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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 7 REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. MAR SHALL 1808. ROSE CITY. SPECIAL, $3950. "Extra good 7-room house, big reception hall, pretty stairway leading from reception hall, three rooms ami den downstairs, three extra large bedrooms upstairs, each closet has a window ; pretty sideboard, hardwood floors, good plumbing, electric light fixtures, full basement, new Boynton fur nace; lot suxllO; 1 block, to car line. We think. thiB place Is worth. $5u00. SELLING PRICE. $3950, TERMS. Re&Tty Department, LAWYRST TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. MARSHALL 1S0S. BEKL'M & JORDAN. ONLY $5uuo. A REAL HOME. One of the Best Buys in the City. Very large living room, fireplace, book eases, largo dining room, beautiful buf fet, Dutch kitchen, screened-tn back porch, toilet and lavatory on first floor; a large, light bedrooms, bath and toilet on second floor, Full cement basement and furnace. Would cost $7500 to build today. Lot fiOxlOO; fine lawn, roses and fruit. Don't full to see this. DEKUM & JORDAN-. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids.. 4th and Stark Sts., Main 2233. SEMI-BUSINESS PROPERTY. 2 blocks of new Montgomery Ward plant, we have a 75x100 lot and fairly modern house at the low price of $5000; only $2000 cash, or will trade for good Cali fornia property. Phone Auto. 611-50. Ask to see Mr. Rector. SELLWOOD DISTRICT 16800. 150x100 with 81 fruit trees and small fruits, garden, chicken house; modern 6-room bungalow. Inlaid H. W. floors. French mirror doors bet. hall and bed room; large living room, extra built-ins. hat and coat clouet in hall; inlaid lino leum and $1:00 gas and wood range in cluded in price and will sell A-l furni ture with house if desired, at $500 extra. Rest buy on the market. HKXRY W. OODDARD, 2-43 STARK ST. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial nome, ouut of hollow tile and stucco. on double lot. with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river; every new feature, including brocaded silk, paneled wans, hand-painted solarium. 12 sets French doors, 3 tile baths, double ga rage, gas. hot water heat. 1079 Westover road. R. H. Torrey, owner. Tabor 407. 6-KOOM bungalow, 2 blocks to car. 2 blocks to school, for quick sale, $1900; imme diate possession; this is In a very de- eirable location, walking distance Jef ferson high school, beautiful 50x100 lot, with fruit and shrubbery, $1000 cash Hill handle, balance easy payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ftS X. W. Bank hldg. Main 8787. $,io5o will buy you a 9-room house in ele gant condition, rooms all large and light; this is suitable for two families, having a kitchen and pantry, both up stairs and down, full basement. full lot. r.Oxloo, with fruit and shrubbery: $1000 cash will handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. en 3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. CAR. 5 bedrooms first floor and 3 above. Full cement basement, first-class fur nace, fine fireplace; excellent electrical fixtures, best of plumbing, extra toilet and lavatory upstairs. Onlv $3o50; rea sonaMe terms. Tabor 4307. LOOK AT THIS! Modern 6-room cottage; 1 block from car, with full cement basement, kitchen ith built-ins; all screened and ready to move into. Lot 80x100, with garden and shrubbery; assessments all paid. $2750. Terms. OWNS R . Tabor 2 00 1 . WAVE RLE IGH HEIGHTS. Cosy 5-room bungalow, fireplace, book, rases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, Ra Do sys tem heating; house commands good view of city; price $3300, $1400 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 653 N. XV. Bank bids. Main 377. HE RES A BARGAIN! A neat 4-Yoom plastered house, electric lights, toilet, some furniture, screened-in back porch. Lot 50x12 1. Berries, fruit trees, all for bijou. A better bargain for cash. Mt. Scott car. 67ol SOth st. S. E. Tabor 7042. $ 6500 A LA MUD A PARK HOMR Here is your opportunity. Strictly modern home of 7 rooms, rec. hall, ga rage ; every modern convenience ; white enamel throughout; on 20th, near Bryce ave. This Is a' real bargain. Tabor 644L it' OR SA LE $5250; 7-room bungalow in Laurelhurst, 1016 Clackamas St.. 2 bed rooms downstairs, 3 up; in perfect con dition; all improvements and taxes paid; might give soma terms. Call owner" East S107. LOOK IT OVER! Nifty 4-room Rose City bungalow; marvel lot. with fruit galore, including luxuriant grapes. cherries, prunes, apples, berries, etc. Won't last long at $2S50; terms. Owner. Tabor 450 2. .CLOSE-IN HOME. 7-room modern house, full basement, Furnace, fireplace, laundry trays on Ross st., near Broadway. Price $3000; $1500 cash, balance monthlv R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. FULTON DISTRICT. SNAP. 7 rooms, elect., gas, bath, etc.; newly painted outside and inside; close to car line: good garden space. Priced for a quick saie. $2o00. easy terms. Owner. 434 Mill st. Bdwy. 15h6. ' COTTAGE, by owner: must sell at once: good garden ground, lot 6Oxl20 674 E 21st st., near Powell, and 66 2-3 by lo' E. 22d st. All improved ; car stops in front. Owner, R. Pens. 464 Jefferson st SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. This place is well built; has all mod rn conveniences, good district and car service and will be sold at a bargain. Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 30S0. FOR SALE My Irvington home; 10 rooms two sleeping porches, very cheaply heat ed, swell neighborhood. Deal with own er. No agents wanted. Hurry! 0500 AG 734. Oregonian. ST. JOHNS. o-rwm conace, lot luoxioo. corner; ots of fruit and berries. Price $2300 $500 cash, balance easv. ' R. M. GATE WOOD & CO 165 4th St. xiv r.-Kovnai modem bungalow, newly fcuilt. for sale at a bargain; owner leav rng city; located at 720 East Soth no-th Call evenings after 7 or Sundays. Rose T-ROOM residence lot 50x100. all ments paid. 00 E. 12th near Washimr- k.uU wvt- r.,o.v. .terms. PARRISH W ATKINS & CO 106 2d St. Main 1644. FOR SALE Beautiful Irvington home af mod era conveniences. 7 rooms, besides inaiu & rwiu Mni store room on third floor; price $0000; no agents. Write for appointment. M 531, Oregon tan. A TITLE insurance policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title insured Better be sate than sorry. Title & Tru&t company. BEHIND every policy of title insurance is a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it is cheap er than the abstract method. Title & T ru9 1 co nip any. FOR SALE by owner, a most attractive 7 room Irvington home. Full cement base ment, hardwood floors throughout: two bath rooms and ail modern conveniences. For particulars call Enst 2073. 6-ROOM bungalow, improvements in and paid; bargain tf taken inside 10 days. No. 23 K. Alberta, cor. Montana, Wdin. 1 Sti3. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a title insurance policy. No abstract required. Title ot Trust com imny. $1440 4-ROOM GO cottage, garage, choice corner lot, 50x100; fine garden and roses i!9 E. 7tith N. 2 blocks south of Sandv blvd. Phone Tabor 4180. y TITLE insurance is the modern way of handling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required. Title & Trust company. WE have already examined the title to your property and can issue you a title insurance policy without delay. Title & Trust company. WHEN you get a title insurance policy you do not need an abstract of title One premium pays for all time. Title & Trust company. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insured. Get a title insurance poi lcy. Title & Trust company. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be sale than sorry. Title & Trust company. TITLE insurance saves time and money because no abstract is required. Titi & Trust company. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. No abstract re quired. Title &. Trust company. $-ROOM house for sale. Big yard, fruit and flowers; lot 100x50. Will sell cheap. A p ply 1034 2d St., rooms 2 and 3. THREE 5-room bungalows. Owner, cheap. asi SOGL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. MARSHALL 1303, TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. PAT RENT TO YOURSELF. WHAT $300 WILL BUT. Just think, only $300 down, $45 per month buys this new bunga low, lot 40x116; every modern con venience, plumbing, heating plant, fireplace, cement driveway for ga rage, big storeroom ; 1 block to cur. Price $465u. $300 cash, bal ance $45 per month. $200. Large 3-roora bungalow Just the place for newly-weds; has every modern convenience, plumbing, fireplace, electric lights, basement, cement driveway for a garage. Price only $3250, $200 caah, bal ance $-5. per month, $250. 5-room house on Williams ave., close in. This lot alone ia worth the price. Price $1600, $250 cash, balance $15 per month. HIS LOSS. Mtg. foreclosure judgment and Interest on 6-room house, $2380; owner has until Nov. 17 to redeem; 6ux50 corner, hardsurface street, full cement basement, plumbing, gas, electricity and fireplace. Skid more, near Union. You will have to hurry. REALTY DEPARTMENT, LAWYERS" TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, Marsha "J IS 33. HOMESEEKER. Are you In earnest about getting a home? Are you tired of paylnx those enor mous rents? Have you been frugal ana saved up from $300 to $500 to make a first pay ment T If so, be sure to see me. I am the owner of a great deal of vacant property about Portland and especially In the Multnomah district on the Oregon Elec tric. I can start you out on a beau tiful building site, either cleared property or land covered with natural shrubs and trees. If you are satisfied with n mndoct home T ch n rIho provide that. At any rate it would pay you to call at my office and talk this matter over with me. If you sim-ply want a good riece of srround and build your own house, I can provide that on the easy terms of 10 per cent of the purchase price In cash and $10 a month on the unpaid balance, with 6 per cent Interest. And this is real home property, with gas, water, electricity and sidewalks, in the street, all paid for. 1 spend my Sundays at Multnomah, where my little office basks serenely on the blvd. But, of course, I am not there always out showing people over the district, so if you are coming kindly call up on the phone Sunday A. M., bet. the hours of 8 and 10. at Marshall 5180, and arrange with me for a date to show you about. Week days call my of fice. Main 860, for appointments. BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6-room strictly modern bungalow; fur nace, fireplace, built-in features. ce ment basement, wash trays, hardwood floors, floored attic, etc.; walking dis-1 tance Franklin high; convenient to 1 stores, car, etc. Price cut to $4200 for I quick sale. HAWTHORNE. 6 ROOMS. BARGAIN. Good home with fruit and berries. fu!l I cone, basement, furnace, etc. Leaving I ine state. jmiu. cannot be aupii cated at the price In city. MT. TABOR. 6 ROOMS. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors . 3 j bedrooms. Inclosed slpg. porch. $0000. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. - 165 " Fourth bt. LAURELHURST COLONIAL BUNGALOW Owner just bought larger home and will sell one of classiest and most ad mired 1-story 7-room bungalows, with garage, m city: ao-rt. living-room with sets t rench doors to concrete porch ; French doors to dining-room and an other set to sunxoom, having delightful porcn ; Kitcnen wnn Duiit-in refriger ator and breakfast nook; 3 fine large I oea rooms a-na sleeping porcn. new fur nace, old ivory finish: finest improved grounds in tract, with view of city and parH, i PiK. to car. Tabor 407. MUST BE SOLD BY AUGUST 1. Willamette Heights Dutch col onial. Fine view. Location and setting can't be beat. House is perfect in finish and arrangement. Cost $13,000, selling at $11250, Phone Auto. 511-50, evenings. Broadway 3 USD. BEAUMONT. 6-room modern house, hardwood floors, I etc. ery compactly arranged. $1500 j taa u auu terms. rnce $uuu. BEAUMONT. $6100 8 rooms, fine basement, hard- wooa noors, sleeping porch, gas range I nu citfcinc iixiurt-a, extra good buy. $2000 cash, balance terms. 'Mr Bolderston. Tabor 6514. residence phone. I i z,tni. J i Ej XJN V H.& TAlfci.NT CO., Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Less than cost, new colonial bunga low, 5 rooms, attic. Dutch kitchen. ureattiasi hook; up-to-aate conveniences; hardwood floors, ivorv finish, firenlare French doors, Gasco furnace, fine porch, beautiful viejw of river, mountains, select neighborhood. Inspection invited. Owner, ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 8-room bungalow-type residence, ab solutely modern, every convenience. xinest arive, near large school. been ad vertised at and well worth $6500. but on account or death, in iamily must sell. The first with 1-3 cash gets it at S6000-. accept good, late model. 5-passenger ' car. c. is., corner iriancock. Automatic 3LU--D. FOR SALE, like rent 708-700 E. 46th N., bu-j-two-iiB tL.. 4;.tn N. ; all new. ivory iinisn, obk noors tnroug-nout, window shades, tapestry paper, buffet. Radiant fire, breakfast nook, built-in kitchen. A cement basement, furnace, full nlumb- ing. laundry trays and dram in base ment, electric fixtures. 5 rooms. 14x26 I attic, ouxjuu lot; ail improvements paid. tee tne owner at i o". 40th N. 9 uuuu -t u.nualu vv in nose tJity, 7 rooms. J. steeping porcnes, sewing room. Dam, iurnace, nrepiace, trays. narawooa noors, lull cement base ment, lawn, shrubbery, near school i and carline, lot 50x100. Mr. Schultz will snow you. HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? I We design and build apartments, garages I residences, anything; furnish plans and miant-f. xL,siariisnea tu years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. i- K. Bailey Co., inc., 021 N. W. Bank "in s- UNIVERSITY PARK. 1 block to car-. 10- room bouse, modern, fine condition, 67x 100 ft. lot; swell tent-house, all kinds oi rruit ana snruooery; jou, cash S2200. A real buy. Let me show you. Owner, P. Vanadermeer, 27u Fourth st. Phone Alain mornings. Alain VJoi M. FOR SALE, in Sellwood, by owner 5-room bungalow cottage, lot 50x100; bearing I i run trees ana oerry ousnes; blocks from city school; plumbing, gas, elec tricity; paved street; 4 blocks to car line; fine location. Call Alar. 207 Tabor WONDERFUL BUY $0500. Irvington, 7 rooms, white enamel, hard- I wood noors, garage, ueianunt. East 1347. ROSE CITY PARK $6200. 7-room bungalow, modern in every re- 1 spect, lull oasement ana attic; lot a 0x1 00, on Stanton street corner. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St, FOR SALE 6-room modern house with I concrete basement and garage, some fruit I and berries, 1 block from Wdln. car and! pavement, close to school; $250o, $500 1 aown ana rest iiae rent. jL.ioerty st. ATTORNEY can deliver 3 lots, 7-room modern, 30th, East Salmon, for $4500 ; nothing like it for $6500; will loan $30o0 on it ; no agents, no commission. Graves, oiJ Gasco bldg. IRVINGTON 7-room house, near both cars: garage, open lire, hardwood floors. 1 Price $5500; worth more; terms. Phone) East 2103. $1600 Nice 5-room plastered bungalow. iuu size iot, an Kinas oi iruit. jrm can, balance like rent; inquire 6113 37th ave. Southeast. BY OWNER Large 6-room house, sleep-! tng porcn; iruit trees; iuu ioi; close in. 7l ci. ytn st. . i none sen. oy. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. 3518 64TH ST. TABOR 8554. TWO-STORY home, view lot, west slope Mt. 'labor, t3iou. iaDor iu. MUST sell this week, 5-room cottage, bath. fruit; owner leaving; make offer. &S6 union ave. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Willamette I Heights, catl owner. Main 5404. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, $3200; $550 down. balance easy. i3d r,. tn st. r. ROSE CITY PARK bargain. New, modern ! BUNGALOW Modern. 5 rooms, new ma-6-room bungalow. 660 53d st. N. E- 1 hogany furniture, $4500; 615 E. 64th at REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. EEB THESE TODAY. 5-room house- In first-class condition, with bath, gas and electricity. Beau tiful l?vel lot 50x100, with abundance of fruit. Immediate possession. $1900, $300 cash. No. 1400 Fern avenue. Woodlawn car. 5-room pT aster ed house, bath room (not equipped). Dandy corner lot 7x100. with fruit trees that will bring in $100 this year. J180O: $20O cash. On Wood lawn car line. 643 Dekum avenue. 5- room house !n good condition, on good corner lot BOxlOO, with wonderfully fine garden. Gas and electricity, city water. Chicken house. $120O: good terms. St. Johna car. 147 Ainsworth avenue. 6- room house, bath, gas. city "water. Ftreet paved and paid for. Cement basement. Walking distance of shin yards and town. $1400; $315 cash, 1010 Kelly st. 4-room honse in good condition, with gas and city water. Lot 80x100 with the finest garden you could wish for and all in perfect trim. Good chicken house and runs. $1 20O: good terms. 6520 65th st. S. E. Woodstock car. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, bath, e'ectric llsrhts. gas. 6 fruit tree, lots of berries; fine corner lot 50x100. Cement walk. 1375; good terms. 4427 62d ave. S. E. RATyPTT HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. $7500. SPECIAL PRICE. MODERN" 7-ROOM HOME IV LAURELHURST. . One blork from Laurelhurst park : hardwood floors, fireplace, tiled bath room, buffet, built-ins, furnace, cement basement, garaee, lot 50x100. Must be seen to be appreciated. Easy terms. Ready to move Into. W. G. BECK, 215 FAILING BLDG. AGENT FOR OWNER. HAWTHORNE 7 -to m Bu n galo w $5000. KRAR FRANKLIN" HIGH SCHOOL. A pplendid home. 7 roms with hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fur nace, etc. Real value here. Too will hnve to see this to appre ciate the real value. Let us show you, ' A. O. TEEPT3 CO., 270 Stark s.. near 4th. Main 30?2. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Ope a Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $350 cash, balance monthly, buys a 5-room. double-constructed bun galow on East 68th st. : built-in huffet. paneled dining room, heamed ceilings, modern kitchen, full cement basement. laundrv travs, fine lOOxlOO-ft lot. some fmit. A good buy at $3250. See N. L Farnsworth. with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN. 508-9 Lewis bldg. Broadway 508L SUNDAY SPECIALS. $100 CASH. $15 per month buys an unfinished 4- room bungalow, St. Johns car, 50x100 ft. lot. cameut walk, etc. trice 1WJ CASH. $20 per month buys a 4-room house near Laurelhurst park: S. S. car. Paved street, etc. Price $1000. S400 CASH. 25 per month and 7 interest buys a 5-room house. 24 blocks from Irving ton car. full basement, 50x100 ft. lot. sewer, etc. rnca x7.o. NORTH PIEDMONT. 8-room modern bungalow. 100x107 ft. variety of vegetables and fruit, garage, 2 blocks from car, etc. Price $6400; easy terms. M r. Christenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bid g. HIGH OLASS. LARGE. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Desirable, close-in location : an at tractive, cheerful home, easily furnished. easy to care for; large rustic porch, good attic, aengntiui living room, ivory nn- ish. fireplace, furnace; choice corner: paved streets; close to i-aureihurst l-'ark. convenient sunnyside car: Worth $oOOO, sacrificing for quick sale at $oS.0. Owner. Tabor 5160 or week days Broadway 421. ROSE CITY PARK $5250. This big, handsome home couldn't be duplicated for $6250. It certainly is a good buy. There are s rooms aown ana 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on upper floor; fireplace, buffet, all built- ins. fine full basement. The lot is 71 100 feet, with berries and garden. This home is In the finest possible condition inside and out. Phone for auto to show you. 228 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6550. EXTRA SPECIAL $4800. ROSE CITY PARK. This la an unusually beautiful bunga low with the finest grade oak floors. i-'Yench doors leading to big front porch; fireplace, buffet, all built-ins. z bedrooms and 2 glassed-in sleeping porches; hot air furnace, fine big basement, street liens ail paid. $2000 cash, balance to suit. This is the best we've seen in weeks. Don't overlook a good buy. CrO MTB & KOHLMAi'V. 228 Chamber of Commerce. Main 65V. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An attractive home of seven rooms and large sleeping 'porch, modern and in fine condition, two baths, large base ment and attic, nearly 100x1 0O ground. A- most convenient location wltn oeauti ful wooded view; to close the estate will sell for $10,500, some terms. SAMUEL R. NORTON, 610 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 2326. HAWTHORNE $4300. 6-rm., 1 -story. Hardwood floors. built-in nur let. uutcn Kitcnen. a oea- rooms, cement basement, furnace, beau tiful 50x100 lot. fine garden and shrub bery. Paved streets, and sewer. Fine location. $1400 will handle. A good home. Ask for Air. Alack. GEO. T. MOORE CO YEON BLDG. iiODERN 7-room bungalow with 2 sleep ing porcnes in Kose iity farK, ior z or 3 acres with good buildings and fruit- Must be within walking distance of sta tion. For equal price $ou00. bee Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE IN VE ST M FN T CO.. Broadway 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. i FINE 6-rm. houe and sleeping porch. fireplace, furnace, etc.; lot ittoxioo; all kinds of fruit and berries; on E. Broad way. Art exceptional buy af $7000; terms. For piirticula rs tee Mr. Jesse, 527 Cor- bett biag. Aiain U4i. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. New modern 5-room bungalow with large attic. Just about completed. Hard wood floors, fireplace and everything up-to-date. Price $5500; 1 block south of Broadway on Weidler st. bet. 28th and 2!th. Owner and builder. Main 4o03. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A 2-fIat house, 5 rooms each. 326 East First, near Halsey. Price low. Terms easy. 1 nquire 140 Front st. Phone Main 170. L A D D A V E N U & $ 7 2 50. 7-room bungalow type house, hardwood floors; just been newly decorated and everything in first-class condition; fine tara ee. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST.; TAKE IRVINGTON CAR, Brand new 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood noors. lurnace and built-ins: all st. impvs. paid: $950 cash will handle it: go see it today. 821 E. Ifith st. N. Phone owner. E. 4QQ0. EAST 16TH NEAR COUCH. 6-room house with basement, furnace. fireplace and a fine garage; walking distance : an excellent ouy at .iooo. HENRY XV. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST. EAST BURNSIDE NEAR 17TH. Lot 50x100, with good 6-room house, furnace and fireplace; streets paved and paid ; an attractive place. ii E NRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. FOR SALE Two new modern homes in Irvington just compietea; prices rignt. Rice Construction Co., owners. Call Auto. 320-85. $10,000 BIG modern 7-room house, 06x100 ground, $6500. If you want a genuine HOUSE 3 rooms, bath and toilet. 2 blocks from car line. Fine garden and some fruit. Owner. 4227 58th ave, S. E. N. Tabor 7383. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. ROSE CTTT PARK. Perfect Bungalow $4975. o tooni Compare this bnngalow with orhera you have Been at near this price. You simply couldn't im agine better material used and the quality of the workmanship speaks for Itself. This, truly, ia so different from the average bun galow offered at this price. Ex ceptionally large living room ex tending the entire width of house. Finest hard vood floors. Most ex pensive paper and light f ixturesu The kitcha is the very acme of convenience. Remember you have nothing to lose. If you don't in spect this you are overlooking a real opportunity. It's your movo -now. A. O. TEEPB CO.. 270 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office, SOth and Sandy. Open Sunday. $750 DOWN. BAL. EAST MONTH LY TERMS. $3150 ROSE CITY PARK. JUST READ THIS DESCRIP TION: New bungalow, 5 rooms, breakfast nook and large attic, old ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout, built-in effects, fireplace. cement basement and furnace, laundry trays. 50xl00-ft. corner, paved street and sewer im provements all In and paid; don't delay when you can buy a house for this price, for In the fall they will surely be scarce. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bids. Main 208. WEST SIDE, NEAR COLLEGE STREET. $5300 Full lot. practically worth the orice and Includes1 substantial house, 4 rooms first floor. 4 rooms and alcove room second floor. lull high basement. By painting and interior decorating will justify & resale at iO0O to 9150O prom over all costs or bring large In come. GEO. E ENGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOME. EASY TERMS. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, pantry, closets, bath room, all on one floor; gas, electric lights, laun dry trays and all modern conveniences. On improved street, near car. $3200 EASY TERMS. STAR INVESTMENT COMPANY, 405-406 Panama Bldg. Main 0404. Third and Alder St a. ONLY $2100. 1300 CASH. Neat 5-room house, close in. 4 blocks ; off Sellwood car line: sewer and cement walk in and paid for. This little home is wortny or your consideration. There is no mortgage, juat straight monthly payments on contract. I only accept properies for sale that are well worth i the price asked. J. J. M UAKTH Y. Ablngton bldg. PRICES SLASHED. QUICK ACTION SAVES YOU $200. Tour choice of 10 new. modern, well- built bungalows for $2o0 less than reg ular price. Buy today and save this amount on your home. Liberal terms. S. r-. BOND REALTY CO., The Ideal Home Builders. 1230 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 3S25. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $4000. Attractive: firfnlurA. hnllt-in Kttfft Dutch kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, fine bath, floored attic, full basement, laun dry trays, in fine condition; tapestry paper, fruit and flowers, solid cement runway ror garage; Richmond district. paved streets, and sewer. 1 block car. j erms. ask ror Air. Mark. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. CLASSY 7-room bungalow in Rose City parK. this is an exceotiona Iv well-built. conveniently arranged bungalow. Large living room. Built-in book-cases, extra large white enameled bath, 2 beautiful bedrooms, large glassed-in sleeping porch or sun room, screen. Full cement basement, garage. Tabor 4223 or 143S Aiamwa drive. SUNNYSIDE $3750. Large, substantial, well built home. fireplace buffet, den, 3 large light airy j uouroums, lavatories, run cement oasement, laundry trays, fruit and ber ries. 1 block Sunnyside car, west of xu. j,nn st. rerms. or appointment, ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS on Vaughn st.. lot 110x113, beautiful house.- 6 rooms. sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, must be seen to be appreciated, price $10,000. Ask Mr. ocnuuz. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $7500 BUNGALOW, Peninsula on Berke ley st., 5 rooms, large attic, bath. lurnace. fireplace, comnletelv fur nished, fine furniture, lot 100x135. lots of fruit and In best condition. terms. ask m r. Scnultz. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' SACRIFICE BY OWNER Beautiful modern 7-room bungalow A-l condition, like new. vacant, fine garage. i-oi lor lo-rt. alley, street im provements paid, near Walnut park, 1 oiock to car. Will sell at very low j price. Terms If desired. Owner, Mar. ! NICE 4-rm. bungalow, firenlac. Dnfrh kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, laundry lla eiwiricuy, gas, wa ier, lot i.jOx -!'. near Z qar lines, good street, only ,--'"j , uuwn. j. v. bniock. Mar. $i000 E. Burnside. near 20th. 8-roor house, hardwood floors, fireplace. luruace, iuu cement Dasement. bar gain, must be seen to b annr. ciated. Mr. Schultz will show you. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A SNAP! o-room bungalow, furnished, hot and coia water, sink, full basement. 50x120 ioi, trees ana snruooery. 91000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. W33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $3200 A good 6-room house, near Thomp son school and Jefferson high; paved I Street Paid:' full basement. fiirna I laundry trays, gas, electricity, good carl nor v if-, terms; owner; 5l Commercial m. w ooa ia w n MT. TABOR bungalow, nine rooms, sun parior, breakrast room, built-in conven iences including refrigerator, oak finish oown stairs ana oak room, eare- electric store goes with the house. Call ' 1 ' iur lunner iniormatlon. BY OWNER. ROSE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOW. Corner lot; bath, gas, electric lights, basement, chicken run, fruit trees, gar- iT-n . tT-niifi. i a oor aj.iii. SUNNYSIDE. Three good 6-room houses on SOth st. ner ijiornauu ; grouna JUUxiiMi; corner nouse nas double garage; prices $3800. $3500 and $3400. HENRY XV. GODDARD. 243 STARK FT. WALKING DISTANCE, west side. 7 rooms. not ana coia water, bath, gas, electric ngnis, j tireptaces, cement basement. good conaition; lot BOxlOO, $5ooo. half casn. cee owner evenings, 467 10th St., SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. Good 5-room house with large living room -on East Main street: lot 61xlOO with plenty of fruit and garden space; inure man worm tne SSKed. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. MODERN HAWTHORNE HOME 5 rooms and convertible sleeping porch; oak noors, iurnace, nrepiace. bookcases, buf- iet, pavea street. $4000 $1200 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main 3787. FOR SALE One of the finest homes In Holladay Addition for one-half of what it would cost to build the house: lot lwixiuu; large garage. AF 805, Ore- gonian. ST. JOHNS Two-story, 6 rooms. 2 lots. near car line; rruits, berries, garden. nice place; $4000; part terms; owner. dj uregonian. FOR SALE: Small house, electric lights. gas, city water, ROxlOO lot. 2 blocks MV car, .-" casn, $uu terms. 74 East 69th st. North. ' 5-ROOM MODERN. jjon t neea tne money, maVe me a smau payment aown, oaiance like rent. Call Mr. Fisher, Main 5420, 248 Stark St. 2-ROOM plastered house wjth large sleep ing porcn. ooxioo lot, garden and fruit. 1060 Maryland ave.. near Miss, ave car. KENTON DISTRICT. For sale. 4-room house. 50 by 100 lot. ssou. tan w ooa taw n i3 eunoay. FOR SALE CHEAP 4-room cottage, fur- nished. 3020 41st st. S. E. Phone Ta bor 8636. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow In Irving ton, Just completed. Call at 680 -E. 15th st. N. from 10 to 4. WILL trade or sell cheap, 2 -room house, furnished and lot, on car line In Seattle for property in r-ortiana. tail Main 4394.1 FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-room fur- nished bungalow. 1 02O E. Broadway. $1500 SHACK: two car lines; east aide; Close -in. nycr, .au iv i if. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houhm. IRVINGTON. 0 Rooms Garage. $6050. Hera's a home you will be proud to own. Compare this with bun galows costing $1000 more. You will find here hardwood floors ia every room, the paper, fixtures, hardware, etc., of a splendid qual ity. Even the garage is double constructed. If you want to see a home of real class and distinc tion, a bungalow of real merit, then do take the time to see this one. It will be & revelation to you. Liberal terms can be ar ranged. See It. You'll be under no obligations absolutely. A. G. TEEPB CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th, Main 8032. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. LAURELHURST. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW. $7200. We Just want you to compare this with bungalows you have been shown at $10oO more money. We want to ask you if any better material could be used, we want you to compare the workmanship and finish with houses built a few years ago: we tell you that this builder put iortn every effort to build the perfect bungalow now you come and see the result. e might go ahead and say that it has hardwood floors throughout. fireplace, buffet, French doors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, garage, etc.. but that wouldn't mean anything. You see it- toaay. A, G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 8002. Branch office, 50th and Candy. Open Sunday. NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED. S1S50 -House. 3 rooms and large bath room, pantry Inclosed, porch, new ? dumbing and electric lights, full ot. fruit, berries, flowers, one block to Woodstock car and Glad atone ave. Terms. See Miss Blo- COfflD. CORNER LOT $2000 House, 7 rooms and lot. North 8th st.. near Kllllngsworth ave Unlon-ave car; terms. See Miss Slocomb, GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. Rea. Main 4246. ROSSMERE S650O. A beautiful home. Six large rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, built In buffet, and everything else that makes a complete modern home. Fine basement and heating plant. Beautiful 50x100 lot, expensive shrub bery, fruit, large garage. Paved sts. and sewer. Among fine homes. 3 blks. car. Can be handled for $2000 down. For appointment ask for Mr.vMack. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. By owner. Two-story bungalow. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, in fine loca tion below the hill ; hardwood floors, paneled and beam celling dining room, window seats, massive buffet, fine kitch en with all built-ins, linoleum; full cement basement. Boynton furnace. Home good as new. Recently listed at $5250, now offered for $4400; cash pay ment $000 or less under certain condi tions, f none Tabor eos t. LAURELHURST $5200. TO THE NEWLY WEDS. A dream bungalow with concealed bed for guest; very large living room, hard wood floors, fireplace, large floored at tic; extra features in built-ins; all im provements in and paid ; price $5200; terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, 43 STARK ST. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100 $3250. 4 years old, nat and clean, 5 large rooms, buffet. Dutch kitchen, Z bed rooms, large floored attic, full cement basement, dandy 100x100 corner lot, fine garden and shrunbery. hortamoutn ana. St. Johns car. Here's honest value. Ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. IN IRVINGTON on 15th St.. beautiful home. 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, dining, liv ing, kitchen, den. furnace, trays, full basement, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, everything in excellent condition. corner, $7500. Ask Mr. Schultz. KITTEK, 1,0 W Hj fc (JO. , 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY bungalow on 44th st. N . 5 cheerful rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, bath, hardwood floors. 2 fire places, fine cement basement. wash trays, elegant furnace, only $5000. . Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Full basement. 7 rooms, bath and tol let on first floor; 3 nice rooms can be finished on second floor. Large corner lot with garden. fruit, flowers and shrubbery. A choice corner on the Ala meda drive. 1391 Alameda drive. Ta bor 1428. WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. This beautiful house with 7 rooms and sleeping porch is strU-ily modern in every derail; has two bathrooms, garage, cor- r er lot, only J years old and is offered for less than cost to build house ione. Only $6300 on easy terms. Call Tabor lor appointment. ELEGANT on Powell st.. 12 rooms, o rooms on each side, 3 rooms, bath and pantry, 3 bedrooms, large closets and hall, cement basement. ia unary trays, in ext-eiient condition, only $5200. Ask Mr Schultz. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. BEAUTIFUL new bunaralow. 5 mom S P iurnace, nrepiace, hardwood floors: fin ished in old ivory and French gray; all built-ins; Improvements In and paid: 1 block to street car. 2 block to public school; walking distance to Reed col lege and golf links. Phone owner, Sell- wooa iim. ir tou reaa tnis, otners will read yours. we nave homes for sale in everv location and are always on the firing line selling ana listing property, giving you every at tention and courtesy in a clean, sound Dusiness manner. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW. Six large rooms on one floor: 50x100 lot, improvements In and paid: fire place and all built-ins, Dutch kitchen ana paneled dining room; price $4100 i9ou aown; -jhi 47tn su S. ; Haw t nornn car. i a oor w.i. k ACRE AND MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER VERY REASONABLE. oarage, cmcKerr nouees and fences, bearing fruit trees and berries. b.ocA it n ave. ; fine macadamized road nnr Woodstock car. Or 10 2d st. S. E BUNGALOW On Wilbur St., lot louxiuo, r rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, porches, closets, full basement, garden ana inwn, some ouy ana only $500 down Aba. Air. rniinz. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1!'0 PRETTY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Two large lota. Dutth kitchen, book case, china closet, white enamel plumb lng ; several hundred dollars below mar net ior casn ana quick sate. Get loa from private party; Installment or tim man. i aoor 44M, Sunday. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME. $ 16. mm. This hlgh-cla5s home neat Knott ha two fine bathrooms, extra lavatory, tw fireplace, solid oak, mahogany an Ivory throughout, beautiful ballroom, neari oi oest aistrict. K.a?t 413. Ui OWNER Strictly modern - 8-room. story-and-a-half bungalow in Rose City, one block off Sandy, fireplace hardwood floors, beautiful built-ins, full basement and trays. Part payment down, balance monthly or to suit purchaser. Call Mon day. Tabor 8843. IN LAURELHURST, semi-bungalow, lot o rooms, music aon, sleeping porch, garage, everything stric-tly mod ern, on Davis t. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2Q1 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SEVEN rooms, fireplace. big bearing fruit trees, corner, 75x1 00, paved and macadam streets, bargain ; drive past. 405 Going, and if interested phone M-iin 1643 or residence. Main 1377; $1000 cash rea ui red. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Good 5-room cottage, good basement, garage. 50xlO0 lot, paved street and sewer paid. A real bargain. $2500, only $623 cash required. Tabor 4201), ask for Rodabaucrh. RICHMOND 8-room house and sleeping porcn. iurnace. nrepjace, on k. st., paved; price $4000; a good buy. Let ua how you. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WESTMORELAND $3150. 15th street, near Henry avenue ; five room bungalow, basement, wash trays, floored attic, fruit trees. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. LOCUST NEAR HAWTHORNE AVET Strictly modern home with sleeping porcn, large lot ana pienty or rruit ; e-a ratre. Ideal home beautifully finished HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. 5 'rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. assessments paid; $4750. Owner. Tabor 60S4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 2-story 7-room house near car, desirable. Owner. Main 2186. $10,500. $5000 LESS cost. 11 -room house, REAL ESTATE, ONLY $1800 for a good 6-room house, modern, with corner lot. ine no use nas bath, toilet, full cement basement with concrete walls and garage. $1000 cash. On the Mt. Scott carline. M. J. CLO HESSY, ABLNGTON BLDG. ONLY $1700 for a 6-room cottage on Brooklyn St., on the car line, s.iuu easn will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON, BLDG. IN LAURELHURST, $6750. A Tery swell home in a- very swell place on Royal Court. Here is a modern, up-to-date, very classy, very substantial 7-room house; every equipment in the basement needed. The house has hardwood oak floors downstairs, fine fixtures, new lin oleum on kitchen and bathroom; expen sive shades on the windows; everything goes for the price. The house is now ready to be occupied; you can move in immediately after paying deposit on the DurchaHd nrire. There is no nlace In Laurelhurst that will ever equal this for tne price you can buy it lor aoove stated. The owner has left the city. Will not rent It; must be sold right away. Take a look at it if you wish. No. 1181 Royal Court. Laurelhurst. $20M cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $6500. In the center of the city on the west side, close in to every one oi ine civic buildings, courthouse, city hall, city auditorium, high school and a grade schoo. the largest in the city, a block away. Now listen to this. Here is 106x100 feet, a corner, paved street, every improvement in and paid for. On this corner there are four good houses, of which at the present rental, as this is the hard times low rental, as the rents have not been advanced, which is an uncommon thing, of this place to every other place in the city, where they have been advanced over and over again, anyhow, suffice it to say that the rental will stand an Increase today and forever twice what is now being paid without oppression, but the present ren tal will net the purchaser more than 12 per cent net on this investment. You can occupy one house yourself tand for ever afterwards from the other income rAlvd maltA Y,ar mnnev. This is about the price of the lots, to say nothing of the buildings- $2500 in cash will handle lu M. J. CLOhx, Ablngton xtiag. SUNNYSIDE AND HA WT HORNS AVE. PROPERTIES. $2650 ery good, clean, modern 5-room cottage, close -to Belmont St., 2 blocks school; must be sold at this price. Terms, verv rood 5-room bunga low, corner 50x125, abundance of fruit trees 'and garden truck. 1 block Belmont su ; special bar gain. $3130 Terms; 6-room house, sleeping porch, 1 block to Laurelhurst Park; very good buy. $4250 Terms; very good modern 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, corner 55xlO0, E. Main st., close in extra good buy; nothing like 1U $4750 Close to Laurelhurst, also Ankeny car earns, very good ana in ex cellent fine condition, modern 7 room house and sleeping porch. large lot: will sell wnn or wi in cut furniture; a big snap. $5000 Terms: Hawthorne ave.. one blk to car line; extra fine, well built most modern 6-room house, fine corner, house nearly new. vacant now; this must be seen to be ap preciated. These are all old time bargains and will be proven. 11. to I A. L i. iuji rteimoni su Week, Tabor 21. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFT Y B U N GALO W BEST LOCATION-r60tH. Folks, here Is a real bungalow. You just couldn't ask for a better home than this. Right uo to the minute in every way : you know, one of those real modern. 2 920 model, bungalows. You admire the big living room extending the en tire width of house. Every con ceivable convenience. We ,1ust caTi't overdeacribe it. It will be a real pleasure to show you. See it today. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. nr. 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office, 50th and bandy. Open Sunday. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A REAL HOME Plateglass windows, best hardwood floors, 0 rooms and big sleeping porch, lare living room, din ing room. library, sun room, cloak hall, large kitchen, bieakfast room, tiled and marbled lavatory on first floor. 3 large bedrooms and big sleeping porch, screens and glass: fine marbled 0x10 bath ; 2 lots with fine double garage; swing, fruit, berries and fine shrubberg; on Sandy bivd. near Columbia highway; $&ot will nwndie this. Tabor 7s. $H00 WHY RENT? $1000. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME. 4 rooms, good basement, electric lights, gas, some plumbing, fine lot. 5oxluo: 1 1 bearing prune trees, chicken rtouse and run. hartl-surfare and car. This Is a beautiful little place and a bargain. Sun day, Marshall 5l0-l; week days. Main 7007. Marieis or Williams. 82o Cham ber of Commerce bldg. $3150. FURNLSHED CoTTAGE. 6 rooms- and bath, electric lights and gas. lot 5oxlo0, fine garden, some fruit, rabbit and chick en house; on hardsurface street. 3 blks. Sellwood car, terms $looo cash, bL. easy. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. $1650 YOUR OWN TERMS $1650. N'EAR PEN INSULA LBR. CO. MILL. 8-room house,- vacant ; plumbing, gas etc.: just newly painted and papered in side: good condition: several fruit trees near Willamette blvd. This Is no man sion, but beats renting and is worth the money. Sunday. M arshail 5063 : week days. Main 7l07. Marieis or Williams, rOJ Chamber or Commerce bldg. ATTRACTIVE home. 1161 Milwaukie near Reed college; 7-room modern house. iuu cement basement and attic, nietp lng porch ; lot OOxl 25, highly improved 57 rose bushes, 15 clusters climbers, flow ers and shrubbery, all choicest varieties; apple, peach, pear, fig trtts, bearing; currant, blackberry, raspberry bushes; large lawn. Inquire owner, S-11 wood 1!H. NEW BUNGALOW. $3300 for a fine new t-room. on cor ner E. 10th N. with fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases, full cement base ment. commanding fine view; this is i bargain, $1500 sh. Phone Mar. h20. F. L. BLANCH A RD. 519-20 Railway Excn. LAURELHURST. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS. GASCO FUR NACE, GARAGE; $S500; TERMS. $2500 CASH. BALANCE EASY. POINDEXTER, 2S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE EAST 0771 BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. J1 Morgan Bldg. Slain 2U5. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. A modern bungalow of six rooms in Rose City park, the most desirable resi dence district: caved street: will sacri flee at $5500 for quick sale. Se owner, 44:t K. r2d rnone Tabor .i4i. ROSE CITY. High -class new bungalow, modern In every respect; must oe soia; price 40ou $500 cash, oaiance $-rio per month in eluding interest. Owner, Automatic 2195. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For sale by owner, 6-room bouse. .block, fruit trees, splendid location, easj terms. Phone tast J. BUNGALOW cottage for sale ; it rooms, plastered ; bath, electric lights, gas:' all in good condition; garage, lot 40x100 walk in. Tabor 85. South Mt. Tabor. RETIRED FARMER WITH FAMILY. DO YOU WANT A HOME NEAR A GOOD SCHOOL? ASK ABOUT IT. MAR SHALL 1684. WHO'S looking for bargain in . modern home. 5 lots, fruit all kinds, gara ge some terms; act soon. 4028 East 76th st. Tabor 1014. will sell mv new 5-room home for cash Come and look It over at 1515 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 2J4.S. x i.amf. OA $6500. 8 beautiful rooms. ivory, h. w. floors, fireplace, full lot, ga rage. East 41t. NO FIRE LOSS FOR YOU if Injured with R. T. Street, agent th Pennsylvania Fire Ins. company. REASONABLY PRICED HOMES FOR ALL CLASSES. SEE BERRY'S, MAR SHALL 16JS4. IRVINGTON $6700 1 BLK. TO SCHOOL. 7 artistic rooms, h. w. floors. 1st and 2d floor, art paper; 1000 cash. East 419. WILL sell, furnished or unfurnished, houso. Owner. 673 E. Salmon. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room modern house. 1025 E. Broadway or E. 6870. 5-ROOM bouse; electric lights, gas. mod ern. Call Tabor 3652. WILL trade 8-room house for acreage. Main 8 7 2i. 5-ROOM bungalow. $3200; $550 down, balance eaay, 755 E. 67th st. REAL ESTATE. For &ale -Houses. WAR-TIME PRICES. $300 cash, balance as rent; a very nice 5-room bungalow, bath com plete, cement basement, beautiful lot 50x2 OO with oceans of fruit, berries, garden and chicken space; 1 block off Peninsula ave. Price $2So0. Photo at office. $3u0 as first payment for a nice 5 room bungalow; 62d su, MU Scott. Price $2tiuo. $400 cash as first payment for a good 6-room home, nicely arranged and In good condition; 80x100 corner lot, fruit and garden. Price $2000. Fur nished if desired. $4H cash as first payment on a very nice 6-room l1--story bungalow. Just like new.- recently painted, and ex quisitely decorated inside; on paved street and carline; Woodstock. Price $3350. KENTON Exceptionally nice 4-room bungalow, large living room, bright and cheerful dining room, conveni ent Dutch kitchen, bedroom with closets, full plumbing, bath, a real home, not just a place to stay. Price only $1750; $S00 cash. Photo at office. $225 cash; a good 6-room house with bath : full basement : on corner lot 100x100 with fruits This house is in fine condition; vacant; close 'to car In Woodlawn. O. A. PEARCE. 815 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3638. Office Open Today and Evenings. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. n. n I have a number of mortgaged lots for ale cheap, all parts of the city. Special bargains in HOLLA DAY. BEAUMONT. RICHMOND, oa inun., rtofci L1TY f AKK, ARBOR LODGE. JONESMORE, WA VEKLEIGH. Will loan money on ail of these lots zor Duuaing purposes. William G. Heck, 215 Falling Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK". 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. Garage $4350. Splendid little bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, etc.; garage, ldealiy located. Own er moving to larger house and. must sell. Very liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. nr. 4th. Main 30O2. li ranch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. NOB HILL BARGAINS. On Kearney st., near 25th. there Is attractive house of fceven rooms with full basement and large attic. There is i excellent furnace beside the com mun i ctt-am heat. It has larse reception hal and living room with splendid fireplace it is a weii-uuut nouse among goo homes and can be bought for Si.'iuo as and monthly payments same a-s r-nt. i ne numoer oi the house is mms Kearn-j st. Inspection of the interior by appoint men i oniy. w e nave a six-room Uoii; on Kfarney et, between 22d and 23d streets, the number of which is 731 laae a look at it also. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. I R V I NM J TON D 1ST t. I CT. FINE CORNER LOT lonxlOO WITH GOOD RESIDENCE. MODERN EXCEPT JtAKDWOOU FLOORS. LIVING ituOM DINING ROOM. KITCHEN F1H FLCO R. F 1 VE B E I) ROO MS. HATH SECOND FLOOR. FULL SIZE BASK MENT FOR FEW DAYS CAN MAK A VERY LOW PRICE. GIVE 1 M M K DIATE POSSESSION AND SOME TERMS. W. S. POINDEXTFR. H IGH -CLASS RESIDENCE OPFU'E, MAIN 1S00. RES. EAST 6771 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. FORCED to sell on account of sickness my modern 5-room bungalow; hardwood tioors, built-in features, tine lawn, fruit and berries, cement walks and paved street. Price $ 425tt, good terms. Ca 1 1 at my homo, 701 E. U'Jth st. N.. any time Sunday. 44,,oo 1 UV INGTON ; 6-R. bungalow, sleep ing porch, iurnace, lire place, cemeui basement, corner lot. $ tr,iM -East Alder St.. 6-room modern. $ti.".ou Rossmere, 5-R. bungalow. $075u Ross me re. 6-R. modern home. $0:;oo Laurelhurst, 7-ft. nudtrn home. $S75U Laurelhurst. 1 R. and garace. $7.iuo West slope ML Tabor; city view; 7-R. modern, carse, fru:t, etc $7500 150x 1 ml. signt ! y homesite ; all kinds fruit, garden, garage, b-R. houe, near JerT. high school. CHAS KINGLER A- CO.. 225 Henry bide;. OWN VOI R OWN HOME. MAKE YOUR KENT BUY THIS. $300 THAT'S ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. Fix-room double-constructed house. fuM basement. Dutch kitchen, buffet, good plumbing, fine lot. This is no cheaply built house: it is substantial from the ground un and th price is on'v $:;oio. Sunday. Marshal! 5'OVI: week da vs. Main 7!H7. Marieis or Williams. fc2 Cham ber of Commerce. 13600. A good 7-room home on Graham ave nue near Grand avenue. Terms. William G. Beck, 215 Failing Bldg. 247 5 V A A NT V A C A V T $2475. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. Six rooms, good basement, fine plumb in, electric lights, gas: house is n finest condition. Jut newlv painted and decorated: lot .03tl'K: several fruit trees near car. This is certainlv a bargain and terms a re easy. Son ay. Marsha 1 5!i3: week rias. Main 7'"i7. Marie. s or Williams. &2t Cham, of Com. bid?. BROADWAY'S BEST BUY. Fine 7-room modern house, inside re- fin islicd, fireplace, full cement naso ment. walking distance, close to schools on car lines; now vacant: purchaser can move r1 ght In. Miesman on premise, 444 E. Broadwav between E. 7th and E. Rth mi, from 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday. Price $6oO0, terms. STI'RM-KK E FEU CO., 214 Fifth st., opposite court houae. ?hnn Main 2o. ST .-.on 1 .X rilKUtl' RST S750U If it's a real home you are alter by 11 means pee this : location ideal ; rooms and den, center entrance hall, oak floor, beautiful interior finish, DuiCi kitchen, lots of built-ins, full basement, furnace, firenlace. If you arc looking for a snap you have it hre. First tim offered for sal, shown by appointment onl v. J. A. McCarty, 2 0 a "stark fc Main 17O0. VAC NT H A WTHORNE BA RGAIN CUiA DOWN PAYMENT $500. Seven-room bungalow type, good base ment, fireplace, plumbing, electric lights. gas. fine lot: just orr uawmorne e.. all assessmcnta in and nam. l-rir-e s.v.mpi, This Is a bargain and frms are easy it t oda v Sunday. Marshall 5 !;:. week davs. Main 70i7. MariHs or Will iams. 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. WTvRE it is. a bunralow of artistic line, in an exclusive addition Alameda Park 6 rooms on one floor, hardwood f'oors fireplace, all kinds of built-in features finished in old ivory; and the price richt: $5400. terms. Come to Mason street between 32d and Glenn ave.. Sun- da v. and see it. Main 58o, ask for Mr. Raid. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: WALK TNG DISTANCE. EAST SIDE. S6SMULT- NOMAH ST.. NKAK I .MU: H"t'.M, MODERN. GASCO FURNACE. GARAGE, FINE BASEMENT, ATTIC. $700U, TERMS. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. Five-room colonial bungalow, hard wood floors, plate-glass windows, break fast nook, all buiit-ins, beautiful troes. 52S East 44th st. N.. corner Brazee. Automatic 310-40. Owner. FOR SALE Part or whole of 4 sres near in. with one eight-room modern bungalow, two five-room bungalows and one six-room house: fruit trees and on car line and paved street: also one five room cottage; terms. Owner, Seilwood R66. SNAP. House snap for quick sale; on good corner, paved streets. 6-room house at less than cost to build: small but good lot, full cement basement ; a great bar gain at $3o00; .some terms. Geo. A. Hampton. 621 Morgan bldg. SACRI FICE 5-room modern ceiled house. Sellwood, Spokane ave. ; paved street and sewer paid; two lots. looxloO. nice lawn, roses, berries, fruit, chicken house, two car lines. 15 minutes out. Or. City car: owner leaving city; $2S00. terms. Hdwv. 44Q7 after Sunday. ALAMEDA S ARTISTIC ROOMS. $aoo. This house on Dunkley, heart of Ala meda's best dist rict : hot water heat. French doors. breakfast room. lovely living room, wide concrete pomh, large garage; real bargain. Ea&t 41U. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -llouaea. $2800 7-ROOM HOUSE. A 7-room house, fine basement, wash trays, bath, etc., vacant and in Al con dition; city improvements in and paid ; small payment down, balance like rent. $2500 6-RbOM SNAP. A 6-room house, good basement, bath etc.. built-in china closet; corner lot; $5o0 down, balance $i per month in cluding 6'.o interest. $3000 WALKING DISTANCE. You can't beat this A home as well as an Investment. A 7-room house, fur nace, fireplace, good basement, bath, etc.; all city improvements in and paid; rented, $4u per month ; near Broadway bridge; easitst kind of terms. $3S50 HAWTHORNE BUY. A 6- room bungaiow, good basement, wash trays, built-in pantry, fireplace, etc. ; city Improvements in and paid; $700 cash wiii handle, $7000 ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-room house, full cement basement, wash trays. furnace. fireplace, oak f ioors. all built-ins; garage; corner lot 5uxlu0 feet; terms right. ROSECIT Y $5500. A 6-room house, furnace, oak f.oora. aU built-in features, cement basement, wash trays, beautiful lawn and rosea and 3 large cherry trees: terms; house, is in best of condition and a cracker jack buy. $5250 WEST-SIDE SNAP. A 7-room house, furnace, hardwood floors, bullt-ins, 50xlH lot. beautiful v icw and a fine location : terms un be arranged, to suit purchaser. $70O0 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all buiit-ins, full cement basement, wash trays, hardwood floors throughout, sua porch, glassed-in sleeping porch: house ia all finished in ivory and white en amel; large garage: beautiful view; all drapes and linoleum and fuel in base fflcuL go; terms. KUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. DEK"QI St JORDAN. $2100. A REAL SNAP. 6-room cottage, bath and toilet. All newly painted. Splendid lot, all kinds of fruit and berris. Lo cated on East 3oth su. within two blocks of Ankeny car barn. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids. 4TU AND STARK STS. Main 2233. ROSE CITY PARK CAR, C Rooms $4250. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN! Real alue here; hurdw od floors, fireplace, exceptionally large liv ing room; very liberal term. ee this today. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark t.. nr. 4th. Main 3002. Bra-auh Office. 5Uh and Sandy. OpcU Sunday. A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. .MI ST SELL AT UM'E. $ 05OO B EA L'TI Ft L I R V IN G T O N $ 05 00. V A C A N T ST RICTL Y MODERN. 7 rooms, strictly modern; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, f lre piace, hardwood floors; in finest condi tion. jut newly painted and decorated and rea;!y a splendid buy; on terms. Sunday. Marshall ."!Mk"; week days. Main :". Marteis or Williams. 20 Chamber of Commerce b:dg. " WHY PAY RENT? $S00 Neat. co m for tab. e furnished house boat . 5 R.. lure screened porches, garden lot, near ri ver, opposite Oaks !ark: a bargain. You couldn't duplicate for $ltoo. $--,m iu acres, Orepon City car line; bungalow, garden, t-hu-ken house. $ j:tto Sunny side. 6- K. modern home. S-"buo Luiiya.low. louxluO; garage, fruit. $ 1500 Irvington. 0-R. bungalow. CH AS tUNGLEIt A- CO., 225 Henry bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW HOUSE. FACES EAST. Lot 7S by 115 Feet. Garage, berries, apples, cherries. Gar den spot iO by 115 feet. On HGCOUTlt of sirknefas am compelled to go away. Snap. $2."tou. Terms. owner. Broadway 415a. $ ivn i e A R PIE DM ON T $"15oVt. M ODER N 5-ROO M B V N G A LO W. 5 rooms one floor, cement hasement, furnac". laundry tras. some bui.t-in. good plumbing, etc.: lot 5ox roo. all a m Moments paid. st. H. S. House would cost moi e to build than price asked : terms. Sun da y, Marsha : 1 5lt: : week d.iys. Main 7'irt7. Marieis or Williams, 8i'o Chamber of Commerce. I R V I NGTON HOM E. Ownr is leaving city and offers choice home property for sale; living room, din ing room, kitchen, three bedrooms and porch; all hardwood floors; propt-rty U in excellent condition ; lot 5uxlU0; garage: price and terms apply A. It. BIRR ELL CO., 217 N W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. COL U M HI A PARK. Cozy. convenient modern cottage, close .to pa rk. one block to car and paved street ; thrwe large rooms down s Lairs, two attic rooms, small basement; newly painted and papered ; large lot. w fth fruit trees. shruobery and Lowers; price $ 1 05O; $750 terms balance easy. I'.il! owner. Columbia lloO. VACANT. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-ROOM BUNGALoW. See this bargain. Call owner Monday, P.roadwav 421. All modern features; I LE L LO ' A TION ; rU".-K IN ; going at $; choice corner, paved STR EETS. 4 4m Ri'SE CITY BUNGALOW $4400. Neat 5 - room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, bui'.t-in kitchen, large cooler, cement basement, wash room and trays, large fruit room, lot 50x100. half b.ock to S.tndy. Call Broadway 20' : Sunday and evenings, Woodiaw a 44 17. -In overlook add it ion. by owner. 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors. built-in bookcase and buffet, firepiare. full cement basement. House built last year. I .ot 5OxlO0. - Terms reasonable. Overlook Land Co. Tl. Main 216. $4.-oo ON E SV TERMS $4500. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Nt v V ACA NT 7 rooms and sleeping pori hes. H. W. firs., furnace, fireplace, everything. Suwlav. Marshall 5!'i:t; week days. Main 7'07. Marieis or Wiri iiinis. SJO Chamber of Commerce bldT. WONDE KFUL BUY. $3000. CENTRAL EAST IIDR. 0 ROOMS, YOUR OWN TERMS. CLOSING ES TATE. 4! COMMERCIAL, WILLIAMS AVE. TO PACE. 4 BLKS. WEST. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. I have bought a country place and my 5-room cottage at I034 Arnold street is for sale at a bargain ; furnace, electric lights, gas. bath, garage; immediate pos session. Cash or terms. Will be at the RK ALT! FUL IRVINGTON. $7ooo. BUNGALOW. 6 ROoMS: ART PAPER, T V O R V : BUILT ONE YEAR; H . W. FLOORS TH ROUGH OUT. FULL LOT. FINE GARVGE, SCREENS. FRUIT TREES. SHJM'U.S. ROSES. EAST 429. LE A V 1NG town, must sell 5-room bunga low, f urn ished ; paved jt reet. close to Fehool and car lire; horn forenoons or after 6 P. M. S2i E. Everett. Automatic- 21-1 1 . $7.'.oo $1000 CASH; IRVINGTON: 9 A H T I STIC ROOMS: H. W. FLOORS TH ROUGH OUT. FRENCH DORS. TWO FI R F. PLACES FI RST FLOO R. ART PAPER. GARAGE. EAST 419. LOOK AFTER THESE. Two fine houses for sale: snap prices; close in ; each 75-f t. corner. pnvd, ga rages. S. D. Wil liams, 4o. Htork Ex change hide Phone Sunday East 7945. BIG sacrifice; owner on place. 3 to 5 Sun day. 991 E 19th North. 5-room cottace; basement, gas. electricity, plumbing; 5oxl00; nice lot. Totnl price $2275; $500 rosh. Wood la wn 6260. $K50O. Trvihpton corner home, between 22d. 24th. near Knott: 6 wonderful rooms, concrete garage; built four years ago. East 419. ROSE CITY PARK. Nic cottaee, S-rnom house, half block car line. 70S E. 70th ft. N. See the owner every day between 1 ar?d 11. 6.M A LL house, full-size lot. with lot of fruit trees, in high s'ate of cultivation. In city limits; price $S5o on terms. Call r N. 5th Ft. or phone Tabor 64S6. FOR PALE :Frult ranch in city. 4 blocks M t. Tabor car. 50 bear in x fruit trees, all kinds berries, grapes; fi-rnnm house; "Sn acre, cheap. Phone Tabor 9431. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5 L RG V. ROOMS. CLOSE TO CAR: ALT SSESSMENTS PAID; $6500. PHONE OWNER. TABOR 32S. IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, all np to date; cheap at $6V00; 4 years old. McDowell, E-st 419. 5-ROOM hnnenlow. Will rent for 3 months with garden. Rent in advance. A 1 be sea car. 1121 E 13th Su N. V