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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 13, 1920 t 9 REAL ESTATE. For Sal Acreage. SUNDERLAND ACRES. Treated between East 29th and 3-ld st s., on Columbia boulevard, ii blocks from 2 city car lines. Al berta and Woodlawn : 1 to 5-acre tracts, some in cultivation, others beautifully wooded. .Price rang ire from $850 per acre to $15t5. These prices include Bull Run wa ter and electric lights on each tract. Why go 3 or 4 miles further out end pay more? Terma. 20 per cent cash and 20 per cent per year. See H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAX." 606-9 Lewis bids. Broadway 50SX CLOSE TO GHESHAM. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 13 acres, on fine road, uear station ; one acre orchard, berries and gro win g crop; line tt-roum modern bungalow,' full con crete basement, laundry trays, furnace, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, pri vate water Bjstera, fine garage and barn. lawn, shrubbery, fir grove at bouse. This is a fine home place and can be had tor the price of the Im provements. Price $"Oio, terms to suit KKIDER At ELK1XGTON, GKESHAM, OREGON. -'0 ?KK ACRE FOR GOOD LAND. 150 acre's logged-oif land located only SO miles from Portland : about 8U acres good plow land, balance excellent for fruit or pasturage; some fine creek bot tom land ; black loam soil, balance red fchot: school and station handy; fine creek and several springs on piace; un limited outrange makes this property ideal for stock or dairy. Price $3000 ; torins. $ lOoo cash, balance to suti. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. Vl'd Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $500 CASH. 10 acres, located half mile from elec tric station, 11 miles from center of Portland by auto. All under cultiva tion ; good plastered house, smalt or chard, chicken house, barn, good well ; city conveniences can be had; $500 cash and large monthly payments. Good auto road all the way. JOHN FERGUSON, GERL1NGER BLDG. ACREAGE SNAP. S acres highly improved, in thriving young town 10 miles from Portland; few minutes walk from electric station. Land all in cultivation; 1 acre in fine bearing orchard. 1 1-3 acres in potatoes; lots of raspberries. Cannery close by; practical ly new six-room house, electric light; city water available; barn, garage and chicken house. This is a snap at the price, $3500. John E. Howard, 318 Cham ber of Commerce. 1 ACRE, on the car line and graveled road, 12 miles from the center of Portland; good 5-room plastered house, 15 fruit trees, bearing. 4 kinds of berries; garage, chicken house; fine auto road all tne "way. Price $1GOO. $4O0 cash, balance at $ 10 per nionLh, 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson. Photo at office. JOHN I'fiEGUiiO.V, GJSRLLNGEK BLDG. 6 ACRES, 6 In cultivation, right at Bell roue station, fruit and berries, a number of fine suburban places, 2 acres up on Oregon CUy car line, all desirable. 14 acres oue mile from Clackamas station, all in cultivation. $4500. Lots of others all sizes and prices, most any location you want, both fur eale and ex change. Tallmaugu Realty Co., 619 Henry Bldg. VI VB and a half acres located 17 miles from Portland, 2 blocks from electric station and main paved highway, all in cultivation: IS full bearing fruit trees; P00 black caps, 50 loganberry plants; 1 Vi acres In strawberries; 4-room shack house, barn and chicken house ; very finest of black loam soil. Price $2000. Terms. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. ' CHICKEN RANCH. 17 acres. 2 miles to Amity. Yamhill county; running water; fenced. in fine timber, part clear; fine view; mar ket for the cordwood on the place; $1000, $:U0 down, bal, o per cent. 10 acres, all in cult ivation, fenced woven wire, clone to Amity; $1000, make terms. 22U Chamber of Commerce. SKACHREST BROS. V(rti)KHKUL OFFER 10 acres for $H5u; $500 cash, balance time, S9r ; fine piece of land, excellent soil, mostly tillable, not hurd to clear; wood, stream, outrange, neighbors, on main county road, mostly hard surfaced, R. IT. D., etc. ; fine place for f-'W cows, hogs, chickens, bees, grain, clover, fruit, berries, anything; 44 miles excellent town, 30 miles Portland. See thin. BECKER, 312 Labbe. bldg. RIGHT AT G RES HAM. Beautiful tt-acre home, highly im proved, close in, fins 7-room house, elc t ric lights, bath, etc.. good barn, ga rage, chicken house, fine variety of fruit, walnuts and berries, good horse, buggy, implements. growing crop. chickens; $0700; finest home place nar Ore a ham. KR1DER & ELK INGTON, Gresham, Or. ACRES, 4 miles from courthouse, on west side paved road ; not on car I ine; lots of fruit and very fine soil; build ing old and not much value, although livable; 5-room house and barn and garage ; grounds quite sloping; 5 acres under cultivation. A snap at $:500. terms. Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Com merce. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. "We have over 500 small places, close to Portland. Some on paved road close to electric, line. All have been in spected. Photos at office. JOHN FER GUSON. GLRLINGER BLDG. TWENTY ACRES NEAR GRESHAM, 9 acres in cultivation. The land all lies fine, splendid soil; on good troad, close to school ; ft-room nouse. Darn, lamiiy orchard good well, small creek, some timber. Price $3soo. KR1DER & EL KINGTON, GRESH AM. OREGON. JAPANESE GARDEN LAND. 11 4 acres, located near Troutdale; all elaar. mostly beaverdam soil; on main road; des level; spring on place; no bet ter garden land anywhere. Price only $o25 per acre. LUELUEMAXN COMPANY", 913 Chamber of Commerce. GARDEN TRACTS On Red Electric line as low as $35 down and $10 per month. City water, gas and electricity available; 7c fare. You can't beat this proposition anywhere around Portland. See ATCHISON, 204 HENRY Bldg. AMITY RANCH. SO acres. 2 W miles S. E. of Amity Yamhill county; ail in fine cultivation except 1 acre in oak timber; spring, fnffsi woven wire, county road: $2SU0. i down, bal. 6 per cent- 22 Chamber of Commerce. SKACHREST BROS. i'OR SALE Oone-half mile north of Al oh a sta., 2 acres in growing crops pota toes, onions, caonage. tew chickens, rood soring near house. Price $575 down. balance terras. Reason for selling ill health. Call or auoress. -P. J. Fixmur, Aloha. Oregon. 8: ACRE.4, 2 miles city limits, good road, I, ear interurDan. nation, nne lamiiy or rnard. 5-room -cottage, good outbuild ings; might consider bungalow In city as part, poinaexier, uo ruiug Diag. Alain 1S00, residence East 6771. UEAt'TlFl'L country place, natural park of 30 acres, auto road and electric sta tion on grounds, two creeks and springs, prettiest place near Portland. Price $15.010, or will trade for city income prnyr t y. V 876, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, 8 acres of fruit and berry land; 7 acres under cultiva tion and Improvements with good house, barn and chicken house; near Sheridan, Or. A snap for $1000. Address Elias Peterson, Sheridan, Or. FOR SALE By owner, 5 acres, all under cultivation, 50 large bearing fruit trees, 6 miles from courthouse near Portland Clf Links. Inquire East 2043 or East 4 3 On. 3 ACRES, adjoining Portland Golf and Riding clubs; specially offered for $3500. Particularly desirable, as It is in midst of select homes; will divide. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. i-j ACRES I have at end of Hawthorne car line as pre-tty a little tract as can be found. Price $2500. This Is $1500 below value. Owner, 10 Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. BIG BARGAIN. 4S Mtlwaukie lots. Minthorne addi tion, 5 S acres; $40tn), some terms. Geo. E. Englehart Co., 624 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5173. 10 ACRES in,Haxelwood, $3000. Just short distance east of city limits, near Rarr road and Buckley ave.; Bull Run water now being lain, owner, io Ch. of Com, Phone Mar. 15S5. BARGAIN 20 acres near Tualatin; some clear, balance cordwood timber. Price $2050; terms. E. J. GE1SER, 417 Cham ber of commerce. EIGHT acres, joining station, 30 minutes out. 4-room . nouse, acre beaverdam $5O00; small payment. Main 880. & Ve - ACRE home in live country town of bima, waa,; . moaern nouses, garage, spring water piped in. Terms. Box 374. 11 ACRES berry land, all cultivated, 4 mues jruiH hi uuma, xi. r . Clarke, Clackamas. Or. 10 A. ON Base Line, close in. Bargain if sold tn:s weeK. j. v. amocK, Mar. 2003. 10 ACRES firt-cias timber at Tigartf.; tea caeajfc ju. w REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. HIGH-GRADE POULTRY RANCH. Two miles from electric line and high way, on good graveled road; 1 hour's drive from Portland, near Gladstone; 500 high-grade laying hens (Tancred strair), 20 roosters, 20 cockerels (Royal Tancred). 400 March pullets. $1000 worth of hatching eggs; about $1500 worth of commercial eggs sold In the last six rror.ths: city trade established at the top price: 300 bearing fruit trees, commercial variety; 6-room plastered house, enam eled bath, hot and cold water; 8 acres splendid soil. Price of $7000 includes 1 horse, buggy, hack and necessary tools. Owners are sacrificing because physically unable to continue work; $2500 cash nec essary and will consider acre or more near any town up to $2600. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSO X , Gerllnger bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE $100 PER ACRE. 27 acres. Skyline blvd., 12 miles from Portland, fine soil, partly cultivated; small house, barn, spring, 2 creeks. $3200 5 acres, Powell Valley rd. J-MK) 3 acres, Buckley ave. $;5O0 3 acres, Columbia highway near Sandy rd. ; 6-r. house, fruit, etc. $8500 12 acres, Powell Valley rd.; im proved home place, sear Llnne nian junction. $12.000 10 acres. 72d st.. paved road. $17,000 16 acres, 82d St., 400 fruit trees, cherries, apples, berries, on paved road; ideal country home site, close In. CHAS. RIXGLER & CO., 235 Henry bldg. 8 ACRES on good road and interurban, practically all can be cultivated; good 5-room box house, fine well, family or chard, small barn, silo, chicken houses, all farm Implements, wagon and .horse for $0500; terms, half cash. 3 acres, good 5-room house, on good road and Interurban; $30u0; terms, half cash. 16 acres, 37 -miles Portland, 9 acres In cultivation. 4 acres In bearing prunes, good family orchard, 4-room house, good Wei, small barn, all farm tfcols, horse and wagon, crops; $5000; terms, $3-500 cash, balance 4 years. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. S ACRES $1500. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. All good plow land and In cultivation; 3-room house (furnished), barn and chicken house, family orchard and ber ries. 9 acre potatoes. 3 tons hay. good horse, wagon and harness, 25 hens, all I necessary farming tools and Implements; located 1 mile from station. 30 miles I from Portland; possession at once; price! zur everytning, iou; terms iou casa, Daiunce to suit. LUEDDEMANX COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. $1100 $200 CASH. 6 1-3 acres on main road and close to I electric station; a rich, deep soil for I Derr:es, iruit ana garden. $1500 $300 CASH. 4 ij acres, all cleared and fenced; very I fine soil for berries, fruit, garden; close 1 to station on electric road; easy terms 1 on balance. . See Mc Boehm for acreage. MacIXXES & PRATT, Broadway 1058. 208-210 Oregon bldg. 50 ACRES of land, some standing timber, nr ana ceaar; m miies irom Poruana on scenic highway from Portland to. bandy, Or.; school near by; Mount Hood rauway cuts on one corner ot the prop erty, a railway siding on the place; aiso a deposit or good, clay tor brick- making; have report on latter from ! low a State Agricultural college. Will sell or trade for a house and lot in Portland. Cost me $5000. G. E. Will- ma n. box 62S, Portland. Or. ACREcj with eood buildings, on eood road and all fenced, good ground, for j,t.H) to settle an estate; is easily worth jou or more. 1V acres on 82d St.. with good build ings, very cheap. It will pay you to see us auout tnis. Call at 5829 E. 7 2d st. 8. E.. or phone laoor -.4 1 .i. CABLE REALTY CO. -A ACRES, 3 blks. P. O.. store, car line: 4-room furnished house, barn, outbuild- I ings, city water; 180 fruit and nut trees I 8 vears old, lo00 berry plants and bushes. asparagus, rhubarb, horseradish, garden enough, for dozen people; acre clover, 3 tons nay, garden tools, chickens, cow. calf, wood ; $:V600. Owner, Louis Simp son, box 81, Willamette, Or. FOR SALE 64 acres of 14-year-old apple! orcnara; new oungalow. partly finished: new garage, fine new chicken house lox 4o feet; some smaU fruit; water and gas; take S. P. Red electric or Hillsboro stage. icDias station. waiK south to rock road. V4 block to the right. Ask for W. C. Dewey. Address Route 4, Beaverton. 4 v ACRES, 5-room bungalow, barn, chick en nouse .,'ixiuo, water system, 1 acre fruit, lots berries, big garden; 300 ft, to station, 11 miles to Portland; price $0OO0, casn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak st. NEAR ALOHA. $2750. Beautiful tract of 2 V acres with o-room bungalow; good fireplace, small barn, 2 chicken houses; one of the neat est suburban homes in the district; $750 cash, $35 monthly. Fred VV. German Co., - v. ii a in otr "i merce. Homesteads, Relinquiwhmcnte. 300.000.000 ACRES government land in United States. Send for free descrip tive circular of our 100-page book, "The Homeseeker"; tells where eood farm. timber, grazing land Is; or send $2.00 for book direct. The Homeseeker. dept. 3. ixs Angeies. ai. wamlu tu nut Relinquishment on good homestead near road and Portland. Give location, description and price first letter. u oa. oregonian. TWO homesteads covered with beautiful timoer, closo to railroad, town and saw mill; rare chance; $300 cash each if taken quickly. 30l Corbett bldg. W ANTED A homestead relinquishment: give full particulars in first letter. N. R. irlowse. route A, box 37, Gresham, Or. Fruit and Nut Lands. FINE PRUNE RANCHES. IIS acres. loO acres cultivated, 33 acres in Italian prunes, walnuts, logans and strawberries, family orchard; strictly modern 8-room house, good barn, well renced. spring water in alt buildinRs: good road, 4 miles from Salem. Price S40.OOO. easy terms. 20 acres in bearing Italian prunes. In linest rruit section; $iu..oo. naif cash, i 30 acres, -o bearing prunes. 2 logans; 5-room house, barn, new dryer; 5 acres apples and cherries; 8 miles from Saiem. Crop goes. $13,000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. Address Socolofisky, box 215, t?aiem, ur. raone iu. FOR SALE. Fine fruit farm in. Hood River, two miles from town; yielded over 30 per cent of asking price last year; will do about saine this; no exchanges. Ad dress L. F. Henderson, Hood River, Or. 20 ACRES uncared prune land; lays fine. easily cleared. Price $1000. WilL sell very easy terms or take machine as part I payment. Evenings, Aut, 52236. AK I 858, Oregonian. FOR SALE Fine 10-acre apple and peach orchard ; $1000 worth of fruit now on trees; 1 miles from good valley town. Low price for quick sale. Owner. Phone Sellwood 830. 40-ACRE ranch, new building, good road. running water, suitable for berries, or garden ; would tcade for city property. pnone in am i l. For Sale -Farms. CLARKE COUNTY FARMS. 160-acre farm on hard surface road, 8 miles from Vancouver. 8 room house, 2-story barn 50x46, granary, smokehouse, other out buildings; acre potatoes, 33 acres oats, team of horses and all necessary farm Implements. About 80 acres cleared, all fenced and cross fenced. The soil Is a black sandy loam with some beaver dam. Excellent for dairy or general farming. Might subdivide into forties or eighties. Price $32,000. $10,000 cash. Ten acres of prunes, no build ings, six miles from Vancouver on paved road; black soil with light gravel. One-half this year's crop goes to purchaser. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $2100. EASY TERMS. Forty acres, about six acres in bearing prunes, 1 acre walnuts, also some apples, cherries, plums and peaches; good house, barn 30x48, spring; prune crop should run about $1500. Magnificent view from house; will be within one mile of paved road as soon as present construction, is completed. Has speculative value as well as being beautiful homesite. Price $7500.00. $3500.00 cash, bal ance at 6 per cent. PERCTVAL & PERCIVAL. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. PHONE 187. CHICKEN RANCH. STOCKED. 7 acres, in crop, 12 miles out, over acre perries, iiaj Bearing iruit trees. r- room house, chicken houses, 20x140, brooders, incubators, mower, rake, wag ons. Ford, feed cutter, tools, about 17o0 White Leghorns, mare, colt cow. Per sonal and improvements worth the price. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3Q5-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. 40 ACRES. Improved farm, about 7 mile from city limits of Portland; good buildings, gOOu boh. rnce wn'. J. J. OEDER CO. 4 Grind Av. near 22. Aakoj-. REAL ESTAT For eaie Farms. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In cen tral Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands open prairie, ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which af ford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock raisins; A beine rrirl on HiiAsqf nl Iv The COl is ideal for miiAd farmine. ' The n Pacific railway is offer ing a "'area of these fertile lands in LI muter and Battleford dis tricts. fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farm ers. On similar land Saeger Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat. Near Lloydmlnster the world's prize oats have been grown and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become Independent on a farm in this district. These lands can be bought now at prices averaging about $18 an acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If land Is purchased under settlement con ditions, no further payment of principal until end of 4th year; then 10 annual payments. Interest is 6 per cent; also thousands of acres of Irrigated lands in southern Alberta at $50 per acre on which the company will loan $2000 for improvements to approved purchasers, with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Landseekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, on Satur day, July 24; reduced railway rates. For further particulars, see Canadian Pa cific Ry. Co., 208 Railway Exch. bldg., L. P. Thornton, district representative. SHERWOOD FARM, 81 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM TOWN. Here is a farm proposition that we are quite sure you cannot beat. Crops, stock and equipment is being offered for sale with farm at a price that is reasonable for the bare farm alone. About $2000 worth of crops, several hundred laying hens, hundreds of spring chickens, about 70 turkeys, many geese, 2 horses, a substantial num ber of hogs and cattle; 10 acres walnuts. 12 ACRES BEARING; 10 acres potatoes 2 acrea family or chard, balance in grain. All but about 10 acres cultivated; very large barn, in good condition; good 10-roora house, hop dryer, fully equipped; running stream through farm, never runs dry. This farm lies high, does not get the severe frosts; it brings In the returns. The price Is exceedingly low. Here Is your chance. Come in and. see us. OTTO & HARKS ON, 413 Chamber of Commerce, VALLEY FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 151 acres. 45 in cultivation, balance oDen pasture and timber, deep, rich soil. no rock or gravel; never-iaiting spring water to house and barn; oearing iam ily orchard, 125 young prune trees, other nail fruit: eood 7-room house witn nre- place. two good barn.s, hog house, chick en house, etc. The following stock and full set of farm tools and implements. good as new, go with place: 1j heaxl of cows and heii ers, some mil King, some coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Holsteln bull, good brood sows, 3 young work horses, 1 colt, about 50 chickens: only 19 miles from Portland, 5 miles Newberg, V mile to main paved highway and K. it. sta tion. This is absolutely the biggest bar gain in the country and will bear closest investigation. everything goes lor i per acre; $:O00 cash, balance long terms at b per cent. It. M. UATISWOUD & CO., 1 BT Va F u rt h Street. VIEW PROPERTY. A GENTLEMAN'S INCOME COUNTRY HOME. 17 acres. 11 in bearing orchard, ap pies and pears; line soil, good fences. A No. 1 water supply; near high and gram mar schools and transportation point. it-room strictly modern bungalow style house ; 2 baths, hardwood floors, electric lights, n rep lace, rurnace, launary trays Caretakers dwelling, barn. wagon shed. box. tool and root houses, buggies. waeon and tools; all In very best condi tion ; good hard-surfaced road to the place. Price $16,000. terms. rt A tl.E A.N V ILt O 1 1 VJ .. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. 100 ACRES in foothills in Willamette val ley. 4hz miles from tiear t reeK station, S. P. and store: 4-room bungalow with fireplace, large barn, big chicken house. goat tried ; water pi pea to an ouuaings. which are in first-class condition; water also piped into garden; young bearing orchard and small fruit; 5 acres in cul tivation. 25 in pasture, some fine timber; home; $3000, terms. Mrs. Richard J Hohlfeld. route 1, box 4U-A, Junction City. Or. FOR SALE by owner, going stock and dairy farm or nearly ouu acres; i;a acres In crop and grass, 200 acres bottom land, 30 acres fenced hog-tight; running stream all year, good house, large barn, about 60 head cattle and horses, 20 head hogs, poultry, 7 -ton scale nouse, new B. L. K. milker, 2 new gas engines, all necessary implements, excellent orchard; on Pacific highway, near two R. R. towns; shipping point 1 miles; price $30,000. terms; part exchange possible. Address P 616, Oregonian. 160 ACRES BETWEEN ALBANY AND 110 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good set of farm bldgs., family orchard, very rich, slight ly rolling soil; this is the best buy in the entire neighborhood; price $125 pur WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAXD CO.. 203 1st National Bunk bldg., Albany, Or. WE have a 100-acre ranch two miles from Newberg. on good rock road; good soil, some oak timber, running stream, new barn ; tiled silo, good house. This will be on new Newberg and Y am hill high way. If you have some good income property we can give you a trade. Hesgard, with COE A. McKENNA & CO., P2 Fourth St. INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION IX ORKUUN. On the paved highway, close to Port land ; some good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes. chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER & JfiLKINGTON, Gresham. Or. Telephone 17-X. 25 ACRES In Tualatin valley; 20 acres In cultivation and crop; nne orchard. lots of fruit, good ouuaings, gooa wen; two miles from electric station and pave ment. This is a fine home, besides a paying farm. Price $6250, cash. He?gard, with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. Ifio acres level land. 40 acres in cron balance Umber, only 3 blocks from Slfton car line, 5 miles Vancouver, paved rosid tn nlace: price $65 per acre, half cash. balance 6 per cent; this Is an extra good bargain. R. M. G TF WOOD A CO.. 165 4th at. FOR SALE 0 acres located 3 miles from good Willamette vauey town: first-class soil. 10 acres cleared, balance slashed years ago and easy to clear; strong running spring of best or water; land fenced; no buildings. Price $2500. Will give good terms to right party. Owner. AV 105. oregonian. 16-ACRE FARM. About 4 acres fine prunes, heavy crop 4 cherry trees and plums, about 1 acres corn, 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre small gar den: horse, wagon, buggy, hay. about 60 chickens, all larm tools go with place; ifio the crop. .trice ouou. s.iooo cash balance long time. AK 728, Oregonian. 80 ACRES on county road, mile from school, 4 mues irom a. r. aepot and store, 20 acres In grain, 20 acres in pas ture and y acres in commercial timber. 2 good springs, 1 large new barn; fenced nd cross iencea. kyni. j. erms. uscak ARNOLD, Route 1, Box 39A. Junction City, Or IDEAL SHEEP RANCH. 8500 ACRES. Eight hundred acres in grain, balance ery Line range, iMeiixy oi gooa water. house and barns; for information, write A. E. tipier, care iarouna co ur t. So attle. Wash- WHEAT LAND in Jefferson countv. Or. gon., an unaer tne nortn unit irrigation project, now running tne nn&i survey J. W. MERRI FIELD, Culver. Or. 25-ACRE farm, 16 acres cleared, 2 acres orcnara, oia ouuaings, gooa spring water. Five minutes' walk to electric station, school r-. v.. more,; nard road 36 miles out. Price $3500. V 532, Ore gonian. 61. 4 -ACRE bearing apple orchard, level ana ienceu, taan, oaiance easy. Also 6 ac. level, fenced, 3-rm. house well, $1250. $150 cash. baL easy. Both near Willamina. Jesse R- Sharp, 83 3d st. LISTEN! I will sell at a very reason able price xot acres 01 tne best Willam ette valley land, situated near Salem, on railroad. Phone East 1719 or write C K rebs. 664 Williams ave. FOR SALE tuver-Dottom farms close to good town, uear ruruaim. witn or with out stock. Address owner. P 619, Ore gonian. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $75 to $10O,per acre, easy terms; best son; larms ior sale, all sized McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. BY OWNERS 20 acres 5 miles east of Oregon City on county road; stock and implements. O. L. Stelnke, Oregon City Or. Route 2. IRRIGATED, government lands open for settlement. - alitornia; homesteads, des ert; water. $35 acre. FP 5S7, Oregon ia n. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin vUey farm Paul Rossler, Stockton, Cal, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE FARMS IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 8 -room house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, fireplace, electric lights? phone, Dutch kitchen, large pantry; all rooms plastered, some papered, some tinted; woodshed right off kitchen; 8- rood wide porch on two sides, cement walk in front and on one side of house; shrubbery and rose bushes; garage; barn for 14 cows and. 6 horses, oO-ton hay loft, hay carrier and ropes, 1 Jackson fork, 1 harpoon fork, granary in barn ; oiectric lights, 30-ton silo, machine house for electric motor; one combination wood saw and feed mill with 6 H. P. gaso line engine; new chicken house, hog house, 3 stands of bee3, about 50 chick ens. 3 cows. 3 horses. 2 brood sows, har nesses, implements and tools too numer ous to mention; iti) prune trees, 5 cherry trees, & apple trees and all kinds of berries; county road passing in front of the place is now being hard surfaced and city water system ia under installa tion. The house is one of the best and in best of condition in every respect and all of the outbuildings are A-L There are 50 acres in wheat, 5 acres in oats, 1 acre in corn, 1 acre in kale and baL in hay and pasture. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Price $22,500; terms one-half cash. Pictures of the place to be seen at our office. E. A L1NDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED FARMS. 160 acres, 85-acre water right, same In cultivation, 30 acres alfalfa, good gar den, fine large plastered house, large barn, up-to-date equipment, all neces sary tools and stock. Lots of good tim ber. 3 miles from Redmond, mile from school on Dalles-California high way. Absolutely the best home in Cen tral Oregon. Price $8500. $3000 cash, yearly payments 7, or will trade. 160 acres. 140-acre water right, same In cultivation and crop, fenced and. cross fenced. 6-room house, large barn, other good outbuildings. All necessary equip ment. Close to outrange. 11 miles from Bend. In consolidated school district with high school privileges. Price $18,000. $8000 cash, balance 5 years 6 interest. Address Deschutes Valley Realty Com pany, Redmond, Oregon, or see F. G. Riebhnff, Imperial Hotel, Monday, Tues day, Wednesday afternoons. 169 ACRES, well located within two miles of town, good schools and ch ureases, on main highway Newport, which is rocked in good shape; good new house, good barn and other outbuildings; 35 acres in high state of cultivation. 40 acres more could be in cultivation, now open pas ture; So or 90 acres of extra good tim ber, fine sawmill site; all well watered by spring and streams; over GOO rods woven-wire fence, 65 acres goat tight; fine orchard, plenty of good spring wa ter; soil is all extra fine, lies slightly rollng, no rock or gravel. Price is omy $40C0. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. Would consider trading for Irrigated land or stock ranch la east ern Oregon or Washington. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 W. 6th st., Vancouver. Wash. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE. Owing to 111 health I have decided to sell my holdings in Carson valley, Wash ington, consisting of .300 acres of land, together with water rights for power end irrigation, and five miles of canal, flume and laterals, complete. with water In them ; power proposition is worth price I am asking for entire hold ings. Land is subdivided into ten. 20 and 40-acre tracts; good deep soil, free from rock, two good houses and some shacks; land partly fenced; three wells, good lo cation near the famous St. Martin, Ship herd and government mineral springs. Price, without crops. $15,000; any reas onable terms. B. M. Hawley. Carson, Washington. Phone care J. M. Boyd, Carson. FARM FOR RALE 70 acrea, 60 In culti vation, which is almost ready to harvett; consists of wheat, oats, clover, small field of potatoes: 6 acres of young or chard with all varieties of berries for familv use. Including irra-Des and cher ries; well fenced, has new big hip-roof barn 44xoo it., new macnine sneo. cnica en coons, hoe house, milk house, etc, ; has old dwelling house, but in good re- nair: 2 wells and a spring in pasture; & miles from Ore. City, on hard-surface road. With horses, machinery, every thing as its stands at $14,000. Reason for selling is that I can t work it my self and I do not want to rent It. Ad dress M. J. Olson. Woodburn, Or. FOR BALE BARGAIN! 30-acre. well-improved Walla Walla county farm, near Columbia river; 2; acres No. 1 bottom land, alfal fa, clov er, corn, potatoes, all small fruits, or chard; good farm buildings; 4 first-class Holsteins. span hordes; all farm machin ery; cuts crops yearly ; excellent schools. Place just as represented. Price $0000 net. one-third, down. BOX 105, BURJ3ANK. WASHINGTON. RANKIN EST AT E 1 3 0 ACR ES B OISE VALLEY. IDAHO Pure-bred stock farm for sale. Located 1 4 miles of state fair grounds, 2 miles of state capitol; high class "first bench" land with best grav ity water rights; has private pipe line, costing $5000, eliminating ditch troubles; In wheat, alfalfa and clover; state loaned $20,000 on property and appraised same at $6m) an acre. Must be sold to cIosa up estate. Best location for pure-bred stock farm in Idaho. For particulars address R. A. Watklns. care DAY R B A LT Y CO MP AN V , 1009 4 Main st., Idaho. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCK-ED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acre on Tualatin river. 18 miles Portland; extra choice level land, all in cultivation; buildings worth $6000: 7 room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken house, cost $1100 ; on improved road ; growing crop and 4 cows, 2 heifers, a I fullblood Jerseys. 1 horse and about 2.M chickens and an larm equipment go with place at $13,0ii0, half cash ; good terms on balance. This is an exceptional bargain and will bear investigation. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. IDEAL DAIRY FARM. 24A acres, 9 mile north of Xewberev 30 mile south of Hillsboro; 40 acres In crops, i acres slashed and seeded. ret in tiJnTer, lots or cedar; 3 creeks run nin-g through place, all fenced; 8-roora plastered house, barn 44x70. equipped for 20 cows ; bophouse, all bui Mings nearly new; horses, cows, calves, sheep and implements go with place ; win sell at S2 per acre, give immediate poshes? on terms If desired. Inquire f Sam Otto, laurel, or. 40 ACRES.- all In crop, beautiful 7-room bungalow, basement. fireplace. water system, electric ngnts in all buildings good barn, stanchions for 20 cows. : silos, all fenced; family fruit; mile from ludependence, walking distance of Oregon state normal, on rock and paved road: crop goes. Price $14.5uO. Will sell jersey cows ana complete equip ment very reasonable. Address mo or coma at once to haiem. or. D. D. SOCOLUFSSLY. 341 State St. 180 ACRES stock or dairy ranch in Ben ton county, 5 miles north of Summit sta tion on the C. & iu. ti, R. ; about hm bot torn land, 35 acres in cultivation: good soil, creek, orchard, good house, large . born, unlimited outrange adjoining place 2 large mares, cows, wagon, marn ess, plow, narrow, some nousenoia goods. Prlc for all $8500, some cash, lib. terms on bal. C i. Irvine, owner, independence. Or. SHERWOOD FARM. 90 acres, 5 ml. south Sherwood, high rollins land, extra good soil: 45 A in crops, bal. pasture and timber; lots of wood, nice orchard and berries ; good water; o-room nouse, barn, outbuild ings. running water; near school. Pric s:ouh. ana worth it. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 H 4th st. SMALH FARM, 14 acra, 11 A. in crop, bal. pasture good 6-room house and barn, chirks houses, gfloii water, lots of fruit, berries, etc.; 2 cows, one good horse, some chiokJ ens, 10 miles Portland, good road. Price 4oioo; terms. 1 aim is a snap. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th s NEAR ESTACADA. 80 acres, short distance from electrl line, 60 in cultivation, good buildings. inis piace win maae someone a might nice iarm; wen worm terms suit. W. C BecktelL 110O N. W. Ban blag. i 8-AC RE dairy farm, lower Columbia highway, $13,000. 1 0 acres, house, barn, orchard, $1300, 60 -a ere Improved, NehaJem valley, $0500. L O. HOLM AN", Clatskanie, Or. IDAHO 200 acres near station; 73 brok en, partially irrigated; potatoes, alfalfa, sugar beets; best water; trout, game ; house; cheap. Also Canadian farms. Weaver, Parkview apts., Brandon, Man itoba. 40-ACRE fruit and dairy ranch one mile from station Drain, Or., all fenced; pleasant home, fine spring water, lots of barn room, orchard and small fruit Price $2200: terms to suit, John D Patten, Drain. Or. FOR SALE Stock ranch, 3 60 acres, im proved. For particulars write owner. A. H. McGEE, CAPE HORN. WASH. 40 ACRES, small-house, 8 acres cleared; very cheap. ror particulars, write Butkevich. route 1. Carlton. Or. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water; good soil, 4 tillable; employ ment; easy terms. J. R. Sharps. 83 3d. FOR SALE lS8-acre farm In famous Umpqua valley, near Drain. For par ticulars, address Box 2. Drain. Or REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. SALEM. OREGON. EXES' CONVENTION, JULY 22, 23 AND 24. BE WITH THE HERDS! 10S-ACRE GRAIN FARM. Only 6 miles from Salem; about 3M acres under cultivation; 7-room bouse, barn, garage, chicken houses, etc. ; good spring; price, with possession Oct. 1, $150 per acre; about half cash, 10O ACRES EQUIPPED. 60 acres cultivated, 20 acres tim ber and balance is pasture ; 5 room house, barn, lots of shed room; spring water piped to house; 2 cows, 4 horses, about 14 sheep, 16 lambs, good binder, mower, rake, wagons and all kinds of Implements and all crops are included with the farm at $100 per acre; about half cash ; imme diate possession, FINE PAYING DAIRY, EQUIPPED. Adjoins limits of city not far from Salem; 86-acre farm with SO acres in cultivation and crops of grain, kale, vetch, etc You should see these crops. Good large house, good barn and 2 good silos. All kinds of outbuildings; equipped with 13 good Jersey cows, 5 horses, hay baler, corn planter, all kinds of plows, harrows, rake, etc.; also equipped blacksmith shop, steam bottle-washing plant, gas engine; raise nearly all own feed; returns for June were more than $578; July returns will be more than $H0; net returns are exceptionally large. Where can you equal this at $17,50O? Term. Wrl te for com pi et e d" escrlpt Ion s of any of the above. We can tell you all about them. Write for booklet of listings just off the press. KINNEY A SMITH, P. O. Box 264, SALEM, OR. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOME. 80 acres, located 22 miles annth nf Portland, near Sherwood, 3 miles from Rex; ail can be cultivated, 55 acres in crop, balance in standing timber; over 10O0 cords of wood. Orchard of apples, prunes, plums, quinces and small fruit. Soil good for nut culture. Barn 26x50, shed 20x50; house, milk house and other buildings. With the place goes 5 high grade cows, 2 better calves, fine young team, driving horse, 4 pigs, chickens, geese, binder, mower,, gas engine, hay rake, 2 wagons. 1 hack, buggy, cart. 3 plows, 2 cultivators, good harness, corn shelter, cream separator, clover seeder, feed cutter, incubator, brooder, hay fork and complete line of furniture, tools and all the crop. Price $13,000, $500 cash and $2000 when crops are sold, the bal ance at 4 per cent for 10 years. The personal property and crop is well worth $5000, or will consider small piece of acreage close to Portland, or Portland house up to $4000. Personally Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE. . 40 acres, 5 miles from good town In Clackamas county. Oregon; 35 acres in crop, consisting of oai.s, wheat, and vetch, potatoes, carrots; 15 tons clover hay in barn; balance timber and pas ture; good spring water piped to new 6-room house, large bam, 3 chicken houses, good root cellar 12x18, new ga rage ; chocolate loam soil, free from stone ; level ; fenced and cross-fenced ; 500 young prune trees In bearing, fruit and berries of all kinds: all rural con veniences. This place is in the heart of the best prune and loganberry belt in Oregon, where there are 15 dryers within a radius of 4 miles. Place is well stocked and equipped. Price for all if taken at once $5000, terms. Write or phone W. K. Corbin owner, Estacada, Or.. R. 1. ON THE PACD7IC HIGHWAY. South of Salem, miles from small town; over 36 acres of good land; all can be cultivated; 20 acres under cultivation, balance in timber ; nice creek, well and pump; 5-room ceiled and papered house. woodshed, granary; good bearing orchard of large variety of fruit. With the place goes team, - good cows, z neiter calves, 1 sow, 6 pigs, 45 chickens, it wagons, hack. plow, cultivator, cream separator. tools, 8 acres wheat, 6 acres oats, 5 acres potatoes, a cords wood and iruit. Price $5(Kto $3500 cash, or consider 6 or 7-room house near school Tor part. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Fine 30-acre farm with all stock, crop and euuiomt-nt : all fine rich soil : 21 acres iu crop, family orchard, lots of berries, 1 acre of loganberries, 6-room plastered nouse. large barn, root eel lar. grain bins, chicken house. 2 good wells, pump, 5 choice Jersey cows, fine span young mares, $loO colt; new harness and wagon, piovtk. narrow, disc, mower, hay rake, grain drill, cultivators, manure spreader, incubator, cream separator; all new fituff, chickens. kitchen range, household furniture all go with the place ; the owner is leaving for Call fornia and is ready ot sacrifice the place xor t&uon. nair caan. K.R1DER & ELGINGTON, Gresham, Or. 46 ACRES, located on the main highway m Clackamas county, Oregon. Good clay loam; 32 acrea can be cultivated; 25 acres timier cultivation; balance in tlm ber and pasture. This road will oe paved this season. 2 miles from (rood town, k mile to school, stone and postoffice. The crop is IncUwied. Good new 8-room house, water piped to all the buildings from springs. Small creek on place. Barn. Gux70, garage, rock cellar, chicken house. Prioe S uum : bait casn. A Weil located place, w ith lots of fruit. In spected by Davis, with JOHN FERGU- SOiN, GERLINGER BLDG. A FINE STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. &19 acres; 30O acres under cultivation, 20 acres of timber, balance pasture, which is green the year around. Good 2- story 7-room house, with water piped up and downstairs. Largs barn and all necessary outbuildings. Good well with ga engine that pumps w ater to alt bulldiTiKS and pasture. jjocated on graveled road, 6 3 miies from Albany and 2 V3 milos from 2 mainline rail roads. Price $42.ThMJ. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAVD CO.. 20G FIRST N AT 1 4 BANK. BLDG. ALBANY. OR. CLOSE TO GRESHAM. STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. Beautiful 20-H.cre farm nicely im proved; all in high state of cultivation. producing heavy crops, fine orchard, lots or berries, fine burn, house, 2 good wells, 1 1 head of fine milk cows and heifers. splendid farm team, registered Jersey bull, 2 good wagnnn. harness, good line of implements and farm machinery, fur niture in house: plf?a and chickens: pos setion given at once; price $9500; easy terms, KRIDER A ELKTNGTON, Gresham, Or. CONSIDER. PORTLAND HOUSE. 20 acres, located east of G res-ham. 2 blocks from graveJed road ; right in ame.ll town; close to electric station. All can be Cultivated; 17 acres unde cultivation; lfkM strawberry plants some other fruit ; 4-room h ouse ; some timber for wood. Price $5500; $1000 cash : or consider house up to ,i.oo. Personally inspected. Nelson, with JOHN 14- ACRES OK PRUNES. 1.T2 acres in al: 70 acre undr cu.1 tivation. river bottom, balance open ras ture and timber; 6-room house, bam, eranary an-d sheds, w eU arwi spring a house. Small creek through place. The prunes alone on this place will pay for It in a short time. Located Just east of Crajbtree. Or., on level rock road. Price $13.O00. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 2ca FIRST NATL BANK BLDG, ALBANY. OR. SO ACRES CLOSE TO LEBANON. CO acres under cultivation; good 9 room house, large barn and all neces sary outbuildings. v en at tne nous nd barn. Good fences, partly wove; wire. Located 34 miles west of Leba non. on good grave 1h1 road. This is Tf-al buv at $SOO0. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAVD CO., 2toQ FIRST NATL BANK BLDG, ALBANY. OR. FARM. VERY CLOSE IN. 43 acres within 10 miles of Portlan In Beaverton district, all in crop, all finf-Mt soil and lies line: good build tnt?si- m-essure water system : fine team. 4 good cows, some hogs, all necessary farm machinery. Price $15.500 ; good terms. This is the cheapest farm in that district. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY", 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCH. 1250 acres southeast of Eugene, 150 in cultivation; about 500 more excellent plow land wnen ciearea; poor Duiiaings, fair fences, fine water; 2 H miles from raiirnad. hi eh school. churches. etc. Really worth $25 per acre; will cell on very easy terms or mne part vraue, W. C. BECKTELL. 110O N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, 11 a. all in cultivation, fine orchard, has own water system ; wonderful shade trees aroun liniiHA : richest of earden land : on Col. highway, 8 miles from courthouse. Price X12.0UH, Dest 01 terms; see Jir. 1 ayior wiU L, K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. GOOD 40-ACRE IMPROVED FARM With Cows, S Horses, Crops and Implements. McMlnnville District. $4000. Good soil. 25 acres- in cultivation, balance timber, familv orchard. 5 room house, water piped in. big new barn with hay fork, other out buildings; 9 cows. 2 heifers. 3 calves, big team. 1500 lbs.. 7-year-old horses; 1 saddle pony, some chickens, about 30 tons of hay. 1 acre kale. acre potatoes, garden, all necessary farm implements, cream separator. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HIGH-CLASS RANCH, Over SO acrea. located on fine road that is paved within V mile of place and will be paved by Place : 12 miles from center of Portland, northeast; half mile irom station. Best of sou. no gravel woven wire fencing; 48 acres in finest crops, wheat, oats, clover and potatoes. which is included; good bearing orchard, fine 7-room plastered house, best of white enameled plumbing, water system, small creek and one spring; large barn. 36x60: hog house with water piped to it: buildings all painted and in A-l shape. This ia only 30 minutes out, with paved road all the way. Offered at a bargain for a short time. Inspected by Nelsou, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. EVERYTHING GOES. 40 acres, all fenced with wire, located! B miles from Molalla, Clackamas county. On a fine graveled road that will be I paved. Electric lights can be had; 35 I acrea can be cultivated; 18 acres in oats. corn and potatoes, balance in pasture I and timber; 2 springs and creek: all rural conveniences ; mile to school. Small orchard, good 3-room house and pantry, barn 26x28, chicken house, root cellar, hog house. 3 good fresh cows. 1 neiier, 2 sows, uu chickens, cream sep arator and complete line of machinery. harness, crops and possession. Price I $4600, $2600 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent. inspected by iirooks. witn JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. TTLLAJMOOK COUNTY DAIRY RANCH. 17 aevrea at CToverdale; 150 acres can be cultivated; good gravel-ed road : l. acrea under cultivation : 60 acres meadow grass; creek and spring; large bearing orcnara : o-room nouse. barn. garage; 80OO feet of manufactured lum ber on the place; 13 cows, 1 registered Jersey bull, 1 heavy team, harness, wagon and all neoesrary machinery. This ranch can be made to carry cows: convenient to the cheese factory and high and grade school. Irice for I everything. $10,5W; $50m) cash. Might conaidor small place near Portland for part. JOILN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. YAMHILL COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 84 acres, located 9 miles from McMinn- ville. Or. Over 60 acres can be cul tivated, 10 acres undor cultivation, 20 acres very easy clearing, 6 springs, good fencing. Outside range. Over 20U0 cords of wood, can get $7 per cord at power I plant mues distant. Small orcttard; small house, good barn 40x00, on I county road; 1 xrx miles to school. Price $2500 for the land, or will include 22 head of good Krade Shorthorn cattle. 8 of them good milk cows for $3500. terms on $10I0 at 6 per cent. Phone line I by place. Inspected by Brooks, photos at JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. HAVE YOU f 5000 ? We have an exceptional orchard prop- I osition in tne w nite cannon district and it will pay for itself; 50 acres, all in 11 nest varieties of a dp lea. all bearing. has been scientifically cared frr and ia in excellent condition ; very attractive buildings with watnr piped to them and all necessary stock a nd equipment for operating ; will sell for $22,50i, on small down payment and eajy annual payment that can be paid out. of crop. The crop this year is conservatively es timated at 5000 to 60M packed boxes and is included at the price. This will more I tnan return your initial payment, LUEHDEMAN COMPANY, i13 Chamber of Commerce. 2G MILES FROM PORTLAND. 22 acres, located 1 miles south of 1 Rldwefield. Washington: 2 acres In crop. over 15 acres can be cultivated; pla-e Tenceo ; small creek. wei-I and pump: loam sou, free from gravel; S fruit treses and small fruit: 4-room houA. 24x24 barn, 25x40 chicken house. With the place goes one horse, one cow. one heif er, 40 chickens and line of machinery, household goods and kitchen utensils. County road paved withi-n V mile of place. Over ROO enrda of fir wood on the place. Price $2200: $1100 cash. Tn fppcted by Anderson, with JOHN FElt- I OtaO.N, GiElKJ-LNGER BLDG. XEAR HILLSBORO. OREGON. 44 acres', located on a good road; over 1 - acrea under cultivation and in crop; good orchard of 40 beanrur fruit tres: woven and barb-wire' fences. All the land can be cultivated: balance rn heavy tlmoex: about 2K0 cords or wood : 4- room house, barn and other buildings. 1 Telephone and all rural con venience. There are 3 fine chit-ken houses and terse brooder house. The nlace is well stocked and equipped. Price $K.VK for everything. Including the crop; $25iK) casn. balance ror years at per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLlNXiER BLDG. BO ACKEri. 5 miles from good town in Clackamas county. Or. 4. acrea under cultivation. 3 5 acrea ready for plow. balance timber and pasture; fenced anrl cross-fenced ; all rural conveniences: good trout streams near by; domestic fruit consists of loganberries, apples. peaches, pears, plums, grapes, ot raw berries, raspberries. 0 cherry trees. Royal A nne. Bine and Lamberts; fot young prune trees in bearing; crops, wheat, oats and vetch, carrots; good spring water piped to new 6-room house; large barn, chicken nouse, root cellar and ga rage. The best chocolate loam soil. $7000. terms. Write or phone Mrs. M Innie East, owner, Estacada, Or. 50 ACRES East of Oregon City 7 miles. I1 miles from Beaver creek. All 'good land. 30 acrea under cultivation, balance in heavy timber; large orchard, 8 years 1 old: 7-room house, good barn, chicken house and other buildings; telephone and all rural conveniences; one cow. 2 horses. 5 hogs, chickens, complete line of ma- I chinery and crops with the place. Price $&3MJ for everything, v 1 11 consider im proved place of 20 acres or more near I Vancouver or itiogeiieui. wasn.. up to $5UOO. Property inspected bv Brooks with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. BV BEARTNT PRUNE TREES. 42 acres, located 1 Ms miles east of I Woodland, wasn.; a.11 line son; iti acres can be cultivated; 4 acres of standing tirruber. 9 acres in crop; balance slashed; 20 acres of pasture ; wire fencing; 8 room house, shed bam, small prun dryer. Price $24)30; $lir0 cash, balance a mortgage on the property at 0 per csnt. due Dec.. 1 inspected by Mar- atJ-s. with JOHN FERGUSON. GEH- LLVGER BLDG. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTON. 80 acres, located on good road, all good land under cultivation and nearly all In crop, which is Included ; good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, all In fine shape. This ia a fine farm in a good locality; price $6500. Equipment and stock on place can be purchased at a sacrifice. Personally inspect el. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. GOOD BEE R ANCH. 40 acres, located in Marion county. 33 miles southeast of Silverton. mile to school and postoffice; good 2-room house, barn 12x18, some- wire fencing. arrinf. Logging railToad crosses this I property and trains mJco stop thre. Over 20 acrea can be cultivated; some rock on balance. Small amount under cultivation. Price $710; $240 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GtERLIXGER BLDG. SOME BUY BETWEEN ALBANY AND LED A NON. 4.0 acres. 30 acres under cultivation: good set of farm buildings; well at house a-nd creek through the place. Good wire fences. This is a fine place for a few cows and chickens. Close to town. Price $4WfcO. Terms. WTLLAMETTE VALLEY LAVD CO.. 203 FIRST Arii.liA.h. iLlG. ALBANY. OR. SNAP. 205 acres near valley town: 100 croD. 100 pasture, bal. timber: -r. house. 2 barns, other outbuildings; stocked, eouiDped. ail necessary implements: ev erything goes. $30,000, easy terms: $3000 1 lob goes witn rancn. au lniormation. La w son, 4l Henry bldg. WHEAT RANCH. 640 acrea at lone, all but 3 acres fine land and in cultivation; fair 6-room house and barn, excellent well. This place is worm per acre: win sen on very easy terms or win xae some t ratio. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 2. W. JBaxxk bldg. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. Ten acres, most all In hlrl state of cultivation. K-roorjt p".afterd house, ba rn. chicken house, wood shed, wellhouse: 1 sere of Ita'inn prune 3 year oTd. family orchard In full bearin-er. loganberries, grape., gnoebrr'1 and strawber ries; 5 acrej seeded to vetch and wheat, balance seeded to timothv and clover, in a thicklv set:'ed communltv. cloe to school. 1 2 mMes to h!ch school and cnunrv Ptore and 24 to electric Una and small town. H.-i all rural nd vantases. only 64 miles to Van couver on gncd automobile road. Price $3000, $ihno cash, balance at 6 per cent Interest. PTOCTEn AVT EOFTPPED. 40 acres, very best land, no roclc er crave!; 25 acres In cultivation, tialancp In pasture, fenced and cros-fenced, fine sprinir stream th"Mich nlace. family orchard in full bearing: good 7-room house, gorwl dairy barn. aM nece?nry ont hu'Mhes, tocp-ther with 2 cows, 1 heifer, 4 hogs. tam. harness, plow, barrow. srrinir-tnnth bar row, cultivator, cream separator; all crops now planted: clcse t school. 1 H miles from Manor store. 10 miles fom V nrouver. on good road; price $0500. half cash. BEATTTFTTi fY)TTT TTOMT3 ON PAVF.D TTK5TTW Y. 40 pores, all tillable. 35 acre in hleh stae of cultivation. 3 acres in timber-: best of loam soil, no rook or era vol: all fenoed and cross-fenced: excellent water; new bunsralow, laee rtilry barn fully eo nipped vMth conveniences, new fdlo, chicken bouses and park, hoc houses nnd lot; 5 acrea in romnerclal orchard; toeether with 2 fine d-ilry cows, laree brood sow. chickens, plow, barrow, cul tivator, small tools: In center of choice fnrmlne d 'strict, n d.iolnlnir biablv-lmproved f 1 rms, on paved hlehwav. auto-trn-k line, nutn dtncK line nnd nil rural advan tages 2 miles from eleetrlc car lin, mile to laree eenerM store and railroad p'nfinn, miles f-orr Vancouver. Prlee JO'OO; $2rrti cash. balance lone time. Act c-uirklv: auto waiting for you at our office. $20oo rvnn VALUE. MUST TIE SOLD. SO acres, all tillable. of loam soil: 35 acres In blph state of cul tivation. 5 ncreji in commercial or chard: all fenced and cro--fnced, fine sprlne. can be r-lped to build in e : good 6-room house, elevated bul Id Ine site; extra eood dairy barn, well house, woodshed, chick en house nnd park. la-ee double walled cellar, timber fo domestic use; all in cron; buildlnes all r-ainted; in center of one of best farmine sections In Clarke county, adloining hichly-improved farms, close to school, on main county road, with all ru-a! advantaeea; onlv t miles from I'actf'c highway town. Price $6000; SlWio cash, balance R per cent. Vrv homey place. Photographs at our office. STOCKED AVT EQI'TPEP, fto acres, nil tillable. 25 acres In cultivation: "ich loam soil, no rock or gravel : fine sprlnir Jnd sprlne stream In rst,,rr': P-rnnm plas tered house, p-ood fi-hole ranee at tached, some furniture; al?o 4-room house, dairy barn 52tU'T. fully enulpped. two chicken, houses, hog houie, dairv, larere woodshed ; bui Mines painted ; elevated bnf'd ine snot overlooking beautiful little vn llev ; 4O0 bearing fruit trees, of which 5ft are Tttlan prunes: 5 dairy cows, good team, harness, wb eon, back, mower, h rrnw. sep arator. fid chickens, nnd all small tools; ndjolnine prune f;irm worth $10oo per acre, in hiarhly improved chstslot on main auto rod onlv 3 miles from good town. Price $"O00. IkTODEPV. FT'T-TT-FOnrrED . CHICK FN" FARM. Consisting of 6ft acres finest land adlncent to Portland, most a'l In cultivation except 13 acres first -growth red fir timber, crulsine about 2ftft cords, worth 5 per cord on the ground: there's a very fin modern bunealow with full con crete basement, pressure water and electric light svt em . pood barn. 3 complete modern cb'ken houses, la rpe complete modern brooder bouse, laree storeroom, elect rlo lights and pressure water In chick en and brooder houses: IftftO pure bred WhHe Leghorn lay ine hn, 1 0O0 purebred chirk ens. all poul try feed, tools and machinery; fli acre set to loganberries and rasp berries: crops nil seeded ; income for 1010 between $7000 and 5SftOO; fine cow, 4 "ies, horse, waeon and ha rness. This Is only 2 ft miles from Portland on' good auto road near eood school, 4 miles fom rood Columbia river town. ThU is. without doubt, one of the best paylng poultry farms in the north west. Owner wishes to retire and in order to do so at nnco is will ing to take the sacrifice price of $l.YOOO. It will pav you to In vestigate this, "ns the first man who sees it and men ns business will buy It. y."iO00 cash, balance ca n be a r-rr n ed . THOMPSON. PWAV X- l.V.Vl, 3d and Main S La., Vancouver, Wash. INVESTIGATE TTTESK BUYS, LINCOLN CO L.N TY. ftT acres on Devils Lake, the most beautiful lake in Ore eon, a of a mil from ocean beach, 40 acres in oats and pot atoes. 20 a res in pasture, all fenced with good fence, two good barns, fine loe bungalow, well furnished; oats hav last year went 3 tons to aero and sold for $2ft a ton in field ; bet ter cron tlii year; finest fishing in Oregon, and beau tiful scenic view of lake and ocean duck huntine in fall and silvorside fish lng unexcelled anywhere; crops eo with place. This pi nee will bear lnvetiga tion. Price $110 an acre. 133 acres. 1 ti miles from Toledo, th county se;i t. on Yaquina. river. -V mil of river front, !ft acres of finest tid land on coast, all diked with best o d ikes, 7t) acres of It in culuvn tion, th other 20 acres with little work can be plowed: 120 acres under fence; S-roo;: house, two barns, 63 a cres of f 1 ne bene and h'll land, part of which is in pas ture; 3 ft acres In oat. 11 ai res of whii-h Is seeded to clover; 4 or o ares in nota toes. 3 heavy work horses. 13 eood cows, 6 heifers. 1 steer, b calves. 1 bull an an Kinos 01 iarm ioois ana crops e with place. Write for list of personal property Included in sale. Prir o $23 Ouii $4On0 school mortgage can be spurned and some terms arranged. Sa me lan In llUamook would cost $t00 aa acre. IRA WADE, Toledo, Oregon. S1000 CASK. 82 acres. 2 mites from Oregon City, on main traveled road. 22 acres in cultivation,- creels runs through place, 2 acres good or chard, 5 -room plastered house, barn, chicken house, good well; land lies well to drain. Price $SOmi, cash $1000, balance long time, See Mr. Farnswortb, with If. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN." 50S-0 Lewis bliig. Bdwy. 50S1 STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH oOO-acr stock: and dairy farm, 3 14 miles from good valley town. 7-room couse, tou-.'t ana natn, septic tank sew' goju warn, cream house, hoehouse blackrrmith shoo, chicken house imple ment shed, all fenced and cross-fenced, niu iaoa, rea son, just the thing fi prunes, walnuts tnd loganberries, abou TO acres under plow, about loft timber, bal.ince clashed pasture. Bar gain ;i toon. Armress AM 723. OREGONIAN. 2 ACRES, all in. cuyivation, except acres in timncr. all in fine crop; 4 iivy ucm.-imk ni ii-iri prunes. 40 Lire rrikriiMii 'iui, nne water, live sprin plenty rruit, i-room house, larir.- i.jf fctone cellar, main hiehwav goes throun pituje, him v t-. -l ot coil ana no roc J 1111. uum run ntna, 11 nil. east Oregon city a snap at $io.rno; $:!r,o nown, pai. 10 uit. 1. o. Gtrber, Aid' noiei. FORECL iSEU BARGAIN. inu acres nne salmon district. 100 acres ia cultivation, liiiineaiaie "posse, TILLAMOOK DATRY RANCH. n. acres ai weaver. Well imnrrv and stocked. This place is a good on DONALD MACLEOD. 1001-2 Spalding Building. OREGON-WASH INGTON FARMS- CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE IN VKSTl.Mi. l HAVE ALL SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS. SUIT BLE FOR GRAIN. STOCK OR FRUIT; ALSO SUB URBAN TRACTS : IDEAL HOMES. O. B. RIPPEY. filO McKAY BLDG., 3D AND STARK. FOR SALE lint acres in one body or sev eral farms, yi'' oi tnis tne Dest or Wil lamette valley land ; can be bought from $5 to $i0 per acre; this land is well located : several sets of buildings. Why pay $2Sft for land not as good ? Pee J. E. MUSGRAVE, 432 Chamber of Cum merce REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. PRCNE FARM, SALEM DISTRICT. - acres. 33 acres prunes; a!I level; 14 -acres family orchard; a.l Al soil; 1 mile from railroad: A 1 road ; 5-room house, barn. 2 wells; price $20, 000; $7000 cafh, balance easy terms. CAMAS. WASH. 60 acres. 3,i under plow. famlTy orchard, all fenced; 5 mile from raliroad: Al road; S-room house. 2 barns, silo, all outbuildings, all farm implements, horses. 2 colts. cows. 2 heifers, etc; price $;w00: some terms. CLOSE-rN DAIRY FARM. SOU acres. 3S under plow, all Al soil; this is a wonderful laving, p.ace; Al house, 7 rooms; barn, outouildings; all fenced, woven wire.; good creek; Al graveled road; ne;ir Gresham; crops Includ ed $13.u00; $5000 cash, balance terms. CLOPE-rN" DATRT. All stocked and equipped: acres, 40 acres under plow; good n- O-room house, family or chard berries, etc.; all veil fenced good graveled road. 12 miies from Portland; good spring. ret-JttC- 2 wM,s' water piped to buildings, milk house, complete set farming implements. 1 team. 14 Al cows. 1 bull, heifer, full dairy equipment: 11 acres oats. 3 $14,000; SOOOO cash, balance terms. A. G. BEVDER on HITTER, LOWE A CO 2 Ol-o -3-, Board of Trade Bid. TNE ACRES. 2 acres, one-half In cultivation. balance pasture and timber, fine soil, running water, extra good house and barn with private water and light systems, abundance of fruit, berries and grapes; extra , ! tocked nd equipped, in cluding team, number of hogs, about a doxen milch cows, several heifers and necessary farming Im plements. Located reasonably close to Port land, near store and school and rn fine farming district ; will maka price right and with reasonable cash payment balance can run for ten years; fine crops now being harvested and everything goe with the place. f Here is a good, attractive, grow ing ranch at low prico and ea&y terms. , SAMUEL BOAK. 1-02 Northwestern Bank bldg. 53-ACRE LOGANBERRY. PRUMJ AND APPLE RANCH. BIG INCOME PROPERTY. Located near good town a-nd electric line. 35 miles S. W. of Portland: 15 acres in bearing lo ganberries. i acres bearing prunes, 4 acres in youne loganberries and prunes, balance in commercial ap ple orchard y years old; income from this ranch should run 15 -00O to f 20.000 thia season; $4,100 new prune dryer, prune storehouse, canning outfit. 6-room house. 2 tenant houses, 2 barns, bie spring, windmill, gas en cine. Cleveland tractor, price $45,000, part of crop goes with deal. See SAM HEWEY at ,T L HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham ber of Commerce bid,;., ground fir. STOCK AND SHEEP RANCH 324 'L- acres located in Willamette val ley, out of the white land district and only o miles from t he railroad on the main county road; 70 acres under culti vation. 175 acres in fine saw timber, balance in pasture, no rock or gravel, land all tillable, land ' lies slightly roll Ine. family orchard. 5-room house., barn 4fx60. other outbuildings, fine creek and several springs. Thia is your chance to ret in right, as this place is priced away under value. Timber is accessible and sawmill in operation close bv. Mill will be glad to get timber. Price $15.00H, no incumbrance. Will take first-class Portland property in exchange up to $0000. JOHN E. HOWARD. 81 t Chamber of Commerce. COOT) R0-ACRT7 RANCH. 6-ROOM KUNOAliOW. NEW BARN, ONLY $4500. Located 50 miles from Portland. 1 from Pacific highway and city of 2500 population ; splendid soil, lies practically level; 16 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared. Big new chicken house, buildingi painted, good spring near house, family orchard. See photos at our effice. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. $500 CASH. 1C1 acres. 12 acres in cultivation, 20 acres slashed and seeded for pasture. good soil. no rock or gravel; partly fenced. 8 miles from K?itacada, near school and stores, 4-room house and outbuildings. Price only $3700, $.V0 cash will handle, balance long time i70. See Mr. iarns worth, w ith TX. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN 50S-0 Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 50SL IMPROVED FARM CLOSE TO PORT LAND. A MUMSl-MAKEK. 60 acrea almost joining the city limits, 40 under cultivation and in crops; crops ere fine: spring water piped to build ings, live creek that flows the year aroun d ; 5-room bouse, large barn, gar ace. blacksmith shop and other build-im-s: rood team. cow. mower, rake. binder, drill, plows, harrow and all small toola. Including blacksmith out fit; price for veerything $12. 000, half cash, good time on balance. This Is no Junk, but a place that will yield a large income ir nrnn property. STEWART A BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank RMr. ARE YOU SATISFIED? Loganberries in the Willamette valley are bringing growers as high as $800 per acre and prune orchards, when in full hfnrinc. fu v as much. I own 4 acres, acrea in cultivation. 35 miles frr.m Portland and 3 miles from email town on electric R. R. and Pacific high way, which ia paved to Portland: every foot of it can be put in eitner Kina oz said fruits; all fenced with woven wire; nmd fa r buiIUings witn i:ne spring water piped to all of them; on account of health, must sell. $125 per acre; -wUl give lerms 11. i-cu. -- '"1 M a in 54 4 4. FOR SALE BY OWNER. WHEAT FARM, EASTERN OREGON, ruo res at $ lo per acre, which I; $10 less than adjoining land; 100 acres in wheat, 430 acres summer fallow; leaded to verv responsible tenant ; good house and barn, drilled well, also flow ing spring prooucing suimieui i rigation; can grow everything but trop ....! f rtiit One-third cash. bal and long time 0'; would consider tood home for partial payment. v Room 514 Palace Hotel. in. if-KK FARM FOR SALE. located in Yamhill county, 2 miles from railroad; 50 acres in cultivation r timber and pasture; 4-room v. 1 a T-if hit rn. eood orchard, rr inrindfd. but no crops, for $00o. i. MeCHESNKY. 304- Oak tot. Broad way ". r.vt.v SX5 AN ACRE -7 acres, 55 cultivation. 70 pasture. ,nii.nii.xi nut ranee, fair buildings. I4 miles town, school on place, two miles hih school ; lane some n aiiw. have you? Owner, Room 6, 25 What W'usli- ington. FOK sa'e or trade, 3u acres 01 tniaoie land in Malheur couuty, Oregon, in good stock country. 10 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. WALLA WALLA. WASH. X.-.OO PER ACRE. IS acres at Oregon Elec. station; goo3 buildings, orchard, creek, Tualatin val ley : terms. iicr arianu, r aumg u.u&. Ma in o072. Foil SALE 100 acres, all level, Joseph, Or.; 5-room house, fireplace, bath room, -nui- nit fenced, laree barn, eood sun"" $40un take $1000 cash, easy terms. 351 E. ;itn st. is. an 1- 10 o . -i 1 Mock north of Killingsworth ave. Will sell or trade for 5 or 6-room house. See it todav. R. No. 1, box 300, Portland. tv town of Dayton. Yamhill county. verv suitable for peaches, berries and small fruits. Owner. V 248, Oregonian "RIO stock ranch -farm, irrigation, f re ranee, stock, machinery. Terms. N'el son Wilber. Riverside, Malheur co.. Or. 5 ACRES, all fenced, small house, most a1! under plow: $:10 wi.l handle it. Price $2500. Tabor 6403. F o K SALE 3.M0-acre stock ranch, 17 miles from Koaeburg, $21 per aero. AO