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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1882)
tmmt FXUDAY APRIL SI, 18812 , . BABY'S GOT THE MUMPS. Fun in a Fifth Street Family. fiiTa:ivonto l'o. -.-u 1'iiioii.) As s reporter WU paaslnpr along J Btraet yesterday afternoon, between four and flvo o'clock ho oUserved a neatly attired but boundless young lady rushing into tho old estahlHhed and favorably known drug emporium of H. G Kirk ft Co. The ftifa man ner indicated heyoud a doubt that she was in a terrible excited state of mind. Her "bBft" and fr iz saa" had evi dently been neglected that day : tier keen tfark eyes were full of tire, and in her left hand she clutched a red uorKvo purito. Attwce the thought (lashed ncron the mind of the pencil suovor that hero might bo a ehanee for an iti a senaMloa nayhe. He lniekly f l lowed tho ludy into the store, where she w.t u'werved t) rush up te one of Ue clork and exclaim : "Baby got the mumps; quick,qutek, jive me a bottle t: that tjreat tier in n Remedy." Het request being promptly complied with, she hastily hauded tiie drug clerk (i.'ty cents and f, -ted. "My scusathw Is spoiled," thought the man of new.," hut as I may some day have a bcl with tho mumps, I II try to gain a little infor mation which in fat are ye irs may pis sibly enhance my d woeaHo felicity. He accordingly apperjecaed lh gen ial managing partner f the use named Mr. Joseph Hahn wuh the question, "What do you know about baby's wth the mumps ami ttiH m eaWed t;reat Grmari Reindy ?" My esteemed friend or - imin ohsorv d the jofly know thai mumps, rhet it; . ,d all similar painful trou' 5 give way to tho m g leal ioHf s of the remedy in iuc.--tion 8c ,eob's Oil, just as butter melta " .he sun. Aa they siy way dowr , Memphis, J 90 came from thr eighteen years ago), it just 5 ps the deck ;ia a pain killer. No . rja ii our houso has ever enjoyed large .1 s do a St. Jacob's Oil, and aoneseemi to give such great satii factlon. We can scarcely keep a stock on hand, This morning i tele graphed te Baltimore for twenty -five grass. Wo have over thirty vrders t-diy for the article from the coun try ail around. To Jackson, Amador Cay, Grass Valley, lloeklio and Lin coin wo shipped no less than thirteen dozen bottles yesterday. From everr wkere we hear of its wonderful cura. tive properties and the oil is going just as fast as that immense adi rt mant of holiday specialities you se yonder. P hy ouly last Saturday an old hdy banded me this clipping from the San Francisco Cktonicte, with the eowru that the oil was befoad ah doubt the greatest discovery of the times. It had cured her of severe rheamat wm." For the boneth of those who may beamicted with this painful n'x liif tk a 4 - , m herewith produced. As stated above. i: is taken from the culanns of the bin ir ran ciseo Chroiucle. A ffentienian connected with the Saa Francisco press, who has mure than a usual dojirs to inform himself? on current events, and to become ac quainted with every fact of import .ance, has had considerable expeii ence of late in ascertaining the real standing of a certain grille which is being prominently placed before our peopie by means of the press and oth erw4se. He has made diiigent inquiry. Neither rich cor poor has escaped his researches, and he is compelled, even agdn-j; hi inclination, to acknowl edge tho popularity of the article in question, and that the demand, at present great, is growing steadily. In the courae of his rambles he dropped in at the S?iby Smeltiag and Lead Works at North Beach, whar.i he had a chat with Mr. Layne, the Sup erintendent, The gentleman remark ed : "I recently ha.j occasion to give St Jacob's Oil a thorough trial. Thad bruised myscif baeiy ia the cheat, and Um Great German P.ernady u p p'ie ' It the most happy ruit' " aid M.r. Layne, "and furthermore I have cured ray horie of a .sprained ankle by the use of tho same oil. The reporter made a mental memoran da of the Case, and whon h saw W T Wenztdi, the pharmaeaatkai hem iat, corner of Market and Stock! m street, he aUo asked him his opinio:, d the Great German Remedy. KM, aaid Mr. U'enzell, "the mtr and more thoroughly the paWh; know all aouut tow St. Jacob's Uii the batter. I Uiink they are kerning Its aaerffe rapidiy, fr it is th best selling ar: eta I have ia stojk. It fa ssf to say judging by my oustoraer,' reperta; it is an admirable thing f,,r rheumatic paia-jand all kinds of aches." Jamc H. Oatei, at the corner of Now Mont gomeryand Howard streets, is anoth. Hi druggist of repuiatioe who wa eonuited 111 regard t the rmpdv its uses and popularity. Ho nuL hfM opinion into words wi.h greit prompt ai4a uispaten. You cn tell yonr readers," said he, "that St. Ja- coo ;, uu his had big success v. ith me. I sui selling It right alone, and rov customers ars high in their praise f it as safe aud efricacious in easea of r.jeumatism ar.a pains of all kin js." Thanking Mr. Gates ft? Uwinftriua lion, our sesreher after facts called in at the German drug ntore of Messrs. Hertzig & Schultze, comer of Third and Everett sheets, and were told by them that their customers spokn verv highly of tho oil as a cure for all pains, "i he bst proof of its poplar ity," continued Messrs. H. S, tjs the alnaost incessant demand. It i selling like hot cakes, and wo have to order supplies almost daily. I think, the druggist added, to tlio in. formation gatherer, "you had hotter go among the workshops to get bed rock facts as to the reputation of the great German h'euaody." Agreeing this wai a good idea, our indefatiga ble truth-seeker wended his way to wards Mission, Beale, Fremont and Min streets. His first encounter was with Mr. 0. C. Oiimor, foreman of toe extensive mill box and factory of Ilobbe, Wall & Co., Beale and Union j street. Mr. Gilmore cheerfully te- street. 31 r. liiimore cheerfully te titled to tha efficiency of St. Jacos Oil in cases that had ome under ftis own orvion. -1 ronswer it tne . . . . t 1 -,t a . ueai msoici ne in the world for ih ju- un.TtLim," hesaid, ' tne Men 1 oft Ik mine was cured of a severe tuse by its u-e, and another recovered from a lame back after applying tho oil a few limes. You can get plenty of facta af the sumo kind In this neighlor hood." Mr. (!. 8. BlgfoW, one of thw proprietors of the Western Iron Work, 310 and 318 Mission street, between Fremont and Beale, was oven warm er in his praise of St. Jacobs Oil than Mr. Gilmore. To use his own words ho considered It "the bo.s medicine for rheumatism" for he himself had :een cured of a severe casu by Ita use. Pursuing his euquirles the gatherer of facts entered the Mechanics' Mills, at tho corner ot Mission and Fremont street, owned by Well, Uuoi & Co., whore ho was Introduced to Mr. John Wolsh, tho foreman, "Have you any oxperlonce," ho u.-ked, "of ibis St. Jacob's Oil or observed wheth cr the men in tho shop use it rs a remedy in case of accidents or for pains V" I believe they u.o noth ing but this U," replied Mr. Il'ehh "Ono ot the hand employed In the mills jammed his fowl badly not long ag,. and a short tiuau after applying tho oil thoroughly he was entirely cured. Had it not been for tho Groat German Kemody ho would have been laid up for a week. In mv opinion there is no article undr the sue. equal te St. Jacobs Oil tor the purpiso it is designed." Being pretty well BStU Bed, by these inquiries, of the i!u.' of tho Great German lluinedy and the jniversallty of its use, the gen tin man of tho pros had concluded to stvk further ; but it was SQggeat el to him that the Fulton Iran Works, the Important establishment of Hinckley1, Spiers & Hayes, on Fro mont street, might contribute to hbj t'ek of information, and ho beet bis way thither. He found the proprie tors, and their testimony W9M BKMt conrluivs. -St. Jscoqs OUa91 H said, "li an indispensable artt nur works. The hands oi::p ; thoy cannot do without it. They have used tho remedy for sprains, bruies, burn?, cuts and all kinds of hurts and ae idont, and it has never failed to cere. It i- aa article thai 1 worth the highest rev-m me rela tion." ci ::i.o tK in?: rctNcvtuui Mrw I Messrs T. a Prlea and C. .'. Burekhart ore vtstthfg friends in this plaaa. Abo Hacklemn Mid family has baeu stofpltjg In town tho past W9 k, J. E. Jeflbryearuo down from tle Upper Ocboce on last Tuesday. He brought $14 la Hitlo nugjret. stS a peeimon of mu il ijs wur, .-highhanded. Notico small pcatoss saaeaAdog tho aaie uf a -urt if the fflhvti 'f IsteWm. M-. iiii Je. yrbo wm dteva ed in Crooked river a few week- . Mri. McBride intendi retorntag I i :he vsUey, and tfastrea t fivll wh t will not be easily 4rseayesteit O. U S. A. The tisae lor tlj Sjiriujr i jdei is Dear at hiod, sod thoc w'o dealfe to lito.:i j mouiV-rH of the Ovhoej Live Strnrk Ass i ttioa should v furvrard lassaoiliatsly and wign ths eotsrtilatien. Tue fee fur heeesejaa a nessber hi only this cents. The pcasldeot of Ihe District alsali as sU tu maet f ir reoaeltatlsci and SflSHfesasBi of sprleg riding. Those iiviug hi a Uiiitncs and Who have not yet paid their fee-s and signed the uotssUtetiso ef the AasseJ i lion east becoms saeaaheraby aaadieg name ami BoeBejTi io the s x inty at Prineville. Stbck men shouM 0 una forward immedUtely and show theil arftUssjpaaa for unity f actloo hi tho work that will soon oeaameoca upou the range. The bsasflts of this A .soeiatiou have been fuily explained already, but none vrill becosuddefed ander its protection unless they fully the constitution and by-laws, and have paid their f ;e fir bseom ing members. tiir df. iasaars co-::. Coont de LsaSSSil l-njjkfaa a wido -': st fix'.j-uiybt, witt; a aassstews fiuailj. A few vt-ar! Inter ha in tks Lait of visiticg a family in Paii-v i.khc.vro-priit-.I ti.o shSenr. One dsv lie oh laTasd that ha had B&defjgSuS great JaQets and diSioaHies mcu :, the Aiah, because they eool4 net cot Lsw a man could live witbeu; a wife, Xhs prsttiost of the hii:a iu noemtly ashed "Whyi th-u, Jo . -not niar; ag.ii)" Httssaoce I an old. Bjatdes, if I vera to fall lers with a jitsng girl it wonid boabaard to think that SJM woahi tall in love with aie." "Who kuowt-f" o'-s(:rveil iii qiea lunar. Lsej8 told bis renag liat DC ra about ihu rohe of Jricbo, which, after biing dried sad jdactd in watdr, again buruu out int b'.ooru. Soon afterward he obfatusd one of these I r--; and presented it '.j a younjr girl ltk a lew uav nne a; ;eartu wi'.n lUft ra-blowwaaed rotie in hr hand, which ahe gare to the Coeotj s.iyiug: ";See what a miracle tha water has efl j';tad Kion the rose; it i thu bloaaoruing of love la old age." Their eyes met, and he, believing she had a meaning in what shj 0:J, said: "It you reallj dare vc-utur to share tho rcsnaiuiiig year of an old man, hstS is uiy hand.'' B'lt frihia taarriae ia very uuceitaiu wbother be would have undet taken Lia labo ijus t&sk at Psmuns, Sae is al ways at his niie, and ht i been his ebiat help anl support throughout his arduous conflict with poiiticianc, moneylenders, engineers and latoter3. Tu fislluwiog sabatars sfeotitd uo placed on Hig black list as having voted agiimj', or cowardly slunk away to get rid of vo!i.g agalastj the Chinese bill. If they lvi r vjna up frofiiee, and four of thoin are aspir ants for tbe position of President, veto them : Don Cameron, of Penuaylvania, Ferry of Michigan, Groome, Looan, of Illinois, Mahone, Plutnb of Kansas, Siulsbury, ISaunders, Williams, Aid rich, AHi.-oa, Biair, Brown, Cipger, Davi, of Illinois, Dawe, Eduuxds, Fryp, Hoar, Ingali, Lnpham, Mc Dill, McMil an, Msraill. Authonv. Fry, Mitchell, Hawley, Sowel, Ifr- ri'&,1 Siisbmax, Piatt, li.lliri !, Van f TOrk, and Windum. Ti e relation between the ga t.f i 1 an a iw annual rings wa lir,t notief U and aP! 0 I by Montaigne in ISSi. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, IMUTKn 11 Y T1IU Women'it (hrUtion Trmprronrr ( oien 1 aaiej it itci: tlttrart. rriu Mr. It. iiitngh' Kr Irrlun. miiMki into it. A eosternieugor'a Monkey came to tho foot of a hill aud there hustoppod. BS ohstlnately refused to pu'd up the hill. Tbo cHtermenger tried coaxing, but it was oi no use. Thon ho tried other tuuasuref, but'no use. At last ho took Um dankey out of the shafts and got In himself and pulled the b:ir row up the hill. "Why are you doing that ?M bald a by.tandor." 'Well,M tha man Slid, 1 thought I'd shnmo hies into it. Well, the BAfUab people havebven ahamad Into total abstinence. Tho Laadon rssf aald . "You mny go all over tho w rld and soo tho bwost degradations f every nation tho Chinosa with tl'.rlr opium, tho Japa neso with tho saino drug: but no where can there bo gathered together such nidi, such rettoonear, such a tons of pu.refylng sirea,as In the pur heu or a w?l! to-do Lomlou Qlfi Tab SOe." A j idgo lately said a HMO oft- an goes Into a beer houss a respoet-. abia m in and comes out s felon. Now drinking In such proportions and pro ducing such deba-emont and wide Spaead ndaary ban ilrlvon tho upper rUsscs ofKngitud Into tho temper- mee r.nks. It has fureed the attaattasi of med teal DM u to the quejitloti -ovon thos who st tn I at the head ef the acsjba. sion. More Is Sir Wiliism Gull, the phynh Un t-3 tho Bagral Fasaily, and Sir IL .iry Thompson, whose income from his profession, ulnn Is 1:70,000 a tho King of the Belgians j psldhlm tl009 for o-i jn aa i lhara is Dr. Btahardsan ; all theM' eminetit mn have ttttcd it us i n that alcohol Is nA god. The Blshep cf Darham, Dr. Light foot, Is ono of our m M esraot s4f0 est-. He is m? of the gri'ntt Ht liib tloal BiHtes tbaoaaglsns It the prey or word lu th. world aa h' fas ap and down hi ;;rvi d.laeeao preach ing lotal absttnenee. Th Data ol York prealdfd nt ono oX m;' rnaet- sstssssssssssssom Tao Clurlston A'eu anj Courier v-.i'.-r-H tho more hitellig nt public op lahja of the coaaasnnltji and oumla the alarm against Whbdtejf and fire arms. It catalogues H lung list of recent crlmr-, hivolvi..g both the col orcdand white cltizctts, in concretion with vhich whiskey hj eeawplcnssa, antl says. Vhi-key and tho prac tice of carrying deadly weapons are at the bottom of nine out of ten of bloody ofTencss prepelrated by the white people. Tho carrying of con cealed weapons is had enough in it self. A passionate impulse, a cro-jk of tho linger, aud death! It is kming in haste and rcpeutiug at Itls ura. When Ho who has o wtapou In his pocket Is excited by whiskey, arousing tho tavago Instincts which 1 are found in every hreist, his control j over himself is fans. A brother man la hurried inta eternity with as little concern ns a ffjrlf crushed on the ; wall." This dangerous cxainp!o of tho white sf South Carolina is telling upon the colored people, who sro im- itative, and improve thoir enlarged freedom to also avail themselves of the Hotlle nnd tho platoj. It WlU greatly promote tho welfare of al classes whan bnthtba whiskey and the flre-armt ngiinH whh h the .V. t and i uurif-r earH xsatimtHty ti ear ; .ti . . .it nes!ly atid efieetlvely, ean he tUDish i orj from Hight and common Baa, i i " Tho nc tiilo of LfPtl-t Fntrlaml are ! to he congratulated upon having for their chief magistrate a total abstain er, Mty :r Tatham a member of then B I -itfly of Friends, who neither usea winp himself nor provides it for his own rr for tho vlfy's guests. At a recent opening of a working men'H temperance h.ill at Hhiplny Mayor Tdiham 'TensDsranca was tho raot of all social advaaefment, whllo it opiiosite to nothing' but Hlclc nesf, ilistriss and ruin. If it was on ly rxv:si!)!o to obtain a natlnn of total Rb-slainers there wou!l ho no pauper Urn, no crlmo and no lunacy, but comfort aad ahuudanco." Flo had 'in. vitod tha touncii to dino with him without tho usual accompaniment of intoxicating liquors," and nam ho had n pea ted the experiment, and with very Hati.sfactory result, vvhen it foil to his duty to givo an assize dinner, at which wore judges, lead ing Bfeembsr of the bar, etc., and he add -id : "Even if Her Majesty visit ed Loesls she might Wo well enlerfain od on the tame principle ; at least she would ho if she visited the hall durinjr the time that it was his offic ial home. He had had no wins in his houso for forty year, and ho made no except ion in tho mayor's parlor at tha town hall." Such a mayor is an honor to any eiiy. "What comes aftnr T V asked a tSsebar of a pttjil who the slnaatwr. ilo rawsvad ih t rM rig the be- ;,i,rin? xs !" reply, You d'lttj Fee 31503 l'er ear rftn h easily made at home woikini? for E. O. Kideo-.t & home working for E. O. Hideout & 10 Barclay St., New York. Send Co., 10 Barclay St., New Yoifc. Send for thoir catalogue anl full p;irt 'cnlaf.i Chica lieekpews mJLm mJbLh ,mUxmMm A in flam A For One Year (Evory Subscribers All of tu- BUbecril who will pay their eubecription accounts to thb paper la full to date, and ono yoar In ad vance, will ho presents - on i year'i cubscription to tho 0HI0AGO WEEKLY RW&, Tho CHICAGO W BKLY NEWS to ovcrywhero recog nized as a paper unsurpassed In nil tho requirements of American Journal li m, It s1 mdi :uous amoDg tho me tropolitan journal g of the 1 amnlotoNows-paper. Its telgraphio ccrvico 1 ip all the d itches of tho Western Associated Prs a and tho National Associated Press, besides a vory extenoiv lerj ico t f Special Telegrams from all Important points. apor it ha3no supe rior. It Is Independent 1 1 : , ttng Ul political news free from partisan f c ! nring, nd absolutely without fear or favor as to ; : . I . . ia t ho fullostsonso, a FAMILY PAPEIt. K Ins Gcveral COM PLETED STO R I E , : .rbintfintorcst, and a rich variety oi c- n 1 s .1 notes on Fashions, Art, In dustries, Litonin ; . , , - to. lln Warkot Quota tions aro compl ' : 1 as an entorpri; in , 1LY KBW8PAI oiQce. Thkofbr Is lin pect to take a i e:ti-.i 3... AT TUI OLD BTANP, MIM BTItEKT, If AS ON MAND AJi FINK A A MORTMUrr 03" COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, is wit) beiasa tu Ckc JIej. IIv a ao Imports and mtknuf; I utr TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OI' Kv KHV HtX'KirrinN IN STOCK oil To OUOKH. AIi , UK KSKfll ON HANI, A FULL aaBOJCTMBIT Of QKNUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. AM. OK WHICH BI OFFERS i TUK HniUf AT THICKS, THAT DKKl COMPETITION. CALL AT i IBaT BTRCST, A I. HAN Y, OHEUON. Repair work dona at rUnll FRED WILLERT, CARHiACE AHO WVCOH MANVFACTVREBa St-i:i i at 1 h;:.. A' ay,Or frjvrl tn rnniif'-t:in- earrhlDta nvA wsajsns ' ssatl ua- i -y ni'.HT 9I.itki:i '.. Ba n.AkrA th praastiun assrlagss -A , lf""1 w-1 l" iniKtfioA of tho stato. CswaaasAisssiAaCiii wn.-Hcnsstssaan REPAIRING AND JOB WORK lone at Ahortrt KOtbSSnd ii UM BBSSl SKILLFUL MANNER. Hla work Ati I sssUiflal is wanaatsd ti ba flisl cisss. swtf To (lit- Sick and Afflicted ! AXU ESPECIALLY Tlitwe Snffrriag fion Inability, Xtrvons Prostrntion. Loss of Vitaliiy, I nlli initio, Btc, etc IrpiiK uttCAT ansa fOOta IU'S wfcw r. !-J,Mn.AisTHi. i-h.-.s. wh ... c u.bmA SS gJZStV? Xnu, sdSH I t&XZ? , . . - - " i;:. j. c- tetxci ..,.,.! i.u.... . i i -. . . ., H o u - I 1-iiriM.iic 1 1 .B'lril.t tliu ifl. lvi Itio nrtalnl) ! i h..h-.raMo t .io::i..i tr.s'inent ..i ptriMt And iniuiiiiit iir.l.tiati-.n. f'i mcr 'St rir it l u.uitMi the sm m.,k t...t .. iy . iau i aal ii i n, th. by4ell u;. .n m mSarttlaci ... Um tt a i Ml ripr Um tgnotant n.y Mnw itiy liuAtvo tt:t t:m ilclrw 1 1 ttifuriu h" mT ",,,trt,u l"r "'x'1 sw? , ui" '. I"' ''X! V: uu liihrritanri; u fitttiro ;atirrii . i, t t frtat tuceuUv Ui tiirtuit mo l uo .ilon'.. Hyroii' ': If yon aro htBcriu-: (n.m nk-Ht ln, ncrv.m.n'., wcuKii.i.i.1. xutiUm ( MaS, riUM when uu'ler xcilmi'Ut, variktilu !.tn-r. trcint.lin, ia'il tAtinit, flimlie., Ac, or If JNM livo irattciil .olf nlniK? avu in tho hiiiiti-nl urt!i:uUr yoa ro nSaf iiiK from liio Uroad Knrmy of IItitii:iM t.'.Zr. Ami should not hi-.itato to tt-k .co liAllh ami ,,,i,l,,c,",,lc'-,r'"' 1 i-rATioair LKTrra uu dtiucuwimk- 1 frf. r.vriM.ivrii SaaaSafeSi mmmmtm i O KAJMBa- Von nra enpeclully lialiln to xj fT -1 : j from nervloiM proslralioii. All your peculiar coin plaint .re iirrvuti. In their orulii uml henco your kuffurin aro torrlbly Ufprcmiiii: r IncxproMiblv keen. The Imctor in hi rctn:lici ami prut-tico of nurvoUM trnubliA l..u niailo your orKUttizttllon a pcolal atudy anil U tliun cuahltvl from hi. exicri once Ami knowledge to ulil ami euro, yoii In any of the troubles, wtakneH., diirtruii.iii imf uufTurlii to which m a cx you aro liable. AWrYoii will l in thd doctor a friend aaaa vtli uu you can rti'ly for comf'irt, aid and euro Dr. VouNB' Fi'lllllll lt'IIH'lII-N h:ivo ul tamed a reputation for clttcioiicy uiniqualed by any medicine, or medical pr.kcriptiou ever offered. Thoy cun bo neiit by i -1 1 1 or exprt'g. Tho. Slrtaa p -rsootil MN and ntUMitlon can have all M$tHUJ a-.-cointuotlaUoiij furniaheU. -O Lc((rr.. Thoao who can not tha ciLy ran by ,s;Uinf th'.ir ayinptonw in their own way, recclvit fedrtoa, ami when ileirtd, treuluaut ut home with vvciy a. Kuraiice of a cure. LETTERS II ETC UN ED OU DSRaOTKD. Addrcaa, lit. J. V. YO; Mi, Meill-nl lu.ltluic, .". 1 Ktiicktmi hi- San Fianclsco, Feb. 21, 1882. Notice of Appointment of Guardians. NOTICE IS HXREBT GIVEN THAT tho undeslffned weio by order of tho County Court of l.irm county, Ureou, duly rnade and entoiod of rocord January 3d, 1882, appointed Ctuardiau of tho estate of Win. Ktamer. an itiHano perniNi. All parson having claims against Ssid citato ro hereby raquostod to present them t tho unde'roifined at tho ofilco of Hewitt & Bryant, in Albriny. OrogoB, with proper vouchors, within lis tnontai from this data. Dated at Albany, tl.ia 21st day ofSfajwh., MAI1TTV KlLA.NO, SUAN KlAMRIl, tioardlaas. It is unsurpassed rthy GENERAL FAM- y 1 1 a rccn at this . ibcra who ox- ic t noon. rorsonablo figures. hmr U Iklrrrfory. Y I' V. A. McrU al their rooM in K trr a k l'Uiltiin(( on Sturlar cvrmugs St 7 '" look, aikI i'ii Sa)lath SMTSMSSS t t. Huaiticui ttirti;a aro hr-M n tho rven ltt,l ,t lb" .cfijl Mmi, lay in rach ttuutti. Ki-ryldy mviUnl to ktUiul. U. V. Cm a tt. Preaching crcry SaMth. At ii a. si . aai 7 1. w. hy Hv. r. ir riaa, I. I. hAhliath Bdbssl at 2:30 r. m. I'r.ij i-r tmvtinK every Thumlay evening. Kvai. mii ii. Out int. Trraohiiu.' on Sal. . batfi At 11 a. st,, aim! 7i r. ml SahUUi n rmi.i.Atn ai ii a. t. ami n r. If. .HMjOi BobooJ At .."t. I'raycr uuvtiug -n 'Iiiumiliiy swsaaag of ssaa ck. j. W. Harru, aUr. IC Ej Cm mil. aaVTBL Srrrioc evtary Sahhath At St. rnula M. K Cliuroh, Smith, At II a. t. aii.1 71 r. M. Shhath School At l'J r. k. I'rayrr mctin; every Tluirs i!av eronns. IL c. Millar. M. K. Chur-ii. w v Preaching cmry Sahhatli 'I 7i i". m. .Ni nj n-n tec in 1 . m a a . ii a. . Ami i r. m. Sona tii- iiin Uf. ru M .noti. SahUth S.hfH-1 j t - .50 r. M. ir:yir mi-rtiuK tvery Tliura iaj- evening. L UUMM, iiUr. .... . . . Sabbatb tnanimm Ami erctmiK in CaUaai Chajich Suniloy Ekdbosl lasswdiaSdj rffeai the muirnnin . i ;i: i i u. : run m.UMiij crvi . a a - j Tawadaj tiv:..!.. K i r.t)T m- o. ! ; evrry lie. Iia-r H. CoUfitt pastor. B N oral Cm it. -Scrvicca cverv Sua-Ia)-, uioruinj H a. rn., evening at 7i . ra. floly communion every SumTny mam jag at y i. a. m. ; . -.i ; , 7.:u j. in. Iloht. K Stcvrua, pastor. NEW YORK SHOPPING! Everybody tlollKhtotl with tho tu-.toful ana bsautlnil dseaeiis awds by Mm. i j, wiiu liiiv iioti-r iiinii lo plfiAMo lier ZuaTSZ SS. n,ou,ar J"uhI. " MIts. RLLEM LAMAR, t77 !rula, New VorW. I5.-7U NEW BARBER SHOP ! J. B. SLULK.S, PropV. A tiXi' M:A FOAM SHAMIDO (ira a nun ( hi 11 anavo. iTitoH lor "having i. i 1. ... 1 -1-1111 1 1 111? h.-UIIO AH Uhtl.ll. a oppoAito McllwinA stora. I.IKIIUA low O DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viatim of vouUiial lmpnnlcnc catuinu Prctn iBIt Vocr. Knrroua Debility, Jx.t liar hood, etc, huxitus trlrtt in ratn overy known remedy, ha. dla covm d a atmple eelf onre. wkich ho will -nl FRB t kl fdlow-auffurer., aiMruaa J, IJ, IIIIIiVKH. 43 t ltatham M..N. Y. Id llliriitu'. (iablcn Ifulnniu Ra. 1. OtM Chatii'ur, lir.t and M0MS itefca ; 801c 011 the lAim and liody ; bVditltUo Cutai rah, illa cacd a.-a!, and all primary f.utu. of tho diMiaau. 1'rlcc, SkSl er liutlhi. Klrlmn'H .Iili:i S?a1viiii Wo. 9. Cnna Tertiary. Morcurial, Hyphllith: Uheiiiiwtiani, Pain. In the I;-. mi, I'lcwruu-d Throat, SyphUHkl Uaah, humpi, etc., and eradioatea ail dLeaaea front the ly.teni, whether cauiod by hal laoat or of inert-Ui-y, leavii(r the blood puro and health v. l'riu,SriOO p r Bottle. Ltt Klrtuin'N OaMOM Hpanlah Antidote for tho cure ol Oononhiua, Olvet, etc. Mm tZ.WHr ikittlo. Lit Uli-linu'a ;otan SpnnlNh Injeoflon. a waKh for euro of Oleet, Htricturca, Diacaae of tho Urethra and Uladder, etc. Price, SLM icr Hottlo. L aicha'. Coldrn Olutiiirnt for tho effective healing of Syphilitic More and Erup tion. Price, f 00 er Uottle. Al io Amenta for Le nirliau'a Ciolilcn IMlla, for w-eakiieiai, hiHRof phmual power., and all disease. arUnjf from abuw and exceas 01 uvur-woik. IMoe. SJ.U0 ier l!ox. Sent everywhere, C. O. D., gecurtly packed tie Expruw. w. ku ii a una tt co. AjeMtm m 2J Limsoin-j street, Corner Clay, San, cel. KBW FISeTmARKBT. On oorn'or opposite Senders it Sternberg. Will kop oonatontly on hand all kinds of fresh and Halt lisb and oystors that tho market affords. m. n yo k. GREAT INDUCEMENT I MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON I IS the TIME TO Great Reductions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY I LARGEST AND 3EST ST 0 IN LINN A Pavement of the way for the Golden time coming. i:vi:ryhody i3ijy i CJ. db. laac ONT -ASD- E3"VB3n.7srjBox!"y H0F1MIAM & JOSEPH, PROFHIHTORS OF ALBANY SODA WORKS, -AND I I'M.KHS IN- Imported and Doxnentic Cigars, Tobacooa, Groceries, Pi o visions, Candler Nuta and Tropical Fruita. Vllxiij', - ... Oregon. OXK IHMR HKUW J)UN HRItKay STOKE. S9y When you need anything in Gent's Furn ishing Goods, come and see us. Don't buy anything in White Shirts, Col crcdShirts, Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Braces, Suspended, Overshirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and geu our prices. Largest stock in tho city. - Mi A ..i !.. . tnlni : . . IMMll i.i'irmiin. - -tft iy .ill it rt t ii . . b .1 M .. . . l. . . tr(. r. I .M..- . M Ml ; !. . M IIM4.U Ixn. if .-- mtm II .V.M . Ari FtTTCn wir:t coi:nixArio?( mi:cttaci.j. TMY WILC COSRrCT ?0 PilCSlRVE THE SIGHT. PEOL-aCANNOT GL.T Til.'.-:: COODft rua r.u on. y rr McOOY & ELLBRT, DRUGGISTS ami CHEIVTISTS, jDKALKRS ISC DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, ETC Coutplrate ytockof Iainta. Ol h, fJlas. also a full Una of Stationery. tho celebrated machine oil Skidgata. Froman's Block, Albany, Oregon. rhynliiaat ftsawlPtlSOS SpsSwUr, and none but the puroat aitd hoi rt 4 MS In cvmpouudtug them, atlteasouablepricea. MONEY I am now better prepared than ever befoie to negotiate loans on good imprpved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has not interfered with my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can ctain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB H.STEWART. YISTG SAM WA'S LAUNDRY S Does tha best waahing and ironing hi Al bany at lowest ratea. Contracts mado for Chinos labor. Laundry on Washington street, opposite Marshall's Livery Stable l&asar I Ve have I MARKET tho Im.i L i.,.1. nnchlv tpvt i " , America, 03 We tend our Illustrated id Catalogue of FREE. Everything; for the Garden, on application. x COUNTY. goes jjvjrsr J-. .J f i . .jh. - W r.t I Im... I hi h . . j . - i"Miiuiu r .1 UT.WI y. k.MJ Sole aza TO LOAN HARRY WATER'S In Chadle Building, opposite Graf Fromm'a. All kinds of pare winea and liquors for nal : A pleasant, cosy plsceto spend a few hours.CaU often and bring jour friende. advantage aa Reedim.n of which we wiih to tellthe OARDKNEKS AND FI.OK18T8. giv eaua such knowledice a to enable us toiude uot only what are f..r k' . I VI.,,... .....,. 1. 1 . .kl... tnr IV v.ta r ( .miBercuit i ardeniiiif ). hut aLtotn ..w. - ....... ....... . . . . fe.... v. p. v " ........ thp iin.lilv of all Hmi. utd PI to vering upward, of lour acrea. aoud in glms. eapioyintf PETER HENDERSON & 35 Cortlandt Street, New York. OB.rAKKR ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (8ueoaom to C. C. (Jhmrrj.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iron Founders, WKIIAVKOURNISWKlloPS ALL comulatftd, and are now preparad k handle a: I kind of heavy work. W will man ufart ere Mtpam Kfitrinmi, Orlxt and Waw Mm Marbinry,arid kinda of Iron and Itraaa Caallnjr. rsTTRasa mnr. t hbort torirr. wnerlal attention given U rapairioic all ki..nof machinery. Will s!o manufae itire the Improved Vlusrry A WhUa ferimi Siratr. aap a Bdk. r M. onrr m baMSjta TarS. AJUny, fir., her. 1, Jfo. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND OP. H? A. r. CHRRRY, spuattd it anrssraf Klmt ati l Montgomery HtreeU, Ailoy, Oregon. Ilavhiglaken Jsrgoof thelovo Works, are prred to miiijfcti re S:;hiii KiitrieM, Haw and tirit, MVI-worklmc Machinery, faipo. Iron and lira CaMting of every deatiiptkm. Ma hinery of ail kinds repaired. rpe flal aUntioo given to repairing farm n s cbinery. rmtUrm KmUmz Sa ia all it twnm. l:l lyi A. Y. CH EURY A J:ON. ForCenaapCiaa. Aai I. ma. Itroawrxltla, Catarrh Dvppvi-i. Ilr-atfarfae, lMI U. Sri ln, Kt.tanitlUa, ud all hroulr .d Kmau Iiiird.-ra. Park ae uta .If -ony.-lrtly ant Hy ea- C-rm, rrk " t Tor 1 10 tu-4Um tm mm at fcaaa. Mil far IJM trMtle on the Oxygen lir.. fine tt. Ad.'irn. thf pronrl.ton. ll-'-'. ill .!tirH-t, ?afta.. Fa., or it. r. ti nin ns. r-rUIr rw-.alav, a JSoat-umi -i H,san ; ran r -. cat Vattoi W mum van '.5 i .f.:xu ci a K U rawlii .. tilmt fkm. SM I HC nmm, tmd fail wn1lli.i. ftUmtm4 trtm Tm. n. U I Mill 1. mtL JB I i... r - .uwiiwIm. umitifcrii iam.ia r-iuJ. eaas ftw in. w . a 17 tmffij V. K. TZRS.Y a CO., Betreit, KIdx ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALB1RY, OR. ThrThirdTtrm willspraonWjtlnos day, February 1st, ISS2. Fo rarHcular. tfce chum. (4 Mad. Cl.. KLKUT .. I(T. rrrUra(. To the I iiforlunato : DE- GIBB0X S Dijsjtensary. " ) PK ue' ul 'JvOOMa- oaJ Stt, baa fraactMpk kUL.i4iibed ia I ait, av '.at trrmXJcrnt H uxl .u ' -f. . i." -;A a a, 4. -rrt. ar .ail' a) i .-a- aaw y Srattaal Vtraknr... I .ram. 1 pin no the face ail Um ui .Dh-1 caii f'Milif rf) v curc.1. Ttie aick ar.! filtcUii ahnlil b fail U cali him. Tha I Met or La traitica aUciwiu; ai Kuruia. an tat. thirr. and tiiapectnl tb.".l.: the arvua c.- ti'aMiiiii; a iTvat t .iuatIr ua Uni. hich im io n.-u-i.t u iuiart tn lh- id i i4 111. nrry.ia. I'K. l.lllJ. r ake no n.ltw he rflr- . a i-urr. T"eion. at a UK I IUD T flSUK. AH o-tutnut.ta.Uuaa tnttly r4iauriiU-I. V.u ree tm -ur hut the Ikut. acid un d'-lUn. Ivr a j-e 4 rVfou writing to tlte Isi-t.u lU pk-aur Mw tlx nam? 4 tats rr lbr arr thw MMrrtitruwi.i in. tWr.i. tra .naMr. Ji tr a rile AJ'ir- lh- V. OUtBUM, CuX UU7, hait l'ii.rcuru. iT CHARLES HOTEL, AXJ3ANY, OREGON. S5&. C. Ufltl. - - - Trriftc. ThU Iluuar ha liccn thnU4;t)r rm.OrJ from toj to laMUitn, and 1. iv in !eiM!id .-vi)ii:tfi aa Uiv cuurtainnK-nt i4 U-avricra. The labia7 U irr;!ed aiih ev,r.tlhui: the inar kt aflurda. buiij !e rtxiau fur cuntuariSU men. ( orsllia. IrUn.a aad Dallaa Slasr tiflff. nacu Dr. NO. 11 KEAR Y ST. Treat all t'straalc and atKrlnl liu-a . YOUIVU ME?f Wno mat be arrrrctic rios trs cfJcU ut youthfid futile, ur h'uA-retl. nv. J do wall to arail themaeirca of thia, thnTi.n bmt ever laid at tha altar ut atiStrrii haiaaa.;. Orl SPTN'XEY wiU ruarante to h.rffit iSwtor ertrv aa aenilnale weaknoat or prirat tliacaati of auy land or cararrar which be undertakes aad taiar tu cura. aniut r tt.i l) ntm. There are many at the aye of tWrtr ran jo are troubled with too frequent eracuatin a the hUd dar, often aeonmided bv a alii-tit amarUiur or buniinr eiuatian, aad a waaiccwiuy uf Ua r.w-,u m . niaunor the atient cannot account fur. Oa eaaui?n- ibe arinarr dep-wtU a mm aediaMmt will urXoti he Tmuerl utd atauetinies .mall ;.irti :e 4 Abu-uon HI i-.paT, r the eulur ailt be uf a thin i.nlkish hot, a-faiii chaur img to a dark aud torjud ai'euranwe. "tie re are uia:iy man Who die uf thi. tlitln-ultj ucn- rur.t Iht muy, whilst is Ihe euiud .u-v uf aumiiuw ' .1 k i.e . ( h S. will s-tiarantee a ierfevt rure in ail ;vh vt, and healthr reaaaation of the fen ""-'in nary avaa Omc. Hot ae-rln o a.l o t. H. Sunday Jroro 10 to U a. a. C01uu.1-.ou irva. Vh.-ruh exnunatio.' aail advice, For private dfoeaart of h-rt tandiur a full oairae of nieda-in e sufficient for a cure, w.Ui .15 i II be cent to any audita ra reou-ft uf fid 00. CH MM aaaMsa int. aSSBXKl al 7 ieC KO. 11 Kcari i. iasi I- (at Fair Gmuud to Rent. NOTICE is hereby Riven that tha Linn County Agrifultural Asoaciation in tend leasing their fair grounds one year to the highest bidder. Bids a ill be received tr -ither the Irehfout or Secretary up to !. in. on April 1, 1832. Eids should npeo. if y whether the land is wanted for pas ture, or whether it will te plowed np. N. P. Paynk, Praa. R. A Foster, Sec'y. oublie. Thirty year experience as l'ttACTItJAl O. 0 CBXRRT. lanta. Oar QreeBhoaiet ana w raroei ui jersey v-ny. are ioe larcent in ... - . ir. , au average of aereaty men throagaoct the year. CO.