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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
SectionOne Pages 1 to 22 86 Pages Eight Sections VOL. XXXIX NO. 30 Kntered at Portland Oregon ) Postofflce Hi Second-Claps Matter PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1920 PRICE TEN CENTS IT FLEET REFORMATORY WOMEN ENGAGE IN RACE RIOT XEGROES HOLD OFF WHITES WITH KNIVES AND FJL ATI RONS. MURDEREROFGIRL IN TRUNK TRAILED 3 WOMEN LEAP FROM RUNAWAY STREETCAR FLOUR MILL SHIPPED TO ARCTIC CIRCLE GASOLINE SHORTAGE HERE GROWS WORSE ROBBER HOLDS UP FOUR PARK STAGES IS STAKE IN FIGHT ONE INJURED; M OTHER CAR RYING BABY JUMPS SAFELY. WHEAT GROWERS PROSPER IN FROZEN NORTH. UNION OIL COMPANY RE STRICTS DISTRIBUTION. MERGHAK INDORSES Fate of Shipping Hangs on Choice of Board. PORTS SPLIT ON ISSUE Determined Effort Is Being Made to Direct Selection. BIG HARBORS WANT ALL Portland Among Those Who Fight lor iocal Encouragement and ' ".Retention of U. S. Vessels. OREGON I AN NEWS BUREAU. Washington, July 24. A determined contest Is being waged for control It the new shipping board. It is to consist of seven men with a salary of $12,000 each. Two of these .men are to come from the Pacific coast, two from the Atlan tic seaboard, one from the gulf states, one from the Great Lakes section and one from the interior. While it is true that the men soon to be named will not be confirmed by the senate it is equally true that these seven men in the next few months will make or wreck the mer chant marine of the United States. Regardless of whether they are con firmed or not under the law they may remain in office with full power until the end of the next session of congress. Fate Will Be Sealed Soon. Their confirmation by the senate then being refused, the offices become vacant and new appointments must be made. By that time all of the biggest work for the preservation and development of the merchant marine or its throttling will have been accomplished and the future work of the shipping board will be largely the administration of a going concern. By the time a new president has opportunity to name a new shipping board all the damage or all the good will have been accomplished in the fixing of the permanent policy of the shipping board and for this reason two determined sets of men are bat tling for victory in the naming of the men who will determine whether the United States is to be a, powerful indeer the controlling factor In transportation on the oceans of the wrold. If one set of men wins the drastic pri visions of the new Jones bill, by which the American merchant marine la sought to be created and fostered. will be made a dead letter, and the real dominance in commercial ship ping will remain in foreign hands in a few ports of the United States, like New York and San Francisco. Porta Would Boy Craft. If the other men win, the porta of the entire United States will be en couraged to organize their own ship ping concerns and buy gradually from the United States on easy terms the, merchant ships built in the war emergency and which are now being allocated and operated by private en terprise on charter from the shipping board. To secure such a policy, ports like I Boston, New Orleans, south Atlantic ports, such as Baltimore, Charleston and Jacksonville, and Pacific ports, hike Los Angeles and Portland, are Ictriving to have men named who will I fight to the last ditch for the decen- Itralizing of the shipping business and the development of ocean shipping at I all the ports capable of handling In ternational shipments. To avoid rail land ocean congestion, to balance Ifreight movements and prevent what may some day result in real famine I through artificial congestion at a few ports is the object of the men back (Concluded on Pase 3. Column 1.) 150 Girls Take Part Several Po licemen and Troopers Injured in Quelling Disturbance. BEDFORD, N. Y.. July 24. Inmates of the state reformatory for women engaged In a serious race riot today, which started in the laundry and quickly spread to all cottages at the institution. Hot flatirons used by the negro girls during the fight in the laundry forced their opponents to flee, but the battle was renewed on the lawn when scores of white inmates joined the fray. The laundry was wrecked. ABout 160 girl3 took part. The negroes were outnumbered five to one, but they held off their opponents with knives and flatirons. The disturbance was quelled by state troopers and the Bedford police. Three girls escaped from the re formatory tonight. A fourth, who escaped during the riot, was caught and brought back. Several policemen and troopers were injured slightly while quelling the disturbance. One was bitten by a girl. About a dozen girls were cut and bruised. The ringleaders of the riot and about 70 participants were locked in. the prison building, where they continued screaming and shout ing for some time. Miss Florence Jones, superintend ent, resigned tonight as a result of the trouble. Rev. Thomas Kelley, former chaplain, assisted the police in quieting the rioters. "Some of the girls got the Impres sion they could do Just as they pleased," said Rev. Mr. Kelley. "One girl said they could get away with murder." RADIO NOVICES BOTHER Work of Forest Patrol at Eugene Said to Be Interfered Witli. EUGENE, Or.. July 24. (Special.) Amateur raJio operators in Eugene, most of them small boys who have in stalled apparatus of their own at their homes, are Interfering with the forest patrol work, according to W. C. Boyce, who has charge of the work in this city for the forest service. There are so many receiving instru ments here, says Mr. Boyce, that the rr.essnges S2nt by the planes as they cover their "beats" are hard to hear at the radio station of the forest serv ice here. MONITOR DEFENDER DEAD Member of Crew of Historic Craft Passes in Butte. BUTTE, Mont., July 24. Adam Vander-Hayden, a member of the crew of the Monitor in the historic battle with the Merrimac, died here today at the age of 79. He was born In Amsterdam, Hoi land, and for 31 years had been i resident of Montana. During the civi war he served in the 'United States navy. JOHNSON TO BE JAILED Ball Will Be Denied Former Heavy weight Champion. CHICAGO, July 24. Jack Johnson former world's heavyweight cham pion, will be refused bail and sent to the county jail when he arrives In Chicago tomorrow in custody of United States marshal from Los An geles. This was announced today by DIs trict Attorney Clyne. WEEK GENERALLY FAIR Occasional Jbight Rains May Expected, Says Bureau. Be WASHINGTON, July 24. Weathe predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Rocky mountain and plateau region Generally fair, although occasional scattered showers probable; nearly normal temperatures. Pacific states Generally fair ex cent occasional light rains on the northern coast. Police Hope to Identify Girl's Mutilated Body. TRAIL LEFT BY 2 SUSPECTS Expressman Believes Victim Is Patron's Wife. LETTERS TO AID IN CHASE One of Men Sought Known by Sev eral Aliases; Both Roomed in New York Spanish Colony. NEW YORK. July 24. (Special.) The police today succeeded in obtain- ng clews which, it is believed, will Identify the young woman whose nude body was found Friday morning in a trunk in the general storage ware house of the American Railway Ex press company, 228 East Forty-fourth street. Having read in a morning news paper that the man who shipped the body from Detroit June 10 gave his name and address as A. A. Tatum, 105 Harper street, Detroit, and that a man named E. Leroy left his apart ment at that address about the same date, a day after his wife had mys teriously disappeared, Andrew J. Bra nic, proprietor of Branic's New York and Brooklyn Express company, 212 West Thirty-fifth street, came to the police today to tell a remarkable story. - Trunk Not Obtained. Branic said that on June 11 he re ceived a letter from Detroit signed A. A. Tatum" asking the expressman to get a trunk which Tatum was send ing prepaid from Detroit and telling him to hold it until Tatum arrived in New York. An express company re ceipt, giving the name of the shipper as A. A. Tatum and the consignee as James Douglas, was enclosed in the letter. Branic called for the trunk twice but did not get it. The handwriting in the Tatum let ter, said Branic, was the same as that in a letter the expressman received January 7, O. J. Woods, asking him to send to Detroit a trunk which had been left at Branic's place of busi ness since July 10, 1919. The letter asked that the trunk be sent to. E. Leroy. Branic turned both these letters and the express company receipt over to the police who are making a thorough Investigation along this line. Both Believed Same Man. "There is no doubt that Leroy and Tatum are the same man," said Branic. "The handwriting in each of the letters is the same. But neither of those names is his correct name. He had a habit of changing his name whenever he got into trouble, and he was known to me by two other names. O. J. Fernandez and O. J. Woods. "I have known him since October, 191s. He introduced himself then as Fernandez, which I believe to be his real name. He came in here from Pennsylvania station with a man named Joseph Yanez. They said they had just arrived from San Antonio, Texas, where they had been govern ment Inspectors of airplanes during the war. The en-gaged me to get trunk from Pennsylvania station and keep it here, which I did. "Later I came to know Fernandez and Yanez very well. They took a room in some place in West Thirty sixth street and used to come here often and talk. In November, 1918, they took the trunk and went to Phil adelphia to take work in an airplane factory in or near that city. Both Are 3Iechanica. "A short time later Yanez came back to New York and took a room in a house in the Spanish colony in (Concluded on Pase 2. Column 1.) CARTOONIST PERRY ILLUSTRATES SOME OUTSTANDING FEATURES NCA.E. SrWV OOEStHT 1NTE.MD TO VSffVXT VJNTU CHRSTMAS TO-?UrY One Passenger With Four Children Remains Aboard Until Wild Ride Over Trestles Ends. Three women jumped from a run away Kings Heights streetcar yester day, and one, Mrs. Theodore Heufert, 610 Leland street, sustained a frac tured knee-cap'and injuries about the head. She was taken to St. Vincent's hospital unconscious, but later re gained her senses, and was expected to recover. The women said that the motor man, F. Bransetter, 374 Fourteenth street, lost control of the car. and that the conductor advised them to jump. The car was stopped safely after it had careened wildly over two trestles, and had traveled about one fourth of a mile. Officials of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company said they had no report on the accident, but it was said that there were nir.e pas sengers on the car. One woman and her four children remained aboard until the car stopped. Mrs. Heufert, her daughter. Miss Catherine Heufert, ana an uniaentmea woman with a baby jumped while the car was run ning at a. high rate of speed. Mrs. Heufert was the only one injured. $10,000,000 LOST IN FIRE 2000 Indian Cloth Shops In Heart of Bombay Destroyed. BOMBAY, July 23. Two thousand Indian cloth shops in the heart of Bombay and the biggest cloth market in India were destroyed by fire to night. The loss is estimated at 30,000,000 rupees (about $10,000,000). No casu alties are reported. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Afeatherj YESTERDAY'? Maximum temperature. 70 degrees; minimum. 54 decrees. TODAY'S Fair: northwesterly winds. Departments. Editorial. Section S. pase 6. News of the resorts. Section 3. page 8. Dramatic. Section 4, page 3. Moving; pictures. Section 4, page 2. Music. Section 4, page 7. Real estate and building news. Section 4 page 8. Books. Section 5. page 3. Churches. Section 5. page 6. Automobile news. Section 0. , Women's Features. Society. Section 3. page -. Women's activities. Section 4. page 6. Fashions. Section 5. page 4. Miss Tingle's column. Section S, page 4. Auction bridge. Section 5, page 5. . , Special Features. Golden rule in business brings success. Magazine section, page 1. More discipline for-women. Magazine sec tion, page 2. American athletes on tiptoe for Olympic games. Magazine section, page 3. World news by camera. . Magazine section, page 4. Admiral Sim's own story. Magazine sec tion, page 5. Mary Roberts Rinehart talks of babies. Magazine section, page 6. Society girls in business. Magazine sec tion, page 7. Hill's cartoons, "Among Us Mortals." Magazine section, page S. Addison Bennett tells of Tumalo project. Section 3, page 7. Coos river chief feeder to bay. Section 3, page 10. Chorus girls consider prohibition draw back. Section 4, page 1. Bee lire has unsolved mysteries. Section 4, page 4. French and Americans friendly. Section 4, page 5. Vacation resorts in Oregon numerous. Sec tion 5, page 2. Foreign. Irish situation assumes ugly aspect. Sec tion 1, page Id. World crisis is promoting communist in . ternationale, says soviet premier. Sec ' tlon 1, page 4. Grodno evacuated by bolshevik army. Section 1, page 4. National. Merchant marine is stake in fight over control ot new shipping board. Sec lion 1, page 1. Domestic. Commercial airplanes rapidly coming into favor. Section 3. page 1. . Harding favors amnesty for political pris oners. Section 1. page 1. Police take up new lead in trunk murder mystery. Section 1. page 1. Cox to be notified where largest crowds may- gather. Section 1. page IS. High wind postpones deciding yacht race until Monday. section 1. page J. -i J I "-yS. ' Government Experiments Result in Variety That Ripens in Short Summers ot Alaska. G. Lansing Hurd has just sold a flour mill to be installed 175 miles south of the arctic circle, In Alaska. This will be the first flour mill that has ever been sent so far north, but the acreage of wheat is increasing so rapidly, and the department of agriculture has been so successful in developing a hardy wheat which ma tures in about 90 days, that the growers have felt the need "of a. mill. Mr. Hurd Is sending a Twentieth Century mill, operated by steam. The plant will be shipped to Seattle, thence by steamer to St. Michael, where it will be transferred to boat and will move up the Yukon 836 miles to the mouth of the Tanana river and thence 250 miles to Fairbanks. The mill has been bought by the Tanana Valley Agricultural association. The capacity of the mill Is 25 barrels a day. For the past six years wheat has been experimented with in the Tan ana valley and while the general sup position is that the climate is un favorable for the growing of grain so close to the Arctic circle, it has developed into a complete success. The quality of grain is good and the yield has been large. CHICAGO MAYOR IS SUED Cook County Seeks to Collect Un paid Taxes From Hale Tliompson. CHICAGO, July 24. Cook county to day filed suit against William Hale Thompson, mayor of Chicago. The suit Is to collect $246.05 in un paid personal taxes for the years of 1S15 and 1916. Domestic Secret Polish pact with United States is charged. Section 1, page 7. Farmers to name' committees to devise plans for general co-operative market ing of grain and livestock. . Section 1, page 2. 130 reformatory women engage In race riot. Section 1. page 1. Lone highwayman with rifle holds up four park stages and escapes. Section 1, page 1. Pacific Northwest. Ambassador Wallace loses first go In Aus trian miner's battle for $1,000,000 profits In Alaska- mine. . Section. 1, . pace 18. Tales of strange South American tribes related by Chautauqua speaker. Sec tion 1, page 8. Dr. J. H. Rosenberg of Prinevllle elected president of slate Elks' association. Section 1, page . Insane man said to have confessed h killed wife because she caused his con finement In asylum. Section 1, page 2. Sports. Pacific coast league results: Portland S. Sacramento 0: Salt Lake 6-0, Seattle fi-1; Los Angeles 3-13. Vernon 4-9; San Francisco 2-3, Oakland 1-7. Section -'. page 2. Six athletes from northwest on Olympic team, section page- 1. Navy crew to represent U. S. in Olympic rowing, section 2. page J. Trls Speaker takes lead In race tor bat ling championship. Section 2, page 3. ooirers advised not to be listless. Section 2, page 4. Commercial and Marine. Good crop of small fruits reported: logan berries finest in history. Section 1 page 21. Grain prices at Chicago show downward trend, section 1. page 21. Stock market steady; foreign exchange assumes Better tone. Section 1. page 21. Portland likely to become distributing center ior Dulk sulphur. Section 1, page 20. Commercial agency in Portland of Philip pines government contemplated. Sec tion 1, page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Hour mill Is shipped from Portland to Arctic circle. Section 1, page 1. School board seeks advice on James John structure, bectlon 1. page 10. Gasoline shortage In Portland becomes worse. Section 1, page 1. Shrlners' from all parts of country write letters. lavish in praise of Portland Section l, page 8. Millionaire lumber magnate of east praises umoer or coast, section 1, page 18. Senate presidency commands attention of senators. Section 1, page 11. State republicans to speed up campaign. section i, page jo. Legionnaires laud work of Command William B. Kollett. Section 1. page 1.7 Oregon riflemen to compete In matches in Ohio camp. Section 1. page 9. Portland expects fully 2000 buyers from Pacific northwest August 8-14. Section 1. page 10. r-H0 3E. E.LVCS SEEM XO r -c OrtPiii A. WHERE" EVav THEY TO Wflr'VTE. POLITICAL LIBERTY Generous Amnesty to Prisoners Favored. DEBS CASE OPINION DECLINED Senator Refuses to Pass on Individual Offense. CLEMENCY . REPLY GIVEN "Freedom of Thought, Speech and Press Within Limits That Guar antee Liberty" Desired. MARION, O.. July 24. Although de claring for "generous amnesty for po litical prisoners," Senator Harding declined today to express an opinion regarding the case of Eugene V. Debs, the socialist nominee for presi dent, serving in the Atlanta peniten tiary on conviction of attempting to obstruct the draft. The republican nominee outlined his position In a reply to P. P. Christen- sen, presidential candidate of the farmer-labor party, who recently tel egraphed Senator Harding and Gov ernor Cox asking that they .use their Influence to obtain executive clem ency for Debs. Telesrram Sent In Iteply, "I have your telegram relating to the release from prison of Eugene V. Debs," Senator Harding telegraphed T believe as heartily as you do in freedom of thought atid speech and press within the limitations which guarantee our liberties and I can well believe we differ little about the abuses of that freedom when the re public is in peril. I believe in generous amnesty for political prisoners, but this " broad policy does not justify a hasty dis position of any case before it is con sidered on its merits. It Is not for me now to review a particular case, and it is impossible to utter an opinion without such review." Pleasure Is Expressed. He declared himself well pleased by the response given bis acceptance speech throughout the country, mak ing particular mention of the state ment by Senator Johnson of Call fornia. "I am gratified," said Senator Hard ing, "over the many expressions or. approval which have been spoken. It is very pleasing to be assured that I have correctly spoken the republican interpretatioivof the platform. Of course, it is good to be as sured of Senator Johnson's cordial ap proval. There never was any doubt n my own mind about the ultimate committal of progressive republicans to the republican cause this year. High CltlxenMhlp Level U'rged. 'Under the committal to party gov ernment it is our special business to make the republican party expressive of the best thought of the American citizenship which composes it." Among the few callers was ex-Senator Young, publisher of the Des Moines Capital, who Issued a state ment afterward declaring that if the republican party could not elect Harding "it could not elect anyone." "I am greatly pleased with Senator Harding's speech of acceptance," said the statement. "Being a newspaper man he had the Intuition as regards what the public had In mind. Nobody but a newspaper man could have thought of making that summary of his creed. This was bold and manly. He met every issue face to face." Permits Run Into Thousands. EL, PASO, Tex., July 24. Nearly half a million border permits and identity cards, entitling holders to cross to Mexico, were issued during the first year or prohibition in the United States, it was announced today IN THE RECENT NEWS. OH! how can cov so GELNTLE.,TENDE.R. Only Commercial Cars to Re Sup plied Of her Companies Stores Are Drained. ! The gasoline situation in Portland took another turn for the worse yes terday, when the Union Oil company supply became so short that orders were given out allowing the fuel to be purchased by cars for commercial purposes only, and Standard, Shell and Associated stations reported heavy purchasing, which seriously drained their supplies. The Union will continue to supply commercial cars only for today also, it was announced, except at two of its stations, where the usual policy of 20 per cent tank capacity for pleas ure cars and 75 per cent for commer cial cars will be followed. As these stations will have only the usual sup ply of 500 gallons each for the day. It is expected both will' be exhausted early. There will be no change in the regu lations governing distribution of gasoline by the other companies, It was stated. The Shell and Associated companies will continue distribution on the usual 20 per cent. 75 per cent basis which it has been following. Yesterday's supplies at the various stations did not last through the day in many instances, and by late after- oon practically every Standard sta tion was out. The distribution for today's consumption was made at a late hour last night, and a. line of waiting automobiles was expected this morning before the various sta tions when they opened. A rise in the price of gasoline went into effect yesterday by the Shell company from 27 to 30 cents a gallon. The Standard and the Union continued to charge 25V4 cents, while the Asso ciated is charging 27 cents. No im mediate increase in the price of gas Is In prospect, so far as the Stand ard Is concerned, according to J. E. BaLsley last night, in spite of the Shell's action. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 2 4. The price of gasoline was advanced by local stations of a large oil company from 3014c to 32 c a gallon today. Other companies had not received notice of an increase. GUAM FINES WHISTLERS Naval Governor of Island Holds Xolse Is Unnecessary. AG AN A. Guam, July 24. Whistling is prohibited in the city of Agana un der penalty of $5 fi:ie Dy order ol Captain Gilmer, governor of Guam and commandant of the United States naval station hare. His order reads: I'The practice of" whistling is an en tirely unnecss'sary and irritating noise which must be discontinued. "It is therefore ordered and decreed no person shall whisile within the limits of the city of Agana. "The penalty for a violation of this order shall be an executive fine not i to exceed five ($5) dollars. W. W. GILMER. "Governor of Guam." Captain Gilmer has absolute au thority in-making the laws of Guam, thu perhaps being the only United States possession where one man has this power. CLATSOP INCREASES 6924 Five Cities of Country Set Lively , Clip in Census Race. WASHINGTON, July 24. Censu.3 re turns announced here today were as follows: Clatsop county, Oregon, 23,030; in crease, 6924, or 43 per cent. Boone, la., 12,451; increase 2104 or 20.3 per cent. Ciyahoga Falls. O.. 10,200; increase 6180 or 153.7 uer cent. Kingston, N. Y. (revised figures), 26.688; Increase 780 or 3 per cent, pre viously announced as 25,884. Savannah, Ga. (revised figures), 83. 252; increase 13,188 or 28 per cent. Previously annou-iccd as 82,667. Populations to be announced Mon day at 10:30 A. M. include Marsh field. Or. kS VISUM. 3 C I rw Tourists Drop $350 in Hat Passed Around. JEWELRY IS NOT ACCEPTED Highwayman With Sweeps Road. Rifle PASSENGER HAS TO HELP Tourist Is Required to Take Vp Collection "While Robher Keeps Others Under Rifle. FRESNO. Cal.. July 24 Four auto mobile stages en route to the Yo- semite valley filled with passengers were held up and the passengers in two of them were robbed of money by & lone outlaw this afternoon about 1 o'clock at a point on the mountain highway about a mile and a half from Miami lodge in Mariposa county. As near as could be estimated, the robber obtained about $350. The robber es caped in the -brush and tonight a posse under Sheriff Al Turner of Mariposa county was searching the mountain country. The robber had thrown a log across the road and when the first stare reached it he suddenly appeared from the underbrush on the mountain side above the road and commanded the passengers to remain in their seats. He was armed with a rifle and had a flour sack over his head. Scouts ot Molested. The first car had six boy scouts from New York under the leadership of J. E. Matthes. The robber would take no money from them or from the drivers. The second and third cars were im mediately behind. When all three had been stopped the robber commanded C. M. Marcusson of Detroit, a passen ger In the third car, to get down and pass the hat to the passengers of the second and third cars. t The passengers in the second car were Henry J. Young, wife and two children of New York. Young threw a wallet containing $300 to Andy Davidson, driver of the car, and put some small change into the hat. Kaslerners In Car. The passengers in the third car were Mrs. S. ACostello and two chil dren of San Francisco. Mrs. C. C. Hammond of Mexico, Mo.; J. F. Thayer and brother of New York and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Marcusson of Detroit. As the robbery of the two stages was completed, about 15 minutes after the first stage had been stopped, a fourth stage appeared. .This also con tained boy scouts from New York and was allowed to go unmolested. A small machine coming in the op posite direction from Miami was turned back by the robber. The driver of this car went back to Miami and reported the holdup. l'ObK TAKES CP CHASE Robber Works Ruse That Keeps Tourists in Subjection. CAMP CURRY. Yosemite, Cal., July 24. The description of the lone rob ber who today held up passengers In four automobile stages en route from Merced to Yosemite valley about a mile and a half south of Miami lodge tallies with that of the one who held up a stage near the same point in 1916. according to information tele phoned here from Miami lodge. Sheriff Turner of Mariposa county was in Yosemite park when news of the holdup reached here and de parted at once to take up the chase of the robber. Advices from near the scene of the holdup were to the effect that the sheriff had organized a posse of (Concluded on Pase 2, Column 2.) THE ONEGOT AWAY 3 r SftNTrCLfU5 -4