniinra W ornm Nenmltrlii. C olic. Gripes, Diarrluea, lysentery, bout, Files, Disorders of tho Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered btate of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. AVhilo gentle in their action, these FrLL are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can he employed, ami never give pain tinlesM the bowels arc inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to tho whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowe'.!, Mass. OLD EV ALL PRUUUISTS EVEnTWOEDS. A STOCK BMeH m EASTERN OREGON. A stock ranch of 220 aeros. with good outside range, located neser Bridge CreeK, ; in Wasco county, together wirh about 2u horses, to excbsmH lor land here in the j VVillameite Valley. N-;w, if you want to I sell yi nr firm and go into the stock busi . nese tn Eawtern Oregon, here is a chance for you. Call on - r address C. H. Stew- srt, aiteuty, Oregon. DR. MO IT'S Liver Pills are tho boat on thartic regulators. FARMS FOR SALE -I5Y- CLAIB H. STEWART. Real Estato Broker, ALSANY, ORECOW T!e MidiflMg ptrttel Hal : 70aro i-.eralH I nlf nillf wot of Tumnit . u w i ut naUcofrom AUmmij s.i H' Ti" hi mltivRtlon ; - UNI ttlOfi nn h put lit oultlvntlon funliy; litln- u,M"t IIiiiImt anl pactuiu land. HoUtVtofa wMk'k ptailio. Oood himaeaiKl han, OOd boord Uooa, til li tfo roitalr : younc ori lmnl uf 100 truO.: l M" 1 Ulld ritttnlOfl for xt.H'k ; i. ! whool, cliun h ami pet olllce ; khI nrhthliorhoiHl mikI k-xhI i t'tv. 'IdrniK f mi r ucie .'.uhi dotnt, rt- on eaiy tvrtua. '2Q aore1 u Nariow tin'iK'" rial,M mll" from Allianv ami tnlU- Irofll !-, ttnl 7! mil" fr.mi K ll. i v, hi. I .. urn.. I liirmiiK lan.l, 7' arroa in riiltivallou; r, inntmU-r in limt-r nnl hrtiHh; bOOW IBzSB, with Jti foit wall, e!l loxS ; I tiaru 22xM hi tli 11 fool lunl on 0M aitlo; ivhm! Icucra mul wntrr. IWflM ttM 0Mk SOWS if (.oaalble. Itllhtf than Ml will talu JtHM) io n, nmi tNilam-o im 2 lo 3 y jih tiiuo, MtHHirod by inoil.i. HH) arrw ? 'f mllo WMl -f Aibtnv: 10tJarrs In cultivation rml 1 MfM . ami a.s!i i ,n I woo I Inmhall umlm fence, boartt ami rail, aonie kmkI ami bad alniut MVM Hfllhtlti apple, M0My i ar?; paod "!: M ImihIuIi uiicai er a r on average; (OOdlWO MtOtJ frntiu' KHHMi j'lasliTi 1. 0 rOOOM, built i'u 17.1, adooM$MQ w-'i bora. iX 10 ami two sio-.N; wi ll uraigMl toe fftrui porpOi. TtTBM, JSOflt', fM tur.o oi tjuo. If.0 arra I '-J uiiImn wrat of Taiif'"H'; ! arnH in culti a'. ion; all nmv laul, chau ami in good older; kohJ two atory It H room, nwirly new and In pawl coudi ttOO: nood new lrn 3Ux.'H.; lino youn orchard, P 0 plum and pruuo troua, bur apple orvhard; fmx?a in K'xd order; plen ty nUUllBO wn'ir; J0 OOfOI f Kotal UlbOTl ri.-li, blm k ail and ry piodlMClvOa I'll' , "j cash and Laiamx on l ute. 10 1 arre 00 mid a ).r'l milr-i north mi t of Allf OJI 1'iH'Tw In w heat, r.l In lair uf.i: aroodbUKl; food londj dooi!j 0MO0P. lrl ? i-t OJ lrni ay. &0i MfTfra I mile aoniheaftl t4 Soda Springs ; foil fomfoo : Mosll honoM MO ooioa toneod. wui i Htiiii in mboII tracta or ail lOfther. u "l bMOL clioi. n am poat tfld ai ModOvUlM, alt the HodO pr.nt i'rl." p.r a. r. ; cany ti rum. MBoorea lying 3 mi: alav Ixdauton on iho I.fiiauon Mountain roa I. No feu cea or l0JMO0000OMl0. 14 or mrr tlm Iht, bOOMMO ru b ptOifiO land. PM0O$IB JaT atTM. n aen-M i yt mtkm obooo OnoolOa, on Ya- qOiOO Pay. aiiown at the ui.l y:-..d. It iih a !iiili'l frnun"i . liit l'y, and , ! ,.,: 1 M Bll pOMH ie. ' 7 a'-rea vUx U!uf and within J . -4 . of ijohooon. fit nndw fi?nc. i'i cultivation, and ttn mnaimier i .ii UmbOf and brii'h. Jt x bOOjOO, 1 1 r'.ify, - rOOOU belOW and n, above Bora, not very koI. Coo well ; u:a:l orehiird. L'ro4 feir oa to the amount of 'itiOO ratla. Mitllcieut rotd ood can I rut and float. d to Altin from ihi pio M by "ii ;. A few iODQtOri lO DOJf Jor U u tv yeara. Only mllo from canal. lW-w-ion Kiven by Iho l.'Hh if OcSObor. The land in rich and will turn out whott -in and 'J huaheix to the 00TO. Ill acre, lyinjr 0 nilloa du ea.t f r!sburu A pKai one storied Ih.x houe, I room. Ilrn, 20X3U, The land ban bOfOtOfMO 0O0O DHOd a a jnvtture, but 000 all In V into culli valton. No grubbing rcjidrc.J. ! '-s owloi from OBbOOt. TofOM lt l-r acr-). !,-asti down. bolllMH al rr..t any Ungth of x.vured by inorl- oja lif'-o arre, lyins wlc in m:h of Mm lOOb it. BeMOO county. AI. OOdOff lOOOl an-1 divided Into live fta'.da. All C'H'! f;rtn'1 ami half in grain. Qood boOiM and bant, aplwndid waur and a lim on-h ard. It i a of the let f.irma in 'ha' MHti ui of Ibo valley. Price $Z ra-r OON flOU-) or tl down and lalance on UoM lW.J'i acre lying .r rnile nnrtli-et .f Ilarrenhurc and 1 mile eatl of Nimbly .Station nil under f.-n; ISO acrv. to eolti vati .u, Hllowfft in paature, but im. I .t -ni l'ptii m ciiltl.atlon. !.'atoty huOW, bora v- mUor, eic, mile to hii.. j Prlee u , 128 neivo lytsf i m'.le aout!i of Albany and Z mile "from Tanuent 7.' mm-t m tmhiratrm oitd oil under (boot 98 mm more nn le out Into cultivation by out lay of 100. I Ion -o, burn, aph.'iidid wabT. A ftttO JOOMg orcliard, i'licc, f',0 jr acre. 4V1 aertia In I 'enter Precinct BOaHoo from Outlet Oil Narrow QoMO. lf a-rra in caitlvaUOU. lio.! Hi atorv house, water ronoo. rood houwf, born, and Boo orchard. and splenelMt All uiuler Price lt p.-r a. re. 240 acres lvinif a!oiit 20 inilea aoiilh east of Alnauy. Ail DJadOf fence, ainull, no buildings fit acres has boon cultivated, but It is all now ued an pas tore. Price 310 r acre. 'Jl.'J acres lying 3 inilea from RrOttdoa's BtattOB In tenter Precinct, all umler fence. 109 aerea in ctiltivatl in. ltrgo 14 story frame 00000. Bood liarn. asveral outbuildings, orehard u l roikI walor. Price, ftBl jier acre. swrrea, lying 4 rnlle? north of Albany. 100 under fence and In cultivation. Kair house, good liarn and good water. 1 -and raiea from 2-' to :J0 buODOia of WUOOt I'u t acre. PrtOO, $8500. V ill take 1500 down, and oulanco on time. aon s of land in Marion county, 5tlO lii mi.'oa from ilueua Vista and seven inilea from Jefferson. K0 aerrm in cultivation and balance iu light I. rush and timber. HoiiNe, Imrn and good orchard. Mooring mill within 2 Utiles. Fnough wood can bo wold t the pottery works at Poena Vlara to paj for too farm. (Jali on C Ii. Sll.Mrl.'. at ,tiiv. JrJBRVOUa DEBILITY. ! a fi SUR CURE GUAnkHTEED. DO. K. C. WKST'S N Kit'. K AND UKAIN TUEAT rneut, a ) io-;tflc f .r ffrcUria, Diaslaeaa, Con nilelooa, neaiuaa ffeaOaeae. Mutl i e..r !. - "I MeaaSfy, Siorinatirhnim. nioUiiiry, In voluntary tiniimi, ii iuatiire olti aire, :.-.-1 liy over-fcxtrttnn, tteif-abintc or oi-rr-induluetice, which lead to uiiiiury, ilacey ami deullt. One box will euro leasa 111;ik. I. i Imx nn into moiifh'ii bneaOaeat ; una SSAw e Ikix, urixboxv for fivu doHatS! aaot hy mail r. -..u i on ieeiit of prii-u, Wo gtiaraeU'O kix Woxea to cure any cam. W.i . mi--;!! onUr receivoH by im for nix Imxm, arcampaniml wntb five ilollam, we Mtail tho 'urchiuier our vrritU'Ti .guarantee ro roturn th money If tb troat Sett t'.fs not effvet a euro. Uuaraiitoc iiMued only by WOODABD, CLAKKE A CO , arholeaalfl and Retail Dtogrtlate, PerOsad, Onejo. Order by mail at regular price. HEALTH AT HOME ! Or, HaU'ii Vamlly Ooetor for the L'ae of aTseslllaiaj Showing h.1-' to iiivijr')ratfl and jireacn'o health, proloiiff lif.', ourj dlseaae ; the (iliyHicial condition of maternity, and the projcr manaifcnient of infants, aud dwcuamwK the entire phyMical wcli-Ucin? of man, with a vory lai collcctinn u( the uttest and most valuable medical prescriptions, by W. W Hall, A. ML, M. D. Kieifantly illustrated anil bound in one large octavo volume' of dl(J lati. Sold by aub criiSian. Ajcenta WanteO. Addrem A. L. Bun crufthCo., Uaikct Street, Ban Fraucijn. CATAltitAH CURED, health and sweet hreathsecurredby Shiloh's Catarrah Iiemedy Trice 50 eonta. Nasal Injector free. lights ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APR! I 14, WDBSfl " THE GREAT rt RMAN REMEDY. RHEUMATISM P ttBurafqia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Cackcchc, Soranoss of the Cho:', C at, Quiny, Soro Throat, Swo -rs and Sprains, Burns and ' Scalds, Coneral Bodily rains, Tzvth, Car and Road a cho, Frczt Feet and Cars, and all oihor Pains end Achos. rVtOWMIn tarth e.jnujt e J--- IMC, tlmiUr nut rHrttf, Kll i 1 A tlUI rhUlla till th a m.i .1 -( i nlUf i.f u0 !, it. mm tr t ' I . u u L..a d.-Bji an 1 j .un ju.l ti 0 Mimrtt-m In Ijkngnttr. COLD ET ALL DRUQ0I9TS ISO DBiXSU II KCDICIBE. A. "OGEUER St. CO.. j ..',,. , . , vi. v. m. a Mr J. II. P.ati:, Newwpaper Advertla. tofApaL 41 l'ark lbw (TlflMO iiuildliia') New York, la uthorl.l to i i. : for advertlHenu-ui In the mat at our beat rate. King of tho Blood .1 fiiirrr.rr and t"Rtv vvni fttaxetT, : iii. uUli Ibrm ailr UaaraM , ImaaHiy fu r.i m.ium. vr L . ... 1 fuming .' ' u ' ' 1 . t I.". ft to At! 1 I'HII. "l, fin "in If i. - ni la i Si .. ti. i. rwt Of M I Otl Ki J .. s '-, la pat ... l' ill. K2D CRQWN KILLS. BALLAllD, ISOS A ( ., rUOPUVS. m c rtjeOCBH J t 01 " OOnOJOO P00 r.iuu.trji axi nr.: w i Oft, BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Wheat. AL3Ars!Y - Myl Cash for OR. The Cor vail is Frail Co. WIH DBMhOOO 1l"niini r drlet fruit at full market 1 riOOS ; Will ai-nd a OOBipotonl DOfOOn to alvlae fruitgrowers ni Ui cultivation of or addt Bone to orchanla ; Will rappty fruit troee of iproved afrra at ojodoroio prtoooj Will Mil nnnUBOf I-'rieralliroinjh Linn, BonOOB and Ijiio eountiaa. I OatOtO t booOBt n ( ' II h re' 'orr. Iany, CorvaMia, Itentou County, o-egon, WAf.Lis nasi I, rieotiaonl. .Iamjcm Kr.AMAK, Seo'y. January 1. hrf 24vn THE COMPLETE HOME, lt Ka. WrN'Aiit WainiiT. ThU work 1 eotnj.lete I'l.tnt.tlr- Uuc.tor and Practical II iti.lilit l.w oivur, eatitainiiii; : TIim 1 ' urn lutloii of a II- in. . BeesHhaM Baaekaasr, Htefeaeas a I llt-ilth, Iunn ii laOastfy. MiHiiiltntity, Our Cltllilrcn, floautv in UtJ It .in-, .;.."! M-iuii. : A". :.ti 'i tu !'i. , Ifi.w t' Mkn if.itiio 1 1 - 1 ! . Ut Mm! -i Homo, Methom of Wottrsaaj. ets. am oaaaessntts arlur or lllirarr. Taia eossptste work, ol asady OJO pates, I aoii m anaeoriadaa, At:ni vsnnlrd Adilren A. L. A O'., Tli Market Mtnral, Hen l riicl u. 0. B. P. Win. 3 iiaiileiK BRUHTaarn MARoa 2ft, 1H"9. la tho people ji ipular remeily It W warranto.1 to fc-'ive aaSaafjiuOon. if you want ItaOtajewlal'i c'i atj'.he mco We don't publish thorn, but rofor yon to the dealer anilj-oimuinora. It haa ne equal. l tt bottle or Ii bottloe for S. BiE KiVES FOR SALE. I have shout ono hundred of tho cele brated langatroth Bee Hive for aale eheap ami ato have Roma Of the Italian heea which I will dispose of on easy terma. Iioth hivosand boas will 00 sold at less than eoti 31m2 W. C. Donf.RTY. SlilLOH'iS VITALXZER l what yoo need for Constipation, T.oa of Aj.-potite Diszinesa an I all aymptoms ef Dsit p8ia. Price 10 and 75 centa per bottle. AffKIl I.Wt. lKAKM. Tito inrticuliini of a caHn whtroin lie tiin in dihcounted have recently court t lifht. A roumnro iu real life, in which the lirat act w.ia played nearly ttfoj yeara ao, has jitat, been brought to a liapy turuiinuttou hy the union fur ever of two fond ho li t, wliicJi n cmel fate had aeparatel hy a diotOOOO of J in ilea for half u cntury, looting tern V0040. Ferry -oight )eaia John Snuolero, ene of tho weaUhioit cattle kinga of Montonn, who wua then a poor youth, with frothing ti rcooin uiund him but a "p tleit reputation, u hrae heart, ami a love for the boOOli Inland pure, brcatue enaiii -trd of a Kentucky blle, hoco father ia a rich man. II ii teudrinem i. i(ro cated, but. tho prnt tjf the fOOiOg lady refuted hia outiavnt to the m U nmi wi iuexorahlu. fouog Sauudwra waa pwerlea t.. fdlMgO IE0 old iu,'h mind, and Oil tOO ImmMN ' I to prraa hia ou t in a faOOeohol i arbero hi preaence wae unwelcem-. lie, tLeief tre, tMtiffhl 10 interview with the giri'a pareut, who fit the IfOltf third and laat lima told bitu to ah Ion all ho; of laarriage a far aa hia d.ui ;'iter wai eoueeraed, ai ilia duTrence in thrir aacial eattiene wa an lua in.i in. able harrier. 1 oould tratinfrr my pioerty into a to. 11 tot: dollara, oaah," waa UlO haughty repiv. Very well," anawere I yuunt l4iit dvra, "to morrow tuoiuiog tlOAOO fof the ire! to carve out a I'ortuar, and whoa I can size tip to your million dol lar 1 will return ai I claim my bride, for 1 koow ahe wili he true. ' The young man kept h: prOOJ I after a lonjr and painful interview wi'h his inamorata, aud with a fuH Ottifit attack out bravely fir the Wooofra Territorioo. Since that tune forty. eif(ht yeara bavo elapsol, duiiu erhiok, wttb vatying attcceaa, he ha dippr I it. to nutaereua eulerpriaca from the liutuh line to Seoura. lie came to Montana iu the 3oriy days and emhatked in the eatt'e bastneaa with a l;rm of HolottO, with such a remarkable kOOOOaO h t the firm now own nearly ' head on the Telon. About a tziMith ro BeontloiO figured up ha aaeet, con cluded ho waa worth a coal million, and immediately Ml for Keptockry K found the love of hie vo tit dV wait- ing fur him, vtt f: ie i a?i i 'ajjeful "f his final arrival TwO two we . roar lied with aa little cf em . .v aa pOaaibo, and expert to oo awfBcionliy bopff for the rettiaird-T uf their llVOi lo OOaVJ Oil sate th' m tut long yoois ofbofo ' ferred and afjiMratioii. Th.-y m r. v in IJutte thie OOOOiHg and tAe mimi a' th St. Nichola-, and, efr a 1 : visit, wiil proceed to tin t w bom- m rhcTaton Valley, wtct0 ktO gTOOM i really rcajiceted. IiUf Mmtnt Otff. resDitu. Tho photographs f Cr!y!e pro to be - strong reaemblaut o to poet I. U. Stoddard. The uaeen of Sj.ian has t-u: by eiid the i s C-.' I'tj .ri HUNWfaawiNi .. . ... ' comJeh 00 to Mra. QorttOUL It ce t0 Coogresatnan ' x ai..l wif. just O'g't '.boussnd rlolloro to makn an eight monlbt' journey ahroad. The drawinp, rctn curtaina of (ien. Grant'a New Vorlc )ioom are to ha linial.eJ in point !ae, heavy aa VoBO lian. A lialtimnresn offers to Hie fodoroJ govarrnent Washington'if aword-knot f silk am! silver tinsel ontltOO with a time?! rosette, f r the sum of $1600. A t stvle table cnitie idece is n Ivierl of crack ie. IteO OOOOBinaBiOi hy a pair d ailver tong, hir ail to sop plv iheineelvo, if ICO la deiid in cliempufpie or water. Tin late M U..U..U 1 wool C'hrietii.e Nilaaoti when sl:e wn, a r ruling oV hutanle at the Tlieatre Lsrie00. It wae a thorough lore match, aud she has the sympathy of the world. The man who claiuia to have taken the lirt load of ere from tho Comateolc lode, Franeii Sear", it on a vinit to Pittafifh", Ma., after fourteen tears' absence at the Sandwich Inlauda. A son of ex Prsident Tyli-r bv hia loot Beeiioleo. Mr J. Alexander Tyler, being ia Ualde'berfr at the bmakinrj out of the afronoo Pi nojiBn wur, jiinod tbe OorBMB army, aud was proiuutei for gallantry. The wife of John Ad.iiiiH, the Chat tanooga, Term., lamplighter, attends to and lights more than half the street lamps in the city. She climb tke poats with remarkable agility. The lamnliifhter himre'f is a one armed man. New York "tooilty is having mar row bunen pofvod as an entr.?. The bonea ate brought to the table folded iu a ntj.kitt. Witb thein is a queer looking, bmdeef-ahaped PpOOW, wLlioh the kieeramith lave ItttroduOOd to nuet the Intnioo. The marrow is u.ttun with a thin, plain crumpet. A BXIVAM OA VY ATaO. As the nhttO mules pxoe sedately dowu the roughly-paved ptVOOtP the' ladies keep a hand ready lo make the customary signal of greeting from the . . . . . f a . . carnage window. to their menus at the window a and balconies of tbe treat. It is an imlasoribably fascinat tng gesture, bo swift and subtle, al most liko a Heeling expression serosa the face. It is made by. a quick flutter of the second finger, the hand boing raised palm inward, to a level with tbe eye. How much its charm is en hanced by the beauty of those dark, Southern eyes it half conceals it would take a very stolid observer to decide. It seemed to ma excessively intimate. In Morelia, I believe, it is kept for one's frienda only, but in the capital it is the UHual greeting at a distance lie tween sceuaintsiices. I havo seen nothing prettier in t.hnir social cus tome, except the way the Lidies meet and lean their checks together, Olid. pl ch other softlv on the back of t lie oulder. Hary Hallock Foote, 188. KT.ITK it:h. Forfiomo Hat paat tho farmor.i f Mnn county huvn Iron lab -rin fr u,i opposition ferry thh place. II la now cofnpioiot!, anil will lo put In active bpnrat Inn a Koon nn tho win rnjio, whhdi la alroudy on Iho way, OITiOOO. They propon o put iho rut oh of fcrrhtfo down very low not In OlflOjid otot half tho prOJOEBt price. The l.tndipfon tbnothor eldc of the river will Ixt Ml tlm aouth eat corner 'f Henry Bflioi'l place, nnd at the flouring mill OB thil Hhle. This will be e;roel Mooring to iho farmer of Linn county, to weom tho high rule of ferrhijp h ivm bon a heavy liUreJeti lOT many your-. T ho ferry company Ih n joint abiek luhlittillor, and there ni' upvnrd of 11 ft Mt x-k holders. Thn dlroetoro nrc Won, r.o-ue, v. j, ililhank", Aetna lUflir, lnry El liott and n. r. rioeiwr. w wish them puree , (heir under tuklng. JBSooion !. iltr. Gkr. Thnjrtff Itno foooBfty uppdnt eii J. c. chirk of Gorvola, C .. ffj Doogtll of PortUnd, W. Ii. Jiirr of Aibnny, C Ji. ttonnrtool Ccrvai-, j. B. UptoO of Orotown, J. E, Klrhlnnd o Milton, and o. F. Botl of DnlOB, n itetint p iklle for Ofogon. Work i prrraairi Mf.hlly on tho lino of tho O. H A S. Co. 'a road to tho OoooodOO, a very larjo number of ramji of QHtBOH ImIo Krattered alori'tho trr.ide between here and the BtBdj, The lirat camp was niOlQll wrof tho Sandy Inst Wed no-day, and others will .n fullaw. Tho Chlnooo lirm of ("uritf I.un-t' r , 0f this City, Bit 14 loami on the Hoe. Tho Company are moving tiio-fr onhos, drrKit., otr., frvmi the Washington Torrltory Hide of tho Columbia at the t carlei to i m-w .i!o of a lown on iBOOrOfFoo side, to U ci.ilcd IiannO vllie, and !afor prj the Caeade EOTMgOj and Dalle will !e tt tho pnt.-njtWamrl A. hL Csmpho;!, who was arreated IB i'orllantl In DbomboW, 81, on au plrlon of m int: concerned In tho rob tiory of t!ie ..hi tho post offl-e at OreW.o:i City, but was ihKUTf4 for VABt Of pfOOf, BOO boOB arrestinj ot Oroi::, OoX, and Is lo ho brought to Oregon oti a reiUlsltion from tho ; Governor, to ho tried on thu aamo etoorgo. Ills thought aumcieiit ev. kloneo Oan 1h produccsl to convict him. j0eYanrfnPai WmOrogon orbleh asiied Tud or l.t-t weok brjgh i c.ibin pa MBgors, 471 In tho wloerage, and lS82toM of ftotgkt of which 148 Until for Astoria. It is worthy of ro- 'rk lhat more than t00i passengers " iv. ii in i oriisnU ier steamer in the frfxteta days ending April C. i BiJt a rt re. The gnefrleJaJcOOf dogs is always .fiongly arid. Artillrhd VUllilhtcin lit! llledo from I t!ieMtiof the i, Inn tron " 1 " f!r,..!,.. .1 t. . . . with u'.trniiihrlue, NtfpluitO of tin Bad olutn. ftahiofl -re ii ribiBB but crv,ta:ixed n.uiiii-i ., with s Intl.. coloring mat ttr. . . .... w " Tho li'tiijK r uuro at which dry rot of ttmbtf prot'eeds raiddly is SO ' r. OhloiBeVlllU. chloral hydrate and n! tiuiho Nooiii UM'.xert a imiiar wide IBBtffl of action. In point of nitrogen, one gallon of milk oqiliiti m p-utnl t.f lean meat. Flbro from the leave of the pine Bpntn plant KBOmblslOjOtC, and may, Itlrt thought, ho titilir..d in m toufuV ttl ros. Zlae boo keen found iu the humsu liver, in the ttvoff aud mnnlOQ of iho BX, In egf, wheat, barioy and corn. The r ito at which BqBOuOi vapor If given ofr hy plants is tnofO than one and a quarter ounces per RqOBfB foot of leal nurface every twelve houra. The rotina of Iho frog, niter boing removed from tho eye-hall and blear ed in the I sunlight, will, if placed in the tlurk, turn lirst yellow, then huff, and Inotly T'ho red. retrolctim lum been med as fuel on hoard steamers. One tank of oil, situated ot the remote end of the ship, would hold fuel sufthdent for a double trip. Tbe he'd bender of our Western rivers- -tho largest American jaletn ander breathes entirely by means of its sum, winch, to expose mon nur- face, Is greatly expaaded, lying In ugly folds. Tho milky sap of many plants con tains caoutchouc, ittapended in tho form of minute, transparent globules, these being frequent as small as 1 21,090 t 1-50,000 of an inch in diam eter. Though oxygon in heavier thnn nl- ttTtgen, and therefore ought to fall to t lower level than that gas in the at ntoophero, no difference has ever been found to exist In the relative proportions of the two. When the stomach of the se cu cumber becomes troublesome, from Indigestion r other causes, It ejects it through its mouth along with its other internal organs, and quietly awaita tho growth of a new set. Tho waste liquor of gas. works, com bined with tho slaty shales found among the coal, yields alum, used in the manufacture of ptpor and prep aration of leather; copperas, or green vitriol, used in dyeing, tanning and tho manufacture of ink and Prussian blue, and sulphuric acid. The following tost is given by the French Academy for distinguishing f.ilse gems from diamonds. If the point of a needle or nml hole in a card, when seen through the stone, appoirs d mbie, the stoae is not a diamond. All colorless gems, with the exception of the diamond, cause double refraction. NO y7. Tho Epissoual Church. HY BEV. BOBX L.STKVKX& XI. We hae now IneJool aith the wit ness to the truth of thj three feld ministry horn by the tarty writers in the Ohriotoio Cnntonv We mast tiotice agHin, h wever, lh aaaertion that tho latjroon of proof line upon the EpBroOpoi Church to rrOOoldtaE it a sys tem. J to i c ao oaaiiy ACieionl aecU that it Mould ts aa lllij uoaihlo aa 1 1 1. j 1 1 v h t., oOHfOoOffOjM tOst d.lfwrut theories upon which thy jusufy the extstencH. Our strongest o n,enta on far as learning m OOnoorBOrl, are un doubtedly the Frrabtteriana, who claim that then actio ui iunvn.- the Epis copal CfcBtOB or CLu-cb of Eogland, had sound acripturol and bistorie grounds. They baverJscted the Kpie P0fO)l furm ed (Jburcb tJovernuient cause they claim that tLe FmoOJ t sohebie wan eeta'eliahed by tbe Af tles, and thmr line of reaswnieg If fallowed by ell tbe other sects. We rjUOtO tts worde of a Fiea byterian lince wformol to aa tbe ataadard sutboiity on tbe Cbrietiaa Ministry in the United Statea : J)r. Miller's work on "tho Primitive aad Apoatolic Order oflbeCharch of Cbrtar Vindicalod." lie wrote ibis ioek to centroveit tho claims which tbe Lp a OOnol Church baa always made to thoeo who left her ranks. He assorts in bis preface that by controversy alone eao the truth be maintained, be ssye : "Ac cordingly the whole history of the Church has been one cantineed xm plifioatton of the principle, that the truth ever has been, and, as long a this militant state conttnuoa, over must bo maintained by contro vei f." Thus from tbe eommenceraeat of tbe exiateuce of any aeet, it has had a coa truvery with tho Christian body it out or (dissected) itself from. If a controversy be of aoy impor tance it concerns facta or truths. Con troveray la defined by Webster aa, "the eipreaaiou or maiaUinance of feelinge, opiaion or course of action, contrary to or diacordant with those of others, eotttOBtion, dipate, debate.'1 Wbsre trns Cbrisliau lovo and charity prevail there is but little controversy and as a ruin nothing is more unprofitable or evil in it elTecta on Christian oharac tr than debate on matters of religion. When a debate arises as to a coaa mealy accepted fact, the burden of prool lie with the party starting the moooion. flhoald a man asseur that ho such )eisoii as Najolea Ilonapsrte existed, it could he replied, "it is a mutter of common belief that he died leas than a hundred years ego, .ad while I cannot bring a living witneaa to swear to this fact, it is not toy part but y oars to proro your denial." While every ooe would allow tho reasonable nsaa of this answer, let ua apply the aanie reasoning to the central truths of ( 'hriatinnitv and bow do we lind it mot ! It . eommon matter of ldiaf that Ln.-. i. i lj i .nnBt iitw, "Ul R W lUlKVirP, lH- tjat.hlishfd a Chatc'i. lint indie: elr-ny ibis and maintain that tho sciip turtp are nn'nte. 1 . tbe bmajeu of 1 f'1 milh ll,ow wl,B CCI1 d,M' i . . aa - tbe truth I Must assuredly it is con trary to every principle of right judge ment and common sense to make the burden of proof lie a pen him who ac cepts what is commonly believed and practiced, but he who denies tLe fact must make good his aasertion. Tbe truth if attacked must bear defence. Chriatianity munt defend its truths though it can aleo furnish tatisfactory of evidence of a jeitive kind and con vincing to any mind ejieu to convic tion. In the question as to what font id Church government do the Pnttpttatoo show as exiating, on whom does the burden of proof Im I The St ctarians aav, it Ilea uOjii MO, while we r it reaia with them. Tlitia there ia a controver sy aa to who raised the contrare-ray, and many becomes so dingusted with the dispute that tho whole quudtion is laid byo as unworthy of attention. But difficult aa the qaeetion st ems to a e a many persona, it is made bw liy a tor getfulnees of bow we act in ail other questioas involving gieat issues, and this ia a great usue if the Kpieeop&l Church baa any claims at all to a hear ing. We have h simple rule whica we will apply. Before the Church was divided into tbe present denominations was it ribCopal in government or not. Every oue can tiace the existing de nominations back to the reformation, and before the information, the Church was Episcopal iu form. In rlngland where a national reformation took place this Epucopal form waa retained. Here and theie a voice wan rained calling Episcopacy Popish. Iu making this caargo eaiuat the Ctiuroh of Eng land did not tlie bar ien of proof lie with the oppouents of the national sys tem 1 I o a m that this is the test question of all that 1 am writing about. An honest answer will prove the truth fulness of intention and wiliiesue to receive testimony for what is worth and without prejudice. To say taat the burden of proof lay with tho Episcopal Church would leveal a prejudice against her system which ehowi that no fair representation of the question is possible. Iu all other matters when a question arises the party dissenting from established usage must jaove his point and until '.hi proof is generally accepted it remsius with them not simply to defend their assertions but to prove them. This we elaim to be a rule, a law of reasou. When then we look at the facta they tdand thus, the great majority of the Christian world is Episcopal in form, and it is also ac knowledged oa all hands that for four teen hurdred years the Church was everywhere Episcopal in form. Dr. Miller, with reference to the form of AhPl0K, Mis , a. goveininent immediately after tho ludes to ti e euro of D. O. Jutld, E$q. times of th Apostles and during, tho Supervisor of Postal Cord Manufat first three centuries kv. " V ere tery, who was cured by St. Jaeotn not afraid of the te.tiinony of these Oil of rhtn natlsm at.d neuraigfs early witnesses. On the contrt ry we Bridgeport ( Conn.) Standard ADVERT 18150 Ti ATEa. 1 wk 1 1 nr. i JEm 1 " 3 " 4 M 1 ipi 2 00 son 400 fi w 7 60 1000 isoo 3 00 &00 .-,00 700 HW 10 00 7 00 1250 0 00 1500 12 00 1800 i 15 00 2T,00 j j goon 400j , 800 fSon 100 1800 1300 22 00 1800 27 00 2.-. no 35 00 )tJ0 48 00 4000 60 00 00 0 1 100 00 II special oainenN iiour omen 1!' cents per line, notlcea 10 centa oea4lne. Kefraiar locoi For legal and tranaient ad verttaement ft 00 per square for the flrat IBBBBBBB and rafennu per square for eavah mibeeqneut Insertion. are persuaded that tbe more this branch of testimony is examined the more it will be found to sustain the Preabytew ian cause." ,"... by what method. He states that ha baa beyond doubt proved Presbyter taeiam from aeriptare, and ho explains vry paveage in tb eaily Fatbe-rs to lie in eocerd with thi ll its method of proof is so reu ; b'e that I give a pott job mf it. His fiirst count again the Pyi of Kpisoopacy is "The alleged of deanm, as eae of the "ortlois ol BP ' baa ao foeadatien whatever ia BP0 word of Oed." He tbeO qoate Acta VI 27. and aavs that he will relv on tho BiWo faeW that only te preen this, ami i hen aeaerts. "it rniliutes aotb iug PBOiBOt tbta pleia etateieut of tb inapircd historiaa that be rprtaeute rr.' pfjen. enn of tbBae deacon, ai, aoon afjer fete appointment, dafeodiaif him self wivb great poesm aefere the Jxniah council. BBfJ Phjlip aaether of tbem employed, in a veatr mr t t-. hi ordiastion ta the deaeotmhip, prea :n' and baptizing in Samaria. With reaprct t Btephsrf, it is not said that be either preset) er baptized. Ho etrnody replied to tbos wbe "diapated witb him," and defended hiasealf before the council by wbioh be aO arraigned. aVnal aa to Philip when we teed a few chapters onward ia the sarae hook we Itnd O'.m apokon of aa Philip the Evan eiiotrarhioh wan ooe of the seven. In I n h i r , uatU it oan be proved that Pbthp preaobed and baptized aa a dea con, and no as an evsaoliet, which we are very sere sever can be proved, tbe allpfBSien that the ipestolic deaoona otr-1 reacaers is perfortly deetitato of scriptnral support, or rather directly pe-stcd to tbe scriptural arcosat of lite iBQlilBtion of tbeir office." A child can perceive the fallacy of this ramaoning. Ia the eixth of Acts we re-ad that Philip waa ordained a deacon: when we next reed aboat him io Acts VIII bo is preaching and bap tizing, come years later he is called on evangelist, but there ia no statement that bo was not n daaeoa when he preached aud baptized. Appropria ting Dr. M tiler a words, wo oould re ply with jutt as much trath. "in abort until it oan bo proved that Poilip pre&cbfd and baptized as an Evangel ist aaJ not as a dcacoa, which we are very eare never can t proved, tbe a. legation of the Presby toriano that the Apostolic deacons were ant preachers is perfect'r destitute of Scripture! eop art or rather directly eppoeed to the scriptural accouut of what they did he caaee all we know about Philip whoa bo was preaching and baptizing is that he wae a deacon." 8ha!l tho question he decided eiroplv according to a man's likes and dislikes! Would it net lo far more omthfnl to aav that the estab iiahed order shall stand nntil disproved t If tbe cerumen practice is to bare no weight let ns apply thie same reasoning to the subject nf infant baptism. "Un til it can proved that tho Apostles bap tized infants and we are very aura that it can never be proved the allegation that infant taptiam is right is petfoctlr di'.itute of Scriptural support." And with just a logical reasocinr, the eeventh day Aiveslists might say. "In aboit nntil it oan be piovd that the Christ instituted Sunday for the Sabbath rod it never can be io -1 a -Ration that IBO aKohath dev. ' he the first day of tb weak ia tailv dootitBto of scriptural support or rather directly ojvjiowd to tbe oeriptnrnl ac count because we know they ohoerre the seventh day." To et-ape this anfair reasoning it is neeeasary to follow tbe cnatoms of the Church provided, they accord with scripture. And in denting with the witnesses not t take part but all their testimony on subjact. Tea ques tion then ia in this poeittor. All de ar' ions claim to found their prac tice on Soriptavoi their reasoning from the Sctiprnrea: ia perfectly satiafactory as regards themselves but in doing ao they violate christian charity and unity. Is it not presumptuous in the highnst degree for any one to say that his reason ing on this point is absolutely correct! Dare any member of the numerous sects, say that his opinion taken from Script ure is undoubtedly snre? Men p eerie as ed with the name PpirtnoJ attainmenti and gifts hold a d tTaient vinejr: there is than a queatien aa to which ia cor rect and such qnestioi i it to be set tled iu the Church se in aav ether so ciety. He who voluntarily cats aiia sell off from h:e btathi-en through pelf opinion in any hnman society practical ly ceases to become a member of that society. And there ia the like danger in connection with the C'hnrch of Christ. S m persons will tay iff the eeriptoroa do nnt settle this nnection I prefer to leave tt unsettled, oat the scriptaroo do nut raiae this question at all. The qneation ie eononrraing the intcrpreta tioh of acripture. The issue ia raised by those whn ddl'-r from what the Choroh of Christ haa praetieed so far aa c have traces ot Chnrch history, and the burden ef proof falls BOt ou the Episcopalians but on those who hold thrt there is bnt one order properly so called ef the Mieiatry, Dr. Miller says "It will be easy to show that Christ gave bat one commission for the office ef the Goapel ministry, and that this office is net three feld hot one." Fat says St. Paul 1. Cor XII. Sat ' God has set aom in tho Church first Apostle; secondarily prophets thirdly teachers, etc." Thus in ex amining the testimony ef tbe early wri ters ef the Church it cannot be assumed without presumption and bigotry that Christ's commission and appointment of the ministry was in a oisgle &rder and all lovers of christian antty will al low the established ministry to stand unless we find the early chnrch did not hold the truth as we have it. In onr followinc papera we w ill 1 brin? these witnesses forward in detail. in Lrx-sd OrT-