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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1915)
VOL.. 17,018. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 915. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRYAN" STATEMENT AMAZES OFFICIALS Time Chosen Regarded as Unfortunate, COLLEAGUES' ADY1GE IGNORED Official Tenure Expires as Note Is Dispatched. DAY GIVEN TO FAREWELLS President and Fellow Members of Cabinet Impress Good Wishes. ' Explanation Timed to potnv- ' cide "With Retirement. TCA6HINGTON, June 9. William Jen nings Bryan retired today as Secretary of State. His first act as a private citizen was to issue a statement ex plaining his reasons for leaving the Cabinet and announcing that he Intended to lay his view of what the American policy toward Germany should be be fore the public for judgment. The statement came as a sensational climax to a day of farewell speeches and good wishes from President Wilson and executive colleagues of the retir- Suirajestlona Not Adapted. I In his explanation Mr. Bryan re vealed that the President had not felt Justified in adopting two suggestions made by his Secretary of State that an offer should be made to Germany to submit the questions In dispute with the United States to an international commission for investigation during a year's time and that meanwhile Amer icans should by proclamation be warned not to take passage on any belligerent ships or on American vessels carrying ammunition. These propositions Mr. Bryan ex pects to urge upon f-he people "in the hope of securing such an expression of public sentiment as will support the President in employing these remedies if in the future he finds it consistent i-wlth his sense of duty to favor them." Official Washlnsrton Aautd. Mr. Bryan's statement was received with undisguised amazement in official quarters- No comment was made at the White House, but some high offi cials indicated that they believed it most unfortunate that so pronounced an expression of opinion should be made public while the discussion with Germany was in progress. It became known, too, that Mr. Bryan told his colleagues in a general way , of the contents of his statement, and some had advised against it. The principle advocated by Mr. Bryan Is embodied in. treaties of peace nego tiated by the United States with 30 na tions and was accepted by Germany, although no convention ever was drafted. The statement is a condensa tion of the argument which Secretary Bryan has been making repeatedly to President Wilson In the last few weeks, and upon which he hopes to build up a public sentiment in the United States that will make war with Germany im possible. The issuance of the explanation had been timed to coincide exactly with the dispatch of the American note to Ger many. Mr. Bryan left the State Department shortly after 1 o'clock. The note was put on the telegraph wires at 2 o'clock, when Mr. Bryan's resignation went into effect. On leaving the State Department Mr. Bryan drove directly home to as sume his new role as a private citizen by reading telegrams of congratulation which poured in from friends through out the country. Other Objections Are Reserved. Mr. Bryan had luncheon together with Mrs. Bryan, awaiting word from the department that the note to Ger many had been cabled. A few minutes after 2 o'clock he appeared on the ver"anda and distributed among wait ing correspondents copies of his state ment, explaining that he had reserved the right to discuss other points in the note dwelt on In the statement. He intimated that he might have some thing further to say after the note had been made public. "1 expect to soend most or my first hours as a private citizen," he said, ."reading telegrams that keep coming In." - "Are most of them congratulating you?" he was asked. "Oh. that is their general tenor," Mr. Bryan replied. "Naturally there would not be many personal telegrams of a different nature sent." When asked if he had any announce ment as to his plans for the future, Mr. Bryan said ; nothing had been de termined and that he had no definite speaking engagements. "I have some tentative engagements," he added, "but cannot announce any thing at this time." Plana-for Fntan Nebulous. Remarking that ne expected to re main in Washington for a time at least, Mr. Bryan said while here he would keep in touch with be Administra tion and probably occasionally be about the State Department unofficially. To friends he amplified his argument In the stateuent regarding the Interna tional relations now stirrintr the Amer ican people. In these talks he gave oroe intimation of the stress of his efforts in the Cabinet to change the course taken by the Administration to ward Germany, and made it clear that It was his purpose to toned the sentl- Coneraded oa Pan 2, Column 2.) AMERICAN FLAG IS FLOWN BY BRITON COLONXAX SAILS U.VDKK STARS AND STRIPES 40 HOURS. United States Citizens Aboard Ves eel Try to Rpniove Emblem, but Crew Prevents. . BOSTON. June 9. The British steamer Colonian. of the Leyland line, flew the American flag for 40 hours as a pro tection against .German submarines while passing through the war zone, according to her commander. Captain J. McDonald. The Colonian . arrived today from Avonmouth, England. It was on May 30, Captain McDonald said, that he was hailed by a British patrol boat, two days out of Avon mouth, and told to "display the flag of a neutral nation or no flag at all He sent the Stars and Stripes -up the staff immediately, he said. He, ex plained that he used the American flag in preference to any other, because he could back up his bluff If hailed by speaking in the Knglish language. while if he used that of any other neutral nation he would be unable to use the language of the flag. As it developed, no submarines were sighted he added. ' This is said to be the first instance in which the American flag has been used by a . transatlantic steamer of belligerent nationality "since President Wilson's note on the subject, which was provoked by the Lusitania's use of the flag last February. Among the 150 passengers on the steamer were 90 Americans. A small party of these said they tried to re move the flag from the Colon'lan's staff rail, but the watchfulness of the crew- frustrated their design. CZAR'S SUBMARINES WIN Ten German Vessels Uncased and Some Are Damaged. PETROGRAD, June ' 9 The Army Messenger, referring to the naval en gagement June 5 in the Baltic Sea, off the Gulf of Riga, says that Russian submarines engaged no fewer than' 10 German warships which were attempt ing a sortie Into the Baltic The ex plosions on board some of these ves sels led to the belief damage was done by the undersea boats. A German second-class cruiser, the newspaper adds, was struck by a mine June 4. She did not sink, but was towed Into Libau. . A German steam shpi called the Hindenburg was blown up by striking a Russian mine. ITALIAN RECRUITS PAID Men Get 4 0 Cents Traveling Ex penses and 3 Cents a Day. MILAN, via Chlasso to Paris. June 9. Ten thousand recruits of the re servist, classes of 1SSS to 1895 joined the colors 'here today. Kach soldier received a donation of 40 cents ' for expenses sustained in reaching Milan, and in addition his daily pay of 2 cents. x- 1. Ome ml tbe Finest Rosea 1i the nem or Tne r esrivni. i-iac-ins tne iitmi on tne uead of Queen Sybil? Robert Krohn, lnNter of Ceremonies, Ir" lowers, Rtrhti PKe Master Janes Gillennle and Veror HenserlinK. I.rft and Htght. NOTE DECLINES TO SURRENDER RIGHTS PositionWonin 1812to Be Maintained. RULES OF WAR INSISTED ON Germanv's Acauiescence in Principle Firmly Demanded GENERAL TONE FRIENDLY Reply to Berlin Put on Cableand Will Be Made Public Tomorrow. President Has Undivided ' Support of Cabinet. . . WASHINGTON. June . The United States today sent to Germany a note reiterating its demand" for reparation for the loss of American lives in the sinking of the Lusitania and setting forth clearly the earnest desire of the American Government that Germany signify her early adherence to the prin ciples of Internationa! law that neu? trals be permitted to travel on un armed ships without being subject to the dangers of submarine warfare. Couched in much more friendly terms than it was believed would be used when the unsatisfactory answer to the American note of May IS arrived from Germany, the communication was ca bled to Ambassador Gerard for presen tation to the German Foreign Office. It will be given out tomorrow night for publication In morning papers of Friday. Cabinet Now United. As the all-important document on which President Wilson and his ad visers have worked for ten days went forth, it had behind it the united sup port of the Cabinet. The one man who lad opposed its terms because he believed it might precipitate war William Jennings Bryan had resigned the p'ortfolio of Secretary of State at the-moment the note was dispatched. A statement issued by. M r. Bryan re vealed that President Wilson has re jected his suggestions for an Investiga tion by a commission for a year's time of the legal phases of the dispute with Germany, during which Americans should, according to Mr. Bryan's1 view, be warned against' taking passage on any belligerent ships or American ves sels carrying ammunition. .Nation's Rijcata Asserted. President Wilson made no comment on the statement, but the text of the note, it was' said, would outline fully (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.) BRILLIANT PAGEANTRY AND Iortlanl Rose Snow, m High Dixon. Kahiblted by Sirs. 1- ! INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. .; YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 62.3 degrees; minimum. 49.4 degrees. TODAY'S probably showers; warmer; west erly winds. Rose Festival. , - Sybil I crowned ruler of Kocedora. Page 1 Gay children sing to thousands at Festival Center. Page 6. Queen Sybil to see J20OO-T treworka display at oui tonignt. page T. Hawthorne community exhibit at Rote Fes tival Center wins - first-day honors. Page & Automobile parade big feature on today's programme. Page 6. Myriads of roses in snow form riot of color. Page 7. Children's parade notable feature. Fags 1, Street is great dancehall for thousands In happy throngs. Page 8. Warship South Dakota arrives to shaTS tn festival celebration. Page 15. ' . . War. British strikers told that soldiers In trenches regard them as stark inad. Page 6. French using laughing gas In explosive DomDl. page o. , t British . steamer Colonian f Ilea Amertean ilag. Page 1. British losses total' more , than ' 253,000. Page . '..' Berlin press comment on Bryan's resigna tion. Page 4. ....... Foreign. British editors .comment on Bryan's reslg. cation, rass 3. ; - - .'.National. Bryan's statement on retiring amazes offl cial Washington. Page 1. ' it or secretary Bryan statement ex plaining resignation. - Page 2. Note to Germany, put' on cable yesterday insists that United States cannot abandon rights won in 1S13 of - freedom of its citizens to travel on seao Page 1. Wheat crop Improved since June- 1. Page 7. Domestic. . . Georgia ' prison commission declines to re commend clemency furm - Leo Frank. Page 8. Senator Lodge says disarmament by single nation would-be .futile to bring peace. Page 2. , r. . . .... ..... , ... Sports.. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 5, Salt Lake 0; Venice. 2, Los Angeles 0; Oakland a, San Francisco 7. Pag Is. Many track records in danger at tomorrow's oig racnic iortnwst meet, page is. ' Phillies nose Cubs out of lead In National Le&zu& Pbm 1ft. .... W. J. Houser. of Pomeroy. wins Rose' Festi val event .at trap shoot. Page 19. Pacific ' Northwest. ' , Courts will be asked to settle point as to nignway engineersnip. - Page. 14.- Commercial and Marine. Northwestern . wheat prices falling to new- -crop Dasis. -- rags- i. - ... - Wheat weak at Chicago, due to uncertainty of relations with Germany. . Page 1H. Bryan's resignation responsible for selling in Wall street. Page -18. Captain Pope, veteran river pilot, dies. Page 13. - Portland and Vlrialty. Arson squad Investigates fire at Standard -Box Factory. Page 20. . One hundred boys to skate In speed trial for state title today, page II. Twelve bids for highway work, all low, are opened. Page IB. Weather report, data and forecast. Page IS. Movie programmes entertaining. Page 13- GULFLIGHT STEAMS AWAY American Vessel Tot-pedoed by Ger mans Ieaves St. Mary's. fJCILLY, ' England. June " 9. The American tank steamer Gulf light, which was torpedoe'd . by a German submarine - off the Scilly. Islands May 1. and for the damage to which the German government has offered to pay an indemnity, sailed from St. , Marys for Rouen today, under her own steam. The steamer, after she was tor pedoed, anchored In Crow Sound and later was taken to St. Marys roads. IMPOSING CEREMONY MARK . 1 l-'oller. 2, Children --"". .... J LITTLE ROSEBUDS GLADDEN HEARTS Thousands Crowd Chil dren's Line of March. PAGEANT BEST ON RECORD Difficult ; Evolutions Carried " Out With Perfection. ; EVERY PyASE ATTRACTIVE Patriotic, Historic and Fabled Char acters Faithfully Portrayed and Spectacular Movements Exe cuted Without Error. Unlike the practice prescribed by the proverb, the Rose Festival managers this year produced their best element of entertainment at the start Instead of saving It for the last. Heretofore the children's parade has been undlsputedly the most pleasing feature - of each succeeding , festival. Heretofore it always has been saved as a choice morsel of enjoyment until the closing day. Previous Kfforts Surpassed. . But this year the festival directors gave it to the people as the opening at traction of their three-day - period . of entertainment. And this year's chil dren's pageant.' which was witnessed by admiring thousands on Grand avenue yesterday morning, surpassed all pre vious events of the kind without ex ception. It was bigger. It was more varied. It moved with greater grace and more precision -than any of the others. The spectacle showed marvelous ingenuity on the part of those who conceived it, splendid enthusiasm by the 5000 chil dren who produced It and wonderful patience by Professor Robert Krohs and the school principals who managed it. The audacity of the festival managers in staging this parade on the opening day augurs well, for the plans -of -the remaining two days. Since they dared to present this superior attraction as an opening event, it is probable that Uie rest of the programme will meas ure up to the high standard set by the children. It always Is a subject of ' extreme human interest this children's parade. It touches the heart. It arouses tender emotions. People seldom applaud much when they see those little folks march proudly by. They are too much en raptured with the scene. If the chil dren were not so happy and Joyous, the (Concluded on Page 9. Column 1.) OPEN ING OF ROSE FESTIVAL. -42 V! M&iTl-z . .2 J t Muri - li in in the Morning- Parade on tlie In the BacksTroand. Wednesdays War Moves THE resignation of William Jennings Bryan and the nature of the Ameri can note to Germany which brought it about transcend in Interest all else bearing on the war. The London papers give Mr. Bryan's letter of resignation and President's reply the most promi nent place. These are followed by long dispatches from their American correspondents and articles on Mr. Bryan-'s - career. . which emphasize his advocacy of settlement of international disputes by arbitration, and draw the conclusion that the note must be ex ceedingly strong to have brought about his retirement, "Amerlca stands firm." or similar phrases, are the most favored headings and also the text of editorials com menting on the latest developments in the American-German relations. News that another German submarine had been sunk and the announcement in London by Mr. Balfour, first lord of the Admiralty, of a change in the British policy respecting the treatment of German submarine prisoners also were given out yesterday. This change In policy has been ex pected for some time. Whon Winston Spencer Churchill, the former First Lord, announced on March 8 that pris oners rescued from German submarines would not receive the "honorable treat ment" extended- to other prisoners, many of the members of the House of Commons expressed their disapproval and forecast the reprisals which the Germans took against the British offi cers Imprisoned in Germany. Steps will be taken through the' American embas sy to Inform the German government of "this change in ' the British policy In the hope that British officers suffer ing solitary confinement will be given the same treatment as other prisoners. Another important announcement in the House of Commons which attracted much attention was that of the Premier. who said that the casualties among the British expeditionary forces on the con tinent . and in the Mediterranean amounted to more than 250.000 men. A little less than half of these casual ties have occurred since April 11. the date or the last statement. Up to that time the monthly average of casu alties was about 17,400, but the fight ing In Flanders and the Dardanelles in the seven- weeks to the end of May brought the average for the. ten months of the war up to nearly 26,000, or more than 860 daily. - There are still tbe casualties suffered by the navy and the naval division to be added to this total. So far as battles are concerned, that in Uallcla holds the center of the stage, The capture by the Austro-Germans of Stanlslau - shows that the offensive against the Russian left has been sue cessful and that the Russians have been compelled to fall back to their defenses on the Dniester. In Eastern Gallcla. along the rest of the line which follows the upper Dniester and thence eastward from Przemysl to the lower San, they appear to be holding their own and are coun ¬ ter-attacking. . In the Baltic provinces the fighting continues with varying success, first the Russians and then the Germans gaining the advantage. ItMM 'k. XV- I 5 j-nr""-- -!ajjft Kast Side. 3, Krnery Ulnastend. I'rcsl- 4, ttueen Sybil Enthroned; President Ulmatcas, Left, and SYBIL IS CROWNED ROSEAU'S QUEEN Thousands View Gor geous Ceremony. BRILLIANT SETTING PROVIDED Wealth of Flowers and Gay Apparel Enrich Spectacle. LITTLE FOLKS TAKE PART Royal Title Bestowed bj Emery Olmstead and Richly Embellished -Tableaux Presented TJnder Di rection of Robert Krohn. - Surrounded by a court of flowers and fairies in a crush of moving and living color, and facing a throng of people that packed the Park blocks as far as one could see from the grand stand. Queen Sybil knelt and tecetved her crown from the hands of Emery Olmstead, president of the Rose Fes tival Association, yesterday afternoon. The ceremony of her coronation was the occasion of a fete -' -ie.l in Its beauty and bri"'mcy the ch " --e-i' pageant that had been held in the morning. In arranging for the cere mony, Robert Krohn, who planned It, dispensed with spoken ritual and made the scene one of spectacular beauty that could be enjoyed and appreciated even by the spectator on the far out skirts of the crowd, who would have had no chance to hear a spoken cere mony. RoHlrisng Form Escort. The Royal Rosarlans were the escort of the queen's party from, the Port land Hotel, where the royal suite Is set aside, to the reviewing stand at the Iadd School, near the Festival Center, where the ceremony was held. Tbe Rosarlans marched with their band from the Chamber of Commerce and then, when the queen and party entered their autos at the ; hotel.- formed" a guard of honor to the Festival Center. The six maids of honor and the six princesses were grouped about the throne as the queen's automobile reached the stand. Ira Powers, of the Festival Board, helped her to alight and escorted hef to the platform, where Marvelle Trulove and Frances Antman. two tiny girls in costume of fairies. placed ths velvet cushion for her. As Miss Baker knelt, limery Olmstead advanced and placed the crown of tinsel and rosebuds upon her head and raised to her feet Queen Sybil L Mr.,i '-stead and Mr. Powers escorted her to the throne, little James Gillespie and Vern Henserling acting as train bearers and pages. Then the crowd yelled a thoroughly American and democratic yell, and Queen Sybil smiled an unregal and engaging American girls smile, ana tne solemn business of putting a queer to rule over them was completed. Mlrtli Kollsns Solrisnlij. Then, just to remind everybody that it was a Festival event and not to be taken wltn too much solemnity, Pro fessor Krohn began to build u-.i a colorful picture on the stage before the throne. In a dancing fete by children from the various schools. School by school they came on and. (Concluded on Page 1, Column 3.) condensed rosk festival, programme: for today. 0 to 10 A. M. Band concerts In Festival Center and on busi ' ness streets. 10 A. M. Rose Shoy opens at Meier & Frank store. 10 A. M. Concerts by glee clubs and choruses in various parts of city." 11 to 12. Concerts on streets and In principal hotels. 1 P. M. Judging of displays at Festival Center. 2 P. M. Floral parade of auto mobiles and horse-drawn vehicles over following route: Forming at Fourteenth and Morrison, on Morrison to 'Tenth, to Washing ton, to Broadway, to Taylor, to West Park, to Jefferson, to Park, to Salmon, to Sixth, to Morrison, to Fourth to Taylor, to Third, to Oak, to Fifth, to Alder, to Sixth, to Stark, to Broadway, to "Pine, to First, to Burnside, across Bumside bridge to Grand ave nue, to East Madison to Kast Sixth, to East Main, to Grand avenue and north on Grand ave nue to Burnside, automobiles dis banding on East Side and horses continuing to West Side Festival Center. 4 to 6 P. M. Concerts on 'business streets. 5 P. M. Roller skating Marathon, starting from Orego nian building, Sixth and Alder streets. 6 P. M. Rowing race on river. 6 to 9 P. M. Music In various parts of city. 0 P. M. Fireworks at the Oaks. 10 to 11 P. M. Dancing in. Festival Center. Detailed programme on another page.