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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
24, 1909. " 3 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER yrw to oat. XIW TODAT. . , t XKW TODAY MiWTODAt. . XEW TODAT. j EW TODAY. XEW TODAT. TSW TODAY. , . AuctionSales AT WILSON'S SALESROOMS 173-175 Second St. Cor. Yamhill Regular Salesdays Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. At this sale we sliall sell a large variety of household furnishing, comprising par lor furniture, center tables, rockers or various styles. couches L,av?nIlr! bookcases. extension tables. bu"f5H chairs, hall trees, hall mirrors. Iron beds, springs, mattresses, dressers and com modes, dishes, cooking utensils, steel ranges, heaters and other effects. RESIDENCE SALE TUESDAY NEXT, OCT. 26TH At 10 A. M. WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO SELL THK ALMOST NEW AND tP-TO-DATh. FURNISHINGS OF 9-ROOM HtL DENCE AT 742 Irving St., Near 23d INCLUDING COSTLY ROCKERS I AND CHAIRS WITH GENUINE SPAN lb M LEATHER SBAT3. StTTEU na DIVANS in mahogany frames, moeY center tables, coucls In Verona cover In. SECTIONAL BOOKCASE, RAD ISO LAMP. Jardiniere sjands about 100 SrdeAice4rtains suites In jvllhed quartered oak. vlz prettt BUFFET wifh .olid glass i doors Snd lW French plate mirror tXTiV CAIRwl?.. an5INEP ESS SEATSoak'HA.V1' ,MIR BDSof tnlr carots. full size IRON Btus or ?h laT"tdsigis complete h, springs . Sltt OTTALITY SILK FLOSS MAT-TRFSES- BIRDSEYK MAPLE AND ofoth?'OAK BRESSER8 IN PRIN CESS STYLES, oak dressers and chif foniers with French plate mirrors. bUnke'ts. quilt. ?zdTfJ&l and chairs, drophead NEW HOME SEW ING MACHINE. SET BRAoS AND IRONS gafi range. water heater, linoleum, good opaque window shades throughout the house, wire cots, clothes hamper and other misceUaneous lots. Sale TUESDAY at 10 o'clock sharp. (TAKE 2JD ST. CAR.) J T. WILSON. Auctioneer. We pay CASH for FURNITURE. If vo" have anything to sell call up Main isa;, a 423. ON TUESDAY NEXT We are Instructed by the owners to sell at auction on above day at our SALES ROOMS, li! PARK ST.. the following hish-class furnishings removed from Flanders st. for convenience of sale, com .risins GENUINE MAHOGANY and .Hiart-r-oak parlor w"."1' lather seats, large LIBRARY KOCK KR3. beautiful center tables. DAV IM PORT In rich green velvet, easy couches, soring edSe BOX COUCH, oil pointings ami o ther pictures. AXMINSTER. BRUS SKI.S and Pro-Brussels rugs In up-to-date patterns. English oak HALL TREE, dining-room euite In solid oak (finished Earlv English), several very pretty IRON BEDS, springs and best mattresses, feather pillows, blankets and q .A PRINCESS and other DRESSERS in solid oak and maple, chiffoniers, kitchen cab inet, English dropleaf table, new stylo SION TABLES, set Vienna chairs, buf fet, one -UL.lalir-j r-.x i c.-i-'.- 8-foot. In genuine quartered oak. with set of chairs and sideboard to match, flat top desk and chair, showcase, kitchen tables and other effects. NOTE-YOU ARE INVITED TO IN- ROW. SALE ON TUESDAY AT 10 , k"i T y"H",W SHARP BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have for sale the furniehings of S rooms removed from storage for losit!ve sale. Included In this list of furniture we shall have Iron beds, parlor furniture, dining-room suite and other ef fects. SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. Office and salesrooms. 162 Park St. AUCTION Sales at WoodarcTs SALESROOM: 201 Second Street, Cor. Taylor TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Each Day at 2 P. M. We will sell a select lot of house and office furniture, viz.: Brass bed, dressers, hall trees, china closets, buf fet, chiffoniers, leather chairs, kitch en cabinets, iron beds, stands, couches, two fine roll-top desks, one flat-top; typewriters, desk and chair; two fine oak office chairs, etc. Gash Paid for Furniture Call up Main 8078. Goods sold at private sale at our store, corner Second and Taylor sts. AUCTION SALE OF IRISH ANTIQUES By the Ford Auction Co. TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. At 211 First Street We will sell, on account of misfortune, the contents of a 10-room dwelling, includ ing pair of Irish candlesticks, wedgewood jug. Irish beadwork. handmade bedspread, 2 ancient Irish pictures. 3 handmade quilts, as well as l'.K Encyclopedia. 10 Art Jour nal books and 3t other books, old pewter tea set and many old relics a well as a full line of up-to-date house furnishings. Be here on tune, for the best goods are, sold first. THURSDAY, AT 10 A. M. We will, at 211 First St., beside the usual lot of house furnishing 25 Up-to-Date Overcoat If - von have anything to sell we are the people you want to talk to. FORD BROS.. Auctioneers. Main S961. A rS. A Quarter Block L ? On Sixth Street And this, while In my hands, can be nought at 124.000. half cash, balance two years at 6 per cent. If you mean business, call at my office. JULIUS KRAEMER. 90 FIFTH BT. Ten Acres $850 Portland's bsst suburban fruit and garden land: near Gresham. No rock. Torms. Frederick G. Forbes Co.. S2 Lumbermen, stb st. INVESTMENTS EVERY ONE A BARGAIN $10,000 Full lot, oOxlOO feet; choice location. Trinity Place, right off from Washington street. Ideal site for apartments. $15,000 Twenty-Third, full cor ner lot, 50x100 feet; choice loca tion, just north of Washington. Well improved nd paying 7 per cent. $16,000100x100 ft., choice loca tion, 20th street, north of TVash . ington ; east and south fronts. $20,000100x100,' Trinity Place, right off of Washington st.; east front. $34,000 loth street, choice cor ner, 75x100 feet, near Washing ton ; 7 per cent income. $28,000 14th street, full quarter block, close in, paying some in come; half cash. Absolutely the best buy in the -wholesale dis trict. $65,000 First street, full lol, 50x100 feet; 4-story brick build ing; choice location. Will pay 71,2 per cent. $125,000 Quarter block, inside location, right in line of Port land's growth, in midst of the skyscrapers. Good income. JAMES J. FL 512 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE NOW ASPHALT STREETS Sewer, water, and gas in alleys. All improvements in and paid for. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY Exclusive close-in residence district, Only 20 minutes' walk to business. LOTS $1800 and Up ' TEEMS $180 CASH $18 A MONTH 6 INTEREST Buy now before the raise. Warranty deeds. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Also Agents on Ground. $100 Down TO $250 Down places you In a home of your own. Bungalows, houses and cottages sold by us on the small-payment plan. Call and see us. The Stewart Co. 609 Swetland Bldg. YOUR HOME On plans approved and lot selected by bona fide homeseekers, we will build in Kenton, Car Barns, Penin sula, Portsmouth or University Park, on lots the very best the "Penin sula" affords; only skilled mechanics employed. "A square deal" is pledged, from start (price of lot) to finish (completion of home). BAGLEY 407 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Burnside Business Corner Price right. Fair Income Will Increase In value. I. G. DAVIDSON S19 Chamber of Commerce. $sop Four-Room House, Full Lot In Portland's most progressive, high moral tone community; school, car, church and commercial privileges unsur passed; half cash down. A few 60x100 lots, with alleys, one block from carline. affording all city advan tages. In bet art of Peninsula, at 20 per cent discount for cash to home builders; 4i0 to 550 each. BAGLEY 407 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. ..A SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, with .hot and cold water, bath and patent toilet, wood lift, sleeping porch and quarter block of ground; 2 blocks from car. Everything; complete to make a mod ern home for $2650. Terms If desired. For further particulars inquire of THE DlXX-I.AWRENCfe CO, 2-18 Alder Street. SEE J. M. LEEZER The Keal Estate Man, for Bargains in City Lots on easy terms, without Interest. 1143 Portsmouth Station, on St- John carline. $10 Bown For Fractional Acres Near Lents City Water Piped to Each Tract All cleared and level, good soil. Title guaranteed perfect Five-Cent Fare Good Car Service Splendid school nearby; en tire district being rapidly improved. Take the Mount Scott, car, get off at Lents Station, walk north on Main street a short distance and look at CADWELL'S ACRES. Agents at office from 10 to 4 o'clock. LAMBERT-WHITMER CO. 404 East Alder Street 107 Sherlock Building. West Side Bargains $2500 $2500 $2650 $2750 $3200 $3650 $3650 $3850 $4750 $5000 $5000 $5000 New bungalow with Merry Widow roof, on 1st st. asy terms. Fine lot. 50x100. on Kelly St., r.ear Glbbs; part cash. Nice 4-room cottage, lot 100 feet front, on Front ana Uaines sts.; $500 cash, $20 iper month. New 7-room house on Sheri dan, near 6th. A snap. Part cash. 2 good 6-room houses on Grover ft.; a snap; 2 days only. Good 7-room house on Grant st., near 6th; easy terms. Good 8-ro'om house, on Sherman, bet. oth and 6th; easy termi. Good 8-room house, on First St.. near Meade; part cash. Double house, 12 rooms, lot 50x 100, Water st.; rented 35 per mo. 160x100, good 7-roora house, nice home, on Florida st; half cash. , 10-room house, lot 50x100, No. S!s Corbett St.; part cash. 100x100, on corner Grover and Kelly sts.; will divide. 100x100. N. E. cor. Kelly and Whitaker; fine to build on. 4 good houses and quarter block on Kelly at.: rented for $58 per month- IA sash- $5000 $8000 See us for South Portland' property. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. A Choice Lot on Thur man Street Best bargain on the street; fine location for a home, n-io-ffinrth block. East 3d st. North and Clackamas; no beter location on the East Side for apartments; easy terms. A beautiful home with five lots, east front, a great bargain; owner, non-resi dent, must sell. A fine ouarter-block on Portland blvd. : two $40u0 houses under construction with in 100 feet. A beautiful half-block on 6th St.: best location on West Side for apartments. Several lots In Sunnyfiide and Ingleside Addition; choice location lor jine resi dences. 73 ncres of choice river front on Wil lamette River; close to carline; will sell this land at a sacrifice; all surveyed and flatted in acre tracts. O'iJRIEN REALTY COMPANY 301 McKay Bldg. For Sale or Exchange 10-acre farm within an hour's ride of Portland on the electric or steam R. R. Has an old house and orchard and several bams; well watered by spring; branch; about 10 acres beaverdam land,- Th-ere are yood commercial apple orchards on either side of this place producing; some of the best apples In the state. Price $100 per acne; will consider a trade up. to $4500, bal ance on easy terms. DABNEY 6 DABNEY 412 Commercial Block, Sd and Wash. Close-in Acreage 1 acre, not very far out $ 650 4 acres, about same distance $2000 3 acres, closer In $1650 2 acres, a little closer In $1750 1 acre, still closer In $1000 All accessible by electric lines 5c and 10c fares. Sold on easy terms. RNAPP 8 LACKEY S13 and 313 Board of Trade Bnlldlna; Roethe River Front $1250 to $1800 Will buv a home on the Willamette Klver, close to Covell and convenient to citv: J5 minutes' ride from first and Morrison streets. Some of It is cul tivated in fruit in full bearing, lou cannot buy a home as good as this anvwhere for the money. . For further particulars, address THE nVNN-I.AWIlEXCE CO, .MS Aider Street. WHY PAY RENT? vilien you can buy a new 5-room bunitalcw with sas. bath, electric lights, wood-lltt and all other minor conveniences, for $100 Down $20 Month This place Is on . a very pretty street, only 20 minutes from the postofflce. It will pay you to .investigate. The Stewart Co. U8 gwetlsnd Bids. Portland Heights No. 2 Backed By $100,000 Bond Why should you hesitate when you know that the United Railways Mount Cal vary line must be completed by July 1, 1910, and that the United Railways Company have deposited a $100,000 bond with the city of Port land as a guarantee of good faith, to b forfeited to the city in case they do not com pleted their contract. LOCATION Straight line with Washing ton street; 3V4 miles from river. The new road will be one of the most picturesque "electric lines in the state, 20 minutes out. Prices will be advanced again 10 per cent November 1, 1909. DO YOU WANT TO BUY NOW OR WAIT? UNITED TRUST COMPANY 917 Board of Trade Building. FULL CORNER With 3-Story Building PAYS 8 PER CENT NET Comer Third and Everett Streets Price $50,000 LAST CHANCE T ABOVE PRICE GOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock Bids;., 3d and Oak Sts. SAFE INVESTMENTS 87000 Apartment-house site, 66x100 feet, on Lovejoj; street. S9500 Full lot 'and 10-room house on 11th street, south of Morrison. Sure to increase. SIO.OOO Less $415 street Improve ments. Business corner on Killings worth avenue. Income, $900 per year. 815. OOO Corner lot on North 23d st. Income, $10SO per year. $18. OOO Corner lot on Thirteenth street, close In. Apartment-house site. Income, $900 per year now. $20,000 Inside lot on West Park street. Will be worth $1000 per front . foot In five years. $22.500 14th-st. corner, 100x100 ft. Present Income. $1920 per year. $25.000 Corner containing: nearly- threo lots on 14th street. Splendid for apartments. Present income $840 per year. 827. 500 Four-story building- on Front street. Income, $230 a month. $50.000 Front-street corner. Rents for $325 per month. We have a number of equally good propositions, which you ought to In vestigate. We also have a number of (rood buys In acreage tracts near Portland. It will pay you to see us. t REED & URWAN A37 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. r IO ACRES. 2M miles from town. In best district: lies perfect for irrigation, OVER 8 ACHES PLANTED to Yellow Newtowns and Spltzenbergs, most of which are 5 and 6 years old; small fam ily orchard, assorted varieties, 2 acres in strawberries, some meadow, 7 inchesspf water and all personal prop erty. Including horse, wagon, buggy and all farm implements. Good 7-room, hard-finished house and outbuildings. Genuine bargain at $11,000. $2500 cash. Will accept Portland residence as part payment. Another Good One 20 ACRES, unimproved, all good ap ple land, within one mile of railroad station, under the ditch, on East Side; easilv cleared; adjoining property sold for $'200 per acre. Price, $150 per acre; $1000 cash will handle this. Devlin &TirebauQli Main Office wfllnd Bldar. Portland, Oreson Branch Office Hood River t Oreg-oa Hood Rive Bargains unse eac TWO HOURS FROM PORTLAND $1.00 for each name. "VVe have about 300 lots left in the best new Beach Resort, and, we want to sell them at once. You can help us. We estimate that at least two out of every three per sons who want a home or an investment at the beach will ' buy our lots if they know all about them, so we want 500 NAMES of people who are thinking of buying beach property. If you know of any such persons, write their full names and addresses and send "in a sealed letter to us. Be sure and sign your name and give your address. WE WILL PAY YOU $1.00 for each name, where Such person buys a lot, or $1.00 for each lot purchased, if more than one is taken. The information will be considered confidential, if you so desire. Here's a chance to make some easy money; it will cost . you only a few minutes' thought and a 2-cent stamp, Do not send us any names unless you have some reason for thinking parties may he interested. If you write us, we will 'do the rest. Send your list at once as we wish4to close this out in one week. Goddard &- Wiedrick 243 Stark St. APARTMENT SITE S. E. corner 12th and Harrison sts., one block to two carlines; present in come $45 per month. Terms. FIVE ACRES On carlin, just east of Laurelhurst. Suitable for subdivision or homesite. Smith 6 Everett I'ailing Building. Honey Saved REAL ESTATE transferred in tjie shortest time and with the least expense, by using our Guaranteed Certificates of Title Title and Trust Company Paid-Up Capital, $250,000.00. Chamber of Commerce. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THESE ? $75,500 For inside property netting 10 per cent, and in neigh borhood where property values are Increasing rap idly. 843.000 Apartment-house in f 1 rs t class neighborhood, occupy ing quarter block and net ting 12 per cent, on West Side. SS.SOO For close-in corner on Grand ave., 100x100; Income $50 per month. A splendid investment. Investigate it. J. M. FRENCH & CO. 413-418 A bins-ton Bldg;., lOOVi Third St. $7000 Very choice income prop erty, West Side, in future ware house district. $7500 Choice corner, close in, East Side; two houses. $7750100 by 100 on East Har rison street. $14,500 Best flat buy on the West Side. 822,500 100 by 100 corner, in side improved corner, ideal for an apartment-house. M. E. LEE, Room 411, Corbett Building. J , . VVAREHOUS I SHE Corner 1 00x1 00 Ft. WILSON STREET Corner 23d. . Warehouse District a Will More Than Double When tiie Track Is Finished . j- It you want to reap, same as uuina did a few blocks closer, take our advice and buy this. Goldsmith & Co. 103 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak sts. (Established 1SS8.) ' I APARTr.TEHT HOUSES j We have several high-class apartment-houses for sale, showing high rate of income ; splendid locations ; very reasonable prices and good terms. If interested in this class of property, see us. MORGAN S BOYCE 503-506 Abingtoa Bldg. ELEGANT 8-ROOM HOUSE Only $2800 $500 Down ThU i modern In everv respect: has 4 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large reception nail ana porceiam ihii.ii. wash bowl, medicine chest, fine linen closet, living-room and dining-room with opening, china closet, built-in window and hall seats, artistic fireplace, wood lift, fine Tuf.h kttnhen. noreelain sink with back. electricity with combination fixtures, front and rear porcnes wun ngnis. . cenieni baspment. cement walks and steps, well built double floors and walls- house is new; nice lawns. It is In a good neigh borhood and commands a sightly view of the surrounding country. Lot 60x100 ft. This place is close in and may be paid off at isb a month. RALPH ACKLEY 605 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or. Apple Plantings FIVE AND TEN-ACRE. TRACTS v rive Years' Care. No property ever offered has any advantage over this. This property has many advantages over others. Location, soil, elevation, and assur ance to the purchaser of a delivery as Ter contracts. Special price, easy terms. THE LORANE ORCHARD COIMY AV. W. Cotton, President. Wm. McMasters, Treasurer. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO., General Selling Agents, Lumber Exch. B!dg., Second and Stark Sts. Fruit Valley Fruit and Garden Lands $25 Per Acre and Up Within 1 hour's ride of Portland. A trowing town on tract. Soil that Is very productive. A clamoring market near. Transportation by rail or water. Cheap freight rates on account of competition. A chance to get a start and make a nest eirr for the future on small capital. Prices will be advanced before long. Write us or call at our office at your earliest con venience. Columbia County Investment Company 101,8 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland, Or. 16V2 Net New and well-located apartment house; price $4.5,000, easy terms. C. L. BAMBERGER A 3789. Mum 5124. 508 Chamber of Commerce. KINGS HILL We have for sale In this most ex clusive residence district 100x100 feet, with fi:ie residence, containing ten rooms. RISSEIX BLYTH, Commonwealth Building. Quarter Block 9-ROOM HOUSE, J15.000. 554 EAST MORRISOJ.'. rn n n n n nice puu ELROD ACRES Commencing Monday, Oc tober 25, first offering of beautiful 10-acre fruit tracts in- Yamhill County, near North Yamhill, known as "ELROD ACRES." at the very low prices of from $140 to $155 Per Acre $150 CASH easy payments on balance. There are but TWENTY of these 10-acre tracts. They are very cheap at prjee of fered and are certain to in crease steadily in v a 1 u e. THERE IS NO GUESS WORK in buying one of these, beautiful properties. The fruit zone of Yamhill County in which these tracts are located is too well de fined to admit of any doubt. Apples, Bartlett Pears, Royal Ann, Bing and Lam bert Cherries ail attain the very pinnacle of perfection in this particular neighbor hood. "ELROD ACRES" are within of a mile of North Yamhill Station of the Southern Pacific Ry.,' which runs through one cor ner of the property. To those in the market for a splendid 10-acre fruit tract, convenient of access to Portland, we say do not fail to look into the merits of ELROD ACRES. Drop postal for literature. J. O. ELROD, Owner 519-520 Corbett Building, Portland, Or. J. W. CROSSLEY, Sales Manager. a:! Cheap Lots on East Burnside St. Let us show you the lots we are sell ing oh E. Burnside street for $2600 and $2700 each. This price includes hard surface pavements, sewer, gas and wa ter to each iot. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street Lumber Exchange Building nvestigate Before buying elsewhere. It costs you .nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and all paid for. No property bonded for improvements tiere. Building re strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splen did car sen-ice. When desiring to build, we will help you. CLARK-COOK COMPANY " Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252 Two years ago lots in the Mount Scott district could be had at $150 each. They now sell at two or three times that amount and the purchasers have profited ac cordingly. We now offer lots in MENTONE at only $193 each on terms of only $3 per month, and the City of Portland is grow ing faster than ever. Buy two lots at least: more if you ' can; you will make money if you do. Western Oregon Trust Co. 14 Chamber of lonnime. COWPEBTHWA1T CHKISTEX5EX, Aeeut. I-wt. (iKORCiB Bt.ACS.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worce.ter Bld Phonti Main 811. A 4911.