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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
""" T ' " ' ' ' " T '. ' I I ct a c.ottTTt A T XTV.Tt TTSTTJfJ RATE ' SEALS PUT GRIP IN BEAVERS' HOPE San Francisco Puts 1909 Coast League Pennant , in Cinch Column. M'CREDIE'S MEN SHUT OUT portlundcri Vimlilo to Sivre Asrnlnst frouthcrners--lIarkncM Start In Wild Corson Takes Mound and lifts ll.t in morotl. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2S. Fan Fran cisco fcaaeball Club. Champions 1909. Pac'.flo Coast League. That's the way the sign reads these ys. The Seals, all along the pennant material of the. West, made It abso lutely certain when Ralph 'Willis shut out the Fortlanders this afternoon. I to 0. It was Rood baseball, that decisive game of the year, particularly from a San Francisco standpoint, for the boys hit well and fielded in good form. Harkness. who started with trie Intention of beating the leaders. showed a woeful lack of control, nnd after two bases on balls and a sacrifice he was speedily retired, Carson faking up the heavy burden. Xo Chance tor Heavers. The rortlanders didn't have a chance. Not even in the first inning were t:ey particularly dangerous, although It was one of the few occasions when they figured at an. Cooney opened with a Ingle, but was forced at second, and ;:aney slammed the ball Into a double ' play tan Francisuo was strong for runs from the first inning. - Ked Davis walked and after Mundorff sacrificed Zeider also took- his . base on balls. Then Harkness went back to the club house and with Carson on the mound Miller lifted a tall fly into center. As the ball was captured Davis and Zelder were off on their toes. Kollle overran second, but seeing that he was in danger, showed good headwork by keeping away from Cooney. Fisher- Fails In Finch. Davis also kept on going, and al though, the ball was relayed to Fisher the latter dropped the leather and the runner scored. Zelder. who was on third, was scored on Melchoir's single to right. In the fourth Inning Mechoir walked, went to second on Tennant's single, to third on Olson s overthrow to first and home on the squeeze play worked by Harry McArdle. Outside of those Innings there was little doing. Ote Johnson went as far as third on a walk, a wild pitch and an out in the second, but there was no one to hit him home with 'only one down. "Willis limited his nits -to inree and had good control all the way through. The score: PORTLAND. AB R H PO A K fooney. 2t. . . 4 i 1 1! " l.lson. mm 4 . 1 1 1 Oraney. cf 4 " T J X Johnoa .3b... I AlcOredie. rf s 0 O 1 KJsher. c i 6 I Ort. lb i ' Speas. If 3 o J 1 " Harkness. p 1 tiriuu. p.T a o 0 l J Totals 0 ' 13 - SAN" FRANCISCO. AB R H PO A E Ksvis. If a 1 4 II MuudorfT. :tb 3 . o o 1 1 o 7..lfler. 2b...' .'. S 1 1 1 - O Miller, cf I S 0 1 1 MlcMor. rl . 2 1 1 1 Yer.Dant. lb :l O 1 II . 1 O trrr c .... :l O u i o O McArdle. ' s 2 0 13 3 1 Willis, p 3 0 0 0 Jl J Totals 25 3 '5 27 lO 1 SCORE BY INNINGS. ............ .0 0 0 0 O O O O O O 1 l 0 1 O 0 1 11 3 Portland .... Hits San Francisco Hits 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 it 11110100 3 SUMMARY. No runs. 1 hit off Harkness in 1-3-lnninir. 1 i hare defeat to son. Sarrilie hits Munnorff. McArdle. liases on balls Off liarkmss 2. off t'arson 1. off Willis 1. Struck cut Bv Carson 0. bv Wlllifl 2. liouble p'.ay Tenn'ant to . McArdle. W'ld pitch Willis. Time of (came 1 hour 22 minutes. Umpires Van Haitren and Kinney. SACKAMKXTO HEPEATS FALL, Foor Work In Field Helps Vernon to Another Victory. SACRAMENTO. Oct." 23. It wag an oft repeated story when Sacramento fell down to the tail-enders for the fourth time today and lost the game by a score of 3 to 1. Poor work in the field and the locals' Inability to hit lost the game. The score: R. II. E. Vernon 010011 00 0 3 11 0 Sacramento .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 4 Batteries Hitt and Brown; - Baum and La Louse. I.OS ANGELES POINDS XELSOX Plains Way to Victory With 16 Hits and 8 Rons. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 23. Ability to hit hard and often won the game for Los Angeles today by a score of 9 to 2. In the. second inning Delmas, Thorsen and Hosp pulled off a triple steal. .Del mas coring. Score: R II E l.os Angeles 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 2 9 1 1 Oakland 0 0000002 02 5 1 Batteries Thorsen and H. Smith; Nel son and Lewis. l.NDOOK LEAGI E TO BE FORMED Winter Baseball Schedule Will Be Fixed for Six Clubs. If plans materialize the city Indoor baseball league of six teams will be organized next 'Wednesday at the Cath olic Young Men's Club headquarters. Representatives of all the ream will meet tomorrow night In the C. T. M. C. m to make plans and fix up a sched ule. Formal anion. Including election ef officers, will be taken at the Wed- esday nigh meeting. . The six teams which will form the league are the C. T. M. C, J. O. Mack Company, Columbia Hardware Com pany, the Dlllworth Derbies, the Sell wood Cubs and the Goldflelds. In addition to the meeting tomorrow alght at the C. T. M. C. gymnasium, an exhibition game will be played be tween the O. I. M. C. team and the Company D team, which Is looked upon as one of the best in the city. Allie Sweeney, the C. Y. M.- U. pitcher, la considered the strongest Indoor tosser In the state. The lineup of the teams in the game tomorrow night will be: Company D. Position.' Catholic Club. Dllvi C McConnell Jn.-kue" '.'.""I! '. '.. . . .'.V Sweeney, Crosby Williams ., IB - 'unn. J-ar.KL.rd .'. P.SS.V. M?Rk Imncan - B Stuns or i obb Wet-h L H S H. JfHalo .;,-rin m 'el Ryan LF. .Welch. T. McHale GOOD HOXING OKI) OFFERED Hrvivril Pastime Club Will Present Five Contests Xext Tneeday. At the TaMlme Athletic Club's mulches next Tuesday night at "Wll hehn's Tark in Fulton the principal bout in the Interesting list of matches offered is a three-round go between Mike Spanton, the champion amateur featherweight of the Coast, and a local lad known as Johnnie Dawson. This mill promises to be fast and enter taining and well worth the' price of admission. The I'astlme Club, an organization founded by the "Immortal Nonparlel." Jack Dempsey, flourished in the city several years ago. and has been re vived by F.rvin. and promises to be come one of the leading athletic as sociations of the city. All the matches which will be pulled off next Tuesday night under the auspices, of the club are guaranteed to be bona fide amateur goes. Sparon is a well known amateur and possesses pugilistic ability. That the newcomer may if?eat him In the bout is admitted by many; still Spanton Is willing to give his opponent a fair, fight and will rely on his ring general ship for the rest Dawson Is known as a clever' lad, rjossessing a great deal of science and a very hard wallop. The other matches, four In number, are all between promising local lads and outsiders whom the promoters have chosen to bring in. Three wrestling bouts are also on the evening's card. As this is the Hrst good card orfered for several months,4 the promoters ex pect a good-sized crowd present next Tuesday evening. And as a promise to the public that all bouts shall be straight the two men have selected Jack King, well known for fairness, as referee. hOPlIOMOUHS WIX IX MEET Haj ward Disappointed at Showing lade by Freshmen. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Or., Oct. 23. (.Special.) By the score of 44. against 35 for the seniors, 9 for the juniors and 2S for their natural rivals, the frrwhmcn, the sophomore class ath letes won the .big inter-class track meet and with it the championship of the uni versity rhis afternoon. Trainer "Bill" Hayward. however, de clared that he wa. much disappointed with the results of the meet. "Bill" was pulling for the freshmen to win, for in that event he would have been, assured plenty of new material from which to mould a winning track team next Spring. , Of the new athlete few showed promis ing form. Young Robert Kuykendall. a brother of the crack hurdler and quarter, Eherle Kuykeniinll,-made the best Im pression. McClure. a big freshman from the Eief!e High School, ateo did well in the mile. Holmef?. of Astoria, was another freshman who showed form in the low hurdles. A sprinter capable of filling Oliver Huston's shoes, however, failed to appear. LA GRAXDE LVDS ALMOST WIX Flay Spokane Team lo Standstill, With Score C to 3. ' LA GRANDE. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Lh. Grande's high school football team played. Coach Kennedy's boasted eleven to a standstill In the city this afternoon, the Spokane lads winning by a narrow margin of 6 to 3, making their only score on a fumble late in the second half of the ga me. The ball was in Spokane's territory practically all the time, and La Grande advanced the ball to Spokane's 5-yard line only to lose it on a fumble and allow the visitors to punt out of'danger. La Grande's score was made on a place kick early In the first half. The game was replete'wlth long end runs and well-f.iTO-of-H tvissps. The slaving as well as the rooting of the side lines was above the ordinary Interscholastic class. The effective leader of the rooters was a young sub by the - name of Harold Grandy. Five hundred people saw the game. . . SCORELESS GAME IS FLAYED Lincoln High and Pacific Vniversity Meet at Forer Grove. Second teams from the Lincoln High School and Pacific University played a scoreless football game yesterday on the University grounds at Forest Grove. The teams were about evenly matched. Lincoln having a little the better of the argument in the ' second half. Both teams played good ball. Captain Patter son being the particular star of the game. The lineup was: I. h S Position. Pac Vnl. CVnirreV c ' Perry Mdehalul. LO.. Taylor Law"nce) C-r-nr K.G.K AUwortn I-T JaBoner Johnson t Russell).. It T i"!! Jiu-k-on UK House Koerner K-B Taylor Capt. Oi.un Q Wist 3;f-:::::::::::::::"Ea. Patterson C'spt.) ...t- : Silverman Ortl. ials Referee Archie Hahn. Umpire Alex Kob.rton. Meld Judge Word. Head linesman iirataol. VARSITY BEATS SECOXD TEAM Coach Forbes, Encouraged by Show ing of Oregon Eleven. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.) In two desper-' a-tely plaved 30-minute halves the var sity football team beat- the second team this afternoon by the score oi ii io . It was the first time Coach Forbes has lined his men up against each other In regulation Intercollegiate playing halves. The nearness in strength be tween the two teams Is shown by the closeness 'of the score. . The first team scored twice on long forward passes. Jbut the secondteam men managed to get two safeties on their Ireavler opponents. Time was taken out for, injuries only once dur ing the game. Coach Forbes is greatly encouraged by the showing of his men. Goldendale 6; The Dalles 6. ' GOLDENDALE. Wash., Oct. 23. (Special.) The football game here to daV between The Dalles High School anii the Goldendale High School re sulted In a tie, the score standing C to 6. Armstrong, the Golde"ndale right halt, made the first touchdown 11 mlnntes after the. play started In the first half. Huntington, The Dalles quarterback, made a touchdown short ly afterwards, and both sides were successful In kicking goals. , Redskins Win Game. PENDLETON," Or.. Oct, 23. (Special.) For the first time In years, the football team of the agency school on the Uma tilla Indian Reservation won a victory on a Pendleton gridiron this afternoon, when the redskins defeated the Pendleton Acad emy eleven by a score of 6 to 0. THE SUNDAY iir nun nn nTnriMP i .IN TIGHT PLACES Crimson Gridiron Squad Holds .Brown Down to Score of 11 to 0. , COLGATE EASY FOR YALE Cornell Beats Vermont Lafayette Wins From Princeton Michigan Has Close Call 01ynipies Lose to California. CAMBRIDGEl. Mass.. Oct. 23. In a raggedly played game today Harvard de feated Brown,, 11 to 0, the home team scoring In eacfi half and twice success fully defending its own goal when touch downs by the visitors seemed almost In evitable. Forward passes were, carried off more successfully than In any other game on Soldiers' Field this season. Harvard 'outkicked Brown and the Crimson line, when fully realizing their danger, stif fened better than In any other game so far. Both scores came within a short time after the Harvard goal had been threatened. In the first half Frothing ham. in Harvard's Jjack field, dropped a, punt on Harvard's 35-yard line, from which point Brown pushed - the ball to the 2-yard line, where the pigskin was lost on - downs. After an exchange of punts. Harvard secured the ball on Brown's 25-yard line, and Minto, by suc cessive plunges; carried It over for the first score. This action was repeated 4n the second half, but this time Brown mannged to get within a foot of the Harvard chalk line before reluctantly relinquishing the ball on downs. ' Minto carried the ball over far the sec ond and, last score for Harvard. The goal was missed. Brown, of Harvard,, snapped a tendon and will be out of the game for the rest of the year.( s ' VALE WALKS OVER COLGATE Old Ely Makes Five Touchdowns to Opponents' Xothing. ' NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 23. Yale de feated Colgate this afternoon 3f. to 0. making live touchdowns, live goals from touchdowns, and two goals from the Held. The field goals wore both made by. Coy in the first half. It was the lirst time since 18.SS that a Yale man has kicked two goals from the field in the same game. Philbin made two touchdowns after long rune. the first a 404'ard dash and the other 52 yards. WOLVERINES HIT MARQUETTE Michigan Eleven Has Close. Call, but Wins, 6 to 5. MTTAVXITKEE. Oct. 23. Michigan had tha narrowest escape of its career today when the Wolverine eleven defeated Mar quette 6 to 5 in one of the most brilliant aanies the Michigan eleven ever piayeu With the exception of the first ten minut?s of the game, the two elevens ware on exactly even terms. In the sec ond half the play was almost entirely in Michigan's half of the gridiron. ; i NEVADA DEFEATS BARBARIANS Reno Enthusiasts See Hard-Fought Game of Rugby. RENO, NfV., Oct. S23. A crowd of 5000 neonle saw the University of Nevada tie feat the Barbarian ciud oi mh r ran 15 to 5. this afternoon. In the hardest fought tamo of rugby seen on the local campus. Nevada's passing rushes" offset the su-Twrlr,i- weieht of the visitors. Both teams Kived their goals many times by magni- firent rallies. Nevada's back, Harry Fletcher, suf fered a broken hip. Otherwise the game was free of injuries. . , i YOUNGSTER SLAPS PRINCETON Lafayette Substitute Runs 80 Yards to Victory. , 1 PRINCETON. N.'J.. Oct. 2.1. On one of the most sudden plays characterizing now football. -Frank Armschler, a young -slibstittite right halfback on .the Lafay- etta College team, caugnt tne oau on bound In the last minute of play after Cunningham' try for a drop kick had been blocked, and ran 30 yards for a touchdown, making possible a Lafayette victory over Princeton by the score of 6 to 0. Just as- Captain McCann kicked the goal time was called. I'tah Fumbles Badly. DENVER, Oct. 23. The Colorado school of Mines eleven defeated Utah University today by a score of 14 to S in a game that was marked by frequent fumbling, in which Utah was the chief culprit. A sensational run oft 77 yards for a touch down by Captain Spring or tne uomen eleven, was a feature. Cornell Crimps Vermont. IT1IACA, N. Y.,' Oct. 23. Cornell de feated Vermont 16 to 0 today by the use of open football tactics. In spite of a drizzle which continued throughout the game, the forward pass and the triple pass were used accurately and effect ively. f - Denver Downs Dakota. niwVER. Oct. 23. Denver University defeated the University of South Dakota eleven here today by a score oi J.u iu v Dakota gained a near touchdown on sev eral occasions only to be fought back by the superior, playing of the Denver team. Stanford Soaks Castaways. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23. Leland Stan ford University defeated the Castaways, 41 to 0 in rugby football today. The game was little more tjian a practice for the heavy northern players, who seemed to score almost at will. California Beats Olympics. BERKELEY, Cal.. Oct. 23.-The Uni versity of California defeated the' Olym pics of San Francisco at football today, 19 to 0. The superior strength and train ing of the Varsity team at all times was In evidence. Game Goes to Tie. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 23. The Univer sity of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania n.ti.. nlivi1 a tiff football em v. uim". . c here this afternoon, 3 to S, both aide OIIEGOMAN, PORTLAND, making their scores In the second half. Pennsylvania was tied last year, 6 to 6, by the Carlisle Indians. . T" Eastern Gridiron Results. Eastern gridiron results: ' . At Madison Wisconsin 6, Indiana 3. At Mobile Medicos 28, Southern Uni versity 0. ' At Knoxville Georgia 3, University of Tennessee 0. At St. Louis Depauw University 8, Barnes University, St. Louis, 6. At Terre Haute, Ind. DePauw Univer sity 5. Eos? Polytechnic Institute 8. At Nachville, Final Vanderbilt 17, Aft bitrh 0. ' At Amee Ames 61, Missouri 6. At Annapolis university of Virginia 6, Navy 0. At South Bend. Ind Notre Dame 17, Michigan Agricultural College 0. At Lawrence. Kan. University of Kan sas 23. Washington University of St. Louis 0. ' - At New York Fordham 21, Swarth more 3- At Lincoln Iowa 6, Nebraska 6. At St. Louis St. Louis University 14, Wabash College 0. At Pittsburg University of Pittsburg 14. Carlisle Indians S. At West Point, N. Y. Army 1!, Le high 0. .' At Des Moines Drake 16, Simpson w. BOYS' GAMES ARE CLOSE COLCMBIA OR WASHINGTON IS PICKED FOR FEXXAXT. Interscholastic League Players Are Evenly Matched, With Cham pionship in Doubt. If the showing made In games played so far counts for anything, the Cham pionship of the Interscholastic Foot ball League will lie Between Columbia University and Waehington High School. The close scores show, however, that no team will have a cinch an3 that all the games undoubtedly will be hotly contested. A game is to be played next Wednes day between Columbia and Portland Academy and the result of this game will show which of the four league teams may be counted on to win the pennant. In a game that was no waik-away, Columbia met Lincoln High a week ago Friday and admiplstered a defeat by the score of 3 tcf 0, On a place kick. If the Lincoln boys had npt been weakened by the loss of some of their best men, the score miht have been reversed. The West Side men have improved consid erably within the last week and with no bad luek, they still have a chance of landing- on top at the end of the series. In the Washington-Portland Academy game Friday, the teams proved well matched In spite, of the fact that Wash ington outweighed P. A. about 8 pounds to the man. The score of 5 to 0 in Washington's favor indicated closely the comparative strength of tne two teams. The P. A. team plays with a spirit, however, that probably will keep It out of the cellar. In the -coming game Wednesday, the dope would have Columbia win over Portland Acaderny. The big game of the season will be played November 5, when Washington High meets Lincoln High. The rivalry between these two schools is great and both rooters and players will put forth their best efforts. Both schools will be there with brass bands and a big bunch of noise, and the spirit of the occasion will be the best part of the programme. The strong feeling . among the prep schools was formerly most In evidence between West Side High and Portland Academy, but that was in the days of Bull Chalmers and Stump Stott and before the East Side institution was built. GREEK WANTS RETURN MATCH He AYotild Bar Smith's Strangle Hold or Fix Time Limit. Peter Buzukos, the Greek wrestler whp was defeated by "StrWngler Smith Friday night, wants a return match with the longshoreman and has posted a forfeit of t"0 -to bind such a match. In his challenge to Smith, Buzukos stipulates that Smith must make good his boast that he can make 145 poundsT and that the match must be under the Police Gazette rules which pro hibits the strangle hold, Smith's favor ite. It this is not agreeable to Smith, Buzukos states that he is willing to wrestle him for f 100 a side and allow Smitji to weigh whatever he pleases providing he will agree, as he an nounced the other night, to throw Buzukos three times in one hour. The money Buzukos has posted Is also open to any wrestler under 140 pounds, and will remain posted lor two uays. Tigers Off to Flay Cubans. DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 23. WMth Out fielder Matty- Mclntyre In the role of manager, a dozen members of the De troit Amerlqan League team left here tonight for Havana, Cuba, to meet two Cuban ball teams in a series of 12 games. - ' ' St. Helens Wants Games. .ST. HELENS, Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Xhe St. Helens football team would like to make arrangements for games with any eleven playing on Sundays. The team averages about 160 pounds. Address, Marion Stoddard, manager, St. Helens, Or. Marshfield d; North Bend 0. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Oct. 23. (Special.) 'The Marshfield and North Bend High school football teams played this after noon at North Bend.i The game was a tie neither side scoring. It was the first football game of the season, and was witnessed by many. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? tt does not oar to buv an old building:, when we can build you a BeVltTfiI HOME or an ARTISTIC CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW, With every convenience, for lesa money. WHY NOT IMPROVE THAT VACANT LT OF YOIRS WITH A Modern Apartment House or Residence Flats? It will pay you to see u. Higrh-class workmanship and ruaranteed . All plan, and specifications free Mcjieyloan. Tug purposes. Houses built for small payment down. blaa SPENCER-McCAIN TH,C MAi! 60OO. 23-i24 NEW LCMBERUE.VI BLD6, ; I V OCTOIER 24, 1909. IF LET Captain Barliske's Wonderful Work Gives Missionaries Game, 30 to 6. r . - MOSCOW'S LINE STRONG Whitman Fails to Make Yardage, but Idaho Blunders When For-"' ward Passes Are Attempted ndv' Opponents Score. ' MOSCOW, Idaho, Oot. 23. (Special.) For the second time In succession, Whit man College, of Walla Walla, defeated the University of Idaho by scoring 30, to Idaho's 6 before an audience of 3000 peo ple. Captain Borleske, of Whitman, exe cuted feats of wonderful running and kicking.- No more Successful team work was ever witnessed on Idaho's field than was exhibited by Whitman. Captain Borleske, in directing and executing his plays, was masterful, while Idaho. appar ently worked at crose purposes at cm- i leal times. I The score looks worse for Idaho, be cause Whitman never forced Idaho for yardage on downs. Idaho repeatedly made yardage on downs for great dis tances, but when Idaho tried the forward pass it was either fumbled or blocked by Whitman. The etyle of playing and form ation were much the same with each team, but Whitman was more successful in execution. Three times Idaho was -nearer Whitman's goal than Whitman was to Idaho's, when Belt safely directed three place kicks in the first half. When It became evident that Whitman could not force Idaho for yardage, signals weru given' for forward passes and punting, which enabled Whitman successfully to work the ball forward, and Belt secured place kicks. Scores Made on Fumbles. Whitman kicked off and Idaho fumbled. Whitman secured the ball. Borleske de livered another place kick. Idaho kicked off. Whitman returned the ball into Idaho's territory. With a well directed fake, Borleske got around Idaho's left end for a place kick. Whitman kicked off. Here followed a- series of scrimmages and slugging, in which Umpire Hocken berry put Wilson, of Whitman, out of the game. The first half ended with the score 12 to 0 in favor of Whitman. " It required one and one-quarter hours to play the first half. , Whitman kicked off. Idaho returned to Whitman's 40-yard line, and after mak ing yardage twice tried for a place kick. but failed. Borleske rose from the cen ter of the scrimmage with the ball and ran to Idaho's goal with no one to op pose him His touchdown was converted into a goal. Idaho kicked off and in the scrimmage Borleske succeeded in dodg ing no less than four men and secured his second touchdown. The goal was kicked, making the score 24 to 0. Idaho kicked off. Whitman . failed on down?, attempted a forward pass, lost the ball on a fumble and Montgomery made a sensational run for 25 yarts, scoring Idaho's first and only touchdown. He also kicked - soal, making Idaho's score six. . " . ' Idaho Fumbles Again. Excitement ran high at this time. Idaho tried for a place kick from the 25-yard line, but failed. In the scrimmage that followed Borleske, for 'Whitman, again eluded all Idaho's tackling, made hfs final sensational run from center field for another touchdown and goal. This left the score: Whitman 20, Idaho 6, when time was called. The line-up: Whitman. Borleske, Cox Johnson Belt Lewis ... Wilson . Morrow demons M atthews Neil Position. . .R H. .. . . F' ..LH... -Q ..LB... ..LT... . .11 G . .C . .R T. . . Idaho. Lundstrum , . Hlllman . Thornton . .. Curtis ... Stein Williams Hayes . .. Jewell . i Graves A rmstrone (Capt) . .1. G Howard RE. (Capt) stokesh-ry Referee Varnell: Umpire Hockenberry. Field judge Mlddleton. Head linesman Rogers. GAME AT SALEM SCORELESS Capital .City Team Has Advantage Over Lincoln High School. SALEM. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) The Salem" High School . and Lincoln High, of Portland, met in a scoreless game of football here today on the athletlo flekl of Willamette University. .Though no scores were tallied, the ad vantage was all with the Salem team. Only once or twice during the game was the goal of either team very much- in danger, the play oscillating back and forth near the center, o"f the field. On' a forward pass in the first half, by Port land. Salem got the ball and made a get away for a touchdown, but It was not allowed as the ball had touched the ground before any player had touched It. In the second half, Salem forced Port land backward gradually, making yard age all the time. Salem had the ball on Portland's seven-yard line, but lost the ball, and Portland punted to safety. The second half was played mostly in Port land territory, and the game ended with the ball hear the center of the field. Cliehalls 17; Castle Uoc-k 0. CHEHALIS, Wash., Oct. 23. (Special.) Chehalis High School football team de feated Castle Rock today 17 to 0. The nd satisfaction ed for bulld- ce like rent. CO ARCHITECT. Ann Kn.D COIL FIFTH AMD STARK BT. OAHO UMBLES 111 WIN Check Accounts opened without restriction as 'to amounts. Good intentions the only, requirement. Savings Accounts opened with one dollar or . . over. Neat Pocket Savings Banks for free use to those wanting them. Trust Business The xbond issue,- handling estates under will or other wise, trustee of properties for individuals, firms or cor porate bodies, and service in all legitimate fiduciary rela- . tions carefully and econom ically handled. Realty Department Properties rented, cared for and sold, strictly and only on commission under the personal charge of a thor oughly competent and skilled manager. Public patronage is so licited. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Corner Sixth and Wash ington Streets. (fame was played on a muddy Held In a drizzling rain. " DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KFJ-OBT. PORTLAND. Oct. 2-. Maximum temper ature. Otl degrees; minimum, 44. River read ing at 8 A. M..' 2 feet; change in last 24 hours, fall O:! foot. Total rainfall. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M. Ort inch; total since September 1 1009, 2.24 Inches; normal. 4.4K inches; deficiency. 2.24 Inches. Total sunshine. B hours 20 minutes; possible, 10 hours :u min utes. Barometer, reduced to sea level, at J P. M.. 30.25 laches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 12 hours the barometer has fallen rapidly over the Northern Korky Mountain States and moderately heavy ranis have fallen In Western Washington and in portions of Northwestern urej-on. ii is com er in the Sound country and generally slightly warmer east oi tne cascaae noun tains. . . ' The Indications are for generally fair weather in this district Sunday, except in Eastern Washington and Idaho where the conditions are favorable for rain, followed by fain weather. It will be colder Sunday In Southern Idaho. , FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably fair; westerly winds. Oregon 'Probably fair; westerly winds. Washington Fulr west, rain followed" by fair east portion; westerly winds. Idaho Rain, followed by fair weather; colder south portion. f-T'WRD A. TIFTALS, District' Fnrw'-utiT. MEETING NOTICES. CAMELIA SOCIAL CLUB will give a "500" party Monday evening, October 25. In Masonic Temple, West park and Yamhill streets. Ad mission 23 cen.ts- All are cordially Invited. ANNIE E. COOTE. Sec. rVA.VHOE LODGE. No. 1, K- -P., will give an entertainment Jn their castle hall, lltn and" Alder sts.. Tuesday evening, October 26. Entertainment consisting of recitations, songs, dancing and whist. Members, their families and friends invited. E. M. LANCE, K. H. S. v ALL -MEMBERS OF THE FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA are kindly requested to be present at a class initiation and meet our Supreme President Monday evening. October 2r, in Hill s Hall, corner Williams avenue and Russel street. COMMITTEE COLUMBIA DO-GOOD CLUB will give a masked Halloween party Saturday evening. October 30, In the new Wavcrly Hall. East ith and Clinton sts. Admission, loc; re freshments and dancing. "...jOO" two hours of "SOn" Friday even ing October 20. Hall 201 Alisky bldg.; good prizes- ice cream and cake; admission, l.ic Bring your "500" friepds. Oregon Rose Camp, Royal "Neighbors. ROSE. CITY CAMP, NO. .lDL.'W. O. W. yTDum Facet Clamat." ' Our esteemed neighbor, Jacob Alfred Larsson, has left the activities of this life H.s funeral services will be held In our camp hall today .(Sunday) at 2 o'clock. M Russell street. All neighbors of this and other camps and friends are invited to at tend. Burial in Ro. y Cemetery. W. W Mcintosh. Consul Commander. PORTLAND ASSEMBLY. NO. 20 LIN COLN ANNUITY UNION, gives a military whist social Monday evening. October J4. Eagles Hall, 2d and Yamhill streets. Ad mlFn 15 cents. BOHN. SCHOOLCRAFT Oct. 23, to the wife of Thomas Schoolcraft, a prominent farmer and walnut-grower of near Dllley, a son, the parents of whom are the best-pleased couple In tho land because it is a bo. Dr. C. L. Large attending. PIED. CLAYSON In this city at K.Al East 1 5th st Oct. 2.X Charles Clayson. age U'.l . vears. 12 days. Remains at A. B. Hem stock funeral pariurs, corner East Utn and Umatilla ave. ZIEGLKR-In ' this city. October 2.1. Lo"' B Ziegler. aged 27 years and JO days. The remains are at Flnley chapel. I' uneral no tice Sereafter. . FUNERAL NOTICES. MORRIS -The funeral services of Mrs. 11"" naii Rodney Morris, widow of the late B. Wistat Morris, bishop of Oregon, will take place in Trinity Church. Monday. Octo ber '" at 2 P. M. Interment at Lone Hr cemetery. Services at church and grave -not private. . CURL In this city. October 22, at the fam ily residence. l'Xi Russell street. Ivy Mae Curl aged :(' vears. 6 months and -1"! days. Funeral services will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. today (Sunday). Oc tober 24. Friends invited. Interment River View Cemetry. BOSCACCI At S'.evenson, Wash., Eugene Boscacci. aged 41 yean. Funeral from Hul man's chapel. Third and Salmon sts.. at l'3o P. M. today (Sundajl), Oct. 24. thence to St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill sts. Services at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Inter ment River-view Cemetery. SLATER In thLs city, October 22. at GOO Upshur street, the family residence, Lucy M Slater, aged 22 yeaie and 3 days. The funeral service will be held at Fin ley's chapel V 2:30 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LDD Caroline Ames Elliott Ladd. widow "of the late William S. Ladd. died at . her residence this city, October 23. Funeral from the First Presbyterian Church. Men day afternoon, October 25. at 1 o'clock. Services at the grave private :' Dunning. McEntee Gllbaugb. Funeral Directors, "th and 1'ine. 1'Houe Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 220 3d St. Lady Assistant. I'hone M. HOI- J. p. FINLEY SON, 3d and Madison, Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A 15KU. McENTEK-ERICKSON CO.--Undertakers : lady ussibtant. 409 Alder. M. C133. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. K. 82. B 262H. ZELLER-BYRN'fcS CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 212 Russell. Both phones. Lady assistant LKRCH Undertaker.. 420 Ent Alder, rkones East Ml. it Lady assistant. In Effect Novemner 1. ! uutly or buiiuiu- per Lin. St A I' wur imm K.m m.l tan. unMlt lv lmft .- t Same ad three consecutive lime. 3! Same ad six or kevt'n consecutive time. ' Six words count an one line ntr nil vertUementii uid no ail counted for . than two Ilnei. When tin advrlivm " not run consecutive Units the one-tune rni" npnlieit. ' The Above rate apply to advertisement under "New Today" :md all other clawlc tioim excepting the following: Situation Vautd, Mule. tMtuatioiiH AVnnted, rVumle. For Kent, liooinn. I'rlvut Famtlle. Koonij and Board, l'rivate iuinlle Hoiibekccpiru; Koomtf. Private l amillcw. The rate of the above clituVution Is eenta a line each insertion. Space In the "New Today column ! flsured by nieasuru only 14 Hue to the Inch. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATIIONS The Ore gon inn will receive copy by m:ill. proi'U'd ftufTiclent remittance for a definite number of iMiea Is .Mit. Acknowledgment f uch remittance will be fonvarded promutly. On charce of book advertisement th eharee will be based on the actual numh-r of lines appearing- in the paper, reicrdicM of the number, of w.ird. In each l;ne. In cae box office address ih required, u reuular form eiveu, and count thin a part II. a a, I in.ucra tit lidvertiscnientrt will ! be forwarded to patrons, provided elf-ad- dresscd Htamped cnviopes ur iurmsnei. A receipt will be ptven for all puW-ln-advancp udvertisinc The Oreoninn will not undertake to correct error or rciund monoy unlsft thi receipt Is returned. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY FKKSIUEST. Main SO. hkCKklAKV. Maln.SVS- HUMANE OFI-1ciK..r.t 17H. NEW TODAY. DOES THIS APPEAL TO YOU Today w are groins -tn make a special effort to close out the last lott leit in. INGLESIDE PARK Seventv In all. at th", low price of l." t X200 a lt, 10 down, n month. If more tlsun two lots are taken a li-s.ser sum down arid a reduction in the month ly payments Location between Hose City Park and Montavilla. directly enst of the Countrv Club. Take Montavilla car to Hubbard ave., the aijent will meet you. These lois are all level, clean S'dl and most of them cultivated, clear from roots or stumps and supplied with Bull Run wh tor. On the ground all duy today; after that cull on AEES-PHELPS-Wli CO. GILMAN Auction and Commission Company S. Ij. N. Oilman, : auctioneer, No. 1-S Second St., between AVaslliiiKton arid Al der. Sales this week . include the regulur sales of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TUESDAY AND FRIDAY At private sales we are closing the Em met stock of umbrellas, men's and ladies' hosiery, hate, "velvets, men's underwear and overshirts, suspenders, pocket knives', table linen, also extension tables ami chairs, spring beds, iron bedsteads, mat tresses, pillows, sheets. . ' 1000 pairs fine blankets. 500 bed comforters. Call at 126 Second street, near Wash ington, for bargains. See window. Main 2173. ( S. L. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. HERE IS A HOME THAI WAS MADE FOR YOU LOCATION On East tJth street, North, in Holladav Addition. LANI-i-4i'xll0 feet and a northwest corner at that, with south and east frontinfr.s. , HOUSE Eiirht rooms; two stories high; completed in June, 1!I0S; mod ern in everv respect; oak floors downstairs, and maple floors upstairs furnace, pis heaters; sleeping, porch, and all the conveniences. CAR SERVICE Irvinsrton icars one block away; Broadway curs two blocks away. NEIGHBORHOOD C 1 a s s y; nothing finer in Portland. PRICE $75uO We can deliver the -property on payment of $4-!0 cash. If thai Is too much 'for you to pay down, we can arranne easier terms. See us about this at once. It is a home to your likinfr. heeij ai i iva., 037 Chamber of Commerce. , IMione -Molll KT;i.". 17 Net! 17 Net! Absolutely best investment for tha maney in the city. Close-in- property, West Side, now paying 17 per cent net on'11,3.000. Investigate This! DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 310 Abington Uldy. A Greenhouse Business With several hundred feet of frlass; 4 acres of ground. riKlit in town; beau tiful nine-room house, large barn, big spring, fruits nnd shrubbery. Dolus fine business. For sale cheap. THE DINN-LAWKENCK CO.. 21S Alder Street. $1000 CASH balance tame as rent, buys a beaut il'ul new, S-rooin house. Twentieth and Hawthorne ave.; lia.-dwoo.l floors, tile bath, furnace, plastered busemont, sleeping porch. See owner, . A. '. l'.MEIIV, ' sill Thiinibcr of Commerce. Nob Hill Residence New 8-room residence on .'Irving' st.. built for a home: cv;ry modern con venience; with 70 feet frontage; $1 ,. Sengstake & Lyman 90 FIFTH ST. IT'S dl'ST LIKE I'lMint; "" To ascertain if any one wants Port land really l it lake $qr00 net for that choice tifiUCO lot on l.ovejoy, just west of Twenty-third street. AL 4i.i, Ore ironlati. : , A SPI.KNDI1'. lRrire sized, fanev mtiheranv, hlKU-Krade. SoT.I piftno. showtifi; hut little upc Is shown in our show window tomor row for Jil4; others $i:t.-i, SIH. two at S'.H. All uprishta; pay cash or .." or a tx month. Kilers r'Jino House, piano ex-i-hance and bargain room, ii'oS Washington street. MS ACRES on river. 2 miles to electric station; KO acres in cultivation: best fruit onH Halrv land in valley: -only $123 per acre- 6oo0 cash will handle the deal. JVt. t-.. IAVIO, XV. A'. J.. -iv. u. c...., A-l RKAL estate contract, ?l:ioO. payable, monthly: sacrlflc for cash, or will take lot part payment. M 4S7. OreKoniun'. ONE lot In Pewirkley Addition. 45x100. I block from Hawthorne, ave. car; "bargain .at S150O. N 4S!l. Oregonlan. UNION' AVE. BARCAIN Ftu.neK lot, goo4 bouse, very cheap. 6:t(i Union ave,