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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
KEAL ESTATE. for bale House. JL SMALL HOME OF CHARACTER FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. Beautiful English colonial bungalow, five large rooms, bath and ample room upstairs for two more. Not like a thou sand others you see here every day. but showing Individuality and class, and quality as good as money and material can make. Highest quality finish Inside nd out, and having many novel fea tures and conveniences seldom seen In homes of twice its cost built, not for proi-t, but as an example of what can be dune in a small elegant home, and to encourage home-owning In beautiful Last more land. Lot 53x100. Garage, lawn and fine hrubbery to be planted. Price $.tt.-0 and cn terms that will surprise you. fchown by appointment only. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Owners. 24 Stark St. Marshall 5454. STRICTLY MODERN PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. T rooms and sleeping porch. tmllt-ins In living room, dining room and kitch en; large gas grate In fireplace In liv ing room. 3 furnaces, one gas and the other hot air; large Instantaneous gas water heater and laundry trays; garage, corner lot; both sts. paved and paid; house Is In fine condition and the prop erty Is worth the money. Price 17300, terms. BROWN & GRANT. 501-2 Fenton BIdg. Broadway 3222. i OR SALE A bargain for a carpenter or man handy with tools; am leaving the city and must sell a story-and-half bun galow, large front porch and screened-ln back porch; full basement, all plumbing Jn, fireplace; 50xl00-ft. lot; 4 rooms down stairs and 2 bedrooms and bath tipBtalrs. Outside practically finished, and you can live in place and take your time finishing the inside. $1S00 cash, $600 mortgage. 1078 E. 32d N. Alberta car to 30th. 2 blocks east, between Al berta and Sumner. LAURELHUR8T HOMD. Beautiful corner, two lots, N. E. corner Pine and 41st; not another home like tt In the city; copied from a Fasaaena bungalow ; all on one floor; every mod ern convenience and exquisite taste used throughout; hardwood floors, tile bath, hot-water heatins svstem. cement base ment, garage ; modern and complete In every respect; must be seen to be ap preciated. Call Sunday A. M.. Monday or Tuesday. lii-l E. i'tne at. T. A TTT? TTT.HTTRST. A seven-room home with an Inclosed sleeping porch ; center entrance ; four rccma on first and three fine bedrooms on second floor; hardwood floors, full cement basement, excellent construction and Al condition: line garage: one dik. to car; all street Improvements In and pala. A mighty good bargain at ittauu, with most favorable terms. Mr. Brown, 331 Railway Exchange. Main Toll or Tabor 59. $3100 FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $3900 CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. Seven rooms, irood basement, furnace. fine plumbing, electric lights, gas, lot 60x100; all city liens paid; this house stood a loan of $500 a few years ago and was taken in oj the mortgage; t-rms. Sunday, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7DB7. Man el a or Williams, 8-0 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $5750 SOME BUY $5730. Two blocks west of Laurelhurst park T-room house, fully modern, with sleep ing porch, concrete basement, fruit room, hot water heat in a plant, fireplace, cor ner lot. built for owner's home. Cost over $5000; take half cash firwt time oft erd. Do not miss seeing this. No better value. 626 Chamber Commerce. Jacob Maas, Main 6127. ROSE CITT. Modern 5-roo n bungalow, up-to-the-minute; paved street; $4oo0; very easy terms. iu.i THiamooK. AUTOMATIC 324-25. MODERN ALAMEDA PARK HOME. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, 4 bed rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, built-ins in dining room and kitchen, 50x100 lot, garage, about 3 blocks from car and surrounded by good liomes. Price $7000, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. BY OWNER Modern 7-room furnished house, on car line, 100x100 corner; sell furnished or unfurnished; furniture for sale, almost new; mahogany, oak birdseye maple, brass and old ivory .fruit, berries and flowers; real bargain tor cash ; ouuo. 4 1st st. S. E. Tele phone Seilwood 182. $1430 HOUSE AND FURNITURE in Hawthorne district: lot fiOxbo and 2- room house; large screened-ln back porch : street improvements all In and paid; nice thrifty garden now on the lot, good neighborhood ; big bargain JJ50 cash, $, per month and interest. GIBSON, 26S Stark. Marshall 12. UPPER ALBINA. Let us show you that choicely located, nice 4-room cottage, with choice ename plumbing, gas. electric Iiehts. nice fire place, f ult concrete basement, all street imp. in. ior t oo. Terms, A. H. BIRRELL & CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 WEST SIDE HOME. Very desirable 9-room residence and garage, first-class district. Northup st rtar 24th ; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch 2 bathrooms, maid's room ; modern in every way; immediate possession; rea proce. DONALD MACLEOD, K'01-2 Spalding bldg. LAURELHURST. 9 large rooms, modern, up-to-date just completed. jour own terms. 1185. E. DAVIS ST. $i.'."u BUYS a nifty cottage joining Lau- reinurst on west, m blocks to car five blocks to school; four rooms and bath, gas, electricity, all improvements in and paid; si-'im win handle if take: at on;e; no agents. East 7G00. 7 East S2d st. N. $2060 MODERN BUNGALOW $26o0. $300 WILL HANDLE $300. 5 rooms, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; & bargain, on easy terma. Sunday, Marshall 5063; week days, Main 7967. Muriels or Wil liams, 80 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $4000. 7-room residence. No. 822 Commercial treet. between Failing and Shaver sts., on Shaver car line, close to public school. 50xl0o-ft. lot; terms reasonable. See owner, F. H. V. Andrews, 6th floor Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Tel. Main 6020. $6.0 SO HAWTHORNE DI3T. $4630. 6-room modern 2-story bungalow, real bargain : hardwood floors, cement b.'isement; furnace, fireplace. buffet; $1000 cash, balance easy. J. Haas, 620 C. of C. bldg. Phone Main 6127. MODERN BUNGALOWS. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. At prices ranging from $3000 to $4500. Tou can't miss it in these offerings. NE1LAN & PA RKH1LL. 21 OLumber mena Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. ROSSMERE BARGAIN. 6-room, strictly modern, hardwood upstairs and down, music room, a. p., all built-lns. furnace and fireplace cor ner lot. 42d st.; fruit, berries; must sflt. StiSOO, easy terms. East 5679. IRVINGTON. Choice location, modern, 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat; price $11,000. Owner, East 5050. IRVINGTON HOME. SELL FOR COST Well built, beautiful oak floors, alt in good repair, garage. Move right In. $7500. Easy -ernis. Neuhausen, - Main ftrtTS. . $60u0. 9-room modern home, situate No. 270 E. 2Sth St.. near Hawthorne ave; rea sonable terms can be arranged. F. H V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Tel. Mar. 602.. IRVINGTON CHARMING HOME. MUST SELL. Owner leaving city, will SAC RIFICE this attractive modern h.-me, garage, ideal surroundings, near 18th nnd Knott. East 894. Main 807 S. SIX-ROOM house with furnace, fireplace, gas. electricity; 810 Wasoo street; $10O0 down, balance terms, or discount for cabh; $4500. Shown only by appointment. Owner. Kane. Seilwood 1S63. BARGAIN 4-room. plastered house, ga rage and chicken house, sun garden, lot 30x100; $2o0 down. $20 a month and interest. Cash $1000. Call SelL 12M1. IRVINGTON SWELL HOMES. SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO., S30 N. W. BANK. $1250 WALKING DISTANCE $3230. Ei.e-t 17tn between Benson Tech and Wash. hih schools. 6 roflms. modern. Hnas, Main 6127. Evenings. East 1364. ROOMS, corner, hard-surface street muse sen ana secure larger place ; one diock 10 car. rrice dioo. tt as. Ore- Ronmn. I DDERN bungalow for saie, up-to-date every respect. Sold by owner. Price $4200 Terms. Address 10S5 2&th st. N". fine niocK irom Aioerta car. MODERN HAWTHORNE HOME 6 rooms; paved and paid: fireplace. Turnace. complete. cacrmcing, 3550. "l soor tmu. tt" WO small houses. 3 nnd 4 rooms, close to car lines, oniy $1200 and $1400- small ptyment. balance like rent. B. M. Price A- Co.. 200 Hairy oiag. VA homes in all exclusive districts: appointment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, East FOR SALE Peninsula addition. 5-room bo!e, lot 75x100; fruit. $1500 reh. or fl600 on termj. CtUi wain 1077. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DEKTJM & JORDAN. MUST SELL AT ONCeJ. $7500. Beautiful Mt. Tabor home. 8 rooms and sleeping porch. Spa clous living room with fireplace and bookcases, dining room, large built-in buffet, den, kitchen and screened-in back porch, lavatory on first floor. 4 roomy bedrooms and very large sleeping porch on second floor. Full cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays. 75x100 ft. grounds, fine lawn, roses and fruit trees. Owner Uvea in east, will be here Wednesday. See it and make offer at once. DEKUM & JORDAN, 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg;. 4TH AND STARK STS. Main 2233. NO. SftS. ALAMEDA. PRICE $12,500. . On beautiful Stewart Drive on a lot 85x240 feet, beautiful grounds in the midst of fine new homes. This is a real California bungalow with 7 rooms, beautifully finished in old ivory, hardwood floors, lots of but It-ins. Draperies, shades, gas range and floor covering will all remain in the home. Every body who enters this home re marks about its beauty of finish and arrangement. A home of which anyone might well be proud. We will be pleased to show you this by appointment. Phone Auto. 511-50. 6-ROOM house with sleeping porch, fur nace and cement basement, strictly mod ern; a real home for $3500: can make the right party terms that you can af ford. 5-room modern bungalow In fine con dition, best fruit and berries;. $3000, terms. 5-room new bungalow on full lot; $3350, very seasonable terms. 5-room modern California bungalow, 1 block from carllne; $2000, $200 cash and $20 per mo. at 6. A. C. McDonald & Son. 296 Lombard. Woodlawn 6273. Open even nigs. IRVINGTON PARK. $2700 Buys a wonderful home at thlal price; newly painted and xdeoo rated throughout, in oerfect con dition; 5 rooms and bath, with I furnace. full basement. wash I trays, buffet, Dutch kitchen. You would never expect to buy this home for so little money, and we I can sen it with a small payment aown. J. A. WICKM AN CO.. 264 Stark st. Main 583 and 1004. $4500 NEAR LAURELHURST PARK $4500. Buys a, good 6 -room home, full lot. fruit trees, fine garden, no it hasn't a furnace, but you will find a good buy and $1000 cash will handle it. MR. BLISS, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 62 4th St, Main 4522. $0000. $0000. "WEST SLOPE MT. TAROR 8-rootn magnificent home in pink of concuuon, au modern conv., large liv. rm., rec. hall 75x100, view; worth lo.uoo; terms; vacant. G. C. , GOLDEN'BERG, G. C- GOLDEXBERQ, Abington bldg. Main 4S03. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $300 Reduced from $4000; 5 rooms and I bath, with garage, furnace, paved I st. witn too to assume; vacant; this home Is worth $4000, but owner purchased country home I and must dispose of this at once. jjet us snow you. J. A. WICKM AN CO., 264 Stark st. Main 5S3 and 1004. 13250 HERE IS TOUR CHANCE! Good ground, good house, raise chickens, fruit. I garden, on y acre. It is a beautiful moaern home; you can lease the adjoin ing half acre for $60 a year and rent I the house that is on it for $12 a month. There are so many good things about this proposition that we can't begin to tell it all in this ad ; come and see us. Walking distance from car line. Call at osju 72d st. s. E., or phone Tabor 2475. UAfctl-Hi KlliALsTl CO. ROSE CITT PARK. $3500 Let us show you this dandy 5 1 rooms and den, corner lot, imp. pd. ; finished in white enamel I tapestry paper with dandy built-I ins, fireplace, full cement base- ment, etc.; liberal terma. J. A. WICKM AN CO.. 264 Stark st. Main 5S3 and 1094. $3500 EAST 24TH ST., R. C. OR ANKEN V CAR. 6 ROOMS AND RE CEPTION HALL FULL BASEMENT AND FURNACE, 3 BEDROOM ri, LARUE BATHROOM. CEILED ATTIC. A HOME-LIKE PLACE WITH FRUIT TREES, HARDSURFACB ST., SBWBKS, PAID. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. REA SONABLE PRICE. TERMS. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 RY. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 6752. LAURELHURST. Six cheery rooms and sleeping porch. sun parlor and den. This has a nice large living loom and many attractive leatures not lound in many homes. Owners going, to California. A pleasure to snow you tnis excellent ouy at $bo00. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Five rooms, strictly modern, full attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, enameled woodwork, large corner lot, plenty of flowers, trees, shrubbery. See owner, 5o3 East 40th N., corner Wisteria drive. I OWN SEVERAL VACANT HOUSES in Portland that I wish to sell and will dispose of at a bargain to anyone who I can make a payment of at least $0oo in cash, one or these houses is locat ed on a large corner 70x110 and has 12 bearing fruit trees and a fine garden ing spot that I will sacrifice for a quick sate. tie me at my office, 404 Piatt bidg., ia. Park st. HOME SEEKERS! If looking for a real home, here is classy 6-room Irvington bungalow, lo cated 590 East 25th st. N near Knott I St., 1 block from Broadway car line; very! pest or material ana worKmansnip, oeau- tifully decorated, A-l plumbing and 1 lighting fixtures. Open this P. M. from 2 to 0. owner. OWNER GOING EAST. MAKE FAIR OFJTEK. Westmoreland, 7 rooms. 2 large sleep-1 ing porches, built for home, full cement I basement, iurnace. xirepiace, east front. cost $5200 to build, take $4700, $2do6 cash. See it toaay. fiiarsnaii lu:;. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Vive-room cottage - with excellent I foundation and plumbing; neat as a pin I Inside and out; near s. car; terms. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 3th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. 2 MODERN WEST SIDE FLATS, 60x100; SHOW GREAT IN COME; LIKE NEW. JS750. G. C. GOLLENBERG. Abington bldg. Main 4S08. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Very desirable 10 room, well-built, modern house, on lower heights; short walk from business center; exclusive neighborhood. This is a foreclosure and can be bought at about half its value. Brooke, Marshall 4S7. YOU ARE LOOKING right now for good home for a moderate price. It costs I you nothing to tell Mr. Cable what you want. rie win get ti ior you, CABLE REALTY CO.. 5829 72d st. S. E. Tabor 2475. NEAR CARLINE. Eight large cheery rooms in old Ivory in A-l condition inside and out; excellent iurnace; spot casn, joo. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. S6th and Hawthprha. Tabor 7468. PORTLAND HEIGHTS S-room modern house. 1 block car, 5 lota in beautiful garden; all kinds of fruit and berries, chicken house; $12,000; terms, Brooke, ftiarsnau BY OWNER. Modern semi-bungalow, 5 rooms and I bath, furnace, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, I one block from car; no liens. Call East I 812. 6-ROOM HOUSE; rood condition, 711 Wil lamette bivd, opposite Columbia, unlver- Mty., REAL ESTATE. For Bale -Houses. PACIFIC AGEN'CT. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bid. Automatic 511-50 or Marshall S9S9. No. BT. HAWTHORNE. PRICE 4500. CASH 11000. NEW 5-room bungalow. Juat. completed; Hardwood floors, old Ivory flnish. 50x100 lot. Hurry If you want to bo the first to oc cuy this. These new 5-room bun galows don't last Ions. No. 545. ASK FOR THIS NUMBER. Full front porch, 7 large, rooms, with lots of built-in features; one block from car line. 3 from school. Owner Is an elderly gentleman, all alone, wants to sell. A dandy buy. Price S4200. cash 1700. No. 644. SEE! $2000. CASH $1000. For this 50x150. with lots of garden, fruit and berries and a modern 5-room bungalow, all at the sacrifice price above men tioned. This Includes a fine gas range. Is surely a great bargain. No. 555. PRICE fT500. CASH $3000. Lota of ground. 6-room cottage, double constructed: more than an acre of ground; large rooms, lota of cupboards and closets, fine Pull man kitchen. 3 large sleeping rooms on second floor; room ior a garage, as this lot occupies the entire block, 225x216; lots of fruit and berries; a tine home, well worth the money. No. 554. WHAT'S 'SMATTER. POPT NUTHIN'." Only here la a snap for some one. 5 rooms. 50x100 lot; every thing fine outside, but the house is not plastered. Get this and fin ish it up. live in your own home. Price $1400. cash $tSO0. NO. 553. WOODSTOCK. PRICE $2500. CASH $1000. 5-room bungalow on 70th ave.. near 4-'d at.. 3 blocks to the car line: 5(xl0u lot: 8 years old; would exchange for acreage with a bouse near Oregon City.. No. 550. HAWTHORNE. PRICE $5500. CASH $1000. S-room bungalow style; 5 rooms down and three up; bullt-ina. con crete basement, fireplace, laundry trays. paved streets; built 4 years. , NO. 548. FARGO TWINS. PRICE $4750 AND $4500. One 7 rooms and one 6 roomi, on Fargo st.. close-in property, one block to the car line: hard-surface streets and hardwood floors. These are both good buys. No. 53. MALLORT HEIGHTS. PRICE $6300. CASH $1500. 6-room bungalow style house, new and modern, with all built-in features, hardwood floors and hot air furnace, close to car line, on 50x100 lot. This la a nifty home and will soon be ready for occu pancy. No. 538. ALBERTA. $2500. For 3 rooms and a fine sleeping porch, nearly completly furnished, located on a good lot on East Fif teenth st. N.. Just oft Alberta st. This is surely a snap. No. 542. riBLA.ND. PRICE $1300. CASH $700. Save your rent, buy this 4-room cottage, be your own landlord and live at home; 50x100 lot. NO. 54L LENTS. PRICE $3600. CASH $1000. Nearly one acre of ground, with 40 fruit trees, some walnuts and shrubbery: 4-room bungalow and garage, good basement; vacant and ready to occupy. APARTMENT PROPERTY. A 42-room brick apartment on east side, well located; full of ten ants; everything in good shape and bringing a good income. Pries $30,000. NO. 535. FINE LAUNDRY OR FACTORY SITE. If you are booking for a loca tion for a lau (dry or a factory it would pay yoc to Investigate this. Here is a half block, corner of loth and Hague, sts. Price $7000, 7 terms. NV B40. PRICE $4500. CASH $750. 8-rfTom house on E. 55th st. N. Very good location. 4 blocks from car line: 75x100 lot. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Corner. 50x100; flne 8-room mod ern house, flne shrubbery, good ga rage, located In the best part of IrvLngton. A real bargain at the price of $7500. $2500 will han dle it. HAWTHORNE SPECIAL. PRICE $4200. ONE-HALF CASH. We offer this modem 5-room bungalow near Franklin high school and north of Division St.; fireplace, furnace, full basement, lot 40x124. There la also a ga rage. Phone for an appointment to see. FINE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. . 80x100 LOT. PRICE $5500. 7-room bungalow just like new; beautiful eastern oak floors, fine fireplace. French doors between the living room and the dining room, nice buffet, fine Dutch kitchen and an extra toilet on the back porch. Very fine basement, lots of fruit and berries; beautiful lawn, large farage. All goes at the price of 550U, $3000 down. NO. 496. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. PRICE $0250. ONE-HALF CASH. This Is a fine 6-room Iutch co lonial home on Aspen st. Excel lent hardwood floors, built-in ef fects, ivory finish throughout; in fact, a modern, up-to-date home on about a lot and three-Quarters. There is a fine view from almost very room in this home, where you can see miles of beautiful Willamette valley and the hills and mountains beyond. Owing to ' certain unavoidable, circumstances the owner is very anxious to dis pose of this and Is offering it at several thousand dollars less than the original cost. For an appoint ment to see phone us. NO. 430. LADD ADDITION. Fine 8-room modem horns on an 80x120 lot. With (This home goes a gas range, pool table. This is one of the finest homes In one of Portland's finest dlstrlcta. Price $13.5o0. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland bldg. Automatic 511-50. or Marshall 8988, KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Auto. 511-50 or Marshall 30S9. NO. 458. PIEDMONT. , PRICE $11,600: CASH $6000. Fine 8-room home In a restrict ed district: plate-glasa windows, heavy French beveled plate mir ror, buffet, finely finished through out, modern in every respect; large front porch with massive pil lars and buttresses of artistio ce ment blocks; ground 100x100. A very pretentious home at a bar gain price. NO. 52S. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. PRICE $11,500. TERMS. This Is an exceptionally well built, conveniently arranged, splen didly designed home of the Cali fornia style; large living room, paneled dining room, white enam el bath, bedroom and center hall and reception hall; also very fine garage; lot 75x100. NO. 476. IRVINGTON $12,500. Beautiful 8-room Irvington corner lot 75x100. in a very exclusive dis trict: wonderful ground, with rare shrubbery and flowers; an excel lent home in the pink of condi tion with every modern conven ience; 3 blocks from 2 car lines. To sue phone for an appointment. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Auto. 511-50, or Marshall 3089. BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $7500 Distinctive Willamette Heights home. N. 81st st.; 7 rooms; ultra modern, spacious living room. 85 feet in length, with artistio fire place; solid paneled dining room with massive burtet. babu " WOOD FLOORS, four pleasant, airv bedrooms, full coment base ment., with furnace and laundry room.' Taved street, liens paid : beautiful corner. 50x100. with shade trees. shrubs, . garage TERMS: one block to car. THIS IS EXCEPTIONAL VAL UE. Look at It TODAY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 106H 3d St., Between Washington and Stark. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. $3250 Plus ' bonded st. Imp., will prob ablv buv this home, though out of-town owner has been asking more: make us an offer. Hard wood floor In large combination ltvlnar and dinlns: room, also In one bedroom; arranged so that vou can have 3 bedrooms all on one floor: fireplace. Dutch kitch en, garage; new and never occu pied. . J. A. WICKM AN CO.. 264 Stark st. Main 583 and 1094. JUST A DANDY HOME. 6-room cottage with finished attic, 3 bedrooms first floor, not new but well constructed and In good condition, with beautiful grounds, 65x100 comer, near school and on good car line. $2750. $500 cash, balance monthly. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4th St. Main 4522. NONRESIDENT WILL SACRIFICE. Swiss chalet bungalow of 7 rooms. sleeping porch, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, hot water heat, grounds nearly V, acre with fine lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees, located on the slope of Mt. Tabor witn tine view or city ana moun tains. $B00 garage. Street improve menu all Dald. Will give you an un heard-of bargain for cold cash. Call Sunday between 12 and 2 P. M. If you want it. Hurry while the owner ia in town. fnone Auto CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $1500. $500 CASH 5-room new bungalow S1700. K173 casn. ft -room Dungaiow $1400. $400 cash. 6 lots, fenced. 12 -room shack, cement chicken house; $750 each, 200 cash, corner lots on 65th ave. 144VixlOO: $1400. $150 cash. 1 acre 8 lota); $1100, $150 cash. 8-room bunga low. 4 lots: $300o. siooo casn. 9 room and bath. 150x100; ' $2500 of one-half cash. 5-room modern bungalow, double garage, lot 80x100: $1700, $250 cash. 6 room bungalow, one-half acre, near 65th ave. Fred Spear, 6dfti at., south of 65th ave. Tabor 5887. BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON. On Schuyler st. near Nineteenth, midst the shade trees which make this district so attractive, there is a cozy six-room house with full basement and furnace. Living room has fireplace and alto gether It Is a comfortable house in a choice neighborhood. It can be bought for $1000 cash and monthly payments same as rent. The number of the house is 6S2 Schuyler st. Inspection of interior by appointment. STRONG & CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. $5750 MT. TABOR $5750. Overlooking valley east and north: an attractive bungalow In the firs containing every con venience one may wish and Is ab solutely in the best condition. MR. ROGERS. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St, Main 4522. $5500 If you are looking for one of the nest Duys in a moaern nome, two stories. spacious grounds, land scaped. 75x100. Garage. Hardsur faced streets. The home is complete all built-in effects, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, etc. List No. 1420. J. A. WICKM AN COMPANY. 264 Stark St. Phones Main 533 or 1094. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW 6 rooms all on first floor, hardwood floors throughoat. hot water heat, fire place. French doors, plate glass windows. buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, large attic, garage. xi you want something out of the ordinary In a high-class, bungalow let us show you tnis one. jtiwp casn. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. . NIFTY NEW BUNGALOW $2600. Call the owner. Main 6938. to see this beautiful 4-room new bungalow, two blocks from Union ave., one block from Dekum ave. and street car; living room, dining room, white enamel Dutch kitch en, two bedrooms with full closets, full plumbing, cement foundation and base ment, full lot; $500 cash, $25 per month. VACANT COTTAGE f2750. EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT. 5 large rooms, cement basement, mod em nlumblng. 50x100 loL. all. street im provements In and paid, 1 block to best car service, jujhu catn. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675: $500 CASH BUNGALOW SNAP. Dandy 5-room bungalow with full basement. 50x100 lot. garage, great va riety fruit, berries and flowers: two blocks from car. near 48th at. and S3d ave.; price izauu; sauu casn, $35 per montn: a snap. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK, Five-room moaern bungalow, new, near Sandy. Phone me Sundav mnrn lng. Main 6SS2. Main 5456 weekdays, if you want to buy a good home in a good district. IN ALAMEDA PARK PROPER. SWELL MODERN BUNGALOW. Strictly up to date, large rooms, cab lnet bath room with dressing table. all buut-ms; you can move right In terma For owner, can labor 8J2. LARGE. MODERN 7-room house with 70x 100 ft. of ground; a fine place for your home, which I am forced to sell at $4700. I must raise money this week. For particulars see my attorney at 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park st. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Five large rooms, large attic swell location, all Improvements In and paid; extra well constructed home; strictly modern: terms. Tabor 8292. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A very nice home, corner lot. 50x100, in perfect condition. $4000. oh easy terms. Main 6S82 Sunday morning. Main 5458 weekdays: THREE LARGE LOTS 5-ROOM HOME. Here Is a bargain, large garden, bear ing fruit, large chicken park; and house; $2650; terms. Tabor 8292. SEAL EST ATA. For Sale -Houses. 100J PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. , SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. The McGuire System haa won an In ternational reputation and established a national record f if- home selling be cause It Is the ORIGINAL, SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC. MODERN method of home selling. It eliminates your every house hunting problem and PROTECTS YOUR EVERY INTEREST. Every home per sonally inspected and APPRAISED. Our IS autos and courteous, experi enced salesmen constantly at your SERVIC13. For your convenience WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN DAYS. HOLLADAY-IRVTNGTON. $5800 Unusually beautiful Irvington BUXGALW; 5 rooms: labor-saving built-lns for beauty and convenience. massive buffet, sleeping Torch. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, 'full concrete basement with furnace and fruit room: splendid value; TERMS. We have 75 homes in this dis trict. ROSE. CITT HOMER. $5000 Low. rambling ROSE CITY: 5 rooms: HARDWOOD FLOORS, artistic built-in buffet, bookcases, cheery fireplace, beautiful Indi rect lights, model Dutch kitchen, sunny breakfast nook; E. 67th St. N.; TERMS. $2750 At last here Is the ROSE CITY BUNGALOW for which you have been looking; 5-room California type: dining room with butlt-ln buffet, white Dutch kitchen, two sunny bedrooms with convertible sleeping porch, best white enam el plumbing, electricity, gas; E. 76th; St.; TERMS. LAURELHURST. $5500 Never OCCUPIED. new LAU RELHURST; rambling CALI FORNIA bungalow lines; supe rior construction, cheery f're place. bookcases, massive buffet. FRENCH DOORS, white Dutch kitchen, white enamel woodwork. HARDWOOD FLOORS I N EVERY ROOM: you can smell the cool, fragrant pines of LAU RELHURST PARK : E. 44th St. Wa have 30 Laurelhurst homes. 140 HAWTHORNE HOMES 140. $4500 One of HAWTHORNE'S BEST BARGAINS in a 7-room bunga low; cosy den, artistic living room with fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet. Ideal Dutch kitchen, three airy sleeping rooms, full conrrete basement with furnace: VACANT: move right In; this Is UNUSUAL VALUE; terma; E. Lincoln. $3800 VACANT HAWTHORNE: six room, practical type nome on corner lot on E. 35th st. ; best white enamel plumbing. gas. electricity, .paved street. liens paid; just $500 down; rest easier than rent. See this now I $2695 OUAINT. HOME-LIKE HAW THORNE SHINGLED BUNGA LOW; 5 rooms: very convenient floor plan, best white t enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. 50x175 with fruit, berries, flowers, paved street, liens paid: E. Yamhill St., close to car and school; EASY TERMS. 80 ALBERTA HOMES 80. $3250 On ROSELAWN AVE., Just east of Piedmont, Is this very at tractive, substantially built 6 room modern home; one bed room down, three up. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full basement, paved street. GA RAGE: It's VACANT; move in now; TERMS. $2850 A MODERN 5-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW: large, airy cool rooms, built-in labor-saving con veniences, Dutch kitchen, . white enamel plumbing, electricity, gss, garage: one block to car; E. 33th st.; only $500 down: ENTIRE BALANCE LIKE RENT. $2500 This Is one of Alberta's best buys: 4-room artistio modern bungalow. SLEEPING PORCH, white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, garage, fruit; EASY TERMS; E. 2tith St. $2100 Typical ALBERTA S-room bun galow, practically arranged; two light. airy bedrooms. white enamel plumbing, gas. electricity, full basement, shade trees; E. 2'ith. close to car; TERMS. WAVERLY-RTCHMOND. $4250 Beautiful RICHMOND bungalow: Just $50O down, $35 per month: paved street, liens paid; NO MORTGAGE TO ASSUME: 6- room typical bungalow type, full wmtn front porch, living room with fireplace and leaded glass bookcases, fireplace, solid paneled dining room with art leaded glass buffet, music room, white Dutch kitchen. HARDWOOD FLOORS, two airy sleeping rooms, furnace, laundry trays; $1000 un der value: ONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN OUR OFFh'E TODAY: it won't last until TO MORROW; Taggart, near 88th; VACANT. 80 KENTON HOMES 30. $2520 Just $500 down: price cut for QUICK SALE; 6-room very sub stantial home; white enamel plumbing, gas, electricity, full basement: Winchell st.. close to Kenton car; this is exceptional value. 50 SELLWOOD HOMES 50. $3500 Beautiful 6-room SELLWOOD BUNGALOW; very artistio vine covered, full-width front and side porches, solid paneled at tractive dining room, best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, full corner lot with shade trees; E. 7th and Tenlno; SPLENDID 50 SELLWOOD HOMES 50 $1700 EASY TERMS; artistic Seilwood bungalow; 5 rooms; full base ment. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full lot; Harnev, corner 19th. Don't miss seeing tnis. MT. SCOTT. $1600 Just $300 down: 6-room, modern, substantial home; built-lns. plumbing, electricity, gas, two blocks to ML Scott car; K. 85th st,; garage. B0 MONT A VILLA HOMES 60. $382573x103 grounds, with abundance of fruit, snaay ana cool, ana very- attractive 7-room. modern bungalow; massive buffet in din ing room, model white Dutch kitchen, floored attic, four light, airy bedrooms; GARAGE: terms: E. Davis. This is WONDERFUL VALUE. $2580 A MUST-BE-SOLD MONTA VILLA BUNGALOW BARGAIN; 5 rooms, cheery firepiace. book cases, buffet, white Dutch kitch en, two light, airy oedrooms, chicken house: E. 7td st. ; tc;rms; . EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. SEE IT NOW! WOODSTOCK HOMES $2250 Easy terms: comTortfrble, cosy 5-room bungalow; white enamel plumbing, gas, full basement, ga rage, etull tot. fruit; one block to car; 42d st. S. E. THIS IS VALUE. $2100 $400 down. $20 per month: com fortable, substantial 6-room bun stalow cottage; whlto enamel plumbing. gas. electricity; all Hens paid: A WONDEIt Klj 7. UN DISPUTED OPPORTUNITY: Adams St.. Just across the toel bridge. EASY WALKING DIS TANCE. If you're looking for n home. It wi'l profit vou to come In itnd inspect our WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF OVER :000 photographs of homes for sale. AN UN EQUALED selection to choose from. See FRANK L. McGU'RE To Buy Tour Home. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. 1 06 yL Set St., Between vVa-shingtoa and Stark. DANDY new 4-room bungalow with sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white enameled. 1 block to Hawthorne car. 62d and Division. Owner. Tabor 170. 6-ROOM modem, close in. paved street, some built-ins. good basement: price "400. $1000 cash. balance $20 per month. East 3123. 8-ROOM bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kltch en garage, nice garden. $2500, $500 cash and $50 a month, including interest. 675 w. Totn st- - -. -. BY OWNER I am offering my home for sale: it Is up to date In every way; good material and workmanship. 1S8 Laurel, hurst ave BY OWNER 6-room modern house, full lot, 1 blk. to Miss. ave. car, 1 blk. to R S. car; close to school. Call Wdln. 1821. S-ROOM furnished house. 80x100 ft. lot, woodshed, chicken run. garden in. 1 blk. from car line; SJ00. $1200 cash, balance terras. laoor oioi. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NOW 13 THE TIME; WAIT. DO NOT Get your home before the fall rush starts these are all real anaps. read them carefully. Come right in and let me tell you mora about them. NO. 1 NEAT LITTLE 4-room cottage with basement, lights and gss. good lot. sidewalks and curb ing, handy to car. school and a genuine snap for $1250. $200 cash, satisfactory terms on balance. NO. 2. FAIRLY GOOD 8-roora house. It has bath, toilet, elec tric lights and gas. 4 rooms, up stairs 4 on first floor arranged for 2 families; fine location, 60th St.. handy to car, school and stores, fine lot. hard-surfare st., and a big snap for $2250. If you can 6pare $8uo0 cash, the balance. Including Interest, is only $25 per month. NO. S FINE 6-ROOM bunga low In Montavllla. It has mod ern bath, electric lights and gas; fine baeement. beautiful corner lot; cement sidewalks and curb ing, and a big value for $3000. It belongs to a lonely widow and she will give you easy terms, or mill consider smaller house' for part. See thla for a real value and fine home. NO. 4 BEAUTIFUL HOME In Woodstock- It has 8 rooms, full basement. laundry traya, fine -Dutch kitchen, buffet In dining room, hardwood floors, modern bath, electric lights and gas. Fine lot. fruit and flowers, garage and chicken house and a fine home for $3650; will consider good lot. some cash and easy terms on baL NO. S HAWTHORNE BEAUTY. 5 rooms on main floor. 2 up stairs. It has every modern con venience the architect could think of. fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, laundry trays, wood lift, fine Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace heat, nothing was left out to make this home com fortable, convenient and lasting. It la clean- and neat as a pin, good lot and garage; paved st , city sewer, handy to car. school. Franklin high school, for $5750. The house could not be duplicated for this price. NO. 6 YOU LIKE your own fruit, garden and flowers. Here Is a beautiful acre, close in. has all kinds of bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, fine garden. Vt acre In potatoes; the soil is the very best. There is a fine, almost new ti ro om modern house; has mod ern bath, electric lights and gas; fine basement. The house is clean and neat, ready for occupancy. See this if you want a fine home, close to car, school, high school and Reed college. For $7500, $3000 cash. baL 5 years, 6 per cent Interest. The above are all extra good valuta, do not hesitate, come right In ; my auto is at your service to show you. E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. JUST FINISHED. Five-room cottage built like a $20,000 establishment. And our price la $i6.o. All south side of house is living room and sun porch. French doors to front veranda. Fine view of west side hill a-nd golf links. Located within the Reed college community. Built with every convenience for the housewife Fullma breakfast nook. Hoosler Kitchen caul nets and Gaaco furnace so no runnln to basement to fire the furnace Just press Uie button. Garage, oversized lot, and wa want to show you. Phone us. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Owners. 246 Stark St. Marshall 5454 ARE YOU STILL RENTING T A SURE-ENOUGH BARGAIN. $2700 MODERN BUNGALOW $2700. 6-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, summer dining porch, screenea in; ce ment basement, furnace. Laundry tray rood Dlumbing. built-in buffet, panel dining room; lot 40x100; chicken house and run; grapes, berries, snruboery; nar surfaced street- asr terms. tounaa Marshall week.dnvs. Main 7067 Merlels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PIEDMONT'S BEST HOUSE OFFERING 7 ROOMS. MODERN. 1011x100 CORNER. It would cost $9000 to build the house alone. Owner lives eaat- She writes us : 'Offer for Immediate sale at $3750. Here is where you can double your money. NE1LAN A PARKHILL. 219 Lumber- mens Bldg.. 5th and Stark Sts. $3250 NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $325' A BARGAIN ON TERMS. Seven room, well-conBtructed house good basement: plumbing, electric light fas: house in good conditions near car high school, car barns and Just at edge of Piedmont: hard-surface street paid; a snap; on easy terms:' Immediate pos session. Sunday. Marshall 5963: week days. Main 70B7. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3160. WALKING DISTANCE. On west side 1H blocks from car, 1 block from Multnomah club, good 6 room coatage, brick foundation, base ment, gas. bath, lavatory. An excep tional bargain. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $3HV -WILL HANDLE- -300. aioo CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE $4200. 8-room modern lions?, furnace, firs place, good plumbing, electric lights, gss, city liens all paid; 16 minutes' walk from P. O. Vacant; can rent out several rooms: very easy terms. Sunday. Mar shall 5063: week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Com, bldg. 12-P.OOM HOUSE WEST SIDE. 50x100. corner 4th and Caruthers sts.. house is furnished and renting for $0 mer month; condition very good Inside, needs painting outside; price $6230, ha.f cash, balance on time. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. BIO NEWS $1750. Large 2-story house. Good condition: 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, electricity, gas; city water: sewer connection. Located near Mt. Tabor school. A big buy. More then your money's worth here. Glad to show you. Ask for Mr. Sohl strom. GEO. T. MOORE CO. TEON BLDO, MODERN IRVINGTON BARGAINS. 7 rooms snd garage. Brazes corner. 7 rooms on 25th and Tillamook. 7 rooms on 8th near Knott. 5-room bungalow on 23d near Braxee, C-rcom bungalow. 11th near Prescott. 9 tin. n -w homes, lust completed. DONALD MACLEOD. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. WILL sell our modern 6-room. 2-story homa finest condition Inside and out. . Fireplace, bookcases, china closet, sleep ing porch, full cement basement. - Diaa from car. Price only $4200. $2000 cash, helRnce to suit. Tabor 3785. PIEDMONT New bungalow, large living room. fireplace, hardwood, kitchen, breakfast nook, complete built-ins. 2 hrnnmL bath, cement basement, laun drv tray, cement porch, full set. To see Is to buv. $4000. Easy terms. Owner, Woodlawn 1405. sat.k 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, bath an unit, basement, large lot. all kinds e Hit tAR. hushes: newly painted, pa nered and tinted. $2750. near Franklin high school. Tabor 3205. IRVINGTON HOME, m tr carllne, ivory fine yard. $6710. hausen. Mali 8078. THOMPSON ST, finish, oak floors. Easy terms. Neu IRMNGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BFI'ORE BUYING, SEE T B. NEUHAMSEN CO.. Main 8078. S30 N. W. BANK BLDO. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, all oak floors, center hall, art p.-iper. Ivory finish, ga rage. 50x100 -r more. Neuhausen, Main Sn7. RRAI, SNAP. SUNNYSIDE. 6 rooms, modern. Price only $3750. See Mr. Enton. Main J. ROBBIN3. 801 Railway Ex. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL Large living room, fireplace, charming sun room all ivory, oak floors. choice shrubbery. 88000. Neuhanaen. Main 807a -ROOM modern bungalow. R. O. P.. roses fruit trees, berries. Beautiful, healthy location. 683 E. 67th N., near Sandy. IRVINGTON SNAP Artistic, small home. Ivory finish, art paper, oak floors, ga 'rage, nenr Thompson, $6500: vacant Nfuhausen. Mtln g078. - LADD ADDITION 6-room modern house and garage, newly painted, in A-l con dition, for sale by owner. Phone East 3718. HOUSES Eight. six. five-roomed; get credit for your rent money by paying $500 down. $1800 and uo. Walking dis tance. Owner. 62 East 27th at. IRVINGTON. BARGAIN. $000. easy terras, buys this attrsctive 6-room modern home, garage, near Knott. Neuhausen, M-iln R07S. FIVH-ROOM bungalow, with garage: off 72a ST.:. wei' winn .uu"; win sacririre for $2300; $500 cash. Call Main 2359, room 2. . 5 ROOMS. 608 E. 60th St. N.. Rose City. Price 4400: look at oronertv. do not dis turb my tenant; terms. Call Tabor 5319. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. CAREY-SAVIDGE CO.. Open Sundays and Evenings. We have sold 183 homes since the first of the year. To accomplish and keep up this record necessitates that we keep on hand a carefully chosen list of houses. Before you buy. spend a few minutes with us It Is quite possible that wa may have Just what you want. $5750 In ML Tabor, on beautiful view lot. a new 6-room bungalow of typical California type, very lat est of appointments; large living room across front of house, large airy bedrooms, glass-inclosed sleeping porch; white ename! woodwork, flrepiace. furnace, full cement basement, cement porcn. This bungalow has all that any bungalow could have and should interest you. Terms. $4000 Another lovely modem 5-room bungalow in Hawthorne; fire place, garage, large airy rooms, paved street; all improvements paid. This is a typical bungalow - and should be seen; $150u will handle. $3150 Substantial double-constructed 7 room house on Webster, near In terstate; hardwood floors and fireplace, Dutch kitchen, white enamel woodwork, one bedroom downstairs, three bedrooms and sleeping porch up; close to Jef ferson high school and car line; $1000 down. $3150 In Rose City Park, a beautiful California-type bungalow; has 4 rooms, large living room across front of house, old Ivory finish. 1 bedroom and conceded bed in living room; corner lot. Improve ments paid. This is very clasey. Terms. $3500 In the Kenton district, a new 6-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, firep.ace, old ivory finish. Dutch kitchen. 2 large bed rooms, full lot; improvement paid; Vi block to car; $o00 down. $2850 In Irvington Park, modem 4 room. double-constructed, freshlv painted bungalow, two sleeping rooms, large combination living and dining room, white ename. woodwork, best of plumbing; ga rage, full 50x100 lot; improve ments paid; 1 block to car. Terms. $2600 Corner of Harrison and E. 11th. modern 5-room bungalow, paved corner, all Improvements paid; fireplace, two large bedrooms, best of plumbing: close to 3 car lines and within walking dis tance; $500 will handle. $2375 4-room modern bungalow-type cot tage, compieioty luruisucu, in cluding $450 p:ano, $118 oak dav enport bed; large living room, white enamel woodwork, modern piumbing; lot 371,xl371. 6 bear ing fruit trees, abundance of berries, fine large garden filled with every kind of vegetable, ready for use; fine shade trees, flowers and shrubbery; 5 minutes' walk from five different car lines; hard-surface street. Improve ments paid. Terms. CAREf-SAVIDGB CO.. Successors to BIHR CAREY CO.. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Stark and Third Sta. Main 74S7. Open Evenings and Sundays. NEW ENGLISH TYPE COTTAGE. Wonderfully well built and the last word as a saver of labor for friend wife- Furnace burns gas a la thermo stat. Sun porch, oak floors, fireplace In 20-foot living room. Space for sleep ing porch In attic. Kitchen he. Hoosier cabinets and the latest conveiAsacea in cluding Pullman breakfast tab'e. Lot 50xlOO, with garage. Located in the Keed college commun ity and facing golf links. For appointment to see thla new cot tage see T.Ann ESTATE COMPANY. 246 Stark St. Marshall 54. .4. NEW BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement hardwood floors, mirrored door, butlt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, white and Ivory finish. 3 large fountains In plain view verv choice, neat and doslrablc; on Haw thorne car line at 21th ave.; terms; reasonable. By owner. Tabor 3jo Main 3052. EXCELLENT VALUE IN PIEDMONT w n m K . On Commercial street. IS blocks north of Kllllngsworth avenue. 7-room house and louxloo. with 15-foot alloy in rear: good basement, furnace, large and well-lighted kitchen with built-lns; . vf-Ml h.arlnt fruit trees, some berries, lot nY roses and a beautiful lawn; Ideal location and will appeal to the buyer wanting value received tor nis money, Price $6000. some terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg Broadway 3222 WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY 7 PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. 5 ROOMS. BIG LOT. $2500. You can own this property and pay rent to yourself for less than half what It ia t-narina- vou for rent now. If you are responsible, we ran sell you tills nronertv on small ensh payment and the bal. like rent. STOP THROWING YOUR MONEY AWAY. LET US SHOW YOU TODAY. NE1LAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumber mens Bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. GO SEE THIS TODAY! By far the best lift e borne 1 nave listed uuriiifc low ijtiai week: 4-room bungalow with bath, large living room, Drignt ana encery tiiiiii.K room, convenient Dutch kitchen, bedroom with closets; full plumbing bath, base ment. Located in Kenton. No. 110 Minnesota ave., 1 block north Lombard. Owner will gladly show you through. Price onlv $1750, J80O cash. For sale by O A PEARCK. 815 Chamber of Com merce. Main 3(38. R500 ROSE CITY PARK $S500. Beautiful 2-story bungalow just off - Sandy blvd. : hardwood floors, butlt-lns, fireplace and full cement basement with furnace and fruit closet; 2 bedrooms, lln en closet and bath on first floor; 3 bed rooms and lavatory on 2d; lot 100x100 with all kinds of shrubbery, fruit tr4fs. chicken run and large garage with ce ment runway. This Is a bargain and terms can be arranged. Owner, 634 E. 59th St. N. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms, modern, hot water heat, fire place, hardwood floors. 100x100 lot, ce ment garage, hard-surface street all paid for. A dandy buy; $7000: $3500 cash, balance $4U month, including in terest 6 O W. T. MUELLHAUPT & CO.. C. E. Adams. 407 U. S N. Bank bldg. Bdwy. 3838. Res. Woodlawn 3433. WANT PORTLAND HEIGHTS attractive, substantially-built house? It has 9 rooms, - bath. two toilets. living room with beamed ceiling 17x2S; VIEW OF ST. HELENS AND MT. RAINIER; large, level grounds.' This Is not an ordinary place and Is a beautiful, quiet spot. YOU WILL BE PLEASED when you in spect it. Owner. Marshall 3377. CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. Located on 26th street. 2 car lines. 15 minutes from center of town. Basement cemented, white enamel kitchen, bath and bedroom; hard surfaced street; fruits and berries. All for $3100. $500 will handle. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. . " 680 E. 24th St- N. New five-room modern bungalow, all tfc tat.Rt huilt-lns: also sraraae. If In the market for a home, see tills today between 4 and 7 Price Jiuuu. owner, 1101 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 8 rooms, living room 16x30. sun room, nualnt dining room, large Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath first floor. 3 rooms second floor; garage: splendid location. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, r.ast .itio. 1 MILE SO. ORE. CITY. 2 lota. 5-room house, newly papered running water, bath, elec; garden In; ahed, new chicken house; furnished: In, eluding 45 chickens. As stands, $1650 cart cash. P 923. Oregonian. 1176 E. COUCH ST.. $ LAURELHURST. 7500. r.ntml hall, large living room, dining room, mahogany finish complete, kitch en. 3 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch. Mrs Harry price maimer, r-ast tuitj. IRVINGTON BUNGALOWS TWO BEAU TIES SEE thorn, all modern, ivory and mahogany finish, garage, one near club, other near 24'h at. $7500; terms. Neu hjsen. Main 8078. $t000 BUNGALOW, H acre, fruit. Mt Tabor. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Fail ing bldg. MUST SELL AND UNLOAD. 5-room modern. Rose City Park; pnap. Tabor 5319 or Main 7031. c-.uot NEAT 4-room bungalow. E. 10th N.. Woodlawn. McFarland. 208 Fail ing bldg: S3,-IH) 8-ROOM house in Alameda park. For further information call Seilwood 5 Monday. BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, corner lot. paved St.: Price $3000; terms $500 cash. E J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. X180O 6-ROOM modern. neat home. Terms, se this. Stratum. 217 Abington. REAL ESTATB. l or Sale -House HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. $4000 for a fine one with music din ing nnd living rooms and Dutch kitchen, with hnrdwood floors, has 4 bedrooms, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, ranel and beau celling in dining room, on E 4th ; cash. $4500 for a fine 6-room. hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch Kitchen. 2 toileis, and on corner of E. 34th. $5000 for a fine 7-room. with exceed ingly large porches, fireplace, hardwood flocrs. beam celling, built-in buffet and bookcase, fine Dutch kitchen, furnace and large garage, on Glenn ave. Soma terms. Phone Mar 829 F. L. BLANCHARD. B19-20 Railway Exchange. o ,0tLSES OF QUALITY. $.5,000 buys a gentleman's home, which is up to date In-every detail, com modious, artistic and complete; situated on a prominent double corner with ga rage. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100 with nine-room modern house, done In hardwood and mahogany: has three baths and Ave fireplaces: built by an architect for his own home; price w below value at $17,000. You are In vited to Investigate these and mans, other exclusive listings, which wa have to offer. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FURNISHED HOUSE. Walking distance. 5-room plastered house, full basement. Improved streets; room for garage. $1150 cash, balance easy. $35ou. Includes furniture. $3500. 5-room bungalow, large living and din ing rooms, good plumbing, fireplace, furnace, parage. All in good condition. NeHr Jefferson high school. Terms. Neat 5-room bungalow, barn, chicken house and yard: 11-5 acres in cultiva tion: near Gilbert station and Lents Junction. Only $2200. Terms. See Mr. Llbbv. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 5043. 4to Henry Bldg. BEALTIFT L Irvington home, splendid cor ner 100x100: every modern convenience; hot water heating system, double ga rage; exceptionally fine basement and laundry, with extra large new Thor washing machine and mangle; extra large living room, dining room, musio room and library; elegant new carpet all over lower floor and stairs; splendid kitchen with new $200 combination wood and gas range: second floor. 5 or 6 bed rooms, two tiled bathrooms, sleeping porch: third floor, completely finished: French glass doorr. hot and cold water, heat. Am leaving city. Easv terms if tnken at once. Seilwood 2633. ROSE CITY. Comer on Sandy Blvd. 9-room home on 100x100 lot. This Is modern to the minute. Just 3 yeara old. Large living room, dining room, den or library, sun parlor, kitchen, breakfast room on first floor, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch up; tiled bath and mar-, blold walls; 2 sets of plumbing, wired for electric range. Full cement basement and furnace, double garage, children's playground and wonderful shrubbery. $13,000, some terms. Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. I have 2 fine 2-story 8 and 9-room houses In most exclusive section, near car. that I will sell this week at far beiow market value. They have Just been repainted and decorated inside and out and are like new. One Is on a large corner, has garage, plate glass windows snd cut glass door knobs throughout: 17x33 living-room: both finished in old Ivory. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 47. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. $8."oo. Four years old: near Knott, between 22d and 24th; living rooms very large and massive fireplace, dining room, perfect kitchen first floor; 3 bedrooms. 4 or 5 windows In each, and bath on second: plate-giass windows and hard wood floors throughout; concrete ga rage, beautiful ground. East 419. LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moved to California, asks me to make quick sale of his handsome S-room Colonial home, with garage, lo cated on corner looking into park, and r.ever offered for sale before. Very spa cious main rooms, old Ivory finish, walls papered. 4 fine bedrooms, sleeping porch and 2 tile baths: like new. Beautiful grounds. Tabor 407. PRETTY BUNGALOW. R. C. PARK DISTRICT. Nearly new, modern 5-room bunga low; crment basement, built-ins. highly polished woodwork and floors, gas. elec tricity, fine lot 50x200. fine building for garage or chicken house: fruit, shrub bery; 2 blocks car line; owner movs out Aug. 1; neighbors say worth $1000 or more, reasonable terms. Tabor tM2. MR. RENT PAVER: Why pay rent when you can buy from owner a 6-room house: gas. eiecfrtc Uchts. bath, cement walks, paved street, roe bushes, berrtes. room for garage? One blor-k from Fulton or Oswego line: 2 blocks to good school: for $.00 and $20 per month and Interest. Price $20OO. 7S Idho St.. cor. Macadam. Owner. 107 Idaho St. Phone Mar. 4.'91. ROSE CITY. 2 blocks from car Furnished 6-room bungalow; fireplace, bookcases, buffet, beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Alcazar combination range, inlaid linoleum. Brunswick phon ograph. Thor electric washer, piano, Fi-c.r sewing machine, garden: $5000; $27.".0 cah required, balance 7 per cent. Own er . Tab or 0184. MODERN 6-ROOM house, rec. hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen pn first floor: 3 bedrooms. clothes closets and white enameled bath room on 2d floor: wash trays, gas. elec. ; nice lawn and ce ment bast-ment; price $3$nn, $9O0 cash, balance $25 nm. Would take good car up to I9O0 as 1st payment- Apply 778 Williams avenue. Owner. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 7-room modern house. 50x100 lot: hardwood floors, beautiful view; $5250. Main 5073. AN abstract of title Is not a guarantee of your title, it is merely a history of your title. A title insurance policy la a guar antee of your title. Therefore when you huy property get a title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. FURNISHED or unfurnished bungalow, 100 xlOO corner: all kinds fruit, best garden In town, chicken house and run. new combination range. Radiant heater. Don't fail to see this place. Price is right and terms. 74S E. 77th st- N.. corner Fre mont st. Rose City car. A TITLE Insurance policy Is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a title insurance policy. r.o abstrtct required. Title & Trust com pany. WOODLAWN. 3-room 'cottage, neat and clean, fruit and gardrfi. iare lot. near car. $1600; any leasonfiblo terms. R M. GATE WOOD & CO.. loot, 4th St. MODERN side home: large. fineS grounds full of ruses, shrubbery, trees, etc.; a good home in a select locality: mill consider other property up to $8000 or $0000. Price $14,000. Owner, L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE. $2700: 5-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, fruit trees and berries, paved street, sewer, house in good con dition; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bidg. Mln3787. TWO-STORY double house. 6 rooms each, for price of home; live In one, rent the other: separate yards hard-surface street: 103 ft. from car line, on Corbett st., near Glbbs: must be sold to close up estate. 217 Abington bldg. Marshall 4M. A SACRIFICE. 6-room cottage, corner, 2 car lines. 2 blocks from Bchool; absolutely no agents. Call Main 4UU2. JUST completed, beautiful 5-room bunga low, white Ivory, tile mantel. breaK fast nook, full basement, furnace; street paved, sewer in and paid; 000 E. 54th st. N.. Rose City car block; Nortn Alameda drive: $6500; some terms. MODERN 3-room house and sleeping porch, pantry and bath, cement ment. full screens, fruit and lots of flowers; 40x100 lot. close in. block; best car service. Cheap; $25 monthly paymenta. Owner. Woodlawn 4649. $"260O-Central Irvington. 411 E. 17th N.. 4-room house, 5uxloo lot: fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.; home has cement basement, some plumbing. East 7176. GET title insurance instead of an abstract It Is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected against error. Tills & Trust company. . OWNER must sell at once. 6-room house in Berkeley add.: modern in every way. For a bargain, see owner at 250 Alder st.. or cajl Maln 1102. $1450 THREE ROOMS $1450. Alberta cottage, one block from car; rood buy: terms. Will take lot up to o50 first payment. Wdln. 2290. OWNER NOW OFFERS 9-ROOM BUN GALOW VERY CHEAP. NEAR 35TH AND SANDY. MAIN 279. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. PHON E312-79. HAWTHORNE MT. TABOR HOMES. TA BOR 4201) ROD A B AUG H. SMALL house for sale In Peninsula dls-tri'-t; easy terms. Call Columbia 179. FOR SALE House In Corvallls. home of O. A. C. O 531. Oregonian. MODERN house ior sale. S12 . 28th N. . 5