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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
fTTE k&xDY OR EGOXIAX;' PORTLAND, OCTOBER 24, 1909 12 Great Masterpiece "Shadow of the Cross" Now, on Exhibition bv Private Part o ctober-.Shoppi O portuMties at Portland Agents "Perrins" Tndefousse French Kid Cloves-Demonstration," Nemo" Corsets by Mr. Dean, Expert Corsetiere Tjf Hallowe'en Novelties of All Kinds ortlandAgents for "Ostermopr" Mattresses oQie 1UUU ruirs Ui Oil mi vm m teg Women's Shoes S4-S4.50 Values $3.19 A timely sale of women's high-grade Fall TWinter Footwear. New up-to-date styles. Shoes of quality at a "bound to appreciate. Patent saving you leathers are with brown, London smoke, green or blue ooze calf topsjlsgjazedjwpatent tipsln . Blucher lace styles, and gunmetal alfln-Blucher or button jtyles Goodyear u.a All sizes and widths. Best $4.00 and $4.50 values, now on sale at the low price of Economical buyers pair will anticipate their a Winter needs and profit by the big saving $2 Underwear $1.69 $4 Union Suits $2.89 -T ' Women's all. pure wool Underwear, me dium weight, vests and pants in all sizes; white and gray; the best regu- djl 2Q lar $2.00 values, at, garment 500 "Harvard Mills" Union Suits, in silk and wool, finely finished garments and perfect fitting; best $4.00 val- PO QQ nes. in all sizes, on sale at, ea. V" $1.25 Gloves 85cPr $1.50Uinellas98c 5000 pairs of women's one-clasp Mocha Gloves, in gray and mode; sizes ol2 to 7' the best regular $1.25 values, on QCC sale at this special low price, pair --'V 1000 women's and. men's Umbrellas, fa black Italian cloth covering; with paragon frame; large assortment of hand- QQ. dies; regular .$1.50 values, at, pr. Great snlo of fine Ribbons. See them. Rrcrnl.Tr :s."c Taffeta Ribbon, yard..23 $1.25 Embroideries at 39c 50c Laces at 1 Oc Per Yard 10,000 yards of swiss, nainsook and cambric embroid eries, edges and flouncing, 13 to W inches wide; eye let, filet and floral designssuitable for trimming wom en's and children's undermuslins; immense va- 39 riety;' values up to $1.25 the yard, on sale at 3000 yards of white and cream Venise Laces, Insertions, medallions and net top edges; values up to 50c 1 Qc the yard, on sale at this special low price, yard X Vv 2000 yards of niafched sets of Embroidery for infants' wear; edges and insertings '2 to 5 inches wide; dainty designs in swjss and nainsook, on sale at these prices: 35c values,. at, yard, 19 45c values, at, yard, 29 Regular 85c values, on sale at this low price, ydv39 m.,1o rVirspt Covers, in hand-embroidered effects, fine sheer materials; regular $1.75 values, at.. $1.19 Sale 10,000 Pieces Women's New Neckwear Special at 25c Each Great SDecial sale of 1000 pieces of women's Neckwear rabats, jabots, bows, tabs, croats stocks, embroid ered linen collars, etc.; an immense assortment of styles to choose from, and .all new,' pretty pieces ; best val ues ever offered at this PPu-2'?f lar price, ea. take advantage Women's Outing Flannel Gowns $2.50 Values $1.75 Great sale of women's high-grade Outing flannel Nightgowns, all white and fancy figured and striped effects, Hubbard and kimono styles; all sizes; nicely made and trim'd; jj"l best regular $2.50 values V J New Veiling 75c Values 36c Yd 3000 yards of new Ghiffon Veiling in black, white, navy, royal, brown, light blue, pink, etc., with dainty silk stripes and silk-colored dots; extra width, suitable for automobile veils; 50c and 75c values, yard VC Portland's Drug Sundry Spec'ls 1000 bottles of Robertine Liquid Face Powder; white, flesh and cream; OO. best 50c value, at this price, bottle 5000 boxes of' Doris Violet Toilet Soap, highly prtfumed; fine soap for bath or toilet"; -3 cakes iu a box, at, box... 12 Ingram's Zodenta Tooth -Faste in collap sible tubes; gives 'delightful odor 1 t!( to the breath; 2nc values, at, eacn - Sale Notion Bargains 2000 dozen Dragon and Busy Bee OC Cotton Thread, on sale at, dozen 25c Diana Hair Pins; at, the, dozen. .12 10c Acme Crimping. Pins, at, package. .5 5c Washington- Paper Pins, 2 pkgs..5 15c Vassar Curling Irons, at, each.. 8 .Regular '5c Jet Toilet Pins, two for. .5 5c Star Safety Pins, three papers.. 10 15c black worsted Sirt Braid, piece.. 6 65c Diana Hair Frames for, each. .38 20c Crescent Hair Rolls TCor, eaclr. .10 10c Hooks and Eyes, special at, card..5 1000 pounds of Mousselaine de Paris Pa . . , -inn 1 i . k per, in pound pacsi fine linen paper to $4 Combination Garments $2.1.9 $6.50 French Gowns for $3.75 $2.00 Corset Covers $ 1 .29 Ea. Best values of the year in women '& fine Under- muslins. New styles, best materials, prettiest gar ments. Bargains every shrewd buyer will appreci ate. Take advantage of this wonderful offering. Women's Combination Garments in lawns, nainsook and cambric,' trimmed in lace, ribbon, embroidery and beading, all new, pretty styles ;best regular $2.50 to 0 1Q $4.00 values, on sale at this special price, each f Special lot of women's French hand-embroidered Night gowns; low, square neck styles; short sleeves and em broidered yokes; beautiful gowns; regular fi?0 71? $6.50 values, on sale at this special price, ea. Special lot of unlaundered hand-embroidered Corset Cov ers, scalloped neck; eyelets drawn with ribbon and hand embroidered fronts; best regular $2.00 values, fl I OQ on sale at this low price, ea. take advantage 75c Drawers 49c $2 Drawers 98 c Pr 200 dozen women's Drawers, made with hemstitched and tucked ruffles and fitted waist bands; cambric and AQq nainsook materials; 75c values, at, the pair . ) e; ,K.-;,. on nainsnnk Drawers, trimmed in OIUUII iiuu lomui. ' - good quality lace and embroidery, tucks and inser- Qgc tion; values ranging up to $2.00 pair, on sale at "wv- We are Portland agents for "Mine. Irene" Corsets-new models. We are Portland . m-Front Corsets: aHso "Estelle" 'Corsets, at popular prices, $7 Vals. $3.85 Pair Tomorrow in. the,. Lace CurinJpartment, third floor, a great specmlOctober sale of 1000 pairsof "plain andfanc'y Scrim Curtains in white, cream and ecru with linen insertions - and edges ; others in the new block effect with imitation fillet insertion. All new and attrac- ! tive Curtains, 45 inches wide and 2y2 yards .I. 1 ' - long-. An advantageous purchase irom a xarge 1 yNew-York importing house enables us to offer I values up to $7TQ0 a pair at this p . O C remarkably low price, per pair P nti the third floor. All mail orders will re w r . ceive our most prompt and careful attention. Wash Flannels 45c Granite Cloths 60c Special offering of fine new Wash Flan nels for waists, fast colors and unshrink able; splendid variety of 8ty'es'45c great value at thisjow price,' yd. Hanidsome new French Granite Cloths for waistings,, all new shades, stripes, and plaids;' special value at this low g0A price, the yard Jake advantage uuw Immense new line of OutiTig Flannels at all prices; best values. Jet us snow you $1.25 Bedspreads 98c Eiderdowns 25c Yd. Great special offeriiig of 2000 white Crochet-Bedspreads, best patterns; regular -$1.25 values; buy all you want Qgc of them at this special price, ea. Entire new line pi double-faced Eider down ; a fine new material for bath robes, etc.; fancy figured effects In grand as sortment" for your selection; ex"25c ceptional values at this price, yd. V7 Mail orders will De very raicmuj x..--.. Great Sale of 120 Beautiful Dress VVaists $20 Values $1 1.45 : -r- : ; 1 r : T In the Waist 'Section, a very attractive bargain in wnmoffh:nTaressJWa One-fourth and one- halTinch ;ucked chiffon cloth, in plain colored or Persian styles; made with dainty little yokes of fillet tucked nets, fine or coarse lace trimmed, in sUkbraid and satin folds, or bands and buttons; colors include taupe, catawba, wistana, lilac, Copenhagengray, hrown cTeen. navy and black. All new and up-to-date Waists for dress or evening wear $1.50 Plaid Silks $1.0? $2 Prunella Cloths $ 1 .49 In the Silk Store, 1500 yards of new Plaid Silks in light and dark shades ; in (fcl Q7 new colorings and combinations; handsome styles; values up to $1.50, at, yafd V 56-inch all-wool satin-finish prunella cloth in a complete line of the new and flj 1 AQ popular shades ; beautiful material for tailored suits and dresses; $2 val., yd. r $15 Trimmed Hats $7.50 UntrimmM Shapes $2. 75 . ' : : ' In the Millinery Section tomorrow another great-special offering of Women's Dress and Tailored Hats in the season's newest and most approved models ; , silk . and velvet : shapes, trimmed with wings and fancy feathers. All the latest effects, and an assortment so large and varied that every individual taste can be quickly pleased. Best hat values tf - ff f of the year at this popular price P V Special line of untrimmed Shapes in moire silk, vel vet and corded ilk ;' also velvet combinations ; grea assortment of styles for your selection; CO 7tL , regular $6.50 and $7.00 values, on sale at J Sale Fancy Feathers and Wings c ? ;miiAftwi fonv Tpotliprc flni? Winers in all new shades and effects; very large variety; values ranging from $1.50 to $15.00, on sale at "C 1 1 Thev. are $20.00 values, to be sold at y 1 pX' BuySheets Children's 2 Dresses at $ 1 .29 Children's Sweater Coats 89c ribb.; long and short-waisted styles, long and short sleeves all new prettj to-date dresses; regular $1.75 and $..00 values, on .. 00 up oOO children' trimming; g Coat Sweaters-V-neck, button" front, all wnue wnn Pi-- " ftC reat special value, at this low price, each-take advantage ol - Leading Cloak and Suit Store New Dress Apparel Best Values in Furs SeePage 3 for Great Coat Sale Hundreds "of new-Capes in the very latest and best styles; navy blue serge, with colored Minings; also black broad cloth; garnet, gray, mode, champagne, pink, blue and green broadcloths; satin-lined throughout, or unlined -er-with cfnn.lintr rollnr: nrices from $10 to $50 each. " Entire new line of tight and semi-fitting Coats' in black ' . . , .1 i - 1 " 1 . ' J J f .i,.! at all m;aa oroadclotn; piain lanorvu mra ioucoijira FIJv.o, Entire ' new line of one-piece Dresses in broadcloths, serges, moire silk, taffeta, jersey, crepe de chine, tweeds and diagonal goods; made in moyenage style and braid trimmed; others have belt and full-length panel; immense assortment! Prices ranging from $13.00 to $75.00 each. Our Great Fur Display Our showing of Furs is by far the largest and best we ever made. Fur coats, fur scarfs, muffs, sets; all the most desirable skins. - Values we know you cannot equal in the city. We ask the pleasure o showing you the new furs. 13 Off October Sale of Cut Glass and Silverware $6 Gray Blankets $4.69 $5 White Blankets $3.57 Great October sale of 000 pairs of, natural light gray wool Blankets, full size, fancy borders, supernormal- .69 ity ; our best $o.00 values, on sale at, special, pr.. r 700 pairs of fine white wool Blankets, bound with deep satin binding, fancy border!; regular. $3.00 values; CO C H buyall you-want of them at this low price, pair Live Goose Feather Pillows Best $3.75 Values $2.98 Each Special lot of 500 live Goose Feather Bed Pillows, cpvered with fancy striped ticking; full size; the best CO .98 regular $3.75 values, on sale at this low price, ea. . '?Ostermoor" Matresses We are sole Portland agents for the famous "Ostermoor" patent elastic felt Mattresses, and they Wire sold here at fac tor See them on the. fourth floor take elevators. Trunks and Traveling Bags best stock jn city"; fourth floor. $7.00 silver-plated Fruit Baskets.. $5.47 $15.00 silver-plated Tea Sets, C! AQ i pieces, in Handsome style, at f " $3.75 Syrup Pitchers .for, each.. $2.94 $7.50 Water Pitchers, for, each. -.$5. 97 $5.00 Carving Sets, on sale for. .$3.98 $7.50 Carving Sets on sale for. .85.98 Men s Suits, Overcoats ana $3.25 cut-glass Sugar'and Creamer, hand- some cut; great value at, pair...oo $2.25 cut-glass Nappies, for, ea. .S1.74 $2.75 cut-glass Spoon Trays, for. .82.10 $4.00 cut-glass Vases for, each. .$2.99 $6.00 cut-glass. Celery Dishes,' ea. .84.49 $10.00 cut-glass Bowls for, each. .87.49 Cravehettes $15 to $50 Our big third floor Clothing Store is prepared to satisfactorily Bupply every want in men's Fall and Winter apparel. : Suits for business and dress wear, Overcoats, Raincoats and Oravenettes. The season's latest fashions -and materials in splendid assortment. High-grade C custom-tailored garments, the best product of the leading makers in the land, and our prices in every instance mean a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent on what equal style and quality costs yon at the exclusive clothing store. All we Third floor. K$k W W and Pillow Slips Now If you don't, they will cost you any where from 10 to 23 per cent more before 1910 arrives. Here you find a complete stock of Pequots in all sizes, both sheets and pillowcases; in the best grades, best values. Prices: 72 by 90-inch Sheets, at, each 80 72 by 99-inch Sheets at, each, 85 81 by 90-inch Sheets at, each, S5 81 by 99-inch Sheets at, each, 90 81 by 108-in. Sheets at, ca., 81.10 42 by 36-inch Pillow. Slips, ea.,,19 45 by 36-jnch Pillow Slips, ea., 21 New Percales Now 15c Yard Great October sale of 500 pieces of handsome new Percales of the best quality; all new patterns and color ings; great assortment; lin"15c usually good values at, yard A Table Damask $ 1 Values 75 c 2000 yards of 72-inch all-linen Table l)amask,v in the very best patterns; best $1.00 quality, on sale at TRq this special low "price, the yd. October Sale of R.ugs . ' Great October of Ragstyle-and Colonial Post fects;1 all handsome rugs, including pink-ground, wuh green and w hite lig , light 'blue grounds with three-bar borders; On he tS floor. sizes from which to rnaU yoi,r ' each8 9.88 30 by 60 inches, on sale at, each, SIS.Jo a oy a ieei, at y . 36 by 72 inches, on sale at, each, .27-8 by 10 feet, at this price.jachlgS 4 by 7 feet, on salelGp'L, ea., 85.15-9 by 12 feet, at this pricA each. 816.4a Sale and Demonstration of rKer.6lene"vIaler Remedy In the Drug Department a great sale and demonstra- 4rGLENE tion of the famous Kerolene Inhaler remedy a-new, scientific and guaranteed remedy for catarrh, hay fever, asthma, colds, bronchitis, etc. Free treatment at " the . Drug Department, main floor annex, mail orders will receive prompt and careful attention. ftROLENE i INHALANT . WtfEZf . T'V 7 L ' Patent" Medicines at the lowest prices, INHALANT, THI HCWCST TMC l,CATCSV TMCCLtIT 1 s v "ft til