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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. JULY 18, 1920 8 BEAT. ESTATE. lor Sale House. FRANK McGUIRB offers The followinc Distinctive Homes. Some of Portlsnd finest homes, combining comfort, beauty, CCTJALITY and value: IRVrNQTON. I13.S00 EXCLUSIVE 1RVINGTON-S love ty home; 8 rooms: ultra-modern, artistic Interior finish: 2 flre livable den: model Dutch kitchen; sleeping porch; BEAU TIFUL 100x130 grounds with splendid iswn. shade trees, etc.; double a.rafte; Hancock, near 18th. TERMS. $11,500 DISTINCTIVE IRVTNGTON home; first story of brick with stucco panel; S rooms; every convenience to promote sanita tion and beauty: fireplace, book cases, solid paneled dining room; 4 light, airy sleeping rooms: SUN PARLOR; hardwood floors throughout; all white enamel ' woodwork, 50x140 grounds; a home of unusual charm and dig nity. Tillamook. near 28th. TERMS. ROSE CITY gaoon Rirelv beautiful ROSE CITY: massive, sheltering lines has this newest RUSE CITY Dungalow; 5 rooms; dining room with ar tistic buffet; lustrous hardwood floors: an Ideal Dutch kitchen; fun corner lot: on Tillamook and 43d. TERMS. 17S00 Semi-southern type, spacious ROSE CITY, with 8 airy, cool rooms; artistic living room with cheery fireplace: ideal Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfast nook adjoining; HARDWOOD FLOORS; concrete basement with unusual HOT WATER HEATING PLANT; garage; full corner lot on Sandy boulevard. YOU'LL WANT TO VISIT THIS HOME! T.A TTR F.T.FTfRPT JX1.000 A lovely LAURELHTJR8T with minaret roofs and massive pil lared pergola porches! Ultra modern o rooms; double con structed; fireplace and artistic bookcase In living room: din lng room with beamed ceilings; paneled walls and leaded glaei buffet: breakfast alcove off mod el Dutch kitchen: hardwood floors; sleeping porch; beautiful 73x115 corner. E. Ash and 41st. HEIGHTS TERRACE. $10,000 One obtains an unsurpassed view from this BEAUTIFUL, stucco home on Heights Terrace; 0 1 rooms; ultra modern; lower I heights: a HOME of distinction and refinement. Are you Interested In any of the above I Domes? Air. J. w. crossley, manager of our "Distinctive Homes ' Department, is at your service and will be glad to show you our listings of some of Port- I land's finest homes, prices ranging from I ,.xh to ju,uuo. bee J. w. uroasiey, with FRANK I McGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abineton Bldg. Main 10A8. lOoVt 3d St.. bet Wash, end Stark. Open Evening and Sundays. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. COST (13,000. SALES PRICE $9250. Exceptionally fine ft-room colon lal. Large living room, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, 3 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and a lovely bath with shower on the second floor. Large screened-ln back porch which, can be used as breakfast room. 75x100 ground with fine lawif and t.hrubbery. Unobstructed view of the city from every room In the house. On account of death In the family I am offering this 14000 below original cost price seven years ago. Today it Is Just like new Inside and out. For ap pointment to see this call Broad way ausa. ROSE CTTY PARK. 6-Room Buntralow Garage. SSUGO. A REAL BARGAIN. Vacant, move right In. This beautiful bun- Salow Is located Just off Alameda rive on 02d st. You would never dream it possible to buy such a home as this for so little money. Hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, garage; asst... paid. See this at once. - A. Q. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark t.. nr. 4th. Main SO02. Branch Office. (10th and. Sandy. Open Sunday. BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. 7 ROOMS, 8 BEDROOMS. Exceptionally fine California bungalow of 7 rooms, located In the best part of Laurelhurst, about 3 blocks from the park, nearly 10. 000 square feet of ground with fine lawn and shrubbery. Large garage. Price 11,500. One-half cash. This Is a real buy and in a lovely neighborhood. For appoint ment to sea this phone Broadway 30a. r IRVINGTON. 8-room Dutch colonial, like new, old Ivory finish, taplstry walls, large living room, sun room, at tractive kitchen, double fireplace, three delightful bedrooms and sleeping porch, full basement, fruit room and coal bin, nice lawn and lots of shru-bbery. Drive by and look it over, StttS E. 12th St. N. If you like it make an offer. It is going to be sold. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th St, Main 4522. ROSE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. $4300 Let us show you this dandy 5- room oungaiow. witn attic, liv ing room across entire front Dutch kitchen, buffet, nardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays; $000 cash will handle. See our photos of the best buys. Autos at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 264 Stark at. Main 5S3 and 1094. " SS.'i(K) HOME FOR $4600. Modern 8-room home, very best hard wood floors and woodwork, all rooms exceptionally large. fireplace, buffet. bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace and wash trays, 4 large, light bedrooms, corner lot, all street imorovementa in and paid, on Marguerite ave., 1 block to car. This is an extraordinary good buy at $4ti00. $104)0 cash. Cl.EVELAVD-HKNDERSON" CO. 12 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. IRVINGTON PROPER. PRICE .W0 HALF CASH. A large, eubstnntially -built two-story house on East 20th st. N. In the very heart of this fine residential district. This is a plan, well-built house, has been newly painted and is in good con dition has ft nice lawn, two blocks from oar line. Phone Auto. 511-00 for ap pointment to see. ROSE CITY PARK. $4000 Let us show you this wonderful buv: 6 rooms and sleeping porch with furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, garage; vacant; move right In. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 364 Stark st. Main 583 and 1004. ROSE CITY. 1645 Sandy blvd. Juat completed 5-rm. baneralow with large attic, ha rdwood floors in every room. French doors, clear glass door knobs, floor bath tub, pedes tal lavatory and bathroom built tn ; breakfast nook, ivory and whllte enamel throughout : tanestrv paper. Uasco fu nace. shades, llicht fixtures and lawn In. Oarage. See owner, on premises all day Sunday. THIS WILL BUY ITSELF. Tn a verv few vears. Hotel and board lng house In good district including 2 fine lots, frontage on two streets, cement basement with pool tables and cigar tctand. Fin fruit trees on property. .Everything goes, furniture and all for the price of $ooo. $2000 cash. MAC TNNES A- PRATT, Broadwav 1608. 209-210 Oregon Bldg, SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP 10w 5-ROOM HOME $1000. Pay us $1 00 cash and move In : bal- nc like rent: has electricity and sras. 50x100 lot. some fruit; fine view of river: needs some repairs. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch "PnHTI.AVD HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Beautiful homes, lots and tracts for rale. Pleased to show you. Brooke, Mar hail 4S27 REATj ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 350 CASH S50. SM CASH 3.V. $2650 -r. modern, close In, va cant Look at 172 East 35th. $3250 6-r. modern, nr. bridge, look at 1S6 Halsey. $1900 5-r.. 50x100. fruit. Look; 800 Borthwlck. $3050 5-r.. brkfst. rm., flrepl.. turn., hd. wd. floors. 891 Divis ion. $R50 cuh. $4650 6-r.. flrepl.. furnace. $650 cash. Look at 543 Hancock. $4000 7-r.. slpg. pr.. flrepl.. furnace. 50x100, fruit, double con std.. near 24th and Mult.. $1000 cash. $2SoO 6-r., fireplace. ' modem, snap. Look at 812 Halsey; vacant. $850 cash. 33SOO 5-r., flrepl.. modern, new, srreat snap: near Brooklyn school, half cash (brand new). Main 4303. G. GOLDEN BERG, . G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bldg.. 106V4 3d. "35 Years in Portland." PRICE $7000. CASH $2000. A beautiful up-to-the-minute 7 room home In perfect condition in a very select district, two blocks from the car line. Very large re ception hall, living room, and beautiful dining room with plate glass built-in buffet, beamed ceil ing, and papered in beautiful tap estry. Very fine fireplace with bevelled plate mirror and book cases, and best of hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen and Inclosed porch for breakfast room. Second floor has three large light bedrooms and sleeping porch. Fine bath and large attic; full cement basement with walls and ceiling plastered; laundry trays and good furnace: ?:ood garage. This home is priced ar below market price and must be seen to be appreciated. Call Mrs. Snow, Marshall 3389. Eve nings, Marshall 2846. KENTON INDUSTRIAL CENTER. Homes on easy terms. 8-room new house and sleeping porch, 60x100 lot. block from Kenton car; owner going away and must sacrifice: $1600, -$200 cash and 920 per mo at 6. 8-room house, newly finished, full lot $1200, terms like rent. o-room nouse, semi-moaern, i7ou; rill consider Ford as part payment. A. C. McDonald A Son, 206 Lombard. Woodlawn 6273. Open evenings. $3250. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. 6-ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Rooms are large and all on one floor has elegant fireplace, built-in, enameled plumbmg. fine basement, electricity, gas, 80x100. fruit, alley, half block car; liens paid; tinoo under value. V tUKlttLOSED MUST BE SOLD. MOST ANY TERMS. POSSESSION AT ONCE. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bldg. Main 1803. FURNISHED. MOVE IN PRICE $5000. Just east of Reed college on tne WS car line, we have a good 7-room home for sale, completely furnished. In good condition on hard-surfaced street, three blocks of school, good basement. 100x100 lot. with lots of fruit, etc. The owner Is very anxious to sell and I pricing mis place so as it will soon move, ll in teregted. phone Auto. 511-50. ' ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, $5900. A beautiful new bungalow Just being I completed, best of workmanship and ma- I teriai. double constructed, cement porch. hardwood floors, furnace: street naved and paid; nice shade trees; best part of 1 Rose City Park, below the hill. Phone owner. Automatlo 216-86. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. By owner, six large rooms, modern. fireplaces, tiled bath, large attic, 2 fire places; beautiful view: best home en vironment; lot 75x100: street paid. For quick sale. $0750; $1250 will handle. Main IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. This la a dandy house for a large family: 7 rooms snd sleeping porch. 00 x loo lot, fruit and shrubbery; liberal terms. $2b0u. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Cor. 3tth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. A KNAP! A SNAP! A SNAP! $'J40t lO-ROOM HOUSE $2400. Close In, B. 6th. just right for large family, or renting rooms: good sized lot, hard surface and sewers all In and paid: $J400 total. $200 caah, balance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. fliUOO 7 KuOMti, sleeping porch, electric- I lty, gas, white enamel plumbing, newly l painted in aide and out, beam ceiling, I paneiea dining room, window seats. lire- place. Dutch kitchen, stationary tuba, lot I ooxiuu; ..U cash, balance like- rent. IQill Hlth st. S. E. bell wood 36i)9. $8700. SHOW 14. 2 MODERN 6-ROO.M FLATS. WEST SIDE, CLOSE IN. LIKE NEW. MAIN 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. $L'o0() RIGHT ON HARD PAVED ST. ine nretuest ana Dest 4-room Dunsaiow you ever saw. Costs you nothing to seel it or inquire. CABLE REALTT CO 5S29 7ld st. S. B. Tabor 2475. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five rooms and sleeping porch, elec tric, sas. bath, laundry travs: price 1JS00, on very easy terms. Mam 6S82 Sunday morning; weekdays. Main 5406. 1125 Gasco Bldg. THREE-ROOM COTTAGE. $1300 for a fine cottage with built-in window seat and bookcases, lot ouxiuu. Take W. Woodstock car, get off at ROth Ave. S. E.. 3 blocks west to 1034 E. 3b Lb. A snap, easy terms. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Cosy 4-room bun- Era. ow. ground iuuxidu: iota oi iruit. Ber ries and pretty shrubbery; a nice little homo with plenty freedom; a fine gar- don; $2(450; easy terms. Phone 818-32 or inquire 682 E. 75th N. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Don't Pay Rent. Buy this cottage. S975. J130 down, bal ance very easy; dandy lot. close to car; fruit trees, water, light and gas. 6tt2 e. 75th N. KERN PARK Mt. Scott car; just what vou want lor a home: four-roomed mod ern house, two lots. Buy from owner and save commission; $2100; terms. 6804 41st ave. S. E. "SELLWOOD, 7ROOMS, PLASTERED" 82050 Owner must sell. 1 blk. school. 1 bile car; only $300 cash, worth $3500. T. O. BIRD. Marshall 1022. ATTRACTIVE E. Burnside home, close in pleasant surroundings; hardwood floors 8 rooms, furnace and grate; $5000; small cash and monthly payments. Phone owner. East aai. 4-ROOM modern cotta-pre. good lot, close I to car. within walkin distance of fac tory center St. Johne; forced sale. For I price and terms call at 304 -S. Jer- scy st. OWNER will sell nine-room house, near Hawthorne ave. at 22d st. All conveni ences, full lot. Terms. Or will exchange for 5-room bung-alow. No agents. East 4723. 7-ROOM modern home on Rons St., within 3 blocks -of Broadway bridge: price only $3000; $1500 caRh. Call Broadway 266- I F. W King. SU4 UK St. FOR SALE CHEAP 4-room house, vacant. Call 925 E. Alder, from 10 to 2 today and Monday, or phone E. 800. Apt. 23,1 eveninrs. ALMOST new modern 4-room and break fast room comfortable bungalow, on St. Johna line, furniahed or unfurnished owner. Columbia 857. IRVINGTON home. 8 rooms, hardwood floors on first and second floors, full cement basement, garage. For further information, call East 6554. 734 E. BURNSIDE, near E. 22d., large 8- room house, witn 4 bedrooms, in splendid condition throughout; lot 45x100. Price $400. East 2871. $3000 NEW bung.. 1. 50x100. terms. See J. r. ucaenns, jseimonc at autn. tsdoi 64S3. ROSE CITY PARK. S-room bungalow, V. block from car, $3750; terms. 656 B. 60th St. North. MILLER AVE.. SELL WOOD. $2000. 4 rooms, plastered, paved street, 1 block car; am leaving.- Marshall 1022. $2000 5-r. bung.. lot 50x100, very liberal terms. tee v. t iow witn j. r. Mctvenna, Belmont at Bflth. Tabor 6403. NOW VACANT $2900. 6-room bouse, newly painted. In fine shape. E. 30th and Bufnside. East 2871. $4B0 BUYS HANDSOME B-ROOM bumra low; Irving ton Park; terma. Main 47S9 Monday. REX AVE.. SELLWOOOD $1600. Classy 3-room house, beat district, only $500 caah. Marshall 1022. ft.-SSOO MODERN home, sloeoinjr Dorch: near Sandy blvd. ; rare bargain. East 6329. $2750 8-r.f 1. 43x100. This Is a snap; near E. Sftth. Phone Tabor 6403. MUST sell 6 -room house, half acre, garden in, close to car. ojw use bi. p. c., A BARGAIN In a 5-room bungalow. Call or address 4804 64th st. REAL ESTATE. For gale Houses. MAGNIFICENT MURRYMEAD. HOME OF EASTERN LAOD ADDITION. One of the homes that stand by itself, nothing like It in the city today, t-room bungalow type, two batha, best plumbing in the city; hot water heat; daudy basement. 1 will not explain the rooms as you' may know they surely are in keeping with the place. The grounds and shrubbery were laid out by one of the noted landscape gardeners. It is the most beauU--fully laid out lot In the district on a corner about 100x2oO feet. An exceptional opportunity to secure a fine home. Phpne Auto. 511-50. Evenings and Sunday 218-ia. KINGS HEIGHTS. $25,000. On the beautiful Maywood drive around Kings Heights overlooking the city, the beautiful valley, the . low. rambling hills and rugged mountains beyond, aets this beauti ful li-roora home, like an eagle perched on a ciiff ready to swoop into tne valley below. The rooms are large, light and airy. A well appointed arrangement; hardwooa floors, white enamel finish, every thing in this home is in Pjrtect condition. It is really a wonderful location overlooking wonderful city, valley and mountains. Price $25 000. For appointment to call Auto. 611-50. NO. 476. IRVINGTON. $12,500. This fin modern horn of 8 room In the beat part of Irving ton la on of our best buys. The window throughout ar plat (las. Beautiful large airy room on the first floor; on the ccond floor are three sleeping rooms ana sleeping porch; attic has maid s room, trunk room and fine billiard room. This 1 a magnificent home with fine grounds, surrounded by the best homes in Portlanrti Lot 70x100. Phone Auto. 511-60. WESTLAKE. . ., . Mill and e-nrain uiouwu .......... .onftn 7- room house, full 1st. 10th St. -' 8- room house, corner 394 Jackson. .$6000 8-room hous, BU0 Jackson, off ' Westlake V,""S S 8-room house.Third St. near Hull $-j00 7-room good Jiouse. 657 Brosdway $4-50 LADD'S ADDITION. Splendid residence. Might exchange for Westlake flats $11,000. Main 4388. Goldschmldt's Agency. Stock Exchange Building. WE have half acre with splendid 5-roora cottage; lots of fruit and berries. 6 blorKs from Mt. Tabor car. $650 cash; $2200. We have a beautiful acr 8 block from I,urelhurst. with 6-room house; lots of fruit and strawberries. A pleasure to show you this well-kept place. Cherries pay taxes, excellent vineyard, fcacrmce price 47no. HAWTHORN B RrjA LT Y lU. Cor. 36th-Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. Suburban Home. MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES. . Are you looking for a suburban home where you can have your own cow, chickens, bearing fruit tres, etc., and still be only a few minutes from your work In the city ? LISTEN! We can show you any kind of a SUBURBAN HOME you want from the cheapest to the very best. look over this list, and If you don t find the kind of a place you want advertised, call us up snd tell us what you do wanL If it's on the market, we've got It. TH ESE ARE REAL BAROA1.N8. 324 acres. 9 miles out, close to sta tion, rock road; $0000; terms 4 U acres, all cultivated, good build ings. 13c fare; $4000; terms. Modern 5-acre home at Garaen Home. city conveniences; $6000; half cash. 2 V acres at Barstow. 6 rooms, close to station; snap for $3000; easy terms. Modern 5-acre home, paved road, near Tlgard: $75u0; good terms. 2 acres, modern 8-room house, out buildings, near St. Mary's; big snap. 4 acres; new 4-room house, near pav- Inc. at Aloha: S30U(: 1 1000 cash. 2 V) acres at Garden Home; o-room house, lots of fruit: 13700; terms. Half acre at Garden Home; 7-room house; $2100, $300 earth. Half acre at Garden Home; 3-room house: your own terms. Acre. 6-room plastered 'house at Aietz- ger. 3300O; smuu casn. Acre, 5-room modern nouse, on r,. o-i St.: SZ70O: S750 cash. Vi acres, good 7-room house. Garden Home: $8000: take some trade. Half acre at Concord elation; modern bungalow, garage: $40UO; terms. Acre with nifty modern bungalow, Garden Home: 3850: S1000 cash. 2 acrea, livable buildings, on Oregon Electric; $2T0U; terms. G. G. McCORMIO CO.. 242 Washington, near Second. Phone Main 8220. fiTRICTLsY MODERN 2-ACRE HOME, $0000. Two beautiful acres, overlooking Os wego lake, close to Bryant station on Red Electric; strictly modern, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, including barawooa floors, full finished basement, furnace. electricity, large fireplace, Dutch kitchen. This place is easily worth $S3u0. and owner will sacrifice for $6000; very lib eral terms. G. O. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main 8220. O-ROOM modern bungalow. Nifty new home at Multnomah station set in beau tiful grove of trees with a half-acre of 1 ground. This house was recently built I to sell for $6000 and had to take It over from builder along with some very fine I furniture. Will sell this nifty up-to-date home, with what furniture there is there, far $5250 on your own terms. See my special representative, N. H. ATCHI SON 204 Henry Bldg. DON'T HUNT ANY MORE! Hers is the oeautiest nnme site: the e he a ties t s acrea the very best black soil for the samel price it cost lO years ago. water, gaa, electric on the property. A very ehort distanoe from Courtney station. Oregon City car line, facing on electrtc-licrhted Courtney road. Small house, big chicken I house and barn: all kinds of fruit trees! and berries; will sell all or part of it. Terms given. Inquire Ths Hat Shop, m rourtn st.. near Aiaer. RIVE RD ALE. Thoroughly well-built bungalow; large living room ana aining room combined, 1 with fireplace: two bedrooms, larae cloa- I ets with windows; bath room, kitchen! and pantries. Complete basement with one room finished. Strong spring with automatic pressure pumps provides f water. irOt lUUXlOO; fruit trees; stream crosses corner of lot. Good 1 view, fine location, about five blocks rrom niveraaie station. BUILDING SITES AT GARDEN HOME. IJU UUA.N llO MONTH. pnly 15 minutes out on the OREGON ELBCTRIC, 7c. commutation fare, 46 electric trains daily; gas electricity and piped water: prices $200 to $600: only $50 down. $10 per month. YOU BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. See McCOR MIC. owner, at 242 Washington street suburban; HOME SUBURBAN HOME. A real gem or a country p.ace; 4 acres. with a modern iour-room bungalow, dou ble constructed; hundreds of roses, pienty of fruit trees; running water on the grounds. Owner ha spent more than ' the selling price and ten years of labor on the place: 10 minutes' walk to car line; price 141011. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. Main 6869. MULTNOMAH STATION BUNGALOW. 8-room modern up-to-date place with quarter-acre of ground and some fruit trees. Built to sell for $5750. Owner financially embarrassed and I have had to take this house over to satisfy debts. Will sacrifice at f 5000 on your own terms. See my special representative, N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry Bldg. GARDEN TRACTS On Red Electric line aa low aa $35 down and $10 per month. City water, gas and electricity available; 7c fare. You can't beat thla proposition anywhere around Portland. See ATCHISON, 204 HENRY Bldg. BRYANT ACRES NEW TRACTS. New subdivision near Oswetro Lake water, electric lights, rock roads, fishing and boating; priced from $390 per tract. Get in on ground floor. Owner, 600 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. FOR QUICK SALE, $5250. Also 3 view lots, with stream running through, to be sold together for $1000. MRS. HELEN S. TURNER, 1006 Spalding Bldg. Main 806 or 7271. $4000, HOUSE, barn, 10 acres. prunes., alaia 8672. McFarland, Failing bldg:. l REAL, ESTATE. Suburban Homes. HAVE you seen River Villa acres T If you have not, go at once to Courtney sta tion, on the river highway, and see lt Here is river frontaee and vou know there is only so much of that and there cannot be made any more and this la the best river frontage close in on the east side for river front homes and the price Is less than u r.f what vou can buy anything for on either side of it. It happens to be that River Villa acre must be sold and the question of sianaing on the price Is not in con sideration, therefore, before this beauti ful river front and paved street front, close to carline and station. 20 mln. ride from business center of Portland. Is gone, see it anrt rinn'r rrftt It after wards when It Is all sold. These home sites are large. You can buy a much I as you want from $700 up. easv terms f " J- t-l-OHESSY, ABINUTUA Do you want this for $2500? One half acre of land all In garden with a good b-room plastered house; you might say i-miiutjiiiy new, witn every city conven ience in the house and to be had, close to city school, carline and station, on tne west side; you drive to It over the paved boulevard leading out from the nuemess center: $1300 cash will handle J- CLOHESSY. ABINGTON . ii you are looking for high-class river front suburban homes In the high-class Rlverdalj district, on the carline as well as fronting the river, with modern bungalows and very highly Improved grounds, we will give you your choice of three places for let than half th value of any one of them. Prices rang ing irom $S000 up and the land area from one acre to 4. with each place. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLIXi. we nave a large list of suburban home In highly improved district on ootn side of the river, close to carlin and station, from $2500 up M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Orel-looking- the great Columbia, river. " " l" P"t of It. with a -view uperb and grandest to behold. Close to the famous Columhf hi,h.. 1. especially .elected spot for it a'ttract iienes and grandeur. Seven big. beau- iiS .Z ina. an in fruit, garden f u? you want. On a good road and onjy a block from th station tUiUmma river and with th ,.. y "" very substantial house, modern and tin A ....... ment basement, concrete walls." In brief Xl?,?-$!' uburban horn on the w.u,..u.B river ana close to th Colum- S-f,. "f "way in a very fine settlement. a tT. lrerea Ior on'y 8650O. with I'im.ent down low as tlovO. and if J t T"" b "needed by people ft. fj. Judgment at half or less than Ur.T..- ' , fy nothing of the pros- .u t 1 not far out. It is lhf f "t "l Columbia river and view M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. lir.. ri ? acres of land, one of those whinh v.',Ln lw the business center of .wyLr "d..wh?cn resembles a finished . 1 'U?U.rcv'. driveways on the T'l f 01 ' Kinos in full bear ish.. A-ry cu.,e. 4-room house with n .A. I ... DH"a'ngs. To own this ."Z 0"r".!t win prove a pleas- nrofitiKi.." 'imi'y as well as a most wi?i 1 handlinite8Unent" About 93000 cn I Jl. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. .-?.'.T,.!I5?.f"- ' -ore. of land ?heeaCtren ' VL '?," th PrlCe kd thee ten beautlfu acres, all In srove Ss,.1.! JrA'Hfc'Shway.. knao,w'nar0tVh. liable plac on th. if' I t . i h. ( inhabited by all the best J? '"und In any suburb sur- """.'J. , I1""1?- .y. it is only 20 other place located a. It is as Ion a. anS AboUt hft,f c"h win hand"" murn as you paid for all of It. Then i. . 1 u i ik ni a. w a v rni M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. un y .rx lit, ni... .nJ ..... . big beautiful acre, nf i.tI . . .if., i . ol cultivation with fruit of r? . y- pou'try houses with a capacity fni '" or """' thousand chicken, .of the modern type, feed hnn... .., . n ymeiit uoor and fDunriit nn "uuaianuai nous of an lmposin; appearance, close In in r-r. A .nnil ' i .. . . 1 ney station, on th. -i . ' 7. . and Catfleld road. Half cash Will handle M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. i:(ihki buv anri not,. t e..ti ... a good R-room houee. full cement base ment; til of the plumbing In. with the house you ret hi acre of land. Th lo cation is on East Burnside street, not " " im.1t as ootn art.: SKim ou.h handle It. Will M- J- CLOBTESST. ABINGTON BLDG. I'niV 1.1,1 u roe a . ... . . . -room bungalow with one .or. .1 1. n very highly improved, all varieties of iruit in iuii bearing, this nlace la lo- a11??,'"'a V," ,mi" hKhv In fine district. 4 blocks from car line and sta- ....... in. nouse nas all or the city con veniences such as city watetr, gas and f S v; nmn casn win handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. acres or inni 1 ipll, practically on the paved highway &nd rignt at the station: more fruit of all kinds In full bearing and coming Into full bearing than 60 families can use. A good 5-room bouse, barn, chicken nouse wurv cement floors, silo. This P'o 1 Cheap at 7500. will sell for ..J...V.. aliu wui lads in exchange a bun 5.alo.w i? tn c,,y to ,h value of 4000. 31. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. uniy ror 4 big acre of land, all of it in cultivation, barn, chicken house an.i otner necessary buildings, with the land you get also a good B-room plas tered house, fireplace. This I on the t V? rnBler niguway; cash will nuaiiis it, M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. NED BURKE'S MULTNOMAH BARGAINS. Beautiful 5-rm. bungalow: all built-in conveniences; Vi acre; all kind of iruna, perries ,ng nuts in hearing: dandy lawn, flowers, etc.: 2 blocks from depot. A real bargain, with good terms. a-rm. nouse, z rms. upstairs unfin ished: right on highway; a dandy lot. I j.iju; iruit; a aandy barn. Easy terms. A dandy 4-rm. house; big M acre of ground; good locality; y, block from highway. 2 block from sta. A new nome. witn ail convenience. Terms. See NED BURKE, Multnomah. Main litOS. 10-ACRB SNAP FOR 90MEONK 10 A., only 9 ml. from courthouso, on I Columbia highway: best of soil .1 a c,u!t. and In -potatoes, balance very easily cleared; 40 bearing fruit tree. If you know value out thl. way you won't hesitate to- grab thl at $3200. easy terms. Let me drive you out and you'll jy it's a real Investment. Will con eider good home to $4000. V. R. Jesse EVERGREEN STATION. vii urEKon city car line, snout u aca trlctly modern house, double construct ed. 5 large rooms, sleeping porch, all on one floor, large front porch, basement, large attic, fireplace. Rector heating sys tem, gaa, electric light. Bull Run water., natural tree and hrubbery. 2 blocks rrom station and grocery. Seel owner at room a union station. Phone croau way tuw, local X 1 . 1 ACRE. 7-ROOM -RT-vn A T 1 acre Just outside city limits on paved street, all under cultivation, fruit in hearing; 7-room house, full cement base ment, cement waiks; price $6000; $2000 F. L. EDDY. RTTTER. LOWE CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg a KOOMS. atrlctlv modnm. hv in i hd-wd. floors, full concrete basement and walk, fireplace, beautiful trees: 6 blks. O. C. car line, on river road, paved. At concord station, by Oct." 1. 2 strictly mod. hsea.. 6-7 rooms. On river road. 11 larpre rooms. 3 hatha, strictly mod. For appointment phone owner. Oak Grove 1 A - W . " OSWEGO LAKE BUNG A LOW Here is a modern bungalow with over six city lota, right at station; wonderful view oi lane; mooern, with fireplace. uH.a-3n.ou u, o Bleeping rooms, nicety fur nished. Including piano; price $4150. in cluding furniture: half cash. Call 500 von cor a piag. aiain po ior particulars. REMARKABLE BUY ONLY $500 TERMS. Large homeslte with aweeplng view of Oswego lake; water rights, rock road, maples and dogwood. Only $50 down. , an ouu Loncora oi ag., za and Stark. SAVE RENT. OWN YOUR HOME. Neat S-room cottage, furnished. one-hal irr on west siope Council Crest: 10 minutes to car; iruit, Derrles. garden, chicken run. city water. a real D&xgain- AG 433, iregQ7nan. 9 ACRES on carline. near station, small - buildings. welL. Make a good home. $1200. Terms, Stratton, 217 Abineton w.v ,iZ , cioae to another hlgh- far' the Bta1lon with 8c car nr thr you cai? enJy nd have all OE the CltV convenience., i k .i i .. j i BE.4L ESTATE. hubnrban Home. CHOICE HOMES. 2 acres in cultivation an h.aHni fruit trees, berries and large variety shrub bery. 8-room modern house. H. W. floors. furnace, finished In old Ivory; this is an exceptionally neat, elean nlace: a real home; Oregon City car Una. near tatlon; price $S000. half cash. v 14 acre. 11 acre In cultivation, bal ance pasturei choice land, lie right: 6- room Tiouse, good condition, barn, out buildings, on good road. 11 miles court house; price $5500; terms. Thla price Is right: a bargain. One acre In cultivation, fine land: 7 room house, modern plumbing, electrie jibuib. cnicKen nouse. Darn, close to sta tion: 11c fsre: $32 50. half cash. 5 acres. 3 acre In cultivation, balance pasture: lota of fruit and berries: 5 room house, barn, 20 acres free paature; price $3COO. half cash. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165H 4th St. SMALL FRUIT RANCH. 8 acres, located half mile sooth of Mllwaukle road and one mile from elec tric station, close to Portland on nice. sightly ground: 125 hearing fruit trees jo oravensteins. 3 Winter Bananas, lu peach trees. 15 larere cherrv and nrune trees, all have ben given the beet of care by an experienced fruit man: the crop is a good one; also some corn. bean snd other vegetables. Small house. No rock or gravel. Price $3675 on term. A good Income property. In spected by Marsters. with JOHN FER GUSON. Gerllnger .bldg. SPANISH LOG BUNGALOW. 1 acre of fine. antl. wlffi lnta nf fruit, 12o fare. 40 minute out: lots of ehade trees; nice ground and pergola: uracil ve oungalow with large living room and dining room. 1 bedroom and Dutch kitchen on first floor, larra room upstair; good electric light fixture, fine fireplace: price $3SO0; Joining this Is also i acre or loganberries that can be had very reasonable: this Is close to eleo trlc etatlon. JOHN FERGUSON. Ger- llnger bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. B acre, near Garden Home, nn ronrl graveled road, close to the highway: plastered bungalow with best of white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, furnace: woven wire fencing, all under cultivation, lots of fruit: convenient to the station: price $580O. $2000 cash: no apoloirle to offer on thl place. Photo at office. Inspected by Nelson with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acre. located on a good macadam izeu roaa; within 10 minutes' walk from Oregon Electric station, south of Tlgard: all under cultivation and the finest kind of soil; large bearing or. ciiar, Bona attractive 6-room house, electric light can ba had: nrice S7.-.n. easy terms; photo st office. Peronally mppetipa oy .vtarsters. witn JOHN FER GUSON, Gerllnger bldg. IN TZGARD. I and 1-3 acres. located 1 block from nignway, o oioCKS from station, all un aea cultivation, the best of soil: nice new .-room cottage; thl Is close to high or grarle school and the finest kind of soli; price 2(X0. flOllO cash: In spected by Nelson, with JOHN FER GUSON, Gerllnger bide. BT OWNER Here is the bieireat hrrir v.r oeen orierea you oerore; am leaving! city: acre, all In crop, 10 bearing fruit trees, lots berries: the finest garden grown in city, worth J300 alone; 4-room 1 moaern oungalow. with acreened-ln sleep ing and back perches; garage, chicken nouse; place ail fenced In: one block to 8-'d paved highway; must be seen to be appreciated. 3100. half cash. 4125 80th si. . ju., cor. via ave., between Haw thorne and Mt. Scott cars. Tabor 8210. CLOSE-IN ACRE. Kearly an acre on Mt. Tabor car line, at 8:M street: with fruit trees: modern 5-room house, with sleeping porch, full cement basement, all citv conveniences. Email barn, chicken house. 50 chickens with th place. Will consider small 3 or 4-roora house ss part payment JOHN C- U! IT: l .T .-. . ..vjk-'.J'... ... U1UB. ON THE PAVED ROAD. lvearly 6 acres, on the Powell vallev road. Just east of the city; 4 acre under Cultivation, all can be cultivated. 4 room house, barn, chicken house; price 630. 25iiO cash: will consider house in Portland in the Woodstock district up to ::.-).mi. Nelson, with JOHN FER . GUSON. Gerllnger bldg. of help. What rent will you offer me ior a w-room modern house, partlv furnished, and about 4 acres of good BOil. ? miles from Portland. On harrl- surraced street and one block to Oregon City car? Also 7 A-l cows, large barn. mllkhouse and new separator, horse and wagon ana rarm implements, mower, rake and other tools. Will 1 ease for yars If desired. Also have small chicken rancn. write box o. Portland. Or. 3H ACRES, located east of Mllwaukle. on the main road, that will be paved, all under cultivation, free from gravel. 7S peering iruit trees, apples, pears and prunes: new s-room house. mile Carver line: price 225. ii00 cash, bal ance $1U0 every ft months: inspected by Davis, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlln ger oiag. ARB YOU WANTING A HOME IN CfRVi.i,iai I can sell you a fine new lf-room mod- I em nouse, 3 bath rooms, paved street, central location, lots of fruit, some fur niture; has income from renting rooms of $75 month. 14300 will handle this; Have also smaller houses and vacant lots. an ai reasonauie prices. Address OWN- brt. av uz. uregonian. NEAR MULTNOMAH Fractional four acres on th. fanlfnl highway. All in cultivation, gentle oumern siope. uomrortabie house, and outbuildings including garage. looo I straw berries, 400 raspberries, two dozen fruit trees, nice lawn, phone and elec tric light. Ideal for suburban home. Main 1911. 15 ACRES WASHINGTON CO. Fine cherrv orchard, besides fntnllv orchard of various fruits, remainder be ing in crops: well-built 6-room house with attic, good barn and chicken house; this ideal home with crop Included for oniy tmtuu. HENRY W. QODDARD. 243 STARK ST. FOR SALE--Charmlng residence at Lake urove. modern, on one acre. Improved. shrubbery, berries and orchard. Large living room, hardwood floor, fireplace. kitchen, bath complete and tile floor, bedroom. 2 enclosed sleeping porches. nice garage. L. L. Dougan. Phone Oswego lell. LOOK! ONLY $2300. A good 5-room house with 154x200 ft.. good soil, all In garden; greenhouse -ijnz ieet; cnicKen nouse and garage: good fence all-round; 12 fruit trees and an Kinds or Derne?; this Is a real sac-I ririce witn terms, labor 775. CAPITAL HIGHWAY BARGAIN. iz acres an in cultivation, l acres family orchard, H acre loganberries and I oiack caps, 100 cutnbert raspberries. A acre strawberries, grapes set. 8-room house, good barn, right on highway near enerwooa. nm, eooa lerms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165Mi 4th St. $o00 DOWN buys 5 acres all in cultivation. i i acres in oeanng iruit. only 6 miles from courthouse. 5 blocks from highway. mile from station. Price $3000. Ktksy wrms. see ait. cnmiat. INTERSTATE IN VEST M FNT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. $5U0 DOWN takes 100 acres of rich parden ana Derry lana an in cultivation, just out! me city limits or xiuDDard on 5. p. railroad, rrice L'."uo, Kasv terms. INTERSTATE IN VEST M FNT CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. HUBER STATION $2700. Dandy 4-room house, with bath, water, gas, and gas heat; garage, chickhouse, on little over half acre; 1000 strawberry plants ana raspoernes. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST. 1H ACRES HUBER STATION. One-half cleared, all fenced, 1 block from highway; well-built houpe. very large living room, woodshed; $1950, $700 will handle. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST. FOR SALE One-quarter block. G-roora hcuse. -iv large iruu tree a ana oerries tf evArr description, at th and Oak sts.. Hillsboro, Or. Price for immediate sale, $3200. Charles Andersen, box 12, Day- ton, or. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES ..nA ft rr ft ire. well located, near car line. from $1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Riflley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook. r ntz huntra.low. nearly completed, very cute, and lour lots; oniy souu uowa, ia.- ance easy terms; must sen ; innko aa otter. Evergreen Sta., Oregon CUy lin. Alex Myers t forenoons oniyj. rtM account of sickness must sell five- room piastered house and improved acre, one and half blocks , past Crystal Lake park, Mllwaukle, or. jjts. curnutt. TWO ACRES, 44 fruit trees bearing, 4- room house, 2 blocks to car, Siiiuo. terms. Mr. Fisher, Main 5429. 243 Stark St. 2000 FINE home at Lake Grove oa lake tronU Phond 291 Oswego, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. SEE THESE TODAY. Or com In to our offlc Monday and we will ba glad to take you out. HUBER STATION 1H acre with good 8-roora house, full basement, batn. city water, gas. 'wired for electric llghta. Thla is a splendid home and I priced right at $4000. with good term. Very close to station, school and pavement. Inquire at station for E. C Peck place. MAPLEWOOD H acre with fruit, berriea and garden. 4-room house in good condition. 2 big screened porches; t1t-r T-i f lichtn. citv vsUr. gas. A nice little home with fine Dutch kitchen, for S2500. with $500 cash. 1 block southwest of store. Ask tor Wend land place. OSWEGO acre -with abundance of fruit, berries. srraDea. walnuts, and a I peach of a garden. 7-room plastered cottage with bath, city water, electrlo lights, gaa. A dandy new garage. Close to station on good rocked street. $3650. V cash. Schnellor home, west side .sec ond at., between C and D avenuea. WOODSTOCK This 1 a dandy little place at 6520 65th t- S. E : 4-room house In good condition. Lot 80x100 with the finest garden you could wish for. and all In perfect trim. Good chicken house and runs. $1200. Good terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5G24. $1800 HUBER STATION near Beaver ton. 21 acres in a high state of I cultivation, a cozy, large. 3-room 1 rustio cottage; gaa, brick well. modern chicken bouse, garage, I 1 acre In strawberries. t4 acre I In aaparagua; many varieties of other berriea; family orchard. This la a very artintio place lo cated close to a macadam road. and seldom offered for uch price. $1100 caah, balance terms. t"1ftnKT. MART'S STATION, close to I Red Electric, near Catholio school I and church; 4 acrea all In cultt-1 vatlon; 8-room cottage, city water piped into the house, g $600 cash. balance $25 per I month. Only 6 minute' walk to I tation. 2100 HUBER STATION $2100. Almost 2 acres of good soil, a 3-room I bungalow with Dutch kitchen: gas. good briclc well, larae screened chicken house. woodshed. 24 full-bearing fruit trees, big strawberry patch; fine view. A short walk to station and good stone road. $300 cash, balance easy terra. If von want a suburban home, see us. we have many others. OFFER a FEW TODAY, 11 to 2 P. M. M. E. DEJOICE COMPANY. 222 Henry Bld. Bdwy. 1631. THIS IS THE KIND OF SUBURBAN HOME THAT APPEALS TO EVERYONE. 22 afire. 1 IL miles from Newberg. In one of the nicest localities surrounding I Portland; lots of retired business men and farmers own homes in sight of this place, which is one of the nicest among I them. Ha a nice 5-room plastered 1 house with porches on three sides. J bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine store- 1 house, with double wall-s. adjoining; lo cated In fir grove of about 1 acre; good barn and outbuildings, chicken house and park in oak grove, m acres; entire place is fenced on three sides witn chicken wire: all balance of place is in crops; 64 acres of berries set out this I year; 60 large cherry trees, loaded down I with cherries: other kinds of fruit for family use: fronts on good graveled road. with all rural advantages; only a lew minutes' walk to red electric station. cannery, store, etc. Prlc. is ,10.000. but you will pay it is worth a great deal more. W ill consider a wen-locsiea house in Portland to S4O00 and f .1000 cab a. Good time on balance. STEWART & BUCK, ft 15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PARKROSE. ON SANDY BLVD. GROUNDS 101x333 FT. Price Include furniture, almost new bungalow occupied only a few months: 5 rooms and very large plastered attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, full ce ment basement and laundry trays. If you are Interested In a suburban home thla will surely please you as it is on Bandy blvd. (Columbia highway), a paved street, .place hss gas. electricity and is only 1 block to car line. J. Tj. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 203. MULTNOMAH is the place for you to tilck in a mod- rn hnm. on larare tract of ground. I have them at price ranging from $20OO to $."0O0. cm improved atreets. witn an modem convenlem-es. Let me show you this delightful district. It will pay you . v-TTTi if voi don't buv anything. The development ot mat secrion 01 Multnomah countv surroundlra. Mnlrrto- m sta.. on tne Oregon e-ieetrtc. 1 one n.r .i-ia tnarvei. or fori ana s arowtn. Here within a few years a suburb of practically 1000 people ha com into I have a great vneiy ot running sue. If vou wish to construct your own nom I have given the malor portion of my time to the development snd upbulMlng of Multnomah and can give you first hand Information ibout most of the property in thl locality. m r; in t 1 c a x. a j-j. 404 Tlatt bldg. 127 Park St. Main i"o. BEAIITIFITI. RIVER FRONTAGE. We sre offering Tor the first time hnnt SO acres fronting on the Wil lamette river, 22 mile south of Port land: the grounds re ideal: IS acres are under cultivation: small bungalow; Immense spring and fine trout stream of swift living water: oeautirui ires; n main hte-hwsr. close to electric sta tion: without doubt thl 1 one or tne most beautiful paces along the river. Owner Is moving away ana mis prop erty will be sold for $7Ji. terms. JOHN ES. HOWARD. 818 Cham, of Commerce. T.AKK OROVE. P?WEGO LAKE. tlOOO. $1100. $1250. $1650. $2000. $3500. Lake ( j rove, nryini acres, vawnu lake, fosv acr. houses, gardens, trees. water, electricity, phone. Boating, fish- lns- hunting, raise chickens. raDnits. rfucka. vegetables. Finest luburb.n dis trict. 80 mln. Portland. Kssy term. Will show by .auto. Msln 8,672. McFARLAND REALTY JJ. 208 Falling Bldg. r.N.R ACRE ON THE ST. CAR LINE. A.erm ni t TexT. hoUK. rara.IT A. WOOd- shed, chicken houses and runs; all kinds of fruit In full bearing; some garden; good well; electric lights: on raved road; 12 miles from Portland. Price $1960, $60 cash, balance $25 month. Johnson, with PTEWART A BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4-ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern. rnmniAMiv rum enea. on . nea E.iec- trie line. 2 blocks from station, on 7c fara. City water, gaa and electricity. Owner leaving at once for San Fran cisco. Will sacrifice home nni fnrtilture osft Xfast have $120ff eFh. ance terms. See N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry Bldg. - GRESHAM. XTndMm hunt-alow and acre. A pretty 5-room bungalow with all conveniences and well-improved acre right In town of nrMham Full cement basement. Chick en house and run for lOO chickens. Fruit, berries, garage. Only $3500 with reason able terms. MacINNES A PRATT. 20Q-210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1058. IBFAUTIFUL sit f-""" rnnt ""i" wifhfn the city; gas. electricity, muii un water, fruit trees, creek, springs, unobstructed view; northern boundary nd loins East moreland. one mile east of Pllwood on Tacoma ave., Ardenwald station ; com prises about six acres, pprt being bottom land suitable for garden and part on hill for the building site. Part cash. Phone owner. Kane, Sellwood 1363. 3 ACRES, house, barn, good well with windmill, tmtt. cuitivatea. ivo icravi or city assessments. 2 miles closer in than Lents. Will sell for $4900. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. i ACRE to give for a song and you may sing it. r-room cthii'ii i'o u place, good well of water. On hard sur faced road. Might consider piano in exchange. S04H N. Jersey st. FOR 20O0 you can have a pretty modern bungalow ana 'A oi srre oi cumvuicu land at Capitol HilL Call owner Tabor $2"00. CAPITAL highway. 6 A., honse. barn, orrhard. piped watr. Big hen house. Main 8672. McFarland. 208 Fail ing bldg. BEAUTIFUL suburban home at Concord sta. Oregon City car, 8 blocks east to stone house. . OSWEGO Lake frontase. particularly fine lot on lane rront : uw B.v seasion. Phone Main 85. LAKE GROVE acre. Lake View. $1750. Alain 3672. McFarland, 208 Failing bid. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. ARE you looking for a country home In or near the outskirt of Portland? We have hundreds of desirable suburban homes at REASONABLE PRICES. Be low are a few: $1950 One acr right on Buckley ave.. with a new four-room plastered house; electrieitv. gaa. water; VERY EASY TERMS. This is a snap ! $1600 TERMS. One fine acre near STANLEY STATION; four-room " house, water, gaa, electricity. $2200 ONE ACRE FRUIT AND BER RIES; good 7-room house; large chicken house for 300 hens; GARDEN HOME, near school; TERMS. $2650 HUBER STATION: 1 acre: fruit and berries, and a modern 4-room! bungalow; labor saving built-lns. white interior finish: barn and chicken house. TERMS. This is value! $1230 BEAUTIfTL PARKROSE: one acre with an artistic 5-room bun galow; ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT AND BERRIES. If you are par ticular this lovely little home will appeal to you. $4500 DOSCH STATION ; beautiful view ; 5-room modern bungalow: plenty of fruit and berries: only $ir.'iti down, balance like rent. A HOME THAT MIST BE SEEN TO EE APPRECIATED. We have hundreds of remarkable SUBURBAN HOME BUYS. We'll be glad to snow them at anv time. Oren eve nlrgs and Sundays. See F. C. Marshall. wnn FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Your Countrv Horn. Ablngton bldg. Main lCrM. 1064 3d St., bet. W ashington and Stark OR BOON" CITT CAR LINE. Pretty littl home Evergreen station. Four-room house, very nicfly finished, Xic lot, plenty fruit. Rood ga.rm.g. Conveniences; only $1300. easy leruiA. Cellfomi bnnrtrow, 5 room s and Nicely finished, modern convenience. Choice acre, rood, well and garace. $26o0, 600 cash, bad. easy terms. Ccy little five-room bun alow. Bath, fireplace, modern conveniences. Native trees, fruit and garden. V sere, near elation; JOuO. rive-acr home, near car line, $4000. 6-room house and outbuildings. afnunaant rruit ana berries: good. soiL Largs spring piped into kitchen. Strictly modem Su-acre home. Treble-constructed bungalow, ctty water. Hardwood floors, built-lns, vry neat. Choice soil, abundant fruit: near car. Not for sale after AusiiRt 1. Oniy $3500. This is first class. l4-aere home, right on highway. ideal location; good 6-room hou. P enty fruit; good soil; near car. Price $3000; very liberal terms. Phone 113-W. C E. APPLE, OAK GROVE. OR. OSWEGO RIVER ACREAGE. TT can sell you the prettiest home site in Oregon, overlooking the lake and river at Oswepo; these are wonderful view sights and the highway goes right through the tract. No climbing hills to get to them. Parties look ing for attractive places to build their home will be the loser it they do not see these places be fore buying. Prices are very rea sonable. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO.. 85 Fourth tu 14 ACRES CAPITAL HILL. R-room house, running water, electric lights, house in first-class condition, lots of fruit, hen house and run. nice garden already in. Can sell for the extremely low price of (3000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth St. GARDEN HOME. 2-ACRE HOME BARGAIN'. Here is the best bargain in this fast- growing t.arden Home - district : '1 acres. ail in cultivation: plenty of full-bearing iruit trees; good 7-room house, frond barn, chicken house: city gas and pined water; only 2 minutes from siailnn on aln country road. Owner will acrifi,-e lor S4uu41 on good terms. Mitht cnnsMei city home In Overlook Addition to foUOO 1. j. l OU..U1; CO., 242 Washington at. Main S220 5-i ACRKS. 1 ACRE BRAKING LOliAN'RERRIES With fine modern 8-room countrv home on electric line and highway, few min utes drive from Portland. House h hardwood floors. bullt-ins, gas heat Dutch kitchen, new double gamco. larve barn and chicken run. 2."o fruit trees, 1-3 acre of raspberries, balance In grain and garden. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 3S N. W. Bank Bldg. , Main 3787. k'or fet&le -Acreage. GOOD 30-ACRE FARM on the state highway south; 1.S ares in cultivation, good house, barn and silo. family fruit; a homelike place with best soil and icoorl neiahbors : price $ Ti'.'h. D. McOHESNET, 30-4 Oak su Broad way 216. AT OAK GROVE. TWO ACRES, between hlerliwey and river. nicely wooaea. beautiful tract; owner will sacrifice for immediate sa.le account other Investments. P. H. BIRRELL. CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldd. Mar. 4114. FIXE ALAMEDA HOME. $ZTZ& Seven rooms, modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beauti ful shade trees; a bargain at this price. S. S. FRENTIS. 13 ACRES. 9 miles from -Portland on hard road, all In out, fine soil, all fenc-d. 9 ood for truck farming ; price $ ioOO. $100 caah. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak at. $1000 PER ACRE PROFIT made on berries this year. Can you beat It? Have a beautiful lo-acre berry tract. 64 acres berries. 7-room house. close to car. on hard road; close to Port- lar.d. 635 Chamber of Commerce bldg: 10 ACRES in city limits good town. 3 1 acres loganberries, 5 acres orchard, big garden, 6-room bungalow, barn, ail cui tUated; price $."..",00: $4500 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak st. - ACRE TRACTS OR LARGER. Opening of the fine Stokes farm at 42! and Simpson sts.. Alberta car; some tracts have bearing fruit and nut trees; $10 payments. 121t N. W. Bank b!dg. Main 1T FOK SALE 7V acres, all fenced, about 14? assorted fruit trees, some bearing, spring snd cabin, clone to pnm toff ice. store and station: "0 miles from Port land; cheap for caah. Address 61S Pet t rrove st.. Port land. 11 ACRES. 6 miles to town; 5-room house, . bath and water; 4 seres in prunes, fruit and berries.. 50O chickens. Jersey cow and tools; price $4."i00 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. AT A SACRIFICE. H acre, good tent house and chicken house, fruit, at your own price and terms. See it at 65th St., 100 feet south of 65th ave., and make offer. Main 67!5. 20 ACRE3 near Crown Point and Columbia highway, with fine trout stream running through property: will trade f-r a couple of good lots well located. Owner. Mr Campbell, 200 E. 21 st. N. East 1-US. HERE IS YOUR CHICKEN FARM ! 4 acre, 3-room plastered house, elec tric, water. 2 sets chicken bouses; $200 cash, balance $20 per month. Price $11."0. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. Tracta 100x140, close to high way and Multnomah at at Ion : Bull Run wafr; $400 to $0O0; easy erms; 5 per cent less for cash. East 6001. 10 AND 20 ACRE tracts by owner; rich soil, no rocks or gravel, level, in heart of prune district, near Vancouver; reason able. Automatic 31 4-71. Sunday. 970 Alnsworth ave., Portland. FOR SALE 24 acres of 14-year-old apple orchard, run hearing; water and gas in the street, 5 b:ks. so. from Tobias station or. S. P. Red electric Ask for W. C. Dewey. FOR SALE by owner, 4 acres, good buildings, lots or Truit. all improved ; might sccept good city residence on same. 5029 52d st. S. E. Sell. 1242. START FOR CHICKEN RANCH. 1 acres. chicken fenced : 6-room house, in Buxton, Or.; $700. easy terms. Wm. Irle. 29U 5!h, Portland. 55 ACRES close to city limits, on Bar and Barker road, cheap at per acre. McDONELL. East 419. TUALATIN valley berry land. 5 8-13 level acres; trout creeK; a ofKs. eic McFar land. Failing bldg. Main 3672. 5 ACRES, highly improved. So car fare; paved road. 518 Cham, of Com. bldg. ONE acre, in cultivation, at Garden Home, terms. Fisher. Phone Tabor 2634. -A bargain if sold at once; no Main 7040, RCA I. EKTAT. Kor Kade A.r BARGAINS IN PRUNES ! mi and 5 of this bear-tag; beauti ful location, best of prune soil; near paved highway: pnts. w-ith the crop. $50i0. and with out the crop, $4500; possession given at once. 43 ACRES. 12 acre In prunes. 5 acres bearing; good build ings, grain crop and pasture, purchaser gets owner's share. Near town. Write for special price, aa owner must sell. Some special prune buys near town for J10OO an acr and worth the money. 24 acres, orchard of cher ries, apples. prunes, grapes; garden ground, good barn and chicken house; 5-room pIa& tered cottage. electric lights, city water, bath: Just out of corporation; for quick sale only $2700. T-acr home with personal property. horse. harness and buggy, farm tools. Incubators, brooders and chickens: berriea for family use. $4ou0. TV. E. "WHITE A CO., 703 i Firit t-, New berg. Or. I HAVE SEVERAL FINE PIECES OF ACREAGE from 5 to 2D acres which I wish to se-U this rummer snd which I am offer hue t exceedingly low prices. Some of these tracts are cioe to the city of Portland, suitable for chicken ranches or berrv ranches. Other tracts lift farther out and are suitable for general farmrntg. If you are Inter ested in anything of this kind be sure to communicate with tne snd do busi ness first hand wiLh the owner of the property. BEX RIESLAKD. 404 Piatt bide 127 Park st. Main ft0. ACHS BARGAIN. $275 cash. 25 per month, bay n acre, all lncuitivatlon, fronting on Coi-um-bla boulevard: 6 blocks from 2 city car lines. Price only $14u0. See Mr. Farncworth. with H. A. DRYTTR. THE ACREAjGE MAN." &0S-9 Ideals bids. Broadway &6S1. $200 DOWN. 2 acres. 1 block from Base Lin road, on a graveled road. 2H miles east of city limits; all under cultivation; over an acre in wheat. 40 fruit tree 8 years old. apples, pear; prunes, etc.; S rows of loganberries. 2 rows blsckberries ana. raspberries across th. place; city con veniences can be had; 6 blocks from sta tion; easy terms on th balance at 6 per cent. JOHN FElvGUSGN. GKR LlNGiiR BLDG. 9-ACRE INCOME HOME. Here are 9 acres ail under cultiva tion, with 1 acre strawberries, 1 acr logans and raspberries, 1 acre spuds, 1 l, acres sweet corn, orchard of over 100 trees, full bearing; grapes, rhubarb, cur rants, gooseberries, etc.: fine lO-roora house, fireplace, basement, city water, gas. electricity, etc.; good barn and chicken houst-s, a fine home on paved road, price only $15,000; cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LO vV E A CO.. 201-a-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FURNISHED ACREAGE HOME. 2 acr?. all under cultivation. 5 hlka. from .nation: good wire fence; 12 bear In? fruit tieea. losen. rasp, and straw. berrte; water piped to house and gar den from uprinsc; bouse of - large rooms lexis each that could be divided to mj ke 5 rooms; chicken house and park, ttomishofl. The place in well furnmheJ and included at the price of $1100. ba'f cah. Some tools with the place. JOHN FERGUSON. UERLLNGEK lil-JO. NEAR WOOPBURN'. OR. R beautiful 10-acre tracts, one-half n bearing orchard, and one 13-acre Iract tn clover. V mile from electric station. This land is firM-class and on countv road. Take notice, this land is located in the famous lontnberrv district, and one crop of loganberries would more than pay lor the Price $130 Per acre. Your choice of tracts. Land owned by non-residents. HiKicest snap ever of fered. RICHARDS & REED. 308 McKav Bldg. Main 41t3- A REAL BARGAIN. Nearly an acre, located t block ut of city limits, on a good graveled road; 5 blocks from city car line; all in fruit tret-s. grapes and berries; 3-room plas tered house and sleeping porch, barn, chirken house and wire runways; city 'witter, gas. to; let. Trice iU.lOO. $.;."0 cash, balance monthly pavments. ln sp"i ted by Davis, with JOHN KEROIT bON, GER LINGER BLDG, Main to9. 7 ACRBc. SUBURBAN HOME. 7 acres, only 1 mile from city limits on paved road, near car; about 2V4 acres of berries, grapes, etc., 50 fruit tree, full ; 4-room plastered bunga low with all outbuildings. Here Is a home to be proud of. 1'rice $7oUO; $2oOO caah. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-:i-."-7 Board of Trade bldg. 144 ACRES, located on a good road near Clackamas; only 10 miles from center of Portland, close to station. The road will be paved. All under cultivation. A nice homeslte. Price J40OO clear. Will consider weil located home in Portland. will assume some on good 3-room place. JOHN FERGUSON. GEKLINGER BLDG. NEAR GRESHAM. Fine improved 20-acre farm, all good soil, on good road, close to school, good house, barn, garage, etc., all growing crop, stock and farm Implements, good orchard, berries, all extra fine berry land; price $3o0; terms. KRIDKR & ELKINGTON, G re ham. Or. IN HILLSBORO. OREGON. 1 acre 4 blocks from station, all In crops, potatoes, smeet corn, garden, 1 4 bearing fruit trees, varieties, and some berries. 3-room hoiine. large chicken house for 300 chickens. Place is fur nished. 3 cords of wood, price $1200, $4o0 cash. Masters, with John Fergu son. Gerllnger bldg. LOOG ED -OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soli, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby: buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $d per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A HUGE BARGAIN IN CRANBKRRT LAND. Ten acres in full bearing, bumper crop now set, market assured at attractive price; price $S500; $3000 cash will han dle. This crop will nt more than that. Address Box 121, Seaview. Wash. FOR ALE LOGO E D-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres S"id last yar at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual sett.ers. WEVERHAEUPER TIMBER CO., TacomtA. Wash. FOR SALE The Jacob Oster place, within the city limits of dear hart, containing 7 acres, 3 acres in vegetable garden, 4 acres pasture, Jersey cow, 1 horse, all farming implements and 100 chickens; good housrt, barn, and chicken houses all new. Apply to Jacob Oster or F. L. Hager. Gearhart. HALF ACRE. City water, gas. $100 less than actual cost, and at $15 per month. PUT YOUR KENT MONEY BACK INTO YOUR POCKTET. SOREN PETERSON. 1103 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 3731. FIVE ACRES IN WHEAT, on O. E. ry.. thla side of Hillsboro; rich, black soli, best ev-er; Just off Base Line road. $lL'f-H, tprmt. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. 3U acres beautiful home site right on Oregon City car line, suitable for plat ting. Gas and electricity, good 8-room house. Price $00. i per acre. Terms. RISLEY, STARKWEATHER A BLACK. 602 Broadway bldg. Main 6199. FOR SALE BY" OWNER DIRECT. 160 acres fine land in prune district Clarke county. Wash., 14 miles from business district Portland ; will sub divide; no agents. T t2H, Oregonian. W ACRES, all In cultivation; 3 blocks from school, at Park Place; 5-room house, small barn, good well water plen ty fruit and grapes; $1650, terms. L. O. Berber. Alder hoteL $40H BUYS 10-ACRE farm 30 mils south of Portland, 1 H miles from Can by. All Improved. House, barn, chicken house. Third of crop goes to buyer. Writ to O. M. VARNSON. Fargo. X. Dak- 10 ACRES. 8-room fine bungalow; fire place, fruit, berriea. etc; on eoantT roa. 10 miles irons v ncou-jr. .rrwe- - ". "Bdwy. ,M. Tabor 'ilX FOR SaLB vr rnc S acres. SO mlnrt e Oregon ucncrw: wwcm w eai HO 42 Onoq. 40 ACR F-S, unim proved. 2 4 miles from WinTock. wash. For details write to Ed. HalL MUwaukie, Or. A I. II