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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 1 2 . "SO. 43. PORTLAND, OREGON, . SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24. 1909. Gay Hussar and Flag Lieutenant" Capes Military Capes for WomenMisses and Children St OF . ale... over- Tailored Suits $1 7.95 1 KMS II SS - 300 xj 50c All Wool Albatross 39c 36-inch Crepe Albatross, black, cream and all colors. " $1.00, Storm Serges 79c : 44-inch All-Wool Storm Serges, black, navy myrtle, cardinal, and all cloth shades. $1.50 Stripe Prunellas 98c '46-inch All-Wool Satin Prunellas in self colors and fancy stripes colors, black, navy, gray, artichoke, brown, tan, woodrose, wistaria and mode. $1.50 English Worsteds $1:19 - 54-inch All-Wool English Worsteds for tailor suits. Newest Fall colors, including taupe, danube, burgundy, olive, chicory and navy. $ 1 .50 Silk Marquisettes $ 1 .29 44-inch Imported Silk Marquisettes for evening wear in new stripe effects. Colors, cream, pink, sky, helio trope, yellow and champagne. ' $3.50 Fancy Broadcloth $2.48 56-inch Imported Broadcloths in the new monotone stripe. Colors, black, smoke, yvette, artichoke, olive, nut meg, navy and bois d'rose. - . $1.50 Teachers' Bible 98c mv JErt v f few w For the "past eight years we have held annually a sale. of Teachers Bibles at prices lower than ever quoted during the balance of the year. . We hold our 1909 sale tomorrow and offer 500 Teach ers Bibles with illustrated maps, family .record, divinity circuit, red under gold edges. . , In addition these Bibles containthe Bible students 1 tlper, Bible lands, confirmation, obsolete words, subject index, new Oxford concordance, dictionary of scriptures, scripture, atlas. ,., . . , No mail orders, no C. O. D. orders filled in this sale. It is an opportunity that comes only as a result;o an unusual transaction. The purchase bf 300 suits from one manufacturer closing out his entire stock enables us to give this-sale. In this wonderful assortment of tailormade suits you'll find everything authentic in tailored stales. English serges, homespuns, diagonal worsteds and chiffon broadcloths. Suits with ong coats, semi and slightly fitted backs. Skirts have combined plaits and panels., Some plain, some braided. . , . . ' ' , . , At the price we have marked these suits we give the woman who wishes to dress in the height of fashion, as good workmanship, as good fabrics and as-good a fit-as can be secured through custom workj that retails at three times the price oUhese suits. This manufacturer employs only the most expert , help-and these, suits are tailored and fitted by the. most skilled workmen, every line showing the distinct superiority that is the particular pride of tKis manufacturer. ? - - - ; x ' '. c The value of these suits runs easily to $40.00. On Monday we offer you the choice of this immense collection at $ I 7.95. . ' x .... NEMO Smart Set ' --Corsets A $5.50 Corset Made by the manufacturers of the famous Nemo Cor sets and sold only by Lipman-Wolfe & Co. Special Monday at $2.98 SMART1 SET is the highest attainment in the manu facture of Nemo Corsets, and, being such, is to be found only in the most representative stores in America. Smart Set Corsets sell at $5.50 at all times. In order to intro duce BREAKLESS BRONCO BONE the manufactur ers have allowed us another demonstration of this corset at $2.98. v ' Four expert fitters await your pleasure. ' - Regular $5 Bowls at $2.95 V'T VET, Vn i t,i Quality A" 100 deeply cut, richest quality American 8-inch Cut Glass Bowls, hand polished, In the new star and crescent design. These bowls" are positively the greatest bargairt we have ever offered. Regular values $5.00. Positively none sent C. O. D. or phone orders. , 24-inch jointed Doll . $2 Value at $1.19 Many women buy and dress their own dolls for Christmas in preference to buying those with store - dresses. For these buyers we offer tomorrow the greatest values ever shown in a genuine HANDWERCH jointed dolls. These dolls aie 24 . inches, sewed wigs, curly hair, moveable eyes, full joints Regular $2.00. Also a full jointed doll 23 inches long with long curly hair, moveable eyes, full joint, sewed wig, with shoes and stockings. $2 VaU Spec $1.19. $2 Handsome d 1 1 Q Handbags. Sp 1 P ' . 1 ' $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Hand bags, come in seal grain leath er, handsomely made, with either single or double strap inside. Colors, tan, brown, green and black. $1.00 Fancy Elastic AQr Belts, Special .... 75c and $1.00 Fancy. Elastic Belts, -plain or studded elastic with either gilt or oxidized buckles.' .$2.48 $4 Sugar and Cream Sets . Fancy Designed Sugar and Cream Sets, quadruplerplated, gilt lined ; Vach set comes in a very neat .box. h69.c $2 Jabot and Dutch Collar Pins . . Jabot and Dutch'Collar Pins," 100 different styles and designs to select from. The greatest value ever offered. 35 Hallowe'en Tally Cards, Dozen . . . '-We have a great variety of the comic, designed favors, skeleton heads pumpkin lanterns, devil's switches. All popular priced. Tally cards specially designed for Hal lowe'en. . $3.50 Silver Bread h 1 .69 Trays, Special . . . P Soft Pompadour Hair Rolls .... -C All Around Pompadour1 Hair Rolls, soft and fluffy, net covered, come in all shades. Back Combs Broken Lots I5( REMARKABLE VALUES IN OSTRICH PLUMES A SALE WITHOUT AN EQUAL As is generally the .case With, millinery trimmings for Fall Hats at the opening of the season a great many novelties, both unique and freak, are always introduced. Invariably the choice of women of fashion and refinement turns to Ostrich Plumes. IrVirmr tle . sUorrtpst fear of 1 contradiction, that it is T T 11 v,l,tiuui ' w -o , generally accepted that- rich Ostrich Plumes are the most beautiful of all trimmings and year after year is the choice of most women. In this sale we offer the most beautiful plumes ever brought into this store. , In this sale we offer these plumes at less than they can be bought at retail anywhere. - ' ' . ' ' The quantities are not very large. We were fortunate in securing ttie stock that we did, so we urge bur cust6mers tole on'.hand early. Monday to share . in this, ihe greatest Ostrich Plume Sale we have ever had. 1 0,000 Waists Go In This Colossal Sale ; Silk Plaid, Poplin, Soisette, Flannel, Nunsveiling, Corded Mohair, Stripes, Checks, Fancy Imported Madras and Pure Linen Waists are included in this sale. , Every Waist New This Season Our Suit Department Manager arrives home tomorrow with special purchases made in New York City during the past two weeks. The arrival of the new goods demand that we utilize every inch of space for coats and suits. We have instructions to reduce this waist stock in the next three days. To do this we have' reduced every shirtwaist in our store to prices that must 'be tempting to all women. $5.00 Plaid Silk and Net Waists in three of the very latest and most desirable models, special ' $3.7- $3.50 Flannel Waists in tailored styles, plaited front and back, laundered collar and cuffs, special $2.3S $3.50 Imported Madras Waists in tailored style, box plaits, laundered collar and cuffs, special. ' $2.J -43.00 Nunsveiling and Corded Mohair Waists, strictly tailor made, laundered collar and cuffs, special .?2.JS -$3.50 Pure Line-n Waists', tailored styles, laundered collar and soft cuffs, special ?-ia $3.Q0 Poplin Waists in tailored styles, in black and colors, special Broken lot of Back Combs, Bandeaus, , Rubber 'Combs. Come in shell or amber. Assorted Wire H Hair Pins , J. I C Silver Bread Trays, quad- Vire -.Hairpins, .straight ruple plated, all are fancy em- or crimped, 23 and 3 inches bossed, making a very hand- long. Carton containing 16 some tray. dzcn hairpins. 15-inch Willow Plumes, double 'knotted, single ply, regular value $4.95 special. . , .' . $2.95 Long French Plumes of finest quality, long flue, regular $6.95, special . ... .' .$3.95. 17-inch i Long French Curld Ostrich Plumes in black and white, special...' :...$6.95 $12.00 Full - Length Willow Ostrich Flumes, 3-piy stocn in coi 23- inch Extra Quality African-Stock Willow Plumes in ors, black and white, regular $12, black", and white, .regular price :,i ' ST.n'5 $30.00. soecial..... S19.9o special . $7.9 Full-Length Flue Best African Stock 3-piy Plumes, regular value $18:00, special: . . ...... .$10.95 Full 3 -ply Ostrich Willow Plumes, extra long, in black and white, magnificent quality that sells reg. at $22.50, sp'l. . $16.05 $30.00, special $ 19.9a Full Length $35.00 Finest Afri can Ostrich Willow Plume, finest flue, special . $23.95 $40.00 Extra Long Sweep, Heavy Long Flue African Stock Willow Plumes in black and white, special .$29.8o $2.75 Soisette and Rajahine Waists in tailored styles, in black and colors, soft collars and cuffs, special ..$1.98 $2.50 Striped and Checked Madras, Waists, tailored styles, laundered collar and soft cuffs, special. . . .$1.98 $2.25 Corded and Dotted Madras Waists in tailored styles, laundered collar and soft cuffs, special. $1.78 $2.00 Fancy Madras .Waists in tailored styles, laundered col lar and soft cuffs, special $1.38 $1.75 Fancy Madras Waists in tailored styles, soft collar and laundered cuffs, special. ..$1.18